The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, November 09, 1864, Image 1
'7^^p : !:|^&--W^&--W 1 > .iPrr " .:■ ■-■ •^ y y i -/ 1..- 1■ ,•■■ A -'‘- : r . »-mj. mo-*. wp<l--- .wwt«>p»P* *"■! ,TT 3RMS3giSl w> ?;‘- ! i. wv K. ■■•.-. *: ~ -\T' ;, : ..L w. -m !:ii-W«-cvi.-s-.ij f rf h : ... T ; ,-r - WWiiMs*; ; - ,i>-. vv.V-«- Ljj >•»• tf?®^***?* I **';.‘, >.’ « J ~ T '! *‘ t, .. . J - ■ f •tr~. J '"■ •' ' ' L '"~~-i 1 *i-.. , i-i.‘-tii! 1 Yli.'i.tacv.- /-!.■'•> J . <’n~?ffjfw"V,'ij ll.‘ I' 11 '! "■ ' " ir ~ l "Tjj '*’• •" • • ! . -!.. ' 1 - •!.-. V -’/I -; 'tetfwhB ? 6di&" 9sli»a&?S-'* ° VA * i? ”' ,T •-'^P il ~^r r i«i « ' ' ’ | T n , j. P ,-nitig pohl of Uer, '. were,the wo rut *\uner*—lhe nrgrbdri-i |>f •y*j i)*^;.-,? ° n‘<>r4<y uii {,2.™. ... IJti. „' : aa*h m'lmw^ l .V ■-• ■i~ ~ v_, y , ;- ■ ■ r T L'.’ ;1 4 T , .. .Vn.rttiß ' Tk i : u. HaUiH.Hjfc.aoveral tt^in^ ot^-^: -W*‘ Bi -’®RK|Mfy* , i«»' Jlwdqwr'n* Dt(utrfr M*TSIS.' 7 - ™ ■#**** . Their „, &•&**»!*:»; I destroy ng them. It made ipWhamJ ifoHbwin^i^tdhTr#iitr£^^^.L'fc '/* ‘ ivinleJy P ....;, ,vi ' 'dareholderV land leM valuable, hi jt witty Jdy, But perhaps iiU K, rdnV L.!,:.. -.i : •y tj -^«jeim»- Uf fro«t»nl bhghtnaJ bloom; ,■ :’ .W«iirtr«i\?Ki;it. ..L 1 : 1 .fs * i i .“ ■ *73^ *• Pfl«ile u *b oi.lho «hpl«e»B»».,:J?ioiir ™ r , . ,i- infint sirtH ..*■ : : r lnmiekisHpt n\ I»U fam>lyloM» inoral^ , * ll . ,l ; I‘> 1 ‘> ilnwdurlt vulu wilti !y . v r ,; r.-' W , m.^, t b ,V -elve*«! what emlires sped, . >iUeren» i>« Mi aMM. u C-. jof lititli[ to treu-lin Uie lJye |u|emli «ml a Kal|f r of ■ tern i« d«»u, lot i S/ulh. i m ,«Ud ti. «°od anljj uiil.^i-In.iu ’uvl.i.atyou or S «nsVr LIUhPV KAetlie »*mrand dfeJ. ucalipn, tn ...d l.» llio ertriiat. J ,,HH t<»'>»l>JijU.ce, tw j £, / - , ; itVtoflßSP" Ml hin .I?.v; jf! f .ii!r«..f^: ; welfare of U,0.p..U who dra-.k of i; it 1 - 1 "; .f»riHW,, tM-liber gg /, 1 h , ,Lv. —i, .t. w, T r, • T, ■ , 1| ri «l'l"r» r to tlua k»IU to eucuro tUi r°r:r f oro,,e - u - o t ? ,m H **&&** .hp^ringiiAuA h^i-u^p ; 1 wan t «.u«.«l «m*.nrf. re..; hJ.I als.> our 6*.v wtOiod*^ It b.00n.3, i i- the.boiw of a uvi<honL*rn; mary pf mwj or Uioin; to hivdoilr l . ; ’‘lf ’'A/ '■ ’ J imnihsd T^nrs! the «oul of truth ~ iU#M tow leatlei’s in lliisiy ,, ‘ r ‘^ l|; 'j M ft.ud jiujfaeh'Vtff ■ J:. . nSlsw.i 1 .i,.i..,„. ,;unu,„. i „1«» v. tuu..dT«'« .?’■■• tS inf i ,•■! Tuinrhi iu buddin* yjuth , . -'. . ‘ i . i bfirs ompfe lowunl’them tff cioiUitiaS 1 y°“ K,! * p Wfff} f T.-;! nle)lo iv nrnrtbet . < >*at.-Mavury tnudo .U |Nrv|ie|ntortf mon m.trt Jiirfarts ‘rtiraJ^l*Vo T tit io^W«h»<l vmirtn^pik,^ | ’ * <l«{lt>nt. liisi.lsiit,«i(4 jffntrully licen j/.iJ^Hr.of'f.%jg,-.fkj)<W»p»‘#*ire'*dfflvih”s4”W” K -:^ yr^^^W l :” . 1*::. ’ er bureamer ' 1 llofe Tui* W«MW J KI.IdMJ ineHtii. ! 'di^ - ■ -V ****~*»*:m*£*} Then atopn iw ««4»«r« e ****>. very e..» out Slaved „. .....I^r^lna,!V O p?H W tße i *’l ,h l * ko V«e-«U«* «• V. j n .ilcd*vents' burfatb»rs v li#' eorriijjM (lie pdli.itr, SMwry Wolf „f ihwjjtpaw. m.,1 ’the lo :P« r i S« nt :-"^i- l ‘l ? ° ; ■/•SS»p:i*-oaihe.6»Mof toil; ! fie* Hie Word of G >d. .Slavery l rrtlWln wo ativiitfilidn turd f r P® dtßrtrtr «riU onittr tfe b ! tiiU^ w ® jrirt* Jae ph'wahare by, . opt the moral ae'iiaejartiat else ho noon while I y tLe gruvU sjf our. ;'. i,?k^ '® ck Tr.' »*^,n..u m ™.™.o,,..,Afa, : *-«^»Mtwta« , t. > . n..»» a^-t> wfe*» for Ti..r4 t fe j ;w , b L liie .lottuus petal* white ¥ an £ Lf I,e mn<t uuUnn * « V|U °fi •* , ioiii*t*jafi» Mew.;»et duy man » T'*^P ,r v-li®fr lit a d m«( eniurv fl weria ho™' «rd inly bo diM-overed hy livJ I that <-ap bin nnderaiand wliat'denptiir «t ta sardinea, tt*mWiid ■ 37SS ~i„,i«s^i.«H.i..mi,.r‘r?' i service Majorat. , ' . ; % I 1 be what it will, no iiiinerv emn rHiake lip Ibe Qiuqpmitol l L-.n.n. ■■_l».n: ■■■ jnm-,-. thpl-ouseot bondu-e mn.t be 10.u.d , r „. lln ; Aitd LninilTope i tbV ».i«l.Svilt^L : Vri 1.-, -I-. /taWi-1 - by en * elll, B :tH durigrt.nrd.pira Many fptvo foltthoao borrow, of in M ll »° Ahv|asiniaii ortti^^n ii i i . r ol ihone an*' tod loatlisonuj fur evil * \yhicli aro ii^j*ll** 11 * -Let u:4 hu|ie.. : , k ' L J : ' -r r —.. .... .. _.___, ■= publication; Even at the ri-ik of-trenc-li- *b‘P« to eternity, you way (deuae tolprvam of«lart:ir or ;^'*Fi-r»i ■| /[From the 1 Judepenaopt.] . inif on-deli.-i«v we aivo a ton-do fiict Vyyopr own-reason, o» oUelßli 1- The Enemy we PighU , J P' + *T 0 °‘ U AM the aid it.ftanceH of [l t Ula tnapfe>dmaraud^.l* ‘ **■* .aye t.evt-r seen in .print) ri-poruid of l>ii ru * iliW l»“ a »“»»>««. or any olho^ Ah an illurtraMon <>f the one infhrnai nial seiiaolthastcrj that brpf! sl-l<|&£- yiaft ■tSftkcy'^ * -. M 5 systemwtfntlor which such outrage^' t»t»u»«;iljl'»n«.iiagetl jtatbsva i» •!*:Kicl» Of poor, buy .U>' : jK- J l<Uo al-- J itid div!-' %b!a|io ’u-s as you can ’ jitii-h . /'.Je «c figlv'i'-j;© common pro South]? By no moan.*,— Tli? y shamefully mi-led ohd Be iijly dby tlwi ir >vily- and desperate </‘(iul'l life masses of the non vl..v(|liolili-rs in /‘Dixie” dully under mA><l i In uii'inus dl Tour Government, ir'-ii Jetmlu tlie.y„vi)'e' without "terror of ou< \. they woSild reinstalo the Wd.r«' authority_ over the whole re ion uPjrd cMi’in. We have ,no feeds vhr tha .St-Hiiorn masses But fra 'i.'jlld'hiliu-.sH,, - ' . - jTtMvc tlioir tendcfs ?* Noi linn ; not, ajj- enemies wlinm 'we Mi ( ) i;xii'riiiiuutefrom p>i*'‘'itvil ha tii’ilj : It i* as lraitors to (.up in« len/irTiutl their men. that we seek lo «!vr|.ii-.i'A' tli'-vn. Nor. would they ev er 1.,-w "liewi traitors for an hour,' but J"F I |.‘e acciir'e'l system of slavery. Kvrfji-1.-a-iiiii; rehr|lis a slaveholder; nhiio^t vnlv «la vrlii.h.'cr is a retiei,and l.;i* »im-e R iffle'fired slavery’s im iiji illy sil/.t nnpiil|> Iby half starved l atr ii-il of ie.Toes j ,iii Fori Sumter.— flurri# rude | In- rebellion. SlaVerv li'p-“ir alive, lofjils areh leader ray " lip will. The enemy] at'iiiosl, iii we' have hear; aimii.ij'! orir but* l! -l* , ! -,, eMoody years. and n m imm loyui in.eir wilHaini their iheconiihi; elcetjon. is the *fyiuij siiittnd crime of shi n'd) Bo not letilslo-s sight of that Hi iifii’n'it.TTlfe Union 1 lives only "''■'li liberty while slavery-exiits.lhe '-fnL'"ii h (cot h of jspe{‘H«ititi is yet lin .I'eneaijt theground, to shoot li’ armcd lrailors. ■ In warring against slavery,'loo, let ’■' -vi i (Oi-ciq thaidt is the 1 system war against, and not the f l‘i'lilii'g individuals who inhi rit (J 1 ie i-uVse ticni; their 'hi t hey systetf,.’ not' mere v,jjr a« n uni'ed niv-| -''l' foil for the delivcTonce of -our ■''j]lirni i. from nn organism ( j^ ril tha; work -d infinite mis* f Jltern for a century. -That is our {,_ l>elooi;s x to oar iiulldn; it s, i ,0 | K been overrun system ‘f ’"Trovorisbed and, demoralized ■ its occupants, 1 umf ha« "‘|. a '«nd an assiUsiu-Mab. at llio na» 1 'I '■ lifiyj Aral it)'fight iifg to extor '*,HTor-' • n>rlhi South's best. ■'jfrc/orj ,\V T e are fighting fob Hi,. ka f'tiolilevs’) real interests, material i"' lral> me wnfringto eman- L ' l l | ,( ‘- , « , l oqlj- j 3 0)0,000, of oof ivi't, l ' re ' ~;r ' f "e 5.000:000 of our Li/ ! 1 br r t,fr - n 'Tusdoy.- Abraham ( 0 T *. !* JroeijJinerid ,nlt ‘reaU limit Jefferson d, *; ; f mistake ivlien tfe diiji/ P ' avor y a* solely an outrage el iLo 1 ’ 1 " 1 " in j,,,.. . ,'. !iau w b<r coimiiiu :t than Til,,, wh "m H i ■.committed f ly * i w, r !? *‘‘ rv 5 “ f “ c,v infiu^ could vikit '‘ 1,10 Oppressed. No tn»ff .»>ih»ui /° in past, yeapi, &,I ‘!'>vo V v ! VB V ‘" s lhat - abominable $• The e» a8 ’ wlu^e , had- thenDont. I<ic ''.pluart Wo^Cd’’nnfil‘id’,,O^n- ■plutKlor“l*levewMeTeoih. are possible. ( | A Ohrisliftif’frichd of our*, a few ycnrssiuro.wiis descending a Wen tern •liver on a s .earner. O.i the forward deck he mel a pretty, in odesl.looking mulatto ftfrl, be was told, had i been pbrchised by a'planter on board and who was taking her “down I South” an liin slave.! Our friend fell| ,w»‘h the unhappy) ’young woman, and loipid that, she! -,w«* unusually .intelligent, rud ; wa<|w .’devout ami zealous member of the Methodist i church. Eoturning to 4ha cabin, be •aid to tile planter i t‘• hat ip ani likely git l you have .got yonder; vhai dultj ou ' give ft.r I her?” The planter replied substunA i tiaUy, “Yo«'.lranger;sbe!s a pretty | wench.; I came- lief ,(n Ken tucky..; Y;>u »ee,. I have got a lot of boys growing up, . down in Al abama. n#r a town. My,boy* keep" running off a ter women on other pbui tulions.j .So I ptdd ti Xig price, and bought thisyoung girt for them! You how it i-«, Aj Jiliely Tyonjeii, uin’t slie Our friejnf found it ia« bar ! to keep i!•.*j' . ■ ■>. • v from knocking the wretch into the riv er as we do to sondthis loathsome incident fof j- H re ej’es to look upon.— ! But this'cool traffic in Jlie,body and soul of one ill Christ's redeemed chil dren is only 1 iiercssnry inevilnble aM | frequent. reeul i and fruiCof the system I ol eiiuCtle-sla' ery. IrtfespongihUi pow ,! ••rover a wen k. subject race "breeds 1 such crimes, pud pro luces the j c-iinii. | intis wli’ r hay j iiuid.l the fair i Sottli! tiienesliing-j lace of.jach.ery, laziness, | insolence and treason Cip any truej friend fit the South, of the. Country, of humanity, or o|‘ God,i vote, this fallen | perp-lu;m> tlio ”Buni of all villainies?" AVlialevyr tin intention,of i ff ' ■ | I ' Je ( j. - : ' seems undei. able- that every A ballot Ihrown’ag.iin *t our national attlhori- praoiieslly sustaining the ne ed rsed k-helli >n. and tlio Satanic sy«- : ,5 • ; I’ ‘ > tem that gavje it birth. For one, I know iio patty, but; jmy country; no j "platform/’ l|it the GoldcnEulcof I Eight. [ f b ' ! i c / bv. Taso, L''Cirrus. '■Vi i MEM Wei* for] T>-y.:H:.yn ifi» krn uw«y fro| lion ut the poj are now :dra< ( hoiikftn ion II j Mr -Linrolji i (.'lellan in«in, men would n ibej DiiioOj i •maju-ipalipn cy Inwe-depr duelivejfcjiul a parcel of. bj TDltJii'ler, a Po «t|’ atedrso o —T ho ft rn t ivd p-itiori pol ■ York pjstj hit* .tiu it ( lie rebels nearly a m<lr lulaiion from whudt'iliey *srtj»; soldier*; Wohuiir- I <*oliirrd yten, fthdtily kft, ate Morviht; lti» Uii* t Imd not bnen tor thn and tlie,|Kiliov forwlnub i *.oond tinned i>y thw Me* | hree hundred - thousand ‘xl-spring nirvis i Xho reb(<f aruiicft. ‘ The i proclamation and.poll -1 rod the rebel* pro.. at ion ol n million—and i ieanpaopla aralolddjy {i4 poli«reiiuir j*takeJ, that jt' -win'” a- buUag&lasttbe com et, tthongb hot ffaneVat; tatO’hmidred andUiir- J 4 purchased tbtf Whole t of-New Ttrk. 1 iy known,tin ty, year* ago oiiykod oottnj -ei-iyes a» . (living; rcpidbdHun, lie ibojjan to bu_ fantastic-and iii'clan: cnoli«,an<i approlienstretliuL he might hi* one!of llimio jnsiiiy wliomfioif had decreed fin- hell frtjm nil ; ■ ron ), potsiblo -to probable, j feom pro ha bio Mo 'certain, the icmp (alien kooii carried Inin; and wl.etvdTe once began Loihidievo hiintolf Vo son inejHiubly perishing. it is hoi Jibs* ! sib'o. to uinlerslandlperieclly vyliai in | finite-fear)* and agonies. and despairs.- j w .b« l wbni liotTonl, kbit? hikl i amazement, (lie ipoor iimn lelt reLt wiihiii hini, conli.ior I hat he, wsj** to be lor men led exirfeino ly, without remedy, even to 'eternal intca. Tl|ts, in a short c*»ntinna!nee, Uri.iv, insufferable. ami prevailed i| bjm i“ii liir that bo lumped hiiWself and -left an acVeynt oi it to this par' po-*e irf Writing in Ids l»in‘ly ; -I ii a ve iCmio Iron) lionet tril the flamesdf ftell, v and have 1 forced m y way thither, lb* i ihtf ,impudent to try wlial those, gri-at i (iii nnMit-. lire, u-liicVhero I havo lear- j |e*l wiiljiin iiMupportabie a nazjia/iit." This ins tamo may suffice ip show, whatsit is* lo soul —Jeremy Tjy imuii ATONEMENT. | . j this imaginary (Jojl of itching with a kind of! Lb j ng ini >a of Ins vol'a i -k nt your Heleoilier, all the sufferings! A'* devoted, an 1 assisting j Viet that ymi huvei yet I was verily aw in mr sakes, and Hi*; roof but wjici Hoi s ■ tli-a cross g • illy j J fdfioj wit li, him, he I His, no bio »J. jbCl j ii-l*ir'.oiir bo,li^s- r a ■ dy and avt.*|)(ajile, able Service;” .that | em as temples for j at vve 'muy glorify, nU da our spirit.-- ’ THE I ! NnW|tl« |ths) luiliui UllV»Ljli tlul I new; uii'l I I bearing u jwhiclf ym| LVfni iji «ht !|U» frnej jb-iily nui|i |jtnrii» ti) u' | n (ton imr j. I inamla u-/ I asks f.ii i Unit We ’hli i livtnj> >u*' Ifwbiuli is «■ VICARI all fi«. W.i fit'll! t lit'i; i*i lVny i I'weru 1' coil! ti>U 1, ififil ft kl in tl (i. 11: khnillii 111 bv! I Hu tiit I‘Hllll •rifin*. i»ur r -u •o I •*> I kirn, I We r-t>< >III• I Mil Ini ly |lf i<n i iti ■ li w-dft. , ■ | ‘ iSSTThu late J ilifo wilti wo.i ldr jhia iilnk-4'..A* igoii.leiu.-iF) in M jinteroßr -fit- a (1 |wliic|t > jlliJeCH \vj iloi-liiig ihitn iiiiii j»f a 'iiijtnili rut ’ i ahaino ol koine ii jploycili} fl’lio iu ?giveu. j 'lJlie get jiaiter, jbiil, nfti ■While, (Wlmoil o giving krt|>r\v.ii4 jintcMiiiell jita cu-ti jal loas*t[ five yeaf {not jive i ulf ilm jwr uld -htJvg in ( polity; years Lac ami ten yjeaw ug jtll ihe Otlior p ir*i giiit, asf '(veil ai hnlcH, aiid iho ' laiimj, 1 jvtire all bs ha.lukn|) hear 1 but sifll Movin' | off.'r ill bml faiuy cliinjf "to tall lonacitj’ in spite of a»o ii« 18ii, a ii'\| Ijn 1 hiv'iiiT mo me lajAiuil land ease in,! i 3 jcuU'icJorable re ore O’ i»|MPive<i. inquired in B.d iim.ire :fi»i*rihei iblb liiw. er bin* me of Mi*. Taiiej? tvan »lomaiv Oufled 7- uii :t he' «T|‘i;*utiiijr whh‘ Uljfni « >i'«Pi?iiig his Vndrcite*, [ ajj &i* rjaadn that ho p hfiiy in edit it n*J that Tano3- would at'tnire, and diet* | ho engage now council., vej passed finite itlcii, pt 1 hut uidivMniil knd | lieM t|>» the protracted ! itlieTawyera pH bbtb I i’udrfo wIM tried the lead, andTiineJ- waia y i'6.he had aver been, übuul wicli his | ( | |»N ninrki an ajje;‘anJ| pour poets, ; or •cartaa *t* *•* •*»*■ " w poiHius. tosus;jjJO .'how much valuable* ' white nUber' is Krs^TisJtr 1 w*» h *ib» I*H: Tnifi may make correct at*.. faulllesit»,.in-J tltoV'e fc *| , j t a B le * m ofpolrtiry In itl Poetry 2»£ti Reality; ito imaii£ sto£S£?2S on * an.l yba may; b«Ve[ geulu*. to W •easing «n 4 1 the power of Ok ! any nn a* to wiite prosw lb ri v. bend, yourself Hdiculou*. bV lrying j yo* tantUt portry. Writ* prow. 5 ■: ! ! I- /■' - J -•] ' : Mai fcobl vt-icb w uml ivitld Tli*- - riia* flick-*; wli of the liu ItMck i> Th« c»wi; work - b(*i b|»«*raieir |nnv*ra*ii llatiireilf; Mil •leap' p itIUBS. iftl , ... .P?y»> ain ... nrSm*, jam! n|icn'ftiviiteiWtm/lllie^vra*' ;«»*h, Rich nr di «f JdiMlo..ii is liin cmii. ,110. il.e firwiide, aiid/i'l.e miiicr, the i' w r b 'T’’’ U'' Vary should pause a mwmbult ik draw Irights of la»«ar, fh* yarni ngs of lldus ijstbadi lslbe j*om 100 example Vdlds Tpe ilie les-ifii lire ■), the seeuriiy and peace of |hoine, ii [No'*? tyg|jpi jU«aaJ»o»s To him ihowonjl **tiriu3'ii -wc yah Wield: JHgiFa^tird.i ;®l|P n ; 'ft .Wic^nt«yo>* v >hor 'iireinrn it. hastily toTiifs {wonted uni Kjtni' ;«f in-lion:' |iyr hud no .For! biuud of kvaif he !y<tn* • ■thi-'ciifijiii* Of:ids eoun- J comes then the saei.ed emblem of|ev {bait pi rnhja^ivdd b brother I-bus all, it ai.d every ||iard t [jvou.d ii" '|»j»}li'or duly as ho dm|s dope, that ■— » ■ |. M'« bl Avi.i.jh :lio has i TWn Qualities' of Men—Thor* j S rT’ I*,' 1 *,' .if tI,)W ymiulggpif with U-mniJaiddowt. lus ’ a tie^aiibeiiuss'..t- fcl.uriu.tnr jivAuld cost yop twoor liiPvo thousand : Ufa shall not tail, and ids death be pro- tofien mistaken lor ami alii! i Iyj ordm * dollars.”: ~ I 1 ,i, j , {. _‘ ; ! iportialiiy, or i-oipe other kindredvir.- j. —. ' “ '—, 1 ,-to ildiers pf the T uitVA'my , Corps. ,|iie. .The person possessing It never ) Jaoksoa aai U-ioai 1 V yhur |iarti"iihir grief at. .the hiss gasifies gn ii quest ion of importiiric.i en! iln ,1887 j President eiUrtlh 1 y */*c T av * ihednieWst and ami-oil df k. \r rJ . I „ T ‘ ; P AhyUf every! soldier> it. toe atmy.dt I and, is equally well pleased wh cl. ever jp >ip to* Mys, Jackson, j {, O y,>tits:io.-pody wins m the emitest. fxt.a, I'lii j |.|>f New Yjorl{|:iiy, a Ijottfer, off 1 1 hanks I hhLitf*Mi«>rv'' lj ’serving yjiiir c.oiiniry ■ lure of ihoidiiiri-li, of the goverirkveiu. i ! for the com pll men t g r v*ml I.Ja bv'ihe ] 'he 1 ft tore is >vi; h y>.i ‘U. - ;iey litis of- Vociely. of, matt, arc nl liiu if'tile ! i i.idy iii tniikiiiiT her son Itisllnauu-salce f«-v.s»-ri In'..the past . ; j . |, r.v him; !s.. that he isllefi W- Ti.e f‘<>ii«'wiii(j j p=.s.a^ L o&urjd n l m ii nr- ' . : .I ‘ . Lb. w SMim, A.jV^'General. lessjmrnev throuokj.fe 1 lie avoids IhatNild man s later '| ; . . —— • .\j: . ; jlhe .opp-MMoo. eiriiS and l.ikcroessl .j , I inclose 10-rewjih- the Whal -}>ifi Oae* of ’ , (jeiiconntcred liy the-pi',siilve.miu>, initj In S'; J/imh mi'ee tUVlihkl’. i coinpnhv P 1 f«"•» P«i- all nset , Stl'o F X ?. U o Til ' ,I, V'T‘ >< r' I *’iil. lU'i t.1.n,ci..1e .d tNiled oejl.ieh .!" 1 ■ ''■•bndv; aci.-jcuphshys SiW ■'“"H* 1 . 1 ' 1 f-j™ ! jr< isr.m'.n. 1it.... «i Ef.8.f.l tU <h«■ k 0,1 i '• , ° n p;„st India House or.e; n.0r..k.0;i Wl.ou ,V - ,f "'‘l hnlr. q.ieut wdh tliis|ii.jiiiic|i»ii of j { on hiilwav lo pay me f m, f <:al s : n ,or “ “w'Tr I’ ll '° 1 r V,1 . J,X,, ! 1 .k visit.- He vviisluinifid ..tsUk new if,!'® P , .7! , - v « 1 in ot|nanl.t{od ho *|.»U j .«lways be J, p j,, tl , ,„y fc Urin|t him M"- *”'* S.i 11 u Li sV ? -h? tl ry bat li,ae «- !l s‘ i,re-ious. he WS mo fvvest hrinly plnnis himsdt 1 ' '■ k Ifhii. the ».««• of an nn.H..k|.ie i oar »''d »dl make h.m-1 iod, *mtthest-U m 9C e d., W m f tl.e; ro„d-i ie; add li.feleliei- fab:tb ult - tlijr ifi'jff V ll,or . Wt) >" jieitd fro.,.' ob.ervntion hv afnefn e ,„ <lrcuoon be for or I i IWr^enar : »'mddiv liic bu11...,': ‘kT''!’' '! views All mailers \tT U k JoUrh k u . l ,r ; ,d .ui eihqdc..! |.lisfc..j.r*J l .ivln« t hlm K' thvr »?.W* «?* ! ll SiT Ids rVI.I, «enilv as il.b ni..-ic;.l opp - H toff*** ™ f"** -i**# W flowed in ■knbr.-;ke..lkir.-Hm' f“ V ! ", m h |"" m T' T t \ Ufal L l "'" hi? .*? ¥>n. his lips.;; I likenedi mpH}... cd; f" 1 * -;«m ? 1..... But ■ ' r « patriOMsiJ of 1.,s L.t H.o sfrikin* dock Ltk ii i« force u. the .world.andI all dedr purepts I trial ll.w will ,1 ofdn.v. I saw it 1 was If no ,s hf >rn ; .ice ; art.,..p.f ed.lcat.on, I : mpl kf’^- w,lb v.r. n-e to juiemjitlto l.rvaW awkl; 4 mk- ■% » l V 1,, ' ,, ?* u U ' m \r: onh.s . ,Tl I , ■jLjj a ., «f tils jahsoj'p' i> mliii his ' !i ,b * he , Wj ,he onlvj useful ||. •! Wgyoa to k. 1..; the dearrhoy fi,r nM . w|i ,,. my ti . 11i( .,. ..r.fMem ... soenoy; a,d «lu;r his death: present hpn ,„v Wtl.m' fr.lni i.Wyik .',.r' ft* en ‘ m, y H w '.'\ r Wm. b .- prayers will be con|utjitly offered* ,| i l ;i.. ( ,, i ll ,ri f;.. .I. ..otei Wards F ,lu r- i '' ll >' lo , IVI -U his tnd.ds u. «rS !ife’ l . l | ,al » , 'l° 'i’F ? bd kii. paUdd-li.e Sain ltrakhm. i nii my efforts..t« po.peii.aid Ids| men.. h? 'V*.'; *>;: a it«i-rd Colors is k..hv.; i^ l > tt "M" , «".en , V-,l .. , 1 r f w.M«i«h J j ivti T?‘ •“ h'W'y "hnioruduv ~ pnii.i.. in Ids Demaox.tia Perora‘ion- , - a. t 1 t B,n * } '»«r | the rilfiii dr:ieefu!lv of your amiublu taimiy., | „ \er iniytu. me. ■~i , j perheiuf genus, fiidshed a at. r ‘|l am,very resjv'i-tftilly •,our,frioud.| IloMEFoaSoLDiEiia'OiiPiiANy-—ln at--. Koxbpry, JdtUs., the other uight, uaj. iJ»r' r i ‘ ‘ ' witlittM l actsif Assdai’dy pro i fiillows: ,j .Yor^ t «* JaCkioft, P lb * C ‘ ,jr tidiiitf |liir ihepifneationi amj-maihie-j | fi the only tiling thill 3 J ■!- -.! 1 ; ' ' • imnt-o nf the di-siilnte opphai 's the I between, n* juud Ifoi'.i'n and sjiMiaPH and ««ilors «S the S hid." Iho p«aee. Solid it homo to lielfco it of our Sopa-inlcndent, has issiimi ivlj offli ial Way- Wueu the ymih in l'io Arahj nldtiiHj jssking Sir applications ij froip ijn Store ir,d the (lavern’of; |ovd jn tfie several oouirties: , Too appMi-aiinn g a li : i £id lost ui'B‘U..; vibyr imf , must be sworn U» and i-cr»ifi|d hv the. j ltlt l.piisnrnl giants, I.e ikinnuidi shhdor i dire<.|nrs of tlio, district iiiidd Ihe tnigli fygalo held nl whi.-li lay which tho orphan ris»idi-s. and upno iis ti. e |n-f2e. ‘ Alid ho J looked—aiitl lo • Tdceipt an order will be issuod to al- figure and the venerable face of his mK tlte apidicant. Tlie. schpoljs will, mothdr stoinjd before liiuV, aid the well bo ready for the:m eption otjlhese pu- ftanwii awen ts wiidly b ide -liditi back 'jiils diiring - tldir moiiili.:;'.'l]l»ejjSinta pn the perdjf.t Jds mal Bill' c't i will provide boarding, wash- ( ,f keaven mi.l :o hiinsdU I Vor ling,.mending, .biaiks. &C., }^. r it rysepißletU a woma.i iit - tlio Ho fbr thc orpliafis while in f what poetic the servant of provided lor them, but; thej Kjfftit'.ves. (j,,.) i«n. the side of sin V' And he pi i)i frieniK ni-e expeeleil Ap ohrly struck .the figure iiv thij iiaiiie tydthrr. wH' to lho „y ij,,df4a'nd lo > ft was adevil. . who also to send/tnth tbotn. in-ns( fl,.,]. the treusiiVe uns ;der u<; «a's b «l«f Ibp, pw’uriC: B«>i |tj; iV witki yon. .indy-have,,- he wor'n -till .others can, .you li< .rv|| provided % thcui; > V . !- «U ilfini ii 1 |,|iave fopgllt the.good flglit, ivud are VAmts roR tns ARtni.-s-A; nnmber roady ip receive your reward; -JM jof Yorkvl diWfrpiis of now stands before,us ih'o awful! flgprb ißnhaiiCing tho- f iiphk-givibg udittforls «if- the Cotislitutido'—bat. it jsionly a pf our mddivrs b dore Petoipbarg nud figure, ,and under it » deVif ! JStrike Richmond, have s'ariotl a pioyemeotjit in. the iiamo of "God! *Foi il is not to Bwd diio thousand teiffWs the eonstit'dliori, but' ffla>apy yoa jio the front Government 1 hkdajgroed slrik«; and Liberty is Hie prize of iho |to provide CraeuansporUltOQ-l i ’ blow.- ■ | - j- ' Do nol Write Poetry. 1 'ilwnsuf,” ia thl New York Otaer- rhymers a fragment ofaitvico, ihu>:— ,; i , ; ?r y,i*u rsarflol help it, if it sings in yoor head and will be why fhcn Ihere id no other way but to put ft upon paper onceerui it to the prii.- ”■*■} -But try to help it if yW run.;—: Tpere areor.lytwoor three! n» IjTe at nny lime. •A; great poet make* " * ■' - 5 1 i f& t P*ss4 /^ I'M. ■{/■■'' : W-'£i 'i !l £ 5;’ •'rl ... I way lioj joein .lo ||»a*S. thui "“M o^ J'SoMfaf liullrriimi'e'l .ilpe boundaries; of. inyplaee (iii.tiiis Jjlat-,! .Tb# ' uprjnfT tlV«; «>t tyr(«/h'n these words of va'ti4rc:ionT ; dw»th otitterier- «W«»ifiip ! l»/ "palt , your aekni.WMg-.) >.bw.iJ «l Biniey, J Vi- J'.i-J.Pf . r , "’! , ''V »" ii.ovo fli; ilii -• ' i i/ 1 " ill .. ; ilieiUiistraiton Department' this. oi-eu;-i>iii. f»nlt6 *. M Mfl b'»i" tiro j»»iii>r Ueiijovs in the pies itfid WAipejiitioi. rf Uio»t‘ who ’tour 7bH e, '°?*. V?'?'. *'!' W 4f:iy< U.o; .n/ii 10 '1 J *"■ ‘? S; 'Viih.-jpifeltti, uh*iiio4)d>.m«* l)riirlilvr^Hnd ; c*',i|iritniuveuliliH iW llm ; ai%'>rJ B B v-B4|rya4t «ib JhtiyV MiiVa^tkeTiiVid uiww..f Tiviti u£ s C'-!i* * I T~ VW* hiimyilat.d f ,*****. tne Ueattsitf ■. ; , ;r , 7 h- l«* v ®^.^a-iHA^rwe^<-«tn;imuity M y,pnovduMlp., fi.dd of bailie a-*. ypii.i* !im il l «M«rvl.-.nie -ball 1 «*«it,. ■l****'*?** ifl?* •" 1 1"* .**!:'• ® al .Ww* ;!.!'in- the sheltering and viftortbiis! Ike »„ h.I , things jrffcS-; «.■». „, * tl wWo svniUol' ‘ilicTr B ,’-'"‘- V ''r! H . l ,ls l ' ,m f: !V ,ehat| be-the fl lg of onr talherd {belie .yj !•'««»•»« P**l cmi- wl.((w ; >tivi^ih>l ln i| be |<»utic( If? -1 ,, *--'- cl f l °" ‘bo: Hold, 111 Ibeyliliii «lf his . inJi;t-iriill‘itlmid intelligent Union—'of jofid'iiyj • ; >'.i iibo foil nda> bin of iniptriisd diheriv, PM«. L % alt that iiniUce-t .life ithe comin..:. iid.efitaneoofWnmi ii*i’ »Srtfs,!deMH| a Uo|n.‘.j dit-tehr-d mV.-i 'I , . r. lnlio..s iI J„ hel.ulfof ►ui-b a a>r 1 «Ucl. - a> a v.,ln..iei r sit,, tl.e jfill] ot bi* a noyfrmifay, ».iw.. 4 ;i^hfc.-i» *¥«»; lO.vm.try. 1.0 i-a. 1.- imp tb.. Wlb., ii-; New j3ngla,.d ;wirt ci.Mnu»iq the fti 1 *r«dl. lAuli-.1. ISO 4. ■'*;i?tr.-ry |iatlb -field sure a-Ui.-V linv.-a.;n;v i,, tlio im-l iln wboreupon Mio Anny o.* life I'litiMue it hii moUtticUi.f Pcaue aii-tliVtlie ahw-lt ipiui.i lia, svii'uaseJ - i-f arim. to iinurde agaliift evl'erv loe. ■ >VUwJj,Ki-iiig i.-i|)i.yy in Ids mo i ni,ei.iiMri..u», of .ii-ia a y U it<l ciUpwtmr ap i i..|niib.vii boeii i u-mptalioii. For the MraaarKktion'.or,, oi>iBri.malet«y tbe IWdeiit tliuiirioii. Uie, '[ OU p n'mionalitv ibey have, like sluii-l | ney - 4 p tliv p.iiii.iian.l of ibHtbron ni mber" ►ee'.ions/rtcwpic.l! t!io Army;j TM appeal to amis, for ilin ! |nii9riand lo\e cd 'ytiito-aoldier* Ot Uin iiwn of iiiaiiiianiini; frovernnieni and order i fit ia torpa lia» iieioi-Khowii by the niid bublio libenv.Nlio loyiil men «l /lilob • <Hey billoweii lii’m. Tile, |ia»ri«Jt thej iJio-Ui ion bavtr'n.ii slnnniod arbiirif,! HWisent4»i*ro,' tile soldier; by no deaili ilias the j inent of war 1, ifer* of peaee mid ha»i lipfthaljcoorjtry a givaieir lilis. Al- ioi-s of diic-ord. we of .New England I "PV* l ! not bred to ‘ariiwf- [jle Inis ate rlow to ifra w the blade, lint we I {•‘hovjrn every soldierly q tklityi.| und>iU 'are |riiil rloweij to yield to the iitlamv, il w luitraied thu. it was tje t^f, wlneii rnnxi ebninton ejase, ovl finqn-.: 1 Itlove sind ehoiye.' ; ' • jilo iliuv ot purpf.sej wlui h.j .i w puis j jit m not the' , of, tliia; order.. Igrows- tiivd of a "grand and iimiiioiiluii-. ' Itoiulion imr the woo i»f heafij |of the|duiy heemisc if tasks oar tnanbodJ or '•, giving i l . now petjina i him loiiour/aiih • ”“ ■ i, , ''lftn- jjfflto^Geiierai;-Biriiej V s eiib^y ; Yef| To pftfteet U»<J printjn«(.prbmi,-'tbe! «r even a mil (lie din ofnrims. iaiid l; ul I ‘‘lr hV- ‘ ; —ft- 1 ;*nd other NoHiea .Of'|t|"fruj!>Bg-f^tnt^,-ftreeffo’ •,' : ; t ln ( i llii <.n ; Jl.** £sUl j proclaimed Ipio new F irf aSfitiiliou ol M|i’vlautf, The <?ovv ( eriiorV- proclamation contlndert 'lil • fpilovaiT '"■oS *?**>*■ : f i»pw. I, . RfaiUo.ijd. ,G«>y«;ri»qr of the Slate , In jViirmjance of i be. the • ' |lhority ho veiled M the l-y >»fd rcfcP j 'AiwniWr nml •'ti , i|i‘'i ifnlion:~uroVf raij£ ; I M",. b/ thin iny j| rclamaiop, declare ni»d ; «iHke kiiowo ' 'i ,union !'. froipwl by "the'^coiiyenn. inur Uiif| heon n<f()pted TiJ.-a , - iif tjui ;iefs’ "of x t;e r fetitcj • .sj ami: 1 l A ttt; iii Tiimki ce ol the |iipyl«* i:)h :iTtet*i|!ti the samesn| jro,,in,u>_e i ff u*t | a« fpijo proper chr.Miifdi lior.iirld form o'. i;:ov ere in eh t, of I Ida Suite. lhe V>*ii»‘rfpw ! t-xiß|i i’ itifiv iji) ilip first irty of y ■ G!Ci-n unifi*r ! .-mviii). liifc uiid/ih'd.great., * H> ul of ilie.Su|if of iM-aryiaioJ, . ' tliu City of LViuiapolit<| ;on thd' , : . 29th dnrof■ d-yobor,- inlhoyeai of our Loyd \ : ' fiy the G iy’ur; ’ |A #i • Bb AprttSS.'| . ,\V. & Hall, S(|p'iy pf-f • '> B«Li A fiiin ii I - "I* hi I ft. I e Iph !a h rented « eeienl iflc|i|ipii ratlin ‘fordighfk,. jitijr hy , ideal Ii !* a ncart • and- elegant fistna-e .inDßisut g -of 4- • j brnsa Vim. lined wittr silk, ii loosely ; fitting- India rubber Htopj an i'Jn«ijlated copper w|irc coil, with iiipla*.. lihum <Efer tha-burneri ! Within the stopped N placed h email,. } pioceof lip'; rr store fir : ] Use ilie. oleeinci’ vs genera ted byjjthqi _ . j friction :of the Tn|iia : .rtibli’er Rtonpipc i upon 'the V:fk lii>in}f|iitl:liecjap While 1 the clip is.closed t|ore is a comp'of o j cnrreiil nuiiiuaineg, wticp thu g»# liito he lighted- ; ti|e cup'-m lifted/j thlj electric current\ i.|- br'nkeii,' af.d iho eleelrh i 1 y ■ .poesesfdi'Wii the cod .of" vefbe to,the baruvii A iTicpr ilic-tr'aVi is turned on, and is in- v ■Stuntly lighted, | I -'vj-y Co"' • TrVf,lrr.|ii, t)tc lebel f3ceje> lary nt'Hie Troas»||y; iho frirnh><| u!i''l imfiiiii eji <lt*Kt of the'.C'ui* ■! fi<lnVnev nn lwt' of J-ify Inst; 20j.000.000.' _The fi“it|n fha ■■■ l*t of J.'ilv to, ilie of DuteinbetJ are PHiinialoO at --v makintr mi n rv><|nt tfffif SI 570.b00i«v - 003. Wh nnntoiiSSlarVflliwlt&felf "■ ;_B?<fc>Ger>.: GuVic-iinlip hasAo jf-gi'™”' &umhe<i himself ini (ho hi! liesAvtnjij! ! Gen. Slmriiiun,®' u|ili who ‘ has. made U br four vouri ’-i- ’ it«v'l •' 0 f tha hoys." an' jbs pJtoii J of liirrr, lil ier of hU,‘ his coil,lit r JfflrlveV' ,, Slh Lomotil '•! ,k andsHw , 1 rae. ■ 'nnul'lf' of lim an||iei.”. i)ii|. ; , «*hHi*!CO».>ii.b«» c';e* :MtClelhvn/ Buol.l, L lt as; prclotii.* , ••: .Yiirlqj C<i|!iicitinan vr«j» • ‘ luiflv K*>tiir&4 sfwenncn of what p;tV_l'e caikd |nirali'Mi • jl}jii|»aii i are hollow. * li’ttinan, ' llierofort* I'm liollow; | fjt i ' il>le |io, lie-, hollow;]} ifierj*loro I'll. HriujOf iiiysclt as lulla* l|hijuhj«.'’ |.■Vf •• • ■ - ■M* i-=j, 8«%.Th0 who liavlfifaoi . q'Mritod hi null l{ howllydj'p douhl ofitoi, an 1 are moiloHl in jUiinii n; wliPstthi vr-iy ignorant' whaiiuvn not kiowlp .lo a | ook tq liano a ihiuqt on", arc ha|iy uf dpresunipv- iiurfs. .i -' • ' ,I j • | >A~\’ • '■> ---'■ V*?.. SarVsoldior i.i .li'.-iot Into bat tles. sitlinix vcryi-f|i)fy o'lo.of I jiiw,wIHTo ,iyiis fullin g ’ iItUM, u<k«;i fby i.lto eii:«p‘l!i',iV - - j«’(ii‘!lii‘r bo. «’u< R ll)juirl?Vl by iJiviiiq , jProvi.liMimv roplMv|,[ E any MijM’jru-ii by lb«X|i|iiTi ipy Jc^Suy. I '. CQjrPorir noc/i;iiwi>icos ilovulnp bliiiilni’i'w, fifiu'iys uwh.bib.trlyi.ffli Sluiiclur, uiiiS/yily; and, nil lhey: I,'avQ ; I fiet-oirto | n/■ >r. For Ijffi'ytjjiij ih»t s|j{rrc,- .1* is irnfm-llou > vyhsi power iterb 1#| , j in j»ooi* folk*. ' . •.|-j. i - .'ij-*/! ■> ■ | ' tvVft|lind- a-Rilk . ■•/ spoilt-1 in rct|»i<nci brought iin _/ Holipn ili«'|siabl‘luri^'nl^.iiiitt; '< s>Mn’in'ii!t*ii sv-vi.pal t l.u -ta givedbeiy ivslinipiijv” ; so lliing|[ tbqt will NulgalN Are not ipie o&lyibings in j ' U.o worlir, jonf. rosea ; lioripy ' fiicklft*; «re' boy 1 tlfb’ only tliiiis's in tii«|'| world)' ibero i« liunoy as \y<‘U.; .j| • j..'--. '-■ jibuiu ij»e.p wliaitt i'cp (fidiijt kixi liirylitbuca '■-'■•ih'Tho reinijukiVblo but. hoii.jj Ciilte ■tW * ioakt, • " ’*•'" K&.A philosopKe^who ihbrrtid & I vulgai*'teut aitti«blaiii{, p’ved to ic*U hn -brown sagar/fbocauMboMld, ►ho wo» iwe«t bdt tipwfined, ' ,1 JJ 1 ■ ■ ~:,. Il el g_l: , r au t t l fejSSSB -s,— i-w ,tojt*r]y litlon to rtf '■ ;oc ?; it •:' ■ V--? bod»inpll ■adid, lie 3 id lba#lt , id feucfrt.'" Tbfgerl^it. 1 ,u£: ;)ao» "’.. V ’pondencej r 1 mcetiivj forgery," !