i arfmt ijin-onoH .^‘WJrt.U-JfeiiSrooßoin '■‘l'HU&MKftfettiau . ’fiin.'i'lf iJOS&Pfi Sheriff *>f4 the 4 tniia* knoyn-nui giro tl «le(JiaE»i<of. thh county ElealtoDin iilite^heldiin* i ‘PilieieloctorßMfßißrongß k ■i Bh e®lect*rB' t tof-4B ridgewatet , taa«rafcli«iT»wi*3lall iu BW \i !th» alecttorotiPMlllpi \. saUic-*riek t ' ho&wA. 1 iki'irrj: ll *>. «psr<»o«f to occupil dr»tkW«?-»o» By Jolm D. TOtffeteatorS ftt till WhWM ‘house itt ■ ’the' Tilift, ‘ inshifl'toVfiißliip.- ■ [' v 1 elefctOrs'of independi . meet ‘at; ITiS r hbnAe' -of, Alt de# > fl,-iri'gaid l foiniBliio. : ' The elSjtori bf Rsoeodn »t of : DaVi(}:EW Tife,ele6torsbrF'fAßkfor) • Jie : lif at the house of 36bn‘ Portw ■ Haftbteir. ■ • : "' The elect ers‘of-'QSeehf at tie.hbuaeafElijAh toirit; 0"£ _ Thai electbrsof Ohio-ti house mowioctnpSedby Jl township."''»‘iv vi The'elebtore'ofßrlghton. towhi braced fo Industry: district) will' school:house, heArßiclieV Eal township.:: .1.-• o-F vj._r .■;iv. : j . hSßife eleistor* of theborbugU bf me*C;Aliiie Academy ip ' FallstOn, ; ThietOotor* of Patterson townai *t ttoocßohool hooie iri the Tillage \ - Electors' bf-Cbippe w«. to ir, ...... '-st the bouse .of Aiarlaii. lnntoaih‘ : is Sail;l6w,ni)hip. ' i/ T.[„ , ‘r.lj South Beayer.to woslUpVjnlh house of jdha said towaiti J \ fi ship.:;. ■ ■■Ai.-O'J:" 5 --'’ : The elcetow; ‘of Darlington >ipt fnship .win meet at thSA cademy in Darlingtoj i. , ■: r J '|‘ The bleetors.;of Big Beaver tpirnship will ineet.at the' houseofwidowl; Mill )r, in -said ■ township-.!; .jV-j, - The.elector*, ofi Franklin township will meet at Uie house-of Mark'B. Clark,'in said town- 1 ship/ j- i(, v; .■; i... ,J Tht icleotors of North Sewiokle i township will meet at the house of Nathan |Sa»«n, bn . land-formerly ofßenj.eChew.: : : ;ri. The electors'of Pulaski township will meet! at Dougherty’s school house 1 , No. 4,* in said township. ■ i ■ , ~p Tlie electors of Marion township' will meet- house of George Marfiell, j r., in said lOwtighip. -j . •• j '.The elector* of New Brighton be rough and . district .will meet at, the School house in Said borough. ' , '-v - • The electors, of Rochester township : #ni meet at the B desville School -Hoc se, in buid township.' ■ ; p... .The electors of: the borough of Rochester w i“ ipeet at the school 'irf'Rdchester; - -' " TJjp electors of Freedom’ borough and I dis trict will meet at tberschool house,'in Freedom; The of New Sewicklfcy township , will n<6ct.ftt tlic house of John Feft2 6lj in jsziid j‘ to\rtiBlup. - ‘ ’\ \ : /' T v ‘ : 'j; * electors oflndustry district /will ipeef! it.the schoorlfoUse inlndustry.. j : , r * \. : J Hdrmony townalii] i win meet at t)ie Hole]-in tiioJ2conomyV' . 1..." of Economy townslii] twill.inept " at tlie house oji George C. Minis, In aaidtown- t imo apd places the qua ified cloc - tors as, aforesaid will elect by -ballot V \ One perspn for; Auditor General of 'Penn sylvania; ’ ■ One person- for- Surveyor- Genera ' sylvanm; , t . Three, persons as ipeaJberg of the ® c P^ e Ptalives of, Pennsylvania, ii -tionwith Washington county; >j - ; Oua person for Treasurer’ of Bear V One pecsonfor District Attorney .county; - " . I .. . ; . ; One fot .Commissioner of I . Ope person for Surveyor' of Beav One.person for I’oor.House Direct ver^jppnty; j, {: j . pae.persbu. for |Auditqr. of Beat '. One perpon for Coroner of Beavf .Two perwinsifor Trustees of ,f . Academy. , .r-j . , i Nptioe is Here&y Gi ■ J^fee^erylpersq'n 1 except! Justices of (he wlio gliaU hold any office oi appbint , ment'of profit or tTust under the G..vernmefif Stktee, ,<y bt this -State, or of any. qity, or .incorporated district wtetheVa commissioned officer or agent, who is or shall havfffieenemployed under thoLegislative.Ex- ccutive or Judiciary department of this State W the United States, OTOf any city - or incor porated district; and also that every 4nembcr of Congress, and of the State‘Xcgislature, and j of the Select or. Common Couifefl-of atiy city 1 or. commissioner of any incorpWed district’ is by law incapable of holding or exercising at tfie Batne time orappointment><if > Inspector; Judge, or Cleric -of-tmy election- of I the Commonwealth, and, that no Judge |ln gpoitor. or any other officer of such election, shall be eligible to, ady to be! then voted for. Also, in and By the fourth-section of. an Act approved the 19th of April, 184ffi ;it |is ettact.' WQ^IlU^i eCtio ? bf July -d,1839, entitled an ait relating'to the clcc l tionsiofthis Commonwealth, shifil net be con stroed so as to prevent any miljkry officer or borough officer from service as Jt dge, In epeetor or Clerk nt any gcncrelir special eteo tion m this Commonwealth;. -'| - And the said act of Assembly/ ciiti .Act relating to the eleciiofis'of this 1 wealth, ’> passed July 2d,i ,1839, prl i • .• ' i; ' 1 That the Judge and Inspectors' chosen as aforesaid, shall meet at their respective offices appointed for holding the election-inf the dis t"c‘, _ to . w , h,c . h the J respectively be ong, Tie forc O o cloqk on tho morning of "the second Tuesday of October, 1805, and each elf said In. spectora shall appoint one clerk,; whi shall be a quaufied voter of said district. T ■■. • . t In case the pereons who shall hove receiv pd Cho second higliest’nXihiber of tolm fop TnJ fepector shall not abend 1 on the day of ad etec ’ thTk'oondhblr Bo ' 1 wlio,slmiU h »Hkceived at the next ’ P n Ct °. r in ease tjJe’ person of Votc«!H Te iSghestf number ™i{T P M or shall aot -Bttjend. the present elected Judge sh all appointffin Insnec. ***** place j and, in case tW pekon SteeD onjhour after the'time bTffiw for the t%‘ election, W beeSmleot^: , wmt st jhe plspe of eleclion, shalll elect one lof 2“#". to fill snob vacancy. ‘ “ ■.i , of AsseSsori reaneeti ffMieria fM h ® P la ®e of .-Mdh^^reryi fheiw ,^ I v o^ to " n^^I P7 filcotio X B dttring the iskept apen. f*r theinr snHT.?a eiT i?? 'nfqrinationrto Inspectors |i)' .v > 4~»-» » =» *. ; 4- ■'%-A 1 > il i ° havejreMdcdbn thi»*Bt*t« at least ' and.in .the election diatrirtwl*r«b«; fen tfeyTiriihedUtly p^^lr*utfH’aMts6S, s and " P*“ ft Ht«*S WCTOnty'TixiwfiTeH'Bli'ill Kate ■ f Min 'wsfelfed, bofore ; the ‘ .election,;. I But a-citizen of the baited Slites, I [who has i^riowlyjboen.,.*-:■Qualified voter of this State; and removed therefrom end retumt ed| and whoshalihaveresidcd *ia the election dudriciandpaidtaxes as afowaid, afaal: be ■ entitledtovbfb after residing in tha atate six i intmths s■ ■ PreVidedji that'.’ the-whife(reoßien cituea* ! of' the ' Boiled' States, between the fIB«.«{ iwl twentjr-tyoyeara, and “r ll !'rf - . *P the Btate’one; year>aiid m the election district ten days as aforesaid, ahsll be entiled to vofe although theyhavenot ■ paid-takes. jw‘ |Kqssl!*:- *>' ’M,- 'al:. ‘ Wrtonehsn bomennlttbdto vote whoei no* Cohtainbdin the-list of taxable in -Ims, first,' he prodnceareeelptfop the pay meni withia iwo years, of a State or bounty taxyasaessed agreeably to the Constitution,. ft®4 gives evidenc'el eilher on his own oath or affirmatiph x or of ariother, that be haa paid such tar, to procure a receipt.; shall-make oith of tbepay men t there of;] or pecondviif.he Claims alright to voteby belpg.an elector between thef age oftwenty one and twehly-two years, hbshall depose on oat^i-or | affirmation that he bas resided in ihe| Stateai least one yoMbtforejhis application,' and make such' proof; of the residence' in the district; as is required in this act; and that he' does Verily believe,' from the acCouht given him.tbit he is of the iSge aforesaid, and gives such other evidence aa is required by this act; whereupon the names of the persons so admil ted|tp Vote shall be inserted into.the alphabet-- ioal list! by the Inspectors, land a note made opposite there toby writing| the word-•‘‘tax,’* if he shall be. admitted to vote by reason bif haring paid a tar,- orj the* word he • sha|l betadmitted onhbconnt-of his age, and ineithercase, the reasons of such votes: shall be called out by the' clerks, who shall Intake 1 thejlike notes in thq list of voters kept by them. -1 ,;■ - ..' ... I,'. . pin all cases' where the name of the person Claiming to vote isnol foundon the list:fur nish edby the Commissioners, and Aaaesbor.tor his right.to vote, whether found there or not, isobjectied to by any qualified citizen, iu shall be the duty ! of Inspector' to examine [sncli persons on oath as toiqualification, andyjlf he claims to have'resided srithin the State one year or more, his oath shall he sufficient proof thereof,| but he shall make proof by. at one Icompetcnt witness, Who Shall be a qualifi ed,eleetpr, that he has resided within the die-, trice forj more than tchdays'immediately pre-' ceding ’said election, I and shall also hhn-elf swear his bona fide residence; in pursuance of his lawful' calling; is ;Wilhm the district fw the purpose of voting therein. l , , If any person ishall prevent or. attempt to ‘ . prevent!-any officer -of an . election, or. use or ■ threaten;: any- violence to any such officer, or shall interrupt or improperly interfere with bimjinjthe execution of his [ duty;; or ‘ shall, block up or attempt to,block uptho window or avenue to any window where (he same-may be ' hoUcn, lor shall riotously disturb the peace of. such election, .or shalluse or-practice any in-' timitation, threats, force or violence, with.de-, - Higii' to influence unduly, or overpower .any elector, pr to prevent ; him {from voting, nr to r |Btjain I the 1 freedom; of! his choice; such per- • son. on conviction shall; be-fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, and be im prisoned for any lesS than twelve ' montjhs;| and if ,it shallbc shown that by the Court who the trial of- such offence' shall be' ! had that the person offending was not a resi dent Jof-fhc district or township where the said offences'was committed and hot entitjed to vote therein,'then, on conviction he shalljbe scntenccd to pay a fine of not less than ' I one hundred'nor more than one thousand ,dnl 'Urs, pndi be imprisoned not nor more! than two years, ■; * If person or persons shalljnake andpw' or wager upon the result of any election on th in this CbmmouwcaUh| or shall offer to npoak any such bet or wager, cilher by verhaannro' lamaUonithereof Wby written bp priritered a vertiacment, •challenge or invite any persdocm persohs {to make such a bet or wager, d—re bonviction thereof, helor they shall forfeiy bet ■pay -three tiiqfcfl the amonnt'so bet ;i »r offered -to he bet. ,!jt' - - 1 prison nbt .by lay qualified shall ' fnaudnlcntly Vote dt ahy elefctiori Within this ; Commonwealth, or boing otherwise qualified, fhalljrote puf of his proper- district; or-if any pe'rsqnbnqwingthe want of such qualification, shall nid or procure sUchfpersons to -voteV'the person ot: persons so offendingsbaM, on cohvio- : tion, t>e fined in any aiim not- cxccd ng two . hundred fdollars, and be imprisoned for any term not ’.ess than three its. .- • ; .'tie K»- m foUowar < will meet irßShvett ■;h' will ,n : s;rjv win ill jqeif I'otttf- I • orl ! .> meet, own;- : aeet’ tor£: ika;«l i 4 j i ElEl (idteml sf at’tte j,' Qt-saiif ip willitfeef 'BrigtitSiu of Penn House' of conjuno* rfcconnty: of jieaTeri licarei- co; ; r if,county;. BorofHea- ' anyi person shall vote a< more than one election district, or otherwise radulently fold. . and deliver to‘the inspet. ors Iwo tickets to gether, withthe intenticr to v |te illegally, or shall Vole the same, or r anyp rson shall ad vise orprocure another lodo a he or they so ! - offending shall, on.conviction, je fined in any i sum not lcas than fiftyVor more thnn five hun- - ; dred dolldrs, and he imprisoned-for an# term not less; than thrco'nor more than" twelve ’ months. ■ i -i. ..: ; v ■ _ If iny person not qnalified to vote in this' Commonwealth agreeably to law, (except the 1 ' sons of qualified‘citizens, j shall appear at any ' Pjace |of l election forUhe purpose; of issuing, tickets, or of influencing the citizens qualified ■ to vote, hq shall, -on,, Conviction, forfeit and pay. . any eum. not exceeding one hundred dollars Tor. every such loud- be irnpriaonei Xir any term, hot eiteeeding.three months. ■[ , Th ® ; Return, Judges; of the, respective Bis triolSim thisCounty.arc required to meet at . the Court Uouse in the. Borough of Beaver, on thenrst Friday after the election, being, the 18th of Ootoher, l§t», ht 10 o'clock, then and - there; to; perform, the. ■ duties enjoined Jipon them by law.' ; ■ ■ ; l, : v - relating':to iheTElec , , iions i of ?his\ Commonwealth” passed the. 2d day of tydy, 1839, it is provid - . : c<l gnd directed asy follows: . Sec.. 81. When two. .or more, shal compose a district foe the choice of a member or members of lhe . Senate of; this Common- ' wealth, or of the House of representatives of . the United Stotts, or Iff this Commonwealth, Ihe Judges of. the election in .each couhty having met as aforesaid; the Clerksshallnutke out a fair statement of ull to votes which shall ; nave Iteen given at sat* election, withinl the ■ couuty, for every person voted tfbr, as such! member or members, which shall be signed by said Judges-and atWatcd hy. the Cierks, and one Of the said Judge's" sbalUtdke" charge, of apeh certificate, and, shall produce the sameht a meeting of one Judge from each cotihty at ■ huch.pjanea. district; as is"or' may be appointed byelaw for thepurpaqe;. which meet ing shall ,be held on the seventh day after* the election. .: .y: -f. rr t .> SEc.|Bl. The_Judgei.of the several .countite have met. as afortsaid■ shall cast npVhe'seT. eral : coui|ty returns and made, duplifcate' re iums of all the votes given for such office in said district, and of the names Of’the person or persons elected, andoneof saidreturns, for each office, shdn be deposited In- the office of the Prothonotary of the Conrt bf CommonßleaS '. tbefci»h*U ; mert,-i«d r the other shatftby;said Judges he deposited in]'’ nearest post office^-sealed 'and directed 'as in &jhi 9 “, et ‘S° •*-: . *%j?‘ shaUialso be the dutyoftha Be, turn. in .every ease, to transmit to each r Wre.tnoongrees,orin ■’ Representatives ofthisCommoi * -L/ '' of .his election, vrithito j fuAVj-* ***¥“P euch re,-]' Z' ’’V;, Given unker my hand at Beavir’ C BEjy|ij|{h* day of September, inth# :■ ksta yesreof. oup-Lerd one thousand ? £ight hundred; .and- vdjrtyffive, and- in the BrntedSlatej. ii% . Jtos. U5DLTE,Bmff’ I , : J. :r county; r_ counity; iSr.BeiVer env i fled “An Cbmtßoti hvides 113 • '`" ;. • l" ; zt FRIA : r:f ; .. -*•: ! 111 • - : ‘ I Ip'Gtt'f 1 T< i v■, y></ -J i lati . . ' .'Vi • ■; • ! 11 i.I, O i.s, ’ i n^v ■ r.f- .•' :: /j -':)■/ fill ,■ ■ t • • . '1 BE m \ 1 ( 1 ■- c UM v ' v. ; r - . I f :l f • A-i - ' r , MIMI ■ 1 1 -■ i - 1 * *"■ ■. I ■Li - 1 ■■.*,:■ I 'r ■ ( : .1 '-‘Jr V^V 1 -4 jv~- . • s ; f. ii- - ' \ i . » •> i-i ;■ yj * irf i /.. ■ , ■ ,l / ; . | •;> r ;•- i* - I V t OM MIN •t ; wv 'I Ik •’ ~;1 •v'-t s- I "IF /--.MiVivFT'y ifof<tfie New Year.,., it. Control of tbe! CcmanarttaU ai' the commencement of the year, the conduct tort announced theirf-DETERMINAnoN to P“®** • "*** We a’<*' vigor into Its columns SSIS^^WwWe ,; SW«« r -P | *pe r %\IOWBiTaAN' b »b« acceptable to thereadee; i T “® IncreasejnCirculation, flatter: log notices of our contemporaries, and Con fWt 4«**!Wf>k our been nhsno^ A M TJy^. - ; The Cbnimtriial HAS GROWN DAILY in fSTsSsSS?*-' Until lt J- I * o *- «*i>k« among thl LEADINf} JOURNALS in the country,- 1 9E*J» to keep pace with jthe demand* of the reading public; and at the same time meet; rWsH^p“M«'jfj»*Mr*,, : on. ouradvettislna P° in “i of interest It devotes special attention to ! ..] MARKET iREPORts; IR P N - 0I1 '- CATTLE, -ETTM :i' ./! -' BIVEHkIEWS, ii-V-> receives- partlflUlar attlsntioh.lahd in this De- JparUnent the Commercial has. no rival. The j; FINANCIALAND|sTOCKREPOBTS, . :° r .., ® Cpmmeroojfjare prepared with care and wiU be found tube unusually full and relia ble. Also, the Bcpoits of tlio LEADING MARKETS OFTIIECGUNf BY re P°rts o) jtbe' DRY GOODRand WHOLESALE MARKETS,' and ports of OIL STOCK FINANCE AND TRADE from da; to,day.y. ~ j , While; special attention will be given to' I these sCyeral Departments, the Commercial lays claim tyrant among tholeadmgjournals of tbe country as:o medium 6f i • mk , * . GENlifeAt t ! !.. S , a !S;i 3 t S- givii no P e M heathy reading suiteiltij'theJanil.T Cinoie, anAto be a wel come visitor to tlje discriminating public TUP PjULPIT ’ [ forms a peculiar feature of the V mimn.al. Dy Siting. every Saturday; an OmoisAi, Snt- I “os, prepared expressly by aiMinister of the G .°?P!‘» “ PitUburgh dr vicinity, ( which,’ «i -so, goes into the weekly.) fifty-twodiscOnrsos *re given in the year, |by notJicss than twen ty or thirty different jMmistcis; withonf re t dLitinclicm,; This Dc | psttmentof tbe ( dmmi?refa/-liag attractcdiimcb | pttcuiiou; bemgnmdeio in-oreagfejjts «cOgmzed| importance and tKIiIc; !As a, feature-at once novel and instructive it j co.n S tlt lU ttB ; not thie least of the many claims of the-, Commercial to patronage. ' ... - [ . In politics the CoiimUreial will be an un— I deviating supporter of |lbc Union, . and earn estly loyal to the Government, and ns far as [consistent with this aim,, free from Pnrtiian- I ship. . j |-_ j Tke*Commerei«llsa largo folio sheet, and is i published in two editions 'every liioriiin", Sun |da> excepted. . -‘.y.: _.Ter»is or DAitr: by -mail,'slo per annum; City subscribers, served! by carriers, $l3 per [ anunm,tn advance; or; 25 emits per ;week,pay abie to thecarrier.l Single copies s,cents, A discount made to Agenlk i ■, r • , The SATCBD*y,ppJtMEKctAiri4A ; lapge.‘Bheef| :| containing all the 1 Current News, Miacellam ??os* Literajy.and Scientific Intelligence,' and' Valuable Reading for the Family,. isjiucUsh-’ iCd atsl,o0 t ;(52 issue3 t ) per year. lu ClubS I |of Twenty, SI.--. ; ; 1 , ' We AT ntyfar WttUy and Daily mutt aiwal/t accompany the order and in no ir aland ean 'ihitt Jermsb deviated from, 1 . ' ; 1 « P ostnraatcru ,‘aro : requested! to act ha ngeuts Uie:CotdpnertidL:i . ; • Vv. _ 3t -- opposite Post office, ' C. -D B.RIGIIAM.J.i..'.J;..j ; Edito» n ‘ TUO}I PSON Masaoeiu Address , , , THE COMMERCIAL, I • Pittsburg,. Pr m f's-. "S’ * «•>*' -**4« *i'"« - V '] - -1 T !.. ,f "I- ' ' “ I v-i •; i I ‘ ! | _ { V , I i - i '-i- i ;*< r • - . ISM -“fg,. Pa. NEW BRIGHTON REIREAT AK ASTTLUMPOR THERECEP TION, CURE AND'TREAT MENT OP MENTAL ; , ALIENATION OR . DISORDER 'OtHer : ■ Nervous and Chronic Diseases. S£E T 'V SIVBLY POH iP^IALES. rpHIS institution, is now. open for tho«oep -1 tion,. pare, and treatment of tbs indepm denf elan -of patients who ate! laboring under mental derangement; or other nervous and . .chrome disease.We make special mention of nervous and chrome diseases!,; from the Talct ■ that, seven tenths of the) female,patients that : f 0 committed tc pur public Asylums.'to be ■ treated for, disordered taimU .are reduoed to that lamentable condition through previous physical disorder. ; By a Well timed anil judi cious treatment' of bhronlc arid nefvoiis dis easpj. all physical) disorders, in the inajoritv of cases may be removed; and thus: theinind having sufiered through, the;medium of, the body Will when" I'free! from the fexcitinir physical cause, throw off (he shackles that has bound it to wotse than midnight darkness and reason will, once.morp,' resume' its sway’ plotted in allots.{urimHive beauty and winlod excellence. .Hence thoAecessity of aUtho.se> who are laboring, nndprUhe predisposing 6r exciting causes, calculated in the end to im pair.tho mind to resort tojan carly, and judicious course of remedial agents.' ’ The | lnstitution is a.largo !;brickii building with a atone basement—four storied high and well ventilated. It is sitjuatedlon, an elevated table land which commands ,4view of entire town—adjacent hills—groves and ncighborjne streams; jUI of which ate calculated to pro dnce lhVorSbie impressions upon' tie disorder ed mind. ~ ...,j ,j, ; The Institution is complete in all of its ap-i pomtments. Having been.tastefully fitted up at gract oipcnse, in order that' it may meat j the approbation and rieeis of the Lost fastidi ous. - .... .... ,[, i' . , | , i The viatcr. plpset* and bathing apparatus have bpengotfim up unoh!the mes; approved modern soientlficprincipUm This department embraces not- only; tho;;ordinary baths -but “ i?’ ~ “cdicated; warm ait and -ascending add descending douche for the inore effectual and successful treatment of |cutafleoua ■ and other scrofulous diseases. I __ We beg leave tp say toalf those wlio'mav be disposed to'commit the') interests r of a dear sister or “daughter,; j to pin charge—may be assured tbat hci.-mcans ■will be spared or £ffortB wnntihg pn our part tpjiimcliorate theii condilloit orUd effect a restoration to their ac customed health apd vigdr bf mind. vi ’' : FOT filkher particulars send for a circular; All communications shonld 6e addressed ; to ’ .. e. kendiuok; £ £ V. Supt.of.Kewßrightonßetieat 1 • | r ~ . New Brighton I- ’ Beayerpd.'Pa. I V I P , ‘ '.■h _l . ( M=SIIIMI '£'■ -i ; * .e hr ~ ! - ' f > r ■. ; A- n0t12’62., ■; ':'..Kotiee ■: -, T*' ffyekkpldtrs'of, the PhillipsbMrd and fjiHE Stockholder* of tSe4bwicomjjiny JL Kocheeter, l*a.- f on Satowbat, A00c8t20,V65. o io; Jis blaring t»if great lm-- Rpf j - I’ ME .•f. . • --S --.tv, =MOM jf* 1 ® ■V'''*. - - «3l> 'wmg \: :. Wwloe£\:Papets o?« Oitkt and : < ;■ .' -i Intelligeiice}' ■;- ••■? \’K' -~i>\ ;■!.<■ !.ir v r: r-.t':' •vL^'' = ’ V*!h ~ *•*■•- •"* - : " *■' )Wer m e&Qv' '* *. » ,‘Y^O7 a~4i ■ HMi<p#*y , s;:pp&<| :«aw aw thenv.tar...t|wit Iriei&a..xrThey havefaesu ed to. be tike /Soldier’s never>failinc friendin' ■ ofnted. .-■ ' |'^o" each Pbt£f Bo*. t s i i f i AWBr-'i :]. TOTEINCIDESTAVXO; SOLDIEWC": - ; • •■>? These feelings iwh!|h W ei'ddV' ns,' nitjslii; ■ »Hs*froin^nbfe,o#MnV»ncM,flbßtrncted perspiration,; or eaUng sndidriniing whkteveir ,«-unw,ho}esoine, disturbW the bedlthftil \ tehon ofjhelivcr and 'sfomachi - These Gli stens must be relieved, if you de lire tobe well- ■ s“* - j qtuckly .a, prodtce-a; -hbalthhl action, m both liter and stems to; and as i natnrnLAonaeqnence n clear heo 1 andsobaaol petite. ,-.J, j ■ , :'■: .■■*! V'*T WEAKNESS .OR DEBIUTT INDUCED B* ■ •■vte [over fatigue! c wal soon/disappearby the um valuable Pills, anfl the'Soldier* i qairp additional strength. Kero els *be bither ’confined or'undulv It may Mem strange that Ho. Lshohld be recommended for £ ■ Plux, many) persons supposing ti' increasetherelaxalion.. This is correct t stomach and thus remove all the from the system', i This medicine and vigor to' the .whole organic s i er .deranged, ,yvhilq .health and,al ” as a matter of. coarse.. I Nothing relaxation of the .Bowels'so sure: bus medicine.! , VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION! ■ ; r TIONB OF YOUTH, ! Soros and Ulcers, Blotehinga o can with certainty be radically Pills are'taken night'fand moth) ointment be freelyused as stated «d instructions. Jf treated in id ncr they dry up in one part to hr] other.Wliercas'lhis Oidtracni Iho humors from the" syst em aid tient o' vigorous andheall by mat quire a littic pcrsevcrance ia bad sure.i lasting! curb. ~ ' 1 FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCGd TUB BAVQNET, OR SABRE . LET. SORES OR BRUISES. . v ~....... To; which.otjery Soldier and Sailor ore liable there ire nb medicines so safe,, si ire and bon- 1 ■venient as Holloway’s Pills and ointment! The [poor woundbdiind almost dyingu uffordr might have his wbunds.drcsscd' immediately;, if he would only provide himself! with thisi-matche L ]css OmUuent,j which should be thrust In to the wound and Smeared all around it, then covered with a piece of linen frojn his knapsack, and' compressed .with a ’hapdkcrclfef. Taking highl and morning C.orS Pills, to cool the syst tem and prebept idDamation. ’i Hi" i Everjr Soldier’s knapaafck aid Seaman’s be provided with these valuible Remedies -; ' • : -y\ ■CAUTION 9 -r-Sonc, are. genuine unless! the words “J/ollotcpi/,. Xw y Q rk mdLondon,'-?] disccrnu|>le as a-vvalcr-inark-ia every- leaf I of too book'pfl directions around each p‘bt op the same may. be plainly'scon by holding the leaf to the lights A handsome reward .vriil be given to any one.readbrlng hi cl; inform;;- tion as may lead to the detection of j any‘party Or parties couuterfeilingtheinodu ines or-vend ing the same, knowing them to b; spurious!' . *«sB6ld at! the Manufactory of Professor uollowat, 80-Maiden Lane, No v Vert, and' by nil respectable Druggist a and Dealers i lii Medicines, throughout the civilized world, in boxes at 25 bents, 02 cents and $1 each, ;Ii j : There.& considerable saving by’taking theuarger sizes. hU ■ _ N. B.—lliijcetions for the guic ancc of pa lents" in. every disorder arc affixed to each hoxi May 7. -, ■ i-: h ' - ’■ ' f jj j “ n,'-' iIAIE. DE.\[OlifeX’S VJ'| j 1 f Quarterly 'Mirror oi. a^aMoiis, - , ; .WUA (hintJmpr.ovementadnd Additiont, |j 1 [ . THE* fICMMEU XUMBKn CONTAINS ! • j i : FOUB LARUE $ \S PL EX DID FASHION. -FLATESt TtiREE FULL-SIZED r i | , RAITERNS OF. DRESSES, ■ jj I ■ ! |COMI*RIBI.VG Till: .!;'••• I New French Waist, an Elegant Sleeve, add a .j; Misses Sack, and a." Sheet, >f «Ccw‘ >i I [-■ ' J | and' Beautiful ft i !]' BRAID AND EMBROIDERING RVTTERNa, Isgothcr with nearly 100 Hnt ravings of j • , all] thej novelties for ' / ' jli Summer Bptmets, Cloaks, Trimmings] . , phWren’s, Dresses, |; And valuable information to Alii linert* Dress Makers, Mothers, and Radirs ge irrally, pre~ sentihg the largest and best Fa shion Maga-i tine in the World, published 4Td "Broadway, N. 1., and sold everywhere at 25 cents,! lot scut by mail, Ipbst free, bn receipt! of the am’t in stamps orjsilver. Year $l,OO rith the fbli lowingvaluable’premium,t! ; j | Each yearly subscriber willbp_ cjkitledto a receipt for thje selection, of 60 'cents worthTof p nip patterns, from the designs in,the book,' or from the Show room, or ' they may be or dered and s.ent by mail: any time during the year, hypayipgpostage. t;. J. ; II ; lnduccmentslto Cmvassers. i ! ” BPlb.Summer No. now ready. . , j! i' , GERHART Parlor , €Pr<* ■ /, V V-'' ORGAN HARMONIU *ar*EST/!, BLISH3? D IN ] 1 • ' ■ 1 ’ / THE, oldest arid most-popular of the kind in tliis country. 1..- For' Siii&onty.at ■; 1 H: KtESEBt & BR ■ j : , iVgepts! fori Corhart’i gaps for WcsterriPeßri'i. - ■ i £ -4- —., I ,J : _-_l *! T Jiinm'T TU]BES FOK. PALL rl L; : . Persons whn intend planting ‘ .1 Orchards, Gardens,, ■or Vi 7 Ate invited to examine'dis : Vurser'4 S'fiiion, outlie £?- Ft. W. ]& I'- wiles tresjuof Pittsburg, or send i . pedlars. ■ jOur stock is.very superio st(jnt. heavy Trees, and raplcd ebryeot, to name. PartWi Ihe same districty.hy .joining, and *“* Nurseries, |6d seudingtheir ordo can have each) lot put- up separate i plainly, ,an(i charged at. tko raids and &lpfttea |n IPiltsburg dr free of cbargei ' ■ *1 I*' 'PJ® t : .... Sewieikly,:: Allegheny; =BE sxm s Aid} • *A J°7 l f^» t i‘« 0 “. THIBD SrREET; oße 2X..hundred mA fiflyif««rby threihoadred to ajjey.. :. ~•» vik >. .a • bki‘te;y+i t •#., ' ':'&9 3 a ■ ' ‘■' ' ‘ . ,il 3:I • smJ! - of. these -in* illquiokly he* irlft'thebow; aetedlupbni. Uoway , « Mis ysenttryand at thipy "would a great inist the liyep and acrid humors, .will.giVe tine, ystemhowevi rcngiih" follow" will stopithp as this fainr, INDIBCr£ ind’3wellihgs; 1 cured if-jthd | lingr'and.jiHe! i! in (lie print' i : y othcr njihi :ak o-it indn| . - will reu ove leave the PnS t, Itiwill; W 1 ] cases to, ini^ ISrOSED DY UimjEßUL^ i t ; j L T 9 h-' i; .i. .M aiis i : . ! i I AND RE 539 -®a:i netrumcn|- tfs., MI Parlor di- i|yWCs' ! .XTIJSG u rards, \! ;8 at Edgei c. a. iuj foraOat r, ef large]' s are war j 'esidiig iu cumii.g tri rs bynmll, ■adnamcd jpirjltusH AUeghenj cb.; MEM ?' H ’?• r . ' ;■ PErftOLEbMcoiiPAwyi /i^V-_ r 'tw il*> ’: -1| I it* ttftt r n :?& ‘‘l' »TOCfc^..wv i I-i $80,000; i■ ;,f ■' i,I ,^..'- ’ L ' 'f, i-- -'■ J •- j | j“.■-. ' ’: : 8O;O0o8I»are8 o£rar Valaeof.;...l.si;Oo euh,' , meeting of- the elocklioMers cff' tbv. VV »bo»a company, h'el4t nitjieir ini UieborougJi of Rochester, April 29tb, 186 SJ tfii following 'pcralwi weris elect ed -its officers ■ for iheensuiog jear; : |' r-v- -ir]--= V'- '■ PRESIDENT; !!' ■ >1 ; UATTISON ;3DARRAGriI'' , ; \!i’ : s>S : :l> i->!'■ -■ ‘■•‘th tBEAsuftEB i SEcaerAitT: • ;j;-_ u, chaijles u.i flyjftsx DIRECTORS: ; *Matiiadn Darragli, ’ i ililoß. j Adkins, • Charles Btone, v•. Alfred Q. j Hurst, . James Darragb, John;Bigger, ; Bobt. A. Cdcbraaj Charles F. Kendall., r -- ' il®*A -limited number . of sialresj of the; above' Company, mar be had cation at the office of the company. , j BSuOffice in the Diamond, Roch my3:6tu OH AS; B, lIUBST,! ‘'Unquestionably the' 'foesi} Sustained work ot the kind tri the World.” : ‘ ne. f.V !'; GrMe<s' l Jttjk&'if- tie, irtiitj 1 •’’ * Ml is the fbrjtmost; Jlhgaiinci oft he -’day.— The fireside neverhad a more.deUghtfulcom panion, nor tbir million a’ more enterprising,' friend, , than Harper’s Magazine., —-Methodist JVoiertan/^BaUimorft}. ‘ ’■■' ij . 1 - • Jfhemok’pbpular-..Monthly in (he itVorld.-^ /few yprk Obetrvfr. ; ’■■■ ■ | ] t .! 5. MSe, must refer; my terms of 'eulogy. Ip- the hightdne’ and- varied excellent’of HabPbkls MAnAziis-pa journal with in monthly circula- Hiou of o.hout 170,000 copies—in whose -pages ore t,o he found some of ,the choicest light and I general reading of the day. -V.’b speak of this 1 j work as an evidence of I Uej American People ; - ['and the -popularity it is merited. ! iiach -njppber contains fully |1,44 -pages \ot ■reading matter, appropriately illustrated with 'good woodi-cuts; audit conibincs,in itself the I'rapy mom lily and (he more j philosophical quarterly, biended with' th).;- best features of flit! daily. It has great power in the diasem driatibn of a love,’bf pure literal Are.—ihirsl I SER’i Gtiitle io American Lilcranire LohJonr The volumes bound constitute otlhcijiselves a library of miscellaneous reading 1 such as oahnot he found in the same compass; iu any. other’pufclication. that has Pome j under' bur notice.— -Sottor. Courier. -' ! j SUBSCRIPTIONS ; ! 1865' i *| The f’uhllslicps have perfected ft system of | >»y can supply tlievMAOA ■| fctr»h hnd Wkexlx' to those., jwho pre | far to rcdcivo • tljeir periodicals j'diretjtty from the office of publication ' 1 i , The postage on Hare Er's .Magazine is 2+ cents a year rvliich must be paid at ihe Sub ccr'i!ier'» post-office. . . • { ' ii . .■ • t -. '■ ; ;•, b • j j •Harper's Magazine,: one ' year|i....lJ.s4 00 j An Extra copy of eitherthe .Magazine or Weekly will |j be supplied gratia for every : .Club of Five SrbacntnEtts at S4ioo each in one .remittance; or Six Copies forS2(IOO.J . Back nun-bersdan be Supplied at any time. ' AJpomplote Set, nop: 'cOmpnsing ( Twenty j nine Y.oluthes; in neat.cloth binding, wilt be sent by express, freight at expense of .pur- 1 chaser, forjS2 25 per volume.; Sihgle vol umes, by naiii; postpaid, s:> 00. Cloth’ eases, for! bindingfpS cents, byjnnil, postpaid. Ad dress 1 j : ' L ia}s'■' . j j i' . • HARPER & BROTHERS,’ i , Frank as Suuaee.New Tork. ■fllfiMTßn TEETH ! | TEETH I TEETH ! UTILITY & ECQYOMY Health anti Beauty ! I' • ‘ * fiT^il\^ B H ENCER ’ S STEAM DENTAI i JL'- ABUSjIfIIENT, No, Sfil' Pbnslst, rPmsncap, Pa., j 3 the lsry«t and most 'com rPlete xa the Dpitett fatales. . A7n< firet-rUnn At. tulanls always in attendance: a'lsohlady t. receive and assist in waiting' oh /Indies ant .children,, .■ f ' ; ■ -;• •■ ; ~ .. ' ir EuH ? pp ® r or i under sets. Of thoko bckutifu i> ulcnnitc tepjh, j Suction idatc will) Artificial iGunis, nnd vidrranttd superior in tirri/ respeellit ftny made. innhirPnitcd States, foronly $l5- plain teeth only Sip, . . . - |! Remember Ur. Spencer has'the largest as K- ArtifiaJlU teeth andDcntal male [mis ever brought, to the city of Pittsburg thus enabling people to select Teeth to sue ufhemselvea regard,iug,the/ Utijlki It color. &o:, Iney .require. ,T - | k physicians,.and Editors o the different papers, to Pittsburg: and ridinitj •i •"• 1)0,11 forget the price--only $l5 fo extracting the teeth and insertinlg a new stf In thti best style: jg t haraniced to give pcrftc satisfaction. Ev^cy ; operation" pertaining t* the . Dental profession executed with neatnea. pud despatch. •jl ',r •* [! ‘ tnine’required to'make ybt hset of/Tcoth complete So don’t foikret tht place, No. dul Popn st;, Pittsburg; two squares nibpye ips.Suspension bridge. ~ my^4 r 6& Uic & Rutari, j. ATTOEHEYS AT IAW, ■ ¥' L , a . tto ll* t 0 ; -‘iegnif hhiinehs 1 " of • hIP ' ; kinds. I’rompi attention giren to col-. geuvraily, Licensed Agents. for col-. lection oi, pensions, pouhty. arrears of Pay,'. e '° .of Prisonert of WiK : ; ( Cfmaieciaitely ia thenar of Cbhri IlohsM* , Uan4 ¥ E \ TERS :testa m ehUry:/-,i<mL*he'it estate MbsppHasa«t teST,'” 1 S*d»'MM«tw;»i«aas art requsitpd to make Immediate parent, and those, haring claims againgtlhe same-will presinltheßi I ; - T HuoTtt tiiin 4«P*r«6. -. 76;• -; I A ; =I ofStock by.appli- ■»ter, ,Pa. iec’jr. i • ti ii• I : i JAB> A. BHOLES...ALFRED S LACK & SllOl, is • Cor. Penn if; Marbury Streets,. = <; / 1 ;.!; i PITTSBUKIj, w-’’ Wealherboarding, S»k| ■ ; «£• J touUfo'iA Always .00 hand or made to order. ■ ■ ' V U/HlBEABi;letters testamcnUrroi'*‘ ?T 'estate of Sam’l. pasture, l4te .“ ’Raccoon tp, Beaver county, (let'3., &*2*; .been granted to the undersigned,aU kubtring themeelTes indebted to said t s '* 1 . arerequeated to made ■ immediate P*T® ~l , a ?Athoae haying claims against thyjsaioe » ■ present them properly authenticated ft?-* tlement.; ;, i •’ )i. JAMEB &joh!» a. shel|.iW. --- ; :aopt26’os.‘? / Eiteuiw*^ fAWILNISTEATUIi’S NOTI0&'-: •Jtii- Jtr:: ; I—. ■ '(-.i-.i-' fl; ETTERS of admiuialrationon ii'of Jobs B.P. lewix, late of ta» yOhro; | : do<jeased, haring he* n .S* the otlJenigsed, J*ll peraona.-i n “ , "j: •ro squired to make irradiate pijmet| i * thoeo haring claims will 'present' theffli I 10 }. tudtfaatheoUcktod for Mttleraent. '■ Mr-i -ic ' EUZAANN IRWlN,’Ad®*;> Aug2B’63L,; i ;‘-.- l,«;.fofi«C s-iTr -i;: : - * : -. • \T Hdw*f !«- » Sip lEEE [om 1 ,(Tw ■A&i SiOUi RTtHE tmdi lx U"g« r NEON :k- t .1! 'j ; ’ ' .! ’ PANcyyseAPjT j. ■ ’ ?*■- U S|: -H Jjjg . v : & and oil other .Hi,, -j.!i:j. «»»'first-class Brug'^^ =MEI ■1 , t ‘i. |liiailiOßSv WIPES' ;1/ ■. ’• Bran diet^ FOR MED!CAL PURPOSES OKI Y The proprietors having li,j L > I™ u ‘s 0 aU * ho : n^ HAMims, ■:TItE ckEAt SJ T E3l3\r wA* rUo perfect Piano Fortes in; de vj CAX BE iiA f ) OXkY •_i ■ ' AT _ •,. \ -V- 1 ' H. KLEBER i ]Bjj|j' r : | Sr: ; PjITTSIto 1 \ •;•' ■ ’ ' •/ ? ••• u■- ‘l* > ■ r C®;S'ole Agents for St'cinvraVs rL,I V .. . il&y' i CHAS-;B-r HURST ■ Banker and Broker, ;: ; ' . - DK-Aitin jj ‘4 ■ % Real Estate, Stocks, Goveiiaino | [Bonds, and other Securities CLAIM AGEHI | ! ■! Conveyancer & General Agent ; I \ j, ! /.« i | *HK subscriber -haviiig opened an ; • Kcchoster; (in the* room lately occupirf •fey A,j fully solicits, lie p* bi& friends anti nhe.publiciingtt attention given io (lie adjusting pf]:Offic.ers’ accounts,' and all claims.arW the. present war, aiipfc as . - t V Pensions, Taunts, | Homilies, Arrears of Pi j, \‘i ’? '■ , .Prize Money, ,j -c. . 1 JDeeJs drawii; up aad: nckiiowledged. ’ [ , iFire v isks‘ taken lin -•x-i ’ :la«s Insurant! Companies. /‘ J ■", ■ jUcvenue stamps Always on hand. , /■ | [Refers, to JoLa A; Ci_Jzhey, Jos. P-unicj?, Wm. H. SmUli ik Co., Pittsburg. . Rochester, MaySl’&T ; . •./ , ; : IBIBIA.'V'E'B C?: A 1 THE 'Fall Term | of S this Institution wffi jCommcnce- r .!, ' {■**' i f ' Tuesday, Sept., 12ihJS65, .- under. the charge of . 1 ; / kf ' . ~ as principal, r -ft is* the desire, and will be the aim, to mib, tbis a thorough t English; Classical and Com mercial School,.and to sustain the high-cbl* ,£cter it has heretofore maintained.;.. ~13 i Good opportunities wiilbeaffoidedtoyo&f ineii and boys, who desire to.obtaia a English; and Business .‘Education, and toifi* who mayydealrc/a Classical Education, prto fit themselves for' entering .the |highcrCollf|s ejakses ; ' • *•. * ’ f ' '• * j F orrate# of tuition, &c., send for circclir .l .Address, the - Principal*at Kew Beaver county. Pa.; orthc undersigned.^ v ' H. Hi€E p , •: 5 - See. Board of Trustees. U -Pcshn. ■ Planing Mil SASH & DOOR FACTOR* =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers