'i~ii.~~i~~} 11 ~,-;. / iimii:#o. : The . etavqiktgloi. J. W yAip t I . turron Ott» fad g i ..1 80 9. FOR • COVSUNOIt, 381, J 01-14.0 y; G Y. 2A4 • I 1(1 . N. Ait xot.n Wel known, and highty,.estmn,ef.l„eitizett of Pennsylvania, cileCtitri re:sf,,,' 'donee In Franidim. Venting° bounty, on lastWediteedtq'es•ettitig,Aged • to • yatrs. "Mr: I'luni6f',`was - fgr ^-,•yotrs Aleading liquormile pidAtlehtn, And represented • the •Vcrattngo trlet irt - Cengrt*'some ,4 two , or threo terms;'Atiout twenty-tiVe in.: thirty y&mi agov Subsequently he .was.elne 7 , ted to an& filled the ottlee 'of ;Canal Comnittelerier ',Of Pennsylvania for One ter* 0. 4 til?l*S'iku. The. dee . cits ed had qultnit number, of reiatiyi residing fir this county.. ° • • • • , 400 jior, 16110(1°A I t:11411aq' uddreavdio the people'd Texas. itunotinelng Idinself as n mtulltiaeo for the vfdted,Stat&g. - Senate. Among other things; he de-' • elares 'in'thvor of • Ow - ratification of the new . ConstitUtiOn.:bY the people; the election of none but*publtams .to ()RIO; the support of Andrew IlLontan,for Governor; and. the re- bloval off ; every friend of the tlover,intient. The, (triumph of. ,ro-construction, during the upprohing• summer and fall, is 'ph b4ond the liowerof ite ene mies to vrevent or postioue. TuF;.llm:kocratic pape' rs . Grant tio - little because, of two or tibreeappolntmonts o( colored men to ' minor offices." These men were taken From the educated awl ablest of theleracts s und neither, of them are charged with the commission of nay criule, or of having a single bad habit. (blot I.s th€ only sin of which any of theta' are guilty. Two of them we believe have declined :the appoint menta conferred upon them an act which scarcelyeny Democrat in • the Unitetiffiates would lave done. .Thp refusal of a Democrat to hold of fice when it iS tendered to him Is ono of thc rarest things in the W) tld, and will deerver favorable mention whec ever it occurs. . . TP Fl , Conservative . Cenvention of , the State 4 Vir g inia . assembled on the 255th nit:, at - Richmond andadop ted t majority report for submitting the I , ustitution to a'vote of the pee. 1 , . pie, s'itsr carried. with but a 'few disa sen4g. oie..i. The. debate pointed tinamitakobly to Walicer as Conserv- . alive candidate Tor Governor: !..iii.- Mations were adopted for a better 1 oronization; and for the appoint. ' meld or cmitiniasieuers to Waiti on' Gen.Mrant relative to thesubmissiod of thetsanstitution, and also to, wait ed Gen; CanbY,;•after which they nil- Awned sine ilk. ':' ,' . ,' ' , • ' There had been a miuority 'relied ptesented•tb . .the body .prier to jaufruirent, the spirit tit whleh 'urged the:peciPlU to vote down the lonstitu- I don— ,Ifnegro suffrage Was to be. (Owed on them by the Uenerai em anent, Virginia shunt& not assist in ;the :degradation. Those wird fa vural:tho majority report Said, ;that . sort. of an argument was a thing of the past. Nelrr6 suffrage was an ne, eomplished fact, and .the white 'lwo * of 'the State instead of sullenly resisting ...the geezer:a- Government, should eery 'out reconstruction iu good fitith—accepting what It gives and milting the is.st, of It. It wa urged that the election of Gilbert,(. • Walker; a northern Ropublkuu and administration supporter for Gov ernor, would ONO the people' of the . Nortlucontldence profsious, and • induce ingnigrution to the South. • Tim STATE CI rxan is publislatl at Harrisburg, Pa. It is a Republican paper, and a live one at that. It.pro feKses to be honest itself, and exacts honesty oh the part of others. It has watched the course of the State 'Leg islature, recently, in session at thirds . burg, very closely, -and now repro - stets it 19 have been the mostoorrupt• body of men that ever itsseinbled at the'Stnte'yupital, In the character of a Legislature. It qualifies this dee ' laration, however, by stating that therwere a few members of the Sen. ate, !And a,few of the house,' upon whoin tile-charge of corruption could not rest. The names of these , are us follows: In th 4 Senate Wilmer Wor thington, of. Chaster dinty; C. H: Stlnsou,otldontgouiery; IL S.Brow of Northampton; A. ti:Olnisted, cif Potter; U. Bawsou Coleman, of Lob- Imp n; E.llllllngfelt of Lancaster; P. T., Mclntire,. of ,Perry ; W. A. Web 10%. of Clearfield; JamesL. binduun, of l'ittsburgh; James:Nem of Butler, and M.ll. Lowry, Of 'Ede. In the flume, Sptker,Chirk, of:Phlladel phia; J. F, Chambedlu, of Bradford eountY; R. 1".• Brown, of Clarion; F. • W. Ame, of etawibrd; George I'. ilttit and John D.Btranahap,. of Ede; , W. H. Playford, of layette;. S. B. Brown, of .11mitIngdont Joint H. Walker, of Franklin; John H. Long , necker, of Bradfintl; and Thonirct N leholaon, of lkaver Outof a Legistatun. composer( of one hund red and thirty-three members, is it not a burning shame, that but twen ty-one nut be regarded by au impar tial observer, as being above slid be ' yond the reach of bribes? If this ex , MO IS u faithful One, we have Only to add, " God sai*e the COMMOII - , Ot'En Um miles; of the truck of the, l Union Pacific Railroad was laid on' the 18th ultimo, 'and there were but nine miles More to put down to com plete the connection between the eas tern a nd wertern divisions,aftor whitit the !Mewl!! be finished from the Ats hurtle to the Pacific. The hen was laid at the rate of , a tujloau hour, on 'Wednesday last; but the track - Myers have been compelled to suspend their work until the ;finding of thdrernain ing sections shall have been CiuM }detect, and some of it is :heavy reel: cutting. The ntlisoredown to within eight mill of the summit. of ProfM ontory Point. Governor Manford, efeallfornik, visited thaeastem clid of the road, last week, -Ihr the par.' I ew of inducing an abandonment ot the rock cuttings; for that of the ettll tral road, but found no ono having authority to mak^ the change. In any event the watt will soon be coin pieta! through, as a very large loice of hands is worked. , Since the above WKS hi type, we re.: ceive the news thitethe tit.teretary of the Interior bus been. officially In-' formal of the eotnpletion of the road, And the ntils of the two divisions will ,lie.:l4llied MIA week.: TheComi arepin4tmeted to examine the • ly Corepleted•seettens from the mile . post to "proMontory . 41p1 'Mid report 11.4 Rope as possible. • The Ihmhbal aqk 110pde.._. IWlOgiakalintiselitti (Rio . • 4 (igton number of tko German Mroalifirglato - frOe r9.4 . 14* - ¢rtiteilltnib t aiieh f to they wont jaitileeto . Vr, •Deniocratic noquatptancta,maccooni. " Black Dutch" artlchs :which .14eurel in thil:nodicdt atc Weald; • egos Thaso:APlV* IkiiiixhUs . Irl' 'conversing 'with , rierinuu t`ttns *Ant the•iiddical artlchi and I,say : There om l ean see . vliat:!tho. BepUbileiin klide* think of 5 1 mi;' ti!eir C4Liniation you Mn, and funk • brand ;portion". of maul fond, and the' mOstdetiiudhednitroi • per in Afthae!luoAd 40.U 1 311, 0, 42 tleman and a ehrtetiumnfty yatralxli only 'tiiant , :ydur ,Y04.1 1 49,24ipr.t1wy . get them they voidd kick you'Uito thadept4.4 06' aca•if the law puma ted then' i •to dO'i . . . - - Tlte:Geriain,llVtipupilcari.4 Who haye . tootle limit grieYarax.a.knqwn.lo 14 have inquired whether thogreatites . public iii Party of the United States. entertains feelings of hostility to -for- Adgner d 'generally, nod toGermans in . . , • .. ... lieu . particular ;., MI „U/S0 Wij (~ 10, ,* centimeuts as areptranuigated by the. , Radidtd In relation to the latter Are approved by the,Republiams °Oleo ver •county. We answer. tie, ;Thai Republican party oft he United States authorizes itarirtintatlVes to'tneet iu NathinalUonyentlon epee in tear Years Inkiest niggling m18,1'04.01' May Ms, and at licit conventioa• It : Was.held koftlatt 'tt negro could be ehrislionlied and Made a:pent/01mi of before a.Gersign; imt-tfuit s all men ofwhatever creed, clime or aneastry, Were Treekndetliail before !Um law. 'Chat Convention, too; not tuimititifel .of the political sap Port the Republic can party Lad always receive] at thi s Bands of Our German fellow-citizens, atilt not forgetting their sturdy pi. •triotisin during the war, and rement. I - wring vividly how the German bat talions rentAoWn to death with Ly. on at Wilkiit'streek,bew they stood with and-supported Sigel when' . his grape and canister .made grtht gaps •In the rebel llne'at, Pat Ridge; how theyrode t Withizagonyi at Springtie7d , where the nut daring cavalry "charge of the whole warwasnutdty i s uldhew their blood was pourell tint on .every battle held' of the rebellion, reersg i. n Zed their patriotism, service and n timidity by selecting their,Amerl n leader, Gen. Carl tichurz, as teat'. p 'airy chairman of that• body, and looked upon hiiii thrqughout its -mi. silm as one ofits ablest and' ftiremot, . members. The National Reptitilican party has shown its aPireciation of the Gertuan . element of this Country by its action on that ouksion. It has not, nor will it take oaten backward hi relation to that element in .the fu ture. 9tte German ftiends may rest assured of Met.. ;', . . , • In Beaver county. kite German Re. I I pub:km - viand theirdscendQtts num ' beriadre. than our majority offer the lkiniociati;: - IMO ili6e troth uS, as the Radicles article is tpleulated to tio,J'Y' attacking their. nationality, 1 i,i4 the Republitpn will be left in a-1 hopeless. miliority 'lndepeOent, of . , Party considenitiens, however, their ' steady habits, industry, morality and iatiletlsnientities then' to- bur ce : teem, and deveiv"ei'llie ditty upon us of seeing them treated with respect. i The older men 'among them brought the love of frectionyad free institu. I Lions with then; from their gather-' land, and during t helite" war none Were more liberal than they in giving of their' worldly goods that this free nation might live.. Their sons and grind -at ins, stirred with the same im pulses, tilek their Owes In the line, and went, with native eenunanders . to the battle field.' Some of these, of-1 ter weary marches, excessive expos.' ure and terrible iiiittiss, returned' to their 1101111e$ after" he war was over; other; did not. ' Many of the former are still among us, carrying' erupts , ' sleeves or leaning on crutches, while the latter sleep in their bloody beds, where they gave up their lives ' , Tor the Republic., Should, the national;-. ty of these men be assailed pack their kindred held up to public scorn,as befog tower oli the pltuie of clyiliza-, lien than a "...‘hrginlii or South Car. el irra negro ? -": , NW" Shame on the thought; add in behalf of all the German, RepnbliOns of liarniony township. the Griinir aid Koterba'S of o.•onority township, the' Itenters of Freedom, the limber's, Sludfer's andStrohecker's of Phillipsburg, the Speyerers'keiteehen's of Rochester, the kluiliehat's. of Rrid;iuwater, the Gwhring's Teets' Black's and 11w. SOfi's 'of New tie,wiekley, the Metz's, Musser's and'iZiegler's 'of ''Franklia, and scores of others. we ,;tight' men tion, wo pronounce the Rod/cars '...• tlinatlim of the German Character '4lse and slanderous; 'and believe with I-Went that the article in tri , .), : lion: was written witlin view of driving them and their kindred out of their Own 41Id into a lakile political organiza tion. . . . Tar Canadian Parlhatient, new in tie!-aion ut OttoWa it.diseusshut, mat ters of intereStin eonueetlon with its relations to the United States. On .April. - 27th :lLr. Keller, member of Um Mouse lit t2wian 011,asked whet it • er the Cloven:intent • intended -to en : force 'sintilat • titxoe: and duties on :Vinerican vessels trading in tu „pmt li•dy ! ...".loyitli 00 their ve4- se:A fettling hi •AideidNAti l'orbc." Mr. ROSS replitatthat the matter was un der consideration ; but the (.Iciverit q!ent dots trot pled[ itself to any partitailar line id' Polley. Mr,.Collin inguired whether the (loverninent intended to place an armed Rave (01 the t.rrazi of the llontinion th priwent 4merhan'l4Shernnin trim itt (lent- dian .Haters daring'lbe. coming:4m-, aon. The Premier • replied' that he Mid/I - stew' rite Admiral in command batts . idel:able force on the giound tor purpose,O . Kkoteettng the tish.:. 'ides`, but desire(' thequestion 'should 'nor urged at the preges.t tiAtt. The Uhlted States (dulnt, by the treaty, theY have al, right anywhere thiee miles of the t'unatlittu coast. It' teelailiked by • Canada that the 15), should Is- nut within thee° utiles frank headland. to heathand; thi4 Interpretation would exclude the 'Aittericans from all the best fisheries, which and ;[suited in - large ly,ty4 atnd gulfs laside:the,hcadlanth. • —Tice health Of Alexander 11. lite rilensi of Georgia, is lunch isnpnryvtl. 4 tenee. oy Aren't Court to 4 hung 9n Friday ..lpti„..„Xh defendant stet forth in his petWpa: a let nitrtrtiltrettnitt )4,l ! „. # it p rXe l tlickY '' hilicot..4 o ,riekr#.44i ofitooket . 114: ktte lottlot,lhe ACZ' {iftngres ,Apritlittid. The peti tintlo4l*.l43,l44lllt.if t•, a ise ri P ta 14 hn the State .constpund tunis a *tit , Of error be allotted him him. inoiv ifid' tr. S. District. Court, lillitirstuitiool of 1,14 kets Icongret,.of Atardi : :).*l;iiitt44l lwns.:ailowed l Anti iltiOlattut,itnutt "Ilttestion suggestat .hy titektlOn&' . will It clFiittty tbtt Altlerniatat. (lON% Stevenson ,of lienbudi_Y,ltua ilia/tied relplie 16Y . J.,,( ; mie. the c °ll(l Piji l iqPYo , ,f,A rlll) to P7l l fliq I for 4 0 -10•11 1 4 1 ,P9t roahcni :Pe! m ntalamus senyed .npott;thn q4ft by . thcolt: Jxulgo, .Bland Itadard, i ,prohilliting tile: xecut [This rals;polin!anieliet)Votstitteand 'notional authority, Alia „Of : cou.nse, . 4 `Cnelo Sam" will come out beht..: , , 41:Znyttitt SPRAfttrgy of liirodaLd and, gliselttchlw it , frinnallquarters. .liencral .13tirnsidugOe,hitii`a terrific botobardnient, ono 44. *st iO4, r 6l " wonls used in relation to liiin,(Gen. 11.) in one-of his speeches In the:Se.n- Ate: .in the sante sPeecli Sprague at tacked a yoting It hode Islander iiiiiiV ed Godthird,',und alleged AigtePtill-1 Airtrusho*ed tim. White haithei".at , the ilest,tiTattle eft 1;lult Ittth.: Goddard , has written the'follOWlng note fri rti . pIY, nu& lui.s had it puidialted ,in . .the New York Tribune: i • . lb (he lion,lrui; •S)waglie,'U. N. Son , cdoi front Rhode Idad: - . Availing yourself of -our . position In tholl. il. Senate, ant • abusing its privileges in alaLse i d :cowardly spilit; you Itni-ein your' pewit of the tith ult., charged inc wit Waving do iiii serted tuyist in the houcof danger,l while a inemherof the Ist • Itluxle Is land c llegiment. Gen. Ilurnsklo bull ingoi-er • his own signature, • denied the truth of. your asertions, It .re- Jintins fornieto pronounce you before the world, and with 21 fell apprehen sion of: the words I use, a liar, ii . ea • lumniator 'and a poltroon : I arn, .lie. , r • • 'llia:vets V. thmalen, Late Capt. oft'arb., Ist It: I. neat. Providence, April :3, 150. ENGs makes a preemptory de niand upon the Cohan authoritiesfor the releasioLthe an American vessel Poised by those4 . ll-, thori ties in British waters, and In:vi olation of thp Ilritlsh'soyertlguity, which was at :the :Tptileatt *s&lish• We for her protection. ° Thbi demand, alsO Includes such other ropmution as juSticertsjulies: The 'yowl . has al tently been condemned by the Span ish.!Admiralty ma lawfutPrize 7 that verdid. standitigt4xm :the • ..fitet that her .eargo' conShited Of war material, understood to be (Or the, insurgents 'Use—so that the position ,atnnht fail 'to embarrass the Cuban Coyeriunent. Bid the violation of her sovereignty, of Whit,at 1.. gland 'complains, was flagnint, and could not he submitted to, even without, the Amerbant. do maiici ibr the enforeemaut of the matutime-law, witicii reds at the ' tbunchktiou of thiS Law:, It: is' satis 7 factory to perceive thi! 'promptitude and.vigor with which the affair , is taken up at London, mid which will be fully sustained in the West Indian water-, in securing, in any event, the redre-s..thus insisted on. • I. Washington Ths.President suinninned bzu.4: the absent cabinet members to . attend Ix nitelinir nu the :1(0, and to Amide whether Mr. Motley should be sent to London at once, or as Mr. Fish is understood lo desire, he shall -wait (Tali! news of holy the rejection of the trealy_ wad_roceived reitches 31inister Ifttio's ri:signation is pos itively aceeptetl, and Qtsiend Sickles will; be snot to H.hnfonl's • friends urge Lis, retention at, 'Brussels ; bat the President- is inclined. to ..sub, statute Jones. , . Sev . ieta,ry 13oittNiell returned to Washington on the. :loth, anttu ill at the'. I)erairtment attending to busi ne-a2. The public debt statement was is sucsl on May Ist, and shows a larger decrease in the debt than was at first supposed. ficeretary Fish also returned on the 30th. lie will immediately revise the list of consuls, and make • out the remainder Of the appointments . for 'dms not tilled. • , ' • • Minister :Ifotleyhad an, Interview with.the President and lieruttor Suni ner, respeeting the Alabama claims, anil it is tualcrstoixt that our Cilmiern meet lies Concluded that it Is better for him to go at ouce to his post be fine anything is heard from the Brit ish l.erernment respecting the tejet , Om of the Alabama treaty: It is un derstood that the Sable& of ; his In structions was considered in the cub- . Inet on the iloth. • ►er I)EFEATMfmndidate4 for. C,ongress, have; it is stated, of late hears 'been in 'the liabiL,Pf centwting the seats of their:sutful,venvetifors in : Order 'to sectire themnount usually voted to pay their expense. , During the last twelve ; years the •paymentk have, amounted to 610i4, ; ;43 to unstlectssful contestants ; and to $09,G.53 {te candi— dates who were unsatted,' making ft' total Of:$*118,3(.11. In'order tit pievent this extravagant expenditure, a bill has been introduced into Congress providing that in (1.4140 contestoAl , seat no money shall he paid to either candidate, until a decision is reached by the Utilise, when the Salary Shall be isibi to the mend cr legally elected. No greater sum ofnioney Is to be paid ' to the person declared not to be enti tled, than has actually been expended. by id in, The eAnninit tee on Elections oFthe.H otw, it, is stated, have agreed to'report thi4 bill, and an enhrt will be made for its passage seen after the tattling' of Congress. Pitory:sott Powell:, who departed tome mOnthg.ag - o in'tiltarge oldie sei entitle expedition to explore ti•in Mountains and the iircnt• lute returnaq to Bloaroington, hlinels, 14 the purpose of proeur inteonr portalae boats in Chiatizo, .which aro to 46 carried on tlie tie Railroad as Air tt.4 paissible. The Tiait# are to embark in.thezteiboats at the headwaters of Greon:Riirer, and follow that and other streatits• Intl , widelt it empties to the Pacific Ocean. In doing'thia thi; party will spend .some ten months. • this cotus Ahkss r Ipu. on the June. As uo oppasition to or Geary has del/eloped itsell - - - - - the'ettinuisearml,.:T4,Y; the potffliettiliimt lO fur iiiAttliUdelegid&Ovidien'er ke b ,*lll go lustmeteft,,lf; Geary first, hit s , lll4o/0 1 1 , - 1) thii,of course they will4M. iine r eet heard of any . penions desirous, of going to, l'4*l 00144;1,te,,PZ' octet" of ddegpioi,:htit ikrof,!, l rtr-e.• t the time the t meeting, nseemnies• on ;Thursday such iettoons ,, urlikbe , ;!, 4 few I,tvpubliean liolltlefan4 , ll StateL,inat would-60", leador , aupng the ow:00" 'Meelnioland Kernble of ,the; other Ki- 113 4 1 1 skip thelit tat. ;most to defeat MTh Genryforrenons• I luntlon as the Reokblicani . esindldate for. Governor. Wedd not , belies/P.-. :that t4*St txTqciped,btlt Irthey fail if, bd *flea Inability, •' •• rAgrrcerphr itch: .1; 1,11 E.:" la* called 1 , deatilrout,"at:Jhd ;.F*ikenti.vo Man sion on last Satunhiy. The TOO . ..view.' 'fa4ed about fifteen InlnuteimulWaii ~ of it vers. Mrdinl character. CO Ni I Mlo'..q ER Delmia has; •at last doeided the tan ease, about whleh the 'Newyork brokers havabeeti rndk ing'sueh-a fight. Me hod l: that any "one having :a place of n er where credits tire opened by dePosit 'dr collection dfnicint yielbjeet to bo paid , upou a drift der, or where 'money is kuned`ou eol; must regatded.as.a bink, 4r ; and hied upon the' . 'eapb. tai euipioYed beyond - itie"atNiigo . amount . deposited, whether payable, ma on.dend or nt some future ..day: , That . kihacert i idning ',the amount lot cupitul, all meapy used butt ness of banging must be reguded :4s thipital,' whether. furnished by : the firm or isirrcetved ; 'and It is 'inmate- . rill for Whet, thou, That loaf:wore frequently o wg eo:Ap, 'furnish reliable capital for !auticUiii purimses, and in such eases the AV*: age amount borrowed should' "be?* mrtained and tiix4as the average amount of deposits; both those upon' which Interest is paid and upon which none's paid' is taxa ble: 'Mid that thq , same firm May be engaged in business as bankers and brokers. does'not release them from liabilities to 'pay dotes upon; their 'capital and depoiltS , employed. in: their. business as:bankers. • AT the New York atrock.Exehange,; .On - ThiirialitY — liist; Secretary ()UAW Trengnr nontNreil, -0140: rep ,' ganls' the !Treasury : POiartMoik of ;which lath , ehlef, I dizire statp 'that It is my intention , fo collect the. revenues of . the 'country !i•uur add them to the ,legitamate acciutits , 'af the country, and thwonrplus be used hi ilijuidathig theindebtedrie of thelanltedfstatoi. tritsio nom of my ,departmeni, I Intend shall lx mmlueted in a manner Piat if it wero•written on the walls of this aiulltling no Man weith l bb ashamed, and that no man shag feel that hO been wronged of oue cent. Itkeped it but ild r and duetiivou that I should make this declaration. Thanking YOU Mr your kind nothing further in ;, ono . • A TAnlitT meeting imiholttat Board of Trade Roonis in Philadel, pliia; on Thu 4d:» last, in • favor f protection fo Ainorldni Morton Al'ldieliael presided, peso . kittens were adopted which:are to:pe Prekiited to the,Cangresithinal sm mittce of ),Tays unit:Means. They recommend a general Punt, Idw, chi.; itracing•tho entire rangetof imnported, good., 'and stiperceding!,all former tariffltia-A; dudes behig madespeciad • • • so far as conveniently instable; and' high enough to afford fair wagcs and r!setonable profits to such ','LmeriCtift workingmen anti employee.tasapply. thertiAeh:eif with naqiiinity, skill and hiudigitace to ifidt!stries suited Wont' contlitinwand iteCeitices. , . ATTEMPTI?:G to break down edit ors Who 'scent stand in otherpeople‘s Way, is gettinj;to* quito an' corn potion in this country. An histinee of this kind occurred :hi New. York last week.. Charles A. Dana,.the ed itor efthe Neiv York Son, has been tryiugTOr soli:Ohne past to injure the 'Tribune, and by 13411110 means, or other got kohl of some private cur responder:Co litittveen the . Tribute's Managing. , editor, John Rtmell Young, and a friend at Philadelphia, : which he published. This tirres-' Pot:de:ice was so used by Dana as to .make it appear that YOung, was' n- ing his position, on the . Tribune to 'Mather hisprivateinterests. frame rp dlately after the ablication of this etiiresponden n t.hoS'itn Mi. Young instituted a's it against Dana for li bel, cjahning damages in the sum of $lOO,OlO. The Philadelphia Profs and Bulletin; each of whom copied the corr&pondence tram the ∈ baee aLso been praimuted for libel by Young. 'On satuntay last the follow ing turd appeared. in the Tribune In mlation' to the above affair: • Nr.w YouW, (freely,_ in au article signed With lila Initials in the Vibuile. to4itiy, inya of the bung CorreSpondence that three fourths of it Was a matter In which the public hnd and could have no le gitimate interest, the blazoning of which could gratify no euriosity, and to publiAh ,whiCh'at nil was simply. an outrage.. Mr. (freely expresses a belief that the statement that Mr, Young. tins been abusing his position on the Tei&we or his influence as n journalist to promote hiAprlvateeuds and especially procure • kr.mt. i or subsidies for his or his friends' Phila. delphia venture or ventures, is false an 4 unfounded ; and triisting that the one touching the Associated Prem will prove equally so, calls for zcfull investigation 'of the Piano by the .members of the''Associated Press be fore some impartial arbiter or' tribu nal, proponing . to take no part in that serutiny, unlem n e nre made the par ty defodant, bat insisting that Mr.. Young or whoeter maybe suspected or impileated shall not be stabbed ht the back. but shalt '.have the fullest opportunity for emilanation and de- Mr. Uret'fl concludes es follows: hog that It he imderstood that Itr. 'Young has not been removed or suspeinled, nor In any manner -cow, detnnetl by us, as has been tnistakent• ly assorted by the Alm and telegraph cid All, over the country. 1t Is not our custoth to pais judgment on any ono on, the strength of a mtwo indlettnent, iNpecially.when'the findlngor it was philidy handled by envy, multi* and blighteettsidtations. ' • - - -- • and thirty French eniiadians lett Montreal on Friday laet. Aiiliwsisniedeitavi.bY4llo ,41 1 4" tare ortini r ldiliik itstpe text.of the law. The third see- tit* fi:Saineiwtildl4tdgdpier kilts terms, and item:ailing mug h Jett, to Juana or (14priMent " • ' - : sale retcaland ltdattlei theL i proteetkuLof idrs 'tlierritttnt''' -1141olveAk_l Ahiencotninting OM' , oers of the Tfeastai , ehd•Pay Depart ment wbektreicluursi -wititthe Atetti tietnent ittialWiymeitteif bounties doe to sioldiemertlisirbelrs, be, awl lheY are hereby direetsdto pay Aw *lima tali* paid the oat fpwyj due to the said soldiersOrthele helm 41 444001101, or by: tinitting the amount them , ires ' or'drattri f ,payable to h s, her, or their order; dr through - the yreOlman's Bureau, or Slate ageuts,tmpointed,'sPecialij•lor that purpose, or,govertiors of nationi. al ru3y bulls; or pension • *gent of the district yhere he . ,:she,'or they may reside, and not to any claim agent or :neon al*' pOwer of attorney, trailsfilr or assignment whatever. - • SEC. That Nay officer or clerk lot any of the executive departments of the Govemineht Who , shall bo detailed to' Investigate frauds, or attempts to defrauskon .the GoV eminent, or any :irrmularity. , or mis conduct of any officer 'agent `of the United States; Wadi, have: wives to administer, °MIR, ,affidovits taken in the course of 'any such: Inv‘ligtv.. (ion. 1.., i • Ma% :lb That the fees alloived by law to attomeYs-or 'agents 'shall be mierved by the May Departnieut br seld.pension agent,.and paid to said .agent or attorney when fury such fees are due for services rendered, In pro curing such bounty: or bountie s not otherwik. ;"'' • Tits: taltinving dispatch was rem' ea in New . York, 3hty Ist, frOM - the Indian l'.enee C4mtnission: "litutunp titer Wnehita 3tOuntains, Indian Ten. ritory, Ayrillfith, 1869, via Kansas City, Anill-ninh,lB69: " ' • We started for Bascom, 14.164 , Max,' leo, this A. -3S_„ l via' Antelope any,. Lieutenant WhipPlOs traii smith Link of the LAinaffittn. 'Wei have an infantry escort of twenty men of CompnnyC,4ighth Infantry, under Lieuterumi 'l3. T. - Jritoba of Company B, with an ambulance , for sick, and two :ferrate ultgens. Our guard is armed:with the Springfield needle gun nal Mewl ..Boon 'hat provided us with . a good supply of Presente",,fbr,friendly' Kicnvna. an ley, -th d , Qtmanehes. Henry"' Brade , Cheyetme and Arraphoe interpreter necompartien up, It will take abou t,thre-seelotto.;4":.tlitt'distanee: (immoral Griersotts e MltifirtMd LleittlAY.-Ttl • , WbittiVetli into Texas to recover the ponies Igo len from thg4rlntaboxt retu rn ed ycsteniay, bringing:With hi tn seven teen horse;, grentlylo the delight of 'Little %Seven tounl_. hie tribe. One Chief wasehotetuithre,fitkenPik,Mtr *nt.'s •1 • ; I qvuial,. El:== In our sixlCtures oh' the inerP hmt• the Inettatum of. the late Legislature' we oudeayoreltttli*.h,lStlYltithtitii, people and at tho,9atne tirpier . 4idheri to the trath - lhlnt tb - littee • WM hai.l.hrimght4he tg, ,reforok — tett by theirjunmemiy carrutt cings Etat t'most nob l p ml4oloso treat what we lefre written juni.prititisir that . We; iregat4l the .Gw.! winture reorrientirely of corruptinen. Stich tuilanderstlittd ing wquJi be_apJust to , the State - at large and unfair. jd he ' Ohne:it - men who repreiented.. their . Ctimitittients in every way Satisfactor',V gem' end welfare. " Let .us enuinerato;'.** •InStruice, such Senators as Wilmer WOrthing. ten of Chester, 'C. M. Stinsiar of Montgomery . , R. S. Bitavn of Ninth. amnion A. G.; Qlrested of Potter; u.• Pawsoti.Coleman Of :Lebanon; lingfelt Lanf.rister; T.• Mclntire of Perry, W.', A,: Wallace of Clear- . tiela,J unesL.Oraliaintif Pltightirgh, Jants.„B.err of Butfdr, - atitl"l4l . 8. I , 9WrY.of ' There is no• log the 'hotieSly of th&•e 'tnettiand perhaps there may be otbes , in he begat°, tit bribe. nameetti' the same conneaten, but we hinny' of Whom we write when we ch*ify • the -gen tlemen of whom we Write as Public servants' whose hands are clean °fall wrong, and whmir Services to' their constituents and the Commonwealth . were ever erg fair; diligent and 41g tatted character. • , • ••: I In the same conheetion rxxttr such nouns of the members of the Honk as f011oWs: SPeaker (lark of Phila delphia, J. P.iChamberlain of Brad ford, it. I'. Brown of Chtrion;-P. W. Ames of CraWford; George''. Iten and John 1), Stnunaham of Erie, NV: H:Playford'of Fayette ti. B. Brown of Huntingdon; John 11: 'Walker •of :Franiclin,. John -H. Lmlgneeker of ,11rwlford,. and the veteran Thomas '4,lloOlson of BotVer. As in the Sen ate, so may ri o In' the House have overlooked Wales '--wirthy of being ,ranked with the tiiimLstakably hon., .est Wen we There reibr ;tor Itsualt there're, we tire reedy. to , elininiele them with honor and pleasure: • But the men to whom we allude vindica ted their honesty by their sets, end are worthy of ail zontidenee Atom their constituents, who - would •lb well by retaining 'their services as legislators ttislon ,, asthey will eau sent to net a.s'such. • lisul men of this character had, tbelr way of doing. Wrap, naelegislitth-e bodies ntuld not to-day We reproach. The hon esty of such men is. riot • du6 mere political influence, but' is lath:. er the result of moral resolution and the good,blood which is 'hi' their ettireir' names be- handed rouud—let them be' honored' es the honest men of the POntsylvania Leg islature of 180:-Dally 810te Guard. • Novo. , • We ~see that the Republicans ot i .Beaver county aredetermined to take ' things into. their "own hands, 'and thus do - the managing of the party us well as the voting !Alai Wins its vie , tories. ' The RepubliCan Executive Committee of that , county met on ' the 12th fast:, and adopted the Craw ' ford Couuty:System - of Making nom e.,. by the popnlar vote.. The ceineltuling section of the plan, is: adopted, provides' that' the dele tnites to all the, tiltuVilati°ll4l. Conventions - shall - he - 0 rated : di red by, the peoplevan ititikes •it the tatty or the. Chairinan of •.the County Cernirtitfee'th'!ittlr Meetings at proper tithes ftie thispu*se..This j is a proper, fair and lamprahle At* of doing . busina.. ... - Why Can't the Re publicans oflpatiphlu cdiinty. be' en- ! franchist4 in like trimmer"' Ili :this county the; custombeen 'for : few, meat elio4l they c9mmit- ' tco at their beck, and • bidding,. con vene it when. t gain; the plans of the men referred td - ,!illarelect such gutos us would act hiliecardaneewitli thaii• wishes cc - Ms:nit 'any regent whatever to thewilliand wishes of the mass of the • partr. - • The system. j 13,4 adopted by ,the Republicans of.. Rawer cotuity . , lstalne which. rec-, ognixes the most; heed in the Be publiMn party; Whenwilitliesanie manhood be - regnitetr , anions the Repubildins of ]taulti n county. , --Male Got:flirt • ; for of that Akira them . ; liv,e ; 1 ,444 PflA ..__, ...se up and pm _my one of theni right out of the Territory! We *ill make,..‘pl i We,t 3yeKon't have-such a - --41 settatmgve . mi4te wils_old Drake, thed—dest old rascal tlit e tMn t br Vi ikk P lViikoitg alt in night and walk ten miles over 6 . es to'd—n them, and hOd d—n ri man that wouldn't d—n - them ;' •4 ~.,, say G—d 'd—n hith, and God ` MN ,d—n him. and all such scallawags as 1 therserid• In* bere... , ./ind3t2ltrs4 Omit are regzeret t hrrtiA l kinglets. Z 4c , 1 4/iil l affouseThi tinneo goes day. s2: ,11:1 1 ipinabler. and h drutikard.ilTAnd ,T.h4 Vice-President is thesame. And no man can get either °Mos unless he tr - .tv gambler or a drunkard. or a 'whore monger or a thief. And who Pea to Copgres •..., Y.ou may , hunt , blear through ' ti li •Sehtite=antbilie Howie, and if you can flhd any men that are not liars, thieves, whoremon ger* adulterers; gamblers, and drunk- i ardS, I tell you they are mighty few,: S ti or e :i c l l oti v kin, s s n sti s itm t , t E . They Sent an arm4 r t e em ia to destroy ,the: Saints. 4,4 n lsii army got to Fort Bridger told 'Diem to statinteff. ' !Lomat word :to the Colon nea.: ”That ;land- where •you ,are Is mine; I bought mon ey for iti.butyouain.stnithere. But, if you atteinpetonnet;ra , Cr upon us, we'll kill you all!" The' . Colonel said if I. caused one drop of blood .to be shed s there would be Millions . shed in return.' I told him erit#4 4 da I• 4e -!!o' stem :.Ii would, but not to come on' us. An they.tUd keep ofTl and'they dkin"t 'hurt.ahybody •' no, nor they' never will be able to hurt anybody, as long as the:WM*lM 1.41104. f 7 /leXll - . and they went as so many Others mitt tome . and *ent, and now if these Ueritiles give us any more trouble we'll drive them every one iight Mit of theeountry. We v.-cn't bobothered with: them. The d—d scalawags can't hurt us as lonvis we'rennited. -We defy them nil. ' 'Now, I my for all the Saints .to stick together and be united, and all the d—frscidiA)mk - in tlytkontitry can't' hurt' us. • Vii.defyllift - 1111! And we ask no odds of the Govern meiit. .' - • That every word spoken, as here published, says The Reporter, ;We have. the mast. positive proof. If such things arc spoken in public, What must be their uttemtteet in secret council! If such are their open 'e*Presiint-Wilftßust.ilwir thoughts. and . fee d ings lie! "' ' •' 4 ' 3 ' " 3 • . - Two Soil rikairnittSe &ride. A correspondent of the Peoria Dern ;Genii from Canton, 111, details the following paso of suicide by two boys: :Pmbably the most 'fragithli • occnr nee that ever happened in south Pult/in was the deliberate suicide Of two little l bws, between twelve and thirteen years' tit' age, in Ver mont, on Monday, the 10th instant. The following are the particulars as .near ttsl ran learn. On Monday moralpg,,. bstween eight und, nine o'clock,alittfe soh ¢tr Mr. J. IL HarrlS was found suspended with a strap, by the neck, in his fath er's yam, qpifietlAid The only rtw son taisigited foil his m'elithe.hol y ! death is that he had some unpleasant words with his .parents on' I:linalay, :and since that time up to his death 'the 'weighed' -upon • Ids mind. When he :tease on the merning: of his death, he was provoked by, his brother in sonic trivial way.„ lie ate a hearty breafasc f ,sifter which he lefb the how) tuuLwai: not seen until found in the manner described—dead. Omit numbers gathered to site the body anti Condole the parents in their. I IhmtVelfiblit!" ' In the aternoon the citizens of the town were I , 4;alti- horrified fo lawn that a NUM innTIEC O 4I.9e I T l 4 / 5 1 / 1 1 Hey had been founil 'i;uspetit titt &his father's barn in a ',similar :tatuuttr. No cause can be conceived for the act. The affair is - involved in deep nlyrte- . rys. The most iwtanst!excifaunt*ql4y %lMO ifrNermont. • . . - • I r FRom the tlettyshuri, , 7ar ana S4"111- t fart rent:ollie to k llpwityz. 'rh o faets theMA Cell:donee t4illt iikeof heArty approval of the contry : We artiglatil pie,nollixt,, that Presi dent Orant•Till:4 thlltirtaiiil6lo reed ve no tans on the tiabbath, and has for bidden ids SeCreturies to bring him any letters or telegrams; except they are on - important , publie buSineas, answer to something lie hascalled for. In connection, it way not be im proper to give .an , incident that re cavurredin Wasington equally creditable to Senatin St'...ott,of.Penn'a. On Sabbath •morning, a member of the Senate sent Mr. itkett a package of papers with notice that hewianid call 'in the evening to confer on the subject mattes: Calling afterding_tod 111 irow fa6,6-inquirYwasqnwle whetherhe had examined the papers sent to 1111114 Senator Scott, who is a ruling•elder in the Presbyterian Church,. promptly replyed that he had not—that he had been accustomed to observe the Chris tian Sabbath, and did not propose to look at thentwittli Monday • morning —as this Was Sibah evening he ex pected'as munti-lp go to Church, and to chant 1104434- -• This Noir Dosalnion.• A Vecialctirl*patient'of the New :York Trglanc,'underdibi ofMontre al; April 26., writes ailbltekels to that papek.ou'lliegonexatiOnnurieMents: "The'desire of the people Otifie 'New no m inion to out loos4l.ll46•Vellie pentletiee upon )thr ornotlter ,con t ry htlifreeelvettlipdwerfal impetus from ,one or two recerit events, and what-. ever course may flintily be adopted, there sln belittle doubt. that a great ehange- ex scuba sort is not far distant. Seveni private meetings 4(lufluentlal persons have recently been held 'here, for the purpbse of considering the great quegion, of a change in the form of goverainent, and thc4e:tidijsatills c:ii! with thd state thi s matloore optinlya T „ veers are at , Ina g inning to meet the que+; ion thee to fate and giving utterance 'to the sentlmern which law long been widely (Mused among the people, ..thengh few ha ye had the courage to ex'pregit'publiely: There Is wparty. in favor of halenentleace; but a larg er party, LheLkweannexe jo The Mulled', SLates.'and will soon make itself prominent. The ac - quisitiou of the fludson'a , Bay Terri rintwzntialedattcXklittillifn" it Is felt that such' a magnificent du- main us, - the ',New nonunion -now ,promises to be ought no longerto be dwarfed and ijcpt,,doWo bY depend ence on a tlaualantle . government. The propusatthat Great Britain shall surrender her North Amerii=pc. s sions a set-offugainst the Alabama 8311 m s -has created a deep sensation in Certain eirele4, and not it , few. m , Bard it with decided favor. Senator: Itt i v=ege,it - J.s copied in full by' 114od French littrhals, I and is, of course, .thefialil6 of - timely dfactanion. , • • ', . Hogan, United States de tective,. and. Fred. Miller, constable, have been indicted 'by the U. S. gmral Yury tCincinuati, • for • cats lug to be for& I and counterfeited metallic plate to be used for printing revenue stamps: They have 'given bail. I= •• Aiitit ' thq _ell? sta t . the ch liegnOabeg b f the siarged tuation, by ..g to ~ by that hod) pudenee in this such a thing Can lion alleged, heem scheme of fraud nt overburdening the peeple with flue tics, not a usurpation of private rightl , •%,s notal reepecta•.to bold d o e.,11 0 , • which DemocratW Viers =rag to pallicipate4f the whets. was in hand. to eneourage p th ia e ces in. lffdardiT l"li ffhlres rlUD , in of thepeople, denounce - the corm). lion of legislation, it is ridiculous to claim that either party is responsible for such •wrongs. The real truth, is that polities had nothing whr t 4 •Inklo with the wrong Wife 'mat-legislation. Bud men par ties combined to aecompllei7 evil through unfair and unt tutional when mischief w • .noocting. there was no politi&d . • .ction en forced or demanded' All that was asked uvs perfect In knavery with boldness'motion. and now all at demandedid remedy this evil * is for both as where they have decided m: es,.to Send a better clam of men oche Legislature. The evil d. , "%train t Vs+ which • larOkild leg majors es, where any . not na -1 tot, hte= t9r itte i suTrial r g ton. Let the people in su ties,pay more attention to solecting ' candidates, and reform will be ob tained. But ibr the),Dentamacy to +aim that they are clean of_ legisla tive wrong, is a' pitiltd • •Mlsehood. They,uro Ulthy_mnong the filthy.— They'Sfutied the phindeviihetlever it was secured, and,wereitiways ready. for • hnsh money when a majority was at hand to iid a This is the truth, and ought to be (litigated. Stale,Duprik , re now trouble •Thospring llootht,of 1869 have been unusually destructive. On the Con necticut Over, the height of the water hri4 only been exceeded four tithes in• the last seventy years. Hartford, the water on Apr 1 1 .2.1 d, at peon s , it • • . mark. In 1854, .the 4 gunge , •autt ' fiO feet.' In Quifula, the ice began to move out of. the St.. Lawrence on the night of April 2 . 2 d, afar the ttiwnif alanknektilmlfflously v alz hintes ing bum stirepp.wqyawkseverallives lost. In New York State dolt , Blabkr river and the lower part, of lake On tario the floods were very violent. Factories, tannesies.damliand flumes were curried off, Near Watertown; a boom, restraining several acres of timber and floixt wood, broke away from the challis, And carried off rid,- road bridges, mills, factories, furna ces and machine shops. 'ln'the John ,1r4 , 44. the flood was caused by the Itir f fillk•l 4f AlCtleir tal builrto testra n lie wfiter edit of lakes, and funning a feeder to the New York canals. Near Utica, the Btate dam, at a /I"tservoir covering hOu acres, gave way, and,.the flood 4estroftdim%uliglj pro= valueVffinuNisiNgJad the tl and Mohawk 'rivers, the innunda t lons have **WNW! eitewave, and the, FitrC4 bally 9 ofAl, Troy and other .c.1114-3' iffelnitya have • • . covered with water several feet deep. litiTlS ITEMS —The Panama State Jaw congeri: dug proilArq• teams has been annulled. —The yellow .fay.er t ,4lll ragea .in Peru. 7 i he Indiana In• the Arequipa dhtrict have massacred a large num ber titivbittlid A ( •: , -6 L: —J. Q. Atkinson, Treoisurer of the Baltimore and Oldo Railroad. died stuideply tkituttlay.evening, at Bain- A. Fowler; telegraph operator at Burnsville; MISS, fell from a train near thee, Friday night, and Was killed. -I)ispntehes front Wituyiklll coun ty, Pa.,report litttv.l: snow storms there on . Stnturtlnr. • - —Tits. Villiers-tat New, )14aven,. Conn., are p a strike, demanding from fogil,, 'kW-live I AIM; per thousarid.' , no .6mplelylses have re fused to 14 the smie. —Therein storm which cuutinued: at Philadelphia fur two 'days, was interrupted fkinday , mortdng. by • a fall of now which lasted loran hout. The strike amoug the printers of 'Montreal, Canada, Continues, and the morprerlutertl - tr girls to set 1 ',it • ) ' . t 't ( 4.4 1.11 —NeW Aor- ,t . 4: ry _per rohitilM4 the - di:4l*ot rocks a Settmestztog ,ty.ll.rf t: •. ' '-',.; --; - , :-.1').11. r —The New York Sun, unlike the . ] luminary which shines for all, seems not to be particularly effulgent for Mr: Young. .—Jute's lager beer Qislillenl build- hag, in 'Roxbury, Muss., was destroy- , ed by tire Satunltt3'evehing, with at ,gi t ePi!lg i housta, ualjoittitig : I.cts4 consequence ut the inclemency or the weather, the ,taiumemerathin service+ for Confederate dead, at Memphis, Tenn., was postponed. Buitmaster at Miidison, Ark.; haslked - Itrrea..ted fur robbing mails, destroying the cum inisitas of Ids suave:sox and arson. —Mr. Felix Belly tomes to the Untteti k St,atee.to aevure the. iefluence of IfierldOptectrettiltty in be nd( of his, claim in the matter of the Nicaragua etumLeuteriaise. —The tenth PrOvinelal Council of the Roman Catholic Churvh. which had beta In aeadon t during the week at Baltimore, closed on Saturday. The pfoceedings were held with CICIF, edrtoot+. • - -Hobert M. liableneoedn Geittian nobleman who served with credit in the United fittite.4 army during 1110 rebellion, committed suicide at New York on Saturday.. • —llOside the ignal elevations in the. Trl:mountain city, a large tuamix , r of Pedks have recently appear:Al; to mill to the singularity of thiti geologimi phenommorf,4ll, time Peaks are hell ineidpkbhof it. late storm ouis,mal tae thorn of a sportsman with five dozen snipe, which he had found killed by .the had. A pigeon was brought (lOwn in tale city by a hailstone. . —Walbridge, C, , Fields, fir • three years past Assistant States -District Attorney at Bolton, lust:cm appointed to it corresponding ikrsitiorr, at Washington by Attorney (Amerlil4 Hoar, '• —The dramatic - coutpany of ' the Olympic Theatre, of •St. Louis, , have cluudered a steamer for five- months, and will mil along the Ohio river, ex hibiting at different tarn', leaving St. Louis May 10th. • • . - -In New York City, on Tuesday, at No. 5.5 Amitr streeti , lidward J. Martin, son of the 'proprietor. of the Southern Hotel, 'shot-. and 'probably mortally'lvoutuled 3fattie - 13rienslow a married woman; bliarcling at thu • house. . ' -workmen in the United Metes armory att;pringtield, 31few.. have requested -Senator "Wiliqut to aimot a receldlon fromthim on his return from Washington, 'and 'have palsed:resolutions of thanlis to other mempors of CongrL4t4 for ralvnnelfig thteigkt-49g trtw t •---The-Jury in. the ante of henry Burley s in the,17,,,k3. District Court at Covington, failing,to agree were dis charged on Monday by, Bal- Ina Ilurlew was dlargedtfith rook- In A , false stateenewtp as to the amount on herlet.‘ • . back, preaeliat w a ordinary il k leeas_d' tho body w.suLo3 .•. • • Ltptain conill i pot s p;oespff e Man. estimate.. In ibi - bitek" W 'br four grooves matting the entire length • , part of fhb .entlye , Whifix4loll • .I , le. It had fins similar to those of *kWh*: The Captain Hays that V n l=kinto monster again off Hied t 1.,4 light-house Ni i4l odf ' eum Island reported"- to him that. .It-, had • floated in and out on three or -tour tides, and that he had . 'opulled't It, but upon a nest approach he be -1 Came fearful that It, was not deud, and therefore thought it hest to give It a wide berth. It is finildir alleged that a distinguished: naturalist, now lu this city, has offered a reward of one 010 w: quid liar Vie head • or the monster, and that Captain 11 , hy, • with his vehel; hi in "actave pursuit,. and expects to be able to claim the reward,in the course of a few days. he should succeel he will not oily • a a handsome reward, but be the maws of adding an interesting chap illo. to some valuable work On mau 1p history,—Soransah Republican. Allthiweeerethe Hunt hi New York. There hot been quite a Wild ankuual excitement at Carmel, Putnam coun ty., The rhlneeerous of Van Ann-, burgh's menagerie escaped, and see- ing Penchi Ponl, concluded. to try a bath. The animal cost about , X,OOO, and the keepers were aghast at the prckweet 'of losing that sum In the huge and intractable beast. The dog "Jack," of the-menagerie, was sent into tbg }elite; after the monster. The rhinocecrtmairtniteillittel underilin water and remained some time, but finally tame up sonic dis tance off: The ditg ininualfately made • r him, and he for the dog. The dog ,dodged and got the rhinocerous Me ear: sharp wrangle -emu • the rhinoesrous bellowing like a bud calf. Portnany minutes the combat ringed furtuusiy.. &rot neared tilt` ShOre,4llCrelle was snared with ropes tine led back to his cage. —Panatim papers'state that the sailors belonging to . the British ship Kilingionviu 4 drunken- spice 14 , came eaitivoitell with thelayntetf po. lice of Aspinwall, on the 14th ult.; the result of which was thepolice tir ed upon the sailors, %rounding four Df theni, one seriously. New Advertisements. • 1.4 OPIEJIMS, COURT MALM.— D7 virtue of an order of theVans' Cowl oft he conn ive of Beemee, en d er ed.ex'r of the last will and testantent Puget late of the letwes. of heidgewater. • - enuwey. e scared. will sa line to sale bylpuhlit vendee or outcry. on the premien. on T1..q. , .4DAY JUNE let. IVA at one o'c the following described real estate of said dammed. to wit: All that certain Mace or piece of laid, situate to Manors tosnehip. In said count bo. waded as follows. viz,: ten the north d ofY Elltorterithi W• at OM IMMO ut MS el , Joe•ph and Michael Emmet au Me south by land of Peter LIT: and on the west by Mod of Sherlock Stone. containing Aid acres. more or leas—all of 'width 1. ander porn—about 100 acres cleared and in stood 11.11td of ouithatioo, the balance well timbered. aid -all well watered. There are on said premiiiii - Mto good dwelling bourn, with four rooms 'each, with cellar under neath stol good water at the door: t.do good. cub. :t*tial,berfe, fultAjor time/eery out tinildlemq tr MA nsl e t t iVerg r si l fietalte P X:=Vet and velem -of bituminous cue% one of which le about threofeut Teens 4 000 third of 'lllie•Metstillie money in hand an the teddlernitieenwf themale by the Court. and the balance in two equal anneal tOstli¢4ll24l Iron that date. with Intermit, to be secured by Judgment twos. or bond and mortmme. The Pmehneer. , of panitimenf. to pry PM eVnenseit „of preparing deeds. nictrtmteme. ate.. white/amps t o -I nelsne fur the tame. For further information lLL gnGe the undersignal.at Beaver. Pa.' ll:myth:al_ I . D. IL 10, 000' Aft!MTN WANTED To sot( Ylll. A MEItICEN YEAR BOOK Br MO. It contalaajun the inienoatioa which every+ boSy 'toady huvalrocia of )Far. mud sell' Wittuctipantlird Jarpfdity, ave . . voiooy . thove who gehloto iook - t a Notticrlptiott (took. 1. Ir pros• iu au artrrnivt mew to ;Iv, .y ad quota Ides of the Borne-hoe aosoostand variety of tufty motion brit " "The book knelt aroot,be am% mod rzarniord to bolitoperly appeedateil. Nearle ec rry ligully Hill boy It, sod It will be found shout ov4l,he a x=sity ationly elsayw the Clair for vire ra awl fa. info-matter. V7lKr:sff SCO- Motto* Hartford. Conn., Clur 0... F Chicago. II chayil.a.W TN lils• t'ochjtot Cofismou Pleas of Rue I war conntyy 184. June Term isdy. fu Use matter the application of the members of ibe Tilang en's Library Aiwa . lation of New litigistou for a Charter of incorporation. April 21, late. application presented. sod Lie Coon haring examined the accompanying constitution and being of the opinion that it contains nothing Wilds Ot i fwat=o law. direct, that said tow, ntlM notice nbli :ad M i r M . a pliewiles t ferwi Wad e se, Ind Owl, talesowsinclent cause- cl'the- toistriry 'be shown, tkiluiferosald charter of form potation win be granted art next term of this Coact. ttlysdw) • JOHN CAUGUEII, Prolley, DR. HARRIS:.. Eclectic Summer Cordial, DIA.ItIttI(EA -- -- i ,N-74.1: i - i.eit;;k 4 ..k - IcK) l :'s . ,„ CJlNt'k: THE INfItODUCTIO.N OF ill% Elifito4v, oad Mt... gnarl i , P..' 0 ill; z v nitiaiiie Molltiap to the Publie en , nod. ;ite.L., wcz a.,:• MAIN+, ht-n!( , a ba.nerrer (Idlestl to givuthu /post pevi4-ot .1131111., 3litthiery '(;,4.15, Sriza% Fitt4iwilloa.in livvry' itialuteL; on ,1 the . fiitalt• Lod Loco% -F net proprietor Itntlkorizes 1,h,, splits to 11'1%11111 trA"..:`,.,, `ll/441U8ilkt.ifillitalti., the money in every CAW where il 'hills to ",.. ,;_:-_,,,, .(31.,frark l uin‘,Ery. \ , effect ncurv. • - .7- i P.ToWniev *DV .L. ' . - ..PitICE, Xcltf),,Tf, t .. ,.1: Immr.r.r. , '. , ltwour,„,.. • - 'For Fah. .y Druggists geuern . /is, 14';' ,, 0h 1 - . __ , : L„,., -chief,.. • ; by eXpic.i. to Any pnrt of the country, on ft-Yeipt of the prie.......Ad.lrex.:— ilt'4olll .rtti . II ARIIN S I , JIV I NG, IV linksale AraggioU, Piitaburg, Pa. mig:kairs. DRY GOODS, - Fresh- Arniral NEW SPRING GUODS SAXES A. FORTUNE'S, I ~ `~ `` ~~~~y ~-~ a~~~o~~}~, At PittAtirult ('.ill I,:tr :Ina •.i. 2 ;i:•11 ,NE.CI'RE 11.1ROA4Y'S,. &aut. elm line be Virden. obl 1 . , -.. . . sTAIt ING AND PINKING DONE' TO ORDER. REMEMBER TII PLAcE! DIAMOND; RO6HESTE R Pa.. a.—t Imre; secured the services or Watt Gusty, farmers) orßridgsster. ntar3ltly MIMI II :in 114111114 e Itetne,lN for DYskINTEI:Y, eIinLERA mount's SICK STOMAcIf Jce.. Sze. AT N Itin•IIESTEIr. or EVERT DEsuitIPTIoN J.llt FOUTCSE. ....Ai i Nuit of Ps, I* ON wilier si mile am is. • • - ot Omer' . t,li!ii7ylPli.., limilingcs. No. - p• .. ; u: . • .. _Viirtirm °Luigi of Wrap* , .A . -W, TryHet, t - 121 16 1Wr 4 f i kt - • berm eyes *frg .h. 1 711147:4441 , - 0•0 Ot Wl* .let sad of Kw lkirlitoo. lat Übe angst" al berm. led Oise. ,al reseerta_alskilis don 11 1 1=:4•. 6 1V• been 441.1 . • by tbe pisula.C-WiitTgaDteirkt. lu¢ rk4. Mi.*: MOULLII, lislmlee. MEI - - • AlUDIrtOllO ICC a l ter ' att i ra=tat d'fPrieV." . . ot` caw and Orawnwe slaw WZ tlrlt, dreams& ttt. And neni Wink VI NO; lawn On %Wow B B. 11. :be Coat nasal& W. uodyn, wia,,aa•adisoe la woke apportion eD or the baiiheobffNega M ih,PCrtah canonws...Ln•iii.= 1 7 SEAL.'I.I6"I-‘"‘ J0u4 1 7:76. • xis.. oak •I wt t attand to tbe shay. annolzt wen: at lay waker in datbs the New B .A. go. 114 ii 11, dal Pr treat. at 9 Wahl/it...A. gt wbea and where puttee Interested Toy uMg lf ties thl Prot" W .9. XU.KUN, otpral:it. • Aseltur. LI IL AINDSIUMM.PoortoI Lew . t=4 . •= ba . 1 1.1 117. ttl., totwouot to my aro *HI rqcotre prompt mtrovoo.amraimonablo tirrom.- is^ CiKIL A ckniKA'r• pcm3simpy FOR TUX pJAAIL uq Ttrrost and Lung Dlimiees. Dr. Wistart% Pile Its .far .. I. the. vital pttotVe litte/tatth • plan, ell bra peennev prode%ltt the .eled/ladoe t ue. tar. by which its Meteor earth* peopeetles art retained. 1 • It la the only eafennarvi mitt veLahle teemed, that bay ever teen peewee ins OsijklimAt.ltio Plot It hedgers** the diteeties. otipas lid mike*. the appetite. • . It eleehlttheee the Ambellteteeieff deo, It porl wed • eorldee•-the hlooe untri . io r tzt: from tb he it.. e eyeleta t.n.194441 whit! ~ breed' on the Maga. • „ It devolves the intieue ee Weis ,whleh "tow tie. ale pavanes of them latab. Ito beaThrx priertlple wee open the. inuead Sm. face of the leap** threat:proettatisue art, eheated parr, Wieder paha and semi lain. matlon. ••• • • • . It to the result of rare el Andy and experiment and to uttered to the liarld4 WWI the positive so• lalance e( Its panne ta CSIAItI • following Mecum f the pa Hearne. eat too Wog delayed a resort to the. meta. of tare thionoumption of tho Lunn.. Cough. !toes Tarnay and Mess,. laranchnia. Leer Comp4iint, ha n d and inanalag ' Mew% 'Aattara, Ulfbomelaittoegh, DlMbette. Lc. • • . We pre often milted any ate not otbet rascal. fa Ine market for Comonnytion, Canino. Cool. acd what Pulmonary offeratoreenual to.pr.UQ.L. Ulpharro Plne Tan Tr Cordial: We sasurr-: lat. It =mg not by stopping cough bat by loudening and amisting nature to abeam Of the uniircalthy matter collected aboht-Ilia throat and bronchial lobed. anseitiglrritatiOs lad watt. Id. mat ?fount and Lao/ Remedies vs mios. pored of anodyne. which aLlay the much for atildie, but by their coustringlng climate the S. hied become hardened and tinhealthy golds am putate end eie retained to the 'pane". callable dilealet peiuntt MI control of our most eminent phyalttana: Id. The Pine Tree Teri-WM.II. with It. aulat ants, are prefear ble,beea 'bey many. tic eune ' of irritation of the mounts membrane and ' tidal tubes, sadist the tone' to ant and throw pa ttm unhealthy veered loneyand parity the Mow. thins acieutilleelly making*. mire perfect Dr. Wlehart bee cri lie at his °Mem isnadnids and thou...l=door Cestlllcates from meo and so. men of noquedlionaide diameter oho oat once hopeirely given up iirdie. but through the provi• dente Of God were completely enured to bra th by the Pind'TYse Tar Cordial. A Ouleluili. tendetthe who coo be. consulted to ,pesos or by nail, free of charge. Price of Hod Tar Cur. obi $1.50 per bottle. $2l per dde. Sent by expo.. op ',clot of trigs . Addreva L. Q. WW4I4, id. D. No. VI North td .trret. Philadapol/1 Pa. apr2l,lm. , Vor fis le.- -A valuable farm adjoining Now X Brighton. and one town lot in tbe plan of said town. no anhacriber wren kw •ala that VSIIIIII, Ale piece a property Late the reildence of David 'loupe deed., situate In Pulaski tp. and adjoining the itorough of New Brighton, Beaver county. Pa: containing shout N't acre. The Improvements .re a well 'balk atone bowie with brink addition cuntaiskaidolitht WOW. kitchen hod Cellar. Mat ' house I. •upplyed by an excellent opting of Soh miter, there I. • large bank barn and OMIT ant bUttoed ands Coil orth rd of good bait. Tbe firm is underlaid with a vein of good hituntison• pike,.hic has been opened and worked in two This would make . az tiewlianit place Go any one aisking to go into the gardening or dairy butane., _ Lnl).—(ni; loam lot No. XL t■ die plea or Near UI Igt.ton, thuate oa 2d for Railroad) tr.er, Imtstallimeir epimrlte, the a.w aallroad statitm sow balidlpg. Yrito aad terms 'hale known oa application , G. S. BARKER, apr2l:tt. New Brl,ltaton. We do not whit to nform you, reader, hat Dr. Wondertel; •r any other martial.. Recovered a tenitaly tint core.; Cansump. .lonowli..n the lan.o tro'half conaumetilin -hod, will cure tit ; liseatel whether 0 nind, body, or estate, cake mcii lire In.ev• •r. Alga learedenth t.. Iln i yrnr gang or work —an' it dehigned to make our sublunary, Aplante'lt biiSlifili pa r- Itliw• in s - hlrit Hon , •n it.teti shall be bite t tale abo'w. You halt lienni enough of ft.,: Lind . ; blital.hgg...op., and VI , • do Ind wind, r thlt p II 1111 v, lo s ililv tifue lii• route di- t rit..teil with it . Dot when we tell Yaw that ti t . ...it:i% Cattit ratßemedy will , Kit , 3IIVT.I I I - CI - R}. tLe woret es.a o - 0 or Cr,. tyro+, we oat . at..ttort that wLklllbon... and: eat, ti ,•:!y t... 'rey it and volt w ill ! I.;', cant illt,i. W. 4 ill pay Otatilt.a trot tor a ( . 11 , 1. Oi (':mirth that a... cannot YarY bold by moat Itrucirt.O. I revile bore. ' rittct: ONLY 30 CP.):114. Sent be tuati. po-t paid. flit SIXTY VENT.; r`Fou itekst , ' 9 0„ tor it•..!,..r f aw.. 111 11**1. gend a t 0:111 ..tmop & k r bt. it. ill 4. 1#0'714:30,,, f . , N, r Ilii to, .„._ utFt . . " 8.%0:54.11 ~ t+•%:lo . ' 440 a fhitt• 1;„, I.tnto nod reaol44.iill'in 049 " 4 nAilde tt ; irr*, W4ite l'ambrio+, PH*4 . , • • - grid Vapor Cava 3,f1(1 Cuff s , rte. , . • F•ttrl.entb-ts, Nblrt "Ft6fitfi. Untterwt3r: = •(2firsets, Ilorp Trni,r.iy rind gloms, Paper Mullin _ ntily, ikts, CO UN Tiat PAN ES.. . , „FAN — CY' . GOODS, • . 54;,;), rettnnwry, rinbrvllap, Parat,o4. AND NOTIONS; Al' EASTERN JOI3I3ING PRICES. Nos 77 & Ifi — Market Street rirs•nult(nt. PA- Jan 11,191111 —vulvae-2pr 1. LOOK 11E11E. t h lenria AND 111 . 3131K8 GOODS.- r. 1,7 •niderandned hers bar.to . thrum 111. I}ll,l. modlasi* lr enteral/3 , that he bee led re , • new flock ot rondo or the Ivry{ orrice for Spring and Summer wear olrhl,ll be alit. .t moderat rates. GE.VTI.E.IIII.V.N*I7IImsjii.Vo; GOOD..', iIgivrANTLY ON HAND Clothing . mid* to °Mt, nothe..isnriott Th.tukful to the public rue. 1 .„, fr, o r„. I bv, , by chuot attenttOu to Ltf.tUeoe to merit e coutuo• Nalco of the rattle. DANtEI. MILLEE. nkIDGE sr. ft • nonl.ltArEl:. mar 140 Thos. McCreerv, BANKER, Coact3d Street and Dialing, Bzatcr llonry loaned on Goverment 11 , 1 1 ' InN.rrAt nliowini on awe niso receive npplieu rar In the ' Ragout WR lasnorauto Co. .r the r . ■ Atat :Greta/int,. lifsnurneturers end d r duns Vire lbsuranon Co., of Pittsburgh 1 1 O f fice below (he (burl Howe
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers