iv or_ Argus. rho Be •I(Y rbWrIUXTOII EKE= •* •Apr X7'..1870. Beaver. I mrta has' inalttuted .ovlth a view to aver , or partha who used sending bogus gold • patches all over the effect that a war was • ein.titeiJuitedkitates he Adintial made ap e telegraph company ch, but the manager w him to see it, alleg against the ralCs to in except upon the or swam It. ' AiAtittliti I an levestlgeti tutu the pert. his name in gambling d country to th e huralnentfiet and Spain. plleatkm to t fur the dis refused to all. lug that it vt: Show a teleg • der of the pa 43 political parties in /making preparations ra , the &ming autUmn. o Deineeriits in that everything their, own ~ the blacks have been - nen , phase has been In Slarylind. A re the State Lthous 45,000 • is about 35,000. white tem. The Democrats l er 70,000 votes, which StatQ.oo:se, with the r or the Republicans. have heal In exiatenco *ate, mat political ' . • Boni of. I Maryland a for battle duri; Heretofore t Shtee.have ha way, but sins; enfranchised, given to OMR!: cent canvas o black voters, Republican v cannot poll cp. will. make th chances in fa Union LeagO throughout . t clubs are nowt Tun Pittapu dyspeptin , .; It defeat and di Last week it t don and gave, very plainly "Woyands" w or that typo w I sidentblo leo. 1 have noU4u4 the Gazetic Ir t I el we tleitice tit we giyo:thetn• llonvef In pore fishing oxcu nn linrroon. I 1/11113% 1 ,-- porhai nod wo think they will relit / vi need that tho ' US hadpion no lbw intrigue& helped to thwn gh,(fosette I. evidently till growls over Maokey's Ilnei to be oomferted. t its oyes in this diroo; taf readers to understand hat Its aftettion for the s neither very strong tlor leh ondureth for any con- Iv of tlisie;,. Now as se, complain of so fir as oueerned, and moreover, , good will of its editors,' cordial invitation to viait n and accompany us on ion .for alew days over will do the ea gots] phya our° them outitoly— o eon safely promise that U. to the city fully Om " Woyandsu are not near halt so dangerous, aaa *hose &theme they hat'' 1, would have the A CRUEL b trick Wanda via orKentue Senate, : e. oho is an itivetom said to be the tor in the when he was big speech, h mediately a made by time a night tia39lol to give Mr. D• liver his add licit, but whe hour for Mt. he found the tors present, • galleries. M made lit - petit] mourn, and w his Ideas yet: t somewhat practical ed off on Alarrett Ba-. ,in theUnltedStates time ago. Mr.' Davis speech-maker, and is most uilinteeesting oia , ate. The other day, I fairly bursting with a got the floor, but lin rwards a metloi► Was her to adjourn . so that I could be held in order I vis ample time to de- The Motion car=' night Caine, and the vie' speech , arrived, were but eight Rena md noun soul in the Drvie"took the hint" n that DM Senate ad presanM .has not aired THE Su p tnously . two of the legs gilded not to the renalduin Griswold. Ti. mains as he Chase auuouu would adjou gaNt r ukr r ti tleestatbd the lug was not g Griswold eas heretofore d net Was luvali before its pass, the four judg who coneurrec ease, desired tc and ' under tll without the tl the-judges wh sion of a ease ane Court has 'unani-• text the Withdrawal of 61 tondex cases. and de- . ihear the argument on ,one,vist: Hepburn and, te'deelsion thereby 're tofore. chief . .lUstla3 1 .ed the Supreme Cohrt for the term on ',the i liEtrlhe chief . .tus- I sop why the rehear- . nted in the Hepburn e—in which the Court tided the legal tender 11 as to contracts ;natio Oagti=was that none of m now on the bench in the opinion in the have the case reheard, e rule of the Onart, nsent of some one. of concurred In the deci t could not be reheard. .THE state! Government 1 Mini to send to tory to the 11 :,imply a repi dieted on g ago. No impl hoen made, m 11111111 y eonditi don.. Every r thai them is n the Cabinet W fur ajnoment, British GoVeri the fact that ' our Governm to allow the Di through our t the Winnepeg ho has gleam , . dent (Irant IAI not itt all tiro) disposed to ta i Coml. 'eat that the British as applied for permis aps through our terri iNl River country, .is •tion of a story contra lautiunity throe weeks ration of the kind has r would it be granted at by this administra wion there is to believe it n single member of o favors such h thing and what, is more, Lhe mind is well aware of t'hortiton did not ask t ns tin act of courtesy iiiiiinion troops to palS3 rritory to.theikuine of revolt, nod from what of the views of Prei4l - &wet:try Fish it is table that be will fuel • . wil the chance ga'ye- dish( views Or Pre,i taffy Fish on t the Dominion 'our territory Winnipeg rev diVIIA:41011, °titles want thin through pmise tration wIIF n pang, !tad prt has Weir livi quiet and St. Marie Can territorial Juti and to allow. through it for kind proPtsa.kl Jectionahlo as through Mint cannot ho dot ry Fish woul consent to extol the British aui [thus In regard to the lent (Init awl Steen.. is quasti*uorallowing font% to pass through to the scone of the have led to some hat the•Ttritish auth• to carry their exMi he canal of Sault St. y what the ndminls at on any ac 'scaly what Tliorateu, tg to undenstand in a .peeful manner. Sault being In the State of f euurral within the Won of this country iritish troops to pass treadle purposes of the would be 444 as Wi ndow thew to worth . an, Atitliority that ibted stlitttat'Seerettl -o.,iotte;: ,rpsign . thus such privilege. to itiorltim • , • Anvicks fm n Corinite,ll.lthh,detted April 14th, sa the • VOliptteei : p4cly which lelt tlu t place in search of thelndiansw oemumittod murders, mine across a nd of them at Wind River Valley .n the7th 'and killed f . " eleven, hid • . - Black 134x),r, a t 4 chief of the 4 pahoes. On going. further north t e Indians,. principal ly Sioux and . rupahl, Were found to Is 3 numerou and in ouch 'strong plats.% that it Itti useless to attack them and the iticens returned. .No whites inject : A detachment of the 'Second Cavil y arrived at South rasa yesterday mu ;dug anti two compan ies of the Fou th infantry, c a l, B art _ lett in comma (1, have also arrived lell route to Vind River valley to garrison earn Augur. i A dispatch .ro Sidney, Nehru*. ka, of the same date, as the . aboye, 'saYattiti'ThillatlS the bridge three miles east of Ap 4 telepe and threw fourtissi airs elf the track about one o'clock this Morning. All the . traitrinen except ono brakeinan, get on tlii3 englir anti run to the next statian.s After' MeV left the Indhins broketipen a nOmber or airs. Tlie renrif Meg brakeman O r f d r ° 4 l "10. ;ant!; 44131: 101 i4.: 141 e viesteit beizad paissefiler tratn was delayed air Iwo waiting for the wreck to be Cleared. Tna Beaver'kulioalhtui clearly "gone back" on the Pittsburgh Gazette. Dur ing the whole winter the Gazette had on ly to whistle in order to sot the Radical to dancing. What the thriller said the alwaysvendorsed, and taken to.. gether theY ferniest ' artit Oise mutual atlntlndlou society. , "For', the past, two weeks the Uasetlq hits been. belaboring Scharer Kerr of the thitler .district, and 111120Iiir other things, chartnid.him with making mere ndtze of his vote on the Watt-Dlamond Senatorial cum The Chi srUe hitd a right. to mid of eoprse expect ed that the ihidierdwould join In the war against , Kerr, , but hero - is where the teaubld ootinix' Ili.' Instead of quaY help ing the ilaiptrc ho Join Ire Opitonauts, and toll* his readers W what the Go zettehast;Said about l‘ere is untrue:front beginning to end.- Uttar Seoyt K en bil)kp govqr.o rt 9 bacTie of bled ptr. ty et tbo bogineing of the sewlom but rehumed to the fold at an WWI, dor. and stood op morally alterwArdst , Uls Wady op pOldilen 43 Lowy open the Walt-Diamond Cloounie. which rescued the Repablicao party of the Senate from the clutches or the itrlareuemide, on far Co atone for his •do. (cotton to the matter o( the Treaanry.:aod steamy set him down as a Republican to the eud of his term, which expired in lull: • This is a clear utse of otto's "going hick" on his friends.' It 1811ov/over) tilt like gilay. lie is tialr to hive. f 'gime hick" on ,others in hi* Limo , pod it Is .iiiiiilO'Orobabic that ttioprosent . will, not ho the last ',twitanon of, lie doing Igo,— Boating his !present defoodon. in :tnind .the ,Gorcuetuis our sympathy:, :We trust however that Its editors tuteedlsocivered ero this that "ours is a vrorlifof uller in revoltitionie on hi: 'az is, and winos varions guinea or that itort." A DISPATM„frotn dater APril2.l4;says, Gov. Shaffer arrived at eight o'dock to-night. The' people turned out in hundreds and escorted him from the etps to the Minta Reese, ,whore he VAN WeltNNllod on behalf of the citizens by Mayor Monroe. The Governor briefly replied, statltig that he is In Utith for tho rutrpose of enfor cing 'the laWs of 'the enittsl Stales ; that when he can't do this he will re turn to his home. Thi3' Constitution and laws must lie 'respected and ebey ed everywhere; :this Territory will be made no exception. , ' Judges Haw ley and Strickland,' of the Supreme Court, and Genend Maxwell, .Itegl4,- ter or the Land: (Mee; followedthe Governor, showing, the Intention of the Government to suppress polyga;. my and einimel Utah to submit to the authority of the Republic. The time has now arrived to put an end to the abomination. Remonstrances from the -disloyal and traitorous will not stay the action OfCongress. The city Ii illuminated with bonfires and fire works, and the people are parading the streets, cheering for the first real Governer Utah ever had.. Such is the remptleu the firedGevernor of the Territory received from the people. An Earthquake • ' t . A very remarkable phenomenon occurred In. lifarcelltis, N. Y., on Tuesday night, of which' we haVe oh tallied the following plirticulars I A tract okland (*Waffling about three acres i and lying upon both aides of the highway,,and Alluded about four tense south of Mareellus village l aklitliktii2VeM i thirili v e ; Vir4 — irja by some subterranean force . the surface being piled Into hillocks.as high and as !Organs a hOuse, and huge cracks and crevasses, were fipenpd, which extended irregularly all over it. The. ground where the Inlet:crosses .the public road was thrown into the most fantastic shapes, rendering the road impassable. The commission ers of highways were promptly noti tied on Friday last, and at once pro ceeded to visit •tho loutlity and to take measures to repair the road. ' It is supposed that the earthquake took place about midnight, but no noise was heard in the vicinity, al though some , ipea:plicable sounds were reportad us being heard tit Mar -1 strong smell of sulphur is notic ed in the vicinity of this remarkable 'occurrence but nothing further to indicate the Liaise of the uplastvel. Mr. Thomas Clements lives about a'quarter of a tulle the loodity, but no buildings were on the land. This, singular occurrence lets pro duLsd it great excitement in the mid hundreds of people have almudy.visited the spot. The above is the subStanai of the reports.brought to usl:ty several per sons residing near the locality of the, owurrenee.—Syracuse Journal. Fearful Tragedy' in Baltimore— Woman IliM Ilee Four CUB. dren and Her Mother; BALTIMORE, April 21. —131113. Catharine Marsh left her house, this afternoon, borrOwed a butelkir knife, went to a sebO il,near by', called out her sou :MMus aged eight years, and tut his head rawly off. She rushed litr another tittle - boy named Burnett who ran and tkalied. She then re. tomtit home, went into the yard, seized, another son. William, ageil seven years,: from : a swing, and cut his thrOae. .Then• she grasped her daughter, Mary Jane, aged fou r years :aid cut her' head completely. off. 'filen went Into tlai honse atid cut the throat of her youngest child, George, aged two_years; nearly severing the head from the hotly. , Then . she- cut the throat-of her Own 'mother, Mrs. Duryea, aged 51 years, so badly that she will ale. Mrs. Marsh was arrest ed and taken to the station house. liar husband has 'been absent some eighteen months in hearth of employ- . meat, and Is belieVed to 1* working , as a barber in `Nri.'w York. Mrs. - Marsh has always bore an' excellent character. She 18 undoubtedly in: nine, but to-night.appears conscious of the terrible deed: ' •.• • • - - - It is Mated ,f. , Queen Elizabeth; .that, seeing a certain bartinet lh her garden one (14, she Mokeil out of the window,and atithwsiA hi to this effect; dote a mink think q( When he tkmks of.notaine' The:, baronet, who jp,ul nut revolved Oman suhstuutial marka of rgyal.fa wor which he Lail twehlod to expect, pahis9d for a moment, and ,theti ;blurt-. ed he thinks of a wont:tips prinnise. "rho queeik was .conipintelynonplintioil,anii was heard to retort: nt not not confute inakw moo witty; N*4 iitgekti.Ptenkts.9!"- Florida there are Many 14e4 which have Itoks Itt the bUttem and underground, Demme nista tioni so that they will sotutithes shrink away to a mere, eupfull. leaving many square miles of bullet*. uncovered, and they again fill up from below, and spread out nyer,their fortuerarets:7 .Some of them have outlets in the oema- far from short., bursting up a perpetual Spring A4* .fresh water :In the very midst pf the briny witness of thews. In thuesof Jew water,tluring a long,' exhaustive, dry &MIMI, men have gone uudergruund ill, one of 'these nutaernweaurtvers front lake to lake, illatauee of eight miles. is reported un official in the Government services at Philadel phia is a defaulter in tiliesiloo. IMOMZIE ... - , When we consider that every_diti t Ca.96.makco Its attack upon the blood, and that every d vent (Mier der imparts Its own peon stamp to , the -ttrine,it is plain that rwe need onlyknow what that pee . aliar 'Stamp is test able, to patinounae ups* the eta re, extent and character of the disorder with undeviating certainty. We have been in the active prac tice of this system, at No. 132 (bunt street, Pittsburgh, for over twenty years, during which time we hav e treated' more' thiliCeige' the 'i ' , paw, thus including every character and variety of diseaser, and , can say with Professor 13mithwalte, "that we ran arrive at a more accurate knowledge respecting the generality of diseases from examining the urine •than froth any other,system • as also with Dr. trout, tithat whatever may be the disease, the urine seldom fails in furnishinga•clue to-the principles upon which it Is to. be inatetl."- Wo are well aware; however, that some practitioners are • opposed to this system , of diagnosis. ~ This arises entirely from their In cow pieta . investigation of the subject. -Prom-these we (mart an examination of its merits, and promise , to render full satisfaction in the discrimination of every case, and prove to every in telligent physician who will make application, that our course -is a sci entitle one., - This we have already done In hun dreds of instances, not only with the Students of • Medicine .at ,C,3llege, when its:taring; butwith th e learned Ptak -segos of Medical. Colleges, and cleverly educatdd Phyulcines frein nearly ail parts of the Union, who have been member s' of our C lam at the Cniversity, or witnessed our e- Porimetits at the office. • , One physician says, "It is the most complete system known." • Another says, "L would • rather de pend upon your diagnosis 'by the ur ine, than upon.. most of physicians with the patientat lan Another awe, "Thermal that such investigations are idle, areas absurd as unfortunately they are'frequent. !WC - there is, . however, one' consola tion in this matter, which is, that those, who aro most•ready to urge .this view, and to decry itsutllity.are such as are least acquainted. with Its details.".. Suffice it if, to say, that our daily practice and experience have proven thine facts, and we advise all those laboring under chronic affections particularly, to avail themselve . s of its advantages. 7 • Those living M distance by send ing a vial of urine for examination, cat► have the necessary medicines sent them. L. OLDMIUE. —A, dispatch from Springtleld , 111., dated April 21. says: Captain Ed ward Mc. unnell, son of the late Gen entl-Murray McConnell, mysterious ly murdered at Jacksonville last year, attempted the other night .tu emu mit suicide while laboring• under delirium tremens. His friends kept watch, Ina his brother had removed the cartridges from the revolver. • McConnell rose .during the. night, mired the revolver and exploded all the (lips, llnd of course without doing himself any, injury. Ho them:took a penknife • front , his pocket and slashed his, forehead.- face and neck Ina shocking manner. cutting sever al gushes , two or. three Inches in length and of considerable depth,and leaving scarcely the apace of an _inch that was not mutilated in a shocking wanner. He then descended to the kitchen, lobtained a sad-iron, and beat hislace and head almost. to , a jelly. He returned to his room, 'be. came unconscious from loss of blood, and remained so until he was ditecor, ered in the morning. Although severely injured , ; he is doing well, and will doubtless recover. It lathe intention of his friends, as soon as ho has imitliciently recovered, to plate him in the Inebriate' Asylum.. THENINTUCENSUIS. Hpw It will be Taken and when .L-Xlrenlar frowilhe Taken. . . The ninth' Census of the United States will be taketiunder the pro visions of the pet'of May 22, ISS(Y, on the first of June next. At i the. last census, -1117 ASsistant Marshahs were employed. Congress having declin ed to adopt any of the new plans sug gested, the census will be taken on the same basis as for the last twenty years. The act of 1850 provides that the census 'shall be 'taken by the United States Marshals of the respec tive districts, with the aid of such assistance as shall be reptired. The census district of each State are divi ded so ttS to be composed of not less than 20,000 persons. The assistants are to be paid as tbilows.—Two cents.' for every name taken, 10 cents for every. farm, 15 cents for every pro ductive establistmlent of industry, 2 cents lbr every deceased person, and 2 per cent. of the 'gross amount for nom& enumerated, for social statis tics, and 10 cents per mile for travel. The enumeration must be completed and'the returns all'sent In to theSee'- retary of the Interior by • the is; of November next. The Superintend ent of the Census is FranCts A \Val ker, late of the Eurettu of Statistics' and Assistant Special Commissioner of Revenue. The Department of the Interior has sent the-following circu lar td the several United States /Marshals: DEPARTM ENT OF TRE INTERIOR 3 WAsittserrex, February 211, 1870. Brit:—The ninth census of the 'United States will betaken under the act (if of May 23,1850, copies of which In a form convenient foidaily use,will will ho sent you at an tytrly date. The Census cetice has been organized in this Iteputinent, and u Superintend ent appointed, to whom rrturns' will. •be rendered in all the mutters provi ded by law, nut 1111 eomintinictitions. in the ordinary (verse of business re-. rating to the OMISIIN wilt be address ed. ' • ' Herewith you will find a blank form for! the Marshal's oath, penfcri ed. in tatetion .2 of.the law of Haying qualified as therein required' and having' forwarded the inclosed form, duly tiled, subscribed and ter: titled, to this ifeptirtrnenti you will ',mimed to -discharge the duties of your °Mee in respect_ to the ninth census of the United Stated. • • You will, at the earliest date form your district into•subdtvitnons for the purpcee of enuniertition, - according to the third section of the , law - of 18,50, which is as foltmes'ri , t• • ""' ".Kush Mended shall separate his district, in • subdivisions- containing not exceeding personain •eack unless the limitation to that naMber causes Inconvenient boundaries,: , in which owe the number may be ler: ger ; and *ball estimate, from the best WIMS, of, informatibe which he is able to o btain,t he number of square milw us eich.subdivisien, and sub., division, and submit the same to the lkiautreent of the Interior ;,Provl deli, however, that-la bounding such subdivisions, the.limits thereof shall, •be known as civil divisions, such IN; comity, parish, jownithip t ward, or. district /Wes, or highways. or natant boundaries, such us rivers; lakes In the census of 1880, the number of Assirdaat Marshals ;sermany emu ployed was 4118, Which, with a. pop, elation. of:::$1.448;1321,. ,thown I , the average !umber of.penams In a tub division to. have been 7118, a little more teen one .. third .of the maxi; mum number allowed: by law..: It la believed that the alum. operating. to poxi eicy a minute sulxilvisioa than seems to , have been originally ..cons templated . will: be • found , to have equal force in the present enumerate. The following suggestlonsareotfor ed for the consideration of Marshals in the tliselutrge,otthls duty: 1. Ali t h ings equal; there is a plain . advantage An preserving the .bound-• aries of subdivision taken far (holing, .census, wherever the proviso attach ed to the third section was . then properly respected: la this way it ' I * lon presen nun3ber o persons, farms, shops, &e., in ;each subdivis ion,' both with reftassice todeteirtnin- Inglhe probable censpensation of sisdstanta and the distributink-An advance the blanks reetti-lor numeration. 14i 2. Aliipther things equal, subilviii ons should ho formed with a view to equaliiing as much as possible the labors °resistants. 8. Where any se4yop Oinnutlti7X distinguished by a specie Industry, „deldxsblaUaLsuchasction- Acta ,forip distinct anbdivialOn or grOup ef'ditbdivislons. it` la plain that such an arrangment will tend to securest Mom ftill and exact repres entation .of that - indUstry. Partic ularly is this true of the coast and lake fisheries, which have hitherto been most Inadequately enumerated. It is therefore recommended - that in making appointments -*and assigtt! silents in sections interested in the fisheries, the _subdivisions be made as largo as Is otherwise . convenient, and that they extend well along the shore, rather than reach -far Inland. 4 It Is not desirable that the arrange ment of subdiSislons should be made merely Or Mainly to produce numer lest or geegraphical uniformity. Sub divisions varying considerably in ex tent of surface and in number of pop ulation, but suited tolilictlie other conditions of n therongh enumeration and consistent with is lust distribution of the compensation among the whole body of asistants employed, are to be preferred to subdlvisionseut out from a district by a uniform rule, without regard to peculiarities of occupation. It is desirable to respect the fluty ,uf every city in which More than one Assistant Marshal may be appointed, in such a way that the returns of two, three, live, ten or more assistants who may be assigned • the" enumeration, shall to ether makeup theprowr re turns of tke city as a whole, including nothing beside. . It maybe in some cases.-necessary to assign.part atm° village; town or ward, and the whole of others to a single, assistant; but the assignment to an assistant of partsof two villages towns, or. wards,wlll be unnecessary. After separating your districts' into subdivisions, acearding,to the terms of law, and as far as may be consistent with the spirit of these instructions, you will proceed to choose assistants, us provided in section 4 of the act of May 23, 1850: " It is earnestly hoped that this duty will be performed with care. Tem perate, Intelligent and active Men, generally and fisvombly known in the community and well versed in letters and figures. should heieleoted for this work. No other AOnsidetathins tntl exist , which are of,,suftlekset 'caper, tatice`toetiVirelgli the debatidds 'erne curate, ami emilgele • The requires that assistants •shitU belwidents of the sulxlivisions fur which they are appointed. Where a foreign, language-is spo icon to any great extent, it Is 'essen tial that assistants shenki be able Ito converseln that tongue.' Where the Industry_af a section Is strongly mar ked bythe predominance-Of special manufacture; it is verrdisslrable that theeasistants should be selected with some refertreasito.thelr itoqtatintance Immediately on completing the di visien of yyour. district In the manner preicxiberl.by law. you will forward to this • Department a report of the same, a form for which is inclosed. In liftng out these sheets, room will be taken to allow the full geOgraphie al description of such subdivisions: In case the designation of Assistant Marshals tbr any or all the subdivi- Blouse( your district is for any reason delayed, you .will forward the report without.wafting forsuch designation; and the sheets will be filled out after ward at the Census Office on your re pOrtofsuch appointment being made. If it is possible to obtain full and reliablea map of your districts, and to mark MT upon It the precise bounds:. ries , of the subdivision, numbering thenitocoftespond with the number Wen in your report, you are requat , fed to ( L...... lo4dEitaforarsinri • - in expressing the arm of subdivl aims •whatever actual surveys have been made in whole or in part, the number of square miles , will be taken from such surveys so far as they ex tend: In subdivisions or parts of subdivisions not surveyed the best official estimates will be used.. In filling up the column "how estimated or determined," in your report of subdivisions, the letter "8" will be used for survey; "C. M." for county map; e 31.. • for 41ar4bars esti ' • "A. E." for asdstant's INti- Matel; "L. O. E;" for /cod officer's estimates. In filling the column "industrial dmcription," It Is, dedrable that the prevailing occupation of the onn utnnity should be clearly Indicated ; as agriculture, mining, or manufac tures. If the subdivision be airri cultural,, but with scsasisional manu facturing• villages, the fact will be indicated. Small mechanical estab lishments as blacksmiths'. and car penters' shops, will not be, noticed. If a suixlivision .is chiefly agricul tMal,ot. manufacturing, but with a coushlerable fishing interest . along the shore, the fact , should he panic niftily indicated. , ferms.for commissions to be issued to.your assistmits,- and 'the oaths to be taken by:then3,aocording. to the provisions,of sections 4 and. fl °Cala law of 1 € 450 ,434 the act of July 2,1862, are forwarded herewith. Very, resoectfally, J. D.. pox, .secretary. 11161111.4.1 York has had its first base ball match this scasou. New. York canals - will be .opened ; on. the lUth of, May. -the colored peoidoof lohrneele-. brined the Fifteenth Amendment nt De.B Sfolite.4, on —I n vest iga t ion is waking of irreg ularitieststid to exist in the office of Pension Agent Forbeg, ut Philadel phia. —The !mime Um. of the First Ohio District for the. fit4t•yertr. 'is' about fUlly ennui to the preceed ing year. ... • . . • --.-Ez-GovOtntir•Auslln Klag, who had been' enitakoalfi 14 U. S. Court tit St: 'Louis tar Solteduys;digd on' riday last.' ' " .' • —At ;Qtieboc . i , piliititeers , Ain udder taints, ,The 55th end 80th bat tenons hwie ofrered their . serviees for the - lied —Capt. Wheeler, U. S. Consul at Kingston, Jamaica; died April Bth: Ire, was Lieutenant Aboard 'the Kearsarge when ahe.zatutk the. Ale- -4-The track ot.the Southern Pad ficaailrond waiicompretid to Spring , geld, Ma. , , ~T hursday. The 'Thrmal open hrg • , take, place. on ythe :k1 ro pxlui, • • • • Tieitttitt st i 'trittid" itelebtatiOn' of the Ilny YirAt alanttemark; 6f' the establishment'of 'Odd TellOWship •'New'JeiseY. Mil be Ifhldat'Tuea• Ortti ' d ' vening, four weii NeroarriNm.‘he,agri vatnfp the f '4tnerleati nom amid- Mop replanlem. ote„ troolki PaYejett_.. ,C9!,Pie , fr w l 4 l ;ar,. -rcatnec,liiehat, ; .and, kr. mood, 'ammo t oaf, being. oxelmwU!it the murder of Thomas Scott, itt the /led itivereountry, have hem, admitted to hall at9ttawa, Oanada. • • -. 1 -Thefimout silver to heti* richest •In 'the. world; ace ascertained to he in :Arizona 'instead of New Mexico.. Minors were urly- Ind from all dlreertiong. ' • ••! -rXpvesthratlop haa.resulted' In proof that the charges . 1 4Minfli. ten. alon agent Forbes, at Philadelphia, are Altdolanded. . , -Mr: and Ma. - Myers 'residing In WHllatnsbarg, N.Y.,: were dreadful. iy burned on Etabirday brew evict: slotiof kerawne (HI used for 4rrying a stow fire: •• • • ••• • • cashier rif• the BE. Louis Boatman's 'Bovitisllllstitstion, • died MCBatur- Y 4 the ; no von ble Wax der t of umslioet Fl i ts - Greeneallallecici aims tried . eikturday Vullfortif =• an y thetde of be therA —A ruifiar was afloat In London that Queen Victoria Intends to mar Prince of theRF9ePI r g o If 4. r tt l l —At Battledore on Friday last, an • • menne—eoneonne—atteridel• • funeral of thetenurdered Marsh chil dren. The mother, whei la confined In the city Jail, is a raving maniac. .9•Com, Mtrhibner; Osboin,'tapigiwy Arork', has decided that the Mantis ter General can prevent the mails being made the medium for the circulation of swindling eirecdus. Pbt ktti t i f !I' s ml ite or killing ro j rnst ,Nict r er, for being too Intimate with his (Placgol 4 4 .wires was acquitted on fliday last. - - &M on-olae y -sa titiOp to .thera lal g lipied': r New' asking the,posleroda constitutional amendmehi I foibiddifig appropriate ions by States for liectarla n schools. —A dispatch from Ottawa, Canada, states that Instructions have been inmedii.vrtito.))lllllsry, J)epartment to withdraw all volunteen3 from the front, no trouble appearing to. exist there. ta r alnoledo to Lexington 0., tlin ik =eet the lialtimospluaLt -itasiikSied ; 0 on last,, e t with .f. Edwin Con ant, of New,yotk. —A re§oititian proposingan amend ment to the State konstitution, pro; hibiting the use of any public funds for sectarian. schools, was :.objeeted to in the N. Y. Senatees out of order., —A capital of seven 101613°Mo:d -iem has been suberibed in New York for the purpose of. greeting a Cryskti Pablo lbetheapproaehingi laWra. tional Exhibition ltr that city. —Five thOUSand bushels of oats were soh \ on 'Qhauge, at Claleago, Satufthiy, deliverlatile 11l Neely tion-et•intelligenee that h Fenian army had occupied the Red River inuntry. --,TheStAieorge Society of New Mork celebrated the anniversary of St. Georgetaud,of Abe, natural day of Shakespeare Saturday evening. Wm. Cullen "tyrant was one of the . sPqakeri 3 . —Five_ companies of the Sevenih • tryrnourat Fort' Leaveraiirlh, re under orders to proceed to Port rmigvtavi:nr:utt?„ittz,trli command. —Some excitement prevails in Charleston, S. C., miffing city officials and holders of city securities, owing to) Of vpmerit I;tfiegirtaiWiters °fhb& e dity stack' tb 1 y city property to satisfy their judgments. —An attempt to rob Southwark bank, at Philadelphia, whose vaults contained over ten millions of dollars wad frustrated Saturday night. The burglars escaped . They were using qor.!ix Ripers implements. , c--erhd impelling the registry law throughout the State, except New York oty: has passed the New York Assembly ; also a bill amending theiolectian law by plaiting 616nx1 voters on an equality with whites. -There is u great freihet in the Mississippi river. On both the Illinois and lowa sides a great part of the country and some towns along the river are, overflowed; and much damage has been done to railroad and private property. —A two story frame house on Indi ana street, Chien st, last week. fell to the ground, a of ‘fiVe feet, by the cavingto of the underpinning. Four fatuities • occupied the upper story,and three families the first floor, but, strange to no :one was 'ajar eiumns nments r Mess, were visited on Thursday ' by the State Constables, and 85,27.1 gallons of liquor and 12,000 of ale seized. One dealer lest $4,000 worth of liq uor. No resistance was offered dur ing the seizure or removal. " —A dispatch from St. Paul, Minn esota, Saturday, says the rivers are fitillurrapidly, and wilhout general rains, °twist& there is rio prospect, the water will soon be at the usual stage. The farmers have not for many years had so &voluble a time for putting in their crow. The mer cury on Friday, in the shade, stood eighty-five degrees. '77P10 'Cincinnati Board of, Trade have' recointhemled Certain amend meets to Senator Sherman's Cincin nati and Chattanooga‘ Railroad bill, which will, if adopted, in the estima tion of the Board, enable the Trus tees appointed to build the Cincinnati Southern Railroad under the ten million loan to enter upon the con struction of the road under the national charter. —A dispatch from Wheeling,dated April 21st,. sag: Forty or fifty of the ponyjais confined lit AWlieniteq tiaryat Moundsville eatOreoiP info tt •conspiracy to escape, and on Tues day, evening last overpowered two of the ,guards, taking the keys of the cells, and after stripping the guards attired two of their number in their clothes, who were put on guard to disarm suspicion. In this manner the relief was deceived and ca s tared, and the plot seemed to be working to their entire satisfaction, when at six and a half o'clock la the evening the guard who should have reported at thy gate failed to appear. Suspicion was aroused, the guard and citizens became alarmed and collected at the gate, awl were marched to the hall wh'ere the instruments were; and on •refilsing to ems° their rolistance they were fired on, and a convict named Charles Moore, wasserloualy Woul4 - ! ed. The reinainder surrendered at discretion. New Adeertiliements. ATTENTION HoAszzes OZ, Having. rented the Fair Groutitts of the Beaver County Auden Mind Society for the Summer of 1870, for the purpose of truinunt'nnd developing speed Of Hums, I otter to those interested, to Unlit, Hemet upon the following Waist' One Home, Owner . to tied Feed 4 .sll.per day. ea _s.l I 4 Cult Horses; ;Owner to find Feed, *I ..)0 Per t ll O 4 -:. OdeTforse, 'Peed per day. Two More', Feed. Furuisl4, 4rl per day. • . Fij' ;Exhibition, BEAVER,' NAT 5Th. Contest of Beaver arid Allegheny Counties. - .1 TILE ENTRIES ARE "SAII 11=4" PrsbuFgh, ENTERED BY S. ANE. •. SHAAOPEE," Bpaver Co., ENTERED BY IL NEELY. The Horsesentered in ibis race are ri• vat pacers, havingheretofore made close •ly centesteAl matcpoa I feel as in prom isinr, the public an intereadng and excit ing contest. Admiliance cts. Postly 2lckets $1 , 'GOBI open at 12 cecina.: kiorloll 'sax/ - at 1 o'elock . . - : -• • - • U. NEELY; Limisei.! Irpi. a r. I.llo* WU& Phi` ski • —ollllco r.rig„., • uay,_9l4Nolays Carnet; at 44 . tt, • . on May street. *Bleldirowater, • • =errand Med, - twin - MO spr97 •- . I Amnon , in D , ELWe-HIVE . 1 v etr 1 6 4 1 0 , a ro .. ow, 01 ,, , , ,, , , ,,. at 4 We U pay nom ;11 to $l5O pry .mantb, and all ezpenees. Hone and wagon tarnished by the company. Beat of references Wren. 1% , 71,,m required. Call MINIM k co.. • 7 11 0/11., Pittabargh, Pa. Atitir 1, 704904 lit--A Swint of s ,J0&14 MANOR.. a r i t 3l l ,2. ' • ' this county. Jos( B. ' , roma, auareiviva•Aw, Bearer. Pe. Ocoee and resident. on Thum tlt. east of the Court House. All law business =dm. sivted to - my tam shall - recilt4 t atteatioa. F. AliM , treader Wane Met C 1 1 'Se*. 'and 4thoile wild* fill buy Wets . Mid of ton Mod*. tuy tpielt Woo mod by, pillar my E u teM7gesi Th is eli g t iis . 1 De l liw& • a u a in P a -Lek 1 vio ll 1 1 In pins Parastrylvasia mad Wow Arm , .ee ivik- Wt.t_ll.lWleses BnuschOgita =AWLS', 16. J. Alli. Lily INSURANCE CO.. lA. W. calm of rd I.llmandt Sloe, Philird. . spentt Biiigley)3 gAr.ctißAL , ,:vistoirt. Oblorivektumbit Inhalesly interesting account oleo billidte twis et habits sad modes allsearlyalvery 'Wa ty wa , Special*/ hearth birth Wm, tatectiotlptiles. twonoscs sad hatassicala of glabh Fries the Ihroaus Lao dm low vol ume Whined with, birch alditiach taws the west celobestal satarsibts of Wage- .Caapbte is ohs = ed hsaileasesselbate of lON pages. sisl34us. m with 100 a splrteWL , engravings. • dawn it• suit SA • normus. Mould aatsell, Ns to ow, any.book.hs the told. Tunas tits mod tlhersl. Tall late west hie. Address A. H. EIIUSSAIIIO, "d b., 400 Chestnut Ste, !kW". • IsprS73w Ten• . .Yetufril zn . red iioomr,Aosicro stANTED To szut. Itrostonfeed thstlastest OeillorkSOY Out. • Ons Aping newts ill strawns t* 6 dap. It Includes all tht s =Merton* sd Ii the face. of I t i.3 llfl 6t'the r thQr ! ( =rs67/ s=l,Dm Meld atramany other.. Pitied with illwarattolu. Gnat Indoesments to svotst Seed for 4:tutus toOMORTIIINGTON. /MIMI , 6 co., litotrostl. (bon. .4111 w TRY MOORE & COB (WILLSTEEL ENOBAT. INOB, 111 Mamma Ba., .10 Y. Anybody can Pill Weal. .Cheep. Sell Last: ,Pay handsomely. Bead foe new circular. [spt6;4w GREATCHANCEfor AGENTS 117Sitiu, Ilkpr •Wo to employ a moo* every Conway t ahlatult iNalne„ coporalsekm or w16241n p r IlOrkl Ammo . Wire _,l.4:almia , k ma. e War. it- C=courers, 'Pa William or Spa- &rod, Q 1& go. czt2 LIFE IN'UTAH = MYSTERIES VIIIIRIMISM By J. BEADLE, HAIM, of tile Salt Lithe Deposita'. BEINU am:EXPOSE rAf !lair SECRET RITE:I4;'CEREMON7AS rtsul CRIM —With a full and authentic bistory of Isplygni. oily and tho Mormon Sect, from its origin to ths Ereant time. • ' • CAORN Lietrel=. 6 tett r ti each boo contains 33 tine engraving*. and SW glues. AGENTS WANTED. • Send for Circulars and see our tenon and a - full deskripthm of the work. •Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING O. Philadelphia. Ps. • amtglivr. . , WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS: After much study end scientific Investigation as to the remedial qualities of •Csanotar Am, Dr. Wells has discovered by proper oomblnethin with other article, In the form of a Tablet,• specidc fa ■ll pulmonary disuses. Tllk.3lt TAR!. arer SURE CURE for all diseases of the !INSPIRATO RY OROANS, SORE THROAT. COLD, CROUP, DIPTLICIIIA„ As= NA. CATARRH. or lioanst emus: also, a successful remedy for Kidney anal... Pities 13 czars per Box. meet by mail upon receipt of mice, by JOHN IC ICRLLOGO, Cilif street, Now Yoy, Solo Agent for the Uni ted States. sprfavw THE NEW ARTICLE OF FOOD, Ibr Twenty-Fire ants itou can buy of your Druggist or Grocer,a package of SEA MOSS FARINE, nuntafac lured front pure Irish Moss or Carra gera, which will makesixteenguarts of Blanc Mange, and a like quantity of Puddings, Custards; Creams,. Char- Mild ROWER:AO 11,4140irpi•Ttlia-H cheap:it, healthiest. and n'aiAirdelitious food in the warld.' RAND SRI MOSS WINE Co. 53 I'.rk 19acC, A. Y. Mil - 1860-X This womb.rful Vegetable Restora tive is the shed-anchor qf the feeble and debilitated. _tx a Thnic and Cordial for the aged and languid, it has no equal among stomachics. .Is a reme dy for the IVervouN Wevkness to which Women are especially sulded, it is sit perscediny every other stimulant. In alt climates, tropical, tiuiperate coi• friigid,-it .ids tis a sYecific'in (wry sPi cies of disorder which' undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. For sale &i all Drug mar:lo..l3ns FM TOE GREAT MEDICAL DISC9VERYI Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. -11 Moro than 500 1 000 Persons fill Bear testimony to them Wonderful g Curative effects. p WHAT ARE THEl*l 9 .n.r3 E ;via44o G~~ Cy y .0 0 .1 5 FANCY t - s# Made of Poor Runs, Whisky, Proof' Inplr -104 and nefune Liquor., doctoredPipiced, and aweetetied to pleu.e the take, called • Ton. Ica," A ppetiu.re, • "Itertorers, S:c., Mat lead the tippler on to drunkeuuerm and ruin, but are a Roe medicine, r4 e from, the nativoitototil and Bethnal tlilto Amu nrellb 061001100 Inlets ain't/6 Tit y tr./MO(1111RA BLOOD P VIII I Ell and Life Giving Principle. • perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the aye tent, carry Ina otr all poi.onous matter, and renter log the II:00d to a healthy rood:dun. No parson eau take Olean Bitters according to direction., and reirtalii long unwell. $lOO will he elven for an Incurable clue, provld• ed the hones ore Dot destroyed by mineral pal atine, or other mimes, and the vital orzans wested beyond the point of repair - Dor Indansensitery Citrunie I/Yea. mensal and Goon. Dyspepsia, or Judi. deletion, BU lions. Itenaltsent, and in - tertnittent Vevers i Diseases of tits Wood, LI ver, Kidneys and Bladder,theee Miners here been most sacceedul Sisal Dist eases are caused by Vitiated Blood.. which is generally produced by the deningenieut of the Digestive Omens, Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yori And pt hz iwi r aaltii . thimg h ie i l t ei w fttiPe d r, waz,.seiciPt. *Ann it I. lonl,and your feelings gill reit yon when. Keep the blood pore and the health of the system will fulluiv, PIN. TAPE and other WORMS, Inking In the system of so many thousands, are euectually de artiyed or removed.. Li Dinkins, Remittent sod Itimmlttent Fevers, these bitter. have no equal. Ferran direction. read carefully the drunk, award each bottle, printed In four languages English— German, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor, 114 Commerce tit., N. Y. .11.. U. 31cD,ONALD Ai CO , Druggists and Agent., San Yektisxl tad lisenslasto, Callteals, sad at 31 onduerca Sl. N Y. Dr MOLD BY ALL DRUGUISTS AND DEAL. Eig4. imaglg;3m It Matto Comb Will eimn g c any colored halr or beard to a permanent black • r Mown. It contains no polaon. Any one oin ban It. One gent by mall for $l. Address-- ' BiAGic cows co., Sprintraeld, Iliad. • sn!traU;nm _i_ ......_ TOR FAMILY 143 E —Simple. G . Arap. Kttm rrrArrunco. ' AGI6NT9 WANTED. CD ciliar and amok! •arcking FREE. Addrevo RINK. LEY KNITTING MACIILNIC CO., Bath, Mr.. or / 75 . 111 1 1 4 V, 0 1 . 1' It 'A `. 11°4443°1 Ts. illehiliT7'• D.,llaving pavement () • ly located In Beaver. would respectfully lap der Ina professional services to the citizens of Bea rer sad aurroundlug mown , . Special attention paid lo the treatment handmrd dlacases. Surgery done with akillful Office on Third street, - • few doors wort of the Court Ileum. aPnrklttam • tlAñt I [..for Foundry ,eßlair 'Shop. • Raring been Braised In the foundry Businima for morn than thirty )earl..—daring which time I have accumulated a variety of metal patterns, he• aides onatractiqg models and taking out patents _ COOKING- STOVES --elta tltethaft tbaeouttly tested there lE. peareesienta,- fool waseated la othrlag tbsta to the ' Nsr The 'lbriesupr :invillrsllif lima lid OW. peeler (or llabs Locapty. . ;-4, i 61: f t ( 6 ; # Storm of Different Sfyidi lin : llating and Cooking, The Great Reptile" Coottog Rote Ms the bent Record of 1114 glare ever offered In thin market. Tbo following osmenrOXsons—havlng purchased and used the Crest Skylablle Cooking Oboe foe some 'length of Woo.-are confidently referred to to notify to Its salmi°, inestts &cooking-storm . . 130 Morten Jos II 231 Moroi, Wm 251 Morton Abner 233 Mitchell Mrs Jana SW Murphy Ilatnuel -••••-••• • Vl6 Myers . 257 M me 233 Miller 251 Miller -- 9171 liAloreliamuel 266 Maxwell DAlliti • 261 Martin Mrs Joseph Kt Morgan Thew 404 Morrow Andrew VA Mukr Milo N 1116 Mitchell David 467 Musser David 266 Marks John Y 231 Moon Doct Maxwell Mrs 471 Middleton Wm 472 Metz Geo 473 Marmot,. Jacob 474 MomtJ Lutes 273 Moore Samuel 1176 Morris 'ROB . 477 Moore Ms Russell 1 Mister Frank ; =ftllk-John • 3 Mlles Mrs. Jahn 3 Smith George • , 4 O'Leary Mrs' -- 5 Preach George 6 Grim Prank If Anahlube; l l 9 13 Andrews rs Robt 11 Acheson Duct 15 Allen William 16 Anderson Jame. 17 Allison James 18 Arin,tead Mrs 19 !Indianan Walter JO Baldwin Marquis 31 Beacom Thomas 22 Bradshaw Thomas 21 Bradshaw Mib 21 Dadaism Hobert 23 Bradshaw nos 51 Braden John 27 Dentin Achor 28 Boren James ga bovington Capt. 30 'Bryon Mn. Ann 81 Baker Beery 113 Bicker...tag Wm - 218 -Beat' Nand • Dwrgett•Bostcra 27 Bradford Homy •, se Istackmore Joseph i• 37 Boroughs D. 84 • I 88 Borough. M Jr ga Mullen ileury . . • 4 l =st il ta II :- • 42 Bonin James jr. 43 ikinper Philip, 45 Beg David .46 B eal* i ns. emi jel 46 lte et Srlese from . 46 Bear. Pal Brewery 49 Bru ßarn tgews Patrick • , 50 • 51 IloyieJobn C =ss Bates Jawanh 63 Buda Geot2tl 64 Mask, John , 65 on H 56 B a h 5757 Bowel! Will • tin, Bastion,. Watt • ' - 69 Baler Jailors A• 60 Brawn Mn 61 Beciteral John Border John 63 Bats Joseph GI CU* VAinarti 63 Oeidwell Mies B • G 6 CIOWP Joseph 47-Coach JAMS" P. • 67 Crawford James CO Child. William 70 Cairns Judge 21 Calhoun Littld S Cai dna this T rd 74 CChurair E rd rl,l 73 Custard Win f"tetillis 73 Clark Samuel A 71) Camber John tU Coakle James 81 Cimulughain John Si Clown' James M St empty - S 1 Criswell bob' W. 85 Cool W SG Caldwell .Yu ti 7 Coleman William tS Coleman George - P3T•OrlttlDtinfBl 90 Colvin Stephen • Jll.Cllandler Dr TJ 92 Charley James 93 Demon Jpeeph Dmican Jotm 95 - Dsrle Milton 30 Paplep John Daeldstan Was • 118,1Janlap Samuel B. iiM p utlie W s -1 . 1 - C ' . . 279 Mordies Jamie 110 Morrow John • $t May Mn. Widow MI bligWe lob. 10 - Mariaa ..- 0N( McCreary A 0 ; , An MetOsesT,Wra , i An 11.1rwiryAasaas , anM'Crillongh John !I AM 'lTCulloniiiik Robert ICCreary Dr J D AO ICCriwereryyAS,Win ' Wel2 Co ' MeDennltt Joseph, 193 McDonald At 191 McDonald Mrs M WS MeDeiwilit James 201 McDonald (NA Ah. 197 McDonald CIO A MB McDonald Win PM McDonald 1O -.lllePerrais 8 8 Mu lljenrnin Joseph Al MCGehan lama 393 . , I =l ,73.1811:i aos McMillen McKenzie Jonathan 3.11 McKee Jame.. JOB McGlaughlin John 30/ IdcLaurillin Thus SW McMillan Uri 311 X'Caakey Itobt Jla McNary Jame* 31:1 XcPhillonay Mn 714 McMichael* . - :115 Mciloffrn Wm.! 1:116 McDanjois Thomas 111 elictlonnld norm. weit4 alumni • 219 AL:Coy Mccrovier IMO nrenlkiontrJohn 31.1 M• Donald Mn. Col J M•Donalti Antivirus 343 Weans Mn. Widow 711 MclicnrariJsmos Mrs McKonzio John L nr, Ochner Josep_h Pugh Benj. F 3 8 Patterson Mrs SL Pa4ly Plerck•. Alfred Sll. Pierce Annin szr Pierce John !nal Phillips ftwell Nam ersz. Porter Wm ril • Parlmr Doct 111? Plekirn !**i Yruadolt JOMI 2ri ['taker Maj. 340 PlO4O. Thee 311 ?Mlle Mu Mary 344 Peddle .1 M 343 Peet/aid Wei 344 Pidillejlem YIIMtTI U 4 7 14 341 ['adenoma 213 ['adman 319 Parte W ;3:0 Quay Mn 1451 Heed 1111 ton 101 Dunn-- 102 Danis Than R 103 Doctor 104 Darling Joseph 13111113• C Wm. 106 Dist.bar Samuel 107 Ponds Wm 21 1101 Dunlap Widow It/J Detaley John 110 Davidson John 111 Dowling William Ili Duncan David 113 Darling Free Ili Dan sou Robert 113 Dawson Wm. 110 Mweon SP 21 117 Derringer NI It 1114" worth Mrs Rev 119 Evans Geo. Itu Einhrie Robert 125 Engle Washlust= 122 Elliott 13, 2 12.1 Elverson nunlike 131 •L‘una ltuis2l 125 Erwin Chas Ewing Win 117 gmbaalth Jain' 12n E.ans Itoden 139 Elliott Oliver 111 hdelb tits, F 131 lackler Daniel 111 ERlott u dson 111 Edgar lett 11' I,lll_ Erscip et ElslJnoet 4.e 1.- 1212.11seliklin Ben) 137 Fronk Solomon VG Fiddler Jacob 189 Fiddler Cleo 140 Funkhouser J W 141 Feint navy 145 Halton Ifni Oleo 143 Preach Capt Hs Fullerton Johit 145 FriEclo Robert tat Frazier John A 147 Pankhouser Joseph 14s Fugle Frans 110 Ferguson JOtu 122 Fleming Win 131 FankhomerJonsrn 152 Ptah sawn= 765 intaClo ll J 1600dden 210217 . LiOrley --- 156 Grove Boehm In Grove John , mu Grove l/lheon John (I Iwo Glenn Woodson IN Capt E. L 102 Graham 116 In 163 llndiani Char "IN Grist Samuel Gob'e k Cta Ina Goble A Co 107 Goble a CO 111§ blonle ' Ida (4111.41111 120 oihh John 171 WA John , 173 Grey lit elalr 173 Gormley Samuel 171 (boso r n Comp T f„ t I°* 175 i t 17n 'lanterns. 179 Hunter lip iloom WM. lilt lIVISLeIO 122 Lldleetts I% I 193 llolstelu 199 Haute. Kelley Ss/ Higgins Meted L kat 11111 k Lenz • IS9 Ilmt.don Honed la 9 Ileurici it Lena 1911 Houllet Frances 191 Householder Mn 1011 Darren Ephraim 'WI Hamilton (3110 • 194 Hunter Wm 195 111111 Hold S 11.16 Misting IJ7 Meting John 1519 Harvey Albert NU Henderson WAD II *IO ilotau44 s etial. 9111 gauldow 3 201 Ingram oho W . AZ 1111:111131 Matthew am Jackson John an 'Johnstone/int tat log Jackson Dr Jar le ail Jackson Andrew W nel Jeckeon Omen am Johnston Thompson' 310 Johnston Jatnes 211 Junes 111 Inckson Andrew 118 Jackson Orval 114 Johnshhe'RevCaller 215 Johnston J 116 James Wm • 117 Known; James 119 Enterer Fred 219 Kaman Fred 220 Kirk Adam si ill Kirk Adam it 229 Kffatelrsigat6a, 323' Kronen Samuel zu Knight Richard az Kennedy Seams! LW Kuhn E P Esq. 937 Klkiss 8 C. halaso C lifAlterrAni 231'genahlt 1.• 231 Loble7 John Ikl loodraeekgr jamb, 981 UOVL David lan Lowery otm CU towels 1 .4022 Win L " • ma Lain Kra Joh Sill lon es aki Nutt 212 1141 Litte 1'706 011 W110' „ ph 34.3 Lanni Cholla ItH Ldnhardligirszlni: 245 Liu David 246 Lldeley Thomas UT Leonard Daalal SU Leiter J'Ohtt 219 iildel/alOO Mra TWO liavtojr let aboataansmtuasepm to the pane as n.• apriktrir Itreu Dixun 3.7 Rlcberoutt Ji.on 41 4 Roh.Thon Wm Jr 3.1:1 Ito. Mr, 3;0 Itur7 Cala James 131 Reef.% WllLatu Reno Ell 44 Samuel Pit MAI, Win :2r: Heed Joel I kid Robertson W W 13J Reno 1n Rode, James 311 Moult.. Jame* 11 rat lined ---, 37) Honey Copt James 3171 Riley Mies V 3 Russell James Eu Xmases Joint .. 'Rambo Wm it Es,lieed lilnun 3.19 Roger 3J9 Russel) Ittwell Ttioame 3411 Heed Ormond Reder - Iter 383 Smith John W 0 34 Stens II , 3,43 Stowe !Prom ' 335 Shiver lice 341 lihdeY &Chard add !Glom ... WS Sherds .fl..h gal Smith Andrew 391 Sankey M. X 391 Shorts Aaron .193 Stewart William 391 Sager Wm Mgt liawhlll Rev MI6 Salbunt Henry MX Stewart JAM. MX Satin IMalel 999 Strack. Wm 401.8teribig 114Jottia all Shatter ---- 4413 Stile. Mn Same! 411 Strowbocker George iallaimlth Mrs Joseph :NZ Stevens Mrs It :4311 Seral Geo '1431 Spencer Joseph 443 Smith Roberti,. 140,1 Speyer Geo C 0 Smith Ephraim 1411 Scott Das Id It. . ',ll3tilmewniter Joseph s di l il t s tagt. Jaunts it.,. !In Sliilll Rile Peter i 41n Taylor Samuel 411 Taylor Jorepb 41s Thumpeon Tomei i 419 Dooms M. In ;Thurnsa Japes , :trultu'ili ' 1 -3 Thompson 414 Touelaill Mn 4 3)1'0710r Won .4 Si Todd Ben) esti 4 G. Todd Sarno , ' 413 S'Tosrnsernt Chas' 439 Ten Richard 1434 Towusead Beets P . 4 11 Townsend Howard 4 34 Winans J V 4 . 14 Wayand Mrs V A 434 Weyand Mn. A iac. Wilson Fronk t rq 436 Wilson iLieorr,e 13i t. arrock James 1.14 Wallace -- 4410 White Awes 440 .Wala po Robt li hlln t ti 4goooJob 444 413 Wagner W m Webb Stephen 4 44311,1 Wray Whlte Ales 40 WandeJoksr ' I 4114 Williams Wirt 443 Wharton o P 4 33 Workman Mn 431' Wilson Rev 4T' Winans - Dr Isaac 453 Winans Capt J S 4H+ Waddle Thor 141 1, Wo'l Criss g A Irt Walton 111ninuel, 498 Wolleot Jonathan 4.74 a) Wallace 461 A' hitle Derld 466 Wl4 Jame 466 Wrigtd Thomas Wright i John W therJuhl 111. , 466 WA I George 467 Wrlght Andrew WhiteMli lakes; I 467 Wilson Illarmaduke m 49) 'W WarnoJ 0hn4.9 James yatt". 471 Wymer Adam Ten 6 John .16 amp 114 T o a.: or 6 ie& f VA Laid' yirta Bhflrom TP;4, I - 1 E w. . Mani John.. 476 . Rnye Qua 466 op R s Rev I) P. trV atim knos .Vm aabsil Wa &obit Ileg, win Slatir" ' 16 6 i'eakiren s 410 5W 4 014 Jaeob ' 491 Irotam4 John 499 'Woo& Joseph . ,CrUcidow 469 Madman Tier 90919111 an Mal. Ail - • -I.lllliralettented 11*e"eo`~ilve"i%t ~aemeriiir: OF FISK it lIATCII, • .RAN-KERS ,- , '',' AND MINIM No.ll ifaiimu BfaIIT, NOW 'roc Maury 15, The wourkabie enemas which Weeded oar ne• toPit i ß, the 3 paa. 4l 7 l be 0 11 Wro4 1, gamine liarnitals Colivine asil r'_e-oasraaar Patl7lo RaIIOAD CO Kraal, and the popalarlty msd ere& it wide thilee Liensit bare malittelstil ti itM w. .kola, both 1011. 1 at .7 ,, 47 / . 1 . 1 C 14 haV"Vr r i tha. the "Il i /Mine Barra it wtiar located and tuntanibly imaged Hafineds W. promptly reowydred and readily bikes as the moat callable :diehta twnror haaretvient, yield ing • more liberal amount than can Wanner be derived from Government Bondi, and available to Min awl: place. • beamed that, In the eegalloa and negotltioa o f iroperior Reiland Loans, an are meeting a great public want, and rendering L'valeabki . aerriee— bolk 60#4? ofNU end to those great National worts of internal Improvement wbeeeln alnafe merit and anbehintlelebapieter entitle them to Choose of capital lad allk 1:011AdeaCO of lareet ce4.--ire now 'egkeeritle special coollidenoo end FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS eusgialb niokii Weal waif. The Chesapeake and Olga Railroad. ertietteg 'the Allende tweet and the magnilleent batten of tbelliempeake Day with the Ohio river at • point of rellebte navigation, and tho4;rlth the entire rani"( ordeal' sod water ;treittipaftl , !that fd, tie OR( Southwest; torsi :' addl- Linatal . naiad amt Trash. Liao a to hnparatively desonauLed,fortbo ancoomodatlon of thalsonense aattnipidly growing transpowatton between the Atlaatil seaboard and Rarope to the One band. and the great predating reghina of the Obto and Mlatobatppl Valley. on the other. The importance of Waived ma new outlet train the West to the an magnifies It into one of nation al ttrat'lnectice, std intones to It an extensive thiviuttit.totffie front lie day of Its ixoupletiftb; to toe; develiptaent WM, erten/dee' hitt cullers/ and inineval Income of Virginia and West Virginia, It possesses, along It. own line, the elements of a large and profitable local but. =1 Thu. the greet Intereets, both rdteral mid local, which demand the completion of the Glkeapeate and Oidolhaliroad to the' Mblo river, acrd the intent pumice of Int somas and mane, and render it She most &aporient and ertetantial Rail- road entrrprire now in prayers. in Mir Coonlry. Its superiority as an East and Wet route. and the promise or au Imincuoe and profitable trade awaiting ha completion, hare drawn to It the a:- tuition and eo-operatiou of prominent Capltalima and Itallicani trizn of thia city of Nomad judgment and knowthhhegircy, Whore \connection with It, togeitiMi with Oat 1.1) eminent citizens allikhoill oma me;i'ef-Virgiula and-Went Virginia, Inourex an energetic, honorable, and aucc,neatal manage C=l3 Tim Reid is completed and In operation from Richmond toile celebruted'lVlalte Sulphur Springs of West Vitgtels, miles, and there remain but WO miles t now partially constructed/ to be rumple- tcd to carry it to the proposed terminu a ou the Ohlo river at, or near the mouth of the Big Bandy firer, 100 Mika atiovosib littunatl, and MO adieuatl, below Pittsburgh. Lines ant now project.' or hawser., through Ohio and Kentacky to this point, which will con nect the Chesapeake and Ohio with the entlro Railroad 'retorts of the West and bouthwian.aud with the Raclile Railroad. Reed Milo Russell Mr, Reruns 'Wm Reed Martino:l Its valutLits frauctilses ana ocipOor astvants4;se will plaec the Ches 4parke S 0414 Rt. lifted C 0..- party a mong the riche: stud must powerful and trustworthy corporations of the counts y ; and there 11..mb0 ILattliew Itanklu ,e slate a prOLMI valaa. la campkted road and Work dime, equal to the eutim amunut of th Cl= The details of the Loan have been arranged with special reference to thd wards of alt i tlasses of in; v.tura, •ud combine the curious (lunar. or cm et:Mance, safety, and protection against lass fraud. 1 Ihe Bonds are in denominations of $lOOO, 8300 nud 8100. They will b. lamed Si cinema Bead*. Jtiyable to Beams., and may be bald la that form ; or The bawd may be registered In the name of the owner, with the coupons remaining payable to bearer attached, the priacipat being then trans ferrable only as the books of the Company, unless reassigood : to Warm - The asipiros may be detached eta eacellled,'6l boud made a pees/swat Registered Bond, traus. lerrable, only on Clto books of the Compass, and the let:mrt mode payable only to :be reelatered Owner or his attorney Thor throe dames art II be known rtipectivaly - Coupoa Bowls payable lo Ileurer." ;ReOstervl Bonds irUn Cuupepa atteicAral; Ste` . /6.7lefeerd bonds' utif,l Coiepois efeiaßli and vhuald be au deolgusaml by cortespood tuna olpxlfyln,..: Ibo cl+w or hoods dcolred They bay.* thirty limas to tin 'rum January IS, 1S D. With latarn;t or.tx per cent per annam from November I, Inr4b. Principal and tuterert P.7ablOW.F.lOlO tha air atNaw York. •i• • ' The hitereat la payable In May and November that It may take the place - of that of'the earlier lw sues of }yto•Twenttoa, sod suit the convenience of our friends w ho already bad Central and We. tem Calcine Bondi. with Interest payable In Janu arr and .1011, nod 'who may desire, In making additional Inviiittueuts, to have &hell . . 'lnterert re celvidgekt ddiTwoeukaeroow. of tbitywor. The Loan le eecur,el by • yobrlgice upon the calm Line of Meet fteuit lildnuood to the ()hid river. with the Nonmetal and all other, property sod appurtenance* conuected therewith. A Slaktuit Food of $ 1 04. 1 300 Per Inn"' I. V° sided fur the rettemptum of the Buctlo, to tak • ...ffret Out, year after : Me completion of tfic Hoed. Tim mortgoge La far #15,0(11000, whk.ll tiYlOO 030-104 birrrtined gad - befit In trier ibithe -re demption of outstandlng Banda of the liiryloin Central Railroad. Company, now merged: In the L'isaodyniti rt Ohio., • • tbi mttaillthgsll,olX,ltboe, a euttclint amount will ha add to complete the rood to th . e Ohio river. perfect and improve the portion now in operation. and thoroughly equip the whole for a large and. %Tama '.Vm The preseatpriee hi 90 ilia atoned Intentst Lain so rimply .ugured, so areralli guarded. Ando* certain iirmatter in command • prominent place 'MN the teeth' ifeedridas 111 Me mirk - eta, l gotlaef Ma country aad Einem nen lb it OOP appssetatad and.iptkdar Tag refpecultus, PISS •I• FLATCK Y..-Fe a" limed paspalats mutable: left Mrecatale,itatlstlesl &tunably', ettoddele aima apptleatfati. 1"111hi buy rid moll rialto tie lama Is of Maks. Basikies, anrcirs don& and otbsl+l, stabled ebeek at sight, as 4 altor lateost pa daily balsam; • • apadm. Tllia, =11:=1 Illaskeny Seeds, sad 7ipis4wn..is Column. A. HANAUER, CORNER 'OP 13TUDGE ATM MARKET STREETS, Bridgewater, pa., Calla attention to the het that be hu nor I ON HAND, AND WILL RECEIVE DURING THE SEASON, The Latest Styles of Spring and Summer Millinery Goods, CONSISTI.NO OF Trimmed & Untrimmed Bohnets do Hats, RIBBONS, OF ALL WIDTHS , AND COMMIS, FINE LACES, FRENCH FLOWERS & WMA. RNTS. I would also Inform mv Customers "iul the Publiz that I have Engage] First Class Milliners, And will take pleasure in Shan-taw You the Finen Bonnets and Hn.ts Ever made In Beaver County In Fancy Goods, HOSIERY, GLOVES 771fMMIN'A, )TI ONS, OUR STOCK IS C'OMPLETE, Alalwe will sell at prieva to desert.. the FAVOR OF ALL A. HANAUER, Corner Bridge and Market Sired" BRIDGEWATER , PA WILSON'S IIIIILDING; NEW A9IIIOiITON, Pa., And Opposite Nixon House ALIANCE, 0. Bonnets & Hats •Blembeil and PIVISIXI IN TIIE MOST APPROVED STYLE. aprltit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers