,v WWI the beaver Ocilobef 4^,1865. Union/ I State ■ >-<- ■•-■-■ ,‘i.■»!.■. font ■• .. Qpp ■ / ' i 'of- ‘Montgomery county. . JOB BURVETOB GENERAL, 001, j JACOB It CAMPBELL, t of Cambha county. . Union ' County I j Assembly, MATTHEW S. QUAY, Beavei; JAMBStiJ.KELLEY, Washington; : JOSEPH rB. WELSH, Washington; ' y-; ■■ j-i Treasurer. ■ ' MILO R ADAMS. New Brfgb Jo in - f : f District- Attorneys - ,-i.!« JANESES. ROTAN, Borough; ' ~( Commissioner. JOHN WILSON, Industry; ,4 Surveyor. AZAIiIAH WYNN. Beaver, ! Poor House Director. | SAMUEL GIBSON, Brighton Auditor. I ', HUGH]J/;'MAfiSH ILL, Big Bea , ' : ;; ..Coroner. - Jj THOMAS McCOT, Moon; Trustees of Academy, j A. T.SHALLBN BERGER.Rochee V* R*y.X>. P. LOW ARY, Beaver < T|® RAID BlLLi.rv* 1 , The Local is ?t|il vtryj rauchtro led fbq.it, the senior editor's vot the Raid Bill. We. have already tnojfollhah we intended,'sa sing honest, reading Was satisfied p*’ the justness and rectnessohoujr position; butto at Loial ww-reciir.to it again!. 1 We votedlfor the bill and would ' |igain,'we Beek neither to pajlir ' j"l • > ■ i-V. • deny] The, bill provides for [ho that jia not just,, honest and pi ■ i and we believe no conscientious, •- I est nian,who wbuldldo nei rSvhatl ho would baye dpius to hii ’ raa property understanding it. _ Jhnyei bad na do otherwise. " 'counties along the border,'beci (heir accessibility' wore .visited, plu n -derpd, lobbed andyainetf.by rebels. Their loss was;through no fault of the loyal map of thfla^coun ties Han dredpr'bf famifies / wereTeff he motels and penniless, who v coatribulod;th,eir imt share towardaujpponing tie Gov r crnmer.t.and supply ingt he means to carrygon the war.; Should the) ■ ■ 'id hddTfion lose theirafl/and uuromunbrated War. should bo cquallyborno a 'should step in and relievo the! and divide the losses equally, hot think the Stake should be r t° pay them, and are oppose*' - “passage of a law/requiring’ tl >i~ io pay. The -.Vf , toh'ng testimony as (6 the act SC.S now while: it can be done fraud, and presenting; th.e j cl the gonorpi Government tor pi , pne last seciiop^i-ns follows j , f [Section 13. The said appraisers shall ••I or;be engaged exceedih? three ■' } H said damages, / f. and .that pothing inthsr-HW)rt and nothing ip this act sharl be taken or construed as any present qt future - r lK h * °r obligation upon this dornnfon wealth to pay said damages and claims. I If anything pltunor is wanted to eattsfy ckndid men that under nb-pre-, tpxt can the Stale be required to pay ’ * can h eTe P bo satisfied, by any idence whatever. It maybe mid it is very trae tt jj B bill does not provide v ; ®^'* s to jassume.the pavraept, ) ; ■’“l {t «h(»P6B the. Claims, and makes a * wronger case for theclaimanjta before another legislature, T bis la a false Assumption, and does noi effect onr , yoto. : 'H the bill we , voted tor for i<i are npt'ehargeablo "witlrwhat -auptherjLegisiatare may do. Unless the Statp provides a modeof adjust ment, and when the amount of loss is ascertained presents the mat or to tbe general Government, the" sufferers might wait forever fof the adjustment and settlement of the clainjsV Ohio paidlongsince the Josses of her citi zens by > the Morgan raid, md now claims the amount from the Govern. . mdpt. In other States like] Lfgisla tidn was had; What was considered a matter of justice in these; StAtosj”is denounced as wrong by citizens of this . These mtn would hav- Tzons wjjo lost (heir all g 0 ( pensed, while the Gbvernr other States the losses of t zens, and we. of Pennsylyt to pay others what wg deny Wo are condemned. for votir *ont the claims to Hho Geo crhraont, providing specially State shall mt oil pay and then prfoeht. Ldo Can • any readii; nian bo misled by such groui worse than groundless char/ .men. whocbndemn ourconr stan would pot do to tb bor; wbat they |woqld bay them. Suppose the rebels ii through Beaver county, and eCtba r.illiogcs and bunted] I i bdusos, Woo Id oor- people not justly ask remnricrat’ori? Tbe first men who ARGUS. ijwbnld present their claims 'wonld.be jibo. very! opes wtfto nowj most loudly .cry out against compensating others- Governments sbonld be jbsl r obd jus tice, that tbe burdens, of miln H taining: that Government be eqnally distribnted. I In this case it would not cost every man fifty tho claim,’apd we say shame on the man who would refuse. ; Wo: did what we =I belieyedj right; and supposed every good citizen woold approve onrcoursb. Union Men of Beaver' CountyC Nomination* The snecess of the local and district itickela depends |npon tjie fidelity %ith which you discharge iyour duty in your_boroixgh and township. lf, systematic; organization of the Union meri is effected ill ev any borough and township,'* there cafe bo no question as to the success of pur ticket.''! | . , ’]•>><\ \Ye mu|st hsye earineeft, systematic organization, and it' inubt^e'effected at once. Every ■ borough and town ship should not be without its local committee a single day; and that com .mittee jshdqld jnot .rest until there is an accurate list of 3 b men tire vote of district 'majJe, and efficient meas ures perfected) to poll the full,Union 1 vote and jtspp all illegal votes. - Thoryianot jdanger. that the Union ticket js |iri the, minority with the peo pl ej either ir. this county , district or it May be.outnumbered at thi Union men are indil ferentt wEfet ee ne my isti roless and "uhScriipufinis "jn its iefforts for success. Cpmy|fet»-organization and a full vote all the Union men; need to to decisive victory: Let --" io h- latf* j,. each Uniofnirian Bed ,for, ’himself that ■*/V® his district rill not fait on .election £ * day.',Forewarned,tforearmed! Un*> ioojfnejji Of Beaver .county .1 Which do ** ~ von choose? ! Yictory or’disnsler^are ins elf, ; ; J . -wn poat own hands ! • ■wpula • \ j , ; " 1 fit,- JKtirigiOut the Full Union Vote. taio of.fßo Committed in tO'w.nslupa are charged with ther&atyJot bringing oat the vote.— T|io ders; j’Wo believe thp*Tight men were Rejected, and will discharge fiieir duty_ faithfully. Give.ono day toJ>ttie|grpSt caaBd( of Union and Peace. map- in your district ■Thatsapporta the ’Government is at the polls.j Union men, .generally, romein beylj the cause is yours.. Let every mnn. who knows. what ‘ treason and j f villainy there ih' in the- Democratic' ie me -of the ,■> far a& laced to’ would bo as dangerous as Tt would havejljgen during the rebellion. Tfn [ tho Goyornntont is sustained the frujta of piir victory wilt ripen into fThe disuruhn—party is' la . adroitly 7 to secure I B , maja rityj i n Pehn sy Ivan i a. We can carryj the State, thefe is work to do. pf genjeral apathy prevails among Union men, defeat - will follow. Is , 8 Mfiinn-.; man. who would not blush to Mow Pennsylvania had sur rendered to Copperheads. But shame and danger woii|d bolh follow in the train. ■ 1 |. . of township Committees, Gpiqn Mer,, Soldiers, be up hod doing ! All your eoupiryrcquiros now, is to dejrejit her enerniesut the ballot box ! Soldiers jof Beaver County ! Remember lliat the party tbit seeks ydni? voles in Beaver eourfiy is'the party that, voted against your having this righttjo vole. , ’. <■ j| Remember that.{he Democratic pari l y>' by their opposilion to the -Govern-. ment,. resisting dralts, encouraging desertions; &c.. prolonged the war and kept you ijn service, much longer j tbep you tfyould,have bdeh. ° Remeopbor they neither contributed yon or your families, and de clared thhwaiv in, which you wore on (gaged wicked and unholy. . ! Rymember lhoir boasted leaded glo iied| because he had neper-voted a man. or aidoLlar tocarry on the war; j f emPn >ber i that your comrades in rebel prisons wer# held because they would, promise io vole the Peijioeratic ticket last Fall; tRT&s show mg that Democrats and Rebels work t in unison; [ Remember those things, and vote as you| fought— to sustain the Govern ment and-defeat traitors. ' wants Wo do. . '• f eqmred : to the e State des lipf uat los- ■ilhout kirns tot Eiyment. our cit- d-1 inrecom lent’ pay ieir citi> »ia assist Union MeWof Beaver County! I,n less than ope week the election'will be held that is do decide'the political status of Pennsylvania.; JV.ro you Jjreparedj? Have, you VnithfplJv dis charged your whole duty ? Is* there potjsome|friend, neighbor or aeqhkint ai l c f , a ‘ ot X ou can take to the election ? See Jf yon cannot! add vote V* swell the Union majority orßeavet county. ■ Since last dec- J °V and Union have both been Wed (throbgb the instrumental,^ dni Um-i ? urty - nt b<*me iUIdM 80 dl,>rB th * This is pH. that was promised last Pali _ not in view of the-siiuntion MhertfJ C | anlry ° no da y. that, tie it b A J pre ß ryed ,na J be porpelu .'l - '■ ■ N our own g to pje. iral Gqv thatjhe er States k at tho •g honest hdless.aod ges? The iad under i eir neigh e done to ad paired destroy thc farm Zonal 'sayst the editors of the Abgcs got (out 1 of the armv ns • -1 t : I - , , w.~ «.-■ soon as possible, While he servea until be Was discharged. If he wn* in the army ajt all, it is very- likely be seiz ed until bb was discharged.. He clttims to have come IromKNoble county. Ohio, and very likely jdid. We f,6. I place more likely to prod ifee a man pf his stamp. He pdited the (Democratic papei there also for a time, we are in formed. this is also very likely The DemooialSf of that county in the early part of the war rallied almost in masse to oppose the Government, and to the of some hundreds armed . themselves, fortified their camps and actually commenced hostil ities. The government “had. to send an army to supduo them. Perhaps it was in this array of Noble County : Democrat sthpt thp gentleman served, It was no doubt tender 'his advice, while editing ih'e paper in tbatcounty, that his friends aeled in the manner stated. Howflong did you serve! in that army, Mr. Editor? [Was it in ccnsequencd of that, -or other causes, you left Noble. county and inflicted yourself oh u[s ? Both editors of the Akgds servcij until honorably discharg ed— one when his time was almost up, and.the other altera year’s service,r— Every.candid man injthis county, who know, the facts,Will admit both did right in lt was done to save life, and on the jcarries! recommendation of physicians and friends! . Our jeon-;, ductneeda no gentleman 1 or|ry> feeling rriunwould refer to ae> ! ti&jitliat became riecessary from Prpv-) tdSiuial dispensation.; Wo expect noth- bdWevor, from this Noble cOuntjedUpp! Lest he may not, know, wo wilfSpay ive jvere never io ’the guard'hbuse for drunkenness, oi re- insolence or disloyalty. , Union Men 1 ! It {letter to admit, the truth, ajptLwe our friends- ?n Beaver Tidti n ty thg|-there. is datjget of 1 oaing kepnsyivania lh i» Fall—danger of iti fulling' into,, the ha nds” of the State Rights' Democracy of the; Vnl -1 an dig bam school. The! .cause is the apathy of ‘Union rmen] All that is required |to carry the State i.4 : a lull vote. .those who feePhow ranch shame ana danger there & in defeat, go tot work and secure,jjevery vote for thp Union party .in Beaver coanlj; ..that can be had. :! Arouse ! then* Union; men 1 jjpt the danger! quicken your ‘Efforts. ) j 1 . ,1- J - I] Rem ember., Pempprata. i v — t »vpTa<wrecr’iue , «rwr aTSHtiro. and «tood-ourin~oppo“9iiif)n ; t« tb« Gpv«ro| rnent never'eodld con-1 South. You wcm into, su pportin gdfcy i>arJU-~that was ir> oppo.sui|n Govern men l . Will you subject'yourself td like deception ? sustain th a - pat ty that betraycS.you intoja false pp«iliod ‘owafd jjour Government ? \y e trust that of,Why df you'ii jviil inWh'o said. “They are jd}ned to|i jtheir iiiols. lei them alono.’i- Having hejeh.. doi ceived once, sec to it you are not bij tyayed again. j I 1 ‘ f . . j . bsutU Local has into trouble among pis Democratic friends. \vl[o signed (the petition* J for 1 increase jyf fees. do not Hite to hive their action the premises arjd hence the-squirming of the editor |o ■got. out pf the difficulty. Largo petji -1,01,8 were sent aa asking for the in crease nude, apd there being no re—! raonsiran'co, we could do noticing die. At that time and, oow.j the cbst-of liir. in 8 “? fifty percent, more titan it w|as foimorly. The increase wasithen.not .too q\u(ih r The laboring msiipfortbler *y, K ot oriodollar.now | lO gets; $2 qpd ppi dayf X’erfainly lie cannot object tbf*t if he getj one ; bundled pci: cent., the office-holder qfiquld have fifjtyVv Honest r men prayed' jfor the increase as a matter of justice,and in obedience- to their prayer the in crease was made. Wihen the price ot Jiving faljs there will bo a'return! Vo old fees, t The Local is hard' up fof something to write about when it Jew ibis. ZGH on I , m m . ). important Issues- ■ i Header! when l■ Jtuijk^jd';tbj vole the Lomoeratic ticket pause -n(*ti consider whether in the settlement ofAhe great questions growings put of the war they should bo left if, hands' of those by whom the, |Wftr jviis carried to a successful issue,':or wither jthe settlement shall, pass into the hands of those who opposed it from the 'bey.: ginning? ft ia npoii thepeopfe the settlement of. 'this issuedepends And it is important.! It is; for you; reader-—for- every j.votop-j-to. . jsav whether the war hatf been a failure, Whether; those who began, iWbeciin-e-j y.f>u voted in 1860 as j free ■ men huji a! right to vote, wero justly dealt With i tn, being conquered, j It-is foryotf to! say \wbettier the trulls of ihe warjare i only ‘‘debt, disgrace and; slaughter ■’ i or whether they shall add to tha’glpry.i renown, greatness and power" of four; common country. Those. Ve^repleat,, are invpprtaot issues,; Let yoor sCnse i °* right 1 determine yonr vote.? i I 1-R j.;.. 1 A Catecliii3in fpr Copperlie»aß Wttlt party iuk'bdad ftom ijfelft tfnioni fbiji^- ypife and t i#‘ r iU«MgUe that htaboen abed; aid; all .the debt crcmtt'd in tbe ftapbresaion of the Bo* bullion? V..:.:. ; ... > r .; if • Whi«l party .produced ALl* itho" trßiU(ri«'inl tHorU nued afatSß? ~j |‘j V- • i ;, The Democratic party. ; 7: 1, W|»ai party fought against vheJtfpf Soiuh and gdvo' the ToftSs . •‘aid bud cbmfQrC’ in tbo Xprfchr V L ; TKo Democratic party. /1-/ V.^ : ; W |ai T>tirty; Ipjjpobod the Wbr.re siMep thb draft, and denounced Mm Lincoln as a tyrant- bad usurper Vw»- tby of death? ■'■•l. : ■ 1 "i' ‘ *ij 4 i‘f ■**' *y v- uejau ~ij The Democratic party, i i hj ; - What~ party taught ttiat anee to tyrapis was obodieorie? to tiodj” thus teaching 1 the people the crime of aasafcnaiimi? j r j. The Democratic party,- j ■ What party in their political pro cessions, sung - aongt tjiresteniog to "hang Abe Lincolpon a soar apple tree? ■ . ii • - __;; T|he Democratic party, ' ! | Wlial party produced Booth,Tfar> Atze.rot.and Payn«*? ; : 1 ) The Dmnacraiie Jparly.'j ;; / ,\ j:| ' What party in advocaling Uhe dpc« triple of the Virginia:'arid 1 Kentucky Resolutions has been; preaching' ; bellioni'ever" since the Nullification of John C. Calhoun. , j J Tl] e Democratic partyf j - i jW|iat party haSgivcn birth to nl 1 the advocates of State'Elghte, Nullifi cation, Conspiracy'and Civil War? “ i |Tho Democratic pimy. .I - ■What party alone originated Inch organization as ihe Sons of J/ihbrty and the Knights of the 1 Golden Cir cle? .. ,V> ' : V. j,The Democratic party. " ;"X~ j What pSrly advocated ac armistice and compromise With rebels ,in arms? i The Democratic party, j j ■* ; What parly, during I the last Wag,. never rejoiced Uje vlctdrip* 6f the Uhion Aihny—peldoifn | pot out flags, < lind ey'i,nc|d byUhiir demepnor, their i i)cep chagrin, that the'rebels'bad been defeuloiiH- ! , ;, i j The Democratic pariyf : j I party secretly >rmed itself, lust yetfr for the purpose of, slaying ■ flheir Umpn neighbors? j' 1 ! P ; ■ j |,~ The Democrjitic'party. , j party threatened,-in Ohio, ifj • was. re-;arrested, that 10,pOO!JC)eniocraYs,under Pugh,would! ri|e iri; rebolliou, rescue- him, and drive 1 the ty r;tnt;Lrncoln from his throne? .The Democratic party. ■ , , parly, contended with the, Cinc|nnati Enquirer, that the United lSt eves-was not a nation, but a league ;ol thirty; four separate sovereignties, ! thus justifying fhej action- of the 1 South from' the Do : - / ■' I; , The Democratic-party. • , 1 ■; ' What party talks the loudest a gainst negro equulity iand ptactico it hiosi? I * r ~ raf ,C! '^ a poin t, will nviyWaijor their votes? 7 he -Denificraud party. C sueh a; parlp’ loboen trusted v.m* v poiiticur power: again?— Harris, bwv nlegraph 1 i. ' ■ i. l . JStlf a Union man votes tholbenv oCl i lll,c ticket,: Le votes to snptiuh llio parly .that ■ for four years>op» posbd the Government it, i ls ort3 to pub'lno # ir.y|ior«. jlle.giye.v his vote to jibe patty, that in this 1 County ana Sli fK heVenlyihelievos did -as touch igiho wat;, |ts tbd' sarrio »'nnu' bci of;at med tcbeM in ; the South.— Ilb' yoroH; to sustain most regard as dangerousl treasonable; and subversive. lie vot4s to sustain Vai (andigham, Per.dlotbii, Rood, Ingor so 1 and Jeff.; Da vis. {They all belong tojjtbo isiune party; If ydd arc Indeed a Union man, you ct.nnotySto for any m an op the Democratic ticket. aft.Tlie Albany Evening Journal re-]■ • ; ;4 , ports the sop of u di|i linguist bed. South Attempts to Trike‘the Lives of ern now visiting p.t .the . Grant arid Sherman “ i Worth, as Having; i • .1 ■- I _ !■)•,■ : 1* WV are maw,of as - liT . I f| s<j pt< 28; j —rfai wore loyal thin sftme of your ," ' I’P? M*!f* '«)*«• ••returningj O'yn, ptoplo | You far atV * r O TO Indriinapplirtil at an early ' hoarl foi’d to tiual ns than you t-an your yc,,,erdtl -' i ? B Bwilt ‘ 1 ' at the! copperheads. Thdy are the fphd of a c ,rv ? * l Guilford' had been! yi lest/>flfseou rings of the fear lb. - .’Bad. tur , nod i r,, j e hUoiial|3% a;Vd the par, 1 in l itj-/not been. 1 tot them we should'not wbleh-ihe.'. General rode was thrown! hnvo rushed injo war-- And yet'they ‘ ro,n the ‘Vack arid dragged some disJ Ivuvc the iihpudonce to come to, us ta ® 06 'but no one «vas injured , Abbnti claiming to beNpur friends, atfVtatng'us ;?° wmo'tjme a train pri this Ohio and to be stiff.pecke-’ Und asltjng ai‘ to l rond, . carrying General s>U+ko hands ,wi inland form ;WJ- T B9 l,,r £** n frojn 'lhe track new iilfiaiice: | Hpers! iThoy S t “ l * iiatVyoncaburg.; ■ sNo oriri have cheated us they wilf nev-, seriously injured. ; ;i| er cheat us again.] vie. had rather " A ij — —'l 1 trust the vilest abolitionist that fever* ONBIS rKNT.—The Doyles town Bern howled arid .hounded tis down, than and edited by Qcl; Davis, the bestoffhcui. | |/ ’ the ckndidatejbr|Aßdltpif •ll «aLtet it h • & 1" ft SpmCr.et Whig, that the Bemoorats of |h9infamoUB CairiWirz.whpsturved 1 ~ ~ this Stare ;\vho / uie now bedaubthgl and wardered onr prisoners rit Anderli’ v A* C. BARLOW, D , president Johnson. • with fnlsotnc 9 ? nv,11 . e -. 11 »B»eris that the Military SURGEON ' AND PHTSICIAN. praise, and ‘ who pl*o through theiV v°. ma "«B'on before which he is on tH.I i TTAVING pemanijntjy^Xd in BEAVEft late address to the {people, claim that rf‘- 19 a . aHur P allon °* power, and that iXL ‘enders his professional services to the the only wav to liim is io '^ s P r,aoi^ ep )kf B *: n ot been fairlydealt !: oitil ®“ 8 •nd adjoining Tillages'and ihre ptimwrath ijoket, but *Aw th : touhly Boldiepi 'wbpUri since! .denounced him'is ®C-AndersLyillJ thiior/’and. t hat in March, jjkuuld oiake a note of this. ~ i| f those who may wish his serrices, ' f 1864, by as' nct parly , vote, the Bern i .rs' ' - ■ — l ; IJ ] Calls* day or night, promptly attended 1 Ocrrit ic niehtbers fef the Legislature IL- number of forgedsoU WuOffioe in the National Hotel bußding; refused to grant him the Hall of the _ dl^^ a, ? e9 dave recently botm wtt 6 r 9t if 11 lloar *> or House „f Represematives at; Harris'- by . d,flterenl PW4;I '-eJwM *? io ? BUj T**f t,L Rung, io which td • ell the title of his m the large cities rit I I [ persecutions and. bufferings, iin Tens r, State«;and it is Bupposed] ] i ’ WToiilc«v {• jiessee,: and to adypcito thp cattise of Otphanrs Cojart of Beaver, eounty. his country. I r* ‘ this class, wepnng the United States J- J ll l ho matter pf partition and valua- . )' V.- -4—4——— ; .] aD,f n c nii for these iirii‘' ,0 estate lof late of J I Fah-iire —Lot übe retriembered P oBlt i° n B. r .' ■ 1 . ’ said county, dec’d, ;|] that 111, Uliirt.*,, jtloiivenilonin ’fT«»3" jlfeclared the cfiirriW of our Govern- l° f ev6^ vo, i^il .njttlf- - -:**>• hands °^,i.oseph Lcdlie Sheriff, TnUteo Lifent td sutimfess the rebellion «h«d 1 T f t * «^.lriflo•fen«l..ln^aJ[1 a to iake sate c™M r reoet iota .had -ctding . wither ;{the : pension he J howii re “ l J stBte ’ the! first instalment of the resulud \u four years of_f,nlure.’ K and receivesshallbocoiiuuuea to.hisdpsiri I pu .j Ch ? ae 10 «n<i amongst the heirsof rccommci.dfed, :'immediate cessation of Bememb£r'Wriunded soldieV ih« I'»nt W*®? thereto, 'cin» •'v 1 f^ 0i > t ? d t ?'. l T l si * tha ropiidiation of your pen-i of October. EBOfit at 10 j o’cloik, a. «*• tripe, and-oow judging from their ao. stone. Give them power and. tbey ; for paVpohe of said appointment. All per- uw buying the quMtSoo. will repudiate , - . M r ( «°«>» interested, will * >ke notice. - ' r- ... ■/ ■ ■■ ■ ■ / / ; : : , I ..JWKrCUBt • r ' ■ i; 3 ftOia NtohvUle. Txxji, Sept. 26,’66. few' typf grpgbicbl errors thatpccar fajib I communication, I krfjnl to, infer thtV thimttachces -of establishment i®PBf likia dtljter mbftijbi liablato.mako occasional mistakes.; ~ I?. ; : ,V.vi>-'-, ' tS&ce' I lart wrolei indlcatioifk oil trouble have mad* their appearance finAiftbarna Not long since, the ! Episcopal Bishop pf, ,4bat State , In etramea.his olergyrtp omit the usual theFresidOnt oftbe.Umted States, untilthe Federal troops should he'«ithdrawn,and the State!, restored .to w fU former privileges in' the! Uh£ Ei ion.’ Upon; learning; of- this ■ actionf Gen. Wood, commanding Department ofAiabama, actihgnnder instructions . from blgbel aulboi itjivi wood an . or- prohibiting the 'nishhop. and bis! clyrgy Worn holding' jidblicser vices, until theygaye some satisfactory oyi* denco of willingness to abstain from I seeking for oppoetdaUies tojt&ake jjlic their treasonablelsentiineDls. 1 The’ Bishop exhibits cpheiderablerostiveoeas nnder the orderpend, seems' inclined to attempt to eykdoiits requisitions.— At first sight.itjraav appear as if tho military authorities' were.atiempting to. exercise ah j pnidue control oyer’ matters peViainidgl.to religious wor ship; but after ■ dud consideration ,Of allihpcircunUtatices surrounding the case, loyal mhn in list necessarily ad mit tbatGeh.iWppd’f course in tbej affait is fa*ly ryarfonted, | The action Of the. Bishop in (wdcttng the Dinissipn of a portion of 3?® church liturgy!, coneiidered absiraeily, is an offence to be pronounced upon.by the religions body with wfbtch fie is connected; his publicly expressed disloyal reasons for so doing, considering | the present condition of the (cpontry, constitutes it a. highly reprehensible and treason able proceedings. J- As viewetLsnltr re gard to its Injurious effect in uie State,, the. evil consequences; of; permitting sdch'ian .act s to go unrebuketl, are, plainly apparent to all who entertain mny respect for'' tho Government, and desire to see Senlimenta of returning Icyaky receive proper,encouragement It is too evidjinlihat ithe.Bishop of!;Al abama is. sadly in the ele ment of meekness, and has yet to learn, thatj the Lead, and great model of the bhtistian religion, instead of stirring f up strife, and! refusing obedi ence , to lawful /authority, by precept add example,] commanded due subinis. sion thjerelo. I ipPjhe course being pur- by apportion of’ the people o.f loo strongly de plored and condemned by every .South ern : inah,! who feels anxiety for the early return (of peace and order.;(• i if A r short time ago, a small prirty of cavalry, on gaged in the duly bf col-; leoling catraycd Governmentcattle, were, ambushed by a superior force 'll; citizens, and compelled VorelirCwith a loss of cleven .men, succeed.'Jig, ;bo w - ever, in capturing j and bringing in twenty, of thd;inaurgonte. Another similar case has just occurred, the cir - -~w sixteen, were ordered to proceed to hi poip't in; the yiciniiy of Demapblisiji j-\la., for the purpose.of arreslingtcer ' tain parties; \vjio had boon concerned^ ■ in octs of atlegal iotci foheoce with tho shipment of Government ,cotton.— Upon arriving near- their destination, they wore rhot by sOme( one hundred and fifty, arniihl citizens uodeV-com mand, who'vwitb an air of great authority, questioned -the officer in cjbarge Of tho Federal*, in formed hint (hat the arrests could not bo. made, and. ordered him to return whence ha.punio. The latter) percoiv *ng, that the.odds, were decidedly,un favorable, eoncludejl;, that in this in stance, “Discretion waa ibo bettor part of valor,” and obeyed the Judg es bch6st. | Qf coijirse, so flagrantan ; act of resistance to the' execution of proper cjrdbrs will not be allowed to pass unpunished. It is to be hoped that. the people in Jail sections of the South, ihajj sy.on Ipurn to understand, that focal qpjipsition to lawful measl ■airca apart, from its, crirainality. I very foolish. J. j W. 1 '• •. j- 1 ■ ' I i i GrBAPE VINES, --'i ; And SHALL PRDITS, ’ (ji ■ r rltij from the Satiety of . T. L.SHIELDB ft CO., - . : Jsewickly;AUegheny co., JPe, b'r^tv Bho© Bto. beavebi ■. 1' "'j | f , v . ■ | ’S'Cs rrjoßKi t tIIIonvWODLD eespbct ry, FUfliliX announce. to.his customers and mends generally, that he has, just,'opened a New ; Shoe Storeinßeaver, and is' m thebes; i MEN’S!. BOYS’. I LADIES’ and i: [I f CHILDREN’S WEAR ever brought to this county. Ladies kiboesbf alt kinds and best qualities. Thi£ werer bought on. advantageous terns, andfoviU be sold at reduced rates. -jf' ‘-v, •QTtCome and see, one and all. We cannot be undersold. '!•' r 'i-ii-'. ,agUStore one door. East of I. N! Atkina' Clothing Store. • 'V : \- octd :,. tow resdjr to/(apply tbe.publit jWth Maortment of _ ■ ,j f 'V ; . - EMPORIUM CLOTHING TAT •\ . EEieH’S, ; BRIDGEWATER. - 1 3STETW CX3O: FALL ,& WINTER CLOTHINQ 'iJ ■ .. I)-' ' ■ just received * nJw nock of theV, I . | ’ ; i' EMI .LATEST STILES-'' . Overcoatings.; | ' Csssimeres for BusinSaaSnits,; U kinds of Gentlemen's Fnrnls hinsrGoods " ' ■ 1 Constantly onj let M Undershirts, " Drawers, etc.’ Linen and Wbolen - i j '- ■ ides tb'xnention. :-‘-Vv \rijl And too mnay other srt'u i. -■ } ' - ''j: "J. CLOTHISG 91 tD! In alHho latest, styles •' • ! .ra 'SVxn. BEI Stewart's ■. Row,, j|Srii 11 br: 0ct4?65 pifflpsr. a«oc turf thonld kno» 7 '_w* to find th e Utat ttylti Bonnet# end **•*"7 wtieleo on tuth oecwiS *5 r: j : j,; v‘/;V NEW MILLI • . 'L KM '.-.f 'l*© j> L; in the- o\.: [: House I Occupied W '! h ■ ;mk;s, TOSSES’;.;’ .. ( • <j‘. | ■ ) i , “ 1 Cornerfif Bridge arid ■Market ttreet* ’ ."i i BndgeicaCer, -** ; s&tIIwL' Ure * r ortm * at ° r * ! I ! Zilk, Velvet] in the dates I ' HATS:f T Lillies’, -Misses: and children's bats of thi latest styles, including the NEW YORK, which Is irory handsomt’andbecoming (o all. CONTINENTAL—a very pretty affair, tad .entirety new. ; j . ) SCpTCU—This hat is admired by ail, sad , a s decided success. : - * ; / r ; EUGENE or RIDING : HAT; very beoommL for evening, and is wornaltogether’East./ :, ; TtTTKlSH—Another pretty style jus! put, suitable.for all, and s boat of &u< xnerpus to mention. - ' ” /' Ctmttarlyand ffttyour choice / - •s. - Hf IF I • , v I '-1 .I** 1 5 } IYMNI m TOORDER '* J at ahorteat notido. ':j SHO-Kb. ; ladies’, Misses.and Children's hne H”| u>d pegged shiocs, and large and well dock, which trill be epld to suit all ' I ' f T . • ; ;'V ’ V- : • • '' ' ’ / I n. r ge Street, iQSWATER. % * ■ '• v-. ’V 1 ’ STAMPING. BRAID 4# ! Bmurolde^ 1 : [Stamping done, to order; latest si i tPinking,. cutting and making * notice. Ciome early ahd,'so'care'9 a lif? 1^ in the above Good* V ■ ' r ' ■' i ‘ Srf ’ jrDon’t forget’ the Waee, MBS. RE* 8 * •toad la Bridgewater.^ >'' ■ I |Jj; jwjLTT GKEJ ■£&*'. M*v . r • MEI ' ■ i ■'A i ' | i’ i -■VI-' ; ' AND ' rV • / ; . (.• r 13: ;■ r fiiin«ii(« enroßum. : 1. ' * _• ✓ { . i'A'\ bonnet s.: ’fmd. Satin' Sonnet* mult t i, orJ*[ Style*; And in ibe shortest notiss. 'I r i » '}' 1 ■l : ' J 1111 J Trimmings, Of'•olUtinds’ for cUeuei and sloaiL * lun Tv i . V 1 r- — <l rr- ./T> ; v;’.'-". '■ vy ■ \ e. •• ■•f' fit," 1 ' "1 • •[■■. >• : . &c., M . '■' 7 ’ •f Hoop. Skirts, % A TerT ciiipu_ :'| :, ■ - ‘\Jk-: doves. 'Embroideries, full. stock—very cheap. i ■ ■■ Ladies’ Cloths, Sacques and • Cloaki ME j BaisßLets, cfco. |;i" ! ■ ' - I= •\j ■■ I ' MI j i I ,f.-l r MEE «♦ SERI BS T . •/
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers