r- .01.41A2 Ada.ol :ft• aellhoolla • 0111,00 pot ' w lie •7••••••• , tor eaelronbootoeik 4111 - eattOC• A liberal discount toad. .o• tyeatly,,l4l. ' vertlarnienta...,' • • ; . , A space equal td ten Jtna Otthis ineasuros a !glum • • _ • " • •• Businou•Notlewain Under bead by themselves-lira ns= aft, the nears, Wlll. be ten "nag for each lorgoD .' 24l= Adaortioantanbr abetild banded In before , Monday noon to Insure laaartgo' in that yearn man BUSinEMS V‘Mb• EN. f. ingjtileg fic Attormey at Lsw ) s iir .eyor of lade. ,Wat epodes Ptakarog T•ylnem In Beaver. , own:a; - • V Kth V. P. YVllllN4tbansivittair. 011ee Wilts ieja bon goat o!Pabno Ovum. mar 31:1y. - . 2 $ - 4 • 7?gAVBt 81113111111ARIT AIM 110111,0* La AL INVIIITIMIL • ted wilt make coneePoaqin 11:11bo a Ls= ! sad Music for pupil* ispo i ,z rcsrls us ferem*tleu. airy stsr.l7;3t. . Milldam* , High Schaal 1. silt open onsimiday. ths GM of Apett. MOIL MM. thirteen' week'. Massa lomat In Cm Maher Mathematics, and Qom. Madlidt. teem opens tept. Ist, - • J. BRADFORD FROMM WT. S. Patßoard a terson,. ^ ittnetpal. Pres. Truism: naestacao. , • S a LATII AND FLOORIND cou•itntly on knid. and sold mit Ur lowest Otto la the market. Frans. Umber otortol to coder. if . J. dt. DABRAGIL 'L. Eberhard, C 1•11 Engineer and Saner. ur• or, ,New Brinbtun, done's, Napo and tAidles made on abort notltc. ‘11,.1 J. Chandler.* soots, Dentist& Roche* • ter, Pa. OffiCil la D e arer Radon bonding. A I • ork warranted. Prices moderate. (Movie a can. [novetitly. f`er. lie I. niamman, flied 'Meet. Boa / Ter, l'a. Especial 'Mention even to M. dia. rues of womaa and calklren. Odds consaltation and peracriptkras the.• TM Do.. • r can always bc found at Ma odic' amept won attendliw to pen. tosional !halal . (.7110.1y. B 11111111111111 l d l i st This ego ill o P l i ti . 171 . 11: to=l:7:coo d Oßaeo .o:t i ed i t) hot Talc (lama, logllohluid Nolo. For 011otoloirew ad. dre. R. T. TAYLOR. •.dlnaln I Illabeglea.L.-The undinslaned .lhaadeturfat and UW game keep on hand a Imp. 'Lock of o. 1 and No. 110 sad IS Wen bhluglei, which Ye will dispose of at amodarapt rates. The mill la lolled mar Deane station. on hhr V. &P. Railroad, . D. allusLaxiga, lv 1:69. j• lota. Coalhow.Tbe undersigned is prepared I. to delirergood Darning Coed to all persona meeting , the article. Orden will receive prompt attention. • S. Y. CUMMINGS. St. 5,1869. • Jts. CAMEUONi Attorney at I.aw Beaver. Pa. Office In the room for m.rly occupied by the bite Judge Mum. Col. lectlumr. te.. promptly atteded to. TIRSTISTRY.— , Dr. .1. Murray, of Bridge t water, has an .-0111ce Right" to use the gen uine GOODYEAR ILLRD RUBBER; consequent. ly h' does Lot use the Dry Rubber, or soap-stooe, ~.hue for teeth. Hold and Sliver Innings put In of lba 'best ma. terlal. and all work warranted. _ A MAIIIANTIII Lodge No. 294 1 1.0 ALT., Lt meets every Woodsy evening at 6 o'clock, In 'painter, In °olio's LW. [leb10:11 13 Ystrmar, Watched'leer mad Jeweler. 34 street, Server, Pa. (In room adjolning J. t'. IVllson'e (laid watches and throe. °meters repaired and wunutted. • Engraving done to order. The patronage of the public is aollrlted, sod satteractlee guaranteed. Gls. ea a apt intern. Miscellaneous. rr . V., nrozwarr. SIIA.I,I,ENBEIIGER BRAS. 1222:13E1 Fine Family Groperies. Queensware, NAILS WIN DOW (LASS, WOOD AND WILLOW WAHL, BACON, FISH) FLOUR. SALT, intE, Country Mince Talon in Eichaw for Goods, Ow& delivered fregi.ot**lo-11. _ .. the Villigieil4i.',":- - . ..:.".....p . . nagiOd. t __ XTOT;CIE. 11 ea b N.E W - ' .1. C. WILSON'S OLD • 8TAIi1). Thini stmt.!, lieav , toi; pd. JOS. M. REED, Tikes Wesson; to Inform bls old friends that be Is established 111.bl:sloven at the above stand, %%bore be will be glad to meet mid accomodate liken., Fresh. Bread ME C rucker., Confectionaries of all kinds NO. 1. FLOUR, , Made from Full Wheat, by the bar rel, sack, or retail. EC= 4S I LARK4•, ) _ Ct• BANKERS,T 110135 S 0 UTHMIIIRD.STREEI 'PHILADELPHIA: 'ENERAL kCENTB, FOR 00, : yENNSY N INANIA vr iirm A N D rs 0 , 5 9Z ) OF THE t.. 5\ . le l ark 0/ 7 / 1 1 ig UNITED.STATES OF AMERICA Tb. Irmozaz Los Irstrusgs Comarr orporselos Ef epedal Act .aV roved July 21. vltl CAEN CAPITAL, $1,000,000, NLL PAM Morel to edged •Arte sad 14001/1e.l& r• I avisea to apply at oar oats. , Y . l.Mltlatterrto be la ad oe ardiedttod at adz Oen ,b..Cueralsenl=ll:ts.ilitirge Boats srAlvantageocZ•ittly the uommuir ma, be ad. • Et W. & CO.. . No a Sera TA .91. . . . New Spring' Dry-Goods SUGARS, PURE SPICES Molasses, S wops, Soaps, . aho the • ht...tds of Tobacco .Atitid Civars to he found in the plaee Wt• make a kiwclaliy-of KI4°VR FE-EP itia aud rat 0 none at t. n be the very best rid ties la a m.. establish. meat enjoys a well e arned renotetket to Ibis par tkulat. and as Intend In the future u in the past to maintain It. WE DEFY COMPETITION. Don't taloa' the place. We ue stlll et the old stead, restend otad ht., Beaver. ra. Come and see Ili, DUAL I The Howe Sewing Harldsee IL] now opening a Large clock r,f J. W. BARKER & CO., 59 Market Thee'. Pittsburgh ~NeiySliOngGoods They wish particularly it) call attention to their I.trge and complete stock of - Silks and Dress Goods,- ill which will be found all the latest styles nitiptee to the bea.4llll. I Eastern lind of their nivn Manu• • facture. Ladies' Snits made to order. Shawls in endless variety. House . keeping (basis of Every Des• eripti (((( . Purchasers ran rek on gilding every article in this establishment at the very lowest prima. Ministers and their (anti• !les allowed a liberal discount. J. W. ILIPORKERdr. CO. • is Market al.. lit. :141 lc 4th avenue. turlolf • • Wall Paper, Window Shades, Patterns New, Prices Love. • Variety Endless. DEZOUCEIE - 430 Co Cur. Filth Avenuo, 112 Wood Street. .Pitlabergh, Pa._ Peckagei delivered at R. R. Repot'', &c free of ,charge. marlo.Bm. =MEE (..m• . . 437 Mg : , ‘!”;.11. - 1).11,.. -: 8 ---•,,, i •-;. ii , : 1 ; !. <, i L:• 4 ',l 1 ' , 1 . 1 : " ! i i:•:, 6 :: . : :, 41.'.4 . / q.;!5?:1 1 , ..',....!: . 1 ., ' , C,. -..i ;:0 '1,.%i rerirai4t VoLSI--H — Dio.l ..i....:.:ti:: - -( . .-.... 2 --,.? r - 1 ' Beat , •1 . ... . '.., • ............ ,t.:,.. , -:..,.• ~,,, .. ~ . • i.,,' , ..., I ~-, ':-,•':- 'cili)*, 4,-, rzin ; • , OM/11MA 54011.11 UV NEW BRIAHTQk .R 1 WRoLIAALI nil RETAIL WMTS LEAD,;,,. _ ,. . = • BRUSIIEN NAIL& Mixed • Paints.- , Colors. I. Oil and Dry.. I 1 Carbon OH, Boiled oa, li«tt's Foot Oil, Spirits Terpentlne. Coach Body Varnish. 1 COPAL YARN'S'', FURNITURE VAMBH HAMAR VARNISH, [BLACK VARNISH. ICOiLIiSPATENTJAPAX ARTIaT'S MATERIALS, Picture Primes, (to order,) LiSOKING GLISSEB,I MIN • GLIM PIMA FRENCH AND PLATE ;WINDOW G,LABS, , FRENCE . ZINC, 'ENGLISH AND WAND PAPER, &C. His terra ore CASH or livery of Qooi r. janl:69 Tos..zs. s. saussassus, • s.ssneril: TRUTH IRSTRANGER THAN FICTION It r . po.ttiv• filet thit),,, DRI. S. HIBBARD & CO H. B. bolersoll 011 Store BEAVER. Pk, Lye Drugs and groceries; Which they villas champ as can be bought la Pltt■bargb. They halm on band and are daily recalling PURR DRUGS. .)4FX/C/NE ' • PREr-Mnßit; Patna Modlidsmn.of all ktads, Legal. Cap, Leta. en . d Note Paper PIM& ink•Fancl and lkidaestic Swim Pure Wme and Liquors, for Medical put tows 011.1. Burning Otis. and other articles usually kept to Int clisa Drag Storm .The Doctor baying had a practice of ten 7earn facia cooldent of him ability to Ors ea oil in the prelim:doom depirtnient, which b under his apecW charge. its charges nothing for navies and prescription,. Platicianiftrildlon Carctblll ca pon at all Bann pay ail Fa &c., Ice We also have co sioortsoent of 14uggur. . Co Mee. Ton. Flavorful &tracts, Jellies, Candies, RAISINS, CHEESE, CRACKERS, de • Our goods have been bought low for MIL se lected with greet tare. rnd will be sold at the very lowest price.. Glee tot a cell before purchasing elsewhere. Country Produce taken In exchange tor rants. 11, P. IIIBBAIID At. CO. Jan. 6, Pli2r. E.:inwardlatary , ! . . GRIND BALL OK WM Ibi BEAVER. • could not be more astonishin g than the tact Ilint . • SIMON SNITGNit & CO., keep the heat, largest and freshest mock or • GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, etc, in Bearer count•. And although it takes sae to make a Balloon rise, you will and, Wpm visit their retabliahutent that they don't Wm. to trawl to gas to make their goods , go. TO MI, we would ray. -Flab la" and examine our stock ! We hare on band the Swat and hest TEAS. • COFFEE, • - OLDEST MANED =I They betas the Int Basin Maellsea'aver taut* and have been taaaulactared coallanally ander tha eatterrholaa of Ma original roc 1-140 WV, Jr, Since their Ord latrodiction MU. The le- ren ewal upon then machines made within the last two years and their rapidly Emma, ' popiihu i ty attests the het That they have reached the: eery SOON of perfection and that they an not only nei oldest established bat Um brat in the world. Then machine do perfect work upon all tab flow oi bellow In. or coarse.= Mktg • seek, am e the tanned= of Ni. Bowe, alike wpm bent me. fibriettneett. The tension. new. morel and unvarying. can be &Sleeted to any degree id tig h t. any, and after bdr.g Adjusted do not require angled. except lot inbreed threads. To those who have need tits Howe Mectilne. It to 40t neoresen for as to peak ; and we would onlyadd to Men Who wish sparked IMSCIIIIIII to be sure and owl these machine before buying any other.. Send for clecalar. Applications fir unties mast be 1111drosood to SUMER tb STOOPS. • Sole agents for Pennsylvania. New Jamey, Dela ware 211 and West Virginia. South Se and No. 4 St. Oak St.. Ptt.burgh, Pa. entrants. L imber • MINIMUM AT THZ LOWRsT RATES. AT DARR soma.AGH'S, Ibb lAin v - a. . , ,7,21_ LI 11 i .ii 'w ;leyi erzei , .41 . T. ) ~ .e r ~ .. a,r..1 tri-, tr , oili ' ~1 •1 : ..?*:-.• ',AI, UV/. 2 . 1 , 144/ , ~1 r; , • ; qt.,: TM: 1 -4); 14 . 5 t -r) aO. ,;-' ..• %= • '':e ., ' ' W,;l' i $.411 tilt? ?l' , . ' .SPR.II(O,. STOCK.: LINSEED 0 Oil Cloths', 'Etc„ Etc. M'CALLUM BROTH'S. ' tard'Oti; • HIM on hand THE LaumsTsroa guilvEacau-, From the Pinar Qualtiles to the Very Lowest Grades. SHELLAC AND WINDOW SHADES.' Fine ara Commoik VW* Covers, &a, *e. InAutry Wt Illleaspasy. aiIIMPACIVIUMMI ANA ?LIMN IM TABLE & COARSE SALT, INDUSTRY, BEAVER CO., PA. All mit pot op ta g fri order ' d sod 4onsato4 to An Odom promptly .(tooled to a:a. mamas. MAXAalut, IL wort am matt Tama& revile la-t/, GERMAN GLUE DRUGS, DRUGS Keeps eaugantly me as bap sow. Urg est sesottmeat Draw , Mai. Le. la Bower downy. • Patent Medicines of all kinds. Paints, Olin Dye•Btuffs, Perfamerlea, Toilet and Farcy Articles, • by the box or Masi. quantities ; .:Physialans t Prescriptions Compounded at all hours—day or might. SOLE 4JAMT OP MINIM COUNTY /OR SU. ■uTZZL'I IPATIINT All other kinds of ?rums; will he deliver ed Inn short time, when called for. IN THE DIAMOND, Rochester Penna. Formerly Buechllng & Brehm. -- sk(ebll:3n. Farmers, floe, Canned FruMs, Pipleen. ALTA VELA PHOSPHATE, It le eceatimed prioelpelly of the eeleteated Gnaw SMOI • 10 isa t t qtr4a: gln (unborn. IRO Wi to and a large amain of eel Toothor with POTASH and liODA.liti eutionai ohnoodo of The blyb eatlelatleu In wblcb It la b alai by imasy *mood tamers wbo antoußa, it In mist nes to o th er Mods, la a pure Coefastoo of Ito value. Prim PI per ton. Bend for a posioblot I Addnoo—lbs Alta Vela Union Company. 6T Ifroadwas. Now York. A Safe Blood Puriryer, A Splendid Tonle, A Pleasant Beverage, A CERTAIN CURE • • AND` PREVENTATIVE 6 PISEASES. • TheIfINGARI DITTXRB ere commended bum proscription albs celebrated Erred= Alj id= Dr. ttazoretts who, after yoke of trial ono =pm , Intent, discovered lbe Zlllo4lllXlHaes — tise most remarkable =gobble godseetea Wm mirth. per. haps, hamster Itelded—esetaists the hest eare d...la the core of dieesee. It. In combined= with the other valuable properties the ZISNOANI IWO= O= nes coomosed. widen= Dyspepsia. Fever and Ague, Billions re. vet, Glaiic, CoWs.Bmnehitls, Cousuuip• lion, in its Ara stage, Flatulence, Net. votes Debillty,'Female Complaint., Rheumatism. Dysentery, Acntu and.Chrole Diarrhea. Cholera, Morbus, Choler*, " Typhoid - and Typhus Fever, Sweat la, Diseases or the Kid. neyt, Habitual Coulee. new, de., &C. la dm preveetloa sad =reef the abort es.lt hasseerr been known to foil, as t efoar mottpromiseat cities= ithroughaddli al the country, win many. Lei the Metal et w e t d a arr cl^ 4lll t eltdialqr tostimmelaie mid owthl• one or these els have iscoo cored after their saes had homtlemeetumed tweetery oar best b pbpidana. Pdocipet F. RAI:ITER at: 400, • . N 0.., N. IMeat Street, gobiaopid, Er= s;;'.:1, aru ,7l .11 RIM , r fi • -- • - , • •,• • 31 Fifth 'Melilla, above Wood agree% PITTSBURGH, PA Prices uniform to all, and the Merest. ICCATAIIII IIRO& mar24:lT. WM. BUECHLING, IN iliO Sleeves C.doi!oity, Pa. PURE. lINEUCTG-S, TOBACCO AND CIGARS WIIMINE Mtlll TRUSSES. REMEMBER THE PLACE, Next door to Jul. A. Fortune's Dry Gouds Store, TRY TUE NrELLE&. WARIne Wee per pot. of 49.11r2Z.0NT-46.. I Bono Pliospitato of Lime, coMppirit MAKURX. THE GREAT Zingari Bitters. Ree 01.11.90 t oitid IL hatter, at Prstrgtearb. n ll.O. Robert J. Mar. at • Ritoord Rellettoce. Yea. Joel 31,. Daaser. Rost Rim.. Nergrty, sod Wren. " ALI' FOR CIRCULARS. ltbUtt t4ilfat.' .._-, ..34.31:41 ""Stse'S . • 3. =." .. ..4111ltil .= • - .- At t II: cf., -.... A ~.i... t, . • irai • pf. 4,1 i• ft • ,;// ! -,• . • Z) .NEW intrakiroiri PeS"P -.' . . =2lll !own" erisir Promo. Visidais:it'asiiii.; caKAPgit ?nix . D IN • ITRIBUOUKTRY. INGI LOOK ST THE PRICE 67 • , nitt , PREMIUM - 0:!01C - IST0 1 1( - '' .- ;! - - : ' - ltrtrifT:',::: L....:-,. Xo. t , Ophooni SOU& Liege Stem OVID& hI so Xo. 4 Splendfdlkur. Limo Sows thoo, X& !Oh* oadhl Lerlql9ns. FlialadbiHPart- s dLAi FZEZZ; I ZZ •• s. .... • b. siTowiw. TU. 2, =bled I. irea w • 7, ' : Enameled Grata Frosts, No, le, awe n% tea, • $llll IC " n II SS 111, VI VI, " M " .B UM IS. "110 " ass " 211, " 21 " 5, 21 - - mz;l:m - 3Dicrßas. '" 111. Na. VA Pitts Rod, Wilk, arrowN , . i s Xi U. nary 135 .• ga, .• 'dawn R0d, 1.11 " IN, Plata Nall , Le Bar, wkhoat Rod, . 1.75 " W. " ' " " • • LSI Pressed Sheet Iron-Summer Pieces, Plain Enameled, • • •1.5 ••• wink Onuusental Centre, L All libek Warranted. Gina ue a ChM. TERMt3, CASH. uctlre.] lIYJNRICIL • CO J. c.RA*P, Dealer La Flour, Feed, anti Grain, ROCHESTER. (ox Tax taiga.) psoar 11401 to soh la mord_ ki Paws sad qumm. Yeld, atoll mac cop MEAL , WYE "LOTTO' BUCIEW.A _ T FLOUR. CORN AND OATS, eosetestly oft Mot Also, a Imp sad eases*• lest Wood en Pump, the ehesixtst u US. • gall•tikf do arlebeetsa Alta Vele GUANO OR PHOSPHATE =;Ei;;=iMl . . I bey ter CAM, and aell tor tba aute„ Cub b an will Ind It to their advantage to WI. • 118. AU Good. Delivered Fhee. - 11111 Jan 110.1111 • J. C. HAMMOND WALL 'APRIL WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. , The burnt sod dampest stock of Wall Paper la Beam Comm. BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOK& A lays aasortaist d Illecollaneaus, School Rod 141=13014w coltatesal, to WA at Pub- Ilstmr• • Oit Boots Suitable for the Hitt* lIN=C2 STATIONERY, STATIONERY. STATIONERY, An @stead v• Twisty of Paper. Lovelace Lad Patna. Gold and Steel Pees. ha sad bik Stands, 'is. Se. We Ire t►e mlushs •rent leetbecaliantei , Pc,lers cold Palk. for this Comity; those olieklog good Gold Pen, would do wsibto um thou befoul We us tits Aim! tiotnitiLlter Sliders' plietosespb Murky Curtilests. The ethietice dampers Y respeadhlly WWI to MY; at we ego selt thew et the stuoddhlosest as they would get b. lilto Publisher. Atwatani School Gee. arliMela the sale Y !Whir is' prime We bee mutest!, cm hod Floor 011.01eth , . , huge variety. A% INDOW E4IIADEN WINDOW OIL RUSTIC & PAPER BRAME. es hand Top • ant V a a=codm sult,lde for W J. F. PRICE, Deal • liceilway, New &lghto• FAIRBANKS ITAIIDAIIO .0 A.l 11 8 • elan kinds. ALSO, BAGGAGE HARROWS WARE HOUSE TRUCKS. COPYING I'IIMOSE6. IMPROVED MONET DRAWERS, Patrimonies. Morose 102Seand Amu, ow Wood at, WALES REPAIRED PROlifitlY. aperdinow.l BR EA D ! BREAD', -The undeMigned takes planet In In. Ironing the public that be is still engaged in the Raking business at his old Oland, no Market Street. Bridgewater. Pa. He warrants that nothing is need in his ba kery to make white bread on{ of dark Bonn Persons leaving their orders at his bakery will he supplied at their houses daily Ifs° desired with the best of bread. de. J. 121. YOUNG. • iptl4:3tooli. IGII*I9 & Dress Makitg. dire. Z. Moore laving returned Irons 011 In, Informs her former csisWersers and the public generally, that she has tensor. ed to the office formerly o ccupied by W. Clarke, Eq., one door wait or. it r. lintelsy's stook Unere She Intends carry: lag oallillleary and Dress Malting In an their branches. Blosets : and Bonne, lags In great variety conntentbr ass l. aprl4:4w. ~ I dl iJf tt r.' '• '...), EEO 111 4 1 1 dowis, ese.l With: 11 4 40,11. t. _177 21 6 1 - biL", Hi bluer it' .41;yormary' , H., [l!goc. Ho. Wsie„ re tl. eke 1141 invey in 7 Mad ant 1"/ trar ForlragfOlh Who l shall ai Nis lb.. And he asel Como cm; 01, Wlthtoi I'l ,Tbo' met up :1 witlArbilk Ttroea ti TO maned Ateabood. Iwoulddrtok w ha the To a brevet* To the Illy's reset . To thealleisdee That thrilled Her large gym, wi soot^ And the dory wine • ' I will tirtik • • 'lntel To innocetwe, chime t I will drteh ' w And, last Wbobas om within. My I r IMIZI •s 4All 4.11 436 440 LIP Ily beartheburnado......._ -own!' man And a horrible - crashes my . brain. i 1"-: , " • Theo' awful i ' ' and Wl, Your band, good . 'Nall. I cannot mayor to +4B LinJgh 1 ' But we'll lmegh ' brlbre I dial ' Then cover meL-w11i:44--Wllb Min,' . The feare dolmen ; _ of 90 11 1 --_., .. _ -.. ________. .13141AISCT , . . -------'-‘:-.----- A 1111101t1H ''.. 4111;b_ YU. - --777- 'And sO 3iou ItUteri so lovely!? t and Mho Levering jiberpretty 41b. dedismondeollinftwithalent lbetallon otpollC. I like the— what do - WV ' " me, how odd esnixik; 'bet: the— carsiir - '• Harley whose.• • genet-, al le centeettsn &Oen. othereplied, R a t, w o k. , ier . , deft' And Harley felt conscious that be had_ taken the complimnt to himself andwas coloring In a very boyish wi 'Yes.' con tinued - Miss Levering, 'they, a re spl endid; they are en love ly In their uniform, and have such a lirM, independent look-,' 'loulse, my dear,' add her moth er, ' what rimy& raving about ?' 'Nothing, mamma,' replied her daughter, paying no further atten tion. 'Oh, Mi. Harley—l btx pardon—l mean Mr. Harley Odlitiard'—and she became delightfully confteed— "is not the view of the river charm ing from here IL • • They were on the piazza of Rowe's Hotel. .It was afternoon, the place , was crowa lmy,ded with promenaders, the air was b and the sun ving down behind the hills, leaving the sky radiant with golden light. Harley made some boyish reply, and the flirtation continued. 'Who is that girl?' asked a lady of a gentleman as they passed the hand some cadet and his companion. 'She is the wealthy Miss Levering, of New York the prife of Colonel Houghton, who, on ng, le ft her a fortune. Me is co risi ered beautifid but there Is something about her e cannot admire. Besides—' Theconversation became more con fidential. 'Come,' said Harley, 'will you walk over to the library' building? I want to show you thepleturra—' He was in earnest, but Mass Lever ing thought it • was an excuse for a continuation alike flirtation, which, thaw:inch asshe had only known him three or four da u, was advancing in a wild and w manner; s,she said, 'Yes,' and went off without no tb:ing her mother's warning r Louise, you had better take your shawl. The evening dew will soon fall.' 'Mamma is so stupid,* she said, as they craned the green sward. Harley looked surprised, but said nothing, 'and she rattled on. 'ls not the sunset sublime? Oh, r could gaze at it forever!' 'I think it would hardly consent to that neat arrangement,' replied Hur ley practically. She tapped him on the arm with her tin. 'Monster!' she said, giving him a lookout of the corners of her eyes which was intended to mean, 'Oh; you dear delighthl fellow I' and which made Haley's heart palpi tate strangely. 'Here we are,' he add, as th e y reached the picturesque library build ing. 'Come In ;it is not too late to see the pictures.' She looked a little surprisetat his persisting in what she consMared a mere ruse to get her away from under her motherfs eyes, but entered. 'I know you will like the grand full length portraits ofMoruee and Jeffer son,' he continued ; 'they are by Sul, ly, one of the greatest panters our country, haa ever proltialt He used thyme here every summer until lately, but now remains at his home in Phibithdphia. Are they not su perb epectmens of color ? She mannered 'Yevidently not undentunling or ta king interest In the subject. 'These kit-kets are by Sully also,' he continued; 'this full length is by Weir—' ' 'V nice,' she add, 'hut I like ooloretl photographs better.' was somewhat shocked at hel i t a v r l of taste, and they turned away without any farther inspection of the library, and went down the path, past the chapel. Twilight WAS approaching, and already the full moon made luminous the shady walk. 4 poyou know:said MISB Levering, suddenly, like you!' 'Be you?' replied Harley, his breath absurd taken away. . 1 1r01—You are not angry, are you? • 'AV's?' be stemmed. MBE Mil . ... . ... . , - . ...._ . . - .:• C. .:,,,' :.- ".." ..:. •••,.„,. .::., ..; , . ID 4 ,',.!, . V .•:' .:• :; ; ~,,, , . :I , '• : .-;',. . . ‘. r . 1. , ; ? .:'''' •'. 11 , ? , .r e 4. .r. f' 'y; ii: ~i clr =I yy,QQ /j~~ .a _' T"i~iYf~i -1. . " - don't lita: . , jr Jib , ma.; pile tn' her . turs way ; 'I Y9114° he t i f Fri t a l t; V I I 7° l 4' • ~ troa ..Tott .w arili panni .t, . 0 , : ~ , . ... '''.lll will permit?. Why of come I ivilWatid now I Want you to dime 'A _you -. N4 A I dottrel Ob,, hofir spienl - Oil nd—how good you are! W 'me One of your Military for my alatat' . rOt t reame Haziey's knife, and be pro teekk. m aj chopped a button off and it %one enough I' he asked, velem lug tio alerifice another. - . • r • ln tlar i athan.k3 eh a e, pienty: she =- Wow it hilt will look wdkon my ' I Ildnk—don't your Pima toe me frankly ; do you think it will look well?' She Isegardhi him in ,an. Appealing' manner, and Harley told bee that 10 thought it would look raw well. , 'You_ say, that because you know It liiii PleIM mei', she said ntively. . m ass ured her he did not.plaiWhere = te' r =sed gab!, and called • 'Now ' She Mid confidentially,, , l Want yon to give me a piece. of W olfe. Will_ your 'Badly r 'With pleasur • . ' Hariey suttee"; _ i IThen--then-zklott laugh—please don't laugh at me t 'This• was add with great eaanestnees. 'I am not laughing,' replied liar e leY, - sober as &judg. 'Oh, yes you are.' she persisted VI see It In your eyes—there—there—' And ahe made a little more at hitu, 'which caused him to burst into a laugh, in which she joined, and it was at I: a moment before they could 'Yon heat a Vuman form,' Mies l= tki t. C l'ell me w n ht u ttalr ri b bons I shall wear to-morrow night at the hori=zeenTs.' said, without hesitation, 'Pin ... ; you wore. it the other day, and you looked—' He paused, he-had not the courage W psy her the desired- compliment, but she helped him en. 'Did I look well? 'Perfedl3r lovely I' .he exclaimed, with thei strongest emphasis. Miss Levering uttered an hysteric al little cry. 'Oh, you .naughty creature!' and do you really Interne?' She had taken his yin Ind looked up into his face with a glance that Bent the blood .dancing through his 'veins. The sky had deepened Into the tender blue of the evening, the moon illuminated the pathway,with :roue ernrigenee, and In - the b t light hls eyes met hers and re ' ued died upon her ns if fascina ted. - =3 I the arm, red a better de. 4114 D 14 . 3 i lia , terrible 'Do I like you? he repeated with boyish impetuosity. Yes—l do.!* • 'Be my Mend,' she saki, her voice .trembling while her hand pressed his arm. 'I am so lonely so ••red sometimes.' No one cares lbr me— they smile upon me, and then go away midlevel me. You will not do • that, will you, Ilarley=l mean Mr. Goddard—you will not do that? 'No,' he -replied, unmet:toady pressing her hand. will be your friend always—tereverP 'How good you are,' she whispered. 'lt is you who are good and !MIMI.. tiful,' be murmured, 'and .'Louise!' gild a calm voice; Ma. Levering on the arm of a gentleman tarred ttithway 'Mamma!' cried J helr i . 'And some one else,' said the gen tleman. 'Louise—' 'Oh . exclaimed Hire Levering, • • did-you sanest , - What II sur prise! You wrote you would not be 'But I am, you see, ' add the gen tleman with anythin ; but a friendly glance at Harley. M Levetingner vously introduced him. They shook hands coldly. 'I must leave you now, Mr. God dard,' mid Louise. llood nighL and many thanks for your kindness.' She extended her hand warmly, took the gentleman's arm, and the party turned towards Rowe's leaving Harley alone in the moonlight filled with conflicting emotions. Harley did not sleep that night. He tossed restlessly hour after hour, thinking over his interview with- Mite Levering. `She must llke he argued- 4 1 cue sure she does; while I—l love her!' And the .. poor boy did not exaggerate.. Louise had fits einated--mptivated him. 'How beau tiful she is! thought the cadet, 'and what a sweet voice l' Then Ile paus ed, while a tluilfran through him. 'She is very wealthy, and I—well, I am not poor—my Gather is prosper ous and—l could support a—a wife!' Ah, Harley, thinking of marriage already —before you have graduated! HoW fast boys run oh-f-American boys especially ! How blight the skies are to youthful eyes I•A storm may come—but at the first glimpse of sunshine the gloomy past is for waft' and hope smiles once more. Harley felt sure Miss Levering liked him very much—for had she not ask ed him to be her Mend—and had he not accepted the trust—and would he not fulfill it nobly' He fell asleep at last and dreamed of her—dreamed that she called him 'Dow Harley,' and told him that she loved him, and awoke with a start just as the reveille sounded. Ile thought of nothing but Miss Levering all day, and when on pa. rade she waved her handkerchief to hint and smiled, he felt that every One was looking ut him and envying hint, and that lie, was the happiest &Mow lu the world. As soon as , his duties permitted, flushed and Impatient, he hurried to Rowe's: Miss Leveringand the writlemanshe had the evening before introducedas Mr. Wilton were laugh lag and talking cai the piazza. Har ley was somewhat taken aback, but his angel held out her heard gracious ly, and said, 'How well you looked on parade, Mr. thiddard I' To which Mr. Wilton, who iuul nodded to Mar ley inn condescending manner not very agreeable to .him, added 'Yea, the ankh' drill well, and area fine set of boys.' The sneer was so evident that Har ley smiled, and Mims Levering, tap ping Mr. Wilton on the arm, Lulled him a. monster, and asked him to get her a ghee of water. Ile arose lazily. and.departed to obey. 'Who is that man? asked Howley, abruptly. - Mho Levering laughed. 'That man, as you are pleased • to . call him, Is my affianced husband.' . . Harley drew back slowly, his hands fell to his side, and for a mo meat he did not move. Mins Lever lug, in order to give him-time to re cover, gazed tranquilly at the river, until at last Harley spoke.. 'You are to marry him?' he whb+- pered, in a choked voice. • 'Yes.' .'l3o you love him ?' 'Hush! Heis hen!: She took the glass of water from Mr. Wilton and sipped it leisurely. Harley regarded her stupefied. Everything seemed in a whirl before her. He rose mechanically. 'Are you going?' asked Mite Lev ering, lightly. • he answered, and with a slight bow, turned away and hurried to the barracks. Ho threw himself on his bed, and lay there for an hour without moving.. ; She was to marry another! No; no, it' coukt not I.le--it MEE szg r .. .11 M LEI MEI Ell Mould iset Xlawfadfi prevent it Ile Malitiee her,auff have an ex% patio% when: How? Ab—the itOomene—ehe wouldbethere, e wouldigo elan. Igightauneogeer andbeautifid. A* Herby entered the ballroom the Out atgect hbf eyes tested upory was Mho Levering, with pink ribbon in her hair, looking ,to •Usrley the mod besutifid giri la the world, though other people were naughty to say she used the slightest.= lin nntge.g of and Peened ber_ ey e Levering motioned him , to- come over. she knew she had made him wretched, her, van! was gratified, and she &it Besides, aidets are ;dwarf in demand among the yeunt ladiesat. West Point, and as Barley WASottbe handscamst, Itha Levering liked to be dancing With him because It attracted Aden lion, and made the other gbh fElo she Mid, 'With more than ordinary warmth, . 'Mr. Lloddiud, I h a ve n't forgotten my promise to dance with you' so you may put your name: down for the fourth.' .! . • ' Harley took the book. Mr. Wilton was down Ifw the first dance. • With a bitter wale he added his name for the fburth, and sauntered off. He dets wi lounged among a number of the ca- Miss Levering da , neing, • ; watching 'Why don't you dap , Harierr asked one of his coin ns, 'there are lots of pretty ris anllons-to know' yon.' 'Shaft I damn and flirt:with some one else and see if - I nui make her Jealous?' he thought. But Harley's nature was too honed tb . attenipt each a thing: so he said : 'No, thank you ; I have a partner for, the fourth dance.' And he waited patiently until the fourth arrived. It proved to beard lop. 'How well you dance!' add Mies Levering, leaning on his shoulder af feetionatay as be, pioneered her through the whirling crowed, He did not reply, but as they were near one of the windows, 'drew here out on the plasm. want to talk with you,' be said: Let us take a short wak.' ' We mustn't be gone long,' she replied, 'or mamma will make a dreadful row. Lend me your hand kerchief to put around my neck. lle did so, and fora moment they walked silently along the moonlit path. 'Louise!' he said at last. 'Well She was not angry at the familiari ty. She rather liked IL She knew that Harley loved her, and thought It would be good fun to keep up the flirtation. . • I love you!' he continued. Doutt say that,' she whispered, at the same Cline hoping that' he would go on. I nmst,' he replied &inky. ' I can not bye without you! Oh, Louise, do not break my heart and destroy my peace of mind &never I' lOh, ne e Harley; she mannered,. you are young: for you the world Is bright and beutiful.' She bad read this in a• novel, and thought It &pret ty sentiment. • 'Rem ember I am al ways your Mend- '' • • Never!' beetled, fiercely. I love you too well to see you the wife of another, ./. am not wealthy,but I have a fair income—do not refuse me, Loulsii—do not east me off! Why must you marry this man?' • Because-I have promised,' she nn swerel, huriledly. " Promised?, he eaboed, bitterly. Yes' she said; ' it is too late to retract' • They had reachedallttlesummer- Pausa l and site sank gracefully on a He took her hand and covered it with kisses., `Must I loSe you?' he She -regarded him witriVnd of pity. 'Poor Harley,' she add, softly. If you knew hoW I loved you—" he almost sobbed in his anguish.— Oh, Louise! Louise! why did you led me to suppore that you oared for me?' She`arote and pressed a kiss on his brow: 'Bens use—l love you,' she replied. Ile clasped her' passionately in his Linos. 'You love met you love me!' he repeated, delirton y. She let him kiss and embrace her for a moment, became she rather liked being 'kissed by a handsome young man, and then drew herself from his arms. ` 1. love you,' she said—then came a long pause—‘ but lean never be your wife. The words.were theatrically deliv ered ; but 31hr4 Levering had prac ticed the sentence on several victims before, and knew how to produce an effect. 'Never be my wife,' Harley repeat ed. stupefied. She moved so that the moonlight could all upon her fine and make her look seraphic. • _ ',No!' sho answered. 'Nu!' 'Why not?' - ` Bemuse you nra unable to give ale the positiou In the world I seek. _Do not he angry, Harley. Let us be Mends—warm friends. always—but let us forget to-night.' Ile arose sternly. Let us return, was all he said. She took his arm. Harley,' she murmured. • Well ?' 'You forgive am?' He did not answer. detatehed a bow of pink ribbon from her hair, and, to the last true to the Instincts of a coquette, ofW.xed It to 111111. 'Take this,' she sold, 'and remem ber that, though I shall marry anoth er,,l sludl never cease to love you.' It was wleked, harness, to say thtiu but it was the truth for all that. Iu her light, selfish way she eared more for him at that moment than , any num she knew. Still Harley did not speak 31he Levering endeavored to weep, but pmused, remembering that it would not •do to rtsenter the ball room with - red eyes. ',Harley,' she said, we must not part in anger.' No he exclaimed at last, his bet ter' feelings touching his heart; ' not in auger, Lod— forgive you. ''Of course you do,' she_ replied, with an effort to recover her gayety. ' Now take we back to nitunnur, or I shill be dreadfhlly scolded.' the kokedid him stealthily as they entered the ball room. He was so handsome, so noble, but so pule and silent. ' Ibm lie loves Me r she thaut, and she felt a little sorry for him • but this was by no means her firstflirta tion, and his anguish did not aired her deeply. "You will not fOrget me?' she whispered, as he led her to where her mother was seated. 'Think kindly of me, Harley. She remembered making the mine sweeh to several men with .whom sW had trilled in a like manlier. I will try ' and turned away. ' She watel:ed him leave the ball room, and theft with a little shrug of her shoulders turned to Hr. Wilton; who had been looking on with aftY , thing but a pleased exproidon, and begun talking gayly until rhand o then had Pacified and amused him, let him put down his name for the .nett dance. lit. The week poet' slowly enough for 111111 t p4e Hai*. He bore,' timely I Icr f true soldier, but Jae went war Idiot- Levering noade mote. ewer 7 She w perit par sad attth tie eye and, but looked . rcfridteiY awn', w a ohoklag sematlon In Ids ihruu ; and insteed of kiiingin gaZ With other remned in the ba t r he rack': poorktinwl ai Hedid Ids` best to overcome hie love for Louise, but it was twelesebe loved her too etunertly to recover Ina day. Hie pardOn for the first love,. de honest and pure -A as that be bon) hie ad motherar/erred In lace.— Her image war 'constantly before him; The bow-of pink ribbon she bad even Idm—lds handkerchief which she had kept—her avowal of love kr him—all tortured him beyond Esta,l4l6lod 1818. `False- va hearted creature!' he'll:Mt. tend, sagely; loves me, and yet she sacrifices 'she all for position.— Curse her!' Then, with a revulsion of feeling, be cried: NO, llob ey n not hate h er--I love her too y for that—to) wildly.' Poor poor Mille-hearted toy! • A kw days after be received a little note_, which ran as - lbliows: ' Have on forgotten me, Harley? Why will you not come to me? Ah, the tont of man It can transfer its afieetlons easily— but the heart of Woman a/ways remains hithlW. "- • L.' This dramactic epistle had been concocted with the aid of another young lady whom Louise had tri vmpbantly let Into her secret. My deur,' she had said, at the same time munching a bon dm, 'if this don't bring him to my feet, he . is—welly l won't say what.' Harley read twid re-read tlds note. kilned it, and believed It—yet paused. Is she acting honorably ? ' he thought, and he shook his head sad ly. Yet love was too exam within him to resist the appeaL '1 must go to her,' he said; and ha went. Kiss Levering was not in her usual about tothe piazza, ; but es be was about to turn the corner he heard laughing voices and his name mentioned. '—hasn't come yet, my love,' said a lady's voice. IlsTr i t g , replied another voi ce—tha t of Louise. He is a hands ome fellow but young—very young. You should have heard him making love to me; he sukwes me. , Watch him to-mor row, and see how he looks at me.' ' fmuise, yen should not trifle with the boy,' said Mr. Wilton's languid voice. 'I trifle with him?' she echoed. How • absurd. I am not help his loving me, but I certainly shin not *allow him to confiscate any more of my pink ribbons: But then he is only a boy.' ' You are ableto• Maio the boy, is you call him, yclry miserable,' drawl ed Mr. Wilton. Louise laughed. 'Nonsense,' she replied ; adore him, you know.' . 'As much as you have adored a meat many others,' suggested Mr. Wilton, at, which there was& general lal griey listened stupefied. His And impulse was to - ace Levering, and denounce her. But tamondtho'ts convinced hind of the roily of such a proceeding, and he turned slowly like one in a dream. 'and walked away, scarcely knowing whither. 7.-. ' My trod T' he thought, 1 why do 1 We her?' H He looked up and fUund himself near the boundary line beyond which, the cadets are not permitted to go,' but having a permit In his pocket, lie poised the sentry,and wept out in to the road. ge walked:oo, where; until be Wy k = wearily on a rock. On one side of the road was a stony and precipitous descent leading down tothe rivtg which gtirred.raPPltllY q er In the sunshine, murmuring 'against the sloping banks: On the o f side of the road werethe.plessant woods.— Harley surveyed the scene apathet ic` Wo y. uld thatl were dead ! ' he groaned. ' Would that I were dead. Oh Louise—creel — cruel 1' lie buried his face in his luinds. The birds twittered in the tree, and darted through •the gentle air. The river went murmuring along. It seemed to say to Harley • Hush ! hush! hush!' but he wou 'd not be comforted, 1 ' She lied to me!' he muttered.— ' She does no/', love me! Heaven be mereillii, or I shall go mad ! ' He has,d not slept or eaten for sev end day and was worked up to such a state of excitement that he !lamely knew what he was doing. If if had not been for that man she might have awed .for me,' he cried; but novi—now—she can never be nine—never—never!' `Hush, hush,hush !' murmured the river—but he did not heed it.— He was utterly wretched. tin he 'was - aroused by the no of a vehicle approaching. He 100 ed Up. A couple of horses attach ed to a light carriage were coming down the road. galiqping madly.— A lady and genUernan, overcome by the peril of their situation, dun each other. Harley rose, cd them, and then uttered a wild Tbe_Loccupants of the carriage were - Louise Levering and Mr. Wilton. A horrible, revengeful expression pass ed over Harley's face. The carriage came nearer—nearer—nearer. 'Stop the. hones, for God's 'sake,' called Louise--'Harley S' Harley paused for an Instaut—the blood rushed to his face. 'I will save . you, Louise!' he aka, in a yoke of love and agony; 'I will save you!' And he 'sprang at the , horses in a frantic'eudmvor to stop , them. But the-maddened animals shook him off and trampled him under foot. killing him instantly. Louise uttered a shriek of horror. The horses shied and dashed down the rocky decent to the river—an in stant after two bodies lay motionkes beneath the tranquil skies—the man climbed and limp—the girl with her beautiful face dabbled In blood, while above on the road was stretched the poor buy who had loved her only too well. And the river, subbing against the =my banks and over the smooth sternest n the shallow places, murmur ed ' Hush, hush, hush !'—llurper's Weeky. BOW WE OBTAINED A HOME. r BY AN MA/CITIZEN. It Silt* a dreary November night, the rani had been falling all day, e I was thoroughly and inwardly die consolate, when my little wife met :heat the door. ." Why, Will, what bas mused you to be so late Y " she mid, "the tea has been steeped this half hour, and I re ally began to fear some one had taken a Aux& toyourwatcl:, andcaused you um unpleasant delay. ' i This remark was made with refs Mix to an ancient time-ke= I tarried—a hugh watch Ind belonged to my grandfather. My will, was always predicting that some gentlemiudy footpad would seek to poems himself of this valuable, if I was not more careful about exhibit ing it. The truth was she was sorry inha.. heart that I could not aftbnl better one, and so she took this meth od to bunter me. .We sat down to ten that night iti our cosy little hack parlor betkle a cozy_grate fire, and the fragrant and stimulating Oolong, and iny wife's cheery talk soon caused me to forget mq longwalk,and thedreachlag rain, VMS ra potraw, - old Arils bad*" out 'Sr. Pa., st«l pOr row Cosaus outiolio 01/11/44 1; 1 ar peon* WOW noppeurmy•otie.. • It.d. To town itioution &vont at kind smut 4orotbagY ba aVibliglodeal the warm of the author. LAW, and commoileddlow. samorld Isiiiddreired to J. WEYAND, Hamer, Po. and Use nsplcomml, inekkists of the . day, • " Yon know mi deur,"_ _ ,suid breaking open a white creamy bismat the whiles and Wing' ms a inas of . yellownutter, • slo you know I Pad , some very serious Urea/4 on way home Malghtf "Oh no doct i tAid," mid she, "you ilb In a At otmeu.. tal thin how much you made on the last Omer,' irs a siseenlation." .thls was decidedly You You see - I had nanesed to aim , thousand dollars, and a Mead a( whirs knew It, and he shoo knew of Slam 'corner' on wheat, aud the belief My humble pile he said yr mdllcissit seal fora rich harvest on such a.looru• er' as wasutly preparing. Weil, I lomat aplease my Mead and deal to to plum mysac to make *little motleyquick, Mid .the Mgr waa the followiws flatnrday night —WIII Atkinis minus Ave hundred . dollars. "No," mid I, "nothing ofthekbed. Item thinking bow hard ItAii to he pour. How lard hi toll on 3keir after year, and just barely make a IlOpir. Here we live In a rented bonne. We have paid out In rent for this little cottage throe times its first cost. A ; man ought to own the home he Item in if it be but a shed. I have lever seen the time when reould ratrehme a house. When- furtamate In &Rome laden 1 have let my hinds alp thin' my fingers, I don't know how, and my rejrularsabuy is only sufficient-for our yearly expenses." "Do you mean to sei," said she looking at me archly over her imp, "that you would willingly compel the wife of Your bosom to live In a smaller and cheaper structure than this? .Ito vousreally?" "No, no?' said I, "and indeed Ifl_ were to think of buildingacheap cote, tage where is the money to mss from?' and then I groaned auffildr over the afortedd 'corner.' " Well," said she, "I am glad you are still a devoted husband, not In the kind disposed to play the tyrant; but would it not be well now that we are * o the subject to eee if there is not e way open to liberty ? For my I wonkl like to walk orer a o ground which we could our Own. Do you know that I never tared anything about flowers here. It is not. because I em not Mad , of flowers, as you well know, but it, are p~aars so rediculous to be cultivating if on rented ground. , How I would like to be the mistress ofa lit. tle yard, and then the 'dowers would be my own." The factls my wife ''h ad been al: ways talking after this manner. She wanted Me to build a house even the' It had but one room. And so I an swered her: "Yes, yea, but where is the money to come than?" and again I thought of the 'corner.' "Well," said she. "Ole is the first time you ever seemed to reeo eye with me as to 'love in a " ""'S" ' When When the thousand dollars were In the bank you insisted that we had sot enough ; now that the half is gone I my that we still have enough to be gin with, and my feeling Is "strike for your altars and your fires."" ' By this time we were thrsiugb tea, and takings cigar from off the man , tel, I sat down in my eusy chair, twined buck, took two or three whit& of smoke, and said to her: " My dear, will you be kind enough to inform me how I shall go to work to build a house for five - buydred skaters?" In the meantime she had drawn a stool to my feet, and was sitting look= o , up at me, her rosy and histrottie flee beautiful In the gas light. It had been difficult from, the first for me to withstand that ewe. 1 believe I had never yet refused any request of hens wive to abandon my cigars and build a cottage, and now 1 felt my. time bad come, and ao I pulled avWsentr.seed.llolFas Ivi un common zest. " N 0v.., Will," said she, " listen. I hear there are lota for vale In bl----, great large lots on long time, at thee.? hundred dollars each. It is only six miles out by rail, and property the: say -is rising in value there ever'y year. My man is this: tiodown au I buy u lot now, mid get ready to build in the miming." " its," sand 1, " but you Comet 1.1. ; money." "Stop," said she; pulling with lie: tiny hand at my Want, "you pay down 'tor your lot tutu, and hay.- - nothing more to pay for two year.. We shall be utile to replace the moie ey br spring and have $50:1 to begin cur 10040 with. We can build a awe place large , enough for you mid ma i for $1,000.' "Yea," said I, knotking the mile. 1 from my cigar, "but where Is the remaining WO to come from ?" ~ "Look here," mid she. "We now. pay here $BOO for rent, do we not: - This amount, at Ist, we shall save in the new house. - You can readily borruW on the security you will have the .remaining SMO. and by a little economy we shall be out of debt in fifteen months from March next, hive the t.ffio on the lot." , • ' ' bettlda4 I "Yea, yet," said I, "and such * house.as we shall have—oh, dear!" Well, I was influenced by . my good little wife. We weal down one sou shiny :day and looked at the lots anti closed a bargain, and in the spring our house was cofinnenced, and ready for occupancy before the first of May. It Was not so l a rge a cottage as the one we had left; there was nor.ts, and I had myself heiped_to dig a. well; hut somehow there wise strange 'exhilaration of Galling on getting sate tied In our new abode. The &filth., too, had cost more than we antielpts ted by rixi, so that WO were on the house alone rfUO on moving in. I felt quite uneasy over this del , : the first night. This feeling quick!;• passed off, and as we toputou t ut ou erect,' make u fardeu, and prepare the a family of ch ckens, our estate seem ed so immense that the debtrthereon was trifling. 1 tan not stop to tell you of the jay of that, mummer. Away from th . o roar and dust, of the city; asnoug large trees and growing Aruba and flowers, our moonlight nights were bilasibi, and the little cottage, was a palace. TwO your passed, and so much cheaper had we Ibund it living in this style that we not only paid the debt on the house, but on the lot also. We wanted to remain there and never' leave it. But we could not. Pruperty had advatwed In prk to such an extent that the half of our lot hrOught $5,U00. This I put Into bushwat, and on this venture fortune t s he mllecl utue . euita‘ We staz•d oold artothcr lt, and Yea!' . i buin in a large and elegant - Wiese, out of the pr :ye& of our first investment.—: Years have passed sineethen. loan number of boasts, and have been Me. mend In trade, and now occupy marble front on Michigan avenue; but we have never been happier than when living in the thalassic' dollar cottage, and my little wlfe's advk'e was the *Ambition of our fortune.—+ Chicago Jarnacd. —A private letter states that on the hit live:, the schooner lila M. Pennell. of Machias. Maine. while In British waters off the Great Bahama Islands, was tired at' and brought to by a Spanbal war vessel, and her papers and cargo examined. Find ing the Pennell had nothing ootitza baud aboard, the Spaniards permit ted her to proceed on her voyage without thither molestation. —Mr. (lay, the colonel cidie' a of New Orleans, who declined the mis sion to Liberia, has au income of thirty thousand dollars a year. II •NSoII
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers