V X -1/1 ""a T 't , • .•• HfflN ► ip:, w, Bco|rOk,, tcnoji *.**oip*UTofci 1,5 r r 7 - --■ •.’ i; ; ’ ’’ >N«v«mbM > Oth, 1864. ; ‘ ■■■ • mj, C*? I'-jj is-...: r*-'’?'-' M . M;’ BUBSCfcIPTION TBMtd. [■”' It ijpnbl! poesihle to continue the publica tion f!r.lip Ainon* undarsjthe old arrangement efsending the paper to subecribcrawbo may not, pay within fire erten j yearn;. Printing ' p»per orjf»Br ti»ej as much anit did in • IM&|and besides we must have the att’it even it thsll price, trin tors' ,‘Kspenae* ate" very much .pester, ’which must .he .equalized by ad increaseibt theirwages; To meet three demands, the. publication >of Ths A nous, Ussubscriptionß £ must ba piid invariably in advance'. Jlub ratca have ilso been'Cstablished by which we ft raikhTirtAaqoi sotcewhatcheap srr’to Us st bscribers, and. their number’to be, largely increased.! One copy) onryetr.-.u....,> 2 00 . Five-copies,. one year, to one address... ; 9 60 Ten .eopiei, ■“ [•'/“ ■ ... 18 00 TWibty •• . •• | << ;.. 85,00 f; 1 t®_Anj larger number, $1,75 each. : "lifilh Additional 'subscribers from time to ' time,' as thoy'fciay be obtained, may be. added ’at t)ie'eiuli price. ‘'-I'. . j ; _, , V . iifif'Cleigymcn and professional teachers* $l.OO per year.. i ,e. , ■ subscriptions received for a less ' time than' six months. Rates of Advertising: On* square, 1 in5erti0n..'...1.*.......51 00 Each, subsequent insertion... 60 {col uinn; S-Jm05..... ~...' ......12 00 .column, 6 ma 5...... .i. 20 00 column, jo mo» ............ ........35 00 Professional and business Citrus, not bit - ,eeeding lO lines 8100 . EreentorsJ Administrator^and Auditor's ' . . . Notices, each i. OO Local notices, 10 centßperlino each insertion. ' Deaths and Marriages trill.be published gratis where the same 'does' not exceed fire . ntiest-for'each additional line 6 cents will be Charged—Excepting in the notices of deceased 'soldiers, will be published free. * transient be paid in adranoe. Address, always postpaid, Ir/ , ■ • D. W. SCOTT, Ja., % 'V- ■; ■••••{'• • v • Beater C. H., Ea, ■ SAIaXJTATORT - ■ \ jr fpture editor df this journal . has already received a; very flattering introduction to yon, dSar reader, and He jwill for the fiiet . time, to bpw with the grace of a true and loyal Knight,not of the Temple, , . nor of . the Golden Circle, but df the Quill.;. |, . ,) r .;\ ’Tis said that the chair and pen of air editor should be with as binding vows and solemn ceremony as Ihe swojd and war-horse of - Knight, hood—f|r the editor, like the armed and mounted Knight,'is an aggrega v tion of mcrepower^aa,naUireprop-1 erly allots to the individual. Indeed, I i I. -J 1 ' ft jdfcecause law >ndpablic opinion have not properly Considered this pqw er that the penalties of evil-doing pie n ■ uni! ink are no more formidable than i r of-flat and dagger. ■ There! is a temptation for an editor to abuse the power that' lies in hit ,j .pen. It is so -easy’ to jdo brilliant tilt f jr.g.in. the editorial lipts,' bly 'slashing i: away at both ’be offending and nnof . fending Abuse is the easiest, as cour , tear.'is tbe most difficult kind Of writ ' ~ ihg to make readable; and, nf’ it is a is' relief for the smooth faced gambler *0:, to veni. before ho, sleeps his,pent up on so; a heart natural vly a jbilo-spiggot of a - pen—relioved vrhen vhe venom is spit, . . matter upon what) But there is so . good cause- to be ill-natured in -print Shat it would be safe, always, . When reading ill-natured remarks to - to smell “the. rat”| of a bad" heart ‘ " ' ■ nehr by. ' • • T "If pervertioH of pen and,ink be so * very blamablf, forbearance should bo laudable, andtho odi Lor should receive . credit when be takes pains in the latter iway. Many reputations, pro . pared for roasting are. sent to him, which t if inserted, would increase the: interest taken iu this piper, and, con sequently, its sale. This is a tempts - tion to get money >nd fame. Then : the editor is often ‘attacked, and he eould demolish his Assailant very am a .singly, and ho resists the temptation] ' —though, if the pin bo not winced at puny impunity will prick -again. There] is much that is.lndi'crousoQ-' . onrririg ever# day, much that is pdr - VOrtible. into: spot t,| both in 'persons and id their* actlorjs; by fault- V .finding; by abusing jibe man, and not V his j.afty or principle, an article is ... maido more readable, with'less labor ' of writing. Thus malice is increased, personal contentmeht ahd social hap '{ far removed. No man can live eibovr io elbowwith iis competitors - in loTqand life, in {mjnicsand litera ture, without his piques and .resenU V'. 'meats, and to tarn these pleasantly ? ; “td commodity" with a laugh that out digger i* Very, very tempt- ipg. i Sot if be fori ear* somewhatto w/iU penonal abuiw and political in '. vaetive, should be riedeive lest of-your •patronage and praise ? _ l ;'- 1 ‘■■‘wi are nation nedessarily go ing '■ through opr'anal fires.” Oar ■' golden institution* of civil and reli ,, |!on liberty- ware- fullo{ dross and . .that which ’.] be .as: j/ iaoicb ; terriblctjteiw; nf-Koth puri- b * difficult to s«4 the way clearly ft# POR tUB BEPUBLIC the final peace aiid ultimate safety of I- •IflßAr'Bl ' o’nr country. ' ThL smoke and- din;o£ ■- . .^ sr ~- ■, ;;•■]• "/’.- s much tthdeclilvej battle confoeer ns -T I fF t and w« cannot W|ll eay/ “To Trr 1 PaTjlfi njfrH Y the rebels are w:o to throw d&Wti - rm 4 their fc. andjpescp wm ? co^ Bat, in the election of noneW Abra* g ~ bam Lincoln, injhe continnedeuccessj FQ J . T i S I)BATH-KNELL of the annealed | commanders of oor q« SLAVEY; AST> ; THERE army VIVAL Q (.njiJo of the GodT above ns,.he must I.- . iLlßfiaTl 1 ■• . ..' liieMeea^bat’ r short owTibdjhairlfew ' . .'rx ..t , with lbe milk dt : T of prosperity hre oYthe ' Union and party, whose PARTY ; principles will; advocate ; and, in .. .|/. fj [• j .-I-' ( v whose success howilttriamph. ./ . ■ I , ’J’ The modern fchool of politics is FO |J . ABRAHAM LINCOLN v-IS said to be much inferior to that which ELECTED. AND ’AGAIN THE existed.in the time, pf our national RTAROE.OUR NATIONAL birth. They sooght lo build up, not. ■ | GLQ &Y _T A . ’HiE „ . tp twrdoW|n; toptablish^nofr-tojcleii / , ,-■_ ■•*••' atrby. A migbiy nation is coexten J the hasty returns from sive with their glory. . B.at the nnras „^Ay ia u the states which we collect ly pnos of therpresent school ara geL frchl this morning's Commercial ting scourged as with »: whip of acor-. ‘ | j : PQR ItINCOLN. , ! piona, and iheir hympatbixors shamef ; ipENNiTLTANiA, fully sit upon tljo fool's.block; Still/* OHIO,; . it will be his duty to work none the ILLINOIS, less for the advancement .of those pol- NEW^yoRK iticians whlo; adyocate and represent RHODE ISLAND, : as trae pripcipleL abd adopt as tound VERMONT. ’ ’ measures us thpse noble statesmen. NEW HAMPSHIRE, ,U. „,.biSh.d imeric. g.T.rn- . = ■: .i. ; _ I v-' '• v Wisconsin," Perfection, ho cannot Impe to reach . MISSOCRI, h atasingle bound; eiceilehce he would MINNESOTA, f I' attain by and by, when more experil lOWA, | , enco shall [have become;the basis of TpvvrKtrit 1 future effort. It shall bo’sufficient DELAWARE' for him and you, young friend, to be NEW”JERSEY, satisfied with the display of much sd* ; CONNECTICUT, perior. ability when the .wrinkles.of WEST.yTRGINI age sball hiiyo played upon onr faces, i;-. • FOR MoCLELIi never to leave them, and the silver; KENTiUjjKY. crown of a ICng life shall dignify our Mr" Lipcoin has a m beads. J votes jn 233, the clecion f SCOTT, Je. ' the Sutes.. r : T v Democratic' Convention^ H The miscellaneous Democratic party held a Convention bore last. Tuesday week. If iwas a “rankcompound of villainous smell” to tbe nostrils oFlhe clean-living and ordor-lovvng citizens of ibis locality. It was composed oF bond!, wagons, abd buggies; flags, banners, iand yellow leavesl (to : repre- sent the color ot the thing); men, wo men and children; commanding mar shals, carsing; drunkards , jand squat ling babies; The 'meeting was cqiii parativelylarge; but when one reads a statement like this— " The largest ' meeting, by far, of any kind, that ever assembled in this county, was held on Tuesday in the Fair Gfouhds,” ho is ready to exclaim in a soberer mind than Sir John. Falstaff, “Lord,'Lord,, how this world is given to lying.” .The Financial Crisis Abroad- The Germania’s advices gives' de tails of numerous additional failures in Europe. 'The: panic appears to have’ paitially extended ?to the principal centres of [Europe, and has resulted in considerable commercial embarra-s -raenU in Paris and Frankfort. The resolution adopted by the ’ directors of the Bank of Prance to raise thereto of discount front seven to eight par cent : has produced ap jegnfavorabloJrepres sion in Parisian comratreiul circles, It pressesparticularly on traders with a small capital, who are forced to -soli for credit j . - I- In England, nterchaiits engaged in the Australian trade were'showing! symptoms of weakness, and tour fail ures in this branch of trade, wcro re ported. “The British cotton market continued depressed, andfsiluros were occui ring 'among the manufacturers of , Lancashire. Manchester eorres. pqndencb of the London: rimes, dated the 18th October, says: I ; ' i We have to' report the gloomiest market tp-day that has lyet occurred" since the present .crisis: comrtienced. We hoariof kix or seven more r mapn-j factnrdis! having stopped payment to day, , and the feeling of gloom seems to bo iucreasing-as the knowledge of these failures come to 'We public ear. The Herald’s London letter says:— The indica.jt.rons are strong 1 that a fi nancial panic- is impenoiDg over the entire continent. The j governments of Turkey and Spain are represented as nearly being bankrupt, Turkey par ticularly. The money revolutiop, it Is thought, would load th many impor tant political changes, terminating in general war, which w°dld annihilate smaller State royalties J Itis said! the present visit oi the Czar of France, and the interview with Napo leon ,is undertaken with special refer* enceto such, important events. ; ! . - 1 V tiun of oar :armicst*ri with bree'jh loading i at least is soon as th be manufactured. T 1 He Company of Erovii (and, have Contracted 000 breech-loaderVof | tern, and are sow mi alteratiniißjin theii: w' pose of dsliveribg tb. . possible. , { . I Th« Epglish Government has taken a contrary| course. Recognising the efficiency of the breec h-loading princi pa) it baa issued wders, through Lord De Gfcy, lor proposals' to alter the Enfield rifle into a.breeoh-loading weapon,latan ezpennc not to exceed S 5 per gum Tfae Enfiuld rifle 'is the Springfieldj musket we use, , and the resnjl will [probab|e ■be to spoil . both , ■— ■'■■T-'w •<« fl ruin asood rifle and he Sonsor Liberti,—Genllovey, make a poor breech-loader. OurGov faas issued the following order to the ornmcot! has tnkeplthe wisest coarse Sons of Liberty in Indiana: • ®hd are [oji the. safe side, for the 're- I ’Headquarters ' Putrid 6f Indiana, of Spencer rifle is already Indianapolis, Oct. 21, 1864.—Toithe “Me.ayi dj potato berpetrat*a wiltio* Sons’of Liberty: I, am Worthed, that '« m .will rtow be !repeated.-Sci«Ui»fc the Sons of Libeityln' this State-are American, \Oct. -29; j .. threatening to assassinate witnesses i—. ■- -y who have testified, and are about to |B en j» n tta Gfeon testify, in the cases brought before the ,ea ** W ®N known, ns the Military Gotataission convened by me.’ ® nt h° r jof, a senbt of matbeqaaticai The names ; of the principal members | which have been very eaten*, throughout tbe State are known to 08e «. died-on Friday last at bis me, and I assure theta that" I will jn that town, at the age pf bring to speedy and odbdigb punish- ® ev ® n tyr*igbt--years. Mr, Greenleaf ment every prominentfraeinber in ev- J** 8 -fiwta ©arimbuth Col. ery vicinity where a liriroeta taay'be J*gs |n 1811, fromlB2o lo 1850 he injured by theta or the Order. ,1 : ‘ ; be was principal of Bradford Academy J-.. v Hovinr; ! 1 ; 1 Brevet Maj.-Wen -eeimnaoding. thousand-three hun ■ . -- - •; —TV ; i dred.and of .. A. fleetof wbalawj.iS; leaf tohaocoweis toldirt Louisville in ’SSaSS?j* %«mber , 1 * . ■|. * ,t '" *** * ' " \ •-S•i-1 a >* »' h BE; _ -j>. • [ j >- ‘ - , Keeps step; ttf the tni.t-i Tb® faces of h|er nndoub zbds beam' Wijth jov.for t a viciory-i not of war, not by bullet®, bat by b: ■ v - I \ lho following are live wVean obtain bn goir Harbiony, 'JCoI .PatMki jhjays not sei turn*., Tbftjsarn of ; the i ties in theilow nsbips the Democi difference o' ! : : V I Ell fBISTBTCTi 1 ■{ Big 8eaver......: Bridgewater....! Borough tp.j.... 8right0n....!... Chippewa...}....: Darlington!.., Economy Falleton ....I. Franklin...;'..... (Srdene Freedom bor.._. Hanover tp-—Frankfort die do ' ' —M’Guire's dii Hatoaony ...|....l !.... Hopewell Independence.; Industry ..J...J... Morion .‘..r,.... Moon. 1 . ........ NeW 1 8right0n....... New\6ewicitly Ip—FeexiVi • '\ - ; j | —Freedoi North Sewi’cklv... s 0hi0........'1.!,.>.\..’..., .. Polteraon..i.>.i..i.... Phillipshurg !„ Pulaski ..i.j...;....\ r ........ Raccoon-.. Rochester boro Rochester tpj.. |\..: South Beaver, I -t- M ■ i‘ T • 1 s'* \ : ND AN lajofity of 65 al .vote of all GO. MR ic of Union.— ted lojalcitiv hey have won >ut of peace, Hot* ■ fullest returns g to press.— rlh Sevrickly it in tlieir r©' Union mnjor ■ 1.117-and of s 225,leaving a lajonjy. ißjOritii <iioo p.. X iiiii t.l 105 326 06 15 67 123 164 45 d&t. i dist. 47 , 18 64 145 29 70 81 87 *•63 3? .r po r-3 to- bo supplied i iflcß lit once, or ie weapons a cnn bo Burnside >BU {once, Rhode Is to furnish 35,* ho Spencer put t Icing extensive orks.fot ihe par im as soon as y*'- v > y-j' •*r“-'“rT --Ti ! Trte«d*y.ni^ht So*. MondayVgwiit "r J . ol .Droapdod the htiakepf otf geDtkm*n S& weather new c*Mprf»n»f. tanl wttnoiu the |Kixhipl| wii on lbaVipr&ocitiapftnurdirri tlieir jnttiiiilm W- ' r ‘fc%&fsu‘-'• ‘\ Jl^inc^tjßMnirdl^^Mn brot«n*nn*r, 1 oj2i.wkj.ii ir *v!l!P ?n W- c el l.. for. lha prepetratiop ol ibe ; inhuman l,r ’* 'Carohnw'ie well outrage; It does tbat.Sae Man dimer*- wominly most eases, «* ernM wl tor h*vk*^te£snopted piid Mr M^niatuL: aDddbun_dantly-dblh to wr she rejoice* in protect them s*l ve» I* the Weetefii iffri grtdhl hlodd hM T^^roeciSr Kf 1 . *»i»» In ®‘| hCMto/knV. hoex :zS -^43 > 7 Sx.liw»|.^o4inlferB.i! runaway./laves, who arealso .irnved *Kffi f(} h^ 1 these baud* of desert. ert «h>tl ' The Kdee.l hHve givenfui alhhdpe ofWcing.lhesemen •;; hack in(o the rar.ka. biivifl|; been re an^Kh^Bp o riswre!vlnisv, E£- IpuUed ij. all jhepr effort 16 thif. end., :?*****« Bverr Expedition this pttrpdsejby tho rebelshasproved'a Ppn»i T bl <* , #ere firfd br iind failoW {Those who Were not hilled desertedUr theinsnrgenUvwhosepuin-: beri> ard con|inuallyihereaping.; Jeff. t:T ?J t u R _ v®® er *^ > l ! be &U Lavirf 4id, when in Bal/tehL that the Wh iA W n ‘M deserter# oftbe C6ufed^m^msiatL numbered the Confederate soldiers in Jf * the field - | i .<•;.- ; wldbo supposed thebupphos at Jo^n» [.Tbh extensive conspiracy brought to light at Baloigh, implicatea< ®*T er t A I*; ■ j manjljj^mlneptojficewof the S»M. ’JVJW* ■** garrisoned with colored eration parlp£who now openly threat- * r , ; J i i Ji,. , en to fapad these, deserters and their ,• .., Washisotos |ibv. 4. friend*,Land take possession bt i tbe Slate. Government of North Carolina, - and alHho railroads, in the event Gov-i fails to institute at once separate Stale action 16i -peaca with President Lincoln. | ! The pr. snys it is now. apparent to the rebel authorities that Geti. Grant hasbedn alToiding facilities to Gen, Lee j; 19 increase Ins reinforcemenU wheri Grant by a sudden; spring of-bis trap! will close up the last gap and obnge Leo to capitulate':* This, . Gov, Vancejays, is Grant's plan. Which has given 1 Jeff. Davis much concern, wjio is in favor of evacuating Virginia alto gether,; having repeatedly implored: Lce to jdo so and riot incnr the risk cf capitulation cf bis artny l Tliiiwaa told to Ur. Buss just before leaving by an ajjdim Gov, Vance’* staff.-i.*’ - j , ' New; Tofik,; Nov. 6.' • The Richmond i&nffnW; 1 says pf.the. roceiit movement: The YankeeSj 'bave| gained the advantage for position bnj the Plabk road',, which: if will pnable. them; to extend their, for], aginjd p'mits, anti ruin ja v few nipro Southern hpjnesteftds., They may nlj< so be m'bettor position (hr raiding cm tfae4|6fithside railroads, but otherwise we carjnol consider they have gamed anj’j vijtul 'advantage The Yankees willjhave mofehard fightingto do jif Ihoy pbiMSt iff attempting to hold the Plunk road,L f t’,, (■; TJie Richmond JDisp/itcft. of the j say?: is felpa Btilfere. canfl t h^hClslhinue,.known as, Gap. ivbic.fi coiino'cLs /Parris Islshd ;with tie main landor north bank’of 1 thofri .erj is exactly / two’ hundred [yards across,,eighty feet 1 high .on the. I western side, and sloping down to | river im the The channel of the riveP runs sgainsti the w'ostside, st'ri "Sing i. obliquely. ; The channel boijng fib h side will greatly aid Butler. iLd it, been! pp the opposite aide pf the nver be wtu d have bCeh obliged ,|.id coustt ucl a breakwater, to larn f.he slreariintp the.canal* ,We lyarn hois cuiiii.g diagonally through ‘the I«ih mut, fieginmng poo hundred yardspe lowthe narroyyid point and designing to c<>rpe out at avpoint wiim the chan i>el| airikes rlho I W;e" ’h ave J r.o reasonlb bei i \ve (he canal proper’ |hPs been |«U' to tho-walcr’s edge, baying not'yet Jioen < more lsa& two; thirds -completed.;' ’’ j !: ' ,* • I", i j ’-v*. Waskuiaxos, 4- It is,reported (hat 1 ilajor Xiendral Butlojr, who left yesterday JfojrXNe w York; has'gone there tio as«ime thni pcranly comniand of the Eastern D6* partment, |h place of General Dix, who Will, however, lie roturned tojthe Department (pact in com inaction With General Butler, L..:-! -j. }' 1 I j, Wikchesxeb, Oct. 20, >864. Tlie wounded in tho fidld hospital, bearing|tha namoof General Sheridan, asl well as the various; ho-*pi tala estab lished in tbe churches. |to«dav, exper- an Unexpected pleasure from; the v|i«it of I their I gallant chief. He firWt Visitedthe field ’hospital east of thd lbwn, and was conducted ihroigb' the different wards, byjl Dr.. Hayden, the porgeon in Charge.’ .The poor wounded moo,, with tearful eyes>t the sight! ot their chief, rose up in bed be he ehiered and passed through each ward, hgt it band, stopping here and tbpre to listen to tho : narrative of one Land it,other brave, who had left, a,teg 'onaij arm on thb field,** a perpetual offering on ths'oltar oi their country. Us s'poko kind and epvourugiUg word*, add seemed to: inspire hevf tlfeJarid hopi intb tlie palient?, as. h* passed along. The'acenp.wsfi truly affecting; and fiff»rdod : aionco'Widdrtcrof I the admiration fell for ihCir eommaider j by the wounded soldiers, and the sol dierly consideration which a bjrave general feels for the. men who fight arid fall by -hrs side llie cases of ' | : . t 'J- j|.' L;';,; New Yoblk, Nbv.jit L jThe bsrkt Albion; Lincoln put]jpto this porit this mor niog; with the Cap tfiini iiand crews of tho «hip Shooting: s|an, iftWni;Now'lr.drki forßanamelwna i birbs Hark Ij, Potter, from, ’Bangor Ifdr. Nontitej 1 oEmma .■ L. Hall, I fitoni Cardenasr Yprki all pf wbifib yessris Lwere car tureti byj the pirate Chicatnanga. . The Harlt L Pot^i > .wa«,barsed; October 80th; and the jebip Slwofliig * star 'and Bmma Hail on tfaa.«Mt!.a]t> ■: The" bioii Lincoln wiM oaprantd ate Obifikaihaßgjk /bonded, for .filfiiOOfi and bizty pendn*) i nclud i ng the Qap« ißfftmst: Hall. L.; F9Uer % -r>ytn4: 1 SbootingStar W«Wi.p«t bar .«t»d;.isfit; u V» _ ,A| letter received-. from the. Shen flridoah yall*y,sayatnfttthefe dilations rebelforce* are be* *9 .;N epilpts was.stUlip command, iH,i ongh, iUcbraohtf paperi* continue ,jS# clamor fopbisremovsl, or the appointment of Lppgslreel. , . Jj- I. Thecase, of Col. North, .the New York Stile agent, was continued jtow day. The questioh of jurisdiction! ob i military court was. argued and decid ed |npt to be well-taken. The evi dence will alt be in to-morrow, It does, not; appear to be pear so serious as tbat in tho cases of the Baltimore' n-» jgepts- ■ J, ; ; n;;|iiv. : The nevy of tb!*| country (is fcepom | itig:a very- powerful arm of the nation* j al, defence, i There are in active , ser* vic4ssB «Ui« mera ' wi than! aggregate tbiipage Pf tons, vagiinst jiUie original. 26 steamers and- 40i700> tonis,. with war commenced. Of tbiii humbbr 200 steamers, with 1 an ak* gregate of 244,000 tonsi have beta bniltby the Depart msnti The addi tion* which arennow being made to barnavy, are of vessels of. the first class, which wilt largely| increase! its efficiency. ' • * (■ s'-| p;,l| | " • (it.Lojiiif. Not. 4'. ■ ’4 privsts;di*pBtoh frdrfi Mo., sayst Our 1 Iroopswhinped price again at Newtdnia,, Ncpitdti County, Slof., date not given. We now hold ihd tpwn. The Behais- are retre.itipg Intjr Arkansas. . . ■ VI f V The Lynchburg impressment of i 2,500 degrees; forl.tho army has been ordered. in Viiginia. ' :The New State of Nevada- T ' The Territory of Nevada,, which has just admitted; to the Union asiu State ‘hy President Tdncoln, was organised in Uarch, For' this purpose'| about [ten thousands square miles were appropriated frpmljihc northern extremity of California; i*nd about seventy thousand from Wes ter™ Utah.' AtitheLtinle of-Iti organ ization thcj Territory posseted a pop ulaliun of very nearly seven thousand white settlers.' |Thu develop nerit- of her mineral resources was rspidljand ailnost with oh l parilled. and attract* ed a jeeinstant aireSmhl immigration toilliiaTerritory .As the. papblaition lias hot been subject to the fluctua tions fyohi which otpijr Territories have suffered', ; (the growth of Nevada has been rapid and steady. At the general convention election of 1863, dearly eleven thousand votes ! were csW During the present yepr .great accessions |to the population havebeen rasde. X j ■"] . i ! •■■jjJ':' ' ■ jNevadhl is’ probably the richest Statoin tljXtJnion in (respect t« pi in*, erpl resources. - No region; ityj] .the, .'world is richer;pn argentiferous leads. These leads are found j scattered jlpyer lUp entilro Washoe: the richest otj whitfh is that known as the Com* . slock lead[[ of yirginiaTeity. | Thfe lb. caijties pfjlhe other principal, mines th[e region |east|. of the Sional Nevada are the Emerald mines, one iiilndrod miles,south southeast of Virginia; the Humboldtl one huudj ed and I Sixty. miles northeast; the Silver mountain sixty' ini,lies ‘ south;; Ifeavinp, thirtjX miles north,and the JBeese river coun- , .try one hundred ! and seventy! Imiles- Cast northeast, embracing many, dis-' tricisandflanked by. two jot! more ,lh(anordinary, jpromiio—the Gprtez, seventy miles north, pndtbe Sap An . lohio, one hundredmiles south of Apstin,'hbw the principal town-bp the Beere'nvhr, 1,...-,'.. I”. ■."i.:- •A few months.ago. another deposit, of mineral wealth was brought to light, which bas.provw ofincaleula ble value to the silver] minere.;j |Thi? w*s'an; immense bann ol salt,? five ihtles square,;|>«*r the sink of th«i Canon river,' This.bapin, says P£ Uejmap whip City, appaar* once to. .Itpye of a lake, iiffiP«d good even bn ibe ofabout three inchps is IboSe and' in* -different; bnt beneath | this,- torajepth of ibarteetk feet. purerock saw: ft, found as-efearips ioe,aod .white “as the river ,t»qir it watdFl which-; seems to ha filtered through saltier an nnkppwn The .«!;<& aofc the fourteen : fejpt jn ’thlckassjdoes opt ooptoib a jingle j atriuifof any deletsooji*. matUi or .nltfbishi..Md )a . ready .fpr <juarr}|ng »nd.sending tiJimarlwt. XThe locality tts one haodrpd >«pU«s, we*t. v .«t RcPae lifsPe*j»nd:Sftventy. mile* east of- Y-hc. ygipfavOitj! <! o».tW«vatJani roafi. ! - Ilw onehnndredand twenty fire quart* mill* in operation in Nevada, which were elected ata coil panging, fronf About three '-VfTilf qnirts mill* of Nevada by ateam, and the balance aWp'jMvef. Of the entire' nam , fottr-fiMa ire in the vicinity- jut arginlfc. jxhere ia an arerag* of ope I jundred mUea' in conatant operation There will antaverage, tin j | oftSO pwrton, giving a dmty prpdnction peranpoio. r z^ : t .Ji\ ‘ ..-H,;, till. sdn w»« : ji ' HbhM*"'' fliffWni* P»piity -’■filljitf Com manner ofthe Order, of fcl 1,0 Sons? of Liberty, ip wbp ior. Boinaj weeksbiw been on trial r here for - hit participation in a treasonable c6n»pir : lunjed 1 State’* evidente;- anttjniadea ■ etkrtling.revelation iof schoihesof the Order. .® s Hd said.noho-, dy, but D.pmocratq.'i) ad ever been ad mitted, nor .would be ’ -if He; ap- 1 plied "He confirmedtheprevious evi-1 denco of a military organimidn io the Order, and of the appointment of Major General to command-it. Ur.. Bowles, one of the accused , was Com mnnder«in-Chief, witH a .staff, of which Dr, James,R. Wilson, recently arrest ed, was : Adjutant Gen;- ; Ho said that, a committea to was prepare for an in* surrtclion, and,that th> insurrection, jiae intended to releaserebel prisoners in the Northwest, arih them from government) arsenals,' overturn the. State government, kill Gov,-.Mbithn,; or bold him as a hostage for,captured) insiurrectipnists,, apd then form the) Northwest into a,separate cy. Ho said.that lt ■ was told by Adr jdtar.t General Wilson of Bowles staff that 1500,000 bad been sent by Rebel agents-.in Canada into the Northwest to purchase arms for the order, and vhaUB2oo,ooo had been left in Indiana in the hands of sDodd ana JobnjG. Walker,)store agent. ! Wilson showed ! Hifforn 81.000: he had received frjom 1 L Bowles, to tiny- arms In , Washington; county. ■i' ' - ' I ‘jlineih .said' furthermore, thap a Oftmraittee of Thirteen had appointed ten men-, to kill- Gov. Morton; nop a fow day s ' flip c* the Governor! received a letter signed “one of the-men,” de claring that the writer ’ A'nd his asso ciates wdfe sworn 'to ‘ kill him »t.d would' do it. ‘ Hi *' ndod the ;ern> revetMion Mtou. Court though prepared by previous evidence lor part of it. If . Governor Slorlon was killed, Dr. AthorV. Secriv tary bfStato, and a pfth^or der waeto Jake his place ;a*•provided by law in case of th.*f y death or dieabil ity of the Governor and Lt Governor, .' LIS* OP .LETTERS " • To EMAINISQ in ! the Post OSiceat Rocbe*- JK, terl P«..*oy lal, 186*1 Iran* D E, Fran!k Charles, Grim MiasMAi Grant Wm R, Jones Rachel; Kerr Mrs MA. 2, M’Drinald RJ, Swsete, Miss Sarah 8. Tibbs Susan, Willis Miss Mary. . ‘ ’ /- . 1 ■ . T. M. TAYI.OR, P.Sii ' Ssj_olEeehonr»v during 'tike winter, frpm 7 t. n. U 8J >. a. LIST OP LETTERS | REMAINING iathe Foil Office at Bea rer, Pa.', Not. Ist, 1864.' j. .. Albert Roht, Brown Mies S 2, Beck Thgs, Bonin Rath, Bearers Ifm, 'Barnes Samuel Chain Manie, Credner Edwin, Conker jWm, Craig Morgan,’" Edwards, Margaret 2, Frits J 11, Jefferson J, Lawrence Sadie, M'Kinuey C, Marshall John, Norris Mrs Sarah. Smith 1 0 P Smith Elisa, Sterling Jimes, Thompson Emma, Thomas.L.Et2, Thorn Nettie, Teasly. Mihwra : -|Qu.Personß calling for leittrji inthe’abor* list, will please say they are, adiartised. I I . : M. J andekScn, P.M. i Office Hoars,; from 7 a. a. to 6j>. mi* loice Property for. Sale In Brii I • water. Pa.. -.'.'V • i I& ■ . ■ • •• i A LARGE, two-etory Frame Dwelling House, nearly’neW, with six rooms, be tides Cellar, &c,—well stocked with fruit trees, grapes and shrubbery; . well situa ted for schools, churches, Ac, The sight is elevated, and view unsurpassed. For. further. Particulars enquire at the HRIDQEWATER rKUG! STORE. "•' : ' . [d!ot9 ■ ’ Dlvidtencl Njo. ISJij',- ; '-' Bask or Ba avis : Cooirrf; V l(ew Brighton, Not, 1, 1864. | j • fTIHE Presidenti al*!! Director* pf this!Beak I h»T« this day (declared a DIVIDEND OP FuUR PER CENT.' upon its Capital Stock, out of the profits of the la«£ /6 payable to Stockholders or their legal representativea, •a demand—free of government tat. '■ j EDWARD, HOOPS, Cashier Jtov9,’M I'OH BALM' •• A HODS® AHI LOT'ini the borough of /V Fallatgn. ari offered fir sale at a great ly reduced price ai d on reasonable' lennsas to tithe of payment- The lot is 30 feeifront by 118 feel in ddpth; upon it are erected a two story frame dwelling house and a! small stable. The dwdllinghouee eontaihsl eix rooms, and ia neatly and substaniiallyibuilL ! Upon the premises are grape, vines., shrub bery, Ac. To any'one wishing, at a 16w flg-, to purchase a comfortable residence, 4en- Tcuitntly .arranged and pleasantly; . Ideated, such opportunities as the above rarely present themselves. For particulars inquire ofj, . \ Andrew w ,<ay, nov9 Denver,; Pa.-, Quarterly 'Statement of Bank of Beaver County-' | I New Brighton, Not. 2d, 1861. ’ - ■ USODpCES. ■' Ki ■ Notes'and bills discounted, actiTe $95,696 42 U. B.6percent.' c0Qp0nb0nd#.........121,000 00 Fnrmtare sisd' office fiztnresV........ 1,958 95 Due from 4»894 661 Note* snd cheeks of other banks ..,.. ' 7,888 38' D.B. Treasury n0te5.205,00 i Cota ttVßsli... 31 * $296,876 «t ’• cuanmas. • ■ ; V ■ Capital stock-.*181,326 00] ; \ _r „ .» oirCfU'W Notsa In 0ir0u1atkm.......... , 660 ooj/ , \ NOT*ICE IN D0adep05it0r5......163,422 18! . M UjejOrpbans' Courjt « - , #BI | Due the Commonwealth...... I.DBB Bfi| PonnsylTani*. (, Contingent .fund 5.............. 8,026 92] the J!artilion of tbe re* l cB . . 0 31eg*i IHeidendt unpaid.........;... if 6,728 231. . * deo’di; To l he h ?i» * it . « '■' j ■ > ■ i ir i ..m rosentatl? es' of sold - deo n.r.rff’i' : K 1 ~ 1 certify land J'®*'?; feres'* 1 f. oorroot oooptdlngtothe bestof my Baddy. nadNoll.* other" t b». sad belief. ; Fawaab HooM.CMh’r. »nd>»«b‘b ; f b.e f t he t** l ! : : Affirmed and subscribed beforemsi iUs’Sdjaqnisitioa totnake P® 1 * 1 .*,, , fl in So l1 *' day«n»OT.Av i; ~ •K.f.W afaaid, deewM.• rt “‘"* he pr «o‘ r : ' .T; M. M*COBN, ) P4lfcj i s?wkly bejbgd .SS* * W 1 \Ufiff~>IBOTHEB. & Co’s. Extra Ckemlea IthaWsv day of Ootob«T- ' lb jBl K WrjtlngTluid.Tß'ebest mthe world. attbo j aad piece yon may ; BrngOWater DrugStora- Tty Uaadbaaon-| ■ „ 1 , , ■ ; *■»v ■ ■ , ■-daeed. MtetdkotawalWr d»o‘Aia*remi:i-la>: • PaxsnT » Omos, . \ i” . 'i :- r ,- . pid"ii.e . ig 4: ..144WA. ST and GtuOu^®S«s sks&js* * B “ T *^o«.t^4 ; ib.leu, ijf^feSS";jS»f*’«i.?' •edutor of'thelaat will »„,< ,^° r ’»ctii,' , ?S£Pi*^ yl ■ r, d * c ’ d - ■i 4 M 2»fn‘ *; • X »r*tor of the estate; of ,at&T H The finalaecount of lo« jm. ' “‘fc d«V. ’ Martini pf *? 4 Jt *- J,olmstw“eJi *“ IHt *- • Tie final account ■ of Henr» in-'t—- i administrilor/ of • tEh- "iaU." v? . p * ,fi 'S. ; ’ K«W,IIW ~ •-' ”T* . e, !/ihSL.fiP*l account (pers-mali vi , ■ , ■' • administrator- of aha, «a«at» W 1 1 Rc cd. RobiniM,'dic’d. ■ ‘ * I; Tho account jpf RoßofTt; »ad 'W~ „ ' 6iher* v a3ittin4tratot» :of the tsii?.*v C «- X. Carother*, idec'd. - * *f Ul « «f K j ' Thb account? of Tbos. Kicholtm,’ fi Stephens, executors efUh e last *Qi ■> Bent of DaTjd :. ia * '«#»; : The ftnalaccQupt of Johnson I . trator orthc esUte of Jot.n GunlniT® 1 " 1 *- ,f TheaccOunt (personulj.or Aikewl!^"’ 1 - 1 ministrator j pc tjuj estate of J,,r oj. “*i- The final acoohnt -of Charles'lL* r? ' 4cti: ■:• ministrator of the estate of JercZ'i"!; * i blc, dec’3. ' , , ««nuah The final iccount. of John jpo % ministrator $f the estate-, of jX. SHJ-**-. : af,'dse’d. ■ ■ v' - '• Tho final acepnnt of Roht. • of the : estate of Ruth Scott, deetd. The .aecount uf X). A. Cunniniham c, . dian of Vtirj ,C. and.llaunah M: minor heir* of Jomes'M’Fadden. : The iccount, of - .allison banaal. r ! ton iof Benj. Cooper,; minor , 0 ‘ Cooper, dec’d. ; i •. 1 : ■ The, accounts of, Jane Gilliland, Gaui' !; of Josephine A. andEnicline .ir? daughters of David Gilliland, dec'd ’ EU " The aecounts of Dr. Wm. Smith g„«j of, and Robert Ste»»rt, minor 1m Samuel St«Wart;.dec’d, . ■ | M " • Tha accounts,of Jain Mackall, Guardian ir : Margaret, Rlua,' Sarah; Mali! ■Carnagy, minor children of .! ... A. R. MOORsTt BttTer, Oct, 19th, '64. Notice-in the Orphans’ Court : The following appraisement s under ite it. j of. Assembly,’of the Uth *f April,'.lio'i rf'j property allowed to be retained by a *■.>;, I pr children of a decedent, ; to! the' v«l u . J s3oo,;hare been filed in tVe Office of U» e Cierr ‘Of the Orphans’ Court, of flearor court M to wit:;. ■ ' - V ■ . ' Personal properly to-amount of SlTlpM retained byrwidaw, of Jobh WjiUoa, deoluH Geo.-SI. i’oung, admr. r i . | : Personal property to amount' of $205,a, 1 retained by widow,of John .imbrie, dee’i lj. L & H; S. Imbrie, adm'rS..| i 1 [ Personal property to nmoumt of SZWi i retained by widow of. Robert Stinson, 4w; 1 James K. Thompson,, adm’r. F' ' ! Personal property, to amobht.of $31,16. tl toined Gy i widow of Hubert. Moore, dec’d.- 'John SientT, adm’r. S I t Personal property -to amount of So3,TC, and proceeda Of note’ against Uuueah i; tdjar, ds'Jdo,a-4) ntakjngs’4>Wi retained by wiauvt'bf llpnry Finley, dee'd. Joa.! A. Wtaj,-idm’t. ; Notice is hereby given to creditors, beiji, I legatees;, distributees, and aUilthera imereti- I ed, to appear’ air the npii term ed said Court, I ahd.not later than thd t hirddaj, • being un p 16 th of. Kovembetj nent, to if iJjj S they-haye, against tbo tipal conSknationcftiijiS above appraisements. I . : i| octl« . JOHN A. FRAZIKR; Clerk § L • -Notice. fS the Orphans Court m aud. for ut Ity of Heater.and Stale' of Penney; In th# matter of the petition for "peruu i)>t real tattle of Wm; Price, , deceased Boit, to-wil, Ocl. loth 1864, She Court t ’ Buie 'tn 'the heirs end: (legal repr Uses. of . said deceased to-w.t; \im. end John Price; whose, interests "ere no .* ■ed in Conrad ;Eshollt''DtaMl Price. Ji i Price, eud'Mafy Price, now! residing in State of Michigan; Margaret Price nev tiding'in tat‘State, of Now ITorifr’iMerriii Price, Elisha [Price, tririil 1 of \Vm. Price, whose ! interests arettstwi C.dnrad EiholU. ' Emeliue’ Price: inter Dir withoElisha J. Moore, and' five cbi,Mr« eaid.Elisha J.end Emeline, to-witi. Francis William W„ ITane end . Mat( whose guardian is Edward •E. Hoi and all .others interested to dfiew, cause il. they have ,why ! an inquest t'omake psnii of the real estate of said deceased should i be awarded'ai an Orphans' ddourt, loin h at Heaver,- in and for siid County, ontni Monday of Kovembef neiti | ! " - , JOS, L£»UE,“ ■■ ' , SherifT Ifle-' 0ct.j9.i853. | lb* : county of Beaver, ‘/31;i!6 cf-ieaa. ...• iOOUDfj Tania. ■ln the matter of th? partition ol , real estate of Mary Ewing, djbc d. N»». \ I Sept, loth, ISdl^he 1 Court grant. | the heirs and legal •reprewntalins.« ~ i deo’d., lo wit: Alexander Ewing. _,'“ u5 * h. said Mary Ewing, Sarah Jfnf, ’“"'“fj;. i with'jWm. Thomas, Elira Ewing. t ing,'indial' others’ Interested: ■you are hereby cited' ,to be and j the Hon. Judges of our said Comhaf on thesecond Monday of XoTe'nj!? r .”. ■ accept oi' refuse the real c^atc 01 * 11 ® at the appraisement put upon ft W “'Tj,. dulyawarded by said Coart and tr« • I the' Sheriff to Sept.' T. mi, »"d * asJ . 1 j) tain acres and I§B Perches, «> j. per acre.; and in the : event of «* ance to shew cause why the «am* - , ,j sold," October 12, 1851. IN the Orphans' Court in and"Uia of Beaver, and State of • . ts ) a- In the matter of the partition/!! tat# of James Duncan, dec’dy . wealth of Pennsylvania: 1 -Xo j(ii legal represehativeh of said dev- a. i J«- earel, intermarried with . ...j Duf eeph Duncan, Mary Duncan, -a , j l( i Can, Malvina Duncan, _ Margate .- : a minori jvhose ip -jrfi Mary Ann Jackson, a minor, *“ j “.edr is JameTDuncan, and all you and each of you are net® 0 ? , tJ c i l and appears before the Hon, J said Court at Beaver, on inp ? fuM i!ii r of Nevemberneitv-to accept e F .. . ce ai :estate of said deo’d, at thd“-:»PP upon it by aninquest duly a* .j (0 Jnn< •Court, and returned by.the , ho ? ggpet : 1864, and found to contam ea, valued at $3O per acre, ana ‘ ‘ non-acceptance to shew can shall not Wm»ld.; jo . EpHJ(EDI , IB . Sh» ; .Bntitr's Ornn, 1 ] •, \. i2, i. L 3 i '•Jj |! Register;' —.."J’-V f . , JOS. LEW* I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers