, anvurrissasam. • Adverthementact attba rate offl,oo per agnate Ow 14stinaertled for each sublet/4mA insertion 60 ' A liberal discount made on yearly ad vert,semente. ' • ' • ' • A space equsl to ton line. of thli typo measures a , square.' Menem Nittloes set under a head by themselves, Immediately after the local' nautili, twin: be charged ten meta a line for each insertion. . • • Advertisements should be , handed tn. before Monday noon to Inane insertion In that week's paper. immmionoll". 1 . 11 . 1 . 11 . 1 . 1 . 11.111 1- 111.11/ Busin*sa Cords. • g i gntr P o ll artait i ag ll : 74 ZZ Toy'Willa Bare. 1 rigrailt4t. , • E• P. KOHN, Marmara Law. Ofecain We lClnli rDullnlnL,eYtofP l bllc 9 gaare. mar 31:17,_1_ _ -- •1) DEA SIITGTE N R RERAN. Y ia.Np uvula. • win paw comanpooding redact/ow tea Told= and Music for pupil. oho uso*.nee Um pre .to Mich us fur luiltuctiou. TatUi Open. April I. 'O4 int.l7X. I E. T. TAYLOR. • 'taerl ..ILeselesny 'Ugh fkbool 1m II open on ineittey. the Gib of April. Mi. Ulm. thirteen weeks.! Climes formed to the eiseeke, Wither If athematic", nod Com. Kantlah. Fill tetra opens Sep l, BIL&DY011DtlIODE13. liov. S. Pettenten,_ Principal. Pres.. Boyd of Trustees. tear3l:faso. . ; S -- Muzzles wan., I AND FLOCiIiINO . . Constantly on hand, and so l d at the loweatute• i n the market. Trims I bextim altered to order. / • febto; tf - J. &. 11. DARRAOLI. L. überbart, Cyril Engineer aid Barmy. Vr. or. Nan Orin Mon; Pa: Surreys,. Maps and Profiles made ansbort notice. Uen:6B. ;1 1 J. Chandler ac sons, nentl•le. lioehea. .1_ • ter, Ps. Oak* In Bsiter.Station buildthr. All work earrained. Mon moderate. Ilya us a • (no! 27Almarnisim Gann Pollee. Pelee, 4 and (011e1111011 - ACdne7 02 5 , e: MM. ltoadr... Depot,. atschestar. Bean; Co , Fa, All business entreated to thy cars will rseelve romp{ attention, OA rsuonahle perms. [girl% Fir,tg T long and aoc open cesahilly c pri onducted hy Fruit 7111101' and able assistants, oral! extrusive COllilled 11100 Classics, English And Music, For Catak_ogues ad. lg. T. TAYLOIL tangiest I Shlnglerassw-Tba undersigned la Mm woltaetrind and will always keep on 'head • Iccze stork of No.l ■ and No. Id, and 1$ oak hlnglem, which he will dlapoce of at moderate rites. Tile mill is Wetted near Dearer stillow, on th• C...t P. Italirefid., 1, D. 111111MAKEli. Jodi I:cd. I • • k prepared Cl B o l Jelt:e a g l. ratl burs a 1%1 Coil to all persons to ediag the article. Orders will receive prompt sileadou, sileadou. I S. M. CUMMINGS. Ilcc.v. SM. M. CAMI T ; - IRON, At orney at I,:tw Beaver, PIL! 'Office inktlfe ioom for. re , rll occupied by late Judge 'Ad ime. Cul. I..ctlone, Sc., promptly atteded y, ofßridge. pt nee the gen 'it ; cousequem• , UC eutp-etopo, 11. / water. her an ”Otilee Melt nine GOODYEAR lIARD itunn duce not use the Dr 7, Bubb& ea a hiae hir teeth, I Gold and Silver Flilinga put In terlel, and all worlivearrauved. Fehlely. of the beet me MAIM:VT . II 'Lodge Nell A meets every litouday ercula Rochester, cogker UAIL , I 29411.0.G.T. • ati o'clock. lu Vablo3l, JEllNSlT,Wearliaalim and Jeweler. rol JL • atreet, Bearer, s. (In room adjoining J. Wilaon's Wilco.) Uold watches and chron ometers repaired , and warranted. ilogrescus done to order. The patronage of the public le sollclted, and catOrectlon guaranteed. Gire ua s triaL . • apetra.Stn. , • Misc'ellaneotts. T. 0. TOROAN. AceCT.l.47, Yn Bitos I=i:E3 Fine .Family,, Groceries. Q9eenswaye, NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARL, DAWN, FISIL FLOCIt, SALT, LIME, - • Country Produce Men in Padang for Goods, Goods delivered free of charge In uli the' Villages, . , inp:l9,oB I\7OT/CE., , 1 NEW BA.KERY, J. C. WILSON'S OLD STAND. Tian! si met, ISFaver, Pa JOS. M. REED , Tales pleasure to informble nid (cloud+ that be I. retabllahed lu boelnessl at the above nand. o l•ere he will bo glad to meet and accomodate Ewen ItTead, Cakes, . C rui•lwrs, Confectionariesof all kinds F.Loun, .tatle from - Fall 'Wheat, he the her rel, mek, or, retail: . • MEM RK4 . ' 4 4 ,0 . 0 , .•c,.;• BANKERS,. Toi3s SOUTH:THIRD .STREET ,VHILADELPHIL p 1 1. M ERL J EN'I%., FOR' - , i s+ o IPENNSII. ANIA Sk' ttz liziti r . 1 0 Nay :. Pile I OF THE . , (. 5\ ... _ --- fit° 0/ . 7 . 44 6 UNITED._STATES, OF AMERICA ). Stos It moll ix. LITIL. irstrauraw corrasr Is ' 344111 pp chartered by special Act of CoorfOlL AO rored . .lo.Ty o,l3llll.ints • MR CAPITAL, 51,000,000, IULL PAUL Ltbe, went* ottervito Atents net iscapiegorb 7 . 1 , 71ted kr am% at Mame& ot st ..., 'Weir% tb• swell ol " :re ' ar S C alktq l lesel • there Clzeolirs nod Psiglato, fully desentrlog lb a "'"E"°°".;:."4rL. CL m. L b ge . .., Miro $. Molasses Syrups;Soaps, -- „,,„ 11,,t ht...os of Tobacco arxcl. Civars io be found in the pinee We make n specialty of buying snit be dg nuns butt what Iva ' known to he the very beet varietiesln nee. Our establlsh• meat ...Wool a well carped reputation In chic par. Ocular. sud Intend in the future on in the pool to maintain it. • WE DEFY CO3IPETITION. • • Pods mlatake the place. We are OM at the old .land, siesteud orad Lit., Beaver. Pa. Corns and vet tie, DWG. \re now opening n Large stock of I The Illowe'Sewlng Mariann New Spring Dry-Goods 1. W. BARKER & CO. S 9 Market Ttreit,, Pittsburgh NeAvSpringGoods :they wish particularly to en ittention t., their large,and complete stock Silks and Dress Goods, nu which will 4w found all the Intest styles I.llited to the season. • l'-I,aks, Eastern and of their own Mann fmdlire. Ladies' Sults e nintle to order. Shawls In endless Timely. House •keeping Goods of Every Des cription. Purchasers con 'rely on 'finding every :411ule in this establishment •nt the very i"aest prims. Ministers nod their faun. ailmved a liberal discount. J. w. 1341RKIFIR& CO. SUM Tket tq.; bt. tid & 4th avenue. Wall Paper, Window 131iies Pill tenni New,. . • Prices Low. Endless DEZOIJ .HE & th,r. Fifth. ATQfifile. tit Wnott Street. Pittsburgh, Pu. . • Packages deliversil fit It. Depots, 4:4 frt c or charge.• =fa • Vol'sl - 4.NCiaitP. New Aditertiiiimetats. RAS °TERM A STORE R( ' NEW ' BRIG,HTON, To WROLICSALEAC RETAIL I itnrrE LEAD/, L,M3E<PUTTY„ - / 11Re51iE5,24114,1 Mixed Pain* Colors. in OH and Dry. Carbon 011, Boiletl Ott, Neat'et Fiant Oil,— Lard Oil, Spirits Terpentlne,' ouch Body :Varnish.' COPAL VARNISH, FURNITURE VARNISH . DA MAR VARNISH, BLACK VARNISIT, ;COALE'S PATENT JAPAN' ARTIST'S MATERIALS, ictitro'Fratnes, (to onler,) LOOKING GLASSES, polio EMS PLATES, :FRENCII AND PLATE WINDOW GLASS, !FRENCH ZINC,' ENOLISII AN!) SAND) PAPER, &C. Ills terms are CA NEI on de. Gym,. or Goods. junl;69 SI. S. 1111111111A111D, . A. SMIIII TOUTS( lESTRANOER 'TIIAN FICTION It ill a poettiv a fact that DILI S. HIBBARD di, CO B. B. Anderson's Old. Br BRAI, Eft, PA., have Drugs and Groceries, Vibkh.they sena, ebeap - as cum be hope! is Pittaburgb. They hue un baud mud are daily recalvitpx PURE DRUGS 311thICINES, PERFUMERY, Patna Ifeallrinoan,of all kiwis, Leal. Cap, Latter and Note Paper Dom estic Pans, Pane p/luk.Faney and So Pure Wines and. Liquors, Tor Medteal put= ° ;: t it T i ii, kept in Mullin; 01Is h a tni nd c 7ter i l . rtI g ._ rm -Sto • t The Doctor having hod a practice or tan years t i .;la r f .e i=tr a te l la= t, t orkotr k iV i t t c , t 4 o :. a h l i n . poetal charge. chary notitine for advice gid-pterattptionr. PlmiciansPrescriptions Carefully Coin ponniloil at all Hours Day and Night. Nolo, &c.. 6:c. Wm also have an assortment a Au gra Ca 'Vett Fluorin! Feracts : Jellies : Candies IStNS, cuLsMe, CRACI;JOLS, sc Our goods bane been intught lour tar rash, Pe [tete(' with great care, and will he 'old watts rery lovrept price.. Mee u• a cad 'adore nurebaising sl•ewhere. Counti7 Produce taken in exchange - Inc goud it. ii. 11.11111ARD Js CO. Jan. li, 1869. E xtraordinary *GRAND BALLOON ASCENSION IN BEANE:If, could not tat tunre astonishing than the Net that SIMON SNITOER & keep Umbra%at freshest stock of GROCERIES, FLOUR. FEED, &c, in Beaver county Aud although It takes sus to thane a Balloon rise. you will end. yon visit their establishment that they don't have to rimort to gas to make their goods go. To all. we, would say. -r ash' So" and examine our stock ! We have oil hand the Attest and best TEAS, COFFEE, OLDOT BTABLISIIED OF ANY IN 411$ WORLD They ',Ong the Ent Sirtitig Ita,ltlves ever mad and hove- alo been taann the original faelnrod Inv coufinuslly laade the Popervin of entor, EL .t IIOWI Jr, Blocs their hest introduction 1144. The lir rove- meet upon these suachleeseunde within tbe last two years and their rapidly growing popularity attests the fact that they bass retched the very acme of perfection and that they are not only the oldest established but theyst in the W 01.141. Three machines do pert work upon fab rics whether lips or coarse. mblur s stitch, also the invention of lie. Howe, alike upon both sides of the fahrie.now ed. The tessluas. yaw, novel nad taerar7leg. eau be idjosted to any degree of tight ness, mud after being sdjosted do not regains changing, except for different threads. To those who have used the Ilene Ifachla, It t. not tftet4s l 7 for us to spat ; sad d erwould ontyadd to others who wish .perfect uee to 1w sure and see these maebloes before buylni any other e for circular. Applications fee agenelea toas t he addressed to • BIBLES cf. STOOPS. Sole 'rents We Petatsylunta. nrwJerear. 13!1 4 - watt and West V1:41414. OW* 13 South lith St., Plat., 110 No. 4 St. 131.. F.tabo ret, Fa. 5ept9 4 410.4. . li u.sib" YU lINISHED AT TUX LoWEST RATES. AT DARRAGAron 'S. I: Sh. kb lain M=M ' ' t.. 71% - SPRING- STOCK. R E ' • T S. Oil Cloths, Etc., Etc. M'CALLUM BROTH'S. LINSEED OIL,i 41 Fifth Avenue, above Wood street, • THE LANG EST STi.ldic IN THE MAN NET. • . - . From the Finest Qualities to the Very Lowest Orestes. • • SHELLAC AND, 'WINDOW ,SHADES, Fine and Common T4blo CoTem, I•I • • Prices uniform to alt, and the lowed. ma r•24:ly pdffirtrellale compiuly. I • iiplatamrims AND DZAWIN IN TABLE &'•COPatSE SALT, INDUSTRY, B.ANTEft CO., I All ralt pat up In good order. and 11111M1111t4i In give satlatl!edon., S. 11.10611. MAN • septl6 Gltar, GERIIATPIXE DRUGS, DRITGS Botitater, 11:tenter County, Pa Keeps constantly on hand. sad has now. the Mr:. est usoctursat of Drum chemicals. Be. to Bearer county. Patent Medicines (4011 kinds, Paints, 016 Dye-Stuff , , Pertummies, Toilet soil I Ynocy • sy the tsox or in Ie quantilleA. , Physicians' Preepriptions Clnnpouttilvil nt all Itottrn---tltty . ttr night: SOLE AGENT Or REAVES COUNTY FO All oilier. kinds, or Trusses will lie delivei ed Inn Anil lime, Mien called rim IN THE DIAMOND, Rochester Penna. It anneal Trult r li p 1~ aruteriy ALTA VELA paOSPHATE, SUGARS. 4 POLE SPICES AllE THE . . =I =IMO ME =MEMO Diy Goods. EN Env-i.rmal, PA Have op hand it'gALLUMIIBOB. HE piippdy attended to BLUST NEC. SUNS WM. BUECHLING, MTH'S DEA1110:1114 PUxL DitU Grf4, TOBACCO AND CIGARS AL 80 D 6. nursEpra raerawr TRUSSES. ItEMEMBEIt TILE PLACL, Neat d'oor 4i.liie. A. Fortune's Dry Goods Store, 1` nnu•rly thivelilliwg 6: BrAnt THY THE • compa r ed principoll, Id the cekbMted Chinn teem VELA. Coulains three prr eral-of AMILEONIA_ I An ample. qiiantity to give *cavity (without lulu ry) to the vegetation., and a large quantity of awl able Bone Phosphate of Limp, TugctUr+ wlorb I'OTABIS auq 1101/A,tlya et.eutla civil:mut' of • • COMPLETE MANURE. • The high 'climatic's In whir's lt bele by many thoso add I:graters wbo are u.lms tl lu prefrr enc. to other kludo. to a sure guarantee of Ito value. Prior PS 107 tom. Send rot ••pamphlet ! Address--The Alto Vela (Isamu Compatty. Baoadway, Noe York. Lin 4 ati.Bittel . s. A Soft, Illoi . lllll , ll s P i p l u i :r n if tl y 6l ‘ Ai e i le i r ; : liti : iliii i .niilevernge. • A I 'ERTAIN CURE [ AND PREVENTATIVE OF DISEASES. ,The iINCIARI BITTERS ate compoontle4 hem Dr.preeellptkm of the celebrated t ria l Physician Dr. Cusorsentatio. after yeas of trial SIM riper- Inient. dlscoVered the ZfilallUXlllnts—lbe wort remarkable metable pi odurilon the earth.er. haps. biurevef , ylelded—eertaltay the most eme lt'. In the mire of disease. It. In combination with the other , valuable preventra or which the ZITI't OA ill ISTIZIVS are compooed. will ewe Dyspepsia, Fever anti Agtte, Billions Fe ver. C Itol le, Coldhli ranch itis, Consults's lion, in its first stage, Fleet( nee. tier, v^ ll4 Delitlity. Female Complaint& • .Itheionntintts, Dysentery, Acutu and Chrote Diarrhorn. Cholera, Itoeunc, C j ititleca, Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Scrofu la. 7)hensen of the Kid hey.. finbittotl Cost i vt.- 0e0..ke.. Sic.. Am. . . to the prereettoe sod ewe of- the Wore Mamas a „„ it had aerer“been known to fall, as thousands of oar most prominent alums throuytaman el the rnumtry. old testify. Let the atalee4 loud for atomise watalatog testimonials; and surd& Wee of those who bare been eared after their MU. bad been wanousteed bopeleas by- oar boo phystelant; Principal Depot Sr, CO.. Trout Street. Philadelphia. • • Ihreomaiesolled by Bi"Qoeernor Postd U. Pallor, nt Penneyleanta. Ron. Robert J. Fisher, or Uon. If &card McPherson, •• Iton. Joel B. Danner. non. WltUanslidiberry, and others. • " • SEND FOR CIRCULARS. talslo3 I . NNE lEEE MIMMEI „ • • . . Beave, Past Miscellata'er/tHs. KEYSTONE STOVE WOOlll4. Car Rectory 111101412agly • .NE IV BRIGHZ'O.N; Peliata. illovei l / 2 Geste Pamela, Ifeadl(eins Jc hi*- " - Ewer CHEAPER THAN 'EVER SOLD IN TlllB COUNTRY LOOKAT TUE PRICADY BST PREMIUM'. COOK:- STOVE No. t. Spiend6l Baker. lone $41501*°,613; $l4 60 No. 8, Weald Raker, WV 6 , 1 0 4 0 1 Oran. 1x .60 No. $ Spleoolll Baker, Lam liquaroPy on.' 14 " Franklin Parlor St,oves No, 1, Juno Srlor;eitra bassi. • , 10115 •• 2 . 0 0 0 24 0 44 44 40 " itua 11.13ATING STOWS ' • klsm Enameled Grate Fronts, 1(o. ?A:GT.!tep b!! l4 .' 1), IT " • , 7515. " 19 . "1,." C, Nl," 51 " 21!; lii SIS 1g 4. No,2.Elbbed Erg, very homy, FENDERS. No. 13, Main 116 d, Wide, 13.• Narrow. `• 14, Fancy •• •• II.•.• Ithmst Plain nod. . Box, whbont Rcol Pressed. Sheet Iron Summer Pieces; Pt' " 6". with Ornsmosttal eft,. 11121 All Work Warranted. G ire ti i s a aim TERMS, CASH. 1: I= ueti CCS.I J . VOLLIOSIIOND, Denier In Flour Feed, and Vila' in itocuEsTEu,... TUK 1414.) Flair at prices to stilt Y II, In regard to mud.% iud QUALITY. 31111 Feed, or all klntli. • CORN MEAL. RYE FLOUR. BUCKWHEAT FLGUR. • CORN AND• OATS. "notnntli on loon. AI.o, .11 dug:l.o4 nittv.i. len' • - • • 'R►'.wda)n Pump, the cheapest to tue. A rosuilty of the tZlebrsted Alta Vet. GUANO OR PHOSPHATE on baud, which will be sold arap, in order to %n -imble* it. I boy for CASK. and sell for the same. Cash bay. Sr. will end It to tbrlr advantage To 1019...,111 Goods Delicered l'res. Jan 10.114 J. C. 11Ki1140.14 IJ WALL PAPEU. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. ' Tce largftt mud thespvst mtort of Wall Papa lleuvvr Como 1311( )1 , : ti, BOOKS, BOOKS A Ifirje orrortmout of 371.cells000tio ' : Schoo cod Hongloop Book*, eunr‘autlyen hatl.l at Pub .kern Gill Books Waldo for the Holidays sT.vrioN'Eitv, STATIONERY. STATIO)jEIn An erlenelre %artety of Parer. Env.lapis. Lead Pewit*. Cold and titeet Peas, lak audit **Maeda, • i Wa am the latitudes Agent ((trifle releorsted IP°toy's, Gold Von, ; fur title County: throe to th a good Otatd Pen. wuu Id CO well to see em brforel - purchasing. - We w ILe s,: s uut fur this County for Erider's Photograph Ilarriat:•Cerildeate The atteuttoo ut Clergytnen to respectfully-piled to this, es we on sett thorn at the settle &Count as they, would -get from 'the Pubtlatter. Atwater. School Gon rnontwtt for sale at Prtbdalst re prime. We have conatantlylun band Flour Oil Cloth 41 We variety. NV I N 1101 V 1.111A1137, 4 _, NV 11%.‘ 111,01•V 011. C.LsCillf T. iiITBTIC & I'APEIt SIIAD t. au baud To)• and V i s i t:a: r ods suitable for tto J. F. PRICE, Pamirs). New Ittigikvas • r FAIRBANKS •TANDAILD S U E S MEI r • kind& i %ISO, BAGGAGE BARROWS WARE 110VSE TRUCKS. C 'N P. Ml 4 S 1044 IMPROVED MONEY DRAWERS. Viatrbanizat, Morrie rit 11:11tocond Atone. gear Wood St., Flitsbargl!. SCALES REP 4IRED PROM PTlret. apridituos • Blt EA IL) I ITICEAD I The undersigned takes plenum id in. (arming the pnblie that ho is still engaged In the Baking business at his old stand, .m Market Street. Bridgewater. Pe. He warrants that nothing is lista in his ba kery to make white bread not of rhea thud.. Perrone leasing their orders at his lathery will he rat pplietl at their brims daily itso desired with the heat of bind, .1. O. YOUNp. • nt,rl4:llmita. • millinery & Dress Main' . . lars. Z.-Moore having. returned .110 m Ohio, Infonns her former enstomere And the public aanerally. that she has remov ed to the 4Met. formerly occupied by W. IL Clarke, Esq., one door wetd of tilt. llarelay's store. where she intendi,cafrty ing on Millinery and Dress MakinWha all their branches. Bonnets and Wane' Trimmings in great vsrlety congnaili , no a prl4:4lF: • • Apope old stago ho 'lltilinigitidn; Not mock else but . . )iml atiiii,,.::. la:teßeek out. ; , •. . te:fa l ai ' a l r ' . dsn . AKII:::'. Jammed In the aide ~ , t o cob, tb And the, If Oat / aWt - alltnelhatist IsWh wha; on earth ir/4 y. WWI / Made it . • . loig• :1; i For, t ailsiiikiasity ot • ' - oi-, arky. 111111 bit nowlk: mottos! - And. it I DWI gloat air. . ..,;:,.., t i .. Why's It that I was • To 4.w Sliver. harinstood . . , With venni skid ~.: l ttditt: tte t T i t r Ot a tr ori f ise a ' • ,---.,•:' • Po g all Dinosion f ly. 1 Drage Woo ea, litgndtb, 1 1 With forelegs gaits.- linitirl When Pr? tit IP tP Illatina ; :ul Nor whylholo 1 07, 1 M4 lee IsUl good_usertolfrils Mem tel witati't my fault.°loo - at all,' ' ‘ ' nisi mz,tgats grew ling my mane* • ~ . .. Vviri -- :11..j'.. , 5i . - __ . ,'- Ail saWimOd a rk=illgoll, . I itunduy, sapd. 'cilimr. 'TOL the moment : o:MA , Nallik.ila/ kw * As wellai the' , o Lord ! how long trial aiol• And when may the Aril 04 - • ;-' Whero glaritled ho rses at a row, Switching Owls' Int to Ind tr 0. . ,.; aweless of either w away or wheat-, ~:;.,:t, Wbere Oats are 11?59Poll. ~ ~'_ '• 1 Andllinkslop't grow--,. ,-, ..-I Oh! nor : . , I •- 01 z:- 4. • '' '7 ire: a, '.' SELECT LiNA Tilolllllll6o , HOWSE. KEEPSX46; • • A happy woman , flear,Tu . s . si Mrs. Wharton, as - Stalked 'over the magnifficent ye! 'carpet, pick. ing upn tack here there, left by the uptAfterets; big the, limo window' eurtainslaore ; grateful. folds, or arranging tenrranging the kjouffre off the -torfand eft"; ' ger. 1.: ; Yes. she was in Most briadhl. state of hocitement.. - grand wish of her life ivas manna mi c for Lino, her pretty daughter , was actual ly • married, and . married .too . into "one of the first frunilholg" ..Utthe achieve inent of so grsaistiti. the mamma . had coaxedirtho...papa Into buying a house Ire)the. fashWnable quarter of the tityiitod." to give her carte blanche for furnishing ft. • Lina - had plead - Mt vein,' in her sweet Way, for a -*dialer : home-;- " what did Frank 4inti, herself want with such an lanneShe place, and on ly two of them!" coital she, with a smile and a bitudhilvisions of a rosy little house, illtunbisted by the rays of the hopey-moon v irose before her. But it was of 110.11 M Pier daugh ter, without an bad here.= opportunity of q Atepping with- In the charmed of the aristocra cy par excellence;r4hktly.thenfother had only , dared liking for; so poor Lino wag to be viatimized with a big kaerd house, that it m Ansonia . degree compensate to th 'l bin world for. theparrinue b she brought into Linn hail' somi*ps wished the t Frank Thorntonsinteen just a Mlle poor, that she mkgiakhave mode some Lt , for himilintionfortiusately fur Lina's routpitPli' hiving - little heart, he' west" 'with. bond mane lab . as rich t • . ! h Alsialoa _ . 1100 i 65 5.55 31,40 Lao 4.75 4.75 5.40 7.110 S. 15 5.73 1.73 1.00 1.:5 I.Z° pure krect.. • ' ;;; Mrs. \Weirton was - now anxiously awaiting the the retdrn Of the young' couple front the bridaV trip. for she Wade great surprise in store for The 'pretty young bride at length arrival and declared the arrangement of the house perfect; "but," mid she, with a riefill pe rfect; on her way to the kitchen, "oh, mamma,these servants —what shall I do?" - • But as she opened the deer,. with what a cry, of delight did she recog nize black Nancy, her mother's cook. Nancy'a gray-colored handkerchief was wound; around her head in the most picturesque folds; her dark blue dreM Vas Terfectlyllomy with ironing, an her snowy linen apron had undert, ne all the. tram glutted mysteries of folding of a Newport napkin. r' . As Una ,entered, Nancy dropped one of her hest curtsim, and her deep, contented could be heard over I half the House, as she guest ; von Spect to see me hereddiss Lina, ; But mime; thought you didn't know millin"t tail, honey; so yea see; she .tried Inc up to you.— IoW you like it, Miss Line? ha! ha!" Line's heart, ; was at. rest now.— There would have to be no ordering of break fait, dinner, or supper. Nan cy '9IS us'yegular as clock work, and knew everytxxl,t"s aaPpetite better than they 'did.themsclves. In the Midst of Litat'sdelight.how ever, she; thought of her father.— I "But, mamma," she sold, "what will papa without Nancy ? lam afraid Ise Will- never have another dinner-to Suit him ;heis so very par. Beller yen know. And (lamina one can dress terrapin or lohiter to suit him!" ; ; • ; "It w ;Ilea great deal easier for me to instruet a coat; than yourself, ' Llnn,nnd yoeir father seemed perfect ly willing to part with Nancy," end her mother. ; ; In tl u morning Lino might be seen, through the open windows of the parte, arranging the drapery of cur tales, altering the position of a loung‘ chairordusting the k nick-knacks with at brush of gay (dithers, her lit tle hands, enetSer • I in a par of white, cast Of gloves, which V•he had worn at the opera or a party the evening before. And poor Leta caged this housekeeping. • I One morning, when Mrs. Thornton I was dressing tit go out,Nancy knock- ed at her chamber !doer, and as Line I admitted hi.r,she obvrved with some trepidation' that the handkerchief I around her head stood tut inch or two higher than dotal. This was omin ous. Nancy's handkerchief always rose with her courage. "Mr. Thornton and. you's going traveling this summer, ain't you, nil:4aq? " said the cook. • "Yeas, Nancy, but I cannot tell when, precisely," was the reply. " Well, It Line, I thought If you could 'range ,1 so as to go next week. 'twould suit all hands; for you sees, honey, I wants to go to camp mcetin, then, over; de river. Ther'S been a great revival'in our church, and Mr. Parker soya we ought to do all we tan to keen It up." • "Well Naney, I' o not know that, Mr. Thornton ton leave inane then; I will ask Mill, tloiugh." .; "Yes,itliss, If you phos_ e, stay I I ''spew,l could get somebody M to stay In my placefor a week, but then you see they would be stoutge.to your Ways; and bless your heart, honey, you. couldn't' teach 'ern; you ' dontt know no mere'n a little kitten your.' . . Linn felt this to be true, and la de- apair said AM. would endeavor- to arrange it . that • they uld be I 'from limne•during Nancy' atsienec; for she found 'She was determined to • • ' "ThankT yoif Miss; I believe filet- ' soy she's a going too; for we thought' Jane might do the ;chamber work; ' for a•walter girl don't have much to do." •. - - • _" 'I have' do • objection, Nancy, if N ye Thornton and myself go away." -'•Nancy made a deep _curtsey and left the room, while Lifts put on ber bonnet and hurried to her mother's. • "Oh, mamma, what; shall I do?" exclaimed she; " Nancy, says she Is going to estop meeting; and i Betsey • • • IBM MEE MEV 1869:' sod that:Prinkruid myself had better go away It the 'same She seems to have made up, her mind: about it, so there is no use ofendeay , - °rine° bribe her etit of IL" • ~,, -"Welly -my -dear,”, replied' les: ..Whatton, " It Nancy has made up, her nalnd,.sbe t goini , you Juul better give yotir penniselon thd beet way you am; she is too Valuable a womantolose:'Thad ton:impends° _With her myself; - sometimes: •: We are going .out to."the plawe'.l= er so, or else Frank and . y might Conan here; If his bus yness de-; talus him In-town.” , - .:Lima . went home , and nervously awaited her, husband's arrival:! Ire quieted ber troubles, however, by 'saying he could easily_ leave Ids bust nesat thetiusyso Nancy and Bet set could go to camp.sneet ng, and :Janolday.awl take are of the house. • But alas for Litia's ealedbitionst Nancy :and' liets4r tad bdt thirty started, and Lisa put on her tntvlt lag dressier her own departure, when, Frank entered with a vexed • " I fear we' *dug not 'be' able to go till to-morrow or the day 'after. • There is some ntoK , unexpected_busineterwhlch=lathe: ;attended to. Tem semi:dewed, but twit *AY Met make much difibrence.", . So 'reasons a man.: Limes lace grew .perfectly blank. What should"i Idlethat - AProbably Jane could Cook a very very simple, dinner," thought she, au down stem shelturtied. -But Jane looked guru. • She did ' not fancy being Mit at home." when Nancy and -Betsey were pleasuring." • "And •as to a custard, Mrs. Thorn ton," said she,' after Line , had given her orders, never made ono In my , life. 'lf you Will show me how, maquii, maybe , I could do 'IV-con tinued she. insolently, forsshe well knew that Lina knew no more about, making a pudding than Queen Vie- :toria did. . I Una said she was too busy-, so they Vent without any desert hat day, •and.sllned off- a salad, half cooked potatoes, and a burned breakfast,— .Frank's bushicas still detained him hi tlie - city, and ,In a couple of days ' !and was In open rebellion. "She wasn't a goin,„ _is to be mule a nigger slave of - for nobody," said she to Lira, one morning, after she had been ipjudicionsiyasked to sweep the halls, &Tub the front, steps,- go to market, do the chamber work, cook the dinner, and-run of errands. Linn never for a moment thought she was giving to one girl the work three had been accustomed to do.. "I gutt she thinks I'm slave trent Geor&v," -- muttered Jane, as Lino left the room. 'Frank entered 'at that moment.— "Jane, how dare you speak so °fri r mistress?" said he. "If you do it again, remember, you leave the house." • '" I guess I'll leave anyhow.. Its a most time when- the inert comes a rotting about," was the reply. . ' Frank almost choked with apger. "If you are not out of this, hauso in ten minutes time I - will • klek you 'otat;" lie said with sonic effort:of calm- •wr n&•. Frank, how multi you Y" ask ed Lino, with tsars,tiler Jane had goner " Mumma is but of town,, and the house closed, And whereto get itlioui to do the work I don't know." " Why, my &111.,. don't let that trouble you. There are hundreds of servants to be had. You•kniiv there a iiplicatinns at the :door sytgy %Mr*" But Una lead an instinctive idea' that servants were not so easily to be had, particularly if they were want ed very much. Mr. Thornton dined at a restau rant that day, and bin's fare was nothing more sukdantial than a hit of sponge cake and sonic preserves.• ' At last theintelligenee Wks: was thought of, and as Frank had pre dietel scores of girls called in want of 'places. But Lino was no better off. Some were unwilling . to take a situation Ihr ssi short a time. Another who "was not bound to go to'serviee," Wanted the privilege of two afternoons with tea in the week. Another said she could not think of cleaning the front. She had always lived with quality folks who had a man to do that , — Others had all the virtues under the sun, but when they found they would have all the work to do in so large a house for four or five days, " guessW the place would not suit." - ' ' There was no prospect of getting away either; for Frank's businem be : wine more complitaited than he laid I anticipated; so poor Una cried her self to sleep that night, after forget ting-to Oaf,' the house before retir ing. • ; The next morning she artase ut er ly sick with worriment. pier hus band told herself had gone to a oat ! feetioner'sand got alike and muffins the night before, but she felt ashaun ; ed of not being able to-get one meal herself, "I surely can make n cup of coffee," thought she, as she was ii dress suitable to play kitch en maid in. Her wardrobe VMS full ; of morning dresses which • a countess might have envied, got up for , a dc fruner at randoga, but there Was not one which would look quite in place lin her kitchen. At last sir fixed on a white cambric, elaborately trim-. map with edging, worth at lust two dollars and a leaf a yard, us the plain est of.the set, and tying a black silk aprob 'over it, she noiskamly slippd Out of the room. I Lim had dresied very quietly. in order nut to awake her husband, yet site felt vexed enough to cry when she banal he still slept ;it seemed. such an utter disregard of her'trout,- lee. . But when she reached the kitchen she sat down in &spear. The tire in the, range had ken neglected, and I was entirely cut; she knew as touch about kindling one iu Etna as there. At length Lina espied in an outer , kitchen a small formai which. had been bought for Nancy's preserving. Site thought there wits a barrel of, elms:oat in the cellar, and had at va gue idea that It ignited easily. ; She was not particular now about her hands, and utter putting tlai coal on the hearth she wiped them ou her drew. A match was now applied to thothareeal, but of course without. Wed. It was repeated over and over again with no better suecm. Lina then got soinepaper, but the paper burned out before the tire kindled. I She gave it up in despair, and sat down oathe hearth, white wrapper and all, and took a hearty cry.. The kitchen blinds were turned, and Lina bad kelt watched from an ; upper window of the next house by, the eiunnbermahl, with both pity and ' amusement. "Bridget, I say," cried the girl to anothern servant, "ain't ye go in next door and make a tire Mr the poor lit-; the creature there that's Crying her eyes out, jest? Sure she nicerdid a band's turn •in 'her life. • The saints protect her." Linn overhearti the coneradlott, and 'in a few minnantsthe good heart ed Irish - girl knocked at the tack gate, and when it was opened she said, with the delicacy of good feel . lag, "I. knew mum your girt had left you, so I thought would list step in and r t es I could make a fire or any thing, as I thought You didn't, kook very strong like." , • ritat•thanked her - trotnihe bOttom of her heart, and stood watching the oPeration with more anxiety than she'had evinced when trying tocatar the Scottish step from her dancing master. • ' " Can you tell me of a girl I tam get for a few days, till my own manes • • . • .•:s„r .. , . , . • . , ~ - . . , • -. . , ,• MIES BE t , - . -back r she asked of Itridget: ' • "Iknoir of -one; mant; but she isn' t Jilt used to thewsys in this pounter, she has never lived ittservice num." "No matter for bat," was-tho re ply "If she ant only make fires and coffee,. and do the, roughest Fart .of the work, I stall be satisfied: "sow noun; if you will . tell me where t he kittle Ist will All it, for it will be too.heavy for. the likes of you to lift.” Tho kittio was tiled and put on the llre, And ; Bridget departtsl, promising to sends Mavant to Met. Thornton' that afternoon. • . •Whlle lAna weans-ranging _the • in- ble the bell rung, and on ()petting the door the bakersterel at the lilockee ed thee Whletipreaented Itielfto , reached out het bends for the hread, NIP observing the enter drew them:back, • awl' held up. MT black all i kttpren for It.. Ina, Mum, If you , . T donut know anything about It; ycitilttuat wait till my girls come Itetne t , , , ,,sahl pas, ready to em'y owe EMU= OEM next ring - brought the titan,isnd .the .worried little home kqeps flew Into the kitchen and:got a couple etvAdable dish ot to-hold equartotmilk and - a leer neon; worth Tho closets were now rummaged for the ixelte. ;Ludas soon- as It was ground :Llna hastened to pour the water upon It, -for she thought the fire was alrindy showing symptoms , of going out. The kettle upset oCt her feet, but as it was not hot there was no damage done. .The pot was i put on the lire, and Lltur went up to awaken her. husband:- .Ile. did not notice her swollen eyes, but the dome blackened with coal, and the black apron whitened with -the dry. flour from the-bread, ' presented such spectacle that he.broke into a hearty laugh. T,lffs. was too much: Hadn't he been sleeping comfortably -while she was worrying her. life out; and Line cried again harderthan ever: Frank soothed her as well as he. could; asked her why she 'had not aslled him,.and said he had no doubt .he should enjoy a breakfast withmit 'meat just as well as if he had it. 'Now Flunk loved a cup of:gcxxl coffee above all things; so he watch ed it as Line poured it out with smite anxiety. .I.tdid not look Very prom ising to be sure, and'vhen he tasted it be thought it better to take it ill at one swallow. Lira's appetite had gone complete ly. Cooks are proverbially small eaters. She suspected however that the coffee was not -remarkably pala table when Frank pushed his chair away, having taken only one cup. But he declared he was not hungry that day, though the coffee was deli cious. 1: rusk's dinner was again taken at a restaurant, and his wife's consisted .f bread...butter and fruit. in the evening Bridget's friend ap peared. She could make fires, boil potatoes and 'do the rough,' but her abilities ceased there. Very willing but very stupid. • The es for break fast wouldn't cook soft for her; a de- . . licious pudding, made by Bridget--z who run In now and then to show her friend-:-was boiled in a pot of soup to give itlillaVer •, peas cooked In the pal; And blunders enough, commit ted bAvttdriveu Nancy Mad. Llnaolleelared it she ever hail a daughter: she should learn cooking 14W- sl#o did her letters; and,. when. Naney and 'Betsey returned, whom their mistress; could almost have kis sal for joy, Lina set busily, indefatig ably to work to horn housekeeping. When that great event wits fUNOIII - and not till then, did Frank tell his wife thatoneetiptin a time he had been obliged to tate a second breakfast at a confectionery, because neither the kittle nor the collie bad bona' at home. Lino, too, I one remarkably con tented with her lot; she now had no wish to lie "just a little • poor," for though she could take the care of the house upon herself, it nmst be con feliAxt also, that she never did like it. HOW I WM; WON. I ton the only daughter of Orlain. Puggins, of Fizzleton, retail dealer dry goods. My father is a very prominent man in town, and I am belle of the village. I think I have very good reasons for calling myself handsome, for not less than a SOMre of young men of my atsputintattwe have asstuvd me such is the fact. I have no reason to doubt the words of tlase.very estimable young men, for I think 1 should have been concha , ed of my beauty even-if they had not whispered it In Jae ear. My father's hobby had been for several yeas to Make a good Match for ate. Perhaps you know what a good match is? It is simply to mar ry a man you wasitively hate; a man who is excessively ugly and disa greeable—io short, a fia—betuu t iehe is Wealthy. If lie has money, it tunas no difference what is his char aeter; It is what the world calls a good match. My father thought just as the rest of the world did; and often have 1 heard him say that Beatrice should ride in her own carriage sow , . , Clay. This way the htost----. wee of h a ppfn e ...m.../altki it is tOSSUCtSi to 111.); 1... father and 1 differtsl very much on.this I think, I had imbibed what the generality of peOple will call natter romantic. notions. Can you believe it, that the belle of Fizzieton, at the ac.) of twenty-two, Imagined that there Was such a passion us love? I longed for something, more than a pox slie dog to -lavish my , affections' upon. I know it is very unmaidenly for me to say this, but it is true. I had plenty of lovers, to be sure; but ugh l 1 preferred the poodle Willem. :11y hero had not yet arriqd. Per haps he would come Ina raggtil coat; lout the emit doesn't make the num, you know—aithbugh it does make a' great many of Besot! things that call themselves men. Meanwhile my father brought . lover to air. Cattle, from Bea ton. lie was doing a lame basin(*) • there, and was considered wealthy. "There'sa lover worthy •of you, Beatrice," said my father, 'after Cattle had made his first call. "Ills' richt.s..• can hardly Welted."'" "I ant .sure I re plied. "Ile ist.ertalnly twice as old as 1." • • ' • . "I think-that Is enough." My father opened ids eyes with astonishment. "Is, yo,utucan to say that you would not marry him if pat had the chance?' • "Yo, that's what I nuan." • "Mess my soul I" cried my father; "are you stme?" - "Perfectly." • • Father looked Incredulous. - "You read too touch poetry, child. You are a -woman now, hod It is high Built for you to banish these sentimental ideas, from your silly , head. ':ugh an.opportunity us this does not emne.but once in a woman's lifetim e.'! "I should bopenot." Father stamped his Tat with rage and looked 'unutterable things. I took 'up .Calla. Roak and is7gan reading the Fire Worshippers. • "Beatrice, do 376 u wish to bring may gay hairs la sorrow . to the . gra ttl)l ce o% but I have to live with my hilsbanit .through ilk:sand I would much rather have one of my own -choosing." "Yes, yes, me child; but I have lived longer than you, and I think illy judgment is better. 1 wish to see ,--- r 1 *f ' r ••• T lIE Ell Established 1818. you 4aPPIII, married: .1 don't want you to marry scoundrel without a cent in Ms pocket, and have to wear your it out as his drudge. As the wife of Mr. Untie .you teed a life of luxury and ease." "A life of misery!". . • • My father looktxf grieved, but, said I no more, and so after left the Such to . the pert - realty or female Inman stature that I : think if that scoundrid.without n ceut had pro• isiod at that puutient I should ac cepttsl.hlut at Once. I believe wo meßare 'like the laLshuitut's pig. lkwbshed to drive the pig to Dub lin - but ho made hhu think he wish al him to gem atiopposite direction. Consequently the pig was bound to Dublin, and to Dublin he went. 3lr. Utile novel, tailkvl aguin. I think father put a lieu In his ear, for he sglw plainly that. Iwzet not to be driven" into a union Whim man I did ••notlike. ' .• " • .About this time father hired anew clerk. Flo Was rather good looking, and ill my Young . truly friends voted bini a proper, nkmnyouug man. presume he vnis Wind, father called "that • scinindiel. althout a cent lu his pocket." j To bosun he is . ps dress. ad elemil,y,;„ i bakil‘ haven't the allgideß Idea that the Coat he wore on his back was.paid. 'for but what -or - that; Was/et lie agreuthhil enuldietlin - ivhisper.soft nooknow.t all evening? Hadn't be all the 'weir)... of the affections by heart? Then he wrote about love and moonshine in splendid rhymes upOnseented paper, and he gave these effusion); to me. I almost thought I loved, him ; and I um sure he loved me, for Jae told. Me so. 'lhhd It all; written out In black and Nvhite. mid in the most elegant yellowl ever recd. Father tried to keep coot, then sigh 'ail this, but it was terrible hard work, for him to do so. Once I heard hint tell mothei that if I was bound to go .to the deuce, he didn't know as lie could. hcipit. "It's only:-a flirtation," mother, Said. . . "Flirtation,. _indeed ! I tell you I she's bewitched after him," father said. And then he: added, "Well, It is not quite ashad as It might be. Torseldorf Isn't a laid young man act:fume he hasn't ;oft a cent, but if they are bound to , marry, I'll do what I can for him, end powibly he I may make something yet." e -• My ardor cooled at once. 'There I wasn't opposition enough to feed the I flame; and consequently my love died out. That evening Mr. Toe:el der:* called. I received him very cooly. He noticed it, and exerted. , himself to be agreeable, but it was a signal failure. I never smiled once while lie remained. 'When he arose to deport, I followed him tothedoor, and informed him as gently WI I could, his company ever be disputa ed with. . . -- _,"What has. happened, Beatrice?" 1 he asked. : • "Nothing." - "You do not love me?" "Yeitt are good at guessing, Mr. Ton:witted," I. answered, stalling for the first time that evening.. ' "Heartless!" he muttered. "Oh, no; but I should be bad I giv en my heart to you." Mt Torseldorf pinniesl his hat over Iris eyes and departed. 1 twill saw hits after. • I noticed it dotage In my father's manner immediately I after. I eaNejltat .1110. ImPtsllutd. itIX I Y I4 . :Ire treated me in the most affertion ate manner, and for some tim • ull went well. But when every ] ling seems to be going.well with you you may be sure stmwthlng is going to happen. r have always found it no. It was at ;dm Tremolo's soiree that 1, met Amlnhiab Fagge. Mr. Fagge was a very : common looking mortal. lie had red hair, gray eyes, a fire red moustache, a broken twee, : and a variegated skin.: Ile was six feet In length a n d three inches In thiclautk4. When lie walked you expected him to Mil to Pieces every minute; I don't think he wasprop erly put together; he squinted tinsel fully, and his voice squeaked. I presume do one:would Call Amin ; idab Fuggenhandsomenum. I knew as soon as by eyes fell on boo that he, for one, had never besca spoiled by flattery. : . I For reasotta that you:doubtless un- I elerstautl, none of the young Wiles at Mrs. Trent:do's took the slightest notice! of Mr. Fagge. For that very reason I entered into conversation with hint, and found thathe wasn't a fool, and that hi saying Consider:l- - We. I. even danced with hint inns'. I was not anxious to try it again. I never (Lwed with a pair of curs, but I think I eat 11W. Mr. 'lnge asked pencil :sloe to cull upon me, and I replied Chat Lehould be happy to see him at :thy time. Tli m he next day ile his appear-', masc. • Fatherlooked at him in astoa-; I:aliment. I proceeded to make the, gentlemen aequainted. 3 . " Dear father, this is Mr. Athinidali nine -Mr. Tante, my father." ' Father bowed, mutterealsoilleri h n e like Fagge--rug f -shar •,- - room. . , o „,„ -own to Mr./Fagge that toy either was eiventrie, and we then fell into conversation. 1 believe I re : marked before that Mr. Fagge was I not a fool. On the military, he had the largest assortment of general in- 1 formatien in his head of .any person I ever met. Ile' had a fresh, origin- I al way of exprece. clog himself, too, that was quite charming to nie. 1 I found: myself becoming quite inter-, estesl in hint in spite of myself, and : at.last when he arose to got I preects! I him to cull again. He promised to, I but es I saw hito'going down the step: I felt that he never; would, for it did not seem:Os-Able heeould ever reach home without breaking his ncrk. Ile seemed - to be walking on stilts and one would. have thought this ids first attempt. While 1 was watching him, father returned to the - parlor. ' "IM vou : know who that is, IkUtrice7" . lie asked: "Certainly, that Is 3tr. i Aminidab Fagge," I replies]. ' . : - " Fudge! 1 know that., But what Is he"" , ' "dh! well .really, father, I don't know. Possibly he is a premnbula- Hug tin merchant." - I half expectesi father would go into emvulstons ; but he didn't, rho' be seemed very much excited. At last he calmed himself enough to ask what Atli:Midair hail culled for. ; . "To see me, I suppose. He didn't ask for any one else. I made his ice quaintanee hest : night, at Mrs.' Tre : main's." Father began to boll agati. " lie's nothing but a poor misers le (teau ! hunter, and if he tones here again, I will kick him out of the house." , "Don't, t f : s t ttLie i rt n i l i t ‘ m .o l i g le ht o l f tu t r i t a l i t i l i tli . ::: "go to vour'roons." • 1 .111,(‘';,117,11viii!.er,s,,:dtieu;ncit:F:ret.sienilexr,:eige,dtri. tf lon . r e at i l i e l t l roo c 4 : 1 1 1:, c nt . t r ;: . • 1 :1 — I l l I enjoyed It highly. There was ev erything in it to make it interesting to a young lady of my teraperanwnt. There was the stern andcruel parent, the poor but noble lover, and myself. I felt that may hero had arrived. The love for which I had been waltlng•so long heal at last arrived In the person of Amluidab. "Horrible!" you ex; claim. Oh I no ,• the ugliest persOn. in the : world, when seen throngh a levees eyes,, will look* lovely.- .Mr. DIM began to grow beautiful in my eyes from the •moinent that father threatened to kick him from the door. He called the next day while fath er was out. I : received him in the .i .~~; . j, .: t ='pia ~p~v~:x's~a~iA~~. Iu pubUidsod 'Tom WodnoodaiYi 1h old Aron bollcUog ooTbird &root, Bea ver, Pa; ac, IP 04 Pei Tear.* ad Att4 i i. ca. utiouo....oot_auldocti °!'genial Antonia re, resPecgql4ll.ollq lti To Lawn sßoopoo, i tayfur 1 4, tbiv kind tigt lovarlablx by Use Biota of tho'soU , lOr . . - rotting and -4Nontnunllidlosix" ihould ' be adcltoisod to 1,, 11. • • WF:`,CA,ND lsoallor, / - parlor.- ' I told him, git n* tly ,ns I amid, MA. hither had coinvive4 dislike for hhn. " ' " ' mid Sir. Fargo. "Not at nil, lio saki he Wouklaitt you in making your =lt from. our door if he caught you Iwo, " Ilitigk I tipti batter. reth9,7;fll l l • hc: , . 4' Oh? no; father GI neves horde , at . this hour." 4. " But ; • " Woon'et helpdisifkto„youktioW, Mr. Fame," I Alit!, ; with. my, most. . bewitching Smile. "You tuned to " see me; I bellevei I throb of 'age, 'and• L shalt he happy to 030 you , at .any • time when you plasiti to Au angelic smile lighted up his 1 , outintenium.., and to too he seenned , • Istintlful. When we pirrtetl the door he proxieil ley hand Klightir3 , :! Oh it was No Sweet. • • • After that, Mr. Paiute and I tram' ' together almost every.day for "kat night. Luckily mylatiter, islte not . 1., aware of this. I did. notenPree ha ,•••• would ever put his threat'l cutlon; but still, 11440 16 Alburia together,. he might haveiiiiiibt •of • some rather harsh we , might lame caused ahe • But I felt that tills Inst. Them would her,"7 , , 301 ; some day: it mint' • - than I expented: • ,• .." Mr. Fagge and ; were ttigeilter. We had been hilking . as 'weal; near : ly haired hoar , when lie turned NM: dimly to me andladd, "Beatrice there is se methiug that I have been ing to tell you roMetime." , , "Indeed!" rgave blin a glorious smile. " Whatsvu It' he." • • ; "lientrice"—l knew by theway his moustache bristled upwlett waist-URI.; ing—"l love you." • • "Is that all ?" • "Janet that enough?". . "Why, TAttouglit by the expresi ton of your cuuntettance twie do wag something moreserious." .• - . " It will be serious enough.for me, uniem ;routed me that my lore Is:re turned," he mid, throwing iiimmtilf • on Ids knees Is. , fore me. " Indeed." I trot wondering hew he was ever going to get up. That' wax It very mertowsummideratiorkf " Can you. love nit, darllnq?" I did nut feel 'quite 4.1.1.tain °hoot .het; In het,f 'I think that I ivivi• ivy noel' in doubt about the state of my heart as Mr. Fano ties.' ' , • " Will you iny, darling?" . The next instant Ml', Fogge gage a veil of train that penetnited my stint. With a hurried gluten I took in the ' wllole situation. Father laul and was now putting his thrust lulu execution. :11r. Fagge madeuo res slstance. but allowed my father ' lead - him to this door. My blood boiled. • 1 sprang toward them, and grasped Mr: lugge around the rawk. " My dear Anilndab,", I crlisi, "I do love 1 do. Yo n shalt not take him, father. He Is mine, urine; my heloved. Aminidabi " " ILarieu 1" shouted hither. " 'father. you shall not part us; " Beatrice, will you not ohey nut?" "in all but tills. But you 0111 never tear us asunder—no, never." And I clung lighter to the beloved of my soul. Father sank into a chair, seeming ly quite overconw. I waited Ow hint to speak. • "31r. Fagge, take a scut," at length, he said. " lieutrice" turning to me, "do you menu niarryltilamiusil". " i cs, sin"- • • ••••••- " Enough! " hither smiled. "Ikti trice, allow me to introduce you to the lion.. Walter Still fleet, of one or the svealthicA men In the city, and My particular friend." 1 turmil toward Ile was Just rim:laving a wig train ilia g blaok curb., :11111 ter his hands held a finery 11d moustache. With cry of Jart sprig into his arms. " Will von love toe os well as you did, Beatrice?" he asked.; " i murmured. Ife kin-eel nu'. There is or.ly )nt way to ntinagy t Ilea4lstrong ',Nits. 114:0114," fittlier knottler efiterTct the room. We Jill f " I'llll 1/layt a n r pat welt,' 1a 1 Ntill. . • " the , rt...t ttWroth for you and Ali tail tituittlo ago; we are mai ris'.l itcex t I itever regtvlteft Pile Oi:Greetsbncii..4.. " :l .4l :4 lllll ! EV. .X t.:iSS :Igo, wilco ..r the enaptop,4 oil 'Jar!: all ( ii:LIKT mill, near th' aittudna liars cogaged iu running through :he "rag-icier" u lot of old eltalung, his aft.saion Val air:loM in soon- hits oft greenish paper which had gone through the machine. :in a closer Insportion they proved to is , scraps,..of gieenbacks' , which hod been clipped into pieces by the knives in the -piektlr!" Thp man found a hat fall of Alorthent syrups, and instefulighig il portion L'Fvrllibiinie time iu tilting the .f.A•ayas together, lie picked up a por tion of the'valunble iPhris, and gave _ them to friends i evidences of tt curious discovery he had made of it fortune which had Isen roil through ti mill ! The senile.; are orlalis of the denominat ions of .4 1 .1, 10, t:O, text/an:l, ;inn, and estimates matte from the quantity or pieces found indlyints that not Its dram :14,1)( 1 0 mass in that infield:le, and that it was ground up in the rag-picker." in a matt brunch of the debrit taken up without nvaed to the contents, there wen:, twenty plat-; with atsltat them. Now that it is too late litpct any thing of cothitlittence hr the , uuatter, we learn that, the betty of tho,w .so grehttek semi::: intends to try tual., make a Claim:that • of them, anti tit the pieces - together. TN! money, however, has Melt "{Ruda{, *, AIM( is out of eir.ualation. theory of the money getting into the picker ' is that the coat, which coutaitted the money was one of it lot of 'soldiers . ; blouses whieliwere 'collected at dif ferent points,and thakthe money was sewed up in the brt'ast of a blots ~ which beltatged to tut oilier who had tied in a hospital, and the terror of the greenbacks died with him. I hitibt lem. the poor fellow's fuuily onko wondered what became of Id , utnney, and the rag picker has solved mystery--but milt:au:Wyly to no good partssie.—Dallton (U• 1 ./owria4 Btc r . lirnai,—The Fat Contrittu : tor has been trying to find out - what B u d; w et is, Over the Rine, In eineitiouti, he found it lager beer no ' loon kceperwho gave the lbllowlag ' lucid explanation orthe mystery: • peck peer, dontlyou see, Is wutder primers makes ulil r,wllo etfrny Mays %VIMe a year tot t, der , tit -stomas vet pays 'ent... 7 l as sthrong . ash peer- ~e t ain't half so sthrung ttit %lot !luck Deer is, don' ye •understlamdt? Unttier man vot puck . peergets trunk on, ain't lease trunk on,ain't wider peer, ash pock peer knoeksiter sober out Withal, too soon already: Pock peer, slierHeine:as, fafh puck petit.. Mal that hill More vet 1 don' o u t ddl you. —ln 31ontgoinery, twelve miles frotit Cincinnati, there NILS a Marini t ragt!dy on Thursday. While Alonzo C. Mueller was stated at dinner with his family, Abratuurt Crest, a neigh bor, entered, armed with a double brrreled shot gun. , A quarry:leaned In regard to family matters, when Crest tired and Mueller fell, pierced through the chest by the fUll lie cannot teepee!. Mueller= Ihe sister of enta. . The latter plinths In extenuation of this act that Muel ler seduced an unmarried sister of Hiss
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers