I A' BE ANER: ARGUS 5 ■" SSWS! remind thM6 >° b ‘ , tle l!lst fit Jwuarjr we wUI tbe fifty cent, for ' fromt>'» 6 ® c#,iext k ‘ '. v • nl i wril pUM» *eoept^ur 4 ■’ .__ ... ;; . J \• - rjtmlij eßtixnate& tj»6 • tfro u o '^ lo r T3 _ TQ“ a y- our Represent^tlre, C ‘'A U burg tW« f ? ••!?*}. “JUi* t.p*Wus., whict *OB Tuesd»y nelt - - ' •’ 1 ,tWfl'off°- bntUri&^ T rpound, »nd plenty. ; trct ._-i?iopVe cannot'be t<?o careful 'ler la th? pavement*. Erery drpp, leioi* 1 atones wiH. fttew, and T Ijtmlnts is mat only immensely :.,f hntdtlia positively dangeyou* tfc, pr* a boarding, at the Oll city.i has been r*- t„ $s wd ?0 per day. . . ■ I»JW*«"*»• °{ aapran | 6 . Lm *Jr Ebiladelpti on Monday next, JS-Wr-**- * f»‘-*r ,„br • ,J J ,f- - |l. Tr#o *. e - [Boyd Hill to. Bung. «t .Pittsburg, on the MifcOnWw* the poi r TiU t) e tmig ehtbe I.oth of eamemonth. gg-la Filial l ' whcre there »n Vtulj, balk* ciliipns here bet etoiighlobe entitled to » .■'election for Burgees but; si; wfre cMt. t- ■ f '-| ■ J Isabella Malta died a <of her son, JameaMarks, o' ,ip, agedB£.- She was’bjtrtti thM gaee.liiWh to the DecterJ ilienee. | | ■■ 1 ■ f~' ■* - ■" I, 1»0IH*R Stbiki.—hart week ' company struck a. fine well •r, near the month..of Islani informed that it ie flowing nj barrel* aday. | * jce-ltesiwick apld a large; nt ' 'en^’at«^4»«* r -CSrlatmaj* ] learn the purchasers are groj their bargains. ■ In, new mlirecominend others to jaej teeenl for New Years. ’ifi ■ ' II. S Aid Cmmlaalon ot Western: PeWsylvanla; «c -mwlediea'thb rereiprof one thousand ;dol .a dobsiion to their cause, from Messrs, retaad-ilehrici,. of the Economy Society* Jure iMiurirtT 'fr rio, President of the Bojird of Military ini, states that a large number of claims hare been adjudicated t>y [the board arc the office cf the Auditor General, awaiting post*office address of the claimants,. Mid rsuns making inquiry abou t such claims ihbuld address that office. . | .: Lancaster Oil Cojnp cu ihe Dickey proporty, at Shi ii jmrf. a finelrein of Jish oii, L st feet, last week.; They tubed tl tbeirhnrry it ov bring up the the sticker rod and some of | tlj hope the liepoft in regard to th oblaintd is trite, as it will be f ■ ’ . * 1 ' ' ) the company'and citizens genei : Som Pouk.—M r. Samuel Wilsbni of North Bearer tow nab ip. alaugh lore 1 a pig a few -4»ya ego, eleven months old, weighing; three hundred-sad sixty-eight arid a bait pounds. - iHard tobfat.— NetoCailU f?tr« te. _ The above is ‘ l iome pork,’ ’ but down; in Bea , ver county we have tome more. |] Wm, IjlirodCs, Ktq,, Stew&rtTof! the County Poor'House,-in forma us that last week heikilled ahog eigh teen months-old, which weighed,, whpn dres eed, 500 pounds ' We cpnaideij this »iry“hard ■wheat.” Iil• (' fi , •' i/ • ' “Bai»ib’'Ekbt.”— Such is the title given to ihediorouglt.of Beaver by al : correspondent of '-the . Vifsburg Commercial: c xuse why-—the peat number! of preachers, residing in the place. We object .te the title, and hope cor iMappndenjsjwiU not persist it ruining It he bu ticeii of bur handsome villa ;e by any such 'blighting representations. . . The clipped from the Heaver County • | hotel of last week, is a spucimen of ' the good i Uste and refinement of its Nol de-county editor. The spcWtyj in which he has 1 leretolpr# move 1 iwiiudeed have been vcry-lt w , ■ ■■) 1 ■ lB.Thei Pittsburg, Fort P pßailroad Company batrli twenty five new Anginas, to«, 000 land $600,000. It I. the 1 year, made large woßruction, and baa sold st ‘ *to pie extent of a million ;at **•»- The earnings -if ther :■ November were $718,471 • % tnfi.samVperiod last ye :Ml . J!;' ' , . |y ,'lWdsiD ChA^Cl,—Till ' r ®*> Mercer county, aroagitating the quj .']«n of remoTing the county] eeatfrom [Men, l » th»t place.. They propose, ifthechang! a *^ e > at their [expense a neat und court-house and a aeon re jail, to:bo .-Med hjKthe county, ineteJk of .’the old-ahella Mw in use. thui reUeTingthe county: Of creT thousand dollar* in theHahape of . » eoapletion of the Bear jcreek,Jama»liwn &4>»iaa 6 «^ h * ***** aotcmihle point in thejcounty. , ■ .J?* w mew. counterfeit fire ?T* note ha* just bade .ita apt. £****?•• * ***** kU° g * itwonld not . tfaeUd hy partieanU aeenetomec. ts ; » I/f* hut wonlk otl! it* V J** imitation! In no .respect (L. of«, *ha eograring' approximate, ' ef and any onrT%ith an idea ’ to deteoithe awidr ‘ InttteSlLiS 6 if father dark;, end : f V,*/. IT."' 1 !, - j .s’■ eat st the examination, of jonpiis (of I the Beaver female SemifPry Nsd i Musical Irstitne, which, occurred oil. ttyrißvtf ah« ahOO of the pttblib was good, ana yef it was not what it should l|avejbeci». Oar citizens, even, the patrons of the",, school, to say nothing. of tbjo resident | Trustees. do not evince that irjteiest in this matter, that tty iniereats in volved warrant. ' ■ ■ I I" jt cannot recount] all the j slid it were invidiotytomalrecompar inons. The |w hole parsed oif admira bly, giving entire satisfaction to the visitors. ITho; clasaeS, ; w|lhtytjexcep- f ! tiohj tttqaiUed tbeinsotveß. wellj udder the .thorough examination! toryrhich they -wore i subjected. • rlObo: worlhy feature was oapecipllyj notice able—the parrot-likereeltation which |; Is common j in" some places, abd wiih; some teachers, was nlnuUt entirely; ly wanting. Tty training of toeyoung; ladies (I 1 course do not speak of training for examination), was tovident-j ly such as! to secure, truojscholarshipj ‘J The standing of thopupilaJbothirt sludy andj in cbndnct, eoj Jar as it wat* anliouneed, was ahove tbe average-.. It was a matter bf regret that the audi ence wefp not furnished yith the standing of all ,the classes, ibis is is a .bettor criterion real progress | than . • any -pdjblio display can ho. ! ] > The' teachers have doni el pavis in Siichviway; wi and skill, and patience, them-io the thanks of.pu and public alilce.The In the i-oinmanity are toil Ced upon ithe present fac 1 : depanfnenia are filled paii.stakir.g. efficientinsi , In speaking through" I know jl only express said, a smallpart of the felt alike; by all who atl ercises, and by . The ing«t2s i 12,000 in-, sin -residents: j«tei, At a: vz hundred •A, Bold .Thief.—- One "i: a mun by the name of ;! who bis b e ? n residirij month** past at Industry ty, stole forty-six head tbe far mo f another man as Smith.relation, Ohio toWnahip. The driven to Industry, at: days after, first nat : six of tli« animals tied railroad jplaU’orm ready by the morning’ Ito Pittsburg. Tt appeal | Smith, being in; searci sheep, was a passenge and, on his arrival at 1 diately recognized the platform as those lie \y and prohibited their i thief eluded, detection sake, by jumping inf car and passing'bacfc i Cpr, in which he rcmhi ,'fjd, until the arrival p Mead elation, two *an east of i Industry. Ilf train, took to the wbpj been heard of since the sheep secured the I stolen.- — JjdcdLy 22 5, in, >r several {this conn keep from iedThom waver) |ir ’ Jeep wore - r ij tome iwp Smith had }<l ■on the. bo shipped ; alion trkiii l latThoinak bis stolon t the train, itry,iuWne p qpon.tne search I of, idtit. hw-naine -0 baggage pasHonghr unsuspect-] e train at half milusv ro- left -| the id has*npt 1 owner. of i ■oiHpiiment. r.ESTiTUxtaji.—A. B. Craig, forme ly in the employ of Cl ambers & Mat' thews, Washington, jPa., Who pur-; loincd money and'aniclja J frOm li is employers, in which lie Was detected, and of which ho 'made! is recently; returned from California, in older to relieve his conscietic-e ;still -j ,t tlie reai f Hopewell in 1776,the: ition ; of Ini |be Vesuvius ■onihe Little id Run. We eighteen or Lmber of his >reseu*.s, and illy delighted or- this we icure a similar »ny, opcraiing ,ron, struck, J ij a depth 'of 85Gj o well; but'in lale they! broke je tubing. "Wc i e kind of oil., i, fine thing for ially.; t. r i ■ further. ile sent for] whose employ he was placed in his hands tn 10 be applied as follow dlttrdiiig; SI ,000 to M & Matihewr; and Sl.(] Beeson ol Unionlowi ploy be had been pret to Wjashington Tl covered every cent h« Ins' employers, and -h ulniOot joy at having; store it all to them, a! 1 syne and Chici made a - cjontntc t to cost between te company ha 4 expenditures fir >ok, it is | state I, d a quarts* d«l -oadifor the mon :h against $691,6 5E ■n increase $2.,- inode of using steam if it bp practicable to unit* -rogen ol ;walfe|r with this itii fuel, there .w.o'uid; be jnp qnestjoi ecpLomjyl Di4oacs Suits oitu [ mul iply in 'Pbttadelphia. In , ’ear 1863 t.herewete one bund re', ... ..seventy— • one suits troughl for divorch, only one of which divorce from pod and: board, ail .tbe.others beini fora full divorce, which .allows' both fiarties to- marry again. 'Of this, ntmber but twpniy niue were granted,' the remaining! Suits having been wiih< rawp or" probeefe iliga. Stopped. lirfB64 there hundred and forty: three suivs.pf winch thirty-sir #sre granted. Dunttg tbe present year'there! have been two ban? dred and eighty-iwo suitsi'pf yhich number thirty granted. I rj |eiUteu:bfOre* 1. -■ the-peace-of Ciinsciei bad neon a stranger gotten gain remaipi sion. \ ' Petkoleusjas Fuel.—A process |»m ■{> just been patented: in ’Pluladelpbiaj; whereby petroleum ;ia safely' used ns tuol for'stoam tioilenC li is /Claimed that in a boiler,-in the open ai'r.ihoy; can generate cue hundred atid, Sixty*: three gallons of cold water intoSteaiA. ir. thirty minutes with some two ami a half gallons of oil, hi vieg the,flre‘ under the most perfect sontro:. 1 ; |E-hi| feeding of the fire u also novel; ;w;hiro perleellj’ aale and j ree from danger. In England the. same thing baa been ' There. stokers and firemen are dispensed wiih,. The eij* 1 gir.eer controls tbeisu*' F fuellrotn moment t 5 moment, dates the beat | as required, wi greatest, accuracy. It is by tans clear; that [this will nor mnosnical • CBBißwia u; there; was a great ho U : stiff'pifepati all who wish to b line, fo|r New Yea: to the inteMsts of «ey* laytf.ifti Bja i IF ootoraodatiocs ard. entirety inudequali tn the; demknd. bjui ihaithere is i Glasgow. j A boat! and steam joail 1 jis' alto being projected by tb Glasgow jane, Geoigetowp steamboi ■jo *r.ers. , '. | [;. ' r jj' - ■ ' i MARRIED; Coohiunl Bi MsMj .of | Beater, Pa.. MLUs Isaixik A. SoiaratAND. of Yai ‘S'. b ' :I : po rt .Pa v t - r ■' Oil ifio 9tli *• I ' ' • Mercer cmin non tof, Wm... of ibjs place. id todeliypr Coal of the shortest notice/* Ordere Clothing Store; FeaVer, 8 ■'a jOrocery. Bridgewater, £ iry Oood Store,' Rochester, attention, i j ■ i - • . , ■: To Sochholden of. Ihe Fkillipsburg Steam Ferry Compam 3nHE STOCKHOLDERS Of said Com I art s reqaeisttedv to Imeet at <the hoi eifry Biiher, on ,Satui December 23d 1865, at 1 11 o’clock, P. M take into conkdofation the [ payment o debt owing by said Cotbpany for buil mebbiner”. &c.; and determine how it sh fcaid, whe'ihejr hyj asiessments on the pi *tock attekdakce is; NESTLY REQUESTED.;' i _ ’L ; 1 By 'dt'dwlof the Board of Director! dec2o,’6s | i ! CHAS. |B. jIIURST. Se ■-' > I T iM ,pr«p»f tI qotiily'.on ff I.|l« Atkina* I & Shallenbergj’ Cross & Co.’s 1 receive prompt dec2o’6i>- ir‘- ’ e tbeir sever ikh iiiich tact, jes- to. entitle ipih, pfirons jsii lotion and e cc ngratixla V flirt . AU xfce 1 with zealous, ttutjiorS. i-V Vour columns I in the little jgriti fixation bndljd llie ?X- CoMMtTTEE. last week, j Prepared; Mijt Sweet Cidefi; - | Now Currar’ Raisins^’ Citron ' , Spices Shelter f’.ranbci * Choice Fresh I Pickles.. r . „ „ . Canned Yegetablesjand Frmts; MALTBY’S BALTIMORE OYSTi I And'a full assortment of Groceries fl bV SMILES* SHALLENBERGB TO SOLDIERS AND SAltd mse Pittsburgh sanitary] ij I BIERS’ HOME, under the chargl Cyrus King;, an Army Surj now open for tUercccpljon of sick, w| maimed, dnd helpless] soldiers and FREE OF EXPENSE, j 1 Jj • by applying toi.any of |j admitted ti) the Horne cliarge papers are. appi fi;-:.- IR.G.J il ORMSBY PHILLIP* Thos.ißakirwell, ; 1 ■jf. Holmesl, j. ' j jW. 8. Haven,' ! i ' j TVm. McCreeryi I ; n0»22’66. .:j ■' II Smith '£,l4 :. ,h >r «i r.arn , ho: eh to ' mod; P 9 ll of in dm sliel txa rn ibipr by lined, 'Th all EO I: ISM Foil Alt go to; tOR w E° , t 0 f EXECUTOR'S NOTICj L EXTERN of administration on ti of TbojiAs Stetjikson, Into of [township,’[BeATcr County, Pa., dec’ ' been grantedto theundersigncd, a Undebtedlio said estate are request* (immediate payment, jand those haVi (against the same wilt present them (a- ' tit-" tip, Llarding, in previously,!a id iO-Bijin);of 35,500, •«: i >3,500 loi Mr. I'easrs Chambers 00 to. Mr. Inane i, iti whosojem ious to bis goijng tis, he alleged, ha 1 taken from o expressed: the been able to 10 i he could enjoy _ gram ev> . state of JAMifa Fbrgitsos, late? of ?i Beaver 4'oanty, Pa, a| knowing! | themselves | indebted; to a 'are requested to make : payment imj jand those'having claims against the! present • ihem: to the subscriber daljj cateJ for seitlelhent. j ■; . I REWARD HOOPS 1 jjljAS C|FEROC3Qy. j ce .o which jhe o long as. the ill-: d in, hia pois'cs - ' ' •’’i -,[i I • ADilTtfTSfP.^ WHEREAS letters ot adrnmti dhef: estate Jj»f Aaros Hoi Greene [township. Bearer counti deceased, hiring bee? duly granted dersignii, -aU persor r; indebted to are notified to, make immediate pa; those haying Claim* ' gainst the ea) eent them properly authenticated ment withoutdelay. *■ . I i GIBSON HOOD, '•66P ■' ! • ’ n ; A dliili ST ROTOR’S N TETTERS of administration on j J*s. A', M’Cmrst, late of I having been gr nnlersigned. all peraohs indebted are requested to Slake immediate ! those liaring elaimb against .said present! them to !ihe subscriber thentibateoi for settlement. 1; || - mrobt.-M’caeert, \.] a0e15’65, ,!, | . and alUi'ough m Peter Angel > ftec6mrn<>dii .nythitlg |in V He is la^nsiantf. iver ii r run id t V Ti fr bis m DpDi insli., near Kei'hsKai John Bod; EL Boden, Esq, lorme aged al>ou(< 18 years. i.. ‘bGeries. i cat tee Meat—yery nice; + I | I Cayer; Peel: fetieive a Per ijl’he Director*, & provided tb iroved by the i DOOM IS, Rres I Seo’y. C. V. Bate John Wat Jna. W C Q.L.B Fe i.i i r.4R r : ■ nr; siATioy, ROCHAS *BCMS, RO;kOR BTATI Rochester News Depot. atches. pse Jewel LinncubriuVe, "Rochester. nofS .TOR'S NC »OTl' - EXIfOUTBI T ETTERS Test*’! •■I i Jon* ;Tb*t*. d wickljj two;, Bear< granted t'ojthe unit debted to said edtiti Immediate payment, againatthe'aame n I] authenticated for « | CHBISTIJ - noTIS |: I"'. 1 [X’S-XO! nentary on , teo’d., late; Ir, county, ■.: ersigped, all t arc reqne and those 1 I present tl itlement. ' A C- TEiT h New S . jEXjECUTOR’S NOT Utter* te*tam W 1 of Niacissa ,J. . BrighUri tp, Bearer county, d been granted to tho undersign' indebted t are requested to -made imtnedi and those against present them property authentli UemenU :j; vlt! . ; ••• '.Jos: ■...deei - -,! H c . mis 3, \-, •nt.icfbi aaiaalfe. it Tare Dr I* la Havre my, th« b( i >#nwy«.i FpS 11 ■' |i i' - =MI ni El f." • IJDAYS f ' M j t -f - -i 1- ;■: j.- =. ■V: .■. " : v- ENT, ■vG^lL^s ' Cort&r «/ Bridge a?d Mark* BrMgevMer.., .ji ■g> , SK, !f ■>y r •T- ] i. -j • - - . ..r ■- - T*J ■ If y«u. ; winiL nio« BHfc FeU. £+ 8 >eat left ilea If you w«ut Fioweiu, Rnel»ti,P^w Ornamento, Scur», F»noyGoc »ny kind ofMniiMryGo* " Go toGed#.., will [fyou. want • nieoootof 7 preMDt, go to QOrfj^o- xnd jmny ae of day, Ifyod want any Wnd .of Triatfl ■ . . '■ ; Qealya f the ding, ill be; eient' EAR- U you want good Balmoral Ski: Skirts, or Corsets, chaa . goto Gealy’*-' If yod want a nice Zephy' KuU-Sh ■ fast Cape, Hood. Snbla, or It Talma, go to Gealy’*. t " j’ - . ’ I ilf you want good Shoes,; Mid; ! go,to Gealy *. r If vou wmt Hosiery, Glorfc Embroideries, fine B&sVete, old Lediee’Ceps, Heed ; ; Dresses, be, go to Oesly’s. RS, gr sale B.: RS. i soil- FtfPr- as guuded, Bailors, * i If you irut Millinery work of any kind don cheaper than any other place in the county, or if you want Stamping;; Pinking, Cloak-cutting and blinking,cheap, j~ ; go to Gealy’p. I' 1 | j : h'i wt, s jind j be sir ife lurgeoi.. ideal. helor, Cloaking Clothe of all kinds alwayl on‘ hand, cheap, at Gealy’a.; •o»Bemember th« place—room former*/ occdpied by MRS- REES'(ppnisit* tteitere of A. C. Hunt),. Bridgewetw. lalfan iterma n. \WATT GKB3.A-X/y. BRIGHT OKI ANisYLUMFORTCTRECEP TION. CT7RB AND TRBA.T -' Mil NT OP MENT AI« *■ Alienation or ii ter" 'ER. ONKRV, i : ; A.VL Nervous ai Exoiirsrv 'S ■ This institi Con, curt dent date of p: mental dcranj chronic diseast nervous and ,< that seven tern are commit te/ treated for di Vhijt lamental physical dison cious treatmet eases, ail phy i of c’dses ' having suffert - , . body, will . when free from the! ext physical cause, throw off the aha ikies has bound.itito worse than midnight W.rki and reason will, odes mure, resum* its a clothed in ajl its pHmliivb beauty and wo excellence. Tttfcncd the necessity ol aUU who aVft laboring under the jpredu pdsin’i exciting causes, calculated in the md to pair the mind to resort lo an early. judicious course of remedial Agents] The Institution tsalarge book hud with a stone basement— four stones high Well Ventilated. It is sßuaUjd bn ip. elev table land which, commands ( a view of e: town—adjacent hills l —groves and nniffhbt streams; all of which are calculated to duce favorable impressions upon ute disoi ed mind. ,j' J \i ■ # i. The Institution is complete in. all or it pointments. ‘ Haying been tastefully fittc at gran expense- In order « BW the approbation andvicws then lost The water cloftels and battling | *PP& 1 .Y, &C., estate Hanover 1, baying I persons ? t to make i ig claims i properly doskl tp., 1 persons aid estate mediately same trill authenti. Ex'rs. fITC* tration sn in,. late of I I. 1 enna., | to tHe nn said (estate! rment, and; ne willpre-', | for settle-, dm’r., •reene tp. , >TICB the estate of, have been gottoh uo unon tbe '■ “PP (barer boro’.! modern gcicntlfioprluciples. tepan anted to the , embraces not BUly. IHo drainary baths to said estate also, themedicated, warm -“.i* payment, and and descending doucAejfor thb moi o effe | estate will and .successful treatment of bnlineous properly an- other scrofiilous diieusfes.' r • \ ' ; %, We bee leare tosaytoall thoab Who mt tAdm’r., disposed to'commit'the of a. Bearer. wife, sister or daughter, our be assured .that no means will bej spare efforts wanting on our part to condition or to effect a" restoration, to thej I cuslbmcd health andTiffor of nnnd., j- I For further particulars sendforja ciro |All communications ’ Sup.of.ewßrig.on^ •.! '[’ Bearer. Co. 1 ICK the estate of, lof New'Se-.i baring been ! persona fo iled to make faring claims em properly. norl2. ADMINISTRATOR'S N<j>T^ LETTEBfTof admiuistrkuon pul tbii ;i I of Chawm tor Boi twp., Bearer eo./ do«’4, h*Tin|P««6n edto the nnderiigned, lUperaonamd* are required to make imuldiete those haritog claims will present ihett, 3 •rlyauthenticated 4tnr : deelS'H |!■ -b , Sew (, Ex'rxi • iwickly tp. 'ICE a sntary on the i cor, late of t ic’d., baring .< |d, ail persons to said estate i&te payment, I Itbe same will tated for set* Valnai tttipak J- OFFER for smle the boos* in ★hick 1 reside, mdthrce loti belonging potto , be boose U • good two story ftnme, wnt. tag six rooms; VUH» «osl drtw* »« »* boose sttsobed. A goodsUble oi theloti.- 1)N, Ex’r, f Bearer^ ■ ige, .Medicine > e Drng Stece. t PafoU, Oik -at***. E .v.. >-’iy A- . £>’ ■■i • s BON IBS*; > ’’-j 1 ^ t :i LW Hit, Bibboni, !*• 6? ; v: illi k; Holiday 1 ’ ■' i. j-M go to (rli, Hoop [ j iwl, Break fagl’e -cry : cheap. IMI 'll I %, 1 rfi NEI DRgi Ifbßii 3 ‘ r ■ v.vr, Ki r j ■ .‘ ; i ' CORE’S ' M ! I 'the beet eMertnent I- •• -M Hky b« foan I I>3 Med |oh£b IV! MXO-A-IjS Brandies, L j And j - t*ai t*. Oil-**; 1; - . I-: •-;? i - AND V I DT ■•i STUFFS* ABTICt&Ji SOAP&, TOILET aiß VSHE « ST MEDICINJSB PATE aflof iho bast ifca it 'tKan can be bought irug Store in the coni ■female Pills 76' cent* j$H CUrk*», $l. in greet'reriet i> ' eolckeheep) ;■ • | l.othet I . Daponco’s 1 Cheeseman’4, 'lie Lirgesi stock of Jjamp Trimming s. ionerj/i Oils, Tflii Wf Dye Stuffs, Outside of the city. I ind sold cheaper thi (here el«e. Let thoee »ee,»hd the; witl dodl I i ■ n.T j- Ldt/ipsand ■ V &at erir offered. Drag Store, bought''wtyT •thi» call and De018,’66. ■1 • ' IN, Ml ’•• :'• ! ; ' I jc. K. Cl ERtIN & C 11431 BRIGHTON. li" WE -S '{ ' oaataa* M k 1 j*- BDW ULI »Sr, NAIIiS, G IR :-i- ; and -; D'LTU'RAti t&PI - ' ! ' " >• .I'' bfTBRS’ TOOLS, j; ;V. AGRIC CARP 3KSIUTHS' TOOLS. .SONS’ TOOLS. ; ;■ IHOEMAKBRS TOOLS, BLA SADDLERS’. TOOLS, i PLASTERERS’ TOOLS, jERY HARDW ABE. T RELLO WS & SHAFTS, )CKB, BOLTS & RiKGES, SADI) BE PICKS MAtIoCES& HO SCALE COO LEA POCKET CUTLERY HORSE SHOES & NAIM, ,i ; .1 , * 1 TA ,E & CARRIAGE BOLTS & KOTB, SHELLERS. STRAW.^CDTTE COBH < AOXNTS fOB -■■'ll lsior mower and; reaper, an r BRIGHTON FIBE-BBICKycOBK^i. EXCE v.-NE 1 liting ' Dec that V— -t n«». Ij iw*y, jntad . \ hose, I'g |4» > ini- - .nnd IY GOODS .OAKS 4 SHAWLS 1 API CHEAPIJ CHEAP ! ch; 1b largest -stock o I- 1 - 7 -- \- i: ■■ drygo^ mbroughtt 'pro- * up meet vr«|Uß . J roved • -j ■.ment ' ;J ascending’Laid 168?, Misses & Chili Hu»li ■ li., -1 |. , *' ’ oTer|<Sffered tBS iiierdT New Tort & S»AW^S-' _ excellent' slock, tod; Tory « he *l> ■ ■ !■: : r i - The best aseortm and 4Jr be 1 dear ed, or itfceh sir ao- 80, • good assortment of j | iPETS, OIL CLOTHS, B^, c. ; T i«» jjtoSdWifre bortgM direUflfoU the P* ' Mamfacturers,;by the cue, baleand package. ___ “hi stt wtatteAW to sell It very lo *P rl s *•■ 18, Theatteation-of wholesale rand VetaH bn ' aft'Us directed to «ur stack,. ■ ; •.' estate * ■ v-QWe us a eallaadbe octmaeed. rough ■p- i -I; > *52 r ; DIJNIAP. LUKBB t CO., t •' and 186 FOdeMl at, 4 doors ■beiow; Market dw ßiOm] PITT- . f jrjp SKATES! . Ladies’, ’ ;V.;j | , ••; GENTS} »nff~ 1 ■; * I . .CHILDREN’S SKi.T F« ■ aUtf at & WIN AM'». Store, V: l 1 nne. IF yon wont li n diijf,, ah' at any ity. | par .box; •i --r Lantemt, ~ Mooro't m can be IWWdpabt Hst no more MOORS. I WISAJtt. lliililOi PAm RE, .ASS, ■ .EiIENTS, HIKERS’ TOOLS. bnjthe beitClgefe »» ieenSTlMigaWN *•> ■, , ~'. '>**■*s- '-*'- ; ; 'l'«BwW;'eOi» !? ,^} s v?sh >s., fts “: : ! i *: S' ~¥t( fft# Hte ‘rt-iS h'H' *-•-. ’■?s■ I.K- i iSf ??••' -3 V 5 > ?:*-* ■.AS^y^-rs-.-.vw T i j - t'' i"-t. filtßpS. =I J x • «">»• . , I , I '■'! - v ;r ‘ 1 ik : ' -' :: - ! : .V'. f* b *!« 01 **«* 3 Tie*# I GFooisl iris,, Bricitui Sir gain* of ihe : iSfowfo ’ , 1 ‘ -■ ' . ; . ~’ [_| ; ■ , .s ; ./. ) piece* ill wool birred miner* only 60 cent*. | ' 0 pieces birred country Flandel*,o»ly Tftstm ! __{ u ;; ’ v 4-4 feslher Ticking, only 60 eentm : - Beit 4-4 bleiciied Stottilt, dttoteti ' >0 mieei M Wodt iJeUiiiis. Stir T $1,80; worth $1,87. tO pieces best double twilled Mennss, ■> , colors, only $1,60; worth $3. ■ ;' '■' ' i- 1, ■ Boys’Shoes, only 60 CMite; , Boys’ He»Vy Brogmns, $1,00: . . j ; Boys’ Henry Winter Boots, only $l,W| ' Item’s Hsts, from sl,26npw*r4. MILL INERT GOODS,, BREAKFAST SHA'W LS., > N3JBIAS, i sONtass. : : C?a:oODS; Ju, EMI ; r:':> Very Cheap. SHAWLS. > , BLANHETS, • . PANT STUFFS, jji . | DOMESTIC*, Lowsrthan Hi ki W ekewher*. Gbcid iJNIOH IMBttBB ipoft WiNlifeß WBJtB, /jWl£4|s *eAtii | '■ Vil /, 1 ■: . : jV| ; Ws do not wish to advertise-worthless giads or articles calculated lo deceiTe! the readers of the Abods, and when we say these _«««» are better and cheaper than can be had where, we' ! inean it; -and being thankful for the. kind patronage! heretofore bestowed, we golicit a continuance of the same; dt bnr large and well arranged Boom in the Diamond; Come 1 and tee for youreelues, before purchasing. ' , NO TIfcOUBLII TO SkOW $001)3 ■ - ■>, 1 ' ' 1 MEI All Om* wrtWttid NMrii 'a.pSd riimßuti St •mly « \ ,\ \ ' \yj& i REUfiMBERTHB 1,4 c, ' -| * - -i[ e ■M ASiß'oil H- . i C|S^A^KAT' lIM ; 1 notion '■■■ jtmztdoo* to rofaorrioM. , :1 •}■ j;■ ?A> X ;!:. mHE.be«iPrf»t,Bcni\>, *i>d- Bboo Bn»he» § - of. *U 3«ju*ntie»' tad Utado.tv bo hid of d Mauro’i* : iDiM;Bt«d’«w/«(;lUrt'dwd tad Sttk Alloy, .Boot**,'l*. '-Tv -1 j i i ‘ ; _ 1 i j mm C»plt»lirtook.... Total AmwU... iV?- - B«ttlraut of . CapiUl stoei St"-' Surplus.. PHidnlwfUi conn* <if WllswUoa.,. (jihi tMiuritirs........ r r'S'i \t\ lEEE * 400 Capitalr-paid,«p''.iit fe ll * • : Assets. 28,1865: ; i. 1 Bonds tod mortgages—all , , ; on real ertato in .51 o rouudrents—on;r^*l estdo....’.. , 7i*w;w ,- Unite&ftates Loans.... 6 i’sf' *5 oif*rd^nk»tb6ki.]-;.;.... v ;j....v* {j sg» SEr, - Phila: city 6 per etitotoJ...S....A. o^, Beni estate—office guiding, Ao. . 80,184 71. • CnsH in bank fnl on- band......... 4.BWJ W . Due’by a|ehte...iAV... {»..—...... *>*“ ““ ! Interest ***•;”••: ; 4tW »:-' Interest dtte litdntoaid v .„....... • 684 go .... £■■ • i jk'l. 1; I ■ jenn and perpetual effected by Uhis company at aMlow rates of ; premtad. as... safety to the compfey and to the utpre4,wtll - admit. F. BETCBFOEO STABS. Pres. THOB. H. MONTGOMERY, V.Pree’t;: B. tOCKWOODIj Sec’y, , , - ~i;i. - . *,25' JOS. MpCLOEB, Ag’t,BeaTsr. Pa. AGAINST ACulOHilfl. f]ihe Travelers’ Insur ■ anoe prtmjpady,’ [;, OP HARTFORD) CONN CAPITAL. $500,«e0;*l Insurance Against AccWenti if Et- f 0-T , GEyERAHst CCIDEST 'PQtICJJSS •'few' $5OO in accident, ers*pfirwael? disabled • be had for. at anfiaal premium of m AirtrUAt PREMIvm secures a Policy for »l» jef >»•« compensation, fpr any kiftd.di -dent; whether Irarelitlk oJ lhd secures a policy fair $5,00(7, week compensation, at oHmarg rate preminiß Rt tpectal rat®. i ; V. 1 ' FIFTY DOLLARS PREMIUM flieWM> full Policy fo4J $l9,«XV«th $6O ; Compensation at the ordinary mium at special rr' ■ Jr n f‘ 1 ’f 7 i A.l ft 'iK -■ V -- ■«: ■ > r ■ ..I 'j id Trtrfk. ■ , § iii'V* f« i*t i>LAOBt i ti ,1 ‘ •tunejs ID, : i "il % a<f«.OT.-i"f(«a -js . - k; -.,- 4 .iaWjM :'. '-x ic > -iri.-:4-Vjy '■l l-..V V, 1 tit.vl .■"- a^teifer >.oowr t 1 ■\ > , ; THE-, ’ -■ ■’ JT ■' StNSXTBAVCIO^ MEE insurance Impolicies > ._ , -JT «»y V? 1 ? *£s'. i $5OO to $lO,OOO. AdtoT-thn* •led for Foreign, West India or travel: Haiardousßisks taken at Haiaftfon* Rate*. No medical eiaminatipmreqttired:— Policies written by the Company’s Agent*. Over three Hundred' .(Xaimt ://<■ ijy peilsation [■ t.’- 1 _L- F»a teen- paid by RANGE COMPJaNT, up to and about JMW JAoiwaierf Phlittet w*u«4 r. JAME&Q. BATTEESON* ! BODNET DENNIS, i ■ i ‘ ■■ ■ f J; MoClifiEEJ Agaat.- ’■ 0e125*65. cj. ;•' ~ ■ ■II feeaTer. Pi: '■iv &n 4;. ' [t P*AUB£ »:■';•■■( Beal statci,Stocks, Government Bonds, andother Seonrities. , HTSTTBANCE& CLAIM AGENT, L - Ctt B&nke Conveyancer &Uenerat agent rTtEE Butsiriber ; having opened anoftic* a*' j I TJdcKe^« l ,''fifitt>-.yo6nr latelyoccupied j by S';‘A. Fbrttine) goliCitrtlie pa itonagiudf befriends and thepnbUofjfgon !?' .. ••‘4.1 . ■ Particular ttttbbtiol of Offers* out'of the ptesWft Witt?sAck sa" , -i'A'£■/ Pentium, Pdfeiift, . Prize MotifV,' tf-i 'S* vf '■ Being agent fwHKe Ch. « Hartford, CtTthe North ': r delphia, and the Manufacturer. A of JHttsburg| I will issue policies itf of the: companiW named.' . -| ,K ? -l .v ji'- , Farms; hanses-andlptsforwls., . , ■ ' Shares in thebillands of tho ceteVrated lsl* anißun region for sale, wheVdwv«yw%n : has proved a, success. Alsoshares in wells pro ducing orunder way, andleases.' . • I wilt alio soU my residence in beautifuUy iituated. and withiu a few.nannies walk of thojOhio river andlßailwaystatlons. , TermsUberjriU •’ ■: \■ ’^j Deeds drawn dp and - , . _. pire risks taken in Ita olasa Jnsvrnnee ' Cdfipaniofc| j,'.’',: . .. •‘V'-'-, B*onue[stampaal«aysonhan,<r. > , - Beferstol John A. Caaghiy, Jos. Plurvwsr. • Wm. H. Smith S Co., PHtaJinfg; . 1-J,..- CHAB. B. HORST.; ; ■ j ■' band a.*upplT.of«*•- Pnlnam;(lron Fnuna) ClollMj-Wgirt'i'- andwould call attention to er’a advert,lelement fo t the Wringer, WjQi-Woif. ; removed ftotn the State !afl* tranaftrred hie maehinea to ime, L wiW keep % Al.o, eoW^4iaK,J»ddi ; o» by U. barrel: aid erddeoUburnew/ jj . f - J , . TOWN PROPERTY FOR BALE.i^ mm t Hnxttyoirßea tn<f T6nn«Hjr oefap»fl I .l- Cipt. Ch*rte» 'tflonUti^Vi Bt., ... eOT»totia«f& te«go<« t#o rtory | Joß«Mi*T*ho U »«tbo(Hiod UiriV.k# Mind • ■ • I,;' , I LI!"""-''* ' r XKRBr*ceiT«ddM.A&dforuUkt .> r *•. r ~.jr- 11131 V - \i Eli vll ' V I •M-.' ' 1 f l. i ': V 'j.' :•? - 1* . • l- ;i i - "K’ c
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers