I \ ' i.ti£ Every tW ’ljjf'jliJflS’ I third sr., «B*tw& ! > !*52.00 per annun* la A and c««tnbua»W" , s aib»”P r ' ,<Bpt! ‘ u * nUo “ f ’ D> w. SCOtr, Jr.y E pOKTICA. are irdehtei to Mr. Taos. O. i l_k*hot*, |L 140th p.jf tor the following stanx.., iter before in pßnt) worthilydedieatedto HaSCOCK, th«.Mß«atof6ar*W-l . -r A TRIBUTE .Qes.Wb. Haitcock, Cdmma*ii*g T&«mi x™y < °TP*' Km : SfAv At ' «S th' R«™> of LP™"' " Hdit'), printout ta : Qen ffancotk a ■ i/rtir.ure for <1 new ComWmd. j UWKSXCI BEYSOUiS, »U»G*OK 63 . With’sorrow the lone.Uonpg i i ■ .w.-dfig, "T IfrOni her fuvdrilc child,'though ' happy bride; ■ P s ’rrievfs. ue jtrua friend when hil ■ * 'i sorting, • : For ivcaUh or for. glory, oeroce tide; ' / . ' , is so.ro.v-a dark Shadow our h (mp.'essing. . . . For too Peru who guides us to ec 'more: . "!v -i.il, SO each cjo pours a tear,, ww.taol '’’blessing,-, ■ r-. -- ;i, For llaucockj-tpe pnde^fthe > | « Corps i’ i • ■&" .* ■ MEI Me rcmm.ber the perils froin which aijedv*. ■ K i, ’ . ■ ■ Uo * vau felt tor. jour troops as t tUc 6i>n; • • j ■■ v.'a-i 1 iiremcnloud cheering, w| : " ’ ti iJc-brareii us. . ■ . I ; - y ou ,e,i ili-> tierce charge end ll ' won'. •'*’ liift-j jsidijra/. pay I*»4 7?n U st» I. ‘ , g fcl 7- , i ' . J •But Ivrgcl notjyour comrades in w ■ 'irpu.'c ie the iccor>i,.and glorioa; ](li iUncaek, the 'pride of. the b'( Cjiipe I . ' • " ’arewcll'l Oh. how. painful to bra , r t P put dujiv compels it, and sadly ui’na\g:|lt c'.ii e’er sever tlie bond to brave Hancock t j. tier's .heart. I s told to the'imser, at his bride* u Ajri thou to those friends \V|io id: j„ no more. \ re'll, think, of thee, itancocln .w! forever, ■ I ' :TUen. remember', Brave Chiefta 1 Second Corps ! Jaadox’s Dadioatiozi to 1 i> "the .Editors-of thc'X. ! . Event. 1 \ i-u).i.‘il Iho iloiiicat ■u- ’ hi CI)Ill<CCli<HI: nil u ;v\ i\;Ui Jii!'k J on, Hinl aim . i 11 <■!.-u- 0 W Lil-ll , ,v i!lit*' in -f' - _ 'fvr l-DII Hi III!' MlttO of tllM V it | r '<■ ’ llimi Oiie nvVI r '<il I llio-'all't/nli to Frm (.(•■l-Jia-i mi now, llu/eyr; uliSfinily in ,t i.i tail’s it which yo *h:t’ 10 enlighten. It r (its to Jackson’s < ,'j-; claim*' loanee, Rveni.vo Post]. :0I GSti.l ANIiRBTV JACKBOX, PUSH i r ' 1. UNITED STATUS. Happy may be the land Where uiuitals w;ith their eyes up bile eloquence her thunder Happier, where no deceptive, ligh hurti? upon Passion’sstonhy njgl fiuiJiug to rock* and-sboals. Happiest of Jilt^whore man, shall jjlis limbs at! their full length, not jlhe’sky above'his head, but the ] :Kiimes brighter on the future Ih hook, look into the East afar, i’.tmigcnt western star 1 A?’l where the_,fane of Pallis sti . Reared to her glory by his hands, iTiiou, although Oj where claejjshs A statesman and\a chief like the How rare, the sight;'how 'gn behold the golden scales of , Self balanced in the'-mailed following tho calm Deliverer of In thee again we 6nd This spectacle renew'd, . ,Glory altho'lhere be „ '.“To leave the country free. Glory ilad rcacht not there herp Cp, every son: 6f Afrie soil 1 Ve worn and weary,’.hoist ■■ for your o.v n glebes and’ga |' With easy p’oagii aid li , A lather's home ye never IA father's home your sonsshallht Enjoy your palmy groves, your, c oVour world thalTdemons ti I Look up’, look up! the ilami Hath vanish! 1 an'd Ibehold'ydtu i stored! . Never was Word more be' Thun through thy citien Let gold be weigh'd for g . Let man be weigh’d To: Thou spakest it; a. Shall crown thy U <hnd braid more lovely . bind, . | yt here purest is ', ’ Atlantic rulct Shall men discern at h Assert Enforcing to be , • TUa.race to wht Of Europe’* sons’ (In mart or gla The'image of the | . -Astrssa;’ she hath Higbl on ward*' a f \ foam l J . c -x.3, 1838. !» ' wa } ' IJ?\ doT < “ thf eoli S' -- 1 1 ' «i :\-J i f : '.''S^"--''' : : -■ - •,; -■• .•'■• '„'..;V.V-iV';,*.> ’’-I ' i'- ■[•.-;> - •»■£-’■ j - :;.t<;-.::v . ,.j.r-; ;•:••» .| *.y|.- j j - f <z •.•.<;^# ,;■, ;;. ,_J : ; '. ~. ; J-- ■'•■■• qrt..-.-..-i •-• ■* wjT: ■-v - t-.T f ... :ii J-’-’ Vol. 4O, St6«*i ; ; Miscellaneous. Why Do. Minlafcrs j>f the Goa pel Meddle with PolitUST? N oahWebiter defines politics'to: he “the science of government; thitpart of ethiejfc Whiob consistß in tharegals tlnn tpd government of a or •» fe “ |y pe«cr;;and prosperity; comprehend ttg the defence : of its. e*isteuoe-and rights'against foreign :cor«trol or con quesi,the.augmentation of its strength and resources/*amt : the protect*' its civisens in their rights* will preservation and. improvemei their morals” ; " , ; PdlititSi then is*odnre rned wii and mb/vrtdoterests citizens of a cou tatty. 1 Since the outbreak of the pi cival war, the ministers Of UreG' at least sotpd .cf them,i have sh( disposition to interest themsei' the politics of the country, by , ing for the divine blessing upoi ruling authorities, and for lliesi of lly? government in |ls efforts jpu down the slaveholders’ rebellion, and tor the plter abolition of preaching what are called: political sermons, and sometimes by lecturing upon phiilicitl questions. Now, while it is true that ministers tb t a« meddle with politics. It is also trqe thin an* other class of men question their right so to do, and seem tobe.sOrely grieved lest the,sacred office juf the ministry should sink into disrepute, and the in terests gf religion should suffer on, the account.' It: is a Utilb singular. how* e.ver.jthat many of these persons who seem to care so greatly for the godly reputation of the ministry are.sefdont i seen* in, church,’but may often be found tit the drinking saloon and the theatre; while others of thpm are church members are not. generally, tie most intelligent, 1 nor the moat pt mus of all professions of religion.; — inhere is evidently a. difference'of opinion aboiu the right of to .meddle with politics; lor while, as above statcdiSOine question this'right, equally as intelligent and pi one, concede the nghland.inHist upon its;.exercise. /AH honest men desire to know the' truth, anil sro willii/gjto Irihk it. squarely in 'the. face., N6w wfiar is the truth itr this ease? Wltijdi side is right? ; Have the misisteri of Uie. gospi-l v op have , they tiot,r the right in common with other met* ,‘jto," mtorest themselves;-to Ihe pol itiea*of this'eoghtry? I 1 .propose', in this arti cle, to consider this; question..'and jin so dn'f.g I shall take the side of the ministers, and claim for thejn that they .have a# much right as any other class of persons to interest them-ndves, in politics, and fyr the teasona which foliow'viz:; l> a.-T.r. ioth«f If k yottnj, obmrsd* t’» dark irt* bow iquest no bosom a 4 Second your,akill ie sire for h gallant ie victory brighter battles of the story, )ld Second ,k our con- ic "-part; • : of affection i tie true sob o the lover, ay see thee ill love thoi i in, thy bold aokaon j Post: i ion. from i h LainJof a from the t lie whirl i iti* ;aj)|)li ■nuutry a I lit siiftpotve I/ici.ciiln | tec. at the , although he stutiZe, a may be iiem’an‘l of .—Editors ly Ministers arc 'men,—human, not angelic beings. . Ard like other open they have human feelings and sympa thies. ;, 'l'hby haye to eat and .dress, and live in Ihnuscs. and paj* their debts like other men. iThey.gonerally have families, who ape as dear to them as other man’s! gimilifs artf to them. And they and theirfamilies are as much af fected: by goiod or bad government:as others,.' Many of them have property likeother; men.; And, consequently, whatever interests and affects other men, hi like manner interests and af- i feels them, for their inieresls.for weal or tjroe. are bouhdl up’with the inter ests of man in general. Besides*, they possess, a* much general intelligence as other men,- and are as likely,us others to fqrjn correct judgments upon 'tbha«!ihja(l«rp which'connect them? ■salves With 111 1 et general -welfare, lof mankind. --Abd, : perh. p«, it is not clai ini tig too j much for them- to say, thai they have ,a>* keen if not a keen er sen sc of. right and wrong. any i oilier'class of men; and especially that class of political pattizans/who never' hesitate to .uphold and defend any lp»- 1 liticai villainy ,wliicli may promise’to give power and prestige to their par-, 'liculiir party. That ministers’’should ! he,as, likely as 'ianj’ other' class of men to have a clear ' sense of right j and must be conceded tjiatit! ianhpir special business la'sludy long and carefully the volumn ofCD'.yine Inspiration, in which ‘Sod clearly laid down the distinction j be t ween j right- and wrongs And -it is : certainly fair tt» conclude, that they as well understand the teachings of that bhbk as ahy other class Of men. ' Min istops being men. whatever concerns the well-being of meningeneral con* corns them. The first; right; there fore, to meddle withpnlitics is found ed in theirverkableandessenlial man-, hood. And whoever denies themthis j right, may 1 very easily, fiiid ’ some'pro- j text for denying the same right to several other classes of men.’ And is it not a little singular. that the" same; xliißs ofnion who deny the right of min-j deterstomeddlewithpolitics, alcoh'dd the doctrine that negroes have ho fights which white men are bound to.l Res pect? : What dp they mean by ihisef fort to pot:white ministers on alevel with hlaek people? They profess to fre very .rnuch opposed to negro; equality they mean to introduce it in If not, what do they mean ?,‘’Whdcan feim Will someone of tUiir 'wise men ->4 vW‘V'‘ T 4 )■ , Mjtivslcps grp of theaVare r\atjye boyn d many of thepSiara thoss -Vaye*’' and **datrWtio who fought, suffered, bled altf^fwi idest or TBC lifted stand, rolls; ,ty. : - )»y,, 1 overcast pure ray i an the* past. indSf.l ‘j ' I' It see indl justice stand land! | Mankind, tenlitude! the sail! ■ners toil knew, : ive fromyou.* : loudleeadaja. Are away. ' ng savord iWadise re- !d iran, oid,’ • man. ore praise a ndAherel ter asdh Oils la! f earlier day s, t wreath sball the hear 1 there ’s atjiaosphereJ tiesi mind » it the lo: thy trui just im alone lenbwn ’a* neve 1 )■’ heavenly called ,th i rndwithl of G allic maid :■ ee; go;..- ; reoehant prow faith jcutthro’. lIM ilfllled.—[ATo« UlioatioH Tof'Ai* never. leiei'tt ■ 4 -Seaver ^: 1 : Xfce<3ji©s<iai ,; g,,--'. ...figte i* : l ■ ■ I--- i' i,. ,-.- 1 ". !.; . .■ r s'j f * • 1 ’ •“ *• • .• ' V i to establish this freeand glorious GtOT-1 enr.pienC , And shall ■thesonijiof those, n obla B|r 6 sbedehied the ( figh ttou p? <bold -ami. lefend the i blessed. -Govern ment ,wbi chiheir ancestors establisbv ed by f fiq:h jgrefit .arid, costly;.sacrifi ces? , .Bendes,' miniaters.in common, with otht j* yitizans taxed, srs.lav- lnj.com other citizens: they. country; end ifthey [refuse obediehco. or violate any of tbhse law*, . they arc justly therefor. Consequently, 'they ' Have thd’Wme interests and responsi bilities} as other cUizens. -Whatever, the . Administration of jnt affects, for' good or tizens, also affect* them, right, therefore, to/.med 'tics,- U fotmded in . their ind- until they are dx the duties and responsi ier, citizens, and placed ! itibn Tis not-to be affect- j good or bad-government j| neither expect nor de- • ill chin and*exercise the : an uilsrest, in tlie.polili the'Country., iri-any way m.io them .bestto nc» cjo» ur character of Christian ministers and. loyal citizens . • And - no fair-minded man.-wil>:deny them this, right. | find bo aiyount of clamor on , : tbe part of political, demagogues- wifi i boisuffieient to deter them from its: exercise. It is a constitutional rlghtj and itjis qeitaiiily/somewhat singular! that the only: men who,, question this; right are those who claim to ho the: special guardians nf the Constitution' and thle frights which /it. guarantees! to all} classes of American citizens. , 1 3. Ministers are jnow bythemationali law, n common -With other citizens! to perform military duty ir. the service of the country.' This, I believ ! e|is unusnab among other lian riatiofth, and there is some differ.; ence of opinion s|s to. whether it ; is, right or not. Bat I do not " propose to dismiss this question at this time! I havh now to deal only with this fact as it re tUy exists; and the fact is, that minisjurs are subject to droit and whom drafted mudt either go to, tini fieldsitTemaelveslor send a substitute dike either citizens. /Such being the fact, jl ieir right} therefore, to med dle Wth politics;" is founded in this fa< t,l For certainly no man can have' h hettdr right to interest hi mi sell in ,hfc political affairs of the count try .’t him [that man who is compelled!, when rjeed so-- requires, to fight find exposafhis ; Hfe 'dnKits defence. And' ih'itjlihß very ?anc uio.n wild both iHr ] sisl lout ministers ought to Tight ami clanibr loudly for free speech, a free pres-*-; and a free elcclinn or a free fight j utterly deny alike the right of 1 free while ministers’ to publicly ex-jj press oln [opinion upon polil'cal sub-) Joels, find-thc 151 a'lit of free white oili> j zens soldiers, periling their j lives ih | die fu-j l iof ba-lll» for the salvation fif the cbun’t.iy.hto rote for those wh;o are I ojnVake law i foi them,' and rnlf over them. Fres speech for ministers, 1 j arid u frfie vote (or soldiers, form no part.of their creed. Shame on such inconsistent canting hypodriteS, i - 4 Ministers nre divinely appointed publiclesjphur.dejrs-und teachers of the word of [God, as contained in The Bi ble. j least, I they claim to be aucji, and the laws of the. land, and the mass of the j people concede Ibis .claim to be well f founded. This being .true, it Is their c uly to Gad and man to fully ,ejc-’i plain t nd enforce all the.doctrines and j duties iiicplcatcd in the ! Holy Sciip-! aijd thus! lead public sentiment ( in the right dirjeulion -to. promote the | interests of morality and-religion, and I advalncejtho general good, of mankind j ahd fli« jjlo'ry of God. . I. | N[> v lit so happens that the Bible! not j c nly prescribes men’s duties ’loj God; asj froo moral agents, but ufso-! their duties to. their fellow-beings. in«} 1 mend ers qf civil eOcioty j Therein, j | ruler<■ and rubjacts, htsbands unJ I 1 wives; pare tits} andchildi en, brothers} and |i>isiers,, friends'and enemies, ,'pd.s-J CBrsj ind people,’ are' all tnugjit what Gocf requires [of them in relation!to each »tljiT. Atid it is an especial part of th ) hu-iness of Christian minis exjHi fn v and • enforce 1 ihesp diitjes; “wa-rning every man.and,leeching ev ery j man in ail wiidom that they may present every man perfect in Christ; Jesu 1." Fertectly warned agaiustiall sin-f slavery, pblitibul corruption. atid tfesjf pn! included, * and ’.perfectly, in structedmallthedoctrines and duties enj<| ned ’by clirifiliaTiUy*, including patriotism and obedience tQ'th.e civil law; and Tho tnurlii right, .ipip, isteirs to meddle with pt.iilrbs,' 'V found! ed m. their -authority ns public ]ex> poghders of the : word of God, for it is impossible to do this without treating upon ppliticair questions, eorae.ex tent at least, pontlc8 t ty.Jand religion'jard so;[ih tecwpi?ori} both in. the Bibib and. in affairs <if life, ahdj! tioris which men} fiua.tath to each.other' and to God, that .ft is qtte'rlylimMssi blejtb seperata them, (ind no'min|jii(ef Who uiidersUChds bis duty, V^j'jat touipt It “n<rr~witl 'fifty 'he |oe or an igncramttf 're qulrb:orsle’B'w%*it. *-'■ WorertbeleM a eeTtilii men sftji themfielye*' utf tb dictilt'e[“ tpi the ihV , subject? 'aift’d the[rne«'for miy-hr may hot praj 1 ’ add aßoutjwKich they ’may or j may -taTb’ ift d. brdaeb'. p We y#apld'Wgiad‘ , td’fcndW : By Ttbfit thdse men assume tbisdiotaltoo? *Wdo gavci' Ihera ? \Vhj9re fichls and tnijtor*-' AVe.jireaeh tre one. Conversation wlth thoPath^r-of did ensignj of.hope asid sal-vaiti'on to' . , general ■ that they ; stoufj . a world’cf iuined sini»erB/«n(Uhe pth’* ,- Kew C. Kalbfus, of Middletown^ foe duty !of [asHhaiensign of libcriyandieqhal has' just returned from ‘i'tisii to R " world, of f>pprc.-|ei Arid Chicih'riati. rolalcn an inleresilngCobi to,understand dUlinftujE tliat:|isd far • down-tpdden tAuffl led on i v e esafo>|fi with the father of (ieneral hs‘weafe cbnc6'Pj^yj^W|ao^‘noji con- by the-captain of our salvation cede "to them 'lh'e rlglwto diolate the the hosts ot' dai knessf Wo .will [follow; o | ( j Reman, who is.a veneiahle piv iiubjecie of]either planch-.inir liaiiners tititil pribfe 4 «sdirk.; 4 tr jhs^ 4 (of eighty years. :he took,the' purpose ■ it.ess. is vanquished—his kingdom, in f vrr y| to Covington, ar.d called upon to relinquish..either duty hr'Our this .'World is destmyod—the; c|foin, 4 ,.0f- 1 Hefoirnddyini qnltp- active fb{r [right oppnthisflobjc' fcarthatieverysliive is hroken—the! tljtpno of. bearing it so ’Well! that he [we shall nj>t see Up ijirch,- up, ;evpry tyrant is King; jniglTl readily bo' taken fob only sixty?' escape, their .s|andtr ‘V.ejiureh. Jlywah .Teigns .t,hro|,ugho,ut; tjtjis'’ silt-, H,trildusng "himself,,-.lie Was received [Their constant pryf NwK°“* i blotted world, bye] uciyeWnd hinnantVj j a gordial welcome, and jjassed a pel, preacblhe goaf gpoUftyl, redeemed, • sanctified. • «»4 disen- 1 | pleasant hour With 1 the old .gens. ilicsinto the palpi' ittveno thralled, .Standing erect in .toe i«o#gU>tienian, 'who is an excellent talker— business to.ij aqdiikcnesspfGod.:' i n . Naturally,.-tlie principal subject- 6f fWheD Vpy bej.» .|, : - , r Samuel Pausee.-, conversation Was his distinguished 1 itherlMiowwf «&|4M |.-.^ A »bw,'OoilOtb, 1864.! •' tfi • ?•- ; ,sbn. |: 4 > nor wuattho Vdpospel j, ■ I -*i—- ;. !j > “lllyises,” said ho, with a ..quint; liei not composes W'e no- ~j -.a Wtott|ißSuit Paasi ’ • emil i'/ibas shown aom e: g <>o'd.qua li tionaand glitterii (; tyith- T - o i,r ■ • v,J PPT , n .ties, but I must sav, he has-4nfierited lout semm *r**»'' «*»!* Si Sb Ind ! frem his mother. His phrsever revelation ol the * j[bses<of, of tlie tideS every mechanical ac- W« a'hd f -bang on disposition, he‘ niay ■ZLSSSSXL fA, ■&'«>? & *“ 1160 ' es ‘ #*[*■} fffwtT-owbv '*S3T "5«»54. 5 sings f. V ■- J and the storms which, agitate hblh, j a i> 9, r , v . L ~1 ' ?VSI. P KI ? blown|by the mechatHcul! force of! t' e wl, at does be say about the; «h™l Bn L the thesun. He lifts the rivers an<J war? U,h-s he seem to lhmk thero.s ?h«rnLl B " the 3gla cieVs c,f the mout.tai .V, and| ***,%s** to doabt °. ur 8U «H» ? T . . In !?«?! P d Xhol fe of thusthe cataract iand the el: ‘-H'iJetters are hopeful. |ln _ht» Indeed the whole of . .1 . . „ L. derive i'fim-na i >««• be, says he has not a-dquht that the Jewish batten ,*ein, .1. .t -ji Than)ler' and I bo will i heJable to •felch lbcm’ yet.’ ■ s .di..„ ii, t ,r r vo V Igtli.%' X** SfmiSi A m .„ x iMhc,;.™,, Ana system, Ual . / tl * Jgyerv nre. that]'btfrns and s P ok ot . > v « 3 h ' B u ] el - P la< l‘ ,d mBn< * s.betb separatejt«o .g X/ flainh-fthia g\o*l r «^ n ; 1,, .1 •••, I. 1 b JSls* rS 1 Weal and l.igiU which be.]: ea,d | the old genlloman politics runs throi DM \ { tt) t ho sun. In these l|uvs.un. | vbry agreeable and restameni while M.bh.rp.ly. the t.ows of familiar Mf n kee " ,3r ’ and beautiful cfat 'ted lp IP ut evei . y shnt . k an dfih a rge is childhood, I never kt.eW him [to laugh t crein. 'Wf®. A?.’ in -application or rni<appii(Ulion of or W*. i * ■ t i ... .; f; 'he hvechimical force of the sun. He “P«l yoß,see the account publish: ..enltejnmlimii t(S«i 'I *i “PJ' J !>. •’P ’’J -r'W SSS&TffI: 9° bids of Jomb ' _ hy# h | R worklil ansihip. the h.nvhorrow, ! doubt tjie story, iu/ to’The NcW : t|4&h |^“ re of Sf n “^° h ptf% h^ r S Sin Shortens Ltrs'-Evert form of. ihofjospel is moil flopedJfwe VB 00 - 8 - ’ . u:_ sin tehda to precipitate the ruin of end that John iht ..st and. Jesus tbeb !£ Iransgre-aora It final meddled With polit just abddt ; id ■ * tr . i i.K ’ • 1 catastrophe. Xot a|,violent passion the same 4 wtiyj&4b# same orteut r *P r,n n« : cud man itidulge whttlh does hot tear that most jnifiwmiiffiiv jdd,i.-making, '«AH»'«QsL«yn :i, A i.biBilidart strings. Iluw .ofihn has a duo Wi 11* 111 :tL* ,1 4 l‘ u ;i Suddejn excess qf rage broker, the gol tweell ... J e( r l tv den bhwfdf l.fe ? >Vhat a gaming.% VZa \ «h'4 all fvll ways? .• wiy.lre ,msl#s Avntings that he* . "T e T *P *V‘ w ' ] eager to' reach the end ofthclr course 1 ? o ..ik the scytho ot the mower swingvby i *> iects i V^S^is^lettJr 4 to t heophration of the siute The sun trigs the ore from *our minesj jte SrSS'cKK St. Peter alsodoaU with H' !^! ls ! tbe w . AU>r > he ' nlws ,e 'tics ,« his I'ertcrsi tu.d whoever reads i n«:n9> U.e hut he carefully the Acts’of; the ApUies.anVJ: %'*** V*®' ® br 9 \T 0 \ the Revelation oflSli John] will fiV.j! Tl.ero 1, not a ha.tn j aVheel pities and rclig on'proUj-consldera j ttir " ed - « nd ' blj.niicd op llicreth; •. | An t ««n.v ■ 44 And, now. letJit nht bb forjtqttou ; ® 19 • i 9 tbit these very wh'o so IPtWly 9 P af ‘ e - bui^qtfwofl^gM««P« • , .1 d It -i' where hisl enerjv' iftcmmilioifcu, — ly denv the right of min} ■ ' 4 1 . 3, V . ■ !■ isters'to meddle wiih| politics, 'underj-i Typarf, ; 4 . 1 , , . : taketo prove l|y jhb which j (jgjjtaDeviii’s R-ply t!> a Rebel tlrese ministers are appointed to ext, 1 Woman t i , plain, that slavery, ltd ’and ouly\.. j t I- •], 1 enr.aitring political a di- The following jjfecenOy vino, institution,|t6 sacred tliat lts ex] [;addressed to Genoral Devpi by a rebel istenee must be! maintained] eveh ht i J olnan j„ the 1 Shei.ainjdoah j’iV'nlloy.hlr the sacrifice of national honor, accompanied byfc [basket of they that ministers will Btai»>\.; > . . L , I -{if * > by in Kilenfcc, : ai?d, hear them pervef.V^* 3 ®/ 1 * “°' vcrs '| |i', the Whrd of-God. and disgrace, : Home 4 ,. Septembqrj 2j6.1864,., sacred, cause iofiiroligion in the ilnO.rt• j "General H'ev.in will plpas^,accept a strous effort tolijhk the foul and ;) trifling gift-frontsn.iiihcj-n Jady. Wjip, mbits'crithd of fjiqnntii .slavery’ tvifjh j together with a hdlplc]is,|i|n|jly. have, the holy princijlljes of thatjblessed gos-'i by his presence, beet* dejtriv;ed of ttl pol which proclaims *‘libeity to the! most the last , means jof subsistetich. captives,* and tjie opening of the priSi j a nd permit iter to- say,| if insiamals on to them that are bound ?” ;If ihby] such as this add Viistro'toj.the capse ho so think they greatly pdstnko the serves, it promises to.stand,unrivali character of the men withfwhom thby j e d in the annuls of etvtl zed,(?) War havelb dCal. Tfthey wisjito dp awhy fared With due respect;. :1 .- with political [preaching, let the[m , | . “|E. B. Teale. cease to peryert, the truth, give pp. '’-'General’ Devlh.Tetqimcd'jt|(9 .follow.' their evil political doctrineW and prao- •if pen t v . 4! ; ’ j j 1 l j » 1 iiees, and Adopt■» politics, andt”'* ‘, J, i J t and talk anti >cf like patriots and] ’ll and Cbrisliuqs. aiiil not like heathens . . ; oepwm.ber,-B,T|b*.-, J and traitors, Then, preaching polities ‘‘Madam: Your frail js re,»poc‘.fi !ly will not disturb them. Kphonest'Sfid returned. With regiirdj tq j the ci,,m>« intelligent patriot is ever grtetred by j.mpnlH ir. your note, I ]r 4 oilid sinadyj hearing his duty tohis imperiled com;- { remark: |that they soutid jip in “Iho try plainly and jhbndstly s,etjforth from [mouths pf those whp| hfiigbed at and, thCpulp't. And no'hensible mar. with j approved the 4 burning of hpii-cs a true Cltrisliar, 1 heart jin his bosom jtho. heads jbf our nnoffhridi,i|g women will ever writhe in agony at hearing j.and children, anil whose aolijiers rr.ur the vile system bf slUvery denoitncod, 1 der ours in cofd bl<’'>d atjtuhhl>rre,llj‘'r us it deserves to bo, its a foul"crime | i ,T>hAvo always.er.deaVqtjed, to ullc' against God 4 and human,nature.' And, j viate the miseries of War ak for as lav now, in conclusion, lot me say tClhesh in my powei i Certain hbt|ses I have afflicted sou Is: "bear tejarh; been unable lopreyept s] long A'* and groans will dorno particular good; j custom tolerates them ;tn ifb enetny better | dry your leafs, and- hush ypujr; ebuntry. but I have si Ways fn rinsned groans, and keep peffecyly calm, and : ! safeguards, even affet they liave been take this malte.r-genilyj • Your djays; violated E.n4r»;W > bMid.;; ®jf ,b( ,r i11* 0 ! 903 of dictating to the;pulpit have parsed ! arid equipment, byjvour omn thicyjng away ’ The .triiliisi-y bfls 'kept qhiet.{ cavalry; but I certainly npyer before too long iflreadjy. arid, allowcd the rule - received sucli a'gratuitous rhsalt, even HiVft: misrule of poftical detnagoguos j from-a a ‘southern ladf, m ; feturn for to weft nigh ruin Iho tiation; und'iibw [ the Courtesy.', ? {•■'ljl! • they lrnpadenfly : turn .around and tT alndl retain yoUr.npfO a» a curt ehargS that ruin upon ..the ministers l osityrand as a specimen ofa .Kouthetn Rut, sii&.drii shall please God to We lady’s' estimation of the customs ot Ihisjhatlor. fhJm uttor Jrutn,' we give civilized ivirfaro. ,11 || r ; j you'fall* warning now, ■ that hereafter “Very iespectfqlly, ‘. Jfbtl will not bei uennjtted, withdiitVo- ” “Titds. C.jUEVtn, buke, to carry s on your vile'CjOrrup- “Gnnefal commandrug Brigade; tiope-tp the same disastrous end; | *<3£rii. E; B- Peale.”i ,Ji | Sits. say wfciat you■ like--do what : ■ 4 -. 4 ~ .J-i pleases ybu-*b where -re : chose-eb A NEwAVaror CpbwNO r-M- Babj tsedo churefr/if to inet, seems, ‘cbodp anything i’oU'Plcef’ but you, daysbUysssedlfAffeApaiptt is oar mbtfo, iHytlral We Stand. ,ln: loro the Prepdh. AcalentJ _ ■ . the name^^of^V'GbdAhhrb set Splauii of hft’expenmenfa. ts: heivbn' blobd-'siained bannef 1 of .ed , with sundry tKe.crbss, andj'wilh this, httv rf little Stand it tpyrer doyvn, the star*Bpangied pahner bptls, and d k _- the flag staff tube Oracle «nb*|ow7 . f . . 6 64 c ..., 1. • , 7-. sta • • . i . • , • •• 1 • 1 ).§ Sr.* ... j r 'ii : ;, r./Vift* ''? * *\\ ?';. -‘ ’ f■ ! . <?>, iJs'UriT ME :>**■ 3 '"'U«r' ♦ 'jlv-*.*’ -j'. .... X''* j'T. r ’=: j£xCBANOB OF |Ne]W j»j>& ! W.«r« ns for t h&"eSp han ge iof prisoners: At .-the | mouth o'f-j j the Savannah River were arranged on 1 Saturday by the Coni missibiiers. Sup-| plies for !he‘Unicin prhoneifs had prr}- . • vniuisjly been forwarded:. . j j I •■B®“Thore / waB a gatberiijig of fi|yo .rget.e rat Sens at the lioitso'jnj widow i’thly. Powers id Princeton;'Mass achu- Sepdon the 19 nit. There were pres- Po'.ver£. aged Tiihety-eight, lu*r jdthiglitcrl Irnm Leominster, and In(r-'-} griijid-diiiighter, great-grand. dilng;liter,\iid great-great-grand-son, a!J fijoin Cli\tou. ; , !* | K£rPe nnty I e'en i a has 2512'miles of \Ouch\‘ost §141,'471.710. t— i The canals .are 11147 miles in length, jCfjsiing 53,‘811,700] XTlie real and per sona estate in ISCO amounted to-Sl,- ! 416.501,888. = The State debt,. is T ... I.vifinber SO, 186-3, was \»39.48G. 51)6 , ' tnlo’.vinjj a decrease from ui\e preceli-s ; in!giTear[of.SBls,6lJ. : —n— -\4 I • - ■ • -1 ‘ c- Nevada.—Ctfpiesof the. Constitution | and,Ordinances of Nevadu wefe^entj td 'fbe President bji telegraph, at\a* c-'ist of. over foiir thousand dollars;^. The ambitious young State deemed, the investment warranted, 1 thereby securing, three electoral votes. tj®_A woijrian was found dead in her' bed lately at Bordeaux, apd tliedoe ; torsassert - that she died-from the feels ol the smell of quinces, a laree basket ol which was found in the rdom‘l ■■ j | - . '■'-••I' • -I , I - • ; | j®. A ; wealthy but -weak-headed barrister.' bnpe remarked to Curran,, that‘/No one should be Admitted to the bar who had not .an independent landed properly“Alky I asic'sirj’’ replied Curran, '“how mjany acres make a icise-acre. ?!’ K ' t, ‘ ! \s n .person \ transfixed with -{riniazemetit ainil a leopards tail ? . The j one in rooted to; the spot, tho otUcr spotted to the root. ... - j [ J ' ■' lrishman said i few: goose berj-ies give so fine aflavofto an apple pie] that it would bp u darlinl of an upple pie . which' was made of goose berries entirely. ; jL . ; f 'J 4"** p~- - i 89L.A1 lady who sings in a phoir. eayjs she will marry a small.man,- be cuuse short metre hims [are the easiest to get along with:' ■■ '■ “ .. *■“ —”^r—-- .. Manufacture of Tar \ - , i ■ crania. ’ It' v,- Perhaps in r.of ptiUe i.n jtKjj tfnipg- \ resources thereof been mors . largely developed than in Penhayfrar ilia,' In sevet at Of the sonlherncoiiri ties cotton ha*' tejon successfully CuWr« ■rated on a small scale, wHi|e|lhe grp,vf- i ing of tobacco hjas been mada ona of , 1 jlhc the farmer. Ig-* deed, theimportaiit eof tobal;eo*plaot ling bus now bebcune of the firat ebar | acte.r, and Ujsl harvest a: jniaMAtt »f- I great importance' , ,We that in C a ;nbrtik.jSoraer's6t and (me ad- - joining ebunuesagtod quality pr-ttfr. , is heingmianntac-tdred from jibe knof* ik the pitch pine. The manufacture oF s thiB,Bub*ti»ute.-for North Carolina tar isl carried] 00 quite; eJtl%i*wye)y, and has already considerably depreOi* T'.J' ’ . .. ated the pride, of the. latter. article, I W.t)ne who is half »lan, half dog, I The tar produced aoswere nearly [ will bow tot.be rich and V‘ oil 'the requisites.ae a>ohstitntojfer Ithapoon onginel i Article.- f*m ChraaeU. l - I , ' r ■ . . ' 1 - : lit- ' if ir - , j®“lt. a woman could talk, out of thritwocornera of her mouth at the earne time, there would feh agood deal tai|l on bothnides.; . ■.■ ; tat A. man.-on that a cer tain kind of stove 'would “nave half the coal,’’ «aid. “I ll.take Iwo of them aiiii flave itali.” ; '. d'; MI ■i;;- - '-C ‘J&‘ -iff'.'.' iv' ■’,* ‘ *’ ~~~~~q ~~~ T4~ ■ Ad»»rtiaBm*ati ,-^t pet tqnar#.— aaeh .lnttrllgS Wccntsr i. literil'dlicouiit yearly v ' tfetl , . - A-apae* equal tg- Ty»t,T»lij> e»<rfthia typa ; r - : : t->~l > C i;4 ,iU* -V ' ‘.. ;j. apd.oiibfr.-SoUeM-^'ir-paitUe^V^jM!CrpVff ;o1 ■i * ■ I -1. ', Tb® Crops fbr the 1664. i The final report (September • nit Petober) ofthe crops fdr the pfe»c|ijt ] j,ear'h»<tjujt,beep-,tnadc;by ;i .^?ie,Agj . riculiural Waslvingtbg, ; The returns are now! lull,, add whaj . r h.i»i> hitherto been estimates assdthoth# ■_[ character of ascertained! qua.atjilfosi-ij The whaat crop amounts to 160,605;- t j 823 bushels;• It takes about flee baeba | els of wheat to.make a barret of flour, , ; ; which would make the- production, quid to thirty-three millions and.i half barrels, or more than oneand * half barrels to every one oftbe poga« J_ latidiM)fiwenty niilliona whose, indua*. . ,f~ try /produced it. The -, production .1 of wheat is only abd ut :n>no ™illiqpf . j| less tnan in IB63,wb;chwaf consider- ’ " ! ed un excellent crop. I‘hef/ rye pro- . j d action was 16,872,957 bushels or leas than one million short of Iheiprodttq- j jtmh'oflhe previous|yo!|ir. Barley 13.- 7.16.328; »boaV4Vd’|same decrease a.* rye ip the -year’s production. Pats 56.690,064S 6.690,064 bushels an increase df«* Ihons over the previous yerir. Hay 18,115,7,51 topi, dr about a milliph aho a half tons less, than in ,1333. porn ( 530,581 bushris.or .about seventy eight j millions increase oyer the 'year pros, ■v ceding. BuckAvheaJt 15,700,540 bushy' els, an-increase of nearly three mil- ■ -J -liopsJ, Potatoes a decrease ~ of four millions. Taking .the' yearly; ’V p rod uelioivthe ic fo re .Jv h e balance ts iq favor of 1864.. arid the qnanity i« much bettor.- If the currency uid not alf feet prices,Hdl the leading- article* .of • ■ provisions. which form the support dfUiie.%vould be’bssdn price.K •, ■- -j ' r' Thjb ■, spiglmm, | another valuable crop,lshowa.a large increase. In the production of auirnnlfood, however . a material falling off in pearly all the, .. States. The, I production' of flaxseed , shows a very large increase. 2»eW Jer sey and Pennsylwahia taking the lead , • id this increase; in the flyst amounting. to over fourteen pet (cent, andv in Pcnniylvanla cone. i| Ten' at: the loyal States pi oduce cot^on;K-The falling off * in -tobacco ii s'etjdowh- aV~ • millions pounds.' Bilan d-. • lag all tlie increase and (decrease of vegetableS and acimal production,and Iberoys shown, to bo an abundance pt food .for the population. ’ ing pit (of it is thin the production bf >1 . it "should be so largo- with so many . men/engaged in. yla£. acilaojbmms- d^• structioh'bf aniinul vife ior war ptirjio.S-“ cb; “Thfvase, of machinery. ui (arming/ j has made up for the absence;df namli. :/ Hereafter,whenjpmicc is establish- . i dd. its gpodeffects will ba felt in high* • |y increased ci-.cpi : ; • ! A : late tom Nt i nGerniany-doseribe* the ■ ojoohoniy practiced by! tbe,peaji*j' ; ahtsas f olloNys: Eaob ■Cter.min.Kas ■ pis ]. ; housed his orchard his'roadsides ' bo, laden will) fruit, that did. lio.hOt fnfetiilly'-.piop thenVup, tip them to. get her, r auir in ciaop Wacps hojd'lho \ houghs {ocellierjby 'wooden f-lan'l'?.’ • they would be torn asunder by their. < |wn weigh’t. Hp bus own com,. ||>lpt; lits plot for jhAjps'ei waizal or hay; -.; t'oii .potatoes, forlhjem'pr.&c^. Jleis-his >w,n■rnasler, ant! tbere/or jjhe-und hi* • • i’ainiiy.'jjiiye the .tiio!lvaV for .exertion, ' In Gej-fnajiy;riptfiiugbVlbs't. /. ■ The produce ot tliej jfeo.iui b.ilfft cows is CaiTi'ed to mayket! . iLuph[ iVuiiyis . dried for winter use. Yuuyeewoyd- a en trays of plutnS, cherries, jurtd sliced , apples-lyihg in tire gun «o }ery.'- You, (fee string* of .thilro ,haffling ; ffont' the. ' .windows in the {jun.' , J • T ,;■ ■The cow a arp keptup the greater | part pi the year; a,nd evcny 'groea thing f. .isApbilectoa for) tbeiyi.- s:Kveyy , lUt\e . ribpk, • whore the!brass grow* by* ;;• road side, river, brook, fs cnt by the sick 1 e,ahtfeat ned Ktm,e on the i,beads pfXtbe women and,children, iti ; |.baaketa. orxliedi in-large, cloths- Xptli ing of tHe Kind is dost that caii lie ; mdde of ai.y jAYeeds, nettles, the very goosograss that : waste places, up and lakph for the cows ,You >iee little 1 child rfiO, - stiridiag inilbe j. andiin'liie streaipS Vhicji generally j run’ down them! busyVashing I'nOsO Weeds before 1 they : are giyen .to tWo cows. They carefully collect- tbo leaves ot the grasdi'.carel i)lljjcuttheir v potato tops lot them, .aud.dvcii U oihi>;, Or tbiugV faU. father ‘■gceear^savea'' from,the wobdhtmls. !•' ' ■:}' Vi> .. Agrib^lturali Grerznan Ecoconj|y- W: El ! ME gieM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers