i . MARFITDi - j 1 {Wh***m ■ k V .( |kfk l.i^ 111 ' ", ; '■(k 2Bfßf''A^fPSrrw'-!; "iiIMF £..•„• a ;- : ,....; k^ I Honi ThomaVUanninghamdicd at ’jr!' ** a ? e tr Jt| 1 ,-, ■ kjk-ikk-kl;. k k. ■ ■ , \'l ,t I ••’••• 'll*?iiE? I his rest Friday morn- K^^Wnim^» i| - ;'"'. k ,]: -k ? i”r ».” ; j i'-kki' . :•• '■ •■ Qn and ifter l« * T* I. . 'dl' •■ NASOT.Watsi.ea. ofv^eesille,;..a., V --v-.r : i‘- J -T-, ■ -A( •• -.-1 ■' . sV aiZiiX* *3E? B^S?f »■ A FORTffHE’S, ,; '■ kk, hf; jconnty (generally knew of hi* Mat and M's* Mart ] ' kj'k"' IN iiOCHKSTBB. • k "• ./-k 1 . ■■ J|k /j; ; ; j /■.. wuitg-coiKQ wwf.; ■; '■ kT.'” , sorions indisposition, and will not bo all o» Beßvepcoanty.Pjt. kV -| - kf-.k/y;'kk k-kkkk-..k. kkki T, k- k] ' ! 1 -’ .»-• snrprisod of his death. Av On April by.Boi J. jl MTU i4"'s k" T I •.' TJNION ■. , general inter^Vas^ raanifestedlp his yar, Gso. W. Hunter, of New Bright. ,k| •'RA'RfJATNS I i ." 1" . j dase[ and tojuie Moiy laslali; hoped ton, and ,he might For a week before J ; k!- v hVX !’] *** Door, to the Pott <&* ! STATE AND COUNTY his death, however, the/physicians at- On May 2d,- by the ARalari i •;' ■ I■. ■•*■• -’ •" : - , . • >■ k i ■ : ■ tending him, htevipg exhaneied all Whislbb, of New Brighton and ».■ |k i J ' |. . « j ra. r their skill ihi yidnly need every rein: H 4 **A Cotsos, of Aorlh * m itOU Trim: TXOBLEIT. ' edyj diclarjl f tfipra' wjis no hope.- Q P?. 2d, by the W JLeeom, |-i. ; | I ■ j. iO |r . fenpwn he waa dead hope |Xnf nL f ’ J i -T : -J—rr gave unfvernal sorrowamong o ® B I' ' ‘ onr People tbaj ono of our most aiB- f lho sainoVPHiLLip StMMIT, Slurkdoj, “ AV “ ADVANOIfIp. j , | r i 1 tinguished citizens had been cut off in Ohio, and i Miss Sabah Sn|ti>, [Wayhe i&T ODR PRICES FIRST ’• 1 Auditor 1 General ,i i . thfcijrime ol life. Of. his life we need co., Ohio. ", ;’ ■;i. : -..T.-''|-'. -,.:h l v ' |- 1 -T f ‘ ' ■ i.i'. i , i-* ' » hardly speak, 'For a quarter a On dpy theiHiiroiv |Hqu4; r f d l> rißt »*l onl y v 26 ■ > j J . ' cen.turv he has lived in county, by the kame MARTiN . HbwELn. iknjd Good nnble*ched mualinj only...Ti..i...Wcta ni u I ’ , , Hiss Louisa Mubphv, both ofSalem, |:. ,» 1 ‘ - John F Hartranft ; i 9 ee i 1 P rom |be n py > before the people, •' (if ,;l <. | . i. l j ; '| ObCd bleachedivnaUas; 0n1yvi..'..;.......20ctai. i : . * ] *;• . j and bis life and services are faiiiihar ;•.* - L.--. .•■ , :-.j k. ~;) j r-; - •)■•.•; '••!■. i%\- Hi'- • ! • ;■ .«•>., v he«r^ph ,^ ! o T' M ■..:d 1 farly life,sti diedlaw with the late Jno. C hael Porter, bf North Sewicfcly, DRESS GOODS OF: FVERY KINO .;| ! : . a R Esq., was admitted to the - 24th, itle samo. J. VERY CHEAP I • ‘ j ' : Bar, dnd bus since that, time, with-a New Sewicktvj-and ii], V-m Wr x ■■Surveyor Genet*aL | : short - inter’uption, pVacficcd his pre- eth.J. Brewer- • i j' ; J BARKED & PLALH iLAMaALa 1/“ r' ’ >. fessioh p)s[county J He worked A ago S U26th, hy thh sarobi at t»U FRENCH , . , I '■■ ■; n his. why up, almost unaided by money Huron House, Patrick Bonner, and ’ | ,’ I . 1 j aC ob H. Campbell ! | ,f or alhigh standing at the CAtHARiNE Emmon, otiSalenr.,:Ohio.f -. f. ’ COB,UROS,, i’ , . ■ ? i j ■, : -j. it, • . t . t- t , j- ii T j | j r.i •. \\- (> ■ \ i Barand -a' lucrative practice. Jle Sepi.,2o, by in the M. |B ; 1 ! I)BLAINE3- f ‘ i 1 h. vyas in able lawyer, a fine advoeate, Church, |.j William jof ; i. , . if ; ,1 j ■■ 1 r . 1 and.a close student.;He nevpr ® r^2 T S o ' v ?J e . r- , a l'^‘ Y P I i^ TUAI ?'. T J' •! i r ;ARMURES, ; ' ■? .1 >1 .: ■ '■ •. ,v f » • v--.. ••• . ot;New Brighton. | ■ ■ j. ;; . w.- -j <: .-i ' in his effortsfor niSfCliahts, and manv T i, ‘ t k k‘ ’ ■ . . . pprlsifd ■•'■■. 1 i • 1 . • J i . •/• I-* h • '•*' June 22, 1865, by Rev. .1. Murray, /■FKINJB, l .1 .... k. ,■ i r I’ Jf ,hy :hu i peraevermg ,n-; MI ,. o; R. Wallace, hnd'LMma | / - , Tfrira . . ■ Assembly : , .duitry. His reputation, as a lawyer , TARRHi.lbolh pf ;Beavey driunty.’TlCKS, &o. ' , ■: . ~, *—L K..Q- • ' J ' ’ ; 1 . 1 . ,‘i X IH* 1 wJs co cxtonsiVe with the State Hci-t-T- ■ i k 1 -r» t" 1 1 ; i Matthew S Quay 1 ‘ 'liiiUi' 1 .feidss ■&a»s. f«.«ph b woi.h I later he was appointed one of-, the Su- | the '{Locust Flat Farriu situated within ; " V. j 1 i ■' !. • *■ , , i-l-L... • ' C-; - l; ' ri cr, f- ' !i^ es tipnifiejiejd short time, and re. Th^y.Vctpb*\ isf/i.'lSM;!' j J%S.G!OL cfcj BOyS I - 1 ;' , V De“pLY.:.7k| b._ ii. signed, .to], resume his practice. ,t 10 o’dlt>ck, a. m,,if nolsooner sold ' AboTe - )k was one of thoFelectors in 1856, was farm epitaihs 131 acres, and two out -PH 1 ] , iorest , 520 ‘ 85a of p.i.w.J«h.|(ii.«i r .i.(!.nv e ,tio„ sSI”SiSi'”KM:&.SS: i- i T : v■■ '■ :SsS±:,'Si : ik in 1860 L and ope ot the electors at e 0 with' White oak and locuit;>fiO acres inlj • . 4 \ „k, S i rrMtlinc *l^ r 710 I!' 540 “ CIO “ 12v m* lanrl in 1864 * TTn to* ihe breaking roeaddwj’jthe'wholein the bead of cultivation, ; Ladies’ ttnd SH&eS, , J; , i W* i|Ue 610“ 640 “ 1243 “ . m large in, 1804. ,Up to ihe nreaumg and acknowledged to be'ohe of the best land I [■ . - i | i f- I ' 4 i • : ’ . k ! IManafield.,... 1 805 646 « 712» 'H«1“[! or Oiuof the rebellion ho was therleader product We farms in the i county. & NOTIONS .. ■ «i ■ 1 Ii"”*—"" ‘;| im ,ot the Demoerklic pany in this coun/ good and comfortable bundings; simatedion-; ; , j ’• k | J ; ) . ]j. . Milo R Adams ofj ty, Ini with Douglas ho stood : by.whichJar^sold;in proport fo iij to Iht j, ■ ..■ . •: . i tour \rv, lind ult. luope frf)!U School the farm.-makcß it-one of; Ihe'j i .hoTO nricei. =l* j. I I pi * . I ral .. » ; J ... T most desirable m-Western Pennsylvania for r . * ‘i.i . I ■ :■ |•'-• . ... . he ;Since he has l.io p ersons wishing toieducate a family and fee at ' -'I . y . : - , T } iUnijn party, and cdiiltibuted of-his i home. The road leading to New Lisbon runs J •’j 1 :j,. >, ' i. ; * i ! ; , i. Z T- ■„.... ' . the great canse cchntry. His j further particulars inquire on \ p •• • ■ >• ' , 1 i'DiStrjlct Attorns} ,1, ‘ he his or of Executor ; 0 es.aK! T 1 ‘ ' I ’ 1 ,P^— hat *t i t ‘ . i. , , l of James Latin, deceased. i;l’oSt office. a«- i ■ Jj j Ol LLIXXfcJ to : , K . . , ,; 1 i.j ■■ c , T sorvitees in this county in ibehnlf of an i dregs Allegheny Cily, Pa: r : " J • ill , I’ ; * . For New Castle add Erie, 6.4fi.a. -1 A N.O .! j i, ■ .i. . ~ , „„koT >r,e J ' ii • ■ ' I- . 1 J: • .» • ■ ■ ~~rX :■ ■■. if - < : Commodation trams leave Allegheny tor Re r)(d impenllel country cannot; be too high- X- <JU KAT B A HGAIN STQRE, . ' • J. mo , SRiltan ’ ' ■ -Brighton-9 wt-l X; Ilifiti a. m;. 2.15 p/L; ly eStiinatcJ. 'ln his aoath j.ho -Bar i/ i i ’NOTICE.!' -I f' ' ! ' - I* * ■ ri ■ . n P- m;.d;oU ; p; id. For Economy, 10,30(p. bi a *[ \.„L\ Am L.i mn A i — 1 : * |. •. :!. • . .i: I* •. | ) /. ! ■ • , lin For New Ca&tlel' Greenvilie' and 'James ,has|ost ui acknowledged leader and MsqbSTIiSI;AKOI ]- oF RELtW TO Eam- IN' THE DIAMOND, ■ 1 • . ■ Jj'. I .o^Pa. 3.50,p mi I - | a distinguished ornarnent.the comma- i ilies of soldiers. i • k- , : !. VT7TT • . , .v' i h- • j • . !• -i nnnn DOT'D o DA - : - , * • 1 1 F.’ R. MYERS. Gen. Ticket Ac IJ i|ity a. good Citizen, and. the COUDtr.ra A S theiliwe is ippronching, or perhafis.ar-1 r.' ROCHESTER, PA,, ■ V, •. .5 '•••:' ' .f r I j --'r ■ ' i-. . '• • ! ' ’^JS!£iStvSSS^JSLk n g .and ifour chtldren Jo meurn the loss Ol service, the Belief Board, at ■:. ■■ ■ . .- v .: -J , i lions daily, Sundays exchipJed, as follows. ■' s i v an cftecilioiiatoi husband .and a kind their meeting on the the fol-j Tmr>n i iTrif lii iTf»H ri 1 ■. ’ k ■ i - .T----J —-———r-i- 5'> -f/., I ; ’ ..1 .f ’■ r; Ji, lowing re'sidiition.f is: ,t 1 '! ! .! ! 1 t-U |i j ILOH iI . ■ ... . „ J | 1 molsc aoojtHj , . i it ! father. In their sorrow, the citizens | ’fb at the cniire (Belief) ho Sorat ch ! Scratch I ! l,l ’ ; r ~— X~~~- —T T ■ CiZ&C -C.Z&c' en- 1 j ? f bo ®°f vSd wa: C th“&S^utf"■ •■WHE'ATON , Bj- : 6(I«TrWIENt. ] i /ki; ■ k . ' :i r : I Mail.. Exp’s Alsitl Jlccom. ?Sg 1 hndfaHhfiiUyjin various postUons. ‘fheVaft atso directed 1 their Seerctdfy'ta WILL CURE THE ijrCR;IS-48 HOURS. '-J - * 'l:■ ' ■ •; : ’ Cleveland. . Wa* 130ri SOOaii B'lSpm .= K -.- ' ««“^^ n * , tou^ifyWipienl» 4 LSOkcmcs SALT RREUM. tiLCERSv . I ■ kjhhi, WSlaon - ‘ Euclid street 81l| •• 141“ )1 328 “ » n .\ ; ■ --:- —rn ;. '■ time muertjng that tf they W \ CHILBLAIMS. ahd all ERUPTIONS OF I John Wjlspn '.Hud50n....... 915 “ ' 242 “ 915 1‘ 450. » RP k^/snv Jl^'^ y .^T th 7^V. e 7be !? dm^andde 8 e | rymg , . rrice . () j - Porßftlob , -.1.. , . k -Xtron. J. f. 1086 “ 52T ,‘f T».l fie eai(or O the CO nlntifnnce, to direct them tp^appear ®jper r pV ~ : , N j , , . ’f •..■( i firrviUe L. 1229 pm 643 “ iwtsMs the- people of-the; county to ' Br»ending ! GO cents b ■•WEEKS & POkTERi r' : -k ; ■, -,, .■•" - I Millersbiirg!. L.I 218 “ 750 >• °ur has. just commenced T ‘ : h ' V aSS""" 1049 t j”H ; ►m.: pis {labor ofjatiusing people who don’t pr^> er wilL .'' ter, himv •jTh.is may be. Know- '•■ •. | -“j *, ' sep^O'O^O mos. ]‘ .; ki ■ k , i t . • ■ ,1 1] ,-j Welisyille.... 110 pm 685|-> ! bits iDg|hi,m as well do now-, we can- ' kj- — I EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. ’ ' ~ -i CoUnty Surveyor - ; .. 1. •. ; ooi.vo soeih. ; I nolieipbct him tb conduct his , letlefa testamentary Wing^-^’ 4 ._ ‘. L ' . - I - ktkC^iC''c.Z& C tile with dignity <!>r himself as a- gcnllu- fj A I R — D RE S S' E R'& C. W been giauieJ to the undersigned,on the v : y, : \ Matt. Ear’s. Accok Exes; ias mai.i We dofknow, liowever,--iKpt f),p U «T , pewoM: ‘ V -; ’ . " i. S - ; j lj yTeilsville.... XaS.ui 505 bu \.......L TZ.». wil) not long be permitted lb go on in bis bid customers, that he has beeh.di.s- kqowibe themselves indebted to said eatate : 1 Aiariak Wynn . i r Ciayard........ 68§ “ ......ii.; Offit a^;^f4C»aeai:ss«^iss.«s?»aii- .-.i «±f= i»|:f=ss '-vri. Jlis w’ork always irives sat- his predecessor^'learned a lesson. that joining Wm. Or r ;S;Siorc.:| Ladies ;hair cut in.. p^ e9 e n t them to the-subscriber duly authenti. • r ' I 1 Milleriburg., .• k...;., 440 am 306 i-m 4-i-uu. Uivchim a call. should S L wa>ning to him of what f ® r roVe^ V B Mb'?« Baited for settlement;^-J . k- : k ] | : Orrviljek;.... ......T.. ...V-. 50-f k 1 , nnimiu yt, n.wapiiut, m uun ot w.niu fnendswill renewlheifpatronage. ‘Having J | iMARY ASS HOOD. Iv. . ■j, - - " 7- • i i |..- Akron 1 , f. (CO ‘f i2o“.' ■. k -Tk 71 w A• .iibellers and common villifiers may ex- carried ihe flag oft the' ’4sth, IRegjtl. S]U.„T. < ;WILLfAhI HOOD, r , * •; .'Mi Hud50n)....... 837 “ 851 800 ‘f j;851;“ iplt Ott. for Lying Hand-Bills rr ... for almost a year. In the battles arouml Pe- : L.noy’nS I ‘HodowoU tp. I! ‘ ~ 1 i EuclidTsfreet 942 ‘‘ .949 “ Ssl6 “ |949.“ ! h-i. -1.0 ctiMtom & tto iD-mbcratic p - T « av '“S he - t?li i. im nclf te a fair k'" 1. j' ''* P - ] |j. 1 SleveLd.... 955' “Jiooo “ Rao-.] IODO “ j . . i! reputation or/riends to lose, UlO only shareofi the ‘puhfic patronage, -f - r 1 AUMINiISTKAjTORS NO I'-HJE. ■ 1 ■• ..• h , . ' |i: -n — rrr-’-rz ---••-• T —;■ -\| " ■<-■>111:. m this eoitnly yctsste and oir- K va y loVreatLhts alien, seems to - j 4 EttERE of admiL.in on ihe estate >; . >oor House R.rectot V ; , = ,. ■ _J just on tke.evc pf thi elect.on, hI J Q ln^orte a hero t 0 iPOTI' /[.p of wAuam a.|.H™™ • ■?; ' , i k MA^ .kalian-. 1l “ tor]tf»e.pvrfoBe of in. w one liero wm base enough la TTT.HEELEB’H R;dentkW^ te f braWers I g4med P m all persons in- k ■ ~,k ..1.1- , .|k k-i 8e1aire...;..;; 1050 am 405 pm J..3C i-jcg jomeot the candidates of the .do is to visit him'with the Danish' ■ W\- •. ! do-] do to said estate lore to make .1. ,i .1 k I k ,! . Bridgeport..; 1100 •* ‘M-.—’\ W .The absurd, false and “•!* .f° !'T T “do. Buckets do immediate paypent, hnd tliose having claim. , .. -I Samu L) Gibson f bhPJ«g^^ , •' ’«£ }«« ‘t i : . - mient his offences deserve. • Weights and Iroi Wheels-' against said estate will present them to the , wiwwn 1 Steubenvßle. 12Ww< 5« “ 1106 .*. 686 a« presentations are often', h-k -k:. of nil kinds; \ , i snbseriber properly aua.qnticat«d ; | for set. ' Jk-' : • i Wellwille.... ;130 “ 700 “ 1200 “ 686 » ■k'. Union men af.o familiar with Ba.WKcall the attentionof >"i’lnck,and cannot bo inflt eccod by orij to ;he at yertiseraent of the New '-timber sawed to order 4‘hout R^ k ■ •• k, ‘ {* j Rochester .... 230 <• 755 “ lOOam 800 “ 't do hot deceived by any statement Shbc Store, ib Beaver,to befomid in uu- ,^y- : JAB. AH. DABHAGH. k—-— —jr —k _ ■ —i f .. ,;lj , s ; / Pittsburgh '.. 845 ,‘j 900 ,“ 210 “ 0r trick of the Democracy. -Votelhe other colttmh.l Mr. Tallohselecied iu : j Sharon Mills. j .F. A. WfINT . v • i aoiso west. ■; , f "kle ticket,and see that ovary Unio,i the and has just brought on and SEALED PB.OPOSALS ; jM USIC3S T O R E .■ , " 1 . ■,* [ 1 Expa mail. Accom ,na n.rloo.s Live same. . . opened', 1 a very fine assortment of \4TILL be received of the office of |A. B. n. 'j i .J, k ; tk- t>A <’ ■'< 1 ' Alndiinr ’■■ !• ■ ki.- - - —r- ~*4 —» ■■ ■ ■ w - is’- Bovs’ Ladies' and (’hrldrunV W- Moore, EkUpi to |Monday oit. 2d, Roadway, mw.Bnghton, pa. , . V Auditor - , Ka , burgh ;. 2l oam 245 pm OidAM 850 pm V'Oar yoang frr kes Stokes, M t ns 9 y Ladies, and Uhrldtcns isos, ht 3 o’clock P. M., for diggiig i water -L^ T , v , rti! . k, ~ 1 j ki-a : ; Ik I k Kwhester k 88*- 855 - 738 “ ■ 616 “ f flip Inmflnti fnl.n h* Sb|pe», &C., which he. offers' at very trench J from the imbiith Jof -Market Street to and A choice couec- s. J | ‘ ! 1 Beaver ....... 746 “ ~525}*‘ i the lament' J °' ,P ' - loie n ,ke, R fthp , if A , khi alley on Fiist Street, tb be 24! Instruments, keptfor sale.; - Smith’s Ferry ......... k...k 820 “ 605 “ late .of lb now ; em-’ -°f P' l<3fi *’'i R °P elt »« °“® ot the feel wideby 4Hyet deep. | k 1 * Miso. Music and Stktionery. , o •-1 ' I . WeUsvllle .a 430 “ 520.“ 842 “ 640 “ \ ) most aacommodating and honest man order of Town Council: Instrumental music taught. fsepa n..k f ■ I Steubenville.k 525 “ 025 “ 945 “ 800.‘| £ fisls - Al :r nv‘ s*’*?*';.. i. awe N do ", aiTl e|' s a tfie public. He is so weu\rrd favorer &TT 1H -.1 I' “ v "r kcnel-gelic. bly. knowrv^heie,.that any thing we vt NG eniered inio pUr ! >»«•, l*M their ’ the 0. : >B. -CollMte. - TUSCARAWAS BRANCH, i aW can say. can add nothing to his-yeps -tiec of MEDtCINE ET g'yes lhis npUcethat rMeipts for D. S. Taxes, j 1 i ‘ Leaves ; Arrives k -j wo'ilH '■ utatioii People tlial ‘r professional > < wiulaot be him.tinlessgiven * . . N. Philadelphia X. JO pm Bayard, 4.1(> p m;i W 0 ld Bd ’ bitter not try any J 1 ' < - J Bayard, 6.& pm, ,N. p’.i f untv plhceflso. [GjveßimacalU .' fk- ! <? or or.or k , - ®*Our young friend, Jai ' ,jrl of the lamented Lieut of this place, is in' A. U. Shatnwii Philadelphia. Jamef ■i'nng man, moral, upright, persevering. , Ho will salesman, and we T '*e Merchants in Beaver c >iri "g to purchase shoes',•■‘ic The j. firin' in whiel ployed is oho of'the, large ’p the city. __ | i., 'S Q l 'let Election, i— It « wme excuse for the ine that this is go Vet election. Yes; if*bid ver y quiet election; but ti ene ray doi»s not quietly stea you. The democrc f kra 'Piet.to an excilii expect out l;riL a a 1 h . ome . whilst ' tlii that tl . ra out * WU‘ iderhaft o^8 " 0180 ! ° ur volers p'^^STri!l^h'CoPP or p.l B ' a ture opp >1 ,ondv OI ?l 8oLm “ 8 smote the El lountyv de give him i 'I 1 ■ ■ 1 I ,t ' * - Hoy It Derived Its Name —lt is (ia.id that Pithole, this great oil city in Pennsylvania, was thus named in con sequence of jah extraordinary pit or cavern that exists about three miles .frpm Ibe city. Ihtb : s pit stones are thrown, but they are never heard dtop. Its ha* not fathomed t, i ' i. be ia em it ind beat is urged, trieSH now ing to be a 9 fair to' be ke care the I a march I West, Virginia fLrnit.hed to the armies ol the United States 31.884 This,.| however, does not include the, nieh who were in the [service of the Sfatej and.who.rendered material'ser vice’ to the goverhmeni , by protecting tjie 'border, and suppressing the oper ations of guerrillas. ’ . 1 - -i : : ■ ■ . Is al ways ig election, voters to ey quietly take care, quiet as to unaware of j MrThft fehiales of Jome of thie In dian tribes, in order to keepsilence, fill their moot bs.with water. Oar wo men Bit' theirs • *ith tot. Wnd gossip more than ever. * : V 1 ' ' i . i- , *; . i- .'• •.I ■ • ■ * irheadg of the >sed the in- They voted osiiion. Now no, sad there- cr. i i" i : i *’ '.-I: Dra. M’KINNEY & FEICHT, HAVING eniered inip partnership foithe practice of MEDItJINE and SURGERY, tender their professional service* to the oit iienV’-Qf'. K ■ ■!=<-. j i- j ' T BEAVER RORO f AND COUNTT. 1 i : ,! i : ; . |- ’Wf.ICESj r j - Two\ tdooors bt-hw Moore?s Drug Store Bearer,' Sept23:l m J . | i fc'T VC'TTTA D’O ~ Ufi' T 1 i To whom concern-: Whereaa, John C* T i jNOxICJSj; | nnn holda a note given by me, dated about the TT7|HEIiEAS letters! 1 leiumentarr on the .N !° f Sbpt &(£, payable ninety days ■\V estate of Kobt. SKvis, late of Franklin -, afte l llate > for S«5; all persons; are hereby township, Bearer co.J, Pa., dec’d. having cautioned not to purchase said noto, as it was been granted to! the undersigned, all prrsons i < ! raud : “4 will not boj paid, and indebted to saidj estate are requested tb make i i _ aTe ?“ set ® againat it, I ' - immediate payment, and those haring {claims j f 'i ■ ’ ■ . E0 V ■ ■ against the samje wiir present Jheib properly |! “jwhester,, Sept. 16, iB6O, authenticated for settlement. 'V ■ i -y" ' ; ' — ' ■; . 1 JOHN SLATF.Ii, Ex’r of last will and testamenlof said dce'd. ■ sep2o T I | 1 pranklib.tp NEW GOODS!: 'US|C received from FMlidelphia, i fresh JV - - , ... . - ifopply of Quods, Consist ingof clotfis. ois- BimeCea, satinets, jeansand tweeds.amj made up clothing: ladies cloaking, merino, alpacas, delaines, prints, ginghams,decks and ticking; with a great ninety of articles in oar line* with a good assortment of groceries,; bouts; shoea 'and salt, will W sold cheap for cash or eoonti j ‘prodaca, at thOold slind, coniSd st. .and Diamond; THOMAS Me CREBRY. septaoss. ■ ■ - IM! •V ,• | '[. •• f ~J 1 - ' ! r I Col. 24th Dirt. Peons . Notice, j EXECUTOR’S NOTlbiS. . 1- F.TTERB testamentary on . the estate 'j of Abdruw Adams, late ofj’, Hanover j township, Bearer County, Pa./dee'd, having I beep granted to the undersigned, all persons j indebted to said, estate are; requested to make I immediate payment, and those having claims [ against-the same twill presjent- them properly authenticated for settlement. , > ■ r I lHp8: ADAMSi Hanover tp.!, ■ j, sept#’#6., . '.j,, Executor. [■■. Pamphlet iLawa. v I THE Pamphlet Laws for Isiffi have arrived and are; how ready for delivery to those Entitled hy law to receive them., ■ x ' alujWt*, iM. WETAKD.Wi’y. V/' ( } Thqraap McCo; t’• 1 • . . - S i ‘ . ;Trnstee< ot Acad ; ' ''j- J A T Sballenbcrg ■ . David P Law# : i -.1 >• 1 _ ~ ~. ~= xir- ; t )U ’ ■■ i ' , ! j i-Exg'B- Exp's. PHUbuti ' 316** ;700am "iobpi 800 m Eoobaatw...., mi “ 830 ,v 820 “ : 426 “ N. Brighton-. -u: “ “ 830 “ 486 En*n.4l9,V 986 “ 424 ‘ t 622 “-j Columbiana- 468 “1017 »• 603 “ 600 Salem 522 “ 1048 “ ,636 V 630 “j Alliance 016 “ 1160, V 626 “ 780 “ Canton- 658 ‘f 1242 pm 718 “ 820 “ Ma&Uon-... 72U:“ 102 “ 740. “ . 850 “ 0mU1e....... :?52.“ .142 “ 820 “ 926.“ :Wooster .. ‘i 820 f “ 218 “ 1962 “ 967 “ Loudonville- 910, “ 326 946 “ 1065 Mansfield-... 1000 “ 426 “ '1085“ 1146 “ „I . , itAr 1080 •• 600 “ 1110 “ 1246 am Crestluie De uOO ,700 am 1201 a» 1265 “! Bucyrua...... 1169 “ 730 “ 1229 “ 128“ n Sandusky 421Qp« 813 “ 109 “ 200 “ Forest, 1245 “ 845 “ 144 “ 281“ Limn. .204 “ 1010 “ 800 “ 848 “ . De1ph05...... 246 “ 1069 ** 340 “ 428 Van Wert, 816 “1184'“ «2“ “ Fort Wayne. :500 '“. ,130 pm 656 “ 645 “ Columbia..., 545 “'224 “ ,845 “ 728-“ Huntsville..., 1 ,a 4-.“ —“ -M— r“ .... “ I ■ Pierceton —. ~.4 .** T... ...... “ ■ “ Warsaw,..,,., 639 “ 824 0 [741 “ 817 “ 80urb0n..... ...2 “ .... “ “ .... " Plymouth.... 741..“ 436 “ 848 “ 911 Wanatah...... 1 “ .... “ ! .Valparaiso... 922 “ 630 :,087 “ 1046 “ I H0bart....... ..... “ .... “ Clarke “ -... i‘ “ 1 lUC.BB.Cros ...... “ ..... “ “ ....... “ D Ttal DR JV ' 44 1 : 41 tc . ffi*o. liiStt •* mp & mopM TUAIKS tjQIXQ BAST. II MAu.‘.| Exp's. Exp’s Exp's • Chicago. Vi! 450 am 620 am 650 pm 1020 pm 1 EllslKOJunc; 645 “ 617 “ 1065 “ i til C.BRCros“ 655 “ J 25 “ •* 1 i Clarke 1 .;.... “ 718 “ 655 “ Jl4B “j Hobart j!...... “ 789 “ j 720' “ 1209amJ Valparaso.... 1 700 ‘lBOO “| 745 “ 1240 “0 Wanatah .... Il 828 “ 814 “109 “!j : Plymouth .... 1’.911,930 “ 927 “ 226 1 Bourbon ip..;... ‘f 907 “ 937 “ 257 ‘ti Warsaw ......jilols V 1026 “ i 029 “ 337 “j Pierceton,..’.. 4* 1047 “ 1052 “ 402 “ Huntsville “ 1056 “ 1102 .“ 413 “ Columbia M 122 1112 “ 1120 “ 432“, Fort Wayne- ,1210 pm 1313 pm 1335 am 333 “ (Van Wert ; 233 “ 129 “ 145 j “ 727, “ Delphos ...... j 315 202 “, 226 “ 809 V [Lima............ 355 “ 284 “ ’ 802 “ 842 ! forest 520, “ 853 “ 425 “ Uit4 “ U.Sandusky-I, tSSS “ 422 “ -460)“ 1047j“' Bucytus i ( 640 “ 506 “ , 540 “ 11301“ (.Ar ; 710, “ 540 “ CIO “ 1201 pm [VrestUne || Ue . 720 am 610“ 640 1243 “ Mansfield.,,.. ; 805 “ 646 “ 712 “ ,116;“ Loudonville ..910 •• 737 “ 757 “ Wooster.,lo2o “ 830 “ ,845 “ iOrtVille-....:, Vios4. “ 900. “ { ; '6J7 “ . 313 “ Massillon \ 1140 “ . 9351 “ ‘.-936 “ 347 “ Canton 11200 955 “ 41)5j “ Alliance ...../ I 120 pm 1040 “Jll3O “ 605 “ Salem ......... '!■ 200 “ 1110 “:1205pm 535 “ Colunibiana _i! 230 “ 1140 0t123l •‘■•6oo Enon- ..., ij 820 “11220 am? 112 “ '635 “ ..X. Brighton- If-, 410 *‘1258 “1.15,5 “ 710 " i Kobfiester Ij 430. “| 110 “I 210 “ 725 “ j j Pittsburgh .-jp 600 “( 220 “j : 320 “ 830 “ jl l - m.' \c ! >w F. R. MYERS.Oeneral Ticket Agent. '! Manufacturers*, & Merchants* II INSURANCE CO 31-PA NT. ; OF PITTSBURG. ''Office; 87 Wafer st.,. Bogaley’s building■ J. I. BENNETT, President,! ! i J. W. CHALFANT, Vicei Pres'l. i Wii. P. Jones, Seo’y. ' V \ ri ‘ Insures gainst Lobs fey Fire. II emv Insure* Steamboats and Cargoes, ■ And on property Wiransit against the perils ' . . of navigation. .[ PlttKCToß*.—James I. Bennett, Jacob L- Schwarts, Kbbert Lee, I. C. Pershing, M. W- Watson, It. K. McAboy, A. E. ff, Painter.' Ji W. CLslfsot, Isaiah Dickey, Wm. Wnlker.R; O.BnabneU, John Wilson, Hemy A. Weaver- Risks taken on ihe most liberal terms, by ‘ CUAS. B. *HDR3T, Agent, | h>y3l‘6s Rochester, Pa./ <3. ; DECARME, f • TOBACCOIfIST, ’ -■ COB BIAMOND & THIRD ST. j rpOBACCO & SNtJFF always orL hand. 4. ■ Cigars manufactured sad furnished lb dr* *t Ittwelß^rfeeS., 1,.-' [t£fBl!«m: f.-'i!--’rV I- 111 In IN rA .1. ..1; i; % ’*{ "**• y )l . ! Urine. disordered’ digestion foom unhealthy food; Impure air, 111th- arid filthy habits; the depressing vices, .and, above all, by the venereal infection, Winterer be W origin, it is hereditary irilhe rwaitata.': descending 1 * from par*»tafto~thU4rw wit* the thiyd and fourth, generation j* Wejd,il ■ seems to be the rod of Him who says, "leill •• visit . the, iniquities of 1 the fotherv upon their children;”' The dl«e«c» it ori*inale» lak#; various-names, according to tlio organaH; ■ attacks...ln jhe, lungs, Scrofula produce* tubetdes, and finnlly Consumptionj intho glands, swellings rrhich suppurate ana be- ~ come ulcerous sores; in and bowels, derangements triuclsproduee tndi gCstion, dyspepsia/andliver coippleipi* 100,, : thb ikST, eruptive, min cutaneona These, all having thc aame origin, requirolhs ; . . same'remedy, vis., purification and invigoraj> ‘ tipn; of tlio Wood. u Purify.- the blood, and I these dangerousdistempersleavoyou. With. .. feeble, fouli;or= corrupted blood, you cannot hare health | With that “life of tho fleah" • healthy, you fcannofhave scrofulous disease. Sarsaparilla 't’vV.f Is compounded from the mpst.effectoal antiiV dotes'that medical science has dUcdtered foe - ' this! afflicting distemper* and for the btneot - i’ the disorders; it entails r That it .is far: sup* ■ ! rioc to any other remedy ye* devised, is known by all who have giveri it a Irish That r ■it does, combine virtues truly tarttaCrdinary. ;■ in their effect upon this class, of Complaint** - is indisputablyprpvcn by the great multitude; ; of publicly known and remarkable cure),it ‘ i. bis' made' of the following .diseases: King’s ; : Evil, CTAOlandnlag Swdlingi, Tnmory i Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sons, Erysipelas, Bose or St Anthony’s Firej Salt Bhenm* Scald Head, Coughs from ; .' tuberculous deposits in.t}» limn, White fttjslliaw, Debility, Prepay, Tfenmlgia. j Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Mercurial Diseases, PemoleWeaknesses, and, indeed; the whole ; aeries of complaints^that arise from impurity blood* ■ Minute' tcports of individiul- • cases majr be found in ••Arm's Amxricax - Aluaxac; which is furnished to the druggists, for; gratuitous distribution, wherein may bs'' learned the directions for its use, and spins- : of Jibe remarkable cures which-it has tnadsi. when all other remedies had failed to afford belief. , Those; cases fire purposely, talceh. from all sections of the country, in order; ! that cvcryreader-may have access to scrag | onp who can speak to Jbimof its-heneflts from _■ •: personal experience. ScrofuU depresses ths 1 1 " vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far m6ro -subject to disease and its. fatal.results.,; tliah are healthy constitutions? Hence it tends to: shorten, and does .greatly shorten, th|e average duration of human life. Ths ■ vast importance of these considerations has '■ led us to spend years hr perfecting a remedy. winch is adequate to its cure. This we now. : offer to the public under the name of Araa's Sarsaparilla, although It is composed of,, ingredients, some of .which exceed the best. /of Sartaparifla in alterative power." By its 1 -; aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing and danger of these disorders. Purge . out the foul corruptions that rot and fester . in the blood, purge but die causes of disease* .and vigorous health will follow. Byiu pecur . liar virtues tliis remedy stimulatesjtho vilsl ■ functions; and thus expels; the distempers which lurk; within Bio system or. -burst out on any part.of it "j , ' ° ! |We know the public have been deceive!, » \y 'many compounds • of Snrtaparilla, .tbU j promised much and did nothing; bntthey 1 | | will neither be deceived nor disappointed: iii: “ i this. Its virtues have been proven by abun- . l ' dajittrial, and there remains no ; ! its curpassing excellence for the, cure, of.lh* !. | afflicting diseases it is intended to reach., I : i Although nnder the saroe name, it is, a very -!_• | different medicine from any other, which bas -. been before the people, and is far more ef-' - factual than any other Which has ever been •available to them, 'I : : ■ ,A/5rER’3 CHERRY PECTORAL, This World’® Great Remedy lb» : ;< Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con» , | •sumption, and for the relidf ; A / of Consumptive patients ' » • in adVanoed stages - W I : of the disease. : ThU has been so long used and io uni- ; Venally lmqw£, that we need dotto tnortf than assure jthe public that its quality is kept:. up to the best it ever has been, and -that si ‘ '■ maybe relied on to do all it has ever done. (. ‘ s Prepared by Da. J. C. Aria 4 Co., , ! Practical and Analytical CJumitU, j ' Lowell, Maas.' Sold.by all druggists every where. ,},, ;; *ob.Sold tyy J: Moon* Beaver; Dr.,,Smith,; - ~ Bridgewater; S. J. Crosa, Rochester; J)r-J3ar- J. gent, New Brighton; and by dealers every . ajhere. . ,f no»3 f G4 • |ETNA’ : INSURANCE i COMPANY ! HARTFpRD, Or. I ; Assets January I,' ; , Cash in bank and wiihajL’ti....;,,..526p,63l 86- United States .5t0ck....!..; .. 734,636 60 Realestate, unincumbered........... 76,058 .60 '_ State 5t0ck5.i..L.i...... 4— ,4.. • o7?' New Y0rkbank5t0ck5....';.,.......,704.410 00 Hartford tenbstoeks. 296,980 00, Miscellaneous bank stocks}; 112,400.004 Railroad 5t0ck5..........C........i..... 286,380 OtT Mbrtgage bonds, dityand county.,. 730,416 OOf Allan .c M.-Xns. Co.'h. T. Scrip;.. £3,410 00 . »:i 3.800,439 93. ; ' - 1 4^ , • ■ 1 " 4 •2’ •. - j y. Leases unadjusted and n<k 23 NET v «3,6t1*362 71. V F. A. ALEXANDER, -Prcs't; - f J L. J. HENDEE, Sdtfy, •: fy" C. B. HTJulsiT, : : *ug9’9s:4w f. ; . J* Rochester.; ■> 1 BEAVER SEMINARY .1" ASK 1 miCAL INSTITim Rev.R. T. TAYLOR, A M., President.' THE «Bp«cUTqly Sept. 12,-’6'5,., : January -2, andApfc 6,1866. . ;i.- Every opportunityinslructioninany; branch ’ of sMenie or.'on any musical inatru- . men! ‘ also vocal mutdcvprivate or in classes, is afforded here at reasonable rates.. (j ■£ ~ , ; lads'’received in the' Primary Department;',' ■also small-girls of 'any j proficiency.;' Diawipg and’painfing of^every,”style will’ receive the 1 special attcntipu,,of>afirat-dasa artist. ,■" t, ’I. ■■ : - ';" ■. Tuition: sff,6o; $8,50,’ and sl2,Go,JaccQrd* ing to department. ,■; , \- ’ :• - Kbnebut thoroughly qualified|and expen. ensed Teachers are employcd.injanyi depart-’ Aent.l For further information" Wdress,- , >• - : ang2’6s * j| ; _ R\T.’TAYLOR, President., , Dri J.M. Cummins, (Late Surgeon ll4th Penn’a V01e.,) OFFERS ' hiis services to the - citisea* if FAIBVIBWAHD TOtittnV X 1- i *,T '1 , r ~ I i their- 1' i i .0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers