We<~. Jan. .. 1 41 lCpe«d4lMi^^ paml ofJaad. «ta4t4.«a P«iJsipoi»,^t!*M Tor-oountjviouaded <m the wit by too of Wnwaw^ViK^ l * P» ti» »«?& «|. BeUbCbamborlia, era the east by other Uadi of ■•ld-TetUMr, *b* oa tifco •oath by the Uil rice of theWooleu ManifaKoryV olberlanda : ef arfd Taitator; containing about 160 aerea, " mor^ ; op^»i : about 80 a«ro» oUarea'aadw** t good-rein -of oqah OB »Uobii hawed log bars,-with frame >;ahed*; fndr't#dS»«tt ; tha premiiei. Jbf farmUarall wseara&whdinifaue aohoola, millyand chniob r u fiaaTOaUiftijihout font milea from DarUng. 1 ''‘ ' . !' | ” { 1 i T*bm».—'jM-third of the pui|eha»e money ' on Ihelld&pfttioa. oftbe aaleijby *ha «WW balaaoeln'fwo. oqW, »wm , tbodataoftbeoQnfirmatioaofthaaaUbrtbo aeowrad-by boa* and .mortgage;;- •■••-•;•- !‘ f. li ' . Pdffnrthcr i .particulars ojf tho un -dersigbed at Eldar’a 1 I REUBEN! WjtTTj i LOSSES PAID IN 4(5 ■ .ooaoiEAExraaiiaa: $ 17,4)00,4 ;■ ’1; JETNAI INSURAWCECOM HAiITFOBIi, Ci ' ’it : ' ■■ ■ ■ iteTiSSBTS, JAW., 13,677,36! } ' FIREANDiNLiA.. nrk‘vi'g;a. t ion So*Age4«le* {B all t&8 pHn ud Town* m the Onlted Sifttes. Application* Cor Incpranccwill •ttebdcdtoU' 'j-' r .•••’■, ' CHA3. COALE. , , . ewj V. , A , XI LE rr, EMI *-•< r?;.s' ■ 1 • » TOYS BO' VVrV.\o'r AT ;4 v vj, ‘W s-JVJ v ;iv.-.' : ' > >- " \ '• ", : ■ //. b. •• • <• [■ ; BRIDGE St., BEIDGEWAXEB. i- ’ .1- 1 - . .-i f |'BE 'sobsoribor respectfully ; l‘'.pHwie:tbat he is now recei GOODSlibtite’ line'of all 'the -yaj* and VAEIETV OOODSfor the Fill ISO HOLIDAYS; Haring purcha] Eodlern pllier at low prices, He eaaj er House In Pittsburg, ‘j ln connection with his collection Goods, no keeps Stat ionery of All ClolH* of aU patterns. School Boloh seriptions andf prices. Aibuius, Lot ses; Blank Bcfois faf all sites; Dayißt ers, Pens, Pencils.' in' short everyth ly kept in a Variety store.'; [i ~•. (f j * A TElf T SJS LP-ACT IN O ■\\ '' Brake. fTtHE"subscriber will canvass Bei I ty,in thh order of Townships, nMft&ose, make and vend, - ; ■ HealyVptij Self-acting jWagq an invention perfectm every reap* use ofat)kinds of Wagons, Carriage; giesi, Jt i», a perfect regulation tot r clelo which i| is attached, (acting at and certain .under ait cwcumslanc kinds of roads, .by nlght aa well •with the greafcst safety,'ease and horse and . passenger, Without any whaUveffromlhe driver.., I-willse uaTrlghfrto nsb'this phtehf.brake, shipandijoropgi tsMeohanifca. - . : ■ . C. LG] J EXECUTOR’S iSALB OP- 11 * At E A.' JL ES ,X ,A! T t I 'HE. oubaoriber. Executor of ibilast, wJU 1A and testament, of !Jaroi»sa Janfc;Judy, de- offers fdir sale one hundred and seven s, fSW.yseres dljland,'situate in Brighton - | -Beaver eoontyvßa., and lying within two and i ‘ahalfthiles ofthebprough of Beaver. - .The [, farm is in a.Sjood' slate of cultivation.and ■ji well timbered, and watered,-bordering on the ' i waters’ of Brady’s Bun. If not sold ht private . ;£ale before the! first of February,! $66, X will , i expose itto sale- by pnbiio out-cry, at the > Court House, bn the, first day of! February, 1850, at one .o’clock, -i Terms made hnowh on day of sale. "( ‘ : . J. C. WltfeOK, 1 0e06,‘68; • Ex’r of H. JV judyjdec’d, j MOUSE AND EOT f j FOKSALB. " WILL offeri*t public sale; on SATURDAY, XJ December 80th,;at 10 o'clock, AJ 11; that | frame House Olid-lot,'situated between the ■ fNational HoteViandA. Wynn'd, on third Si. | House contains six rooms and two hitehenf, ' .‘with baUupetair*and down. Lot 50by300, ' (with fruit treSi on .tot. For particulars and (farms inquire of Hioe & Rutan, Better; Ra. | Dec6,’Cs. i ISAAC Y. WYKH. • r- Election -!■ K«io« Ja Bauk or Beavm Cocktt, J ioTfeijooßted to make;Sn(inedi*te tb()Mli»Tu>*oWms *piinet the *st«t« ,pr*j»*nt ; themto theaub writer •proparly antfiehuoetad foreetUeznantL,.- ' ■ :of.;!««J >ll, JOSSPHawXLSipN, ; n0T29’66- 4 - ■ Adjfttniatirator. |.j £> ** *B* t*fr» >l>rM wd Obiotote, jffe JlMn’a Sir I ST 1 n»t t^OM ' Ml! ■fcrer ‘jem sin the v liUra\ ▼*U>' h»Tt ■elf Vo wis remove'theOffect at oaee and forever. , ; p"V Blofereii©- | ; .Cures Impotency, General j Debility, fNcrrods Incapacity, Dyspepria,, BjWK. • Appetite. tawJtairifs, weakness or the w gons of Generation, Imbecility, jMental Indo lence, Emaciation, Ennui. |U, hasa most de lightful, niM dffifcV npbh tbe-her voiis iyJtoih; And ail whoarjbin any way pros trated by nervous disabilities are earnestly advised to seeh a'Cute in tbis thost excellent 4ntftftf*jttallcd preparation,! , i Persons-who, by imprudonce,have lost their natural will find a speedy and perma nent enratiMhn ■, . p : j j The Feeble, the Languid eD.) Old should giro this valuable disc it will be found totally different fi articles fpr the same purpnes. TO FEMALES. —This preparat uabie in vurVon* witness of all will restore the wasted strength t ful permanence. 1 ' I .1 .. t Ibis, also a grand,tonic, and will gire relief 'to Dyspepsia wi.h the first dose. JA briefper sistence.in.its use will. renovate the stomach to a degree of perfect health’ andibanish Dys pepsin forever. i. '. i pne 'dollar per Bottle; Or six bol ties for $5. Bold.by Druggist generally.! ■ # ' j Heht by r expr6Ba anywherej by addressing;.. ' i HUTCHINGS S mtUTEB, ,; i i 81 Cedae Steeit, New Tobk.‘ j ggpSold at Marquis' Drhg store, Eoches ' ter, 3>nej'door below Pott Office, and whole gale and setail by Dr. Smith, U ridgewater Bearer county. - , J [.nor 23: m 1 X ■iHgaims. OOJ r t ’•{ i r i I [”i • 1885, ■ isles. eipal Cities isproinpUy Agent. Bright; ’» ! r •OB I 5 JKS.V IMPORTANTtoFEM Wiit immediately .'oelicie, .without- pain, all disturbances ot the periodic SiscbaVgc, wliclh-! er arising from relaxation or suppression.—; They act like a charm in reipovipg the painsi that accompany diGciill or.. immoderate men struation, 'and are the only safe and reliable remedy, for F'ushes, Sick Headacle, Pains in, the-Loins, Back and Siles.-Pdlpit ition of the -Heart, Nervous Tremors, H Aster c«. Spasms, Broken Sleep, and other unplhasait and dan gerous effects of an unnatural condition of' the sexual; functions. In the worst oases, of \Flitor Alius,or Whites,they .effect speedy cure. Dr. Ctieeaettan's '-Fetnale Pills HaVe been tried orsa a qcaetie it a cextc et, They are offered, as thejonly safe.means | [of renewiugrjnterutpteU mematrlation/ but Ladies must bear, in 'mind that there ig one I condition ot the female system in which the Pills cannpl.be taken without producing d peculiar result, v The condition re erred to'iirj pregnancy— ths result, nps'arriagt. Such is! the inesistible tendency/ of the medicine tpj restore the sexual functions tp a normal con ; dition, that even the reproductive power of nature, cannot resist it/ Th^/cannot do harm iUhnyothpf tea s•}.'.} 'f.i; ’-L "'•' * !• -’/ t Dr. Female Pills I Are the only medicine that remarried and tingle ladies have relied upon for tnaay or can rely upon now. Beware y imitations / These Pills form jtho Finest Preparation e -,er put for ward, with immediate and peAisten success. —. DON'T BE DECEIVED. Take thiS adrertise ment to your Druggist, and t tesl hi: a that you I want the best and most reliable Female Medicine in the world, whicp is oompriscddul Dr. Cheeseman’s Female baqe received,: andarenon ing the sanction ot the most eminent !in Aiaerfca/J - Explicit Directions - with.reach price, O.ve Dollab perbox,eftnu 60 to dOpfUs,- ■.... ![ -i‘ Pills,: sent by mail, promptly, by remitting the price to the Proprietors, >r an/ authori sed Agent, in current .funds. - Sold by Drug gists generally.,, i / - HUTCHINGS & HILLIER, Proprietors , ’ ; - ’ "81 Cedar street, Neir York. tg*fc,Bold Wholesale'and Retail.py Dr. S. Smith, Bridgewater; Dr. Marinis and J. H. Hannen, Rochester; John Moore, Braver, and by all Druggists abNew Brighton; inov23:ly. ' bf ew Barber-Slilop !'' • - ■ M.l nforms -tn* Iring NKW ious TOYS U*nd COM-; sett In the 'sell eheap ilof Variety I kinds] Oil i of AX Ue oking Glas doka.Ledg- iing usutli noT27:ly kver cotm lo soil the 1-Brake, cl, for the isnd' Bug iVery Tehi ike prompt fee, on jail, is by day. IcoAfort t'o n attention ell indiyid jj>f Town- Dwiqii r SHAVING HAIR- SaAttPQOING.ic. JOHN B. WILLIAMS haring just returned' from the army, where be |bais a irredfor almost threeyears.wishes to inform its form er customers aedthe. ; public .genera Uy, that Selins opened his’''sbop in thenorfh end of the MARKET HOUSE, BRIDGE WAITER, where he. will carry on in his former good and fashionable style. By close attention'to busines, be hopes to merit and reoeirb a liber al share of public patronage. Those wishing, a clean, smooth shaye, or hair Tim ii| a fash ionable style, just stop .in and girls John a -trial, and he, feel; satisfiedthatho can please them.' [deClB:2m . - «»ila , ,-nsfied that hi A. C. BARLOW, Ml D SURGEON AND PHYSK HAVtlid permanentiy locatejljn £ tenders his. professional serriei citizens of Pester and-adjoining rill* country. Haring had twenty Jesrs cnee (over four years as an army Sure ftels eogpefent those who may wish his.services. 1 ' Call vdaypt nigßt.promptlyjatteni —L-Office in thC National HctcFbi where he may be found at all hours, nighV when net profesmoimUreWsgq .■ «ep2o’6s '-j " **../ '■] ; -’"W)WTa I WILL deiirerio- the eUUei? j • . Bridge Wat ejr, Bearer'a&d- rit qaaiity of CoiLat, t]i« e&ortut' oi oneoa» at ady Urns* iegappUed SB tL'Sinier'i run, edioining i Wm. Porter. K**. .*.■? J, 0.31 1 sort i. ' Br as r»wi •'•t 313 iEßi&ri cr^Q^pi dk-iir if. t C*^beip)Und '■ • diajJU WSU Vp J, - : y- i l£t. pit *o*^a|k>iiD ,:]•■ If ■ ■ ■ *c MEDIC/.’ WIND©# '.'r r r ■ ■ r piiiiji 6Lji3* S;'[ ! *SEEi», jEAT’iJ 1 t ■ (V j I'splil PDBB'AJJD. BECO ;;iWITEI ALso. FiirE tdi-le' ' ’[ ' ALL-VABIETII ■r:}''-: THE BEST {•!■--•' |, >*"li *|• ■' -* 1 |a ' AND POPULAR Pi ! ii ! i | i JI ‘ i ■ PGR'! I ]!® ' -l!;• *1 J , 1' AU of which lal offered i ■1 -u-1- ■n, w itHetaadingTa o ■dyajneej |6*rAtU»Uoi ■ jiJ :[ .H- ■>'r 1 whoso prescription* will I - { ‘ • I■' pc unjipd ll *ll hoars STORE IN THE t 1 ' ' lii' ’■> i iJ'l Next door to Fortune GIVE ME A CALL, | pctgu:ly I |'i ! ! K tl E;MIA iap'airißg.lhe Wery a trial; font all other lon ia inral jltinds. as it rith wonder* f LES 0 Sr ' -I ~7 Fall |dfe ■ ■! ■ ; =I f 1 1 i ! IITI, 0 ■■ : ■■•ilv- s • •[' NO 25 ft : l ' Fills!! c -‘ <: ♦ . T -1 ’ i ' 1 I receiving ’hyaiciaDs Box—the niog from ' -i. i Fifth #t, 1 BLANKETS, I . . *|]j 5 . . ' [J "** \ Wbiiihlnc/ «•’ selling »it msoatbfc pri ei ilTjbllj I| ITC Scratch llSoratu*... _ rh WHEXtON’S ** OINTMfeNT . yrjtLfi THE IS 48 HOURS. ijiSO; cureis! -SALT RHEUM, CUSSfe LB LA ijisj and all ERUPTIONS 10l TH£SKtN tS trice 50 cents. For sake br »l 4:; '... j. ■ ■' . By Bending 0 cents Jo Sole {Agents, 170 Washing MaaaJ, it I will’ be : forwards postage, t« soy part of tho , «6s29’!6£^jbo». EAVEB a to the geo and expert ieon) be Isawit si W’iBEELEHj’B 'Piteni Extri CbUn tor ' 1 do Buckets for Weights anU';|fdn Wbeeti ■ lubber of ,*ll kinds;:: ' Flooring,; Biding-, Shing stently kept onhsnd. Building tiobgr' Mwed a Sf^" &<&&&• Js. 1 ii tiding , day or- It 11 T: M. H art on /\*reaaji isber vtcESTO-THR rr i • XJs JSW3 Of BRAVER £WO nCIBITV, .' «9i.oflM as tHr**«U M dwrSati:« H&And—'s—* || {seelM* Bter, ood pkj (6f, mm W&sto: Z'-'i if (-J V'V rare \awrpafa\^ ■ y&w<& ± ii>i k> , j-i i,ix r |/'i ijkLS.Md INE UQl?0: nortmei it v r\. nil, 'OOT.pi.bi IS£ OIL. LARJt) Cl S D QUA Li ,EABS SO APS,: BRUSB *'' i V RTICL.ES, BPABAT tO AIR, ; ■? ; . low prieti HARPER’S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE ' Critical Ifoicet tif (hi ’ It is (be foremost Magazine oft he day The fireside never bad a more delightful to tn panion, nor the million a more enterprising, friend,’ than • Harper’s’ Profulanl (Baltimore).’ . i j 1 _L 1 The most popular Monlhlyjin the Worldi .Vf» York Olterver. i . J | : We rfaOst refer in terms of eulogy to t high'tononnd varied excellent of llA«rxii Magazine— a-journal-with a monthly tion of about 170,000 copies—in whose .png l -x are to he foundsotheof the choiceal light at n ' . f general reading oil the day. VVespcnk of tp Dty Oooihtfltore. as an evidence of the American Pebple and the popularity it fcasacquircd is mejritei ■"*. Eachi number.contains fully; HI poftp'i rending matter, nppropriatelyiilluHlratedlwfi —\ good tyood-eulj; 'nail it combincsin itself tl n» racy monthly, and hhe mitre philo'grt) hip quarterly, blended with the - beptj-feat tit esu the daily. It has gteat power injthejli tsep inition of a love pfpurslitorature.—'ißtiß s jutn’l Guidtla drtiricaA J,iieraturt,Lcndf a. j ‘ The Tolumes houad constitute of them 'el l e a library of miscellaneous reading so chip cannot bo found la: the same compass ii an otberpqhHpatioa that; has come pade t olti notice.—tfoitor Courit »; ' | . i SUBSCRIPTIOUS , > .. , .1866. ! : , The Publishers have perfected i syst sm Ifmailing.by vrhlch.thcy can supply the Mao ' ij zinc atid tot hose wh >pi t for to receipts theft periodical* ditectly fn * the office of publitatibn The postage on H.\arxa's MAdsztsg is ( cents hyear Which must he paid at the Si \ icriltrt post-offi’oei ’Terms | ’■ w ■ IlAarra’s Magazine, one year.. $f 00 An Extra copy of cither the! Maoazl.vX ’ |Wezk(.t jrill be, supplied gratis fdt ■’evet Club bf.Frrz Smscatncas at 94 UP each in ot •*» rtmdtanco; or Six CcpiesforitlOOfli. . Back numbers can be supplied at any [its ■ A Complete Set,’jnow cotuprising' Tw tnt; ulile TuUitncs, in--nest cloth binding, w ill I sent by express, freight; at expense of put 1 • chaser, for $2 25 per volume. Single vo antes,, by mail, postpaid, $3 00. Cloth easel for binding, 68 cents, by mail,, postpaid. A< dress . ‘ ' 1 siaasisaisa, iftUi i« aeairaUl f *oi DIAMOND OXB AXfi AL ! ■ -i PODSI I DRY j ; J NM TH ST , ■ I ittik* fttlealtar of .■ j • -\ f | Mtortnu imy«T» ts ikeit Itrj Dt DRESS G DOS, IsiiAiWiA . t 96 i-' • CLOCKS. T.if. ■ 'CLOTHS, tfiSSIHEfI M i !ES. ; WHITE G dODS, 1 :',-;, TABLE lit SENS, tOWELIN iGS, IaiBTINGI FLANNELI I j ITE, ;3 25 Fifth jit--”* 1 ■_!>*_* /I v tl4*l lIM .... ... - .-.jgi- riEl •A k. IT* “Thebest,thertpfst, a nd mJst tucct ti/«? | I,'; Family gqxrtfy mMW* ” j. ,1 SPLENDIDLY IIXUSTfiATED. ■SV. ~ i-- . : CriticalEctktt ef tAe Prut. . ..|«. £* i *‘Thi |>eit PnywHy Pner pobMed 1% (qi United; BtaU^’>~2ft*“.W«^^ O ‘‘ThMioomt Siw*?« of p/omi ry— eompleteln all the 'deparnMflta of an Aoeru-' eu fiiWTiwAn'i caned 'or itselfa right to Ita: title*A JOUE =ar NAL OP CIVILIZATION.' ”-J t. r. Eitnmg ““ JPort. ■- -; Tj i •‘This Taper fornlsbesw* I Sluttretimi. Oar future bi*nsflad» wIU puljw tMny&lrea j ■* oat of Harper’sWeeltly long- a#fer r wr|ten. -4 and painters, and .publishers are tamed to iuit,"±-'Ee».Tork Etoiigtlitf. .If I “AnboeaaHjr.i* e»«y ; household -Boston Traraerift. . ~ . ~ J . ■(..! ?1 ■ ••It isatonce a leiiding ponucal andrkie iS* torio«lann*liai of the nation."4-P*flo. Pn*t. ’ . “Tbebdsttf its class in Amßtiea.”-yEo»- ■ j SußSciiPTio^ 1886. I’.- . ' : The PublUhera haTt ptxfeeleda. ay Mi mailing hy .»£#& ifiejf can Wpplyithe ;X - sucand ' fer to reeeire"their periodicals. directly | tbeOffiee of Publication.' Postmaster# • others desirous of getting up Clubs wil , ' supplied with a handsome pictoial Bhpw on application. ; . The; postage; on ilAaraa's Wixhlt ia cents a year, which must be pai 1 at the teribtr’t postoffice. ' i i . '-Terms;#. - Habjek’s WaKKcrone year. J 4 ’T. gin ' Extra Copy of either the Ws'emt " Uaoaxine mil be rupptied gralit of every Cat of Fit* Srsacßinns at St 00 each, in one in millapee ; orSizCopiet for $2O 00. I |, | Back Sumhert can be supplied, at any linn The Annual Volumes of Habme’s Webkki in neat cloth wiU hescnjt bV expresi ,; free of expense,' for S" each. complete he comprising Eight Volumet sent on receipt < ;Y' cash at the rate of $o 25 per to!., freight-, ■ ezperOt of purchater. Address | .•[ . lIAKPEH& BROTHERS. | ; Feankus Sqcam, New York SI ‘‘Unquestionably the best • work oi the kind tn the ' nil , HARPER ■& BROTHERS, j jt’nAsii is S<iCAEe; N*w Toi.r; j ~~oT{p"ira ns;T;6 uirjf&l LIT Ill' . L - i BY virtue of an order of tlie Orphans' Court ofißearer County, the undersigned trill expose (o sale by public rendue pc cutlery, on tho premiacs, on j. ■;! _ 1, ; l' ! , Wednesday. December 2vih[ 18m, .t at o'clock, p. mi, the following described real estate of George W. : Fulton, late of the iboro’ of New Brighton, in said county, deo’d.|, rii: ' All that piece of laid situate in’ the'boro’ of Rochester, and county of Bearer, jbeing pan c# ott-lot No. 57, the same being lot No. 525 of subdivision—beginning at the nort'j-easl at.- corner of said lot upon Adams slrCet, thence west on the south side of Adams Istreijt 160 feet to ’Massachusetts street, thence south-60 feet to the north-east corner of Iqt No] 522, tbenee cast by said lotj JoO feel to an illcy, thence north along said alley 60 fpei tjo the place of beginning, |with tie appurlenslaces. BPJuTermS made known oh day pf aalcJ n0v22'05 AONEIV.DUFF, Adm'r, —^7— Fill LETTERS of administration on ’tlie istate of, Tho*as Stjstmsox, late of! Haiorer township. Beater County. Pa., dec’d, b iring been -granted to theunderaignod, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make' immediate payment, jand those baring claims against tbe same 1 will present thorn properly authenticated for. settlement. , m ' ; JAMES STEVKNSO: - Adrainistra oetl'l’CS. ! p. ; :! • . ——:— j U EXECUTOR’S NOTICE.; | TTTHERBAS letters lestamentaiy having ’’ VY teen granted tbthe undersigned, on the stateof James Frrqusov, late of Pulaski tp., Beaver county. Pa, deceased, ; *ll persons' knbttfng themselves 1 indebted to 'said estate are tetiuehted to make payment immediately and those havingclaimsagainst the fame will present them to the subseriberduly'audnentL ’s eated foi settlement.; - , EDWARD noOPS. I • hovS •MS C.'FKRQCSONi f cx . . , 'EEICS & POiTl ll ton street. Host j sd by mail, fred i United States. ■ X.E: ffrter -Drew ‘do ' do ' do - do EXEGDfOU'S NOTICE., n , X^I&nEAS/ : lettefs trtt*Bfeiit«U bit tbo it »* e&l«/; bf KiitcisaA J. Jbprj Utb of BngbUb’.lJf, 'jßieiWr ebanfy, dec d.V. hiving been granted tor tbe undersf encd; mil perron* _ ,lnd?Wed ta*aid : estate wrVVe quisled I to : mbde tinihedfate Wqrntdnfc 5 andthoiebaving elites against the *am« eiS ' presenttbetn'properly ablhwkHeatedl for aptt' tlemeaU'-'"-‘■J’!;-. • -r-'i i , ■•rf ’ - v JOSEPH C. WILSON, Ea’r, dectff }-/■ --ij. ■ -j. ; :V . ■ ; -Beevir.- 1 ties and Lath ;toi order with li MjAIIBAOH.i i jj Sharon Mills | IF you; want to buy the be t FatnuJ j Dye Staff*, ge to Mwre’a Dfag Btoro. S. EXECUTOR'S NOTI . - iwiiiiiii kl'iurf'v va j:;jj‘ ■ ••'- ; ' ;.• i, •■ 1'- -.I iflv ‘ **• Wl|jp? r|fpTnrTT ,1* Vtr'v*- li W ■ I BRIDQEWATEft. ME «n of laqa flftrer [from • And iL& WINTER CLOTHING Poa F. '■bill I hftT* 6f,o»erei Cuil aling*. ■ 1 ticres for Business Salts, , ■ nd« fener»las»ortm«nto'fT«»ti ' > Sustain /i>rld,” All kind* I; ■. I Ceil udershirts, l 4.. '■ .j . 'era, elo., 1 . . | . | : 1 inon andlVoolen Orershirts, ’ ' ■’ Collar*, i'. Neck tie*, e aanyothtr article* toi| Bastion. Click As D I>iaw Je AaS til -I £ \L In ail ika ,A- f ' Sth im O «K^,3 u i.BO t THE Che 'I Dp2f S 1- - LOU - .U iMj^i 4 ■ ■*. .1 He-keeps Coots and 4 \^c i ‘•'i'- Helms got by my ' i" • Men, worn at | For the oetll’6s "IjIETJIT ■al»pl ; i ,‘i. p. STRAW •■ii jv •_ '»■ hi .great fa ' j 5 11 * 111 Lt; --,, , =I - ■'■ u j|.’ IKE MEM -1.--r 41101.0: 1 : . ' ; ' •• ,j- raooios, ■ I ■ .1 ■•.;■ ••: ■ r.- 1- j i > iii it reoslTtd a a«w ttoelk Ofti* ,i: ! LITEST STILES 81•1111•1 • . \ ‘‘ : » , ;m I' | t- ■' ' ' ’ •' '■ i (■ea's Foraishlßg Cqodi I Conjlantly on hand, ■ i-i =5 TiUCfIIBEIOiEMt S ' , '■ 'j- !?: tataat jOtjlOS aad at ikoilMl antic*. ' '4 i ' 1 , • t f m. BEICH t [ mart's Row, ■ Bridge Street, i BRIDGEWATER. )TS AND SH9KS! i | , ; V. -.i *LACB TO GET THEM! p and Doxjabp. -n. ... s -V- ■ ;-l I PAIL TO Ciu. I=l A - s . li" 1 S;F‘ NM ?ACTDRER of %pd RelailDealer in a and Shoes, Bridge atreet, ’ ’ | BBIDGEWATEK. i .. ■ ■> v in excellent supply ,ot ready-made rork constantly oh band, ]'■ •hoes made to'ordor on shortest ttol and most reasonable terms. : ;. \ kll workman, and can’t be excelled liher establishment in West. Pa. | n and children willfiod it t,o their, vantage t o give him a call. | ■ , test and . cheapest article go td.li' „ . tOfflS F. WKIKMAS a, ;,1 -3 Bridge; st., Brj.dgawater.. TREES &c>)' &c. ■! E ; ’ V ! : IAB, PEACH, ;; :, V <SKAPB WINES, ri r • i-i; JERRY PLANTS, ; l ,d SHAL.L. PROITS, r {• NURSERY STOCK Istyfromthe HhraeryeT | ; MiWpl WrTCi4 ME =22 <80,000.1 M, j j\{-i c1.,-- ■•••’■ •••. Bh*rrt:of P*r V»la» «*efc- WoawK«|cAmAi<. i ty.-. y t,• • .... .... i)-i A X,«.n&ttog of the etockhoMewet tbe alwyelwmpw. XeW , roeKoirOughof Bochwet,' April j50th,‘1656, ! ftv Wlowihgpentin* #o»o elected Its officer* -for Uoemftlng yeir.- -1 ‘ "- 1 -f; ■"'/ ji"•’ • i?vJ '. PBKSIBBNT;. . -■ :-}iy DABRAGH. H ■= ■•-■■■• " k.-rM •*B*A9t>R«a * SjfcMTARt: % >:| . CfIABLES B. HUBST. -V v . DISKOTOBS: ■ ,:|r ;, * MstUaon! Dorregh, || Milo R/Adorn*, tWles Stone, li AlflredC. Hnret, r. j! Jemee Darragh, , John Rigger, leri Brehnamen, i Robt. A. Cochre*, , -| Chorles F; Kendoll. ' " ! ■ 1 1 ■ 'H ’! ,j ftOr A .limited number of Boares of Stoci of the aboVe Compapy mav bebaidby appli cation ait Ine office of the , i* in.the Diamond, Bochestcr, Pa. my3:6ni TCHAS. Is. Sec'y. BEAVER SEMINARY !; . ]■■;■ and ■■ J ;■■. r ■ , ReV.R. T; TAYLOB, A. M , President. THE Terms open respectively l2, ’osr janu»|ry!2, v and April 5, ISOC.ij IS very opportunity? for instruction in anjr branch of science or. on anyimpsijpal instru ment; also vocal music, (private or in classes, is afforded here at reasonable ratesit f Lada rec eived in the Primary Department: also.small f irls.of any degroeof p •oficiencir. Drawing and painting of everystyle will receive the special attention of , a first-class' artist./ ■ •!■ Tuition: 90, 50, $8,50, and sl2,s},£aceord ing to’department..' ; . , [ t . 1, None but thoroughly’qualified 'a id erpen ensed Tendiers are* employed in ary depart ment. - Fpi further information address aug'2’6s K. iT. TAYLOR, President.: Wines Groceri FLOtTR, GRAIN, TEED, ftc* iei* Angel’s, Bridgewater | t," r Eggs, and all kinds' oif country; ce taken in exchange, for which £ market price will be|paid! In {withthe Grocery andLiquoratore,! rand Confectionary in still carried ] [may be found a first clitss asssrt tkea, confectionaries, canned fruits, Diced oysters, &o. A-fine stock of ill cigaraof all fancy brands, u pure article of wines,j &c.,, for dnd sacramental purposes constant' W forget the place, Peter Angel’s 'ridge st. Bridgewater , [aug2j3m il Ati Pel T)OTTEB the .highesi connection] the Bftkjery on, where [ moot ofca pickles, «B tobaccfcanj ’' N, B. A! medicinal It on -ban *jyDoi old stand, NAT lawAii HdltEt . _VR SALeI irwiiiE; large tiiree-stortl crick J A BUI LIIING, with the Fratoie Buildings !ings~ adjoining; and lot on which ! they are erected, in the town of Beaver, known as the ■r a ■ ‘ . .' V .■ ' i!'- ; I IV a ional If o.t el, j ; .-j. ia.|«ffere.d-fhrtile. ■ I or particulars inquire of Toom.is Me bmißi n'rjQ W. Haxiltos, Beaverl ,[novjo . - !’ BAIIHEB, hAir-dresser. *g. TAMES it RUIN is happy to announce to his M his pldleustomers, that ,he ' has |b!een dis chargcdfroa the service ofth'e United States, and opened!* shop injthe frame handing ad ijoiuingWm. Orr’s Store. Ladies’ cat in the most approved, style. He Icusta.his old friendswillrenew their patronageJi Having carried !ho: flag of, the 45th -Reg.' tjL S. C. T. foraltaost a year, in the battles around Pe girg, he thinks himself entitlediib a fair of the public patronage.! ->■ || , ice & Hutan j ATTORNEYS AT LAW, I '\\r rut jaitend ‘to legaibusiness of all 1 7 v kinds. Prompt attention given to 00l- j tWctionsj generally. Licensed Agents for.col lection of ijensions, Bounty, arrears of Pay, Prise money, Pay, .etc., of Prisoners of War, and all 1 kinds of military claims against fhe loyernment. 1 •1 j‘f 'II■ Coner \6f \jfarktt : Street and iftt 'Diamsnd, (immeeiately in the rear of Court House,J BEAVER, PENN’A.[jan4 YAITJAfcLE FABMFOESAIiE. \ ' j i - j ; „ 1 A FARM : pleasantly situated, J milefrom i f\ thetpwn of Eeavcr.adjomingtiheprop ejrty of|jA-. 5 i B. Wolf, containing 42ljacre», is ojffeyedlforrsale. It is well adaptedto farm i|ng ori'gardening- purposes ‘The improve ments are a frapie house and other opt-build ings. A giod apple orchard and Other fruits oh the premises. Also. a good stone |[quarry. FjOr price «ind terms apf*y to i' J| El i i ‘ n0T15"65, | A PMTNISTfiATbR’S NOTICE XTTHBBfiAS letters of]administration in, thO estate of AXsos HdpD,l| late of Ojreeifce township. Bearer 1 county,’ I‘enna., deceased, baying been duly 1 gjfCnted toitheun- all persons indebted to aaid estate are notified to makeimmediale payment, and those haring claims against the same will pre sent them properly authenticated ifirtS' Settle ment withoiitdelay. '■ ' 1 • GIBSON HOOD, AdmTfr , |norl6’6s- ~i - jGreenetp. .' Tadministratorsnotlce. If ETTER3 of administration on the estate of fjjl J-is. L. M'Crsurt, late Of Bearer boro’. Bearer, co., deo’d. harmg been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted tosaid estate are Ireqheatfed to make immediate .payment, Wnd tbpse haring claims.against, said estate .will present them to. the. subscriber, properly au thenticated for settlement-' LJ -■■f- ! ROBT. M’CREEEr, \«rW65 Bearer, 1 • '! iii 1-vT‘i A bxecdtkix's notick. T( ETTER3 Teetsttenlsry On theeitsteof JLI Joa» Terrs, . dec’d., Ist* lof New St wickly. JBes*«r 'hsTinfe ,be«a *T? te $ t 0 -do3eMigned, all; persOM in- lo esid (estate sro” to jneke Inuaedlate: payment, and thoee hsTiagj elstmi •gainst the same will present them properly •ntbcaltea|ied‘fdr'gettlenieiit. j 4 - emftstiNA c. tebts, b**»? . f o*l6l ! v | s , Now Sewicklj tp., *’ '■ ' '.4 TaWßlfi Y. XiE DQEB, WEEKLY HABPEIt, Jr or sny of Eastern Fapers.er «o*o, go to:Roobi«t*r NowaP^o*. • :J. ; ii-'Tt ind Liquors, Wholesale. t, * \ • i . ■ [! ;s at Jiefail of by Pjokaye, < IVOBV COLE. Rochester, P». c! P^fapDi _jfr* : Amirte* | Pubiuti r : J,'' ’ (Hr peH«rl' eort atWttog JW. by Wljr iT'bui ivt i»T e , Me, $ ’ !i Mrinek the.r termsa. folio 7 ,"' J '■- TE9US FOBiWi FOTanptwoof {the tw , f Fer any Ibreeofthp Bert**. For all four of flftßerte*?" - ' Fpr BWekwood* ?w Blackwood J Fit Blackwood indaiyV»6*b - For Brackwoodknd three luvi'*'-- For Blackwood and the f™, fU?'-'-- « i Thi wdrlia win beprim^ofc l -- •AyuaJi/y of jWr, and,^ Bo^ American Periodicals are eiiht, !>'»'£ |Ho* or.reduce.4j ia.sUe-- M4 T^S JgftrrK* spall SpWinue to VirJr!M , « lbe maltejra eonUmeil *!{ lf »>e editions. Hence, ourpr,^,];.. 1 * «ii | found at dheap; jfbr tie aaciiar* I .'? »p J nibbed, as thostof any of iiodieals in this liouitry.. i j Compared with tie cost of is. dtipns, which all 1 the .preseat would be aboutlf 100 a : year to W(i we make our annualpavrn tB t; , Publishers for elriy sheets ' £ «'i GoU ti l costinfc us at ne.arljr!s2,so' in |urrency_ & ad\- “■ in theseada we U adopted!*. tirelflaifified iby pur | reading public. I ; i - bfg rTSe interest, iff these. Periodical, can readers ts rather. ibnc«s,d i i.. > iahed by the articles:they coaut U War, and prejudice; -they ! may still, pon*!,’^ 1 * great ability aid the from .which they arc WrinS ' k studied with.advantage; p T tie L'^' country* of ever|r creed and THE FOUR ZEnimm I A, few copies cif the abovelr^Xr ‘S* 1 ' We also publish iho. (;. ft U rv^ j late JP. Nort-int'of. Yale Collefc “j; Octavo. 1&0 pages aid Br*rings. , c; . , -| -i - J!l , . PRICE $7 foil fhA.lw* vblnlniF—ht jw post paid, SBi 'i; • ■, | ; :; , • LEONARD SCOLT & CO., P0V. 14 . 1. 1 -)°-. <>B Wolitr |£ A CARD TO THE LAOIg 3d>r. Qnponco’s >-i . ill - -,n ■■ J. 1 ' Golden Periodical Piju 1 FOR FEMALES. ’ II “ ' | 1 •_ • * ' ‘i| Infallible in Correcting IrregiiU/iitf, ing of the Mcfnthlj Tcji,; ' (l from AV bat ever Cause, and atwara«i;ccK>siCL A 8 a-^isvjjpi,, .j jt is now oTer|hirly celebrated Pills Were Srst di-vow/i/v* 1 HUPOXCO, of PtJris,; during] wiii t;« tie* I hate been extensively and « in moat of the public institiiiioas.is v&hl in pritat e practicc/Vf .both i pnj l unparalleled success |n eifiy cafe, tcdit'al only at the ‘•argjeut of ’Ladies who’luire o -fd tibfc, that Si isjj duced tomako the I‘illl publyl.’tmtlltailiih iion of those superihg from "any Impild ties vtßuteter, as well as to preieat »n j cfcase of’family .IwUere heal - , 's' will usit.fn, it. Females . peculiarly si uatod, cr’.ils supposing themselves so, are (auliontdagu using these Pills | while in I lal the proprietor aspmes no rcipmsibilhit} il ter the above admonition, (although tin mildness would prevent any tnjschief toitid otherwise the I’ills are roeotimiued.' ’■ 1 Price $l.OO per 11 or.j’Sixjßoxes.se.(kV Sold by S. Smith. Bridgewater,'iXoMi I Hamilton, fieareii. S. Hannon, Bochetler.; -Ladirt .’ By sending $1.00,t0 t! above Kgciit ■ - (he pills sentjfdtl dcntially) b *y part of the ns try, or addi i ;tcr, L . S. It. HOWE, 1 . KewVwh •et Ss‘6ij ST :;V-P The mpjttjj f v . *•» •• . ' KLEBER 4 BRO'i 1122 WOOD Sr v PITTSBUkCp : Agemk fur.Sltiu«V> tfal Western Pennsjlvjinia. : [myiu Hi JPeim leaning SA&H A DCfOR FACTORY iKi. s. iHoiisJ.;.,...-.....1 SLACK &SHOIi& i Cor . Penn <fc Marbury ■Utrtits,, ■■,: I - PITTSBURG. Flooring, Weatherboarding, ;' Door&Framei .Brackets^ always cn band or mtylo to or<i?r. l*J. • A-DMtN pT t 'lß^ L‘ETTER3 of administration’ «■ *• % A of Col. Jamml Q.Asni.soS, !»«,, Boro’ ofßettTef, Bearer od.. Pa-. bdea. granted to undersign* * l-** .Vjili indebted to said are.reqiwstea- immediate payment, and_ those W- » against tlftsime Will present them I' s ?* authenticated for settlement. , ..; ‘ H COH AN BE R3O.V, BeTires Bib. M'ta»KET~OSCW -rTAYISG, .entered into pertncrsmP jjjji■ I I practice of MEDICINE an , tender their professional serTice V*. -T reaver poiao’ akd cockxi'- I Two doooTS belok Moore t, V. t | Rearer, S*pl!l6:lt ’ If ; ; X AL|X c. -jl. .f v > C(>R X>! * rpfecco J-i i : I'M EAT w.a. OS! Forte* in li* ivxslt >■ ■ 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers