II TMNIIMffig • 1 Fin, • fvogpiory Amy fl-pia ll t conil os. elabti • .M.• ,:agp; 4121 . 04:,..4,011traii. Afrittra ill .Mezioo. t.= - •::- - I T - 31frifSrl1ta :wiry% g:tibuirptutieliditi ittilitiO& ri, X*.lTlffitte:Beitiip liii.ifm , hl,s&Ots' Vb r e Itxreatt gueirtmh bdg,ioo l .9_ 6ll " , •frira im1 ) 91 1 0 ) ,m, ...*÷ 1 4 Portiol ) . .lAll4lieffid 'tliiif li'‘,s.,,ko gliilftpitio.loto.l,mvin-i:0 -,'i *, i'liti7# 1 4` foi*Ligr:iiskionitialcklicy, *ii 0 try Art hatitl is :our,frireigorelation ,- btiplag WsiMvity.fli* ti- strokrs of p ... 197. toltiitriovi) . .7 ite filling fortmuoi. patio in littiu "d:Otiht . :, hilt 024' . ir.l s l d .cirfopbeil, our now Itioitteli' 6 4. - iii. 11 1 seut out with instructicioictilettiat _i to 'oielte trouble with 'Olbtr' pOit,- but fthoiltMi Airon4 4 t,l4r,rmity ma t s. s i 010 v4tllllo il iiii.Pl4slor l l3l l 1: 1 0 1 4 1 n '" f°r°l / .1,► alai " A s 6 10 0 10!• 1 4e1 14011 .1 ift 'domestic relitiatmi ~ Ste.- apprehend.' shut our ieigbbore oiled. heti - bet 1 t! VI Atari `Of Ir.`ny . reruns`trOublim fr . thai t rOiTttr; td9ed Ao,_ ibis crime. sr will:00)00k bees. 1011;1;11 week from 9 'tlay,• - wtres' - 1410 wholofoPolin polio r thO A athittiult - rotkin .will bo overhuhie r rid culb'Oettaltb . tbi. elopest BC-natal .fithotient Johnson to ,ii his Seereti 1.31 Slaw, it,thoy have , any selfish • srobititats, projects on foot, May well Ocsi.4t,,_fOr thq 'tan r a ft :tsar that ?hey Svni, bp cAtp4 - .1.11p0n to a/ • their hands. and*o4 ;to 41. strict:lse -1 conntability fer._tbp manner in wirieh they'hive - disetttr,ged the trnste . conk de/I to: their, iteeting. 'l._ ••.. - . , -...•:-..---- 'The ClisatitttUOntilill.mendinent. . No,thins pave esannlusiiely eh t Ns ' the sir itutpul. of op unictp Republican toUrty iin. tteroltio,n 1 /Jeri ng ,the late'' . campaign tban'the,enpligie'leOnfi i !tit tierk . .t'vbicti,ricas: klyen to 'the 'pl ;b of 'adjii , Attne,utlrao Iv n is'tile conitito t ton Iti eutendatent. If liher -ever w.! quasttOn; or. Tattier a e eries of tions, - ,hefore the rapritin 'pen; ....t islicii . the 18144. .I , ;t - i ritiOy'made II unmistakeable litegurv; 6 4 11 ' 40 1 and. , sut ely tere uev,er was a.ve pronounced . _ with . ' greater' emp t h:i.r.C . oi)on . Olaf' ec*idti. • Yet - .... _ . . - wiinstandiug . this, ' notvrttltatan the'e.mphatic declfiration - 9f -00 1 ' - states, wefind the Lill/statures d ten rel/ellious States; fallof that it uticii•iiapolann applici to the 'ton dinasty of .Franeo—Lea , "4,iliterioindelrt.tettirtg nothing-- . with eingitlar, ottani utity • i rvjecte , fairest p•i'L•tosalstiiii. 'twerp, ever. • - 'ed i la ttl i nonsuf/rfut.Oopt ! ). . • tr)34/018twaytarving leeon nje I nol l etnair., to - be aeonwhethe .tiesei 1 41 pier-`anything' 6it 1 • - thefe tti/repc/ptantt?:sls 'Ce they ~Clannot, expent c , c oncession .favorabl.ll and the, present p , conduton in - width- they find` 4tlvee ie only - style tlier I pria - , • nalsorable teadorstnp-..nt.der • 1.4t1y 1 0* o 4 the'ineelV'es when '-- '• tiietstekt l to follow the devious • . el it/milt-NO. 2; Negro atilirsige. i i' i. ,4aUr resderswill : remernh i i "isbitt, persistent eff4rtii-the'e:)ll '', 'ltems, during the late eanva tj viif , (d . to convey the impress - the .ttninta''fieptibliest part) atrOcas,9 Ot*gl*,l4no, - a • what ear nestnesB 48rite.DP measure as one fraught isith • conitquerices. Sareeiy, i . . bas.thedlii of battle anaied, smoke cleared away,w hen w leivitirigtopperheid or g ans on of tbial,-.7-ery negro suffrage Ebert titne 'ego itiey det,nonnee iihier*:' - : Iliegliicasci Tunes / the Phil 4ge and-the Beate , n Pest, thr , , . most. ontivideitone lights in till tyre out -tinesuiveesll,y: for i. t l cello a nui4lber: i # -,- leading politicians. - have ;'ready gil j . atihesion to this ' l inc..st danau It vriil Lot be forgotten t! . , are two. heories nowdiseur . ,gaildablaiffrage9ne in favgi _rvirmil siiffOl'ge,e6d . the crtho '±9ll suffrege, binfecljen 'in tellige I 416any . ifrita, theleeding Di 1 repel-in the State at Sew •, ' t the'4 •a de , . r , fooo, oo ormer-sn nol ' letter, and in doing sa ds•fb tke4ojority of its iiarty. in t Aliefrincipai reuen no 44)c advoesey en the part of :till - 17t4Artirk of thifil former 1 Y0444 - tbf ' Alb l ‘P.Y -!ictil ( sia foilpws: •',4eeanse in 'eel tion ;districts el , 'New •Yoi .Jenat. two-thirds ipt those the' noffroan f4OlOl on.the . ...cumber' were troth!. 'to i ■ ballots." is -eal.r to see Ilkat basd upon ---- ismlst just, the tki n ngto sui eerittic:partir 4 ipiNe-s. To r ib ey .1) urish f-u i serest 1 , - 3V,bleh goes the:iocai for , .4,, -- '' ''- - 41. B. APIs-P.04 Cbitir . .. ;,Leertgeratio Slats Ventral t f ..kiinnesota, advist,e =I MEM Tte P. Altint AI, th tbeme*fiV• (tirrefallin, • eomes tons - • lid the Pepe f, isansidereci. - t,t "Hit timeils not o • - Prinitbirtfin 18 4G.,tb1? Pre Di: : llnatni.' bishop of.lin eleatod to tb • name" thin in the age, and . ha! , ono of - tho inlbeAool -- oinsien iniikedihy end gr4at .tbat time seemedireall march of tib timenti, an. uwo after prising of.' guide the - C , Torwold oi. revmbered w:qlling tyranny Stateraed r c i clespctswh l ed as their 4. ;. A tito. r A N MI 111111 I wog bare d• the offer.- ~. Con er ,'to tninly more ;rilous them of the which ey .ue -paths witb erhoad ondea• on that as the I'd with eed the °direst iv:rever t and the nd the in favor biCh a sn c'ery le of tne 1:t .party, ; while coppers en their ble her. at there d inre• r of' nat. in &gni. tine The mocratte .ork .-est item' the o.Ovrect by Alai t.iite• bt a th e ' - 1 0 .."3' ID theory; is Journal . lain elee- 'k' city it -ho voted 4it of No ead: their "therefore, t the "Dem • !k. lianas suffrage,- r . • tho,L , Co*ngt,tee Sotth to] 17- € .-- ' -- ir -----.- - --------- I - . ---- .7 --- pe in Trouble: : Tar. aditur'of iii Loci/. ta an lirt. most bi gi;i t li can t, ,si tir ii.let ,:..el , i' se__ :.. asi Y: u a wbie we o --k -,• be t ' - *ILO 7 ..,.. - vestigily th at irh olio i \ i - h,_ ,• ' I lap,: I f-'thei-urr.ored rem 11: : 4f t , 3--. :: j 5 •, am , , :i. '-. a: , i , am home may Jinni bar u .'':Sai ''t s. , at. an ill &ie . . . isr ...,,i1 . ho ' porsobal Intuition 'what -, , (Ikea,- tai. sr.d no mariCas . , 4 is iirlilo - a !aka .can fail to see at tenons " at the present slau4.--tiaio. OM posii . loacaiS Old-Fog). e of titlit;r7tainfort - Or , 7 ~..- . t !{ern and Purnanies;initolorince. 'rimy .. * '. :... ,l'bold the. bilsacellift K.ell; •bt Issitl the . lireSeOf , filiaiticia . a.. *mar once brokenloil es rimed; and ., b'", ig ' bilif-Thtiiirarffiii - - ,--: tin :C ll - 14 - - 7/ - '43,4 5' i111 / 4 1;6" -- - - "- " - il4 46.1.111 ' h ` la "xtf L1-1111 -4 ad agli tmarn iir o;' sbu ititl ed f-roxl. eceightty: Aki t o . y*r e P r w h wus,then -,fi . w. nu-. -....-, • r r Coat 1 i PArSi9O Ai ° b 7. 4111111 the I ta d li t:k i ‘ w tb as. I go . Pa c a liiith He mina ity l - . f Rai • e . ar:,Of . Jais 1 barn ' the 1 ainineter of; iberail i minded menl °eta! 04; cil , eardinale.- 1 j. . h . - - 1 : " 1 1310 ofoll re go Was " veini :east' es Ofreform, a . wets, e tottairted,'nt-i hat the new. Pipe, whni to bo imbued with the I 1 ' and' detnoctitic sec- , 1 1 1 *hush co minstall two ini.11348-4 the genera' *rope, wonld..gradually nreh- to the -van — of . the cittent - lit!ty, tt will be . at that time-184')—tray cler, the most oppyessiv.a i Borope, eat up into small. ;ttiled by a eat of •putty I , o c rtielty,w aad utitrou^d 1 .1, " I i liews were •th.trni:ted, ~the Ninth,aPopo of epkrl ii , like a great many others g . i yen catiee,,t:or groat hopes, . i t.i)'apse bitch again; and 8-111 1 ; that wthie nil Y.4 l. °Pa : l mare o f Poj)o4r ellihtlBio.3* Pope Pius; instead of plic at the bead of the move. 1 i the fiery oppos!ta course; e4rtain other notable indir ur day, atteinptad, to nab- But Pane, did promie. Who bi.ve .„ : we End in . vrae in a bl for liberty ing men took and like a vidual of etituto a s i it upd,n tb! Prime Mi ariitoeritt , - alley of his Own,. and ford '. I people. lila chose '.fur his I Lister: C:Junt[ltom;i,.thet. nosl ciat/('lP9i)e)ftr map in his 1...a.bv,r1,4411f1.rre0 jun policy, 1 h in,the stye 01 our peasent:l a!idlcti - tii3 while atailraft tlirrnoot thimbliinaifiar , ' 1 World, and bat nothing out 1 rishea for tb;) welfartot !then ild,bise ever canoed -Mtn to wasareci - - -t*emaorareht otiesoct of oadod as sil- :Inch contests When single "hum il. 'Wen i l ill" bbeina =6oJ - fight—the :whole he I " . 4inble:intliiitlual" gboa .nd ,beuee ri fi nci t hat, in a the Biktiti.- )res aasaaaiuuted, ; esetil;ed' to pani in -d vitt - obit Ternainednigittain tininthi', - t—. , • • - me In the 7eantime was de Re- ,.1 7 11 Ablio. At tik. id, haw: kinglvr.q ) .! Ekeeati*-1 1 - that - ho w 1 too beat people Co adopt Suc i eipulie'4 • paoie. ew mon 118: - Pp.."„ :where I); elarea' ~epia. ....t 4e end, hou. chisi,tme, S' , apoleon, Who had alt into poi . . r and al ii, liki32 . O,Urown illustrious' JObkison, i falsified his pledge's poople,,and, having is warm for the Pcivpo, bjought that, :Individattir bactc. to Rome, In seated His Holiness in the St. Peter. Here the Pope has pi 4 , lety by - the bsioneuf of Napoleon. But' the late war Prussia and Austria has, un mt4tors tike. Austria, the friend of despotistti and t f .e, being obliged to cticle Vero. tetc4 Enaavitel, between whom v t . e lupe_ there Is the greatest, , nis,-the. fernier -tlititeby bit— ever. o eot m *lto ba. Andrei, to tbe feeling "lambi and ag; sent ot[ beta k Loo;s betweol settled stenne , the Po tia to aril autag ,l uMeBlThe .' chiet of all _ltaly. i desire of the whole nation bo at Remo shall become the capi the new consolfdAtted kingdom illyi it becomes highly necessary . s the Ninth to find home whe t I Asidenee. In view of these i ng troablelt, His -,lloltnio firsts has - ed two. manifeetOes—th ~ t t i od mainly against Yietor .Ematti id the second against - the Pear of i . .1n - or of theeo occurs the ing remarkiible declaration-';-' the temporal power is indiapon. to the ir.dopenderite of the; spir- Power, that the Plpe'is ieady to dea'th even,:in. the maintenaoee u Pa r t i H h t t :A n e T ek .th i e n 'a li n cl o i t Y h ß er " d Co a n n nt4 equiisite - security for the better ise q t his mlnistry ', -12. a;re some of the fa nits of the of o ?).4ot:Biemstek, backed by I po i erfel needle KO. ing :at of of 1 for .Pi 4.- place T tr. e itor at the Local some Vats ago asserted that "Gen." Coolbsilegb ; ,cffered 1311115' , fur a .."plifr," and that he t i lifiis d it .:' 'Sittisfitit- 50 nothiiik of the - kind ever'ocenr,red, we propos ed ' tist i • the editOr of : the Local a fit : . cul I ci go before a justice' \nd tnak4i an tifildavit to . •ed. - tie went ,before ii \ , • it we. true, came siod, sod sioiliaukb" - - . •- editor of , the Argus got * to dispose of-ou stomisr tt , omobody elite agroeti to ,ttpg . wo*ottid Vol now , . , r , to L im ,35" tile" if b o . troaid go bolo o Mpgiestrato and oukkO au affidavi , tbatqt took f-t:rt, - : -) t I.loinkm i i the2,oight,*b. , Oa**l446roiald Avow i10 ;t . 1 4 town .1041 a: br 9*. —are) : kniserstranti,:reveighmed . ~. a plawilk busiasa instead • , It. - the: ii'mpla abothk_, of.t.Puritenieo ithiiiti,i , . ---, I. • - - ...... - : - .1 . The tette If . Piaveihati'ne ritturo" , bnisidisiiadiantaisii• -- fitld - 1 1 . tii great el.' evatton, ,togpAert ,viitii .1,8 ~ distanced /MR. whartsßd. Taitro;d,/ will alwaysi , prevent it from fbeeonting an 'extpn.'i afire - Ft intifittitiiiifig place. It will,l tit - 1)100e; iii,tyks'partiettlar,.nerpr en. -1 ' ' s ' ' with' ' f the iuto colnpa§itlon i any .0 0 nilighboring te ase. It !yields . that. point to all . ofliCte:. 13 4 t' 60 far as local ireprevemApts end. the emotion I of nerd d wollinga itre eeoorneil, Bea. I ver hea..ritliketithe;leet.! year, ani la bow dOir.g-A11112166 as...atiy- village of the Same poptilatlon within fifty milea: i of it. . "Old rogyisMAnd:VuritaniCal: i a ietelerar.c.,e,"; in s tead . 6t ; ,i. , eing eilleep' tiken,la,i'Ully. up to . -the ttnies; and un-! der tte Insuage, ent real estate is rap 'iti!y changing I ands, and hes advanc ed io priee bey nd till e x pectations . -1 If it is the p4poPe . ol.ihc editor cf . the Lucut. then' , to 'drivel these "Puri ' . tatiieal ghosts r from . Beavcr, we ph. ject; fo theselien. m ake valuable iml proVements, titillti iikany i.t.ew Venice,' dive in peace . i with I,beir neighbors,. pay their debt! , love their wives, and otherwise , del ort tUennitilves as good citizens. :While, en the other hand, 'if h,), is a fait representative of the poPulation hi would hring here`io their.etead, we - -very Enna fear that its 'le ' • L .d male rnembeti f e would be fourd more meeting, ~with • 70nusua. ,soccese, R-ow Archibald R . ,)binadia (,01 , ieetne -... • I. freersently . in the prisoners' box during i should not be surprised if-the amount 61' re • ve, i , nues, 'appointed in p ' lace ef:ll.r. . ~ of od from this tervit.ory tiiintlid rift _terms ov co.art tlYal trou'Al be i soon ' Sankey of %New Castle' ka ,, binned his •- - i rival that, of the "baitneya..',' • , , . 1 , • - , • . beneficial to the busionss interests •of —. ~. - . tfflee i n ' Bou v et Falls. ,-- Lniwoon. vo *LIU keep? anry .low. !rite sap- 1 : , , • ....„-. the place they came to, invigorate — l o y i„ L h o „o, L, howev e r, to , h e Iliron.l, landl ,A ndy_ , . large ! ! Gr , of . Om 11. epublio.. We wish thereto' eto bei considered us. ins.- and uniegs seterst yells I _ ' i ' oppcsed to Or? conitenTlated change' are track will grow less during thel . stiotaanaPogis. 1,:o, Nev. 21 ,The 'ol s politdati • onl . • I caro l ing month; for the reason tlutt National A Convent:on o,t the Grand' I, many of the Wells. are Obliged io Army' h of the, Republic hare decided ' 'b • 1 ring water for their huller& a Tony -%. that their , proceedings shall be made: New Je,rey U. S SenaLor. 1- 1 The• thatence which er:ililbs fatted -1-mphlig rblie sad the„ Sceretaryi ' has been . . - Govern or: of Neyi 'Jeriey , ilasibie wik l t..- ji gi ik , p r i s t -pa te - ' • . -tut- trile, 1 Wattictriort iniian lam, , . 1 ,31 p • 4. l iilst appointfi,Mon - Prndiuloltl...rric:,l` 4 .4trip." ' Ultotils* from this eir.:l The following.ottleers ivere elected Ilinghnisen ta . fill the .Senatorial:l . k.. ouTstFiec to 4.11 T-04 pace of oil _O4 Commander - in Chief, S. ,A. nuiburt; . _ ..„., sv, —v. 1-' allinons - Senior . Vice Command • I anny in that State, oeciasioried b 7 the t i ",„;" 1"'"-5' or A 1:614 k.'...." .1 .17 ,- r -arre-i,' ; ~1„, . , ' `„, .,‘r , • • i death - ofSerbator Wri •ht - , ~.-.- 1 A hitrt! " I s gr i bitAt_ -66 ft feltto haveti:;•D•t Di clLeallil oi .- 13 ell , x ark • .i. `. A tinier b-. .® ' , new wenty fi ) rnila in -this Ree d o ,,,ll Vicationtmander,A. S. Foster,ludiar4 --•,. Mr. Frelln hay en. it the 'third. ori emeirini Titsotriller ite center, and tsiu t , 1 Adjutant Genekl., ,B. F. Stephenson. 1 1 . 1,13 ueme in New .441;0) ' that, hare' tag same iris:4'4llm from 'CriwfOrdiliiltuoi; Quartermaster . .Gelitral, AW-• repreiantiidirttiai; &mei in -the !UnitedieClunt.l;.;:rirts'ar ptiorrytre•;, and A/le ~!!golti. 'IV iIIiFIF . , , Oh io ; Surgenn . destee-la,' tdi . env townsi ' *arriNOVill:go ; ttltti D• ti. iMeN,el. l . /Aiwa; o.pt.t W. AtiPkie, State Sebatt. .. The fiiat was Fredel . ' l i i iki - nic:e eort br -Warreni to m oo, , M.lienuri;.l,,ioaLeit of Or t isdrOsistriition, irk Froliegf nyieri, ofrßevotrifienary.. the L b. i • - • h •, •1 1 • , 1 '• I R I .llr dfit Wi hairs. W v - t lag -just- tlg t. , , .l i • ..-- .i on , , sca ~, . tn. , - -un-f tame. lie waa a Ili4or General ur.deri his to:retest thatr-the politieians or dose, Iriwisi l i . . O. 9sb;sine. Illinois. T. i r i . 1 , %Vast in--gun'. in 17.8 Q, and was elected' western Crawford Will go . for it; $O., td. Fl teller., illiesists , PP4 T.V.Vey s ior, - to "le Senate in 1793. The second was ; 1 eause Titusville anaeastern Creel - Ord; i Ohio%-. 11. K. Wihtard, licatuelcy.,;.T.. __! , if :they can't "get. the nominations !rift t t J. Bramball, New York; Nathan King': , Theodore IFtelinghuysen, who , • ,-. _, we* 1- ,joi n hands with- 'Awl Vi Ile and:. ibei ball, i iindiiina ; illation '-liicillielsitel,i - ' eleetectOihe S e nate in 1'826, and was; center lowna, eying . it to them ; and 1 Pennis i y Iritua. • ' , .. - Trd-. - I ~...„ 7- - 1 ; ~ Tho following aro the resoiutiona . . ____ . • .: •.. .. .a - •.,,Mitietitito- . . . the Whig candidate rut; Vice President:, an they reziprue.tie: the wes t er n , evil, • in Isl-1. The third: likes hie sent by! ants areieft outin the co al If, Cheri , adopted by th • National Cons' . .nibni. $ '.= - • ' adopt . a ' • •• t• 1 rirtilE undereignoi Dili expo s e 1.7 .sale , by i "9 , t4 t ait" - '0443'0.)g `;3lEsichitlee.. . . appointaient! On the fist Of the cum. 1 e !stein and western - CraWford , ` loth . lof t!lie tireed•Akm.ll of the 'Republic : • ji. • public outcry:a the Court Houna in the I • 1 It As . yof th,. , g , -, 1 • - -,FraKAR M i.i , - - _ ..._ac_ .4-s ere alrpectleye...j. Idtrii i fts:plblic is, organized to maintain in !..VONDA Y, the 4 11.fh ,J . Deee.rnN:r. I%T. I • : .scriPii'e of t m 44 4 ' - ' l. - w Pg• !".?.' t "l'-', ' ..., ii Ing,monoi.. l _:,, .. - 1 . . ; a ree in biddiog,the "wnywaill sista:H-1 -1. l ' That, 'thr 1 Grand m• . i Boron hof Dearer Pa len ".. • . !depart in peace, awl set upon' her own 1 The Frelingiraysan 1 family; tif. New : hook the thing ilr - deee , et , far its they ' civil - ; Mu those great pribeiples fur lat 1 c * -1 * • PM ' farm n i t '• 7 t O r , . i from tnu*gt *VA/M: 1 • 3 t` th''P'e t i ''''' ' , . I ' ~ I . 1.. ____, , , I ' " a • '•'• a e° I Main ' ' ' ll- . Clili.ii t he .ut Atty chattile il-ft . ..-1, pe,33." ,`' 1 i w ill tor t s iort,e , i fa' 1 which it, to ol---itt arias under the ca• , 116 ntsrea--60of Irtii.dx is cleared and .undet i ter. .. )n 1./ahoy is beeomme almost, as illustri• I are concerned..l , staci . rtia to to,:, i '3; '3 A 1... ...1 /11:4' i ons as - the Adams family of Massa- ; gredt convenienes4Or all eti • gag Edi„ ; tiomil flag; that. it...4ando pledgcd to !fetes, theletni . a iindy'welL ti s nibet:ed-late - the • • -- , I apart to tlean. If the purcdxgrr. 1 1•1 , 21 11 : I 1 ,.c hutetts. - , . !law—either as plaintiffs - or defentitinta,!ernah active treaion, .6:0 ; advance kind l'r st !!!! of ' situated in Brig a lit . tha j t u o l jn ' sb a r ci lienve;;o s ua r.2 .l ' in. ia Lae at Ks %Itperita• to . 4.1,'y tc4 ._ ~ ~..i.._ I ----,-- -`0 ' ito have the Courts - located here. .T 0 i suppurt =tire toe ioyalty, cetire soilnd ! I t ' • i 1 wow ituthinal liberty to all men, and i ,-, - i13 4 ,,,''' , r Pa sbout'ibive c tnilles niest Of the borough " g ' inl. I: kel. he can reptru ul and itaTe ~.1! no' 'J" • name ti• • reW - --- ii ty liter our reo;ent r abo i Chosatis br c t tit th trial. dog rot- WA_ rer,•lrd tbe W,...1.4 Sjy.c; so THE settler of the _Loco/ sint us a i-. ', ' • ' - ',, e- '„ r‘ P ''' 1 to vitiates' Ts . overt where an at all ; b - oroui v b e tr- l 'of . d iallston and' e , I+, l-s liv all B e rl g ra ht o , ' worthy floverner. anti' next :senator,.; , , , 1 ion bath sides, lattich lytil ti. , l r 4. r' 'i AT' ti... : ilt mtika... the I.QCK FITITC,iI • .t ,. ..*, ',, I , I l ehallenge 8131U0 Iwo or three weeks , ,,,c_ u , rtiti,'? would be Soiry acceptablr...r tite , the .felit'atid complete Ti g to Of ; For fartitit , particulars'inqa:ref the Ir4biz , ri-t The cheapest machine hy- irter.t.; plc iNa:.i: ago to compare subscription lists with !•,1 1 8peaking . et laiv, reminds me oi l - a l'ecerY 103111 American . citiSen. against ; bee- s•rt , 1. - 1 1 , I use. Wananted f..,y. four 4,,,N. It km " , , L - -- - f i. A-, I. i - Terme mane kaolin on day I,f; .41... f -I . . -.• hitr, and off red to bettis office against ;4 tlit-ct which has been ' recently'' . d e - , i oars that e had more aubscribOrs i h3ted et some teegth' 1 all •leinnbinations of I,.,vue plr Liltu iint 1 . .. 1 . . 7. c.rivitos ma use in th , „i:plees Lor ies'Yee.ri. so.lt 4 t gl: 1.1 0 ! t , ii4i n i i•may,,itiktampt to deny or dtprire them ; n 0 y 2 s. 64 , , . Focr of IC JJ ocl .. • , 1,.r, satisf.hc:l , n in 'tat esel., l'A,:i c - -1. I ' ' '' 1 of•sueb rlwhts . ' • 1 • -(kr a men to marry Ilia "wido,w'e . ei l3 ' . , 4, * • , , ~ , , ~. , I' 4 l Y. sec •`; !; 0 . sro o Gg azu inl.lid with Paart. - rAra ris 4 '' than- we b oA d • We ' rePlind that 'Il e ; 'err , p e ihape on wilt' give : year ; • .. 2,.•That we pledge all the power artu '' ' _ ~ see TaaeliO9Al. ... _, A.. :s. H ai -,. ve ,,-, I s Til 4 1 attention 01: ta . r,,ra !!',-,m,eisal . twk I W ‘ rti 114 addicted Wlhe habit of het - 1 opitiOn !- i Thine. , .. ' intitiance which as individnahS or ,sP.; 1i•47 s. harness EatOters, le ealtzd to lic 4. - i ting, bat; if be *mid first coovinee Ina! - ' • 1 an association. tiro legitimate 4 - widii. '; 1 • .. _ - ~,• ‘.. PAUL Ficir; '- -'; PEaLlte IN 1-- I • . 1 . - . __ . 'at.‘ 4 "-:/.i gle ' • that the ofliee he proposed to trsusfer l Paul, it will bd. -- .'seen,, chigoe 'in bii was hl4, orAti l at he had - any money row s l nr i -Up Streit' nibighbor and - faitend. Wrest in its . wilativer„ we would takb I, -Jac . f i cilom7 on Neill beyond the . , rii.'sV , - hi - ..1. . 1 . . , 11., 1 , . fl at d es i r ing •. , i 0 s proposition into consideration, and ; bility of doubt. •.tivot desiring to take idis , OtiSs proilmitiariea. To this, his re- I ,a hand in- this "till', betiv.inn • , 001 Iply is .. 4 11) t be will • I gnarante.e the . Oupit:' and the e itbr 01 the,./.4,lwcsi 1 /, . LgiAti offiC to us in ease" we wit, it',— 1 nereithel.:&s advise Paul, in it prlcaa9,l 1 Bid ' . ..gifaffinteo7 may be worth lionie:! ,i4iiiiiiy sense, to insist upon proofi in thing; k ut as We do not know thid.to I all; things, sue to trust nothing to if t it., be the c,, c, wo decline to 1:14(3 . 3, .stud . ' ilaiiti. ,We got-s4ht!ly-,:iiirocked" With insist on 4,la. : producing the evidence I t i onla of thes - e ,things once, and we 'flow ' of ownersip.' When this: ev:dersee is kviint our friends to profit b.,- our 'ex -1 II - .., .1 1 -produted,i7e will move further in the' i umple.—Ed. Argo. •., • 1 , ,i , 1 Imatter.. 'herefore, , while we do tot I, I - ------4-•--- -- - '' t I wish to ibit regarded as impsiieni, in ' l 'Boavey Falls Cor,espondifia l tie. 1 the miter,. we _mint t refrain from 1i , . ' - 7" -- ,_ i il Am prove ISIC n t is t Ile pracie' wat C. u, t• liying to thll'l,R Locaiii"berry up." _ IwOrd of the rigei l -noci tho ,iininutable ' - 1 - 7 - ' 4 "- ------7 I- 1 livis. iit progress are'daereotyped upon .1 1V looks very _mush its, if oracm 1 _011. 1 4,_ 15 4,,, vis ibl e to our 0b ,,,,, ar t b ens Greely i4uld be' elected:to tie ti.. S.l eq, and the tides)! all bumun purduite 1 Senate. frctin.New York. • the Berakf, I 11,ever ,- bnitil-rd- 'lkAt - no previous .kern- Times, Post,."_:ind Adve rtiser,' c.ty, with at, least three-fotirtlas of %be ' l, - I-' , of that ' uci. beve.the wilds of pur grand Courv , - . I . ry bee* Made, .under human culture,: ~ reorelicephadnuilly to °blossom U. 4 the; Republican pressef-the rural districiAl;xima." , , 1 , t !..„ _.l :- . -Ll''- ', 1 and eitieti of the'interier of tbe - Stat,e,il 1 I\. - low that the idation'e."labor h land! strongly large fi le claims. 4- , litts: Bniasearn CADT .ST I ANToN b.O ;vita ••birthihroes".' - of war aro:overland i the Child Freedom to- the African l• . .. Ife thingiateful Wl' et peace, -to-sins eight • Leif C . l vo or ongress—,-eight !burnisinau, is ttier.stupendotts _rrin., g* l :' i and !Muer aid springing! up! around Us !lent fellnws-who , , wcitdd rather haiii ie, e ,d_b.y, vneg i e ,, o ad t eanniactoriegr of Ellzarieth, familiarly known an "Bet's, i v i arious kimisnrn,planting ihennielves so;epritori 8, th e i n !thio jah o _s ogr o, .1 in odi.inidit aid 'aro converting- he 3 1 - . - • -,!:! l • - --: • -T -- :,1 raw Maim int- in to, fabric* =a 14licnis - ', r - Via: , 1 impleirients for our , use, with :az,:tlia .nicins, b .uAWItaNCE, w i attempl i p i s i eh - _ enequaliedinieey other .oge! of ed to sinate -Generall 4,acnson in our,histary. ,' 1. . ~_ t. - • , 035, is 1;still living,•an inmate in the I , We need rot go far fiOni bonier for Marylito Immo Asylum. --')_ -1 .; (the proof- of this assertion. , ) eaver -.--: , , iFalls,. fornierty -sl.leil Q.l4' Brighton ,* • -. ,-.4dov. 4l!siair' swill - be insagorated bin i sad the if,roporeir Of 4 / 4 1 ‘ 4 k )iti7erilopt Vie. 15th • !otllitilliki4, 11432 t. On . tlinlt i ; n h el aa li r,: n e t b c r o d g i r , c l„ 3 l34 e T r O sY l i t o I , siirukda -'a .13 ntte l f , ....tatei Senator ; wit . ' 1 „ 1- rtp d:',,h e i - ei t_d• t • a o r at th e biltauce , to . _, , tine b o coo , s o -74 v i c ..,;Ct; ~.,it te,; :., eru.stbes ,, ! l r. , :f l. i tae , S;ci , ie , : t . y ,i ißaker r",.,:;n =I • r o c r log to kirjoe.. - (!) editorial on - the Pniiiideut's qiesta3rat,l tkt, 4b.W1491. 1 .04 4, 11,X196443ki..s 0 9.7. 'We teetTelziOpriFONprtheiveeKli sayings yotitt tioeite-tototeotporarv, -v. 1 ev-• 'of toe i am itidtkoftl "tea finellifter-tAllitirptit , A prateunitresmarehhas given your trieedlye"B Ref IlMots Myrna -name `sad really Mortified nry'variity at the prompteererof Lis:rihogruzing my hum bleaeff as of the same lentils , .with'his hotror': Supposing wo paint the two Ikrng eared 1-animilesfl one !with that awfulpen, loresfukskiwitig tbaddom 01 , thelthe ."bump , eitigress,".: whoa Ahosc "liedOr"Atterttimaa lore- answered, aiiittepati on : and-the other with :a. i tio ittiq pole, *Heal :leas teed at one swig etirmeir e stratiiii, vi r .the : gain: In the loWar corriei, ' 7ing the; style of all grent arii%ta r me would put -Raul ' Fee* 1966 . ' ; uoillf this in . Hnglish' I Hid nut mean amskb,'.! at might .by a 'free. Oaristtition.igo for `Taal did if." ft is altogether your political adiajg Cage to get me onititi walk under the i window .‘blinteriate- our friend, cut.l for salts is a good -Darnoeist a as well ! . I as myself, Mester. would Lis apt:to be the losPr hairever- else the conflict i might -tei•mitiate.-, No! ..e.ripcuin, I: , will 14treily go. - Bran bread, IoW diet mid sfriet quiet...4ol answer better,, and- be a more FiVir.g preseription- - , -; , 1 RecoMmena it;-- fit) ! 1 lloW cell one Nils to tufting of the weather, now 1 . Vat:tat-day w 9 started ja a snow storm, , bat soon switched off ' int) i. rain. On UM whole' we Level had a remarkably-fine fall. let it be recorded I The new wells put t h at Plimmer under the direction of the 'renowned oil timelier,' Dr. Battersott,;, there - been. completed, and are I.6yr go'ng through _ti,e trying,process of ,testing. If succei:sful, the Dr. can go I,'•up head' of all the "Iwators,"-"amell ers,"4,et,.•., in this. colintry4 . On the Tarr, farm, the pekers 'for oil are - - __ I ' I ESE and jno.rneeves. , . ~` 'Ailii ' • 004 . - `, t. •it , ' i . a i r , ' t *:',, ' . , ,_, dm . ir ,_ • 3 - t ler ,( t , - • .: al l . . AO 'n . r - bola ~ bun ;,:s ik y . pa be , . -• . , ‘... • k. 7:. b: iibeeli, en ii .00 ee - aipleke.. -. v the belitlniiii t4.the west. .' 7 . Ai, thsrlithirs..,beihling. lee at-_-111641:: i 0 in,psoeee* of , erection AT Waddle tal Vig.olint_fOr .tbit - '.a*ttletati! of bin, ienkcliimi:liesh, and filoneni, to be -..dritren - tl , two .turbitorimmo:l , TlVer Itsieel: is iais : being impinilied—kluatio wider-*tisat.boetwamorge.itp3or.th# re id diet afsotarsa ~~~ r the !time Asia Duncan is Awing iMpretiod-antl'fitted op iti the most appr,ved• evils, vOlat. mita:Sri brims openedarbissh prornisW, great ir4itb, and are'seneleible froml the main street. : • ' }Tbe e Pittabargh Cutlery Company, pcivf'in'etteeeeefel operation at Roches- 1 tirt, - P4., Will at Ihil lanky - date , tale 1 aver' p lon of their, new bending? i.n aver' falls.. • . . 11 ...- ire, Puy -is in great libatitbilleti h and the east water power whir* ii trial tp New tiirighttmand Paliattin kith,. taken, with , the fact that the prprwiritorallialter and ileurial).lAis ample means to invest in tho.anter.i prise, and are unswerving in their wir, i p4se to MsktrAtis - it place worthy t ;of . i gTeat ,retf ourceg.,,- It Is n? tisk IQ' PAT.' 1 abase. dere. .Ail the luta and property' b4dengink ttillio Society will • be- hold ,t4r sale, ander t their auspieek The streets aso Wide 'and many lof them their the names of the owners of ' the 1 .. .. , . 'P t ilo Da palter, Ile4rylfur Ifienrioi). Rapp, 'ertrucle..llarrnony, ktronoiny q;,. &e. ' - .1 , • I 1 Exec:3l93M. ioft Wator cin•bo hadiby, diggingl from sixteen to &llergy, feet: (The .I,Bliager Falls Muse" has 1t.e.. 1 !Only, hfan ppened by Mr: , Chinn, iihere xiintorato the' place. will ford nonitort4ble quarter% a "convenience . , greatly i need ed. ', . i The 4entri - have a large number ofi 4.iithoir;aillis.-sbotring the plot "of the I, t7vrn,•very finely 'eA executed' by ik ylingl ,1 artist. - Me. Wilcox, of Pittsburgh.; `,which an bit seen at, their of fi ce in:, i.sie.e, , rightfin. Tim sales and lira-, Prorem'ents .tilibgot Ler oraunot to !rill pne'.hundred tlonssnd _dollars .I:l4ting' the pres,e:to, ytiar. ' • • ■ itb . uut twenty five • gout u p dr SOW S r dos) boaisa Caiiewii if: the-moat-especial Manner, to those I , . gallant man win,' stood 1 . 101 by the I. r i.,,,,, country, in the 'hour of iti . need in The I usbvCEßtbroS & PROVID .v iClitS, Eletellitint) States, and who throitgli .I, ~ . 1 I . 1 • i il insane of I . o3Beli i nfr. iriuties. por. i . . ll . l . ll . receftei a t fr es h eu j pl , ilr ef_ e4,Utionw Iv Sweet anki persecntions i Cranterri,es,l llomply ; , l ' . der aolo of bier e maiittained theirl e 7 e , a _T e :ela h ;Oes, • ' t rit y it Y- R P , a l m i 'lnt l' 1 - L .. , integrity find vindicated their loyalty; t, " (Wean' Curs, ' Seedless Raisins,:.. - and we soleninly declare that-no pow. 1, / , si - • Philp% i English; Currants, er %bit *e natt;itse 'obeli be neglected I Drleal c OLL : ' Gechca;Cheese. Sweet, ,1 1 6tatoes, anti! -'they • are thoroughly and lam; 'l n ' citieli f !' 11 1"`'. ' _ No. 1 I , o ,, etert , l, . P 10 ..e 4 Y pryteetcci iu the act ive 'exercise i f latioi•srime assortment es *as, Sew, of the; 4kmetiftt.it Ireemen through the I and Ceffsel • : . . 4. , • 1 r , on4re conntry over -which our flag I - sih i stals, s, :strictly case. iiaits. 1 .- __ , 1 ;, A. fii ARC BT, a. .Th. L Con 'rejig • ' • t• , find , . rioe'23 ' - •ptidg• *strestl, Bridgewater. 1., ~ In lulil Ms., , , - - . 1 I 1. not in ebarity,sheildltass• a law chual ihil'w to sJ jpst manner the bountlia of ; all ;lielog, soldiere and sailors: • 4, That, we now,as beretofeee,piedge on/elves - to 'use( our () eat endeavors, to • ; pro fire appropriate Statoind nation- at ilegirthition lor•the education and i I mnintenanee of the kirphitna and w_id;.l _ovi i 'S f.if iiieeesied comrade's and .our I msafned m i l brethren, and to ,; enforce a I speedy djuattnent and payment of tiii I i uipinA against tie. Goverecnynt do? I soldiers anti - Fallon and thcir heirs: I I I 5. Thetrin tier opinion no man' is : thy 'lel:to b lieu eiriion 'of a free ' i • wOr 1 ; country; who is not ,willing - to boar 1 Farina italics defunee; and wti, , therefore ; 1 suggest td Congress the pailaage of a lair ma . , '.ng it-the inexorable duty 4 .of every e tizen to defend hie country in i Lima, wok in - warm] . and -- . E.0% bk , 0 siibstit te. • ; -• , 1 6..Tirat ag a nratterot justice and i `right, tied bileausff the, sacrifice, made I .anci dangersencomitereci by the Union I - soldiers And sailors who served in , the I late war for 'the:preservation • of %be . I country_eso - norer fifty be repaid, .wo 1 I respectfully ash that those in autbori• ; c 47 -belaPve 4 11 W) .neiltlY - and" -WgitbY ; ,soldiersland eailorwsuck.pnaltinue of chondr und.protit sof iticyaziay be CM l•petessit 10 tit; triii4isiiiitt . vie iletik il ' otkitrg.lkir ourrelsros,; or those of our 1 . - 4 - -‘,: , ?v, ' , l° tits 'able to.,' Entl:lt,tl;:n _ .i.__ ---, 1. -- 7 - . • - ------, --- --- ~ 1 g u . . N - Ibetnaelve,f, we do cartietit.y re i lits-.,.i -, ~ c. ~1 - . a . ,:' ii nest to Lite_coilviderati6n i . ~..;:..; , r.",. .;lute • ' ail . " pity, tied we elpe4ita4 P Li L ` ;toe of the-Preeident ,t itel i t • • " • ore e.eeisi ad ei thieli . ' • , :: ...-1 .7„, ... • ! • . 1 - v•• • 00. 1 . •,- " II ,` i . ivige.4#4:l l 4- 340- - °b 1 Wastiti.week,...ovt.l.24, 1 ~., L'- . iiiiitt" the MIX. orOetnb r the i 144tralritinilinr:nrS'InrintlittOessed I this GUairritailit, iiriiiinsinrizehriage .in.At prilersollte littre*WarrAtil Sinai !T; betweentlar'Armiti 4 an W.P I O er i sad Droopy VlAtiyHalor the eranua 4 -; tioarat , lbe-Otr4ielv trove . trantMali. t eo - Iseittadcaft renaming thens,ll4 4 l 4 ;.t achnente.'.olllftignang , i 0 Naligliat 1 tind-andiog within /la oionths. it WWI preferred , that, they. - shoold all ibe Ire I moved in Ouo h, y Anli.- or alx)ut, '?.he; first, of Januar . _ This. tiovern . tatnt 1 i flod replied through Minieterl3igelo that 1 it,adbered to t e original, luitler,stand lug' made. in. lode;; And: - 13 1.,00 !Nat theta would: be no delay in the sei ing of tho 'test deitiobinent , doting' the, present. month. ' ' • ~- - i On Wasp last the ,•Margnia de Monthozonicorbonat3ieated %o Mr ' Se*: 1 ard, a dispatibt from hie OUvernment. 1 intimating that.Napoleori diisiffd vitore. i time for a general eviiithition, ;I and i proposing to-deter it ton.r , a:Oaths —1 .T.htr..Preaidenr. altar,4u' eonsititatios, with the Cabi*st; directed M.r.,3oward to epply •to the! Fueneh- Minister I that illorernmet saw no gel 1 reason i . 4 . fur accepting y ehangei but. misting l on the contra .-,on - the term O atit lam faceted by M 4 -Bigelow en .141ne.Gth,,1 - last, being (fatly eartied .lut 1 Theis! terms Were' proposed. wholly] hy Illa I French Minister at that ti ati, and i were accepted without modification by r this i ,POT9rument., This ton - Oki:o4n was 1 ir, id: tt.v • virtu ."... bririato „ rw, 4. , cons twilait4teti to-day to 43i0 s l Afitrquis i emirs lash stnek,viktim .-. pr i ae s; ` - ` O4 , Do Mont bulon, ' " Tios . k.iverieist be taloa hail-able atila or • 1 ~. tj tr.4 * ' un9fficial ; kifor, : ritution that-a pirt of thel . ' detachment of. Frendi Lioupll did sail; , tro.rn yirestetii Us:iv.) 1 1 31aUt the first! - • _ • 1 of November. . ,„. ..............,„ . 1 1'...!_0f 1)1t.li:14_ - citc.))(l_nrii . % z: 1 1 , - r-. , ,1 ! ' i Al Cii3OICE .' OT cL . Extra Far.3,,ity' Flqur ~ . i tik . . juat roc:tiled Att.i4r4tale 1,-3 the ).,1?). or ! . , . tack, .at ' , I . ' l • 1 tt:ll l 'filfliVET'S; Briagoetito,?... 1 ' . -- --- ‘1 • . .s , , „-...•. _ .....-- '! • 1 : • ' l'. o.lisse , pesee in tbe _family. hu;•,- , r I :1 1 . -nar 7.•.:r ', - • i .of A. S. IfftsTry. ,' A: .ertlei iistiete of .1::. ! 1 , ire Ftiini?.l , ashatid awl foriele 14 1yi.e1.41. •:•.r : • - ssek. : . , q ~ . . r.l, ', • ',- , 1 I , ' '• * • A. S. 11A3.V.F.:1c- Bri,i 4 in•iter.. 1 . I 6 ceSEt FOR: ELIDEq. !' . l' . ' - L a i • . -t - • ' - lIIIIE subieriber will Eq., the hi ho.st prie: , ;•• ,' , .• .111-CA,l3ll:, , fer-hfiliii debverelilm his [Tart- i ' ' 4 .1 . . - 1 la,. t fun arli,...r.n , :t.nr,of neryin liberal. JAULS DAIiti.AGH. i, • .-, , ••. I. , .. fl;nr4n, !iie.', . `'E,-1t •• - 11 • . _._ ~ , _ , , , I , -• I ~ .L>ollltis i 14:.! Cir,irt/(1*...- k, i Lk , , . 4 .11 Q: 1....,. ndove. Z.,...d*r.,..c..,,,.,4-;,-,... 1.,1 :,.. , L;t... 1 I At Vastern '.1.1.r11.1.1: fir C. Ni.•• - . .. 1, r... - ,ch t' Fr ... / rri"..:111;...."t,er affirm for - Ail , e;f4rw., con -.1-dnetile rude ell them af,,' t'av, i. - . ! - e c-r.: pzie.!!..i.-- I teinlett 8 sem di: Witt T lag ii, Drigh- 1 'Our r,...g c rtmettt bPillg rititl.F.i.'N.y. , \.i4;:c, .• ten tO#lldhiP• At!tPer,fr anantz7 'Si tame is as ''woulcl ..peei...11, , ,. , in ,, ,it,d ... ".:,-..',;!,:1i.• . iLt:, Lz: the rosiler.ding: film 13.eavar - to Sins Matron. I give tl9 n en!! 1..,..f.dz0 I,nrextizi,g e...e , .. ,, -re m and is only t.bdtit 24. miles•fro . Brterer, awl t vget:.guantrie! - ; . iult t..: !•ti ! , , tde a v.l.9 -k a r,...* .'.-1 , ., 4 - fits: rutPort'Sj6tiOn 00 4 I ',' & 1 4 te P..R. ft- !Mt' Im-!1 ,1 0 in .rittab, : 1 • The.'buildings..catisist dr a Franle !totter. due . , Very rdsp7rtiut.l,7, ..`'.„ , .: . - -eta a belt' Storieiti4ii, ai,T;(l sF' wild' lisrn.r- , • " • '' , ..• • - F' About 75 &ere)! of the Imi,t'is-e t*F..:•irtni tbal •- ' ztrxsobr al. RCMSSLPA t t , whole tsneVutut l ei istked; *0 in- hi'Khistate.eti i ' eulticatids. There ie.& gdoti,diehard an iliP prtmites, road tbs.:erre if ws.li! . iisiterea. - r4r (Whet rahieulits imIr:!? o t James I '.'•-- Douai, es tt,i• - prinintiiit - to. - to -] • ' : 1 I ' • 1 . •• '• 1 -: R. D. 11, 1 08':18, - • ' : is Itedeons tdtroslip. FAn Fo , Doe 26::: Agerktsted • • . - POlt:Tai 3iOPT ur.sa I I 4nd Best Selling Subscription Books • • Published . • - 11,7 Fare the Ciast 'stellar! i p,thlish4rs in I. the united ( h acing aring lox helises.) anti therefore can , effertl - tgaell books cheaper' and pay agents a mere liberalconvniuloa than (,any other company. ' I Our bock, do not Pass thrilightbe hands of I GeifersiT A'Onts,' (as riearly Ol.ot•her enbserip thin workii do,) therefore we. airs • enabled to give our e!anvassers the..catra. p i er cent. which is usually allowed to . General Agents. gape tieroutd canvassers will see tie advantage. of dealing direetly" with the pt n i3lishers. ' I - .Our nerieatinbiaces the est ipopittar works on all anhicets.ef. laiPortant, and is : selling rapidly both ,Northi and §on h. agents, and all others, who want the bests paying ag4ncies, will ple*ce,send for circulars and sea our terma,larkd cooper" them and the, etarecter of . .trur worke with Aviv, 'a -other pUblisitera -Address, - I. NATIONAdt,PUBI.4BIIING:CO.• Philadelphia, Pit.. Boston, Mass., Circlinna ti: O 1 Chfcaga,'llhf;.S..t. I Louis, Me., or A'a'• ' " - IEI . IA. AI, ti IEI oitsky Ccd,LEOT oNs.iod' er b s Sail; re- t "itils,o4romit silent oa. : Also_ lorilly sittliorhalsgent , for tho oolleitton of Ipqk 147. iliaiicine;bounty.sti Ilkirethoo. Distrlet ,:tt[rrosi's allter,'t , r+?• - Isq LOUR H PEACE PEACE . MEIER ~'3 ; ` ^w r 1 BM t. 1 . .0 6 cl. - MEI - ç .. •. 'nr iti EMS .;~<;•r ~ -•~ ME ENO 6 Ak'r 7 ' . TA+ r t, - • HP.; aubscrilieit ` bogs lealed AZt4tv .4 , the -11tileteut 136tover 'e Nsuty t u t , ttcy lisvo forvtiett s, :tiozitirtzervhip- und.i uto sviil styli - • N0....56.*:.ti,0454ii . :::: for thIS, pisrp6!: 4t e,7:r;r:•%,1 t,t Dry -431144.kba crvitda Or I ;VEP , T PFlSCr,irnr; - , , 'N“**; -NIERINO3, WE COOCITZtiS,', s i w th I)ternom' P- 60.0 p NAT • • -- 0420 - 9 • Clark & Shiim Sewing wr:rantvi.fife ?.n d. irteemos. , Aiken'd Faintly 'Knitting . rila9on , Whie:h is • lae 'best.. in rilkY, • lied kind cif, knit - V .2 piiikt-e.c.- • : f=:'• FQI2 CUTTINi pP"!•-• lesrn fturs it. Abo, en.trotieri s:*4 alifkper Ptisnip 'Etri—AGESTi WAI'.*TRI). 9. • stalPli) lt. 4 0 N 4- • cienoril .{5..5:. Ii I i 2... G rant st., opposite PlenWr rerin'k•. . —r----- • Fgftrit.Yed: 1.02.. KUbie ll . • .."1,•6.:,,,. . ° 0 11Elicr kIZI) ' fi 7, : TII.. - 1 t E D ce; t;iofert fr,OiL.ll4.sulotl'ile.li l e , Ohiistoiroship. cin ryide-y eight, 15 0, P" l ' : tight, boa ',korai %.,Ithi.'itita hind teet, ,*,..t.,4_, BPI on tpo r oi Gol.• a th;:m. a 1.1 isite l e the nostrils. between the eibe, Kid isi white. sir: LA tAt*''''' ; ' - hands high. awl 41;ont ti, e :. as . rs ;sl..- / 1 ""' ilk a' lerg . 4 1,-iii; i :41t,t1 . When he-,llroke sivr.y hi , ~14.:se i'.datts-1=4..• bridle, 'The ih.ive re ./.:;:r4, e l ::: ee 1.4',..-i:r/ c r ' l for the fee•lrity 4 it:Pli3orsc on"' .' V Ildv2/ 13i-:---31. I 1 11A-reß l',. 11114.g1-. l', - 1 - f,XECti"tlft's, N..",t)TICli IU;TTER''' teitamontitry•.en ,;.e .1f..3 'l. of JiNee , Ittts . pre, " . , ..i9. .;f i' . ." 1 : 1 • 4 , iAowttebip, rreafo4l . ,litttiory, VI &id. Lo, c , l '" I-been ;routed to: the unetersiguei. 2 11 1: 16 '., - 1 stelehted. to sold eieste ire rentstipt.ta,?!*:' italfleiliete payment!: ail those! hiivi4 e''..l,: ; against the same tkill 14,"edeet 'them prq r i , e4llleuticated for sett lemeet. -''' -' * • F.Lr<AN....it 8K.4 OEN. v:''nril.: 1 - nev2l' 6 6' - ' - In , Jo 't....• • —,-----_----=_:__,......,-----------:-,1,,,:;-, - L )11)3.11NISIlt.1'101(S ..1 it -•••• ~ t o ' • EiTERS ;:ifsaii, inie(rOttnn ... , n the 1•94 11 . *- Xltu - ru'A %tit., late at NeTrSoltkil ‘.,; _ awir co. died; haviri_been grseted o , ' 1 nrilersigne ' d, all persona 1 5.i02.• vi t 0 OA e i ' . ,.., 4 tare requested to sake Ireton .f.alepqn.9ls:': :, • L itt.eat baring ~ • .laiata agtna , Enid es t % virts i eut them to the, en . ariba prcir-t. ,-,. • kitenticated for set tliteeef. .• 1' jeet.4 - 5' • ' ' , ..1 t:,- d.: . f 2, - , ,I. -- It.' E 12=aM Egl EMil MEI s " 1 f lIM E 1 ';. 4. ti4~ ~ iii'4, =I
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