ADVERTIVaIIEaIriI. Advertisements Irettmenodist thOrsto oftll,oo per square Ibr drat Insertion, and for each subsequent Insertion SO cents. A Ilberrkillsootutt made on yearly ad. yertlermslotth _ r • A sPortt wide:to. l4 rl4 l l l Pf tlitf ty po Mel:Miro:4 a amearo. -- • - • Itnqinots Notices set under a head by theimelves, immediately after the locdl ems, will bo otiared ton cents a line for each Insorthin. Advertisements should bo handed In lwroro Monday noon to Insure Insertion in Hutt week's . . But arJ.t L'ALL AND AVINTED 11, SI. A. Moder has Jue ertived from Nth' 1..d010b with the 'alert design'', personalty ~ ,1 trout the greened. novelties• Also. the 11.1 elegant ninuologs lo he secured to Perla. Ittbbtior, Vehwts, Bridal Flowers. 1•11,...10ve1ry. and Trimmed Paper Pattern'', Deers r,l Cloak snaking. Exclusive agent for Mrs. M. .11 Ar , • celebrated aye ton for cutting ladles dress. stomues. basquee, N. W. corner or 11th and Cliebtout tbs., I'bilsdelphla. [sep2...;Gio. F.AVEIt LADIES , SEMINAUY.—The • 1 teriti Dr this Institution will commence 'Eneodny September 14, 18611. Every putnient will ton ftir.i.hed , With ,WllperiexiCe.l and tannin - Chu/I Te3Cheri , MiclitlAltr WINN, tat,* the plan:ea Mae Daum, gradnated fn riti..tairo Kelt School while the oultacciber waa tinal.and her re lielarahip and experience/La a pert the int/two:neut. that led him to ~tlll. true as tillrher In ads tigtrilltpry. pone untou dentin to we oat Catalogue, will co'.l nn or addl . .* the Principal. 'I .nni•_-15.ifj • I). 11. A. lI'LEAN, • ) )1/.4.1 , It It j lill Tl • Tgi °llene Ito' Fifteenth Annual liest , loo 1-Itl, of September under the ebyerin ,,,,,i4oce the P rinuipel,-Bete. 11. Wa y. bar, A. Sto.clat o rt ottlou be. paid to the ~,ritton of teat:hero for the edrumun Schools. )1 ‘O,ll 610 /limn:menial. by a competent ihotterale lAilo prepared jo t en a .11111•41..•$ educatluu. Lau. onat , e. ancletit rail modern, by flighty [Orient. 1, writ no l'alutiug. hrntrin. and Wive scud fot a (atalegion tin REV. It. '/'. TAYLOIt, Deaver, l'a. ./.Ig.ll:tr )iitotstr - JiTgrAtilrA . .1.15 Llebler, 31:mull - tamer and Wholt,,nle 11 , 1nd 1).1, in Trunks, Vall*es, T ra vel i ng . c., .1... No. 101 Wood I. l trect, Pittsburgh, 1 . .. 1 ord , ro Promptly nild stork Warr= if 1. Factor) turner ul k'llleunth mai l'onn streets • • 3. ANDEIIMON, having taken hold or CI • hip old Foundry again, fu liocheittcr, „11l be uleuned to meet Ida old en•tomers and friend , uho may avant either the lIEST COOK NI, tat/VI:, heating Stove, or I.lly otter kind of CartniZa or helt,uditerldl and Ivotliattatteldp. The le,:ne-sulllbe conducted br • J. J. AtibEllsoN & SONS. - Iv - ili - Nu.aitoti 1111L1.9.4110 endendele A Lao, this method of !Worming the public t tiny hove purelotxrd and taken charwe of the Jemomy owned by the Merlin, Day. ',baron, Beaver county, Pa, flu, have nt I, .1 them and ore 110 W pfa msred to dotta kWdu .0 vs melee to the entielbelSon or their petrons.— 'Their 1‘1311.!,,f door will compete favorably with ,h) in .111,1 market, Give us u 611 blare going , I•eehere. tiA3II2F:I, PAVIDSON s ratO• itakitry, at IVll. , on'o 0141 •taod,' • t'hird 1q ot, Beaver, Pa. Jonhen d. );,.): 0 tate+ plen!ure to Inform ehl Wends that r•tabliao•il In 6nauc,r nt the !Ono e . hr will be 'gill] 1w lact.t and neeointtublabl Frr.h I'mdrrllonrrb•e of all 1.:11.!,. No ..1 Flour. Inaba bow Fall Wham, by On barrcl, back, or .latt. 0. I.ltl. . 111.111t:VES, di•akter 111 Bootle, I V Miner, Onitere, Sllppere,, next. door to Prter** Tin hop, Bridge erre% Brilge‘rater, tole he Is prepared tO manufacture and it'd rvutyllihnt in hid l ontrwruyubla r.ttes , lUte- I removed lie plart: 'I.IIIOIIIVM front the corn. t e :ow the 11r10;:e to Ills present locution, he in. ti a 111.1 old hien& !mkt patrols to glee him a r.ttor.hVi . 1 S. 111:TAN, Attortwy.nt It I 111 Court House. 1) E. li. Attorney nt Low niot 11 , Surv , 3 or of hinds. ntlee Prole, or • yaylor' 11.ver. 1 lope-tar. - - - • 1 - / , • P. IC At lonwy Law. (Alice to 31, ' a' KinicYW l ll l l l l l l , g. eon of l'al,llc. t•gilarr. • mar .111:1y. U. ieuQcre W r • 4 1 1 • L l . tut ig ul ° 4. 8 %. 1h rs . 10. 3 .1§ 1 ;fl b u i linTst: eurrilubdtagcogovitry. OWed 11, S. C. Mill:loin drag Aare, at,r otreet, Itachet.ter, /leaver enmity Pa. Curf4tiltation 1101111 between 111. 111:111p. progo fuinlotted tted preticrlptlons canlully ;CIL ht 111.00 1/1%.1: Flory. . . ltt:lt • • I , J. Chandler & Suns, 1),1111,t., ltnehe, u , r, P. Unice in Mayer Stutinn Ad Awe.: warranted. Priced rodende.. (lire us a .11. laov M. DEIISON, Ui•nernl Police. 11.1. . . live 1111,1 ColLeedom AgenCY. at L' not Depot. nuelthiter. li.•arer Co . All etarti.ted to my urn pill n•ce),prmoin ;it:L Illlnn. on I,,a,ulialite ttint, :Dgprls, 00,11. I I 001 g 001.11 ittul.,lgll.4l .prvilatt`u 10 Coal Fnall 50ur,...,n0 1‘.. , •0111...! the aria Iv. I , rders will reeler prompt alt.•ation. S. P. CUM-MINUS. TAS. e,uritlitoN, Attorney at LaW t p Heaver, l'a. (Alice in the 'noun for zoorly late J1111,0 4 .k111111C. col prouiptly angled Id' eeparitlAr. 1. IIENTISTALIC.--Dr. 4. ,:tinily, of Bridge 4141 au oro Woe tiQUlAXiiitll.44/024k4;501.4141 t mg' go. • ILI a bow for•teeth. lUert or se' , kddi And Sliver Pilling,' put to o tlw 101 . MA. terl4l4l all AtoritularautpJ. - , • cal:ly. • :TI.IIIGANTII Lodge N... 294 t i.o.G.T. X now r .cry %Junky eVonhg nt oThwk, hr In romn*,i 101,10,A! ) ET, IVatriunalol an , l r. 1 . I'4. (in room anhohOw I , V11.0n, , 0 01110..1 (:alt met opalrod and maroolhal. Ent:ravuo4 In.' to ordt.r. The I , ntronngt. of 11.,, mtd vunrinteeq. (110.. no a Dankt.r. ,or n, • I :•Ird !!111 111.notool. Ift:.‘ver. I•.t. Mat;. LI on I:‘,. ritno.!!!11(.11,. liderert id !..11 in; t!..11,11n. yid:don ! n r in.lidor. ICI Ihr NATI( /NAL IX• 01 , .ritr. s. 31vrelninn..., ..lant.,no.inWt!!! mid Artitatoo Co.. Of PillAufglt, Vo. 111,4 Ithitm the Vourtllottrn. : " I I.:NICV 3111[14, Den!, In Bow, • t‘ltpinn . 4 tool Indo.ra. 1:noo. mot 111.1., 001 , 10 .Ji, 11. A long exporinnce In Ow lancon• 1d... hint Io to total: 111 a I.•r. Tcritni WO.' raw. Shop MI 'third edretd ( or.!' 11.. v. Md .. It.ndoduro, Inns,. Pa. tilve Idol .call hero. NDUSTII'I SALT C0., 1;111'3,14n, and llc.oerr 111 'l'a 8182 l'll.llNe Sell,lt li,itiwlry, ti vier county. In. All ,alt put up In good or. Ivarranteil to gll e gatlrfacilo!), Ordere pntcgHly attended to. S. It )11t1(IlIS, 31,1n:r_,•r. E. lII.LINT,Sec. 1 Trvanurcr. 9111Alti. •H. 111'118T o Notary tertioltc. veyttnrcr and Inonnince Aneut.• •Deeto end nwtlt ten and rick now I,4:vulva to taken, IL, hie Leer dais connni,olotani nrAgetit Put • 11,t In,tuntlet• Ittlni, the Fire, Life, Accident, and Lit: Start; I lo„nritaenta. to prepared to talon rt. 4). and aril,, i. 0,14, on the monlibeilll glaDo. agent a tic nehor line" or nr,l Ocran Suattli , • Tiela•nt of, hi to told from allpofts Finf• 1. In. mad. SeptiatidMrn eitttly linnTrinev. or -1,0r,, Lt ivk row, Watiloi,d, ROO,O r. .yttaf ar • LOT FOIE NAM. Tla• talilen,gued tell ni privntd oak ' ()NE T 1111 1 ,11.: .41711.: 017 JOT. rtnoOod betwooo to'o retnet..rlos 4,VIT Tile int I• inn fine prat° of coltlvotloo, tool k troll milted tor t•III?er gardouing or grazlnt: intritooor. It le under fortes:. ripply to or addre.. 111:NRY Itl NZ. eiol9llto. or. Pa. t d ttttttttttttttttt Notlee.—Letten, ad .( 1. mlnletnition on the estate John McLaugh lin. of New lingliton borough, having been gnant od tlio mideratgued all pelvouh toadd mete are requested to mots immediate payment, and tlio.• lint Ing claim+ ngninit the aim& 0111 prm wilt them for MettiCinilit to HAMILTON IL- NNON. A ilmintotrator. MEM A 1 lifer* NVanted.—The undetslgned wi.hca to onpiov two steady miners to murk in hi; 14,1; no McKinley's Run. near' Rochester. Empl, meta to such will be glees until spring% t ull noon. 1. C MOLTER. 1; , A11:11 NOB SALE.—The underalgneti of. A. h•, hi• farm, ' , hunted ht North Novo:l:icy N, ittlVl•r CO taity, for 0 , iO. Th.!(:fcjn cots• ta!u• . 207 ncres. about VA of which Are erelittld mud INV lemet•; the whore is Oen timber d Ahotit INarros"of the cleared land la first and end hattool. portion of Ito. whole tract ro , frriaal a inn ore tend caul. The farm IP al.ll Wot olt It. (no the farm arc two COlllfOrtllillt, PiOne 11T111Z•1111.,, a id a 1,11110 c. by .lily feet, nod a log barb thirty by • 4,l3ot:ether With all nee...oars trat Al.4rt, orchard of boating trait treer ory the land; ..ii.o,L‘tt grew: I luny ow lint fill, and IWO -4-bent' plants at tame time. Payment,. ea‘s, I . Jul Int or whim., lIGGII MAILSIIALL. North Stavickly P. 0., Denver county Pa, s, The above fantt in known 11414111! "Dr. .1: Cunningham farm" 1,33,1";Cen• platANcriwrios raociakATiox A. ntErutlomt. Pon IffialllDl-Lsall Auches.of ).115940.1 ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S 151).101t- NI. EM ANCIPATION PIIOCLAhI ATION, cxe ,,1,1011 by %V.A. COLLINS of No. 17 Nguyen St.. N. . havni,•• lain Photo-Lithographed by the eele : 'thit ()sienna Prreess.' Copt., are note ready 1,, ' , el, and car. be procured hy application to the diem • 'llts work, irrespective of its greet Moto, le val• is the most superb piece of penmanship, ever i•matotb,au{ilja Wadi la an ornament that soed( adornovetsimmtboic, , sulthcirt._ lov lag Ainol . thould he without a.eotir. lione can forth uu •.if its chasteneon of design, beauty of exam= u, :too rotnpleteneet or detail, without examb doe,. It has been pronounced by alto mint en- COnnol*wira, a+ equal to the doest •i 'due enermln2. and the fact of its liavit.g . '...1 t•xectitpd With an ordinary nett pen and vitamin wcitlugAuk is taken Auto cousidersUom emki ma of jettlettee.lie-reVeranevennd eq. utiplee still he sent to any addrees . ht the .1.14 . 10 on rcCe!ot of /2.50 ruck. ' - C•OI.LINP.ta COL No. tf f.‘astathet-, New 'Vora In LOOK HERE. 4,;lettitkou AND:manila Goous.-The nit , lerhtted bee§ leave le' Int<lnn ht. (Heeds stet the nubile. nerally ihat 'he hattiree received • ate 'pee el potelepi the latest &Wes fur Sprlnz and hummer weer ,which he offers a very meCtent rate*. • ,OENTI,R,MHIVS PURNISIIING GOODS, CON'S ANTLII '• • Clothing made to order on the ',honest notice. 'Theoldidint timpani* dor pot loom 1 boo 0 6 7 0010600 n toplopen ttrocrit conticu- Aisles or titer • ' LBas DANIEL va MILLEILPA• aminat. mat 24:tr ' . . . . , ~. • . . . . . . . . . . „. , . , .. . .. .. . .. _.. . - • • ..::....,,,,,;',- . r :.• . ...! .2 , :,,,. 1 --- . ...... , . . .. , .- • - . . . . . . ... . . . V01.51--N0.41. itiscellantous. /IAS OPENED A STO/IN/N ,!NEW BRIGHTON, To WUOLESALE wad RETAIL ly . LEAD, • , • 1 i 1 LINSEED 01'4! 1, ; (3L A Bs3, PUTT, I 1116311E,5,N41,1i,1 Mixed Paints. Colo'rs, in pH and Dry, t 9Clirtmn . Itoilytl Oil, Neat's Font Oil, Teml 011, ; • SO rIIR Terpentine,l 1 Coach Body. Varnish COPAL VA lINISIL II FURNITURE VARNISH ,s I ,DAMAR VARNISH, SHELLAC AND, nr..terc 'CO ALE'S PATENT JAPAN ARTIST'S 3IATERIALS, Picture Prunes, (to order,) LOOKING GLASSES LOOKING GUNS PIATES,, FRENCH AND PLATE WINDOW GLASS, FRENCH ZINC 1! END USD AND GERNIAN CLUE.' ,S T A:ND PAPER, &CI terzitm are CASH on di , - 1 ! t livery orpoods. II I. jatil,V3. . ~f{ERCU.%NT TAIILOIIING.—The nn• 1,1 derslgned taken nlearnre In Informing the citizens of New Brighton stud vicinity that fu ad. dltiou to his usual meek of Good., he h. Jost re. ceivcil a large lot of French cloth, tiogrlleh WM.. French Ihreekin caaidmerce, American easel. mere,, ' , tillable for Fail and Winter nixie.; alro nee ..4,thwnt of the intact atylee of vesting.. all of which he will make up to order at the phone. notice and on very favorable tenor. GentlemenN Furnixhlng Good*. 111. etorn will niro ht. foutp. p‘eryllitn= in the Gentlemen n rurniebitic Goods line, width he will ot.tpuse nl sit a 111(Slasic p rout. Ma/Will !MAU:sr. Store on ltroatto ay. New ltrittlitou, t,epttlmo MIM GRAND BEM ASCENSION ES BEAVER, could not be nitre astonishing than the tact that kcep the best, Snrgeal and frediest sand; 1,1 FLOUR. FEED, Jic in 1I raver o.tihtv although it 1.11.1,1 OAS to mat,: a Hallam, rim% on will tind, Wynn virit their eqabliohawat that they tout Love 10 TTI , Ort to gas to mike their Hood. tto. To all. we would pay. —ruAlt hi' and extiollne wit' clock ! Wr.have tor holdthe gavot mud Ler t TEAS, SUGAItS • i'UNE SPJCES Molasses, Syrups, Soaps, ako ILo hest , brankh:of Tol?n,ceo and CiErars ip lw found iu I.lw plat, taakt, a Teel:lli} , 61" FLOUR &.; FEED buying nnikuelling none bit what are Union ti be tinpveolheol rarietlee in use. LW eetabileb Mein enjoy I a well carped reputation in tide par Ocular, Junk wo Intend in the future as in the pan to maintain ' WE DEFY COMPETITION. Poolt tnl>tnku the place. We are ' , fill at the oh Ann& went end of tld st., Muer. In. Come ant peel./ T. 0. 'MORGAN SHALIENBERGEIt BROS. DRALEU IN Fino , Family Groceries. Queensware,, Hardware, NAILS, WINDOW \GLASS. WOOD • AND WILLOW WAIL, BACON, mut, sAET,.I.Imr., Country Produce Talon hi Eichallio for Gads, Goods deliverer! free of charge in all the Villages. Tlae Safe Depo s it Company, P.II7I . BI3'UnGU, PA., incorporated for Me atfe keeping OF BONDS, OTHER SECURITIES, &C., Xo. S 3 Fourth Avenue. GUARANTEE RATES, Government and an other Cnpon Securities, Ito ciraling Bank Bills. tor a year or leas period, $1 00 per $l.OOO. fold Coin or Bullion. $1 d 5 per $1. 0 0 0 : Silver Coin or Bullion, Si 00 per $l,OOO. Silver or Gold Plaid, under anal, on owner's es timate of roll valor, and rate 'Mike to adjustment for bolls, on n bark of $1 (Corr $1 MO. Mortgniros Vainable Papers generally, When of no fined vials.. $1 a year each, or actord lor to bulk. Wills $5, Which premium covers the remninder 'of the 11to of the maker. The company also prepared to Bent Small Iron Safes, (each rurotehml with a tin box) Inalde Its Berculer Pneg• Vault,' the limiter excluelvely holding the key thereof, at the following !Ito., *lb. vii. fin. $ end $11:10 per annum. Also, to store Books of Account, .Valuabla Title papers, etc., at reasonable rates. Presddept t WIT,II:TA IST VI-111.T.T.Pf4. ' Vlre President I IIM:NRT 3r,x-coyii, .10 . 1Irectoni Wlfllanl Phillip% Byron 11. PalutiT:. Henry Lloyd, .10.eph S. Urn, (hiorge Black, Win. 31 1.3 on. Curti., U. Hussey. Jae. 7. Bennett, gei•rotary and Treasurer S. F. VON 110:011101IST. Pep39;3ln, • 'iSt a ..L1.1.) -WINDOW SHADES great:variety, Os° SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS MEM The largest and cheapest assortment of ALISD3IB to tie found to either city, at F. E. WELL & CO'S., NO, 100 FEDERAL STREET. ALLEGJIE&Y . CITY, :P.E2MA. torptlkly. 311,9cellaneous. Diesel,*lowe—Ther Elatawebip teetstotetwied Siting nutlet time dent mune et b. and J. CI &Deem, of Beaver Palls. was Ms/Petted on the 23d day at September. - leek MI unsettle* but. Den of the late Inn win be attended to be bawl. Etteeen. KROEBII3. eieus*t. 2 • J. U. itIiOLSEN. SPRING STOCK. C p E S.. Oil Cloths, Etc., Etc. M'CALLUM BROTH'S. 11,1;Firth Avenue, above Iyond met; Plll tlitliGll. PA Have on hand TIIE LARGEST STOCK IN THE MAR EMI Fnint the Finest Qualities to the Very Lowest Unities. WINDOW SHADES. Fine and Common Table Covers, &c., &c. Prices 'Arum to all, and the lowest M'CALLUM BROS tikar24..y This Infallible Rem- My does' not, like the ( poisonous Irritating snuffs and strong caustic solutions with which the people ta7elopig been hum tugged, simply pallb de for a short 'time, ir drive the disosse s the lungs, as there danger of doing in ae use of such DOA. Alms, but it produe• ‘.lll iwrfikt and Iser• 'anent cure of the rorst criseit of chronic :nterrh,lis thousands imn testify. "Coil he plead" is cured ith a few applica !attache is relieved and cured ag if by magic. It removes of. lenolvo breath, Loss or Impairment of the sense of lame, smell or bearing, Watering or Weak Eyes. end Impair s 1 'Mctutirv, when caused by the violence of Cmarth, as they ell frequently arc. We offer In good Iftith a standing reward or $5OO for a ewe of Catarrh that we cannot cure. Sold by mossiDrugests Everywhere. • Cil.r CENT& Ask your Drug gizt for the Measly, but if he has not yet got it'on sale don't be put off by accepting any miserable'worse Thim worthless statute, but enclose silly cents to me Emil the Remedy will be sent you post paid. Four packages 1, or one dozen for s,i. Flianl a 2 cent stamp far , Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Cnutrrlt. Addrins lim pro prietor, RV. PIKRCE; 31. D, I nifir3:3Mjc:3l)l:4l3l)l.) • nufr d io, Y. NEW Spring and Summer Goods Speyerer & Sons, Comer of Water atal.latnea Streets R 0 ("H ES TER, PENN' Have jwit, returned from the ea 4 with a large stock of goods bought at the Tow eKt cash prim+, which they titres to the public at REASONABLE iIIICES, Consisting oG DItY GOODS GROCERIES, PROVIsIONS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTY AND SHOES HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, CARPENTEETOOLS ROPE. O(UM PAOKTNG YARN, choice brands of WHITE LEAD and PAINTS dry and in oil, and a general viirlet,y of 011 Dryers, and Putty. Quoonswaro . and Willow Ware, FLOUR, FLOUR, We still have control at the celebrated CANTON CITY ELLS FLOUR, also iif that -favorite brand, ' Clement a; Stevens high ground dour, NkIWCIVJETE.K. FLOUR. 'We recieve the above brands by the ear load, and am sell them at Pittsburgh-Prices thus saving freight, we also offer at whole sale and retail, NAILS. WIIITE & WA TER LIME, SALT, SOAP, Feed. Gr.iin, &c., &c. M .— Thanking the public' for past pat renagt we hope to merit a liberal Aare for the future. We always buy for cash and sell clump. CALL AND -BE CONVINCED RETAIL GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHATIOL P. S. Also agents for the KEEHN ERR AB REAPER awl Pittsburgh National Plow 03's. PL - CO SEI mayl2:ly. Beaver, Pa., Wedn MiseetUaneena. Vetkee . to litiookiiillioni.—AO adioonted .I.l•nateduint .iniaaa at tto *Meer tarry and Little ignorer retrololusOa origba tudd at the Alla ore. B. Hurst, • Itotheder Po% oa liatunday October Sld, IBIS. at 10 o'clock a. to Max laid - decide on du report of the Lbmmttt eo aupobitod to lad inuebaulra tor tie pill itad Wag property belonging to the company. segeldw. Y. D.E6RAGII, K EVXTONE STOVE WORKS. Car Factory Buildings, IVEWIt ..„ II'IGIITON, Penna. 81i0 VON Grate FrontscVeuders dc Snaa beer Pieces, CHEAPER THAN EMI SOLO IN Tins COUNTRY. . - /MOIL' _A 7' THE PRICES! FIRST PREMIUM COOK- STOVE No. 7, Splendid Raker, large Square Oven, $l4 ES No. 8, Splendid BAkr, Large Square Oven, 111,50 No. 9. Splendid Baker. large Square Oven. :181A Franklin Parlor Stiries B=MMI HI9AYT'ING, 041CCOVIE,14. EFEE=MI Enameled Grate Fronts, No. tri, Grate ISK Inch, "U, " IS " 91, " 19 121, " 21 " 23% 7s, P'E;MM - MRS. :Co. 73, Plain nod, Wide •• Narrow, 14, Fancy •• •• 14, tdthont Rod, Mt Plain Rod. ,• 31, Ika, widront Rod. Pressed Sheet Iron Summer Pieces, tlenEns.lue' 4 „ l , l , cenui: $ll5O AU iVurk• Warranted. Give us a attt. TERMS. Ci.:811. oet1411&) NNW PM. I Man/ 1 = 12411016 'INN MI AM EMERSON'S PATENT. LADIES can Wad UAW Mahlon Ithenalsa Papaw and Shaer Nark. GENTLEMEN an Wad their Hanicrlpth, Walk theawan Aransal, 015 ca and ft CHILDREN eat tend Meth no Au and Ilendaf Schaal PtherA Snow wally and matnthatially ea If dm. al the math Bathe ERs. NMI fiti anal Wwiniff the weal cat A complete awl desirable artk le—everybody Arch It. Per sale by Martin IL Lyon [General asset for U. 11. Itieha-doG CO.. manufacturers. Philadel phia, Pa..] at wholesale and retail. Call and ex amine, or address for partlenbus MARTI.y H. LY UN. Heaver, Pa. - • larA sample atilt, 13Inder--eln or Alums-- may be seen at the ABM: 'spit* lg. GRAND OPENING I &. WINTER DRY GOODS. .A2l" JAMES A. FORTUNE'S IN THE DIAMOND, 110CIIESTEII. Dry (Goods of Erery DeBcription DRESS 113-CIoOdDS A Large iheek, Genuine Country Marmot VERY CHEAP. Men and Boy's Wm- HATS 4t CAPS, A LARGE STOCK. SHAWLS, 1100 P SKIRTS, &c, Selling nt Pittsburgh Pri.iut New Goods Reeieved Daily. 'Cull Early and SECURE BARGAINS,` AN we can not be Undersold STAMPING AND PINKING DONE TO ORDER No Tirou&k to&hoto Goods REMEMBER THE.PLkCE! JANES A. FORTUNE, DIAMOND; ROCHESTER Pa. inar3l;ly-:-ch. jy serer. • Agents ran now get Territory for MARK TWAIN'S NEW BOOK, with MI Engraritrgs, The Innocents Abroad . New Pilgrim ' s Progress.. babe quatemeeee Oa conensates nod coders totem °tell Ms poem.: ( ustoicism ma "Mame he izr end lemon It , the. man eedebie, healable asl,folnilar book waited ea yews. • • Meets really femme rand a thanornit wog mania. as tine balk milUnall itself.,. 10.00) Volumes ;mated la whence mid loon reedy*/ Avian • Catalan sterna , tell Informa tion met tree. Adam. -Alf Or BLISS & CO., Newark.M. • • , . SEZ.tVii . ~ . 1116 IVl,AiMagi , • . " i . l . r Xilili TiAl.**:.* :i tv ,-,,, ..... ,•• • • ' ---4- , -+;(4,35: ,, " -. 'p3o great pOscber, '4¢"~' i ` ;•,, ' Idig . o3thei on. 0114 iikattr m "" ed WitliaPois the eingit • . duet hi 'this renpect,el4:i iii tagerlit effect thew:Staple might? 714%4 1 upon the yotiaiger . rntr*lranda coal.] gustation, Ito replied so open:candor that all him, that he, wpuld , able to ri d himself added that the and in trying to break had made Mr. Beecher nevr ner. Ho doer no dots not, inunedit constitution, but It knows onagse win In the habit In,apltt triation orbit' Mem I'6 f . lite, and be - .rashness—for it k the age'of cute ht. 'that .roan listened -Lave lived:tube and a solace to th' !. Mr:•Bescher • life. profane t his lips. ; • Hut it, his bead to ta7,4., even-that dlagriatil "ful--Ini Would hint. handled before; and 'sometnoralleSionbl ho would forest it bi iretnendnous effect. • grand endowments discriminatinglatot prossion, Ida graceft mind to swear he wt amount of poetry, al did imagery, and n. and mistiest' energy; mixed with a gor fiagration of filagi that would tus:onit er, and forever ath wildered moniory sion rainbows ;and 'in and lightning. Amr of intelloa and ax• and /is en to week without " Mr. Beecher is v. its. lie always go tweets nine and On, upon anyoecasion all from tido rule. • Hob; about rising, which 9- geneally. Ito conic elpline, and to this al for toe rugged health since ho has adopted lEil 61.05 t G 5 as: &PA a.aa 4.00 4.75 4275 5.40 213 1.75 1.75 1.00 1.75 1.50 Mr, Beecher floes got adve lisemenhe I's/pit." do done i knowledge of conr hale boon stalled le refute It is this such report has 7 therelbre it is me than refute It tr tbli time. M, the batik soimons arolitid: am would-mit Immo 11' to pr Niumuni&& minot eon 'carry on him farm Mr. Beedcer's firm' votiaNts or thirty six acres, and Is car-led on on siriet: set. entitle pram:Mies: - lie never poislin any part of a crop without , col:salting • his book. He plows and 'reaps and digs and sows according to the best authorities.= and the authorities cost More Bum the other farming Implementi do. As seen as the library is Complete the ;arm will begin to be a profitable Inisitnient But book farming has IlsdrawirMls. Upon 1 one occasion when It. seemed morally eorlein Mathe bay ought co be cat, the hay book could not be .foristi-:acid bo• fare it wan found it was ixce 11:e aid the bay was all spoiled. ,Mr.likteciter raises some of the Batest arops or Wheat' in the cinintry, but the uh kvorablO tllffereato between the cost of prodtielng it and its market value alter it is produced Chas in terfered considemidy with he IMMO as a commercial enterprise.: His. special weakness is hogs, however. Mu conslci ors hogs the best name a farm prodacees.' lie buys the original pig for a dollar and a half, and feeds h; to dollars worth ofeorn,cand thee sells him ler about nine dollars.. Thia is the only crep"ho over makes any IDOL* on. lie loses on the corn, but he Makes seven' dollaNi and it half on the hog. lie does noi mind this, because he never expecte to ntakb • any thing on oorn, any way , . i And , aity way it 't urns.out,-ho• has- the 'exe:tement of raising the hog anybOw, whet berhogeyi theiworth ot him or not. -Hie 'aartawbor ries would be a noutChectchio l ancoase it the robins would oat turnips, , Intt they won't, and hence th i: d!qicults. Oho of Mi. D'e;eehe.'s,mcst hariassing dillicaltieS In his farrutt4 opekainhs comes of the clots, resembled& of tifffei- Out sorin ofseeds and plants Meech Mbar,- Two years ago his farslghtednettis vitro'. od him that there was going to hela great i *smugly of watermelon% z, end, therethee I be put In a crop of tweittyleirgiurtatresof that fruit. but when theY, ?tali tip they 'turned out to be Ptimpidne, and dead loss was the oonactinenee. t Ete,Moilniii4 a 'portion of his eroP goes into the gr'orred the moat prerigiting sweet lxitgeies 'and comas up the inferoalent earrote-÷theogh I have never beard b ' mexpress . it, just in that. way. Whenfie bought lila farm) he found one egg in'ever,y him:attest on 1 tne place. lie tadd that bete wasjoat the reason Why so ninny farmere failed: theyacattered their'foreek too inneffl coneentradon win the ideal ~1 3'0 be gath , ered those as a' together larid; Pat' thesn• all under one experienced old hen: That hen rocaked over that Centred night end day for elcyon,weeke,tinder On:maxims supervision of Mr. Beecher himself, but she could not,,?Phelto"l4'!"rilils.i)YhY? Because they were those ,in.'arnour , per -coign things Which we us 1,4 'titian'. ions. 'and fraudulent Mimi* ful''''neit eggs."' Bet perhapa Mr.' nehotter'S tile* disastrotui exnerienee Vrati lie Ithte ,he tried to ratanoui Ininteras crop lof dried .appleg kle,planleg fifteen hundred de . 1 " Jars worth, but !Kivu : a TM 'CPC theip sprouted-, *e .hiel., o _ev!ti: Pcci>*Ple- to. _undernland. to thia i tlaryliat . , yrnfi: , Um. matter with th'out.apOittel 'i , • . , ~ 'Mr. Beeehat'alltrm Is tie't - sii - iiinineh. It irciuld be eagiteiinliittt :if hb`4riortrial tt On ahanisitrittt amnions ; . Mat be iiii not 814 anybody echo la rriPtag to (rand .halt.the espenitOtod not may. that are Able., 8011..porPiite‘r Om arta: pm*. is bound to 49c1r) 1 • Xiarlif*X9C4 inkti" or fermi when he first liclSltep !tete PIP" longed and I ndflinehingassan It upon Ws .agrtlt4tllFardiin.iiiiii.f, .rti! e P i r 1 4Y 3,° F ect it lait, and tie tit now '!us rfv,al.: ihntnee to:P0141 - . i ..r .7. - ' •• ' -- ' I . iiiiit • not, ta i iniA'tig i ' , kikird itil;Seiietter'l 116412'4414' Theji bniittbe tbetriant and pnreiai et+it-or-ridlilant i -they ire modeite of; .nrlittiryi:and 4,l**l2 . pocituk 4.414 tdattleldota is -Oa sweat ttiltloooo4.. ; 2 0 0 t4.40 1- Par• -4,11 , 44,i*Y1114 1, t,e, , lAll 14 0 V: ' l'9 °, l 4 l l l s ll° ,•ti ., Ai r r 4 i ffi l h e r , .. Maier 1 OF OA TIM _ - . , . . ,- :,‘;.: - -r..:1.-: - •. , : ..•.-:!,'. :-• • ! .1 — ... ...... ' : . . '.1•:- 7" • -"" ''''.' ':- • .. :;'',.! .. z /' '., 1. ' '",, .F. , -. ... . . i:. 4 , -,,,,z !,,,)•,,,,,;:,.-:!-„, :.,..; , .., 10: • ~. ...,, , . ~...• • ..;,, ...., -AI r itl; 47 I. .-) - At 1 !...=;`•; . .1 . ." 7 ')/i7 -; , . t / 1 /1. , ~ . •4'• F. ... u.,1. ' , , / t I /I , ' •' A ma At: , tti :1•.; . :%11:?;:' 11 ni litt ~ ; !,ft 'I p•e , 1-, , i' . • ' 1: " • ' , "-i 'tll - 4 ?,%{yl i • 1 ' - , " ' • 4.: '.. 1 c ~,. .„7., . ..f . l:4lVo, ', i' : •iilili c./1 . :; ti,4l-: '1: ''''''. '"` i '''''''", ''''-' ' ':.,: . i".: '.• 1 l'. - ~- ' 4 ••4 IVItA! 4 `i ):) 1;:.::4.,.,;,t;" A ! i• • • • • ME Ana he bag to eta leitt k, stew«stklbe norels of Ihtelleetital itehileTehteliksolnd Wows growth air to•O's7eheetties ea& WT. IWO taiwates.; II Youth =hi as actomb. *ribs& p•nrulde TOW", ousionjiunks to.' progress to. sontettttecttttet ; Owe TrAilt.lturnlog when the ROM dale thus MlTewee iftca toAITIONITTIAti stoop 'TOTeheT, and gyv apd: bye to otaimboato i a l2 Tho.penuade_ipep ofint%Tullage po , 4Freink tIfIWAI the endoieitmk o f . a wn . , *with th,qh.,Blbltot wliett, tbo spike' Or the thee krogiceleel tit the Othindliotton; f iltikti*ittnbciattolkthilllieicretil!* pbh 1M• - 4 40,11 . 44 1 0it titT.1 , 945.1). : / 00Pik. /*RTT b 7 The ittUrltreOTlOthittK MARL Mar, liar+ of .Cidhr,) Oh? -yews sicollath 4 410..unamosiaat latlthe Sabbath •Imiro -hit Whining by tett; emnazether with :tithe conipturforat tookio the woods In ttielower Daft of the oigiaty, .berdaring :en' the tiVer. Ile imapOsequently cap .lpkoktir •,b4di of caak'R.B*.r. ...utiu.9. 04 all the Imeoey and horule.with the eaceptinn at Cartyor Utythoulanddelloarriocreared; :the robbers lama ousted bank ito.Cadis; mid sentenced by'llai ootift, to ten lytiataisisrstitude id the' Peniusettary.:— I kinimi the Pit,t,ii'arii . 44. , ir 'g4o4,lßM:trig rola ply,do jeartmitei, with lino pttj ttits Ana '.14 ,Wialkietno bY fitunamu,ar, R O 9, lackeraland•considerablasympathr with, .01411 if Sle3t otihe village by blit sffeming some/tin the'rearia room In reply to his reentened,•to which 'lichen' ligUrol a be 'to °t i the lint lert, UM depot to City 'amidst nutty filets of repot that ono so handattato and (tal e:llkt shohld be a Mien Noseitiya sympathetically tendered and ,siceited by thehandlionag talented, ImillctMutth ly peahent mrith a melancholy air that dimmed noklyia Wright eye. Ilia :ten 7011X5 11113 a hard thing for Min to ac /*WPM Wiwi( to; it harrowed his Col lege, soli liberty , dwelt so long J,ri Ads giuMALli Qua he lugruioualy 'unlocked his , Penknife Ind isi+nded graceo ily. front the trarn, and with a polite finest rok thu Officers to' exenso his back, hied ltdinsidrotr, trawl= soon eapturod icasodiiatbifqn the Criminal Wupqatoky atbehantina. liichard'a soildlialads and assit Rua modeled plaingtorpher 7,4PdAp liattradd thottatetlgnseribuchs .4hatAnraustuxii souuelhd.buOrman•qt kfila,lend the Ohio for two lung 'tog witicli . titne be lounol the - 4 th ma dad° ldaniAnt qtilte ptakod !a t10 . 0r;110, toned t ` n, And in the weeileu, overcoat Flo was relled'ent, and 6,2;ettier 'Other 'easiarliazi!ed a , t 1 tql,` I n a remn.o .part of tbe "1.4 J . ... Before Itlehard's settee be *me known at the Penitentiary ha hail lea his snag rei.•eat,-and la, nu stout* nal" ensaariat in pteanitig,theocap m.tic (the EicerAcoti t uada,or anottier.vie 1t to, Cadiz rereona .. roaiding ;don; ihe river might agahi 'eayttire Itiebait . if a wakeli iskei,t in 'oculiCry'iuija- Cent.—O:fitheat4tie Herald. ' .. How To Gouty limAwrivoL.-:i'ersons shay out-grow disease and txx-oute lioalthy by proper aLlOn.fou to the caws o: the physical ettAtitutieu. But grini beariti:uf-houl - Airridims the lus tre 'of the eioi, and pabiri 'the' Toms oh •bounly'ri rheelts.:• .11ut dire s aa tin} eye la pallid and sunken as may be the faro of .beauty, and frail and: feeble' that- owe eiroug, erect and manly body, the im Kepi, jest dodging els wr:pgs for eta home in - heaven, may look out thro' those tided' windows as beautiful as the dew' drops of thentiinider's morning,' is nicleing ihe Leant that Oilseed in nay timesme y tis eye, by growing kindly, by mdil eating' syenpathy.wi.h all human kind, by cherishing forbearance. towards. the :follies of oar ram, and., feating day by day on that love to God and matt which Pax . ;rain the trete, and makes us skin io angels. Mits San illiPtivtat, in 'het le4eti 'to yoitng says that "iirCry evoitt4 girl knows how to color rodwith•mad dor." This• we. believe to bean. ethno logical , fact. salt - obey° always noticed. .w 411,, all giro, that the naaldor they, gat tha redder they ,• • •• •. , • K. sinurnal Illtistratieft of the saying that the. pith •or tidy's' letter Win the postscript, was that, of a coginfrladrorho Willi:pat PPR! . 01 0. td India, and writing bompAttbAu,frleusbiiieclodq4947o,4 the (dinning words:—"A''Tou, wiu oo iy iny_Slitnatare that I am tparritsl:' .‘ • , • ..ISEIA.OOIN an , austere reati,. who:lone:wed ,oystering, land .was.of tturhardsbell pershasion:,The dencon•ftlhos made Itra +Pint": *Jaen •hiscestoniera that the nienty which -heqeceived-for Maims?! .dbi:. not be- Ikargto him. -"The goodFathermade the , hiters,Meaid .the &aeon; :"'and the rcouey ishis,n onlya stoardl They do s4rthe deacon had ii.tvay of gettom abobt jell; cents, more ,on .4 hundred hy hie ,pephilf,, mediator 'doing business fin. Somehody else: On Holiday km:ailing' the Old fellow - was tearinghteutid from Wane' to -house, *the suspicious,bit dof currency in hie hand, and toore.tPaß a .saallf i l Of rage In 'his lam - inne ono given hint'abiurfil* winatit guln' to meetin , till • that' ate was fixed up." '.'Why, deacon ,'' Id one of his custo mers. v;honi ho had tackled about it,: ".What's the odds ? What , Fwd. Yatt,.Can 3 . 2 you. .knew,; you aar only. stcwerd, /t/lan't tit lost." The deacon.ithitt ed his Shotildet;'walked i te the fleet*, unshipped Ihaoldidi,andSitlyilis, Tirooluittf,yetttiingC l to stand Vy j and See th cheated out of fifty cents, you'rnnil.4l ta*PF,,lfiontriiKfr—atickfaefing • , A ' Cinuove - Seroiekt=4 - store about' three or four feeteqtatie, and ett or' eight -Judea thielcitraelbeen quarried. near &laminae, N. -:it.; having - On its top an hntiressionaf a hoes hoofi ., one impreadoo of an axle IWO 'two ;narks of a Ws. ilim e a t i r.•.W and one impression of tho foot of a man thetedi of the foot and imatirel•; 4 ;the !toes timing , very die that.. •Mbe., sione.,le • *try MWo and r Xt lm& itolfgregN4 • ci. - Es -- ' itib*:"hifeuse . w. , tilFarg i =lai - AI: '. -ii Albeit? ' " • , EISE •1 a IMEi RIR TINTO DEATH. ,•,tt= iitir g .macr it ery ° l l l r ied " : llP Th a sno ll4l n aft .and erl ?row Hytettngs ;aunt, in, stirs • me' isentyfront theeouttetiblembenettio; restirere sittig, to an of/poalti Antal under tfte Thither I au ried my,worsteels on pretense of, be-' InjtabWto see better'. - • • " • LieecilVic; Were .W 1 very Old just Them • Lou was too intent. nneopyint *gni, iiinbroirkTy p!xtterrel In'eare 'inneh itiskw ‘ tilking. while 'Fred tradJesdo Weir bad their heads ther 6vek n skan of silk, which pleb uttinseterideavors InTts. :claterinksition not laiie3roundin a NtnCbl6 - nittriner, new Worn OX -4firt**l7oW,". to Witnnpsi& see:rus—Uhti Maidest Inl the ceinim Wedding , to take place Catty In the.following tnonth. - "lees, °rename, It is - teru right and proper." - There may have been a -touch of Irony in. the way in which, thin king of.their changed manner, 1 inpeated .thq words_over to myself; - Ye,`; us' I'OWTred break off a - plutnor the bine flees silk- which Jes nestled succeededirm winding, and tie ;it to the.batton-hole of his yet us a .troPhi si; 'perverse little imp - dean in mie corner of my heart, privately' gave the lie to the assertion _I had .just made, and added mutter vet. In a tantalizing sort of way,Est . fur a long tittle past, ever since, hi ct, the two peoPro before me had n friends; I had been minus all these little nameless attentions which one • nat:tmlly .espects front one's lover. • The rut was acne/agreeable one, and not to be Ittingaid." I arose and vent ed my 'spleen - upon the piano which, alarmed and indismutt at such usage .from myttsually gentle fingers, clang ed and :resounded, and finally died -away in low murmurs, faint as the Whispers of an accusing Tiled of -playing, and with one hand - wandering in - listless arpeggios , the , full length of the board, I turned -haifroodd, to fled , that sister Lou had left the room, - The other two .were talkbg by a distant mantel, on the side opposite to where- I was - sitting; F'rw.l with his back towanl -meow I could only see his profile. Miss Muir stood directly. in front of himOhe light from -the chandelier ht shit showers oniber grace ful head. -k:Wlth it amide* pang I -felt that iny presence was forgotten, oc unregarded; and yet,' as I watched - the ever varying: expmesien. of her vadirmt fater and mentallYeentrasted It 'with • my ;own cold, tintless fee tnresil did tint wonder. , •••They• Were, talking of -Rowers I think 4 for bib44 . 3luirbeld In her hand a small porcelain vase, in which was • bouvent.i. had that-day ; culled whit*. -dint -leaf there, ant_ ..iten ng it oft as If to , take in the artisticetfect Pratently Feed reached up his hand tut paibting which hung just above the noudelatud breaking otf a piece of cedar from.the wreath that encircled it—it being just! after Christmas week, picture frame and miror were hung with :boughs of evergrceu—twined the branch with a rose which he had takeu.from the vase,: and , then pre scal tell' the simple noseg, to his rum- Tunica. The latter took it with 1 1 widened. bloom, and half smile ! rippled to her lips as she deftly fasten- ed the graceful otteringto the ribbon -at her belt: . • What was there in all this to send the blood•rashing in great surges to my heart, so that when Tom 3lerl. ditti canned, a minute after, and pre seated me,,to,u friend of his, a Mr. Grey, I returned the salutation of my zuevls inn dazed, bewildered nuinner, which /MLA have leathern under the agreeable 'ewe-mien that they had Interrupted me in a stolen nap? • Yet the scene I had Just witnessed was td me full of hidden sum.%tions. .11efere Fred and I were betrothed he was very fond ofsending we sprays of cedar, and quite %au - tient= that I should know the language of the gift. It was,-:'1 - live for thee." ,Ilolv I got through that evening I 'never knew. There with an infinite deal'of laughing andlalking, and 1, bast A , • confused remembrunte of a long ainveriattien with Mi. Grey, of which 'literature' in 'general formed the theure, and Tennyson's. Idyl the'' that and. though I don't rasAlect a wail that either of/us-said, I suppose I iituSt have acquittal myself very 'creditably, for I beard afterwards of a remark credited to Mr. Grey } that "Miss Fell teas quite an intelligent pe.'son„ Very well read." • Fred Wentairly, 'shaking hands in his easy; graceful way with ell round. Mien my turn carne,l, had hoped he would ask 'me to•go to the door With him. • HO did nothing of the kind, only laid his lingers quietly in mine, and' bad'elne a cold good night: Well, what ailed me? Fred knew of coarse that it wasn't proper. for me to leave My guests; and I certainly wouldn't have thanked him for kissing me tight beforeme all. That night I lay and cried lan ,, after everg one else Was itsleep,:. • I 'said to myself that I Was heavy fora khs. Perhaps there were• Other 'feelings behind that it was' bet not to think of. A week sped by. - Miss...Muir had gone tol visit Somali - lends In the low er part of the city.- The houseseem ed lonely without her merry 'voice, and yet I felt a certain sense of relief tinctlight heatedness at her absence. That ievenlng.l. expected Fred. , In tut [had looked for him before, not having seen him since , the time of which I have spoken, when we par ted so formally.- "But to night he will surely come," and humming a gay opera tnne; Ittranged my hair in braids; andlionniriga crimson mere no, smiledto myself in the glass, as I thought' with pardonableovanity; I was lookibg passably , • • • • e'clockaune, I grew uneasy. Malt past eight, hopeful atlli, I turn ed down thean the parlor, - and drawing tip the gas bill/dated by the Will. dow, looking out into the moonllght,,, PrelcatlY,: ette,.., two, three-,- 7 nine atrokespaPital: like, a :knell; (mut • a nelgidagirtg steeple..l. knew, it 'was' melee:watching' for him i now. But eni atAbabell. ,; • ...114thout:waltimr :for a. servant to Qpea the door, .I flew to-it to meet— disappointment.. It was only a boy tatking if,Mr. Somebody lived. here. I.walkecp.bsck;.tothe parlor slowly, heavily:- Throwing .myself on aside I wept narestrainedly,with the utter abandomoidealatir--• ' - . Whew / looked up, the; roe_ .was cold anditiark: A. dotal l a_ (I; prayed .oyer the fital (ditto 11100a4Vening / 18 audln nay heart were ewer too. The next.moming lame dont*/ b eaktitst, looking Dm ,dixtbt liw oegi r = l Vt,b+rflezdilittlOxi though ht. • Toobeart 8 sit ]dec o' orteasr Established 1818 in 'AY coffee, lapped a few mouth flils,,and then sat idly wow** my. spoon Upon theedgeof thump ! firs. •LoWtlooked up from the muffin she was buttering, and broke out with; '".Marion Fell, what on; curt!) ails :you? you're us while ae thowall,' and haven 't eaten a thing." I tried tr. amile, and muttered ;something abouthaving the , headache. Them upon Dirs. Low's* hosland—tliedoc-• tor—raiscsi his head from the columns of the liforu ove ing..Eksouirer.and grunted ' ids • sPa-,' '''lleadaeho? humph 1 you've -been' sitting too much lalely r go right Out andtakes Theta&ifone forth., Previous eiperfinice hav ing taught me the'et .teruseleasnewof resistance, I. allow edloyself to be bundled up without flut4nt ad o 2 an 4 Eitopma out Into the , lawn Itnsliv: air. was it fate thitt seat mmilforth OtatlnOrning, • . lthiadisidg th walked on, Untl4 ' into ut it" sodden' and ry fketl n a unbent° u tp t e he heaving-wave, the white, stilt hands folded so fully above her Melee bread I thrilled me with an irre sistible farlnallon, and my kverish fancy Lurid almosthear the cou4 trash of water s against the j agged . roCks on either side. My revery had a rude awakning. Came to my ears on thoair, laminated front the handkerchiefs of two ladies who were passing :—"llave you seen Fred Hastings lately?" I held my breath, while a Weider voice replied, "Yes, I saw him last night at the •Opera. with Mims Muir. They make a splendid looking mnde, tad if I were Marion Fell I shouldn't like my lover to' be quite so devoted to imoth e With lowered veil I swept into the street, the rush- of contending emo tions in my heart, the line of au un quenchablejealouSy naming on my cheek. Once in my own Tooth the ring of betrothal :Was torn Irvin my linger, and writing a haught, 1" - emptory renunciation of our Loguge meet, I.sent it, together with Ids let ters, and gifts, to my bilselovr. The answer inane. A short, cold note, in which fhe Writer "deplored the un pleasant feelings which must Inecua a:lly prise, when the fact of our bro ken engagement shonklgnin Public ity," but added, "that undoubtedly it would prove all for the beet, as we had. evidently mistaken our senti ments tommis each other." Perhaps till then I had hugged to my heart the vain delusion that the love of years would not be given op so light ly. Now, the 'tires= seas over and I staredltteln the ram. • That night•l told sister Lod every thing, ending my recital with a reck less laugh. How little do oar beat friends kuow. what 'glassing behind the face that smilet•so blithely on them: Lou surveyed me a moment in wide-eyed estonishmenLas I seat- ' ed myselfat this piano, and then an swered, "Well, I amid have sworn you' orshipped the veryground that man Und on, and now—" - she by 'OW - Sweeping crash of soon& hon some det-. IMEI yuznor had It she itud ings were to be married very shortly. It wait but one pang more, I could htsw it. Rumor contradicted what it had just snid and reported that the ieremeny had been po:itponed on ac count of 3lr. Hosting 's having vol. "unteered for the war with the com pany of which he was a member. - Buoyed up py an indignant sense of outragedloveand wounded pride, I determined that what I suffered none should see, - I went to opera, theatre and fedi, seemingly the gay • et4tof the gay, smiles on my lips and tears in my Mart, the tortures of a ceaseless pain eating away my • very existence. This lasted it year. Theo came the wearing of a soul, young and strong, that would not submit to the pulliug down of its idols, and dashed itself with impotent fury tae inns of fide, until bleed lug and spent, ft wounded thing, it Sat down dumbly and endured life. 1 had thought that with the first blow misery had done its worst, but Time brought me what'veatt infinitely hard er to bear—the rising of a day In which there was nothing to look forward 00, nothing to hope For beyond the mere efuttemptiblo common place exist ence-=the lying down to sleepless nights, Into whose solemn depths ap peared spirits from the past, embod ied Memories, who touched me with their ebadoWy wings and filled my soul With haunting visions 'of love, and rest and happine-ss. Caine surnmer . with its garish days of sw. • ' heat and brightness. Loud i • d like a petelle , •.. ' Said asset on be ing followed up by a long co cita tion with her husband, the do4or, and the result was that I found my self spir;icti away to the sea side for a change of air and scene. There I met Mr. Chey. We rer.ewed.our as lntance, rode tegx.ther, walked, dancve, diried. The sisquenc3 came in shape of a nioposai.. Mr. Grey was rich, handsome, distingue'. trould have an Qtablishment, mon ey, in short; as Lou said—"everyz thing that a reasonable woma could desire.". The offer was a good one, on the whole. I accepted him. One, evening t scion aster my return, I was sitting with my little poi,. Gra cie at my side, telling the child the wonderful story about the Babes in the Wood, and had proceeded as far in my interesting recital as to where the robins were covering the poor lit tle . bodies with leaves—when Mr. Grey entered. The conversation turned on the recent horrible devel. opments with regard •to Southern prisons. "Yes," said Mr. Grey, "and isn't It sad that young Hastings I ' met here a year or two ago, died to day from a fev,tructed while at Andersonville. - ". The air grew black around me. I. had a sensation of falling to the door, and then all was a blank. Return ing consciousness found use stretched on a sofa, with Mr. Grey at my head drenching my , fitee with' eau de cdogne. Lou was on one she eluding my hands between her patens. Both looked.ginve and dtstrepsed. I tried to smile, assuring them it was noth ing but the heat, and failing nitsera his, in the attempt,' burst into teeis. Swept a military funeral slowly by. Sounded the tramp of many march- Through feet to musk- ofa dirge. Th roug h c i a o n ude,taizirp frown pulses, I could see the with its no dding plumes, and beneath a cof fin—Ais eotilin—draped inistarry Ibles. The past year with its sorrow, and bitterness,and unrest faded from my view: I lived over again the time when loving and beloved , we were all in all to embodier. As mv s4aining ear could just catch in the ihr off dis-. tauce the faint wall at the requiem,l felt only, I; all the newness Of be reavemen - the utter deaclatlou of heart and l re, that my darling, my darling Was PasOnif away from me . 11,Zat,t.1 later, dal ivcime Mm. Oft*. Tsuciewirsifimptik nifariArthatkr tit go uld Aitiel lbuilifing on 'Third Street, Dm. vet, Ikea* 0 flOperyety In admen. Coommunkntleoe, en- enbjeete of Wel 00eistiniereaffire , teepoittay gala hen. To Insure attention favors of thi : bled melt' invariably be soonnAz4eil by the name of the author.' be mo to later* and -- u , otamtmleMione aabea m at . kt rd .T. , NVEYAND, barter, Pa. ME ME When a dad luefe sus that seta tdo mueb, and' hasn't intim; .enungh to make u irmhun4 he send' him to colle;te w study wprefessisit. 'Studying physic Is a proketiett_ ; and ns soon 214 a feller' has stitMeit "Materialtfolka" long enough toget diplomatic. is ready to start 'a doe. toes shop. He gets the,' front 'roam. ' of some bosatilug house, kept by a widow, who Jets it to him ;Way 11f cause he hi' a single man; that ha sticks out a dressmaker's tin WIAM, minted on It, "Office hours from f to 4p. m. sticks ups lot of old beef bones with a stock or loather • books In a gime ease, hangs ttp a pietas. Of • a tumor no big as a cabbage, bail his" dour sprinkled with pulverist4„. , lt H .. mice stick instead. of itotrilm_ to make .the room smell "M Mediae" like; then, to' • audtautis forks t *tinkle P is interim tritirtmer I he gets a ig bat stand, meta Vat I .Mgt, and OW it chuck fullot A doctor slot has to hatisa shout one he amnia borifetstithimit' Untie withoutiii shell; misookth : tretld, % WM, slap : f bent thiii'.lg om Zis ders es i 1 044-.14184 bet i•• that . he bye Ate; be bas la* good doe; toes' bone. .Doctors make theists& in "gigs ;" they are turd of "gigs," bemuse they loin bock so that If Abe horse should tumbledown they can't fail out. "Gigs" are tittle children's wugou.i IZTIACIAIi up. Ilion-kJ-de-1i" donor. hare nigger - -41 boys to ride with th:an and hold their horses, an though they were fiery like. Doctors know how to (harp! If I was bead cuptkin of .l war like teas 411.inyrand wanted to Mistoi hollow spire, get the doctors to go with It, bemuse, firstly what got killed mold cure them* Ives; soil secood- iy, because if that bellow square could stand their charges they would deserve the congratulations of their fellow citizens. Hectors can ride on Sundays and not be wicired, por told by the good witnnun that they ought to be ashamed of themselves. Some poor fellers work bard front ' morning till night, and it is Just as much as they ow do to keep the wolf from their doors utql furnish whisky for their suffering !hinnies, without • having doctor's bills to pay. Doctors don't know so much as they try to make yon, think they du. They mkt) a will and Just let the sickly keep it'll, and they say it will have to be cut out, and then he will make - another visit and see yoli have the mewls, and exclaims: "It's Just as I told .you, it's got to come out!" Doctors have wasted lots of science;' according to the best authority the, world has been turning on its own axis six thousand 5-ears, since it was discovered by a Mx. Adam, and these fellers have been studying anatomy ever, sinus, and it has took them' all this time to find out that stewed prunes is Just as good as Wed sehldtx powders In some cases; and tt seems like only day before yeste_rday that they discovered that poor devibi with fevers might aqua iwaterisso called by drunUts and within half memory of the oldest inhabitant, t I he n . a ease of aggravated sore heel the - doctor would haul out a, conceded ice pick and . Jab it lute . the 41:2 and Make .the *tuff Carmise is'named'afteri 'squirt - until" the , ' devil *veld be what be ! his mother's malt nom Inswing . red on uie i ldly pproaddrii a bedside ;• they excel In that reaped; they beat the silent tread of the "muses" all hollow. Sometimes -it depends on the good looks of the doctor where the patient says the disease is located. I have known a doctor who was ex ceedingly homely, being told that the dimes: was iu the heal when it was not. After a doctor gets to a bedside, it depends upon circumstau ms what they do; generally they seize a snow white wrist. stick a fin ger on it, and haul out a watch and make their lips go; then they make the pallid countenance open Its pallid mouth, and stick out its pallid tongue so far, he can see the warts growing on his windpipe. Then lie will make a minute Investigation of the coating upon the tongue, that looks like' It might be growing white hair to make a rabbit pincushiolkor a ladle's fair. Then the old cuss will blow his nose a profsional blow, shake his head and say : "Ilow long has this been thus?" The doctor will then haul out his book and charge the pallid counte nance four dollars, then look out of the window and seeing his horse has gong to sleep, and likely to hill down, he will sing out to his black emboss er holder : 'Jim t that horse is so restive you d better drive hint around a square." Then he'll write something on 'a piece of wiper that you can't tell whether it is an order for a glass of soda water or for a putty blower, and send it around to the apothecary shop where he is a silent partner,and the apothecary man will stick ICA,- 965 (to make you think he is doing a big business) on it, and charges 75 cents for doing so. Doctors nerv er stop atlllug at four dollars a calf until the patient Is able to do business without his asalstance. I nosefts a secret' in "lifaterle ,- Idedica' almost Invaluable to A sick one even if she Is a - female. Listen to me, and I will be the happy means of keeping you from paying "gig" drivers four dol lars a call. I callit the medial thermometer. When a doctor ouches hold of your wrist and counts 70, it means weasels. 71, It, means mumps. , 72, It means coup. 73, it, means swallowed an Willa rubber 74, it means lobster wild on the kidneys. 75, it miens soft shell crabs, "atom ick" ache. - 76, it means teething. ; 77, It means (over sores, 78, it menus warts on the spinal marrow. 79, it means pork chops In the bowels, breaded. 70-10, It means chilblains on the langs. 70-11, it mains cankers on the bend. • 70-:12, it means sprained foot in the back of the head. By using the above remedies ell can be eu n:d ; they have never tidied or paid lea than 100 cents on the dol lar. • Doctors are like mad dogs. (N(. D. stands no each, and each abcadd be avoided.) Old wimmin an be bad cheaper, and one old woman In a case of chicken' pox. is worth more than all the "Materia Medics , ' f/kilara you can hunt up. lam w tolerably healthy cuss - and a woman twought me up, and I was raised on catnip tat; a Ornertosa onion pouttleea, and cow's milk. —Flor. SOME suppose that every learned man is an educated man. No well thing.' The, man is educated who knows, himself, and tikes accurate comtnpn sense views of men and things around him. , Rome very . learned men are the greatest fools in the world; tbe mapcm is they are not educated men. Learning is only not the end; its value consists g tt i ll ng the means ofsequiring the use of thatwhiels properly managed, enlightens the mind. . DOCTOEX•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers