Was never, known _to, ,offer the twat disrespect to Welntull and, If any of his Adbotetie,Ver. ed:.4h6 rigirirtniedlselPlinabe this reinect mtabliskedi theotittft • 'o'its punished t stoat** fa death, according .to . Tbothavernmi nt of therwita intimidatpd •ll..l`;'hit! : : l 4 l * • 4t thatoorsimatho ,to ft., In ,thlir,dikim 7 r, minvenednlindeti: .61 : magistrates. The meeting was held at t-arter's Barracks, where (Ade experience In the trentimmt ofrefray. tory' criminal's ,could be made availll able; ' and Mr. Cr — ewel',l3 pmuliar knowledge brought' Into - requisltiot,4 After anxious" deliberatlon the glom istmtee decided on sending the'mili tury to tight thelMahmngers. "After this they, dined., After .4.l{ruier.: Weir drank: they speech:, The:'bushningers shoukt.,:tkr, Shot—that was' the millstone° • of: the speeches} They were all very hrave,. as neople are apt to, be otter diuner. Colonel Stanfield an old man of sec : , 'clay, saki If le visit yottng man he would shoot or capture the mahout gni; in aid weekotakthis with only ' on if,o r it eu - 40006 a. It - wiateleven 'atpniglat The gentienutatijourned—z , all except the Colonel, who wished Mr; Ccen'el and Dr. tinage,:bOth 'Of Carter's, :to accompany hipi-lo his hoiel,:bcolUse-llnlttuhe it web after dinner. Mr., Crewel and Dr.' Savage' prepared to accompany the , Colonel home. ' When the three geutienien got outside of the prison: gates, they were set upon by it party of ;non who ,wer°,4ying in ambuth, in the .dark shade of, the high prison! walls. The Colonel, however, Man-' aged to make his escape, but the Dr. and Mr. Crewel were pinioned and gagger/. ,The captives were marched on in the direction' of Brickfleld where th'ey were metly lig:ly young cavalier in top boots nod n coat: of the NeWmarket cut. The Cavalier, peered, into the faces of •the captives. , 'DO' you know me, gentlemen?' he said. They looked and were con-' for nded-4L was • the :terrible 'Bold Di .k :Donahue ' `My tx)or felloirs!' ho 'began, situ-1 itlatlng the tone in which Ve had (mite Teen addressed by Mr. Crewel., poor fellows 'yoti recognize me ' 1 Oureirctuustanees are altered. Where have you left Colonel Stan-' field lin, ha!' The truth flashe& on the minds 'of the wretched cap t Col. Stanfield and Bold Dick tenalme were one., •NeVer mind!' said the brigand, 'we H111111:have amexplanat lop !walla Adrudinnt,!,,bo dressing his men, 'take your : prison er's to our amp lxitween Penrith Paramatta. There we shall ,have smnelling to say to them.' the bri- Lowdr.,. who had everything in readi 'nes; for the sucet , s,sful exception of their project, harnessed a pair: , or blood horses to a dog fart, into which 'they put the ealitiVeri, guarded on: : both sidt.cs by two, of their fellows, and thefi'drove to heir place ofj•ens dezvous with lightning speed.. They were now in theAlark recess ev of the forvid, thirty mild from Sidney,, Mal many miles from • the nntrest residence. , The wretched prbionerS, seemingly more dead than alive, fully realized their terrible situation: `Untie them,' commanded the !cod er.' 'They may now rave arid roaras they likd The echoes alone mu hear them.' The prisoners \\WC unbound. 'Oh, for heaven's sake—'. begun Mr.'crewel. , 'Hush ; 'you blasph Nnotts wretch,' hissed the brigand. 4low dare you invoke that solemn name 'But I,' asked the Doctor, have I done to you' - 'You! pn' are more cruel, if that were pof,esible, than your brother ty rant. You are both cold•blooded, but you are the worsq l skf the two.' 'What do you inMd doing with me?' fait Ted the wreteled jidlor. 'Nothh fr more than arum did to me,' was the gloomy reply. 'You have given me, in all, two hundred and fifty lashes and pickled my sore back with salt and water till the mar row, I thought, bunted in my bones, The same treatment you shall got to night.. In case'the.worst should hap pen, and you do not .survive your punishment, you shall Wallowed ten Minutes to. make your *peace with God, whom we all of us, have too much offended.' 1 There was tali rippull. The-sunen Ovineatu7 of the judge, ,whir evinced neither :infer, nor plemure, nor ut tered ribald jest, nor uncouth expres sion, but too plainlytold the lixednesli, of his terrible determination:- They; knelt, these wretched loon, and In sili.nt prayer besought Ilim, whose assistance In the season of prosperity : they hail-neglected to invoke, to sus tain them now in 'the hour of their ex tremitY. Thebrigand held his gold watch to; the light, and when the ten minutes had elapsed lie gave the or tier. "re the triangles.' '[lie prisoners were led to the place ofeXecution,made fast, and the dread ful work! begat). Before half the pun ishment thad.lax‘n inflicted both faint ed. told wate+r was thrown Oil them :cad they reviNed, and the flogging resumed. And thus from fainting lit to fainting lit the Mmlshment was contineavl until the two hundred and fifty lashes were administered. The nierning's sun found the brigands in, the mountains andithe captives stiff ened corpses. The robbers were 11WiliC of the de termination of the Government. - 'limy therefore prepared, like (testier-- ate men to sell their lives drarly.- When the military took the field Captain Donahue sent a . Challenge with his compliments to the °Meer in command: Ho mentioned the circumstance of bt presence in the conned and the feats of kidnapping the officials and their punishment, lie said he was determined to tight. not to skulk ;ad therefori , , provided he Blte officer) would accept t he chat lenge, lie would fight the military on a certain day on the plains of Bath; urst, and decide the issue. • t'ho challenge WaSIWCUpte4I. The day mine; they inet—thefevz eminent forcei twonherlzta. thirty men, the brig:mt and lds comrades ieventeem They fought on one bide with bravery, end on the ether, with tlelieration and frenzy: Atithe end of a two...hours' conflict . Donahue fell mortally wounded. :I\tost otitis men were killed and tlie remainder dan gerously wounded; and 'weriS.taken and executed; •So ended the earcer era's hold and popular a bripard eve• was monarch of thc,highway. A TRIP TO ItANSAS. A .crrespondentito the Pittsburgh Gaulle says, the best.routo from cen tral and northern Ohio, all things cOnsidered, Iy by way of the Lake share and Michigan • Southern,:from Cleveland to .Chicago, t (lticaga; lhirlington and Quincyjroui go, to Quincy, the HaniNil add St. , doseph freq . ! Quincy to Kansas City b and thence' into Kansas by the• Pacilleatailroad, which is in tine condition and, doing a large buSincis.' Tho4e who travel by the above route will find :snmoth track, first class cars, no VexatiOns detentions, and clever conductors, willing to answer all :reasonable. ifiqui rim The fare by this favorite mute from'('leveland to . Kansas Is lower than, by any other route, and time as gni& Colonists and'excur4on partles ran always on . lain 'good terms tbr't brough passa ge and freight. Kansas is destined to be one of the • foremnst agricultural And fruit grow. ing States of the Union. I .was told by old tanners, who resided in the t.;tatte for tifteetcyears, that the wheat crop has never been known to niu in Kansas: Major Barry, of Junction City, who has been fartningmettrt hat piney for thirteen years,. told Me that •• rim ISO) there was no nun from Feb. nut*. 18UO, until April MI, and yet • his wheat crop averaged Ilfttxm bush els to the nere—part bottom and part upland; and he said that the upland or rolling prairie, though twingy, . . .. : Dail he &oath . better nuil yielded a much large'etliffl Mari 'tlit• bottom lend. , I.sitW as lino ft crop of corn din IC , 404 s I. lga it t= f rge . 1 rought home with me some saw. ,des of "sod corn," grown near Abl. one, Dickenson county; 'which' ean . ot be micelicit Ity %ali o grp,wn on our iest bolioth ihttds At Tuktfraval _At 4q iTPi l t 1 14 r iii l rl 1 ' ltinieiiil4B l ll I .ty, sweet potatai, Weighing six lbs. ,-, e Y , re n pxbilalob l iWre ,ere viiewgrose iii Aveighed 25 pounds to the . . head the 'exhibition ofcerdila and stock would 'have dope credit to. any. opt. 04. Ahe richest counties - In "the older 'Maks. Such was the teiitimauy ofc . ompetent . jodkeli.:' In traveling through the older,settled;porlippepor the :Slate., ,1., saw as fine fruit, particidarly apples, Is I Itave .ever, sera 311 .Ohlo .Tbu: varieties mostly la bearing, as far as 'ply observation extended, seemed} to be tho lielle 44-lelW)l4olho,Wine trap;; encl .- Mil three the trees weietiterally loaded down. I also saw wild grapes In abundance, Wong then 1.114,1441,, and of saqierltie quality: - Kallgati ' will certainly berme of the. larguit fruit growing States east of the Rocky Mountains. , The climate OCR:annals, I think, is better than that of Ohio. It is my opinion that aperSoo•with weak Jungs t who should make his home on 'the h igh rolling prairies of central ! western Kanner; fight,.m lyit ten or fifteen yearn longvi• than tithe East ern States. LI ooti.. Ands ; cim,yet belaul on the. lino ol i llltigohntllacithißalthatl,‘ lat prices ranging' ironr $l. to t-r - per acre, actsirding. to quality and near ness, ttl 1 1 1 xoad..-:Pericap why .Wish, to paitelm u),` brlbere lands, Weida do well to'a dris,- or chit upon lion. John P. Devereux. Land Commis sioner, Lareucp,, Icalltsfla• i si l f'?lillik J udo ~;. 00.w .. i. , 1 . 6.1. , .. t t il . ifttu a t i ) g .th , Benton with whom to deal, and I advise-all who visit Kansas, with.a. vlen'of ISurchasing hind, - to chit upiiti , the Judge at the - Railroad Land - Of- tke as , above, and thus avoid falling 1 tido the hands othind-Sharks. . Every, cture has IWO viden„,!und as a liiith ' I thrdrOur orfatts,.l mast I li present ti lt to tte - rend*:" -. As . it ken-, oral' filet, timber is scarce in Kansasi, after Ir.tylug,theller of counties bar-- dering, oh - '.ole, - Mii,ouri River. Its scarcity, bawdier, is not seriously I . cit by those who settle near the line et a railroad, where lumber urn be proeured at a small advance upon Chicago qtriets.. - -Neatly every 1111111 who now locales lit Kansas 1011 have to buy . all his-lumber and fuel. Wootidtilarr,ilie 11.04 igEtAi;i/i....itittlii Pacific Railroad , . is worth . from $. 1 to $0 per cord, and stone coal from 20c ,t0 aoes per burißet !Mims are now bein,l operated at Wilsoli Creek, west of IMSwiirtlr.".: - • '' ' ' • " • i • ~:Tt requires time,) patience, labor and a few hundied &Barri in montx to inali•Erili - vi4foitabiti liplaDnilirbi, , sas. But tlusis true:of all new coun tries. There is 'one fact which I Would InqifeSl3 Uptin thwilliadAbr all: who propose to settle op o the prai ries of . the West. You..will find it necessary to change your habits and modes of living; everything will be :few Oyienliralys . .d illigent - freak that . to which - you have - been accustomed, and you wilt probably ,become? Home sick,, ,and for a :year, cr two, ytiu will wish that.you had never tceuKansart But those who have the energy and pluck to improve their lands by building houses and havhs,und plow ing orchards, hedges and timber: grovPs, eau in a few year make for themselves. beaulifid :awl atiracqa homer;, luldlll6llllleY Would'itt4 on any account - exchange thent for their old location:l in the Eastetit States. But to read, ,khis 'elivialik, round up the ladder of, material prosperity, re quiresprivatioa and self7denittiNtor a few "Year,; and those who arc no% prepared for this ordeal had better remain where they are. There is considerable fever and agile along the streams and bottoms, but on lite prihries it is unknown. The winds are sometimes severe, but coming - from the mountains instead • of the - lakes they are Much dryertind less chilling .than in 'Wisconsin, in Northern. ; 'ilia ols, °, 3liel 1 igau and Min: .Titliin*it, , Ml'. In 1111, 1 think Ransa:3 presents ,triore advantages and fewer dlsadvardagcs,_ to : those seeking homes in a new omutry, than any other Western State. Em igrants are now flocking in by thous ands, and in a few years Kansas tail} tie th ickly settled. 1;51 an active and intelligent people:. In lookiner the country 1 could find no ;A len;l place. presenting iei many inducements for the location of a thrifty colony, WS Dickenson county, Kansas. Railroad holds can be had 'withi a a distance of from threeto eight miles from Abilene, the' county Seat.' There Are also large quoin Ries of Government lands subject to }homestead and preemption only. There is ; Homestead land, within . three Miles of A 'hilt:lie, Its good as can beleand in the State. A number of citizens, formerly of Boli var, 011i0, ilitVli purchased lands near Abilene, and probably not less than twenty families will leave Bolivar and vicinity, for Dickenson county, next April, ot which' time the major ity of the "Buckeye Colony'' will settle in . that vheaUtiftd country. DickenSon - WiLl bis!oitir of .th. _richest counties in Kansas when it is , once settled and its rich, yolling. prairies broughtinto eoltivat kin. . -• ' ATM The Pm-Gine:rills' e2l. 'll7. The following ludicrous correspun dt•nce explaina the rtnnora recently, published concerning a duel in which the .ox-Oudrrilla lien. Meshy \YRS suppn:ied to have been a principal. It will be sem that Mushy was MlN ious for ailight, but that the other partir„ Col; PV14.7 ding a milision in spite of every au -9.'01111110(114i On. 'No .answer was sent to the last letter (No. :1): [NO. I ....Ito). ]Bushy to Col. TWA.] \VAIntESrox, Va., Oct. 1, Slur :\V heti , ' Ave caeuallic anee On tia road this morning, you informed me that, roil ibit - yourself aggrieved for my . euuMe tem ard you :mil that you desired satiSfaction for it, which 1 ac knowledge toy readiness to render you. 11 formally notify you of my acceptance of .your' proposition for a j fight., 'flap s pencer of this . cot. :411411,11 luttiii reel Vo'arrange the terms of a meeting. Respeettielly your entkwrrunt, RUIN S. MU-IW. - Col. E. Boyd.. Tan. 5.-e.A. Boyd 1,, col. 6n;311.1 WAILICKYros. ' Ist of-October p. Sir; .l have the Tumor to ackpowledge the receipt of 40. vont, niuuiuitfiva ,from,tblonel Moat yLy your kinds. Wlttiontl)utling this 'niatlei 'in inha;,liattehe, 1 reply at once,7to in forul.you Chid ke atri. rwkwi iing to he placed in „the lee:anon wiladi Col. - Mosby usseinictliat of 'a challeng ing party.- did not "desire stills faction,"' nor make the •lpieptAition to •fight.". - My words, were, - that if he continued to interfere withimy ..husiness, 1 would Make it a personal matter." To this note I can, there fore, make no ot her reply. lath, sir very. respect i fully; your obedient ser vant. .W. 11. aovn. Col. Thomas • Iso. 3—Cot. Ila,by to cu1D,.3.1.] WAititEsTox. Oct. 1.. 1869.45ir: This morning you informed the that you desire;, satisfaction „1" or itlittg. c;4l Wrongs 1 bad tionelyou, and I imme diate*, answerad that l' was reritly tit give it. An agreement * for st was then made to eorne off on your return to Warrenton: - Aetherilinglyi as SOOll as Lbeard that, you . laid re turned, 1 suldressed you a.fortpid ae 7 eeptauee for a prot s avition to, fight. Col , Smith, the bearer of my note to you, has Just shown nie one J •tckiret. - 6- 0,1 by you: O him, in which you ig nore rho fact t tat,there wasany agree ment for It rig it, taut Sii; that you desi ream eat h. thetton'l-nnd ' that you simply !loath. d me "that ii I eutititi- uettto interfere witru.your business pin Avould make it ft ;personal mat ter." 1 'certainly 'did not so Under, dtand • ant ow m u ivoolotar:an, Intereataiiitmyl clients and , ,thlt,peoplesePanquier-i baiitydeinatid nil shall -meanie/Ulm 4 aterferO4n /-yoino baslntisscrot , Al nowdetiaandlifyriaz enthsfsetiOrf fbr the language used • by - you In - referi caw to nip:elf. 'COl.ftlthistinthor ized Ni arrange thti-terinanf''incie,t ing;';"'ReStattfiltl,4:Yntr ''.:4tobedletit sertolit;l' ..rotatlp; WAIMENTObr, Vni v Otti,2; StM,..Your, ,statement, your.letter of .Ist -instant , thatik "detired.- satis faction for alleged ,WasngslthAt you• has'e .thme-onte'll:lB"Withotit.founda tion, tW *ell "fig "That litingeement for a tight was then made. " Your "formal neeep,tance"ltrali,a t!ProlTsi" tloti",ofyourowni ,Yourproposmon must - lie•made.op other. tortng,-that isf satisfaction for .words addreasedto , you.: To worrie;when properly•quo ted -not allude t 2 • ;tour "clients and the - people of Fad= qUier, ol therefore walveremarkswitli regard . to them: • ;Iris not for merto' discuss yottr,lidentional msrepre3en tatidn' of ' Words 'ln mY'hoto to Col. &hitt', in widely you state, with quo tation !nuke, "that you (Boyd)deilro no intlifaction." Twoletters halving ps4ed between- us without my; using the, langnagtt ofpnivo6oll6ll toward' you 4 tleem a further correspondence . 6tr,'YOnr7rilAcliont. • •:. got: •• I (No , 5 : - 4 -Xv«br _ . _ . . . 1 '• WARRENTox,'Oet. 3, 1809: I . bete of, the 2d ts.evag•lt4 If I omitted your offensive language it jvn Pera - tEN: I:d6gt P,C1RX1) 1 0 1 / 7 tiara My Object has been t`o test_whethyr_ymmtild,fight ttsa 'gentleman; and to reljlq‘,;o,all pretext for further equiv(ll-3tioit I now quote rate Objectitmatile language. , Yoo said, that, ' - ott:"4lultiprove Penn• highway rob 'I!! now I•dematill 'satisfaction (not' explantitton or .erpilvoentionl: Wilt -you fight? Col. Sinttlf ha full authority to act. : , Respectfully • g your obedient sorvant.. dolts - S.ARlstill. • Co/..W. • ' ' • FABULOUS rOlt,T1.1.111•18. • Why-ls it that so many persons per : , suede the i mselves that there , areiarge, ektatesin England coming to them by inheritance? Ifas . any one owing alltiance to the government of the United States ever received Droperty froirt,England? Strange as. it .may. seeta, thispotion of inheriting prop erty prevails in more,than half of e nr i ew.piglarelfamilitu.,Ltvery..gta ealeg,istpfinutike#crience only bear wierii.si to the correctness of this'statement, but also to this feet that It is altuostimpossible i to obtain infitfrixiadowfort the I Slitine ipurpeki 'lit family history, by reason •of the withholding of facts by some mem berk of these property tionilies, fear they may lose their share of the mythical fortune in England. In some familiesdhis - - notion prevails In one branch only, and it is kept a pro• fouiut secret from' the itlegz buitailau lest i theAttunetbould.7eante ':tai divided. Whether it be honest for part of a family to take what belongs all, we leave to, the \consideration of our readers, with this obserention that persons intrusted with the dis tribution of theyroperty of an lntes; tate seldonrcommlt so great an error as to naythe,whole to a part of the family. "N'oW and thou fondly meetings are /called for the purpose of "taking steps" to recover the millions (note particularly always millions left in England without heirs; and bearing, "interest" tor, an unknown period of These bunillat- rafts! -monw and send agents into England to recover the long talked of fortune. This is the last you hear of property in this tinnily. Some of the more credutotel members shake their heads donbting the honesty of the agent; and certainly, if he should ever (Ls plice a little money—a few thousand dollars—that would 'be regarded the great thrtune out of which this.family I had been defrauded. We have sought far and wide to have others of our acquaintance, to find a single finnilythat ever got a penny of their supposed English for tune, c: u( 110/ t succe-gc The name and !residence of ,itch it family can not, lie fotind; and yet we hear these deluded people talk confidently of their fortune in F e ngland. The truth and tttii fact is, that no such (*ethic existS in Englana for any families here ;land even if they did., no pion not! owing allegiance could inherit then}. Blackstone, ill his Commentaries , on the - Laws of England, stales the law tlius ; "Aliens are, capable of taking by descent no inheritance; . for theyare not allowed to haveany mheritableblood in then; Whertifore, if a man leaves no lathier relatians but aliens, his land shall ei:eheat to the lord." Our own Chan eelleriKent, says:' , "An alien out ant , acquire a title to real property by de : et•nt or created by mere operation of law. This IS a well settled rule of. the, common law." -; Ih the face of this clearly expressed rule of law of England; well known to every lawyer, persons descended (front the Pilgrim Fathers and owing allegiance to the 'United States Gov ernment, still cherish the delusion that they can hold property in Eng land. It is amusing to hear . people who could not prove their legitimate de ..,cont from their great grandfathilrs-In a court of law, if it were to save theta front lantern;;, talk of inheriting pro;_ perty in England through their an cestors ! II ow ninny know that their '.;coat ancestors ever came from Eng land'? and if they did, how are they to prove title back six or eight gen erations In England, and down us r riihnv at home? I Why . should estates in England without. heirs be a more common oc currence there than, here? Is prop-, ertVoftentlnund here Without beirs!:' We apprdnind not.: .While in Eng land it is notoriously trugthat prop erty is tied up for the benefit of 'fu ture generations by, every means that the' law kill allow. Every owner Provides for its future enjoyment to the utmost of hi ability: An estate lln England without an heir is almost ; if not entirely an unknown thing. t This whole fortune business is the '!Veriest nonsense now extant. Other ,follies have had their day and diimp ipeitred ;' but this still lingers. Re kently we have seen a printed list of families entitled to property in Eng- I end. It Clan:ices nearly all the principal Newyngland families. We ' know precisely what this means,- - It. wilLeateh among all: t•txhilotts .Per-' sons not already affected with this malady of fortune hunting. It is a ~ , temarkable•truthnnd without'exceii tion, that families whose history is • kn ow it.iir:Valfteiviii•G :never_ :Urea:id with this malady. It prevails among Clow' who have little or no knowl edge of their ancestors, and but little more of themselves. This enables ; r them to exercise their imagination in castle building. Nothing is so tu.rly as hard facts and established truths in the eyes of fortune hunter.-.1-flos in frratiller. - • • ' ••" ' , ' - BELFAST, Maine, has an Entx.h Arden case. Twenty ycors ago nob: (q.t . Steele, at , residpnt then :there, went to California, leavinga wife and ono child. For a' time lettersf were regularly received, but for the last :fen years nothing had been :heard from. him. Ills wife believing him dead, about five ago inarrlcd,, by which marriage she has one child. To the, surprise of every .one... Mr. Steele recently returned and inquir ed for his wife and child. His emo tion on learning that she was mar ried again was very great. The son for whom he inquired has grown 'to a line young Man and is mate. of, a ;hip. —ratron.4 of the weed are told liy‘ M. Armond,• a distinguished French savant, that loliatro, steeped in a so. Melon of • mini:non ,water-eresses be comth3 purged noxlonsproPt• ertics without lasing Luiy of Its iViThett isojsAret4l4rlY7 %WOW lit:being fattened, 'receiv : recei ving iev , .. , H w ictincligglholf994o9T 1 1 1 i t e itt ter,t y Will. e fit) ' ' Profit' the • Suinee 1112 detliie thelOodllilett thettitind otistitittitir. There wale tiered stiiklitit oertalet neighborliotidsofebotsifartiataltitettat i whashoUldtuinutilly_haVelltelitttett:, etsraiklitterisoithet-AteY4l4ll led,l allite,•sAtit,flm l AßlC ikk9l3 l tlittP,Op9 out ahead. - Tuisconsr; v cited wonder 'etirloal 0 . 'llan 'HA the secret leaked enti The successful farttierfritheltabltergtVleg hie pigitllltwouldeet,Wndtbeetinling Into -his.pen - qtriOtheri hUngrt-pig,; whichi , of course,:wotild,commeoce feeding vociferously, • This* would arouse into actlart the slugglish appez tite,lor: the ether , pig, , and , ho too would-tum in eating with- tress and resolutely competing-with the hungry'plgPlßsrAttUztneatts'thehdo., ~ t hat was being . fattedetrwas stu ff ed severatAlines Now as we itaireY,llffilifrie:extrett i 4i nee there is'attetlid,V;;Wille a hog can be induced to eat much more food than he ''Ottilitist, would and .tvascqueutly be - :toWok I 'est iiery' fast ; Vot a Adel* 'fed, for. Instance; all ho will eatotcom on the 'ear. Then ffiliditittigh half' full, of, 'clean water, arkQlStrew :into le,"tlitee, or f our. quAs tif she ll ed uhl be'found that the hogs appetite will eomble'him atain ond • ' this ad- It.is generally the case that, the hogs - which do not,take fat yeti rap' idly uoor (liters; and it is aneh, ject-Of importance; worthy: of. the farnier's attention, hi makethem eaters. Every iktening hog • which ,is'rqlly thriving satisfactofily, will 'always denote, that. by his :peculiar snuilling and difficult breathing just after eating all he will tut.. And per haps,it will bo found that even,serub hogs, about sonauchcereplaret is Made for their allynesa "hint on fat, can be made to'.give "much more satisfaction 'if some effectual means are taken toinake them great- 111 . :11'ti —There are 1:90,01S) threshing ma: chins in'the'United Stats; beside the school Mitt the olcl folks at home..:.. ,'•• • " - • • recent' itiention tlutt has been pattinteil Is alio(' atitiphable pe\irs;'unil eallrtP tho anYobt— ' •' • ••••••• "'" •: • . . -The Libby . Prisotylata becg Ora- Intii a bope grindbig and - impure ,factdry: .- It *as the!int thliiilghbut - the war. , J .1, . . erfrun Bible Society, luting the tiftY-three yeani of ex stelice,hocllStri buted ovet 25,00,000 . volunies. " litgl4aktnan iii \ashvllle. nditig his . victim hail no' inoney, tit hhfi !ionic for 'Tie returned ith a gun and shWthes high•cyny . „ —Mr. N. Stone, of' yarminginun Mass., hintity-fwo." years and six months old, .11:111[10.an address, ..and rend a pogra.at tho,3ll4tilesex,Soath Awienittuni Fair, .. —A large secret society ofaiegro voters, bound together by an oath that they will vote form one for :of fice except negroes, is said to bet in existence. in Riehtnond, Va, . . , —A Com ferrtable - Pwitlon " A Ne vada editor atu see into a den-`of rattle snakes from the back wlndei*, — tind at the front :stands ti buffalo bull ready to gOthiiiugh —A company has emu formed in Lynehborg, Va.; for the pnrpoSe of establishing - works foritho extraCtiug of tiavine and other compound& from oak hark: They expect to ,begin op erations very soon.,' —The peanut crop in Nansemond, Va.. is almost an- entire failure this year, owing to the long continued drought. In Southataton and coun- ties above, not more than half a crop, will he realized. —One ChicagOliuit reeelved last week ten tons orcaii roan la grapes which arrived in good'condition, and were *sold at lower prices than those raiscd in the ventral States. —The Wyoming LegiS'llium met on Tuesday. L. v. Narion,:of Lar imie county, was elected President of the Council, and John 'Herrick; of Albany county, speaker of the•libms.t.•. •• • —lt Is reported fhat a treaty has been concluded between Wurtemberg and the North German Confederation which allows the subjects of either country to serve id the army of the other. - The late Henry Keep, of New ork, intended to establish' a mag nificent picture gallery in that city at an outlay of ono million 'dollars ; 'and purchased a site for the edifice, but died without providing for the accomplishment of his design. —Reineeke has lately given to the world three sonatinas for the piano- - forte, which are de4crlbed as "a stri ving after novel etfects of rhythm, and a superabundance of chromatic' intervals and farfetched chords.,' —At Maicuii,•rianee, the remains of 230 Gallic warriors have been found with quite an arsenal' of lances, jave !ins, and axes, bearing traces of en amel,- glass and copper bowls, and a quantity of hair pins. : - -There is a disease called inland yellow fever, or "Addison fever," prevailing In the vicinity of Colum 4ms, ,Mississippi, that is quite. fatal. It has all, or nearly all, the charac teristics of the Gulf yellow fever, terminating with black vomit. —English papers say the wheat crop there, and also the potato crop, have been the heaviest known in this generation. The value of the wheat on one farm is mimtioned as' equal. to fifteen-years' rental of the hind, and that ihrm Is said only to be a sample from many. . . —On' the 2d inst. three men and a boy were found in Denton county, Texas, suspended by -the neck from a pole extending from a stake to , the fork of a tree r txnd about three miles beyond, two.othor men hanging.from the limb of a ,tree. ',Horse thieves, it is suppoSed. A good deal of such fruit is raised in Texas..... —The bootblacks of. Sab Francisco claim a' place among the trades., .They hove nice rooms, and do a good busine:;s. Two different shops claim the 'United States championship of the noble art of bootblacking,,' and- ! both, proprietors' went 'belts - tvlth "---, Champion of the United States," engraved thereon. .: —lt is said that 'the most certain method of securing the Servim of a celebidted lecturer is to forward his established price. A.. nuanber.,•of , a committee appointed to Intake: nr.' mngements with.him, '.rccelved the following laconic answer:' "Yours received ; money spent! will come!" It woul dn't do to trust, some we know 0f..., ~ :, !, .• . .. •:, - . . 'FORTY. years'ago Mr. S. NV: Davis,. a bobk . seller - in' Cincinnati; gave pe cuniarY aid to a'Mr ' B. T. Ilaniy, af most an entire stranger to ; him, and saved . him (Mut letnkruptcy.. Mr., 'Rarity shortly after left Cincinnati , for Missouri, and he now turns upat St. Louis witit'a:forturre of $2,000,000 wide! ' has devised hy'wlll to Mr. itaV* noanslderaticlit Of the eild'ibr e e Ili:i 11 hint in but Uthe.ofnmd. , .. —A young lady" in ' Aubtini;:.tgew. York, refused to marry her street = ; 0 heart unless, lib ; stopped chewing to., bacco. Ile agreed and.the.wedding took place in doe season. Returning from the bridal tour .in the cars; the other 4 laY.'he pulled a roil of some•-• thing front' Ms pocket"; She thOught it v.,•tiS tobacco, and clutched it ; and threw It-out .of the window. . Alas, it was a roLlof nioney,.s2soo .1a all , and it has not been.recovered. .L.• Mlli Sr 1 1;%1 1, ' , '+'.-: ,, ..4‘.-. , , , ,NL: rirl , ltzLti:istsZ'iloiiti - : i ‘.• 1* , 3% . 1 . NO . •o;...ooAmtiV-...liiarimti ^ etiV.-• a i cl iii. ' ' t •• - •:' , : i l.h .xiii i . vl, • v iii i ir - A.A+,.ii i: Ito 11 4 3M Aii 41 : ', 1 .1. ..; . . , . • ~..... . , 01::: • :.. 1 . .ft -4 raltakirdialtigglittliiii g%i .1 '4. ; ' Pal ' - . l 4;ii - ii , ,Th•lt:'l44.ti 10 ili..W.Ca., 4 nlf-1 4 lt: 1:111....,1Az Its4kurtik a cillig . ' is. .iti V fi , '',4l74o , l2iliVitor!rr 9 ,l4roviauflubibonas.hend 'Moir % I tikannltigireiloisetradGiciveli , ..il,2t :.) I i ! - -4161.4 , 1.9 ,t '....,... i / 11s ilk • t &Imo :, - .1 . , ;1•.;.t - . 0,1•; - ,,,,,,i • 11 .7. 0 eatargi bit eiMEgate , • It I:tiln . 1 . 19 . 10j.:10j ,. . li I ...;1 . tiPLT. , •:, 97 1 114_,,i igiti rttg::{ , ol P ~i i"'"i 7 i• ±u lip.; i4.„W " SlrStri.,4o - Ch i t.tig9M4. 6 ,AN. ' .. i.PP I MP. r q I M 05 .1 31, /1 i; :!.1.1,-;• '1 ' • 1 7 1? t; •:1 MEltlnlic a t it 4, ;lWnxrsarXG gQQD~.,r.: . c!1,4 Rona and swi t s k , • . •-••: 1l:N•D:' O , T FON:Eft IC alwaysi,complata avid prima .)ow. NNE T 7 : &' /} ll ItirA r itkr ' • " "' 'PITTSBIIIIOIt,:Pitt, 111111=11 Blieber Ryder's: Best, o at 31naillon, Oltio,la now taking the J. Cross &, Co., ROGI—IESTER; c It constantly for eats, }vlviles* and • retail, at • r Chit I'lour. ,1,1••)11., gold In the county MEI OliN; SHARP, • i DEALER 'IN •' ares;. CORN, OATS; ILL : • . li:A:tx O all Sizes; and • 11!110VED C1113IN:E1r:-,TOPS, Snlo id 3innnillctiirer.ft Prink cti.L,.►SD;;l*A3ihiV C; A SD NM for COUNTRY PRODUCE' facials Delivered Free of Charge, 110CIIEMII, Pal May 5, iSGO y13.6m NNELCOAL I• CANNEL COAL I BY 111 E CAR. Olt WAGON LOAD. thiCc r loads shipped by railroad tont! points Wagons will be supplied at the lank an 6:forore. Ifement belt: the, old- Mom inuel Coal Mine, near, Darlington .rif Sill. . . . . . P. L. GRIX .1. F. MANVIELD, , For ear loads address 31A1.AVELp &, CO 'New Galilee, Braver Co., Pa. DRUGS! RUGS MEDICINES ,11°,11.1CTS115=1S.! .13ITECTILING i ierman Apothecary and Druggiet ! INXIE DIAMOND, OCHESTER, ceps constantly on band a well selected stock of THE DRI7GS, PATENT 31EDIOINES, PERFU3IES AND SOAPS, PAINTS, OILS, PIME WINES AND LIQUORS FOR Medical Purposes. ignra and Tobacco; Crude and Refined pila le agent for Dr. Betzel's Patent Trusses All kinds of Trusses will be delivered op short notice. Physicians prtacriptions dill be filled nt all hours of day and night: share of patronage solicitect..‘ii4 I jr2lly. $l5. Go!Matches. $2O. fE ONLY GENUINE EiatIELE.-RETRA BE- I PINED MD WATCHES, , OROIDE GOL: MANITPACTIIIIED 'MUM OROIDE . WATCH CO., Ar&all of best make, Ranting Caees. Oberon/cif net roars On; looks Me tinetiohLiresm like Gold, and art. Equal to the best Gold Watches ti make'sual drash; with the best Putt Jetcdarlie. IdeAsd wet lbteat Le rers. Extra Tine Outs,— : ( ars and Ladies' size ) r-$l 5 earl!. , .. • TIM. Double Extra Hellod, Solid DONDE GOLD WATCHES, A. No. I, 74 Jeweled Larcris st , 820 each. . SENT. fly EXPIIESS„ anywhere In the tilted blates.nt regular wnolesale prices, payable owdellaery. - No money is requiir ed In advance, may satisfactory micuraoce that the order is made In good faith. Any package may be opened and examined before paid for, by paying the gum" cbssWII.INIT. , i Penons ean order, by mail/ MTh safety, by lending money In "advance sts lOglnerest let. tef.lPlld.the goods will be sent U a: neglatered laaekaNe, prepaid. at out risk , • , I A`IIIAGENT'SWIDINO `FOR tiii WATCHES, WILL ILYOZIVE AN , F.ITIIk WATCH FRI4E— ,ItAxunA SEVEN $l5 WATC/M 4 EON # etti4eiv. sEvEN E2olvierunEs FOR $l2O. . , • Alab.; Elegant °rade' CASEChalnirof latest and nun malt stiMs., for •lAOltOnt.dlfeo• tlemen's Wear, from II to 40 "'a. loo}, 4ts4' $0 and Hanka nut with comb, at lowest s hot tale prices I Our watches areal! mad o of the It enulne Sol. Id Orolde 'Gold - Stained: am ail Oetrreuy regulated sad allowed, and "Guaranteed by -the Company to kelp correct time and toeur and sae fdrsiimi. Shim the kind; size 'and prke of watch malted, and order only 01' :- •• . : . , THE °ROWE IT ATC/I CO.. • 148 Falcon street, New York E' Xtratons Nottee.— Letters on , thitestate otJaue Caldwelkoflierlington teed., tutting !Keen granted to the undersigned, persons Indebted to Said estate are requestea to Make, iMmailate, payment.. and: those having ,l elat .7.i me nthen sgf ueited iust th m e naur sa . tn eu e iel wil en ipreseu t. Ttem ptrize: . sitittl.l4. - • . Haan Valley. Ht. MI .wroAlrilu - "ir . - ..; • ..•• - ....., a .1 •, . sti i• , .. . . • • " ' ; - '' I , ;tUT .. - n ." ) . .Ayb:to-:, IN , II . . tS ~ .Attu„.....). .}4afiatri 9 ilfrsoijqltl4ll .. ptp iii , framigti Laila4oi v.cv luott4-}l6 - .1. -. writh ii:it_ 1 , 0 'O.4'N J:3l tit nro?i74-liFatl [1414-1 411 aItAIRMT 0 b i "Milli Ali ti nit :iiiil - ii4* - ka d t ''. Itv 1.”Mi1hiP,W.1 11 #.0491..... k !±: Jo .„' 411 :fi eq , liftiivrtiff.iinild d” M iut!' “ o e.. , .1 11 t :,.. 4111 , o i+ -DR Irift,f, tr , t7.:J.J. ;a. 1 '.. „ • , iJ t•• ' 7 I I OCY' • 0 ..... ' •. : 4 •••!.• OIL 01. .OPPOSTI I OII,P.-81tiffltrARY; i =I =1 •"• " - • 1, .131,1,4 , • I :4637;4,, •••• 01`41''' H 10; I cull tlfa atttktion, of the peopicoilical , vcr Cooney tfitliti lace that II helve operi: ail a new . 4401blem= teary, in Beaver, where 1 .will cortitant• ly keep on hand • and', eller r.t. the lowest prices everytking kept in a Hist class .. . v E ,. I 14 , y :740ab1ishment OBE:::. PRIOE::: r.r.O:::;;;A.LL. All goods are 11l tizil in plain tipirvs, Loo lint. Frames; ull Sty Its... .; • . .11onri,c(Viki9iA llnt. th 1 Tlaoppkl4is,.;i All - Linen liandkOrchiefs Go.oivi4qii,ii • tos . ozzi4 2:5 eta.. 1-4DIES' ITAIR SWITCHES, 35 CTS. French Corricts; :0 00, Tlip -tor the money;, Can and Convince ''ourself. Mr.' Isaac Hanauer, Who hits an interest .in the he...hie:is in lienv.er will snligrintetul 'the mine, anti will einkiivnr by . . Operatnrit FAIR DEALING tii deserve the custom and 0 0 . 0: Wfll Mil and wilt,show them the FINEST STOCK MILLINERY FANCY GOODS LOWEST PRICES Sole igeqot BeariT Cbunly for: the. Health:fors et. ; . . '',' .' i ')[ i ..)... - .7 ,, t—, . ~ 4 .-• . , . z \:. klk \ 1 ; 1 • ' 0,-.0 f \4....4-: - . " - LA •'' ' \ '=• '':\ * . I ' : ')" ki , .-' , \,',,,\ • ;=" ...,.'4' ppir.. i 1 . , s.----: ..i, .. , - iii: ' ..',..:.t,-\. ( ?t' r. :---:-. piit-.:,1 ..../. 4.:,:•,,, sopt29U. ?JIM ...ntagir:va.wOr tab .es - . 17 1 . 4 1 1 O MITE I VA 9 b , S I FFI 1..019 VIVS.7O/1, um ; n o..,r,oiel7ell4lilikliAildheav7stookhr. r, 2:_tjyAl 11 3 , attWif;;T a:Sr, rytti ,„: 411141 ;LI.•• al. OP! pe..!)"fun obi ; `"4. FANCt i GOOM f. 1•1 .17•14.1:elfel rtie,ivreiri - 0 , 01 v . w 1. :4 VOA& they -Ittilt pilrolowialqinzotkom RiI!APOPAPAPIAtnr; , ../01 , A, . • ire „•I.' , t •: : :Molloro•thurefore iblo to orliTheir goods, sow at PriCaMbiCh PAW ibis ;beat atiYr tillia*.,llt4 l Mlr4o-#0400 , ;c0 ,:; :! . 11 GI ele eilt• J. e. '• 'A •I 7 ,; *1! ta: 1 1 :b 1 e r 41Pacea, Constdered thebett mato Imported Into ' this cotnne9-: , t,. - I:ol# 4 sss.. GOODS limy have on harlit now the latest In the; N7•W YORK` ' ; MARKET 'They lame: on hand line reds nf different • patterns of the best makes St 1234 cents ; also inferior nullities at /3, end 10 cents. MBE WATERPROOF Will be much intro again this tall, and on that account, they. laid jn u largu stock of • .r all LIMED PLAIN AND CHECKERED FLAIiNELS .Tficy have telarger assortment than any : Miler establishment In the county. TI Unit:again% in..b.l9.e.lted 10 cm 'ILAN K ETS; •' 15, 0, 75, 41 EOM MEI Dress Trinimings. FANCY GOODS BRE ATP' NS, 7'110• have recei veil the most elegant styles, the like nitride!' was never seen in this If you scutlu•ir ~totl,- . in 111.1 V KEN'S and BOYS' EATS, GENTS•: FCRNISHING GOODS • you must slimly think they mean business.' 'C.ktiSI3IEiIES OF ALL. They sly without bragging that tio one In the county is able to sh,iw a more se lect stock of than they Mr Therefore they can .mai: antee whoever patronizes them that can furnish n suit of clothing which can not be beat, either in cut or prim +. Or They can say again that they have the best cutter in this county, a gentleman who goes:111ml with the iiishion, and has practiced his trade fir twenty years in first class merchant tailoring establish ments in New York, Cleveland, and late ly at A l liance, 0. Their force of tailors litiloresaes are all schooled hands, as will be seen by the work they intend to turn nut this fall. To keep their old cus tomers and get. new ones. this lion has concluded to make suits to order IT TIII: E 2 • ;74 'i'-}, =MUM P:P;:.x.N.7'.s'; M=ME=l mlstiNiso . New Stykir in COVERLETS, HOOP SKIRTS, • WOOLEN NARN AM all kinds of NOTIONS AND LADIES Mil SUCH AS EARRINGS, SLEEVE ErrroNS CHAINS, &C. I= and all kinds of In Vane:: and Plain CLOTII, DOESKINS, IIEAVEItS. CHINCIIIELAS, FINE STYLES,, and can ofrer them at TMTZUL.-1 CHEAPER THAN E17,1R. All ti•nni eamitnere suits Pay will 'mw make for $2O For Aviicli thirty Ilona ri Jain to be paid el se where, iliad wool bblek broadcloth suits for • $3O For 'width other liorsei . awe, *4O. It would he atlw sable, anti in fact it is to the intrrest of every one to price the goptls untl examine the stock or • • SCHIP & STEINFELD, (Lfefore pnrebitslng elsewhere.) .-,„::, ,- BROADWAY, NIPTARJGHTOX sicp29:lM gli , muropiapha .1 7 1 t:mix: :T. ); :Yr ir, - .. ' I 7.170 ITV *ltii 1....L.U...1.1 •! . 1, )4 g 1:+1,1 c , A, .i ftnesller.iir/MlNlbilk itAtiwAV. • . : 11a . .+ .', : • ;WI ' 4464via494k, ,M 1::. "fi I - -.iri.:-. 0 : 1111114111,30r00.9111%, ir..1.,r 7 •.. .x . mo t .d --"istioup.ficara. scrs. arm ' IT -41.1; o wl sai" ea il , laf tir o.t. :-.4. , i; g , .0-3 ..rilli :.• rfill', I WA "r• .4*, . 240 ..--- 64.c; 1 in' , i - rt i 9 1 isurii .'' -:--J ', , 26 ' LUI " AO9 , r Iffici rr !Oa .: 140 IMO" NM, 11 453 41(..../ Her j , ,Aa7 . 1 "wh o . ' CM? EZZ rik '' •11 915/ t I M " 01 .1141 rjr. 3/1/ 92 t rt...g..011 . 11Taxioui • Matparalso 46 446 I aos 1 MIDI ~~ - 7 "ettl;l M= gir ep paisleo .".. 11C 1 .1 1 ltimonth • Colnlntita: ' „ ,TortWanies. • .9119:6iN ban Wect•••••••••it,g, -, , imps— .Uppergaindasky.?, ..... elistlthe'• j t ; Wansfiebil' Wooster. Orrellk ..... 4 Oman —. ..... lao ..,11 Alliance .. .. ..: I ,IIZ ales •' ffl rtt • k ci tZ t r e g l it it HA 1, 46S '633 ri I ,iyi! 11;11 8:13 Tmingstown; Now Castle mid &le Express hmi Os Youngstown at tin p. m; New Cantle, 3:On yaw Wks* at Plttaborgtu tang. ; Returning, twines Pittsburgh 7:15 s. m; atT, st Youngstown, 10:41. N. Csatle,9,so a. uu Yonnuttown.New Castle 'and Pittsburgh Ac commodation leaves Youngstown, 6:10 a. m .New Cutle.;llo it. in; arrives at Allegheny, 10:10 a. tn. Returnlog. leaves Pittsburgh * 4:30 . p. to; ar rives New Castle. 7 oanfronnestown. m. F. H. MYRNA Cenral itarr AgrrC. PITTSBURGII RAILROAD. Ou arld after Aug. 30th UM trains will leave litai.ons. daily (Sundays egeepted).As - ooiiis MAIL. Exr' .. I IlAu.. AceO =EU N 111.1441 1:10rx , .—.. i MR• 1921 . ; i • UV' 1 - 114 , ..::,.. nal ..14: i ..a.. Ile° • 211% • • i 1.13 • 141 . ,t ,! 1115rx sas 1 ...?. Cleveland. Euclid Street- ; Itudpot. ' 'ltavenua ..... ....t AllLtnea GOING GOAT', rar . A.l I ? . .lA ' 433 Bayard rlO. I Alliance il=i Racetnn.... 111110rx I lludson Euclid Street " ",11 lin Vlevelazu3.4 ' 9i.10 Exes . •AcLol Beßair I Max Bridgeport - ' - ' •!, CE '' Steubenville fl WO Wellsville t 41S Smith's' Irerry 840 .Berret Rochester. Pittsburgh ' ;'lOZr. 'MAX . 1415 r Iwo Ira.% 146 2.1) 5.31 las • GI3 001110 •M. ' 1123212 lEM 110rx 45rst Ell I rfit 415 1 '05;7 le us .... I 815 Plttilburr,tt El BEA Sinlllo4 Ferry .! Sit Steubenville ro Ilrldoet,ort • X 1053 Dallnlr 41110 • lino to a mixed tram to WellovllloOnd an ux press train, from WOlovillo to Pittobargh. . . TV:Walla WAS GUANO!. -- Lesi•er , • ' • A rrirec • N. l'hUadelphia. GttUi. m. 1 Bayard, 1145, a.m. B.yard, 11:50a.m. I N. Philadephla4.4opni F. A. MEYERS. Geuertil Ticket .ftelat- Dill G6 OdB. CASH BUYERS AT WHOLESALE WILL PIN D A VERY LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK or FOREIGN AND DOMESTIa DRY - GOODS, ' At Very LOW PRICES, Either Its . the yard, piece or package AU' A. W. ER WIN . CO'S. Fetientl Stecet, ME Surveyor General , ' °Mee, lIARILIAZICUUII. Ps.. Aug. It, itch. f 21,•the Oirners'of Unpadded Lands: In n b e di n i,co to an Act of A.seltibty: approved the eighth day of April, ono tat/round eight. hun dred and sixtyine, you are hereby notified that the County Land Lien Doekrt," ormtaloing the t in de r n th e A c t land/ for Beaver tomity.prrparmi nr the Act of Aarembly or the to of May. ono thousand eight hundred and almy.fbur, and the emplevnent thereto, has this day been forwarded to the Prothonotary of the county; at whale eke it mu be examined. The liens am only be liqui dated by the payment of the aerehMs teeseilte fermi and fees, and reeeiving_paten te Woo Ude Departmette • • JACOB: M. CAMPS spat"' . r . 'Bl4lNll:44,lerld STOVEf-& TINWARE. r AN --g:: ,•-• , . .... - . DEALEB: IN 1 iliserios ---, tont M;; m ph, °.' ' ii r'. l coppe r . .Sheet . me . . ,hst j Iron. Ware, ,eo , . '~•.:, 11110', 1163 11661 a i 100!;.. 1 , 446 TV! .010 _ i j ~ r.i: ^~ .~ C ~ O Keepi mitnmpiciCAMOrtillent 'Wire Wronts, Grates,Cooking-Stoves Ea Cant T 1.5 101102•12 128 43 am ?IR R 25 SwlG 1125 1,15rz dc o. deo: Roofing? riva'and Sqatmuz Ma ! Wk.,* Done tnti t Order pmmptly and nn Particular Attention Paid to Job Work, 1133 341 430 413 TIO `Jappantd awl PRESSED WARE KW Constantly f;ri 14. n 1 Shop on,the lower end of Third Ile my.° . Call- :Usti Examine 'cur Stm'k 4,.t.”, purchasing elsewhere. [inrlnlf • • FALLST ND EPAIR SHOP. • Engin nd machinery made and 't the balmier." Having great rennin of Peter.. 1 can will prat:aptitude aretvnlnnehtte cotenan t , 'with almost everything In the main tine and n lowest rap.. Plough and Plough CIMIINga, of different pattern., ineindinz the fin-at W,,t., which apelike for itself whermer it km Mtn mei STOVES, Cookl4.,Tranklitrand flentln,e of fl.e meet te,v elan Ft tens , . 1,1 alt Cooking Stone. the Itervauc . is the heat as it Like. hitt.; to I. room lode the moat work, bey: bakvr. ar.ri tv-t durable: taken altogether the beet atone In n.e , la connection with the atone I have zot up Patent Portable Extension Top, which takes very little room, an adlikionvt i. can not get nut of order. and net llab , e to out, distwmaing with all Pape. can he pot eta ur taken off at any time and math, to *Lid X . .: tot., of any elm or patterns. In teetirnonv of what in here mid, I nffer a he namet of per01)11.11 tuning used the ',Awe t.r . time: EZIZI „.lAccux EMI MIS ....11010 115rx . ! ON% 410 111 COO 415 1.... =I . ~.... . M. T. Krunedy, Abuer )Jonon. Samuel Kennedy, G 4 Juba II lutoon. t Robert 3l'Gmean, T. Jonathan McKerr, .5 John Watson, Cei Mrs— Rumen, I= GDr Jae. H.l Jackson, 67 Joho W. 1). 7 Dr?J. S. Elliott. 64 S. S. 117,rran. . . g Dr—Parker. s IJolm Jaek.on. Dr. J. B. MeCnrary. .TO Bea). P. ?ugh. p) kilo IV. Mllivr. r , Samuel Banned,. 11 William Lyon ra CapLJaaJobn.i. a 12 Andrew 'Mro orw 73 Benjamin Fruit!. 13 Bow B. Emma • r , Jamb Lonaneetet. 11 Cant. Ja mes Roney - Jame. P. Cond.. 15 Capt..): 8. Winona in Frederick Kamm. In Bra Major Wade T air. Robert And,. 1731 m. Lleo. Fulton. 1111.4811 i 111, Dmiam. 18 11.'1". Beeves. ,19 Mr.. Tboe. 311dd..,. 19 A. L O. U'llireary 'Bl Jame.. li Mort. 80 JameaConkle ;81 David Lloyd 11 Thomas U. Dana Ira Thum. Beacom lingh tterals 'Fel John Dunlap &SUSAN. Glans, ihl Azeirear W. ii Thomas Bradehaw, Sr 11 Samos! Tall.o, 2VXIIO Bradabsw, !lallllram Se Robert Bradshaw 'b7 Yn. L Patter... IT TRoa J Drsth William 131 id', Diiou 29 Wilton Reed 80 Id Ito Reed ll wthista Reed. 42 Robert :11 Joel Recd. ted Grp. W. Ilanar.c.n. ZS Mr. Thos punter 3I ' , rank WlL‘on, Z 1 Johnetnn laughlm t WHlllm Dquu. M James Thomp.ant VI Munn Knight 37 Richard :Axle) tl Villllam RO TJ Jooeph Mererran hal A 4n Dayld Carr ,101 Jobn 41 Dr. Moon lo.). 31r. John 1 43 Solomon Fronk!tat John Inn-,, .lama Know! . '141.1. W. Fa 41.71111:7e Ca Imo. 'lO.l 45 {{'Milan Horror, ,10.11tol,rt u•m..lficleretsu S•mnrl er•worn Joseph 31cDermIlt ile9 . llr. I: I 51'1.1errnitt. 110 Wszesr r I Ur,. II F Haw hlll Wa,hlnctnn EnLT:n MUI EiIIMIM Lt Capt. A . !Irillenrie: A ti Unit . !mei 11 rt st,il 10; 117 Wir.l 11% Hee t :. Ales. White 11 . .1 Henry J Mn Loudl. William Grove ;I Ikreten Greve In Introdnrlnz.tor Hove we receive In p kn n :neat nionbcf of 0n... recently end rod by other pull,. Thr.e. on rerl, thin.tr, nen nearly new and embrace the no,. net! Mont ,Wyle. new I,3r:e. tent•ll, net nn filet vied by my-ell. We wla.•II th.A. nt ‘ery bee rated, nr.t enctce• on Rio t. abont Ilfteeo Ri r.o to over rapacity, tße•r ate .4r. to the pnthle at Tin•onable rate,. lolly LEV. 1100ItES , DRUG STOUT{, I N 11 E VE I: May be fonnd the twat tosortnvzo DRUGS, rur eca cze.lia es. cilp..r.ecicA,.ms, PURE LIQUORS, WINES And 13randies, Paints, Coils: DICF. STUFFS: TVILET" A.RTICLEa, 60APS 1311,USIIES. P f ATENT SIEDICLN Es In great ,arliity, all of the bet quality, 11111 i cheaper than can be bought at any other 'Out:Mora In the county. Duronr..'" , Fvnuln Pill". 'l5 cant• p r '• Checoccuan's, $1; Clark'', The Lartrest Stock of LAMPS ,C LAMP TRIMMING . .., LANTflr' STATIONERY, WINDOW GLASS u: el pal Ever offered outside of the elty. Inersrand sold cheaper thuu can be blLbl an, where else. Let those who doubt this eall and on.. wilt doubt nu wore. lutdrif: J. NlodnE. • Dan'l,Hugus & Co, 31A1cU FACT LItERS OF Marbleized Slate 3lantles No. IS'r Liberty Street. Pittsburgh, Pwiit Prices, $25.17 anc; in the matt cuing process:cretin min eral colors, or menthe oxides, are to and alisorbed by the s loe, oh: , It I , then subjected to a pro per etas ti until the enamel Is perfectly incorpe d with the shoe, And becomes'one sult.tance forever. We have now, on exhibition: over thirty mantles of different color. ;Lai styles of finish; and Wit pay particular sh tendon to orders where parties whit col ors to harmonize with paper and eariats We arc reeeifing, monthly, new lc imropeatt Daligners, which enahle4 us to produed the Weak patrems in ma: bin. rittnelkly ME able Term 4 P 9 Geo Shively. 93 Samuel DunlA:s. MEM= 405 0.4,r , Jaiotl tti SIM E. Slhker. MZ= rIV: DILI, M .112 Yr-Ini•!. 11,1?.t 113 Ell !Vil Wllllam Jo'eph BEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers