El tet go oLD. ono st,V4sii, t ffi ifo tit A* "Le eta 10 : eoptlitintious. , • Pr"Pt , I,WEYAND, Editor A. tIA ROADS ; ir rs. & ,snd tato Noc.18; 18G6, latve Steions ARO, SuadaYa ezearsir, sa foie lows• ITylis cbialsga 11 0 384 i P. P' wen Toixirt BEM Mal Ell 3 2044 3righten.. " 11 427 .` big ( ... .. ' 54° - - 620 " 1 - . 715 ....... 805 ti, 826' 906 " grille ... ... ; 9 35 " w in e .. Itlo4o ,Y , ad..... ;;1137 " A,r l 'll,lsAtt le liDe ;11240 irc ii • ,110 it i ...... 1.,, indokt l ! " 1 4' . ... ....., :28 li 355 4.4, loos.: . t. .. .1, 405 " e11rert.....j,, 5 P 5 4 ' in Wayne.. :. Gpo ..) ~ :umbi1....., 734 4. ItlTl)le...' ..." 4 , ratan.;.. li ..! . „ , Arbon-- ;i . ..."-• " th .1; 9'85 if , vraou. •••• , snatah ......... ..,... ~ Ipgraitio... 9059 trice— • : ,i, 'Atß.Cros.: l , ... 4.. 4 ! ,RRJ'n. ,I-414. '4 1g0:,_.._ i'll2oOrm 1 TIIA ,N 3 000.0.31 A iiiie i:-:7--- r 4 0 , 01. in t smlc ,:... . !i'• :IR Cros '', ~..- 1, 4 lite .. ........ 1' : ... i.. . 1 t r iyaso.,.... 6 13 ' .l f, ,alai, ...r...;....: .. noith . 1 ... .. s 4 t .o ~ i i :rbon ....1......0. " 1 ....,.. 1aw...'... • 0. 0 T 133 ~, c ;irceton ..... i.... :". ~ I,tntscill:, ,! ... Y... .. '6l 4.1 clutribia .:.: '.lO 0 "' /2.l9Pat tot Wayne.. i.1145•-tf.l ' 125 ' 6 l 'el Wei..... il 11.9. e% . 282 + , l el'eliol 41145 1 61 303 o'l mo': .. ' :,..1 1 219 4 . .1 . 336 t't - ..:., i! 3'06 4.1 489 ~,: 1. .461 '' s (103 "1 ....:., 5g2 ‘,l 488 . 6ll t'Jo ‘. pos : ! ' t "! le, .',Dc . 15xxi 625 .nisi]....."!. "766 v,31 - 661 Ideslcille .. ',' 175t1:.• •710 44 itex.„.... :-:18•50 , ,• , 835 , i ille. .. „...:! NO Or 906 6' lion ... : JOPO .;i 942 ~ -,—::: / ,./62il 4 t. l iOO3 -4.1 _ hrlr."s '4 l llOO 6 " 1 •-; 1 . ...... :.1: 1 17 "inn ‘‘i 1132biana ...123i;rm [1156 .1 1 ' f 22 11232Am1 4:bi01.! , 217 dt . 4 'ter.. . '' 2:35 -,., 123 ~• •h...;, 8:31 . 4,,) 200 • ' Frandiatity.. ueTstis : and PittelTl , rg Express iaain levee r! ii at 4:05 . 11,.m., arrives in Pit burl p.m, Returning leaves Vitlebur at 6 i , arrives in I'vew Castle.at B:a6 a. . :w Castle and'. Pittsburg , AceOmmodat in leare'sNerriCttstle at 7:00 a.m., arri .kllegluny at. ;5:45 a.m. Returning lea legiany at I:20 p m., arrives in New CM i:,26 pm. .I .111111 • F. R. 31YERS, Gen, Ticliettri ?,.. :CI4E VEI &.• PITTS. it • Ind nicer ,! , iov.f i ltl, 18 1 ill, trail - iv will 1 aye inns daily. Sundays' eauepte.d, as.! low , - 1-- ------ --- ----- - qcorso sottit. MENEM 235rx1: 335 PM id miect Ei r Jl l . 0 2413 340 .•, _ I; s yro .41 340 IH 5 0 0 0 1, ..... :i•—i.•••• etthrg,.. ,10cg) tttet 11PI) • i. PIC . GOING 5011.T1t. ;1 1 1 I 41.11A1L. 8 ,:1017 .... ,i 1125 An......1 1 1214Ex enburg...r— lila MEE ittiet 147 201) aotscs 11- 440 - px 450 .; 541 .t 600 ~ BIM 725 ,$, 747 ' 2,20 880 4' 40 ME Golli I. ~ 0 2206 rm EMI 411 44 41 500 4, le.l 600 „I / 1 1! " SEM . - A CARAWAS BRAN I I Letois' . - AmYea k il idil.4 li IVA aln 14yird, 9 .* • 1t.4; s .N. PhOadtl •2. H ' ILYEItS, General Ticket cot - 0 _PA.- :, P, CLA K Proprietor . STA liL115(1 ochod 1 • April 1. 1:6 EP n - •,- -", iell FM -1 Olk I=l •• 1,. - \7 O l. • .40',Ver - 3: . • . . . . It is just as you say, Neighbor deem, A treasure indeed is' wife, " - Such another for bustle itud work • t I miler have found in fry life. aL. . 4 I But then she keeps every one else' . As busy astir& on tbe wing• - ' .„ There is never a toomeuilfor rest, • Bliit lynch a fidgety thing. - She makes the best bread in the town, . 1 Her , piing are a perfect ; delight, 1 a Her coffee a rich golden brown, - ;-. - 5 14 a Her crullers and pudding just right, . !But then. while I eat thim, she tills 6.; Of the Care and the worry they 8 " Ofthe martyr-Like toil shotaures,' , 0, she's such a fidgety thing iiil 133112#1 847 g E CM lOU 652 666 744 808 "i 850 925 "HE 1022-A3IU IA 4 My bollie le is neat lui • pin„ You should see how the tfisor-hainilits•shine, , t 'And all of the loft-cushioned chairs • 'And nioely• swept carpels are mine • :' " J But then sho so frets • at' the dust, At a fly, At* straw or, a siting, i• That I stay out of doors4llomi, • 7 40 ; she is such a fidgety thing ! 1 1112 11 1021 1145 11 1101 1220e.1 70 1248 78 125 82 164 u 86 806 u 102: • 337 u 101 -405 6 , 'l3' 540 u 121 628 11 201 cXI9 I °P- 31 She doctors the neighboO, 0, yeti - " • ' g 64, . ...1„ If tvcbUd has the melee or croup, . : I t. She is there with her saffoons sill siltillit , 11 " Her dainty-made gruel& and soup. -" But then she insists on her right F ,•. To physic my blood ini the spring, ' ...' And she takei the wholelcharge of my bile. 4.1 0, she'd such a fidget) thing! - • it• ~.4 . She knits all my stockings herself, • - "`"My ehirts are bleached white as the snow i My old clothes look better than /Um, ' Yet daily more threadl•bs,re they . geow. ,', i i " But then if a morsel 0f .,, l int --- . , 'Or dust to my trouser cling, " Ihw I'M sure of one sermon _a t least, '' '" She is such a fidgety thing. t - , , 4. You have hear: of a spirit so meek, ;AX• So meek that it never'opposes, ' I " lts own it dareituever tol speak— 7 ‘ - 1 Alas, I im'' meeker thin Moses! to, ~I Bat then lam not reconciled i ". The subordinate 'ZIIIIII4IO to sing; ":,1 I submit to get riti - of a rtavr, She is such a fidgety Ithing f ' EMI 180- t, MEM EU 28& 1, 807 406 935 5413 ELI 416 '. !EC BEE! ME! EMI lEBI 1130 "i 800 ExYa. Ex MC 35ntig 720 AU l A ERR EBB® IMAM 905 '. 720 .11123 1035 " MO FEM 904 62 1005 d. 71 1118 .. 82 1148 .. 9' 1217 Ax 9 . 1 - 25 /51- ' 118 225 — n'121 255 +. 125 31518 343-41' 2,1. 425 24 508 33 630 's 85 .600 .. 48 111 1 It's just Its you say, neighbor Green; A treasure to me has been given ; " 1 But sometimes I fain would be glad. !715 EC To lay up my treasure is heaven.' • PX s. put di en every life haiits crew; • Most pleasures on earth have their sting, `` ;She's a treasure, I know; neighbor Grier', ME .., .„ ; Bat obis such a ailwiti thins.. , . 7 6 4 co ..•••••• ...p 111 et ............wwii. ; „, .. • 8 ” k--- , -r---TAe PAWAY., 0t.,R;11.4131* _ :5 " 1 Tim Pa4-1;--9::nipa imotitisroet --- , ' 4t tI Tim' 5 .. 'lowing remarks orillois subject: ' a'' The North German Confederation is completed ; bat that is Merely the corni to n 10 $, Jnencement of the tisk which the pol e ; - s .— I icy of Pressialiiispi i roposed as its ob.- es ' . tject. .The progranile- of Count Bie at k oo - ..inarck is known, .vil., to found German l enity, and conseq wetly to attract tisn [Within the circle °lithe new confederi ° o Bation those countries of GermanY I vie which at present do, not form part of ' le V it. Ali, sooner or later; are -destired } lto come into the new confederation. some of their owni accord, apme by , f compulsion. As or the secondary I, States'ofs the` sou th,c Count Bismarck reckons on their isolation and the: i senile of their weakness. As to Aus- I iris, she has been beaten' for the per I t pose of forci .- ng her but, of _Germany ;I ;ex 'eh,' will be ruined Wizen the time has, Iconic for taking. from her her. German ] ... •. I py•ovinces. With reiard to the States j of the south, a debate which liar, taken ... I place in the Baden' Chamber shows :„. I hr,w,accarate have been the anticipa i ',ions of C'otrirt Bitiarck. -Wortem-1 berg and Bavaria cannot, fail to follow 1 the example of Baden, which appears I ~ 1 I to be anxious for ,an unconditional al-1 .... . ----,, .I.liance with the northern confedera.j lion, and the. Kuig jof Holland- most r r ely is not tinder l i htitllusion that the :r's. P uesian garrison Will ever evacuate I .. Ithe fortress of LuxLmburg. Sweden ~. and Denmark are mild , tohe competing. -• I for thi alliance of IPrnseia. Finally, , •••• ' information to which, we, are disposed "' to attach some importance, directs at=; 7: .ention to the relatisns between Prim.' ma and liurisiri. There is a-samor of an alliance between these two Powers EMI 715 6. 64 7.}4 s 52 921 ' 1025 all En! 415 ••j ; 535 500 00 63.9 705 ...... Exr's lA.ccom Ex 455 Pm 615 ~ 644 728 " 751 " 803 804 " 915 I. 846 ~ 952 , 1005 6 fur the purpose or'ehtnpleting the dirt , memberment of Austria, and sharing, , - 0 - 4 the spoils between them. In order to obtain its end of ar t new and-United German empire, Pruitt.* has but- one struggle more to bake-sa struggle r that is singularly unequal, because it p m , will bring face to faPe the conquerors ,3 and the «x«nquered—a country ag graudized by large nnexations,l and m'" an Austria trying to make , head ''2 i against the clisorgan«zatiou,disaffectioh and disagreement Of her provinc i es.---1 icox 14 State bas ever bad - before. it such a tot - minable task. Austria represe, tits Om great European mteiests, but it seems 6 1 to be loft to itself, and destined topass o i 4 under the pressure et events, and, as ( . 1 it were; under fire, through , a social, TUOrfai and political regeneration,which it wduld require, many long years of peace to effect. .Austria, however; does not seem to despair of , hersele—, The appointment von Benet bit a two-tald signification, for n points to m. in abandonment cf. the traditions.: of the cqncordat, and to a 'reeistanee of ihe rdquitementa of Pruisia. 11.1 car.; genitive - Wet M.. von Bismaiek, ibis`' is the match, and tea stake played far is . nothing abort of t.hElata of 'the Whole of Ifurope, MI F l xes. ffiltM WIN 610 Am 1040 Am 625 .1050 . 0 721 u;1139 748 11158 .845 /244144 II 907 u 147 - u, 940 "1 217 950 H 225., 1/05. , 340 EMI s~P~d+ ~NA(L. 61Ean .646 7SO " 656 7EB 631.1 SOT " 726 840 . " 823 950 44 849 “rlOlO 9 27."4112 1 940 "1125 "' P.M . 1 , -”,1 DAVE paemmi tbriough greet t ard• 6 03 a* the selitioner said; . tier tbrougkx tle6t of irott.c ado: • , . , • . - . ~—. , ..., .. -.,....:..,.. k‘.1,. ,-, •-: , '''' • , - - - c./.3';',.:. -0 . - - - f,'.:.:..5., - ....:: - .' - ..' .. ' 7 -7 2,-- .. st ...... '..•,.. . • _„..."'.. 77 — ', ---. 77 — .: - .I . :r ': ›...1.. r a =ri,° , 7 ~.- / '...E. 1 . z - ;‘, 4 ..,ii,"_....i i :.: 1, '...-,r....iii, .." ! ...:::.z.:l..t.iii 1 z..:;: . .4... '.: 1 .-., -.,... :"..;! ...:y , :''. ;4, „_.s ..). -. . ~- '• - ... , , t . 'l ;: t ^;k , ... ..',.:,... 4 *. :'t ....• -4 ." ... .:. "7, •.‘ .7:- • •*:..i . i . 1 1 '1....'•Z - I •,,. 1 .. - - ` .. ‘.. • 1 - •:' • '', 2 ',- ''• 'l`. : . • . _ ..„ . - . .• t„,„ '. 1 .'• Tilt' dttso,*tili;-; Peittilial Chdiiitilit t-L: Attlxifitiek. • .., . 1411 atl,lll,ll49oatio._ .-- ;A:lCoii Yolicleeniaspiniaeit: c't :0 16 Preiiidince Jouh74l oild#P4r0 11.4 0. - irmton reporter Mang years asci i -gives the following :interesting illaatratioU Of the rancor w,EPCWlWieh , Potiti* -e i l k troversies aFesoiriettitms condoetedt— Henry Chi . ) , once. *rote airliate let.l. ter to Judge Bropgti,of VI rginitg - whie!) created 4 world{, of excitement, and give rise to multitudinous epaulette* liobiidy,sive ledge; Briieke and i gi. / Clay hadthe, gl oat of laildea - In let ence to the contents of the mistgig but all the Democratic papers - in -,fhe Ijnion swore that it embraced nattere which, if they qould begot , it, weefild prove to the letter the, Vyr4ste3DCW":o4 I - what Jot . ; • Randolph detiomirtatecithe l'eoalitian ' between he Puritan and aid the,' back leg:" Mr Chty's friendi ,were defiantly called on, to predict:4 i that letter ; Mr. Clay himself was im portuned . io;pertnit its exhutriation year after year by his immediate friends; and. Amos Kendall avowed i that ho dared not bring it tO the light, Ibreause, if given to tbepublic,it would convict Harty Clay of something next Ito Mallen. 1 1 - , i For a quarter of a century (from 1.1819 to 1844)' that terrible' letter was al bone of antention,laod every black guard who felt disposed to insult the 4* noble Harry of Ashland," outrage=` ously east its gbost in his teetti, and screamed, "That, letter convicting you of treason,)or something very like it, you dare not I show ; we defy you, and demand its publication." . In. 1844 Jilege. Brobke. not, - Kr. Clay, but probably - with his' concur , . rence, brought tortl4 the terrible letter,l and at once oeknoliehed all the tower ing airy moles of the political dema gogues. And what do you suppose it contained 'I I ~ In the year 1819 Lord Byron pub. listed be first canto of "Don Jam.," one of tbe most powerful and popular of all his pubiteations, though its fuer ality, hke Pope's "Rape of the Loci;, , ' and Dryden's [ i matchless "liinde and I the Panther," was subjected to' severe. criticism, inot to anathema. Lord I John Russ il, then in his prime, and i f redolent o i echolastie glorT, neat Mr: Claya pre entatioo , bopy, at the re quest, of it author. _ Though Mr. [Clay was neither a poet nor a derdee of polite literature, be read the copy Seat him with high eata istaction, and I subsequently sent it, with a coinmendatory note, to' his friend, 'Judge Brooke, of Richrnond.-- Hie letter weaWarked "confldentia:': rya{ - "i'llow - f --0- 91 - '" (76 " . solved it. 'Six years afterwards the existence of •this Confidential letter 'caked out, and Mr.' Thomas Ritchie, of the Richrrond Eikquirer, having got wind of itiigravely ,etated that, if it could be produced it would-prove, the existence of a corrupt bargain between Mr. Claynd ,John!. Quincy Adams, which resu ted I . in tier , election of' the latter to t e Presidency. It simply recommended the genius of Lord By ron; but ati Don Joon was the recipi ent of denbociationi at the= hands of the pulpit end press Mr. Clay did not choose to *ve it knewn that he had spoken favlrably of) the genius and talents of iti atithor.` And for no oth er reason, liaded to an unwillingn i ess to gratify e prarient' i and irnportinent curiosity;Vr. , Clarfor five and twenty years insiseti on his'injunction of pri esey, and uietl,y submitted to most, unjust anduunf unded obloquy. Fortnnes in the South. - rj An Ark4eas , correspondent' writes: Arkansas is not a detnrable State at 'present, 'and twenty-five years of free. dons will pat a new fate on the coup. try, and inlveitmecie of capital may now be made to fine edvantage. Great numbers of the old Plantere must Sell, and others --43isgustO with freedom— are &tot mined to get away - . Planta , :ions, ef frcm 500 to 5,000 torei . are offered at lo l w figures. _ One Man below Pine Bluff sc tate a private soldier in,the 15th Illin is kj nfantry, has made a 1 handsome iorthne since the close of 1 thelwar, ife carne South.without a doller, and now owns eleven .huudred acres tit . ...-tt io, , Gee*: Arkansas - Ayer bottpm. ' e bats ,trodur...ed this year over : a thon and bales of cotton. Be s &aye be h* not found the slightist ditfleulty i n procuring - ail the labor be bas to* ed. He has paid the freed men_ good wageti rewarded the first class hands with extra pay; paid promptly and fed ;well. He says that many planters 56 obliged to send 'every:year to distant places for hands, beesuse they oppressed and defraud. ed tbeir laborers; who cannot of course to tniated to remain - with tnettt the Second year. ' ' . • • Swan-Liar McduuAcu Writes in rep Ely to inquiries of L. p Morton & co:, nglish bankers: . ' . _ "I rciitr4, as did also my, predecsa sots, sll bon'ds of the United States as payable in coin: The bondstbat bare ;natured sines tbe suspension of ape. cis payments, bare been - so paid, and -1 4:rano doubt that, the same ; will be urns 'frith all ethers. This being, as 1 understand tt ;to 'IA - the established policy 'of tbe 4 GoiCrament. the five twenty bonds of 1862 will either be called to at the expiration of five years from their date and paid in coin. or be iperutitted to run until the Goreinmeat Is prepared to pay them in ruilr..” Nerertiseleas' the London' .'lttitiat thinks - it will not be amiss tea Con 'gross to 1 1 40011 TO such payment-bylaw Ail bonds but the Fire•Twentiea bear tbili obligation on their tare. ttiggb, - ; Nov ; he is P; ; !at Orlesust, t. 25 Tit - _b Owls' fal witOMPIW stet !Wtil, of frravinaVilp, to hio Very**6o . . . L - On-Albs Odra, 0 / 4 • i 1 i l '. n it 0 a (7 2 I . i t m i ht t i : lit. 5. - eblor*V ' 'lli s titlar,l,% Caritlidtt'lStll d, ects tho yliw.lidir with., Tidal pil!ethoy; hien, inenatogy.ni, litim.tbeitilliissdiiiial Ortega-a% Ufa...pow) will, atlo ... , ,th ‘ eat4 Orleans; ~Lri.bY;44 l t t p will, UV. 4, 1 4 1 :i 51 ! " A • BA% grantiqg }hem you , ota tli,dletn,„ g lik!ae . ti'MP'illk .4 ' l olosc en ,in l'ilide: ~ 2 "1 L , - 'tit' tf 1' 3 :1 sat ) in 4 .A. 1 4- TM! wv4,i,pgata it; an - 4 ai l k o ll -7 4‘4it Oriegf. 1 : . .i. : - 7 L. ;,-if4144,'" -.- l'.. ,Iramettioeb,oter bias et Gen ort egs 04*, yp ti4it. 14611 Trotest setting foti,th't . I .., -- , 1 I. Tha kil4ttame there inAwmpany with pi* ,L,11 , 415c ?demean - irsens,ten route to - filli OLLlrit country. . ..' l' 2. VIA* ii`traveiled nod tie dpo - 4 a: toction o be United "Stitt ' because It travellit 1 a'is stciamir -en , .'ng the i ci starry ti and on the wa of the 'Paine *at 00,1 1 , , , 1 - ?:8. T i lt t ly4 ' wail arms _ witbont any c ' ,!itssigned...-Ue ly 1. - not that bet eist violated 'any la pi ''' the I:united - 3*S' , 1 4. I do, Pboc'belierellatt. aii tbe Pf°l 4o artfboillnited States.. 1 bi-sii , Opine gt-ftrquent of this catiOn tilittielpajitillii thle - act — .- -- brit!: i'aol*-taerutiratiou. :' zlt: . jai This tonsti talon. gip 4‘ l'A' ',. Vni ed at Les ' . 4.•';';.‘- -- ' ' Bus, v.p itif violated, i i ;Ink protection, inst.,. which lai irnprisoied. S. '''lrb' he is the coniitittitiiirat ii Presicien ,fi 3 Of ' , Mexico, and his .arieSt, fO i r that esicin, is interferonee in , the ii)ternal iiileicir, Of this country .7 .i :7. Bislainisi, and`lenprisonmejit are acts of ,tfulatlon' i.‘gaiMit bit person, compellinViini.ty fora to reside in tboltinitS • Stites againit him will. , 81 He Will not retain 'to 'Sew Cir leao excipt bit a, prisoner, and thitt thitefficetiinikt d'i*Pooe; ( i tl ' l L Pl c ' sob as b e proper. ~ • Thereto - re, as in presence 'of folio,' right andikeason naturally ,is iallenp;' but iightiabdlitason are grill Owers in, Ibis replibli4led right; •and reastn Will, soon": make theyseekes ' heard. , :- Ito enters :hoirollowingprotest : 1. 1' p t . w 'against tbilriolont tot of the mill aryforce,excrelsokagiiiat lily persopi approbendioxmenn"beard the 1 0514, tr Fat: Mei". - 114 keeping no imprhiOtied until tO day, withoSt anY ret o 4 6 loluititi this - Violent not, thereby di regarding intheidualitus:r.. antees, given by the twos of this country toi foreigners travelling therein 92.. I r rotes ,in the name of the . 1 Mexican '7.,iipvi i lip ? whoa° ',poweesl I exercise there° , against tliiiieitid,acit, because itk,inspests an Indira, inter'. feire___, tieli, - bithe 4itimed -- forces' -of she United 5t404, - .10 the sottitien cif local • *Wolin , qhestions. 11 - ; That pte sytnpatbitalif:abaso. eiltona abit loyal people of they United , . Sista. are ) n .lavor •of- .the .hfoxienn ratiptiblits , and - the progressive.. party w,biett be *iceman, SAO, that the ants 14! Benito I,,!tiscrez and kis Minister- t Wasiiinglop are treasonable, in see, - ierby intriwie itself other Clllll4ll$T o WO TrprObiO r d measures, the aid of)a tarsus inn* th secure userped,power, napresdatint thereby repnblimin prin.- "pit* and IMpeding my entratico by each MOINIdi; 1 u o rder that the pimple, .wing no:iliegialisiste. - hand.,mpy of ageessity acne de tto the destruction of Pleb. constitutional principles, te ob tain Whichand resulting fn peace, cost •tbts.&do' people', thonsands Of victline an en years 61140460 and continahas_warfare: : ' Two :t3sauputi ltaavimitays.•— / 11 handouts ycpneg Ye,oirso . ped dies mode loyojo Jsansttn' widow Ponnsylva. Di*. Ilk sot ompaniodjkis neelsratinn with se. allusion tttpeainten to th4yr " t anion. :417,1 4 Tapii..thvol" iildid the, wide": l'The weat ot AN* ,(1 si t u up- s . retail store. 7 Ther.partsl and the : widow sons the poddleie 04•01 C for maple 4 mot* Whop, t,,,hoy nu:4'watt the pedOloy had hired and ateotted - bis store;sad the oniitiogfialr ?no hogged to Illow the mhos twirls'. I 'moot. "I have. anotbaritip t ' cried, the notion dealo. ' INMANA giliTMereeX ,1 16 bal r e , h ' vierboge , is ' esigEn l ::s l l ° mibuedenee 411 1 • n croreenablteg them to feeel 1. t r , • ; • Whit;?: - 44:61.• rreurot Iv!zo £~; :: The J e - Empire is in-point of teiritbryilareheid , of all other cons:. tries "-Or- , sh# -world; ltd .present arils being neirltdOuble. that of China,lind 'nearly three - times that of the United Stairs; audit Stiff Continues to extend at; tsi- "rapid •' . •tote;.- ,Thelindepimtlent, , tribes- 'lining ‘the ,- soithern ' , frontier halrengradiutH p k wi tietnir iitoserbed, and Chine - and': , a • Lori hint 4 kkeede prwrincea Gond. exteatt : taithelar-' gest.thismef ..Etirepti..: - :' Daring thel last': .L# :or, Ahrse year& theatdreeee of:Bassist in -Ventral Asia' bait' attract. pi' .pertieular :attention , "• l iberw is n' 'counter, mieloiitd, by , Bassia,:ohina; 'British India: and Versia.i and known br the . siiiiieanf - Turkestan, Tann 01 Indiipesdont .Tertuty,•nrhich leflloli . isishing the most illNientl additionia•tn Bniudigtsteeritbsyro)lrtiOntalne **nit osisfifth of Ittosstritory of MO-United' Stevie, Isisitit si-nomadio . k us Atkin of ante sibcint'l,ooo,ooo r : ?I . aging to. ii'ffonaVitrities,- liad - -kentdists , of , : the Imam , ofklie Tarrenninaii.thelittlii Khanato.•• of .. Itagnsere,‘ and- the three ' [more Powerful ° - .Khonittin "of z4Chiya, Bokbarit: and • Khokand; ..' liitestino. wars harcbessi the chronic malady' of these reglotir - from-time iminemorahle, and as Teter& their foreign relational they - were - on thei'wholo:restrictodto csittiligeinsgainst `the leir mercha nts and -iraiselons 'who rentired to peifei: trattifeWthe inhospitable land:, For scititeMita 1 4 08 eie,bas begun to gain, a firtndeodagin - this con n ti 7. • It , bail destreyid.thi Kliiimite Of IKhokand, the largastelid-most poptilout of the Sihanato I)3theacing All area-of more than • 311 '. i i 'English i,iplare miles; • Sid 'S'Ropf!lation 'of ' aliOnt4 3,000,900. Last: eor 'a considerable portion of the Khanate was formally.annexed to Ritimiii ander the name of the •PrOrr toes, of Tarkenton. Recently ; ihe Russian papers inform nil of the for. . trail finuexation of Taalikend, one of the mast important citieof theemin- try, which ; already nu 'hers 100,4400 inhabitants, and is rapidly beeotning Abe greatest commercial city of Cen tral Asia. The gener a l I expect:Wen la, ,that the remainder of Turkestan will be annexed in, the coarse as few years, and that thus.Rassis and Eng :: land will be brOnght faCe .to, face Jo liaili: ~ -: ." , ' ! ' • . - The gro wing powei of - Russia is one 4xf- tho: . mess- important features in the_political history of our eatittiry. , Ther n is this important difference be -4.lkßen the , atittitseil territories of Ras: ptiLinditieokic*.of the other Greit '..PAiiiiiif that 'most of ' .the •.. __ --., _ - _.. ai' . sstd: tdi :a York trio • OA tie tar► the, 41)rt0h eaeritl of tie~ ttjD , '' , . . ~ . , 1, . ~ . • . . , ~, ._ 'I , ' I . .!., • ... . ' ' : - , .. ~-7 1 i : :: : : :• -• ;:' ? ;, ; ( . 1 `..?- : :, ; ;,14- P L - ; . ": '`i . ..Wr.^: 4 'l -: - • --.'' ' C-- -• . - V :rr ' 477:7 ' 7 7 -- - ''''''' : -77:‘-::72''-' ` . .7..7::-::".- -.:-. '- - '.l :'' - • - . - NOTKE. ' 4 0YElk ' 1 . - ''-c:.' , • . •_: .L. , .. ..,1. ~.- ~ -.-. i : •:' ',.: l ',N;i: - 7 * 2 `. -;'7 , ':' I. 11 , .1-;•1` ''' '''' -'-' z ''' . ' *-- ---: '"A' ..,,, .., z ;-- -- t 1 ~." i l ., ;1; 4TJ:,. • , 4 _ . , t , -....._........, ~. 4.41. -.. .. „ - . -..i: P.. •--..... --•,.-. --.;.“" ..:;"11 ... I- • ... ..., . sweats 44 „ : -.4 . ~ • -1' .34-. st i : i.,:- -:, a .-:.., ...1.,- •i , l-. ,, ..; ' , ..-...-'r" . L `T'r 4.- i...:' , ;.; rry , i,!•, , 'r.zrr r r • -r- . .....rr • r -::, • . J,." 1 - •. I _ re' • : •::: :--- --r '-'*. •., ..... - ,I. •-,-; , ' 1 , 111 , . ~. ' r• I iiiiistairilittir . ~.!' f. - s , l -•/.., .':,.. ' ,-,' ' . ' •• .' ~ 1 '• l '' ........= resume or • 'nom), will, - .without doubt„thoroughly absorb all the tribes of the'itinexed territory, And thus cenetitnte one - nationality *Lick it cut hardly be iionbted, will W and remainthe most poweiint of the World.--/T.' Y. Tribuite. • The- Advantages .of, Having a Womau With You When Tray oiling: • . , . . 4 *That seat is occupied," said A bright eyed girl it the hotel table to a man who was about to take it. "Occupied!" he growled ;, "where'll' his baggage?" With a saucy .upward look, at biin "I'm his baggage," she said, -And this brings Ime to say that ill yen ,are going a long journey in regions Where ,it is "first come first serval," the most deiraba piece Of baggage sou eau take with you is not . a hat box or. A blanket, but , a woman. If you have none, then marry one,,for you are not, th'oroughlrequipped - forithe road you. do. When dinner is ready you follow 'is her Bles sed' wake, and ure snugly Seated betide tier. and exactly opposite the platter of ehiekens,before the hirsute crovutwoinatilese, as , Adam Was till he tell into a deip sleep, are lot in. at all, _Theis you are, and there they area You twain one, with the , two best, chairs' in • tbe , house, served and smiled on. Look' down the table at the unhappy fellows,soine Oi. thertittetually bottoming the chairs they occupy, and thearmaind hands reaching in every direction aCross the tablalike the tentatnlit of al gigianttt I TiOlYpns. SY hen nigh t comes and with a border tavern, it is ,notymi that , shift nbeasilY from side to side on the, bar-room floor. It , there, is any best bed she gite it and yotrahire it. You follow, her into the pat car; she is first in 'the stage cosch - and yen are too ; ' More than that, a woman keeps u . yo "upon . :Votir, honor - ;"; yOU are pretty sore beh ave yourself the way: -,. • - Psi of our eichingee se,yal might policy r of.A.ndrewiohn Bob`olvfe;Oastrtiolaoli algmbritical y, with the following reault. • Let'.lfr. Johascas: 2 - ..y.&ristiefra States. , ' x--Nete Orkawr. .• - vphes tops=Pledadelphiis toitevetitin. l z mast (y plat r);=-4lse peopie••r64. 2splus Cotsaa plies Itesselatl pima poo_riate , pew 221 F.f. 14101 1 1 488 r Rhili sae 'fig!: Fe. "Ise te/r gpoerstatait, 400 z plys7ll Courts, bY ass, .toes and so, muTtrpTied by 9-00000000" v4O. To • be a wom an of fashion is ,o o. of the easiest things in the work A . late writer ",thns, desenbes Boy everYthinglon 'don't swabs, pay 'for'nothing Ott get; smileVn alt man hied bi t , y our husband be. happy ay. erywhera but at home ; Legleot ; yo_* and nurse lap dogs; , go "to Church -ereii• time , you get a; neie dress. 1018‘ =MEI Ell ~ ift i toilthisintan eif ther:Oldeb Time. Col. Marcy recites-the fidlOWittgicon , rirtesticiti with an old 'irontiersmen while-tnareldng it tali with a bath,. it from Little Raik to Ft.-•Towannt i t 4d 4re yon iffineti w r pm, it'd ck deign in Mexico?"- • i'-1 . '`, ' - *i.No sir the' Mexican war is '0,.. and, we are , on the way Aff - itkir , C a , ..-. Wr O natwo , • i. -: ' , ' , - 1 4Wher.dttl yecoinotrorOttrangeir?" 4 W, e eatilnittet. from Paimsgbalai lillought,ye be the bola beaeiferof that:that . army?" pointing .toward the men. •;.._. • - -•• • • 1. - I'll am . the , commanding . officer that detachment; air." . o I. I !H. - - I •- "Vall; • Mr: itossiki•r, tie thataitire .'imalt :aogerd„ ler ..iatithey l inike,„llollevie .°b*Pktilgfktorntli town ta ..9r 4 lllmir t, I Thalr, - -titatte'l.anie 4 -o i 4 lll- :- ir illetlein ar'.ar,, and I' ! m at t ey''bit - e pioittiCtlietfiselveti not, not worthy tile tarstellation -of real, iceoultie eol die* Vat ofsatettns,r•tt o r.: .- -,:' -.- .i.slinw, „I,,jesit - , want A -know one thing more, boss; be ihein iliapti,rego I,lrs, or be they melishr ' 4 41 assure You' that the y' :belong to the regaliut ,artity .of • the illaked States." • -.. . 1 .; I "Then." pointing. tt. my uniform, be added, - "appelientlY, the i r., ghtin'o your trade . ' . •.• - _ . ' -.--- - 1 .. - - "I adopted t the profession of arias it an-early sige," I replied. • ,' ' -"War you at the Orleans fight,whnt our bele gin sich.yarliclar fits to ole Pick?' .1 1 , 1 • . • • ' 1 answered , thatL "though` a pretty old soldier, ! my commission did' not date quite s.i far hack' l 1814 k" , :-- "Wall, ole boss, you lioughn't a been that.; ,but you Ede't ,no ehieken now, Sure." , " l ' '' 1 ' - ' n' Ile continued, ''One time me and him, Ike Thompson, we went on a tio.: l gerin' spree." . 1 ; r • "Ali I indeed; in what place didyou 411 'serve, pray .i - - 1 . - - ''-'. I , "14 sevral places; but the last pop,' we fou.t atl the battler of the Horse Shoe, wbar we and ole Ilickrr cleaned out thelrigincs " I t t, 1- "That was a moat decisive and man -1 gninary hattle," I observ'ed. i "I . calherlate , Mr. liCsalfer z t t hat . I war (be most 'decisivest 'and the most • eanguinariest fight , you l ever i seen in ler born' dayi. We boYy, we up and pitched in that, and we gin lie yid, ter-bellies the most particular hail . Colum,by. t4 ., We ,chawed ,am all up; We laid um.otrt colder -mu a wedge; We saved every mother'slar of am—iirc did , that ijiLltite i binbo . r " ~. . 'the Indiana wire killed: ' that I bad alwayt been under the iiii..- prei*ian• that some of them made their escape , aid in fact, I was I very Vonfi. , . dent, that several Creek.lndians were. then living apon , the Canadian River who pirkicipated in 'the battle of the Horse-Shoe...! • . - ; ' I He said. he, "rather reckon'd , not;" but, at all events, be Was quite certain "ef any of the" dogon 'Farraints lid git away, they war-d—d badly wounded., . 1 Bastin sure." . t ; . Ito then produced a'lbottle of whit key, and gave me a pressing invite Lion ,"to liquor," rematking:„ - i "That he war not too Proudl ,, to take a horn .with a feller . Boger, even if he war a reglar.” , I After having taken a drink,' be tip. proached me, and, in a senorons,tone, said:- . (. . "Thar's nary.paper tuck in this Tare settlemunf, but I beam f tell that Gird. rat - Jaekson ar 4 ' dead; . Maybe , yea 'ought hoer'd some talk 'bout, it as yon com'd, 'long the road,lstranger ?" cuntiai Ati4. m] A. VERY DOUBT/111: STORT.•--The foll Owing ill *Gil a New York corresw , pondent of tba Spt ingficld Republican: "Speaking of polttls [remands me of, an incident of the rt ta of 186 g re. kited to the by. an eye fitness. Yon remember; the Tribune Ince bad been threatened and was deli:aided by aimed menu, The afternoon thit Governor Sey moor iddressed thi!attitt from - the steps of the Astor Howie, lone - of the defenders 'of littil Tribune, a dead 'shot. stolid in tbe-wiridow with telescopic ran aimed at laisimoor's head. It the knacrapalnue •ciemngelgae bad said anything ici &unite the mab the ikon tier' ot oar riftetaan was to shoot him on the spot; mid he would have done It beyond .:a question. - Fottamitely for-Seymour, he Only saght, to cort ciliate the iniitgents, and so escaped with his ilfh. lt le not liSobsblis that the crafty' politician ever knew bow . near; he cants to baying a ball Icidked in his Skull, gad- it may ha-that - kW good rigor stepped between him and bis natant' diaposition on Itbat memo% rabid and:trielaricholylAsy - . retni• that ain stand.who're the . Democratic party In" stout for six years past Is indestrietable. —Sew . Lirork,Worldi f This n like the confidenne of the old wombs who , said Fsbe had floticed thAt when she lived through New Ifear'a day she always lived through thereat of 'the year Lovialßepthlims. f tOW steal A WA43, o bserving -0 i 111 fish and tint it under his jacket, Vadat was too short fo conceal the then; call. Id oat to the purloiner to Wear, hi &- tura; &Inapt jacket, orates! ashortor fish. Its. beet; toast of - this- isesison' walk via believe, given by *a tylio; a. - short tins* stoic 'Fiz: "Woman—the .Vs large, and 1); Sean - 'honk! be -Yr4trivltt. CopT:i Ativoitteiteititi St y , per squsi . 4".2 60 eeita.. -A oast' digAtfat 414 A - to-Irriziv Mite* . 7iitaSE:;-;T Special neeffeo 25 percent: matitaiestot:,-. .11er rites. • • • - ; I:taahMO, tittidp, p0r. 1 4#7, J Marriages and D P01110: : 1_ and other Notice" If ikotta",:-;,..•.-.: iplin ea. Slim t halt tke:414101110. 1 'H , A 07. Agatnat bli0019010i1o0A; r. - - "- jlirsoni the Boston drsrelseetPoittifibitita- •A L dispatch isYtlureatilkiifibi**,, ,, a that the presenco ofAigtftsi„-Sitt _ '''''. tinder an assumed name, in Abel': ' army, which has beereitteke;oo , _ -; ad at 'several recent 'Special 'ls)f: . Mr 'Boatmen, has beetrdiflittelkilliC whams& and that a for' dbilititik -- for his : extradition. was. made 'ii._,lftitt- ---, F days agb by . , the, American htifinite& that - the' 11in:1141. was iiersiiitid - , - , tat' iftervidid broke front his guards . leitii _ eti'downa , preei teet'and escape& 1 -, I . If-ever tsgain -American -hands hid& ,control of the.life ofloha IL •Surratii we trust ,that -i.hisieitakfralt be mgwis ' `skiiiially•tudoiteo. thttli4st*trikPtA 7. is felloyt-, , "-Iles,t4otliti4 only - ItneWn re . reseitative of Sc . , ;r', &piracy whibk't bitgli it iriss,inOtid - - end- ciiiminattinthin ;the la;tr t *to , yitixii tbough - .atx,orseven of iteiulik , _ h ers , hbvtAtomerstiltobd firkotit i *Wm, , esi, though he *oat smite 4egat,fitintut, nave _been " employed to sift tt lithe bottont, is to. Jai soipped - in'ati . diniut ' and turfathotnabie ibyeterptiroortirb, any similar ',plot iti.ttats ditnamitxtf Om middle ogee. I l k; extentt444se gam. - oral ignorance about .(it IrlaY =wet. 4 I ganged, by the 'fact that - of 'tbd twit well-known ientleirtettittict Were titti t,. in charge e'. thelcabe y„tite &nein* • mept, end Istaditid. ill bg ,and closely, / , `ono still declares that _effortkim Davis • wail, the Chief conspirator, ittok. tile other `.taisetiliis ?eli t ists:tido .. .oh tEd thocking . ttrid-inctedlble - acciolitiOn that thb present 'Preside El f Ottbedhi 1•• ted States. was: an ;accompilesin 'the plcit.- 'AU the flints in the'-elan are known to JObt: Surratt, intliolioent. - er mad who can - i be iqtmed; amt.willit his person in otirpovession [hernia:fix could well afford to-offer lam his life, his liberty, or any outer Brice which ' might he suffeciek to Ai' (pre it, to ob- Lain irony .. .his lips -the ii.fermation which will filed the light al , day larva . , the "most diffi-ult al -yell Iss'ttie most interesting - clrint;i'..al "nlyster3` or oar I time. 11.1thertdj the ,p , , liey of those entrusted with ilk; hatter has tiCon to - disdain all inftn inatior, in ~e:ueitfoti.v) t 4l of the-prchlzru - frnra nat'-4. Oho stone were able to giveckt; and Mre. gatratt and the rest. lie in ithe:enriless silence i of the grave, *9i, nor. records are , i . defaced ,by., ill(Qtestirtiony of taupe perjurers like Iffintrntery and COO- _ ver. White 1 , -Sohn, Surratt survives there is vet a chanee to repair tEe evil *hid], If he diet, Acids-44s lips *earcit, k• may be irretrteval.• • c ‘ . ..\ .-,,:...,.__--- ,'luring the first yea i, of the• war, when , ebar.ge" was Sea rcc-a it d' 'soma ' large firms were istruivg -currency of their own. 4 farmer went to a store in a neighboring town and bought;some gnoda, and gavg to the merchant afire I ,e dollar bill, of which ho waited sve n.- ~ ty-five cents back. no merchant counted.out the amonot and handed it' ', over to the farmer. lie looked eA it a mominknnd inquired, ..Wbat'a:this i" "It's my currency,", and the •ssiet?,.' chant.• "Wal , - 'taint. gobd tot inttsinl , 'Where-I tire,' ra - :d the farmer: Teri well," replied the merchant. -keep it till you'get a dollat's worth, and bring it to my store and I Hill give you 0 dol lar bill for it. The farmer pocketed . the change - and departed: A few weeks after he - wbrit into the same : store and bought goods to the amount of one dollar, ar,d after _paying over. , the, identical seventy-five cents, ha took ont a handful of pumpkin Seed's ' and counted out twctity five of . Tthenr and, passed thern rifet-tu the merchisat... "Why," says the merchant', _! . 'w *lift, this r' "Wal," says the tariner,-"thie. is my currency, and wtien. yin/ eat iii - "dollar's worth Ming it out to niyptate and I will giveyou d,dollei bill for it" , —Bellows Fall Tinw:s. , . , - - _,.........a...------- J A albott in Indiana is reported to have thus addressetra prisonerl:teforti : him, prior to passing itenitee t - r --: "Prisons* 0 the bar; Providence lox giteo you: a Agood degiliv... of ' hesOtit and strength. instead of ,. .which,.yoit go about the . :country steitliag dueks;',. -A. CONCEITED totals fellowleakilinin uppa an old , lady friend previous_ to ha departure tor China, was taken '- somewhat by sarprio Wheti:thagood naturettlady ad visedthini-to btfealiefil of himself inthe "floweiy t an she tinder - A -stood the .0144016-40 1 .t0r , .- 1 on pnppies. Tem Clermont., 0.; re . v amount - 4f popitte. Iran; -lateFy-etit;.- attar Bataohti onCo(wliteb_twere tAifted /DROP shingles. 8,9 00 1f"*.r.9f inch lua.ber, anti 10 wagon-tonttk _44 • -.,(-1- - mow D4Altk.--, , Scene. 'ilintittit ia• the eeller splitting wont*. .. t illtptiteA Daughiter. Ma in the- parlor _ris - :tit; Clarence' Fitt Noodle ,the - *betty ballad or - - who will etire4br vanities , new ApeLtINT Once burst into s rani of tears, after be-heiti4.ifie etetteeut'dt kin council, eielsiniing, "I did net think I suffered half so much tin 4.1 heard it this day." Tai finsneisti editor rof -- the York Independent think tLet base not yet atthii4d theirinairimink and that they will net do so I - 6r s time, to aome, ' • StARBIAQE 19 eelausif,to oe Itegiar.lo l : am a mere casual tie, ittid ,the '40114.! create is, it oitc,a etove4 a casualty; k; :; k~;, -ti p ` ~„, "~:.; + ~. SI I~ 111 111 Gl= MI I I= r r LIM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers