Thb A_ rg {vin b.: published ceii 7 toretbsdhiley s , rzr roz OLD Azomividire, TIMED 82%, PA.), Itsß4Oo psi tlinusa i i Advance. arLotters and centri rtimpubtiNitlea. VALWS4.IS 13,f- tiees•-i e Com of 114\ 4011 1 ai "e the under .. eget% nral . iiteeee, or nuke* at tbels 'cook is volitif.ti' TBUR SPA I', . ibe it eelock..l- ZLIL4 the ra terkeitii, slung/ in aid etue .01' Pinasylmisia. •,5* 1. Aesdssy lot No. eatailing ski . 4 'the gi rat sr ' + mwelis n 9 O, 4! 1044# - iftsv 4 a ir lit* aidssitl =I twil Mr ken" aim - 1 - ei - 1 1 14" . nviliigAg' orchard on the pisoL.eemitte, - &bested lulu: W. "A' 41 et *maw titilit la iiroola#o , —; ..' e -' l' , "r • '' .' --'". $O. t . .4 4 11 et of Asa, ist Mitts! tawsk; ship, bouldt4 leettlt*the Qliia river, west by Ad of Heigh Andtitanit, • es* 117 all OM or par*SO. g„, .14,0,. - 40.1 witted, conkoltalreneieres' ._ :,,litliiiOl Om £ l O sef,Se sloostestind*i : leettg Met- b! helms well tier ..44adial veil tfsored; l deeigneted se Wpm, 'III" is theysti of the inquest aforesaid. 1 ' 150: : - IL 41:ttract .of land In the township aferessid,,botinde4 north by land of li hi . - bull and-tract No. 4, boreiriafter deem/bilk whiby Seidel:ay lets, Ptc.i smith' by land of Lower sof aware. sad wait E y parcel Ns. 2, ibore described. containin g 24 sores and 22 perches. About- 80 acre. 0 etre.* and in a good state of "cultivation ; ba Loot well, tim- Nrid, well watered, a 'good b aring apple or our./ on the prim/eel, and o which is erect. «4 it frame boy hones; deli seed sr purpart !-+" in the plot end return t)f the ittquest eforteeid. - , , iv ...1. S.' A parcel - of land I situate in the I swaship sforesard, bOunded 'north by Ilande of Ptifer end Toy, east by ions of Joe. Dutch -I.llm end •---.. Dickman, and cat by tract No - d chore described; containin 113 acre* „and 701.erflhe!..--about 65 acrescleared, balance timbered, and premises well water wc:l ed.— 1 l‘cslgnoted as pttrprt. "D . ' on the plot' and lei aria of t s beitignest'nforesatd. - . 'No. 6. Part of .t ardetay 1ttt,,1f5..29 iral,Bor ..nt township, containing about 6 sorer, all ~,, , ttein lend, cloared arid cur: ose4, Denigno- Ted Le purpart s.B", s on , the p and return of " iL. , ..eTzlutzt afereoaid. • , I 1 • W.'s. 6. Lotlio: 123, , in the lsn of ont,i-lota ~t vlicinkng the toon of*Beste adjoining lot ti,: 5. and parcel No. ti *bore icscribed, con. I sit ill " 8 Acres 30 ,1 l'iiMroheit bot tom land— rleerrd sad enclosed. Dead a ced as purport ..r" fa the plot and refiarn aro casid. ' g. h 7. Lot No. 122,,in lb. p lan of "out-lots •- afwessid, adjoining lo . s N .: 1 and 6.1 and trifle Nos. 8 Sul 4, as beraim bore described; ...sestOsiog. di 0t1 . .,ee10., 11‘0112101 ir ottwo...insall { ii ~ 1.44 owned by'. .waver sad P rwasoli... sliersin; .1.1 cleared sort enolocd, and on which is e?ectoni rt one storybrick dwe ling house; with ~biter attached. . Resign ed as pui-part Ili" in the plot and return sr resold. • No. 6. Lot'No. 121, in: the plan of oat-lots s ,fereesid, containing.aboutli sores, welt tim. bet 1, Dasigunted -an -pirp rt -, - III" -in' the zht and return aforesaid. I • • I • Ns. 9.. Lot •NO: 64, in r the pran of Academy hit aforesaid, adjoining landcof Patrick NW/- rents on the west, lands of D'Minis, or pub. tie alloy 6t} tho,East, the Bear r and Vanport i read on the north, and an idle *albs south, oritOr.tni 9 saes and 27 „perches, all cleared sod enclueed—good bottom laid. -Pesignated i a's putpart '4" in the plotmid return af4:esaid. o tic. lii. Lot No. 15. in tile garit.r•ti plat, of t lot!' st lho Borough of Bei :gu.valor. hwt:/dt,..1 , ty ffe!rmt Streit ; Water allay, 3p-u.:e: ells/. l tel,l,iing 180 by 50 feet.eucloe d and .:esigno,- ted f purport ~ , J" in the plot a driturn &foie- ,' I' Rid. • • 1 I i - 11:14 above Embraces a propErty,iti good Condit 2 milks of lteav,pr ; and will ittly as %bore deseribed, or I, will be sold . tot:other, , isrete—Ono-thiiii of the 111,e 13414 upon confirmation ilturt; one-third in ono year, si tit two 'tin from the; date ol ' with ;occrest front same ;late, 1 1 IltiLtu!s to be secared by bond s loser to ray 6111410 ettmil; . • for further laturzition iiuq iirrigood. • . JOS. C. WILSON. .t^fiti JOH NSTO `4%:t210”. Beaver, Bear . Dr_ E. a.' • BLECTIC PLITSI Xettioal :Elect 0 5ie o , :tr ilernizen4- - , r• ... O anding, RPPosito Steamboat .Lo . - • -: - cheater, .Pa., . 1 . SCCCE• „ . • 1 SSTULLY treats all Chronic bisees t ll l, Pa ll 7, • Deafneiss, Blindness. ftlieunia 4iate, St. Virus' - Mined, rlyspep la t e a n eer• " Id CI the old knotty diseases the are the curse et the eld school Physicians, at proves their • ihebility to eradicate, are b this scientkfte tubed entepatativelless7 of e re. A SPEC IMEN.op cazict,R. OF. LA E GROWTII 4 ..7 be seen at lsr. iiannenli t r lia; • Store by Alta ittereeted, end references given of the mrs of other Chronic discs s. Particular I, l _, tt tion'given to peel:tale C tnplainti - and mate Discs eee. • t 3:11 .-' 31 erchre and C a lomel are not used 13. the Dtttor. . • [nor l'l6B--3mott• cTh-,... _ 'Nr:t ili) PER - Yi ‘,-.., „„ ‘,,, VI Mat Agenti i 1 ' ll oltr Istraorto S2f) &mini Titres awn kinds. • Under and 41 79 tt trial Warranted tire years , triad commissions paid...l t ipas sa l in United States f 0... %tell are juify licensed by a 1 Wthem G', ,f Baker, Sing ' Ig ittl:4l. All other cheap :: ..fitgtt4 aid the seller or trier ttotkihtgandietpriaollaterti. Must tt/ttirte. ddress,or ottill upon I t uiddeferd, Maine, or Chicag t,15,•e-6: ? .- G. . ......_ r t. ad NIO NTillt- 2 1 • . ./ re y for . stz entire ost Address 0 T. amitity.l bl ' 04 IS &mount •if Ax on, lying tiriPt be sold sep srr I L or more par 'tireless money; .f sale by tits .4 the benne, confirmation, he deferred in r and mortgage. of deeds and • ire o'o4l tei- Trattees. r county, Pa. 'CIAN In. ASD r.I oI a , [ 'rug Store; AR' We everywatre to t btschinev4—' [per feet Sent i. Above sale, IThe oyr.c-pli ; leas then.s4o. lux, Whetter t Co,. and Wine are in- I c re hall o s to ar SStcd cireulera liny &Clark, +, 111. la .lipet.l:- tr 11- -- it- • "c .'t.., ,~~• • iw' MS C. • - min M=l ~ IlittirrikOtstip;: ..etarillealtitelter -IMP • Ai itki4~ltlbilr - Iliti ?, lily' ; therwetiesintw, whir& , ipbtewtiaeites4bll;'reesigntitilt ridireited with. Sitgbesd iiiiiiSphillie Viti tdrevratird the-sin . .. , ,Itritiviie continued alone the sisgaitir the 'Merit:an Itopoblie; turd- on he Ild of iTuli,111182; explained-in - Mei /*Mobs letter '' , ,totaee. Foter the. tile ives and otgeete of the invasion.. - ' ' Re had already-in.iltireb; 1862, e* < . rushed to Mr Nylon; hEs belief hiett was also - that-efiltie prifteitrent ' titteemen of Europe, that the ,efortb • ould not be successful_ in petting own the Rilhollion lard ho now frank. y intimated 'that be object of the i .spiidition cells t o check the progress I if the Unite,Stateit, to prevent their iommanding „Quit . and 'hticoming tie Only die p nseror the products of; he. Nev W rld, rind !that with this c'. llo !fits he propOsed - to; testnie to the ' tin „race it, prestitto by constituting . stable government in Merger), wbieb .hould be supported by her ' friendly elations with E iropeen PoWera, and hat_ thus Feance would .Preate ir;3". . ease mai kate for her commerce,init stablish French influence "id the; , enter of Arrierica." - -'• I With, the cellapte of the Bebelgen i nd the extinction of SlaverY, - thel iiipoisthility : of- the - extemporized! 'mpire becique evident to .tire weirl , l,, . nd the prompt withdrawal of their reops by the Frenel f Goreratuent, off heir awn motion, was cuofidently.ex.l 1 :mod by thef A mei igen people as '6l ham. tOonetncnt ,ibsit. copal . be metie ii in step irltielt - fiarl lien at=a'rio* * rime and a , blundte. - Rove far the eintangy or the French ' Eir.peror to e( 1 -ttll his troop4was induced. or ilt-, ouraged by the feeble and dubieusj tone of , one fOreign diplomacy may !he', nlioteresting question, in the Alton. int he seelps, perhaps' , neutering nough, to have 'been unwilling' to I close bis ill fted expedition without, R-Citring. if possible, the ultimate pay ten. of Itpcc wi st—tiy fixing the debt, , , pOn the Mk,x t emu rPople-- -- or seeneing i in ..,Tn , ,,,bm wby 31 , irieen territory;, ad, ir, coon, Aiim -with his fait effort:, , a(wornplociithi4 object. the miesion I 31-ria , „ t " " ltf.nister Campbell and , ro en. S.,ertt . in needs-dance,: as lel morel,, wit a request 'from. Napo- ' , on, is not tv !bout signifieaOce. ' 1 i The fi re:, order given by that DII= P I iiror toward the teturn of the Feench I imp+ war in :a letter from M. Dianye I Llistlys to, Gout, Mon tholon,l. Oet. I I .-1865 An# it is *curious fact but ; i tie-known. still less- understood:, :lint that circlet. 'mai given, iii comee-1 ) I:enre ot a so4eAtion volukteereil by Sir. Bigelow, gelow, our Minister to Franec,, , C tat We woul d i recognize Montoiti lto .• it , t that the recegnition 'stiff klii be .i. r, eemcied by the evacuation ni. itoxito 1 h • the French troops. Wu are noel- I r sed of the grounds on which Mn. I Ige.ow, upon his owe responsibility, Li too proposed that I the Government ) the United Mates ehotild "'undertake :, /insist the Rot for fastening ent p re upon the Alexican people by lead•,, i gte IlariMilian the tr.oral.indeence 3 their reongi,iiion. Bet it was an i ) er which .promised • to imomplish t . sily the eilfety'of tbp.Fretred i ebt, `ir it was blear - thitt it we.rendT.itur. - edi :,,:t Governm nt, of -Martutiliae, feel 3 wever . *their ii time, whateVer tiev-1 ; nment 7 sheu iti , succeed hie empire , iv uld he coinPetled -to "rtfeogniro itA, tiligations.' T he Washington Cabinet I ii' not. it see s.adtipt the suggestion ; recognition made by Mr. Bigelow; t II haw the - intieror Napoleon ehbll ), :Ain femn the Mexican people the I ndrede of m !Hone et &aims expend,, ~ io.oeeethro ing their Governmen 1 ir It d debolatiug their couatry - is stili unsolved problem It would &ream; , ti weber, from recent paragraphs in , , e newipapers, that the hope is not ; t anduned that the American : 4ov- trnment can yet bo made an aoiout4l A caittsome 'Theme tot the mogul* ,i n' of Maritnilian, a echiniii early ) osched by M. Droayn de .I.Thitys to li '. DaYtotE..4nd promptly 'repelled i,h by Mr. Dayton and Mr. Seward. cenrdingto a dodos of articles in , h Herald firm-the Rd to the 12th _; , 4if q' member, thellitiperer recently in -1 i eir to Iliariz Mr. Bigelow and thel Le French B o ater for ForeigeLM , I it' re, the = Marquis. de lionstier, and r tinged withAcim the _Celine Or 'el , ).:‘ sty:tole) made between the United ;tate*. France {and Memo°, ithieih the Terald pronou n cesbe to b' fixed (a&' 'o to receive,liis iteiii,kr-liati -sty argotie l piii in France, 1,.,91"-ey 1 1 ~, •V 'et - Vtht -g =HP a . 4 . • -; , L. , ; . A 4•04, : : - •17 46%; 0 4 , r,..141,* 4'. . ME 4 .1, t-ligtr t.v itriti:igill --t eit. -- -4:44 , q1k.h... littritOtyl l owee „APO:queer, 4:b# Aliiiiinik•R l bee' l y tiOani NOSlNltsfitie • 'iaiiiiii="4, •etleattitetieVe • '' - . 4 '. - ..leitirtfit'-;"siestotek wt th e it ,,, ..:'. - / It 4 ilefelese amt. litifdlsy Ammon eittati4, 11 1A1Roedri; 3 00 qut t i o i^, porliaiiikietweiter efog; thet:llll6f-Yebill sik- uv ji Mr,ifeabZhiftAtit `iire '4ermf4tteiJillillitt* pork. offirniVitil ttaltsle4l: -- l: Laittni, *kb' the atilt intimatjok...ll,llt - q,ST isetarininvk , , i*lntei t 'irt'bretirttfr;e- didenir steep I ta g , - . -- ifi oki l ia t i.fkr: 4o , l ( f i r i Embislnift-olig arf. .„... ri .f l ; 2. ' 2 iiti 7 N.' iiloo r k , : s sa ea'atitt4witiatiast; sila ~. Si l-. POW,bellatt 4 I te ::, ' t tiltg: l l3llaritees Vendor) hnOtrib - laret 4 'Med l''' 4 . 1 4: 4 4) -- ' twiv..Tobs..3o:pr otpoilty -- tri3gairao r ~.7.,ivif it : ... while outgo TM IlinA eon:liter from ;,,,t lie., liandiVeri, 4,irtieti l Not:- : Ms_ rrhili-4 telneau; the let nicneAlti, body and Sure& with the liviggestion aiirti - df.,itjitur t bori-thu nare(4., niore 'than ti year since ; by' Mi. 'Bige;.. leg% Ann ..ddittitoi tow; -tor the recognition .I•4ltexpyin - 4 larlani. thulta± ian y '' from_ which we alarms eitsa iii4 c , nefilejspholstorie and _Vrithurid; reclllii4lon oitliti • taller_drrlWeSuie Texan swindle, -so silica - Wilt *ape- fends tog goriue, treed to the ardount .ix sitoo9,oo,' Ir_eite of his q and of'. the Tens)! • Win. • tyloi.vitikr,i," aka Ltlether: then distributed!io adviip , . Crtilikz ,beeente.. eltio.: it strati'supßoped !they coul , a' .. tlror tlitnatistri to-war I indliihetls influence a co'- . ; is le Wen "Lad r' 'on Ct ha ' that- the American - Ventil litiitild bil hkii!" , eil 4 4, i aware of the 'plot - Wow iiiiroot,to....make Ptili Wttfrii..l , the; United• States an' Wioni•j3liAr ta a motrOwlto'lit.i, „scheme more inAintonii tlitth, th . ii. *tr. tbe:l; end. Lf . Wu, Lion - of Poland ---*-; ~ i-- •' • 'nurtYo).it c , his itilii, I , ~ . , We hare alrett4r conuttented{iathe" "-,lt wa4 no 6 Onion. recap' sOn. fut. F.Tribune of the 15th host) 0n:114.16'r. Rut Bir,itildlAbtiins„.. 3 ;az a batla onto. I:esti-4'64in. Sheridan of Seniirertego,. a e #ll ivento.,Peu , orareq with red.vel. who oluinii- te harp becont l iftliaatat.. ?et. midi *Oddest 'eriqs ilk4inonds, and 1 ntitnti3nal President of,'.the l' pearls, end ' Oircal *aid fith:-r pesi.rioinil explratiOn of am terra ofituries. • : No storsesi—orpo biS iiisWirtis -a ciroreis” explanation has yet beee--given of it 1.0 and. lin wO. enveluitahmaoi robe try groands for that isztreardi /tarp iater- * blskok. Ye) efkilsie:Jurstiteantt the bithi nee iferenee on • the- part of ottr Govern.; Ur hia face gliamit l / 4 t.teut - pita a flash must with the domestiediapitt es of thei UV litetlito front it tbel*rratiOlad• Liyirt , I)jesiCari „ people; and the aiteencerof s!I'l prostrate at the, foot: , „•41v Abe throne, explenation, has Oxen iilSsilo "atiitapi-- / duitkr Ihe toms • uir... '<" .tetoof, wits 1 1 9; 4 10 .. 0 1 reZ : Fit e r" u --- I vg.-Att i * -tsgbAriPtgiltil e ,.. . I lk- ' • t ,, t -.• i intr .- .essitaikinsd•- , sr wns z typskitilivi einurileteirlump., paynteut of thef Freeeh cl4ate on ann. 1 we tied won over‘ our .epeinie*,while dition that the' UniredVtatali *di ann. dui!) tither snelliai ":1 54 ?ee , aLutit the 1 thin 1 lri,if pretensions againat hitreival hitii4„w Liz W a-le , W 'damn, • paws,' iuleii, ' I for theigre.sidenek - - '',.. I ~, 1 i **man and. ot Isere .tvitO hed opposed, I The rald ' of' Nov; 4. in . ; one °fit be ihe rhan 4 o from a R..pallie gto a Kin artieleiv alluded to, expreseed.therhore dom. Thay tvositittabeil in ' a sppro.:: tbat}tipimo resent j.)b4 • 'rill have -*; prit, ros•,•eoin. knee ,hweches and hiebi fairdlearing and a fair trentrnent itilthe 'Juni preieuted a 1016‘.)yerly imposin i triiaiy," and allnded i artunk•otherri.. to, upp 7 ailincs. - i "31. r Clarence .Sevrard's -*prow, ii:b " i L'ur.legt.* e.)nt aining st he nobility I 'Tikerightful elaims of itroesieuneit ; be,z,i'si -to arrivel.iind al they enured,l izer.j are entitled td, and trill nu dokiht , tlis (4i:iml Lii:..:, bird CI, mherlin nv i reeieive, the - attention, of -the Gi,ciirn.: the. Pally; lige Wirkis frt.,. ft.ndall an- 1 , ment at properAimealand , in a propir : tivt'uni.t. _em. ' I.),.kik I,,da I.)Nvis"WlIZ 1 I rinan t er. Bot,,,neiths i r private claims 411 :..clatill, • and I . :Jeff 4 .in i enter e d-= 1 l eer , Private y'Peedistiont. however, ' &tit von - Tlanutp*:",•fSirjo's,eph John -1 b lar Po or-magnificent, should - to allow.; son." "Markin de gouregard," "Couut ea to warp.t.ho4 4vornmeint from that' 40 P ollard," and iio fourth. .- strict llaevof-interne,tiooal ,norr•inter- : ,NotiMn thet ,the titles I bed licerd ' l raptisn ,Witti'th,e_donteatte-toneern s ofl wits Snotty^ taekeil 'to Sutithern men, Xesi6o Whisk .we ea itrernmunlyin- men. .I 'Atoned •Giddyivells, who writ i , ist.shonid be observedloward ' curt - 1 itandid by, why 1.1.• war. •thtis and 'he . sates,- N g r.everor blovr: , ennltl tbe I se( that . •Nortlinerta w uxiil: redly fitl ilium at the honor and prektige- ad d lior it.. , : We was, he set a slow grove. word lull:Mince •of , ev. , Republic. hap t ling race, and (modem adapt our4elres , 'be ii,i.os in grandeur anti ang tbs:pa Ito ttie habits uv nobility., ',The South tionsiof ha world, than= lk our jOin.l was sthirclrus and rood do it. They ;4/4a_ plot to rob Mexica.of-her ter. I wile given to tourauatoate.aad Kith--r I latory by a treaty arrangettin FrAc.l,' they bed go t s ix : l l 44o toq O rem and intended to'-he eacctilled by Vila- clothes and coed wear li ssfeird witholit imilien or bytlttaret.-andiolladng the its gettir. awkwardly.; 'between their plunder with' Louie - N ' eon. !by i legs.; Isliirtheen anen t , en weral paying hits f i r_ the vitro fin hasin• iLithiul t was allowed but in the, !Hetet! on - ourtnehrhhcrs:ts„a Abe:mow ler/aria uv rolalti , but it. virus In Binh iir ed intent- of bu in bli ntillixtower of the position - eooted thiiiittioacity,. Ele, Amearan people„,•.. „/- -e. 4 , -. , - i . lot inittuive hid charge or tea royal 1- Amid all the.liallottelluestionathat benyard, a peal dem, which -ke • Nerved dividi3 us ups,. thin point, with the ea: hafillint 1,6 the entire ',aatialitetion or ceptten of the diereptltablif eilquewho his . beloved and royal limiter. He are Oohing toseeeloplialka specula-. bed now Jour hens - a settin,l;lnich on tion, imem, of alt parties IWO agreed.— four eggs. and he hoped in". thocourse, , Democrats and R.publicans will repu., ay two years ; of tbere,wez no adverse • diatelwith Neal indignation , and. can !circumstances. to - her fresh eggs for tempt theides of oar robbing. Mexico the royal table. It was a 'position uv o pay Natiolemi. It wiuK, acid that greitt..respinaiihility. -end lone whi;4l Mr pioeoln expressed rimrprise and, weighed ' upon hint.' Seward wet itisplesaure at - 'the tone of nem, 4i8.; privy- .conhaeler, Doolittle t ivoi Stew,- patch', from, the State Depart-meat of, and uv the lioaseholdiand Therlow which be .knave nething- i tmtil title) , weed-was keeps's' or the King's rove,: wero: tinted, and ft is net to be stp- nue, and was a join very , welliedeed: posed that lar i JOhnsoaltas been able By .tbil time the_ zompany haintia : to ad arms in ilia turn wit , oni foreign bled, •• We -"Llighness - ernain a worry_ diptinfuteE. But we now call upon mood and u ntended- buntelf. - Tbere hint, p . .e the Aineriean fionative, n tto was.* knot .uv' lbw nobility gathered rescue us bout the dangers that tbrepto in scorner, and pre -earnest 04 en one honor. raid to adetantheßnipe terview or a inisete, -- Count !fop ror oil the Freneh, through 4ian. Dix,' emits advanced).to " the. foot -sr• ilia th a t 'pie American - peeple'nrill not- thrtme,.and.on•berided knee deman de dcense tto any not that diraetly or in- *Deo& •.. i ; direct y may arstto totpono urn the 4 NAT.hai , my faithful servitor, .. unit 1 _._ direct peopti pepdel td t. Oaroiarillertratis its-*.rtre Tfa.nrOts Et.serrow The of Saturday pastridgefal regain* . from . hit' bat' eight - botirsiliao-:of the State.' These ladle:de that: OS Union majority in Ulinbin will bottbdtitlifiy sir than4and.. 'The bizitred *in retry bdt little: from thfra - eittithat*' Tlms Apesica the State which holdalls mita as of Atirshantliiticoln•F toodamai two of his' faithless etteseasor." -- - - . 'Eurzavirry, breW -Jentai. itad- - 0010.- Lnit4l her 't•re htricirefith•;birtlidte. lIMM 17 • i* of hiczii3o the sketis he , for the* thou moat desire?" ead Highimms. Atoed i .Yloor Majesty. hey • the . • riroiwe we state hret.inte the ; prow- ne s-steet= we melt, moue* ever eat."' "Itoebell be dot*" red endAwiltwitb Baron Von' Sloolignst., erboAed =commend tiv' Sloe liousehold.aely Guard; was eeut tor them in a moment they woe hint in. They - Wow s, 'tannish!. libokin Forney snit - Wendell LiPbillips win edam:lnt together.. ' ,Fred Dneglne isne. binkienott. 'Dili* Imes ,sob aorrrnar lio4ne, Ben Butler aintl Out ;Sham ..Killy - end Cortele,‘. while Olson matted to , iforrjeGreely, onto -whiz,: 19-A X 72 sir plenerd indarille4 All •X IME • w , ' ' . . • - • _ 1.11. 7 :" - '!';? - . -- c- - . •1 , :-. , ... •,,A r - : : -;‘• ..:-:•0 ...,:' s.'s ;,•• •••, J.i ; ......-. -, }I .3 nr 1'.'.'...". C . : , 1 is-, '- - 7.- - Net*2B-; MEI ~ . , r l‘. kiela hillt, 11, 410 egibMaellll VW 1 f lievesemli viols& die; ifisdibeis-tand ...__l. , C-. 3 .. ~.., • ,ifik• ititdasedikr , tise:emegefre se predesitir i - ••, I I .. 11;im , sad litl et flow real otter :1 i : :`' /he 'Vitiffno hams& loted-latreodedtly- Aw l , i iteecenee.stkolaillesert e.arieir isidred ,ate I,i Staysail," jit, l i t iot t aikabo i s t *Oki ~ . I tip Jijkkailiclitplpsi togethal*-- 1 s ( ri r t.JP.olet, &net, rev, kiii!•ba's igreeith 11 belong% left to'witg ht,eteigue• IttleP iilta. htf* tiiiky r''stitlllie showed as' Mink I - 7 -- fsermes -Ineirlia" le detedoni4nfluesle en t , p or c utlit .„,I l S thawt I 4 ;‘ i leingliirsialifulAmakti t • moat thltigii Was wOrkink.,satisifikaor". own iG/v4 'at nt - ' ' sal da• .t • , ft fruz le e e. an n. T. , - Slkorklati bed- bin dftertatiti Ihr•ret P hairinikiu i ri foosin telequirice in theneWarrengs-, t 7 0.,,,he r Fluty,. 'Atteountry bed _bin- divia•ll- -- _, nit f ri 11.10 dootidoms and es,rldpras, axed sick ...., 1 , 4 ,,... g .r.. over. winch . the "npbility rooted with 7„7 1i i i 7:47. undispocited antlfrity. The principal b riturvin i men of lbe - North bed VII capeheri I d tiorlito Ufa : and I . ll binned; sad - WO Silts menial 4 Postmaster' r itWISI in the PIIISPoi sot tho nobility. " at ,. gen* . .1. o Lord. or or Piati considered i lidi.... f ii i e co i r himself well served oaten he bed al reaommend half &gen Northern Congreacrom in mere i n cat , his house, while the higher. grade ay let 1 1 nobilny wasn't content With anything i lea* than alavnorit. ' ft ponn, or im . . , . . e tnoentearna uv the South to the Faseiconeet 1 1 ' I orn4 t in Yorth bed bin adjustid. Aileen* bed ic l if i'l'' o bin, ishood to the effect that Vothern oli n i niiinion , o merchants who alu:exi press si claim )r rite, tvoill agill Stnitherner ntiond be hehended r, Ki Lt . , L an d *nd heegtwds cor.GAeauxi .Tbe gnu ame Of u m .. lion nv slavery bed lioin nettled forever, %.,. 4 •_, 01 the , for tie Diinekretic jet) uv one elan to A L: it ,';7 l N l iiim... serve Willi fully' estsblisht. There je," ''' d ad t i ;. woe new throe ciasse4 uv society, ate 1 81 ; 0 a , an ei l.:. hereditary nobility. Om aatitled eel. b ecome , and °bias, and the piewleithe bow, blii,3k ,ins atrin. the and white, was all serfs sad- all et lima into thou 'ached to the soil. Eisele wits all deers the' por , dm!' by foreigners, the policy we the . ~ ho p reaktea , government bola to make the native on the wa il born pefiple purely agriveltarat pews. The nobility desiria to make litecodeil the antrY• ja y j rnhnam it easy kit em glv em , one sixth nv the rat; with , s d me ~ Vt•ndillt* 114 the sort,, reiervin the bat. 'curled out lois iseeefor kbeze own'uses. „l oan i on. i e Ms dream didn't ioontinyoo 101 l snuff for me to aftertaia- Whether 1 rile.uv Anatou mi . • di l uent an wur a nobleman or not. bat lam nv / ti ; the opir.ion 'that I wuk, for, 'a servant handed me a pin to stink tato Ger.. Butler to make bita — rote for the seitmseihmu, UV the 7 comptiny, address ed me ra "'Tour Grace," from which I infin-rad %hal t' War OE% of the Lords spwitooal. 17nfortauately at ibis pint I I awoke snit a sad avrakenin it wife. The rajas , balls' bed vanished, the chandeleers tied vanished, b e: robes ay stait and je*ils and siob waa,lgnne and I lion in my offis, rot' “Yoor Grace.' but merely: a Postmaster in a Kentuny village. Well, that is Path' , - - Weitieterdwirtfokleiaaliff-14110 don't mirk. neither do 1. ...11e drinks wile, it is trod:), be I her w 4 st snots me I better, whiskey freith from the stlt. 1 Yet my stream may be realized, and el it is I w1:1 endeavor to fill the posi• titm with credit. Who knowe? PETROLEUM Y. NABBY. P• IL, (wieh ito Pestmaster.) DEATH OF A If 18ER —There died recently, in the borough of 'Wiltriore ; Cnrul. to eoun;ty. en bid- man named whd in his lifetime , was a . miser of the first clais. He w a s wcomition laborer by- oecupation, unmarried, atkd lived alone in the meanest manner in the trlttet eheeriesa domicil. Previous to his ;~9tiatli .be bie will, , drawn• - u p , bequeathing the bdtic of hie poweissions to a sister. ill Ireland. hut • when. the document was presented to -him for his sigrintu re tin refuyted ito affix bis name . Re s t ub' seqtrently bad one of hia heigbharrE 04111.-d in; to whom he committed the care of an old-trunk, which. after his death. was opened And is said ;to have contained sorne,r6o in goldand silver, together with a ponsid.erablp sum of greenbacks. So miserable did, • this old Firth live that when his neighbors oatne to pOeparchia body for. 'sepulture not a shred . of sleds linen could be found'arith which to. dress it. every thing in and about his. miserable abode bore thoimprest ot squalid pov erty and the utmost degridation. I• Szta KINMAN has • been -appointed an Indian Agett for Idaho. Seth is* famous okiCatifornia.bear hunter, arid lots presented' several of_oar—l'rosi— der.ts virith chairs made from the ekins Intl horns of wild animate &swirl his hunts Seth made himself a fixture at tbe Capitol at Washington for the whole of the last stasiori of Congress,. wearing, the bduler f tl garb of bileksliin and- bear skins' everyirbere, selling piettims of himself to visitors, ind epinning backwoods yarns in the dridkir.g saloons. His appointment was probably bestowed as means of getting. id of • him. Onus W. Film) bap twee failed— once in 1857 and again in 1860—both time% l.rom the effects "el commercial panics, superadded to: hie inveatmonts to thn Atlantis cable' sebeme. His creditors of 1857 he ...subsequently Ihll. and he is now' engaged in - t h e sa m e s eteice toward those of 1866, the ,succee:dul laying. of the cable having put hue funds The amonht he 'now thus - disbut sing is abotit 620000. ' 'IL - sotrrirearr paper makes the singe Jar statement that, some .eighty or ninety negruea,atoe' n doting the war, bar* been recently bolded as Tapp"- b4nacKik, ,to be taken etre of by , their 6;4%0v-owners. About ono hundred' and ear .in all have been landed at r d pteeea on the Rapii3hin”eck.. ' I ' , 1.07 , 7 .•. . • .I.k.f MI EN OE 4 MN ME =I , " I » 'f• I. • : 7 i-" • I ME ;:k* - IMIE • Eastabri*himir 1811L-8:' . . . ; . ... .. _ • . .. ~ `e _ •_ .. .-aolui . i Serfilyge e1td . :1,144. 1 th, &red tie itii, Stieger4; OM Aot brit* . , siiiihttitd:tir liana! Si. O 11,415 e: Oran nation: - - .Als; 4 , 111 , 40 th float is, ittAlteari or. qcalified as gist in le tit' .a . citizen , of that giale. 41s- iittikorSoeiu os;,_ in: be half ofthi tiliiiit gieerrOver tO Ake aa. Aiiiti : ;" 'le' arg* - tinedified . .6,fflkiike frig throb Otis*" at eitihreC4temi; 0f... • • ..-- Dissersillis4o.4assiodikt, his !Pegs g tl 4 °D4) ; ltlrT i i i ;t:r Oa POPPtittifill sop, iri l trOf ! ;oikty 'a_ i i ii bilbltiVesiifresai at b 0 .' 'WO OA'. eSaiitt#ll64lts: Orlin,' betiottois„ 144 ] itelfr&sobtiiivati; *l6 wore tontioaajaquirort ittoldlttitot Altat,the President!, The ' Airtr.olthe. pie a:pro:4o.4d' in; The, iruitig(cian. 1 1%e . Ridleals - -tvere' Ofreld 'Ad t- tiincli *- Ilie ipieretima, end. went hereto-to: their ve*- erollltatotabil bliseigestr4ed - t he Pro,' rchmt, and declared thOt.ltalCoikoPPOß7 ed,lo egtenilisg : therista of rupee. I. blielei malt: - 'i . ''' , . ., Androe-Joh neon ii.itifOror of more for the. bleak tails laleattesicia, nil a 1 citizen' of thel3reios; booettoresaed "-to ''Gosi'illihitskei , 444ll.geliesitrpi . mere for. 1 '' - - the Colored:lnes of "that State, and rts. .. _. , .. . . , vi Wed ,OodiatithOritied _ta ;o .uige:l4); - " on coogiiii‘ Ai thciiiit /alon e. more foi thii.AolOrati ' men ! of his Pisitriet thao r Alhotiot Samna", or enrvAril-' i i istaki Of otog . :Ober cort4resstriaa_ of 1 ' lltaiiieehoestto.seer urgedltor..t;i aaati. i oresjoiaticiicl.lteitBtitto. INti:eiilured tittiflrai) tonitig,:in'lblinion% settf; 1 of .Iritt•Teittas prlperty; - ns,t-Matter hair =rah, nail Alonein- Massachniette tin kle, ihe - Ottu read and. write President ' Johnson .goes bey,,nd. that. - •He it in labor of 'renting suffrage is all colored 110, - tehereoer the Conetindlin- :gives- him thi:power t do it. i who - ct 6 read and WA Pr Hphir.imivedlioitorOiii ht the 'IA . ; ioaternty,.. or who -sums property to Ithe ' e4ient of two Aundred,iml fifty dollari and'apteard.:. ' : The.. only' difference' between the t'resideine and . Conine*. pi; . thM • the teratOr believes that, Under theponsti tation;aitclr-State has th ey right toast . tie Abe qraestriup of suffrage for itself-- CiMgrees whines" the right, is impose it'epoti the States; cOnstipitiOn or no . Gourti4otiA Waefaitty'rtois,Republiean Nov: .10; i .5... - . I '• , ' -'--.' ; - :. ViuMireatitem.' at. The De • ratio Zparty May' boast. Cita few of it distinguitthed, and by them - greatly *Toiled, atom. . borax. They can lay! legitimate claim I 13 Jeff., Davis, the hatcher N B: ' • —Fariatesfia ' hair.,and John orrisae Of thia hitter pet, just. Adepts& to Congress (runt the city of New 1:61.1r. it max he ' of s'onte intermit to •ouil Demooratte friends to knot? aoinething,of the his. tory. 'lThe carious liecorde of the State I clearly demefistrati-that he ball woe bia pe.inieticu afittlihtiatibisr• arcs an to the principlee i of- is party in !.the District he roper:wilts-, in the addition to his rem:64ll*a prize.fight• erand gambler. Johnl liforribeey bne done the State of .liTevp Ynrk some ser vice in her penitentiaries.l Ele figures in the criminal con - holm Nit State as follOws - I • • 'IN aNNSSIGLASIER L COTTY. Twice indicted fbr ono it arts bat— iery -?nee codricted and sent, to jatl for siirtg days. 1 . I I - r . One iudictod Pairttsaahlf trio intent to kilt. II _ - IC ALBANT. COIJN Three antes indicted: c sentenced for assault and ieg a total term of 'nine Albany PetitteatinsY. . IN NNW YORK b Thee* - Mules inclined wigs imitestto kW. At the present thne, he f 's the pro prietor and engineer of seberal of the most extensive gisnitdi , ng 4iibles in the city of.New . York, 'aod- by bia profess. ional calling Awe blachtegi,, tubs aritass ed a fortiine of half a Imillion or &A lois, one hundred nd fifty thousand of wilieh be is said to halls spent in bribes and whir4teyl, in-e 7 his oleo. Lion. This man, showin g he "eternal 'fitness of things," the johoson Dem. oersey of New Stori4 bare sent to Cingress by a majority 2 about to fi w thousand vote; as 'their epresenta. tire. 'N9 better,s+etiou ould have been made.' - A PIII3I4NENT 4 771VZST I MENT.—Thi Rug Hilt = hold e rs ef t irebel vbendi iiill seim to be troubled with the balluci n tied ttiftthey Will - some day realize_ fr ai their investment in the defunct Sontbern eoniederatiy.l This delusion aianifiaits itself at ii4ervidsacd undet different phases: tAeCording to our accounts, the afflicted-bondholders are just now labcring ander the.Phantasy tait that they can in wayAt tech' the money due ,to the . tilted States from England upon the, skims' claims, for', the liquidation or t • it Claims upon the deciniseCS. CH It does not arhi pear just bow ,they propose to arrange this little patter, but they apparently imagine' that the Ukitei States to 'an 1 idiot.' Such is lunacy;! .. : _ IT , s -c on c eded g e nerally that trop. Ilcirton is to be the,suce,essor of Ron. floury § Lane, as United States Sen. ator from Indians::, .1 The Legislators ' recent** elected, and Wilichis strong ly Republican, will `hoosts-tWeigsnator :at its rext.ssion. -, 1 1 , 4' - . HE oihowiAiaa, is oati!~lrssas_e. A *we amparea • Await* F' lisrOMPlA2dpi tft 4!*10 1 10 14 At i g. l l,l " aid itiai Sallies at s'ettin**4oo: COE Ell IBM nvicted. and lftery, , sere• ionths in the for assautt Ti2pFeAlticiiiutte . , , blr, (iir s re l 4iitt i l_rfr r tiri r tf : - ritindeitaliefietaffiftW*o Wilitliiiiiiil.. at the Etnpnemi Utiaciette: A i kifiakit or! : thA iattiltlit 4 ,otet- 1 44.sellidifisaf -Pac.*). with. ,Ittimult ,tiet"MilissW, locent#4l4 - 4 0- 4 "434 We ilb# o ,.tes.,fdPeti 1. - kOr ii i tbat - chiiiintrictettetti; 'tlW - sera . ifiekirtiteht t WltiettAtit;tltitalbedifid , , lialpiresitterniileeemplbt•kraPpobeadt-t The *ProntregnP lri , iolyst , ',P 4, 1 1-W.4' oared, but_ ern ~.nosy 04119, oi4 t itypiptetnii:ptiktakvit 04: -1. ".- -'" • : 141 haat: iiiiiiiliOttiVi4 tifistkiteissi7', 2 -, of itititritir . Weide it , WailP - - fisviliiii: bh lit pt the Italistkatylti-of the-Mi6 te4 his: so4vfneried wikfriontimat4o%,cll.:., idpf tiod (ha. 6,irdeter's. roust,,,ii3o-, I rtrt,l%iifglor Meiren - tr Arialit fifiriddlitin - itd- '' the litnikiElartVr - thefel - n',ptirtance, in odirt4iiisiW - . the jilarqineitami. of iatiqitatthsl4Tbe.s ' - Empress ,has - .ags..P 7 -'inatguedeTf'Or , there, and in the midst nf,the - pivit!allt , '. retain flicenees which eta-rimed' het: fid.: - ,IP. cuPies her leisure With - readnig;liitta.s l _ and painting. The medical attendee - a. , • insint:tbst:bei , Majesty Obeli notleiktrta • iturope,,during the wintek.-, 1 1`litiprO-..„ . abillii ii that . whe'n the weather , 'f.,5..": - comes more rigorous the Eirtpreiei iwfll ' , c)o-. to the Isle of Itutrema; Wool is 1 - , portions! property., and I,vbielven* - -4 0 Jove the_ mildest, semi/war/A.0 , , If*. ! ~ oillie: , • - .. • . ; -. -.' .;.1. - .. ..:,. ... . The Paris_OpieiSeCAlialiii Ihitl.''''e nigisater_hasifreetl..-rvieelYl4 l W it ' AIL O , IC itipg.or Maximilian in'th,, a news dt the Empress ' illness . - 41fleft eipresting his , deep iscirtire- tdi!-','iieff malady, and approving all iltaciiiiirr - been done. he adds-that being, resilv•T., ed at every 'sacrifice, to . itirniounf e. it, possible. his bad fin tune, he wlll' MA' leave the post •vnieb duty assinaliiid;:' ft he adheres to tbikdeteitainaiion..-sek entiteli contrary to tli:i. M" 1. 3 / 4 * or, we. . early patron, and to the. hi,trirlioair. given to Genera eakelnao,.. thefloii-, Lion will be strangely coinpliceied_Xci ;one would „think that - t h e • French , ' i troops Cannot in honor bo..w 1, itbdrillen itvithout • positive 9.41111iirtt4 . ,.9r nosh . I'intersention _.on nc. :the part the tf nitel.. States'. al , d Abe plea c 4 poitio - g 0, ;il;.- 1 4 - _ to anarchy in itatino_ limy thqs - r itis'.• resulted in *44.'04 up a tem 4ilealett.: - ,of 'division. - ', T ' . '. -", T ~ f . az trim of L 1.4 61.A. , :n.....:d ififh,_ . `.will ease came on iii t1i... , Sqpreine . ., Idourt of New York` on Ito,lday; lend ; 'resulted-1n i cerdiet. for The ph,ol-fa% I;—ltadame Junta being decisred Jo, he;i- - ,• of oneoutid mind when the willl . `,l:pr f el - wanted. The exec:uteri. did-net r. is:` test the suit, and -- it, iii underotOell tiiii". okeopterawifierogiser iffedtiatta o P-ir011‘,,... - trio) eoree.ort, hk illfo4 $OlllO4 Oijoi*.! the, ptirty _who `ionteste the 1 , 14,, agreed to pay the_ .- siveiel hisitie,ste ' named' in the will, pie defenditte to-: Ifreriehing their; viola; 'in their rot-- speetive shares of the residneryeerst.k., Somfg4W.o hundred ,tritttesAesisesi bevp, deUttUelted in die CaSO, and . it- Wonl4: • bare probably , oevorp.l I '..hei,..ett'Ut...l" tbreb weeks had not this eooirOznisiii been effected.' Thelobjeet 'in - Ihar,ina ' the. tria) get a. toting vriiiri. of -a jery on the compceney _4•th - 4 4 1 teatator, and. as iseoppntei.f. t 45 ifft>rit one of thutiefomlunte-,..Re5..:J. Bow= ird Smith, opportunity 19'; c!nrrift. s • - poblie cnisupprebettkiet. 'is tn liis* ton t' .etion with the wilt ' .-. . . • Seo after , t.lte. death .4:Prince At* bent, the aunty, 'Emperor Thendistua, l of Abyssinia, - o'fl that ;n,;}" cooly ;event.; and plotedygiibuT4S sympathy for the im foitu date . ; zeldhq; set. t Queen Victoriii koirmali pre.: posal of marriage,' Tha- l otreatc.Wsis., treated , with,. I,itstut. qoatcmyy7 satle Majesty, after gutting time,`came to too 3 rct fqit was intentionally insitlCed ; iiiiitt sm. a revenge, smaed-„the prioripair&Oltt.:„ men then within his dowitt , sea ; ,_, EY .I thelateat accounts 11)1) . 4'4 realiOn , fear that alLthe . prisoners, O'44X an waio,. recently sent-41A re , ' r t, frgit- Succor, bare beensuccor, pat-. to Queen Vittoria has at ler.gth been in:ft 'dueed to dispatch to her' savage suit, or an, autograph to the hO.Pri of securing the release . of her sub:: jests, if they are not already by death,- ' . A. ;- YOUNG 'GIRL from 1 1 14 1 tv. neinnat l / 4 , was deserted by her parinnon it-: tempted to commit suicide in Readiegi 'Pa., lASI week, by takinglandatannt lite Reading ,llisputch. Ann; "Ever since 'her deeertion gloomy, and cast down,`find has fr,& , ' tketttly expressed a wtsh. this—Wet were-:ifind •or sway friAn,thaselsi) Companitms that surround lb* attemSj which she4s t ide;=to . , Otte, her' life seems to hare premedllatK, She Je' now constdorpl;pot of Danger, and hait signified her antiiation - OFiet , thrning to her old home is' 'novas - As sufficiently recovered 49 tiavet.r, 3temphiß Bulletin iccpan` . la foe the dvilitit of ' ""my roller it • it.i) electiOa c e as follows: _ "'The peophs: of the , 'North, they 'to not r,rrecirethe polief or- 81:6. yeas, prefer iii4tpreeent teaderehiti to that of Vdentifted -IFittt.-thel),el frtocraey. The struggle beis been aided. ' Democracy has fallen'' CoAL colt", reapeettuily,stacrld three teat in tbickneos e , bace ! bees "teefAc near. Leavenworth, it ft disteiee of about six hundred ‘ feet beneath ' surface. The t4eaverosorth Ct.r.serva- Live tbinks the, supply wilt be' sulk Meet to ,nri)ly tb., roitire i Ste of MS II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers