U It I Oi l' rfi l- i 4.6 6 OP II ADM ' 1 i LI t i 1 . rllitl2.44ii ie4e4f7al;#ll - has fraends and the public generally ft i at he "still Ries'," and keeps constantly on . IA a large' and well selected stock Of - I ..., ADIES' 4 - (4 ENTLENIEN'S' - ' .., . AfiliD CHILDREN'S .12 ...*' Iooof-S-daid'S44seSi. OF ALIA KIN i)S. Viti litt,u•Al sell, at tholowps. possible pities s. In' dition to his Easfern ' Mafia stock of Bb uts . and ' hoes, he .alsd keeps on band a lar gu assortment of, his own. manufacture, and is Prepared to do•job Isorkor.repairing on the shortest notice, and as well as can be done at any other shop id the county. - iThankful to the public for past favors in my b si&s; T're, spectfully ask that thermay,be continued. iAll Eastern work that rips will be repaired _free of charge. ' ,I apr24'67:41 • • MI E. 27.NT:71VART• SkUNG .AND . ' . SUMMER • - - 1,• ( . BOOTS & i!iILSON & STEWART, . . OULD respectfully inform the. public, that they have just I received direct fr in the manufacturers, the largest and best e 'elected SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF adies', - Gent's, Boy's arid children's Boots and Shoes.. GAITERS AND SLIPPERS 11 of the latest styles, that have ever been ought to this county, and Which - they are epared to sell-as heapi, if not' Cheaper Than they can he bought in . .the city of Pittsburg. • . Thankful for past patronage, wo solicit a contintrance of the same, and invite purchas ers to-sill and examine our _goods and., prices before purchasing elsewhere. - .! iWe have" a shop - connected to -do all re pairing. .. - I A II Good, Wrranted. • -.-! ..:5-- . - ' WILSt JN & STEWART, In the Piamond, • . , . apr24'67. •" • ~ Rocumwran, PA, 77 Y M. Harton, DENTIST! la toil,ll.v dual, • mounted on fine 'aped, laid t t o hired, to suit. every itidi Gold, ilver, Efiili h and 'American Vulcanite. Teetli.ex tract d without pain by an entirely , new pro cess; no Ether, Chloroform, Nitrous-oxide or al o her anesthetic used in connection with .th ' apparatus. ..otftes on Third street,/ d -door east of jAndersonrs store \ . 10'67--Elin. rt. B. feb lILLEU. W. cams. Ltrtants. M. MILLER BL. CO 1 rester Plaininn_Sqsh nri R..,.. ,tur n • cheater, Beaver county:Pa (N4ar R.aproad D,epot.) 1 Air ANUF.ACTIMER S •x;f, and dealers ,in xvi - Planed Lumber, Diessing,Flociring,Sid migShelving, Doors, Cash ,. hutters, &i. dtm. • \... .. 1 • ~ ..-' - VOntr ntora and Buildera't , Also proprie ors of . intim, 8. Ithinesmih's Patent Weath‘arding, ratented.May Ist, 7866; for the.. xterar et houses, Sc. This siding consists in forming the 'various strips of. beards'of a level or tapering shape across • its entire Width. with" lower ,or thicker edge. made with / a suitable moulding to impart a linisliedtand neat appearance. Shop rights 'for the mans acture and use of this Siding in ,Beaver .count; will be sold reasonable. • ' Having had much experience in building,- and•the Lutither business generally added to our new .facilities for its manufacture, we feel • confidence in inviting, our old friends and patrons to call and•examine for themselves, before contracting elsewhere. apr 10'67-4f, . , . • - EW GROUERY STORE! I % - '-` ' • fr iniundersigned takes pleasure in inform., ' 1 \la the , people of Beaver and Vicinity, tthat:he: hue' opened a - •,' . lit 0 C.'.E.R Y STQ RE . i - 1 'in the buildipg in which his Feed Store is now kept, on THIRD STREET, - BEAVER, PA., where will be fottnd an excellent assertment'of COFFEES, TEAS, SUGARS, : SYR. UPS, MOLASSES, . SORG RUM, . • 'RICE,- P.EPPERS, , SPICES, . .: 60APS, CANDIES, RAI- ' :,, SINS, ENGLISH - II! - ' ' CURRANTS, • . . • .:FIGS, &,o fi : . , . Bedeords, W a shtubs, heelers, Tinware, ' and in fact every article usually kept 10. a well regulated Grocery Store. _ , In connection :with his Grocery , he still eon t tunes to keep hie Flour and Feed Store, where' the best 'articles in this line are constantly kept, sod offered cheap for . Cash or Produce. 1 . , jan9'67:lr. :' , -SIMON SNITGER: c. r..wurrni.• w. t:inntstut. AND . BEDISON, .(Suooosaorslo C. F. winter;) P A L'E;lt I N ATCHES, CLOCK, , :IFIWELRY, SIEVES - AND • PLATED WARES, MITSICAL INTRUMENTS, NO attentiini given to the repai r . tag of Watches, Clocks and Jcwelry. Stioret-Coriltroadway & Apple . eta, WERNHFON, PA. Dano'67. ADMINISTK TOR'S NOTICE.' LETTEIIS of administration -on the. estate of Janis linos late of South Beaver 'township, Beaver 'county, dee'd., having been granted to the undersigned, all pe:rsons debted to the said estate,ar . o requested tomake immediate payment, and those having ,elainut Or demands against- the estate of ssid decedent wzU make known the same, without delay, to dayi '67 SAnCEL TENNIS, Adm'r. • IIM;1 ( 7 , 3 MA .71-13111 H MOORE'S ,DRUG STORE, fii mt E r X Blost.be Mind' flue asit,et 1 1 .1? - _•1%1... - ,'"::::L. - ,,-;,: . fr ..I.r 'l.(3t 1 3:0:13 - , , EA , ---- . 1 • B. TALLON a A. WILSON. PATENT • MEDICINES in greaViiriety,' all of the beat quality; ,'and sold, cheaper than can be bought at,anr other Drug Store in the county. Dupoato's Female Pills .76 cents per - box; heeseinan's, $1: C 1 sTk's, $l. The Largest stook of Lamps and Lamp Trimmings. Lanterns, . Stationery, Window Glass and . Putty. ever offered outside of the city. at Moore's Drug Store, and sold cheaper than can be bought anywhere else. Let those who doubt this call and see, and they will doubt no more DeclB,'6s, J. MOORE. SAVE :YOUR 'HEALTH •BY BUYING. - Pure mesa DIAXOII34 ; • (One ROCHESTER, Dry rots Store) • Can be found a full assortment of P : URE D RlOr MEDICIT C EMICALS, and FINE. LIQUORS; a Assortment of WINDOW GLASS , PAINTS `4%IIBRED OIL NEAT'43CFOOT • 13,1)F4ovolk:-Y PURE AND: SECOND QUALITY ALSO) FJNILTLITT rn? - ALL VARIETIE BRUSHES, THE BEST PERFUMERY FANCY &TOILET ARTICLES, , . AND' POPULAR PR E PARATIONS FOR TIIE HAI. . All kinds of Patent Medicines always on . hand. r" Auto, ROAR & TOBACCO, •ljy entire stock bag been purcbased . for CASE and is offered at the very • LOWEST PRICES. • RgA,..Ae I am a thoroughly.educated Apoth cary and.Cheinut. physicians and 'othere . can rely upon having their prescriptions acca- Irately filled withPur; Medicinr.a only. LOUIS BRE.MII & CO. ; 1 Aug. 29th, 1866—iy. FrIINITURE. AND UIIAIRS .AT REDUCED PRICES : Or o u r own manufacture and warrahted. PARLOR, t LIBRARY; - • DINING ROOM, and CHAMBER SUITS, in every variety and style. SCHOOLS,. - HOTELS, STEAMBOAT. ' and PUBLIC I3UI I/DINGS, Furnished on moat reasonable terms: • T. B. YOUNG & CO, • 88 & 40,121mithfield Bt., m ar2o'67 limos. Pittsburg, Pa. Greco. c. Speyerer, .• Corner of Water and Jane's Street , • • Roo*Tift, HAVING returned from the es*, I am now ?pinking a largo and well Selected • - STOCK .OF GOODS Which w er e e bought . . at panic prices, and which will be schist the lowest possible rates. My stook consists .of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Qtteensware, Hata, Ceps, 'Boots; Bhoca,Notions, &c., Stc.,and all articles crust , ly kept in a first; class store. spr3'67 7 --Emos. ' . Matilda Coughey•by In the Court of Com ber next friend, • . mon Pleas of Beaver Wm. Cunningham county No. lofNov. vs. Term, 1868. Libel Sties W. W. Coughev . • for divorce To Silas W. wr oughey; the above ed respondent: Yon are hereby' noti6edlo be and appear in your proper person before oar judges at Beaver;at the County Court of Cost mon' Pleas' there a .be 'held' on- the treibid Monday if June, A, D 1867, to show cost if any you have, why the said Matilda Coagh'ey shall not be divorced from:the bonds of matri mony contracted-with you.- Shff s. jS il L ity rrpt , L, Sh'ff. Office, Beeee;, :r t a.4.,' Q;IEE:10 ISZE IC -A.l-0 RE LIQU,ORS, WI-NES ,And Brandies, 'JP-aixi.ts, Oils; _ AND DY.Y STUFFS: TOILET.: ARTICLE a, SOAPS, IJ S S AT LOUIS Bi!EHM & T „ss:, ” s AND WmTE LEAm PI.Vf9EIVPI • 1 And exami i ne our large Stook of Winter Gooibh to be llosetront 'astonishing CHEAP. TUREAD --THIS • , Will be of 'great advantage to the. people of Beaver county in purobaatng GOOD GOODS at a GILDAI REDZOTION. . • MI AND CONSIDER That we have 'bought our stock sines the late decline the me consisting of French 6", 8 . Cobuip, Paris Fbildi, Poplins Poplin . ipes, Empress loth, All Woiglelaires, Delainea, - Ginghairsi Together with an endless variety of Foreign and DoMestic goods, all of which will posi tively 'ad repuyilese to cost, in order to dole out our ilAck Stock. In giving us a call , you willlua Us alive in readiness to. /h e w, our goods 'pleasure, and then leave It to OUR OWN tidgmeist i guarantisei quality o . tremelyla facts ' Finally , we would say that we full satisfaction regarding the Goods, and particularly the ex w prices of the same; both of .these .e tq ;our own NTEREST. We ails! I:4i happy to attend to all" wielting to favortu#th their patronage. . V reapeetfully, 1111 - 7 NELSON & ROESSLER, DianOnd. ,Rochester Pa. RIDGEWATERL - .11tf, ble frorks. , D. .7 1.. . _I I :TA MUM AND DIALER. IN ' 1 I • • ' I aim! .American - Marble. 1:: 4ON . . TS, 'HEAD STONES, . tcc., mildf...to order. - , ... . ta 4 3 ease give, The a call, before purcha s in g eliewher ',ll hop op O S Ie D r m ith' s Dru g tore, Brid g e i street, B:d wi t tez. ._ _ , . July 2 ,:;1 fl:ly D. WOODEDPIr. P ;' , ll. MERTZ , 4 ,I',r' e- • , . , I: 1 8 7 0.0 D STREET, '• ': • , . .„ ~ .Iri"1"p3B171:2,(3-11 7 . . .. BANKEt.& BROKER, . , • . DzA 4 a a ALL /CIND3 Or 1 1 -GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, .FOREIGN EXCHANtEc, OLD,' sitivEa. & COUPONS. Kir Highest 'price paid for COMPOUND 1 INTEREST NOTE. - - [augl'66:li A. - S. Harvey, • fL&LER IN GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, - , r . , - - fits receied a fresh' supply of Cranberries, - _Hominy •• , - , Canned Peaches, -- . Turkey Prunes, • " Tomatoeis, Layer Raisins. • , " • Green Jura, • Seedless Raisins,l - Plums, '. ...English Currants, Dried Corn, • Goshen Cheese, Pickl ' " Peaches, Sweet. Potatoes, J 1 es', . • . . • No. 1 Mackerel. Also; a prime •, assortment os Teas, ugar, and coffee. 18.Terme, ,strictly CASH. . A. 8. HARVEY, nova ' ' Bridge street,-Bridgewater.i. • ANDREW WRAY, t i ATTOf NEY AT - LAIVe 1111• A CTIC I 0- -IN THE SEVERAL Jr , 'COURT .011 BEAVER COUNTY, will promptly attend to all kinds of legal business in this or counts l adjoining: • . Collections Wi be " expeditiously made in all amounts upon [all sorts of claims, either in this county and State or in more. distant !o .calities. 1 . In Conveyancing, immediate attention will be given to the n l drawing' 0P - bonds, deeds, egman leases, articles of ant., to the furnishing of Abstracts of ti le, and to the careful prepa ration of all sorts of legal instruments. 11 meats and other securities in all imuts,,bough or soil . : • . - r - serOfftee in budini of Joe. C. Wilson;Esq.. nearly, otposite 'plot:or'''. Drug Store, Third Street, Beaver, PA. - . [aug 15,'66 . 1.1T3K,1p I 1-I..tNEM / • HE undersigped having purchased. the T "AIULViNON PROPERTY," at Vanport, Beaver county, tahes this means of informing the pifblib,„that ',he intends manufacturing and keepittectnietautly.ois hand, the, very.bast article of lime to !be. found anywhere. Per sons desiring it,.cau have it.dclivercd by teams at the , River. at the'Depots, or at any place in the !surrounding villages or country. Will be sold at reasonable iatee ' aprl7',672mos. Prints, Flannels, - Ticking., I Table Linen. Muslin., Shawls - Blankets, Gloves, Hoods St fisSrfs, TIRRA CARR4OR,BOI:TR CORN EIHRLLERB, sinew cFrTRRE. Amp, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, . - AGENT PCIA • EXCELSIOR MOWER AND REAPER, AND NEW BRIGHTON FIRE-BBICHWOBjCS. jan2,r, • IHAVE joist received a aew stock of GaAs, of the In all the latest styles ind at 'shortest notice • 1 ItE) :ELMIPXI9 Stewares ° Row, Bridge Street, GRAND - CLOS Docts land. • ILSON DICKEY WO V • fully inform the pub their intention to aim ou etock of Fall and Winter B o prepare for,a s ppritig Stock, c Lacliee, oy's a Shoes; Gaiters; Slip 'LD BESPECT- Iie in general of ! theit,extenshe As and Shoe; to insisiint, or. id Children's ,Arsj ito:, • , . . . . I which will to sold at co st ; or below cost, tie 'we are bound to keep up the trade, and that to the entire aatisfaction ofur citstotrilers.—' .411 good: warrangd... - • I . ' . DICKEY & LS ON, .1 . . . .- . Doors PIA 17 11 Of H. B: Anderson's:id:ore, Beaver, Pa. , • „ • 1 ,„ Psai -ai Bnown , ' u.ARTfORD DROWN. , 1 • 1 , P. - Drown Ar. - ISon. Remains, pa., -I •- . • . 1 , (Near Mr. 'Cr° 88 - Store.) __ OLESALE and Befall manufactnreri of Tin upper, and Sheet. Iron ware, end lealtts 'in •Japaned, Planished and Pressed ware, sad house furniihitig airtioles 'generally, also Stoles and Hard ware. !Mordent prompt ed attended to. ___ . ; [mariS,'6 ° F-43m pso, ADMINISTRATOR'S NC:mien. HERDAS , letters at - administration Ca • the estats'of:Joits lincisisii, lats. of Darlington t p., 'Deaver county. Pet Ula., de-. ceased, having besai duly panted to the un dersigned, all person indebted LC said 'estate are noticed to make ithmediate payment.; and those having claims against the same willprtr : sent them propialy . autheiticated for settle maitwithout delay:, -, • - _ ___. 1 - ' • REBEC C A ALLIBAIM Admen* aprlo '67-61..'- ..:44.:, i Darlington tp. . , EXEcripitalkil*OTlCS. „ NVMERE , let testamentary (Ill.' th• estate iit , raingi Lkaunic,llai of Re amok" tomei . Bcairir ea:, dec'd., Ealing been granted tothe undersigaed, ill persons lonoW leg lieinsellies te4ehloil to said skate are re queiped to mats icsainidiate payment, and thost - haiing claims!: against the same will present than krspaly, - buthenticated for set; tlement.• '. - - - - -.T..-• ,- • ' t - 18A'All RID/L*ll, l l 1 Een --- ---_---. - 1ii74...11.,4.4311.1 11, "I, • - "-- -..-- spru'67 . ~ 1 , -,;:, , ow Dzighton. - BEAVER , Paz Bii3litat FMO3- 4 , pzoittickiT FAL S MILL i . hive their 17RWAti;. coigletad, and in successful operatioiutaddition to Ito= chant Work theysill, • , 4,4 do all kinds of Custom Wwili p •in -• lbw 3 isannrcr, and on short notice. The hi ' 1 '• e . -[:' L I =_-: - ' ghest aiarket; Jilin. -will -be -PIO in In t Oast for all kinds of Ptah' delivered it t he Mill.- -' * : •- -- 7'7` 110,1 67 ilini - I • • 1 '_H ' • - ' W.'J. DUNN. . • 1! t 1 51 . - •li.•, • A., .atial * Se•-:.1 u . ,• , •- , t , " or 1 : li.1- 1 r • - • Itipmr - • - A i l f. V. , ' AV 1.7 7 .7,7 , "=. 71=7,=.1P . : • .7.77 i ~i,; :• •", ~ ''.' n e A l litp VV . - •,; - a A OlitklAiltifi t t GLABII.,'..diFD . ic:.. : AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS; 4 " . "tf -z . .. . -• ...- . - CARPENTERS' TOOLS; . '- ' I -.--- BLACKEiItITErS; TOOLS, - MASONS' TOOLS. - sgogm!.lol , ll9 TOOLS, SADDLFAT TOOLS, • _ FLASTiRERS! TOOLS, KINEEtS'' TOOLS SADDLERY HARDWARE, BENT . FELLOWS & SHAFTS, . • :-.4OCKS, BOLTS dr, HINGES, PIOKELMATTOCKS & HOES, COUNTER &PLA TPOIcAL 1304.. L ES; TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, 110/188 SHOES a 11,1k1L8, Aril:. PUTTY. Fall & Winter Glr C:1 CO 3", IS 2 LATEST Fos FALL . Jr, -WINTER 'WEAR • Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods ConstantrAp hand - I • 1 , 1 - CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER octlo'66 BitATA A. DICKAT NOW IS TSB 33 , 1%rfret, OF IN DMAVIE Jan° 67 t - AR - • , • bar, : 1-1 = la . . . tv. - • - 24;000 13Its of Q WALL PAPER; Cif :thi ,atlas and, pottoros fog from NEW, YORK; . . . • The'siabsariber again thanks hie numerous Mends for tfieir [drier - patronage. Antis:tips. thsg their Wants - and taster,. I visited New `York and closely seleotecL one of the largest stook d • ; VARIETY GOODS,. siC, EVer brought to the county, elnisistingif . ' Trtroding Sachs,, Ladies' Satchel:. ' Goods, " Children's Carriages, Boob, filoiosterg; Carpeting, Oil Clot;s," Wiadoso Blinds, Biggs, Brushes, l te.,..fr AU of which i will sell cheaper than they caii be purchase 4 for in the city. I Give me a tall before buffing elsewhere. ' B. MULUEIM, Bridge I Street, Bridgewater, Pa.* CARPET STORE 'R emoval. BROTHERS Will remove on march lit, 1807; from 87 Fourth 'street, to their . new and elegant ' Wailehouse . ; Built by them expressly for the • accomnfoT dation of their large and increasing business. Ilarang 'my superior 'facades for business; they will keep constantly. onand, a large sa l . sortment of all goods pertain ng to the' CAB. PET BUSINESS, which they ffer atillIHOLE'.. il SALE or RETAIL to the trade amtpublio'at lowest-market rates. ! I . MoCALLUrd BiIOTHRS... 1r6'671y, . : t . I . I ---- - r Si 1 - 1,1,1N4G- T.R.A.3IOIIELI WELROY, DICKSON & CO• CO • WcoiallsrrionT;' nirskuhein.- • ' I , L- WHOM DRY GOODS, BRIDGE ESUCIR agaoro acooros: Wasos FOR EDWARD FOERSTER, DEALER TN • ' WALL PAPER, VARtEMES ) • FANCY GOODS AND TOYS, Gold, Glazed & Common. wall Pa = 7 pars, Paper, air and Transpar- r , ent Window Shades An Fixtures, - . TABLE OIL CLOTHS,,&c * WfIOLESALE ,j• RET-4111:0 c ,' ' et)4 Smithfield Oittsburgh. OUT OBS I! , , J. L '1 . 1.10.1tP3015 , F. 8. Motivrqx. THOMPSON & RAM . ILTON, Sharon, Beaver county, Pi. • (41A _Door North' of DAIZI2.4GIP.S . STO4.E.) , ANUFACTURE RS of Fancy and Cam-' mon Brooms, and dealers in Handles, ire, Twine, &c., k.c.l Ali work warriinted., Having purchased Ani excellent lot of Corn: and provided ourselves with all needed facili ties,- we Baiter ourselves that all brooms manufactured by us will be found as good as thebest, andcheap as the cheapest. Cal: and see us before purchasing elsewhere. ADDREBB4-Box 174 Waver, Pa. • aprB'o7--11. os. • - ! . -. WILLIAM ' JONESI . Nouse, - Sign , 4 .1 . t 1 Ornamentil P lEli ..' AIY • , 1. , , _ t • Letterin g ~ of 1 all; i t Kinds 'Executed Promptly: Carriage ~.i Bu§4 paintue g , &c. Main St., New - Bri g hton, Pa. I 1 i aprvel--ainin. SPRING • PAS 'SIGNS! .186 7 • 9 Bridge St. : Rdlginwatlie • _- • iWassortment of MMinery w3ll be open ad at .my. 'old stand; lately Occupied' Mr. on TiIIIRSD.A.Y9. .114.11tV11( 14TH. wishto ' llama' my old thence, and as many flew ones 'at will please patronise me, that I aim now receiving , an entire new stock of Millinery, of the lat est Spring Styles, and will, be pleased with mak early call. I , MitS.S .; A. REES. EXECUTOR'S .140T10.H. . lignmA letters testamentary l on the estate of Jolts DOM', late of Moon township, Bearer county,Ta., dec'd.,; having been panted.to the undersigned, all persons Indebted-to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those liaving claims arainstihe same will present them properly authenticated for settlement.. *WM% M. HOODS, 1. - .THOMAS TODD ; - , j if i ? ell " a ' r ° r • . - s - prli 87ot. Moon tp. 241ur6,'67. - NO. 51 FIFTXI STREET, ABOVE WOOD BT. • PITT,SBURG; 186'7'. have their stool, open, for, ti,cide.! • ;• AT r • '• Reisonable Prioes:; 211'ELROY; JAMES DICKSON.; JOHN T. SHANE. marl3'673 m. •. ~ : 1 :'..„, :''.•• f - -; _..„., • a , , ::„. j • o t) " • 0 , • ; c cc eoribokiillte RI/11m', - =I =UM - SW =~YOB Y WE To. EMI 1 , . _ t e , ROCHtS=OPA., lig :F8 ZONSTANTLY ON HAND FOR BALE NE 1 ATFLOWIT MARKET PRICES, CooOßtete and well,' loorkid Stock of Reif 06048,,0 C9r1111121710 OF BROWN & BLEACHED IIIiBLIN, ' PRINTS, ;GINGHAM, IisLAINF, - IALPACCAB, • COBURG FRENCH MEKINOS, FLANItELB, Plain - and Barred, WOOL DsLAINES, all Colors, BLACK SILK, . TIKING, - TABLING; TOWELING, • CHECK, JEAN?, TWEEDS,.- - 8 ATINETC, • CA IMEREZ, BROADCLOTH, WAKING, ahnord ; and Hoop Skirts, INTCOVICONS, I • HOSIERY, GIAOYES, &c. I I HATS AND CAPS,' !, , ... 1 , lan's and Boys'—s large stoet' of Ins l i Stest 4! c - ! styles. ;BOOTS & SHOES. Trothentei and Childrens Gum Shoes, Carpet Shoes, &c... &e.. - eady-Mad - e SCIIOO, L BOOKS & STATIONERY. • JEFEaureal*Tare. . a r g o iin4 well aNsorted stock; eensietiog of M=JMl?;'l", -iitene Toole, of all Hinds, a ILDING ITARDWARE, BUTT, RA LUNGE, SCREW, • A TER HINGE DOLT, CKS, NAIL, /to. B 1 F H‘ 1.0 . ai; shoe,. single and doublp i strongt4 SPECIAL ATTEZi'TIONI<,-__ • . Paid to finis:ls orders of carpenters , cotitrae tors and Buiraors for . . -.1 - ' (GLASS AN. b NAILS, . . WARE, _ , LINSEED •• BENZINE, ,• • • COAT'S PATENT '!DYER, WHITE LEAD, PUTT;, F ALII . rs OF ALL CiMORS, • OUND, DRY AND IN OIL r elaters will do well . to examine our Stock a es before purchasing elsewhere, e•zel.els. 'fresh and Nil supply constantly 'on hand ery lowest prices, , l 'hoice' Brands of FLOUR, IN BARRELS 44VD:SACES • , ObT o.Aaa, LARD OIL, QUEENTEnit:AREI , wromn WARD, aLat &a. 111, • • 11 heavy goods delivered free of ehirge. da of grain and country pr odu c e taken ' exchange for goods. 8. J. CROSS is onreyanoeri- - Agent of et ,im es and 'the Rochester Land Co.-- Agent of the Merchants' 174ipn Express • Remember the place : CROSS'_ITOttE I , , :coxn smarm° As THIC ItAILROr&D, NEW YORK ST.REEt • , oc es r,Pa. 1.21.7-IYr• ME 1311 E GETTYSBUISnui FOR INVAI4O scq-,DIERLI,I ; ItCORF-GBATEBbY 'Ad' AL . 1 67 ffis i Bearriof Supervisete s a n ,' .: . shoe Corporation to carry Out the fis . 111to:th"CeitInakparubl°111niceltetat l a t t .krii th ti t : hiri l- e wm :le a u : l.' . lir ----‘4lbliat vanishes inthorked the reilia,"„ i '',ftaleA, ;t of w h ar lizi . ereet t luty o b i e o lum n b : sl i f t ar o b a lti l berg; and as an irtduce'ieem:is:ee.tt:ll:laltij,llr*rtfrtatf;:::liul'::"irj"%tlscl:4"ttt.ettyefl:itll. isens to c on t ribute to this. isesserree,'ltfit. have empowered tbs. 'orimation to it.., 4 4 an,egmet, the subscribers suli arti e i Timis and interest, from association witheiii_wot war, or any moneys, Mew l s p re ,:" , lee tate, real or personal, whette r? .A ore, or elsewhere, at suchitime er n i er 7..,." 44 Bee and- in inch way, and Manner otheise7"44l them Shall seem fit, any - laws of this L IT ' 4I O wealth to the coritrarytiotwit -•—mmito.' - The enterprise is car.dially t s , the following named well-lnown ao i i f -Major General' George G. m e ,:j. k ets: En-Governor Andrew GI . Cur t • Major Genezel Galosh* Pennypiek..... . 4. 66 F. M.. Gillum „, ', ,- 44 John' R. Brookes d t . Chliriefill. 14 c ow. , II -." 4‘. irt.y. Madill, --1 i'Jas. L. ectfridgi, ' . • I Brigadier General James A, Be er , . „ . , 4. Horatio G. Sieidec' „- . .... Joseph F. Ini i ,, , - -. 4 . " win: J. Bolt o% ' ', . Saml M. zen e k 4 . • JohrilL Murphy • 44 John s F: Bellier; I . : !4 T. ,F. M cCoy,: ; • "R• E. Winslow, "• ' Henry Pleuaei s , i l . " , J: P. C. Goble; • '' . . " J. 3L Campbell, 44 Thos. M. Welk er, " W. Cooper Toy, '‘ 'D, lit, M. G reg , • Colonel 0. fittturibui g l i The site for the institution (thirty ke e l has already been purcased, and it is h o wl that' the good work msy • .-- , commence bur l midsumnier. ' . - Subscriptions will be reeeivetiat the leo! of the Association, No. 11 26 - .Chiste e s m ut ': Philadelphia, on arid after Monday, the esid / of May,lBB7. • . . e - For each enbacription of fire dollen s. ft.'s.. tfficate will be issued, which will entitle de' holder to such - article of valet.' ees mar t e awarded to its number. - ' 1 • -The:lret distribution of awards sai l made immediately upon the receipt of SO,tCO 3 subscriptions; - of $5 each. The distri bution will be public, and Use' the. direct super.visionof the Corporate's. Persons at a distance are requested to re' mit' their subscriptions (when practicable) ti Pdat offi c e money ortler,•or regtatered 104;1 to insure prompt delivery. Direct all , letters to - •1 -. • J.' Di l HOFFMAN, .• • '' WI:START BOARD OF SCPEIVIiOA. ' . ' . .. i ' Box 1451, P. 0., Philadelphia: ! t. The following is a schedule of the award' to. be made tinder the first distribution. ,Tht items of Diamonds and.other , precious stone were purchased from chinas of the :nisi during the war, and their geniin'euess is, ter titled to by Messrs. Beale & 8t05... the .ttiq rt ; extensive diamond intpoers in the vaunt!, -- I land by J, Hermann, diamnn setter, Ne t 1 rYork. .. . . . , I , ', , . ----• •v: , . G ETTY S 131; FIG A SYLP NI . FGR- I N vii,ls - ' S OLDIT,RS. II ' , I , 4 Incorporated by-stet of A.s4o:ably, ofthe coo. I 'monwealth of Pennsylvania, Nlarchle..9l7, I Office 11?5 CHESTNUT :Street, PhiladelpLis FIRST DISPOSITION.' • 'Eighty, .Thousand Subscribers at fife boats Each.. - 1— 1 Diamond Necklace, 48 Brilaan.. , , valued nt • - S'lO,(4O 2.... 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch sud . Ear Bing.; .14 . 4) 3 I 'A.crtird 10 : 46 Gov't Mich.,. lo.n:V 4 1 Diamond rilas?liet in Silver_' 7.40 4 11 Diamond iitit er ' Brooch ; , ,,'ll'Ae ' 6 1 A ward. 10-40 Gov't 80nd5..., 4 50 7 , 1' Diamond tingle Slone 11111;4. , 4.501 , R— - I Diamond Cluster Ilincelet ..:. 4,(e 9 1 Diamond Single Stone Scarf • • - Pin • ••••• 4 • 11 14— 1 . Diamond Cluster Brooch ...... 'Atm 11— • 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet.... 444 12— 1 Pair Single Stone Diamond - Ear Rings 13— 1 Diamond Cluster Broach Vie 14— 1 Award 10-40 Gov't -9 0ndF..... 7,oi i 15--- -I Dismond'Cingie - St one .Pin....;!,t(t 16, 1 'Diamond Cingle Stone Sttul..:!..T' .174.. 1 Diamond Custer Brooch ll,to lft I Diamond Single Stone Bing, 1:. , .. , : 1 ( ,)-- I Diamond and Emerald Brooz:r. 7 1 , , 20- 1 DiamOnd Sitgle Stone 11ia.2. ; , '.. , ;( 1 , 2271 — , : 11 1 T D ... 4.h o ia n nW g aw n i l: i nd ( dti las lm ß e i '7 Hai; j ;:: ,2 1 ,- - : 0 1 4 . ...elli4'ogiicee. atone Emerald i. S m t . 0 u n. :1 1 .. 1tja ....i.. g ....... 1 1 : i 1 ,, {0 0 . 34 I 0 :Awards of - 10,-40 Gov't . . .... .., . ,) , ,e °: , 1 Bonds , each . ~ .. ~ , 35—‘ i _,-1 ' Three Steno Dianiond .2. , 0 ' Ruby,. half-hooplting ....... • `'' • 36 = .1 Diamond_ Isingle stone . 14 , ,i ,., ' ' . Knobs ' .T 3. - -: . 1 - 1 1 , Diamond rr m . a . r pi s a e tu t t i : li s E i g n i single -: t .i t - o :e : n r n . e ' e S.. 1 1 11 ;: z. 1 •14 " . ;:: •- . - - i i i : ii: 39 1 Diamond sing e-s c ge 40— I • DianCond Cluster Bracelet ...... , ME f 60— 10' Ascot:deur 1040 Government Bonds, each ..... 51-:- 1 tady'S Diamond-set 4111 1 Diamond single Stone Dap. - 0 , 53-- 1 Diam'd and Opal cluster - b 4- 1 Diamond single-stone Ring—. 65- , - 1 Pair. Emerald Scarf Pins ..... . 66- F Diamond 'single-stonO Stud., Ll° 67 1 Diamond' Cluster l'in ......... I . o ° 58. - I Cameo and Pearl Brooch. sna ' Rings .. .... . ............ ... oli" BM 59 to. • - ILB 100 Awarde 10-•10 GOT't pon4s each 258-I . ooAwards, thiv't Legal Tendert . each ' 3,000 Aiiiaida, Gov't Legal Tender• • each - • -. : The distribution distribition of the strove. rort r ' be made. in public as soon u the siabecripti ca is full, of which- due notice will be Froi through the ps. ,pets. On and after 'I 3 ,T tlttyl e f Distkonds will be on exhibition at* the offic the Association, The public can confidently rely on Wl t thing being conducted itr the ..roost bosorsbi and fair rainier. All the awards Will be ken ded to certificate • holders, immedistely.sfter the disposition, free of . all cost, tit tbe glee of the Company , No. 1126' Chestsur Sort!, Philadelphia. ;CERTIFICATE. " I , • , We hereby • certify that *we hare exatpliir' the Diamond Gouda , Pear*, Emersids,.ltubier, and other precious Stonens described in ! 11e . above list; and find ihent aB Genuine. ..BERLE BROS, Diambnd Importers, • 26 Maiden, Lane, New York:. J. IIERIIIANN, tßianiond 'Setter, • 304 BipoineSteeet, New York. • • i • AGENTS WANTED. '•• hooks can be , Lad containing Twenty Cet , tificates, • °ATE HUNDREP DOLEARS, 4 All. ordetc, for. Certificates must be ' adthsk ed to J. D.-HOFF...NAN, geiretary;‘ a 1481, PM 10135ce, Philsdelybia 1 • RI ME \ lit IMEI Dr BEI II il
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers