AIiriVER4IIIEMENVI. Advertisements sae Inserted at , the rate a $l,OO per square lbr first insertion, and 1..1,,;,rh subsequent insertion 50 cents. A libend dlsocuint.niado on yearly 'ad % e rtisetneuts. A space equal to ten lines (Albin type 1111WIrC51 a square. • Ittotness Notlem set under a hetuf'by doonw , ives immediately after tbe local will be charged , tetYeents • !Ina tor INwh insertion. Advertntementa should be banded in in I.vioro Monday noon to insure Insertion tisit week's .r. Iluzdneas.Carda. _ LEV SIEMINAUW E nolrt g er li m of A t& com menc e — VII Tuesday, 1144painamber 14, 1868. Mom' o,pointent will be furnished with esperienceu st.a competent Teachers. Miss MAST A DUNN. ho tA4. a the place of Miss Dever. graduated in 1..0.1.uni1t High School while the subscriber ...Li p r i m ipal,and her scholarship and experience as were the Indio:woe:its that led him to her as a teacher, to *ls Serni p9.o i who desire to sea oar Cato gue, wIS t ,;, err cad on or address the Principal,. .r.ra. tfi U. A. m.LE.AN. i ) TRUNK FACTOIII%—Jo. larplr Lletderj, Manufacturer and Viluda,ale m. 4 lictoll Dealer in Trunks, Valises, 'Traveling ' fie. No. 104 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, ea. All orders promptly filled. and work Warran r.tui7 comer 01 Fifteenth and Penn streets tjunebirly ' .• I J. ANDERSON, baying taken hold sf bl• old Foundry nal% In Rochester,; ~11 pleased to meet his old customers' an ho may 'want either the 1.1b:b1 . COOK LNG bIOVE. Ileatlrm Stowe, or our otter kibd o I of best material' and workmanship. Th a di be conducted by %di J. J. ANDEILSON &BONS: I `II E SU.% HON M I Ll4.—Tlw undennigm ed taken this method of informing the public ILA the hat, purchased and takk,i dn! ei , or the ,run 'mute, tormeny owned by the 31 r• Sharon. Beater county, ra. ~ They : hove n abed them nod are uow pn pared to do all Undo ,i hiding to the colligation of their potrone.--' it amnia of sour will compare favorably pith o ix inn the market. late tie u call before going -.where. 25.1.1WEL DAVIDSON /t 111t0. ohetimut -- - ()TICE'. t —New Bakery' , at %%11.1W,, old stand, Third Ntin•l, 14aver. rd. , J..zen rd, taken itiva.ttre to 10(01.0 his old friends thuf arwhlL•hed fu buMpesa at the otoem, s t oo d, e he will lie glad 10 111011.1USti accommodate Frvrit bread, C111:11; (lief na, 'sou, Se. Sc. 1 11/4 , 11/d.: kw. I Floor, Made Full Wheat; DI the barrelopac.lkor retail. • 1\ ALIJAJI BAIINES, dealer in Mats' Gaiter*, Slippers, vttc., oext dour to I,i: di , chop, Bridge I , trett, Bridgewater, , ntwo, lie is prepared to manufactrire and via ~..3ii1111:. in me line at reabouable rate. Itav et hi! place or bovines. from the corm the Bridge to his present location, he In , , • hie old friends mid patrons to give him e WAN TED . d m.„, parser and Carl., In o the tiredlng .d Alasonry lid See. , 39, :44,734.7J. of the Chesapeake alit tett° near Charleston, West Virgid es I ntormatten may be lied concerning the trork t' Ming sm the undera gated at their residehee L. 10. !tester. J. J. J.; T. .1. row Ell, Jr., ContractOrc _ _ _ F. Y. K. PIEMBOL, Attorney at and 1 ) aur, or of land*. Office oppoelle rrefeneor T In Deaver. inprrlly ) .P. Attorney at Lew. pfnee In Mc. bud )'n buu ling, east of Public Sryfillre; • S. CAMERON, Attorney at haw ileaver, ra. °thee in the room' lor [A, riy occupied by the late Judge Ad.ims. Col 110110, Sc., promptly etteded to. )11..11. C. LEI —Office, Dunlap's COrner, lirlolgewnter, Ps. I ullipnyprumpt utlnntfun 1,, all surgical ease.. (mull:1y ,: . ALEsylEN.—Wluirett, a lea . reliable, Jr ergellc salesman, to sell by ilample standard goods. Address 11, H. IllullAitl)S & CO_ novlo:6m. .11:1 Chestnut street, Phild., Pa. , JEUNET, Watchmaker and Jeweler, I' W•trect, Beaver, Pa. t room adjoining J. ilson's office.) field watches and chron- . wasters repaired and warranted. Engraving done to order. The patronage of thepublic is and .ntlefactlon guaranteed. Give us a orl7:arnm, I 1 ENILY ItIEUZ, Denier ill ituOte., cila ven, slippers and Gaiters. Boots and Rides tuudo A long experience to the brudnees ena it him to do work to a enperlor manner. Tema moderate. Shop on Third street vicar Item, 3111. 1, I'm' ktookotoret, heaver, hi. Ulu him n rail I.dor.purclitudng eloewLere. ninlabonnly •11.01. 11. JIEIIST, Notary Public. Con '. )nlicsr and Inpuruuce Agent. Deed. mid .Inetti. written and rick 1101 V taken, A r I lAN uic lteru duly nonintl9nliannl nvAgnnt rot • ‘,31 lirra class lIIRIMUIte CO:110111.., repre , 4111, the Fire, Life, Accident• and Live Mock 11 ;.artments. is prepared to take risks and write h•s on the most Ilhend terms. Alen, agent 4 the —Anchor Line" of first class Ocean Steam . Tickets sold to and from all ports in.Eng wet, Ireland. Scolland,t!ermativ and France .I,re' r Ito m 14 brck ow: chebter. , N --, rt.4 (Attained fcr inventoto, by I Dr. D. lilt 4:11). Chetubd, and late Examiner 1:. Me Patent (Mice, Who boa devoted eighteen can to thu patent bnatueoo, and will promptly U..pare papers, drawinze, &c. Terme, fat to t Ills for cirCultra. .11irect to bitt F otrect,'opi • ...le the Patent Unice. Wa4inglon. D. C. ! Refer to benaturo Ponteray (111111 Sumner. I I.laldint I.4I , IIIOAILT — AND lINSTI TIC Wit open Ito Spring. &Intim, Illareb 1570.: Rev. U. T. Taylor. Prineipal -I.ted by tie able Inatructoncin the dimreo. it lortinento. Clooet4l are being conducted, m thwk, Latin. Frt. nett and Cerninti. him :pal Ie u ottreerof el Ixeltirer and Experimen. t A oh his Apparatus, Plallooophical and Chem!. ..0 Marie on tile Piano and Organ taught by a -or and vocal 111111 C by a etteceeeful vocahot. A.• 111,1110 ton to lluriolling„and le no : and it I. determined by Those hat log the Imo of it that it pima eland in the van of Ant. seutionrivo, no it Imo done confemmdly t 'are. Add re.— REV. It. 'l'. TAvi.ou, Beaver, Pa, .1, 2:if • • 111 iiiiii oilritt;epiNotlec.-I. , tl : rsof Ad . ‘,l,l.:ration, having been gninted In the •ult. her ell the icicle of John We molt. decertned, nt Rat coon tosvi,ltlii, Braver county, P. • . 1 ! r 1,. nldebted to rent ,'Cute ere hen br nottnert r .1,11..1131e payment 11011frquIred; all penoote . 1.11111. AZllliiPt the chili' Will nroo•lit them the ached for settlement. KM= I ectitorrt Notlee.,—Letter. Tegument:lly •L,111,f been' tanned to the no the • •• t.• •,t ltohert Temple. deceased, late of limn.- Ileavet county. Pa., Ail perv.olll4 i11..d . .d to .:del e.tate ore h. rehy notified that lin. ‘ .t.. pa) torpt it exitected; and all ltunlnrt the 'same mill prer•ent them In. • , I,oll.•ated for settlement •I 6,0) . DAVIII PATIOS. 1 NOTlCE.—Letters te.tamentary II It;; IKIOII crunted to tho •nburrthers on •tme of J.' Mary hacking, 01 Vbillinolnirn . - persons indebted to said rotate are r ,y make 1111111.4,1 W plit 11.'111; mid i.• until, hating Clain. again,' paid e-tnte n 111 ht them duty nuthout killed for .uttleolent. JOHN It. YOUN(:, EDIVA ltD BUCEING, Esr's. e'lllankrltorigages For rale at the Naito of• JOHN 3. Vi(1:11A,1 =MEI WILSON & WICICITAM, ..I"rtlnNylvi4 T. w, BEAVER. PA. kin” , •3m,l *r CARPETS, Oil Cloths, &C !. Wholesale and. Retail, At Lowest Prices, M'CALLUM BROTH'S. • ' ri 1 .I' . lll it A-N-01111'1'o. PIrtSBITRG •;PA. II yr fo t • Supplying 13 1 7 1:A.1.V. it Equal lo A\T EASTERN JORTRA; nouhE McCALLIIM BROs Agenta Wanted For I LON , TO MAKE 'TI LE 'FARM . PAI7. it) I. W. DICKEIIMAN, Won. CHAR. 1.. ELI NY, and oft er Practical 'Writ ers. Nil ',Agee on flue CALENTERED ntryu , 6ta c eaunNaly for thin work, from new, clear, I 11.'11 trpc. and xlll ba lllnnUAted with lie CIS E. ENGit AN'IN GS, by 'Sartain and other.— eplendld colored front piece, containing ' ti..perltnens of the eholetst American ffUte, from life. In Englliala and Germinal. fill , BOOK is a sure, safe and practical guide tanner...4fmk Itaiser. Canino' . and Frn It Ito it they can linable their prelate each ereativ ir.creape the value of their land. the pour man rich. It mak, hard work It reward. , the labor of bowel working It purclos,d by ',sluing. every, f e w Nearly !IX hundred colds, sold Ina •L, ~ N so.hips. and. in many cloy,. bandied. in too:obits. Agent. ran nod no better letistr.• the fall and winter. Farmers and • •an earls make $llO per mouth by rell • :”ely litres. or how copies pea liar. \Sidle more ii i t' at handset can easily be Pohl. Ear. . o .•ar. make the most succeoul agets for and during the fitti and rf winter n It Is it timkg for 110 , 114 If post wish to engage In 'i rend for a circular containing a full r , Pthat 01 the book nod terms to agents. Ad. 7.1i/CLEII. 31cCCUDY * Co.. r all Arch tinvel, Philadelphia. Pa.. 139 stare Street. Cincinnati, Ohio. . ru .Molinw Street, Chicago , • Or: eirth Street. Bt. lid Main htreet Springdrld , Moos. - I, ':kitubatiks . Slam r—s 301 ' or ALL KINDS. ' • —ALSO— • Improved Money Drunier. • FAIRBANKS, MORSE A: CO. rallan I 102 2ntl nve nue, Pi asbu rgh T.:„ _.,, .:.... ~:,,,.,,,,,,,..,.....: . ,;.,,....,......,..„,...,,,..,,,„: „ .: , : i .,.,., a .. • ~ ,_ • •• Er .•,. 4 .. - . . ~. - VoLS2-7--Ne.llll - • ''Xisceillanfiliti: O.2IIOIIGAN. 1=3271333 SMILLENBERGER 8it023 ; 1 7 1; - ' , r 7 c4 . .. 2) , Prim ra.47 - „ tliocerids." .Quepne*tres, NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARL, BACON; FLOUR, SALT, LIME, • Country Minn Taken ill Exam for Goods,* • Goods delivered free of charge in all the villages. • • migig,6B. THE SUEZ CANAL.! WIIILE the World hi 'more or less Cx. ercised over the opening of the Suez Canal, the Public, in Beaver finevi einity; should not lose eight attic fact that S. SNI.TG-ER & At their old stand in Beaver, Pa., are 888 furnishing to their customers everything called limp their line. They always keep a full ussrirtment of GROCERIES Flour, Feed, \ coffees, nus, Su;oftri, ' Tobacco and Cigars; Aud all Mom articles usually found In a First Class GROCERY STORE. Front their long and intimate mumaint• ance with the Grocery, Flog,. and 'Feed inednesa, and their disposition to render satisfaction- to those who may favor them t heir patronage, they hope in the fu ture, as in thepast, to obtain a libeMt share of the public patronage. • • Give us a Call and see if tee do not.nmke it to your in tercet to call again. _ _ _ S. SNITGER .k.: CO CM HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINES, $30.00. • The most perfect machine - yet Invented. Will widen and narrow, turn n heel orpoint the too. It will knit plalnnr ribbed. It AVM knit stock ings, drawers, shtrts. •c. de. It to cheap, simple and durable. It schthp fts own work, 11.11 but one needle and requires no adjusting whatever. It alit do the name work that the Lambn - Lachine will do and costs less titan half as much I and tuts not the tenth part of the machinere to get out of order. Circulars and samples mailed free on ap plication. Agents wanted. All zurichltuas guar anteed. STRAW A MORTON. I= No. 93 Sloth Street„ Pittsburgh Ps n0r21,13 The Most Complete Business Col lege in the United States, • ilTurdlng facilities for acquiring a thorongb.prac tical bu,lness educstlon, possessed by nu other School In the country. Since Its Incorporation In 1555, nearly Sliteen Thousand Sprouts; tepresablattrat 1ivt11.61147 !State In the Union, have attended here. eucatlnta. Student, enter At any time, and receive private Instruction thl out:tout the entire course N. B.—Circulars with full particulars and all ctesary Infonnstlon. onaddreaslng SMITII COWLMPrlnclOale, rirbenbnod,l's. - Jan taly. NEW cfp,e)D Fail and Winter Wear. 'LAVE JUST RECEIVED A NBW STOCI; OF OmM:4 OF VUE , LATEST STYLES FOR F.I LL AND WINTER WI'AR Gentleut9a's Faarnighlng Good CONSTANTLY ON HAND CLOTHING 31A.1)K TU 0 R i ll EU In latent and lung fashionable styles, and M short notion. tviLLIAM lIHICII, Jr.. l'A =HMI 13E AVE it DRITp7 STORES• N .I A9 9ki\WßlgP.A3`l, Druggist tC Apothechry, 43 . E A.V - En,. PWANN. DEALER IN PURE DRUGS,CHEMICALS,NEDICUIES, PAINTS, OILS, i'ARNISIIES, DYE- STUFFS, WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY,.&c. 4:e CLoiec F 11% GROCERIES, CRUDE AND IZEFINEL? OILS, LAMPS & I.A.MP CHIMNEYS, BURNERS, &C., Of the greatest Variety, and ❑t the Lowest .2*Aat•ilZa " Prescriptions direfully and scientifically compounded at any time tbty or night. [l7 - Agents for Falineslock, tho e tt :no Scbn urtz's Strictly Pure White Lean, the oldest and best brana in the market, itt ntlntalitetureri' prieer.nt)a [wall% Ladltet tienstostry.—The next term of this Institution will begin Olt Monday April 4th next. We hare no Milo...llion to boast of what we have done or ran do. The char• atter of our boarding department we leave to the tepoit. of our boarders. The Own:lngham of our Instruction, and the progress of our pupils In etl , ry department. we leave to the test of the Intl ex aminations, mid of the public rghltillion set for the :nth ut next June. being willing to abide the Judgment of !hose whci are capable of distinguish lug gold front lineal—thcniselves scholars them fors know what constitutes scholarship—and the meccas of one patronage we leave to the tettinto• by of our catalogue', counting names of pupils on ly onto. Prof.V. de limn, of l'lllshargh, Po long and rootabli known as a muter of the science of flu. plc, will contlnue)c, charge of this Department. Prof. 11. Leouhart, now of our borough, and well known In this cominualts, will pouthinela dune of the easses to Drawing and In Derma Lan gua:lng an free to - choose, r onpect to Metreas heretofore,* Ilberal petrunage during thawed ses sion ' D. D. A. MeLEAN. PHA: marala . Ner7 NisceUane,oits. 3)% a% 31 . 48111 W Bridge liftreet, BRIDGEWATER, Ply:: '' F IS WEEKLY RECEIVING A FRESH BOP ' lPit ~OP GOODS IN EACH OP THE POLLOWIN DEPARTINNTS2 • •• • , DRY ,GI~.OQDB., Steubenville Jeans, / Comintern and Sattinets, White Woollen blankets, • While and Colored and Bifred Flannels„ iderin , m, . Deloines,' • . Plaids, , . - . Olnghams, - . • • Cobergs, • , ' Lawns, 1 • Water Proors,i, • . . ' . Chinchtll4. , Cloths, ~•. '. , . ~. Woollen Sitawls. Brown and Black blusling, • 'l)rillings, Tiekings, ' Prints, ' Canton • ( , • Flannels, Joeonets, - - • ,• - Table Linen, ' Irish Linea, . • o:nib, , • Counterpanes. .Hosiery, • . • Gloves & Mita. Grooeiiee, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Nolawns, White Sliver Drips, Golden and Common Hyrum Mackerel in bar rels and kits, Star and Tallow Quidles, Swan. Hiders and Mine* Meat. Alwo, HALT. Hardware, Nails, Glass, Door Locks. Door Latches, Hinges, Screws. Table Cutlery, 'table and Tea Spoons, Stele' Bells, Coal Bona., Vire Shovels and Pokers. Natls and Glues. SP 3 dea., Shovels, 9,3, and-4 'lino Forks; Bakes, Scythes and Smiths, Corn and Garden Hoes. WOODENWARE Bucketa. Tuba, Churns, Butter Prlulu and Ladles CARBON OIL, Linseed Oil A: White Lead. Boots and Shoes LADIES' MISSES' AND CRILDRENS• 811O8S, in great variety. . Rifle Powder and Shot , • Blasting Powder and Fuse. Flour Feed dr. Queenewore. •II heavy goods delivered free - of charge. kty close attention to business, and by keeping crinstantiion hands well &swished sleek of roods of :dime different kinds tunally kept Ina ossuary store, the undersigned hooe in the future as in the past id merit and receive • liberal @hare of the public patropag, • /3. ItANGVat. deffkXGH:ly.--Weligd. 17 ' AA :13 111 vv7 ALL PAPER. WINDOW' SHADES BpOKS, STATIONERY, &0., TEE MRGEST,MESTAND REST naboitiliairiirTlifaffiGhWiTha ever been brought to the city. Call and examine before purchasing, and be con. winced, at WELLS CO'S.. inc FEDERAL STREET. ALLEGHENY CITY, PENN'A. septlsay.FebAlch'd Itisitire Your Life AT ONCE! , e , . .. We want the >radiant, The Farmer and the Me• chanlc to Mint of and know the benefit to be de nted from insuring their lbw in the John Ilan. cock Matoat Life Insurance Company of Boston, Mass. This company presents the advantages offered by other companies, and in addii/on this Company makes all it. rollcied twonlorfeilable, after one payment, It also pay. dirklends In cask abet. one_ ;um:a—and for reliability is second to none. We shonid prefer that parties, desiring In surance, should apply throngh the agent for the county. . COLE S. STROUD, Oen': Agfa. Office. ire h 152 Smith 4th Street, Philadelphia. of the John lianeock Life Insurance Company of Donlon, ?dews. We wish energetic and responsible agents for this and the adjoining countla• Ap plication* front men of known In...pact/Minty and iptegrity, will only be entertained. coLIK do WrItOUD, General Agents, Philade.pbla. =l2l rifillitar Deeds for at tb'e Arroyo aka. 4 11 , a m 1 . 1 ). % te Za • Our increasing loudness has compelled extensive alterations and enlargement of iur Salesrooms thereby, for the present, crowding our available room. To prepare 'tor tiprin.' purchases, we are closing out our Stoek at a Bona Vide Ttetbruiltion. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, I)RLTGGEIS RUGS, &c., &c., &c, LOlWer thagLastscason•s Prices. RARE BARGAINS FOR THOSE THAT CALL EARLY, Oliver M'Clintock &Cos' -23 Fifth Avenue; Pittsburgh, Pa tun e 2.1: le t)9:ela. Ch vist in am 4 Presents, =TRANI & SIEDLE, Successors to REINEMAN. MEYRAN & SIEDLE; tin. 42, Filth Avenue,. PITTSBURGH; Pa 'lave joil (incite,' especinlly. for the coin fog hi.lidays nu iiittisiunlly large and ele pant clock of FINE J.EWELIr, WATCHES, DIAMONDS. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Fine Table entlery, French Clocks, Bron zes, Musical Boxes, Jas. Nartlin's,tlutrlea Jacot's and Fox Watches. American IVatches, made by Appleton, Tracy & Co., Amen can Watch' en, E. 'lowan! & Co., Ei. gin Watch Co. FINE AMERICAN CLOCKS, Madu by SETH TLIOMAS. Of which a largo assortments is eqnitant ly kept on hand in our basement, and slid whose sale and retail. c . (eh dec 8. .~ ; ~ ,}~ ~ > Beaver Pa ...I Railroads. . .. . ..*'/ ri ' l, ': - .1 ,6% . .... ... , I YRS Is CHICAGO RAILWAY. .. OH ; Way.l6(b. iss; restos It 7 ,.: ~, Apar , : ... 1 ._ ; Bniidsys enepted_lvata A i*. at LIS. P. 244 at Plthibtrity,'. . M., "la WO% .:-.:',... ' MI Coixr -'; LiYxr's Xis'Ulog woo.: Yanalel& Cmpi kUlna mer tlandoky Portal - I Lima. Van Weft. • POI% Wayne. 11 - Columbia 11 Orrimith valpandso • Ctiao...t OIM i = 3_ 1=12212 Chkaspo 41111 sat Pi Valparaiso il 001 Warsa w : *lOO5 Columbia ... ..V1055 Fort Wayne.„;...iiisit Van Wert ... 1 115ral Forest 553 Upper Sandttsky..i! 415 Dawes .... 515 Credible 530 D ' asum woomer ....... Orrrille It Massillon ..... 911 Canton ;1003 Alltaasee 1/1 Sal• l P ...... Rochester ..... ..1 105 PX Plttstreash . 315 Max WOO :115rm ,1253 1011 i OSP MUNI 14D Tann !New Castle and Erie Express leavesoungstown al tffi p. m; New Out*, 405 p.m; Levi... at fltiabargh, 5:50 p. tn. Rennin:lm leaves Pittainush till a. m; err. al yew Canna ocsoa. m. Youngetwri, 10:40. a. m. Yoaoxs New Cutts and Pittsburgh Aa commodatt leaves Youngstown. CV a. an, R. Cutle.l:lo a. m; arrives at Allegheny, 11h10 a. in. Returning. Manes Pittsburgh, RU p. el% rives New Castk.6lo PalltYouga inwnß.F.l . Gourd Amato& mati 21ektt A TEno gent . . CLEVELAND & PrITBDOUGH RAILROAD. On and after Nov. 15th 11580. train will leave Etat nuts daily (Sundays excepted) as follows. 4,A4a4J.2 MAIL. &IV& lAOLVatt =1:13 Cleveland Euclid Street... .. Hudson Ravenna........ Alliance Bayard • 8134* limes 836 1246 930 140 WI 210 100 249 221 ats 105rx • 433 =MC= 1 1 MAIL. 1) - 1 1 1 11ZAJI ran il i :OdPX I 646 111230215 ETATIONS. , ."--1 Wellaville Bayard ... Affiance.. Rarentun.. =no 510 535 MI 616 719 733 II udßcn • Blend Street =lttl 1101310 /IST. STATIONS. ii ESP'SI. • I MAU...ACCOM .._. . I , —...--,...-... Relishl 515sai Multi 15 0 0Tiej ir Ste=li t e 1 11) AT 1 3XI GOO Vltellsvllle 813 1314.34 455 S&savormith'. Ferry...., 840 116 511 . . Rochester. Pittsburgh .933 ISO MD NW (015 OW 00180 WlArt. - ----_ liz - --.---....- avivinas. ILtu.. ei.TAccon Aocosi —.— —. Pittsburgh Mar 155 rat 810rn Rochester 735 MS 540 Beaver 1 Smith's Fen? i 817 ' 333 MS Wellsville MO .413 - 1390 Steubenville MO 530• .. 1 70Gsx Bridgeport BeLlair 1059 CM I ttls 1010 610 1132 . 1 • Thui is 0 mixed (Filo to Wellsvill - ii aud — aa ex press tcalo from Wellsville to fittsbwh. ves TUSCAUA WAS BRANCH.BRANCH.Lea Arrives N. Philedelphts, 640 a. m. I IMO. 943. am- B .yard, 11:50a.m. • • fN. bidephts.llllopoi P. IL MEYERS. General Ticket Amt. . 4.11, 00684 CASH BIT AT ' WHOLESALE WILL FIND A VERY LAIIIE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK MI FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY - GOODS, At Very LOW PRICES, Either by the y 11111,0003 or package AT A. W. ERWIN .0 CO'S. 178 Fefieml Street; Atleeway jun2Ay end rits Ea On roll .Tonated Main vital/SY respite. Wall thrialiartay we* Laugh at the seta. 01011 Whisper their shay Bei Yes, feel each passion ofga But roll, great river. If *VW Forget not her. the nallitneit Fallen Ike theiptapil Who, ere he mounted rile the , Asked for Your pare. It , we.. , 1 knew the man s .Isea 113 I. - With gffla of osier be ; Made: A kindly light wilt&inn ,t; Bad as the ton la which Ida whip ; Rls Upa halfparted With the ; 'smile That kindled truth, bat foiled feller Zia heal Dent Durward; and hie _ Divinely patient right and wititikeo heat; - Great le his goodness, baltairMl.__ : Firm In his purpose, yet net Mintionato, .)le led Ida people with I tendorbid , . • • • • And won by lore a naybealifikaa, pal!. Banimoned by lot to tal wa Vanne, . Frenzied with rage , u latme, • Ile bora his uslaston.wilh sol+ollt a heart That licaremliself took up Isitugary pert; And when he flawed, belpedlifinere he kit. . Eking his efforts out by mlnielil! • No king this man, by grace of We No, something better, Itannerat I L - A nature modeled au a big* • . Lord of himself, an inb.un • Ihsa by Ws (ate. Forget the eSightestrifit In the Tot memories of his noilliata. - Forget the game. the breve* a:agars night: • The pistol-shot, the Lew-guide **nes ay, Thu palsied people, and the tarne . fat ran Ole half a world to magma *histamine. But oh! remember, while Metaled Chß bOia • - One retard sacred to the days tff dd. The gentle heart that boat !NUM away Jest as young morning doomed his iota of gray, Stole through the Wits beanalit*geldee,,..lnad• And touched In rale the eyelldiW the geadtt • Remember lidm as one who died ifer ettht* With elderly's trophies ail m= his ; ills mission dabbed, and the Armand and owned by atianger;fire Nothing mat left him bat to Wilk sweet , . Of triumph &Whig In the selibmiseat; And for that triumph Hamm gwiterail itriontrtu And cleaned Its inemisdins for spotlit Bammaned the rgetersot the deed ' • Who ndlita ledge for fie: tea: - Boldiersaat 41146 awakened the clay, c ; Aad arranged their kenos la . There Lyon led; and Emmy gm= -• Aed stilted Yeltesean ihow idgigldhiq;eig;;;f ; Beare Reynolds rewahabod bid Inthineted CO6, And nedgWkk pressed to naltrtheboak ante The star of Mitchell glittered tatejij , • : • And Stevens answeredillino's Wealth ' Bayard looted smithy of kle • And Mansileld'eiyeeeniteileTibattlagame. Linda", grand kr* hift With wirer*, And throng arose tress Wagimer 11#14 Atig„ ; Veen Maine Baked' ce!beaLluddleitathkdialt • nail,. 2 7I 610 IMO lOUS tag 1116 11135ri i!1 ECM Math:weed arable audledalbdlad death. Down itbaw's duk frost • solemn parpese no— ne alari's resolve to prove aloraelf—mere Mal The hero's courage, foe that humbiaaa m Was all that winged him up the bloody elOpe There barley Helmut blustered threltgb his men And Iticluodurn deployed his hues Baker looked thoughtful; Wadsworth's liberal 2E hand Puttied right Reward ; and the ■harp eoraatrod Of amine , * wild valor bore hie roldieva ow, As when II rang o'u fitted Docuinisorli All thaw. and mote. Wore the liattytii gaze Paced thrtoutb We ghouls a( ticaveses tumultuous per. The sound of clarSuits, laud the choral songs ; Ofrsptute burstlng from the serspkthrocip Passed litte a moult from the evening skies, But let a picture on celestial eyes Whets tilts WWI deepen. an the day, Luenla+4. And shine • marvel in that real, of pawn.. SELECT MISCELLAZM GUILTY OR NOT GUILTY. BY AN EDINDUIRDIR STUDENT, In my earlier years I studied for a session at Edinburgh. It was in Burke's year, not mat of Edmund Burke, but oianothercountr3rraaa of the same name, and not test celehns4 ted. The number, the atrocity, and the cool speculative motives of this fiend's misdeeds, approached genius in their way, anti in the excitement of his trial and execution all other topics Avere forgotten. I shall not easily forget the singular fever of the public mind during these few weeks. I was myselfpresent at the trial, and witnessed the spectacle of the greatest criminal of the centary'being defend ed by the first counsel at the bar of Scotland. A rumor had gone abroad that no counsel could be found loop pear for such a monster; and, as a testimony to the duty of counsel un der all circumstances, the most (Rte. Mated advocates of the day, without fee or reward, defended this gang :of murderers in the face of a torrent of public prejudice. The afternoon of the day on which Burke was executed was distinguish ed by a Snit rate college row, The students at Edinburgh, like its mob, have, when roused, always been a fur, uddable and dangerous body; and on this occasion, the police having Intl* dad into the quadrangle to preserve order among the crowd which hurtled to the dissecting room, a battle royal had ensued, attended by Some severe injuries,and resulting Ina triumphant defeat of the authorities. To celebrate this propitious event a supper party asserublW that evening in a tavern called the "Ittilabotr." The chair was occupied by the-bard and satirist of the college, a fellow of infinite Jest, who made his mark on the world afterwards:, but who at this time was mainly finned and, feared for the asthmatic and 'biting power of his humor. Opposite him flat the. prince of students—tall, kaunisonte,' ' reckless, flashing with the exubetaner of youthful spirit, and a now Of con. vi vial fancy that I have never known equalled. , Among the others were two, 'who figure lu my story. One was a stn• dent named Johnstone, the Tbersitea of the circle—a dirsgmeable specimen of a stamp of man *filch is VileranY to be found In every' circle, without either wit or talent, excepges the wit and talent to make fei4 uncomfortable. Bold, and undcruyn ions; and quick to see and seize on weaknesses of others, he was a flagellum, a fly blister ; peoplefeared to make him their friend, and still More to make him their enemy, and solve extorted fruity hate whit he never would have = obtained from love, and was admitted to; the moat select coterie of the University. The other'was a Stalwart,' band, some young Irishman, who had done mighty execution . in the melee cif the day ; caring but little, alter the-temr perament of his •zuttion, about the merits of the conflict: but hitting right acid left as his lWar , toid Ile was an open brewed .Spanish ••• , 4 7 : ,,,,, 0.5ai:Aer,munc*.n.44.•,--loc.h.qtygcoir-- ,- -i-v•-•-•—r&-....^-041001111111m...------- ,",‘: •••• !ifi'..;.%; ! .=, 7 : 1.7:::,;;,-,•,:- ~..,,' ; ,i • - , 1, ~.:. •,.,. (~.'"). 1 !):. • , -,,,i , ~...,. ,i. ,. .,,:::.1:-.:1:.,;.i . ).,.: 1":-;),I,A ~...,,, ,I, , Q:. 1 ..„, , :_, i i I, :, . 3 : - ' ..1 ,, 1f , ''' ,,, J 2 - 31 4 1 .v;:. , .::•-•,:. t. -:::1 .:::s• ,(- : I ~, •,,,, ~-, ti 1,4, , ,: : ,.. „,;,..;,..v.,.,.'1: :h.:: Itte 1 4 .,• .:. r - , - I- Or:•', 101 ii • . !' ..''''''' ' ' ..-.01 1a.1,, f , - 411 ' •-:, h •;I ' ::. • . 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Hintoad: ' (Id those *vs ths towocouncil ruled over *be VWrail% and the obnoxious Ba ( ll**d Yen tho orders to the, Pblic'e,) - 'As iliat part of thotoast,! he Mid, It l ollll4llPerlinoolki sipolitaiinn ; for Wu Wirers in. swill confusion al - -.sething * company drink could old • . it. As to the Baillo, the Ildin .. , ..re_x_preracd Itrthirtoaid•WWieti . ; His. mit.; nial site wedelns/bey. He slept at shelencb.o4llo4loVot hellaW IetAAR , , cni./!em.itagruct ittqlann My, in his, th _ chaihnan's, 'hi:metes:llft 'Life 'slept in leharthi for he! heard, WM , on—a,- ,0 tAnother#ll4,7lamcboly episode: . *yi . • „ : Midst l" ni :mere, wiltfrotki *lgor Mid Constancy the =A wasAnsifestly habitual. net:sometimes . slept,', the. Bailie sometimes awakes :. as he did to Mame. the deftt 'to-day. lie hi asleep • again by this time.• Bad' drew.* to hint—with all the honors.? , 'l'he vice thereon arose to proposes contrast, as he called It: the Principal of the University, andihe Lord Pre- vbst Of' ths City ; and this he did hi the style and•with •the ament of a vv ry celebrated • professor. :dinity.: It was &great Pb Wilpic; Ind or if, iv words that burned could have withered and caldned a civic ihnetionary,' the:Mt- happy- 1 Provost must have. teased from his tmubl lag.: i illa ,t hes rebel:ti ded: 4 .rpropose that weshati dedi cate this flowing bow' to'execrations and erdicisnia'of that Malignant star which,. .moving in • the firmament amid the world: of lie:tart throws the, whole universe out of oar by its IU-owned aberrationsAlm leroPitlate and do homage to that bright partic ular luminary, around whose WWI , cent and Mellow radiance revolvethe planets .of orlr,hearts and, hoped.' . - : Mt, 'II tilltalles 1 1 Id tam Ms P.owen, who.bitl Voce .heard the celebrated orator himself; was charm ed ari&dellghted with the'copy ; and warmincwith the 'wine and - the o.t -'citeintat, added his full aharelo the .eirening's .ardusemnut./Every one was cordial ism d courteous to hint ex -oePting Johmitutie, Wbeseetrintrath 'er jealous of his popuhlr!ty, all the mere that one or two shafts, leyelle& at Power without the latter nerceiv, lug them, had been ratheurcughly warded off by the, vice. At last he also rose to propose a 'lt was,'. ho: said,..'the .Hinter. Jsle l and our gallant alitso,atooug whom," said he *is quite a master,'! need not istrtlenhiWe our friend Over' the way. • Who he is•rdo not proles to lawns: - curie to usanddenly,and. *mot #his-amntry-meil ly vr so ,dvpapt ; here .he ilynt • ' obt tidbit', Tor his country-WA adiitom diseloge their habitat . ; but if pig honacity antitimacie—t fruits of that D hp ice esculent of his native land h rake a Man famous , , famous he . II be. 14y ills hat never be stutb t be hifoodt 'levee - Wore' thried bate. May the eats 230 !his-garret, the mice leswe bis geneses:in peace, tuttUngir WS A*. be „eueaded to. • , .L 2 - Cie its vivacity; smiths audience . ed and applauded. rower lase to return thanks with unruffled mien, and sPoke. With far more , accent that; belbre; "lie was proud land pleased he was, at the kindness of that jintie. Than. If he wore his coat till he was tired of the company, it's little but threads would be left of it; and, if ho coultillsteu forever to such eloquence, the mice were welcome to his dinner. lie was proud of tho notice of the company. Long life to them, and the inure shindies the better, If they always ended in a blow out, or whether they did or no. As to the worth grown who had proposed his health, he had made hlsacqualntano3 under circumstances which Wand diem together, for the (Power) I caught Mm in his arms when Ser geant Afacbean (Cromweirs', curse upon him!), with one hand on collar and the other on croup, dropped'. him over the balitstrudes like .a half quar ter of corn." The shouts which greeted this allu. Icon, which was literally, true stung Johnstone to the quick. Seizing his tumbler, he flung its contents in the - speaker's face, and then rushed frogs tearoom. • tireat commotion of eourse'ensued. Power WO-4 white and furious with ragey and in his first trabsPorts natl. ly vented It on thooo who tried to prevent him from following his us eaikmt.• He calmed down after u while, but took no more part in the evening's festivities, and was over heard to say that he would • have his Ilk. He refined, coldly, all offers, which were good natnredly made, to act as mediators in the matter, and left the party earitand alone. The next news which the college oyele heard„was four dirks atlerWard. it Was 'reported that Johtistene had been found dead In the 'common stair,' as the staircase to separate stories or flats Is called in Edinburg, in which Power's rooms, were. Thu report turned out to be only too true. A police:Han said that a man had rushed hurriedly past him about five o'ck.eic (it was January), and exclaim ed---a There is • a man dying 10 the stair • No. 27,' and passed on. He went to the entry, and on the land ing close to Power's - lodgings he found a mariOstretthedOn the stone floor. „He raised him,' and found thathe watt quite' dead. , He had a severe cut over the eye. 'His Collar was thrown open; and he had 'faint marks-of .pressure round/ hks• neck: On conveying him to the police ,of- Bee he was round to have • died, as the medical men thought, from eon eugdoh or: the brain, I assisted-by strangulation. Their opinion wad that the , deceased had been_selzed by the throat; and thrown violently doWn. His watch and Money were ,lattle as Johnstone *as liked, this sad, and tragic end made a deep and me cooly impression on his circle; and thoughts naturally turned to his altercation with Power, 'and Its probable result: On inquiring, it appetesi that Power. had riot ,bmn Been at college since the Supper party; he had snot been seen at hit lodgings sinter' Johnstone had .been found.. Thingis,looked so suspicious, that a warrant was issued for his apprehen:. don.* The second night alter' the murder wasdiscovered,rower wasappreben dedwaibing.quietly Mong the South Bridge in the ctireetum of Ida gingo. When seized , he at first a nd demanded to know wh a t th e e gi" Meant by, their vue Duel but, on b e . ingahown the Warrant,',o, - onee sub witted simply *log that , th ey were wrong, and would find out that, they were so. • , - He was detained In theee cells all night y and l a the t e e was ta ken • Weal the I •itt c ad* were :prOdeetilint take *tat In &O. UMW 14 called MS that iOty statement tile =ed nutie. th ink tit , to Inairriten l he prisoner may, sew you 41 tr.euble;e4eiwthir. You.puderdwd 'hitt ,1,-!!! =2 , r once that I do art lateral to ail.' a er any questions, • . /d iratn they:~ blind . ) extihtlit Where he bade two prectilltor da,tll Are - ftW-Mtitelst ilkinE • Ile - evinced •1ht14 6 1:1 , 6a nor morrow,' add' pot lip • iadVii oi' pulled hi Ant allgl)tratVut S he 'would pocandlho • rl.' tw... did not' brow what • to (it • Eieviral of his friend ' s . hltin ; but although he reeellnalthera coot teowdy, he showed notiondre for their society. at lesidlor the flfst 'two or.. three days. As time ,went ou his Etgaiety seemed to' reinhi i 'sind wt- id etilit away In his 'wdl is •if suelteharge as minor, murder-hung Diva him Who iCroW4, ihkairY was. ; he ' was .coninutti,4l for, served with AU hitilettriesit,' add 'lila 'Metal, the 'Vlexl,uwho Wks .studag for the raw, • urge& • hlm to fIE , !It salielter ; for pip defence: To, .he lb usented and a_ypry worthy and well 'know tifietitldrier ,Ofild‘liini a visit in prison 'Avery melancholy n • 'Faith It scit• Rif thit pool `lint itie'vny ;'So they tM•raii ,bannot Junk grave •life !;+,y l l' ixiay ha hot of ire oannel is t la 'your 'position, *gun Gotspeall to . the sheen; I• denitand c aud yo,..yjteru„tight, bynt your mu stifety - YeOlres that, you should have no reserve with in, 4;1 shall hays no reserve. Thattsper (pointing to the bullet,' meat': is a boaluil IN)tcounse—/ j 'Yousax coot did not Murder the' !Wet an inch of Coe • • •is M • __4But pray exploit' yourself - . Mr.: Power ; Re alj about supper, tuul the, quarrel, arid7u - hiit you Aid next day _ , and whet © you were the night' befofe• last; and Whether you and thls•poor fellow met. it is need. 'less to awned Whip from u . 1% other wise canuot serve you.' . . • . • ' tWellgili:Stuart,but you can serve tie, although I haw - bottling to tell' iln what way ?'• Ty _butting Ulm two "advertise.' , views lig the 1 riA rind Ghasgow news papers,' ' stild the-. prisoner. The ad verthietnerits were Mows: •• • TIP .10.111itatsa.ntbuil natxtuxema youngmen to whom he dee:cited the V4lchttoee to the 41)1.1elinds oh bo7nl tlef al. Lore steamer„ho win tender Lila a must dyed hervico if he-will heed Ma tittered' to Mr. John' Shutt. W The other rate thus: .17 THE LADY WHO WAS IN THE BELFAST I !oath remember. She conversation abbot 'Moore', Motodko, a fortoIELL a".. Ow win . end ,lorreddreau to John Smart, W: g . „ Eillatu g . AVltriesii'—cialhem The prLs oner nodded assent. 4li6i-i-rubbish Try something . , Power smile& 'I have nothing else to try-bat the truth. I told you I.dld hot murder hlrn. •If thine ad vertisements are tuartvined,.ycat.will elubp.cena the gentlgtaan, tutd,ludy,for the trial, but will hold no Othinuni T eittltin or any , kitid with' them. 'You ti r t r ro atzbpcena , Me various whose and addressee are here,' hand- Ing,hitn a paper. .!and coati raunkation with either. And T have no'otherinstruetlens.' needle'tor 'shook head, plain ly believing lhe.suan to be ma& He left him, however E taking the ativer .tleenientrs along with hun, in. per pkikitY how-to net, :anti instead ' or going • lime • petit airtight tO .- tbe hones otAin 1 04 tint esiebratededv. ado 4t. ; • • •-. eAlti teoidm Aue r , ", `DOWWUsitibliidit4obn.k. Is the witnesivery . rregulax not to examine 'You area little better than a coot, John. Do you not see that the alibi perhaps is a real one, and that the fellow wants them to proye it with out notice? There is a story under all this, but your best plan is to do what he tells you. He has twice your brains, I'li warrant him.' 'Would you not step down.and see him, Ur. C.? He is a tine young fel low, and all the gentleman, and my mind mlsgives me ho does not know his danger.' '1 never call on my clients, eve' in more fashionable residence.: 'But you might make an .excuse, sir, to go and see hhn, 'l' am sure your heart would warmto him nt once.' So the kind hearted and etwntric harristerl to look in ou the prisoner next afternoon. He found him sitting with the chairman and the vice of the supper party, in a perfect torrent of merri ment, little appropriate either to the circumstances or the ,place. Tao young men knew the' distinguished counsel, and rose and became silent when lie entered. .Power, how ever, althOngli he bowed courteously did not sesern to recognize the visitor's name, even when it was announced. lutve to pay an afterntion visit to a friend here,' and the barrister. '1 am glad to find him with two such supporters—salvage men. But my friends the salvages, you had better withdraw. I wish to have your prey all to myself.' The two accordingly divintedrand Mr. C. was left alone with the pris oner. ' or • '1 suppose I• should make an ap ology for my intrusion,' said the law yer, 'but all the strati& nooks of this city are familiar. to me; and,, kiddie-1 thought a friend in need might not be unwelcome.' In the homely- kindirews, of his ad-', and theburic plainness of his speech, there, was a dignity and, ele gance about the demeanor of the visi tor that bespoke the well-bred gentle man. Pewee- was 'at' first startled, and theriaubdued by his manner. ain sure lam much beholden,'. he said. `Might 1 ask..tomluit 1 am indebted for this honor?' / •To your:going to be hanged,' said J y the other, 'But there go two words to that,' sald.Power., 'They will nut hang au innocent man In this blued country of yours.' ' they though? han god niter my friend tho Dean Lad proved him to be a saint.' A pause ensued, for Power had lltUo to reply to the flattering paral lel. 'lb plain words, my lad, I um sorry for you. There is a secret which you du not wish to disclose. I de not know who you are, or where you come from, but am sure you are a stranger, and I believe that you are innocent. Friends aresnot so easily found by the stranger and, the wrongfully accused that you should reject an honest offer. Confide is nie—l shall be secret as the grave. Power looked at him for a minute, and then, a sudden revulsion seizing him, burst into a flood of tears. 'I am ashamed,' ho said at last,' to give way thus, but lam quite alone bow :much you do not know—the most unfortunate of men' and in this wholly innocent. 'Tell jue . the tale plainly, nay boy, and may be I may find a remedy.' The prisoner told his tale. What it was the sequel most dischne. . The day of trial had come. The tier was placed at theism, the in acariet and white, defiled nto court, and the cleric ratted. in a loud yoke: 'Glories Power, stand up, and listen to the indictment against you.' The appearance of the prisoner ex. cited great interest in court, which ==:Nn== MEI ME EU 'Zstabli \ lBAed,lBlB. Wa.4 'inwdid trittiestieftinteinne&' pulale; The Lord Advocate; at. 4 pitta intnecUtoroatt on Iwo side of the tabfe withlit thettsgrft.adOntllY other eouit I. On' the other side (1 - anitl . Junior cone over the'hiee of - the prironer, whemhis naniewse rose; ; however, • with a. glance at his amuse!, end picsated Not guilty' with a firm velce. hi! the Crowti att. charitiespatn one whiCh startled the studatdaby I ts atrength and compact. nett: They culled the atudeots mho were' at the 'Rainbow' to prove the quarrel. ~ They proved that' Power did outgo to Lblfto on Moiuhiy, the . 25th of Jiuma,ry; that Johnstone was seen to go up the common Mohr on the afternoon Of that day . ; that per sonewho lived next door heard a vi olent alternation in :Power'a room about •fourja . 'cleck ; that th e persou who .10..1 the polleemattand _gsVe the alarm Was Pqwer; and that Pow; et. Ilefttby the Olaggew '&ia - Ch' at alx turned to. •Edinburgb attaining at a hotel . , iy. Thu medical the rause of death the brain; 'worn!). itatt6n. lit all hl-= ter was.. distindly 0194!1., $ n opeless. , aliGi it little internist sit He • extracted. outer: an irascible stage,tiverttuuteuceectledinuctatin .sotnenrubioti as to whereat:id when 'Amer Glasgow &lett. nut the proorof his Morn was dear.' • Of the doctors the counsel only asked u few questions. ',You spoke about stnuigubition. How was it produced ?' • '•l' cannot tell.' ' ' l l"res4llre on tho throat produces strangulation Y' 'lt does.' . 'Any sort of ke-sure ?' 'Ally which ti sufficiently close and tight.. Hanging produces strangulation?' 'Way this man hanged. doctor?' `No, of course not.' 'Why,“of course not?' • 'Because there Is nb reason to think • . wns.' - 'Any caller reason for !of course not .Ychl may go,' arid go he did, after '.saying More, and implyrug much more, than he meant- The ease looked very black,and was !closed by, ,the Crown :reading the notiuittung made when Pc4er refused to utiswer the sheriirs questions. , The audience were grtntly.eselted, but the priSoner hina,elf rutuntaiued denteuuor perfectly tranquil. Ile was rather moved when the wltaie=s ca the grief of. Johnstone's family, but except at this stage of the trial he emotion' whatev er. 'Call Admiral Seymour,' said Mr • • . • A. tall, weather batten man; some 'What thttety, stepped into Um wit hew box, and vista sworn. , ' 'Adtulral, you' itnOW why ' you havd been asked. to wine here? air, I Alb not, anti i • think it Would ,havo been more , civil to have told me.. I know' nothing about Mr. TowOr or am/ ohe of that name.' 'No'one has had the civility to ask you what you were going to say' 'Yts; a gentleman mum from the Crown (Ake; I gild him he knew as _much as believe ydirleft 13elfast by the downer- which sailed on the night of Ounday,,the 24th of January"' 'I did. , . • . you • hirwith a 'young genttemnu about volcanoes' • • • ' •Iremember it and Mm very well. He was a very intelligent fellow, and we talked together most all the • Were you fellow travelers up the Clyde to Glasgow?' 'We mere. 'When did you arrive in Glasgow ' 'About one o'clock in the after noon.' • • 'Where did you part with him?' Wok Win to the Western Club, o which I am a member, and gave him limeh, and wo' parted there. (To theprisiouen) 'Stand up If you pleit:e. Is that the man ?' . 'lt Is.' . • . : ''Have you any doubt of that ?' 'None whatever.' The Crowni rose to erosi.examine 'There ultra be some mistake, ad toiral. Look at hhu . "Meru is no mistake. That is the mau. ' I should kuow him auy where, 'Did you .lee any one like him" 'Not that I remember. But, since you are so pressing. I should like to hear him speak.' The judge said there mild be no objection to that, andtold the prison er to address a remark to the witness. 'Ah, admiral, do you recollect what .happenod to L'ermot 'Looney's crow sou her birthday?' said the prisoner. „ . The reminLseence was, plainly a di 'rotting one, for the admiral laughed outright, and said it was the tame funny fellow beyond all doubt. And, strange as it was, the jury seemed to think so too. And. the admiral was allowed to retire without further question. 'Call Miss Bridget Malone,' said Mr. C. And a very pretty, litlyllke young woman stepped. into court, aetvlu puttied by her mother. . You are the daughter of Mr. Ma lone, the banker of Belfast?' said Mr. C. 'Yes, I mu. 'Do you remember traveling. to Belfast by the catch front Waterton! on the Ikl of January ?' 'Yes, sir.' 'You tntimled inside?' !Yes sir.' ~ 'Had yod any fellow-travelers?' 'Yes,' saki Bridget, with a smile, *that gentleman,' 'minting to Power, 'was with Inc.' 'All the way ?' 'Yes.' 'Was he agreeable?' 'Very pleawAnt, sir.' 'Have you ever SIMI or heard of him since?' '`No, sir. I saw an advertisement in.the Belfast newspapers, which I ,knew must be from him, and so I tun here to-da,y.' 'When did you arrive?' • 'Only a few hours ago.' 'Did you know why you were wanted?' 'Not In the least.' 'You have no doubt it is her' `lle Is not easily forgotten, sir,' tisid the girl, innocently, but with a blush. • 'Did ho make love to you then?' interpo . ,sed the opposite counsel. sir, unless with his eyes. You know how, sir.' a 1 wish I did,' said that functionary. 'There was nothing more tender between you?' 'Oh—you mistake altogether—we were very happy. That was all, and I was sorry when the Journey was over.' was.l,' interposed the prisoner. - 'Yes, that is his vole If you wake Jam my, •Oft In the stilly night,' my lord,' said the girl, turn. Ing to the bench, 'you would dicier- Mond It.' 'Shall I ask- hint to Bing lt r said Mr. O. . •Really,' said the Lord Advoutto, %Ids Ls quite unusual and Irregular.' He was rather nettled \vith' the evi dence. 'No r ' said Mr. C.; 'Ai!" owe of TII =Aron - Antirig old A 4a:building tif nt IP per year in Mimic,. , .4 C. unto it tliegthimi 'un anhjartn of Torii BM =CM °T "11 ( 9 1 1 l 7-1 .2 4 4/ 1 1 .1 1P.7,: t 6" !Hied: V. atiii lion Laxon. kigA ti.L Y . at 13bly m....t ;.f Wu author.. Time ex mid i 4 inimilnlesttlOWO othoul(1840: , A!: " " • el_ • • " r: I M i ro ll l4l e aVeCi 0 14 4 . ) .7 . 771- 1,14,7 ' identity of yoke nay ba.i • at linpertant sts Mit of feature. .1)4.3,; you,ivlthir (turn itig to the villue l o rkt, , ;be eontirtried In Ybur ;opinion ?littering Ma yoke?' ••• ;...• .1 Pl.; tato no doubt ;about film.; ant, .• he sayril.ti • . • 'Prtiouer salt! the ,I}ldge,. it YOU lutve labia What lUis - Pareed. !yonmiy .. „any of the verse:3Y' . r Thus adjunsf,; Power recital: (he '' seerind verso Of • that irwirtestel" ' • Mobre's melotikiti with ;great liteldfi. and expitatilen. The witheatillshmed;; ; with delight, and at theAnLiextinlll l -;.; . tit-4 'WM 'sure of U. • Nebedy eVer , said 'all but me deliartedqtatinnacif.'?' He had add ass; Mid the evident:olN was irnalutibk:,.;• .; .• • • • ..• 1 . ; . ; , • The waiter ut ,t,he,Weatern, club, • the clerk at the e4rath'ellive; and 'the guard of the mail all 'S'i,xike'ef"lils" having been In tilltagow ou Biontley.. • until fear •Velock, and lutv,hig left.•.t vy the tunic'''. that ev,auing: lie aril. : bed Vtlinhurgli, its the CrOWn 013 rasa hail add, nt ulna o'clock at night: ' The chain was complete, and ill l '•• of concert was excleded by the fact that none of the witncse knew when . the wunu iinctenurkthe reason they Weft, 331:6 Caw' 101)keil like onigolmisteken identity ; htit-the " stninglat thing-was: tlmtltits•acetatd : heel never denied that he -wee the, stutlentin (wanton, and seeinial from. ,; • .tbe that to befandlier utivainal: ' • 'The. (frown had•no choice-hullo . i ..abap,dpn, tim,iPreeeltntiOnl:ll4/11;,tbs prisoner was uequittcsl; liut the , tory which the trial had Milian over • the ialielettflitir created net tinpittatht'-' Impnlisioni and lie left Edinburgh thernext day, • . • • Very, tihlfi y .11egwartis fact • transpired:et lehrendered it at le t doubtfttl.wti fier' the crime had been 'cohmilttedit all. • Two median u demi, who were friunds dot/John., . stone, re s ided at the top of the same • strinuse. Both of thesestudents had left Edinburg rather suddenly im mediately - atter tidy event,- and - it way nut known where they had one. But •It tmnapinxi that they., had been in the babit3 of making ex periments is strangtilation on , teem :An unusual thing that time; and it'enirte to be believed that' ' Power's conned at the time' or. the trial had information thatJohnatone wine by his death in that way, n O l • . that the others in their terror inn laid . doWn his body at Power's door. The nine days' 'wonder was Etlll-1- - del, and gave' tomew tol.; Mai it WaS many, yukra .afterwurds that,l heard the true version of this sitiLmlur tale. It seems there were two brothers twins, of • the mune of Power, who , • were left orphan-, mid almost with out relatives or comitetions, when, they were inere children. They were so wonderfully alike that those ' who knew them !vitt could rarely distinguish them, and the okituater llai grandfather who brought them up tonic earn that they shouttl ,bot-d 7 netted separateiy. Reynold, the eldest, assaults.' the haute of Regi- " maids, as he succeeded ton small. property through his mother. • The brothers, after the &salt, i ut• their grandfather, being alone in the worldanal the must devtited, even ronsuntiert&ction for eachnther, al though at 4hu time of this story they had Out met for eaveral yearn. • ltegittalds, had received a writer ship hi 'lndia, and when the events I have glioken of occurred was on his way to -Toy his' brother a farewell. visit. J °bestow) and Power had met that a fternoou and Power Watkins:it al hint down, and_ was hurrlded an hour or t.WO fterwardS to and Jelin stone lylmedend at his door. lw his alarm he humediutely eturted off by the couch which left for .Gbisgow at six o'clo:k, to meet his brother, and consult what was to be done. The wadi stopped lit n stage where it met the other, and there the bruti u re slved on the rouustle counie of changing their identity'—Power go- , Mg to London as lteginalds, and Reginuldsgoin toEdinburg W 4 Power. The rest* 1 , 01/CCIVVII; bat Itc.ginaltig remained Power to theend of his lite, and never would bear of , resuming either his name or his Is ink. Ile Went out us a medical num o AuAtatlia, two to great eminence, Intl only tlii4l a year or two ago,leav ng an enormous fortune. lie Jean widow. wiluw auscideli 111L/Ile ==tl9 lirstfor O'CoN,ron, New York, preached on "Papal Infallibility and the Ecumenimil - Connell," wherein he gave the American view of the matter. He said: "It is nothing , but that ntablity in faith which wt.( grunted by Christ to the office of Peter," Mats% does not mean •that every net or every word Of Peter, or of his succ4tor, is itimpirtil by Clod," but that "It only means that in faith, and faith alone, Christ will ever tukdst him (the Popo) to teach it ofitiallY In its purity, so that he may confirm the brethren in the faith that they believe him infalible. Furthermore, Bishop O'Con tier explained that this • doctrine was rut old as the Church, and that it is only a distinct definition that is now sought from the Ecumentel Council. SPA IS \IAU,II n, April i;--2 p. In. The SpaniAt Cortes have passed at bill providing. for the levy of forty thous and teen to fill up the army. The conserirtton in Barcelona is prolzretot. leg: The artillery opened tiro at Garcia. Siam then nai HUtyB been rtveived from t h e disturbed list riets, the telegraph lines` having )4.1.1) ems. 7-Ip. in.—Popular oppo.: sition to the operations of the Wry ealts.Tiption stet has hut abated. Yesterday a number of Men entered Seville from the neighboring villages, of Clem& anti Sentitinnee with . tam tient dying Meaning "Viva Repels. lie, and down with the muse:Option," They were sent out to lest the disposition of the Iteople Air rifting. The rioter"( were promptly arrested by the aulhurities. Groups of people formed around the guard, 111111 for it time it Was thought efforts would. be made to resew the priitonera They were infely lodged Minn Idler mane ditlietilty Lind the crowd di*. items" anti!' the city soon heroine quiet. 11 Inan Itarcelonn is highly imparhult. 'Advice , ' Just re. eel ved state theiroubles 'ewe broken out there with MI leWl4l ViOlOnee. The rioters have etournyzatell a oluirt dist:mt. out of the eity and have thrown up borrientim. Tho fliptain General has 'tot Melt tlll'UovernMent he hi not strong enough to attack them Owl is awaiting reinforcements. Gen. Prim has sent (den. lialtirielt to the sere 10 take commend of the national troops.. —The son of a Chinese Emperor is a beggar in San Francisco. One of flare sudden revolutions to whirl' that kingdom huldevt. hurled his tither from his throne, and caus , sl the murder of all who loVed and honored Min. Through the fidelity of an old servant, this young Prince was saved from the general If utelmcy. Still, his name uhum would have !yen his death warrant nt any time. Sb he lived in poverty and constant dread. shunned by all and shunning all. When the first =goes of Chinese were sent So Palifornia, Welcoming this as an opportunity for esafpe from nn atmosphere of death to him, smuggled himself on board one of the ships. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers