The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 04, 1865, Image 3
i . MARFITDi - j 1 {Wh***m ■ k V .( |kfk l.i^ 111 ' ", ; '■(k 2Bfßf''A^fPSrrw'-!; "iiIMF £..•„• a ;- : ,....; k^ I Honi ThomaVUanninghamdicd at ’jr!' ** a ? e tr Jt| 1 ,-, ■ kjk-ikk-kl;. k k. ■ ■ , \'l ,t I ••’••• 'll*?iiE? I his rest Friday morn- K^^Wnim^» i| - ;'"'. k ,]: -k ? i”r ».” ; j i'-kki' . :•• '■ •■ Qn and ifter l« * T* I. . 'dl' •■ NASOT.Watsi.ea. ofv^eesille,;..a., V --v-.r : i‘- J -T-, ■ -A( •• -.-1 ■' . sV aiZiiX* *3E? B^S?f »■ A FORTffHE’S, ,; '■ kk, hf; jconnty (generally knew of hi* Mat and M's* Mart ] ' kj'k"' IN iiOCHKSTBB. • k "• ./-k 1 . ■■ J|k /j; ; ; j /■.. wuitg-coiKQ wwf.; ■; '■ kT.'” , sorions indisposition, and will not bo all o» Beßvepcoanty.Pjt. kV -| - kf-.k/y;'kk k-kkkk-..k. kkki T, k- k] ' ! 1 -’ .»-• snrprisod of his death. Av On April by.Boi J. jl MTU i4"'s k" T I •.' TJNION ■. , general inter^Vas^ raanifestedlp his yar, Gso. W. Hunter, of New Bright. ,k| •'RA'RfJATNS I i ." 1" . j dase[ and tojuie Moiy laslali; hoped ton, and ,he might For a week before J ; k!- v hVX !’] *** Door, to the Pott <&* ! STATE AND COUNTY his death, however, the/physicians at- On May 2d,- by the ARalari i •;' ■ I■. ■•*■• -’ •" : - , . • >■ k i ■ : ■ tending him, htevipg exhaneied all Whislbb, of New Brighton and ».■ |k i J ' |. . « j ra. r their skill ihi yidnly need every rein: H 4 **A Cotsos, of Aorlh * m itOU Trim: TXOBLEIT. ' edyj diclarjl f tfipra' wjis no hope.- Q P?. 2d, by the W JLeeom, |-i. ; | I ■ j. iO |r . fenpwn he waa dead hope |Xnf nL f ’ J i -T : -J—rr gave unfvernal sorrowamong o ® B I' ' ‘ onr People tbaj ono of our most aiB- f lho sainoVPHiLLip StMMIT, Slurkdoj, “ AV “ ADVANOIfIp. j , | r i 1 tinguished citizens had been cut off in Ohio, and i Miss Sabah Sn|ti>, [Wayhe i&T ODR PRICES FIRST ’• 1 Auditor 1 General ,i i . thfcijrime ol life. Of. his life we need co., Ohio. ", ;’ ■;i. : -..T.-''|-'. -,.:h l v ' |- 1 -T f ‘ ' ■ i.i'. i , i-* ' » hardly speak, 'For a quarter a On dpy theiHiiroiv |Hqu4; r f d l> rißt »*l onl y v 26 ■ > j J . ' cen.turv he has lived in county, by the kame MARTiN . HbwELn. iknjd Good nnble*ched mualinj only...Ti..i...Wcta ni u I ’ , , Hiss Louisa Mubphv, both ofSalem, |:. ,» 1 ‘ - John F Hartranft ; i 9 ee i 1 P rom |be n py > before the people, •' (if ,;l <. | . i. l j ; '| ObCd bleachedivnaUas; 0n1yvi..'..;.......20ctai. i : . * ] *;• . j and bis life and services are faiiiihar ;•.* - L.--. .•■ , :-.j k. ~;) j r-; - •)■•.•; '••!■. i%\- Hi'- • ! • ;■ .«•>., v he«r^ph ,^ ! o T' M ■..:d 1 farly life,sti diedlaw with the late Jno. C hael Porter, bf North Sewicfcly, DRESS GOODS OF: FVERY KINO .;| ! : . a R Esq., was admitted to the - 24th, itle samo. J. VERY CHEAP I • ‘ j ' : Bar, dnd bus since that, time, with-a New Sewicktvj-and ii], V-m Wr x ■■Surveyor Genet*aL | : short - inter’uption, pVacficcd his pre- eth.J. Brewer- • i j' ; J BARKED & PLALH iLAMaALa 1/“ r' ’ >. fessioh p)s[county J He worked A ago S U26th, hy thh sarobi at t»U FRENCH , . , I '■■ ■; n his. why up, almost unaided by money Huron House, Patrick Bonner, and ’ | ,’ I . 1 j aC ob H. Campbell ! | ,f or alhigh standing at the CAtHARiNE Emmon, otiSalenr.,:Ohio.f -. f. ’ COB,UROS,, i’ , . ■ ? i j ■, : -j. it, • . t . t- t , j- ii T j | j r.i •. \\- (> ■ \ i Barand -a' lucrative practice. Jle Sepi.,2o, by in the M. |B ; 1 ! I)BLAINE3- f ‘ i 1 h. vyas in able lawyer, a fine advoeate, Church, |.j William jof ; i. , . if ; ,1 j ■■ 1 r . 1 and.a close student.;He nevpr ® r^2 T S o ' v ?J e . r- , a l'^‘ Y P I i^ TUAI ?'. T J' •! i r ;ARMURES, ; ' ■? .1 >1 .: ■ '■ •. ,v f » • v--.. ••• . ot;New Brighton. | ■ ■ j. ;; . w.- -j <: .-i ' in his effortsfor niSfCliahts, and manv T i, ‘ t k k‘ ’ ■ . . . pprlsifd ■•'■■. 1 i • 1 . • J i . •/• I-* h • '•*' June 22, 1865, by Rev. .1. Murray, /■FKINJB, l .1 .... k. ,■ i r I’ Jf ,hy :hu i peraevermg ,n-; MI ,. o; R. Wallace, hnd'LMma | / - , Tfrira . . ■ Assembly : , .duitry. His reputation, as a lawyer , TARRHi.lbolh pf ;Beavey driunty.’TlCKS, &o. ' , ■: . ~, *—L K..Q- • ' J ' ’ ; 1 . 1 . ,‘i X IH* 1 wJs co cxtonsiVe with the State Hci-t-T- ■ i k 1 -r» t" 1 1 ; i Matthew S Quay 1 ‘ 'liiiUi' 1 .feidss ■&a»s. f«.«ph b woi.h I later he was appointed one of-, the Su- | the '{Locust Flat Farriu situated within ; " V. j 1 i ■' !. • *■ , , i-l-L... • ' C-; - l; ' ri cr, f- ' !i^ es tipnifiejiejd short time, and re. Th^y.Vctpb*\ isf/i.'lSM;!' j J%S.G!OL cfcj BOyS I - 1 ;' , V De“pLY.:.7k| b._ ii. signed, .to], resume his practice. ,t 10 o’dlt>ck, a. m,,if nolsooner sold ' AboTe - )k was one of thoFelectors in 1856, was farm epitaihs 131 acres, and two out -PH 1 ] , iorest , 520 ‘ 85a of p.i.w.J«h.|(ii.«i r .i.(!.nv e ,tio„ sSI”SiSi'”KM:&.SS: i- i T : v■■ '■ :SsS±:,'Si : ik in 1860 L and ope ot the electors at e 0 with' White oak and locuit;>fiO acres inlj • . 4 \ „k, S i rrMtlinc *l^ r 710 I!' 540 “ CIO “ 12v m* lanrl in 1864 * TTn to* ihe breaking roeaddwj’jthe'wholein the bead of cultivation, ; Ladies’ ttnd SH&eS, , J; , i W* i|Ue 610“ 640 “ 1243 “ . m large in, 1804. ,Up to ihe nreaumg and acknowledged to be'ohe of the best land I [■ . - i | i f- I ' 4 i • : ’ . k ! IManafield.,... 1 805 646 « 712» 'H«1“[! or Oiuof the rebellion ho was therleader product We farms in the i county. & NOTIONS .. ■ «i ■ 1 Ii"”*—"" ‘;| im ,ot the Demoerklic pany in this coun/ good and comfortable bundings; simatedion-; ; , j ’• k | J ; ) . ]j. . Milo R Adams ofj ty, Ini with Douglas ho stood : by.whichJar^sold;in proport fo iij to Iht j, ■ ..■ . •: . i tour \rv, lind ult. luope frf)!U School the farm.-makcß it-one of; Ihe'j i .hoTO nricei. =l* j. I I pi * . I ral .. » ; J ... T most desirable m-Western Pennsylvania for r . * ‘i.i . I ■ :■ |•'-• . ... . he ;Since he has p ersons wishing toieducate a family and fee at ' -'I . y . : - , T } iUnijn party, and cdiiltibuted of-his i home. The road leading to New Lisbon runs J •’j 1 :j,. >, ' i. ; * i ! ; , i. Z T- ■„.... ' . the great canse cchntry. His j further particulars inquire on \ p •• • ■ >• ' , 1 i'DiStrjlct Attorns} ,1, ‘ he his or of Executor ; 0 es.aK! T 1 ‘ ' I ’ 1 ,P^— hat *t i t ‘ . i. , , l of James Latin, deceased. i;l’oSt office. a«- i ■ Jj j Ol LLIXXfcJ to : , K . . , ,; 1 i.j ■■ c , T sorvitees in this county in ibehnlf of an i dregs Allegheny Cily, Pa: r : " J • ill , I’ ; * . For New Castle add Erie, 6.4fi.a. -1 A N.O .! j i, ■ .i. . ~ , „„koT >r,e J ' ii • ■ ' I- . 1 J: • .» • ■ ■ ~~rX :■ ■■. if - < : Commodation trams leave Allegheny tor Re r)(d impenllel country cannot; be too high- X- <JU KAT B A HGAIN STQRE, . ' • J. mo , SRiltan ’ ' ■ -Brighton-9 wt-l X; Ilifiti a. m;. 2.15 p/L; ly eStiinatcJ. 'ln his aoath j.ho -Bar i/ i i ’NOTICE.!' -I f' ' ! ' - I* * ■ ri ■ . n P- m;.d;oU ; p; id. For Economy, 10,30(p. bi a *[ \.„L\ Am L.i mn A i — 1 : * |. •. :!. • . .i: I* •. | ) /. ! ■ • , lin For New Ca&tlel' Greenvilie' and 'James ,has|ost ui acknowledged leader and MsqbSTIiSI;AKOI ]- oF RELtW TO Eam- IN' THE DIAMOND, ■ 1 • . ■ Jj'. I .o^Pa. 3.50,p mi I - | a distinguished ornarnent.the comma- i ilies of soldiers. i • k- , : !. VT7TT • . , .v' i h- • j • . !• -i nnnn DOT'D o DA - : - , * • 1 1 F.’ R. MYERS. Gen. Ticket Ac IJ i|ity a. good Citizen, and. the COUDtr.ra A S theiliwe is ippronching, or r.' ROCHESTER, PA,, ■ V, •. .5 '•••:' ' .f r I j --'r ■ ' i-. . '• • ! ' ’^JS!£iStvSSS^JSLk n g .and ifour chtldren Jo meurn the loss Ol service, the Belief Board, at ■:. ■■ ■ . .- v .: -J , i lions daily, Sundays exchipJed, as follows. ■' s i v an cftecilioiiatoi husband .and a kind their meeting on the the fol-j Tmr>n i iTrif lii iTf»H ri 1 ■. ’ k ■ i - .T----J —-———r-i- 5'> -f/., I ; ’ ..1 .f ’■ r; Ji, lowing re'sidiition.f is: ,t 1 '! ! .! ! 1 t-U |i j ILOH iI . ■ ... . „ J | 1 molsc aoojtHj , . i it ! father. In their sorrow, the citizens | ’fb at the cniire (Belief) ho Sorat ch ! Scratch I ! l,l ’ ; r ~— X~~~- —T T ■ CiZ&C -C.Z&c' en- 1 j ? f bo ®°f vSd wa: C th“&S^utf"■ •■WHE'ATON , Bj- : 6(I«TrWIENt. ] i /ki; ■ k . ' :i r : I Mail.. Exp’s Alsitl Jlccom. ?Sg 1 hndfaHhfiiUyjin various postUons. ‘fheVaft atso directed 1 their Seerctdfy'ta WILL CURE THE ijrCR;IS-48 HOURS. '-J - * 'l:■ ' ■ •; : ’ Cleveland. . Wa* 130ri SOOaii B'lSpm .= K -.- ' ««“^^ n * , tou^ifyWipienl» 4 LSOkcmcs SALT RREUM. tiLCERSv . I ■ kjhhi, WSlaon - ‘ Euclid street 81l| •• 141“ )1 328 “ » n .\ ; ■ --:- —rn ;. '■ time muertjng that tf they W \ CHILBLAIMS. ahd all ERUPTIONS OF I John Wjlspn '.Hud50n....... 915 “ ' 242 “ 915 1‘ 450. » RP k^/snv Jl^'^ y .^T th 7^V. e 7be !? dm^andde 8 e | rymg , . rrice . () j - Porßftlob , -.1.. , . k -Xtron. J. f. 1086 “ 52T ,‘f T».l fie eai(or O the CO nlntifnnce, to direct them tp^appear ®jper r pV ~ : , N j , , . ’f •..■( i firrviUe L. 1229 pm 643 “ iwtsMs the- people of-the; county to ' Br»ending ! GO cents b ■•WEEKS & POkTERi r' : -k ; ■, -,, .■•" - I Millersbiirg!. L.I 218 “ 750 >• °ur has. just commenced T ‘ : h ' V aSS""" 1049 t j”H ; ►m.: pis {labor ofjatiusing people who don’t pr^> er wilL .'' ter, himv • may be. Know- '•■ •. | -“j *, ' sep^O'O^O mos. ]‘ .; ki ■ k , i t . • ■ ,1 1] ,-j Welisyille.... 110 pm 685|-> ! bits iDg|hi,m as well do now-, we can- ' kj- — I EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. ’ ' ~ -i CoUnty Surveyor - ; .. 1. •. ; ooi.vo soeih. ; I nolieipbct him tb conduct his , letlefa testamentary Wing^-^’ 4 ._ ‘. L ' . - I - ktkC^iC''c.Z& C tile with dignity <!>r himself as a- gcnllu- fj A I R — D RE S S' E R'& C. W been giauieJ to the undersigned,on the v : y, : \ Matt. Ear’s. Accok Exes; ias mai.i We dofknow, liowever,--iKpt f),p U «T , pewoM: ‘ V -; ’ . " i. S - ; j lj yTeilsville.... XaS.ui 505 bu \.......L TZ.». wil) not long be permitted lb go on in bis bid customers, that he has beeh.di.s- kqowibe themselves indebted to said eatate : 1 Aiariak Wynn . i r Ciayard........ 68§ “ ......ii.; Offit a^;^f4C»aeai:ss«^iss.«s?»aii- .-.i «±f= i»|:f=ss '-vri. Jlis w’ork always irives sat- his predecessor^'learned a lesson. that joining Wm. Or r ;S;Siorc.:| Ladies ;hair cut in.. p^ e9 e n t them to the-subscriber duly authenti. • r ' I 1 Milleriburg., .• k...;., 440 am 306 i-m 4-i-uu. Uivchim a call. should S L wa>ning to him of what f ® r roVe^ V B Mb'?« Baited for settlement;^-J . k- : k ] | : Orrviljek;.... ......T.. ...V-. 50-f k 1 , nnimiu yt, n.wapiiut, m uun ot w.niu fnendswill renewlheifpatronage. ‘Having J | iMARY ASS HOOD. Iv. . ■j, - - " 7- • i i |..- Akron 1 , f. (CO ‘f i2o“.' ■. k -Tk 71 w A• .iibellers and common villifiers may ex- carried ihe flag oft the' ’4sth, IRegjtl. S]U.„T. < ;WILLfAhI HOOD, r , * •; .'Mi Hud50n)....... 837 “ 851 800 ‘f j;851;“ iplt Ott. for Lying Hand-Bills rr ... for almost a year. In the battles arouml Pe- : L.noy’nS I ‘HodowoU tp. I! ‘ ~ 1 i EuclidTsfreet 942 ‘‘ .949 “ Ssl6 “ |949.“ ! h-i. -1.0 ctiMtom & tto iD-mbcratic p - T « av '“S he - t?li i. im nclf te a fair k'" 1. j' ''* P - ] |j. 1 SleveLd.... 955' “Jiooo “ Rao-.] IODO “ j . . i! reputation or/riends to lose, UlO only shareofi the ‘puhfic patronage, -f - r 1 AUMINiISTKAjTORS NO I'-HJE. ■ 1 ■• ..• h , . ' |i: -n — rrr-’-rz ---••-• T —;■ -\| " ■<-■>111:. m this eoitnly yctsste and oir- K va y loVreatLhts alien, seems to - j 4 EttERE of on ihe estate >; . >oor House R.rectot V ; , = ,. ■ _J just on tke.evc pf thi elect.on, hI J Q ln^orte a hero t 0 iPOTI' /[.p of wAuam a.|.H™™ • ■?; ' , i k MA^ .kalian-. 1l “ tor]tf»e.pvrfoBe of in. w one liero wm base enough la TTT.HEELEB’H R;dentkW^ te f braWers I g4med P m all persons in- k ■ ~,k ..1.1- , .|k k-i 8e1aire...;..;; 1050 am 405 pm J..3C i-jcg jomeot the candidates of the .do is to visit him'with the Danish' ■ W\- •. ! do-] do to said estate lore to make .1. ,i .1 k I k ,! . Bridgeport..; 1100 •* ‘M-.—’\ W .The absurd, false and “•!* .f° !'T T “do. Buckets do immediate paypent, hnd tliose having claim. , .. -I Samu L) Gibson f bhPJ«g^^ , •' ’«£ }«« ‘t i : . - mient his offences deserve. • Weights and Iroi Wheels-' against said estate will present them to the , wiwwn 1 Steubenvßle. 12Ww< 5« “ 1106 .*. 686 a« presentations are often', h-k -k:. of nil kinds; \ , i snbseriber properly aua.qnticat«d ; | for set. ' Jk-' : • i Wellwille.... ;130 “ 700 “ 1200 “ 686 » ■k'. Union men af.o familiar with Ba.WKcall the attentionof >"i’lnck,and cannot bo inflt eccod by orij to ;he at yertiseraent of the New '-timber sawed to order 4‘hout R^ k ■ •• k, ‘ {* j Rochester .... 230 <• 755 “ lOOam 800 “ 't do hot deceived by any statement Shbc Store, ib Beaver,to befomid in uu- ,^y- : JAB. AH. DABHAGH. k—-— —jr —k _ ■ —i f .. ,;lj , s ; / Pittsburgh '.. 845 ,‘j 900 ,“ 210 “ 0r trick of the Democracy. -Votelhe other colttmh.l Mr. Tallohselecied iu : j Sharon Mills. j .F. A. WfINT . v • i aoiso west. ■; , f "kle ticket,and see that ovary Unio,i the and has just brought on and SEALED PB.OPOSALS ; jM USIC3S T O R E .■ , " 1 . ■,* [ 1 Expa mail. Accom ,na n.rloo.s Live same. . . opened', 1 a very fine assortment of \4TILL be received of the office of |A. B. n. 'j i .J, k ; tk- t>A <’ ■'< 1 ' Alndiinr ’■■ !• ■ ki.- - - —r- ~*4 —» ■■ ■ ■ w - is’- Bovs’ Ladies' and (’hrldrunV W- Moore, EkUpi to |Monday oit. 2d, Roadway, mw.Bnghton, pa. , . V Auditor - , Ka , burgh ;. 2l oam 245 pm OidAM 850 pm V'Oar yoang frr kes Stokes, M t ns 9 y Ladies, and Uhrldtcns isos, ht 3 o’clock P. M., for diggiig i water -L^ T , v , rti! . k, ~ 1 j ki-a : ; Ik I k Kwhester k 88*- 855 - 738 “ ■ 616 “ f flip Inmflnti fnl.n h* Sb|pe», &C., which he. offers' at very trench J from the imbiith Jof -Market Street to and A choice couec- s. J | ‘ ! 1 Beaver ....... 746 “ ~525}*‘ i the lament' J °' ,P ' - loie n ,ke, R fthp , if A , khi alley on Fiist Street, tb be 24! Instruments, keptfor sale.; - Smith’s Ferry ......... k...k 820 “ 605 “ late .of lb now ; em-’ -°f P' l<3fi *’'i R °P elt »« °“® ot the feel wideby 4Hyet deep. | k 1 * Miso. Music and Stktionery. , o •-1 ' I . WeUsvllle .a 430 “ 520.“ 842 “ 640 “ \ ) most aacommodating and honest man order of Town Council: Instrumental music taught. fsepa n..k f ■ I Steubenville.k 525 “ 025 “ 945 “ 800.‘| £ fisls - Al :r nv‘ s*’*?*';.. i. awe N do ", aiTl e|' s a tfie public. He is so weu\rrd favorer &TT 1H -.1 I' “ v "r kcnel-gelic. bly. knowrv^heie,.that any thing we vt NG eniered inio pUr ! >»«•, l*M their ’ the 0. : >B. -CollMte. - TUSCARAWAS BRANCH, i aW can say. can add nothing to his-yeps -tiec of MEDtCINE ET g'yes lhis npUcethat rMeipts for D. S. Taxes, j 1 i ‘ Leaves ; Arrives k -j wo'ilH '■ utatioii People tlial ‘r professional > < wiulaot be him.tinlessgiven * . . N. Philadelphia X. JO pm Bayard, 4.1(> p m;i W 0 ld Bd ’ bitter not try any J 1 ' < - J Bayard, 6.& pm, ,N. p’.i f untv plhceflso. [GjveßimacalU .' fk- ! <? or or.or k , - ®*Our young friend, Jai ' ,jrl of the lamented Lieut of this place, is in' A. U. Shatnwii Philadelphia. Jamef ■i'nng man, moral, upright, persevering. , Ho will salesman, and we T '*e Merchants in Beaver c >iri "g to purchase shoes',•■‘ic The j. firin' in whiel ployed is oho of'the, large ’p the city. __ | i., 'S Q l 'let Election, i— It « wme excuse for the ine that this is go Vet election. Yes; if*bid ver y quiet election; but ti ene ray doi»s not quietly stea you. The democrc f kra ' an excilii expect out l;riL a a 1 h . ome . whilst ' tlii that tl . ra out * WU‘ iderhaft o^8 " 0180 ! ° ur volers p'^^STri!l^h'CoPP or p.l B ' a ture opp >1 ,ondv OI ?l 8oLm “ 8 smote the El lountyv de give him i 'I 1 ■ ■ 1 I ,t ' * - Hoy It Derived Its Name —lt is ( that Pithole, this great oil city in Pennsylvania, was thus named in con sequence of jah extraordinary pit or cavern that exists about three miles .frpm Ibe city. Ihtb : s pit stones are thrown, but they are never heard dtop. Its ha* not fathomed t, i ' i. be ia em it ind beat is urged, trieSH now ing to be a 9 fair to' be ke care the I a march I West, Virginia fLrnit.hed to the armies ol the United States 31.884 This,.| however, does not include the, nieh who were in the [service of the Sfatej and.who.rendered material'ser vice’ to the goverhmeni , by protecting tjie 'border, and suppressing the oper ations of guerrillas. ’ . 1 - -i : : ■ ■ . Is al ways ig election, voters to ey quietly take care, quiet as to unaware of j MrThft fehiales of Jome of thie In dian tribes, in order to keepsilence, fill their moot bs.with water. Oar wo men Bit' theirs • *ith tot. Wnd gossip more than ever. * : V 1 ' ' i . i- , *; . i- .'• •.I ■ • ■ * irheadg of the >sed the in- They voted osiiion. Now no, sad there- cr. i i" i : i *’ '.-I: Dra. M’KINNEY & FEICHT, HAVING eniered inip partnership foithe practice of MEDItJINE and SURGERY, tender their professional service* to the oit iienV’-Qf'. K ■ ■!=<-. j i- j ' T BEAVER RORO f AND COUNTT. 1 i : ,! i : ; . |- ’Wf.ICESj r j - Two\ tdooors bt-hw Moore?s Drug Store Bearer,' Sept23:l m J . | i fc'T VC'TTTA D’O ~ Ufi' T 1 i To whom concern-: Whereaa, John C* T i jNOxICJSj; | nnn holda a note given by me, dated about the TT7|HEIiEAS letters! 1 leiumentarr on the .N !° f Sbpt &(£, payable ninety days ■\V estate of Kobt. SKvis, late of Franklin -, afte l llate > for S«5; all persons; are hereby township, Bearer co.J, Pa., dec’d. having cautioned not to purchase said noto, as it was been granted to! the undersigned, all prrsons i < ! raud : “4 will not boj paid, and indebted to saidj estate are requested tb make i i _ aTe ?“ set ® againat it, I ' - immediate payment, and those haring {claims j f 'i ■ ’ ■ . E0 V ■ ■ against the samje wiir present Jheib properly |! “jwhester,, Sept. 16, iB6O, authenticated for settlement. 'V ■ i -y" ' ; ' — ' ■; . 1 JOHN SLATF.Ii, Ex’r of last will and testamenlof said dce'd. ■ sep2o T I | 1 NEW GOODS!: 'US|C received from FMlidelphia, i fresh JV - - , ... . - ifopply of Quods, Consist ingof clotfis. ois- BimeCea, satinets, jeansand tweeds.amj made up clothing: ladies cloaking, merino, alpacas, delaines, prints, ginghams,decks and ticking; with a great ninety of articles in oar line* with a good assortment of groceries,; bouts; shoea 'and salt, will W sold cheap for cash or eoonti j ‘prodaca, at thOold slind, coniSd st. .and Diamond; THOMAS Me CREBRY. septaoss. ■ ■ - IM! •V ,• | '[. •• f ~J 1 - ' ! r I Col. 24th Dirt. Peons . Notice, j EXECUTOR’S NOTlbiS. . 1- F.TTERB testamentary on . the estate 'j of Abdruw Adams, late ofj’, Hanover j township, Bearer County, Pa./dee'd, having I beep granted to the undersigned, all persons j indebted to said, estate are; requested to make I immediate payment, and those having claims [ against-the same twill presjent- them properly authenticated for settlement. , > ■ r I lHp8: ADAMSi Hanover tp.!, ■ j, sept#’#6., . '.j,, Executor. [■■. Pamphlet iLawa. v I THE Pamphlet Laws for Isiffi have arrived and are; how ready for delivery to those Entitled hy law to receive them., ■ x ' alujWt*, iM. WETAKD.Wi’y. V/' ( } Thqraap McCo; t’• 1 • . . - S i ‘ . ;Trnstee< ot Acad ; ' ''j- J A T Sballenbcrg ■ . David P Law# : i -.1 >• 1 _ ~ ~. ~= xir- ; t )U ’ ■■ i ' , ! j i-Exg'B- Exp's. PHUbuti ' 316** ;700am "iobpi 800 m Eoobaatw...., mi “ 830 ,v 820 “ : 426 “ N. Brighton-. -u: “ “ 830 “ 486 En*n.4l9,V 986 “ 424 ‘ t 622 “-j Columbiana- 468 “1017 »• 603 “ 600 Salem 522 “ 1048 “ ,636 V 630 “j Alliance 016 “ 1160, V 626 “ 780 “ Canton- 658 ‘f 1242 pm 718 “ 820 “ Ma&Uon-... 72U:“ 102 “ 740. “ . 850 “ 0mU1e....... :?52.“ .142 “ 820 “ 926.“ :Wooster .. ‘i 820 f “ 218 “ 1962 “ 967 “ Loudonville- 910, “ 326 946 “ 1065 Mansfield-... 1000 “ 426 “ '1085“ 1146 “ „I . , itAr 1080 •• 600 “ 1110 “ 1246 am Crestluie De uOO ,700 am 1201 a» 1265 “! Bucyrua...... 1169 “ 730 “ 1229 “ 128“ n Sandusky 421Qp« 813 “ 109 “ 200 “ Forest, 1245 “ 845 “ 144 “ 281“ Limn. .204 “ 1010 “ 800 “ 848 “ . De1ph05...... 246 “ 1069 ** 340 “ 428 Van Wert, 816 “1184'“ «2“ “ Fort Wayne. :500 '“. ,130 pm 656 “ 645 “ Columbia..., 545 “'224 “ ,845 “ 728-“ Huntsville..., 1 ,a 4-.“ —“ -M— r“ .... “ I ■ Pierceton —. ~.4 .** T... ...... “ ■ “ Warsaw,..,,., 639 “ 824 0 [741 “ 817 “ 80urb0n..... ...2 “ .... “ “ .... " Plymouth.... 741..“ 436 “ 848 “ 911 Wanatah...... 1 “ .... “ ! .Valparaiso... 922 “ 630 :,087 “ 1046 “ I H0bart....... ..... “ .... “ Clarke “ -... i‘ “ 1 lUC.BB.Cros ...... “ ..... “ “ ....... “ D Ttal DR JV ' 44 1 : 41 tc . ffi*o. liiStt •* mp & mopM TUAIKS tjQIXQ BAST. II MAu.‘.| Exp's. Exp’s Exp's • Chicago. Vi! 450 am 620 am 650 pm 1020 pm 1 EllslKOJunc; 645 “ 617 “ 1065 “ i til C.BRCros“ 655 “ J 25 “ •* 1 i Clarke 1 .;.... “ 718 “ 655 “ Jl4B “j Hobart j!...... “ 789 “ j 720' “ 1209amJ Valparaso.... 1 700 ‘lBOO “| 745 “ 1240 “0 Wanatah .... Il 828 “ 814 “109 “!j : Plymouth .... 1’.911,930 “ 927 “ 226 1 Bourbon ip..;... ‘f 907 “ 937 “ 257 ‘ti Warsaw ......jilols V 1026 “ i 029 “ 337 “j Pierceton,..’.. 4* 1047 “ 1052 “ 402 “ Huntsville “ 1056 “ 1102 .“ 413 “ Columbia M 122 1112 “ 1120 “ 432“, Fort Wayne- ,1210 pm 1313 pm 1335 am 333 “ (Van Wert ; 233 “ 129 “ 145 j “ 727, “ Delphos ...... j 315 202 “, 226 “ 809 V [Lima............ 355 “ 284 “ ’ 802 “ 842 ! forest 520, “ 853 “ 425 “ Uit4 “ U.Sandusky-I, tSSS “ 422 “ -460)“ 1047j“' Bucytus i ( 640 “ 506 “ , 540 “ 11301“ (.Ar ; 710, “ 540 “ CIO “ 1201 pm [VrestUne || Ue . 720 am 610“ 640 1243 “ Mansfield.,,.. ; 805 “ 646 “ 712 “ ,116;“ Loudonville ..910 •• 737 “ 757 “ Wooster.,lo2o “ 830 “ ,845 “ iOrtVille-....:, Vios4. “ 900. “ { ; '6J7 “ . 313 “ Massillon \ 1140 “ . 9351 “ ‘.-936 “ 347 “ Canton 11200 955 “ 41)5j “ Alliance ...../ I 120 pm 1040 “Jll3O “ 605 “ Salem ......... '!■ 200 “ 1110 “:1205pm 535 “ Colunibiana _i! 230 “ 1140 0t123l •‘■•6oo Enon- ..., ij 820 “11220 am? 112 “ '635 “ ..X. Brighton- If-, 410 *‘1258 “1.15,5 “ 710 " i Kobfiester Ij 430. “| 110 “I 210 “ 725 “ j j Pittsburgh .-jp 600 “( 220 “j : 320 “ 830 “ jl l - m.' \c ! >w F. R. MYERS.Oeneral Ticket Agent. '! Manufacturers*, & Merchants* II INSURANCE CO 31-PA NT. ; OF PITTSBURG. ''Office; 87 Wafer st.,. Bogaley’s building■ J. I. BENNETT, President,! ! i J. W. CHALFANT, Vicei Pres'l. i Wii. P. Jones, Seo’y. ' V \ ri ‘ Insures gainst Lobs fey Fire. II emv Insure* Steamboats and Cargoes, ■ And on property Wiransit against the perils ' . . of navigation. .[ PlttKCToß*.—James I. Bennett, Jacob L- Schwarts, Kbbert Lee, I. C. Pershing, M. W- Watson, It. K. McAboy, A. E. ff, Painter.' Ji W. CLslfsot, Isaiah Dickey, Wm. Wnlker.R; O.BnabneU, John Wilson, Hemy A. Weaver- Risks taken on ihe most liberal terms, by ‘ CUAS. B. *HDR3T, Agent, | h>y3l‘6s Rochester, Pa./ <3. ; DECARME, f • TOBACCOIfIST, ’ -■ COB BIAMOND & THIRD ST. j rpOBACCO & SNtJFF always orL hand. 4. ■ Cigars manufactured sad furnished lb dr* *t Ittwelß^rfeeS., 1,.-' [t£fBl!«m: f.-'i!--’rV I- 111 In IN rA .1. ..1; i; % ’*{ "**• y )l . ! Urine. disordered’ digestion foom unhealthy food; Impure air, 111th- arid filthy habits; the depressing vices, .and, above all, by the venereal infection, Winterer be W origin, it is hereditary irilhe rwaitata.': descending 1 * from par*»tafto~thU4rw wit* the thiyd and fourth, generation j* Wejd,il ■ seems to be the rod of Him who says, "leill •• visit . the, iniquities of 1 the fotherv upon their children;”' The dl«e«c» it ori*inale» lak#; various-names, according to tlio organaH; ■ attacks...ln jhe, lungs, Scrofula produce* tubetdes, and finnlly Consumptionj intho glands, swellings rrhich suppurate ana be- ~ come ulcerous sores; in and bowels, derangements triuclsproduee tndi gCstion, dyspepsia/andliver coippleipi* 100,, : thb ikST, eruptive, min cutaneona These, all having thc aame origin, requirolhs ; . . same'remedy, vis., purification and invigoraj> ‘ tipn; of tlio Wood. u Purify.- the blood, and I these dangerousdistempersleavoyou. With. .. feeble, fouli;or= corrupted blood, you cannot hare health | With that “life of tho fleah" • healthy, you fcannofhave scrofulous disease. Sarsaparilla 't’vV.f Is compounded from the mpst.effectoal antiiV dotes'that medical science has dUcdtered foe - ' this! afflicting distemper* and for the btneot - i’ the disorders; it entails r That it .is far: sup* ■ ! rioc to any other remedy ye* devised, is known by all who have giveri it a Irish That r ■it does, combine virtues truly tarttaCrdinary. ;■ in their effect upon this class, of Complaint** - is indisputablyprpvcn by the great multitude; ; of publicly known and remarkable cure),it ‘ i. bis' made' of the following .diseases: King’s ; : Evil, CTAOlandnlag Swdlingi, Tnmory i Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sons, Erysipelas, Bose or St Anthony’s Firej Salt Bhenm* Scald Head, Coughs from ; .' tuberculous deposits in.t}» limn, White fttjslliaw, Debility, Prepay, Tfenmlgia. j Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Mercurial Diseases, PemoleWeaknesses, and, indeed; the whole ; aeries of complaints^that arise from impurity blood* ■ Minute' tcports of individiul- • cases majr be found in ••Arm's Amxricax - Aluaxac; which is furnished to the druggists, for; gratuitous distribution, wherein may bs'' learned the directions for its use, and spins- : of Jibe remarkable cures which-it has tnadsi. when all other remedies had failed to afford belief. , Those; cases fire purposely, talceh. from all sections of the country, in order; ! that cvcryreader-may have access to scrag | onp who can speak to Jbimof its-heneflts from _■ •: personal experience. ScrofuU depresses ths 1 1 " vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far m6ro -subject to disease and its. fatal.results.,; tliah are healthy constitutions? Hence it tends to: shorten, and does .greatly shorten, th|e average duration of human life. Ths ■ vast importance of these considerations has '■ led us to spend years hr perfecting a remedy. winch is adequate to its cure. This we now. : offer to the public under the name of Araa's Sarsaparilla, although It is composed of,, ingredients, some of .which exceed the best. /of Sartaparifla in alterative power." By its 1 -; aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing and danger of these disorders. Purge . out the foul corruptions that rot and fester . in the blood, purge but die causes of disease* .and vigorous health will follow. Byiu pecur . liar virtues tliis remedy stimulatesjtho vilsl ■ functions; and thus expels; the distempers which lurk; within Bio system or. -burst out on any part.of it "j , ' ° ! |We know the public have been deceive!, » \y 'many compounds • of Snrtaparilla, .tbU j promised much and did nothing; bntthey 1 | | will neither be deceived nor disappointed: iii: “ i this. Its virtues have been proven by abun- . l ' dajittrial, and there remains no ; ! its curpassing excellence for the, cure, of.lh* !. | afflicting diseases it is intended to reach., I : i Although nnder the saroe name, it is, a very -!_• | different medicine from any other, which bas -. been before the people, and is far more ef-' - factual than any other Which has ever been •available to them, 'I : : ■ ,A/5rER’3 CHERRY PECTORAL, This World’® Great Remedy lb» : ;< Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con» , | •sumption, and for the relidf ; A / of Consumptive patients ' » • in adVanoed stages - W I : of the disease. : ThU has been so long used and io uni- ; Venally lmqw£, that we need dotto tnortf than assure jthe public that its quality is kept:. up to the best it ever has been, and -that si ‘ '■ maybe relied on to do all it has ever done. (. ‘ s Prepared by Da. J. C. Aria 4 Co., , ! Practical and Analytical CJumitU, j ' Lowell, Maas.' all druggists every where. ,},, ;; *ob.Sold tyy J: Moon* Beaver; Dr.,,Smith,; - ~ Bridgewater; S. J. Crosa, Rochester; J)r-J3ar- J. gent, New Brighton; and by dealers every . ajhere. . ,f no»3 f G4 • |ETNA’ : INSURANCE i COMPANY ! HARTFpRD, Or. I ; Assets January I,' ; , Cash in bank and wiihajL’ti....;,,..526p,63l 86- United States .5t0ck....!..; .. 734,636 60 Realestate, unincumbered........... 76,058 .60 '_ State 5t0ck5.i..L.i...... 4— ,4.. • o7?' New Y0rkbank5t0ck5....';.,.......,704.410 00 Hartford tenbstoeks. 296,980 00, Miscellaneous bank stocks}; 112,400.004 Railroad 5t0ck5..........C........i..... 286,380 OtT Mbrtgage bonds, dityand county.,. 730,416 OOf Allan .c M.-Xns. Co.'h. T. Scrip;.. £3,410 00 . »:i 3.800,439 93. ; ' - 1 4^ , • ■ 1 " 4 •2’ •. - j y. Leases unadjusted and n<k 23 NET v «3,6t1*362 71. V F. A. ALEXANDER, -Prcs't; - f J L. J. HENDEE, Sdtfy, •: fy" C. B. HTJulsiT, : : *ug9’9s:4w f. ; . J* Rochester.; ■> 1 BEAVER SEMINARY .1" ASK 1 miCAL INSTITim Rev.R. T. TAYLOR, A M., President.' THE «Bp«cUTqly Sept. 12,-’6'5,., : January -2, andApfc 6,1866. . ;i.- Every opportunityinslructioninany; branch ’ of sMenie or.'on any musical inatru- . men! ‘ also vocal mutdcvprivate or in classes, is afforded here at reasonable rates.. (j ■£ ~ , ; lads'’received in the' Primary Department;',' ■also small-girls of 'any j proficiency.;' Diawipg and’painfing of^every,”style will’ receive the 1 special attcntipu,,of>afirat-dasa artist. ,■" t, ’I. ■■ : - ';" ■. Tuition: sff,6o; $8,50,’ and sl2,Go,JaccQrd* ing to department. ,■; , \- ’ :• - Kbnebut thoroughly qualified|and expen. ensed Teachers are employcd.injanyi depart-’ Aent.l For further information" Wdress,- , >• - : ang2’6s * j| ; _ R\T.’TAYLOR, President., , Dri J.M. Cummins, (Late Surgeon ll4th Penn’a V01e.,) OFFERS ' hiis services to the - citisea* if FAIBVIBWAHD TOtittnV X 1- i *,T '1 , r ~ I i their- 1' i i .0