Be 12 li El lieaver. Oet. 20, 18611. I , areuiation Oyer-iliadve Hundod7 Rate* of AdverUsing. Ir. I 6w. .I Bm. 16m. 11 rear linee,ll 1;00 ;300 1300 13 00 MOO p.inarce, do I 960 000 400 0 lal 15,00 ,innro., do, 500 000 1 111 03 II 15 1 - 18 00 " I : 17 ; V) 1,1 V, S OO S 4 o,lltrqn 00 1600 [lOOO 33 00 IGO 03 c01umn,..... 93 011) 00 33 00 130 IX IIX) 03 ALledniotruione and tors' Notices...,ll3 00 notices per tine ten'euits. to made gttarterly, except i r .r.dcat advertise l eats, which mast be paid The attention of WO public is dirOcted to tho following Now .AdvertiStomonts hich appear for tin) first !Imo in the An cos to-day: ~Award of Promidos—lleavor Co, Ag-, rhail twill Society. ' sheriff's Sales—Jelin S. Lalell, Sho'ff, Public Salo—C. W. (*ant—Win. Fleming .t Co. (,••..i NOtiCCY—John A. Frazier. Mink Statement--F.. Hoops, Cashier. Trial List—John Caughoy, Pro'37j Feats Wanted—lL Crawford Co. 'Pry Goods—J. M. Burchfield gt. CO special Notices—l : 11. Ilene°. ;ireful Notices- .. Hanauer. sie.vial Notlee-1 ugo Andriessen. special 'Notices— ref. A. V'ortuffe.i ~.. . special Notice—N. erth Star Lodge. Clothing—Scilly' • Stoinfeld. LegiN'any° tole—Offlcial.—Tho col 10 wing IRtho akin' rota in this di-- n in for members ottlio As.iontbly : (Seaver WIL'4II. Total. 3070 4:115 7385 3019 91'99. 7713• 2.900 1990 L. 7380 2110 4728 • J 7138 23117 4041 j 7038 2460 4027 7087 I)illtitigton, It Vankirk, IL Sherlock, -IL Mcßride, 1); Walker, linVidstn, tiIINATOM AL VOTE—OFFICIAL: Denver. Wash. Total. 2951 4379 7330 235•1 • 4051 7005 itiit m, It. ri.410.7, I) Thanke.—llon. G. V. Lawrence has our thank tiler several copies of the Con re_simtal'Globe, tceetvod last week. epleudld assortment of kid gloves his Jost been received at Ilausuei'm ; bo sure to foot at than. Best qoalk , ty for $l5O a ivalr. • ;001) Nosh Limo always on hand at thoMalvanon Limo Kilns, Vanport. faugll dr. , The Beaver County Quarterly Con vention of Good Templara will be held iu Nelson's Hall, Rochester, on Oct. %lb 'and 2toth, commencing 'at 2 o'clock p. in. on Thursday. 0, W. C. T. Chase wilt ho present. It. W,,Astuntsoist, Correction.—Wo stated last wee's. that S. MagaW, auditor of the estate of Dankjp:vans, would make distribution of said estate at Now Brighton on Oct. 20th, instead of the 29th. See the adver tisement in Its corrected form this week. Tun election M past; but Hanauer Is still selling ~tuls lower than any other'num In Beaver. Itnyorof Nevi , Castle,—lt affords as pleasure to notice that our fornier fol lutc M. B. Welsh, esq., was on Tuesday of last week elected Mayor of Ncw Castle. Mr. W., we doubt not, will make a faithful and efficient officer. Ladies read this! J. If.•llence, of Be:i -vy:oms just received direct from the imparter, real French velvet flowers, which ho is enabled to sell cheaper than the imitation. These flowers aro differ ent from The one's sold in this part of the count v, as well as prettier and cheaper. . . Do nut boy lotto or bonnets until you have seen Ilanauer's 'Goode. , - A *I Car3oo. ill, Petro'own Fluid, 40 emits porigrt:;•• .. Son-Explosive Fluid, 0rte . !..;...:011. Lampe, Lamp Chitnnoye, I..ontp iVit•ks, R tn, Cotnot and Non-Ex pl,..ive Burnet 9, at a Candles, at lingo Andriessen'm lienv r Drug Store. Arm Broktm.—Mr. John li'Cluro, who resit. 44 near Now Galilee, this coml., ty, fell from an, apple I reg; ; one day last week ;pad broko'lds artn, 'beside:3' inJur hm his head Considerably. wounds -tleamli painful—are not of u dangerous character. :Llpaeva mutts aru still at a won't tiei at Bence's, Beaver. Cer Ilentniens lot et new style hats at Ilan ... Cs: l.he and nets each. Reeling of tCo. Return Jiidtges The Return Judges of Beaver county ci-t at the Court louse •in -!Seaver, on LL.: Friday, and-organized by appoint lag Bad. White, esq., of Chippewa tp., r4airman ; and Prof. G. M. Fields, ol; raliston, and W. 11. Dunlap, esq., of Bridgewater, Secretaries: Their.footing up of the vote will be Illund elsewhere in tide paper. It was quite late in the after poen on Friday before the Judges got through with their labors and adjouined. Good black alpaca for '25 el% per yrd Waterproof and !adicA chiths al 3t EEO . A Mnurromous Annet.u.—We are •,n. , 1 or this idea of "puffing" humbug that aro constantly thrown in to drug stores, and aro merely, an im po.itionon the community. But, when tm article comes into the market that Is really worthy of comment, we aro happy to make public acknowledgement,trust ing that some benefit may arise there from. Dr. R. y. Pierce, of Buffalo, Isj. Y., is the proprietor of Dr. Sago's Ca tarrh liOnumly, and wo take pleasure In , alling attention to it bocauso wo know it to be a good article, and a sure, euro for that loathsome disease, Catarrh. It i. sold by most druggists, or may be ob tained for sixty cents through the mail ry addressing the proprietor as above.— , irertmal Herald. 2t. Viannels diem) at Itenee's The Books for subscribing capital , •1 , ,c1; to the Italtitnord, Pittsburgh and W cht,;' go Railway, were opened at the Ant rican 'WI, la Canton,. Ohio, on Mot day of last Week.— Writsitili th c t lh , 11k k the road in which Waver coun ty ii interested, but We regret to say we have be rd nothing in regard to It for the . fer three weeks, save the above MEI k Itt t k I lEEE trial will convince tho most LI that Whlttlesey's Dyspepsia what it purports to be, n'eartain for Dyspepsia and Sick Head- I. ii•Illlrj J •he. d Farming.—Jas. Young,"esq.; 'noon tp., and residing nearEn- Hey, has prosentod us with a bas t apples that aro 'unbeatable.' ire of the 'Pound Sweet' and 'Pear- GO rill ult i Lt (' 1 IR ~ I varieties, and many of them weigh lurid each. The treo from which )und sweo:s' were taken yielded 111:U 1A• p tll. ‘1 ar twenty-five bushels of apples, i t ail ~ a nd, and excellently flavored. . :%I . Young also informs us that ho had .. g r .pe vine, this season, of four year's h, which bore ouothausand Luisa . , of grapes, and furnished sixty foot of vine. It is o: the Concord variety. Faso two acres of oats sown by the scone gentleman last spring, he btu:vest ed 116 bushels. Fifty-eight bushels .to the sere sounds like old time iirops. 3.1 r. Young Is eentparatively a stranger Ito IN, but from the above we take it that he 'lives at home' in Darlington tp. Rehas our thanks for his remembrance of the printer. Go to Jas. A. Fortune's, Diatnondjto (tester, tor the cheapest dry goods In Bearer county Temeherostaiitlie annual Teachers County Institute will-beheld . at New Brighton, commencing on Now: day Oct.S.Sth, ata ; o'clock, Ahlto instructors will be present ,to Witt . in the work of tho Institute, aniong Whom are Prof. Cooper of the State Normal School at Edinboro, and Mr. Randall of the Oswego Training School, New To*, Teachers should make it; .a point to be present promptly v and, friends of educa tion throughout The Bounty should take an interest in these annual meetings. The hospitality of the Citizens of New Brighton will bo extended to the mem bers of the Institute, • ' Delatubs Diamona Savo y 4 Bonce'a c/ 1...0. G. •The North Star Lodge, , wishes to announce' Meral, that they will , rat on next . Thursday The object is to raiso 1 their hall. They cordially invito all Good Templar* and the public. Ther l e will beapuio silver goblet presented to he most popidar W. C. T. In the county by a casting veto. Mr. Wm. Smith, lct.dor of the Rochester Cornet Band, and the members thereof, have volunteered tlieir musical services for tho occasion.iere will bo a sump tuous supper propsod under the super vision of Madatuoßruton,tho wall known caterer. If you lent 'nice oysters hi style give us a call. Wax. 11. Bassrrr, W. C. T. Miss L. Pattorso , W. S. • ' Joint Bruton, W. T. • New.goods roceivod daily at Jas. A Fortune's, Rochesior, pa. Breakfast capes nd shawls, twllighte and . beetle, now st ,les at Etenoo'e. A Correction.} - In our last issue it is stated-at the head f the Jury lists that Court Commelices pn the 2d and t'd Mon days -of Noconibec. It should road on tho 2d and 4lh Mobdays. Thoro wilLbo no Court during t t io third week of No vember in conseq once of the Supreme Court being in SeSsion at Pittsburgh at that time, and thii business of some of our attorneys rcip i tilring their attendance, there. Ludlam ani at Bencea, ' The olectl soon to set ly look aroi get the best . ...,,empes..,.ettting. This is an importimt Matter, and deserves no little attention:tho hands of all. Scores of persons hereabouts have bought cloth ing at id. H. D9nehoo's, and with ono accord they all say that none sell cheap er or make better clothing then does he. , "What ev rybody says must be true." Thereto a, go to Donohoe's and get all coats , pants and vests that your self and family May need. NV. C. T :::Ricklng velvets very cheap at Benco's The 'County' Commissioneni of this county paid an official visit last week to some oral° pUblie Institutions near Pitts burgh, in whichlDeaver county Is inter ested. Thesciinialtuttons embraced the House of hefugci, the Asylum and the Penitentiary. They found everything in them in good order and moving along smoothly. Thoz i onro four persons in tho House of Refug4 sent from this county, and two in the Penitentiary. Eighteen of the inmates or( Dixmont are trom this county, all of whom are comfortably sit nated,"and getting along as well as could '• ' ' Ladles purchasing alpaca's should ex amine fence's ytock before purchasing elsewhere. fn Elegant Shiet.— The now Il lustrated Circular of the Iron City Col lege Is doubtlesl th6ltnest thing of the kluil ever' gotten up in this country. Copies of the same can be obtained free of charge, on addressing the Principals, Smith k Cowley, Pittsburgh, Pa. • Black kid gloves ninety cents a pair at Bence's,' Be4er. _;74*.r-Tho Normal School at Edinboro I as a good repUtation, ,Tho State assists I • hose who intendlo teach. —f---• - Fine ermines only 20 cents at For tune's. Now arrivals froth Now York city, twice a week nt Benee's popular millin ery establishment, Beaver. We are pleased' to loam Irma Prof. Taylor tha t . the Seminary under h!a carels so well Rl:ended, Pupils who (mend to enter at tno middle of the session can enter Mls week wi,hout extra charge. The Ids.l,utlon, lu 'every deparonent, Ir systema:ic and ti.ormigh. Laige Hasse: have been :ormett In Latin, French. and German, Geometry, deology and DooMkaepingHshowing ant eery advantage Is here offered for an extended ettomtlon, Prof. limiter In a, filo at lila peat. prepared to give Unarm tion on the piano, or..,:au or riolin,rand we are glad to pee that no many of our citizens are mailing themselves of his l superior talentots a musician and instruc.o7. Mies Spencer Is rain at het work In the Ornamenial Department, ! to In strucl in Ott Prlntisg, or wale, colon, drawing or wax flowers. Serld In your ion or daughter, to this school If you Would be mum of their making advancement: Miners A linanac.—Wo aro indebt ed to the publielher, Henry Meer osq•, of Pittsburgh, for his almanac for 1870. It is calculated land edited by Sanford C. -Hill, the veteran "almanacist" of thin part of the eoentry. Price 'ten cents. Send and get one. The following table, shows the nunt bar of years oath President lived after the expiration la his Presidential term, taking no account of odd months; George Washigton, . . 3 years. John Adams, I. • . • . 2.i years. Thomas Jefferson, . • . . 17 years. James Madison, .• . • . .19 years. James Monroe, 6 years. • J. Q. Adams, ' 19 years. Andrew Jacksen, . . . . 8 years. Martin Van Buren, . . . . 25 years. W. H. Harrlsoh, . . . Died ih office. lanie4-.X.Polk,3mo's after term Of office. 'Gen. Z. Taylor', . .• . Died in office. Franklin Pierce, . . . . . 12 years. James Buchanan. . . . . 7 years. ,Abraham Lincoln, . . Diodin office. For reliable fashions in hats and bon nets ladies shold go to J. 11. Banco's establishment. Extradndueements this week. 3t. Enrion A nova Although the quietness of the political campaign , of IMO has been uqequalled for some years, the citizens of Industry township did not foci disposed 'to let it pass w:thout breaking the Monotony and giring-Democracy, as usual. soother stunning iblow. mt. was necompllsped on the eve of thostith.of October, when an intim slutic audience was addressed by. James 11. Clan• nine-ham of Beareir, by whom the political banes of the day were thoroughly disclaimed and the an dience entertn.ned by an eloquent address of two hours and twenty; minutes. The meeting mu a perfect success; nnS the opinion of the People seas that the young sp,nker was destined to make his mark before many years rolled around. French 7vhaloboue corsets at 15 eta, at Bence's. It is getting so wo can hardly go into a Drug Store; 'without seeing piles of Constitution Bitters. The sale must be enormous, and to, obtain such results, must be e*tremely gratifying to Messrs. Seward& Bentley, the proprietors. They seem to have touched the Dingle wanted when they introduce these Bitters, and no Bitters could have attained such a popularity unless of real worth. AU other remedies giving way to Sir ward's Cough Cure. Superior'.''renell whalebone corsets only 90 cents at J. H. Bence's, Beaver. An immense stock of goods just open ed at Benoe's favorite establishment in Beaver. All in want of anytbLug In our line give an early call.. Arabs! Arabs!! Arabell Arab shawls at Benada. mans OF INI • 'Lw It Big Bearer tp 'Beare:borough ' Borough township, Bridgewater bons to hton township Bearer I b ilz o brfoorough Chippewa township . rlington • Economy t p Milton Borough Franklau township Freedom Coro Green township Hanover (Frankfort dd.)" Hanover (kletiolte's Harmony ope townshlt .. " .. independencee f to Industry township Marion township Moon township New Brighton, North Ward •• Middle South 4 ' New Saw . lekley(Yealledhat, 4 4 (Freedom. North Sewickley township. New OsWee born Ohio township. Patterson tp Phillipsburg born Pulaski township Raccoon tp Rochester borough Rochester township South Bearer tp St. Clair horaria4•• • •• • Fortune's, dealing at Au abstract from the minn:es of the Beaver County Agricultural Society, at a mooting on Oct. 10, 1809: On motion a voto of thanks was ten dered the ladies who so kindly assisted in the decoration of Floral Hall, and al so, to those who assisted the managers In arranging the articles on exhibition at the fair, in tho ladles department. On motion it was resolved that tho thanks of this Society are due, and aro hereby tendered all who acted in the capacity of judges. On motion resolved that all premiums not called for before January Ist. IRO, he forfeited to tho Society: On motion the Secretary , was instruc ted ha publish the abovo rosolutions in the county papers. If. ANDFMSO'N, Preel. 11. R. Moons, Sec'y. wear, .cheap Dry Goods and Notions at wholesale. Niro Mil.the attention - of our Merchants to tho card of Messrs. Arbuthnot Shan non .t Co., 115 Wood street Pittsburgh, in Another column of our paper. This is an old established House, and is prover.: hisd for fair dealing and selling goods at living"priesa. They have now on hand avery largo and weU selected stock of, Dry Goods. Cloths, Woolen Goods and ;Notions, and aro also agents for the celebrated 'Fullerton Barred Flannels, Greenville Barred Flannels, Blankets ' and Yarna. Merchants will study their interest by Jading at this house. „ and winter ory natural iro they can Cold Blooded nueder.—Lust night was the scene of desperate riots. Tho polls had scarcely closed when the streets became tho theati t e of numberless tights. Drupkonness and disorder soigned su premo. About nine o'clock the final af fray took place. A crowd of drunken rioters rushed up Main street pursuing a gang of no loss drunken negroes, and stones Sow like hail in every direction. In the midst of thameleo, John Arnold, a qUiet, inoffonsivo man, who was pass ing along the street was struck with a stone find instantly killed; Nowa was immediately carried to Esq. Ilornish, and the Justice premptly proceeded to Lilo spot Dr. Jones oxaminod the body and pronounced life extinct, whereupon the justice proceeded to ompanol a jury, , and sent information to Coroner Barker. Tho latter being confined by sickness, Es' proceeded to conduct' the investigation. A number of witnessess were examined, whose testimony was so confused that nothing definite could be ascertained. Suspicion, however, was directed to two negrocs and they were put under arrest. Tho inquest adjourn ed at cloven o'clock, and will proceed. further with the investigation to-day. This morning Jonosliold a post mor tem examination upon the body. It is proper to nay that the highest praise is duo to Mr. Hornish for the promptness with which ho acted in the matter. At the earlier stanto of tho rlot oua proceeding that officer had quelled several disturbances, and made a num ber of arrests. Had the borough author- Web acted with the same decision and promptness the unfortunate victim of the.mob would, without doubt, be still alive. We eareectly trust, for the well being of the community, that measures will be taken hereafter to organize such an of police force here as shall pro yont the reign of mob law and the sacri fice of innocent lives.— Wazhinstfon Re porter. Pennsylvania Patents.—Daring the week willing Oct• 12;1262, the follow ing patents wore issued Jo clllzeris of Western Pennsylanla: o. 95,63.1—Lubricator ; Carl A. Baum gart, Allegheny city, No. 95,616 —Blank for axe polls; Wm. Bunton, ,Pittsburgh, assignor to.hiMself and GeoM. Jopo, same place. No. 95,667—Lamp chimney ; Ed. Dith ridge, Plttiburgh. . No. 95,686—Apparatus for heating pud dling flanaces ; Samq. A. 11111 and O. F. Thummi Oil city, assignor to themselves and 0. P. Scalfe, Pittsburgh. No. 95,787—Device fur generating steam in steam generators, same party. No. 95,688—Apparatus for generating steam in boilers; same party. No. 95,6.39—Machine for tarring paper for. roofing; Jas. Howard, West Man- :tio. 93,693—Dr0p hammer; Ed. Kay lor, Pittsburgh. No. 05,706—Combined pipe, tongti and wrench; V. K. ItlcEllimany,Pittabitrgh, assignor to himself, Ernest Frank and Joint B. Adt. No. 95,711—Railway - car coupling ;; Jas. A. Morrison, Brady's Bend. . '7 No. 95,7M—Revertiblo axlo for Carri ages; J.R. Rankin, Ililisdale, assignor toldruself anti M. M. Grumbling. No. 95,752-Manufacture of crystal glass; Otto Huth, Pittiburgh. No. 95,760—Graining machine; Wm. If. Berger, Pittsburgh. Newly Invented and drat Ones Fetidly Cook Ntilve.—At the Itur gatstown fair yesterday we noticed a novel, newly invented patent coal stove, frOm the . well known and extensive foundry of Messrs. Joseph H. Greer & Bro., Bridgewater, Fa., which excited much comment among the visitors. It is circular in shape, occupying but lit tle room, and in supplied with seven plates. The heat 'is regulated with a damper, so that it can in an instant be transferred either to the plates or thrown -to the oven in any desired intensity—ad vantages wbichttill be duly appreciated by housekeepers. The oven is supplied with a movable rack which can readily be changed into any desired posfilon. The stove is supplied With registeri, and throughout is jur pretty a piece of airork manahip,,as wo have over seen, all the , parts being smoothly finished and put together in a neat fitting manner. It sells for from twenty-five to twenty-nano dollars including outfit. There are ins; ny special merits in this stove Which must combine to make it a great pivot, lie when once known. We hear thatthe Messrs. Greer propose to manufacture them largely fOr sale, and any Of our friends contemplating pureksaingit stove should not fall to award then! proper at tention and coludderation.—Pitt. Gas. • do to Fortine•e; litaisiond; Roches ter , I " TURNS OM CIMA Awarded .at the Sixteenth Annual Fair of tho Beaver ()minty Agricultural Society hold at Beaver; Pa., on the 29th and 30th days of Sopt, l and Ist day of October, 1809. Best Vegetable and Fruit Garden, E. P. Townsend, $ 3 . 00 do Vineyard, Hice,lmbrie £ Wey and, 10.00 2d do.G. O. S d peyerer, 7.00 Best Heavy Dillon Id do H. Love, Best heavy draught gelding, John Barclay, • ! 4.00 .do do brood mare, Jas. Johnston; 5.00 Best siaillon for all purposes, David Magaw 10.00 J 2d do, A. J . Gregory, , 5.00 Best gelding, D. A. McMillin, 4.00 2d do, Joseph Eakin, i 2.00 Best mare or all purposed, .1. F. Canine rison, 1 : 9.00 2d do, Wallaco Hunto; 2.00 Best, maro and colt, Hugh Ander son; 5.00 Id do, COWL Given, 1 2.00 Best matched horses for all purpos es, Amos Dawson; 5.00 do ligut draught stallion, Jno. Bax ter, I 10.00 Beat lignt draught gelding, Wm. Hamilton, 1 4.00 2d do, B. I/. Johnsion 2.00 Best light draught ma re,i D. Fergu son, . 4.00 2d do, Goo. Greer, 1 • 2.00 Best light drau3nt brood mare, Jas. Darragh, 5.00 Bost light draugnt matched horses, E. M. Power I 5.00 do do do mares, .l i no L. Wolf, 4.10 Best mare colt, 3 yrs, C. B. hum; 9.00 Beat heavy drairpat matched hor ses, Jos. A. Funing, 5.001 Boat mare colt, 2 yrs, A. L. Bono, 3.00 2d do, Jas. Darragh, 1 1.50 Beat gelding, 3 yrs A. Wattorson, 3.00 Best do, 2.yrs, Cha s. Given, 2.00 2d 40,D. 0. C. Paitoison, 1.00 Best s tallion colt, Jas. Johnston, 2 . 00 21 do, A. L. Reno, 1.00 Best farm team, ROL I Given, 5.00 2d do, B. W. Wray, 2.00 Best saddle horse, F. J. Barclay, 5.00 gd do, Iltram Rood, I • 3.00 Boat horse for all purposes, S. B. Mitchell, I '3.00 Bost s.raigh. walking horse, Sam'L. Warren, 10.00 2d do, S. T. Stokes, 5.00 _ . . . • Beat t:o4lng horse, GC. Atkins, 15.00 2d do, -Coleman, 10.00 Best pacing horse, Jacob Gabe, 15.85 2d do, Jno. V' McDonald, 10.00 • SECOND . DAT S IiACES. EL •0 ,- EUTIMEM". • :OttotOber 12;:11849 , ':'':' 111 m a l G 9 42 77 107 I'M I 231 17 118 , G 6 4 1 43 231111 LINT OF PREMIUMS caught'Btalltou,JUG. l o. oo 5.00 rinsr DAY'S RACES Best trotting horse, Sam'l. War ren, . 75.00 2d do, Jas. Fombelle, 15.00 ad do, Goo Thomas I 1000 Dog pacing horso,D Mel;annoy, Jr, 75 00 2.1 do, SaMl Warren, --- -VI 00 ad do, D Magaw, !, 10 00 TIIIRD DAY'S 11.5.004. ' Boil trotting horse, Jno Watson, 100 00 2d do, George Ewa, 15 00 ' 3d do, Jame 1 Young 1000 Bost pacing horse, LI. Montgbm; ery, 100 00 2d do, I). Alcl:Mney, l ji, . 1500 3d do, S. T. Dam, I 1000 boat thoroughbred ' Durham Wall, 3 years old, Armstrong McMahon, 500 best Durham ball 3 yrs oldV Cough anour, 8 00 2d do .do El jWarren, 500 best bull calf under 6 months Arm strong it McMahon, best heifer 2 years old. C A Hun ter, • I 200 heat cow over 3yB a Win. McCagne, 600 best Devon bull over 2 years 13enj Todd, I 800 do do do 6 mos Henry Noss 600 do do do calf under G mos Wm. McCa•Nie, ' 1 400 best Devon Cow over 2 years, D Fer guson, ' I 600 best Devon heifer dyer 0 months, B Todd, ' I 300 best nativolVW over 2 yrs John Stew ac,, 400 do pair wurk cattle, if Todd and A C Hunter,l 5 00 211 do do do 'John P Moore, 200 do twin calves, David Ferguson, dip do tine wooled buck over 2 years Jos ,A Fleming, I ' 500 do tine woolod buck over 1 yr, Jos A Fleming, I 4.00 do tine wooled ewes (3) over 2 years, Jos A Fleming, r . 600 do fine wooled owe lambs (3) Jos A • Fleming, . , 300 do long wooled buck over 2 years, Knight, Hunter•&l Co, 600 2.41 do _, do do John L Wolf, 300 do long wooled yearling buck Knight Hunter & Co. I 3 CO do do brick lamb, Knight, Hunter & Co. 600 do do ewes, (3) eve 2 yes, Knight, Hunter & Co. I 300 2d do do John L Wolf, 160 do do yearling ewes, Knight, Hun ter Co. I 300 241 do do John L Wolf, 160 do do owe lambs,lKnight, Hunter & Co. I ...2 CO 2d do do John .L Wolf, 100 best Suffolk brood Sow, Wm. Mc- Cague, 4 00 do Chester White boar, H Fe:cht, 600 do do tow and plgs, Jos Ledile, 000 do do brood sow, liFeicht, 300 do do pair pigs tinder 6 mos, do 300 Best white seed wheat, Win Lester, 300 do Rod, Joseph Majors, 300 281 do, J. A. Barrea, 200 Best seed rye, John] Watt, 200 do seed oaterJ A Barrel.; 2 00 do soed barley, JnO We..;„ 200 Best seed corn, Beaver county Poor Farm, I • 300 do seed timothy, Jos Majors, 2 00 241 do, Jas Johnston, • 100 Best fl ax seed, Robt Bradshaw, 200 Best garnet chili potatoes, Beaver Co Poor Farm I 200 do Buckeye, J Sickman, 2 00 do Harrison, J Eilekman, 200 do Cosco, Beaver Co Poor Farm, 200 do Peach Blow, HlNoss, . - 200 I Rost sweet potato°, .Ca Somers, 100 best seed buckwheat, Jno L Wolf, 200 best lot rnangolwortzels, Geo En gles, boat lot carrots, Beaver county Poor Farm, I best lot onions, Henry Noss, do turnips, beets; Beaver county Poor Farm, •: do parsnips do do sweet pumpkiiii ,do do squashes, [ do • best lot tomatoes, Clue Somers, 2d do, J A. Wood/tiff, - best corn beans,Beavereounty Poor Farm • I do sow Velum I do do li,ma beans, John Roberts, best bunch beans', Beaver county Poor Farm, do Norway oats, Wm MoCague, best early rose potatoes, E P I Townsend I do cabbage, do I do ). dI P do pie plank do I do • 'j do egg plant Geo Eagle, - I dip do .red pepper, dcl do do 2 horse plow, Ereckendem Self do =or, C p Parren,l. dip it 300 plow, ;Nat.-Plow Co. 200 do corn plow Ido dil do 100 do reaping machine (Zia') Tlximsa • Patterson, ,I- dip &10 00 do mowing maeldne, A B Smith it Co. I , dlp 4_io 4) do horse bay rake (lock lever) Ab ner Morton, I • 300 do elder m l Johnston Small, dip it 100 do corn cultivate*, Nat, Plow Co. 100 do coUiteldon • aingatural ImPte• merits. Nat. riow Cu 'I 100 do Mowing insonia.,.. a, sm%&k, Smith & Co. . •- ' 2d do do Enlffen'ldowaii-._ . dip &IS 00 • do 21orse carriaigs,Geollets4lp& fi 00 • I -, 117,4,iy. El . . do Ido .do 'John games, it. do 2 horse wagon, Geo Meta, a beet cutlery, Beaver F all' Co., - dip 11 .do cooking stove, James MTH. o, dltids 3 1 do sto v e for heating ehurcheiiiThor Campboll, Jo i 4ll 2 13 do atone Ware, Boa do fruit Jared* 3qta • ' . 0 .4 aton, 1 ' ~ . 1 I'dipdt 1 03 do dodo idzileits,Elos.l9/naten, . 1110 host bet Yankee harnessip Wldtla, a 00 do buggy harness, id* do '2 00 do gents saddle, • , ' ' do' do , • 200 maru i do ladles saddle, do do " 200 do bridle and- air (patent safety) D M Bonet, ; 100 best 6 varieties fall Oleo,. •Win Hey, I • ' • ••-• 00 2‘.1 do, J nr ohn Tait, ' 100 1 best variety winter lea, E, P Townsend, 300 2d do, It II Barclay,. • 100 , best collection of . al; Henry " Gehring. 500 2d do, John Tait,] , • 200 ' best variety fa avows, 'Tilt. 200 2d do, Geo "Engles, - 100 best 3 varieties winter John Telt, 200 do 6, John Tait. ' • - 200 2d do, E P Townsend; • 100 best dozen quinces, Abu erten, 100 best oolleotion greenho grapes, • %. Jno Murray, 1 . 300 do catawba grapes, Juo 100 2d do, Geo Eagles, • • • 50 best WWI& grapes,JOb " .100 .2d do, Geo Eagles, , ' ' . ; 50 beat concord grapes, Ander . s on, - - - • ,- 100 2d do, Ilioe, Imbrie It d. I 50 best Delaware grapes, ' Towp. -100 2d 1 00 2d do, John Tait,. ' ..• .. • •51 boat crowding g :sees, lea; 10 boat overbearing variety, send, ' 4 1 • do collection fruit to on a, Jno Tait, , • 4 2d do, E P Townsend t ,i 2 best fancy guilt, Mrs kale* W.l. lace . 2d do, airs Thos J Johns{, , 3d do, Mrs Jas I Donde • best patchwork quilt, M J Davidson. • . • . 24 do, Mrs EW Douilk • • lit, Miss 31 scrap quiltWA • , best silk quilt, Mrs A 2d do. Mrs M Weyand, • ~ beat detains quilt,Mraßob 2d do do Miss Emily L 3d do do Miss Sallio I •Ei. n ' .do White Quill, Ws B D stow, •2ddo do Mrs M PAWL'S() . . do fancy coverlet, Mrs M .; do quilted comfort, Mrs wiluii Shroades, beat cmchet chair tidy, - .7 -' bravo, do do Mrs F Wilson, do bureau cover, Mrs Chas. , dostand cove'', " "____ ' . .do specimen a inigirron,-Ansipt, CI Wilson, • 3 . 100 do cake cover, 11:s M Tow, 100 Mr. 2d do .• do M F Wilson, 1 00 do woolen hose, Mrs D Ague . 501 do woolen half hose, Miss Iry Given, l" .50 do chi litmus wool hose, Mrs D 7. do now, woolen hose, Mrs ,ir Johnston, t goo do do toilet mat, Mrs M Townson so do silk bonnet, Mrs A Kooken do Shirt, &, collar, Miss Mira Be 200 2d do do Mrs Kramer, ' , • 100 3d do do Maas Lille R eno, . 50 do silk lace cap, Mrs A. Kooken, ' 100 do pin cushion, Miss Mettle In 50 do braided pillow slips, Mrs:. J Buten, . 1 100 2d do do Mrs Chas Holmes, 50 do ornamental hair work, Miss A Bradshaw, 0,; do embroidered ottman cover, M F Wilson, 00 2d do do do Mrs Jos N Ilan,. 5o do do lamp mat. Mrs 31 Townsen 75 do do clefs & collars, Silas Iletti , Inman, do do infatnt simile, lire M Townl Lt f t i wad, 2d do do IdissJoie E bravo, , do do Jolliet shawl. Mrs J S' Bolan 1 do do Want skirt, Mrs J F bravo 1 best embroidered pillow slip, Mrs M Townsend, 1 best embroidered slippers, Miss Jeri ale Moore, 2d do; Mrs 8 11 Miais, best embroidered pincushion, Mrs Rcibt A Wilson„' 2d do, Mni M Townsend, best lace edging, Mrs M rs • Weyaod, ,do family bread, Mrs 14afgarel f Wat.,, 0 2d do, Mrs 31 Weyand, 1 3d do, Mrs Jos Baader; • ' 4th do,Mrs 8 G Bliss, . bast light cakes, Mrs Jos Bomar, , 3d do, Jno G Young, . 3,1 do, 31ra 31 Patte•son, - best cora bread, It:a 31 Patterson! 51 do„ 31,s Kramer, ' I best biscuit, Mrs Jos Strocit, best sponge cake Mrs Howard Ord 151 do; Mrs Jos it Greer, I • bee: 401 4 y cake, Mrs Jas Andrew, do delicate cake, Mrs Joe Beane do direr cake, Mrs Howard G 3d do, Mrs 8 G Bliss, best spiced cucumber pickles, M Given, . 2,1 do, Mrs J A Woodruff,' best do do poach do, Mrs .31 , rash, 211 do, Lilly Strock, . 1 best pickled pears, Mrs J A,W ruff, do enlaces, Lilly *Brock, do alberian crabs, Ma AG W t do grape butier, Mrs J. St do peach do Mrs Jos II Gree do quince do Miss Mary Bean do cherry do Mrs Jos Struck, 2d do do .Mrs Jos II Greer, do gaineeberry do Mrs Jos St do bottled quinces, Miss Lillie 2d do do Mrs Joel:Brock,. do do peaches do do 24.1 do do Mrs I A Woodruff do do gooseberne3. bire,Jol St 2d do do Miss Lilly Shriek, do do cherries, MrsJ A Wood 2.41 dO do Jos 11 Greer, do do, plums, Mrs J A Wood ' do do strawberries, Mrs Jos do preserved peaches: Mrs Joel do do strawberries, Mrs Jos do do pears, do - dp da siberian crab jelly, lire I 2d do do Mies Julia Weysud. du I'4ll ll y , Mrs Joe 11 Gni 2d d odo Ears Sarah B Wolf, do qiiince do Mrs Jos II Gree 2 du do Mrs JasAndrewa do apple do Mrs Jos 11 Greer 2d do do Mrs Wm Barnes. i do tamato catsup. Mrs Thee 21 do do Mrs A 0 White. beat cutout wine, BenJ Tod, 2d do, Mrs M Wayan_ a do grape wine, Jno Tait, .51 do. Geo Engles, best blackberry wine, Mr* ••... Young, , do elderberry wine, Win liar, .550 do cherry, Benj Todd, : ' ad d dried peaches, Mrs./oil/Wick, ' 50 2d do Mrs Is, ___ ' 25 1 do dried apples, Mrs Joe r ,, roi! a , 50 1 . do oern Mrs JoaElt •.• .. - .0 10 'do domestic vinegar MIS Wai n,.. ,61 ' .2d do,,Mrs Theo Buisell,t. •.. ,' - ' 2 J• do croak butter, Mrs Thai J John- ' - stOn, • • ~ .••- •3 00 2el do, Mr* Jno Widt it ' ' "2 00 best tog butter:Mtn .11I'Mliena. „.. /10. 2d do, Mrs Thor,r4Ohoa/rs •:-. .. 75 3d do, Mow Given„... _, . ', , 50 4tb 40. birs Was Otwod, - - ' ' ZS best print bolter, idnryttolq./okti-, -. ' do epp4 tivaiiisseiS,JOOPM o iite. , -, I - / 00' 100 100 100 1 00 200 100 GSM ^ „ 1, -. - 1; ,- ce r; I V , : e.-- ,- ; - ;!1':. ; --',.:e.',...;',.!_,:-.-, - CMCdp. uz U ~~ 1E i ~~ 14as R 4 do bard soap. Ells Wi WI do, Marjr Given, best dahlias; Chas Mohnen, 2 00 '24 do, E P Townsend, • .lOO best variety .of. out flowers, E P Toarttaarld, - bl GOs F.P Townsend, • 100 50 best flat hood baguet, Mrs E Reno, 60 / tkl do, E P Townsend, 25 'best round hand boquet, A P Larock, 50 24 do do E A Townsend, 25 do florid deign, do do '1 00 2d do do Miss Ella Reno, IV/ do variety .verbenas„ Mrs E Reno, '2OO 24 do do Mies Mira Reno, . :100 do phlox, Miss Kate J Dawson, 1 00 2d do do Mat E Reno, 50 do collection greenhouse' plants, E P Townsend, . , , 600 24 du do do Chas goatee. • * 400 do shell basket, Mrs ,los Struck; 75 do - watch cose,Mhe &Lao Scott,,.' 23 do oil painting, Andrew .7 Poe, 2 00 Id do do Miss id M Spencer, 100 do Grecian do Mut Ellen°, 100 do c' Section photographs, H Note, 200 do do water colont.l.llly Strock, 100 do dispisy•of fancy goods. Mrs B Midholio, ' dip &SOO .ftwards by tie Dtieredorsary Cosissittee aid Board of Manager*. best ottoman Cashion, Airs D Ag new, ' ' • dip st 100 24 do do Mrs Mno Reed, 100 3d do do Miss Ana Doncaster, dip do wax Bowers (cznas,)lllss Fannie 31 Reel, dip &A do pond Mlles in vrax, Was S M ' Spencer, , 100 do wax flowers, (harp) do do 50 do do Roman cross, do do dip do beaded; pin cushion, Mra R A • Wilson, • 50 do toilet set; Mrs R A Wilson, dip &25 do Lime wax leaves, Faaole Roes, dip do wood Immo. Wm Vas, 60 do infant aacque (crochet) Mrs R A Wilsrm, I 50 dogmas drawling gown, Mrs J P Piero, dip it 1 00 do piton's, Miss Reule Singleson, dip do leatherenicbel, Mrs B 51u1helm dip do large th said ,came Chas Holme s, 50 do small do do Mho Lou C Wilson, - 25 do gronpe straw frames, Miss Lil lifancye &rook, dlp & 25 'do thread frames, do do dip it 25 do embroidered imanis dress Mrs Kramer, ~ - 60 do 10 yds cono.:y Linea, Mrs In° Wait, , , 100 do pair woolen biankel.s, do do 100 do rag carpet, Felix Neduoitan 100 2d do do do km Jobn War:, dip &GO 8d do do do Mrs E War:.clt, dip &25 do douies.:o caudies, do do do dip best Luella grapes,E P Townsend, 200 do ions grapes, E P Townsend, 100 bat P o ?ch trees, N W Craw:ord, ~ 12 va:.e.:es beaded peaches, N W_ - Crawford, ,do fkll pesm, N W Crawford, Car- dip mel Nasser", Pe. rsleld, Onto, brarconeord gra,pes,,_ , do. dot yd lace ,0..t0g; Eva 'Wei a id, 25 best eado'd chair tidy, Mrs J F bra vo, I ' 50 do c-ch`eheZ, chemise, " T J John ston, 100 do bed - spread, Mrs B Mulheint, lou best 10 spec mens graining. morbid li.,g, 0 W Kendall, dip do eto.thet chair tidy, Eve Wey and, & Lo do e otehet tidy, 3L.sllt A Wadip x'', - dip at 5o hes: pa' r tidy's, bliss A Wsi:ers,dip it 5o do wom ed eh's' r tidy,xes x Town send, dip ft 5o host cake cove:, scary Given, dip it ao 211 do, Lilly &rock, d;p &Bo taxt epee: men apples, grapes from Sin Francisco , Cal, isvorable notice Lbest crotchet cake cover, sirs Kra mer, dip & 5o do carving in wood, Isaac Sco:‘, dip beat 6 woolen eitawla,Wlide,Shields & Co, • dip&loo do sewing mediae, (Wilson Shut tle) 8 J Anderson, agent, dip Beaver. Falls• brass band, awarded dip and let premlam, vis,dip it 75 do best hay elevator, Harvey oteCown, dip • do cast chimney top, J J Ander son, best flower pot, do, i• dip do boot jacks, do best patent sunlieht oil, J A:Rob eras, , - 1 I dip do pair turkeys, Jno Given, 1 oo best window sash fastenings, D M Donehoo, dip do pa.ent stove drum, Jan Thorn ley, favorable notice best Cooking stove, Jos H Greer & Bro., I dip do variety brackets, Whitfield it Anderson, do paling fence, do do do I dip do balustrade portico, do do I` do dry house, Herbert it Boyd, • dip do los chickens, Geo Engle6o do Swedish white oats J A : Barret, dip do model steam engine, Geo Dough- dip , do mbo erty atnre do do A. 08mall, dip & 2 00 do jigger wagon, I 'McCabe, (Allegheny Go, Ps.) favorable notice. do 2 horse spring wagon, Goo Mets, favorable notice. best Prince Albert potatoes, Beaver Co. Poor Farm, 2 00 best Omen needle work,Tillie dip 1 50 beat specimen ornamental* needle work, Mrs Kramer, din &50 Any and all premiums not called for on oTbaforo Jan. let, 1870, will bo for feited to the Society. - 400 200 100 , 400 , 2 4 0000 400 200 100 400 200 200 SOO 100 ta4SOO 400 11 001 1 SCV 1 00 1 50 ,1 5 54 4) 1 00 1 00 11 00 ,'lOO 50 1 For s stylish, Amp winter bonnet. ladles ahonld leave their orders at l3enco's. Beaver. A mUEE. YEAR Old 800 Of Mr. Gunderman, of Gmenville t Mercer county, was killed at the Pacific Mills in thatplace, on Tuesday of last wee-, He was caught in the machinery, his arms clubbed, neck broken and right side badly bruised. iiEl Markets. PITTSBURGH MARKET.. OFFIC • Z OF TUN PrOns. GAZERTX; • MONIXAY, Oct. 18, 18tH L J recr, 75 • 60 revs, do 50 Greorj 50 APPLES—DuII and ink supply but unchangol,ranging lig3 per bbl. • • • BUTTER—Is in good supply and dull but not quoted lower than 33 to 35 cents . fbr prime to choice packed. CHEESE—Is quiet and unchanged, ranging from 15 to 18 cents, as to qual ity. YLOUlt—ls gold and unchanged— demand confined entirely to supplying wants of retail trade. Wo continue to quote Western winter wheat brands at. solgar bbl. , . _. *.N. GRA—Wheat, inquiet and unchang ed-11,25 for Bed and 11,30®1„ 82 for White. Rye is in demand with 11,os free ly bid, and we can report sales of 2 cars at i11i,02. Oats acme and in demand, with sales on track at 48@49 and instate at 51@52. Corn is firm .and scarce bet I uncbangedAl on wharf and track; and $1,05@1,07 in store. Barley at $4.25@1,-. 30. .• HAY-4ales from country wagons, at t u@gr, per ton—modly at 111WO. PROVISIONS—Firm but underage& Shoulders, 136101; Ribbed • and Gear Sides, 2041204; Cincinnati Sugar Cured Hama 2:4 and fancy 2L Lard, 20 - In tierces, and lik ht. half bbla and kegs. Dried Bast W. ••Mrs Rork at Mk* • Eilliktit—Timotby Seed is 1412 . A:4 ' d in swan lots at $®l.S Plarased is wanted 5a1.0,25W430, and wee offering ; No.inquky - for Cover Seed. ... .• . SAVr—Alleghtiof - River tesnitii..*Of. quotedl ) 7 the far . ird. as 185, s • ;•,- ~ . 'well, 50 25 =l3 WWWWIM 'AdMrinbir hihttailioNt nothesi Iv hodilli; .i• • lint lithati. bpi •wer, 411 4 18 1101 0 14 * hi•Wr ..02.1.1._ mama rmeimigb ki•tin.ige ••••••••••• twiihem. Osei. las** e• mi.. flaws laliO . l4o.rint alp arrat — actpat",. •- • • ; I , "rothil 1110,4,* hh 4111 oiniseitil,hi linhertlitiott, „ Oho* ammo , with thi!dirtii; ham hilferithig sdblasth.osa.aikli uej height! i area cola roil Chummy:Arm 1144 , poll . torinsi; ;The 4*i:tette mdtettim. fa 1001 11 1 4 Phlthrthdas: l 7fit Umiak- WI; mai ipfthltobtassta k Witch cooothhito lavalesbk Ithpee sham will 'hi all law% +eh WU cost hes maids:, sod shy ptoir's beirdg. radio thi the. • ' Witaah. Sq -1= • •7, /Chp Ca, Kew Tart.- . • i• - • dO ;. ME ' • • Itisters sr Iriestah • ♦ Gsitzwes rho Wired for yams trove Iter• vote Debility, Prereata.-e Dray, nd all tbs Sheet or watt' Whersilas, vat, 03, he aka et Alf- O hwaalty, bead the to ad Who need lt, the nseipt sad dlrodies• tar asking the absple sew ody by which he was eared- deism mats; to wait try the steer:Ws 'upstate; am do so by addressing, la 'oldest eon/Mew% • JOILY B. OGDEN pap Itl,ll No. Cedar stmt. 24sw York JOHNSTON—SHALL—On the 14th of • October. WO, at the reahleeee of the bride•a_pereate in Bridgewater, Pa.. •Ly the Bey. Jas. M. Shield., Mr. D. D. Johnston,of Piaidilngton,D.C to Mu Ursula Small, dagghter of 8. 1 Small. ANDRIESSEN.—In Beaver. Penn'e, on Thursday Oa. 14 V 49, Mr. Frederick the 67th year of his ars 11A.ILDWAYLIE, Glass, Nails & Paints, S. J. Cross do Co., ELOCHENrrER,E"ti. Btsfin larne'quantitlea of manufacturers Handing Hardware, Suck as Locks, bitches, Butts, Screws, Strap Hinges, Bolts, Sark Locks and Pulleys, Shutter Hinges and Fas tenings, /kr-, ae.,, CARPENTERS' TOOLS Saws, Augers,Planes, Plane Bites, Steel and Iron Squares, Iny Square% Bevel figures, Braces, Brace Brits, Drawing Knives, Hammon, Hatchets, Adzes, Azes, Inc., An.. Plasterers' and Mason's Trouxls. FARMER'S TOOLS, Shovel& Simles, Picks, Mattocks, Forks, Ibes, Breast, Trare,Draw, Halter, Dog & Cow Chains. Zlignisolcoopers Goode, such u table and pocket . Cellery, Spoons, Scissors, Coffee Mills, Apple pearers, Sad Irons, Ac., Sa NAILS OF ALL SIZES, Comprising Fence and Finishing, in any 'quantity, and as low as can be bought in Weeny. A large supply constantly on hand of all sizes, and Single and double strength, at manufacturers prices, and every Color, dry and in oil warEatazzaTaliFlT I_•l3asspeici 011, TURPENTINE. DRYER. ALuHOHOL, 'RIM SHILLAU, VARNISHES, PAINT BRUSHES, GLA ZIER'S TACKS, &C. We buy our White Lead by the ton of nutnufacturers, and can sell on as good terms as any house in or out of the city. SFMCIA.I-4.u..1±18; ted we know we can make It the Interest or consumers to buy from na. arm' goods delivered in the vicinity and to railroad and river free of chug& Ordeni carefully tilled. ocifkly DRUG STORE, RIA9 Yl/43,1/311/gAPgII, Druggiat de Apothecary, H. B. Moons, Secretary.. PENN - • I NB DIM AND PERFUMER Y. OAPS. • TOILET.ARTICLES. PAINTS, OILS. VARNISHES, BRUSH ES. &C., &C. CRUDE AND REPINED 0114 of the greatest variety, best quality and at the very lowest 4114161331 FP 12134511163. ['Agents the Fahnestock. Hulett and .Bcba ants Strictly Pura White Lead. the oldest and best brand In the market:9B oral ly. IN TRY COURT OP COXIIIONTLIMI of Deo err county. No. Rd of lieptefflober Tem. UM Itt the matter tithe sopileettool of tbe towillere date United , Preebytortaa Cloor,itiVik.,6 of see. viol. Sem ebarter=flosod coon em. ileoembee le. VW, spolieatos the bedsit esaboot tbe eatoolOsellec coostßetios. mad be tel of oblates this se worths waist wed* le woRIE -01,114 a ...feet tbet reed Marmon: be ;Id is the It oleo" aid Met Dotbeei be 6. tjebeilfn bils leo=rsarbeedo; Amooeteo ler be sew elbeoesid dotter of erS be sprooled at UM Ma tarsi of 1 ' • nal •C/1.171111ZY. 14014. .' ~I._ Married. D. Hardware, Lee. sil kinds of Also a full lino of GLASS, M:PALINT'S. WHITE LEAD, RED LED, WUITING, PUTTY, These gtx)da aro our S. J. CROSS 40 CO. BEAVER DEALER IN PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Metllol Farpoics. EE2I '',4,7IIANKEItS, - „ 41 4, 415 Stium Thin Sum ' PHILADELPHIA.; ' , ', , MEW it,PENNSYLVANIA 41 AND' %.,,, ...i4 4,ip mzili NEW UP Op . Or THE 6\4 ii i i , itilW' - Of 7/1( ' ' l l' I UNITED STATES OFAMERICA zr . , l„~ , „i v m os . i mud Juk/Ki.KlLviiii• aux caprru, UAW* NM PAM Kral 'enigmas...lK= awl 11011Klihvb B r ut.witraz.. ..,..1411,„ sad a" . M.—Wils. sit lb Itlllitate•elhinm by .16. ew K. W. CL K. -- dt CO.. . . Na 311 /WO TUN AL A dadallidiratees ill•tios.—Lettus of attabostios on the Woo of Ma Kw of limos towtokip, doted..ltartao ostal to tbe sof solgood, ell persona 1 .4.10.4 c gotta so tto see rogoottol b oaks Isoloodloloth%oest, anti Moo Etorfor dams or doom& t ouortll taotontormr , tot for • t N. P. Ma. Muer- MeCleary • Po. JOHN SHARP, DIAL= IN • Groceries and Provisions, CORN, OATS, MILL FZED. AND YLAISILZD MILL. : DRAINAGE -PIPE, Or all Sizes; and IMPROVED - COLIINET - Tops,. For Sale at Manufacturevs Prices. CALL ARID - EXAMINE. CASH Paid for COUNTRY PRODUCE Goods Delivered Free or Charge, ROCHESTER, Pa. Hay 5,1868. mayailm . ' WALL 71311. • WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. The largest andnhespeat stock of Wall Paper In Beaver County. Boom, BOOKS, BOOKS A lave asinatment a Miscellaneous, Aetna and Relinton• books, constantly on Judd at Pub lishers' Prices. Gift Boots hallo for the HEM; 121= STATIONERY, STATIONERY. _ . _ wr.e•Tiomiam An extenelei variety of Paper, Esivelopek Lead Pen , cils, Gold and Steel Pens, Ink end LA titindsr, An tn. We are the cubism Agent births osletetted for this County; w ell to geoll - Goict raw, would do well to see them before purchasing. We me the Agent for Ms County for Sriders Photograph Yenisei Certifleate. Th e attes t ea of Ckrsymen to respeettulry , WWI to this, as we can sell them at the same discount u they would get from the Publisher. Atwater. School Gov ernment for sale at Publisht is' prices. We have constantly on band Vow.oo Cloth la largo variety. WINDOW SHADES. WINDOW our.. CLOTS. RUSTICA PAPER SHADES. oo land Toys,x . r , td Vir o t i grodo oultable for the J. F. PRICE,- New.Briehtaa_ lE!== LUMBER! LUMBER! Haring winded an drandeameat by which Inn at all times fungal' the various kinds of Lambe: Clear 11 jack Plank, Shisigles, Laik,Bo.ll Doors, dr., at the lowest prices and on the matt Mend term s, I would say to the public sad especially to my old Mends and customers, that hatter devoted many years to the Lumber and Building ftdoese. I feel confident that I can maks it to the interest of buy ers to call and enemies my stock sad priced be fore paithastug elsewhere. °Mee and Tent on New York Sheet above the Railroad. Badwater. MAO. WIENS. sept1;110. Agent. HENRY" T. APP. rmarinabuftw FIJRIS ITIJRE Brighton street above the Plow Factory, Rochester, Pa. The largest stock In Beaver county con stantly on hand, and idling at the very lowest prices. taeglB:oln SCHOOL BOOKS, AT WHOLESALE. Blank Books & Stationery • • IN GENERAL AT LOWEST PRICES. walled T ree Wlsotle Price LYS walled free to Widen' ama and Teachers. S. A. CLARKE & CO., 119 WOOD STREET. RECORD DOOR BELOW NMI AVMS, PITTSBURGH, PENNA. • Deptratiss. CARPETS arra 4e•r,„ :t :tie; NEly GOODS. A SPLENDID .ASSORTIKENT OF WHITE,' CHECK . , AND FANCY. MATTINGS , FOR SUMNER WEAR Now OPEN. FIMII muirca or NEW BRUSSELS TArmerrair nareemir.", THREE PLY CARPETS& INGRAINS to MI oar stoek 'lnce the close of the heavy • Spr o ing Trade. Oliver McClintock and Co. 23 'FIFTH AVE, PITTSBURGH, PA. ion 8001 m. ==l A Safe and Spesdy Cars Air Coughn,c o l i t s . Akin= &orchids, lloorterunk Cro u p. istiaelns. Whooping cats , : • laelPisus Comomption i and all Di:esies ise — sh e Throat and Langs. Dote t iseglta severe Cough, or thrall away snooty osi a worthless medicine. PllOl rirre OMITS FIR SOTTUI • - sw l = r %WM 1 Z by all pagA • te& yeaCkly Ayer's Hair V• For restoring Cray Hill , It. its natural Vitality and Coif. A dressing- wide* is at once *meal& healthy, and effected for presorting • tlit hair. Aged or girl) hair is sins Paton% to its original cob wig the gloss and Thin sh hair thick- of • youth. ened, falling hair checked, and bald., Dees often, though not always, aired. by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles :are doettorlde 2r the glands atrophied and decayed But such as remain can be 'rived ftir usefulness by this opplication. g Instead of fouling thfi hair with a may se& went, it will keep it clean and v[gamma Its occasional use will , prevent the bait from turning gray or falling of, and • consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make soute preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigou nee only benefit but not ha rm it. If wasted' merely fort ", . HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dp, it does. not soil white cambric; and pt WU, long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful peribma. ' • Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PRACTICAL. AND ANALYTICAL CRZERIA LOWELL, BIAS& PHIO2I $l.OO. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Tor all the purposee of a Leath* Mellelee. - i.....-- .... , —aoM r" I meal • ' doe Is so uoieeseally Th w ~. t i tu=everybody as ~,_ 17=7 antrersah . gh I Ur= t ie lu tt "m l .1. . e , i . ' but efleant perv, mil t Vil I. The obikei. ". 7.—. '''"• , —i --, ; 7''. *;_*6. rltt:rd g.!: m Tr • = --: • other. l""i fe thin ' ... ha,att tied IL know that It eared thew: thaw who hare tot, know that It entire their neighbors aid friends, nut all know that what it doe+ once It does always that It never fill. through any built or ncglectof to competition. We have thou./tads upon thoto while of certidoafea of their remarkable sure. of Lie billowing complaints, bill such cures Sc. known 14 trery neighborhood, and we need not putdiabthein ilda=tr u ampa artil titiilitlizes laall climate.; hey may be taken with safety tit am Wad.. Theif sugar coaling preserve. them ever hash and wakes arm pleasant to take, while being purely retclithlie to harm can arise front their use in any ipaitutity. They operate by their powerful Ingimosee on tag Mental viscera to partfy the blood sail stliaulate It ate beadthr netion —remove (bee • of the pay, restormit tome by competing, wherever they exiat. sorb digailire mats as are the first origin of Minute dlrectlnna are given In wriinier roe go box. for the following ernaplain width sheds rills mulls, curs: — Yoe Dyspepsia or fadlgiestl a. 7Lbrileosii aeon. 'Languor awl Lo.. of Appeals*. they thould be taken tualerately to tithunlate the atom. orb and vr.tore it. healthy tone and incites. For Visor Coniplailns and it. axone. hemp. tom+, litllloas Ileastaelbe. Pitch I I eadailbr. Faandlco aldose... Vinous Celle and B illow .i Weyer*. thee otioull he Jo. ficiously taken for each mac, to I-art . :vt the dimin•ed beton or remove the eau,* it. For Dysentery or Ilia hoiste.a. b it ono f0i1.% lose is generally repaireil. • Fur ribeuoiatlmen, Dour. Gear el. roan!. teflon of the ag eery, Pala to t rid.. Mack end Lobos, their Mita! be ...011ie; IV taken, a. roquirt,l, 41 ehan4O Ihn action a She Oystelt. With snob change share complaints For Deopay and Deopaleal ihetll.l be 1.1.00 Incite am I rAvi,tt,lis.r. tii lore the r ST • t urn drastic Foe ltinapresalea a loon, 40.oshout! :':en II It produces the deliml eff,t br ormnal hr. As a Dimmer PM. Lake one orla n Pill. to pr* mote digehtion and relieve the stomach. An ixreaskmal doom htimulate• ate •toinvih and bowels Into healthy action, ream. the appetite, mil Invigorates the system. Ileace it I. often nil. vantagron. where no merlons denuotement Due who feels tolerably well, often gads that adios these PIM. makes bira feel decidedly bettor, front their eleenslng and renovating effect on the diger+ Ike apparatus. Dl. J. O. ATBR & CO., Pre/Weal Chesasis ZOW7SLZ. MASI., V. S. A gratl7. :•: Feter :m.l Avue, Ac i• 1,, :1,1111 di. Of Appetite, otindice. land All .01 ao , ruin :a di-ordered Ptitte i h S:oiru , cii. Liver or lotelatinel. I, Qr. mi. BENTLEY h`'! „N•. 1:..fie.10, N.Y. 5...0 NEW GOODS! Fall sad Winter Wear. I 11AVIC UST ILECEIVED •MA Mar Or GOODS OF CHI LATEST STYLES, FOR FALL AND WINTER. WRAD Gentlemen's Feralsking Good CONSTAIITLY ON HARD. CLOTHING I•Di TO ONDHIL labiateodimost etlishami stsholt soda. wattAX IILEK•H. Jr /111. =1 Al beldame To Nikkei. ammos, ' aa4 phis tent get 'off etio• at Um proximo's maistEs icimars, %Inv" 85d save thee rut wow. It Is doves/ b...t lye, at tt Is straws sae ,O) Mite woo mortar. sad airs Is somata to It. WI ben tone bat Ms tag slows se It Is busied jag sled; Ile sad is set Baud Ina the acme to bora, so Sal Mem is ao Nbos or claGet ta 11. Med sal stft Mx' rai nog to midge vs l or=l% wttl age a rood dad of MAL Toe ems It—"Yd ID &twig's". It 6.61%—M bottlyos mat ry LARGE LUMPS. Rehr to oil who lave Rood IL Illeme poetise Is. Otrootod to abet kltoo monk apart It mod try to MU so hairier otitis at, the ono Woo WI obi see tt., or try ems. Lbw dottomot promptly to Griot at Reationable Rates r= l , ittmesva• In
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