'7^^p : !:|^&--W^&--W 1 > .iPrr " .:■ ■-■ •^ y y i -/ 1..- 1■ ,•■■ A -'‘- : r . »-mj. mo-*. wp<l--- .wwt«>p»P* *"■! ,TT 3RMS3giSl w> ?;‘- ! i. wv K. ■■•.-. *: ~ -\T' ;, : ..L w. -m !:ii-W«-cvi.-s-.ij f rf h : ... T ; ,-r - WWiiMs*; ; - ,i>-. vv.V-«- Ljj >•»• tf?®^***?* I **';.‘, >.’ « J ~ T '! *‘ t, .. . J - ■ f •tr~. J '"■ •' ' ' L '"~~-i 1 *i-.. , i-i.‘-tii! 1 Yli.'i.tacv.- /-!.■'•> J . <’n~?ffjfw"V,'ij ll.‘ I' 11 '! "■ ' " ir ~ l "Tjj '*’• •" • • ! . -!.. ' 1 - •!.-. V -’/I -; 'tetfwhB ? 6di&" 9sli»a&?S-'* ° VA * i? ”' ,T •-'^P il ~^r r i«i « ' ' ’ | T n , j. P ,-nitig pohl of Uer, '. were,the wo rut *\uner*—lhe nrgrbdri-i |>f •y*j i)*^;.-,? ° n‘<>r4<y uii {,2.™. ... IJti. „' : aa*h m'lmw^ l .V ■-• ■i~ ~ v_, y , ;- ■ ■ r T L'.’ ;1 4 T , .. .Vn.rttißT.il ' Tk i : u. HaUiH.Hjfc.aoveral tt^in^ ot^-^: -W*‘ Bi -’®RK|Mfy* , i«»' Jlwdqwr'n* Dt(utrfr M*TSIS.' 7 - ™ ■#**** . Their „, &•&**»!*:»; I destroy ng them. It made ipWhamJ ifoHbwin^i^tdhTr#iitr£^^^.L'fc '/* ‘ ivinleJy P ....;, ,vi ' 'dareholderV land leM valuable, hi jt witty Jdy, But perhaps iiU K, rdnV L.!,:.. -.i : •y tj -^«jeim»- Uf fro«t»nl bhghtnaJ bloom; ,■ :’ .W«iirtr«i\?Ki;it. ..L 1 : 1 .fs * i i .“ ■ *73^ *• Pfl«ile u *b oi.lho «hpl«e»B»».,:J?ioiir ™ r , . ,i- infint sirtH ..*■ : : r lnmiekisHpt n\ I»U fam>lyloM» inoral^ , * ll . ,l ; I‘> 1 ‘> ilnwdurlt vulu wilti !y . v r ,; r.-' W , m.^, t b ,V -elve*«! what emlires sped, . >iUeren» i>« Mi aMM. u C-. jof lititli[ to treu-lin Uie lJye |u|emli «ml a Kal|f r of ■ tern i« d«»u, lot i S/ulh. i m ,«Ud ti. «°od anljj uiil.^i-In.iu ’uvl.i.atyou or S «nsVr LIUhPV KAetlie »*mrand dfeJ. ucalipn, tn ...d l.» llio ertriiat. J ,,HH t<»'>»l>JijU.ce, tw j £, / - , ; itVtoflßSP" Ml hin .I?.v; jf! f .ii!r«..f^: ; welfare of U,0.p..U who dra-.k of i; it 1 - 1 "; .f»riHW,, tM-liber gg /, 1 h , ,Lv. —i, .t. w, T r, • T, ■ , 1| ri «l'l"r» r to tlua k»IU to eucuro tUi r°r:r f oro,,e - u - o t ? ,m H **&&** .hp^ringiiAuA h^i-u^p ; 1 wan t «.u«.«l «m*.nrf. re..; hJ.I als.> our 6*.v wtOiod*^ It b.00n.3, i i- the.boiw of a uvi<honL*rn; mary pf mwj or Uioin; to hivdoilr l . ; ’‘lf ’'A/ '■ ’ J imnihsd T^nrs! the «oul of truth ~ iU#M tow leatlei’s in lliisiy ,, ‘ r ‘^ l|; 'j M ft.ud jiujfaeh'Vtff ■ J:. . nSlsw.i 1 .i,.i..,„. ,;unu,„. i „1«» v. tuu..dT«'« .?’■■• tS inf i ,•■! Tuinrhi iu buddin* yjuth , . -'. . ‘ i . i bfirs ompfe lowunl’them tff cioiUitiaS 1 y°“ K,! * p Wfff} f T.-;! nle)lo iv nrnrtbet . < >*at.-Mavury tnudo .U |Nrv|ie|ntortf mon m.trt Jiirfarts ‘rtiraJ^l*Vo T tit io^W«h»<l vmirtn^pik,^ | ’ * <l«{lt>nt. liisi.lsiit,«i(4 jffntrully licen j/.iJ^Hr.of'f.%jg,-.fkj)<W»p»‘#*ire'*dfflvih”s4”W” K -:^ yr^^^W l :” . 1*::. ’ er bureamer ' 1 llofe Tui* W«MW J KI.IdMJ ineHtii. ! 'di^ - ■ -V ****~*»*:m*£*} Then atopn iw ««4»«r« e ****>. very e..» out Slaved „. .....I^r^lna,!V O p?H W tße i *’l ,h l * ko V«e-«U«* «• V. j n .ilcd*vents' burfatb»rs v li#' eorriijjM (lie pdli.itr, SMwry Wolf „f ihwjjtpaw. m.,1 ’the lo :P« r i S« nt :-"^i- l ‘l ? ° ; ■/•SS»p:i*-oaihe.6»Mof toil; ! fie* Hie Word of G >d. .Slavery l rrtlWln wo ativiitfilidn turd f r P® dtßrtrtr «riU onittr tfe b ! tiiU^ w ® jrirt* Jae ph'wahare by, . opt the moral ae'iiaejartiat else ho noon while I y tLe gruvU sjf our. ;'. i,?k^ '® ck Tr.' »*^,n..u m ™.™.o,,..,Afa, : *-«^»Mtwta« , t. > . n..»» a^-t> wfe*» for Ti..r4 t fe j ;w , b L liie .lottuus petal* white ¥ an £ Lf I,e mn<t uuUnn * « V|U °fi •* , ioiii*t*jafi» Mew.;»et duy man » T'*^P ,r v-li®fr lit a d m«( eniurv fl weria ho™' «rd inly bo diM-overed hy livJ I that <-ap bin nnderaiand wliat'denptiir «t ta sardinea, tt*mWiid ■ 37SS ~i„,i«s^i.«H.i..mi,.r‘r?' i service Majorat. , ' . ; % I 1 be what it will, no iiiinerv emn rHiake lip Ibe Qiuqpmitol l L-.n.n. ■■_l».n: ■■■ jnm-,-. thpl-ouseot bondu-e mn.t be 10.u.d , r „. lln ; Aitd LninilTope i tbV ».i«l.Svilt^L : Vri 1.-, -I-. /taWi-1 - by en * elll, B :tH durigrt.nrd.pira Many fptvo foltthoao borrow, of in M ll »° Ahv|asiniaii ortti^^n ii i i . r ol ihone an*' tod loatlisonuj fur evil * \yhicli aro ii^j*ll** 11 * -Let u:4 hu|ie.. : , k ' L J : ' -r r —.. .... .. _.___, ■= publication; Even at the ri-ik of-trenc-li- *b‘P« to eternity, you way (deuae tolprvam of«lart:ir or ;^'*Fi-r»i ■| /[From the 1 Judepenaopt.] . inif on-deli.-i«v we aivo a ton-do fiict Vyyopr own-reason, o» oUelßli 1- The Enemy we PighU , J P' + *T 0 °‘ U AM the aid it.ftanceH of [l t Ula tnapfe>dmaraud^.l* ‘ **■* .aye t.evt-r seen in .print) ri-poruid of l>ii ru * iliW l»“ a »“»»>««. or any olho^ Ah an illurtraMon <>f the one infhrnai nial seiiaolthastcrj that brpf! sl-l<|&£- yiaft ■tSftkcy'^ * -. M 5 systemwtfntlor which such outrage^' t»t»u»«;iljl'»n«.iiagetl jtatbsva i» •!*:Kicl» Of poor, buy .U>' : jK- J l<Uo al-- J itid div!-' %b!a|io ’u-s as you can ’ jitii-h . /'.Je «c figlv'i'-j; t.li© common pro South]? By no moan.*,— Tli? y a.ve shamefully mi-led ohd Be iijly dby tlwi ir >vily- and desperate </‘(iul'l life masses of the non vl..v(|liolili-rs in /‘Dixie” dully under mA><l i In uii'inus dl Tour Government, ir'-ii Jetmlu tlie.y„vi)'e' without "terror of ou< \. they woSild reinstalo the Wd.r«' authority_ over the whole re ion uPjrd cMi’in. We have ,no feeds vhr tha .St-Hiiorn masses But fra 'i.'jlld'hiliu-.sH,, - ' . - jTtMvc tlioir tendcfs ?* Noi linn ; not, ajj- enemies wlinm 'we Mi ( ) i;xii'riiiiuutefrom p>i*'‘'itvil ha tii’ilj : It i* as lraitors to (.up in« len/irTiutl their men. that we seek lo «!vr|.ii-.i'A' tli'-vn. Nor. would they ev er 1.,-w "liewi traitors for an hour,' but J"F I |.‘e acciir'e'l system of slavery. Kvrfji-1.-a-iiiii; rehr|lis a slaveholder; nhiio^t vnlv «la vrlii.h.'cr is a retiei,and l.;i* »im-e R iffle'fired slavery’s im iiji illy sil/.t nnpiil|> Iby half starved l atr ii-il of ie.Toes j ,iii Fori Sumter.— flurri# rude | In- rebellion. SlaVerv li'p-“ir alive, lofjils areh leader ray "li.at lip will. The enemy] at'iiiosl, iii we' have hear; aimii.ij'! orir but* l! -l* , ! -,, eMoody years. and n m imm loyui in.eir wilHaini their iheconiihi; elcetjon. is the *fyiuij siiittnd crime of shi n'd) Bo not letilslo-s sight of that Hi iifii’n'it.TTlfe Union 1 lives only "''■'li liberty while slavery-exiits.lhe '-fnL'"ii h (cot h of jspe{‘H«ititi is yet lin .I'eneaijt theground, to shoot li’Ajaiii.io armcd lrailors. ■ In warring against slavery,'loo, let ’■' -vi i (Oi-ciq thaidt is the 1 system war against, and not the f l‘i'lilii'g individuals who inhi rit (J 1 ie i-uVse ticni; their 'hi t hey systetf,.’ not' mere v,jjr a« n uni'ed niv-| -''l' foil for the delivcTonce of -our ■''j]lirni i. from nn organism ( j^ ril tha; work -d infinite mis* f Jltern for a century. -That is our {,_ l>elooi;s x to oar iiulldn; it s, i ,0 | K been overrun system ‘f ’"Trovorisbed and, demoralized ■ its occupants, 1 umf ha« "‘|. a '«nd an assiUsiu-Mab. at llio na» 1 'I '■ lifiyj Aral it)'fight iifg to extor '*,HTor-' • n>rlhi South's best. ■'jfrc/orj ,\V T e are fighting fob Hi,. ka f'tiolilevs’) real interests, material i"' lral> me wnfringto eman- L ' l l | ,( ‘- , « , l oqlj- j 3 0)0,000, of oof ivi't, l ' re ' ~;r ' f "e 5.000:000 of our Li/ ! 1 br r t,fr - n 'Tusdoy.- Abraham ( 0 T *. !* JroeijJinerid ,nlt ‘reaU limit Jefferson d, *; ; f mistake ivlien tfe diiji/ P ' avor y a* solely an outrage el iLo 1 ’ 1 " 1 " in j,,,.. . ,'. !iau w b<r coimiiiu :t than Til,,, wh "m H i ■.committed f ly * i w, r !? *‘‘ rv 5 “ f “ c,v infiu^ could vikit '‘ 1,10 Oppressed. No tn»ff .»>ih»ui /° in past, yeapi, &,I ‘!'>vo V v ! VB V ‘" s lhat - abominable $• The e» a8 ’ wlu^e , had- thenDont. I<ic ''.pluart Wo^Cd’’nnfil‘id’,,O^n- ■plutKlor“l*levewMeTeoih. are possible. ( | A Ohrisliftif’frichd of our*, a few ycnrssiuro.wiis descending a Wen tern •liver on a s .earner. O.i the forward deck he mel a pretty, in odesl.looking mulatto ftfrl, be was told, had i been pbrchised by a'planter on board and who was taking her “down I South” an liin slave.! Our friend fell| ,w»‘h the unhappy) ’young woman, and loipid that, she! -,w«* unusually .intelligent, rud ; wa<|w .’devout ami zealous member of the Methodist i church. Eoturning to 4ha cabin, be •aid to tile planter i t‘• hat ip ani likely git l you have .got yonder; vhai dultj ou ' give ft.r I her?” The planter replied substunA i tiaUy, “Yo«'.lranger;sbe!s a pretty | wench.; I came- lief ,(n Ken tucky..; Y;>u »ee,. I have got a lot of boys growing up, . I.live down in Al abama. n#r a town. My,boy* keep" running off a ter women on other pbui tulions.j .So I ptdd ti Xig price, and bought thisyoung girt for them! You how it i-«, Aj Jiliely Tyonjeii, uin’t slie Our friejnf found it ia« bar ! to keep i!•.*j' . ■ ■>. • v from knocking the wretch into the riv er as we do to sondthis loathsome incident fof j- H re ej’es to look upon.— ! But this'cool traffic in Jlie,body and soul of one ill Christ's redeemed chil dren is only 1 iiercssnry inevilnble aM | frequent. reeul i and fruiCof the system I ol eiiuCtle-sla' ery. IrtfespongihUi pow ,! ••rover a wen k. subject race "breeds 1 such crimes, pud pro luces the j c-iinii. | intis wli’ r hay j iiuid.l the fair i Sottli! tiienesliing-j lace of.jach.ery, laziness, | insolence and treason Cip any truej friend fit the South, of the. Country, of humanity, or o|‘ God,i vote, this fallen | perp-lu;m> tlio ”Buni of all villainies?" AVlialevyr tin intention,of tlie-votor.it i ff ' ■ | I ' Je ( j. - : ' seems undei. able- that every A ballot Ihrown’ag.iin *t our national attlhori- praoiieslly sustaining the ne ed rsed k-helli >n. and tlio Satanic sy«- : ,5 • ; I’ ‘ > tem that gavje it birth. For one, I know iio patty, but; jmy country; no j "platform/’ l|it the GoldcnEulcof I Eight. [ f b ' ! i c / bv. Taso, L''Cirrus. '■Vi i MEM Wei* for] T>-y.:H:.yn ifi» krn uw«y fro| lion ut the poj are now :dra< ( hoiikftn ion II j Mr -Linrolji i (.'lellan in«in, men would n ibej DiiioOj i •maju-ipalipn cy Inwe-depr duelivejfcjiul a parcel of. bj TDltJii'ler, a Po «t|’ atedrso o —T ho ft rn t ivd p-itiori pol ■ York pjstj hit* .tiu it ( lie rebels nearly a m<lr lulaiion from whudt'iliey *srtj»; soldier*; Wohuiir- I <*oliirrd yten, fthdtily kft, ate Morviht; lti» Uii* t Imd not bnen tor thn and tlie,|Kiliov forwlnub i *.oond tinned i>y thw Me* | hree hundred - thousand ‘xl-spring nirvis i Xho reb(<f aruiicft. ‘ The i proclamation and.poll -1 rod the rebel* pro.. at ion ol n million—and i ieanpaopla aralolddjy {i4 poli«reiiuir j*takeJ, that jt' -win'” a- buUag&lasttbe com et, tthongb hot ffaneVat; tatO’hmidred andUiir- J 4 purchased tbtf Whole t of-New Ttrk. 1 iy known,tin ty, year* ago oiiykod oottnj -ei-iyes a» . (living; rcpidbdHun, lie ibojjan to bu_ fantastic-and iii'clan: cnoli«,an<i approlienstretliuL he might hi* one!of llimio jnsiiiy wliomfioif had decreed fin- hell frtjm nil ; ■ ron ), potsiblo -to probable, j feom pro ha bio Mo 'certain, the icmp (alien kooii carried Inin; and wl.etvdTe once began Loihidievo hiintolf Vo son inejHiubly perishing. it is hoi Jibs* ! sib'o. to uinlerslandlperieclly vyliai in | finite-fear)* and agonies. and despairs.- j w .b« l wbni liotTonl, kbit? hikl i amazement, (lie ipoor iimn lelt reLt wiihiii hini, conli.ior I hat he, wsj** to be lor men led exirfeino ly, without remedy, even to 'eternal intca. Tl|ts, in a short c*»ntinna!nee, Uri.iv, insufferable. ami prevailed i|p.nr bjm i“ii liir that bo lumped hiiWself and -left an acVeynt oi it to this par' po-*e irf Writing in Ids l»in‘ly ; -I ii a ve iCmio Iron) lionet tril the flamesdf ftell, v and have 1 forced m y way thither, lb* i ihtf ,impudent to try wlial those, gri-at i (iii nnMit-. lire, u-liicVhero I havo lear- j |e*l wiiljiin iiMupportabie a nazjia/iit." This ins tamo may suffice ip show, whatsit is* lo soul —Jeremy Tjy imuii ATONEMENT. | . j this imaginary (Jojl of itching with a kind of! Lb j ng ini >a of Ins vol'a i -k nt your Heleoilier, all the sufferings! A'* devoted, an 1 assisting j Viet that ymi huvei yet I was verily aw in mr sakes, and Hi*; roof but wjici Hoi s ■ tli-a cross g • illy j aiiwlionlioto.il J fdfioj wit li, him, he I His, no bio »J. jbCl j ii-l*ir'.oiir bo,li^s- r a ■ dy and avt.*|)(ajile, able Service;” .that | em as temples for j at vve 'muy glorify, nU da our spirit.-- ’ THE I ! NnW|tl« |ths) luiliui UllV»Ljli tlul I new; uii'l I I bearing u jwhiclf ym| LVfni iji «ht !|U» frnej jb-iily nui|i |jtnrii» ti) u' | n (ton imr j. I inamla u-/ I asks f.ii i Unit We ’hli i livtnj> >u*' Ifwbiuli is «■ VICARI all fi«. W.i fit'll! t lit'i; i*i lVny i I'weru 1' coil! ti>U 1, ififil ft kl in tl (i. 11: khnillii 111 bv! I Hu tiit I‘Hllll •rifin*. i»ur r -u •o I •*> I kirn, I We r-t>< >III• I Mil Ini ly |lf i<n i iti ■ li w-dft. , ■ | ‘ iSSTThu late J ilifo wilti wo.i ldr jhia iilnk-4'..A* igoii.leiu.-iF) in M jinteroßr -fit- a (1 |wliic|t > jlliJeCH \vj iloi-liiig ihitn iiiiii j»f a 'iiijtnili rut ’ i ahaino ol koine ii jploycili} fl’lio iu ?giveu. j 'lJlie get jiaiter, jbiil, nfti ■While, (Wlmoil o giving krt|>r\v.ii4 jintcMiiiell jita cu-ti jal loas*t[ five yeaf {not jive i ulf ilm jwr uld -htJvg in ( polity; years Lac ami ten yjeaw ug jtll ihe Otlior p ir*i giiit, asf '(veil ai hnlcH, aiid iho ' laiimj, 1 jvtire all bs ha.lukn|) hear 1 but sifll Movin' | off.'r ill bml faiuy cliinjf "to tall lonacitj’ in spite of a»o ii« 18ii, a ii'\| Ijn 1 hiv'iiiT mo me lajAiuil land ease in,! i 3 jcuU'icJorable re ore O’ i»|MPive<i. inquired in B.d iim.ire :fi»i*rihei iblb liiw. er bin* me of Mi*. Taiiej? tvan »lomaiv Oufled 7- uii :t he' «T|‘i;*utiiijr whh‘ Uljfni « >i'«Pi?iiig his Vndrcite*, [ ajj &i* rjaadn that ho p hfiiy in edit it n*J that Tano3- would at'tnire, and diet* | ho engage now council., vej passed finite itlcii, pt 1 hut uidivMniil knd | lieM t|>» the protracted ! itlieTawyera pH bbtb I i’udrfo wIM tried the lead, andTiineJ- waia y i'6.he had aver been, übuul wicli his | ( | |»N ninrki an ajje;‘anJ| pour poets, ; or •cartaa *t* *•* •*»*■ " w poiHius. tosus;jjJO .'how much valuable* ' white nUber' is Krs^TisJtr 1 w*» h *ib» I*H: Tnifi may make correct at*.. faulllesit rl.y.ne»,.in-J tltoV'e fc *| , j t a B le * m ofpolrtiry In itl Poetry 2»£ti Reality; ito imaii£ sto£S£?2S on * an.l yba may; b«Ve[ geulu*. to W •easing «n 4 1 the power of Ok ! any nn a* to wiite prosw lb ri v. bend, yourself Hdiculou*. bV lrying j yo* tantUt portry. Writ* prow. 5 ■: ! ! I- /■' - J -•] ' : Mai fcobl vt-icb w uml ivitld Tli*- - riia* flick-*; wli of the liu ItMck i> Th« c»wi; work - b(*i b|»«*raieir |nnv*ra*ii llatiireilf; Mil •leap' p itIUBS. iftl , ... .P?y»> ain ... nrSm*, jam! n|icn ar.ch'ftiviiteiWtm/lllie^vra*' ;«»*h, Rich nr di «f JdiMlo..ii is liin cmii. ,110. il.e firwiide, aiid/i'l.e miiicr, the i' w r b 'T’’’ U'' Vary should pause a mwmbult ik draw Irights of la»«ar, fh* yarni ngs of lldus ijstbadi lslbe j*om 100 example Vdlds Tpe ilie les-ifii lire ■), the seeuriiy and peace of |hoine, ii [No'*? tyg|jpi jU«aaJ»o»s To him ihowonjl **tiriu3'ii -wc yah Wield: JHgiFa^tird.i ;®l|P n ; 'ft .Wic^nt«yo>* v >hor 'iireinrn it. hastily toTiifs {wonted uni Kjtni' ;«f in-lion:' |iyr hud no .For! biuud of kvaif he !y<tn* • ■thi-'ciifijiii* Of:ids eoun- J comes then the saei.ed emblem of|ev {bait pi rnhja^ivdd b brother I-bus all, it ai.d every ||iard t [jvou.d ii" '|»j»}li'or duly as ho dm|s dope, that ■— » ■ |. M'« bl Avi.i.jh :lio has i TWn Qualities' of Men—Thor* j S rT’ I*,' 1 *,' .if tI,)W ymiulggpif with U-mniJaiddowt. lus ’ a tie^aiibeiiuss'..t- fcl.uriu.tnr jivAuld cost yop twoor liiPvo thousand : Ufa shall not tail, and ids death be pro- tofien mistaken lor ami alii! i Iyj ordm * dollars.”: ~ I 1 ,i, j , {. _‘ ; ! iportialiiy, or i-oipe other kindredvir.- j. —. ' “ '—, 1 ,-to ildiers pf the T uitVA'my , Corps. ,|iie. .The person possessing It never ) Jaoksoa aai U-ioai 1 V yhur |iarti"iihir grief at. .the hiss gasifies gn ii quest ion of importiiric.i en! iln ,1887 j President eiUrtlh 1 y */*c T av * ihednieWst and ami-oil df me.il k. \r rJ . I „ T ‘ ; P AhyUf every! soldier> it. toe atmy.dt I and, is equally well pleased wh cl. ever jp >ip to* Mys, Jackson, j {, O y,>tits:io.-pody wins m the emitest. fxt.a, I'lii j |.|>f New Yjorl{|:iiy, a Ijottfer, off 1 1 hanks I hhLitf*Mi«>rv'' lj ’serving yjiiir c.oiiniry ■ lure of ihoidiiiri-li, of the goverirkveiu. i ! for the com pll men t g r v*ml I.Ja bv'ihe ] 'he 1 ft tore is >vi; h y>.i ‘U. - ;iey litis of- Vociely. of, matt, arc nl liiu if'tile ! i i.idy iii tniikiiiiT her son Itisllnauu-salce f«-v.s»-ri In'..the past . ; j . | uwni.tt, r.v him; !s.. that he isllefi W- Ti.e f‘<>ii«'wiii(j j p=.s.a^ L o&urjd n l m ii nr- ' . : .I ‘ . Lb. w SMim, A.jV^'General. lessjmrnev throuokj.fe 1 lie avoids IhatNild man s later '| ; . . —— • .\j: . ; jlhe .opp-MMoo. eiriiS and l.ikcroessl .j , I inclose 10-rewjih- the Whal -}>ifi Oae* of ’ , (jeiiconntcred liy the-pi',siilve.miu>, initj In S'; J/imh mi'ee tUVlihkl’. i coinpnhv P 1 f«"•» P«i- all nset , Stl'o F X ?. U o Til ' ,I, V'T‘ >< r' I *’iil. lU'i t.1.n,ci..1e .d tNiled oejl.ieh .!" 1 ■ ''■•bndv; aci.-jcuphshys SiW ■'“"H* 1 . 1 ' 1 f-j™ ! jr< isr.m'.n. 1it.... «i Ef.8.f.l tU <h«■ k 0,1 i '• , ° n p;„st India House or.e; n.0r..k.0;i Wl.ou ,V - ,f "'‘l hnlr. q.ieut wdh tliis|ii.jiiiic|i»ii of j { on hiilwav lo pay me f m, f <:al s : n ,or “ “w'Tr I’ ll '° 1 r V,1 . J,X,, ! 1 .k visit.- He vviisluinifid ..tsUk new if,!'® P , .7! , - v « 1 in ot|nanl.t{od ho *|.»U j .«lways be hm.nl- J, p j,, tl , ,„y fc Urin|t him M"- *”'* S.i 11 u Li sV ? -h? tl ry bat li,ae «- !l s‘ i,re-ious. he WS mo fvvest hrinly plnnis himsdt 1 ' '■ k Ifhii. the ».««• of an nn.H..k|.ie i oar »''d »dl make h.m-1 iod, *mtthest-U m 9C e d., W m f w.my tl.e; ro„d-i ie; add li.feleliei- fab:tb ult - tlijr ifi'jff V ll,or . Wt) >" jieitd fro.,.' ob.ervntion hv afnefn e ,„ <lrcuoon be for h.io or I i IWr^enar : ».u.l.mk'mddiv liic bu11...,': ‘kT''!’' '! views All mailers \tT U k JoUrh k u . l ,r ; ,d .ui eihqdc..! |.lisfc..j.r*J l .ivln« t hlm K' thvr »?.W* «?* ! ll SiT Ids rVI.I, l.a.id «enilv as il.b ni..-ic;.l opp - H toff*** ™ f"** -i**# W flowed in ■knbr.-;ke..lkir.-Hm' f“ V ! ", m h |"" m T' T t \ Ufal L l "'" hi? .*? ¥>n. his lips.;; I likenedi mpH}... cd; f" 1 * -;«m ? 1..... But ■ ' r « patriOMsiJ of 1.,s L.t H.o sfrikin* dock Ltk ii i« force u. the .world.andI all dedr purepts I trial ll.w will ,1 ofdn.v. I saw it 1 was If no ,s hf >rn ; .ice ; art.,..p.f ed.lcat.on, I : mpl kf’^- w,lb v.r. n-e to juiemjitlto l.rvaW awkl; 4 mk- ■% » l V 1,, ' ,, ?* u U ' m \r: onh.s . ,Tl I , ■jLjj a ., «f tils jahsoj'p' i> mliii his ' !i ,b * he , Wj ,he onlvj useful ||. •! Wgyoa to k. 1..; the dearrhoy fi,r nM . w|i ,,. my ti . 11i( .,. ..r.fMem ... soenoy; a,d «lu;r his death: present hpn ,„v Wtl.m' fr.lni i.Wyik .',.r' ft* en ‘ m, y H w '.'\ r Wm. b .- prayers will be con|utjitly offered* ,| i l ;i.. ( ,, i ll ,ri f;.. .I. ..otei Wards F ,lu r- i '' ll >' lo , IVI -U his tnd.ds u. «rS !ife’ l . l | ,al » , 'l° 'i’F ? bd kii. paUdd-li.e Sain ltrakhm. i nii my efforts..t« po.peii.aid Ids| men.. h? 'V*.'; *>;: a Wo.sn.tf it«i-rd Colors is k..hv.; i^ l > tt "M" , «".en , V-,l .. , 1 r f w.M«i«h J j ivti T?‘ •“ h'W'y "hnioruduv ~ pnii.i.. in Ids Demaox.tia Perora‘ion- , - a. t 1 t B,n * } '»«r | the rilfiii hn.nl dr:ieefu!lv of your amiublu taimiy., | „ \er iniytu. me. ■~i , j perheiuf genus, fiidshed a at. r ‘|l am,very resjv'i-tftilly •,our,frioud.| IloMEFoaSoLDiEiia'OiiPiiANy-—ln at--. Koxbpry, JdtUs., the other uight, uaj. iJ»r' r i ‘ ‘ ' oirdiir.cv witlittM l actsif Assdai’dy pro i fiillows: ,j .Yor^ t «* JaCkioft, P lb * C ‘ ,jr tidiiitf |liir ihepifneationi amj-maihie-j | fi the only tiling thill 3 J ■!- -.! 1 ; ' ' • imnt-o nf the di-siilnte opphai 's the I between, n* juud Ifoi'.i'n and sjiMiaPH and ««ilors «S the S hid." Iho p«aee. Solid it homo to lielfco it of our Sopa-inlcndent, has issiimi ivlj offli ial Way- Wueu the ymih in l'io Arahj nldtiiHj jssking Sir applications ij froip ijn Store ir,d the (lavern’of; |ovd jn tfie several oouirties: , Too appMi-aiinn g a li : i £id lost ui'B‘U..; vibyr imf , must be sworn U» and i-cr»ifi|d hv the. j ltlt l.piisnrnl giants, I.e ikinnuidi shhdor i dire<.|nrs of tlio, district iiiidd Ihe tnigli fygalo held nl whi.-li lay which tho orphan ris»idi-s. and upno iis ti. e |n-f2e. ‘ Alid ho J looked—aiitl lo • Tdceipt an order will be issuod to al- figure and the venerable face of his mK tlte apidicant. Tlie. schpoljs will, mothdr stoinjd before liiuV, aid the well bo ready for the:m eption otjlhese pu- ftanwii awen ts wiidly b ide -liditi back 'jiils diiring - tldir moiiili.:;'.'l]l»ejjSinta pn the perdjf.t Jds mal Bill' c't i will provide boarding, wash- ( ,f keaven mi.l :o hiinsdU I Vor ling,.mending, .biaiks. &C., }^. r it rysepißletU a woma.i iit - tlio Ho fbr thc orpliafis while in f what poetic the servant of provided lor them, but; thej Kjfftit'.ves. (j,,.) i«n. the side of sin V' And he pi i)i frieniK ni-e expeeleil Ap ohrly struck .the figure iiv thij iiaiiie tydthrr. wH'n.nl.ciwl to lho „y ij,,df4a'nd lo > ft was adevil. . who also to send/tnth tbotn. in-ns( fl,.,]. the treusiiVe uns ;der u<; «a's b «l«f Ibp, pw’uriC: B«>i |tj; iV witki yon. .indy-have,,- he wor'n -till .others can, .you li< .rv|| provided % thcui; > V . !- «U ilfini ii 1 |,|iave fopgllt the.good flglit, ivud are VAmts roR tns ARtni.-s-A; nnmber roady ip receive your reward; -JM jof Yorkvl diWfrpiis of now stands before,us ih'o awful! flgprb ißnhaiiCing tho- f iiphk-givibg udittforls «if- the Cotislitutido'—bat. it jsionly a pf our mddivrs b dore Petoipbarg nud figure, ,and under it » deVif ! JStrike Richmond, have s'ariotl a pioyemeotjit in. the iiamo of "God! *Foi il is not to Bwd diio thousand teiffWs the eonstit'dliori, but' ffla>apy yoa jio the front Government 1 hkdajgroed slrik«; and Liberty is Hie prize of iho |to provide CraeuansporUltOQ-l i ’ blow.- ■ | - j- ' Do nol Write Poetry. 1 'ilwnsuf,” ia thl New York Otaer- rhymers a fragment ofaitvico, ihu>:— ,; i , ; ?r y,i*u rsarflol help it, if it sings in yoor head and will be liaar.lt why fhcn Ihere id no other way but to put ft upon paper onceerui it to the prii.- ”■*■} -But try to help it if yW run.;—: Tpere areor.lytwoor three! n» IjTe at nny lime. •A; great poet make* " * ■' - 5 1 i f& t P*ss4 /^ I'M. ■{/■■'' : W-'£i 'i !l £ 5;’ •'rl ... I way lioj joein .lo ||»a*S. thui "“M o^ J'SoMfaf liullrriimi'e'l .ilpe boundaries; of. inyplaee (iii.tiiis Jjlat-,! .Tb# ' uprjnfT tlV«; «>t tyr(«/h'n these words of va'ti4rc:ionT ; dw»th otitterier- «W«»ifiip ! l»/ "palt , your aekni.WMg-.) >.bw.iJ «l Biniey, J Vi- J'.i-J.Pf . r , "’! , ''V »" ii.ovo fli; ilii -• ' i i/ 1 " ill .. ; ilieiUiistraiton Department' this. oi-eu;-i>iii. f»nlt6 *. M Mfl b'»i" tiro j»»iii>r Ueiijovs in the pies itfid WAipejiitioi. rf Uio»t‘ who ’tour 7bH e, '°?*. V?'?'. *'!' W 4f:iy< U.o; .n/ii 10 '1 J *"■ ‘? S; 'Viih.-jpifeltti, uh*iiio4)d>.m«* l)riirlilvr^Hnd ; c*',i|iritniuveuliliH iW llm ; ai%'>rJ B B v-B4|rya4t «ib JhtiyV MiiVa^tkeTiiVid uiww..f i..vi Tiviti u£ s C'-!i* * I T~ VW* hiimyilat.d f ,*****. tne Ueattsitf ■. ; , ;r , 7 h- l«* v ®^.^a-iHA^rwe^<-«tn;imuity M y,pnovduMlp., fi.dd of bailie a-*. ypii.i* !im il l «M«rvl.-.nie -ball 1 «*«it,. ■l****'*?** ifl?* •" 1 1"* .**!:'• ® al .Ww* ;!.!'in- the sheltering and viftortbiis! Ike »„ h.I , things jrffcS-; «.■». „, * tl wWo svniUol' ‘ilicTr B ,’-'"‘- V ''r! H . l ,ls l ' ,m f: !V ,ehat| be-the fl lg of onr talherd {belie .yj !•'««»•»« P**l cmi- wl.((w ; >tivi^ih>l ln i| be |<»utic( If? -1 ,, *--'- cl f l °" ‘bo: Hold, 111 Ibeyliliii «lf his . inJi;t-iriill‘itlmid intelligent Union—'of jofid'iiyj • ; >'.i iibo foil nda> bin of iniptriisd diheriv, PM«. L % alt that iiniUce-t .life ithe comin..:. iid.efitaneoofWnmi ii*i’ »Srtfs,!deMH|i.ie. a Uo|n.‘.j dit-tehr-d mV.-i 'I , . r. lnlio..s u.ml iI J„ hel.ulfof ►ui-b a a>r 1 «Ucl. - a> a v.,ln..iei r sit,, tl.e jfill] ot bi* a noyfrmifay, ».iw.. 4 ;i^hfc.-i» *¥«»; lO.vm.try. 1.0 i-a. 1.- imp tb.. Wlb., ii-; New j3ngla,.d ;wirt ci.Mnu»iq the fti 1 *r«dl. lAuli-.1. ISO 4. ■Alii.ni'*;i?tr.-ry |iatlb -field sure a-Ui.-V linv.-a.;n;v i,, tlio im-l iln wboreupon Mio Anny o.* life I'litiMue it hii moUtticUi.f Pcaue aii-tliVtlie ahw-lt ipiui.i lia, svii'uaseJ - i-f arim. to iinurde agaliift evl'erv loe. ■ >VUwJj,Ki-iiig i.-i|)i.yy in Ids iirofesKi.in. mo i ni,ei.iiMri..u», of .ii-ia a y U it<l ciUpwtmr ap i i..|niib.vii l.ad boeii i u-mptalioii. For the MraaarKktion'.or,, oi>iBri.malet«y tbe IWdeiit tliuiirioii. Uie, '[ OU p n'mionalitv ibey have, like sluii-l | ney - 4 p tliv p.iiii.iian.l of ibHtbron ni mber" ►ee'.ions/rtcwpic.l! t!io Army;j TM appeal to amis, for ilin ! |nii9riand lo\e cd 'ytiito-aoldier* Ot Uin iiwn of iiiaiiiianiini; frovernnieni and order i fit ia torpa lia» iieioi-Khowii by the ln.am.er. niid bublio libenv.Nlio loyiil men «l /lilob • <Hey billoweii lii’m. Tile, |ia»ri«Jt thej iJio-Ui ion bavtr'n.ii slnnniod arbiirif,! HWisent4»i*ro,' tile soldier; by no deaili ilias the j inent of war 1, ifer* of peaee mid ha»i lipfthaljcoorjtry a givaieir lilis. Al- ioi-s of diic-ord. we of .New England I "PV* l ! not bred to ‘ariiwf- [jle Inis ate rlow to ifra w the blade, lint we I {•‘hovjrn every soldierly q tklityi.| und>iU 'are |riiil rloweij to yield to the iitlamv, il w luitraied thu. it was tje t^f, wlneii rnnxi ebninton ejase, ovl finqn-.: 1 Itlove sind ehoiye.' ; ' • jilo iliuv ot purpf.sej wlui h.j .i w puis j jit m not the' , of, tliia; order.. Igrows- tiivd of a "grand and iimiiioiiluii-. ' Itoiulion imr the woo i»f heafij |of the|duiy heemisc if tasks oar tnanbodJ or '•, giving i l . now petjina i him loiiour/aiih • ”“ ■ i, , ''lftn- jjfflto^Geiierai;-Biriiej V s eiib^y ; Yef| To pftfteet U»<J printjn«(.prbmi,-'tbe! «r even a mil (lie din ofnrims. iaiid l; ul I ‘‘lr hV- ‘ ; —ft- 1 ;*nd other NoHiea .Of'|t|"fruj!>Bg-f^tnt^,-ftreeffo’ •,' : ; t ln ( i llii <.n ; Jl.** £sUl j proclaimed Ipio new F irf aSfitiiliou ol M|i’vlautf, The <?ovv ( eriiorV- proclamation contlndert 'lil • fpilovaiT '"■oS *?**>*■ : f i»pw. I, . RfaiUo.ijd. ,G«>y«;ri»qr of the Slate , In jViirmjance of i be. the • ' |lhority ho veiled M the l-y >»fd rcfcP j 'AiwniWr nml •'ti , i|i‘'i ifnlion:~uroVf raij£ ; I M",. b/ thin iny j| rclamaiop, declare ni»d ; «iHke kiiowo ' 'i ,union !'. froipwl by "the'^coiiyenn. inur Uiif| heon n<f()pted TiJ.-a , - iif tjui ;iefs’ "of x t;e r fetitcj • .sj ami: 1 l A ttt; iii Tiimki ce ol the |iipyl«* i:)h :iTtet*i|!ti the samesn| jro,,in,u>_e i ff u*t | a« fpijo proper chr.Miifdi lior.iirld form o'. i;:ov ere in eh t, of I Ida Suite. lhe V>*ii»‘rfpw ! t-xiß|i i’ itifiv iji) ilip first irty of y ■ G!Ci-n unifi*r ! .-mviii). liifc uiid/ih'd.great., * H> ul of ilie.Su|if of iM-aryiaioJ, . ' tliu City of LViuiapolit<| ;on thd' , : . 29th dnrof■ d-yobor,- inlhoyeai of our Loyd \ : ' fiy the G iy’ur; ’ |A #i • Bb AprttSS.'| . ,\V. & Hall, S(|p'iy pf-f • '> B«Li A fiiin ii I - "I* hi I ft. I e Iph !a h rented « eeienl iflc|i|ipii ratlin ‘fordighfk,. jitijr hy , ideal Ii !* a ncart • and- elegant fistna-e .inDßisut g -of 4- • j brnsa Vim. lined wittr silk, ii loosely ; fitting- India rubber Htopj an i'Jn«ijlated copper w|irc coil, with iiipla*.. lihum <Efer tha-burneri ! Within the stopped N placed h email,. } pioceof lip foil.tl)'; rr store fir : ] Use ilie. oleeinci’ vs genera ted byjjthqi _ . j friction :of the Tn|iia : .rtibli’er Rtonpipc i upon 'the V:fk lii>in}f|iitl:liecjap While 1 the clip is.closed t|ore is a comp'of o j cnrreiil nuiiiuaineg, wticp thu g»# liito he lighted- ; ti|e cup'-m lifted/j thlj electric current\ i.|- br'nkeii,' af.d iho eleelrh i 1 y ■ .poesesfdi'Wii the cod .of" vefbe to,the baruvii A iTicpr ilic-tr'aVi is turned on, and is in- v ■Stuntly lighted, | I -'vj-y Co"' • TrVf,lrr.|ii, t)tc lebel f3ceje> lary nt'Hie Troas»||y; iho frirnh><| u!i''l imfiiiii eji <lt*Kt of the'.C'ui* ■! fi<lnVnev nn lwt' of J-ify Inst; 20j.000.000.' _The fi“it|n fha ■■■ l*t of J.'ilv to, ilie of DuteinbetJ are PHiinialoO at --v makintr mi n rv><|nt tfffif SI 570.b00i«v - 003. Wh nnntoiiSSlarVflliwlt&felf "■ ;_B?<fc>Ger>.: GuVic-iinlip hasAo jf-gi'™”' &umhe<i himself ini (ho hi! liesAvtnjij! ! Gen. Slmriiiun,®' u|ili who ‘ has. made U br four vouri ’-i- ’ it«v'l •' 0 f tha hoys." an' jbs pJtoii J of liirrr, lil ier of hU,‘ his coil,lit r JfflrlveV' , th.il, Slh Lomotil '•! ,k andsHw , 1 rae. ■ 'nnul'lf' of lim an||iei.”. i)ii|. ; , «*hHi*!CO».>ii.b«» c';e* :MtClelhvn/ Buol.l, L lt as; prclotii.* , ••: .Yiirlqj C<i|!iicitinan vr«j» • ‘ luiflv K*>tiir&4 sfwenncn of what p;tV_l'e caikd |nirali'Mi • jl}jii|»aii i are hollow. * li’ttinan, ' llierofort* I'm liollow; | fjt i ' il>le |io, lie-, hollow;]} ifierj*loro I'll. HriujOf iiiysclt as lulla* l|hijuhj«.'’ |.■Vf •• • ■ - ■M* i-=j, 8«%.Th0 who liavlfifaoi . q'Mritod hi null l{ howllydj'p douhl ofitoi, an 1 are moiloHl in jUiinii n; wliPstthi vr-iy ignorant' whaiiuvn not kiowlp .lo a | ook tq liano a ihiuqt on", arc ha|iy uf dpresunipv- iiurfs. .i -' • ' ,I j • | >A~\’ • '■> ---'■ V*?.. SarVsoldior i.i .li'.-iot Into bat tles. sitlinix vcryi-f|i)fy o'lo.of I jiiw,wIHTo ,iyiis fullin g ’ iItUM, u<k«;i fby i.lto eii:«p‘l!i',iV - - j«’(ii‘!lii‘r bo. «’u< R ll)juirl?Vl by iJiviiiq , jProvi.liMimv roplMv|,[ E any MijM’jru-ii by lb«X|i|iiTi ipy Jc^Suy. I '. CQjrPorir noc/i;iiwi>icos .ironpt.io ilovulnp bliiiilni’i'w, fifiu'iys ..il uwh.bib.trlyi.ffli Sluiiclur, uiiiS/yily; and, nil lhey: I,'avQ ; I fiet-oirto | n/■ >r. For Ijffi'ytjjiij ih»t s|j{rrc,- .1* is irnfm-llou > vyhsi power iterb 1#| , j in j»ooi* folk*. ' . •.|-j. i - .'ij-*/! ■> ■ | ' tvVft|lind- a-Rilk . ■•/ spoilt-1 in rct|»i<nci brought iin _/ Holipn ili«'|siabl‘luri^'nl^.iiiitt; '< s>Mn’in'ii!t*ii sv-vi.pal t l.u -ta givedbeiy ivslinipiijv” ; so lliing|[ tbqt will NulgalN Are not ipie o&lyibings in j ' U.o worlir, jonf. rosea ; lioripy ' fiicklft*; «re' boy 1 tlfb’ only tliiiis's in tii«|'| world)' ibero i« liunoy as \y<‘U.; .j| • j..'--. '-■ jibuiu ij»e.p wliaitt i'cp (fidiijt kixi liirylitbuca '■-'■•ih'Tho reinijukiVblo but. hoii.jj Ciilte ■tW * ioakt, • " ’*•'" K&.A philosopKe^who ihbrrtid & I vulgai*'teut aitti«blaiii{, p’ved to ic*U hn -brown sagar/fbocauMboMld, ►ho wo» iwe«t bdt tipwfined, ' ,1 JJ 1 ■ ■ ~:,. Il el g_l: , r au t t l fejSSSB -s,— i-w ,tojt*r]y litlon to rtf '■ ;oc ?; it •:' ■ V--? bod»inpll ■adid, lie 3 id lba#lt , id feucfrt.'" Tbfgerl^it. 1 ,u£: ;)ao» "’.. V ’pondencej r 1 mcetiivj forgery," !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers