== The Beailei'Aitt*° itesreelliet. i -Circulation Over Twelv6 Hunded. Rates of Advertising. I , - - Ow. M. Sok: ow :iy ear ,q,--1011u.s. 31 00 Sale $6 00 $ 00 p ow equ+reu• do 0 00 09P• T SO /CI 00i 16 01) Nrrg: do 600 000 1:1 1 3 113111111! .... 'a ail nos ..tal soveAsi '1:4113/0 11 ..... - 11 OD 11 00 IP Oil 00 N1UM111..,.. 13 00 fa 00 ft 110 00 and 1133matote Notke6.43 00 tesimati. nude gala eata, which A 'ruing Ltiiolll 1 rlil ntillret I ;V INymenti I , tra,lent *di per ttnt tome - S - lOte of heThermometer fee the . ending the 30th of Oct., 1800. 9; P. •M. 9 P. M ENN3 t h.t. 24-35 dg. 45 deg. . .94: deg. ~ 2,5 30 deg. 45 dog. iV, deg. •.% 'A dog. 46 dog. , deg. :. 27 :.% deg. 44 deg. deg. ... 28 39 dog. 50 dog. .4 deg. .. '29 42 deg. 45 deg. 4' dog. ;p1 3{ dog . 39 dog : • dog. It, T. TAYL R. - Sutoicelptions to the Beaver gus.—The following namod pen bard paid the sums sot opposite to 1 Ilalnel on subscription to Um Be dusts, since the date of our last Pi of ion : Lt.,. Todd, Ueorgotown, Wm. Smith, New Sheffield, Kilo I. Brighton tp„, J. F. Mitchell, New Brighton, (l. 'Ullman, Georgetown. J. W. Smith, Homewood, Its. M. I:reliant, Boavor, I idtveV .1. ISeCrecy, Beaver, 'nit attention or the pOilie In dl [he following Now Advertise hivh appear for the first time In 014 to -day Dentistry.—T. J. Chandler dr Son Bounty Account—North Seivlekl N'ow goods—Speyerer & Sone. Special Notices—Hugo ./kirdr'nem Special Notices—Speyeror &Sons. Special Smith Jr. Co. Special Settees -3. H. 3en4 ir-Blank Slibpa.nas for male at tho smizieg velvete very cheap at BentWie From Quarto to Follo.—This Pitta burgh Gazette and tho Pittsburgh Dis patch have both abandoned this quarto form of publication and resumed the fo lio. Sonsiblo. The boat assortment of ,lotionie;iTilm filings & Millinery goods, and all new, i t' be found at Will Smith mond, Iteelnuder. i a. Select Iteadings.-11,re. Randall, ad eastern lady and vor:y highly spoken of, will give an entertainment at Concert Hall, in Now Brighton, on next Friday wining. or'lliank Notes roc sale at the Azov' office Ladles purchasing alpaca's sho{ildex amino Biniee's stock beton) purCliiiallg' tolsowhere. I ' ,i Oyster no. Oyeter...-The cue of I lyßter va. Oyster occupied the attention' ttf the Columbiana Openly, (0.) court all I:c.t week. We will bet our last stamp that one or the other and perhaps - both 00 Mese bivalves will have their shells badly cracked before their case' in set t Icti. It can't be otherwise, Messrs. Opt ; r Funs! Fern!! a splendid assortment nl lienee'a, Beaver. • f Fora! lural! A good set of Siberian aquirielfurs from tal to $lO, at Bouceit, Heaver. IlandkerchlerLord.—A ladlealace handkerchief was lost on Inst Sabbath between the Presbyterian church and the residence of Thos. McCreery, esq• The tinder will be rewarded by leaving it at this office. ' rerßlenk htortgezes for wile et the Alleys of- Ladiem and Gents underwear, cheap aa Itetico's,lioavor, Assault and Battery,—Constable on last Monday, arrested Joseph sumo of Vnnport, for assault and battery oo oath of Thomas Burke. The accused gavo ball fur his appearance at next term of Court. ';/Viki. Smith dc Co.,' Rochester; sell hpaper than any store in Beaver eon has become the bseword or all. who with thorn. Call anti ace. Chasiged Misitids.—The last Local vanteins the valedictory of Thomp. Bur ton, esq., its - editor and proprietor for the past six %months. The paper now passes into the hands of W. 11. Schwartz, of Altoona, who Is said tithave had con siderable experience in the newspaper husitiess. What business Mr. Burton Wends following In the suture has not vat transpired. lie Iq; , e genial, good l warted man, and notwithstanding the revolt "oniticsittantnitt" we feel sorry ,at his laying down the quill in Beaver.— • limuicially, to both the old and ihe now editors. • hculde shawls, new styles for 1,549 at If.l74i<eaver. . litAxitiisti•Zn l / 4L ly $4.50 per pair, for white Ida Is, at Bence's. Wlthtult Commitments for tale, at the Mums Pilfering.—lt is understood that the pilferers of this vicinity are beginning to demonstrate again. Along about this .oueon of the year the "bummers" - who have not been working during the sum. begin to look around for something to eat and •wear through the winter.— smoke houses, hen roosts and dry good stores would supply them With what they want. Nocturnal visits to the.e will therefore be frequent and bold. It would ho well then for "everybody and the rest of mankind" to get their *hooting Irons burnished up and loaded, that when one of those depredators make. his nightly visits ho may he re ,rived in a suitable' nd cordial manner. For a stylish, cheap winter bonnet.. 1:1 , 111.4 ShMild leave their orders at Ilvtivo's. Beaver. • . .4h. immimse stock of goods just open ...l;a ittmeo's favorite oetablishMent in Itravcr. All In' want of anything'in our line give him a call. Sinielde.—On Friday morning last, Mr. Hunter Martin, a well-to-dd farmer re.i,llng about three miles west ofBalem, o ollatitted suicide by hanging himself in tho barn soon after breakfut. No cause I. assigned for the act. Financially ho good condition and prosperous, and all his doniestie relations pleasant and agreeable. Me was dead when dis covered, and his body cut do Tn by, bib wire. The general impression - la that toallowat derangement of mind was the Mr. M: was a member of the Presbyterian chtirch, and esteemed a ‘‘ , .rtlh3 and upright man. 7 -Suiern Rep. lift.iVErt DRUG STORE, Beaver, Pa. A fresh supply of choice groceries, Now crop Teas, &c., just received and for Ndo at the very lowest cash prices. • Now Crop; Gunpowder $l.BO per pound. Toting Ifyson, very choice,sl.6o to 1.00 per lb. Imperial, Oolong and ..lopatt team. Coffees, Rio, extra quality, to 9.8 cents per lb. Arbuckle & Gorm , ly's roasted .% eta. • huehSuen s ortmontofHata,Bonnepand French Plower - a at Will Smith et • Co'c i Itiwhester. • Ladies underwear,t leas than -Pitts burgh prices, at Will Smith& Co's., 114>- . t:hexter. - w; - - S. day evening at ahOut 7 it. M`it*FlMUft gds who bad a may stawl, thrown over 14 shoulders, etepind motor 01 4700 0 17 and tajOkOkilf i StireOr thin &M end Inquired*: welese.abirta' Mr. H. showed him his samples'and the fidlow selected one worth about I Aftir he had made the relation end bo kre he iiga Wt., he milted lobe abeam' . some °Mara: Mr. H. had Mmudon to go to a distant part of the store for the* and while away the semi> picked np the . Shirt, broke for the dimr and eampedout Into' the darkness befbre Mr. H. could arrest his Imonietion. His. course wss In the erection of Bridgewater, sad *out his nimbleness of (bet It it ealeulikld he reached that village In dant two tee alter ha left Beaver.: He hatinotlxmi seen or beard from since. He hisuPlai ed to have boon. a "strapped printer" who was In town on that day. SinCe the above was in type, we learn* of other exploits by 'this same fellow. During that mine night' he visited the dwellings of S. B. Wilson, WM. &Dm cley and M. S. Quay. From the latter an overcoat was taken, On Saturday night Prof. R. T. Taylor'intaidanne was entered and a large shawl taken . from a pocket book'containing sow n script, belonging to the Pietessoes littledatigh ter was also Mellen at the same Ilene. Suspicion hiving rated anon a stranger stopping at the Union Hotel, as the au- I thor of these depredations, Constable Griffin made a raid - upon him on last Sabbath evening, and finding the above enumerated articles, in his possession, Including Mr. Hanauer's shirt, he was ' taken into custody and is now In Ile gives his name as 'Maxwell. and seimia to be a stranger In this part Of the country. Ho represents himself as a printer, but evidently made up his mind that pilfering promised better pay,benco his embarking In that business. The property found in his possession has all been ,idenfified au* returned to the owners, with the exception of a num./ nitying glass " for which noowner haS yet I appeared. . • 2 erly. mint CM vor übll- 5200 aOO 450 a5O sOO zOO sOO ants 1 8 An- EV3 Lard! extra Cincinnati - , fresh, 25 cta. flee, Barley, Oatmeal, Craiked Wheat, Sago. Farina, 'Corn Stareh, Ataizona al ways kept on hand at link, Andrlemen'a Beaver Drug Store. tam Black kid gloves ninety cents a pair at Bence's, Beaver. Win. Fleming Jr. Co's. Groat Repre sentative Hat, Cap and lotdies , Fur House, N 0.1.39 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Penn's. Send for price list of Ladles' Furs. , [oci27;3m. The Alaska Tintes.—Mr. John L. Beighley, of the United States artny,now Ntationed at Sitka, .Alaska Territory, has forwarded us a copy of the Alaska Ti,nea of September 18th, 180 t This Is the only newspaper published in that Territory, and it claims to represent a larger area of land than any newspaper published. Of Alaska ourepinion is not very fiance. lag. Therd la thin far only ono attrac tion for us; l and that is the fish which db there abound. The copy of the Times be. .foroUs haethls to say on th - fish ques tion : "On the subject of fish we never wit flossed such a sight as Wo did last Tue., day morning. The tide washed them-in by millions, and they were so thick that it would take- but a moment to fill a bushel basket. The tides have "been washing the small fish ashore' in Im mense quantities, and fur two bits you can purchase enough to last a family six months. Alaska lathe country for those who lOve fish to live in. For reliable fashions In hats and bon nets ladies should go to IL Benco's establishment. Extra inducements this Mil Franch whalebone corsets at 75 eta, at Bence's. Andrew Watterepo, awl., of Brigh ton tp., will please accept our thanks for a basket of line Russet apples. Don't fan to go to Will Smith Sc Co's., Rochester, for bargains in everything. Superior French whalebone corsets only 90 cents at J. H. Bence's, Beaver. Pordpotied.—Tho hearing of the ar gument In the ease of Washington and Jefferson College, before the Eitipreine Court, at Pittsburgh, which was appoint ed for Tuesday of last week, has been* postponed to the Ath of November. 811A1V1.3! Snalms!,. l A large assortment list come in at 'kneels, Bearer. hlnehilla 'cloths for ladies sacks at co's, Beaver. t orLetters temaining in Heaver Nov. 15t.'1869: °eh Atkinson Ge.o. IV. Foulk, csq, . Butler, Miss Sarah E Jelly, 11. Barker ; Miss A. L. Jolly, ary Bunn, 11%1...W. N.eltz, nun Cable, J. a Roper, esq._ lin Dunlap, post Air 3 Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mr. M. A. McGArpieg, P. M land Bonnets done over in the la yle and with taste, at Will Smith a., Rochester. amulets ! very cheap at Bence's. • : r. . be Erie Republican says prisely . :— . " mo of our sister towns in this vicinity re bragging about, the . debt they owe. Erie can beat them all to that line, as it beats them in all also—but then we have something to show' for it, We have a magnificent water works,""the most nz tensive system of sewerage, of any city of its size in the Union—lots elfin° Niel"- olson pavement—and " the .Philadelphia and Erie road, which Is pobring wealth and population into the clty.in one eon tinuous stream". In fact, our debt the* large, is represented by substantial and valuable improvements... That's it. If a town pays nothing It has nothing. Every investment in city improvements pays, pays big. Arabs! Arabs !! Arabs!!! Arab shawls at Banos's. Mink Summon's for ale at (hi Asians Wanted—A Cooper ithop.—Wo have noticed not less than a half dozen of !tenons within the peat week going from store to store In search of coakaand barrels in IV bleb to make: kraut, salt meat, &e. Nearly all of them were un successful' in obtaining;what they wore seeking for. Nor could they even find 'any person in Beaver or vicinity could make a wooden hoop and pot on such leaky vessels as were in their 4 session. Now why have we not a coop or shop in Beaver? Can any °note!' us? It would certainly pay the proprietor, besides being a groat accommodation to the town and neighborhood. We have a little army of young , mini in' Beaver who have no visible means: of support, and we modestly suggest 'that some of one of those could do no better than to servo an apprentietiship to the coopering business, open a shop in Beaver, and thus begin a useful and prosperous life. Who will be the plucky and lucky young man. • „per-Many people are prejudiced against the use of spirits In any form, but we can assure inch that the Consti tution ilittors are not objectionable on that account, for while they contain only pure whisky enough to keep them from changing, the combination of roots, barks and herbs are the real articles of merit that produces such wonderful effr-- Acts. The thousands who. are using them aur testily to the aboVe dicta. No one ever regretted buying a bottle of Seward's Cough Care: : • New arrivals from New York city, twice a week at Dena , . popular ivy detababbmarit, Bawer: Si r ..,:.s 4 — P rtr. Mr Cisser,nf!TWeassidag r eani k, . u m a a teats tlie - Orange . last Tintraday eitildneteatits tabled. of Wince- To, lecture r lib, cd, i 11e114131 * .4 n/litillltni"Mithe ' ler/ godd, nor Yet • 7 11 7 Tbk s ti sit eMlkt". was stin44lllany autism whitins:am of total abstinence being abaci on -the oneasion referred tii. Their !timberline° ht thhithne on this important, meaner* does Mt Aliaktluirii.l4 l l lo /4*, (9*!ii° beck" en thetrprevions tennweeliceim" fassions, nor yet front a. leek of interest in the genuine temperance cense; but the naked truth is, they are hearUly,dis- Fisted with the modern temperance or ganisationsof Beaver and the surround ing tarn*. Thatthese organisalloste are wretchedly demoralised Is too tine, as is patent from the fact that it ha passed intoli by ihtti in this vicinity that "ii man cannot be 'a tempter in good standing mkss he gets drunk two or three _times a month." When 'good template` aro allowed •to preach tem perance and publioly praetke drunk enness—when they can blow their whiskey tainted breath into the face; of deeent, sober num—when their deterich erica - obliiptothers tO help thole en! of public gatherings„ and are afrthb*Wllle permitted to retain their connection with a total abitinenee soelety,lt is not to Do wondered at that the ardor of Amterable temperanee men and women chills, and that they show an indifference to tem perance nuivementeof the present day that illy accords with their past pledges or present feelings onlittairubjeet. Like I a great many others we know ot, we have no faith in temperance organise lions that can tolerate such membership, and we believe 'that none of them will accomplish any good or have the mull dence of any eonsiderabki number of persons, until theyevict from their Rath; the miserable "bummers" who • are so destitute °flamer saddle:army as to pre fers to bo temperance. men, when in truth they aro as beastly drunkards as can be found in the community. Purge, therefore, your organisations, and when this is done, larger assemblies will greet your distinguished speakers. Wlflinks of nearly all lb. dlffeiont kind► for sale at tho /move (ace. , • arelzhkeotstable's Salei ter tile at' the An ace obee. Black alpacea aitits are still at a premi um at Borneo's, Beaver. Singular Itioises ln the Earth la Washington Co:—Some time in June hist, a boy, son of constable Smith, on the farm of West Fry, at Finleyville, en gaged In hoeing potatoes, heardastrange luinbllug ppm in the ground, and fie fug frightened thereby ran horneamd-re fused to work in that place alone. It was laid to.tbo boy's nervousness, and no attention paid to it. A fevidays since, however, Mr. Fry; in company with John Fry, being in. the -neighborhood, heard what they supposed to be a terrif ic storm coming up over the hill. In s'estigktion however proved that there wasnothing of the sort, and still further search discovered that the noise was ac tually under ground. The place was in the bottom near the Peter'. Creek bridge on the south Oast side, at, the foot of a heavy Nothing has:grown there, not oven a spear of grass, this year, al though in previous seasons it has been as productive as other parts of the Held. Potatoes were planted there 'this year but they never even sprouted. This pe culiarity attaches to about 25 foot square of the surface. • Prompted to further dis covery, on last Momday a Sole was dug In this spot about four foot deep, when holes were struck about the size of a rye straw ; small crevices which emitted strong streams of gas gushing out with ti sort of kissing sound, and burning with a clear, steady blaze when lighted with a match. Some water coked into a hole, and the stream of gas caused it to bubble op and boil, whilst the gas wen mutating on the surface of the water would burn with a bluish light like the flames of alchobol. Other holes wore made with like result at the depth of four feet. The news of this remarkable gas works is bringing scores of visitors to See the burning spring every day.—Monea gahcla Republican. Waterproof and ladies cloths at Bence's. 3t. _ - GOOD Fresh Limo always on hand at the Muivanon Limo Kilns, Vanport. The Loral Paper.—Tho following tril l asto to the local paper, from the Chl cago Republican contains so much truth that wo transfer it to our columns, and commend it to the careful consideration of our buidness 113011 and those interest ed in our town. "What tolls us so read ily the standard of a town or city as the appearance of its paper! And its youth or ago can as well be determined by tho observing as by a personal notice. The enterprise of its citizens is depicted by its advertisements, their liberality by the looks of the paper. Some papers show a good, solid, healthy foundation, plethoric purses, and a well-to-do ap pearance; others show a striving to con tend with the grasping thousands about them, trying hard to wrench out an ex istence from the close fisted community around them. An occasional meteoric disply in its columns of editorials show what it can do if It had tho means, but it cannot continue in tho expensive work until support comes, which ought to be readily granted. A newspaper is like a church ; it wants fostering in the com mencement, and for a few years, then as a general thing it can walk alone and re ;feet credit upon 141 location. Take your home paper, it gives you more news of immediate interest than New York or other papers; it talks foryou when other localities belie yod'; it stands up for ybur rights; you always have a champion in your home paper, and those who stand up for you should certainly besustained. Your interests are kindred and equal, and you must rise, or fall together.— Therefore it is to your interest to sup port your home papet, not grudgingly, but in a liberal spirit; as a pleasure, not as a disagreeable duty, but au Invest intent that will amply pay the expendl !lure." A.good business education is of inesti mable value to every ono, and the beet place to secure such an education is un- Idoubtedli the Iron City College. Circu lars of this popular Business College can be obtained by addressing the Princi pals, Smith &Cowley, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1131.knyout.—Our reporter paid a hur ried visit to Dixmont Insane Asylum on Friday last, The largo wing erected da ring the past year; is rapidly approach ing completion. The Beaver county in mates wore hopefully. .improving. The entire interior of the hospital is a model of order; cleanliness, taste and beauty.— Dr. need is kind and parental toward those committed to his charge, and emir teens to visitors. We shall take occasion • for more extended refertmco to this in stitution hereafter.. • Warranted, is•itt Yes 1 'Whittleaey's Dyspepsia Cure' is warrantedin all casco of tick headache, indigestion, Breakeaakapes and shawls, twilights and hoods, new styles at Being's. Leg Broken.—A few days 'ago a man named Haslep, while In the saw and planing mill of Miller; Dobson Q Tres, in Rochester, had his right leg broken below the knee, In consequene:of a board being thrown violently against it. The itufferer was taken tierces the river to the. reelderwe of Mr. John Ferguson, where his wounded limb was eared for by Dr. Levis of Bridgewater. lie is improving and in fair way for recovery. MTM=M!!M tare r~:eb~ ktiptiai of viriosent y!t. , #.. bOO% 00,- t-quot=c l =l.4,Erer iniprovensent was curie& *wart l 'and a &doh given to it a week or tan, days ago; Thekilldir4 itestfprepints at tki present threat , vs** , lttissislii anon. The garbs noir . fret north souk sosub'inistininfeentlid*t — t, the old banding. The sideolleries have been taken down and the VrAole interior Pl l Wiefok,P4openiand reds anew - New Chandelier, IneW' eirpptifur; and new pulpit furniture bas becn added, all Of which serve to makethe Presbyterian church of Beaver sooond Ip its appoint ment" I , te but few: Phuich ' bulkilegs in this 'pert of the 'State,' The ladies .connected with the congregation are de serving of much praise for their energy, perseverance and tints in their eentiglti tions of labor, means and material to the Improveminits...Nldits" tali. Improve ments were In progress society, to gether with their brethren of the M. E. Church, worshipped in the Court Howse, whore a spilit 'of amity between' the two congregations prevalledthroughout. The remodeled oullding,nearly completed, it Wei announced a couple of weeks ago that it would be re-dedicated to the ear- Tim of God on last Sabbath, Oct Mat, ISM. Accordingly , at 11 a. m. of that day the Rev. Dr: Hodge, of the Western Theo °logical Seminary of Pittsburgh, deliv ered an excellent address to a very large andienbe from the following text: And I saw no laniple therein:!for the Lord God Almighty and the Lumbar* the temple of it. And the city bad no need of them., neither of the moon, to shine In It: foe the glary of _God did lighten and the lamb is the light Mamf„—fteo. zai, t. At s i p. m. the Itev. J..CfiViison of the 11. P. Church of Beaver,, delivs;ed an 'able and Interesting discrOurse to an' at. tends. and welt 'tilled Mew. His text amain these words: t One Map bare I desired at the Lean, that will I seek after ; thee I may dwell In the home of the Loan &lithe days of my Ille, to behold the beauty of the Loo, and to Inqulm in Ida temple.—/balons mall. 4. ' At 7 p. m. Bev. Jae. flernagahead of the Beaver M. B. Church .; preached from the foUowing.crlptaralp luag Pori/ not'Oitanato the Moillit tkainitgbt bo touched, and that -burned with dm, nor note blackness, and darkness and tempest. Anti the wound of a tru Mkt, and the Wee of words lett race they that heard Intruded that the word *odd not be aeokext to, _Mem say mom: (For they could bet endure that unkil was cos. mended. And If no much la a 'beast took the mountain dar , it shall be stoned, 'ttr thrust through with • t. Aud thrrlbb the slgh l t , that MOll.lll said, Aud so wee to, .Ight, I exceedingly kit and trade G lint ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the my of the 11• Ina God, the bearenty Jenutalem; and to en Innumerable compauY of angels, To the generel amiably and thumb of the drat born„whkh are written In beaten, and to God the indge a SG, and to the spirits of At men nude peneet, • And to Jena the titedlotoi of Ate new corenord, and w ilia blood of sprtakl/aM ;that apeaketh bet ter thloga than NW of Alicl.- I k6. nit It to 94. Ilia a n wan Atil orsound reason. tug and Bible history mid made a deep impression on the minds of his hearers. Thus ended the dedicatory cervices of the Presbyterian church in' Beaver on. last Sabbath, and Wo butgive expression to public opinion when we any that the services * throughout were impressive, able and highly satisfactory do all who' witnessed them. I 0 21rTho Normal School is well provi ded 'with facilities forprepari tofteachers. It has a superior set of apparatus, Text books in tho common branches are fur nished tree. • Ladles read this! J. B. Bence, of Bea-. yea, has Just received direct from the Importer, real French velvet flowers, which ho la enabled to sell cheaper than tho imitation. Those flowers aro differ ent from the ones sold In this part of the oountty, si well as prettier and , cheaper. - St. Something new in the Watch Line.—Mr. P. Jounet; a jeWeler of Beaver, is just now engaged in oomplet 'log a watch which bids ifalr to make a sensation among watch makers. Mr.' J's. improvement on the old style of watches, to an outsider; 'consists in this: But ono tick is heard' for every second of time, and neither jerking or shaking cause it to vary In the least. The tick referred to has a mnsical ring which is 4 not unpleasant whonlheld to the ear. The works In the watch appear quite simple and not so apt to 'get out of order as our ordinary time Places. Mr. Jen net's fatherewho is a jeweler of long standing, in liletuiville,lnvented a watch something like the oue his ion is now constructing in Beaver, and took out a patent for it in 1850. The watches shire made by Vac Joitziet have ported excellent time keeperaad are In great demand wherever kn stir. Vim junior ;Rulet has made noula:ll4liti . :iiretnent on his father's watch and tWillblve a patent of his own. in a shod; time. We can hardly doubt but that it will prove a success, and make as We have already observed, a sensation among watch ma kers. Good black alpaca f0r2.5 eta. par yrd. at Bence's. Flatmate cheap at Benca'a. Wanted.—Ono thousand bushels of good, dry Buckwheat, at Edgar's mill in EalLston. 1 . ..Toms ,Enosn. „, . Local copy 1 ocalamo, ' 4) The Ship Cossial. l —The Pittsburgh and Erie Ship Canal, says the Pittsburgh Gazette, is no nearer oilstone° now than before. The great pcissibility still re mains .unexplored, the sources of a new river of wealth for Weistern Pennsylva nia remain seated, awaiting the Living stone who is to disemMr them and the Moses whose divining!iMd shallbidthem gush forth. Will Pltbiburgh suffer this opportunity for turning a fertilizing stream upon the businias of the town to remain unused until the th enterprising en ergies of cities and people farther West may have rendered it too late? We hope not. And we hope that none of the friends of this I great public im- . provement will allow !their present op portunities to pawl Senator Lowry made a noble beginning for the fulfil ment of his pledges in bringing the pro ject prominently before the Legislature and the country at thO last session of that body, and it will bo very unlike him If his courage fails him at the threshold of the undertaking. Prompt and energet ic action is sow required, and we hope that the public spirited and enterprising people of Western Pennsylvania will not prove unequal to a work whichpromisei such great and speedy advantages. rfrillank warrants for side at the Amami office. Save your money by dealing at Bence's cheap store Beaver. i The Butler , Cifires announces the death ofGeorge Matthews, of Omt' oques she; tp., Butler county, at the extraor dinary ago of one hundred and two years. He was born in the Siete of Maryland on the Ist of October, 1787, and removed to Butler county about the year 1311. His descendants are numerous and scattered all over the western part of the country. He voted for Washington and all the early Presidents. 114 *man ardent lov er of his country and' always took a live ly Interest In political offices. It, was his boast that be never missed an election and always took his etre county papers, and, what is remarkable, he could fine print until within a year or so of hie death. On the day he was one hundred years old be walked lane dlstaneilrom his home, seeming to rejoice in his strength at that. age. ; • -••••••7 1 s wh lSo olesal kegs e an o d f W retan heeßn i4 s g pa n y alls, erer. f a orzai nc e, Rochester. - Wand.—One tkatutand bushel,' of good dry Buckwheat at Ed g ar's tun' In Local 1, 1 ): ' lows Booms. co . actriLmo ilrßbiax Deeds kw West u. Aa. WOWArtelf • • " , : • - 0110r008611111ZOM 1 4 44 "ritibe • •L•lpigaleltn,-- CbOresee: for, jfin, r t; 'Asti - irOW 4 Untl 46lllll"- W' Aft — raZlN.lo l " -"- ,°9 l ' lll ,' ; c c U OtsWholider hisridhid#lsii• at die neeson add, iwettl`Ped. ; The didneru si rtblit alkar*O l ti tintr - - 104114,00rigiv.146114 - 1 "1117 Abe find or the rprieintis Adak shims over with foetid willutc,.ittv*ls out cortickee. •• - t' t• ••_•"' . The weather is trestle" told' in o[-Jrad a.:R oval store denten feel it eansithily 'Dar a lemon Mid month's OW and, friat themunber of boat Card to tie seen Ott the stunts wed With'ooelithith b ,sri enormous price—owe bled to:di/Cowin doodad dere in the 03/11 trldi r and Oei like tputlallnbor Ais truly on wind OM L cold) that Wow, no one good." Notwithstanding titian- axe gOodly, Dander of people here frOm the didecant parts of the country. esinteltd3T from the Southern States mince tad tegiilts of the Senatorial condign in the States of Vir ginia and TOIOBIIIOII wen known. there has been nothing excitingly Interesting occurillS with us to warrant ninth com ment. The course being pursued by the Pres- Mint in the Cionl&Butterfield easels re calving the commendation of every one here, except, a few who lll`OlNMunastlag under the rebuke they received for their cunning and malicious endeavor to drag the President into the snares' of Wall street gamblers.' . - CONOBENIIONII. LIIIMRT. . Mr. Spofford, the Congressional Libra rian, is a gentleman well acquainted - With books, and his lecture before the Social Science Association - 1n New York on Tuesday evening last is indeed wor thy of consideration. HL 'suggestion for lighting the Library of Conavers.and throwing it open to the public during the evening is a splendid ides. The clerks and employee of the Government whose time is taken up in their ofilces during the day, would be pleased to im prove the benefits of thin Library in the evening. It Is important that we should have a National: Library at Washington, well sustained by adequate-appropria tions from Congress, and second to none • is the world. : 1 . Our Congressional,Liluary now con tains 185,000 volumes, and! Increasing every day by the addition of hooka from all parts of our own country and it might be said from the world, to the nallester.- tent tho small amount of money appro priated by Congress for the'purchase of books will obtain. By an Jolt of Con gress of 1355 a oopy of every book pub- . tithed thereafter was required to be tor-., warded to this Library. bythepublisherr' consequently no money is required to purchase books published in the United States. But every new book has to be bound according to the rules of the Li' brary which incurs no inconsiderable expense to the Government. The - ap prcipriations for the purchase of books for the Library of Congress is only $lO,- 000 yearly, while that for the British Museum is 048,500. • Tho present' Library sooomodstiona are limited, and will be exhausted in a year or two at farthest. It LS expected that there will' be* sin 'ranee made next session to induce Congress to appropri ate for the erection of anew betiding ex pressly for It' , : • A catalogue of the books in the Libra ry, arranged by subjects, will be com pleted at the close of the present year, which will enable the'reader to ascertain the number of works, the title of each, and the names of the authors, on •any subject Too much credit cannot belly en to Mr.. Spofford and his assietants ter the'arduous labors attending the oinipla. don of such a valuable (Ind to the' stn dent almost indispenaible) book in con nection with the Crowned' joriid „Library; • IN TEL PROGIUMNI/TE AOE - we meet at the National Capital all class es of people from all parts of the aorta -1 try, representing all kin& of political and religious opinions, and it Is not strange that Washington has a greater number of political, religious, secret, beneficial, temperance, literary and other associations in proportion to Its popula tion that any other city in theUnlon. TEE SPIRITUALISTIC SOCIETIES have opened in advance, offerinkto the public free seats, fraptalk and opinion, and inviting people to test the merits of spiritualism by allowing' their lecturer to call up the spirits of their departed friends. Miss Spetigura, to', the amuse ment of every ono present at these meet ings, has on several oocasidne . injfeeing the presence and Identity of departed spirits professed to call op the spirits of some well known to the community, and would tell a great many` things about them when alive ; how they looked, act ed, and what they did. TEE nONFEJIMIIIII Yon MEE ntscreunorr Meets weekly to discuss on moral and religious subjects; and are attracting to Its hall the ablest minds, end their sub jects embrace in their scope the most important interests of humanity. Tho debate on the "cause and cure of moral evil," which bas been continued for sev eral weeks, has elicited the general views of the people, and throws much light on the subject. lam Kite these meetings are doing a great good here, and would in your town or in any other where free thought and free speech is tolerated. • THE PHILOSOPHICAL: LTcECH, Bo called, the leader of which is Dr. WM Boyd, le making rather slow pro create; for the reason perhaps, that 'this Boyd, a member of our Cominon Conn. cil, is an Infidel, and has on several occaalons taken particular palm in order to bring himself Into notoriety, disclaim ed the divinity of Jesus;and compared men of note of the present day ai com peers of Jesus Christ. . affidavit was 'prepared on Monday for the purpose of issuing a warrant, charging this : Boyd with unarm(*) of blasphemous language at the Philosophical Lyceum on Sunday, 17th inst. The law which governs this case is under the old Maryland statutes of 1723, and on examination of the wile la fbund to prescribe for such an' offence tho following penalty: for the first • Of fence, boring through the tongue and fine of twenty pounds sterling; for the second; marking the letter 'B' in the forehead; and fortho third, death with out the benetlt'of the clergy. ; aquacCr.rirnai EISPAHrxEsT. This Department bas lately.recelred a fresh collection of grain, cereals; fruits) 'and vegetables, the mad of, which It would seem, are from the - "Aur, west. Washington Territory is represented by several exceeding line vides and paws; Nebraska, by over forty samples of the same fruit, large, fine, and delicious;' Kansan, a fine collection of grains; fruits and vegetables; and Ohio,. by nearly fifty varieties of corn in the ear. OZEIHIAL WIMP OPTION Is in rooelpt of returns from the fol lowing Markt Land Offices, showing a. disposal during the past month o ) 112,- 770 acres of the public heMbl, Denver. Colorado -Territory, /.2,141 serest- lona," 3111111810, 8,814,0 res I St C = Mim nesotar 4,961 acres; Marquette,_ Mleid gan, 4700 some; Axlcarawts; (one hundred and ' , five farms) mum acres; in the State 'of California, Sin Francisco, 19,016 acres; Stockton,. 9,796 acres; kfaryarlibei 9,355 scree; 3,755 =au The greater portion of these lands were sold kir cewh.and the remain. der taken by , actual settlers 'under the homestead law, and loaded with lima. ry Land Warrants. Wilma ramits. ; A parent, under the Mining Act of July 231 h, 2955, hag Just been • bitted at, the General Land Office to Num' DikT pera, tbr . his claim, etnbraigng 1200 a . *a elosatowbusiaraistv.ativi isi Mlaloi Digth,!{ will abFfitY)Olat ke .2, 141 10 01.01-11 0 rielm irs -01 ; 1 1 ,44cfaiT Ithihmt** F4;411410 coopikavivoma.,gui gut obieva. UhitUalowladistaco. 2 In Ow's** Parklihdatamitio4 Yeedissa4 10 slim"- Cbuipasrea! -01ilwfbe bra era si,ft Mi1.00 , :1 404-4 . 1 " 11 fir; 00, Chows Tanals,rd cant rot nix* 0041 b, v,hlo", Lodi fn Misr7.tbia4oult7. ‘,* , ;•,;- tif rub, An or , PAsso ll the nel'ineitt.Ornee See tbe,week end *WTl**, Sint tnet4 29 were . mated to anisette of yegi.ittete. . Pure ea& Tklegar. 4 1 de. Per gd. - Pureireordi winevinopir Z 5 out at the Bearer brief:Clow . • kiZEZfiffigaig "Biddid the squaw's light birch au**, Tbo stoma' rocks and raves, • - And Olty lota are asked !broils About old Indlad graves. • .• • • - . , I'heaithe trasdpf &nem ' Of nations Fett 401* -7 • • The first hi* wash of waves *Lent soon Elhall roll e hurium sea:: The' rthihnesiui oihek t o Are plastic yet and warm •' - I The chaos of a mighty worl d' la rounding into form: • - Wittier. Tat Wassiret: By Albert D.Riehtud. wok ;tithe/ of bo ok. 'propos ao4 Itemose...r The aloathttlhat f toe period. A nun. log . Mad of Seeder lON besot , sad area . 111/11. . Tram the Ones Rim to the Great Mesa. tam and whams on the pralries,tootmothat 'sod roma mew. .rah thee two luotte4 Illaettatkon el n, 'dew% a.tiatinthi ft the WWI, MC% Ptollatta. oat rat eaten' enztoeltke of reef Wets • and Zetettartes. had—lent. Itesintai long and-,varied experi ence in the little known and interesting regioni of the Far Vest furnishes the material for this work. The new states and Territories beyond the Missluippi contain incomparably the grandest sce nery in the world and the richest resour ces of the AMerican Continent. Probe bly.no other man •has epont•so =Leh time or joumeydd so extensively among them as Mr. Richardson—certainly no one so competent to describe what he has seta. It gives an account of pioneer life, its wild excitentente, its enterpriso,lts ter rible affrays and exercises of Lynch law, the sudden growth of cities and States on the desert and in the monntains=ex istetioe end experience among the gold diggings, hundreds of miles beyond clv ilhatlon—Mormonitim and polygamy in Utah—qnarts mining; which now yields us two'hundred mlllione of dollars per annum In specie, and fifteen years hence will pioduco Five li undred Millions. It describes the Rocky Mountains and Um Sierra :Nevada!;' pictured rock's; lakes among the . clouds, ite. All the themes are treated by Mr. Richardson's graphic pen, and depicted' by the moat spirited and faithful illustrations which American art can produce. Sold by subscription only, ttnd not to he had at booistores. (MAN. Somata, Ag't. 140. bbla, of Canton •City and New Creek flour, Juat received and for sale at Speyerer dr, Sops, Roehtseter—Wholesale and retail. zeihalning In the P. ,Nov. L 1869: Newman, J. IL Plekett;J. Powell, Mini lea Reeder, 3lles E. Reed, Mina LlMde Sullivan, John G.' Sullivan, W. • . Sullivan, E. B. Sayl, Mim Mazy Sample; Robert Smith, John W. SlrulnP , John Tew, Henry Winey, Henry' Wright: Miza Lizzie White, Nekton Liat if Letters G. at Rochester, Pa., Rrovio,hirs.Haanah Reale, Mae AZllle Ilickerstatf, Mrs Jas. Cadman, Geo. 2 Cook, Geo. W. Greer, Xdward Groat Miat Mellio GlLT,Darkiel, Graham, Robert, , lioldahlp,Mita4goes . Rawkote, Mrs. , A,ynch, 'Thu Nora.ll Miller, George N. McDonald, tieary,- Miller, David W. Noonan, Mni. Mary Zislsoa, Mb" Maggie ' TAYLOR, p. 36 Egrron Aztomo-1 time within which give nolce of accep instead of twenty da Jo misled you ets to the pallets elect might canoe. It is TUCRIT yu Please correct. nc CixonaY, Pro. UPPER B,unDuBitir, 0., Oct. 29, 1899 Fditoi Argus—The chilly blasts of winter are again here, and we have had some cold Weather and snow. Yester d,y, however tt assumed a smoky ap pearance, and opinions were rife that In dian summer had come. Our manly fair which ended on the 16th inst. was financially &success. The stock department was well represented, bdt the floral department was not so well filled as formerly. An accident happened by the bursting of a boiler In the machine shop of Stull 'at Bro. of this place on Wednesday last. A portion of the boiler struck Col. Cyrus Sears; nutting a (earful gash in his fore head. A meteor. explodod some ten miles west of this plaoo on last Wednesday night, makings loud report, and shat tering the window glass In houses for miles around. WYANDOTT. Beaver Seminary* lustlgute.— The present week is the opening of the het hallo( the present session of this In stitution and is a favorable time to enter.' If you would aecnre the advancement of your son or daughter place them in this school. . A good education and preps:l4lou for business or for , teaching maybe obtain ed here as well and at as reasonable rates as at any school of our knowledge. Ma ny of the best teachers of this county were educated and give the best of proof of Prof. Taylor's skill and faithfulness as an Instructor. Male pupils are now admitted and male teachers are admitted to the Normal Chum. A sure mire for Rheumatism, Neural gia and all pains. (Fink's' Magic Oil.) Sent to any address on receipt or $2.00. .H. G. G. Fink, 121 Fifth Avenue, Pitts burgh, Ps. octakimo. Markets. PITTABURUM MARKET. OFFICE OP THE PITTS. GAZETTE, I Monnam, Nov. 1, 1809. j SALT—Allegheny River brands are quoted by the air load, at $1,85. APPLM..= —ln better supply butsteady with a oontinued lfair demand, at $1,50® 3,50 per bbl fOr common to choice. • BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—Sales at 5 !mita, • BUTTER—Is In good supply and dull with a drooping tendency; we continue to quote gcod to prime rol l at 30@33 and choice at Sic. • • CHEESE—Market firm .. , and prices well maintained. Males of Western Re serve at le®l7; Factory at, 17 ®171; Oblo Goshen 113( 18i; and N. Y. Goshen l 0 eta. CR ss,per TS Cannot be quoted itborve busb. DRIED SO FRUIT--:Apples are quoted at 8 ®lO ids per pound,, and Peaches 0.10 eta for bright quartes and 12 ®l4 cts for bright halves. EGOS .Have still thither advanced, and we now quote at 30 eta: FLOUR-The receipts of western flour continue light, though the supply is fully equal to the demand, as the mills bean ap to have the "lion's share" of the trade, and take the retail trade away and there is nothing left. The milts, we understand, are supplying the trade with standard winter wheat, dour at about $4,50, and medium grades at 16 ®gay; good western - flour cannot be sold, On any less—that.* and afford a margin to the dealer. Spring wheat flours, to use accintinon phrase,are about ”played out" In this market. • • GRAlN—Wheatisweak and drooping, With oonsiderabby offering from the West ,• we are cognisant of one of our mills having boug h t 5,0 W bushels prime red at 51,2 i, and It may be fairly quoted at $1,2004,33. Choice white will bring $1,30. Oats in rather better demand but unchanged-47048 on wharf and track, and 50 In store. Rye is ddil and nomin lairtulcillnged at d i tl,os, cash. Prime ear corn is wanted tbeding and will bring $l, but abated, notwithstanding the stock in this market la d u and tending downward. /lade/ Is s.u?'' and unseitred,lll.2ool.3o. •„ Aft theabli • " ' thata*methies beetetbeni rameetkil keekk ithir so-hby. *Bpi nosy. low hest*. eske* ' Watt seerielik einee, Wit albedowortalkikleill lbseamh Gosarbodesh ishibkh Robe kabob alibi/AN salkeere Tian via ihoi.,ie,* - OP seipt ergy et th• ' l ngii i 4 lii . gi° o4 Mile kr 'Amish wbk Ike Wm" tbbat* *poi* !hod kokelObeeashoribek tb , 7 VII 144 a".0 1 / 1 ettai our Costswirnow, km* bh,likebbnete. be: tie othect asks SiTil*Or Is smillets pe pres•OpOos Is to beset air Mc. asedree to 'be befteeki.; hit he kaibe may w7kb eberty..ihlr vet east theb hoehber, ash *my won alikulkk.- Pinkie Aekkkhe the set , wpMwtlewui . • i rdi i ii i i t i v4WAHD s A. 4 1171#K2a • et lalyty".' ‘4l""°7ll'' Ewen et Tough, •Gensaartw waltintd mai Mon Nor. ins Disbilitg, neenne NW: in W in inn at MUNI tOboxotion; Ida, be tbs Niko of oaf kolas biumolty, owl two to aY who mot U, 084 dintlann kr inking Ow in* raw odylayw6k6koweaeorod.. Selma woldog pratkby the olorrOser's loperkoce, aut do lo by oddnoolog, M pont einlikkenn, Jan B. iXiDICI =MI7I" Ito. Cedar .treat. Now Yak 11 1 TO TiLi Wwsthua CLABS.—We ar2=: pied et iotanwelt all theme with conetsai wthet loan, the whole of the thee or - 07 - 41; swiwe nowesta. Ithettewe sew. thththilei wreath ble. Pother otelthweez eadtrenta bre hi the. to c Ar t =. awl a prepordowal Di M lles la the hasteens. ;hill eats suety ae weth hi thew That all who see thle Ines seed theiradttrese itspl aueettbe bu. isees4 we woke this onethallethi air: To math se 'sewn well sethfte, we will end it deal la p 1 10r the triable of lIMISS Pall particulate, anilaal• oath* width will do to easemesoa wart mown they at elleTwthite Minter CM' haelew-oth of th e lap* ish best Ithethi b =. ppm petdiabed-01l ant Ithe be sell. IS re went erniaat. proltatie watt. bedew.; Cr ' al 'W a Co, erehe. othietthe. Married. • )&CKINNELL—COE—At the residence of the bride's uncle, Mr. Jno. McCon nell No. 55 Chestnut street, Alleghe- Mho.. Rev iaat.... s attg,th i t4 ve k • and Miss Mary T. Coe, of Allegheny. SALYARDS—HAYS—Sept. 30th, by Rev. Joseph Rollingshead, Mr. Reu ben Salyer& and Miss Annie E. Hays, both of Industry, Beaver Co., Pa. FRANCIS—CUMMINS—Oct. 20th,18139, by Rev. D. P. Lowery assisted by Dr. A. Reed, of Steubenville Female Semi- Imam Rev. John Suakin Francis, of Freeport, Pa., lo Miss Lou. C. Cam mina, f Beaver. Pa. The Anne la indebted to the happy couple for a liberal share of the good thingeOf this life, and truite that they may Said matrimony all their fond an ticipations pictured It. New Advertisements. New Arrival of Goods Speyerer & • Sons Cornet of Water and James Streets R 0 CHESTER, PAZYN' A. Ilayejust returned from the east with a large clock of goods bought at the low est cash prices, which - they offer to the pubic at M 1 M r TA . 4= il/4 Consisting. of DRY GOODS GROCEIMIIB, PROVISIONS, AxD ITARDWARE, PRINTS, TURKS, COBURGS, ALFA CAS, WOOL DELALNS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SHAWLS, • SILKS, FLANNELS, MERINOS, HEN'S UNDERWEAR. RATS, CAPS. BOOTY AND "SHOES ROPE, OCUM PACKING YARN IRON & NAILS, Paints, Oils and Putty, Queensware and Willow Ware, FLOUR,FEED,GRAIN,BACON, &c.:&c. -We still love contral.ol the celebrated CANTON CITY ELS FLOUR, MEI I , La , Lw = l i We reeler° the above brands by the %an lead, and can sell them at Pittsburgh. Prices saving freight oil same We .'n yell IRON, RAMS, SCOAUS, COFFEES, TED', SOAPS, SPICES, &c. at wholesale prices to dealers. • rarTlinukink the public for past pat ronage, we hope to merit a liberal share fur the future. We always buy for cash and sell cheap. . P. S. Also agents for the DIFFER • EWER AND REAPER and Pithrburgis,National Plow Co's PLOWS. Pero Catawba and Concord wine of our own vintage for medical and Sacramental purposes are highly recommended by those who have used them: . novae, List erCames nor Nor. Term, •s 9 Coates Rrotbere Ti John Rilwortb Iletd.Clerw's mitnin'ts ea William Jenkins. Pitt. Nat. irk °tam Ins Joint R. Nies= Jobn C. Rainbow re Jacob All eman J.W .litausbary - hJ. W. Welsh. B. P.Millsoe's adml To J. P. Allman. Cbriollan Gress NI P. Ft. W. & C. Railway Charles Coale ea N. R. t P. Water Co. Clark, Morrow, et az. Ti Thomas Jenkins, et al. Robert !Frye TS Lontienore &Co. Clone Graham Ti John Flowers Omsk walk. • , Middy' Mule TO Jacob klarka et al. Jrlilosie& Moore TM Comity of OCITIT. Jobs Oliver n ßrill D. Moore • sirs. Marta Code vs New Drlebtos Water Co Banks & Waster •TO Robert R. RAO Charles (Rankle vs J. P. Allman. lams FOpr ' nearpor Newt. J. N. brows V.A. W. Taylor. ') Bastael klastaw n Fatale sal lasts ~ John Morgaris ex's va Joke Whoa. George Muds vs P. Ft. W.& C. It. R. Co. Sospoos flutter vs Chaster dslorrt. et al. - gratjltialterra. Jal i s 21 , Alesasder Looms ...laws Tatopla. • Rod 's bobs vs Joseph Jobsstos, et al. a~err. vs Jobs Toned. WillMeltsaasety et sr. vs B. Bettba. ak. dtepbes Clark vs C. R. & Co: Jabs saw vs AW Taylor & RY Ruda soft Capitol Ikak n TbosessJ. Pause. Asdrewlkaltk vs =Ram Kestkedy. MAW IleGlasettla vs John R. Grand. wad= .: - : ::-Ii..;•* . ..toi . , .31.0aniatratt 061.; 'o4ress, late et, (NO,. 1 0 111IBUBBS412114PA. Have. Just: zo o lbeF supply of • 41st mold ea rapldly' - . Call sn tsce their stack of gclada Alpaei LW/dm, Iriab Poplins, BLACK BILKS, TABLE LINENS.: Ilapliki, Towels, Crash, Dusts* Tel !A Con) for Pants, CAEISLITILESI AND CLOTHS, Fine White Flannels for Infants, Colored flannels for Infants, Country Blankets, dre. tote. 1 BEAVER DRUG STORE, fiti Druggist & Apothecary, ESUA.VEIR. PENN. DEALER 111 PURE. DRUGS HD IMES, PERFUMERY, • . SOAPS, TOILET ARTICLES. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS; -For Medical Purpose& PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, BRUSH ES, 4;C., A.C. Imo, CRUDE AND REFINED OILS, of the greatest variety, best quality and at the very lowest ; ChICEII/1413111606 tar Agents for Fahnestock,: Hulett and Schaartes Strictly Pure White Lead, the oldest and best brand In the'market.lillt 0ct6.1y.. WALL PAVE*. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. The larva and cheapest stock of WO Papa In Dearer County. BOOKS, 1300K8, BOOKS • A large assortment of rota, School and Religious Books, constantly on 1044 at Halms' Moak flifA 80013 Suitable for the Holidays, CEEECE3I STATIONERY, • ' STATIONERY. • . STATIONERY, An extensive variety et Paper, Zavelopes, Lead Pencils, Gold and Steel Pens, Ink and Wt. Stant% &C., 1c: We are the exclustva Agent tor the Celebrated FoleY's Gold Pon. for this Comity; those reeking • good Gold Pen, would do well to see them bethris purchasing. We are tbe Agent for this Ccomty Stw Maces Photograph Yanteg Certlgatta. The sUentlai of Osmium Is respectful4kalled to Wm. no we du sell them at the game dMthant u they would get from the Publisher., Atwater. School Gov ernment for mkt at Publitht re' . prices. We have constantly on hand Floor 011 Cloth In lame mrlety. - WINDOW Et11.&331..E5; WINDOW Celts CLOTH. RUSTIC dc PAPER SHADES. —MAO— IM hand Tot and Nr o lgr ay l r ods salable for a,. J. • F.. PRICE, itre•dwil. New niightel CARPETS arm te%W3St.SIS NEW GOODS. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF WHITE; CHECK AM) FANCY MATTINGS, FOR SUMMER WEAR NOW OPEN. FRESH ARRIVAL OF NEW BRUSSELS TAPESTRY' 13.111:31403EZ.6. THREE PLY CARPETS 60 INGRAINS to till nor stock Ana! tlic close of tac heavy . ' Spring Trade. Oliver McClintock and Co. 3 FIFTH A.VE., PITTSBURGH, PA. Jun II 69 lm. Great Distribution Hy the Metropolitan GUN Co., CM UM TO THE Art of WA Every Ticket Drain a Prize 10 e rr 3ci lf nse r vv Vlro lo 10 do do 5,0.00_1000 do do 100 50 Eines,' Roverood Mama, each MO 14 15 do do Melodeons do 75 to 051 Seerus4chham :do 80815 . 500 Golifiralcbes, " do 13 to ado Casb Prises. Silverware, An. valued it 3100.000 A chance to draw any of tbe above prise lot rents. Tickets describing Prime are mewl In en velopes, sad well mixed. On reoelpt of Via a mated *Lid Ice drawn without choice and tent by mall to any eddies.. The prim named upon It will be delivered to the ticket holder m payment of One ballot. Prime are immediately tent to any address by express or return mall. Yon mid know what trine la belay yen al 7.P0 for la Any Pr ise for swan . el WRY valor. Ito-Wake Char patrons okra depend out fair deeding. ..nersnrishorarbscusli—"iWe dawn v ske sh r bw knelaz A.rl „ ... nosi l. kindly personnel Re o bi them. 000; Mho Vent It Walker, Barns. Chk irmtpth lames M. Yatertre, De. fialthoore tr0ia,33003 . Jona Andrews. flarsamh, $34100; Miss Are eimuloos, CherleMms. Plano. 0003 We pub en no same ertiliont Oruitoes or TM lerme—Tie Ina le reliable sod deserve tbelr sitcom — Weekly Theme m u . We thew them to be a his dee/lag Ana. — lp Day Id. A Mend of oars drew a 1000 prise which was firdwlnly neelved.— Dally dime 3d. Seth foe etreehtr. Liberal Inducements to Aleuts ri.olehiettoo guaranteed Sreripeetmere of &rated It hrekrltai esorsiss Casb Ttekets SI; 13 toe 33 for PI 110 1113. All lettere e hash! be oddment to HARPER, mules At co. oet/72m1 103 Bripildwviy. Raw Tart. Lieeoses Notice Mr November mooloas, 119411. 114111:00 corns. W. U. Seely, Roebelistboco. DeWitt. JOT( A. MAZUR. clerk. MEM • - , • A Safe ad Spend? , Cure for Cis, gkr,Cohls.• Asthma Bronchitis, HOSnenera, Croup, Influents, Whotplog Cough, Incipient, - Consumption, and all Diseases of Am ThrOne and Lungs. Don't neglect'. s acme Cough. or throw awns money on a worthier medicitic . !MCC FIFTY CUTS PIIR'SOTTLIT BEIYARD. DiNCYLNY = I T, Demist', INMAN N.Y. ScM by vi Omahas. eXhly Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair•tc its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing whki • • Is at once agreeable. healthy, and effeetna for preserving tht hair. Faded= Er I °A -hair is • soon 4 to its online! coii 1 . with the gloss osi 1 1 1 ^ freshness of " • s Thin hair is thick" ened, falling hair checked, and bald o sets (Alen, 'hough not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the lair where the follicles are destroyed, w the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as runniu eau be roved foe usefultmss by this application. r Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi• meat, it will keep it clean and vigorous Its extensional nse will prevent the bait from turning gray or falling of, and consequently prevent baldness. Free Goo those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. if wanted merely for a HAIR HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirabk. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does 1 1 not soil white cambric., and yet lama long on the heir, givin g it a rich glary lustre and a grateful pe rfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., ) ItACTICALr AND ANALYTICAL CaIiITTAI LOWELL. PRICE 111.00. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, IFOIt PCHIF2ING TIRE moon. 0151--..1\ r /e m4lllllO. Uall QV evne:ll medicine enjoys; ...m : • I. tlerits.l from Its rum., • ..". i•L' . 2 O ~ . .y sf which ars truly tuarvell inl. 111fetrAW 1 • - rntea It. Merhfulaus dis.• /1 1 / 4 " . "- •!... ‘ ,l ". m .r lb t ra l le.l Y = ' • - „..._4,1 '.......• ..11•! .n, lute bans 1..t.'.1'....1. ml' ram% by It. ..yr..rul..u. at 011... as . •••• * " . 622. - tic , tmler.ovlach wcrr as. . -.. :...-. e.j . R.- ~--..ssrtml, by the I.esefs. 1.41+ contamination until OKI were painfully, 4,111,,iur.. h,ra• been radically ~,m1).1 ,••ti.-h gre-...t littnew:, lu ,Itno.t tiny 4,,e. •too or the.. ''' ..try.t hat the vuldievcatrcly ncixt to .P.: 1:10:Ined of di vim.. In . on,. ... . . Iniiroti k ..nr. of tie titer' 11e.41 - OVIII4I Itietnit , or our rare- conks and uh fell !mind urtheorgnui!to nr.derodue.. iheromotdutkln, In.l io vita , thr oi f Idiug or fataldnrev., aridunnt netting atll..h. nor it. lireertiee. Arnie, brt-ed ' rhurtont the hair, andl on r0i1..• too.. .on, rnidd l 4: l l ,4 eir, tttttt or nth, roue rornu, r on 11 or litilOrtg. ln c.e. tn , y olecio•Lleil the 11.1Elp ol it ha the 11rrr. or It rho .% t Iln l.t.••Vtl• V I on 1t.,. or fool fartf. IPit.Louir (tart of iln Wkly . . Hence It.e u•:, losn , l -e int It 0.,44.111.1111rif1a 1101 VirLi le, it MI n hell V.. artltlS 1M.11401[111 of 41,2 ,$ •••,. • a (111,1.'4 itfl ft4llol, vow. .1. , 11 Fentrall% no.l 131 ..... PIM, :61 let.etlt. rut', 111, ..f thh• N.141t8,1 I L. .1•./1;ortfg'm lintle or' Ery.ipriess, Totr.r. ,nott 11/.• :••11'.1 Ifrote , „ Pl.gerwer, .oi •. .1 .1! tr r mutsotto oi ;gni , e. .U.,. ginenre:ll..l fount., a- .la. ert Jritrogr. I' .ir., giro, 1 1...• t •.1, 4 Of Me 1‘114.:1 , Ltr ..0.1 NgritMA 0; I. Or .11,1):.: •1 Mrs . .. .1W Difie•P.l ... a 1••• m tiaM Is required NI • s: , ••1••••••: •• •••• r • • t• 1, :MI Ilt•• .11V114 1 . ./ , t 11.02 • ..1 to ti 1/ s• .11 11.1• 1....;i/ 'filo will ,u. ••5me..:4111.t. rtrmrs ri me or !I Mfr.. l Irriiaq Utrrr••l; .... pl. WV rom nwhtv ..11141..- Its 111,16 1,1,.; as 1•1 ii. 1,.• :.:.ar• r..••• 1. A:UMW [(MY: h.. , Sro V.la 'n..l .s. •••:: .11sa•amr. rum. 1.1a•1 ••:•11 . I. : 11 , ..4t. M•rts :”. 1 , 1 • I y rr.t•.• ••• • SI, ~ .ns saalteris in V,. %.• • •• 1.• a. .aa I lrnr f'• . , 1 ....• 0•5t4."4.1 lototIs• • a. ••0••••, a... 1 .•••••• 1 ' . l 4111 a in Ih* I .1 LLA n 1,, rnt ru• t•m•r f•••• the -m•••:.11 r .;.tem.. 111,3-4. II" I%' 1...,•,1.1 .51.1 el. 1 Ir••sii11•41•S ilh Are•rom Ap. •rrobeorio,,, .or, •,e‘ .r the Altertion. .y.rmtnett 01 . and Isstinevlisdo Mite(' :11 .1 • tq.sica• of its io.tonitir• pow or ti) ut. pr: EPARRI) BY Dr. J. C. ATED a CO.. LowyD. Dam. J•rnrftrnt mold An.llyikai Chemists SOU) , UY ALL llittlitilsTS EVERYWHERT mat?' , . ,p - 414 TUTION R S . ec ti A PERFECT CURE i Feser and Ave, Stk.% r, b.' , of Apre:iac, Nau-ca, 11. r; born, J.iundice, and 411 from a di-ordercd - Mate A the Stout h. Liver ur integinea. P r oggrrol 11. SEWARD. iIENT3.}:Y 1 / 11EN6Y. 114114..1!1rt5r. Ituffrio, N.Y. Fg4.l A liiMlNlWltLAllolTlieldlitek. Let. 21. ten oradredntstratton on the estate of Matter Penne' deed. of the borough of Freedom. Beaver 000nty, Pa.. Mettle bsen:granted 03 the under signed, ail patrons tabooing thitabeelves indebted to said *stale are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claim, against the same win present Mentor settlement to JuNATEtazi PAUL. Adst`e. Dept:Met. s Freedom, P. O. QUINGLIBIBI 1111111NOILES11-710 tinder sld. has agate tornmeeted the manotactne of ShWes at his establishment near the Warted station., In Beaver, Pa. Builder, and all others to need or shingles can get aa good an article from metedlt as fair leans ae an else In the twisty. Otes me a WI. U. 811UYAKIIII. augll:tf • • IVOTICII—LIMI . dA To builders. ma E im , s. brkklnreirn and plaa . tern, got your USOO at the MONITOII LIME A IT,Niki. .121 J.— - • VilspOlt,aud acre Una and money. .11 , :le Teri best Lime. as It to Motive and will mace mortar, and there la sowed/ toll. We eight;one tout tbe beet stone and Ills burned last the coal Is not mixed with the acme to two. le that there Is no mhos or cinder Is It. Brkkbyers need not sift It or ree It off to make Mortar. which will save • rent Mal et gum Yon an always get It hash—tad 5.41(705 want It—and in LARGE LUMPS. Rate to an who hare moot tt. &me partite Ik- termed to other kiln+ speak *plait ft and try to !tell an lorenor talkie Si the name prtee, thin and wee tt. or try some Lime darned promptly border at Reasonable Rates eallraW Myr oe Imam, Semi orders to the Matteson Lime HIM*, or to W.J. DUNN Mayer Post 0111114 n~vta:sm LUMBER! LUMBER! allra=l"="kafractr, Char 1 inch Plank, Eakinglat, Lai/lOWA Doors, &c., se at the /west pekoe smd en the most Überal tense. I would lay to the public and imperially to sty old Woods Mid cestomere, that haying devoted may Tan 10 the lambs, and Sadism %misers. I esi cosadest that I can make It to the Limwellt of hey 'ere to call and maim my stork and prime be. Ibmpenilmaissw elsewhere, Mos and Tina en New Took amen, above the Rallroed. Rochester. CRAS. LUIIt septl,lm. Arleta
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers