r li.wile-i,iefiAjwi* J. :wzrAmk lbreolll . AlD . rSOVII67OS Deaver, ; Pa.. Nov. 3. .131111 P. Tomer° is pow, payiug the bulk of thelnternal revenue tax. At no time since tobacco Was taxed did iteofitri- . bate a law proportion af• the total revenue than for the past twomonths. Eighty percent of the gain for the first quarter of the prment fiscal year is on tobacco. 'Some of the Virginia flistrletif show an increase - over last ,ytnr of•4oo . Per cent. • Witty edit Or—we think he must be the man who runs the Chi• ctigo f Ist—remarking upon Brick Pomeroy's boast' that he worked M a printing Mile° by the side of a blaek man, observes: "Brick may be proud of It; bOt we are willing to bet some. thing that the 'nigger' BY vi C rino of authority contained in the .sth section of theatet of Con gress, entitled an tul to authorize the eoinuge of five cent pieces, approved May 16th, 1866, the Treasurer amino several Assistant Treasurers of the United States will hilreatter redeem, in National eurreney, the five cent piecm,coinNl under the provisions of said act, when presented in sums of not hits than sl,CKlat.their respective offices: EX-MINI TER McMmins givo directly oppoSite accounts of the dif ficulties . between the Paraguayans and Brazilians from that given, by Minister Waishbutnc. General Mc- Mahon says the Brazilians prevented ecimmuniaitions reaching him, and that the object of the Brazilian Gov ernment Is to absorb various South 41 merlean republics, etc. THE ANNLIAL of the ;Postmaster Cenenit will recommend the abolition Of the franking privi tege and of the letter box delivery. lie will .ask for the dellvyry of all matter through carriers or 'general delivery at the aims ; also, tor a re duction of rates on registered letters.. The detleieney of the veer will he showing a desirable Improve ment in the finances of the Depart ment, The total value of stamps sold during the year was slti,o7B W E Imam the authority of n west et n exchange for stating that at the recent election In Kossuth county, loWa; the Republican candidate for Governor received every vote in the comity. Ills: Yoiit was 315. The ex change referred to alleges, that there is not n Democrat left for seed eaten. The Republican! majority In lowa, on the Mh Inst., runs up to 35,0n1. /men 'is put of debt. Ho much for long continuous Republican rule. 'Mk inVestigntion in regard to the ehargesi agUinst Oen. Butterfield, As: sistant U. 8. Treasurer at 'New York, has' been concluded. • Wed. morning the Mc:atelier of Tratsuiy, Mr. Ban field, with closeted with Judge Pierre pont, Mid 'facts disclosed which:Mr. it:infield says makes it improper for ( len. Butterfield to remain at the Sub- Treasury, so it isalmost certain that his resignation, which has been ten eyed, Will lie accepted. Mr. Bantlehl 101 for Washington on Wednesday night. • NVIIST VIRGINIA has chosen an other .Republican Legislature, but with majorities somewhat reduced from last your, when we'hud 19 of the 22 senators, and .11 of the 56 Rep resentatives. Among the Represen tatives now chosen is ex-Governor I'ierpont, ,from Marion. Mr. J. S. Carlisle has probably been beaten in I iarrisdn. Our majority in the new - Legislature will contain ri liberal sprinkllag of Republicans who farcir the rinuoval of existing restrictions upon disfranchised rebels, but probe- bly not enough to ensure the abso lute control of legislation. THE correspondence published 4 ebwwhere in the A lea's en the At lorney Generalship of this State does I not reflect credit upon all of the par ties intereSted. We had heretofore looked upon Governor Geary as the I very endiediMent of truth, honor anti courage, but we confess that this cor respondence ~somewhat changes our opinion of the man. • - there arc. I howevertilways two sides to ques lions, we await anxiously for some thing front the we in reply, awl hope when we do get it, that it will be seen that he isnot the " vacil ating" calker which this correpon &two makes him. If, after all, it transpiresthat Governor Geary has titled "hypocritically" towards his Attorney General, and makes no an swer to the latter's publitntion, the public will more than likely conclude OM „Governor. Geary has been en trapped antddlen into a snare, set for 111111, by some unscrupulous poll tit ions in his own party, who are, and fur some time past have . been, his disguised ;enemies. These men broke ground with the GoVernor last spring, and prior to our State ('onven limi to organize An oppo sition to Min in that body. Failing to made any headway, they seeming 1/ acquiesced in his nomination, but 1111 the while earnestly hoped for his defeat ot the October election. In the meantime,. havinga bide; feeling - toward Attorney t feneral ilfewster, who had thwarted some of their ras cally political schemes, they deman ded of the Governor his removal. "To conciliate Olen', and to prevent their opposing his election openly, Governor Geary, assented to their demand, but fearful of the effect of removing t he Attorney General while his own election was pending the axe WItS 110 i permitted to fall until that was secured, 110 w much Gov. wary will Make ty'beconfing an instrument of vengeance in the hands of these plotte'rs remains to be seen. THE statement of the public .debt, published yesterday,sliows a decrease of $7, 12 1:1,852,74, ranking a total de crase of debt Since the first of March Of $62,332,070,65, the principal of the coin debt *has increasells9„Bll,lB3,N; lawful money debt hosdecreased 82,- t l6 s,ooo;.interet has decreased 4e3,6!",6,- 2.40; matured: debt has decreased. principal $134710,' interest *49,781; demand notes have decreased $l,- :tv,; fractional currency has increased 41,1X11,143,88; :gold certificates hove increased *4,318,81)0 ; coin in Treasu ry has increased *8,190,642 88 ; .chr rency Treasury has increast4t6B9:- 29!, sinking fund has Increased to,-; 131,843; bonds. awaiting action of Congress have increased $11,1k11,584 ; curfeney fralaiwe 4 1 %7,218p:1 21 ; coin Want* $116,981,711 69. The tiKhs In the Teller ease. '.4n ex•ollicer of the Unlted r Stattp army, minted Crane;beitig Mayer of Jackson; liss., had, in the Ow - dance 'of his oflic al duty; caused an attach itiOt to !slue against olden° iii Yes- gees residence, to liquidate - certain overdue •tAty taxes, r Shis,imatrtel. Whit& thetter was in atiiindenOitti a.delepto t . the Memphis Con:Mier clal Conyeation. On Verger's return . Ito took the levy aa a national and Intentional insult, and attempted to edlgame .o accotnit,itocordingto tha ecxle of Loner. •'. VMS , course • ,Was blandly , ignored lay the MaYori w 44; soon ,aftex the reception of Yerger'm note, amred on the'streets in the art,r disehe f an Milideldtity, ' 'there he wastue e l by 'Verger, who brutally murdered him in i open. day, in the, sight of m ny witnesses without de manding ne word of • explanation. Ile va s a rested, arraigned before a Military mroission, and believed to halo been found guilty from the fact that the aeyused has been held in con litement ever since the adjournment of the trib tug. While the military court was hr,seasion, an application for a writ .f habearp corpus was made hefoiethe tilted States Judge whose district I .luded Mississippi, but it Iwas ref '. 'on . the Plea of want Of jurlsdietio t. ..' A further application Was mach to Chief Justice Chase, as an ibdivid al momber of the supreme Judicature of the Union, .N'111:0 took the plea u der consideration, but de ferred act Ott until the cause et ild be heard bef re ti full court. .. . . . Chief J Istiee Chase read an elabo zi tato opin it on Wednesday last, in the Ye ,„ r tu.sro to the effect that the Supremo, Court of the United States has Jurisdiction under the Constitu tion, and judiciary Act of 1789, and that the net of 1E67, repealed by that of 18118, does not operate to take away the jurisdiction of thiS Court in the habeas corpus, • which is most valuable rights, and both by the Constitution The opinion. does not mutter, o among on is guard and statu is constitutionality of the 'Hon acts, but merely the f the authority of the court o writ of habeas corpus un ppellate)urisdiction. The e merits, if the court shall writ and proceed to the hereon, will present the nly. 1114 *to which power in if Mlsiissippi—in its pres tion of reconstruction, the or civil—a .persori charged is idnendable. involve t reconstru question to issue tl, der the i t ease on S I IMUO the hearing question the State ent mad military with eft, •osi of the Commissioner Affairs will take strong drat the practice of ma e with the red men. Bet the ten members of the mnisilen, have visited the and the Commisioner has the omission. Only me m appropriation for their has been draWn from the The year has witnessed a provement in the condi ifairs on the plains, under lions of the humane policy been adopted. The Report lase.; another fact which is in keeping with all the rent evidences that this is uistmtion honestly commit nchment and reform. A le part of the two million s ted to feed those- 'lndians trratirs Wricr ns - in the Treasury,. Noth at sort has been heretofore the. experience of the THE L ndon Tim sof October 28t1 in an article on the clamor for }'en lan nmnasty, says many govern mauls, a well a that of England regardedyvhellien as trans -11 other crimes, and as one ished beyond them all. The overnmPat now looks on it formerly eemlim; to be pu British ught than ordinary crime: OEM ous consequences to the with rfl prosperity of the country, ra3 from the slime intracta temper and self disregard 'fare that prompt, common and as requiring the siuno pelted alt as *rip. Witty of of the tt•t litigation If punishment. When it is ated that the Fenians have al:, worse Jeed,and harsher than other's onviets it will amuse Mr. gladstone of nnlurd denton,t harder x treatmet be time t sont4tive to injustice, when 13211 on 116; fellow•' jßnintrynnen m 'Afflicted t op foreigners practice( than NO government refuses to nu MI he rebellion ny if it were rtuu misdirested, Mr. G i la& I afford to treat with indilTer mputat ion that he has turn eme from his generous prin. BGI. toward . simply stone iitn enee the ed reneg eipltt, of N the stun l , lineq, dee, , w York Democrat, with all ling emphasis of separate ares; TheDe States is. !noenttie party of the United lally In want. tlro not nunierotot, b Its Ica revere, OEM It wan It Wall 11011eAy. . pluck. unity of tenon. 1 integrity of purpccie. I it wants votes and vieto is it can't get the articles 11 by the .Demoerat, it will .to get the vo tes either. 1. It e•unl lEEE It want • 1e..4; an ries; but enunrerntS lint be abl y General . Breursti.r _Worn l Attorne official refi ll l Oct. 6th, 41 I, General Brewster In an rt to the Governor, dated Ivey au exhibit of the busi : office during his term:or nes of li seryiec tering on the duties of his found uncollected claims Upon e office ho to $271,752; Or these he amount' led $215,7:14. The balance Idol claims, which city small, amounts to but wily due from insolvent Lim has mike of uncoil precedent "29,99 G, I oil coinpa, During IN term of office up to July last, there was certified to the Attor ney General for collection,, claims amounting to 432,555. Amount c011ected..5399,745. lected..$399,745. Their:dance has been put in st i t, but the money may not be mule owing to•insolvency. . Since July chins have been certified to the Attorney leneral amounting to $12.1, 24, ' owl these are as far advanced as thebusineits of the Courts will permit,. ii, The relieving is the conclusion of the Attorney jenend's report. 4 - The en ire collection made by, me and pal( Into the - State Tristsury amounts to , J 87,901) OG, of which there h been mliectixi during the past guar cr $102,48835. In addition to the suns collected as above, I have rtrovered in the court below suits tunountin... to sl7,&<) tt,but which have not i cyet been paid, because of the defen ants having sued outwrits of error.l To collect these various sums I have issued 816 writs, • Me=== so kel 1 .... . Ail ofeliii'iiitilenintinbien' . "111; - : aed, .witn:the ntoapticalit, ... , after mentleti; . and all of the wilt(' the_ excepfkin &Ave; haekbeek ed.': del in gsi n oflbo Conenionwealtii at dualja ent.. At the recta 9* sion of-the apron.: Court. atliarriv burg, ,n :decision. : Was given , in , the tonnage tel • atss,'Avnlch have been pending sinus 1801. Tho decision was in favor af..lho Counnonwealth; - and secured'fit revenue of. over two hun dred thOrteund 'dolialif tter:anntini:' The rhenuiniated debt. tindei Ms taii snakes, directly' , dependent Upotillie decision over NOO,OOO. -, The corporwi tion are !about to, take . out writs of error to the .United States Supreme •-. , At the smile terra of Court the grass receipt .cases would have been also argued;:had they hot been Postponed. until' January' at the request of -the defendants' counsel, - who • wanted ewe for preparatiOn ; and also' as the decision of the tonnage tax ca 1t favorable to the State, would tarry With it these cases. Such a . contln gency having happened; the :gross receipt ames may be considered as liffrually • decided .in favor of the Commonwealth. ~ The amount In volved is about the same as that of the tonnage tax, viz; over two Min dred thousand dollars • per annuriT." :The variouscasca which hair° occured since the' June term of the Dauphin munty! , Courrnmi Pleas.are itt'a con.; (Mien 1;0 . 60 heard at the next terns: In conclusion, I would respectfully repeat my invitation to your Excel lency to examine in nersron the books and records of my office. I have the honor to be, with great respect, Your obedient servant. • • BENIt 3 / 4 311•N H. BREWSTER, • . • . Attoknoy general: TREASURER Stibauer received on 'Saturday last, for retieraptiona Wren ty five cent note of the new ..k4sue which has the appearance of having been- In' for mime time; but does,not bear the red seal' upon its' The fixed by the department. The note is upon genuine paper and printed from a genuine plate. DIRE CAL+VIIITY. Steamer ,YonneaE Burned—Over One Hundred and Fift,y Lives Lost-'- Heartrendind Details. ST. Louis, October `Z3,11369. Mr. Phelps, a planter of Shreve port, La., has arrived from the wreck' of the Stonewall, and furnishes the following brief wrticulars of the ter rible disaster to that boat: The boat caught fire at half past six o'clock on Wednesday evening, at a point a lit tle belowlsteeley's Landing, one hun dred and twenty-five miles below St. Louis, from a curdle which the deck passengers had new some hay, while playing cards: The steamer was run on a gravel bar, the pilot supposing that the parts en gets could wade ashore on the bar. Unfortunatel4 at the end of the bar there was a, slough . ; and here it was that the. larger num ber was drowned. The boat was not run on the bar but two feet, and' the shal lowed' poin t about her had five or six feet Of water. The boat 'hod so much hay aboard that she burned like tinder, and all .effortito put it out were unavailing. Tho Belle Memphis came up at half past nine, three hours after the accident, and rendered all the tostis tame possible. Out of 252 passengers and crew only 30 are known to be salmi. The• lost seen of Capt. Scott he was floating down stream on a log. • The people at Neeley's" HAW the light And hastened to assist. Ono man rescued sixteen persons with it skiff. Had It not been for their help all would have been lost. A gentleman from Paducah,Ky., swam ashoro.with a lady, and her entreaty returned to save her child. In swimming ashore he was grasped by a drowning man, and would have been himself drowned had he not shook hint oft one man was taken from the wreck so badly burned that he died as soon as he retched-the shore. Capt. Doudy, of Slireverport, Lit was saved. There were thirty-nine cabln pass engers and sixty belonging to the crew. Quite a number of ladies were on board, all of whom were probably lost, except one. Fulkenson, the pilot, and the mr penter, were the only ones of the crew saved. The Stonewall was owned by Cap tain .Tohn Shaw and Dennis Long, the latter of Louisville. She was valued at $15,000, and insured us fol lows, in Pittsburgh offices: Eureka, $.5,000; Boatmen's, 55,000;S Citizens', $5,000; Monongahela, $5,000; Alle gheny. $5,000; Merchants and Man ufactures', $5,000. ' She had about eight hundred. tons of freight,including, two hundred and seventy tittile, horses and mules, which were insured. Captain:Shaw had stopped oat' this trip, and Captain Thin. Scott was iu antimand. The other offimrs were as follows; Milton Ceibert, first clerk; Win. A. Chick, second clerk; Jos. Lester and Dr. Hoover, barkeepers; Ed. Fulkerson and Frank Murray- Wpilots ;- Wits. Beebe, mate; Geo, ulton; engineer; John Lyons, as. sistant engineer. - YEr ANOTISEIL ACCOUNT George W. Fulton, thechiefengin ecr of the Stonewall, arrived here on the Belle Memphis, and gives some furtheeparticulars. Sixteen persons were saved by clinging to a stage plank and six teen more swam ashore. These are all out of between 2.10 or :260 souls on board of wlame positive safety there is any certainty. One man named Boman was picked up and brought ashore, but he died:soon after. The only officersof the bmtknown to be sweet are George W. Fulton, chief engineer, Edward Fulkersou, Monroe, Vandevert, E. T. Watson, carpenter Vandevert, striker, and Charles William and John Church man, deck hands, are also among the saved. "Of UM three ladies on bawd only one, Mrs. Otegg, who was going to New Orleans with her family, to meet her husband, wit s saved. (...tm min Scott was last seen floating on a spar. • Men on shore rode seven miles doWn stream on horseback In hopes of finding him, but he was not found. The, scene on board was heartrending in the extreme. The flames spread with wonderful rapidity under the action of a strong wind,and the piss engers 'in wild terror crowded the forecastle until they were forted over. board in a mass and drowned. : In their struggles to save ;them selves others would jump into the water. Whirl around in the strong current, for an 'lnstant, and disappear for ever. Mr. Fultonjumped overboard and attempted toSwim ashore, but. com ing'in contact with a - number of mules, he swam to and climbed in the wheel of the boat. While there the steam pipe burst and the wheel :re volved three times. He clung to it, however and was finally taken ashore in a skiff. Charles Williams, a deck ' hand, aws he tried to smother the flre, when it was first discovered with blankets., but the wind blew so strong ly he fluted. An effort was also made to bring the hose to play on the fire, but the crowd of frenzied deck pass engers rushed with such. iriwistable force upon the men having it in charge that wereebliged to give it up. Williams then threw, over lxrard a bail of hay, but did not get upon it. He then fled •to the stern of the'boat where he encounteredthe' boat's yawl, containing six men and a Woman. He was taken in, but having no oars they could not stem flu:Current: Willhuns and the Woman were put ashore, and the remaining men , made another, attempt to, reach: tite•steamer, using‘the..seats •ef the yawl for paddles, bittbet tide was ) • IM==l= leo • atm ,wero ear doiwrf and semi u 6 more. Will Ahluks not more 'thlrty Were saved,' -but hoped. tittitny were , able to the do t at :different points therriver. - arld that further info' Lion wilt show that thojatooffilf irOtt.iicieriitTiti and ,opp? . 111t pregent tulvices fe t : 4 ~, There is no fet e fitrollblewl selierat mites of A game of the niter, infliffitaiiirotitton :later I 'eleven' otekiekkiqs nritinta 't!* . ," ~-...1....._:_:..:-.4., . . . •.-',..kirouirtt-Giiilapeß"Apintr ,. • • -1 , -“.1.1ic..,- - 1,-, , :-.. k.,_,...5 ,, A CeiKirta r . :1. ~ i 'li(er•;L.DOWy- l ikicy "Asiittlaitu4what liTaillinGotternor Geitry,Aitorney, Oeneral lireevatelij: ' 'Judge ~ - B ytiviter, _''Johis7throdO,'" - ir: ! :KZ01077/.old-rpther# , :4 7 o` Tll* a pty t d:enp i r c . , . ' s • , .14.. ~.,.. i.;.; .• 7,, . , ' 1.6--- I:10% . .4EATLY• allbOE' 7111.V3VOTFIL: 1 ..1 . . ":`•'•' EXI: t T7VE'lliii4tattt;'ll., : : I . lAuntsnutia Pa4l;lll4 l Aliidli, .Hon." - .F. airioll ',Bretcsterjrhila4" ' 1 .'"Snt ,4 -Plit,Ong',the '. higheift 1.1)till-' denco iti your frierithiblp, , ability and' Integrity as a man and as a lawyer,. I have the tiOnor . to - 4 .enderto" you the position of Attorney general , pf , the commonwealth ittfTenu.syrvania',. t . %dee Hon: 'Heninniin 'Harris , prow.. ster, r ,- , , • ; - .- 7 . --',''' • ' .ShoUld'yon determine to . siecept,l I desire that you do to without delayi notify me both by telegram and • let- - ter, and at once (443111110 thdduties' of your office. Very respectfully. '. - , - Jorge W. tilEA4V.l3bvernim: -. IMPLY Of JUDGE .131LEWSTE.R. ' pitn.AthiLpilin, Pa.; Oct. 2:3, 1B 2b liia E.:cella:my jolint,lV.-.Okary, Governor : - • . Sin—Your favor qf the =lnstant. tendering - to me the position of At torney t;enertli• of this Common' wealth, has beep duly received. I : accept the appointment, :with many t.hanks for the honor conferral upon me, and for the courteou sterins In ,which you have 'been pleased to tender,it. • • • • . , It slaillinimynearnest efibrt to diS charge the duties of the office to the utnie4Of nay ability. With regard, very respeefully, yours, - F. CARROLL BREWSTER. ' MIL COVODE TO MU. IMEWSTER. • • PIIIIADELPIA, July 30, 1869 H-Breteeter: DitARStE: After at full and free consultation'with our political ,asso ciate, who nreMiicions- to secure the election' of our mutual friend, we have come to 'the conclusion .that your resignations:is Attorney General would go a long wayi to Strengthen him and add to the prospects of his election. I write thus freely because I know you, like myself, have only the good of our party at stake. This position has not been taken hastily I or without the approval of the Gov ' ernerV•whe authorizes me to write this lettet. , 'Trulyyoura, J ' . ' OUN COVODE, Chairman State Cent. Com.• Sta.; DREWSTEU TO MR. COVODE. LONO,IllAlicll. July . 3l, /839. To the Binh Johil Cbrocle,,Vheireict . l • of the tbitralanimittectoniita:. Stu: I have y our letter Of July 1839, , I decline to resign the ollieqof Attorney General ut your request, or at the instance of or on the decision of persons who aro unnamed, to me. My course as Attorney General has not been i)pen to ally criticism that meets such a request and I will: not consent to submit to an Indignity that has been contrived by Men who are hostile ,to me because I have served the party and the Governor with a fidelity that. has frustrated their hostility to him and exposed their evil purpyses. I am, etc., 118N4. HARMS BREWSTER. SEN. LONYRY TO GOV. GEARY. ERIE, August 13, IM9. His Eirtltency. Gor. Cleary—DEAß Stu: More than a month ago I was Informed that Brewster was to be sacrificed to appease M'Clnre and Mann on account of an old score, Cameron on account of n now ono, and covode Is:mu:it:Brewster had de cided abainet his right to a seat In Congress In the Foster contest. I could not believe you would con sent to the sacrifice of so pure and de voted a friend at the instance of such a combination. I wrote to you, and you replied that there was nothing whatever in the report. Before I received the letter, how ever, I met you in. Harrisburg, and you contemptuously scouted at and scorned the idea of asking Mr. Brews ter's resignation. Judge ofmy surprize this morning upon reading in the Observer Mr. Co vode's letter ofJu ly 30th to Mr Brew ster. In my humble judgment a grave error has been committed. Mr. Brewster's integrity and abili-; ty are elements too valuable to your administration to bo thus treated.— Still, If for any cause or for any Oar pose you wanted his resignation, it should have been asked for by a dif ferent man, and in an altogether dif.' ferent way. I do not know how Mr. Brewster may feel in regard to treatment whieli cannot be considered anything short of infamous; and yet his treat ment has not been as cruel as my own, if you authorized Mr. Covode to write such a letter, which I will not believe you could have done till I have better evidence than a news paper article. Very respectfully,&e. M. B. LOWRY. COVOBE TO Mit. BREWSTER. • Ptur.A'n. Oct. G; 1869. To Attorney General Brewster:— The Committee do not deem It Kee to make any appointments for you with Gen. edry; you will drive away several thousand votes from him,and we cannot have anything to do with a move that can only result in dam age. Answer. Jorix COVODE. , Rec'd nt Franklin, Pa.J Char'n. GOV. GEA:RY TO ATT'Y. RNEWSTER. EXIICETIVE CILA.MBER, Harrisburg', October 21,1869. Iron. Benjamin Harris Bremster, At - lnrney General: DEAR SIR:-=You have on several occasions told me' that whenever I might deem it to my interest, or to the weltbre of the Llommonwi.ialtil, you would at once relinquish the, of flee of "Attorney General" into my hands, That time has now arrived, and I therefore respectfully and ear nestly request that you immediately tender_to me ,your resignation, to take effect delay. Your come pliance Will much oblige Yours, 41:ei Jens W. GEARY. AT. GEN. BREWSTER TO caOV.. GEARY 4 OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GEN'E. Putrd.'ilo. Oct. 21, 1869. 2b Gen. John W. Geary. Governor of Pennsylvania: ' Stu:. Yesterday Mr: Harmer hand l ed to me 'your letter of the 21st of Odi tuber. - It requires my resignation "immediately .and AVIGIOUt and assigns no cause for the_request: It is a peremptory demand most un usual among gentlemen, and uncalled for in this particular case. After my receipt in July last of the letter of Mr. Coved°, made public in the columns of the daily press, in which he requested my resignation, assumed to do so by your authority, you sent a special tio4sage , to me by Mr. Lewis Wain Smith, the Deputy. Attorney General, diring me not to regard his ldtter, and assuringve that it was unauthorized and that Its publication was unauthorized. Not withstanding that I. felt a sense of wrong in your silence and neglect to make public disclaimer of that-letter, yet I subthitted quietly for the sake of the party and its cause, knowing well that any agitation of the subject on my part would involve you and peril your election. This you ap plauded at Corry -a- fortnight ago, when, of your own accord, you came -to see me, and when we lastsaw each. lother, and thenyouezpreally-said to Me and :31r. Lowry, .and, I believe, to General Kane, that , our- relations ;were unchanged; to me yocisald that all of the action. of Mr. Cevode, In the, totter. before mentioned, and in a tel-' t~vi -yam you• act IdziouttriOwoolu? ' e rp rn ind reit your cocithimo4,l - Thilogyi you had no cam of , complain ho wish to remiive - me or: resign. Thoolltr arnymea referred to in'• your letro4 , nnently made by onf „ j for me and Ives await: . you tie hurttitd to your, Yirri made from motives of persona:nen /lenience:and to help yours:oomin* , ',lon And silence th4i rii,hui4e.' of men who wereyouitinsOles.' instance of your . whom'!'would' rectil'A $ 04,, course in reference t0,3k4, -" S r whom you toad me you • being a defaulter, and by yourneciin press direction -bad me nen& yowi twice en accountant froth...the city- *ref fy ybur'Supposed discovery of his deli n quencles, and stainst. whom yOu said I should proceed oa soon as; you were re-elected. ' • - - - ':NoW you write to me: demanding 'my reSignation; and aslgw•no 'Canso; but leave moppet) txritoputatkar, to which.l,aarill not sublialte net. penult You"at'the,iMAtico:ot*Chiii4", you denouticedlo me ea :fee ticirdst and onoof wholity oolustruct-. 'al - me to prosecuterand after , you haVe answered yone oWn convenient* and received.my help, thus to evict me from a placrlmever :sought and which I have - hehl with due re s pect to' y public duty and my own hot). orA ftex • this" course, of Aupliclty, or. vaccillation,••to merit ts...ludiffere_nt which, servo With you :I cannot and will not, and you may „hold •my of flee vacant, and Milt with .wltounso, ever watt° base apd •mettn: enough to run the risk of illte.trestritent, or receive It as the priagiaf some dishon orable bargain. 4 , • , • • iI am, air etc. • IIENJ. Efluatitis.ilitsvieirEn. THE GOVERNOR REMOVIN ?AIL I.IRFAV! MEM • 1 EXECUTIVE CHAMBER, HARRISBURG,' PA Oet. 21,1869. •• ,sinHaying!fallect,„ .-to' receive' ir proraPt reply tci'my corninunication., of the 31st Inst.., I have the honor to' inforniy•ou that 'lave this 'day ap pointed Hon: F. C'artoll Brewster' Attorney General .of the Common wealth of Penns,yWatria . , vice Beelti-; olio llarritißmwater'.' • " Bmwster will once assume the dutielof his • soffit:6: - ; Yours, ete., Jottx W.ClkArtv.' • • •' ! Uoyerhot of 'Pen.4lYrinia. -•• ,mri. sutra's. STATE.II..ENT. NOn Gar 4'delay br9totic.r;ll349on my.rettiraTMOl HoHTOIFC.X,c4u° on 151r,:r,Ilenfrunia;pa.rris',Arreirtster, and tie shcaVed me,"tilettet• he had Just received frolir Geary iSk lug lii4 resignation,: He then 'drafted a reply; and on the MdlStiturday) lie save it to me with dliettions to' take it to Harrisburg mid hand it to GoV. Geary. I was too Mbar: indisposed to take the Journey: that' day,, and with his consent telegraphed-to Goy: tir:trY that I held•the lctter4n reply and would "deliver It to hitir on Mon day.! . LEWD; W. SMITH. 1110ndair 0ct..23,1861. [Copy of Te7octo letr4 . ll:l • ' "' ber 23 To Got'. Geary Harrisburg: , 1 Brewster has mijuestrxl Inc to deliver to you in pgrson 11L4'. reply to ifour letter to him.. Lwljbe up. on Monday. NVAi;lt Burnt; Dep,aiy, Attorney General The followerg_gprmagenflentre is the appendix, which tthilave that the State lases the serviges'of twoable of ficers. MR. tiMITII'S IG:SATION. 6119 WxxxuT,STREET, PuttannlimirA, act. t 2, 1869. j Hoa r Boil. Harris : Brewster, Attor ney General. DEAR SlR:—Personal ratson.s, of which ..I4poke to you some time, sinca,:eoibined with axairreneas of recealidate, induce me to tender you my , radgnation as Deputy Attorney General, to take effect on the Ist proximo. or as much & sooner as my succassor may be apNinted. I am sir, with grad rpect and affection your truly. Lams AVALs SMITH. OFFICE OF ArroItNEY ansEuAL. I PittrutrommitA Oct.-:?6, 1869. 7b W. Smith, Ely, Dep. Atter , ney General, - Oconnionwealth of Pennsylvania: DEAR Stn: I accept of yourresig. nation. The reasons given me and the occasion you allude to, all war rantyour course. Td me you have ever been a gener ous,Thithful friend, and to,the public a dutiful, skillful, upright ofticcr. • I 043 shall vacate•mv office. T o hold it longer would be inadmil- We. I Your -friend, HARMS BREWSTER. ALASKA COKUESPONDEOCE. SITKA, SePtemberfl4, 1869. Mr. Eurron:—Among the many industries natural to the coasts of.Al askri, none are more prolific of wealth than those of the fishery. The cod, halibut, salmon am: herring which abound here in 'immense quantities. from Tougos In the south to Sebring Straits in the Nve4, Was one of the strong inducements held out by Mr. Sumner in his magnificent speech in the it:. S. Senate ndvocailug the par cluise of . this territory from ;1 1 . 111 ; mid, although •many professed to be- Hello his statements in this regard as fiabulous ,and visioear y, yet -expert nee litts fully sustained the correctness 'of his esitnateof tiler itimiulance, and the importanai' of those fisheries— 'noW In embryo-to the commerce of theworld and will be . lamelyapp recta ted at no distant day. Theseal and fiur traders arealso'doinga good business thiS season. We, who live at Sitlai, and aloeg the coast at Stlekeen, Cll4. san and Tongos, know the value of the salmon fisheries , and their ulti mate importance. The - . America ,Thissian Commercial Cpmpany-one of the few associations of men who IMO evinced enterpriso-7have an ex tensive fishingestablishmentat Ozer; sky, 'employing sortie twenty men constantly from March till October. Last:year, owing to unsuitable, wits, they only put up about eight hand.. 'red barrels of minion. This xear; at though the me s on is Mot ended, they have put up and prepared for. the. Atlantic .market over one- thousand barrels. Ilaronoriteli, at Casan, last 'year, with the aid Of :only four men; Put up seven hundred, iirrels of sal main beforetlCeSensoa was half over. -Resuspended Ashing for lack oflibls. On the 7ta of "August; last year, the steamer SaginaW,,plipt: Mitch el 4 called nt this plao..!'lltronoritch had ceased work .80, three weeks' , before, 'but at the Captain's requeit;' lie took the shleio two boats and his Seins . out to catch' . 'A supply for *his crew. In fifteen nitnutc...3 they re• turned with the beats' loaded to the guards, With beautiful &dine]. Re confident that It his-barrels had not failed ho conld have put up seven 'tnindred more before the tenlion . A Hair iriethad oiiaticig up salm- MAIM . --:. .. 7 77 , • ' ril .' , . ii - ' " '''' . • ' • ,:. c l'"i... : • 1 1 , - a ..- . k. . $ "--. vOr ...,;., .ng .. oft I . • ... - er ~ • . 014 -: : lvi gh .OF eel tieiotti = t adsTantageots Ili(We hope to sicottgierefilhisisHr" , ifigage hi it 44 4 1 . 204 ek. - , W 1 4410 ) -$1 4 .01fA.. Meant sualtphea,Amipswtatlon and Oki Vrice itil-remurient tive It will help.the prosperity of town, alite"iidritlo‘ -•lan population, and character to !the value , of the territory. ; There are besides those enumenited, til hundred) tater z salmon ilahories Where, addedtO splendid locations fin' good,buildip laznchor agt,) ie‘stters. - 'Many water riv . ers Come leaping down from the Mountains into the 61314 and into ihese :the salmon fleck in the spring and spntmerAtaltuch vast numbeta as to jai ' 'These amo generally known and be ' " • *Hal will , noon' seek IftWitt -111 ff heie, and ilequire, 'in this hen *itursult, amplo"remuneration. Again, the halibnt fishery is fin enense. Westwood from Sitka to Ko dlie, ICertar, •aad etvpll tC! the It-titzt sula of Alaska': these l ffsli alimud.- 1 - tvery person who comes down from that coast speaks of this fishery. As yet there are none with whom we are abiTtitiblr4 cAlAged Px . this - PtirsuAti. but 'if some enterprinnig company would invest erect tiuitable dryingsheds,liatch and cure the fish - for the fiturllancisto Market, it would be found a prof itable investment. The experience Of our own f!eoplOprostee that; with Ordinary, precaution, all the work of drying or pickling can be as well done on the adjacent islands as it can far ther beloW on the coast. - But the cod fisherks of- Alaskan waters ore of the greatest moment to us as a people and .a nation.. It is a well known , fact that, :fOr years. the products of the, cod flisheries of the Atlantic mast have been diminishing until it has become merely , a nomi nal trade; more than one hallo( the 'great 'fleet of vessels formerly engai ed in it are' now lying idle in the harbors of Baton, New Beiiford,'Sti tem, Lynn, Newburyport, Marble head, etc', - or,taivi gone into the.car rying trade. There is today u hearty population of fishermen who are cast adrift upon the world, earning a live 'rood, in ways illy suited to them, 11 because " Othello's occupation is tone." The vessels have proved, and are lrOving a ruinowi investment to tlselpownees,,,pot earning enough to ply a reasonable interest on the cost of their construction. Again, the flsitlag trade of former years was of incalculable value to Massachusetts. It was ',ono of her great sources of wealth Nyhich built up nearly all her scaliort towns. Lately, the question of procuring some treaty stipulations 1 with Ire:a:Britain has been urgent ly presse3.l'cly tlutie immediately in teresteil, whereby the United States 0111 have the right of fishing for cod on the toast of. Labiador, and it is conildentiy' expected by many that this right aillsoon be ceded by, the British government- But, why ob ligate ourselves to a foreign nation to secure that which we already poasesa In otar paniVtlera .A. 7, fine codfish crinbanila' fts.'eatit tti; s ltialwn I world lierf4opethecissttbf Alaska; frorntheitettinsulaofOtrnalaskathio' Norton'sand KotiebtiOs &anal:into Behrixig great depth of wator which unties from seventy to ninety 'fatioms. The 'banks along ' our mast:only average ftom thirty to fifty- filtirtink— The fish, too, are of equally o.fine a alality.and sizt , those, caught, ohs:Where iu. Atlahtit. waters. Thislseasqtr_tbere errs, I-believe, some kon or twelve'yels, formeily cape Ann fishermen brought aroand Cape Hop, engaged lu the cod ffsit cry along the coast of •Alaska; find we know they Will do well. There Ls no reason why the idle ve.:sels on the Atlantic (vast should not be profitably employed on this they are generally constructed for a freight capacity of one hundred to two hundred _tons, and can easiliget a etrgoof freight from Boston or New York for Sim Fitinelsoo, and thus earn sufficient to pay miling expense?. Starting in the summer pr early'au titian they can reach San Francisco insentient° procure an outfit and pro -1 eeed on their cruise by the following 3lttrch or April. It is only changing the base of operations ; instead of the 1 East supplying the West with fish, it will be rice cowl. The price of fish shipments steamers will be but nominally increased; while we shall, am, a ;iconic, have the satisfaction of being-independent of all foreign pow ers fora supply of one of the great staple of focal. It is hoped that the eastern fishermen will wake up to the' importancaof their industry, and ex hibit that energy which has always characterized New England's soils, by bringing out to Alaska a fleet of • vessels to engage in this certainly lu crutive business. The market lathe world. We tuc on the highway be tween the eastern and the we-stern hemispheres. Not only is there - a ileniiiad for fish in the United States, but China and Japan with their mil lions of people are ready to purchase. All hail, then, to the speedy inaugu ration 'of this enterprise. Then not only will Alaska prosper and the country genetsdly be benefittecl, but we shall feel proud of our resources of wealth and 'power hero on the Pa cific coast. And, should necessity requite it l in the future, will be able to supply as brave and hardy seamen to man our naval fleets, as the Atlat tie ports has el heretofore done. JottN L. BEIGHt.r.v. Neu'- ddvertlseutents• ATIFICIACL TEETH IPERFECT4 ED I—T. J. dr. IL J. CHANDLER ..ave pun chased the °schist's' right. of Deaver county to use Dr. Stuck's Pufent, by which they can put no Vulcanite as thin as Gold Plate; with a beautifut enameled polish; and no light and elastic a to pm'Oectly adapt Itself to the mouth: obviating all that duress. and bulky condition, eo much toms nL:lned of heretofore ; and teaming their liability break ovelliundred per emit. Indeed, no one lib. it would be willing to wear th e old style plate any longer than they could convetilen it, get them exchanged. All branches of Dentistry per.' formed in [he best and•• most substantial manner. In tilling tall with gold. etc.. we challeng e Coen pet 1:Int e sub mito i iir . rtg ;.. an . d i ati ood b rg a rr ot t . (king years. - Among the number lion. Jobe 'Allison will exhibit tilling* we inserted some g 'years ago; the teeth as perfect no the day they . were filled. 'Laugh:tag Go prepared on a new plan. freeing it (min all unpleasant and dangerous Recta. making the extraction of teeth. equate of pleseure rather than of horror and pant. - Priced at low as ear gOod dentist in the btxte. Office as Heaver Station, nuthestair Pa. • • tn.v3;tl) T. J. d. 11. J CHANDLER. d antntstrntors Notiee.—Letters of admln h. I..tion on the estate of John 31emer, dem'd. late of Ilanoirr township, Bearer. meaty, pa, hartim been granted to the onderalgndd ad per. sons Imovvlng themselves Indebted tesald estate are rt 91:mated to make Immediate payment, sad those !Wring clatMs agslaat the same will _present them tor psymecttp .'• • JESSE 'MERCER. oetd,l4. ... • Admlntstrator,tireen tp. B o i svrivoctie • ham Jr N rlol4l4,, to J wt.• 7-.; • Dr- To co* oa Undone 14_ C y r. as bonds - wanted, . B hoods roderoook A, tl,KytofhlOOgo Intend DOI oo booda. , By ;11.0.51,27,1 foorA t t t m m Aiigt to hiedsol= of tbo a ba ;rrll o!a*ksbps&"a O4ro."111z4-• MII.NU "ft iP os lAaf 'Waft rt VErleakiiitiofifor :,aortibtl JAKKB K. ••A 4111121ESIWASTIIIIIk AlligNlll WAN. ;oa.Wiki VS= moosslu'uldl'mokloA Bono 4imUy. Illeydafra==insd '21•1 . • 1•••••••:11•wHittirs.allaideb. 111 t 1 4 10 •• and ambrolderin • moot nprior-inanatri. , • Prka mly,l6..Vat idoOlplity Lid it bag DO Ora buiyfrom say pullet selling ma- • china msdeettie woe IMMO - unless W hig a C'ertllleats of Agency• 4••• by at. as OM are wortbOwC•••lnra Xac•in C alz - - • ,F0r,...441ipap Terawapptyjirl4••••••_i RAWMRD yttla, 413 Chesnut Sheet, Yhnodelra; .0ct.20,8m. Old To*nobly sire Glasgow Bofo. 21,X1,117 ACCOULIt: .. Dr. To amount of bonds unpalk Der.. Tih. . UM. u per Auditor's moist, span l.9B Cr. per cub in buds of former collar-tort was Dr. 'I"o bactiaunprotrldod tot Deo. Iptittt 150/..16 To bluest ou stuns— ' . MAD . Tp pallid' ta g _A nd I ton rrport.Atitue WO i' . . - UltsllllloD, ' TN/ M3:Si IMBI _ - • . . " a .. Cr:fro amount of tax 1ev1di1,....'...1,9118.16 11,toaesszlowi & pen:rave, 410.013 Paid lo . John Bleats, tieste'r. by COUCCtOrI. 1470.10 . . 11.11 M ut, . • •-. Trotee s rr tctools ot hetiler bonds orer Ulted.te.l46l.BB -Mite Trou Aral improvidediorOct. Slit. ISOO,tugeth- x i i i at with thtettpeosebZ:lehlog. 1e.... we. the dersticued tattoo , of Ohio , to, "do certify thatibrabore' t. es' stilted. islaw nxtro the beat of oar knowledge. Judgment Mid i 1 , .... ~ - - 3IARTIN lIRESIL!iti A "I , 1 , - ' I' . e : ALPRICD LYON.. • , tatters.. • • JAS. C. MAJ 313011.1 (Radical sad Load my o Ow esi e sand Nerd btu to octil7gt. HENR . ,I47 . .,LAPP. 'Dealer lu stklnds nl FURS` ITITRE, Brighton street above the Plow Factory, Rocheie,ter, . . The largest Mock In Beaver county con stantly on and selling, at the very lowest prices. Laugl&Gm X 1 duce to Stiockboidereadjourred Al meeting of the staahniderr Ferry • Little Beaver Petroleum Company will be herd at the °Mee of O. B. Hurst, Roebes{et.ra...oll Tuesday. November thil, VOA su99!_eklek t. a. - !.. octnql. .' • raj. Ercalaelle Thor Rale,:Tho Sboint .30n.. minim. on Rughtes and other property dir to the Smith's Ferry At 141Ite . Co., on Dry Run. at Binttlfs Fan,.aver • Po. For partlenters applytoentFgot thollotioW: Ing Committee. z • • •--.-y: JOIIN BlGMVlr r tles - S LEVI BRRNN JAS. DARRAGH, t . • ^ 'A. C. HURST ' ' wptlk•tt. • • (Mulled end toest eoPy—ikholekrii4-7- BARKEU , 'S LARGE 2-wroctir;- Chcap Cheap Meriazo, Chezp . Cheri I)clalnw Cheap Poplins, . ' Cheap Calicos Cheap MpacaN Cheap Linens, , • Ch•vp CmAcA,' Cheap Handkerchiefs, Cheap FhttinclA, Cheap Blankets, Cllc3p Quiluti Cheap Towels, .Cheap Shirt F'ronta, EV.ERYTIIING CHEAP AT BARKER &, CO'E., O. 59 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. EMS Brighton . Paper Mills, BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. PRINTING, • ILLY:VILLA, ROOFING, BAILING, Hardware, Glass, Straw. - itAG . AND CARPET Pis AND SOLD AT Whotextile d: Retail by Frazier, Metzger &Co., S 2 Third Avenue. IMEIZIM g_irltagg taken lu exchange. 'l\ TEIV FAMILY GROCERY EEO PROVISION STORE! 1-2.0e11e - Ate - Pa. By - COE & DARRAGE I=l Family Groceries and Provielons,"Fish. Flour Cucese. natter, Lard. Bacon; Oil. Pure Cider Vinegar, Syrups. Molasses, Salt, Tens, Coffees, Sagers, Crackers, Tobacco, Ciro.., Queenstrare-Willow,care, • ' Wooden-ware, and everything • in their line,and they hope by P triet attention to tuistomr, to . , . merit a . - LIDERA]. 811 ARE OF THE PATRONAGE N.ll.—All lands otConntry Produce takeout the nukrket price. COE & DARRAGIII licpcbectcr Oct. Ist. 18M—ocatiltl.v MEYRAN 8:, SIEDLE, Successors to REINEMAN. MEYRAN & SIEDLEII No. 12, Filth Avenue, PITTSBURGH:Pa Gold Silversmiths, and dealers In FINE JEWELRY, DeAVNTS, • SILVER AND 'PLATED .WAR} Agency for all pip twit in:Ars of -Naneria an Watches SETH THOMAS'. CLOCKS An kinds of watches carefully repaired virxl, guarantceiL farylsav ES3 Own t • s - itLys. • • write . of y.sitiont " sad laud rams. Woad ost - cribs Caen • ; • • • Pleas of the comity Beigimhtedtolall there will be wpm,. to ealeCatlltif Court Besse In the bar. "cepa Beaver. Bearer amity. Fs, ou Saturdey, =Mr 9. Balk et tot okb•dt. a. sa.„ theta , Writ: ;• .. • -All the t and telt Phmule to that Mt or twice of Lauer taatultY lastaded and 43V' lallotest. ea - Mt MI L the lOW ner, thence b= of pas Closet for* SA & watt* per to • Met, ; south Itidemituest 35 per to a state. Mates by feud of Jeiscfauskti *out% IX deg. east 45 pa •Mni to a i skate thole* soathtla *moron IS Numbest stos same, themes by land `of Jeeele meth' Death I rfieg,east;ls perches toa stontoo the bank of Mie drat, thaws north 88 deg, met gel; perches Wks piece of beginning esdutalningl% scree more pr kora cosigning two lens Mane do Meru be t lag erectedltheicen • cemplet•The Ilaidf Wira hickory with large Bow Mart; coetatallig. gam; 'Eagles machinery, .1.0.0e1l brick kilo. an( Muds. slap teed fruit dwalliagtossui 3 Oit beams. ....WSW and 'men in execution is the. propat tithe ritual Fire Brick.Conspany of Mtlibuitti it the suit o Loam Loderrlg. Executrix of the last wUland testament. of:Joseph Luderrig, doc'd.• ALSO, $O. A' MI the right, tlt,le, Intermit iad dila of riatotid. ante of, In and to, the following lot of mound in Dmilegthei tp.. *arm county Ts., bounded ae follows: Commend:l'st a sake In the • bounds. Itne between lauds ofJ. X. Xelfeehan and the line a the Cannel coal Volltpsny, the44oll aide of the lateral relithad ae coristructed from the coal mines of Faun Valley Coat Comcpuy. to the Ohio 'river. thence I deg andls mhr, West lot - feet to on white oak, thence north =de:, keit 321`feet to a hickory on cast side of cud railroad; Metre north Id deg and 7 min, cut MI feet to a poplar on the ,west side of public road, thence by west side of said public newt north I deg, westokei pet rood 114 .24e.r.‘twwegtaiX reef tplaolifehlte .zl l north aide of Lisbon road, thence nortb 79 ors and 45 into, west Sill feet to a stone on boundary line ,between lands of James Maieelr and David Wal lace, thence along said boundary fence north I deg. east 300 feet to a antler atone, thence south be deg and 43 min, east 14CA to a white oak neat the School lterue, thence south ad de:. West NW feet torkitalto. thence north 63 dug = 4 '4 3 mba, west art feet to the place or beginn og, coo talnlng 43)4 acme, more or less, on wbkh there is erector a fume house er, dolled high, 33 (set 19.4 by II feet wide, well at the door. Also 4 memory _three houses 14•10 Met, containing S rooms each. ono log hence one story high Ital. feet, 9 log an. bars 1.5k1r1 feet, Orchard of about SO bearing apple, 'Poch =a thetry 'Wm one vein of coal, open and in good working order. 3.1 to MS ischea In thick. note. Ala° another vela °revel enopoied to be .1 fort thick, and underlaid with limestone. Several goad span" about 8 acres of timber land. Seised and taken in execution is' the la °pert) &Jenks 31, llcieehan at the cult ofJohn C. Leff. ALSO, $0.3. . = All the tight, title. hiterest and claim of defend ants of, In. and to, the followlug described piece or parcel of grenrid it. t h e borough of Folistoe, Master county, Pa Beginning at the Big Beaver river on tbe line common to lots Nos. 11 and 11"4 as marked on the general plan ot mid town. thence Moog the lure of lots of Wm. P. Townsend south 61 degrees, west 101 feet, or thereabouts. to the west aide of the race of the Melon Water CO., .thence by the seine along sold Townscod's line 'north a dazreen, 5 test and 10 Melee. or there abouts, thence by Mme south GO% degrees, west 33 feet or thereabouts to the east Mile or Mahe greet or road, ao as to intersect smith line eglot No. 4 -11. thence along said Towmentra lino (youth line of lot 23) thirty Seet or thensibelitte to Mitered side of the road, thence along the serogiti degree., west 0 feet a^d 7 Inches, or thereabouts, thence by. said Townsend's line 'oath 5 6ILS :degrees- west 46 feet or thereabouts to intersection with south line Of lot -lice. dl . thence Meng said find to land of said Townsend. sonth.o degree.. west) Er perches or Miereaboota to lands of McCoy's 1 Bel li thence Wong said lends n..rth 13 de grees. I st 4 . perches lb tooth line of lot No. 23. thence alts g s aid line. giro line otiot of' Seld Wm , rid, north 03 4 egreca ram 'BP; perches or the to . corn er of lot sold to Wm. Cameron, no John Harlan an. thence by same south 4.1 de, , cut 4(1 feet, Ocoee by the same north 03 d , emit 110 feet. Wirth Ulli degrees, east 44 feet to sin street or goad; thence up said street or mad north 43 de grees, wart 113 feet and G inchea, or thereabouts, to Perth Boca lot N 0.23; thence along said Ilne,also Bee of raid Wm. P. Townsend, north 63 degrees, "mat 6114 M -11 or thereabouts, to the east Ode amid Street or road; theme along`. said mad: 04 feet; • ALI sues along said Townsend:• :lee 5O degrestr, gi r t : Vi tt l o t o a r l t o tte no r4b . ou hi teo6t4e or wet i t h e reabo uts; of ~t , h o e bo ; Borneo by sold Townsend's, line. month GS degrees. Trent 37 feet 6 Inches, or 'thereabouts, -lo the east ide of raid street or road; thence down the same feet or thereabouts to land owned by heirs of - manna. Keens and line common to lots Noe. 13 18( as had down In the plan Druid 'own; thence along the came tooth r 5 degrees west 18 7.llths perches or thereabout to lanai of llagh Henderson. now Edward Exalts; thence along we. same north 46 degrees west Bli vete-hie, or thereabouts, to the north line of lot :so. 21; thence along sai d Lord' line (lot Of Edward Evans) 65 degrees east 33 31- Iteltha perches, or thereabouts. to the Bearer Elv er; theme down the same about 16 perches to the place of beginning.— . . Emerving. however, to the partied of: the that part—John Miner and li ire. Silas Merrick and with their heirs and API. Igns-16 feet In width between the Ihichet Factory end 'Washboard Factory. en tending Mims the water Ingham= to Beaver ricer. for the purpose of putting In a wheel and pumps to connect with the pipes laid-mm.4mM river teethe parricsie of supplying water 10 New Melton: the building to be erected thereon nollo be more than ten feet higher than. the nee bank; and the said partira of the second part, 41 wit; Samuel Bailey and William G. McCandkvs, to have the privilege .of erecting any building over the same if they „de etre ; not., however, to interfere with the ohms mentioned reservation. - , , . . , qieap Slpkwls, Cheap Cloaks, Clienp Suits, Cheap Arabs. —Upon which deacribed lots and pasta or lobs there are ereetedwundry buildings, appurtenance* with machinery , to the nse of =la Iner & Mer rick for the manufacture of tub., buckets, wash boards, Sc., together with twenty share* of water power. each share being equal to the one-hand redth part of the water power of the Falistort Wa ter COGISCAUr. Also, all that ceetainiot of ground to 'the hot- ough of Yaloton, adjoining the above described lots, embracing all the ground lyin.between the !MIMI aide of Main street, or contr a and the race of the Fatteton Water Company, an Donated follows, being a three sided piece, that to to say— On the north-western side, by, the easterly side of Cheap Ilos!ery Cheap Gloves, said street or road; on tact north-castern side, by the western aide or line of said road; and on the .both by the lot above mentioned. The south line wilt measure shoat IS feet between the road and The race., and the side linen extend north w artily until thsy Intersect each other. The above d.ertbed lots are the slime which were add and convey bto Samuel Bole, - and Wm. G. M'Canit le-s by John and Silas .sfertlck and wives, by deed dated April Ist, latls. There is erected on the above described premises a frame building 3 stories high. 40 by 4,0 feet in length and bretith, with brick front 'shy 40 ti,t, with basement. used and occupied as a Bucket Factory, whit all the m emory tuxhinery for the manufacture of buckets thereto attached. Also, a fratrie building two ski ries high, :it' by feet, whit basement, used and occluded lot the manufacture of washing machines with the necessary machinerythereto attached. Also, a ono story frame building, with basement, and brick building 30 by 50 feet with basement, the last two described buildings need and urea- pied for the manufactere of tubs, with a planing machine and all necessary machinery kir the man- Mariam of tubs thereto attached. Alto, nix bad: dry kilns, one blacksmith shop and straw shed. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Samuel Bailey and William (I; 31cCandless at the snit of Robert Cmngle- AL,O. 55) .Ij. At the same time 'and place. 'all' the right, title, interest and claim of defendants or, In and to, that following described tracts or pieces of land in Ohio township. Beaver county. Pa., boot:idol m follows: The Ist—Beginning at a hickory, thence by land of George Bigga north t degrees west 45 perches to a tam ; thence north, 7 degrees east, 19 2.loths perches to' a post; thence by lauds of Solomon Billinger north:Ali degrees west 155-10th perehe to a post ; thence by land owned to . .1. 1). Eak in norill aYy to"reel net 10 740th perches to a lost; thence by land or Jotio Cotton, south so degrees. tra 5-10th perclie• to a poet: thence south 2 tiegrees east. S g.tenth perches; thence south 79 ,1 dept.... east, Mi 5-10th perches to a poet; thence - by land of William smith 15td de• prow nest, CS perches In three chestnuts; thence synth ell_degrees weak:ll perches ti. the proce of trephining; ccutaicing 21 acres and 29 porch., strict measure. The lining at a post, thence by lands of Samuel Hoyt, toame as above doictilsich north 79 ai dep.. west *1 5-10th perches to llpOet: Menai by land of John Cotten, north two degrees west Si 5.10 th perches toe poet; thence sooty lc/ti deg. cast s:t-loth perches to a post; thence north 1 0 ii deer, ere went, 10 perches to a pow; thence by land of —, south degrees west, 41 per ches to the ;demo( beginning, containing eighty nets and thirteen perches; tin which there is erected a frame dwelling house, and the (TOMO of nil old cater mill. The above described premixes underlaid with three veins til cunt, two banks optu. Seized and Laken In execution as the property tal Benjamin Suyiler, at the cult of Benjamin Ad. anis executors. ALSO. \G. S. At at, same time and pla..e, all right, title, Jim terest and Mahn of defendant of in and to, the following described Immo and lot in New Brigh. 100, Beaver comity. Pa., hounded north by lot No. 138; east by street; south be 10l NO 137; and west by Clover alley: being lot 'No VUT in the Con" owl plan of New Brighton; en feet front on Third street, and racoons back. 150 feet to Clover alley. Ott whrth In erected a two story frame dwelltug With kitellt'll attached and eellar touler• twatit. Lot inclosed and planted with trait trees Sexed and Liken In execution as theproperty of Andrew .J. lhantoull, stilts suit of 1./utl and Thompson. ALSO, NO. C. At the same Onto and place, all right, title, In terest and claim of defendant of. in and to the fol. lowing cle.crinett lot of ground in the buro of [lea ver, Beaver Co., Pa., being the eastern half of lot No. Ito, in the plan of said borOngh, bounted ne follows: On the north by Turnpike alley; cant by Brooch Bank Miry; south by 1111111.qm:1; and week by the ....tern lull of 54151 lot , No lat. fronting 110 fee: tin Third street. and extending back along} Branch tank nlley 'Sri fret to Turnpike alley: ou w !Mit is reeved a large brick dist:llnm house two O. rice high; storeroom In the hulitilng and cellar ttudeoteatit: frame stable and not Windings, Lot eutlm.l and uldnted n ltd fruit trees. Mescal and iaken in execution an Cie protetty pf Iltoth B. Ands sun itt the snit ofJ. W. Bark...a Also. nt the suit or S. 11. Wilson, rxocuter•of the last will and testament Of Jonn Shit ely. deceased. SO. I. All the right. title, Interest Oahu uf ,1,- pool.od of, itt and to the undivided .onedbirti part of a certain tame of land in Greene townsulp. Ihm• ser county. l'a_, bounded and described as funows: South by land of TllOlll3, LillOhliO, d. eti ; north by the Ohio riser, cast by lands or Ilavid Jtoult.on , and Sally Book; west by land of Samuel Smith: containing ill The obnve Mind Undcl. laid ; mph coal and tiro Clar, one end li.ink Melt. , and taken in extsmiltio as the properly of lien , andu F. Snyder, at the son of Benjamin M ains' erecutor• ALSO. All right, title, interest and claim of defendant, of, In, and ta the following home and let in the Wrought of Glasgow, Deaver cnnuty Pa.. imiintled north by an alley. cant by other in °petty of defen dant, Youth by front or water street, pod by an alley on which is a frame dwelling Imose two sto ries high, containing II rooms; a ittittittOtOL: oil well ou thelot ; ana nll nee ',nary oat-buildings; cellar underneath dm bniblin tr. ' / Seized unit taken to execution r • ;7:property of ton me W. Sill, at the t ofJas.Sch,..t. ALSO. No. O MEM At the rime thou and place. Ott q.o right. Interest and claim of defend.ants or di and to tboso two certain lots orgronod. being numbered 50 and 31 in Lewis Hen& r plan or trot dlrtston or lots It thy borough of Itocheter. hounded and descrlberi so follows, to tell: Frontlng each lot flay fei.l on Jefferson Street and extrodlng'l74 feet loan alley; awl bounded on the uortipeast 3y NewTork street; en the south.weit by lot U. d and the owe lot* numbered:4 and 31 that Lonlo lietio.and Marlon ht. wife by deed bearing data the Milt day of Dc comber. A. D . ;mt., conveyed to Joseph Vander eri; and JasephNe.ndervert and Margaret hi. wile by deed beartne dale icily Iltb. MK conveyed the rime to (lam W.; Duck. There la erected on lot No. to • two story frame dwelling boom, with kitchen back mid , cellar otteroomtt. end oat. building. Thy two tots are In one htekwure and planted *lib trait trees. belted and taken execution to the property Viill , :llk r .... EflUM,lPata . ' ' MASAI' hat Ls Ink. ag wti, 11.1tirritf.L. hberm Mown amok . 1, asuearOce.".llll4,l4l.l : , Galax L a OTICit to beaky advent Oka taw fattort a r ed mullualisioatars AMINWOUra au . w henrejeas dray aiama ta the Itetr e vw. aim aad wl.l be reeeeted am to the teatime. cowl lox Lm* ca Weer.. ihreourradatearthe t ot Aden . executor et /rode. rick &arm dactaletlota ula or nal awe. Account at Janet Nanhalt. outlaw or Th ew as B. Mitt. tied: ' • Iy.j=of Jaime Neall, eieClitor of Jeto Nre. s _2 • Areasudor 11. - X;Vtriet. glianitin of H Cothran. ch/In a David Volum deed. Account at Joseph Whaley. ga u d L ., of the J.licuttro. cbilit at Jolla Bruton. deed . Au:oat:l a A. D. Mcßride marttia3 et J oey Meziadi..Bo6 Of Saab A. Almoner. deed Amara. roamed pcnetel, orJetnee M. halo, euxotor John S. Midas, dead. Accoaatd I.aoe nano and Jame. Ilona.. n. acutora otJqbatOnaeoleed. Ammo* of. Itaanal pluck. adndulauator the sonialtnomaiit t•e'd. account of A. Y. Jiannedy, *mu , ' the conga ml4oAoVilor..illoa'4l., AsCauslol Atta sal Was Whoa, s. toLulatratins Woollens Scatty. &ed. Account of .Wm. , It. Foster ud V. fhabank ad. intudatottors of Daulel Etuliart. deed. Account of MOWS* and M. L. gatzt,i, adoilna *Nan. Y. Patine; Coed. Account of Martin 4.. Knight, ad calidiraator litkhard MUM, due d: ' Account of John and Samuel L. Mclleary, comma Clbarlaritctlern7. 4...4. - Account of IlisCatnell, ad Wt. of tato ordains Alctkonintl . .ASNY.4 saptlacr. Ite¢Lt, • . Notice hi lho Orplutur , Conn. The followlwx Appralerseets tinder the art o f **Nimbly of *be lith of Apr1118:11 of prope lowed to bo mulcted by • widoefor ehildreu et decedent to the amount of SIOCI bare been filed Is the llidee of , ibe ON* of the Orphans' Conn a Owner county, and sppiwored Personal property to mown. of 11-1.0,1. 4 by widow ofJohn Shlrelay, deceased. Serried B, Wilaon, Executer. Personal property to amount of OM retained by Widow Cl Samuel llittbel, deceased. Citalit .11lichelbtraimttrix. ' Personal property toamonot of SITS retaln.4 lIT widow of Walter Pennell, deceased. Paul. Administrator. Personal property to itinotint or Ma n . lalted by widow or Roaxen (nimble. deceased. Astbso ilatohlo and A.. 6. Eiden, Adwititerston. Personal property to amount of S3UO Memel by sTidow **Jobs lkLatigbito, deed. listallios inn non adminlstrainr, Penional property to szuntit o(Bl.Bl,3lrtesisol by widow or David Alexander, deemed.. James 31. Alexander. Executor. Fersonal propeny to mount of F2llO widow of 11. Fisher, deceased. LotLt Fisher. SdminLtrator: PevaleMa of teal estate to unman of ikka ed by widow of Samuel Melee, &Mewed. sam.,l Marshall. Adminintrator. ' -Befletul property to Mond aLftnef.23 maned by widow of John Blain, detested. Addle on Sloan, Admit:Lawlor.' Notice ta hereby given lo creditors, belts, legs. tees, and dlatribotees and all other' loteroted to appear at the 'next term of raid Court and not tater than • the tilted day beteg the 10th da. of November next. to 'bow muse of any they We against the Anal eoniamation of the above ap. pralsmenta. JOHN A, BRAZIER, Clerk • octight e. VAII.II WOU INALE.—Tbe ontseedber erre a Farm for sate. tying In South Braver town Aiµ one mile north-east of Hayi - S1 Roads.. ne tlieliOC 84 acres and IT perches of cholc, lam% about 0 urea ckared; the Talents welt timbered: on which is erected a huwed log hours and ions frame barn; thereto also a number of fruit tee,. on tbq premises. • The tarns Is well watered and In a good state of colthallon. Tenns easy. Apply to SAMUEL MITCHELL, of said tow net.lp. oett7.4wl 434 4111110211, Bridge. Street, ; - BRIDGEWATER, PA 18 WEEICI.TIEcraviNIIA PlLL'all SUPPLY OF 000 IA IN EACH OF TUN. FOLLOWING liiq C 4001135. Steubenville Jeans, • Cassitneres and Sattinets. White Wonllen blankets, White and Colored and Barred Flannels„ Delaines., Plaids, Gingliams, Cobergs„ Law ne, Watt r Proof% ('loth•. 'W(x)lleu Shawl; Brown and Black Muiqing, 1/nlling's. Tickinv, ennton Flannels, Joonnets, — 1 Table Linen, Irish Lilllll. Crash. Co i t i t i e e r r i v usnes. Waves_ & Mits. Grro eries, Corn,. Tratt,' Sugir . Motaasea, While Sllrerlttip. Gulden and Common syrup.. Mackerel In I.lr. rrls and Idto, Star and Tallow Cana, Soot). Spices nod Moor Meat. - SALT. Hardware, Nails, s6lass, Door Loeka. Door latches, ll[flaw, Screw.. Te Cutlery, 'labia and Tea Spoone, Sleigh Hell., t'sal Boxes, Fin, Shovel. and pokers, "'Tana and Spades. Shorele,• 9,3, and I Tine Forks, Bat,. Scythe. and Sus: ha, Corn and Garden Nora. •WOODENWARE Thicket., Tub., Churn., Butter Print. sod t MION OIL, Linseed -Oil d►, White Lead Boots and Shoes LADIES' MISSES' ANT) CIILDRENS• SIIIiJ 11732211M1 Rifle Powder and Slit, Blasting Powder and Fuse. "Flour Feed ek. 11 bellYl goods delivered free ofchanie By dose attention to blame.., and by' 14,v1 ,. .: conrtantly on hand.a well sewn tent nee► of r..+. , of all the different kinds usually kept Ina nmuuy Store, the undersigned hope. in the future in the put in merit mud reeelr,e a :Mere: share et cr. public patronage. D. 11ANGT: 11 . tterM'ONit.--Vichzd. C. FTLCOLN.N, R. T. bit t 5,. . ,•• Arbuthnot, Shannon & Co:, WHOLESALE DRY GOODS - NOTIONS AT EASTERN IrRICES. • Sole Agents for MERTON'S BM FLANNELS, Oicenville Itiirrect Flannels, BLANICETS atul YARNS. No. 115 Wood Street. PITTSBURGH. PENS. octllant. 'sr Ci
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