• - 10..,,RfafttibUtg,460,, ,4 :: • • "Li - - : II . anir mareibr floblooortioAilado )nootripsertlon:llBtooftt im#:3n.4 , yrvivw - ,* • A efoco 09 4 00 t ; Thologglb4 meamtron BATUMI. , f; Itudnora protioerribet ardor tbemeplVee immediately '4104; 0 1.b0 niaol bo• ohaz:god- .. tkoftto*lluo: for oath insection.: Act vertloomoots: 40131414 W biadeilitt beforo Wohday,ncx:rnAs.v#,o lyeertto p` in thettreok ' B • / . .ThiainifiVkleCeeig. . , . r.t 1.11 AND 'WINTER PAsionorilt.= 1. 1 I. 31. A. lllnderbasllutarrlved from Paris ~ad Leaden with the latest dtelgns, panne:lefty .4lected tram the greatnUmoreltke; Mee' the ,nurt eiktaint Tiimmlngi to be-Skived In Tarte. Ina,, llthbons. Velvets.' MIMI - Neils,' Flower; Vie- .1 try. andTrt mood Paper flatterer, Drees and 1.1., m aking. Szelarten *On; far Itra.ll:. 1.. „41 Wur " celebrated system foreuttingladlie drams: ;..... s Me. Imagoes, de. N. •W: • corper of 11111 analC •etinft SIN.; Philadelphia. faekip!lm.••• it E. illilt LA DIOS/ SEKINAIIT.—Tbo 1, e, t term or this Inetlintiore will e: on/Monett on To ay September 14,.18011 .. , : Every 1 .1..tu ht gill bu lbrulatted with expeiieneett end cum etent Teachers. Miss limn' A Bunn, the I s t,. ino place or Viers Dover, graduated to ritt.burgli nigh School while Um attbsertber woe it, Prlnclpal,and her scholarship and experience as 1 a temhyr ' wore the ftwlncoments that him to ',core li e es a lea, bar su ads Setabtsa. .. • • These rho desire to see 'our, 10:1 ogite;'*lll i,,u, r: lon of the PrincliMit • • ' ' se:4-23:k )• . •D. A. WLEY:FI:" - kili.iVicliriattLiirATlLW AND N IlinalP 1 / TIOTIN Opens its Fifteenth ditnuelitestkna dm 11th of September, 'under theehnertu.' • tenth:nee ol the Prinelpal; nee' : U. v. -T a y lor, A. M. Special attention will be mid to me prepandion ut teachers for.the Common aletembh 31 nAc., vocal and' Inetrumental k by a Competent rroto-tur, at moderate rates. Lode prepared for College, or given a Ilusines4 educatiem Lie-. guagvs, ancient and modern, Mr highly ditch:tat w2chere as well at Painting. lliawlng and WAY:, ",.. , e,. Send for a Cataloguelo r ' • ' • REV. It. T. T-A.11.01t. th , ater; Pa.' ' aug.ll:tr TIRES' Lib TRUNK VAC ' SOILY.—Jti; 1 aryls ler, alatufactur, and Wholundir tad !lentil Dealer in Trunkr,"%allsos, 'graveling . ft r...., ttc., . ter. No. het Wootl StmeC Pitt/burgh, i's. All order, promptly filled: aid work Watran t, d. rectory trornerrut Irifteepth and l'enbetrerta ittrithit taken:UM ° Of . oat Found* , -again, Inlilocitealer; Pa., %nut he oleared b •meet. Ida old,.eratoniera ' and friend. who may:wantcithen the .nEs - r,cootc: ING STOVE, heating Stove, (*Aar o th erkhia ot i.tingis or heat material and wor,ktutualilpi:': 2 11 a . .Ine. Will conducted bE -4' ,""' jt:U:IfJ 4. J. ANOEIOiON",,, SONS. jor-, rllli 1411AllION.7111ILLIC,—The undeistire 1 ea takers the method of informing the public ..it they have purchased mid taken charge of th 6 SL Si ills,lormerrc owni.sl by the Mishits Dar. 10 Sharon, Ilearcr county:Pal' They have r.. illted them and are now papared to doall Unite labia! to the satialliction of their patrons.— 'ilmr Maude of flour alll compare favorably with n:ly In the market. Glee us at call befores!olng I.l.etthere. tiA3IUELTAVIDSON a; J3llO. ()TICE —New Bakery, at Mqhloll . ll Old nt:111,1, Third Street, Beaver, Pa. ..TOMMIII M. 1:1.1.1, taken pleasure to Inform his old friends that hr to establlehed In business at the above Haul, n here be will ho glad to meet and acco:nruodate !ban Fresh bread, cakes, crackers, tints, &C. .to, olliectionerten of all kinds. ;In. I Floor, male inan Fall Wheat, Oy tho barrel, sack, or retail. Jan. 0, isuri, 71ILLIAM ILVIEVES, dealer In Bouts' Shoce, tialtcra, chippers, Se., nest door to Porter's Tin .hop, Bridge etptet, Bridgewater , here ho la prepared to manufacture and veil ‘elythlng In bin line at reasonable rate. !lav ing rento‘ cd his place of .buelneact from the corn , r near the Ilrldv to hie present .location, he In % Itca his old Mende and pntrona to ghe call. JS. RIUTNN, Attorney atTEme, 6eneer, • Office In Court limn., tnthyleatf. • PIERSOL, Attorney at lame and Surveyor of Wade. Olden of poblte Protestor .Taylor'n In Bearer. tapr.M:ly. KUIIN, Attorney/1(1.nm% Wire In Me lifiders bualdlug,amr t otl•nbile Square. mar 31:13. • !Itu ll aPel S ence rf a il to i cinWtt eg io: and ourrountling conntry.tt - JOgico - C• Ilannett's drug Atm% on Wiper olthttit t ReChenter, Itt..tvor county Pa. COL1911i(40011' blurs berwocu t• .. tn. until p. m. I)rugm furulrhed and prorcrlptlonet .coraPlly 11l- It,lat above Drug Store, yl Ittf, .1. Clipudler & tionowlHiiilobk. Roche, • ter, Pa. Unica hi Braver Station building. Ail mini warranted. Prlcel . piddyrale. (live 11A a Li.ovVudy. . A lEWNDEICS, General Polla , ,.lleter• -1' • tlvennd c'olleottou Agency, Office, ut .Ihlot, Ilochenter. beaver Co.; 1 . . t. All ru entpted to my care will n•Celte prompt a:02111:ml, on rou.onublo tern,. ! fuvr.lB,l:s;tt. oul cont.—Tilt ondur:l;nett to prel.rect to 41Pliver good br " verrinin 11,4111 g tim latide. • nompt ii•ntiou. ;us. _ JA S. CAIIE liakver, Pa. üb.rly occupied by ti leclions t do., ptompl 1.7- 'rata:holm ••11 ly.le dcrtti int tiro [hi nlcnvbp teeth. e. 1,1 and Silver 1,11 II lII.INTII L. • eu..ty )10) ) JEIALT,I% 1 . ay. r. • WI •. 00'01, ;• t• 1.11:1:1 , 1 111111 %Via . 1:1.0“ . 11: 'lllv patron,l,,A. 111, plii•Ur I. 'iota • I 1 . 11415. 11.1111.er, ri , r:vr to 1.1..1 t•tr...•l tihoioutEl. Waver. : oh.ll .IEI th.t .•runh•ht.ltortlo. Into, nt oo •,,, flow NVe it ill nko receiveityll .• !• tor polklopt lo the NATIONAL I.lFt, IN • '..lNt'l". OF MP. U. S. •.\1,..) :1,11 Ettot Arll7Ante,Co.. or PlEtAturgh, t.thet• toelotv Ilto Court ~,1;,1,..47.1:tr • j I ENItY l'ltEltZ, Dealer In Boot., Sbv co, :MINN,. and (latter... Opals and shoes made Io order. Along experience In the business ena• tiles lihn to do work fu n superior manner. 'reruns moderate. _Shop ell Third street t over lice, 31d ter's-Filootattore), Deaver; Ott. live lint a roll b; lure ttrAmslin; el,co Lore. , .apr7,1,60:1Y - 1 • Izuuslr, Notary Odle. C on veyancer Mid Insurance Aullit. Deeds and .14.reements written mid acknowledgements taken, Mario: been duly cow ml,l rued aAAgent tot era] flint clots lus+urance G mfultules, repro eoliod the Fire. Llfe:.Aceldent and lire Stork Ih•paruments. is prepared to Like k . and Write . pc: Cleo au hire IllUst liberal terms. Also, agent brt the "Anchor Line" of Iltedels Ocean Worn . ~ .Tlekels sold to and from til l Torts In F. 11;- r . Ireland. Scothuid,Clerrnanyand France. of the In La d 's brick row, Mouton , Itochorter. • LOT FOR S.lll4'E. Tiis undersigned will sell ut than, oak. ONE T1111E1: ACRE 0 "I 10 I' •.r . .ded tw•ttreen the two retnete les inliesrer Pa. lot is Inn dud stale of entity Won, said is well ...1a...1 for either gardening or grazing purposes. It under (enve. Applyto or address 11r\IIS 11654 Ikaver: Pa. IC= FAIEII Ilolt SALE.—The' notterAgned of. fere 1110 ham, oltuatett In North toluellip. Deaver county. for sale. The farm cat. talus •la: acres, about MO of which arc cleared and the whole under fence; the balance Is Won timber ed. About Ilk/acres of the cleared land le &et and -econd bottom. A large portion of the whole tract underlaid with ore unit coal. The farm to well watered. On the farm arc two comfortable drool. 11114 butters, 21 folio t•pringdm.se. and a frame 1...ra forty by sixty feet. and a log barn thirty by •: oy fect,together withalinceersary out buildings. lame orchard of bearing fruit trees on the laud : romi grape Ono! eel out last ton. Mutt /000 ~...,eherryplants at same time. en+y, 11l on Cr addrco,, lICGII MARSHALL. North Scw•lukly P. 0., Beaver comity l'a. I'. S. The alcove farm Is known as the •• Dr. It•Awrt Cunulngham farm." jjy7;Gnt• S r i A inazolticent th,0:11..ih%747 inehrA of Po. lanwoo.ll ABRAHAM LISCOLN'S :1 11. LNIANCIPATION PROCLAMATION. ,I. W A. COLLINS of No. 1: Nal...nn N . . . . . . .. ... . % , 1.1 . , for! twen Iltoto•Dittographed by the cilo ,r t: .4 thad.rne Prute,ft. Coplei are ume ready :•,-..:, and can be procured by application to the pal., nip,. I In, m irreppecavo of Ite great 111,toi Ic rill. I. ihr ow-1 .uperty piece of penntan.lklp er :.41 In itself Ir en orrinnwlit ~.n li Sy r. lumerLuiJ. N,,111),•rt3 lON lug Sturri , he without n cony, None cun funn nn ••: of Ito t•lnteLteneas of deslgn. beauty of caeca. • ,0mpti.t, , ,...f IS &intl. w Ithout etottni •,.•,a. It Imo been pronounced by the ntoto !•• %rout ronnoleseura an equal to the Guest engrafing, and the tact Ite J,arlag • 1 , ..ts ,•, ,ecntett with an ordinary eteel ono and 11:11un wrillugt ink la taken into potable:talon. :''• , k n marvel of patience. Petto, enlace and ophot will be sent to any toldreas In the •.t. , ha en receipt Of SLY) each. • COLLINS & No. 17 ISaPpen•Ft., Yotx . , r•r'rrlrrlnr ,ALEXANDER & MASON; c.m.Ar.v:rxt,Lstl , J. .It.. 1 ...• 1). C. A tintll , 7 nt and ex fort SOLICTONS law li.r of Waelltn• ..,•, Ir. 4: • American and European Patents, And Continelont nt Patent Law - . rat, vxperlence as r.olitnorn of I'o cute.) St, ,nth I+t rev; oppo•ite the Patent CUM. WA:3lff Nti 11. C. 1 . 41.1•rK carefully prepared and patents , seenred 1 e 0/4,111 Ibiely. I:x=llnm:tns In the Patent office free nf charyt, 3 . 1 nn Judi cidsai fee asktel in any ease adept a it att,,a,,i, ;t to Circular. of Terms, inetrnetlons and cle4enect [nag .1: ly LOOK HERE. t.„11.1t IS',(', AND SUDSIEST. GOODS. —Thc hega leave to Inform hi. Mende. utul the pnf flc generally that he hos Slot received u .I . W PilWit 01 good, of the latent etylen for ttprittg and n taunter wenr 3 whlelt he offer, at very tnunerat nee., G g-VTLEMENS' FURNISIIING • GOODS. • CONSTANTLY ON LUND. made to order on the 'hornet notice. Thankful to the public for past furore, I hope by diem attention to buallwa to merit* wade*- , abet of the same. DANIEL 11ILLER,EL mar 24.. tr BRIDGE ST....Daum minx. 2 - , i Yab. ' 1, • ' • . ; L• • 17 ,, , ''' . 0 11 4 - fq.: 1 " . ,P 1 • '..•;;•• , • lvucil.,,MALKand 11ETAITA-• W=t:LL'Al?; . ME GLASS, „ • BRUSIIE NAIL,' Col*: In OJT,Dry . . . . Id f '.... F 't ? ' -;..,. 611; . 'BOled Oil ; • • ~ . ;' • • • : ' Sptriia Terponttii Body Coac h Van itAsIL • '..;' V10111,18:1t , • • , • - "I • 'Lijitiilitlii::44k ithiti,l6 4 3 t . 4APA'qI ARTIST'S 3LATERIAtS, 'Pictuic 'Primes, LOOKING GLASKS,I LOOKING \ GLASS , PLATES, .FRENCH AND PLATE WIN DOW GLASS, FV,ENCH CNOLISH AND GERM GLUE WA. ND PAPER,. &C • lii terium are CANII on de.' ' livery or Goodx. i jatiVog EfICITANT TAILOIIING.—The' un- AL &reigned take* pleasnre. in informing the citizens of New Brighton and vicinity that le ad dition to ble. Until Mocha floods, he has just re. caved a large lot o f French ninth* English bleb tons. French . Ilocskin cnashnerea. Amedcan cassb meow, suitable for Fall and Muter-wear; also a ossertnient of the latcst style. etveatlturs.iiii of which he will makeup to order nt the shortest notice and on very favoruble terms. . Gentleumea Furnishing' GRods. At hip store n 11l nlho he fonht. rocrythtna In the ttp toletnen r Foralphint: Goods Haa t which lie wlil tllppoph of at a moderato profit. • (11:()1t111,111.tAVN. ttlore on Broadway. New Brighton, .pettl:tlm* E xtraordinary: GRAND BALLOON ASCENSION IN BEAVER. could not be mirre'•astonisliing,Ahan_ tLc M 7311 ' . I\TITGEII, CO.; lit ci, Lt•:•t,1,1:•;;;••,t :1:411;••• ,tr 1.1.01';;, in r e .• to ris••. %Oa a ill find. :.};m Pair •••tablirhutent that ilics 41.44.1 haVe t o r..rort 1.1 g 44.1 to mak.: good.. go. To 4411. 54.4 .144 lo" nail evimlr.l.4 lIIIr ! WV 113.11•01111:111.111W 444441 14:44t. • L. 1.1 lil.t I r::'4 SUGAI:S. PI: ItE SPICE'S Molasses, Syrups, Soaps, .111 w) 11Iv best brantis Tobacco and Civars 1()11(4 fnund in tin• pine( )1 . (• Inak(! n rpcc•iult}' ()I' F.LO tJ R t.K.I bnyina and 110110 1113 m jilt ore loinu II In be the very be/4,4101b, In ore. Our estahltsh• :dent enjoys n well earned reputation , In this par ticular, and are Intend to the intercom m the part to maintain It. INT DEFY CO3iI'ETITION. Don't mistake the place. We are still la the old stand, trust end of nd 04., Denver. Pa. Come nod BM us Linn!. O.II[OI , LGAN. =I Eltii -. ILENIIBIZGER , BROS. nru.nre O Fine Family Groceries. Queenswnre, Hardware, NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, WOOD AN!) WILLOW WARL, BACON,. risu, FLOUR, SALT,LIME, Wintry Produce Taken in Exchange for Naas. Goods delivered free of tharge in all the Villages. au4I'J,C 4 The Safe Deposit Compony, 01? PITTSBURGI-I, PA., IneorpoiVed far the Raft ki:eping OF BONDS, OTHER SECURITIES, &C., No. 83 Fourth Avenue. GUARANTEE RATES. Government and all other Capon lieenrilles. In cladinu 11nnk 11111., fora year or less perlod, per $l.OOll. Gold Cola or $1 .2.spar sl.lbo, Silver Col nor psr ;LORE Hirer or Gehl Plate, under.sral. on owner's es :ln:ate of full value. and MR, Pnbjvct to adjustment far hulk. on n Imola otXI M inn' rsli i. Dettle. Mortgage., Vide:title rapere• generally, when of no fixed vane, $1 a year each, or aceora- Ing bulk. ~ CCIII. f 5, v.hich mend= covers tho remainder of the life of the maker. he company is ohm prepared to Rent Small Iron Sare, , , (each famished with n tin host insido its Itorzular l'roof Vsolt, the Venter eaclusively 1.1,1111'1 the key thereof, nt the following rate., 45. $l9, . 4 30, eta,. ond tin o per mutton. Alen, to store Books of Account, Valualde Title papers, etc., nt reavonable rates. • Orreuldent W1T.T.A.A.31" ' PF-g. Tlee . prrnltlent I I .111VItl:' DlrCrlorsi Wllllllll 1%114,, Byron 11. Painter, Henry Lloyd. .limeph 8. 31oribion, \STUMM MN. • C 114.11,10 Mack, Wm. M. Lyon. , Cur:42l G. lloomly. Jae. 1. Ircumit. Secretary and Treasurer • 8. F. VON.IIONNIIOIIST. Pcp2Wltu. 17 a t a> a \VINVOW SHADES . In gnat, variety, ;also. SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS SLATES, k - Thu largt.l6 and cheapest ttogorttncot o ALIII.DIS to be found in either city, tit &I pus., NO, 106; VEDEIp. STREET. 2 AILEIZENY , G7TY,' wptls;ly. ''''''' ; ` ,..- •'''''''''' - '''' 7 '-. - ' '''- . -, 1.-- .— SWT" 4 :.';:` l4 •nt't'4- - , 4j'a , •" ir_‘- , .':;344 ',P.5:1.4 •-.:-: •-• ' - ‘ 2,4-g-*ql, • - • •-• `. • . . mcm'c'i'-:24-A441,'..:- i„.,...... 4-- 7. 1, ~'.lei'F.• ••••pr, -,l *•.•:u • ...V.4.•,..•4614. , v ,, , , ,30t-t2 4 :1.-t, ~, ~, zz..• _ •',•- 4 '. :. -A1 r l'=•ti •It ja ••-ttiv,e, -, -•'-il . IN' , ''''e •• ' ' - ck. t;" - 4-42 • --'-‘,- :7 , - l' , 4er '...*-tia..-A11e,4..A., -t - t" . --F._ ~,,,..! ,li -- "t; •••-• . 4;2 t , 1. , .-i - _ ,,, , - 56 , ..', 1":4;;-`5: A.,' ' 4 l ' ..‘ :' - ''' *27r li''''4 9,,,"••?• '....k54 7 . .. ' , !li -,• ., -, ,.. - 'f - '.4. - ,7* - , - - ,-: - -1- ~.'. ik - w ,,, : ..-, . 0 ....,,, llt A ... 'l l '': . A'-k 4. 4; IF- . - 4 N v. -- "r ., ..: :s :1,...t.5•-!. - - •.IN - t 11 , ...., 4 ' .. 1 -* .- 4 .14# - ,..; ;v4 ..1. 4 ~- • .*• P 1i.'..."•* .F , ' l, -!.•:r." - '.....'..". .., 7 4!..7 ' .F. ~ . .""P ' ..• • . •.. . ' ' •-' .• ~ ; ::.. ;,-! T. 'O4 ` =airs , t,ti.qA , .. , .. , ,ki -.:2,i44.,‘:.. Yab!,ikhi~: 'ln 1 % 4 - 1,, a s 7."4 , tl. • r, , . - !, -.., tr 14'?Yeqfir . , ~ • 4 77 ~ - ehos.a44,-.:140.,.. , 'grin - . ADAM propli AINIVIrIin, ' 4 :', i . ..d w • " 111 1 4.11 j 4 mit 14r I, ten them toe peglnnientto -.` , • ", ....! 1 - I ' '.-- 414144 " . ' t°lBBsll * ll l., , . O t t ,I -, ' , , mukulTrt utiliSOlC.-: , :STOCK :k r -..f; El ME123372 ..• ,Etc. „Al Ffillp4rinize, **.. 6 o 6,l utg";ll*T':i' ptipai•STSTUCICINTIIFDiAIi i • rhiln theaelot#, Crudities' •to ~. Winder., - ; ; WINDAZIPO HADES, . n Pim! and Common TuldoCoirers. &:e;,S • Pricer tinifonn to all, and eltd.lownst. m; 21:1 y is Infapia Reim does not, likmtha isonotts irritating 'Ts and', strong. licioluthims with . li : tho . people Jiang been - hum med, simply pain. tbr 3, short tnne; -lye titc.'illscaso 10 limp, US there tiger of doing in Ise of stick niis• Is, bunt prielize• perfect and per ent cure of the it easesoi chronic trrh;nsthonSands testify. ''Cold in Ilead" is' cured A a few apithea.• !ache is relieved t 'lt remorp 01: . _initial rmen t (Alba Wise of taste. situ II orlicaring Watering 'or Weid: Eyei, and Impaired Memory, wit / a cm;:ieti by the violence ' of Central, as t iey all frequently . are.. •We offer 100 1 faitlilti st , intling reward of SWO feiti: a criFit 'Of Catarrh tilat - we canhot cure. :-. . . . Sotpl bi most Druggists Ever y w here.. l't ter. ox•t. - i ::;‘) Cr.srrs. Ask you r Drug gistlfor the Remaly, but if lie has not vet got 'it on - sale don't be put off by accepting any miserable worse ',hen worthless sub. stitt te„but enclose sixty cents to nie - and the jliemedy will lie sent you post paid. Fink packages ',,,•.'.; or one dozen for Vi. , ' ' Siaul a 2 'tort, ,stanip for Dr. Sap's irtniplifst on CAN trim.. Address the pro priutor-• • 1 . 1..."1„1• itai . ...11 j.)....-- Nl.• \ ring ,and Summer Goods Speyerer & Sons, . ~- • Corncr of Water)ntidatnes Streets i a ' . 0 0111,'S '.l'l; I:, l'Elv.rl• ' . I re ju.A returned from the east with a 1, rge surd; of gootli bought nt the low est cash prices, wlttelt they offer to •the !albite at i - . REASOITABLE PRICES, ROCiRIES, n Pnovinows, TS, CAPS, LOOTS AM SHOES lARDWARA. IRON, ILS, CARPENII3BTOOLS PE. MUM Lt. PACKTNG YARN, nica brands of WHITE LEAD and PAINTS dry and. in oil, and a general variety of Oil Dryers, and Putty. . . Quoensware and Willow Ware, ' • ) FLOUR; FLOUR., = CANTON CITY MILLS FLOUR, pof that favorite brand, Clement S ttitevcos high grouna flour; .L4-wcrtall3Enac ITIACI4JI?.4. Ve rycieve the ntteve Itraintla by the I ettr load, and can sell tltem at ittsburgh Prices , guying freight, we alas offer at whale : and retail, NAILS. WHITE & WA- It: LIME, SALT, SOAI', 'oecl. Grain, &c.,&c. V. - Thanking the public for past pat. age, we Lope to merit n liberal' share the-future. ;We always Luy. . for cash id sell cheap. ILL AND. BB CONVINCED • ,L AIL GOODS DELPiEUED FREE,OF MAIM& 1. P. 13: Also ngentiffor the Ii MOWER AHD REAPER ft:PU.IO6mA Naliorial Plow th'e: .Ir.a Co E 3 , mayt2:ly. M M'CALLUM BROS EMI Dry qoofts. Consisting of DIY GOODS I . 1 . .... . !• .: ~!C~~ ~~~ • .f. ",,Mnif! l ;o., ,„ a .iry oniour . — Taileftia'iii ' ' -4 . - ,. ' ~ •L i i . - ... :;: WC la=rpava it &7l,a at act7. , 11,t , ilk: Ta,;,' as 111:1881. at la a. ma.- ta hear t imazr agl im mattac °MO le Who tant 4 = 4 4 ' d ß 4w ••:•' ,:l-- ,, r:,' , .. 4 1 . KIA# , I , lf :/*** .: •MMffM= . . . . inkt • ME -:. , ; - .-.•,,e , „ , or*,nondingiix. ".;'.. 1 :4,-:i '. 41rEiirD . -..... ••- " ' .!. dic.wON,Lponm4 ME - . • ;‘, , 10:16yre.;GT41.46Prionta. , Vesidoinisiciimi.- CHi rid* 'EVklt SOLIS' 119- *ITLTIfi COUNTRT.." ; - . Ytil~ 109 . 1k7.4.r . riiitttigtifilitit.:!coenCttovE 2 1 0. 7 ITRY drew . tßieek : No. 8, okmdM Bake, Large %pare Oven, .1(00, No. Bplandl.k Barßilloway Oven. '18.63 Frank)4n Parlor• Stove- • ESE amma 1,..1%n0 NI • ziE,Ari• NG STOVIS, 1 1°' 3`. lllbbed $: " 4. " . , Enansel' ed Grate Franke, No. WI, Grata 144 inch, •• oi, In C, " .11d b, " 21!l 13. Plato Rod DERV,' Narrow IL Fancy •• wit al, Plain Pod I3oz, " " oat ILA, • t nod. Pressed She Eninneled! t, Iron Summor,Pieces, Ith OrDamcniai Cri.ayel, TO Ale li'ork lra ital. give US atli. • • • '• • • 1 OctlfGs.l • i . ~ ... , .am-rtrrmrro. n • -n • —IJ:AaNIa two Ms ir111• polo bask, weft dal O. 41. tattooed la MadirSICVMS well.; in soar No emsways =lwo casinDs• tammonlas. UMIIIIMMEMSAMT 1i;_; . .. 4 ii , i'1ij .. ..1 mac..... Nowt: tit •Mnal TWAT Olt REM sama• Tam ..1 • ••'• add so la • •See 1 gan Melba le ••• ••1•L • 'cry Ori his O w n With • • EMERSON'S PATENT. LADIES an bind their rublonMegaLri , Amin and Sheet Made. GENTLEMEN OM btad their Hanseeripta, Sermons, Journal., Offie• and N _ CHILDREN 'pea bind their Pezapl= tide and Sunday School Papers, dry as Drag and enbetantiallyue If &roe at the regales Book- Binders, 44 ja 'WM piebald the meal eat. A complete abd deolrable article—everybody needs For role by Martin S. Lynn fLionend anon for 11. Richards II Co., inannfedurere, Pn.,] at wholesale and retail. Call nod ex amine, or addrese dor particulars MARTIN S. LT UN. Beaver. Pa:: I. ;Jr/. Rawls of this Dinder—size of Anon.— rnny he Corp at the Ames oLlee. fart:442v. GRANO' OPENING OF ec.wiNrrvat. GOODS. _Arr I ` ALL DRY I . FORTUNE'S • 4.310 ND, ROCHESTER. JAMES 1 IN TIIt DI. of Erery Description Dry Goods S GOODS ell Z 4 DI Large stock Genuine countrz: , Flannol 'RI' CHEAP. a Boy s Wear. de CAPS, Men an HAT" RGE STOCK. HOOP SKIRTS, &c., AL' SITAIVLS Selling at Pittsburgh Prince. Crnoc l 3 .Recieced • Daily. • Cakl Eaily and SECUbE lIARGAINS, As we yen not STAIIPINO ND PINNING DONE TO ORDER. Tratible.to Show GoOds.• RE3IE..M.RER THE PLACE, ';l.4.3Lth A.- FOUTULVE, DIAMOND; ROCHESTER Pa maralay-4. jy sep29. • NEW GOODS! Fall aail Wieder Wear. I 'HAVE JEST RECEIVED A NEW STOW; Or (MODS OP FEE - LArtsT STYLES. 1 0 0.12 FALL OD IVIN7FI2 'FBAS , Gentionseig;• Furnts Good • CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ./ ' CLOTRI”i ENDE To - ORDER, Dilates% and ami ids iilleati.aisit &Other% • amen: =Ma Baroo7. = M TM ~ 7..:V :i ?~ Ofiko; id talberet sititt - irizti).ient = t4t6oLuts WF 54 124 ° WAS coursod to 1144) it: tlia',Tatiili Ameillknenti 1 / 4 :" (P!ovile voila palace tonal Am ei WRA *eatY 4l 4o 4 11 4 ".3thC."12,42,M11P1 ,Istitutianiwenti 1 . ' 2 4. -10inal0 Wiaal?adlad and r oxPitted from yet to , vote r cin' Calltsirnia,Delm picky, 31.arYlarn ' 4 111 4 4 , 4 " 01 . 11 1 4 . /c f: w lopid* L. Talon' d At v,OPl °ll t!..;' ,, . :, i ": . . . .. . ' • ' 41 01 . leltN;;T( 24 Ai the:Milo drain ni the OleCtlon or a' IL s. iloiniatdo r tie interest •oyto6s4, infLotioa hi , low among 'ilia friendi othintion ~..„.„ that :laic" ;the:motto! Tuesday's ~, nil known, the-prevailing *vie . - nvorsatiOrs.lB Zo `•'A,J.'s" clunicesof , tothat office. The 'states& quastiOustikopP s iuidisl' by 1 166 faithful tivelin of thiit7onnefisee Pig: Xalatitio:to Coat iirtt4 iiiiiiii* amildotell Tot ille 'MS.- Periattqk to their simU- Meats in resOeiit to thci*nditition plot; 1 ratification of the ritteekthAineuilmtmt; etc.,' b - considered . te-bna dead shot. for Johnson. Since - '1 centlek eventi ; cast, their shadows liefore,'..,4le**g llmjcs lihe a compromise, to bo dictated by, the iteOphlleans, the..cricAtinf. Of Andy's whip to the contrary'riolnithstanding. , , ... While the . case of the'lloinet reMaina in 'a Wit cifo o 'afid'the prrOperianieofour GaVernmdht sustaining the, charges or intentional violation*. the .uoutrality la+s, the (ricotta of Cola honinro hecom7 ing greatly oapinxi, SS pretend thin the 1 American people desliumir Government 1 to acknowledge tbe holigerency of Cuba, 1'1)4 that as soon an . Goagress cprivonmi the people; thrtingictileir represents tbies, vitt grant the -dual. needed aid in , . securing theirindepandarim Reliever much hopes they marhavo lir - Congo* ultimately favoring the independence of Cubs, the erect of subjecting the Hornet to a rigid scrutiny, l is swot blanket to . .IN THISAPROCERENOIiE. AGE ' there Seems to - be no ettd to miraculous developementi, diall'in' ono thing 'and then. In another. • This. Spiritualist:li of this city; whose nurnharsixercir many, still keep up as o4pinization ranking. perhaps; second to none to:Waldo of Now York city. Thoy.hare imgagisiritstClasS . Lecturers and test In ~ tusitifor the sea son, and expect:4* - i "lull houses, con aliting. of pang : ::'. ;ell 'parts of the country, thoreo itakadka knedium Oro`ct, very WO revcoltionsim SEf . dal and religions vioivtf tin/-:4110 of Lim wholo , The lecture season opmusl last Stintlay with 7dit,l4 Clara D. Spettigue, 'who 'told* to her lecture, at its close, aseres of pub lic and private, tmts of her power to com municate with' tho departed. She gave the namoi and Particular finds of four Persons hi the spirit world—all strangers to her, but friends to %QM(' in the audi ence, who readily recognized them on the announcement 'of their names, and seemed to be deeply alfected on tho oc casion. There is much interest Mani fested in these meetings, and the tests proposed to be given by her 11:1 future lectures will, no (Wahl.; Call together rath er n mixed crowd of novelty seekeni. EI Several packages of Chromium have been received at the General-Laud pitied. front various parts Of the United States. This metal is not found in its native state, and as Its Isolation is very difficult, the properties have not 'Yet received the desired attention by' scientific exiieri ment that thee deserve. The chief com bination is the chroinoto of iron or chro mic iron, in which state It ore irsin turfs labratory.' It occurs only'in sus pctitivo rocksoalther levaina or Imbeded masses, and the only localities of its oc eurrenceere, Liberia, 'teems in Norway Isle s Vaeltes in Domingo, Bare BSI near Baltimore, Chester; and Lancester ecaintios,lPa., lltibolcon, N. Y., Jay, Troy and Westville counties, Vermont, and Cli&ter and Illahforil counties, Massa-. chtisetts. A fetv'yeara ago, it was found to exist near Mexico, Coal county, Mo., and recently specimens have boon re ceived by the Comnitssioner from Orelz county, New , In the beginning of the century tho 'ores of Chraminni possessed merely a scientific value; but are now largely employed in various Im portant arts and industries.. ; . The wart ,gattxl color of. yard antique marble.. is chiefly derived from this mineral. The bichromato of patassa is the chief tech nical product of all the important com pounds of Chrtunititn, the same 'being used in the manufacture of yellow, red and green paints. Oxide of ehriuninm has been introduced . In dying and in cal ico printing, and IS able to furnish green violet, or violet and rod colors; according to the quantity in 'which it is solved and applied in various alkaline sulphides.— The oxide of eltraminria ;supplies; also, a beautiful green . for 'pitreelain tainting , the . so-called , pink color, similar to the bright Isles derived'fremniadder, finds application In the; mannfactirif of fur. I nace ware. The citlerido of chratnium, whiCh appears; in rod cluystaline mica coons • felial, might also find aiipllition in coloring wall paper. Gentele, a prom inent chemist, discovered in the Aripple sulphate of ehratnium, a rare °Color which appears green by - artificial light. ' The mixture or chromic: iron with com- Mod iron, his recently found application by the American Steel Tool . Company; In - Brooklyn,' for tho Manufacture of steel. Another vainable adaptation of tlnq OZido of chnuOtrato, IO rho trOited States, as well as in Europe: is the prO:• duction of artificial gems. YOUNG WOXIIN'ti OIRIgTIAN. Mssocu. The woinon's mooting, for tho purpoSo. otomutistng a Ws:Mica's Christian As omelation, advert . 'sod to tako Fame at the rooms of b. A., was 'so largely attended that all could not bo accomoda ted in their room,• tnesegnehtly their haintiful and captitans hall above had to hi opened .for tho perPoso, and the audience adjourned thereto. -Thhillall Ls tho only public ball, or leduro r o om, in this city atoll worthy of tho Nation's - Clapital. accommodate fifteen hundred poople, and the inclination of tho rowi of 'see* from the back to the front gives idmost as imed a view of she platiortit to those firthest front it ea to . those near. : : 31r.;tiall, Sacr a / 1 1 Z of the U. 14.-0...A.....heing roquestodhy the dies to proddo, satruntedthe Chair, and "nee singing ands ftwventpeayer Piths losp. -444 -Jiiiitliii 0 1 0404 0 .tdiit liiiiAdit4 solitarii* S....,loB-41iiiiibociatikiii ....,108 - 41iiiiibociatikiii etb . t . .. , ' Pia ' sthii ' lorg*4 l6 l B otribii - Yatin • _ .**** l4 4 3l ,l.4iebi. #0100404 eicaguirr* joy. yinms .FlftriiiioWinlilio vonubl l e neliNtialeAg.lie•:mielebefil both. lad: „thigi atikitpiroiliAMt"that iddeckheoyiiii . # l4l Kf t4lB.l3 P l e ll _ !leYe reeeliq -- %,Opepatilltie tanitgoceedpsisting 4 411 9 . ***Dor4iarethairYwivi4M ‘iiiifokinuate. of thir ; Own: aea,"Aloy iiitAr'fig*flatieCa,iit 1 1 : 4 4 112 ilieilee.'er - okktinns 4 l4*tinike" . *lkk:eePereie from . ;,0 i i * ri r6ot4 44 o e 0 4 a1 3*1 oT t O p P e e r lk pit Y il*'4r'*tklr4b. 44tqiiitiOn 7. *lb 3 ° . :b.ei * a re illalo rillieliatillbr 413i0t; i taitiiity tiiintudi of tholi work, , faelhxisaf_idthee fn. thol 4 .?# 3 #l l e 4 Penc•zbei:n43 l e riP3toikeleelku7Pugli.eltY• .1 4 .1 * 1 0 1 0.404 31 4" 31 9f. 11 0 1 40eeerell'Slahlt like R4Wlg44.4iiiiii'l° s•64 icilaffles; tbayeftldaitto" Ai to IMP* upon Ste ._..._,*Pinieitt all the itapautdbillf ‘"tini of the Moothit. , For, M- A 04h:the gathering was pocullarly of ladlea, - mad forth.. Ptirposo of organizing n ancle4y_ to bo eon/pascal exclusively of t.ladies, pei public barn 'bean invited; ll ,iargeknumber of gentlemen were in..tlit; Audlenao,' . and` several • diatingobibod o ;eiirtation ,plillantrroplati occupied tiro platforim' t 'Tbo gentlemen In the Omit ' once, tiowoor,!dltt- not preatinto to veto on mittars pertaining to 'llio.'organiza - Lion ofzbe 'AiiancLatlon; and consequent' ly, f ankserry to inv.; Abair 'wags irory lit . tin voti n g done,, .• lifter the adoption of anippmrlatoconatltutton'alk by-larva; 1 by which tbo organization is to bo gov- 1 oinimil, ;eloquent and affe c ting addrcx , sos by Vey. Dr. Butler; Mr. Holland, and Gen. 0.0. HoWard, were &liveried. The meeting , adjourned till next Saturday evening. ".t - •', ' • ' —mum. SEL.EC!r ,XLS'CELLA_NY. souLotvums orA PiANb. . For fifteen years I have been in , continual use, and from age and hard treit Went have become exceedingly Milrm,`. and I' may truthfully say my life has been One of long martyrdom. Tender misses offi ve and even young er are perthitted to- pound me un mercifully, young ladies alternately thump and%scold. me, • and passe' dames' torture and then denounce me as Utterly , :worthies and . not to -be compared to their piano. • I have several times been seriously Injured by cruel 'Usage, and left' to nurse myself back to health as bast L could without aid or sympathy from these musical tems.sins. Cross parlor maids seem to take delight in rough ly twisting my feet, and dust me 11.4 ltiby 'Varnish was imperVious And my MIAs beautified by scratches. At thepMsent time My treble is hope lessly broken and I am troubled sp 'With the asthma that my phthisicky bass acid weak klietinaatic chords Can. only gram an accompaniment; or shriek u second.to some shrill•volcul creature's bltiod curdling singing. Tr.. pa- . crack toned". instrument; but they will not let me rest.. They strike and find Ludt with me just thesame, and appear to take infinite- plitentre im battering my _poor shaky key board. ' Remembering! what I was 'and Whitt Irai, anti how unjustly I have been ektisumtl, ' I .have resolved to write my autobiography, that the world may know my sufferings and dkeriminate between me and those who have so foully wronged and tra duced ate. I was bairn in 1t ton; of a good ram ily: . M father—a. Chickering, of the very best materlaP—prided' him self on,my superior qualttlesand ex cellent vocal powers. They (ulnae plain and old fashioned now, but in those days I wits considered hand some, and had a conspicuous idacu assigned the in the music store where I was plattlf for sale. This exposure did not humiliate me, for it is a well known fact that the height, of ambi tion in our family—celelkated all over the world as we are,-is , to be rapidly sold. • We go everywhere, and are found in all,sorts of plums, from palace to cottage; and, in spite of our almast uniform 11l treatment we ever struggle to keep up our good name, and have succeeded to a de 'gree that i .4 wonderful, considering the cruelty that is practiced upon us, day and,night. 'Like the rest of my kin I was desirous CC being useful and ambitious of praise—therefore I was quite proud when the line ladies came to try me, and kept myself In . excellent tune. At last I was sold Oh, wretched fate! I was destined for the : public parlor of a hotel, and one can readily divine the misery in store for me. I was not to be admir ed by the gifted few; butthumped by the vulgar many. 3ly now master took me home and gave me to his little daughter as a birthday present. Of course I was very anxious to be twted, privately determining to do my. best. • All the familreame to look at me, 'and they debated a long time as 'to where • I should , stand. They finally agreed that the pleasant nook between two tall windows was the proper place for me, and there I was stationed, and haVe remained ever since, ex cepting at periodical house cleaning times, when I am shoved about' any where.; After being duly located a lady was sent for to try we. She came--a stout lady in a long • train and false frizzes. • I looked commis eratingly at the music stool. Thank heaven it was dumb, and could hut bear its fairful burden in suffering silence. She eamo towards me with an air which said, "Now you shall hear music, prepare to have your souls enchanted l" Heavens L the touch of that . stout person "I—it was crucifixion. Double distilled discords, false notes, bangs, dashes and jumps rolled out. of me in a horrible jumble until I was crazy with my own noise, and yelled apro test in my loudest bass. Never be fore had I dreamed that I was eve ble of such hideous sounds. She kept me going for three mortal hours; her great foot on the laboring pedal made me roar with pain, and her thick, 'clumsy' fingers scratching among my sensitive keys threw me into couvul sions. I was young and timid, , and had never been away from home, and to find myself at the mercy. of such a Savage being and my future reputation depending on her -fiat, frightened me nearly , to death, and I howled on In sheer desperation. I was - strong' and . vigorous then, and her farewell bang made my vitals tingle for half an hour; and,l to corn- Plate the outrage, she unscrupulously attacked my clmracter, doubting the durability, of the Chickerings for vol ume and tone. My master dryly re plied that he thought I possessed a great deal of the former, when she serenely replied'that linked asorne thing in expmtion, and that my up per notes were somewhat harsh, but that age might possiblY improve me. Oh, hoWearnestly I wished that age had improved her! Perhaps my poor .quivering strings would not -lave ached so, After this Maude becstnio = • "- , „Tvic4 7. 77A • - • :t:}>-gig • ,00ki,,F,-17.449 r - • --rfr s r 3. 1 a . ~~ , +y . k~ ~-tE~ ii __ VIIIITELEN • vet ' ...•••••••• - . • - . - E • umvux. v • • • • I , ; _ . . if thtftudeArandesingk • i tlkar niy.,4lliad*in • f tenhet: reattentitnnule *tiltio!Yi .0 1 0/d'-';'• - •• -- .•::inuminating oVer;myhardrlot.onti anemone, was interrnpted..byi•a A•blue eyed girt hi while peep* I ht, and sdeingineakine heed fold We **era, she -held in or heed tneandlirlikly ran her pretty:white. fitigent,over the keys. nere wastur,- frolic mid genius in her, little . blue oyes;•and I'caught the Inspfratron.bflier mirth. I ; warbled. adsorbs efgayttiltimand ishe •sruig In time JO my luirmony. - :.-SlailOoked at my:iistne,,, l 4 4 -Ymt nretasuPerh ins istrumeait,7,she)sda. - ... She. bad itie ut her finger,ends c ittidtegetheiWo en jw4the most cXtfulatto inulde. She did not make mtly Athol . * scare , MO Into I don't 'Amon , ,what 4the Playettaorl.mw completely. under her control, anCtinable to, go- only where. Skirled ine; but I ivas'ilelielous afterioy drperienee witk , the ..stopt lady anditer frizzem She - . picked - up herfloWers=kippect away, and I. have: never.. 'hes - since, I felt idedied. 'end flatteted'hy her- kind lwenbsolind begtt that even a hotel plidgrmlghtliave ' nientSiarbgedelitriunngt,i . • • ,:My triasties .bittek-eyed daughter 'was destined for intusitsd accomplish-. mentsoand ,for fiVe years she took lessons on me. What did we not en dare? •It • Was' miserable 'work at first. -Picking disagreeable notes out of me that wouldn't stay remember ed was dismal to us both ; and the :doleful one,' two, three, with the alarming pa u ses between, althetigli eo long ago, are yet appalling to eon .terapla.,e. She tried and - slapped me, 'declaring that I was a mean, hateful' old thingp but, notwithstanding, I pitied the poor di Ild and did my best to ahl her, but she only cried the harder, and vowed she would rather die than praettw. Major Scales gave her a good deal of trouble, but she gained the mastery ut last, and be came quite a proficient in managing my eoinplicated - nature; But she had a quick temper; andusually took her ill lnimor out pun*. • By and by sho had :n lover, and I knew ail about it before humamnin. I - want:said the whole affair froni be ginntUrto end—the kisses, the hand clasps and the tender glances. ' she married and loft me, and I lost in her my best friend—for of the many who affected my acquaintance she was by far the most Worthy. Twilight was always Atrying. period to ine-n-the how' when lovers most do congregate, nod best drees, best tempers, and est manners are assum ed to lure who they' may. A twang on me was the signal for a general rush to the parlor, and the incessant hammering was pretty sure to be kept up the entire evening. There is quite a number of youths, and maidens ut the hotel where lain a victim, and one can readily guess the daily tdrturet I am subject to. Dust hassettled on 'my lungs from being carebecaly exposed ; yet wheezy and broken down es I am-they insist on drumming—too stupid to under stand that I ant incapable of any thing but noise. Rattle, slap, -dash, bang they keep at • It. Nobody can think; converse or read ; I see frowns, hasty exits, and vindictive glances from the don-appreciating, but grim aces, flight, mid muttered impreca tions aro nothing to lovers. .There is a-queer old married flirt, a prim lady ;of uncertain age, a silly blonde, and a particular aversions. Their accom plishments, are mnething astound ing, espct lull asregards myself. Oh esoy, mareidltv; juvenility, mud sen 'eseence severally torment me in ;ruse dubious individuals, anti threaten in sanity to the More quietly disposed, unmusical portion (tithe community. That red haired maiden of thirty fleeting sunnners knows that tltree of my 'most important keys are broken. She broke the last string herself, and then called me a miserable old :Whir, lit for nothing but firewood. She knows that I am i al I in a jingle, and Nulty out of tune, but she has no pity, I maytbe infirm and old fashioned, but I have not lived in society for nothing; and I ewer/ tell something that would doubticss amaze the friends or the red haired lady, and arouse the jealnimy of the queer mar flirt's husband. The love and ti:andal that has been whispered over me would fill a volume. The blonde comestin and begins a favorite air— one eye on the door and the other on her rings. Result : a portly gentle. man in a white hat places his on me -"oniv going to stay a moment, you •know. i ' He has a sandy mustache and light brows. He leans against me ; he is turning the music and ad miring blonde's waist. They go out —she on his arm. Grand strategy she has aceompllshe'd her purpose! I was the bait, and he walked straight. into the trap. Again I tun alone, and a thin brunette comes on the same mission, She has a favorite air erbium, and I am immediately forced to produce it. It is a forsaken love piece; she sings it with emotion; I assist in a quavering treble, and we are succa. ful. What manly, heart could with stand an appeals delicately render ed! Our united inspirations came in the shape of :t tall. lantern jawed youth—a ghostly down on his lip, and a lisp. He wa.s too 'lank for a good piano dangler, but ho neatly doubled himself up in one corner of me, and stretched his long neck over to the music rack, makingn passable appwrance from a side view. The "faVorite air" was relinquished- 1 )41e was pressing her hand—and in a feeling manner they Began to discuss music. Operas, composers, and sin gers were torn to ribbons; I Was shocked at the tatters they made of I hard earned reputations. He asked her to play; she simperingly replied that she could not with' one hand. He tragically sent his ghostly mous tache to the imprisoned digits, sigehd (Ma released IL "The Instrument was dreadfully out of tune; she I would try to please him, though." With the apology she made a dash, rind I growled and whimpered in accord. To tell the truth, I am the most ill conditioned piano in exist ence. comprising in my - octaves the adulterated Sounds of n hand organ and a flute, and am painfully con scious of , a noise like the' mixed harmony of cymbals and Jewsharps, that of late has become hopelessly chronic, and which, at my time of life, given over ro I run to vandals, I mu,y never expect to- ho remedied. My flats areterriblyshattered—thow I wished the two • bending over me were!)—my sharps, almost indistin guishable, resembled the mowings of a sorrowful eat, and my softer notcthe whineof orphaned puppies! This alarmed me, for I feared that I must he turning Into a menagerie. The youth lisped out it suggestion that perhaps a skilful tuner might improve me. ' A contemptous glance and a harder blow was her scornful answer.. I was much hurt and fright ened for the family rethrtation vend forcing heck my. indigriation, and struggling to 4uppress the mouth her fearful genius drew from me, 'tried to conciliate her by n few brisky notes. it was impowdble. Hertouch was excruciating torturef worse than mediocrity, and; to make It the more unbearable, she thoughts t sublime. I ac tually sobbed, by every powerimplored her to s m pa ea m ns m ln e. m . y ßut she was doubly so when the youth enthuslas deafly applauded t I despalFed when half a dozen lively young 'people en • g ?if t• 1:11, t: • ' 61 .., —,..41-tuur Cuutrilipecia k:prtislisedv -IMitz.-.4They Anal- no oomph tad happed and Whirled - 11171 ',V spasnlcidic kgrotunt: ' Ttil -s a palpable tontortlaq• Pt L a Id Efttle faint and dizzy to seen ng and writhe about, tablet Wider the, luallacination :that tnodons Were grateful - and' Vereitlildrattlo:eMtnning. - Ilk teal ertts were-In atot , e, arid liaappwerless 1 , , gig the i fte metlley of _ Fmringtront My', suaddened`:strhigs. Ike water floniaqiili jug:- - .Thank, fully I haw.the gay Heber. and . slots ' der , Apolles.depurt., - ,The, windoWs , nitionger abbe*, and.tlw iloor cussed Ito tremble bentath their" airy ' Mot r*iefis. ' Ileita sadden Sinking. . The Timid transit from Murderous din to Calmest- quiet ; threatened', mortal ahyxia, and I was just meditating' ho'solemn Matter of. urwlll, :when a lady etune in anti began a series of Wild gestiallathans: I' understood her emotions to.-Ixt at love' mingled Watt great and:J use Pelee/53r ; she had a' bitter, smile , !cienthed her hands; Mitt matteral in •a. -deep,_ ominous Voline . She witsrjeoloist of the, thin brossotte. - ,.:,Lanterik, jaws! 44 :we hertoOstisci*tible Issplllbeglioso IY moustache had tilt 'tkd her/ isM aullidelfectiptimid. titST - Ve::-*Bli . Victim of Weis .cruel date . I shuddered, for I knew the sequel of her repent' despair.. She would take herrevenge out orate:, A dozen hurried turns up anddOwn—then she New at me, airy in her eye and dc.s partition curling her ruby lips. I gave -myself up for lost, and meekly resigned myself to- her awful spelt. Not to speak bcostingly, I think my satin& would have favorably com- Pared with a moderately inimical tilt pad, and she et : the t h e jealous Leant lietwe,wed as much culture and natur al taste as an infant' pig fast under a gate; and''as she gave me the full henefit of her primitive style, one may easily imagine the music our combined efforts produced. Site youndedf walled a horrible discord. She 'sang a lachrymose ballad about love and filthi&auss-- I sawed out an accompaniment. She shrieked a chorus--I grated a -pre lude ; but all our din • failed to bring' back the .lank` youth. The senti mental- proving.._ ineillt eat, she re sorted to the madly gay, and almost Smothered roe With La Belie Helene. In vain I protested my most dismal howls, but she stoutly continued to batter me as I Were entirely devoid of feeling. An old gentleman in the next room, suffering from the tooth.' ' ache, carat audibly, and ramie(' on the door with his ante. A lady op nositer subject to' the neuralgia, groaned, and murmured a: prayer for patience. A half distracted ser ',mut fled through the hall, with both hands over his agonized ears; and a stupid stranger, thinking I was the gong, poked his Inquiring head in at the parlor door in quest Of thesupper table, but-immediately darted away on finding out of his mistake.' The affrighted canary sat - trembline In his perch, looking Sideways at us ; , but that brave young' creature never faltered: Stoically she, kept on, heedless of the muttered wrath,of excitable old gentleman, the mitless whimpering' of disturbed babies; and the genteel anathemtm .of nervous ladies. I was sensible of the rage we were exciting, and in sheer pity Tor those in our vicinity, I snapped a string; but that love plightedyoung thing-heroically scampered over mu -I. ls . 3 ggan t ii‘lifilitt r ryet P ,VE Severed until a lad—Heaven forever bless iiiin—came to the rescue, and maliciously informed her OA the lank•young, man. had been gone an hour with the brunette, in quest of .i.4sla water! She bounced up and out Or the room like a shot, and I tell to Collecting nay scattered notes. From being left uncovered, I took it dan gerous cold, and some one left Cap tain J inlts—my c-itecial abomination ,—on the rack, which gave me the nightmare—and a glass of; lemonade carelessly placed - at the elbow of a self imagined line singer, WilS knock ed over; and the bevcri t ga ming ling with the dust and • rust of may aiready feeble strings, nearly strung k•ti me. lint they a ll laughed, in a i most heartless manner, declaring that I could not be the worro for a ,„141e lemonade; and one atrocioug liaelt, whose breath smelt vilely of b .only, recommended kronger stim ulants. The next day I was overjoytsl to see my. young mistress; she rune unexpectedly ;- 1 was too 111 and de jected to recognize her at first. It was the love In her fingers which aroused me ; she tried a few notes; she had vastly improved in her ab sence. Major Scales, and the minor troubles she had cried over, were unable to grieve or enrage her now ; but she shoot: her land at the sound of me, and, with a sigh, shut me up and sent for a tuner. Ho was &Way 'repairing, tuning, and dusting me; I was quite myself again, and was anticipating a pleasant hour with my 'mistress, when a transient s woman, the traveller of a train, came iu with a baby, a fond mamma ; the precious darling,eried for me, and was prompt ly hoisted on to the Music stool, and for half an hour amused itself and its applauding mamma by hammering me, kicking its dear little heels, and laying its little stomach and elbows on the keys, hitting with all its dar ling might hi childhood's endearing way; an ivory or two dew off, and I was sticky and soiled by traby's smudgy hands. Mothers often al lowed their troublesome pets to abuse me, white they gossiped and made calls. -It was all a hotel piano was good far, and through their maternal sanction I received particular and most destructive 11l usaay. I remember one bright , spot In my otherwise dark life, which roxmcil ed mo to the hardships of existence. I was so fortunate as to become ac quainted with one lady who possess ed rare, cultivated genius and I In stantly! loved her, for -she Was so beautiful anti gentle, as well us tal ented, that' o instrument of the least discernment toad fail to -appreciate her splendid voice and touch. I was her only friend, for she was not hap py, and used to cry, and rook so sad. when at twilight she came in to Ro me, and with her soft, white fingers on my heart, coax away my sweetest music. She told mo her troubles in song, and I,in bettet health than I had enjoyed for years, respell ! tied in the mysteriouslansmageof the soul, beautiful and soothing to it na tut.° pure and poetical like hers. Her 'name was Eau, and she was young, handsome, and alone —n - fact which' set the feminine hotel tongues a wag ging, and' the masculine hearts a nearing at a fearful rate. The former 'censured and wondered—the latter 'admired, hoped, and were disap pointed; for dheshunned everybody, turd, save me, gave no ono her corgi sdiewneelo.liedl ksoninewe-bo(froisTattihdethfluratt thtleureit hsecreiveredt loectedmininenhtserfiboareasupg and the: I N C : , vaguely in atmosphere f ere made me very tang , and I i of the doutits which n r a gu ade:Yfiti surrounded her,She played a stmnge, beautifill air,just as evening was fad ng nto night, and at its close dropped her head to the hands resting on my sympathizing keys, and cried soft and still like summer rain.- A gentleman, a stranger , looked in and lightly approached; I expec ted a denouement, and ho did not disappoint me. .4* vat I bave been pieeent at scorns of MII beOtt hOt - 116itilleartwOuld have brat st"W°lll ,7 • • liew,gitid Ares' tba li g.lled-MeMMar. to Comfdrther in dnitilliterrellesillo and sorrows.. I ;have Doe 441';‘: vain, sandOm eontent.te stril her ;nigh - la' me for all the mlllOO-1 have l in theaadly murdered node of intallC.:9 Ire took her In his - arms and idnied her ; .Ahe , played. the strange:sweet'. air again, and 4 6194 up at hint,Witlt tears on her and thatwaether; last touch. 't te,;( . . it on , the early. train; and beim:A:ever seen ';hear. since, but Lam-Certain that :Eve yet reinendiers.ete-tcs l doper—the beet 7 musician tiutt'ever, laid, a „hand on .`• my ordumlly: perfect'netes.- `A.lna ens old ttittlw.ciPPlid, and ttle left of thisoriglnW•taik.kering: ' tither' lit vetch or appeerance."l;ao .". worse; if peissible, than steambento • . piano, played by aisamateur, and all• the pis:lavers cast nick. 31y, bones and Strings aro - aching froth last night's beating., and although not amendable, 1 felt,qUite ashamed when a nit,: old lady in a reyere top 4 and gold rimmed slant:wits, last my, with an uplealding look. '1 tins alii ' I ever reproached, f and *Weed • to', eonstant malevolence,'When It ' those who personally nskill, by Man ual blows art& Voectivettoresses,"Who are to blame. 1 ain Mute' and quiet enough if let alone, and not oft:' should ireful maledictions full.. Thu reprimand belongs eiSt.%'vhere, for; if provrly managed; I am capable; nought but intoxklating sound; and. If well played, am. perfectly enchants. lug. I fully comprehend tit!) ,Ignte my of nay &Hen state. I. am 'but a decoy in the 'unskilful hands of de.' signing maidens to allure bashful or refractory swains into their languish- , big presence. I drive away the sen sible and draw the speanysentimen- • MI. lam an excuse coven' with red cloth; a pretext on tour legs; an In tolerable nuisance under the guise of ' music; and am am.sble of pandemo nium if a superiltial,' illy educated miss has the handling of me. I may safely say that not one In a hundred who presume to .understand thp di- • vine art know anything' about me. lain keenly ative.to the impropriety of keeping gouty old gentlemen, measly infants, and ners.ousladitm on the rack for hours in Succession. I - realize that I arn"the guiltless cause of curses deep and . execrations long and frequent. All my, life I have . been compelled tt) illustrate the pre coeity of children, the stupidity of • mature thirty, and the ambitious proclivities of ' well moaning' but frightililly Immature teens; and, in my weak pld age, I lilt my voice against the general condemnation a staid unthinking public 'hurt at me. 'tortured listener of my forced, un natural bangs, it is not I. My pro testations are, and,always.have been, futile. Cla,sp your maddened bruin, clench your despairing hands, and forget your prayerS, as you may, still . I protest my innocence. It is the simpering misses, the new boarding recent grriuivate y Who are reSpionslble for your su ff erings. Prolific' and prolix, they are prodigal of their hld eoll3 faculty of getting the utmost thunder out of me; and slap, dash, and bang to the extent of their rtrvngth acid my strings. These re morseless ( atlas and inhuman Augu.,tas are Mime answerable for • your paralyzvti ty . flipaniums and ruffled teciipc..r. I am powerless to resist, anal run but ts.ho the refrain of their insane ideas of music. Where is the wrelciml being who invented the piano? He doubtless meant well, but he entailed a terrible evil on the aspiring world ; the uni verse contains nothing s) drtnalful to sensitively cultivated airs, unless it be a small boy with hiA lirst drune,or a big buy learning to play on ,the flute. hinging is nothing compared to the eternal. inquisition. The friv oltiN and l dlies of life are familiar ; the love and scandal and sin I have heard and seen in my dine shakes my faith in the goodness of man kind. lam conscious thot I have - been the-ruin of many a night's rest, and that amiable men and women I have wished me In perdition. There foie, I speak in J - ustifleation, and publish to the world my entire Inno cence of wilfully wronging any one. 1 have betrayed no confidence, un masked no faults, disclosed no -K.- erets, repented no scandal. I aimply seek to refute the charges brought t wainst me, and trust that these ran dom remarks will dispose the kindly discerning to- charity; and when writhing under the indiction of some j f savage hand, renumber the soliloquy of a much abused piano, and be gen emus Two brothers named Call went In to KoAsuth county, lowa, Merit years ago, when it had hardly an In. , habitant. They took with them less f, than five tinllars each, but they went I, 'there to work. They have kept at wOrk ever'sinee; and they have efirn l kt; ed and made a quarter of a million t'; dollars. There are many hound as good chancezt to-day as they had ; theditlerence twin themen. Ito who f tells you he can't hew a farm out of the wild west because he has no non- ji ey, is not the man to do It with ever 4 so good a start. If you were to offer to keep him in provisions while he:, made his farm, he would want some 'e one to chew the victuatS for him.L.'" What would suit him best is an of-ft flee, In which there is much to gets and little to do.—N. Y. 7Sibune. 5, Bt•axnut says; "Laziness 1s ono:. of the mast Inexcusable of crimes. know men justify it sometimes be-1 cause they have genrus. If theyl have —which they usually have not,. —they are all the more guilty If they are lazy. For, if a man has genius,: (and that Is a terni which, when 4. properly used, means an organizal tion so sensitive that •it easily uto a state of exaltation, and go. Its duces results more fruitful than n be produced by ordinary means), the ; 1 more ho has of it the greater Is the responsibility that OW haslald upon ;: him to Ivo It. ...t•KAN( Is ••, oft'xeter , Maine a' matt now about eighty years old, took up adid laud and began farming t about sixty ,years ago. He lives on t. the tame farm today, and. In that time he has never bought a pound of i flour or meal of any kind, a kernel of corn or grain, a potato or apple, a ; pound of butter or cheese, of pork, be or mutton, or tiny other mumble' t thing which thimers in Maine ordintt- r rily produce from their farms.- Ile has one of the best farms in his town an works it yet himself. . - Is digging a cellar in Cleveland, the other day, u skeleton was • ex hunted, ,in the skull of which were found two cents, evidently used to k cover the eyes of thg Corpse at the time of :burial. One `of these cents bears date 1E47, and herein ankle we of, .mystery, ,as the ground in i ; guestiolwas an old graveyard, butll has not been used for that pumas! since 1 , and was built upon an r. , !, occupied in 1835 or 1838. =3 ESE .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers