11 ttii . .o"iii.i.o . i..A:iiiis: A i t J. WITAXIN • AIM Dative. 14k:. Oct •2 7 • ISO.* atiiiiiim,;fla — rloa)iaii . ,o - rdeicc! ---- the U. &Otter t#liitii)BUMlllailee the steam yacht Anna, now In Erie hula' nwhitr to a' stuklpion that alio Is bel4 fitted out. araillke 4peditlon. • • • VIE fotthcothing report orTreasur er Spinner will shdw ttutt the 'name •of collectlons and decrease otexpen- Alturee ferodx months ending Aug. 31, 1869, amounted to $80,000,000x8 comparedwith the corresponding pe riod 0f11368. ' TEE N. Y. Daily News, stays !ltY Gould was before tho Grand Jury ThursdaY i - morning last, and mo ony questioned regarding the recent_ gold corner. An n result of his testimony General Butterfield, Sub-Treasurer and A. Corbin, brother-hi-law of . Prestdent Grant,' together with oth - ere, have been indicated for eohspira , 4 /T is reported that Captain General Do Itodas of Cuba, has informed the home .Government that the, rebels in Cuba have Ml along had active rein dons' with the *publican insurgents In Spain; and that arrangements have been made between them fOr mutual encouragement and assistaniv, Supervisor Smith, of thol 'Western District of New York, and Stipervisor Stiuthworth, of the Weitern District of Pennsylvania, . having !resigned, Ex-Senator John O'Donnell, • of New York, and Gen. J. li. SWeitzer, of Pittsbtirgh, have bum nominated by Coturnissioner Delano to fill the cancies: ON theist of November $25 1 84G,000 iu coin will be required to !pay the sowl-annual intoreit on 54 bonds The tiensury hus nOw on hand about .1 $81,000,000 in coin, SLN,OOO,OOO in gold certillmtes, and alxiut .33,000,000 in currency. 'After the payment• of drafts required for intereats, over $.10,000,006 will remain on hnnd, and t no more will be required for 'pay ment of interest until the IsL of Jan • nary. ; . ittpurrs from customs 1 and In- term! Revenue thus far during this mouth have not been as large as for ' the corresponding term last month; and it Is thought by TreaSury oft eial3 that its total at the end of the month Will !show a decrease from both sources. Thai eapenciiturts of this month, however, have ; ' not bee& very heay, and ;the public debt statementi to ta3 issned on the first of November will Show a considerable decrease In the total. A CAlttztdispateh from Madrid on Thursday last, states reinforcements for Cuba to the numlier i of three thousand men, sailed yeseerday for Havana. Additional troops will be sent early in November.',. The de feat of the Republicans here places a laige number of men at the disposal of the government, which I will ena ble ft to take advantage iif the op porta:lib/. and act vigorouSly for the e3mplete suppression of the rebellion in Cuba. at BloOpitield i in showing that Tnzwell county Ilk, ,for the year ending Septemior 2 0th,1068, paid a revenue tat of $1t34,000 froM all Bar ces,and for tile year ending §eMetuber% 20th, 1809, paid a tax or $418,000. Dur ing the former year all of, the distil ler!N in-Pekin were runtrost of the time, and the tax for, the greater part of that period was tWo dollars per cullon. During the last Year only one distillery was run continuously, and it alone paid a tax of $135,000, being more than the whole county paid the previous year. Oun Vietbry in Ohio, aissures the stieeess of the XVth 'Amendment, which may very poksilily be ratified during the coming Winter. The vote.s of twenty-eight States are re quired to make it a part of the Con stitution. Twenty-one have already voted forlt namely: Arkatms, New-York, • ilonneetient, New-Ifainpsitire. Florida, . Nevada, 1 • - Indiana, Nebraska, Illinois, North Cortina. PennvlVania, Louisiana, South Carolina, ' Missouri, West Virginia, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Maine, EZEM Of the remainder, Mississippi and Texas era required to ratify as a eon (Minn' , of reconstruction. lowa, :Minnesota, Rhode Island,i and Ver mont are certain to ratify, and Ohio viii eimmicte the number of 2.4. Xrygnnowski, Simervisor of Georgia and• Florida, reports under date of Oct. .12th, that Jackson and Washington counties, in Florida, are under control ofan armed Mob, which bus risen to prevent the execution of the revenue laws. The It4rder of this mob, is one James P. Coker, who is represented to be a wealthy and in fluential man. Ile has threatened Assistant Assessor Low, of Marina, with personal violence, and has chal lenged 'him to fight, and that OftliaT writes to the supervisor, that he can: only cnnvays his district 14 the latthrd of his life. Assessor Wilson writes cwrobomting his assistant's state ments. The collector of Culstoms nt Jacksonville,. Fla., J. A. Dockvy„ • writes to the Supervisorthat the State Tax Cnllector and his wife had been brutally murdered In ',Washington , county, adiolniug Jacksim, rind that, theo had been seven;murders In Jueleson county since the!fld inst. and • I • the Deputy Collectors and Assistant AssessOis of Internal Ret'enue are in imminent danger. Thel Supervisor has culled for troops. A RiettmoNo dispatehkiatod Octo ber 2d, says the case of parties charg ed with selling .eounterfeit talracco revenue stamps pronpuls to lead to important disclosures. i 'Two more arrests lutve been made lit connection with it, one of them being Charles Jackson, a tobacco manufacturer of Petersburg, who is charged with fur nishing a genuine statno to make the counterfeit by.. ThomaS W.. Roche and Frederick Rama:hewer() before .the United States I Cominissioner on Friday, and held for trial . . The Uni ted Hides District 'Attorney, in urg ing that heavy bail be *mired: said that this was part of a Wealthy 'gang, the principals of which 'would take them out of Jail if • t 20,000 had to be forfeited to do it. The Commission. el the ballet sfil, eae , un it •Thanutelie. gave The factoit4 liannache was seized, On the. amp AsCy. for violation of the reveneelati*. othei parties have peeiballed to appear . On Wednosday.L. Thu Cod excited mach interest faith the fart -that all thq parties are well knowti ns iiMuer,revennaoilicials L-. FATBER ¢l7l,Ateirlik Now York hist week.- renittins Very quiet and passim .ranClt'.ef his dinain meditation and -study. .lie is in receipt of numerous letters from all ports. Bf , the country,...Which he Makes a.point of answering, At itoott on ThersdaY lust, ho received a visit: from two old European .friends, resi dent in 'New York.: Seirsequently with n companion ho, wept-out ibr walk; passing:np Broittlway and pier mental° on Fifth avenue. Hqstren tionsly.objects totheiaabliereception which, It IS rumored, the Boston clergymen will again urge upon him: Father Hyacinthe, was the pastor. of the Catholle ciingregation of Notre Dame, in Paris. }leis n Carmelite Monk, highly endowed with ex.:- traorilinitry eloquence. In his °tato ricol flights in the pulpit, he uttered dogmas in contravention of the teach ings of the Church. for whiehdle was dtily , admonished by his Superior. predated in this course—de nying any authority to 'circumscribe his "utterances in the pulpit, and ihouting " non serviam," he was pro hibited from preaching by the Ordin ary of his Diocese. Whether he will retract, and go back to the fold, or persist In his present partial aposta cyremains to be seen. The newspaper reporters of NeW York have not' been .able to make much out of Father Hyacinthe, who seems to keep his own counsel, and the alleged conversati ons with him which have appeared in print are pure fancy work. To Dr. Prime, however, he said: "I shall esteem it an honor and a pleasure to boeome acquainted witkall the Christian peo ple of this country. I recognize the Protestant ns well as the Catholic as the religion of Clirist l aud dudrewhile lam in the 'United States to make mytielf thoroughly acquainted, with the religions, social and political state, of things. Jereste en aitholic—Vre ! main a . Cetholle—,but I resist • the abuses of the Church." Dr. Prime asked if while he (Pere ,Hyacintite) was in this countrYlieivould address public assemblies,remarking that the community would l o greatly pleased to hear his utterances. Father Hya cinthe responded that ho cleared to remain quiet while he was la. that city, and to observe without being . heard. Referring to Dr. Prima"S christain lane, "Iremeus," engrav ed on the carte de virile. Father Hya cinthe said in Greek: "It is peace s—lrene—und your 'visit and expres sions ofsympathy have brought. palm to my heart." Effect of the Atteendnaenl. It i 3 now !rendered almost certain that the xVth Amendment to the ' United Stat4 l ConstitutiOn will be proclaimed a part of that Instrument during the next !session of Congress. The colored pcipulation voted at the late elections in most of thenorthwest ern States:and in nearly all of those of NewEnglatil. The new Article of • •' What 11 be'the effect upon the vote of the States ? dy the censusof 1860, says a correspondent of Forney's Press, Pennsylvania had 56,919c010r ed population, and Oregon 52,165 white population. Oregon, on this basis, in 1864 'polled 18,345 votes for Lincoln Mal McClellan. With this for a guide you can readily calculate the addition to your vote, in 1870. And by the same rule you can esti mate the, effect of the amendment upon oth6 States Nevi Jersey, in . 1860, had a colored population of 25,-. 336; New York, 49,005; Ohlo, 36,673;• IndianA,.• '11,428 ; California, 4,081; ; (..ontwetietit. 8,627; Delaware, 21,627; Mwyland, 171,1311 Kentucky, 236,- 167; Mi l ssouri, 118,503. The revolution that can he acconi -06110 by the new votes in Dela ware and 3laryland, mut perhaps in Kentucky' will be tuckso gratifying than their reinforcement of the Re publican volumn.in Pennsylvanip, Ohio, *w Jersey, New York Con necticut, antl Indiana. The long bitter battlengainst Igno rance and Prejudice is almost fought and wan. Bravely'and fairly has it - been . carried on by the friends of Human Freedom. They conquered Slavery first in honorable warfare, and they next. defeated Bigotry at the ballot box. Every Legislature that has ratified the amendment has, on a fair trial, been sustained at the polls, j tit took the people of Ohio two years to learn thelesson. Penn sylvattitt gave her endorsement , to her Legislatureon the 12th. Connec ticut gesti a favorable verdict in her last ekelion. NeW York voteson her rAillintimi on the first Tuesday of Niii:Thilier; but the fact that a Demiieratic Legislature in that State cannot change the deer& may clin vinee the Democracy of the folly of further oppwition. A hint chance is pri.-sented to that party They cannot possibly defeat the ataendnient. Colorado Will un doubtedly come into the Union as a Itepubliam State next winter, and perhaps one or two more. Why run anitick against Fate Why rouse' -the animwities ofa nice who cannot he longer debarred from their "inali enable rights?" You have lost the gnme, .11miieurs of the Bourbon Schoiil. Will you acknowledge it? Or will you tight on, like that fooliali old King George, who only sUrren tiered the Colonies when he could no longer maintain his armies? IT has been akeertatned the occasion .of the spe cial Cabinet meeting, on Wednesday last, was the .considera tion of the notorious Yerger ruse. Attorney General Hoar has expressed the opinion that, considering the well known defect of those sections of the Reconstruction Acts referring to the Jurisdiction of the civil courts, :the Supreme Court .will undoubtedly render an opinion in the ease adverse to thapowers ot'the military tribunal before" which ho was tried and.con victkr. resnl t of the consu I ta tion was,, of course, a decision to abide by the final action of the Cotirt, but it is ' generally, nederstaod that this final notion will not be pronudgated by the Court until - after Congress meets. ".tio Ono pretends to deny the factor Yerger's guilt; but both Democrats and Republicans admit that he Ought to be. tried by, competent Constito: ME 1w ., 313 00 1 0 0 mtiededdadatiVillo4 l , l '..L: p oint , be:iiceirlidirlkoli • P0'01 4 4.1".F9ke 4 r0,1 , 1 ' Tun laftyt , Men ThuricollO'l. the ;#, New , York . ; Atuung pose PresOt 'were kAilivaine.- Of Ohio; ...Boit; Drs. Itattluiwt, Croaby, Prime; and Do Witt. An erganita- Hon was effected-with Bishop , lie 'Wain° as President. Letters of sympathy • and encouragement were raid limn Chief Justice Chase, Pres-. idea Weelsey, of Yale College, and ethers:, Various addresses, , eremade bearing upon' the suilject of unity among ths.churehea. A U. S. SENATott was the.Tetinese , O Legisiatnre. pia Friday jai. 1 . The opposition concentrated oft Henry Cooper and hen*.eleeted on the first ballot, as follows; Cooper, 3Cii-Johnson, , 6l. CoOper isa gentle 7 man of 'fine ability,:imd hits been a consistent Union mita' all the time. The.'eleetion gives satisftietion to al lbut : johuloil'a most ardent friends. Probably a better selection could'uot haVe been made. Jdr. cOoperlis One of the; Ablest lawyers'. in Tennessee. He wits 'ono ot thelfflithri Gover* nors; Johnson's appointee to the Ju- Alelary, WAS commended for his in tegrity' ns an , . officer by Qoverner Brownlow, in a message tlitheLegis: lature. Ile gave a deel i ion in the Sherbroolt-Redley case, nQw pending In the United States Supreme Court, that the franchise unconstitu tional. On retiring froth the bench, .he became Profeaor in te Lebanon Law School. Resigning that positioli he remov ed to ,Nashville, and 14 ma. Senator from 'Davidson county ! To show the 'estimatio» lie is held in by all parties, it may be noted that all the Radicals, with one exception; voted for hint. The electloat throws the last shovel of earth on repudiation In Tennes.see. TiwitE was a scene o I much Inter est and alarm in the Su mine 'Court j room at Washington C it y ou Friday afternoon. Mr. Philli had opened Osargument. :n a mse 1 which Thos. ing, sr.; . had beg , counsel', for twent;y4ivo years, and was followed by Mr. Carlisle. Mr.P r winglajd lis tened with more than usual attention to Mr. Phillips, and seemed .to be much' excited by that gentleman's argument. Rd Mr. EWing, in reply to Mr. PlipPs, spoke with more energy than ho had displayed for yam. Afterspeaking twdlity min. Ines, he complained of . indisposition, and asked . . permissim., which was promptly7granted, to tinning his argument. MIME= ed to proceed with it, his clutirmicon.scious. Court instant ly adjourned. The officers of the Court end cdtmsellon4present hurrhxl to his side, and the Rotas soon ap- ptiOached with marked ankiety, to ascertain his 'conditien. Cushions, were quickly brought from the bench es„ f which a bed wu made for him ort the floor. In the trurse of fifteen minutes his eou.sciouness returned, when he WAS removed to the rothaof the Clerk of Court. Illysicians were summoned, who pronounced the ail ment to be exhaustioo of vigor of the loart; Two or dm+ hours -passed nuicuoas.. , ,stennonv the otellihOts of his ffimilY and other relatives Were upprlXed of his critical condition, among them his tw s ? sons Thomas and Charles and hi daughter and Gen. Sherman. his son-in-law. dais physician, Dr. Millek, on that night pronounced him in improved condi tion, and says he will recover. He still lies at the Capitali Judge Ewing will be eighty years of age next De cember. MffM The anoncrcird [Cincinnati] clo,tes_ a review of the retteid contest in Ohio and its result, as folloWs i • eonnte el the administration stands In dotted by the peorh. of Onto nod Penn.ylvania, ona wilt genie In furor with them V it to kneirn at the end of each Ptnanrial year that One Ilandiea Viaibnit of the Peiblic Debi has hem erfinguilthed. To neetantiliph thhi In the intention of the Went dent Mid able.becretary; nod they will work. tin eye ' , Nth, to that lihrpone." —Truer words were alever spoken, and he Is an unwise or an insincere friend of the Administration who difeimot lay - them .to heart. When the Coppbrheads were trying to de feat Gen. Cfratd's election, they para ded Deltnar's offlcial l calculation that ,the Treasury would be One Hundred and Fifty Millions niinus at the close of the fiscal year then passing. They chuckled over that prospect as though it were .a new Bull Run or Fred erieskburg. And now. they would have Worsted us , in the late Elections but for the fact that the Debt is being steadily reduced by purchase and payment. Stop that process to-mor row; and the Government Is a shorn Samson, and gold "bulls" in Wall street will vie with Copperheads at the polls in their anti-:rational tri umphs. r The naked truth is, that the great mass of our frugal,thrifty,hard-work ing people want the National Debt paid, and that within the next gener ation. They do net 'regard it as a biasing but as a burden, which they mean to be honeftlY rid of. They have no faith In financial juggles; they fully understand that it is to be paid from the fruits of their labor, atidthey propose to Wurk and save on 'purpose that it may be raid.. Each sumvsSive monthly statement which shows that Five to Ten Mil lions of the Debt haye been paid off within the preceeding 'thirty days makes them feel as they did when they first read the news from . Fort Donelson, or heard that Vicksburg had surrendered to Grant, or At lanta had been abandoned to Sher natit's victorious arms. " Nothing sueeeeds like succ&s;". and the fact that we (repaying Eighty or Ninety Millions of the Debt per annum is the best answer to 'those who argue that wes.an never pay it. We shall have ViVe MillionS less - interest to pay next year than we must pay this Year, bemuse of the principal we have meantime wiped out; and we must not weary in well-doing. In order to fund our Debt at a lower rate of:interest, we Must yonvincii,!the holders and other money - 61*n thai our Debt will surely be paid—Hutt the bonds are to become scarcer and L scarcer yearly, so.that' their market ptice will advance; and we shallsoon be able to fund the Five-Twenties at a lower rate of interest, and thussave Twenty or Thirty Millions per,are nitm. But lit tbe payment of, the bonds be stopped, and we shall have the, eredltof the'clevernment falling off, the" biirdna of the Debt:Jima:led ;: 'e4, • • UM -?; . bed aketld alkliOttlo 6 4:nes l 4 l ; - Wog seheanis com mend Rnmilldab*. They may &Melds the w%11144111/ 4ng; ofi reiTZtilut u i c : ' 4l ` ): Sot. pen. Grant Whim sem ;thei;,! so reduced that wexeri.nolo*Vjferi a 5teady4041:14461,0 1 0 4 4 of the Debt. The wisdo m of suet , . Bourse would have been exactly 'Peru, alleled by stopping the ritigmer.taticirt of our arialeeio: tering Out ieiVsoo k•eterans to _return to their imam., If we. keep on ray. ing the Debt, it will tome to be 'gee' Bratty understood that the. Debt is to be honestly' paid.4The New Work MU wmingwaVos vo4epusibompsztvz.l ; Yd. U: Soh ctiOrii-24' ' yen! y-Pei. - ant-Ancriourßonds —A Trip Throttolithegotstly--Pal crt. iaIIINGTON,',D I C., OcC:2l„'. '69. Titheauty of tholndlan. Bummer Is! lion , - . upon nS. !Cool , mornings, bright 'llnd:sunny i !lays,:and cittar moonligliertights VS! month in Washington,. the levellest ; all the year. Every breath you e liraw. of the exhilarating air. jest touched by thetirst offorts of Tack .Frostinto a sharpness , that Savors of. winter iinbudg every action' and spirit: that, be -Speaks' infinite...l'odd! front the Oppimstri hettt of - fiutattteF; that followed, us even into' the month of eefternber, tvel, epula not .b e goti rid .()1: - Everything, about the cityj begins, to look op,again, and you can., read the effects of4hiS cool weatherl in the, ,facft.. of everY ono you ineet.l The IlVely tone of their conversation! and their quickening steps upon the y street, indicate tiew l 4ife and vigor la' the various business ilePartnientS 04 Washington. . TheArilay Seasxm i has ; fairly 4.snu4, mencect with u. TholstationalTheJ,. atro:wctit Lydia Thompson's 13urlefH quo Troupe, now here, •is drawing thronged houses, composed Of bQtl citizens and strangers; Whit . seem More than Usualfyinterestetl in tluiSO side-splitting entertainments. ' - VA. U. S. SENATORS elected Tuesday, are considered here by those who, knori them perstionally as good sidectionA. Both aro -known to lip loyal men, one of which at least is a staunch llepubliatn; and 'inn, if necos6—ary take the ;"Iron (Itch" j . , friends aro inten s ely excited over the latest telegrams from Tennessee, anil aro waiting very forth final result. Bourbon .is advanein rapid with quick miles =I t while ken- He attempt- As the Meeting of Congress is tear at hand tht Department Clerks are beginning* again JO:Complain of the poor and inadequate Pay *they are receiving for their arduous services, and we may expectanother just such time next winteras last, about the "'twenty per cent." Already me morials to Cengreis are being pre pared setting forth so many grieol - that if I should attempt to enu merate I fear I would ,never end. These meinorials are intend simply as reminders of nur Legisilt tors obliTat ions to the "indispensiblq" DepartMent Clerks, to be followed up by a set - of well paid persistent .iMd di lt ,ipm hers, whom they are almost constant ly boring because of the prevailing opiulon of the Represeuhttives that, as they are only servants of the pen ple, they must be subjected to calls front Tom Dick and Harry upon tub , subject and at all times. SPUR/OUd BONDS. There has been but little said bf sate about thespurius Seven-Thirties that were thrown ttPon the public more than two ye,trs Since, 'whiled. M. Clark was Superintendent of the Currency Printing Bureau. At that time It twerps there were strung sus picions that those spurious bonds, which were coo perfect that there were some forty or fifty thousand dollars taken by Officers of the Treasury, , that the plates on which this money was printed were electrotyped in the Printing Bureau. ; Mr. Clark Prot4t ed against there king any reiison for such suspicion, and . contended that they were engraved outside. It is reported hero to day that there has I been sufficient proof elicited latelito substantiate the correctness of the first suspicions about the matter, mid that there is not a question of doubt that, as I stated sometime since' in my correspondence, there is much spurious money, duplicates, now afloat printed eitherou filo genultw plates in the Treasury Department or plates produced front electrotyp ing the genuine plate. In this con.; nection C would say that some 1010 are considered competent judges, whom I have 'Conversed with to day on the subject, contend that \ the seal is count:Welt only, the rest being du plicates _printed from the genuine plates In the Treasury Departtnent. The following, ,"Trip through the South," which I hope will be of In terest to your rutfiers, isa contribu tion from 0. S. Lovell llofq., of Cin chmati, one of the Afsistant Counsel for the Oovernnient in the Cotton Cases: ' A TRIP TIIILORGII TIAN Fams n found the Or ange &Alexandria 'Virginia &. East Tennessee & Georgia Railroad, in a much better condition than any one has a right to exbazt after the long abuse without necessary repairs that was incurred during tae war. - The route was a new one to me, and I was constantly on .the watch for the "scenery-and incidents." • We passed Manakts with tally a slight allusion to Prentis' joke about the Yankees striking for their homes and firesides at the battle of Bull Run, at the rate 01)2 miles an hour. If they per formed this feat, they nearly equaled the rate of travelling an the O. & A. Railroad. At Charlottsville, passen- • gars stop for what they are pleased to announce as dinner. Beyond the wing of a mnarxbird, I never con ceived of a smaller fragment of bird' to be set before oho as his dinner, yet Just such% fragment was offered':n.* to dine-off, Water and corn Meal! Mired uP for breltd. Nothing but al •traveller'sappetito would ever pprmit! of his paying One dollar, (the prim;, always asked) for such a miserablei pretence for a ;meal. The views!" from' CharlottsVille to .tynehhurg, ate doubticmvery flue, but inasmuchl us that four of the five hours run,:are spent In cuts that are far above the; tops of the tatn3,;you!are somewhat; restricted In your' observatiOns 4oach • lngLyzObum, you get into , - e." - 71?' ' 4. t . ', i • •:-"'•.",; '''':: -, n, .•. , : — : - V . .. • )::T: :: , :itrZIWC:. 4 11 0 10 e-, lej iowln - Age_roaftli t io. !miliat 11 (0 - Wilf l 6oittallaWar4 04 0 b*: 4#4.140:1*41ini't..i13603.1rid In 4 61 i l litteht 1 00 bid emiel:kt edlief*lithailhfrodpilf ,wOrt*Or 114045 XiOntfieri ,mote, 01 th* Ael itifeignit4 l -VPlte )iiiiilitif.;*ltardserr, :144de .are toithdt4tianriiltethe coiling , yello- Ihiftlitteelbri4:women - tivdifferent i f ir iitadanc: "the "road, will ;giva, Item rteal and , ,rootti •of , it; for half . .cost.tluui , irtese pretend- - ;big !biding hot* do.! 1 "f • : '''' " ,:%•-• Itidiapite pt..the feeling that has liherbafero - 1 13e*" expreSsed ' *atst l' the sacred frolrto 'Vbxitlia being , 1 0 - 1' vide& by* 101 horn hordes, _ ; one wOl flndthliusimdsof.sexisibletuttivea orthe Boni §. alto anxious andmilling Acilhave Northttn men and Northern oaf ital'lntrod, and I had inn& ingtiltY• Made or moiii , . that regard. Through thegreater **kit" of, the Ivey frOmAlexandrfa to 11Ynchburg, the eat presea er zlndueramits for Nort hern settl t I was t * old, that tiler() were manysilery &Amble Weis and Idis for sale short way , back . from f' • the line o toad.. Northern , men dal capital Oil not beltnreed away: 7 CroPs t his ye* have been verY m ugh diminished IV the drbiith ;that pre: , railed Iran about therniddlo of 'Juno' until •Septeober.. Com and TObacce 'ftsPwlally.hilii: . been reduced from the Waal yieliti • %,-, •• , '.. I - In IldWkGeorgia - thlogs -were hioking 1)601 in an Agricultural point of Vieyrotud enough waste be seen of thorultivation of cotton for ; ono to rest assured that all the meet= ings in England to extend eactiur agernenftolts growth in their Colo 'ales and ot,liir countries .would, be ilcive's labor:Testi for wewill yet Mist; King Cotton up. to hiS former , stand- I aid, and re-assure the world of the adaidibility of our soil and system . ..if labor to meet every Foreign' domnatt, for tho raw material. ..1 wa4cOnlifiri-_ 1 eil in my belief of this ley 'likening to aeouvers.ittion at Kingston Ctn., be-. tween a farmer end Commission Mer chant, wherein the farmer had. got an advance on his growing field of 'cotton ; and I learned of the same far mer that there were many Northern men who 'had this year cultivated plantations.that. had been divided in to smaller tracts, and that many more would soon begrowing cotton as they had been growing grain In their Northern homes before the war, In fact it will not take Many years be (Pro a inrger area than formerly, will be undor cultivation for the growth • .,, Of this st aple, and be mere thorougly worited•th4n When untierslave labor. Time will show that cotton will be Produced and sent or brought to mar ket much In the same manner as our corn, oats in wheat have heretofore been. 0 . MI My trip South extended no farther than to ttib:,bcautiful eitS, or .Rome. In my opinion this city will become a great point for manufacture_. and Commerce; it was consider& such. before the war, but it' Suture will to my mind exceed its phSt experience in both *mites of trade. It is Sit; MAW at thb junction of, the (Ntensula and SMtvalt risers, Which rivers, running together, from the Coosa Itv..e4.44WE‘rilifivArn..m9ro,pr_ less ed hem d4ripg the war; are' rapidly being r i e*2lt Mt a innelii more exten sive stale. Indeed upon climbing the heights which sUrround this beautifully located ph*, the hum of he saw,the ring of the trowel and the pounding of the lnunmer was tai hi= creasing din ip one's ears. In condo- Om, for I have been perhaps tedious let me say that I found; everything a 'N'lllll,7,lleti.3 and disposition to apply tnlifd and active exertion to the re building of the country, and'a strong effort to forget andwipit out the ter rible effects of the war. ! Or the number of patent:4 issued from . thet. S. Patent Oflleo On Tues day, 19th inst. for, the week ending on that, day, IIS were granted to the citizens of Pennsylvania. enrim. • Pramident Grant Dehotuseeti the (From MI No'r Yore Lektr.,ll 'Chi correspondence *Wel we pub lish below, between General Grant and Mr. Bonner, will forever set at rest the injurious aspendoini which hail been made upon the good name 'of the President in 'connection with the recent gold speculation in this :Clenernl Grant's letter is Man ly, xplieit, and to the point, and ehanirteristleof the - great soldier • j OFF*: OF TILE LEM; 1:1; "I YouN, Oct. 11,18 0 9. . GENERAL :—As I stated ;to you immediately after your elect ion Clef there was no office which desired either for - myself or ; any 'friend, have had .no occasion to write to ! you In regard to such mat iers. - 'Mere is a matter now, how; ever, thdp,conctrns you personally, and in siddch I feel that I discern your intetest so plainly that I take 'the liberty to write to you with refer .ence to it,., I do this with less • hesi ' tation, because you did me the honor after your election te confide to me pretty fully-your views. In the pres ent disturbed state of the public mind concerning the recent geld coin - bination,is it not the quickest and sur&t way' to Set at rest the great excitemenLand uneasiue which ' prevail; for'you to make u brief de nial over your own signature of all foreknowledge of that combination, in order to relieve yourself entirely from all responsibility -for the acts of others? Trrtirse, those who know you personally do not require such a diSclaimer, bat • die ; great public, whose mints are liAblttio be warped by the determined seems persistent ef forts to injure you, will be, it NCCS to mu, at once satllitid and quieted by such a ntatunient. Sincerely yours, Aim= - 13osnm, President. Grant. WAsitistrroxi D. p., Pet.-13, 1869. Robert Bonizer, .11:sq. -.• „ DE.taSitt:—Your aver of the lith Ist. is receiveri.,lhave never thought of con tradieting . statements or insin uations miulo against nip by irrespow slide parties, as those are alluded to in your letter ;:hut as'you have writ ten to the on the subject in so kind a spirit, I will say that I had no more to do with the late gold, excitement in New Yorkly ~ than youS'elt or ci. any other tun .nt party, except that I ordered the lle of gold, to break the 'log, engaged as I thought, in a most disreputable transaction. '.. If the speculators had been sue(l.ss~ ful, you would never have. heard of any one connected with lir"Admic istration as being connected with the, transaction. - - Yours truly...."" • , ' U. S. tiumitf P.S. I•havb writtenihis. tu great baste, and whbout exercising judg ment as to the p ropriety of writing it, but ',submitlt to yinir judgment. —There are 20,000 threithing ma chines In the United States, not wont lag the schoolmaster. " 344 r PATENT: MUM ~-,, " . . ai*, 3 '1"'":- ,,, ,,:-'4. ,r , ,...:: .-.'.'' ~... v .. ..Y':. ;' , .',;'% , :',.',2...i: .., . .... , ~ .. „ P(*1174371*45;* *! i. AG: 4. 12t 0 a3i ' 0 0 4 0 ber iir ellOg i k t Oo4 l .l4 t fr . . -440 (thia4lielit0410d0Ri f *, i 1 0P 4 themielyos jai) ri . ifeVeie o f eal to;:" nOeiAij+ is * oo 4 : : ; *ripo l in •=thoi.**9olowithitio pmelot.tho PO wet., .o.oieWinfr;i4, otaidcumi:copc. 6 . o 3' oerr ;hey wore afraid Of frlsion;'on irfetryirthiketgthiiy,.had4lthook..,the names ofilieviotti, Cattill4teifOr of; Act `..thloh %V as Atutatiafgctorr tAumbetiotWilOnib s ; 9 4 l,l l4 lo # it seenii determined' -to :vote 'dine', other tieltel; - the 4 ,13u115" of tho platy fearing this unule,Freatiefforts to prrh vent the "bolting,", thrit imminent but without success; 'mil ou the day of 'election, "the .indepen ilenViickel,wits 'elected by. fi ;41rge niajolifi; creidliii . amshierabto sur. pilse amoni the present incumbents °NMI* and . tho pensioners tiK tho, ring.• I The election on the 1•241vill. passed off without uny notable disturhance; allthb drinking Wallis were closed by orticeof the Mayorot ; the qty, but this did not preicnt the diiver of carnage employed ln miTying °crude vOtes to the polls; from get ting tipsy and Upping bne Of his valuable'eargoes into the middle of one of the prominent streets of tbe city. I Afterdark, the . prim ciptttliorougfitre, was thronged by eltzens; all Seeking for the :"latest. news." At Ambits Hall; telegrams were receiVed from time to tithe, ing neivs of the election frotuditler-i out 'sato of the State; manYwerathe Jokes pmse , d 'thereon , by• 'the. crowd which.served;tokeep ion Onto of 60 4 buiPcti: : •l - .. i On the strength of a dispatch, that undoubtedly :allege mtkfority, thc; 'White Boys in Blue *pedant inn torchlight •pri:),!st?iiinion, and paraded the streets to the sound. of music: and firing of cannoii .were Jubilant: . shohting remarks lib* Hayes and the 'Constitutional Amendment, they wanted to' know what certain 'Republielins' Opinions werO.nou , Omit Nigger Suffrage and' Chinese labor by gad, &e.' " Before midnight the crowd Separa ted, but till long In • qie night, the democratic cannon could be heard Waking away over the sepor:ted sue- MIS of Pendleton, varied now an I then with a faint .shout, sent up by some enthnslastleindlyidual ; burden ed• pinny cups - of "sack;" of "Hoorah for (icor& H. Petidleton— Oh-high - oh's Fa e vor-ite son!" • On the • evening of the kith • when the Republicans , become assured that 0 Hayes had been re-elected t4y beta an ithpromptujolitlication In. front• of . the State Committees Headquarters at the Amerieen: Af ter repeated mils Gov. Hayes ihatle his appoarauCe, and was enthusiast he ally reetiVed. The Governor made an eloquent and telliegspeech i on the occasion; atorchlightprocessionwtts then formed and marched through the principal streets, stopping at the residences of some of the principal leaders of the party;: where 'much speechifying was dyne. the Hon Sam uel GallowaY;at whose residencethe mintitabl**ches ofids, that start.' eitthe crowd off In .tft‘mt 'gdoi min-, the music playing the:okrfamil liar air tifJohil:BroWn ; arriving at the staitl*poln the croall The" tweeting was n hearty esr lireSiilon iiverra hard earned victory. i‘TheOdd Fellows of Coltimbus have created and Wid sari • finish. a mag iiificonte 'structure • for their.,rise on High:St.- A grand,editiye 4111 soon be onnitnencedthat will When erect ed be a Credit to the State; it is an institution' ftir t he The Start big-Medical Collegeaand lospital is a structure of very impressing and unique appearant*, it • would be hard ter an' eliseiver to saY Iu what style 'if arehitceture it had been built. The Hospital Department is managed by Sisters of charity,: who deserve all incouragement in their - entleavom to alleviate the suffering of thepoor and unfortmtte:' '. • • 'The old Lunatie.4.43•lnin that was burned down sonic time ago, is about to be re-built; it Is to be larger mid handsomer than the Old one: NeWArlvertisentOts. AiXIERIIE'F'S 'SALES. fly 'virtu° of sundry writs of Vent itlonli:x -1,3 pones. Finn Farlsa and ',earl Vaclas, leaned oat of the Voort of Common Pleas of the county of Beaver. and to modirected, there will be expot ed to public rale. at 11w Court Douse In Cm hot : November of heaver. Braver. county, Pa., on Satarday, November G. Pc!). at too o'clock, a! m., the 101. lowing properlY, to wit: All the right, litle.• interest and unite of the Mantis Fire Brick Co., or Pittsburgh,' of, in and Id that certain piece or parcel of land lu Ohio Lelver comely, I's., bounded and described as follows:. Beginning at a hickory en the bunk of the Ohio riVer, thence by land of 1 hiniel Cloud north 9 deg, we*l4., per to a stone, thence south t{eg. went 24 per to a crone, thence by laud of Jeseritulth notah dog, east 41 perches to u prone thence .otttli deg. west V •perches to a liantre by {awl .of drools banal .0011. It s percher ton game on the bank of the Ohio river, theace north Ki Airy, root 2.4 , 4 perches to the pls.., olbee,innlng cof.tmunlng 754 keres more tr less..centalning two yens of flue clay, Mere lie Inn rreCtril Morcott a complete Fire Brick burin. factory with largo frame stool containing flues. Engine MllClenery, etc:, arrs.rai brick kilns and Awd.,. Ken two frame dwelling housee,out houses, . blezed end takcii In execution utile property 'of the linenlx Vint pick: Compenv or I'lltabnr,th nt the anti of Leoleo Ledeeta kiseentets. of the testament tifJoxelth Luilmig. deed. MEI rnm All the t•Lilit, Utle, Interest awl claim or defend. unto 01, In and to, the following lot of grow' In Itirllngton Ip., Driver cOnnty Pa., bounded as tulloar: Commencing eta stake in the bounda ry lire between longs Alrliculian and the 'Site of the Cannel Coal Company. on the coot ONO of ihe lateral railroad at constructed from the coal Indres of Enoti Valley Coal Conspany. to the Ohio lris'er, thence. dog null 25 min, west MA feet to a Arline oak, Curti: north gilded, I:ill feet to a blekory on east side of not railroad; theitie north et/ deg and mlnaract ti3l feet to a poplar on the west ride of putilte road, thence by wett side of said ',abbe road taint( 4 deg, .weet gild feet to a politer, thence by neat ride of public road north .g and w eat 0.0 feet u h a while outs On nor side of LI-bon bud, thence north deg and '45 tutu west 30 rot tun •tune on bounpry lire betercetrtandsofJaMealfcGeoh nand Davtil (Vol. tire, thence along told boundary fence north 2 11.•;_ii cast gob fect lo a corner stone, thence south ihig and Cu min, east Itch - to a white oat: rear the School House, thence tooth :P1 deg, wort 2 . 1111 feet to a stake, thence north sit deg and 45 min, west Mt but to the place of beginning, con taihlng 4311 acres, more or ie., on which there is erected a !roma house l!i stones high.g s ficet 10 . 1 1; .1.. y 24 feet wide, well at Wu door. %loi 4 one story Inoue honses'l42l6 feet, Containing 2 =MA each, one lug house one story high 12.T1S feet, 2 log sta. Ides 14213 feet, orchard cif about GU bearing apple, witch and Cherry trees, one vela or coal, open and good working order, 31) lb 36 Itches In to Also another vein orcomi innpueed to be 4 fiut thick, and underlaid with Ilmoitone, Several good springs, about 8 acres of Umber land- ' belted and taken itt execution- as the property of James McGtvban at Omit:lt otJohri O. Loa. ALSO, . ' NO.B. All (het Ight, title. Internet and claim, of defend. ants of, In snit to, the following described place or yareel nt ground In the borough of hansom, ittoater county. tteltinning at inn Lib; Ifrarer river on the low cotronou to tutu Noe. Ut. and no tut marked on the general plan of said! loan. thew,' along. the line ot lots of Win. P. Townsend Follth rt thvlrcr. - vrrrAt tat tort, or there-tbonts. to the west old, of Abe nace - of the Falbtott Water Co., thence by the ratite, along raid - Townsend's line north 4 degree's, 5 feet and 10 Inches, or' thefre 014,13t2., thence by efttno south 5011, degree,, went Id feet or thereabouts to the east ride of Mein street Or road, no se to Intersect 'Oath Poe of lot ltd; theoco siong.eatit Townsend's litw frown (Inn of Ito :11 thirty fret or thereabouts to the wart ride of the road, thence along tba sauna 4 degree', westh feet trd 7 inches, or thereattbuts, thence by said Townsend). lire south 0 5.14 degrees.. west la feet &thereabouts to 'lntersection with tooth line of int o. '4, thence niciu sold lino to land of said Townsend. south Ct dynes, ,west 37 perches or thercabtents to lands of McCoy's hefri, tuence along raid land. narth 43 degrees, west 4 . : perors to south line a flot No. LI thence along said afro LW of lot of old Wm., Townsend, noitth ISA MS - - - - - 4010411161101.. allgthiftft - ballaell=4l:ll4= thesteeet: elm Meta. east,lsiases meith. thafteeit,switaillat - street at lent add sot*, .5 vales. tooglit • latilmkOrilloroalaoata a r i 1 4 0 w. tans• .• I Ars-111151, Siegrems ehitlel fed • hernithoutil tollloiWiot moor up maw, Wrote eking the email Safest or thatesboalsi theses by said Towsesanbiltas, sosatait "vest ST Met lein theseaboanc ers t6s east We of raid:stream rest : theme dawn thessms a atek or - thernalstattirtts blaaAneleetWir Whack ithlantiel basin Mid Ittitieetamois to lea Nag II a4laidlawft la Cho ploo otatidr; thence, 'the aims watth' a. depots tr • or therealanattietaa of Wel nett want ltlexialbegute elongate 8 degrade reit 1111011=tbs= a lk u r i r t cher fir t gist: S erind kraus) aft dome. fort t 5 Mitha or taboap , to the Sarver We. ent down the Mae IbOttt 10 przthest to the. placed beginning. , -,.: • - Iteaerrlrmr - t the Pates of thafint tbart--JoIMMInm end wife, Kiss Merrick Mid wife eir heirs and asidgbe-16 feet In width bcttotti the Bucket-factory and 'Washboarditactory, landing from the retorts' Sharer* to UMW river, for the purpose of putting Inc Sheet and pampa to connect With the plpes told suossasid river fur the Cr= litr i4l°Z d :co fret hlghigthso the rare bank; and the aunt s anparties of the second ort, to wit; Samuel Beller 11 1 1 1 / l am O. MeCandlesi, to haret the ;Privilege' of erecting anfbuilding over' the same If they de tain; not, however, to interfere with the above incuttoned reservation which deseribed lots and parts of lots ;there are erected Deadly buildings. appurtenances with machinery. In the,nre - of mid Miter& Mer rick for Mc Matounotrane of Maw, bur-UM wash. boards, &C., together with twenty' ohms of water power, cacti Aare being equates. tier onchand redtit part Of the water power of the Caliston Company. , - Also, all that - certain lot of ground to the bor ough of Yulston. adjoining the above described lots. embracing ail the ground lying between this 'eastern aide of - lialn street, or road„ and the race of the Fallston Witter Company, runt bounded follow., beings three tided piece, that la to oar, On the nortlowesterri side, by the eastern sidireft 'said street or road; Ott 1.10 north-meters' side, by .the western side or line of said road; and on the south by the lot. above. mentioned. The - eolith measure shook 18 tees between tbelOnd and the race.. and the side linty extend north wittily until they Whined each Other. tabove described lots merle same which were. Id and convey 4 to Mamma Batley and Wm. Weed ier. bfiohn Minaread Sites Yenta end whey by deed dated April lit, 1013. There ketectad os the above described presumes artritrie betiding *toiled high, SO by 00 feet In length and. bredtb, with brick trout in by 4111 feet, with harementoatd sod occupied a. &Becket Factory„*lnti th - e no cement' machinery for the manufacture of buckets thmto attached. Alto, a frame belitilag.two *to rtes bigli„.M by 10 feet, with balottooot., used and occupied for the manunteture of washing machines with Me Unmet:7 machinery thereto Attached.- Also, a two story frame building, with basement, and brick building .13 by 10 feet with basement, the last two described betiding* med and occu- pied for the manufacture of tubs. :With a Awing machine and ill necoatarY mtaidnerY for the mow it:inure or tuba there to attached.- Alas. six brick dtT kilns, one blacksmith shop:pad strew shed. tivreed and taken !messenger' as the property of Samuel Bailey and William G. llceandlesi at Vet ink ofilobert Crauglo' MA), N 0.4. At lite smite thine and Vacs,- all the right, title, !menet and claim of defendant* of, In and to, the following described tracts or pieces or Land in Ohio township, Beaver county, Pa., bounded as toilowst The lit-Beginning eta hickory, thence by land of George Diggs torthillt degreea west 43 perches tppost ; thence north, 7 degrees east. le 2lethe to to a post; thence by lands of tkploinon Winger uorttallt . degrees crest 13510th perche . to a post ; thence by land owned N J. D. Makin north 2IW drlretat east 10 7.11111 t perch es to pout; thence by land or John Cotton, smith 8a ilegrees 00 5-10th perches Ui park thence south. degrees east, 8 2tenthrches; thence south 22 5(. degrees rest, 20 o.lo pe th perches toeost; thence by land of William —, south 15 de gree. west, 03 perello to three chesMets; the nce south 80 degrees west, 33 perches tithe place of beginning,. centalning 21 acres and 15i perches, grief mca;rtre. -•- . , The 'ld—Beginning itt slush thence by lands of Samuel Hoyt, prune as &bora described, north Br 11 degrees west 310.701 h perches to a Taal; Memo by land of John Cotton. - nao two degrees west 81 5-10th perches to a poet; thMee booth MX deg. east 5 S-luth perched to *POW: Metal barb 1014 degrees west, 10 perch/040 'a post; thence by land of Minato—, south Viittt degrees wests4l per ches to the place of Deem :dug, confab:Lbw eighty acres and thirteen perches; an which there is erected a frame dwelling bowie, and the frame of an old water mill. 'The above described premises underlaid with threat reins of coal, two halal open. St-teed and taken lit execution u the property of Benjamin F. Snyder, at the suit of Benjamin Ad ams executors. ALSO. NO. 5. • At the saute time and pls.all right. thle, In telsat-nod claim of defeatist:it o 4 In and to, the following described boom; and lot In New RHO. ton, Beaver county. Itt, bounded north by lot No. 11i; cast by 'illicit street; south by lot No 131; and west by Ctover alley; being lot No 130 In the ,-en eral pLin of New. Brighton; CO feet front on Third street, awl running back' 180 feet to Clones alley, on uhrth Is erected a two otory (rases dwelling Louse. with kitchen attached and cellar under neath. Lot Inclosed and planted with fruit treLn. Scixad and taken in execution as the property of Andrew J.- diamond, at the cult of Duff and Thompson. ALSO, • NO, G. • At tberareir time and place, all rlgtt. title, in terest and claim of defendant of. in and to the fel. lowing deveribed lot of ground in timber° of Bea rer, Beeler Co.. Pa., being the eastern half of lot No. Itq in the plan of said borough, bonuded, as fullerdu Cu the north by Turnpike alley; east by Branch Bunk alley; south by third week; and west loth° western barer and lot No. WI, loSnting tyl feet on. Third street, and extending back along Branch Bank alley Ul feet to Turnpike ou which la erected a large brick dwelling house two UtpserneSM M.= lieratir Ora kraNS r ell.lr en:dosed and olanted 'with fruit tree*. Sieved and taken 111 execution as the property of flugh It Anderson at the suit ofS. W. - Barker's IldtainLstiatore. Ahio, nt the milt of S. B. Wilison. executor of tile lot will and testament Of Juno Shively. deceased. ALSO, NO. T. ' All the right. Id 110, Interest and claim of de fendant of, its and to the undivided cue-third port of a certainpiece of land lit Greene township, Loa vet county. tumultled nod described as follows: South by lend of Thbnlas Langhlln, deed; north node Ohio river; east by hand o f f David Jamloon Sally Ilook ; west by land of Samuel Satith: containing, of acres. The above land unde7 laid with coal and Aro cloy. one cool bank open. Seized and taken In exccUtitl.l AA the property of Benjamin 1 0 . Snyder, at the colt of Benjamin Ad ams' exututor.• A VW. iso. s. All right-title; litterrod nod claim of defendant, of. tn, and to the reboiling house mid lot In the borough of Glasgow, Beaver comity I'a., bounded north by an alley. east by other properly ofilefen• dint, south by front or water street, west by act alley.; on which is a frame dwelling hurter two eto• ties high. containing Id roomy; a producing oil well on the tot; 'ono nil necessary oubbuilditigs cellar underneath the building. Seized and : taken in execution AP tbc,property of W. bill, at the salt ofJona,s Schutt. AI Nu. 11. At the rams time and place, on the right, ti t l e , Interest-and claim of defendants of its and to those two certain lots of grotind, being numbered:4 and At In Lod. Reno' anion or that division of into Ir. the "MT:A tit Mien& ter, bounded end &serifs:if as funuas, to wit: Fronting oath tut tiny foci no Jett,redt; Street and extending 110 feet to an alley; and bounded...J - 1i the north-nest Sy New Yuri: eduet; on the FOuth•mest by lot No. Or, and the same lone numbered no and It that tomb. Ito.r. snit Marion 1116 wit... be deed bearing date the ii-Sitt doe of De cember. A.D. ISM, conveyed to Jihesish Vander- i vett: and Joseph Ve.ndervert and Margaret 1114 wife fly deed hearing date July Mb, lOne, conveyed the' same to Geo. W. hock. There Is erected ,on tot • No.:al n too Abney Immo dwelling liOuplt V.Oll lichen- back awl cellar underneath. and out- I buildings. two iota arc In ono tuclosure and planted with fruit trees. seized nod taken in execution to, the property of fieorge %V. Duck and litiza Jane his who. at the suit of Thomas Dawson. • DUAL :r JUAN B.I.IITELL, Sheriff. .sittitirr Oencr„, Ilearci Oct.. 19, 114.?..1. GENTS WANTIED, AGENTS WAN. .1 - ATED, IGS to #1440 per month. male and fe male, to tell the celebratM and on Common Sense ramlly Sewing Machine. improved amt perfected it will hem, fell, stich, tuck, bind, braid and embroider Ina most fnpi4lor mOnner. Price only $l5. For simplicity and durability, it ban nei rival. Go not buy from any parties; vein ng 'ma— chines under the tome name a. ours; unless hay. lug a Certificate or Agency signed by us; as they are worthies* Cast Irr llachin es. Foe Circulate and Terms..apply or adnress. It. CI: ANVFOIiII 41:1 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. oCt.• - 43,1m CEEB Notice in the Orphans' Court. The following Appralementa under the net of meembly of the 14th of April MI of propoty Al lowed to be rtolucd by a widow or childieu of a decedent to the ambnnt of R•IlB hare been Med. In the Omen of tho Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Seaver comity, and appprored Perannal propeny to amount of S- retained by MIAOW of Joint StliVeLly, deCellSCli. Samuel B, Wit.+lin, Executor. • Personal property to amount of It= retained - toy widow lat Samuel Mitchel, &Teary& Cynthia Mitchell. Executrix, • Person] property to amount of tAn4 retained by ctlow l of Waiter Pennell, deceased. Jonathan rani, Administrator. Per.mat property t Gamble. dep.o anionnt of $1:03.10 rejoined by wi d ow or Tteezen -med. Andrew Gamble and A, 0. Ewing, Adiniaittrators. rerronal property to amount of iti011.35 retained by widow ot David Alexander, deneased. James U. Alexander, Executor. : Personal property to amount of SOCt) retained by 'dome of It. /1. ritber, deceased, Lomita D. Pitber. Adminittratar. Proceeds of cool iodate to amount of VAG retain ed by widow of Sanibel Wee, deceased. Samuel Marshall, Admlnittratoir. rectorial property to amount of $196,0 retained by widow of Jan Sloan, decent ed. .Addla ua Sloan, Administrator.. • . . Notice la hereby glien emblem, helm, .leaa tee& And diatrlbyten end all others Intenated to appear at the but term of mid Court and nut Later than the third day being the .10th day of November next, to show Aimee of any _they have ahntrud the WI maidnnation of the shove ep• srmiemente. ' JOAN A. bItAZIKR.. Clerk. ectlket e. MI t=aM ---- ijauThruflioXellcuml sisk follow asuidy8111131:10. of bastier Mk 41 1 1, 010 ,1 1°C.41 ' - • • iiiiiii.iiiiallsalelltll. , . Ma oteednits • imi, soosio shears dradadolN - / 113 _4 lOO Oli U. 11. 1301114111%1111 Sueurldo• on load.— 31.wf aw gram Rodon4Rl WI Reserve 4tpe . tam Mr Dant . figaiss land !N eil Basks - 1 7 0 .4117 n Yurstaugs and Maim , ' I. 3 / T arnalos ans ' - , •i. I 114803 - .. , . ; 33300 Mu otogirelfatiotel *sat. - . . , -tea rrsoIbaSICSIVIK% ttliChuligt Inea./ 1 1 Speck—OWL .., 70 ' . u ' Asuret vi. ' ' : 11131544. I°6 - cai,iiia Site& fold 1n.............. ~.tl : l o. °°3 : So mina foil. ' ' • - /MP° D10c0unt,.....e...4 - 2.HZ7 21 . Slain., .3,03 1B • . • 6000 *-0.310 10 J bank till:dation cute/mpg,. 0 3 . 0 t 0 00 ! .fe! lOU oa °Vogt*. 71 Do. to Soaks and goakero...- • . ' 0 . 0 : 1 ° C" OIT Edward lloopi. Caddy:olth* ICallooal Bank at • - err County, do solemnly aim that the above statement is true to the bait °fray knowledge and better. • KEIVIARD 1100 PS. Cashier. Subscribed and ardruted bereft mo ibis tbte day Of October, 18ed. ..cuARLEs 1160 PS, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: • BENJ. WILDS, - ]ALES DUNCAN, iVireetors. AMIN MEM% ' 'I')D9LIO SALE.—OcTOBEIt aunt'. WA— ' The subectiber otters Prelude on Ids premiere, better known u the °instead Paris, near Roche,- ter. Seaver county, Ite„„ One Mare and Colt. one Milk Cow. one yearling Heifer, two spring Cakes, three flogs, tour oue Cultivator. one Wag. oa, one Buoy, two sets or Harness. one Sled, aid many other midst used on a farm. flu will 11.0 offartbis ram In whole or In part. to snit purchase ers. for sale. It wanks acresot lad, win, two large orchards of nue fruit, a new frame dwelling, house with six large ,rooms and rood cellar; good frame barn and other out buildings. hale to comment:eat 10o'clock a. 111. Ternis made knoon on day of sale. O. W. MILLER. octalCk.T NV- , FLEING de Cots Great Represent- M l i ttre Md. Cap and Ladles' Yor tionee. :Sp: US Wood street. Pidabriron, b.. • • Send for vies hat of ladles' now - ; • . - • ikr.:so. aim . . . . . . idailsitstratornSo • eL— ! 7 ! ' • ofadmlir , intention on the estate of John Mercer, deed. tato of Hanover township, greaser county, Par, esi hrtg been granted to the undersigned all, per sons knowlO Memorise" indebted to said estate are nqualed to mate 'lmmediate !payment. and thoee hat 104 claims against the settle will them for paymeuto • JESSEILE • A. oeth,lit. • • Admintstrefor, en tp., Dt U l'ae e rY wo e llt d at it t ra eu ld a i r g sit n iia or ti•Orersatt vicinity to me fact that: she Is now prnired, to make Bounets of crery description. Dresses made in the most approved and Whims bin styles. also dames. Chuks. Basques. Cc. A large amortmenjof Ribbons. Dormers and De Trimmings of every description constantly on hand and for sale at reasonable prices. Ladles, mill and be couriers& her emodtehmeat is in the hoeae formerly occupied by Wm. Id. Clark. ceq.. opposite the Union Dote' (octftf. pi3Alfll3lll COUNTY, the matter of 1.7 the estate of Daniel 13ram, deceased. Or phans' Cond. And now. September Bth, 1960. on motion. the Court appoint bamuel dhow. An itor ro distrt. bete the balance In the bands of want livens. Administrator of the estate of Dank Evans. It; the Court. JOLLY A. PRA tEit.Clert. Notice. The Auditor above named will atten the dit ties of ilia appointment, at his odice in New Brigh ten, on the 29th or October. at 1 o'clock. p. at., when and where the parties Interested may attend. SAMUEL. MAGAW, Auditor. Oct. SD, lw - - XTollee.—Persoos knowing themselves indebt• .LN ed to U. C. lipeyerer, Rochester, will Melee cell and fettle with t im. Lie will be found to the conntled room of lipeycrer s Sone. liocheatee. oelfddt. Beal Estate For Sale..—lly V virtue ors, authority contained in the lac, will and testament of J ohs Wylie, late of Ohio tn. Deaver counts., deed , the undersigned executor of said decedents will aforesaid, will expo*" to gale by public vendee or outcry on the prendaca, on VG ESDAY OL I OBER iffli at a o'clock p. m., the following real estate of said decediat, nate In Ohio tp.„ and county of Beaver, aformaid. near !byre coos roads, on the road leading from .• raver to New Whole, and bounded on the north by land of Jacob Urostcross and Jos. Wylie, vast by land of Joseph Wylie. Mrs. Gibb and heirs of Thomas Hunter, south by The.: 'Hunter's helm and John bleats. and west by land of Dodd A. Meal, containing about &lama*, 50 acres of which arc skated ; the balance well timbered and all well watered and under fence. Them are on said prem. twat a good two story frame dwelling house, triune bat. and other out building,: a well of never fail- Mg water at the door. A good orchard eor taming about tid apple and other fruit trees—ail bearing. TERMS—One-third la band and the balance in two equal annual payments with Interest from the' Aide of deliter7 of deed. JOHN SLENTZ. octfallt. Executor. A DIIINISTUATOUS NOTICE. —Let -11 term of admialstration on the rotate of Waiter Feline dee'd. or thu borough of Freedom. Deaver county, Pa., baying been granted to the under shined, alt lemons knosimf thetmetree indebted to said ...tato are requested to make immediate payment, and thou,, hatlnz claim, rnalost thu same will present tliem for settlement to JONATHAN PAUL. Adner. Freedom. P. 0. ro, r Sale.—The Steam DM. Distillery. 011 .t.indWacer*erywia VALLI . N.Mt7 I 2IIIE i n: t'o„ on pry Dam at Smith's Peru. Dearer county N. For pfIitICUUN apply to tither uf the follow. lug Committee. .1011Y1 DIGGER, Smith's Fusty. LEVI BIIENNAIIAN. Pittsburgh, .TAS. DAURAGII, I A. C. HURST, 4 • wept:kit. tHodwal sod 'Local copy bolls notice...) r. Annr-rwctrr, I. A. (TLTIILMI7N, w. T. sILLSNOX. Arbuthnot, Shannon & Co., witoLEsALE DRY GOODS A'N'T) NOTIONS AT 7 EASTERN 'PRICES. Sole Agent,: for FULLERTON'S BARRED FLANNELS, Green Wit- ktrreff BLAX.KETS and YARNS, • No; II Wood Stroet - , PYI"ISI3I.7IIGH. PENN. OEM - STO CK, Cheap Merinos, Cheap Si Climp IN.plit Cheap Alva Chip Clusial) 11:111,:kerelik Cheap Flanue Cheap 111.inkciA Chap Quitu, Chop Towels Cliev Shirr Frnni+,♦ EVERYTHING iIIEAP AT J. N. BAS &,` CO'S., N 0.59 MARKET :,••rta,..Ei Brighton Paper Mills, BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. PRINTING. MA (2, ROOFING, BAILING, Hardware, Glass. Sir arr. ItAG AND C'AII2ET , MA.NTIV.A.CTUILEXO AND SOLD AT Wholesale* Retail by Frasier, Mauer & Cot, 82 Third Arcane. rirrsiontan. - - WA" taken in Mbar" Iselatt .^` ' ' 1=2:13 13.-I.I2KEICS Cheap Cheap Del:tines, Cheap Calle, Ctu•ap Shaw ( Cheap Cl.,ak (I.e:ii) Stilt i, .Vra!)4, C p liosie y, Cheap Glorvq, Pittsburgh, Pa. MIME • • ILL ' IC& IixtOTIOS lolirrartrigtedletnaleur Mown ma& e mu* gnadothiletraioluand Uwe. illamoiltitauld• twit polooll t o alael wig nr to ranot to tb Drab's's Dour( tot otitenOll3os and allowance tor Wodses 4 I .lant. 111= Dowo Jaw 1 0to; of r ude. tdett docereCon ask of real eau.. Account prima's' Marshan, mutate, of Th e ., as DADUOI.I. • • • Aelloiwt Waimea Neollolnisentot of John Nee. dee& • • Account or Z. Y. Vaiwle priedion of tl oak E. Cab:U. cbUtl at Shield Wrong. deed. • Account at Joao& Itabalto . , gaardlea or Nar. Ow 3. Branton, and of Joan mutton. Oaed. MOW! of A. D. UMW, guardian or jos o , Alexander. Bond swain. Jileseuder, dec'd. Accounkreal and personal, &Janet H. bidet, Mentor of John 13.11rinure. deed. !account of bast Shop awl Jamell Gawks, ex. easter* ot.lotox ACOottot of Suomi ELY, adottalatntor of Ma oralStimitel Illack4 sr account of A. Y. Ewinedy, sdnir at Me estate WOW' WWI', &it'd. Awatuni of 8. Y. Ottawa and We Wtoo,- nalnlatrators of Jona th an &any, deed. Account of We. LI, rooter autl Y. Grab., w• mlnt•Outors of Dank! Ehrhart. doc'd. Account Weans I[cguf64k lot t. L ad minimums oriss. Plllll6, deli d. Account of/tartan L... Enight. al noels:met of Iticbard Kolftt 3 deed- Actottnt or J n and Samuel L. Dellwry, rxa colon of Charier McHenry. deed. • Amount of We. Dct:ennell, Aden 'r. of We taw prim:tot McConnelL deed. D. SINGLETON, Regieter. septt Assicarsive xoTicE. „, Joseph IL DerFluogy vs. Thomas O. KM. Ar slgnee. In the Court of Common film ot Bru t , comity. No. 110 Jane Term Lien. Interested Partite are bcreby!Ained —ln , Ty t Thomas U. Kerr. mellow of Joseph 11. Deflect, trust for the monitors of said /went. lunl—Ma sled a Imolai account tome kroth.. otary a olllcient Beaver. and that maces laid et canes to the contrery be shown. It will he C6tZZ. 114 kr the Court on the ant Monday of Mc :corer, bar Tenn, ler4. JUUN CAUGIIET, Pronfy: setiljAn• _ iltssoLtnair.-The partnertblp Lento- Jl_, fore emitting under the Orm name of hist. try Salt C 0.." of lodnetry, Deaver county. Y.-r . nu dissolved on the tee day of ()OM,. iv) - James Mansfield having purchased from 4.111.% Jr, 8. B. Brine and T hom as Moon., their rilnr Inteeeet In the durettld company, the work., he carried on bmphe follorlut named ;5q....- James lianatleWlV. 11. Briggs mad Jossph fog. MI nnelittlod boldness of the late fa to ai!J bi entailed to by E.lllntAr. E. 101.171i1. Jr. • v. 4 t. ct. 3n.• TIIO)LiS MO ORE. Q UI:IGL= 2 -SIIIII2IGLESI2— The 0 Aped has again commeeced the ma .:sour of Shingles at his establishment near the m.n.4 ststion..ln Beaver. fisi. 'Builders and all sawn is need or shingles an act ss good so set me, and r Mir terms as anywhere the 111111 eonty. Wye me a D. bUSILAISIt. amen:if - !IL, 0,4 /1411101111 Bridge Street, BRIDGEWATER, PA IS WEEKLY RECEIVING A FRF-slI SUPPLY OF GOODS INEACII 01 0 THE Voi.LoWIN , , DEI'ARTSIEN Ts: TI "V • GOODS. Steubenville Jeans, Cassimerea and Sattineta, White Woollen blankeh+, White and Colored and Barred Flannels„ •lle Gingham+. Coberge, Ltino, Water Proof+, Chinchilla. • Woollen tihwal, Brown and Black Thisline, Dnllings, Prints, Canton Flanneb, Joertnets,. Table Linen, Irish Linen ; Crash, C ounterpanok 110.,iery, G !OYES 4; 31 i Groceries, Coffee, Tau. Sneer, Dr; Golden and Common Syrup!, :if .I.l:crri la hat , rel.. and 'kit., Star and Tallow C:npo, SOeirt, Spla and Mince Wm.. AI-. BALT. Hardware, Nails, Gliiss, Door Loe . Door Latches, lartgr, Boxes. • tihossla antrPAl7:..V. l ,€. ' l.tPl:l 4 irs' Spades,bhosels, and 4 1 Int Itsks Scythes 'and Snactur, Corn end G.1:40:1111,.. , WOODENWAIt E. Bucket., Tubs, Churn*, Butter Printa , • CARBON OIL, Linseed .Oil & White Lod Boots and Shoes LADIES' MISSES' AND CIDLDRENt: In peat varluty Rifle Powder and Shot, Blasting Powder and Fuse. Flour reed ti queens's-tow ll heavy goods delivered (rev of ch.trzr By clop attention to hi.!ro,.. Anti hy , COnntalltly .0 baud a well a•-olfro or of all the dlretent kind• n.ua!ly lopt atore.,tbe undersigned. hop., :a the future theTast to merit and terelee a IN.rt: .f public patronage_ 13. Clect:TCS:,ly.-,Jy7chztl. 1:=1 OTICE IN PARTITION.-1 phsrur Court or Hearer county. I . . ter td . the paitition or the real est;de ke;g: Ankeny, deceased. late of said county : To the heirs and legal repeesentadr, tieccased, to wit: Unity Ankeny, Alettcl•:• Ankeny, Franktin Armstrong:, Isabella V attoug' children of Isabella Armstrong, Jelm &untie! English. Matthew i'• 1141 i, children orSamnel and )llrgaret E. Er: •• lieCC/Peli: and all others tnterested: Tat that an Inquest to make pvtitton or the real rotate of said deceased. Situate homngh of Bridgewater, lkaver Come,. Per.a: Will be held on the premises. on mosbAY FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER err'. a: a. m.. rt - which time and place eon may tr. r t, you think proper. J. shmr. Otire. Beaver Co., Pa. Octl. 14;t e it •- - - N EW VAMILY GROCERY /393 PROVISION ( fl 1/..,choexter, Pa• By COE & DA.RRAGE WHERE MAT DS- FOVNI, Vamlly Omeerlen - and Provtatnea, 4:9reae. Batter. lArel, niteoll.otl. Pure l'l4, • SPIIPIt. hlhaLlereo, 1,13, 911101211, erliCkera, itizara. traecnaarare.,Wlllna Wooden-ware, and rfervillin: In their Ilnet,and they 1161, by otrkt atterillOn Irr bootnew, to merit a SHAHS OF N.113.—A1l Ma. of Coubire Satan [ the market price. 11. (7ot: Sc 1).% tut WI Hoch...ger Ckt,lpt.l24F- 7 octfrir:::.• =MN 1 SIEDLEI SIICCMIsAni REINEMAN. MEYRAN & SIEDLE: 'No. Filth Avenu. PITTSBURGH. VI Gold and Silversmiih:, nntl ileakrs fu FINE JEWELIO WATCHES, DIAMONDS, :SILVER. AND PLATED 11',11:Ff Agtneyfor nil the. best mak e • ~f American NlVatelteri SETH T.IIO3IAS' CLOCKS. All kinds of watches atedutly tetuir , s 1 and guaranteed. isaa)l3.lY
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers