lii ill Nl=M === :MEMI Iwo . . i Ay ,Mi i, - .OW-, liter •••••. •••(...., Kr AO WM, L. ...roo, do otOo lo .il do 800 111* II CO 1118 II 'poem. n um ` 4. 11 , 42 Mkt fg. COMP ..... • c01umn..... It 00 isawarg Alt MI colcosa..•.• f 4, 90 JIFF , eu Ili dnalstearre an 4 Weiblis• imi!isg2 7 .4loo , petit! now:ow Me. too . vr Firma akiis t . 4 44 r triedostodeoriloo,ollwl=4,ll,lo4 state ollite *mass e ek ending the }at • 27. K. ,Y P. X P 4 0,.. , 44 &BIG •' ' '67 eg. 4 eg tv, 40 d.. .72delv 82 dlig 69 deg. 73 deg. Ifti deg 80 deg. 79 deg. -SO deg L.v, 58 deg. 67 deg. 45 deg 30, 48 deg. 58 dn. 54 deg ey el 111 de% 52 4411 • T. TATLOR,. Nubsetriptittai 11100118• 1 0 1, 1 11 ` . s.—The following FtanaatiA periOcur lave paid the'euma sit opposite lc, their Imes •ott subscription to the Betrier Boca, since the date of one bat barns t halm' (liven, Heaver, 2 0 Scott, Monongahela City, , : , 20 1. Ilarnes,,Beaver, 1 00 . Warren, Darllngton, . 00 ones Bala, Baden„ 2,00 .R. Whitehill, Princeton, N. J., 200 . awe:Aker a Co., Alliance, Ohio, 50 • ev.J. K. Miller, Beaver, 1 00 ref. IL T. Taylor, Beaver, 1 00 c,. C. Bruce, Near' gheilleld, • 100 Fowlar,Black Hawk. 200 The attention of the publicts directed to the following' New 'Advertisements which appear for thetinottinie In the Ara gus to-day : • • Special Notico—Speyerer & Sons. Sex H. Burchfield & Co." Bearer Academy—Rev. J. W. Haittn. Sommer Cordial—Dr. Hurls. Agents Wantsid—O. D Case it CO. orphans' Court Sale—D. H. Stone. Application foe Charter—Library As sociation. Republican County Contalittletoe —The Republicans of Beaver County are regeeted to meet In Mw Convention, at the Court Boma+, In Beaver, Thursday, May itb, 1869, at , l o'clock' P. M., to elect delegates to the State Convention to be held ga l Phlladelphbt, on June itirdi 1939. liter., Chairman. IF you aro troubled with Indigeatloni du nut fail to try"' Dr. Whittleeey's Dye. prlala Cure." " • [lt. The officers and inanagens of the Bea ver county Agricultural Society will meet at. the Sherif:re aloe,. in .Beaver, on Friday, illay:lth, it ono o'clock P. M. 11. A. Mooax, .Bedy Vienna Iditie anima 'on band .at the ulvanou lime RUnu, Vantiert, 20 eta. rer.hushel. . Spr2.l3f.- 0001,0 Barged.—Two full blo'cuied imported horeen.were burned to teeth in a freight cox at Meadvitte on laid gat urday night one week ago. They were 'valued at $B,OOO. LAIIIEIe Hats and Bonnets altered, cleaned and darn) over cheap at. Bence's, Third Street, Beaver. apr2ll;.2L. The camp and effects of a Gipmey fam ily stopping noar Einau•, was burned on ,Friday lust' ThoWatideretsbadritired, leavilig a tallow candle burning, from whieli their bedding caught. Some of those nsieep wore badly barned,•and the w hole party were taken to the poor house of Lohlgb" county. • Aid. the latest atylea of Italia and Bon nets in large varlet, at Bereie's Cheap Third Street, iteAver, P. Petty Thtet--titOrnefridt;coniclence reared neallawag entered Prof. Taytoed reddens a few days ago and stole two ereoata and some .other articles of wearing **pared belonging to that gen tleman.. 7 4 .iti ciao to 'Abe thief. Pity he emildn't be found out and !Ticked up In a building where overeoata are not need- Exrat.t. large Transplanted Cabbage Plants for sale. Also, Tomato and Sweet Potato plants in season. C. Sox Ens, aPe!Nr4i.l Beaver. The Easton .Press says: On Friday wed: while a gang of men employed in William Jonas' atone quarry, above Cat sArqua, were iyinderilnlng earth ahenvy rtii ban k tent gavelvay and foil on a man named Rachel. ;the Injured mat died in a few hours: - Nxiir Dreia Goods, Black BUR. ie.. just. opened at nonce's, Third Street, Beaver, Pa. apr2B;2t. A Kuuior;—The Washington Jarpreaa says'a report Is in circulation In thatchr to the affect that a largo number of dis appointed vilice-seekera have left Wash ington for Madrid, to offer themselves for the Spanish Throne, vice Isabella, rumored. : IM to P. Jounet'sehop, over Hibbard t'o's. Drug Atore, In Deaver, where he repairs watches, engraves, makes and utenqs Jewelry. lie insures his work 'find does It cheap. ; 12t. LADIES, Nave your money by buying your goods at Bence's, A . now stock Jura' opened.' See adiertlsomeat In an other column. apr"4l;2l.' The llollidayiburg Itegistei aapathe roal house of nudngton Ibunmond, at Sarah Furnace, In that county, was omn plotely destroyed by Are on Wednesday evening, the 2lst inst. At the time of the fire there wore about one hundred and twerity-tiTe loads ofcharooal In the build ing, Lou about $1,500. The Greensburg Herald of tho 28th inst. says: The barn and warehouse of Daniel Welty, at llannshstown, were to tally destroyed by Aria ycaterday morn ing. lit it was a carriage, two goodbug- Liles, a spriniwagon, and a constderable quantity of wheat and corn. Four val uable horses, two cows and a calf perish- ONE car of Clanton City Flour received anti for sale, at Speirerer &Soria% Roches ter' at reduced prices. Old Tree.—On the firm of Mr. E. craft . , in Fayette county, lit an apple tree that Is now almost a hundred years old. It was planted In 1772, four years before the Revolutionary war. It still retains moth of its vigor. A. many as forty bushels of apples have been gethered from it In a nitwit, season.—Greene Republican.l• Wmated:—Two young mon, of moral charaCter, are desdrotut of oorresponding with two or more 'young ladles. , Object, to extend their circle of acquaintanee.— Address, Frod. Maxwell, or Oro. 0. Me-' Nlidor, Rochester , Pa. Paranipi Cakm—We clip tip fol lowing from Mr Ilunnebm'a Diary, in Ifenrth am& Ifome: To four ,ounces of grated paranlrmi (raw) add four ounces of bread crumbs, a teacup of 'milk, two eggs, three table npoonfuls of flour, and a little salt. Fry In butter or lard. Alao, a good recipe for making ginger scbnappat One cup of molasses, oncoltalf cup of sugar, two thirds of a cup of butler, onfr-ludf cup of• boiling water, one tablespoonful of &s -lier, one measure of Horseford's yeast powder. ' ' I, you want your watch to keep time g 0 to P. JeuneVe with STA n albtpilich• • knisA - mhitr aitvi o apsa. a vary . , • , „ . , ' a r i x t t y.e wp It is t r =ret =dot "Nokias Pubila Me .01444 am& of la"; am 00'V. the far ths &dating m offax.i" Iselaat. &m it h i l i i taiiiiizairataalaa Mal Mir 00., of Roatmser. aneWinun Of Hama. It bto br hoped rams.: itioafas win mad as Numb to Ilia wealth ailiAliautrafse id"' sr hiuktlNW "PiP4 044#a _ , . , .. . ''_;stelf Esenio Hams—PAM Angel. of BASF , with an eya to business end thw - ' Cif &alkyls, boViteatt tip and open an wiling bowie sklehaing his Zieand oonfect/onary, where meals t ifr ui served up to Order at all home.— . E4O , article in Ma eating line adbrded by , the eemons or the . markets, will be fbund on hand, sutiect to the orders of 'the . 11ungpry. Entrance through store room: • ; . . • apelat. ".l ilerssl Revesue Aamesseir Ap• pel*►t.4—John A. Carus, Req., of Ifercier Co., twe been appointed by the Pnnident and con Armed by the Senate, Anweacir of 'lnternet Revenue, brae Clanton! • Medal, vice ,Jahn A. 'Hays removed.' ' Mt: tuns in a stititich: Re publican, and every way quanfled to All the office.' ••- -- • •'• kfatz..—Wear your learning, like your watch, in sprints pocket, and don't pull It out to show that you have one; but if you are asked what o'clock it is, tell it. So if you. are asked •what the greatest to4ic in the world is, you can with con ddenoe say, the Magri Bitters. It is reamamendedhy some of the most emi nent men in this 'country, as well as in Europe. speT;lm. . , The Titusville Hi Vold nays: The °load or of that once hung over the . valley of ?idiot° creek and the numerous Jets of burning pa that Illuminated its shades by night have disappeared, and save the broken and decaying derricks, tbei remains .of engine houses, an Occa sional pipe protruding from the ground, and pieces of cable lying near, no signs of former activity exist. Iliallsdat Snyder, of Liberty" Val ley, Perry county, let (home on March 14th, 11169, 111111C0 which time she has not been heard of. She is • mute; about 20 years of age, short, light hair, blue eyes, full-faced, about • five feet high,_ and weighs about 150 pounds.. Any inferior don as to her whereabouts will be thank fully received by her father, whose post ogle° address is Sandy Hill, Perry Co., It may be important for some people to know that where a widow ro-marries tefere -the Issue of a pension certificate, the children, if any are living, are alone entitled to.the back pension.' If a widow re-marries during the pendency of her claim for a pension, she is entitled to the pension to the date of her re-marriage, unless - the 'soldier left minor children stirxivjng him. . The New itligueie7Law.-The nevi registry law; pissed by the last Leiria,- ture,will appear in next week's Axons., We may state, however,-in the meantime that Section 15 of said law abolishes spring elections, and provides that all elections for city, ward, borotigh, toilful ship, or election °Mears, shall hereafter ' iu rr4 .sk be held on , the 2d eaday of October.— We are glad this c e his • been made. ----•-• -- Tux courtiers at the Court of Queen Elizabeth were wont to gain royal favor by praising the beauty of •the Queen's hair. sany modern ladles, by the use of 4 Earrates Vegetable Hair :Boritorg• live," not.only receive praise from their' acquilotanees, but gamma well the hom age of all who behold their magnitiCent. tresses.—Cierelaad Herald. [lt. __.......___ . . Vinswelk Orgasbatioa.--A.Presby terlan Church was organized in New Sewickley townshii:thla county. on May Sd inst.. by &Committee of the Presby tery of Allegheny City. The name of the Church tsNew Sewickley. This or ganisation meets a necessity which has long been felt in this part of the county: The Rev. James M. Smith_ la the stated supply until the next Ineetging of the Presbytery. The.”feuers."!--e.ziowspaper pub lished lu the oil regions 'Wyss We heard a " Whir " talking about the Pennsylva nia Legislature in thin manner : "Them 'erotellera had better not cum 'round the oil digging, or Ile% hang 'em up4mme juntly, without any hesitation whataum ever." "Fellers'," don't go. The Pipe Monopoly bill, wan put through the Legbdature a few weeks ago, in consequence) of which, the oil devel opements In Venango county have been materially retarded, and the oil produ cers do not hesitate to say that "them 'ere feller'" got about all the mons/they asked for in return for their Notts. Ho we go. • Seminar accident occurred March 23d, in a new saw mill owned by Stephen Dymond, on a small stream known as South Run. John Landon, a Ltd of *bent sixteen years of age, eon of M. T. Lan don, was running the saw, and another assisting. As the saw pinched the car riage was thrown back, which flung yoUng Landon off his balance and upon the saw, cutting him from the spine thro the'hlp to the knee, then throwing hbi body nearly' twenty feet. He was so badly mangled that no medical aid could avail, and be died in ten or twelve brans.- -Neutron Republican. The Wphington Reporter says an af fray took place upon the road from this place tolilddietown one day last week, in which a peddler of pictures clime to grief. It seems that' the vendor of en gravings had visited the boucle of Mrs. leastek, somewhere in Ilopewell town ship. Th 3 male members of the family being absent, the peddler made Insulting advances to Mrs. &sick, who is quite an aged woman, but did not succeed hi ac complish his purposes. A sort of the old lady, on his return home in the evening, learning what had taken place, started 'ln pursuit of the peddler, accompanied by another young men. The next mot n: Mg they met him, and gave him a tre mendous beating. • • ' Pa/Allen iffrasiingtem Comagy. —Washington county has three candi date. for the State Senate, viz: M. L. A. hteCruclien; et Washingtonboro.; Joseph U. Welsh, of East Bethlehem tp.; and John N. McDonald, of Robinson tp. The names of A. J. Buffington, and H. J. Vankirk are announced as candidate. for re-nomlnsUon. for Assembly. One person wishes to be • Prothonotary, four desire to be Treasurer. two would , like to b e deck ed. the Court, three ask •to be wa de Register, two are anzfons to be made Recorder, and two others can be prevailed upon to take ere of the poor. 114111Mallal Csairt.—The Moprome Court tor the Middle Dharict of Pennsyl vania will commence Ili sankes In the Scpreme Court room on Monday. The first mos on the Wallet Is the Common- Wealth vs. Gambia: This is araaction to test the constitutionality of the act of the Legislature repealing an got creating the JudichAdietrict. After it is dispos ed of the eases kir' argument from Lan ce/der. York and Adams counties will Ifs taken up.—gar. ItierriapX Judge Agnew, a member of the Cohrt above referred to. left ills hope In this phonon ImiElsturaw,to tae in'alleasuc• at the time designated.,• • • EEll4i ii:=''A tel i - N6biWa+ soodsandiroomitr. - TheboAd- WlGhow.'tow arm' rffiildrpaimuntal. b441 V 0 i s W*l lol , Sooda n 4 =Med %. poised to have orienstadllisinno, tea berding kedtedon thn memiafloor. 4:10= tbeealpiale plamminlmi•isb= postsin iiig small d itivided over by . modern Flora.. FM* ifigPlunges his or her band in the bee id takes • poirywhieli the women kitsch to their drill's/ 014 WO* ,M l r. andthagendienen Own In their button. hole. j The Vow pebmensdethriughehe illmuuktlve olarPlisdl / P I Y weellnig.l • shniliiboullnin to hal ow n ;MA ;law she fe !gond he has a right, to take pos. "I• 3 ° l "dh i rs Ne d.r .oo 4 ) l q gar. Tia,f '• i• c • Ur Illeelliesslisairy,"UmilYonsig man who was on trial for the port two weeks, In Butler county, for the allude: of his coosin, Annie .31e0andlese, Kane time In the , latter part . ot lest fall, was conikted'of narder in the ant degree. He had been deeply in lave with his yousgaml; lapilli. who did not reciproesteldhithichlierB, abd WWI*, to haie shot her through the window of the house.while at the rep* table, to Prevent her marrying any Other person. A motion for P new triel 'him been.*** by counsel for defence,aid - will be ar gued in Jame next. Mrs.. Berlashehn reported the ciao for the Pitts. Gazette, and while she makes an interesting re r port, she showi marked sympathy for the prisoner and his arousal. - We learn that the family of Mr. Fowl er, of ShasiAln, consisting of binned, with, and four children ! , were poisoned on Saturday last. - A daughter aged eight years died on Sunday, and Mnt. Fowler Is lying dangerously M from the Oracle, and the otherchildren are suffering more or less. It appears the Sadly occupied • double house with a Gamily named Og den, the cellar of which was used in com mon by . both families. It is supposed the poison was put In flour used for bak ing, or some pastry prepared ou Satur day, of which all rted that Mrs. Ogden had th ned to is en the Gamily fir some unknown before she left Shamokin. Because of this threit Mrs. Ogden was arrested and conveyed to Sunbury on Tuesday morn ing, and placed in the Northumberland county Olson to await further investiga- - Son, The stomach of Miss Fowler has been sent to Philadelphia to nn Cergo a scientific examination. Groat excite ment exists In Shartiokin Id regaind to this 'poisoning case. NortAnaiberiand Herald. Leek to your Ferri.—Fars will soon be laid aside for some eight, months, and It Is all important that until that time they should besetstred against moths.- their mortal enemy. Furs are costly and Beautiful as well as useful, but nothing hooks worse than shabby furs, made so from' the destructive inroads of the moth. •Thu waist thing tole, done , with Ma is to abut theta oat from the Sir, and for-. get them. The next worst thing is to put them away damp. Should they be. come damp by exposure to the rain they should be placed no nearer to the ttrq than where they win dry plowly. When the season for their use Mover they should not be abut up in a tight chest, box or dreier, fir igetoAsser o fair Ottyit with• out being taken out and' shalien: ting them in a drawer that is frequently opened Is recommended, in order that they may be frequently seen; and thus be reminded of the nemealty of attending to them. To proems furs perfectly and without the least feavotinoths, frequent alting;shakintr, and general 'classifiers's,- together with a good supply of camphor, is the grand specific. FARMERS LOOK HKRICI—Au offer of valuableinformatlon free. The Veterina ry Surgeon of the American Stock Journ al anew era all questions relating to dis eased, or injured animals belonging to the anbaeribers .free. Send stamp for a opeeimen copy of this valuable monthly. Address, N. P. Boum & Cu., Parkesburg, Cheater Co., Pa. liteeipe Me Wanking Wlstill.—Two pounds sal-soda, one and* half pound* of (plain:lie; dissolie the lime as for whitawsah; put the soda into five quarts of rain water; then pour together and boil . half an hour in an iron pot; then add five quarts af boiling water and pit away to settle. Put the clothes to soak in clear tepid water over night. In the morning, soap them and put them to boil in water to which the fluid has been added, in the proportion of one pint of fluid to five *MIN of water. Practical chemists endorse it as not In the least Injurious to the moat delicate fabric. THE human family is so numerous that a birth and a death occur every mo ment. Every second a child is born; every second some one dies. The pre valence of sickness in the world may be realised in Dr. J. C. Ayers Laboratory, where medicines are made for all man kind. It would scarcely wenn that there are throats enough to swallow the doses he homer dally,—Ayers harasparlia, Ague Cure, and Cherry pectoral, by.the thousand alid,Ayer Pills liter ally by the ton. But they, must all be wanted, or he could not make such quan tities for so many pram—Northfield Tel egraph. • [lt. Roves we Relfulatlens.—The • In ternal Revenue Burton has determined that hereafter nci case shall be settled, dismissed or compromised, except by the decision of the solicitor, and no as sessor, collector or district attorney will be permitted to negotiate on the subject. Compromises will be made only where the evidence shows an absence of an in tent to defraud, and in all other cases the law will lie rigorously enforced. No subordinate of the bureau will be allow ed to confer with the claimants concern ing their cases. Commissioner Delano has issued .a circular, dated the 22d ult., in regard to mixing and auteelling Internal revenue stamps, which requires that the entire surface of each stamp shall be expand to view, and that each stamp shall be cancelled with initial' and date, no mat ter how many stamps are used. The tobacco and spirits stamps are excepted, and will be cancelled as heretofore pre scribed. Reference is made to the lavi punishing the use of , teamed stamps by a fine of 11,000 and imprisonment at hard labor for five yearn. One who has tried, tells what a poor boy can do In the West, as follows: "Al low me to tell them not what they can do, but what a couple of men did do.— One of them came to Michigan forty yews ago and went tato the woods twen ty miles beyond the last house, and' Joined s settlement already began of four or five hmiliap. 'rheas were seven In the gamily, four of whom could do no more thee take ears of themselves. The family were worth about 000. The drat thing was to pay Uncle:Sena MO of talc for lOC were of lend. A low house, two pair of oxen, and two cows, a few tools, and. a llttle to Ilve on through the drat year covered sari eat There were two boys In this dungy.. One of them has earned NO,OOO since that sod. the other about $30,000, beddet Ittloj weilidt the time. Anybody of sound health, with will Saffectergy enough, can donee amiss or more, for this is nothing extraordi nary. =M ova of - . do& 14 Vat= mood I filidlhosomi vdtheat lOU. ONO HOW 7 aititistdreltkif elnrliSdkargeirt it' /6 bb 111*Tt and -woliNowlieer Put/C=2 of *Sullivan eash. bows; hoe dollars. Our labia 1 11 .0 1 01 grB4 l 6 l 7,virot• 4 1 4 1Loul• far the P•r" . of Sullivan I rates reed, ring rfiIMINIINR 1 11441444 °b i t the hither of JAMB 310PdIIII'll step chil dren, was • toll isaisidtLeaBialhvantno, as nest re/at ed , to htin sista Mena. wir a raw iiltaispl a aMOijidZ r. Mthr ri to git, oat imarty all their ES!EIEEiMI pp*" addressed tp MoEiduft, and faith what lecontabas we ham waresty. a *IOU but that Mr. MoEldnWs step . ritiidiron are entitled to and will soon re ceive' onwfburth of.tha, prtreedli at the Sullivan • estate ! Tlie . att911303 , writes, however, that the estate is not near So barge re di drat mparamaiiial.aad staid of Matta busing iliamily.lool*". are Dow four, including the slap &Sind •g, Mr. Joienhaff::./rht 414:11ttlf ney eathwates the esti& worth 1 5-1. • Thliwoold sive the belts Is Abdo county. prOded Ito others •wers lbws& 11td,0(.10.' *is* rogtshrosVid IP OI4 shoe in Virsahlngton territory, eat tint ergs= a wheat were tang from la craw. l3eing large and full,Shey were preserved and, planted. The yield was tonna ,ao gratt as to lead to its propagation ' until tidOoricty, which is known In the Ter rlta {s '4llSeigh/edr. bai Are (ante a standard one In that tickler' . - or theeountry. Batuplosoflll4 wheat were mistily sent to the Agricultural Depart ,gmatt at ::tiportaxamittisgt the Ampler rat the Museum, of which . #mire are some 2,000 varieties, the seine wlmat was found, being one of the =in-' plea from the Paris Exposition, and was grown In quanta, In Spain. Las, Boys.—An exchiiie sayli; • a lazy boy makes a lazy man as sure as a crooked sapling makes a crooked tree. Whoever saw IlitoY gl9if up In iditaiess that did not make a shiftless vagaisind Nail tain when he became a man, unless he had a fortune to keep up appearance*? The great mash of thieves, criminals and pau pers have come towitat they are by. be ing brought up in idleness. Those who constitute the business mitt of the Wm- muntty—thoso who mike our great and useful men—were taught In their boy hood to bo industrious. Boy, take' that pipe out of you r niouth and think of thief. List of letters remaining uncalled for in Beaver P. 0., May lat, Dinft. • Mr. Samuel Anderson; Henry San ders; dunes Anderson, mg.; Mr.. J. K. Smith; David Dell; hass..Sallie Saltier; 3, Mrs. Milo Barnea; Mina M. Stewart; Mira Sallie M. Crawford; Mr. Oeo. P. Smith; Mr. Jahn Coal; A. E. Thome; Mina thtalo W. !Muds; S. S. Quizolen ; Mb. W. Du Bola; Mr. David Voblor ; Mr. 14. Firitic; Mr. Sarnuel,Cloradmi Joseph Henelidar, Esq.;. J. A. Harty. 1: 11 (1.1 B. J. Muury,Xisq.;Jaroes M. *on, 2d. D.; Bickerstaff fi Meaner. ; ,Mr. William McGeehan; Mr. Jeremiah Mo yam ; . L. 0. Malone, Esq.; T. 0. Moron , Win: Soweplifkidle. • MARY A. MCGAYTICX, P. it. The following Is an extract from au address delivered April 2S„ itien, by Prof. F. A. Shoemaker, A. IsLArineipal of the Ohioville, Pa school, which ire publish by request: Kind Sr/whirs and', Associates paratary to closing the exercises of the day, permit me to address you, perhaps for the last time 'hi the • capacity 'of a teacher_to his pupils. I feel indeed *or 'ry that the present term lust so nearly 'drawn fd s-eiest taAgiYefF drum fur expedient to make a change, Jen that I feel loth te'sever the intimacy, the friend s* and the sociability that has so: long existed between us without a single word or murmer of dissatisfaction. Nev er in my life have ',enjoyed myself, bet ter or spent a snore pleasant tithe than I have done daring the last six inoodes. They have been to inc the happleit mo ments of tray life. Bet my kind Scholar: you will be, no little surprised when I say that the eseential part of my once) , want is bused upon the visibility ofyotir advancement, and the greet interest you have manifested to hasten your own Im provement, and the great and glorious victory which you have iiehlerekover your diligent*: " , i. When I eame to you I came with die understanding that a harder school, to teach, to manage and to please was • not to be found. In Ads lem glad' to !Nay I have been givatly disappointed. 'But I am still inclined to belleve.the truth and veracity of the statement that the school for some years past has been demeiraliz ed, and ruled by a few unruly Pupils who have almost attained the ago of ma turity. They tried their project the last , term, but leak, tild they emceed? I em phatically answer no l Where are they now? Expelled in disgrace front tur school When I drat entered upon my ' duties in the capacity of. a teacher I at once formed my.rules for the prohibition of ever" form of vice which might, arise, and ?Or the flrj two months a suers Isar= minions whoa was no-whore to be found; but being anddenly called away by the death of my mother, the evil one, who had remained quiet, again made his appearance in the form sit human beings, and for misdemeanors perpetrated in, my absence it was found advisable ou my re turn to expel several scholars. After tide with the exception of the expulsion of one more for intoxication, not the slightest obstacle has ever occurred to disturb our peace end qidetnesci Now that I have expidred that:Otero(' the past let use say to you: Still aeration your search for the'philosopher'sstone , Make education your highest elm, prepard yourselves for future usefulness. In early life you'ehOuld form and cultivate habits of virtue, morality and Industry. If you neglect then now and contract habits of an opposite character instead of gaining an exalted position you !will be unsuccessful througb life..' Studeate, the bestpf capital ;Iss hon esty, listegrityaadeapablUtylthesie coup led with industry, energy, and an invin cible determination, are the bashi, of true greatness andprosperlty. Fortune, sue ewer, (lame, points:lna:al wealthwere nev er gained but bye piens determination. In short you must bravely carry out yodr design. No matter what it costa yeti. • Shrive for knowledge whilst_ you are youtig, and when you are old it will not forsake you. Put forth every 'emery: Stir yourself and go forth to the task, be lieving that you will be a conqueror, and you will think better Of yourself. Others will admire you ; they will see in you a light that will forever shine. Then, my 'kind scholars, you are free to have any position in life, and I trust you value that freedom. My sincere wish is that the day spring of life will open ditto you with brightness, and thit the angel of knowledge will place upon your brew the wreath of victory, and "stamp upon your hearts the seal of excelsior. I in dulge in the thought that's:2-mi" distant daj I may see you one and all oesupying high positions of honor and trust. And In conclusion I rwetdd say that from my intreluetson to you to this =Orient I. hive devoted myself wholly to your in terests: Your joy. have been my pieta tire. Nothing shall ever tear from me the record of the present; nothing can deprive moot the VlColladiOn of the pit; nothing eau destroy my inward poem of , Wad arising from the rememb rance of 'paving done my duty. Miller at bra M►«t, Minh dh 011 kftliolistkIllt es Ow i'lalo9.llo' / 4440 1. Br« w***lo ll . ll l l i l ihor eon,aptfer or twooliter t ofweretirvieueg. eit by tatift rim iit. llehh* 1 1 WI dat PnOPerilht til ia .att : I dii It."ll=lither. ' lll liie= 1 "00004 1 4.0. 111,1 P A 1 *1114 4 . ' . Mast. laChliarr• "i 1 1400: wit° PliihhilitiWillsgoppeljip, inde, 9/ 04 UnresfebetintitoburoL 'MV PS - firieFtifyik eoutinsed , thiihillikr with ph** miff while etriestood off 111 h , *Mirk Meptl. not Wuxi ~,,ar i ,ovive fres °too No4o. WIWI 4llhk**l ll,oll- It e hhl !froth,. Willi thoirowdiehotOC 'pt lb. shot Peen* dittweliiit *St illift pert 91 *ilia twin ifilbeeldeet itopl.inilier4 hit hrirti-liolighttroltufti the :roug Log two took OW in'thertiolb: iff .114 . 3 " : " an h ah . am imittrhth ANS" )110,r_ , the row, anff ledilayisin • supposed. ft the brain? sod the odhol,,iterialt 4104 and penetrated the heat.: mein Ids death whilittlhi 0 0 3 1 4": 11 ,* Gd , , A . ... , .. i irt m ot th s it prew r itiMittl ColillV 'CallPrds- . 0t..4w 911ini c neAlleldrer*W.e. ~e athi Very cut** ' At saftwettetikt th e leallOwir of .PwirliNFir*bi. 4114 g• r = jan I . 7_ 'retitl ei l Frpttpieribc• . . theurripay. 134'4 Tmll -'i Ulm the= i , _.... 1 4 1.., - Theitrourrtrrtt 4 1 ,/, Dr * ! I t . '"" 6- as fibirtillFt ~.. . . ~ .. ". ..'. . ....7 4793. , .:" .:! '.:,',- _ 'it t` a . * Jan, ill, .Toilssaaecittkmfat' Thomas Dturtlitte; :; . . 5 '. 0;.9 To the 'nark.' +,.... • 2 5.. 0 ~ To du) esilkiii . !, 4 .ti... '. " .. I -.' 2 Al Jet; the tided tligglill4 '' o 4 7 8 I t o hauling thirgibhet, . , 022 'II To hauling Meg 4!Mbbet, 016 .. b To liquor adverted ir the man • . ~.., .'' for burial, " T' ' 0: 8 .0' t '}'o itarthe exientiOntw. IAI '.O- . The eolumlisionent were riww-Oleerri i . n a very peril*. ptsdicuueat, sad in order to help tbMisahres out of U. they appointidansudltinseommittoi,osurtsi. 'big of three men, ritibllowit ."Ths COm mbrtioners of **imp comity rquest Col. Neville, Mi. George Adam), and Mr. Alexander, to exstridng the' above second and state their opinion as they are at a loss to know In wind , mattner to, proceed, as It hi a new matter to gum." The Auditing Committee ref orted si ; lidlows: , wa are not. well pcqualutel with the I ! wars - of the within bill, but suppose it I ought to be paid, as it was fora dbisgree. N able kind of servive. ' P.D. Norm:A 11..Awcwirma. It la very probable Sheriff Ewalt'. de mands for the peribrmance of the ' 4 dis- Sereelt!)ii!kind of se vied' wer!aatialled. 'eiectition 'was a pubilo oria r nadla. said to hive been. the Lint, in the °minty. It took place on Bojd'a Hill, which air . mints for the item of "hauling the man to the gibbet," , • • - The body of Louis Lane, the. wife poisoner. who Wise, hung •on Thursday last in PittabstriA, had .been asked by Dr. Le Moyne orl behalf of the:ma ted fraternity of Pittsburgh, for the ad vancement of method eCiento under the provisions of tbie sal.oflthe 18 th of /larch. teal. The Sheriff, aftei coiMulting with ids 'Manley; Thomas-M. Marshl4 l , declded to eoinply with the regneatmade by Lane, that }Whet . freire bike Charlie of the body and hare it interred , in St. Mary's Cmi3oterf., The rentains of Lane were called ibr by Father Kerr, , at the Ross street entrance. al out half-past ten o'clock, and conveyed in a hoarse to Ht. Mary's ceenetem he and another gentle'. num.. tWolutliouleg the . 11 0 ,1 i 00 . 1 4 a o ' l ' - ring°. The body was lute/ere& 'With 4)- propriale cereuim.les. Szezttsr-Six, May Is t 449. Mw &grout—Having nidleed •my name In your Paper announced for PW)I. HOMO Director, I an . thankful to my Mends for their proffered kinducts, but would respectfully decline being &candi date. Yours truly, . . IMIE2 Roma Astobs:—lf you choose, you can publish thelinclawd acrostic, writ twit on the nOtle_of Gen. Grant, by Mn,n Mary Adams Wilson, at 'the age of S 1 years. Many of Yogic pidrona will pleased to loam, that- she is tbe'daughter "fold Doctor Ibitittied - ltdtuirs, deed, and widow of James Wilson; niany• years 'resident of obi heaver, now deceased. Respertfully yours, S. U. W.- PSIERIDENT GRANT Up, rise thinplring Muse, art e! Mule. my feeble ♦olee; • Let'■ sing of one, who good and wise, = Yon •ee him.. In the tUn of. War, 'Slid conflict, atilfe, and danger, eicure invincible bo stands, To self and , fear stranger. • See him in time of peace refuse - "The hardearerd homage due Each chow of vain parade dian►e Ruch folly in aulxlne. Mach Is the Man whose Arirtuss more Than I ean 'numerate, ' • - Bach ill Hut Han our Nation's pow'r Hath rals*4 to rule these Mateo: Great, thougk he Ls, yet 'should he ask For knowledge from above, tO take and govern well , In wbedotti; truth 03d loie. *Ara se i King in olden tiniest, , Who might and power Waked. Nought but in understanding heart Hei sought and wore obtain'd. To him may God give evermore Wbaheerean hare, be giv'n, That whea this lite oteare Ie o'er He may led Heat In Hears. *I. Elam 111 Chapter. Ith vase. liz4Lvini PM. a, PA., April 22,18®a. Ma. Enrrosit—At a stated meeting of Aftilley Echo lodge. L O, O. F.; • the following' resolutions were read and addpted . • ; It has pleased God to re :Love by death the will, our beloved Brother, T. J. Illainger: Therefore, be it Resolved," That the membership of our Lode met idncerely wimpathlse with our Brother hi the great loss whit& he, In the divine providence of God, has been called upon to bear, and In the sorrow and grief thniugh which he has been led to Pass. IBlgued4.„ • Amtualro vvittelm„) "/" W. P. hfcLarg, . lifarkMs.* rarrsitvaou xuamxr. Omen or ilu Prrra. May GAmerrs, Dioxmar, B, 1800. J Bnalneai irenerally, is moderately ac-. Live, though there is yet room for Im provement, ind It is not whits it should be or endly is at this seamen of the year. Thser le a continued fair head de• mend for moat of the leading article, but in as absence of anythin Ulm a sperm lathe feeling, the o are of an unimportant , round loot sales being of rare occurrence. In lewd to valuea L there are no ebilljel worthy of special notice.. BuTrns—instpadx dead!. and we can report regular Was at 38€140, for good to choke. enusax..Sales of new Western Re serve at 154g20, as to quality. and .tiew York Goshen at 24(425. • comenical—ilf,7 B o4 oo par ewt. . Daum raIITT-1 1 quiet and unchang ed.. peocz y alt3l4l fo r quarters and MlOlll for 'Ptonn—With the exception that the • •_anasr.thare *atom la• Ma marima woel l e g i of nodes. We sate a Wheal lamb sad per Wheal pt 41,60 ar— • 0 We ;xi leleof el 110. 1 M o rt , il . .PiAerloter 0me0r, 1 149913 , 9 s , -Are 11014 ar 90071 . odift fr ori 1. 07410176. in viol*, t:lZr Modem:not le. Colima seed liedmS; idol: les : Sire gum** ler; So prime "Mow; OW food - is -Reis -Weis wooed id 1 2. 1 . 0 .. r 1 tan'tedgrorel inanoalim., . ~R o • dull nodaaesaL..,. Seei44 ~ Lawos-laemNo. - 1 di=roodifea=lll%,,....m.a.: i todr }ebbing bosomed., silloilM purls se lean "unolowited. id 14 -- ilor: =massif :VI lb: Wale 0 ler - Seigar. • earl& Hemon: Mad lis onavamiet do: :, Ribbed , Sideet Mt Clear da; In.' ' Wel Abet, WO. O. 'Lord. 191 n flame esOblllorel-fa kw.. Usee Pork, row . _• • -6 k s ' . ' I ' 1 "•` : Rolmaaa-VarylionitiZaa r allergen .lot...eaolos , Skov , . have still. Ikeilier .... , g reported no kook aso.., • . ___. - _. limur—ltey be emoted el 91.,M011S b3,.%bear load,. and 41,9360115411194 Ws, I • is loom . , • . , DIXz-CAUGRET • the rOlf '*aioo of John eqao , W . Esia4bv Ra. "'',Amu* Mr. - biz. of Currebto4, Ohio; rid- Miss Jamie R. 4 ‘0417, - of Beiver c Pc . . . _ ,d~ouricei~ienta • , Waters ban requanial.tO • annonnoo ilalisakkaof the follnadng ginglainan an Ihildldafea for tha l riekran ofilan In thin 40E0% ittbpiqt., rang tiui ilb!lonat Prhm /ei ct4 o l i et" *." ' . " Senate,. 243•1111118.10?" Bairer•bom. • !IFILTDIfItEIf Brigtiton. >aeLii- • • , r it itOililerkiltrighton sp. • •' IIitUDZOCX, Darlington B. You itits Vim, Bair Brighton borcr. lion? Y. ]LARKS, Baden. ' • THOMAR 4.POWEIt. RAxbeator :bona Iffil*.l,lCll.olDLEß,•Rocboater born: rqui . r. 0. $ BARKER, aegis Itrightoni ANDERSON, Rochester boro. • • ,THOMAP. FLERSON, Pulaakt JOHN C. BOY LE, Now Brighton born. JAMPS M. WO EEHAN, Smith Becker. JOHN IL BEIOHLEY, Pranklin tp.• I.l43trei A. ANDERSON, Darlington tp. ABRAHAM It.',WOLP, Brighton tit: S. D. BRIGGS, Industry tp.. • • • • JAMES H. TRIMBLE (Deems tp. • ARTHUR SHIELDS,, Independence tp. JAMES DARRAGH, 'Bridgewater. . • JOit'S M. DUNLAP, Beaver Born. ' TRW, B: WN. TER, Brighten (p. , Treasurer. JOHN R. EAKIN, Thornier born. CHARLES Z'WALLACE, Big Beaver EBEN ALLISON, Beaver born.• CLARK A. HUNTER, Ohio 4). BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Fallston. Itedistir and Recorder*. DARIUS SINGLETON, - Bearer bnro. S. M. ELDErcHariington township. • Clerk of Court. JOHN A. FHAZIEIt, Beaver born. WILLIAM - H BRUCE, Hopewell tp, JOHN C. HART, Darllngtm born Cammlsidoner. :AMEN WARNOCK, North Kewicktoy JOSEPH BRITTA IN, New . Brighton. EDWARD COLEMAN, Marion tp.: Poor House" Diriretor. ROBERT COOPER, Moon tp. JOHN WHITE, Hopewell tp. 81011.7F.1...11. DINSIfortE. Heaver I,oro W. R. LUKENS; Rochester bore. • • Tesseities or .tesslosisi t D. P. LOWAIIY, Deaver.. JAR. 11.- Seamen. Cintety 1110perliateadellts O. M. FIELDS, _ , lirslieton born. JAR. WIIITHA3I; ilatener Cp. 11 . 1 Advertise Went& •,, lIARGA,ISS. DRY c Pe Llll.-BURCHFlnjtifk-C4l. MN SI. emir SitTet. P1TTE4131712011 - ; ' • An sellinz out their tank of 1 , 1004. ) *WM-FS AT VOST, VOIISETS at 73 ett, trottlk *l, Figurt.:l P. K'4..f0r31 car. wroth $1 Plaid Flnittiel for 2$ Ctti., worth:3l% Ab r oi ! ititle6l blutakt:ls 01 t3:31 I, *5. A !It or plunualt• for eisiltroq..6 dry a:ti May :91, 1869 I:II,‘"ESTOCIii OF'FANCY SILKS. (Iry Poplins, Plaki NW St: rink, tif.w Sixth st., Pht,hilrgla Dec. 10. in43l DEAVIEboII !I AC eft AD mopes/S.MT.—Tbc Aca- LB dory o ' ell by ER JOHN EINE MARTIN, R. D. Itx-Pmadeut M Untoln ITalreirity, known is a. anteawfal sdaestor of Me doe sad doe blind. The Mil term will cemmeuce. D. Y., MONDAY, MAY 10T1I, 1869. • at 10 u'clack. A. Y. , Modesto of both sine.. May bete Imre, their. ooghly. the Common School Coarse. ender strict diecipane. Should adequate clown apply. M antel* will be glen In mon pirt* of the UM venire-course. rionstsration. elocution. rhetoric dot' eildninco_ :lbe liehrew. (lark and Latin Lencresses ;logic with philosophy. manna, men" MI and B oni, will be OUleetttly lambi by the Principal. *Prolapses to sae Wirlerm's Spellers and Held era t litcbelfs Skostatinos with Pelmet. Gatli. MOW Oreasaaars Illatbasanal Series aod Salk Roe's Ofllllllloll/11. /or • additional macular. Ple•!* add J. W. MARTIN. Ilos &Wet. Barer County. Pa. roayS,ti • aR,O OI. TTER MARBLE - WORKS. who S. wasnaah NC ON 171 d. TTS HEAD k FOOT STONES: Marble and Stone •Pocits M. JaWiLstn! b`or•Cemdtery LAD tog . We have um* on hands a Large nod Su perior Stock of Phiiu and Ormunenial Monuments and Headsumes. We are now ready, to supply on abort notice, aft orders from the country at low rates. Also, ciarri.3aturtcoixem And Fixtures of n Buprrlor Quality 'ALWAYS ON HAND. sell Cheap, Intl Selling Cheaper : And Doing as we !lepresent. . We Employ no Agent, RS We CAM ,:en 10 Per Cent. Cheaper -at the Shop , All peraon% &airing any ihing Inner line Are Invited to Call and Dateline An WORK AND PlikOES 9efore parchwitog elsembera • • imarl7:l3ai Rall.1110.&118. - . 1;111"'-' • Mt. 4 os sativitidSr. Mei homer 411414 stailkma • i•vr - etVlL i terre• P VAl: rfreit o .04r1 4 . , t. 7,2.1'tt0.0.e9 . . --.- ...n.trume. Iliretilsro 4 l 4 7 , VP)lN4ro ....--.....-, 4, r --,1—,-.,-- 7t ,- . .Pl a rjak,:.... Win VIIIKLuiP ?Mew •IMalt IMO /...111.6;, • WS.. 15 . 6 =........A..-.i MP -I; ~ 451 ' Ott •,.. , 4 . 141411 n US f 61.•. • ' - , Lab , • -elution ', • :, ' .., ,,iwitrui tfitt ~ i ltin 'I OIL: • , . sie • aM .• 14 $ ptw ,.,..ii jilt en -44 * • 11.4 • ..;. - . , r•in . . .• 734 ' ll 4 . ' I : L i . i * :Zs ~ :in: as: i ay:, illa 1. •Wt C 4it i i . ild ,.. a. „:l ft"...: rctet:i, IN , . r,s- 11',% - .- [ *kw.. ...."..--rii ,MS ..1496 1 .; MP. 44fi11• 'VPPetsooduilli•ii lel , ; lids , iti Pi - Al '. • Pursio :,.....„ t „ 7 „,i , ,, %SA ,1 1141:: on Mert.l.,..ri.iteri, ' 171: lol. 1, 111ri! Vert Wayie.'....... .toosr‘,4l4o, -.1.00 sW. ' Cohtiobla...,, I ittiftwite, IC't , ' l'ett• inrir .... le' 450 I 1151 i 4111 4_:7, • ' KS .FlMaith •' -of 111 ' lllti . All- . 'a1pta1a0,....., ..,, ata, 411 : T'.4( 011161 41 0 • ' t - rl' sio Iso- / C Al.' ... . =El= eldcogoAßOitti • w.IOCII, =r. ~, 1 11 * ' • Von Wayne 1.155-: Vas Wert. ..... ..; • Z 9 • Luta • 331 •Itereet '•,1,403 UPPertiandestsi..l . al* • Raelresos3 .• Crestitne A j D • •'% 640 Illaruteld q 108 • Wooster .. . ... . . Orrtli•l . ilsiesslssq Can toll' Rochester ...... ....;1143es tiluboralt. 141 TairPlaraarrs....New. Castle *ad grte 1:664s lew; Thairpitarrit at 1:11 p. as: New (Matto. ec.; pad; &refire at. Plttalairret. p. sr. liartarnma, Wye* Plataltrwah 77134 au art. at Youa;;Atuau, 10:40, N. CaaUe,4so a; at: Tdataterawa.,-Now Cas,Ue aad .11Itsbarah CuUc, aorawe I e . tarao YOl'Mplowa;G:l9 a. ra; Na , r tio; arriyer at 1010 a. DI. ,Ret=l.l.l.patea 'Plth.barth. .1011 p. in; sm. rlrca Now Casa. n.m;Youngirtawa, 1140 pk. • Y. NINNAM, Vemeraf cLEVELAND'arrnsaVaau RAilapA D. chi sad dor Ape. AAA .lAZL, Valmi ' vrlll Man Sulk= lisUp (Bciusli7• est eptinl) dmit.4144 , 0, - • 4. - ; . .11(41 luVTU. Eucittre .II I:2rx Euclid t & llndwn. *Lyon= Alilan. Iriaysird . , Vii4loyllio rratinll. 1. MALL ~ EXI, C ,{ .Atvus ---..... ,-- I ~ ....... Wellsville ..., ;• 4110.1.9` 1:199211 -• • - ' &gird ' 1011 •'I 5011 s, .. t ......1..... k111a0c0..... ......1/19 ; 9. 4 1 ; ;VG 11awc999 ' 'l%omi' 911 ; ' ' '''Yi ' 1109.99 ' ' 1.919 1. 4411 • • 1 WS. • Larlid blirmt ; OS' i 5411 911 . .11919•1994. • 'LW , '1•41 i ' 9tlS ISelis ir ..• f— 2 .. v..a...u..„-x..• ,• im on , ~.- evtVilv v 1 'o u s o lan -, ..: Wellsville 814 I !thrst CA 1 ., . . , gmbli's Fury , 8.0 , 201 i 511 .... Delver. i •..*.: Tiocilester ' P. itts IVD IWO t..., Pittsburgit 11 '.3.10 , 653 .... 111413:41111; ' • WAIL. IlllIP:11.!ExIes.1 i',.- .--...-----.........1,1----1—,,---•—. ilitslser.ei ' I !! Glisols lilipx 4!.lerii! .. Isov,Pester 71 , 1 I''-,.'. IA% .. Leaver • . • 1 3 X 1 .: (i.s3 .. saint's Fers7 • 11%1 . 314 63..) .. I!Wellsville : Fr CO ~ :at ISteulieuvllle ... ' fs23 ! 61.1 : I._ t i ljr , tlzirst.... .„ .. 1 1 0 7 3 .I C 1 , 2:: l' • ilak t. • talsed trait. a. 11,1- pre.s train horn Wtstlwrillo la l'lntArtrg4. 11.7tiCAILIWAF. St:ANVIL Leaves • - .a rd... • S. raCa.letplila.V.l6 a. ra. 1 Ilaard. 9, :a ...Id. '6.yard. It 10.141. i N. ralladepllrl..ka)ari J. 11. K111D... LI: Gearrid Tsrkrt Aireint. Auditor. E~itsislotstraters , tiollee. - -Lftter. .a.t. , Itgandttatleet ea the inlet! o(l/ettrue a. 11.14 - so. geed, of 1.:10 Simla les tow aehtt, brae g been gratst..l 'to the ea dorttocd alperm.. • knottier titernskttee hetehtett to tad estate or • • netted to wake ininoidtaie gogincut. And three lowing cintma ut d eininida *awe will' prevent them Timpotly tor oogio • , II IIY 110747.0. elan. of beerwas on the 1 Ith day of April. 1 , 11. - '• , eattl&ttiapti Overdraft, C. S. Bond. to ..cur. tiftVallo , l r. S. Bonne on hued."....... ... . . _. . • "Joe !ag Ilraks,_ ~.,..- ~..' Fa Noe. mud Bulking . 11ucure.. 4 .:•:" . 11 MI. VM urnltuli adal Bulking. - ,' : v.skr cam Manufacturer of !==l =ZIM Than by Agent& = == d= ortris! 1150,7 • 404ir tux 1 724:i 454 14114* Ull : mr) !IS , iI/Nll , ill 03: 315, : ,U 3) •,11.14/111 44.1.1 . 1.0...xt 197 nil ' It* IMO 4:19 - 1 111 4 4;P ..1141 .. i 111 43/ • ICI . ! *3O LA • Sl3 i 404 .f.elia.. poi i 411 . 11,11004 ii R.lO ..i AZ .1„10j0. 1017 , .. 1 .040 . NM/Wm 1011 . i m4l ut • 1113 710. 1 130 . 1100 i 100. 5 , 9 ~ t *1 lign, iTho ts) oo ow 015 1013 •' - ,061 ./G0 1150 - 'OW - - OrfAillONO. !JAZI. ',irColll 043 110 Mu it/J MS -co I!MMEI =I! VTATIONA. ! Exr's r : Watt. - At - a oaf =ED I=MMO apr%:G4 • • ....... F.xprose _tavola sod n.L . :t Cola. • i.irt; 91 Le„talTiratter Eat Noto, , anti 3‘,0 , 0811114 Stock._ . t, i7.004 ti C4 Dtaco mthlt rj. t Each rt3 7. and Intact.'l PO Satloaalldrcttlatlon ontAnodfnt.• .; \ on..sti rem EIEBEEI Du* Dopo Mar, Due Dauku sad Backers Vr..:Lf4k: al MelOM*. *liftetivitAl le* c , :rreet lott*lntet tram tir'Urport to :Le enumaintller or th•• 1100 PS. re•Lle: Cott—Agni4 j Rireetnn . P. I:. I EMEM ro SA grit 31aitnisemiluz Cpatoauy offer* for rate Own. work.. 1410.0• , t1 Mt 1111C,OtIVI Crook, one.imlf mil. from .11, OW. rl.rr. on the (Arm of Hobert Hater. 1 ..:t0t. 1110. work. are wolijoratra-ror t otutitio-tore ttr tt:t. Throe ate tern good ktett'o. Wit dooetll9, to or, a etutper hop MI6 01111 bebk ebbyttt.loot to ihr morkr. Tenor ratty. 'For farther Itttrilettlars toll on $ 11. FIII,SIII. mattl:tr. Mao,. - Rohrer , ' Wild Cherry Tonle. AltE THE BEST IN U4l SEC U01117.11:111 , 9 vo% ins•TE:v., • The very hest in the 31arket. I R. E• SELLERS & CO,, = Oppo.he St. 4:1111 . 1e•011.1.11101 ~. ntraned No and 104 Third pte,,t, PITTSIIrRaIf. 'PENN'A. Wholesule Agents for the West FOr rale by John Lome, Reeser. viactrrioN.—The ahlci.hohlen• or -tin. t',llll. 14 pally for Erectility a Itrlttze ovcr ithz Boater Crack. at. or urn% V Wrist.% in the Connlj of Ilea. er." are henna notitlett that an Eirttion for one Prrohient. alz Unita:err, nod a Treaaarra rill 60 help In the 't lilt Hoorn of raid Company. on thr tart Mondar, the Ica day, of April twat, corn. torn tin! . at In o'clock. A. V. mar.lT.Ct JAMES ALLISON, Trea, 4 'or Sule.—Tlit; undersigned gill bia House and Lot in Ntitv Brighton enver county Pa. The Int 40 (net by IP. The 11011:e is n 1!"11101 . (rnme, eon. Valuing I welve rooppt.. Price $4.0)0. Pay ment4. to milt pttrelingent. A pit! ,toot, to JOSEPU lIIIITTAN, nr Sprit:Cud SAMUEL MAGA NV, Eq. OLIVER lITLINTOCK & COMPANY, lillrAVE pig reciivrtliter Oman S:emit JEL prA Ciiiitii, lowa, etiv of London. and City ~ 1 the . lragest misortinent ,:f mom. beautiful T R E R E A -• T C S Ever brought to this City, which they itit• port directly from Ilw most eidelonted nutntifitctitrers of Europe, nnil consequent• ly eon offer it the very lowest rates, They coil tworlat attelitlito the •ery low 'prices or litgmlit 'Letrpets for all det.rrlp tintrw - OIL CLOTHS, MATTING,SHADES,&c Oliver M'Clintock & Co: 2:r Ali h AVellUe. Pittab'argil. PA tritr44:ls , !, • Niseeltaneous . .. _______ 41ENRY 11 7. ERZ i • • ' Ayer's - •-' ...Ay, .1.••:p ~,,, -,_,.. i 1 3 ' - It • . 1 1 ; M iu lr illiu".."11.1 " 2 • 3.300#4 4 .1414 44XXOS •• • • •-• , • I: t: T 1 T 1 '''.,, r ,:',... •-', sa n 1 ,',!, 1 ,:',;(4 . vrk.#3, AND ,§blPpy.u . • 14401ri AVAlTillit Gfirltalliistif 4 i 1. • J.: (,: ~ ; r • ;.,. ilk; 'Tkr1 , 1II:11,}4;1 1 ; ljii•nittural Vitality: ladhCoUte. '"' _ Jhii nl', ;atottee.itspleitkel iteahlty. and stiannel I • ;presorting , :Abe: i ;';' . 7htled'ar imp; • ; • ' ;;Auke;•is''WOOW'llo i lotVa al, ~ 19• 44 A 4fip sAfRu: •• r . :-- •ii -'1 . IVO •i• .!( , : t NEW SEEII ; 'fres/mot ~ Eltiu hair-, in • -' • ' • • ' ; ' ;falltdg "ctiecked i i,andt i• •.. •'• ,• . • • , , • h es e Often , ; th o au g h '44."alarays;,-,ettrait . ~ DRY - 6 04 D: , ".bi **;;' ,t6t4l '!g 44 an •a, .• „ ,„ .‘'''., l 44.,.wberq the. follt4ee are. destritad, ' ' •'; • ; ;;. the glands atrophiqd and, 44Eaip4r,:.,1 ' —• ' Bdt, such as 7011121111 ma bo, • - • ' ;'; • ; ; d i e ta i nag s. by, this applicidiOn. 3 I " OP 11 f r the hair atvith"a- pazo • wilt soft 0 A great Variety niant , i•w9lkocß,lt eleip 4 A?" l :•ruz,,, • •,•• .•• • itiocca.,io.4 e • ; .:; ; . limit ; turning &ay r "11.1r64 ' eutly prevent . indskme;":. : Zren, •• ; r uieffi tom thaw deletersous . oubetaagesiwltielt , • ' • - ' ( ' make some preparations idan,neroaa and , , , !'• ' itijirriotts to the • • hair', 'the 'Vigor mut., 11 , 01180 "et s Plllt i ,' u oo (iNi ''• ly ben' ntutnti . nit:'i ivantedr. • ..,.• • ; . ~c • u • °, uY, ; • .: , • ; . Paire4.l fora ' • La"). • . t( l 'n'ir 00 DRESSING ;' • • nothiat, , dee can ;be cone& so detitrible. . • 'Containing neither oil nor' dyei irdos t , , , 'apt soil white 'cambric, end loug ou the hair, giving it a rielip,lnsss7, ....lustre and a grateful Perfume. • i Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer tti Co., r•Ltil3ooB.la6llok;s23lAo4:N 9'4 , ,• 5 - ,1•;;• N .1; tERWI 3 S. ThlOlR ' '.• lt t ;. 11,14bittl ntrt..lll,e,S.r. 34,1t4r% !ISLA& St , We - 11.rivr .:;" , ^. a.l I NEW si , ursir- nnie,pt coops I.PA • coLoitnr) i ,ASSI SI E ttpc% Fqit EZi OkitsiMERES 1•01: \V :It rwszi Pirliff IPVINO. Tlll3 1111•00 D. • • • utatlon Ltd, ea. •Intnt eletlarase engirt. „..4.•••7••• tadnitot eutel. rl: e _ 111, L • Nettle tnr rams of Iterobilows•eidee • b, 010 , 0, where IX. .ayatart I Wirt - correption, tarn e n tron t c l atti l tl..,ortlr — ,htehtldWa2.". _ gravated• be. atol.i `4.)T " • Wu* 1ev..233•1411L0*420 • ' •• • tarp wrro itaud.llly tontottnr.laro . bot nor run 110 tuclt 10001 tturnhert 111100ittIrVery.mbe. 1 • ei rt the rountry,that the wqbtlasettrotir act•lit" • I uc Ittlorleni of L. virlit•li or urte. 11) tn. , roful/.113 I.noon I.* or,* or turf tlehit•••• (1„ 11;5. ft tt.1.1.0 nrottr Mop. Oftrn. tb ta ntamOttilltollt /WI tea tut or the ortrantem esti, tetto•te Litt 402110.14111.100 4 t tt ite 210:.tUaa. et et G. - Mingo: fatildh , t , rX"Pthr.: , 91.tri nnrit• pr*Anten. AL/to, •IA •• bre-Mink - 11 11111011d1Opl, Ib. 2.0.ty. Xl3l I, on /0111 e f tetnable dele l4l l , •itt e Or oiler of .• tons r mn.,ett efonaht , r tro nr Inrontt i 1 er, tett. In the, lattcri tubs t.` • • ;L. ... l• deposst*lt to lbw longs to : :00 or* led to 15.. , tiro, or it thou. . r., (-ram, tn. ne thr rktn.oe fool okra et or ‘,l •1411 . 0 ttarr. or the boat. fleece the wort I otrA to nut harraptsrlifn 11_0. • • t.l 11 0/411 m 1 eflf• e' rerrntotni of .I,etre , r r.r.•-ent tdelote4 with the folloirta4ruea., •I t co. et %era' r raid fottordtato rrd i at. r t It , 1,, the It ••: llitt 5.11/1 , 17", th All Bought I;( C,kSll , ,•,•••• Farr, :gen , 7:n,.1 4.44 olt r '• • Inr• of Sr 4`,1.4 tt tr•oltrlltt, • I. ell .44.11 Inn, X; . a. PA f 11.1 1 ,16 Rll. Pier.toe. 1.11•74:1• I, ell/11 , 1140, t a-.•t . ;•. .•. ..• 1 1 te 1 . t rt. tvt. .1/ph • 11. II.• 1 trytt a-11 .1 f 4. moon fa rintAte4 I I c ...I ,nt „It a 1 a I r . ~ILle, l re • fllt • I • •m• trr.illlll , 0 / t IAI--1. - '(> l- Z r r ut r; t.C,I • . 1.11 r0t.4 1 ..01t. I • roll I 04C OP /*/*/01 I lry 1,.k 14111 ti in, Y, 4 .2 , t 0.01. Anti to' WlliCh IV* lord:. ad. ,I.llentiost t to nt o Fo o ls r • '11 r*.l rll.l t 1101 flUebe ratir4 lit IL. otirvlt•.• .10.1 clrOrt. - MotOW Dirett 11.0. Gur 40,1 a 1111 . 1 11 11,1 r .1 111.11 lee. 11 1, )r. . ; r..”/r, RAM mit 0.1 1, femel • 10 1 111. or rota* .117, '1 Lie tnl. • It to 1, I 04 C. ,•••i r un e • II rr,tg fr I ' r...1.4.1r11” • •q...101 1 , 1• . 31 1 .111 re 0, *)rA „, I, .1 Or: Ives aICO Le:Nn ie ./.Aut... 2/• I .1 )4 ). • 4 it-I .t. • • t . 0:, 4 • 1 t . +met% Ittee.1•1•• n -to Lan , ,,,idattnl 1.1.114./..11•4 4 0r05.1 tali • r.t*r;J.../r. a e 1 1.,111 Lt.) .11.• ..•nrlirrual ;• e, • ; -rt,•• •11 101111:111, 1 1 . 1 )t . • rf 1"i 11M , tc, rettet,acL I rr tatt tf 1,. It . • r ; pa 11 porter ;1.13 L. L.; A. ‘V.11114-ANi _Li!. <A: o 113 r, :31(„t• Al'. 4); :lipr..P:ltn EN. TICKIXG* .1P . 41 Prints, S E WIGS &O, &C.; roan ra ESE MEM 1 . .0.11X0 1.1 ZI.XOOO - PfiiilG''pp.tipllN*3:: SPRINGOP.ENIN.GI 18~f`►rr, :0.90 41 BEZ:CES, J. 1-1.1131 , N(317,z 4 . Thirtl Pm. 1111: , 11111*:: •••tiO. of D 1' 111.4LIERY, 'tffiol)S, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, atc., Gls'otlL:. t'A • Spring Shawls I . Spring Shawls I - • 11 A. Itlint-4.11:6ml ,Ilit..,tulle , “kirr. 6lnnp FArtt.. cor.e4•Jsrlittkett•hi(.6•lp.iaery Ltutt•ln%, ' LADIES' i;EADY %V LA It. litivntiop paid t., kit Ak•zaintlres an bawl. Gentlemen's' Furnishing 7(.41 fl OUT IV bile MILLINERY GOODS flats, Boimetx, By far the large‘t .4 thillitter'y giuhla ever brought to this com,ty, h h 4 chtuper than you cait buy theta at any of her placu. Hats Ond altered, cleaned and (tone otTe, Map. EMBROIDERIES, Cvry Ixrge saig hura, FANC I'GOODs! g:TILItI'ING AND PIN xiNo pw4s 14/ unrest. Oar (3.40.}4 sulTitt 'ptircs, Thanking nut wan) ail pat fnn• inr ynn.t ne spent fully to.k r. n. a (Nutt 14111111 1 C i. et . the snme, nmurint , tin 231 th at IVO W it :Ire ludiniig unanne`in tleserr. Itetnenthte • L ir (*.t.v.vor :OUNDER,I.P. Now 1. , Ow bait lime to buy ME ANp LOWELL # '3lllBBd Pits= 3L00.• 'Ayer's Sarsapo4ll' •, so:1Np: ront - lsvir.43 L.V4IZI,NYHERF, t • .r 1 • • .deed "oq • ; ..•.: .„, wuro c grs t arArplut w n , 2 re.* • •op ...rm•••41 Aa • % Inch= JOH .10 tp.14.11 II p. Aptirdid mrs.. m.4pqa ug, t , 711 p lama/ 'al, ...INA .1,1 . 1.11131 r .114,:a NI JillirilLlF) .41014ri t ~~.~a i ~, ~ .. ;11 ciumunsvu a ogrcia2o,l, ti.x.x.anrEvu ;V: - 2.2/ • 31111:201133 9WI sansan • 1 .ilanyar IVA ,p Ne ° ' pnatinkt nip , tat 0, 1:1 (17'0 0- Fore..:o 1.1 30 11.-3 3.•-• xry A hero: The L'aer Cilovit"g success. v;i7 *.1k15 ' • P-t, t. • ' '4 GNI etily-ce aliP"-E-4:'. • A-44 Z3TO,R,e • pikw• --1.--** I{ R , , t ti P 'n anon 'Pu°llle r;-tore C;rav Hair to it: uaturzl cz!or and beauty, amlpzocluv: laittriant growth,. let is ptrfectly harmfc., And preferred over every mit:: pr:parat.lim by Clos, who have a fr.c head of hair, cs wv.ll. a thos: tyho wish to restore 1-. The beautiful rloss r ancl perfume imprt:d to tilt Heir makeit desirable Hnr tialn I,y all Druggists. tri.POT. (U; Y. Y. metONEDolip , •1'... lift' fret' "lower . find I:caper. 1 t ttallenlea all emayell:lk. r of sommiell f,1)11 ' raOl!lty tool 1.1. , n of nenv - rnlo , . Proof Eli relr ~.t tt.! obtrinal r.o Op. tam, MACillial at MITI. I: throat In pro• wialt e II:l.r I.oorpkt.,!. AO 111 CU; ikl,ovr l tho, rUtThe St is 1.1 sy • • frowl C •• If "rot 14, renl4 or any Mts.:Me:dad a acatoro. argot the tr Int: fur tvo:th 'll.l or .k...:1: • . .11:P.> .1.1 allny,4l. rano to Medalf or to I•I to , Ili ! mar hire. A 1;,,,,,1 G.,1 t Medal (MIA M1.,n,l Vol:. y Artrro3nrol *Odra - r , • mt., 111,. WA, at X..tilk. : 011,14 Ar.d l(tsh ain't. , 1.44. I . trail. rOOO. rs.a• I'.l 0 . 11, •a•° A" I.I1cIaIrto• too aa. , . to. r...1 . t00r cottaall , , 1:1 Art 1F.r.1. tiorlto ',Mr., Irtoor, o p., •a•i,.l.!tlscoloallOrir. No Crllo, 1,. ita,e...or:. , -no alla• mita:lm4. ,o4' lora) io:_t , t ,tajalooe calcur ar it,•,l roluvrulrent IC 111, pint . : . .ati.orc oral. tilt ' I . Slot ermine nor work, • . I - PITTI/BUIIGII NATILINAI.PLCM' CO. . Gaolvar )(3nnfurlars.l:neltest , r. Pa. J. U. ISEriert thini tiLiect. rzrzzre OEM = 01.1 :Ina youitg
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