El II Thi Beaver Argus. 1.! macros Alm kIMOVIIMM Beftver, 3:ofisph /Winedleg- at Carllisie; OD the 161 h, in the 90th year . °ibis age. • TER ULUCTIONS; ltieuMlfflk!us Vieiorious. On 124 Tuesday one week ago. State elections ' were held in lowa. Ohio and Pennsylvania. The Ro• publicans were sautessful in all of them. In lowa our majority is near 80,000 with a Legislature nearly all Republican. In Ohio Governor Hays (Rep) is reflected by a majority of near 10,- 000. Both Ilnuscles of the Legisla ture are aid to be Republican. II this b true, the Fifteenth Amend meet IBM& In Pennsylvania we have elected Geary and Williams, the former by 4,842; ancrthe latter by about double that inajorilty. The Legislature is strongly Republican, - Glory enough for one day. IN our issue of lost week, we sla ted that from the election returns then in, we believed 4rthur Shields was defeated for Sheriff by aboutsix ty votes. The official table publish ed elsewhere in this paper defeats him and elects Mr. Graebing by one hun dred and ninety five majority. This shameful result is accounted for in several ways, the moat of.hich, are decidedly amusing to those who are oatnovicestn Roiitical trickery.. One class of persons assert that the "whis; key men" of thecounty'veted against Shields becauie of his supposed tem perance. proclivities. Another cilia] of persous allege that he was defeat ed becOuse he was a United Presby terian, and "it was thought necessary .to teach' that Church a lesson which it would not 8006 forget,", A third class, with a great deal of confidence assure us, that the "defeated candi dates for the nomination fortheriff" last May, met in this place during the recent Fair, and entered into a combination to defeat their'successful ocimpetttor on the ~second Tuesday of October, and that now we see the re sult of their Joint efforts. Now side by side-with 'these thewies, let us 'place a few fads: If .1114 true thid the "whiskey men" of the county 'made a Set' against Arthur Shields, why did they not also "make a set" against nearly the whole Republican ticket, for to Its credit be it said, it was composed almost entirely of men who are averse to the use of or sale of 'intoxicating drinks. Why vote agaltas: one of thelso and for five or six others, when the vies of all, on this question, were Ries:one? The Sheriffalty, too, bad neither a direct ar :remote bearing on the Licence question of this county. Thus that theory falls to the ground. If it was thought " memory to teach the United Presbyterian Church a lesson" why was our candidate for Sheriff made the instrument and at the same time the victim? There were other members of that denom ination on the ticket beside Mr. Shields, and that being the case, is it likely that.. those' Who wished to "teach the U. P. Church a .imson" would single out a man against whom :nothiug evil-could be :told, and whose gaping wounds attested how bravely and well he had served his country in ber day of peril ? Not at all. If the blow had been intended for the U. P. Church it would have fallen elsewhere than on Arthur Shield's head.. It would have comedown on some One of whom It could not have been said: "he was a wounded sol dier." The idea that the "defeated candi dates for Sheriff" entered into a corn- Wootton during our fair to defeat their succesdul competitor, is a very weak invention, to say the least of it. To begin With, not more than one half of the defeated emdidates for that onto° were at the fair at all, and those who were present would much rather have taken - each other by the lugs, and gone through a pummeling exhibition than to have sat ,down side by.side, and cordially conspired to defeat Arthur Shields, who, (with ono exception) 'next to themselves, respectively, was the arconclettolee,of all for that office. Belithis th's, we know of Ave or six of these " defea ed (sndidatee" who labored zealous ly to elect Mr. Shields and the vote he received in their Immediate localities shows that they labored e7l3cavely. Naj the truth is, a bargain and sale was, effected between some trading Republicans and the Democratic lea den, by means of which n por:lon of our ticket was to be eat so that an other portion otlt might be helped. The Mends of Messrs. Graebing and Pemba° offered better terms than the !demos of others on the Democrat; lc ticket,' and' hence the bargain was struelewith them, That arrangement defeated Sergeant ArihurShlelds,and his temperance opinions or church relations or defeated competitors had nothing whatever to do with the dis aster that betel him. This Isevldent to us from the admissions of a promi nent Democrat from the western part ofthe county, fr om the manner in which the bogus Graebing arid Done tickets were printed and distrib utet, and from the. character of the returns found elsewhere in this paper. Who the "high" con tracting parties were wedo not now definitely 'know, and who this be trayal of our party was Intended to and did benefit we leave to the judg . meat of one readers. Osman Drass, clerk in the Pro. thonotaries Ouninon Plees °Moe of Philadelphia was stringed on Satur day night last, by Lieut. Killaclor, of the Mayors police, without a wiliviiist and locked him up ina cell where he was kept all night. While in club). dy, the key of his office was I taken from him, and the pollee entered the office, which this morning bore evi dence of having been nunikeked: Deism was released this forma* when he made complaint before All ison, who bad MIL* y &treated and held him in $5,000 tall to answer the chirge. He was reprimanded by the Judge in the severest teems. His only si % 4 lo7 that be arrested Deism ai a character. Mr. Simpson President of the Board of Return Judges, is not so seriously h4ured se at first reported. Tun EloWere ticket, In Ismettee Calmly vas elected on last Tamil* ape week ego. The contest anew Mainly on the candidates for 'fuss , urer and Prothonotary. Messrs Wat t:Koch and Haus were the regular Re. Publican candidates, and Messrs Por ter andMcGlnnis the irregular orsol dler's ticket aindiclatee. Tbe:-twn latter Were alected—the former by about 1800 majority and the latter by a majority of, about 480. Thi s remit is looked upon in Lawrence county as a great victory by, the David Sankey and Lawrence Journal wing of the Republican party In that coun ty. J • ~ IT is well known that Ged.. Sher; man actepted, the office -of Secretary of War only temporarily, or until the President could make a permanent appointment. The Preildelet has now appointed Major General: Wm. M. Belknap, of Ileokuk,lowir;-• Ma jot Genclal Belknap is a graduate of Princeton College, New Jersey. He served in the army from the first to the last day of the late war. Recom mended one of the Divisions of the fifteenth army corps in General Sher man's last two campaigns, with great credit to himself and to the entire satisfaction of his superiors. • He is about thirty-eight years of age, in ex cellent health, and is a lawyer by profusion. Comxtrrost Witcox and Assessor Furnace, of the Third District of Vir ginia, report to the department their operations In 'emnection with, the suppression of illicit distilleries In that State. Seven counties were via- lied in . twenty-three days, and an area of over two thousand miles trav eled. Forty-seven illicit stills, with an aggregate' producing capacity of 8,160 gallons per day were destroyed. 800 gallons of apple briurdyWere con fiscated, and as much more destroyed for lack of transportation. The dis tilleries were located either in deep mountain ravines or at the termini of roads seldom traveled by any except partlio engaged in the fraudulent bus iness. /1 4 tTELLIGIENCE item span is to the effect that the clerical party is mak ing every effort to secure the expul sion of foreigners from the country. The movement Iles some strong sup porters in the press, and numerous petitions have been addressed to the Government on the subject. -One of these documents eajis the foreign res idents worms in the lion's belly," and attributes many evil consequence to the introductiori of the Christian religion. It Is said that the Govern ment has Submitted to Parlirnent the quon of driving out aliens and the hest means of accomplishing such a result. JEFFERSON:DAVIS says to his ad mirers who call On him in Baltimore that he has no interest whatever in political affairs, and shall decline all conversation in reference thereto during his trip to Mississippi. Reis said to have expressed the hope that the liberal Conservative Republicans of the South and the Democrats of North would. sumeed In the fall oleo- tions. His estimate of parties is that the Northern Democrats represent what is left of the principle of self government, or '"White Mahliifiov emment," while the Conservative Republicans South represent all that is left of the Prenciple in thateedion. . Orr the morning of the Z7th of Sep tember, a large and well appointed force of Cubans and Americans, evad ing the United States. authorities, sailed from New York, On the steam er Alabama. This is,, the expedi tion of which we have shad various accounts by telegraph: _The com mander is General Goienirs, and the brigade commanders Generals Stead man and Magruder, both• of whom made records different sides in the late war. The Alabama left the "re cruit 7 at the Florida Keys, where twenty five hundred Men were col lected ,awaiting transportation to-Cu ba. They haVe reached their desti nation by this tame, although no ac count of- their landing has been re ,The New York Heraldsays that among the recruits were men from Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Pittsburgh—polisibly from this City, some of the machinists and foundry men of whom mention was made some weeks age. . THREE robbers plunderdd the store of Jamee OArley; in Huntington, Long, Island;on Friday 'night last. Oakley discovered them, when they beat him almost to death, set fire to his store, barn,dvielling, and then es caped. His property was all burned and his life is in danger. . TILE State public:Lev Central Committee of Minnesota hare issued an address in explanation of thehr coarse in reginpo Mr, Spencer, the candidate for Secretary of State. While they acknowledge he was not guilty of any intentional wrong in placing certain moneys to • his own credit, Instead of handing them over to the Treasuik, Still the act, was an irregular one, and susceptible of vari ous constructions, and they- deem it sufficient for his withdmwal fmni the AT Frederick, Maryland, on Thurs day October 14, large crowds receiv ed the President. Col. W. P. :Hanby warmly Welcomed him in n speech, and expressed the thsud.s of the mul titude for la presence on this occa sion.l The President replied : "I. have great pleasurein visiting for the first time the city of Frederick, of which I heard so much during the period of the late i;pbel lion , and which stood up manfully for the mainte nance of a whole Union. I expected to visit this city some years ago, but found myself unable to do so; but now that I have found so many friends, "and 6)en so gratified with what I have seen of yourfair, and en joyed cif your hospitality, I hope at some future time to visit you again. Three cheers for the President of thoUnitedEltates were heartily given, when the President repaired to the Corninittee room and received the multitude shaking handsaw they sot= orally Peed before htm. CAPT. George Wentworth, . whose arrest for rapeon the high 'seas lvhich WSW nOttOBd few days ago, at bourse Me., had a • hearing before Molted States Comidedoner Carr yedenlaY l width resulted in fully committing him for trial before the United States District Coutt in. April - new., Thd peialty being death, the toretio is not ballable.! —THE PreskleasEElistWaolawdsirs . appointed Gen; Millais Worth Bei* nap, of Tows. as Beriretary' of War, Vice Getlefili ;Sherman. ; The new t3seretary id ,a . „ son fif. the late COL Belknap of the wider army, who died lathe service. He is , an educe; ted and cultivated man, and while a Republican his friends. represent him as not an active politician. He was a lawyer in lowa at the breaking out of the war, and entered the ser vice as Major of the Fifteenth lowa, in which rank , he commanded his regiment at Shiloh. While Grants army lay at Young's Point he was provost marshal of the seventeenth army corps. Asj Colonel he corn:- mended the lowa brigade, during the Atlanta, campaign, and was -pronto-. ted to Brigadier General for bravery in battle on the '.t.d of .Itily,' when McPherson• was killed,. 1 After the march to the sea he wits brevetted Major General at Savannah, and as signed to the command of a divlsion in the Sei'enteenth ArmY, Corps. HO continued with his 'division on the march through the Carolinas, and was with'it in battle at Bentonville. In 1866 he was made Collector of In 7 temal Revenue in lowa, which posi tion he has held to the present time. At the Internal Revenue office he is regarded as ono of the bet officers in the service. Civilians generally know nothing of him, and so are surprised at the appointment., Western army officers and those who were with him in the field regard the selection as a very good one. General Sherman speaks In high terms of him. It Ls understood General Sherinan suggei ted Belknap's tiame to the, President,' when Vie latter requested Sherman to write and sea if he would accept if appOinted. Belknap replied in the affirmative. Tho President then tel egraphed to him•th remain and fi n ish up his present business! The new Secretary telegraphed ho would be in Washington in ten day S.. This ap pointment knocks the noise out of the Pennsylvania politicinas. They fondly. hoped to got one of their own number into the War Office, so he would appoint "everybody and his seedy relative" to some en ug fat place. We honor General Grant for flanking them, and fondly hope that his good-sense will always cause him to ayold Pennsylvania policicians as unworthy of his favors or notice. Pennsylvania herself had far better be lea out in the cold until the crack of doom unless she presents persons for Cabinet appointnients other than those who accept them only that they may enrich themselves and friends. In short, if our State Cannot offer men for leading public positions who enjoy the confidence of the people, Gen. G mitt does exactly right In snub bing those who apply without this requisi te. . Titr Salt Lake Telegraph, owned by the champion marryiSt of Utah, complains that the United States Jud ges have refused naturalization pa pers to those who would not say, when questioned, that they were not polygamists, or not in favor of the system. If thecandidate for natural ization refused to answer questions on this subject, the Telegraph says it was immediately assumed that he was guilty, and natiiializidlon papers were refused him. The asumption that a Mormon practices, or encour ages polygamy is not a very violent one, and the only question is as to the right of the Judges to reftiso nat uralization on this ground. The law requiresJa•addition to other condi tions, thathbe l pandidate shall show to the tilithiglietkki of tha pdges " that he his,betialied as a man of good moral character, attached to the prin ciples of the Uuited States, and well disposed to the good order and hap piness of the same." The Telegraph does not see any immorality or boa:. tility to good order in the pckise3sion of a few dozen wives, more or less. TUE Atlantic Cable isreported to have received a fresh injury. The cable laid in 1866 has parted at a dis tance of about seventy miles frOM Heart's Content, and thiii is the fourth accident that has happened to It on the Newfoundland side. In the mid dle of August, however, a fault in the same cable was disdovered at a short distance from Valenta Bey, Ireland. These fractures have not been mended, as the rough weather has prevented the sailing of the re pair steamer. The 1865 cable, which was packed up in mid ocean, where it had been lostin the attempt to lay it, has continued to work uninter ruptedly, while the one laid in 1866 has suffered from five mishaps. The reason assigned for this immunity is that the 1865 cable was laid in a care fully ,surveyed channel, while the 1866 cable was laid over rough sunk en • rocks and during unfavorable weather. Had the lost cable of 1865 not been recovered the communica tion between England and .America would have been interrupted for a considerable perkid of tl ate on five oc casions. Surplus cables are stored both at Heart's Content! and Valen tin, to as to repair any fault as soon as passible. INTIII4OEIkiCE has been received than Gen. Hurlbut, our minister to the Republic of Columbia, to the effeci - that. his Interviews with the President of that government, re specting the Isthmus. Canal project, A e are very favorable. o Cushing w - 1 treaty for the canal y rpcciViff by the Columbian ,-hectiuk the country Wag, shorn iif too many privileges and requisites.. Another one will be framed on a more liberal basis. A FuLt investigation Into the case of the Cuban steamer Hornet, now in possession of the -United States Mar shal at Wilmington, N. C. wilt de velops some new and interesting. features of the proceedings of the in surgents, but will not disclose any thing relative to their attempts at diplomacy. Among other matters. It will be disdovered that the Hornet was purchased, manned, equipped and presented to the ',Cubans by a distinguished. New York capitalist., who was subsequently prevailed upon id accept a present, of equal nominal rue, in Cuban bonds. It is not probabro that certain Government ollicials may be fotind to be implica teriln the affair, as they are under- Stood to have Interested themselves in the enlistment, of the crew, 'Bit it will not appear,.underany &cum seances,. that Mr. Lamas or any mem tair',nrthe instrtgent legation -here were interested except in an indirect, Manner. 1!1=?;==gli ' A writer ht the Abisni(Se Antariecei, has thelbUowing that is micros oeil-r coming the efibct of the Pacific ' road: on the climate 'of the Plains.- "The scouts, guides, and hunters all agree in stating that on the Plaine, as far back as their mperience goes, lit tle or no rains have Atilen during , the summer; but the,experkiee of last summer and this ono Is, that we have sufficient rift lbr fermlng pur poses, and the crops of hay and other produce rallied here now attest it. The bunters with whom I have con versed all agree In slating that the rains only WI Inside of a belt act the Plains, of fifty miles in width, of which the railroad track is the cen ter; that when they go beyond that belt the grata is red, crisped, and burnt looking, , while all vegetation inside is luxuriant. Has the Iron of the rails or the upturned ground the credit 4/db./changer • A PEAcz Ai.i.u.sez, it is announe cal by the London News,, was entered- Into between Austria, Prussia,' and Greatßritaln; at,,the time when the prospect of thesedy death of the French En3per,dr as believed to be Certain. • ,Napoleon, however, reeov7 ed, and Lofd Clacendon was com missioned to inform. the Emperor of the undenstanding between the gieat powers and to explain their . motive!. It Ls also announced that Cliwendon will avail himself Of , the . opportunity. to Inform the Emperor. that he will not be allowed to divert attention in France from hittdom . nii• tic policy, by , waging 'wet - litainst. Frusta. Every effort, It is believed will be made by the great pctivetti4o. induce Prussia not , to give aty.prwV; oration to France. " .".' JEFTEriS6I DAVIS is represented as in muchletterhealthihanforemri, ly, and as manifesting much sorrow of the news of the death of Ex-Preel dentPlerce, whose secretary ho was during his entire term, as PreSident. Davis's family remains in Europe. He was registered as Jefferson Davis of Mississippi, and . will proceed to that State within a few days. - -; Tire. Empress Eugenio, of France, was received at ConsbAlpople on the 14th inst. by the Sultan with the most imposing and magnificent .ceremo nies. The waters of thp:„Bospboras were covered with deco rated, and the banks crowded with speehdors. ' . • Tint President and pirty left.Fred erick,;Md., on Saturday morning for the Antietam beetle field. They • traveled over the reountalas IA Car riages: On the' way Seeeetary Cox and COI. Vernon pointed out the sev eral scenes of the conflict in which they were both engaged. Tne SOath Mountain being of peculiar Interest to the President and General Sher man, who made many inquiries con cerning the hostilities at that point. General Sherman, with several other gentlemen, hastily passed - over the ground on foot, while the-horses were resting, in order to have abetter un derstanding of the events and move-- meats of that day. Seery Cox was a General in the Abu, of the Potomac, and assumed command 'of the 9th Corps after Reno was killed at South Mountain. At Middletown large crowds surrounded the open carriage of the President, greeting him with cheers, and not forgetting Gen. Sherman in-their „welcome. Miniature flags and' handkerchiefs wore walvel by the ladies, innd the bells of-tbs !village were. rang: A re ception equally enthusiastic was giv en at Boonaboro, and also at Reedy's vine. Theparty arrived at Antietam Cemetery at half past two o'clock. A large crowd of residents of the A/- 1 cinity wereln waiting. Judge -Wie: sell, of Hagerstown, • received the President In abrief address, in which he spoke of the eminent' service the President had rendered to the coun try, and of the graves of the ;dead who fell In defence of the Union, and concluded his speech by saying he had been instructed by' the citizens of Hagerstown to invite the Presi dent and his party to 'visit that coun ty. seat. The President returned his thanks and said ho had been highly gratified with his visit to Western Maryland, but as they had to take the cars at half past three o'clock, they would not have time to vist Hagerstown. General Sherman, Sec retary Cox and Postmaster General Creswell, were then severally intro duced to the crowd. Cheers were then given for the President and Gen. Sherman. A number of ladies and children were crowded into the pres ence of these gentlemen, and engaged lit hand shalcing, which evidently afforded them much pleasure. The little children equally enjoyed the kisses of the President. After a sur vey of the grounds, the party re-en tered their carriages on their return to Keedysville where cheeers were sntaneously given for the Presi dent and Gen. Sher man and Cox. A special train was in waiting at ICeedysville, several miles from the cemetery, and this brought the party to Washington, where theynr rived at nine o'clock Saturday even ing. -The people of Frederick and elsewhere In western :kid., profusely extended their hospitalities, and the party expressed their pleasure at the manner of their reception. NEWS. SUMMARY. INDIANA is famous for squirrels this full. BATON notion Is to hive a new cotton mill. • —Gas is made out of dirt in the East Indies. —The people of Nevada patronise mouse soup. —The AVondale. fund bus reaches the sum of $200,000. —Boston claims to have made $500,009 by the Peace Jubilee. —The Indians are 'causing trouble at "Loyal Valley" Tents.. • A. '96A Pollard Is desirous of pur . °has . a Washington newspaper. —The wives of Brigham Young, consolidated, weigh fl,ooo pounds. —A church at Concord, N. H. takes up a collection four times each Sunday. —New York reporten; are worse paid than any of their brethren any where else. --Governor Hoffman of N. Y. has fixed-the 18th of November as a day of Ttutnksgiylng and Prayer. —Tuesday , morning,Barnard &le der, a division ism on the Louis ville and Cincinnati Railroad,' had his head severed entirely from his body by a train running over him in the Eagle Valley. -nloseph Dunn, .a lutekman, was killed, yesterday morning, in front, or the Peabody Hotel, Memphis, by J. M. Harris, a young lawyer, while making an amault on the latter.. - —Archbishop Purcell,. of Clucht natyon the 16th lust, will embark at New York for Rome, to attend the Ecumenical Council. -. • —Admiral Farrrgut has had a dam gerona relapse, and hi now lying In a very &Wad condition. His physi cians expressed the opinion that he he.would not survive last night. —A special dated Curacoa, Sept. VA says. A severe shock of earth. quake was .felt.here on - the 17th of &PC r .I Avis the first 04 ever expo. *steed here and created greet terror. 1 EMI rl,,ml!twtm 11"* :10) 11 = 131112.1 4 011 V* Ni taitr titiajninalnakolll - •Auid-ttme neoessisiyittisun- PUtabrOnsisibla bits. 'Ws WM; wbo redokis ikllesbilinie, bad relived &Rate tbikt-bll e Wis fa s MIMI/ fit recover7l-,bUt" Wm' the sLithlownel Sshe Sit:dead and that' his re, ;11791114. be forwanledi" Mr: q.'• Atmeplyiemployed poi the 44-, Untie and Grdit Western road,. 2 I •Napoieiiss has ordered . :ttiat7the tinvinUnr,expenses of the:French Bishops, , Aluehm, ongoing to and return) from the Dal. menical Coon di, bo. ddrayed. from the= imperial exchequer. Gsr the Mr. ItliaPP; foreman of the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad shops at Deavittaburg, was killed by being wading over by a switch engine, while on the track. Admiral Fermat was much ea sier last evening, and renewed hopes of his recovery are entertained. Ms strong will sustains him in his severe sickness, :but his bodily strength is very'small. • • In the U. 8. District Court at Al -1`1; Y.,• last evening tbejury in the case of Bern Payne tobac; owlet, charged w making fraudu lent requaus to this Government, ren delraja verdict of guilty. I —lt is stated that Gen, Canby his . ltd, repared a reporten the alleged baud' the Virginia election, which will sow that it was an extremely fair election, much fairer, indeal, than Is usual 'at elections in Nortberti Mates. • • ,L-Thursday, at Cincinnati, Edward H.. Hopkins, • attempted suicide by cutting hie throat from ear fo ear. He was taken to the hospital and will probaiy die. Under. Mayor Farau .ho'i.was some ears ago Chief of Po . • domestic trouble as the Cause. • I- • e present case in the U. S. rid Court of Balaimore, which hasbeen to the SupremoOmit' it was shown that three National Banks of .13altimore have been lending as high as eighty per cent of their cap ital for speculative purposes. ,—Private letters from Havana, re port* that 'on the eth inst., a battle was fought near Clualamaro, between the Spanish forces under Valmasse di, and two divisions of Insurgents under Jourdan and Rueseda, which. after seven hours of severe fighting, resulted In the defeat of the Span iards. The losses on both sides are very heavy. The Spanish papers are silent In regard to this. —Cleveland has a "pulsating arte sian well" which thrower up water in alternate jets. New Advertisements. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry write of Vendttion I Ee ponaa, Pled Faclu and Levari - Paclas, heard out of the Court of Common Pleas of the county of Beaver, and to me directed, there w il l be expos ed to public vide, at the Can't Holum to the bor. °Ugh of Dearer. Bearer county. Pa.. an ilatertlar. November ingpreparty, 6. MB, at ten o'clock, a. tn,'the lot.: low to wit: Ali the right, title. interest and claim of. the Pisani: Firs Mick Co„ of Pittsburgh, of In and tolthst certain pled, or parcel of Vivid LatTUrCOllll Pa.: bounded aM described as knows:-Beginning at a hickory on the bank of die Ohio Wu, thence by land , Of Daniel Cloud. north 9 deg, wait 95 per to • atone, thence south SS deg, west taper toe stone, thence by land of Jesse 6MI I / 1 1 south 1,4 deg, coat 43 perches to .a steam thence south 69 - west AS perches to a deg._ stone, thence by land or Jessie timid' south 114 deg, east *perches toe stone on the bank of the Ohio river the'acenorth 68 dez east V.% perches to the plu s of beginning coin taMlng fl 4 UM more miles*. Ordaining two rens Milne clay timpr -log erected thereon a complete TIM. Brick manu factory *Rh large frame abed. coutainist Butane mschinery;Lc., severalbrick kilns ,ali sheds, also two hams dwelling bodicaOut hours,' a lleged and taken In execution as the _property of the Phrenlx Fire Bildt Company of Pittebargh at th e raltot Loulan Ladew l l6. Buena% alas last willand testament of Joseph Ludenig, deed. ALSO, • NO. IL • All the right, title, intereit and Claim of defend. ants of, In and to, the followeug lot of ground la Darlington tp., Beaver county Pa., bounded as follows 1 Commencing at a suite in the bound*. Wat i t i Ol etetiweeanunelaluCt of J. y cij , m et re an t d irtre of the lateral railroad as constructed from the coat mines of Ethan Valley Coal Company, to the Ohio river. thence Idea , tad 93 math, west 140 feet to a White war. thetawnowielle deg, east MI feet to a hickory on east aide of sad railroad, thence north 90 del and 7 min, east 551 feet to • poplar on the west side of public reed, thence by west side 'of said public road north 4 deg. west 3151 feet to a poPlar, thence by ereat aide of public reed north 39 deg mid 30 mho, west WO feet to a white oak ou north ride of Lbbou road, thence north 79 deg and 4.1 into, west MO wet to &steno on boundary line between lands of James Naivete n and David WM lece,lhenee along said boundary fence north deg. east 31:41 feet to a comer .tone, thence south the deg and 45 min, east to a white oak near the School Lime, thence mouth 90 den"% west 2 feet to • stake...thence north Sit deg end 43 Jinn, west 812 not to the place of beginning, eon.' taintng 434 acrel, =ere or less, on width there Is erected a wane holm 1% stories high, 35 feet lon by 24 feet wide, well at the door. Also 4 one story frame Imam 14:16 feet, containing 2 room each, one log lone one story high 13315 feet, 2 log sta bles 15318 feet, orchid of about 50 bootleg apple, peach and cherry trees, one vein of coal, operrand in good working order. SD to 36 inches In thick ets.. Also another vein oleos' umpired to be 4 fact thick, and underlaid with limeetote. Several good springs, abool 8 acres of Umber land. Seized and taken 12 execution as the peoperty of James M. hictkekan at the salt ofi elm C. Dug. ALSO, NO. 3. . All the right, title,,lnterest and claim of defend. ants of, in and to, the following described plus or parcel of ground In the borough of rallatoe,. Bearer count, Pa Beginning et the Big Beaver river on the line cornintorto has Nos. 21 and 23 as , marked on the general plan of told "town. thence silting toe line or letaof Wm. P. Townsend month 15 degrees, west 101 feet, or thereabouts. to the wilt side of the race of the Falleton Water Co., thence by the same along raid Tovrnsend's line' north 42 degree., 5 feet and . f 0 Invitee, or there abouts, thence by same south 6014 degrees, west Meet or thereabouts to the east side of Maio sMeet or road, so as to intersect south line of lot No. V, thence along said Townsend's line (south line of lot 22) thirty feet or thereabouts to the west side of the road, thence along the same 42 degrees,, west 8 fret ard 7 inches, or thereabouts, thence by raid Townseud'a linsouth MS - degrees. welt 46 fee. or thereabouts th Intersetuon with south line of,lot No. 23, thence Meng 'aid line to land Meath Townsend, south 41 degreee,weat 37 perches Or thereabouts to lands of McCoy's helm. thence along raid lands moth 41 degrees, mat 4 perches to south line of lot No. 23. thence 'Jong said line, atio line of let of said Wm; Townsend, north 65 degrees, east gig perches ur thereabouts to Corn. erof lot sold to Wm. Cameron, now John Buchan an, thence by same *oath 43 degrees, east 40 feet, , thence by the same north 65 degree*, east 110 feet,- north UN degrees, met 40 feet to Main street or road; thence up saki street or road north 43 de grees, west 31 feet end 6 Inches, or thereabout., to north line of lot No. It thence along said line, also line of said Wm. P. Townsend. north 85 degree,4 east al feet, or thereabouts, to the east aide of said street or road; thence along said ,road GO feet; thence along said TOWneeti'll line 5014 degrees, oast lit feet or thereabouts to the west .Ide Of the race; thence along the Wane tilreet or thereabouts; thence by said Tambora'. Sao. south OS degrees. west 27 feet 6 hither; or thereabouts, to the east Aide of said, street or.road; thence down tbe moo 8 feet or thereabouts to Wad owned by heirs of Emanuel Evans and Ise common to lots Noe.= &34 as laid down is the plan of said town; thence along die same south IZ degrees woo 18 7-10 the, paretic* or thereabout to laud of Ilughllenderson, now Edward Evan.; thence along Sae same north 47 degrees west 611 torches. or thereabouts, to the north line of lot No. 21; thence along Isla north line (lot of Edward Evans) 65 degrees mut 25 55. Mita perches, or thereabout., to the Beaver Mr. er; thence down Mamma about lit perches to the place of beginning..., teserving, hottest*, td the parties of the float part—Jobulitner aid olfe;ll2llnalienick between their heirs andasslims-16 Met In width the Bucket rectory find • Itebbetrd Wattoty. ex tending from the wealth:L - 10e race to Beaver river, fOr the purpose of putting inn:wheel and pumps to rem with the pipes bed aereirsiald river (or the sows ot supply lug WWI In so tto Brighton ; the Wittig to he erected thereon be more than ten feet higher than the Meat beak' and the said partici of the moue part, to wit; Samuel Bailey and William G. Mc tftndiese.to bard the privilege of erecting any building over the same If - thee de sire; not, however, to Interfere wick the above Mentioned reservation; there are which described doh and parts of lots there are erected sundry buildings, appartenthcee with machinery, In the me of said Miner & her. I rick for the noutufacfnee Of tithe, Wickets Weeh hherde. Sc., teVtlier with twenty shares of water Payee. each share being equal to the one-hued. Oath part of the water power of the Wellston Wa ter Comment. ' Also, all that certain lot of ground In the bor.! obeli of Fslotou, adjoining the aboie described eats, embracing al l the ground lying between the I Mame side - of Main street, or road, and the Me of the Pension Water Company, and bounded A. follows, being a three sided piece, that Is to 0u the northwestern aide, by the eastern Me of surd street or role%o. tie northeastern aide,. by the western side orillne of said _and Olt the , loath by the lot above mentioned. lint south line wilt measure abbot - 18 feet between the toad ehd th e n thee. , and the side lines extend north lewd ntil they Intend wh i ch r. soldabov described lota are the nameere mid Menet: d to Samuel Daley and Wm. G. Wined le es by John Miner said Slim Merrick' wide/Pres, by deed dated April Mt. 1865. Them Mamma oh the above described premises a frame building eionee high, 40 by lb feet; Its length and 'thedtb, wlth brick trout by 40 Ifet.with neeenieut, t.sed and occupied ass Thicket recteal. with all th e ne musq machinery 11* the manufacture of bucket' thereto attached.. Akio, a frame betiding two Ater rte. high. 30 byte feet, with basement; need and Meapleti for the menufatues of washing machines with the necettnry inilientnell thereto attached.— Alio, • two story film with basement, and brick Wham rio by 50 feet with hutment, the last two deecilbed buildings used sad Mar pled forthe manallielum of tribe. with a_pinning machine and ail neemesellithehot far °ma' raider.: of tube thereto attached. "Ix belch drj kites. cue blacksmith shop and arm rhea. Sd=dicod taken la execution as the property of Samuel Batley And William O. McCanalose MP* mat olt Hobert entail& lAL . • -•• • • • - lAt the semi UM and ni l4 ece... 4. an the tied, tide. Interest and claim of aeladante ettletehd to, the I taked: l g described Meta orptimes of land In Oldo township. Betmemante.Pe-. hWedelett la fulknrE The g stabil:kart. theme by hned of emg isi l li Z t4b uorthlif degrees Weet'llr ehee to a ; thseme utweb, 7 deg** esid3 410ths .16 a. yarn donee by Inds Of elokintos FBITIer n010341t &gm. west 151-10th Web* - to it port; Welke Wised - owned ay J. D. - 'Bahia Im r lio alolrAksighss Leos 10 7.loll,percbee let. past; them it haill of 'John &don, aollth-lie • • .19.44041.=wititkpoett tbentlawenswjedS era, II time* . • la ' ane llek‘3lT*4"..l4parchsa-toaCto did wff ; • week tet perchm. to Bees acontw, ; • 10 , 6psemered04-Ir. Ow pew of ' 4 ' • • tmatakibut.M: berm 4 : 4 11 9 .- WOK. :Ate 114-41ightning anollk Wife br thlun of nurijllYT=uwe as aDete 4saesibeet me* TO lbadlirewellesitospost; thence lifif i r s OOtaatte IBM th a nth IP to apaittbratos south nag def i amens- perches to alma bthanoll *VIM gbpambiato alto* thews sun ofwdliam --, eolith 1814 Menem Was% fell , ewe to the nlamo t lmgMbwd, mintalionlit Y acne and &nom Vl.Mbal On whin , th e n MOW a dims tirst=g house, and the llama of on °liberate, milt -Thalibeasesltual ptemlais ist=l44willitkree mina 1 ValtWo bents opus. Ind taken In estam as tbo propane' k ..linyder, at the salt of. Xintjamin Ad isysirigeaters.- • ' - . : ALM . • • ,At the simia tteliandplike.: right; title, In *armband claim of defendant Of, in and to, the I Woking described' bonne and lot In New Brlgh ' ton, &Weir county. Pa.; boanded north by lot No. 110.„ eat by Third siren; ninth by lot No Wi'; and west by 09par 00_31 Wag' lot' o 188.1 n -the ge a . eel plan of New Brighton; 60 feet front on Third street, and miming dick Ittli feet to Clover on whrch' is erected a two story inane dwelling house, with kitchen attached' and cellar • under neath. Lot inch:wee and planted with fruit trees Seized and taken In executlen as the property of Andrew J. Diamond, at Um suitor Duff mid Thompson. ALSO, . NO. 8. • At the same ttme and place, all right. title, In terest and claim of defendant of in and to the fbl lariat; described lot aground In Siebert' of Bea. ter, Beaver Co., Pa., being the eastern ear of lot No. My tulle, plan of said borough; bounded as follows: On the north by Turnpike eat by Branch Bank alley; south by , third street,• and yea, by the western Latta said lot N 0.103. fronting GO bet on Third street end' extending back along Branch Bank alley WO feet. to Turnpike alley; do orb Ich•ls erected &large brick dwelling hearse two Oblides high; store road ha the building' and cellar anderneath; frame stable and oat buildings, Lot enekeed and planted. with fruit trees.. Stead and takeuln execution as the away Of llugh-13. Anderson at the salt of.L.W,Barksir's admlnistiators.. Also, at the salt of 8.11. Wllean, executor - of the last will and testament of John Shively, deceased. . ALSO, NO. 7.. ' • All the' eight. title. Interest and claim of do. fondant of. in and to the undivided unuilitrd pert' Oa certam place alien" la Greene towboat Res. Ter county, Pa.,boundedand desalbedirs fo lows Smith by land of Thomas leughlict, deed; no rt h' by the Ohio river; east by lands of David Jamison and Sallyilook ; west by land of Samuel Smith; containing 26 acres. - The above land under Laid with coal and dm clay, one coal bank open. Seized and taken In eteentiod as the property of Bentiunhv R. Snyder, at the suit of Benjamin Aci..• ama . executor. • • . ' ALSO. t NO.B. • All right: title, Intereitt and claim of defendant, -of, In, and to the following house and lot .to the borough of Glasgow, Beaver county Pa., bounded Worth by an alley. east by other property by dant, south by front or. water street, , west by an Ifei alley; on which Is ermine dwelling boater two eto 14gb..contaluing 14 rooms; a producing oil well on thelot; and all necessary oat-buildings; cellar underneath the betiding. ' Babied and' taken In exeentlen as the property of . W. Sill, at the snit of James Schutt. • ALSO. • NO. 9. .' • . At the same Sm e' end plat" all the right. title, ' Interest and claim ofdefendants of In and to those two angle. lota ofground, being numbered G 4 and St In Lewis Reno's plan or ant 131.Y1J1011 of lota In the boroughof Rocheter • bounded and described as follows, to wit: Fronting each lorfilly feet ou Jefferson Street and extending 176 feet to an alley; and bounded on the north-east Sy NewTork urea; on the south-west by lot No. 49; and the same lota numbered 50 and 51 that Louis Reno and Marlon his wife, by deed bearing date the 98111 day of De. cember; A. D. tort, conveyed to Joseph Vander -tart and Joseph Veadenert and Margaret his wife by deed bearing date July fhb, leek conveyed the same to Geo. W. Duck.' 'Them Is erected on lot No. 10 a two story I mine dwelling bowie, with kitchen back and cellar underneath: and out buildings: two lots arc In one Weimar° and planted with fruit trees. Seixel and taken In execration as the property of George W. Duck and Edam Jane his Wife. at the *nit of Thomas Dawson. - JOHN y. LITTBLL; Sherift' Sinatra (wince, 1 Deaver Oct. 19, IMI. f GENTS - A GENTS WANTED, AGENTS WAN. LIMED, ID to $S per month, male and fe. male, to sell the celebrated and original Common Sows Family Sewing Machine.' Improved and perfected ; it Will Man. fen, stlch, tuck. bind, bald and embroider Ina most superior manner. Pries outy go. For simplicity and dorabiUty. it has no rival. Do not boy tram any parties Felling ma.. chines under the same name as ouM, unless bay. Mg a Certificate of Agency shoed byes, as they are woribles• Cut Iran Machines. For Circulars and Terms, apply 'or adores.. CRAWFORD CO.. N4btice, Jul tier orilhans'. Court. The "tinacri the 'act oi assembly of the llth of April MI of property al lowed to-be retained by a widow or. .rbildmo of a dee-ed.:UT° the 'amount of 5rA halm been died, in tho °Mee of the Clerk of the Orphans' . Court of Bealrer'eoutity. and eppproyed.:Visi. , Personal prupeny to amount of 5- retained by widow or John Shiva:try. deceased. Samuel 11, Huron, Executor.. • . . Penioosi properly tO amount of $3OO reialned. by widow of Samuel Illtebel, deceased. Cynthia ExectOrlx. - ' Personal oroOcrt yto =dont of $.lll readned by widow of Walter Pennell, deco. ted. Jonathan rani. AdminiAtratoi. •.•• • • • . t Personal property to amount of 5D9.10 retained by widow of Reezen (amble, deceased. Andrew Uamblo and A. O. Admintsuulors. Pentonal Pm:Vett, to amount of $4.11,:r$ retained by Widow of David Ale :ander, deceased. .lama H. Alenander. E..ectutoi. - - - . Personal property to amount of 000 retalned by winos , of It. 11. Flahor, deceased, Unties D. Fisher, Administrator. Proceeds of real estate to amount of MO rein ed ,y *Urns. of Sentinel Mace, deceas:d. Samuel Ma'rehall, Admlnlotralor. Personal properly to amount of $198,25 retained by widow of John Sloan, deceased. Addison S'oan, Adminissrator. Notice le hereby given :o creditor+. helm ler.fa. tees. and dioritiatftsaud all when: Intererted to appear at the nic.-t term or raid Como and not later than, the third day being the 10 , 4 day of November next, .ci +how.earee of any they have agaired the tint contlritatian . of ibe above op praisment+. JOHN A, VILAZIHR, Clerk. ocatt c. • Licinses Notice for November sees:slows, PAO. wT DOUSE. • w.ll Seely, JOIN A. FRAZIER, Clerk CEZ2I List ofiConsis Ibr Nov. T0rtu,,,09 • lIRAr TACK. Conte.' Brother.. a- .41 John Dilworth of Heol.Chew's admkers vs Wllllam PM. Nat. D'k o(Com. T. John It. Wentz. John C. Italobew vs Jacob Alleiau J. W. , ra .1. W. \WWI. D. P. Weent's !Warr, Iva J. P. Apeman. Caristian Crew TA P. PL W. & C. Railway Charles Cosi, vs N. D. 6 F. Water Co. Charles 'Morrow, et ay- vs Thomas Jenkins., et al. Robert Frye • ea Loortmore Jr. Co. George Graham • Ti :ohn Flowers. SZCOND WEEK. • Chesnut Marks vs Jacob Marks et al. Moore • vs County of Beaver. John'?. 01Iver • vs Bali D. Moore di wife. Chunks Corjs rs New Brlehton Water Co Battle* & debater as Robert IL Rail ; Charles Canning . ra J. Y. Atlantis. James Edgar 'es Casper Denhat. J. B. Brown ' no A.AV.,Taylor. Samuel Magaw • es Ferdinand Knob John Morgan's elm is John Wilson. George•llind• To, P. Fl.. W. i C. R. R. Co. Sampson Marker vs Charles Reinert. et al. Gray at Blekeenat rs James Little. Witham Johnston as Levis Reno. • Alexander Lucas as Jacob Do Tarnple. Itodentwarb4 heirs vs Jacob Johnston. et at. Sampson Kerr .va Joht.ll: Yam," • ' . William Ramseyet S. Carlin. et Stepheti Clark • vi C. B. nail a Co. John Spear ' vs A W Taylor &I It 31 Malin. State Capitol Bank re ThonoutJ. Poyrer. Andrew Smith • ,vs William Kennedy. Martin Mallaughlin' •vs John M. Grand. nettO:tc J. M.'Billtql:FlELD & CO'S., .No. 52 Sixth Strt•et, late St. emir PITTSBURGH. PA. Nave just tweiveir another, •supply of those nice , • ALzas*.a..c!,A.sss that inlet sn rapittlY Calllind ice their Stock. of .)good. Alpam - bistro; Plaids, Irish Poplins, 'BLACK SILKS, TABLE LINENS, Napktna,sTtiwek Crash, Dusters, Velvet • . Card.for Pants; CABS'MERES AND ,CLOTILY, Fine. White Fholith for tnforqs, ,COlctreil Flonor4s . A3r :4 71 i ',: ouniry , Bfauli,i64 :. , • MOE ME= ` at %he. ENE coolldor alr tti Mona Bank Alb of lirmac ecosat.T. Y Os &Os of tutu*. cm Os tat day ca pa s ism >-. . . , .. . lowa and Discollatil t '111‘,,15 IT Onordialts U. S. Bonds to SKIM . 21Clailti0111..' ... ileV I al u. O. Bonds and Pauttlas 011 bata. - .... 31,100 CO Das tram Reds=ina lad Roane Apt SAP ID Das tnan Mhos 51Wonal Banks ' 7,454 IT Banking HOOll.O ' 'KIM II Manlius and datums . . ,TTC CS Carnet LW 07 Talcs of 64.14 a MP anther Nadonal Banks ' M 303 Tractional Currency, (Including ,alckslai ' Iggl NJ Specia—Coln, ~ - 1.51670 Legal Tander Bonn, • 33409 00 Sumps BAI 0) . . 1146.91706 LUN ILITISJ. . gotta] Stack paid la, Ii00.6)0 00 , Surplus read. 16,000 00 -Dta?:innt, 4 .-14,E6.4 inibange 8,4,53 M Intend, : ao 00 —6,910 70 Natiana bank circulation tnitalanding,. in 1,040 00 Stapoalts te, - .. 130,M 71 00 C De O Duo to Hanks and Danker CIAO 65 • - • 00491706 t„ Edward Droops, Cashier of the National Bank of Beaver County. do solemnly amrm that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. EDWADD BOON, Cashier. linbscribed and aMnowl Wrote me Mk nth day of October, 1860. CHARLES 1:10011, Notary Pablle. Cerrrct—Attest t ' DENJ. WILDE, • JADES DUNCAN, t Directors. • ' JOUN DINE% oetlO at. PUBLIC SALE.—OCToBEII aJTIJ. The subscriber otters for sale ors his premises, better known as the Omatrad Farm, near Hochew ter, Beaver county, Pa, One Hare and Colt. one XIII Cow, one yearling Heifer, two spring Calves, three Hoge. four Plows, ono Cultivator, one Wag• on, one Hogan two nets of Harness, one 'Med. and many other articles need on a farm. Di will also offertbta farm, In wholo or in part. to salt porches en, for sale. It contains 47 acres of laud, with two large orctsards of line fruit, a new frame dwelling house with six large rooms and good cellar ; a good frame barn and other out building,. Sale to continence at 10 o'clock a. in. Termamsnif known on day of sale. ocatf.e2w FLEXLIING lc Co's Great Represent TN , idea Llat, Cap and Ladles' Far limns. No lad Wood sdreet, Pittebarch, Send for pries Int LadW bus. Oct. 80, gm. A dullabutrator.Notleo.—Letteraotadmlto 21. late:lane on the estate of John Mercer, dived. kW of Hanover township, nearer county, Invitee been granted to the undersigned all per sons knowln,,,t , themselves Indebted to said crate are nip/cited to make 'remedial:, payment, and those having claims against the saute- will onment them for paymet.t to' JEZ•IB4 Oet6;Gt. • Administrator. (been tp. Illlnes7 de Dress Iflaklaw.-4tre: Z. Nome would call the attention of the ladies of Deaver and vicinity to the fact that she Is now prepared to make Bonnets of every description. Dosses made in the mast approved and fashiona ble styles, also Baques. Cloaks, Basques, Se. A' large assortment of Ribbons Bonnets and Dres Trimmmgs ofeverydeactiption constantly on hand and for sale at masonable prices. Lattice, all And be convinced, her estsitUahnient to in the .beans formerly occupied by Win, B. Clark, q., opposite the Union mite! • [odour. BSAVER COUNTIfs err. —lit th e matter of the estate of Daniel Evans, dammed. Or phans' Court. And now September Bth, 15W . on motion. the Court appoint Samuel Macaw, Auditor to dlort. beta the balance In the bands of Edward Brans, Administrator of the estate of Daniel Emus. • By the Coen. OLIN A.-VitAZlEtt. Clerk. Notice. • • • - • I The Auditor above named will attend to th e du ller of his appointment, MM.' office in New.Britfli ton, ou the 49th of October. at I o'clock, p.m., whenand where the parks Interested may emend. SAMUEL DIAOAW, Auditor. Oct. El, lw Nosloc.—Persona knowing themselves todebt ed to 6.q. Speicrer. Rochester, - 'Ml )crcr , please call and mottle with t int. lie will be round In the counting room or Spegerer S Sow. Rochester. octr.:3t. ESZ32I NTaluable Real Estate Poi ltale.—nr if virtue of an authority contained In the las, will and testament of John WjUe, Into Of Ohh 3 tP. Bearer county. dec'd., the undersigned ssectitor of said decedent's will .aforesald, wlll lingoes to Sal by public ceudue or outcry on .the premiere, oa TL E.SDAY Otrf OBBH SS, 1959 at. 9 o'ckock p. rc„ the following real estate of sald decedent, sit. ulna In Ohio tp., and county of Beaver, aforerald. near hall's corm, triads; on tbd road leading from a leaver to New Lisbon, and bounded on the north by land of Jacob Grotteross and Joe. Wylie, cart by land of Joseph Wylie. Mrs. Gibb and being of Thomas Moto, south by Thos. Hunter's heirs and John hicrtz, and wort by land Or David A. Reed. contalnlng.about GO acres, GO acres of which are cleared, the balance well timbered and all well wattled and underyence. There anon raid prem. lees if good two story hone dwelling house. Irano barn and other out buildings, a well of never fail ing ...Murat the door: A good orchard cornining shoat 60apple ands other, Quit trees—all hearing. TERMS—One-third In hand and the balance In two equal annual payments-with Interest from the date of delivery of deed. JOHN SLENTZ. °Orgill. . , Elevator. WIIIINISTILITORIS NOTICE. Let. tern of administration on the - estate of Walter Fennel deed. of the borough of Freedom. Beaver county, l'a., having been granted to the under. signed. alt persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and. those having claims rgainit the same will present tbesuksr settlement to • . .OCRINTILAN PAUL, Adisit.,; . _ pep 'h~Gt.- Freedom. - IT T'or Sale--The Steam Mill. Dietillery, Oil Wells. Eng.ines and other property belonging to the timith'e Ferrr-ja• Little Beaver Petroleum Co., on Dry Ramat timittie Ferry, Beaver county Pa. For particulars apply toelther of the follow ing Committee. JOAN BIGGER, Smith's Ferry. • • LEVI SRENNAhLAN, I•lttabumh, J.A.S. D.AERAIiII, I Bridgewater Pa. A. C.. HURST, ( • seplat,4t. " (Radical and Local copy both r.oticee.) C. III.L ' TItNOT, J. A. PTEMEMION. SIIANNON: Arbuthnot, Shannon & R'IIOLESA LE' DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS,' AT EASTERN PRICES. Sale Agents for FULLERTON'S BARRED FLANNELS, Greenville Barred Flannels, BLANKETS and TAILS'S, N. iv; Rood Steeet, PITTSBURGH, PENN. octg:3m. BARKER'S Itotbauter boro. lA.U. srr CI Clicnp Meri 1104 Cheap Silks, Cheap Poplins Cheap Alpaca., Cheap Linens, Crosllcs,' Cheap Ham:kerchief.; ChMp Flannels, Binukew, CLrap Quilts, Cher.p TowelA Cheap Shirt Finn . EVERYTHING ODRA PAT J. W. BARKER & CO'S., NP. ARKET STREET, Pittsburgh', Pa. oct6; e. Brighton Paper Mills, BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. PRINTING. arAmar,.r,A, ROOFING, BAILING, Hardware, Glass; Straw. RAG AND CARPET .11LAINUILTFACTITIZEI) AND SOLD AT Wholesale.; Reial! by Frazier, after &Co., 82 Thu d Aveiatie. Ileltip taken ht etteknte. titian - ., IIIIIOIIITER'S NOTICE. 'moves la hereby given that the Ibl 1 1 1 counts at Luestons Admhdatestorling diene ate., Urn blip lily passed In lb* Magiables like, lid wit& be presented to the Orphan's coart for conitmeMon and allowance on Wedgies dita.vsmber the lOW, IWO: tor of Pride nt of Adam htignbsch, men d& Bower: demand. on sale of rem estate. Account of James Misasbail, executor of now sail MIMEO. deed. , Account of Jesse Mirelpierreentor of Jobs Nee ly, deed. account of It. M. Vence, ardhur wan E. Cochran. ettUd of David Coe. dreg,— Acc o unt of Joseph Melilla, guerdisil St Mar. gui J. Brinton. child of Jam Winton, deed.. Account of Al I). Mcßride, guardian of Jolla Alexander,Bon of hank A,. Alexander, deed. Accountg. al and parietal, °Ultras M. lmbrie mentor of John B.l('Clure. decd. Account of Du= Shane and James Marais; en. centers of John Shane. deed. Account of himeel Sleek. administrator of the estate of Samuel Black, at., deed. Partial account of A. Y. Kennedy, liner of the estate of John Wler. deed. AMCOillzt of D. V. Sheets and Wm When, ad ministrators of Jonathan Beaty', deed. Account of Wm. H. Yoder and F. tirsharn. ad minlotratori of Daniel Ehrhart, dec'd. Account ofJeose MeasfLic and M. L.' Knight. adrollibtrators of Jae. M. Millie, deed. , Account of Martin L. Knight, ad minhgrator of Blehard Knight, deed. Account of John and Samuel L. Matadi: exe cutors of Charles McHenry. dee'd. Account of Wm. E. McConnell, other. of the es tate ofJactics McConnell. deed. D. btrUJLETON, Itatiter. nept.t ie. A IiSIGNEEM NOTICE. —Autramnit of ta. Joseph M. Devinuoy vs. 'ltiornasU. Kerr, As signee. In the Court of Comma Pima of Dearer county, No. Iln June Term Inrin. Intereated Part s aro hereby:Allied, That Tbonum U. Kerr, arsi,, , thee ofJoireph M. Deviancy -11:1 trust for the creditors of said Joseph M. De. vlnuey—ium tiled a partial account to the Prothon otary a oftlee at Deaver, and that nuke, oullicient cause to the contrary be shown. It will ho confirm. ed by the Court on the Ent Monday of the Noveuv.: ber Term. Io7J. , JUDY CAUULIEY, Prothy. sepl3;3vr• . r i IIICSOLV*ION.-The partnership hereto- I/ Fore existing tinder the Arm name of try Salt C 0.," of Industry, Beaver county. Prone., was dissolved' on the let day of Ocrolwr. 1157.0. James Nand:laid hay lug purchased from S. Blunt. Jr' S. B. Briggs and 'thou= ]loom, their entire interest In the aformald company, the wOrks will be curled on by the fullowin; named persoes-- James Mansfield, W. 11. Bilges and Joseph kw.. lag. All unsettled business of the late Atm will be attended to by E. !Sant, Jr. E. - BLUNT. - 5. U. BRIGGS. 0.1. 11. IS(3-.3w. TIIOIIAS MOCIA.E. 0. W. MILLKIt. SIIINGLES2 SIIINGLESI2— TAO under signed has again commeeced the nutpuractue Of SOlogior at ills establishment near thq railroad station, In Bearer. Ps. Builders and all-others In need of shingles can get as good an article from ton and at as fair Jenne as anywhere - els* In the teen ty. Give we a call. L. h ER. angintt 2. 4a liallfara, Bridge Street, IS WEEKLY RECEIVING A FRESH SUPPLY or GOODS IN EACII OP THE FOLLOW'S° Steubenville Jean, Cassinicret and Sattinets,, White Woollen blankets, • White and Colored and • Barred Flannel.;„ Mertn , " Delnines, 'Gingham:, Cobergs, Lawns, •%, Water l'roorA, Cbincitilla , • Cloth'. Woollen Shawls Drown and Black Muslim , Tiekings, • Printe, Canton Coffee. Teao, Snttor, 3tolso , pro, Whitt. tillverltripa Golden and Common Syron*, 3tace.tel In bar ' Ma and Mtg. Star and Tallow Candle, Soar,. Splct, au& Mince Meat. Al-o, SALT. Hardware, Nails; Glass, Door Lochs. Door Latches, Binges, Screw.. Table Cntlery. lable and Tea Spoons, Sleigh Dells, Coal Boxes, Fire Shovels end Pokers. Nails and Glass, Spades. Shorek, 3 and 4'l Inc Yorks, ]takes, Scythes and :Instils, Corn and Garden Bucket'', Tune, Churu., - But ter Brlute end Indict' CARBON OIL, Linseed Oils White Lead Boots and ShOes LADIES' MISSES' AND CUILDHENS SHOES, In grew variety. Rifle Powder. and Blasting Powder and Fuse.. Flour recd Queonsirnre. cicwe attention to hmineas, and by keepinz ronntantly on hand a well mooted stock of goods of all thi different kinds venally kept Inn country atore, the underrigned hopes to the future as In the pant to merit and receive a liberal share of the public patronage. rtANc.]E-..n. drelreckly.—jy:chzd. IN PARTITION.—In. the Or phans' Court or Beaver county. In the Mat ter of the partition of the real eet.ite of Margaret 'Ankeny, decrard. late of raid county: To the helm and legal reprenentatirea of raid deceaned, to nit: Henry Ankeur. Alexander S. Ankeny, Franklin Arinetwing. foal:willY. Arm: wring, children of laabella ArmAning., deccaeed: .liihn Englieh, Samuel Englkh, Matthew P. Eng lish. children of Samuel and Margaret E. Engibih, decearled: and all tithe. in:created: Take Notice that an Inquent to make partition or Naluation of the real rotate of raid dere:need. situate in the borough of Bridgewater. Braver county, Feria., will be held on the premier!. on MONDAY TIIE FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER hoD. at ilect ck. a. m_ nt which time and place von A i ! attend If yproper..l.S. LITT shot on think ShelFs Wier, Beaver Co.. Pa. Oct. 1119.-3ie NT Ely - FAMILY GROCERY Cheap Masi Cheap De!nine Cheat, Calic Cheap Shaw (.:Leap Clohks, By COB , & DARRAGH Cheap Suits, Cheap Ar Famtla Groceties and Prnvialona, Flab, Flour ettei!sc, llntter, I—ard. Bacon, 011, Pore Met Vlneuar, Syrupa, :Motaaaea Salt.: Tau, eoffeew,. Sugara, CracUera, Tobacco, Figam Qucenairare,Wllloic•sa are,. Woodennsare, and everything In :helm llno,and they love by strict attention to ha.:roa. to 4, • • merit a Cheap Hosiery Cheap (liar LIBERAL SUARE 'MIR l'ArnoNma. N.ll.—All kind.. of Country . Produce taken a the market prier. PITTiiBURGIL BRIDGEWATER, l'A OEPAR - TikniT9 1)11. - Y - 00.135. Flannel+, ,Ineoneti, ;fable Linen, • Iri,ll CIII,II, Counterpanes. Gloves M its! Groceries, WOODENWARE II bete). goods delivered free of eharge EEO PROVISION STORE! 1-tochester, Pa. WIIESEE. MAY B 1 FOUMD COE do DARDiAGII norh,ler Oct. 10. IwC7-......et91:::1., METRAN & SIEDLE, Su cemsora to REINEMAN, MEYRAN & SIEDLE Fittti Avenue, . PITT:illIf 'MIL l'a Gola and Silven-nnithr= nntl dealers in 'FINE JEWEI,ItY. WATC HES, DIAMONDS, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Agency for all the best ma - i l fes or. .A.ruoricark Watches BETIi. THOMAS' CLQ6KS. . , . • All kinds of watches carefully repayed and guaranteed. • fa:143141y Fa (Vening - ; A.T I IL BEN n'EA. v DRY-GO MILLINERY NOTIO_~ Si TRIMMINGS, aco., au Cheaper than Having established business arrangements with the leading Jobbing Rouses, and having superior facilities for.obtainini the most Stylish as well as the Cheape4t goods in the Market Thanking my many friend and customers for their past • liberal patronage will, this make extraordinary exen tions to have "rho night Mod of Good.. at The Right Kind of Prices. `ca'Ailaom. o ^~~~~~~3 '.ci~<'l'l'~~ '33Ol3lylNU' Z .) ::11-ti:.2 Of all The Latest. Styles AND A'L' THE Cheapest Wholesale Prices , WE HAVE THE LARGEST ii 1 Bcst Selectol Stock Millinery Goods IILaVER corsTl FALL AND WISTER D3ry - Gc•c•cli3, DRESS-000Ds, BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS, VERT CHEAP CALICO AT 'I !MILLING PER YARD: SHAWLS ts, isII.IWLS; FLANNELS. 'FLANNELS, j FLANNELS YARNS, YARNS, YARNS 1 • NEW Ixo 1, 12t.irts AND - C)l=L EVMITi.S! iNEW AND STYLISII Ilandkerchlorit and CollairS A LARGE "ASSORT3IENT GF Eye*.ythlnir In our GIVE US AN EARLY CALL AND NEE FOR 1-OURSELVES ,J. H . • BENCE. aep.V.;,4w II 869 ES, PA. DS Ev - ei•:
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