\| “VANITY FAIR.” ■ i first/fiehlly clever comic and .satirical journal ire hire Lad in America— and really clever it is. : It is .both sharp and good-1 empeyed, and not afraid to say that its soul is its own—which shows that it has a soul. Ohr readers will |bi( glad to know where they ca’n find native fun that has something .. better-in it’ than mere patoi*.”—AliamtK 'j•• '. Monthly. ■- ■. “ '. t - 1 -“This paper is eieclhnt. . .. ■ Remarkable vi : for Y. Traveller. 1 . j 1 “Vakitt Fads is conducted by atvivacioas,' witty and Intelligent corps of journalists.”— > Jjitei/iiid (Conin') Engtdrer. ;' '.‘Will wielid as potent an influence as ,tbat of - the London Punch.’'—Batten Traveller , < - “Whosoever Ends hiniself laughing ; at the wit of Tasitt Fale, and does not return a yutd pro quo. is fit for ‘treason, and spoils.’”— .V. Y. Crayon. ' j T : -[ - I-. V : ■ SPECIAL -5 ITICE. i/ ' ! " * - The very marked and fla teringsvreccss which i • has thds-- far attended the publication of . \'- "VAXiir jl'Atß,” ‘ Enables the publisher to announce that with ' . the\cWrrioncemcnt of Second Volumes is-'- raedlthis day, 30th Junci iCew Features, both ’ Literferyand Artistic, will be introduced, which will; increase the value and interest of the pa per, and- fully, maintain the proud position ! ■ unanimously accorded to t, 'as the leading Comic Journal pr America. jV, ■ * VANITY FAIR ‘ I! ISStr.D BEGCLARLT EVERT THmSDAT. and is fop Sale by all SeWsmen.-and at the Office of Publication, So 113 Sassau-street, Sew York.’ . . r • j ;■< : - : TERMS: 1 ; Three doUars per :annutn, in advance—Six ,< oehls siugleiopy. , ■ / ■ ' , ■ ,■ TEEMS "FOR,. CLUBS .: 1 .Two copies of Vavitt Fair will be sent to , one address f0r....;....'. 1. —ss 00. - I . - ■ Five copies.;..... ..12 00 ' ’•Ten' .copies.. 4. ........... ...i;.’. 20 00 An Extra copy will be allowed to thegetter up of every Club‘of not less than five copies. ■' This paper is Electrolyped, and numbers may be procured at any time. * LOUIS jl. STEPHEN'S, Publisher for tie Proprietors, 113 Sausau-st. Sew-York. Office of Ji¥ COOKE, 1 y SJuBSCRIPTICEf AGENT, u-At JAY COOKE & CO„ Bankers, 140 SOUTH THIRD STREET,! Philadelphia, Nov. j 1,1862, THE undersitmed. Wiving, been appointed SUBSRRIPXION AGENT by the Secrcta - ry of the Treasury, is now prepared to Xur ’ nish, afe-once, the i ■ ~v .Beic Twenty Year ,6 per ct. "Bonds. , niV|th* United States, designated as “Fire- T'.i'onTics. " -redeemable at tbc pleasure of the ■ Government. after; fife years, and authorized . by; Act of Congress, approved February 25, V--. 1562. Thc-COUFON BONDS arc issued in-sums of ss<)., SI ( H, .?500, $lOOO. ; '!• Ihe REG ISTER | BONDS in, sums of S5O . £lOO, 3500, SlOOO ahd '55000. [ Interest ft Six phi ctr.t. per annum trill . commence from date of purchase, and la, PAYABLE IN GOLD, Semi-Annually, which is ejtial, at the present premium on gold,to about BIGUT PERCENT. : PER ANNUM. ] f . ■ t Farmers. Merchants Mechanics Capitalists, end all who have tiny money jo invest, should know abcl renfembcrithat the'se Bonds av-ey in i, effect,A FIRST, MORTGAGE; upon alTßail roads,. Bank Stocks and Securities,' , and the immense products of all the Manufac tures, Ac., Ac., in the country: and the full • and ample provision madedor the payments/of the interest and liquidation of principal, fby Customs Excise Stamps and Internal ■ Revenue, serves to make these Bonds the ‘ ■ Jlivt, Host Available and Most Popular Titvestnieiii in (heMiirkif. «. •■ if Subscriptions-received atPAIUn Legal Te nder Notes, or notes, and checks- of banks at par in-Philadelphia. Subscribers by mailwrll receive prompt attention, and every facility and.explanation will be on applica : . tion at;this office. ■ -.rf-i', r A fnll tupply of Bonds tfil'llbe kept onhand for immediate delivery. , ; • ' . . J r VV COOKE. SnlfecripliDn;Agcnt; A Rare char.ce for a iGoot! Invtjs'rr.enl* : ■ \.. F olr saIE : ■* . QTOCK AND .FIXTURES OF. A COUNTRY *■' ‘ > STROKS, in a geed ; Location. with a Targe fun _*if cusr.'Di: situate Aviibin 13 niilc* of Pittsburg; .Uu-r in time for,Fall.ji'ndi''\V;iiicr Trade Suck Id?w at present; no unsalable G« c-ds. . Terms,cqiv. For’ a /map of-limited 1 1 '-capital* nV bettor -change.could Ho.cflVicd. —- Store and .'dwelling’Louse for sale or rent.—t . -Address **R. L. J? Allegheny-City. I’a., giving real name, aad stating where an 'interview ■■'■garrbe held. - - ■ Oct. 15, UOTIGE. A ARON MOORE, of thif- B-wough is. the j \ ' only ZrrrvsEß Atctioveer jin this coun ty., He i.-.,at any Ome, ready perform-the duties of kis noriftedf Any ether who attempts to selPat Auction, except at Ad runistrator's sale,' does ii.in violation of_law.- The penalty is not lc*s than- SCO. Beaver,-Dec. 10, '*62. - .SStiVav. CAME to the premises of the subscriber,. AnUhippcwa tp., about the Ist of July^ , a Mbile Heifer, odd. The owner is rcquesto4*Ao come forward, prove property, '■ fay charges and- take her away: otherwise she*' : will be disposed of according to law. { Aug, > - THOS, MKIXLET.A ■ ’ 'i otice. ' ■ A P trsoTrS baviixw unsettled - account XA, or Smith &. Collins, within the last iwcuty years, for Carding. Spinning. &c., will please cull at the Fallston Woolen Factory, before tlio first of October,- 'JSt2, and. set/le the 'same by cash or note. i , ■ I jyUVILL - . EPIFM. SMITH * . J. W. CRAFT, COMMISSION MERCHANT, [ i No. 185 Liberty Streft, ] PITTSBURGH, PA. Orders for Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods, * and .Groceries, prcftptly. filled. at the very ' orvest prices, when j accompanied with cash ; r an equivalent. : ' ■ seplT:Cm. ' ANTED—IO,OOO Bushels of Wheat, VV « 5,000 ■* I V Bye, . “ ■’B,ooo - ’ Barley, ‘ ‘ “ ■ 0,000 ' “ T Qats, Delivered iri'Pittsburg, lam author . led to pay. the highest' prices. Address, - V- J..W. graft: Ifo. ISoj Libtm Street PilftlurS. ; , 1 seplT 3m. ,j ■' ' RAIL-ROAD HOUSE, ADAM JOHNSON, PRO’R ; ROCHESTER, PENS’A. Scissors, Gum Hair tins, JT: Purses. Port Monaits.iSeediea, Tweezers. rcneil-sLarpeners. Spool Colton, Thread, PißV&c., for sale at tbc Drug Store of ««8p- DE.C..P. CUMMINS. B'EjijBIPT 8 AND i' / AT THE TREASURY OF BEAVER COUNTY DURING THE YEAR 1862. } i| - . J •..[ i ■ ... ; V-. 'j|l, ■ !t—- . . || : V; ; J “ •" ■ I. ; ■ ' I<V 1- ■ . ''/ •; ■'■■r '.. V : Dr. _ " RECEIPTS. ' - , ' EXPENDITURES- . i Or. I To Caahreceived dnringtheyesy, asperTrcasurer'aacconnt, By amount brought forward, 14,060 19 exclusive of balance of last year, $79,618 81 Courts, expedite* ot, rix: l' ■ . j ■, _ j 1 , Clerk«f Quarter Sessions, genualfeu, 80 62 > |,| ! 1 | . $70,618 81 Constables attending, ' 169 88: -4 .j • ===== ' do. returns and mileage, ’. • 62.68 ■()!-■ il ■ , - Criers of Court, • , ( 8400 t • | ' •' ” ; v Crand Jurors, $4BB 66; Petit Jnrsre, $1,407 81, 1,986 86 i, I f Janitor of Court House, Jobs Gibson,' 98,60! -, Projhonotary’s fees, 1 • j . ,27 62 J: ’ 4 ■ ■ v j, ’ - ' . . ■ ’••• .• 1 ■;, Sheriff, summoning Jurors, 80 60-42,664 91 > J !P. t i ' Conrt'JJouse, Offices and Jail,* tit: K ”i -J" Dockets, Duplicates, Stationery, &C., '246 86 ; ( Firing Furnace, Attendance,' &e., atr Jail, 263 00 ; i • - - " Fuel, &c., C. 8., $92 06; Jail, 99 81, I 191 87 r _ ;i i* ■ • * . Iron-lining cell at Jail,. . 248.56 1 ! , EXPENDITURES. » Incidental expenses—C. 8., $lB 62; Jail,sl6 60, “84 22 ! ; - Bt warrants issueddunngiheycaroh the following acc’ts.virr • Printing,, $267 75; Postage; $B. 47,- 266 22 • , Agricultural Society, per Act of Assembly, ' 1 $lOO 00 Repairs—C. H., $l2 92; Jail,fs2B 64, . 41 45--1,280 18 Appeals, expenses of. ; , ; $2l 68 Elections, General and Township, Tit ; ‘ ! ■,! I Assessors’ f 429 60 Advertising fee. Sheriff, - = 1 ?6i . P: do , Military . - . 183 75—.634 98 Assessors attending, lists, 4te., 87 40 4 . .Auditors’ pay—John Stewart,: 34 60 do notices, *O., . 182 03 I | 1 v ■ <l% j Vw. K. Roden, 36 00 Election officera's pay, 642 83 1 i .do Findley Anderson, 34 5° Use of houses, fuel, lights, ie., ’|•. . . 55 06— 968 07 1 „do Joseph :Lcdlic,i (State Auditor) ” 34 50— 139 50 Hospital. West ern Pa.,'support of inmates, , 204 16 ;11 j Borrowed money, _■; _ i 1,650 00 . . Bouse of Refuge, do & , do I 497 28 I:; ... interest paid,, 4,763 26—-6,413-26 Western Penitentiary, do do 80 94-4 782 87 h ■ _ . 3,114 47 ' Justices fees, swcaringconnty and township officer*', . 1 i repairing, . h j ' . .73 62—3,188 09 and issuing certificates of Fox scalps,' . i 64 80 Commissioners’ pay—Samuel Lawrence,. . t 890 00 Poor House, support of paupers, • 4,800 00 : ; do" do ’ James Wilson,, 1 461 00 ». do of land . 1,867 13 ■ ; '■do 6° Daniel B. Short, jp 455 00 ■ I do Directors’pay—Sami Moorhead, 1 26 00 (do do William,; Barnes, 70 00—1,376 00 •do . do : do ' Henry Ooohring, 25 00 ! Clerk to Commissioners; Richard il. Agprew,; , 450 00 do ... dp do John White,) 25 0(446,232 13 Counsel to do; ; j K.P.j Roberts, Esq., • ■ 60 00 Railroad Bonds and- Coupons, purchase of, 13,265 00 I:'*’ I Commonwealth cases, -viz: ■ _ 1 do ' Costs abd expenses of sulta, .. 145 82-18,410, 82 Clerk Quarter Sessions, fees, ■44 77 ' Taxes—abatements.and exonerations, : - 'i. 25 92)' ] , , y Constables’fees, ; ■ | 1 156 68. ; Advertising fees, Unseated Lands not sold, 17 50;') ■ i District Attorneys’ fees, ■-j .. - ; 68 00 Errors in assessments, &c., j. 1 33 58 ; I Boarding and washing, prisoners, , 228 77 ~ Eost County and State, Collectors’ returns of, 527 34 ■ x Guard at. Jail, S100JH); ironing prisoners, 75c, ( 100 75 Purchase money of land by Commissioners at AJailor’s fees, Sl4 28; Justices’ fees, ,$18:18, r *27 43 Treasurer’s sale, ’ ■ : V 482 - ! •. \ Jurors, boarding of, , j ;. -j 120 00 f , - Taxes and costs refunded in land improperly 501d,)22 17—1631 33 Prisoners’ clothing, &e., £ ? I 6 99 Volunteers, bounties paid to, and expenses, 31,456 01 j. Reward for arresting i 23.72 do ReUefito famiUes of,. 6,056 77-37.512 78 j Sheriff’s fees, . ! ' | 33 57 “ t do conveying convicts to Penitentiary, 12 00 Amount of warrants issued to Jan’y 8, 1863,. $77,497 08 Witnesses’fees, !,)-»' 1 j-712 40—1,530 08 do road views, fox acidps And redemptions, ! 252 95 Coroner’s Inquests~fCprOiier’s fees, j , 64 45 1 i. 1 do '• , : Expenses of,' j—.. -17 88 C 5 ' ~ ’ $77 749 95 ■ .do , ' ■ ?P6s»mortyin examinations, 60 00' Eitcess, nett receipts,' •’ i' 868 % do . fees,, 36 , * ‘ ° I' ’ I $14,060 19 ! ' ; ■ $79,618 81 * . > ■ 1 ' S- ■ *■ T * ’ t -<• I f ' ■■* e - ■ ... ■ A ■ ■ v.- 4 ■ ■ ■: • ■ ”. . • • ■ ■■ ■ ,-r -t i .\. iI- GEORGE C. BRADSHAW, ESQ, IN ACC’T. WITH BEAVER COUNTY. Dr. JANUARY ,si. 1863’'- [!■ , 1 . ■■ „ i To am r l rco?u from late Treasurer, i t •. $7,508 07 ■ ■ “ on unseated prior to 1862, $ '2-10 72 of i “ i 1 9,908 68 “ “ of do 'interest| ’“ }' ' 220 60-10,436 00 “- ' .*■ . of tax-payers before Aug. Ist, 1862, 19,509 01 V of before ,Sept. Ist, 1802, 1,189 97 ; ‘V of Collectors for 1802,; I 8,115 82-28,874 81 “ ; “ of do poll tax, 859 “ “ of John Roberts!, fines and Jury fees, 166 67 i “ cfjcbh Brotvnj-jcn bond for costs,- ’ , ’ 102 00 ; “ “ of discount,: tv i . • - 32 50 “ of .James Wilson, fdr posts, ! i ■ • IPO " of- Eli Brooks, bpunfy returned, .T 1 50. 00 “ of redemption ujouey, , . ~ 80 95 **. .‘atv °f P on - D.! Agnjety. tcmporaryiloan, 050 00 - “ r" of borrowed; money, ’ i- : 12.000 00 ,“A “ of; “ ; for bounties,, - 731,017 ,00-43,667 00 of. lery of militi^'fines, ■ j. ■' _ : .945 00 . ‘JjMkss 01, premium on -State tax, over amount i*. P r ct. allowed tai-payer^, Tobalanee in Treasurer's hands, Jan. 5, ’63, TABLE OP TAXES LAID IN THE SEVERAL TOWNSHIPS FOR COUNTY PURPOSES AND Amounts Credited and Due by Collectors; together with 5 per cent abatement to Tax-' 1 ! c Payers for prompt payment for, the year 1862 Also balances due on State Tax. •! 1 , f•’ ’ ■ Levy of Gr'sam't Gi|?, amt Charg'd I’aid by Uppoa- Coni.|Due by Colloc's i ■;*l ! . H i DISTRICTS. 1 18ti2 pd Tryas pd treas! ■to • Collected nil* d!, •- , COLLECTORS ■ i 4 I 1 hr Augl Kr.S|tp,l;Conct’*i lops; Lands. Cola.;Co.Tax. iSt.Tax • ' *• - ‘ I Beaver boroi. .J 905 03'. 832 07; 32 Bii 100 Uii, 22 62 3 Oil 7*’2s] ...... WilliZT Bencoro : V, Big Beaver tp._......ri. 1070 23! . 824 09 87 04 879 10. '.. 379 1«! ■ Samuel Mitchell i’ ij • . Borough tp.;.}'...........j 045 70; 454 74 ; mi 02- HO 04! 40 00 7Co ;. 101-39! Tilliam Bcacom.: "i 1; b. ’ ' j Bridgewater b0r0....:.| 66 4r3 39; *10:41 180 70. 'll 38i 4 OOr, ICC 72* William Barnes 1 ; ’J i Brighton tp...L.1029 54! - 707 12; 5C| 88: 205 54| 4)6 3«!. Slj ...... ICB 3t| Joseph K BcU' i Chippewa, ip.;. ...A.i 831 77i. 810 75. 50; 15; 470 67; 447^i5|' .. „..L—l*9s 77 William'Lindsey. ! : ; i Darlington i.l ,204 78 100 77, 8) 17! 9o 84; Oil 01; 11- 20 72] ..A.. David-. Powell. ■ 1 ' I 'V , , Darlington tp. J 487 49 821 77: 110'48i 555 24| *270 121 3 61.1 ..U. v 272"611 ...... Joseph'Dilwofth. Economy tp._-. •- ,1340 801 726 61- .605 83; ISO 58; 1 Sit- 400 031 DiiniclJ Comnlon - 1 IN’ Fallston boroi 431 70' 294 70 1 1 OS); jSS.O! ........I 3 071 131 341 893 R* I*. Covert i ' ' Frankfort boro.: Li .160 23! 'l4l 79, jl3 44 4 47! ......J , 8 97{ John J. .Campbell. ■ i i, Frankim tp r .. ; . 094 08 i,14 60;. 16-'l6 ( ,!♦>« W- 83 4,3;-. r 'BO 4ill .....V | Abram Thomas; 'i I' Freedom b0r0... 393 12 , 220 20, 17 72. 14 5o 001 228 =97 63; ' Christian Haller f i' . . ’- Gcorgetob-n Wo -.204 80'- '' 115 36- * I 47 , 28; . .89 19: ■' 38 35 j Wm. U. Trlmbl'c.' I ''' ' ■' Glasgow bdrAU... 119 OF 36 81' , v jBB 20 28 00i 1 06; 04 16; ...... ! lYUliaro I/. RayL. , ? ■' ■ Greene tp..:..i.';......... 14i-3 Oo 871 97; ,84 60; 49b. 47 ...A'...! 35’...... 498 -12i200?74■! VOa, R Trimble ” ? Hanover tp.’..!.....1939 68- 1069 ,07; ■64 93j .224 98 ..4......;'.. 224 98 : 87 90 Robert keifferi- -’ ’’■•" ‘ : Harmony tp.A.......... ,| 2341 OR; 2341 o3i • ........ j „-r, (Treasurer.)- : . i Hooksiown;.borp i 28n. 96; 100 28, 5 47| -73 201 ........ | ...... ■ -'7:; 2lV> 28i>7’ Wm. R. Trimble. 1 i' ' ■ Hopewell tp....... :.l 123-2 21! 008 3-B’' 87 ( 96| ,476 28; | 475 28:180 29 Jos. A. Fleming. ; r Imlcpcmience.lp ..; 928 S 3 o4J 94. 47*63! 33,2 88j 120 ,02j 1 «(if, Bf.' ; David Alexander. • ■ , Industry tp'.aa A--90,-It. 29-j --8 4 84j ; 2 23; 293 02! .■%.■■ ; Joseph Ammon. . , - ..larien tp..... ............ 4OS u-.- -lb Oo o 1.; 84 -8| ,42 92 ? , -41-86! • T;-Henry Schramm. ■-I , Olr.on tp....L... 810 03 -1.0 -4, 43 00l -i.O 19j 9 01; ' 8 «li 364 17! I William Elliott. - i ■ Y A. NowiDrigin.H)n!.b"VO.... J 1711. -M: .807 74< 41 63; 802 (-7; 830 17j|16 14i,i.;.... 466 70 1 , ....... i-Rr p .Wilson ,1 ■ 1 * New -.Sewicfclyit]!...l-67; 27 030 83l 86 29! 034J0i 330 ;1T 4 28{k' ,293 70- ......! William Zinkhorn. : ■ <. - 1 - Nonh Sewickly tp • 9i7 4i> «2i 84- 70 95; 3,9 10; 105 58 • 4 4Mi 209 f>Bi ...... James J. Hazefl f Athi.o ,tp 12f10„94 , 940 88; 33 821 280 24} 108 43 2 10 109, 751! William L. Ravi. . i ' •s". Pr.ttrrsontp.4-. 386; 97! .; 241 61;, j 144.86 j. 96;08 4:...; <...... 48 28| ...... James Wilson. '■ -J ■4 ' * Phillij-sburg b0r0,....i.l 290;02 209 81- u COl 81 21i 73 58 3 57 >... Jacob Strobcckcr 1 V i Pulaski .p..t.4.......:.532 94i . 201 651 34 is; 237 10; 139,01 2, 00 fr 95 49 Src 1 I ; llaccoon tp..;.i. .0 991 ;4E 628 34j ’54 08 ; 308 99|l ....... 28...,,. ,308 71 48 74 . Elijah Bnrnos. " i ; : Rochester bqrQ... jl 919 iB4; 500 92 16 2(1 347 ; 0.69175 S 3; 21 ,So| ...... 150 40 Joseph Hays. . '• '--Rochester 370 |Gl> 180 14 45 77| 144 60i 128 Tlh-. 8 68: 7*25 David Mitchell » 1 : South Beaver tp....j 107i2 IGb 790 GI 85} 219 01 j 111 52p 1 37j ; 107 02 ....... Robert B, Eayi. \'V ■' . . | " (3(K)54-!85jt9569 011163 010314 2313115 83| 98 409,4 816065 13[059 38 ,V : . ;^| , ‘ Amt bfopr.ct payers, .$975 45 . ; ' *Paid off since JanuaTy 3th, 1863. . 1 ■ ('' > • Delinquent Collectors for Years Prior to 1862, and Balances of Taxes Due' Jahiiaiy 1863. .fioLLEirrOBS. fCISTEICTS. f } r ’ s Co. tat. St.Taxj COLtECTOBS. • ’ DIRtBICTS. -. Co. fais’St. taxi 1 {. ' j J t 7 ■ ■ 1 •I ’ i William Thompson......... Darlington tp.lS52 47, 02 15 73 Amounts bro't forwards... ' , 483 74724 69 Elilnj Evans i...........Patt1cr50n tp.;. 124 42 HO 70 George W., Stripe... .Glasgow boro 1861 *35 061 ; ■ I Robert Nelson ....Pulaski tp... 62 : Richard J. Frejed... Marion tpi..'. +37 891 t ] Benoni Daw50n.;............G1a5g0w b0r0._ ? ......‘.f..;1809 * 51711 8. 16 George W. .’.Moon tp. “ *455 48i1p3- 41L John 1\ ilsori... ..Big Reaver tp. ....1860 *-34 90 Hiram Reed New Brighton b0r0..,....* “ 209 111 ’ I George'lY. Shroads ....M0cpitp...................;. *l5 3« John Eat0p......]..... ...... New. Sewickly tp << J. 81 01 | I Amounts carried forwardj.. ~ 1f.......... ' 483 74 —r —— * Judgments obtained, f Paid off since J5n.5,’63. j 1392 29 Dr. : • j ■' BEAVER COUNTY STOCK. >.. . ; ' ;JCr.- January 5, 18.63-1 ■ ■ ; ’, ; Tp amount outstanding on general warrants; sl,9l£| 01 “ . on warrants per loans for 11 : bounty, ; 1 ■ 32.229 50 “ on bonds, 61,861 43-94,090 93 Oi^o^a^ & t WM. BABIES, jf ; ij Ciormnh»loner«. 1 ’ ■! I M i'l i Ammi" STA TEM E N'T-1| *■ 1 RICHARD H A6NEW, Clwk. r " • ' v.- . January. 5,'* . '■ 'i By cash paidon warrants during the year, ■ : $74,090 20 “ “ on certificates of road views, 182,00 “ “ on certificates of Fox scalps, 60 80 i “ “ on redemptions of unseated lands, , , 60 OS— * 252'95 “ abatement allowed tax-payers, -j , ' ; .jg “ commissions allowed colKctois of militia tax, ’35: 46 1 “exonerations- “ ' 299 50—1134 90 Trees, cpmms’n on $48,007, rop’d, at -} pr et, 218 'B3 .I ? i ‘t “ “» | “ 543;45958-100,rec'd,at2pct 869 19 ' “ r ! “$43,807 50-100 paid", at}p et 219,33 -Of’-l > •“• ‘‘ 1 “■531,410 GlrlOOpaid, at 2pct C2B, 21—1;935 Of. “ Balance, cash in Treasurer's bands, , t I 8,035 20 194 89 : $87,126 83 “■pr93s~2G January 5, 1 863. h i By balance in Treasurer’s bands, I ■ $8,035 26 “ am’t in Collectors’ hands prior to 1862, 1,392 29 It' Jj *1 “ “■ “. •< for! 1862, 6,065 42 “ “ due on unseated lands prior to 1862,- 81 ll ‘. V-H M “ “ “ “ “ for 1862, , 08 46-i- 170 57 <• “ due by John Roberts, Sheriff, fines a juryfeesi ' 1, 108 87 •“ “ due by Hugh Sutherland, for store, . i 19 00 Balance, '■<' r 79,309 82 . ■ " = ! V : $96,009 94 s9o.ocd 04 'Redd ike jdirectors of ti ‘4 ■ii i ■ ' :-I 'I. ' ■' ; - 1 11111 m j .. ■i ': ■ heldeiptb. To cash in Treasury, Dee. 81,18(1, j ' “ “ rec’dof County Trots, foi ‘ support of Pi •« .« t< proceeds of farm, ; i “ " M ■ Co. Treat. for paym »t on farm,: i •’ I i. ' Cr. I|\ fiXPI By cash paid, Merchandire uid “ “ I - Support of insane , .1 do f J out-dooi Removing) paupers, Medical atlendanct ■temporary! relief oi Funeral expenses o Meat, $27? 89; butt Wheat and .flour, i Payment on, farm, I Male and.female hire, | Steward's Salary, $450, Physician's dc $,lOO, Treasurer’s andOeAnsol'ssalaries, , ! li !■ ■ *' Ws, tHc undersigned, Auditors of Beaver Cpujjty, tlo certify, that wehave examined and audit. Expenditures of the House for tlie Support and Empl >yment ofitbe Paupers of said, county, and stated. Given under our bands, i.t Beaver, the sth day of January, A. Ei, 1853. 1 ‘ V •]. j, . ' ' v - i ‘‘ ' j; ■f ■ 'I -j 3 j■ • i ■■ ' f ,:i ■ Alfred By Moore, Esq.; Register of Wills, &c., in Beaver county, m account With the Com i* J- I - ! ' ;• :: l ■ I. : v •. 1 *, ■; ;■ -T I -Dr. - -.a. . To cash rec*d;of estate 1 of John Wilsoni'; ■, ■, “ “ ’ . Elizabeth Miller, “ “ 1 ‘ “ Adam MuWanhon, " v •• Samuel Searight, , “ ■! “ ’•• Georgs'* Frank, • * •• John McHenry,. •• “Hariry Cambell, , “ William Nelson, ,* •• Abigail Glass, i ’ V ■ “ Jatnes M. Littcll,; *• Andrew Knot, " Gottleib Zcrwcck, T! ; Cr i ' '? -i :r - '= ■■ i.• ■ (3■, '.’IT Beaver. CtocNiv, I hereby certify the above bo a true stqfement of .CbllatcraVluheiritap.ce T-i* Moore, EsqJi llcgister. in and for the county <BpcaTev, during the }|tar ending November 3.a,th SO”' '■* THEi COSMISSIOSEES OF BEAVER pbcXlXj/ 'J V y ( . |.-j j-- 1, " '■ IMPORTANT TO FEMALES, j; DR- CHEESEMaN’S PILT S The combination of ingredients to! these,' Pills ire the result of a long and. extensive .practice. They are, mild in their operation, and certain-'in'correcting all irregularities,! painful menstruations, removing ail obsjruo-i iions, whether from otherwise, hcad-.i ache, pain in thri side. palpitatioirof tjhe heart,; whites, alt nervous affections, fatigue! hystor- j ics, pain in the back and limbs, etc.. disturbed sleep,, which:; arise fromdritcrrujition of nature. A Dr. Oheeseman’a Pills | . was the,commencement of-,ia. pew era in,' the treatment of] those.'irregularities tions which have consigned so many to a rut-. XAtrnE 'craVe. No female can enjoy good health unices she is regular’, and whenever an oh|.i ruction[|akes place the jeneral health be-, gins to decline. ' ? | , j - ■ I | Dr. Chfeeseman’s Pills '* , are mdi t cflccmaUyicdyj for all complaints T ccxiUar- to Wmalcs. ,To all clas sed they lire 1 invaluable, us(h certain ly, * periodical regularity. They’: are known I to thousands, ¥ho have used them at different periods, throughout the country, having the sanction of tome of the most* •mineniuPhysi .ii ! . * ' i. !!■ ” ■ - t i) ‘ ciajia m America. . f • . ' • I ; if • -■ A . ■'! : > j Jkxpficit dii eefion*, \ftaiiug when they slmuld not \ | he. jr«cd, with ca,clr liox—the Price One Dollar; ppr liox/cbr faifiing from to ol| Pills.; j | Tills tent I/, mail, promptly by rciniuiug to,! the Prbprie or. Dr. of Pridgcwater, ' 'sole/agcnt for. this County. . J . i ' < I [ ’ ; R s }. HUTCHINGS,,Proprietor. •'.'ll | • - , •20 CcdaV St.. ; iiev York. j El •; 1 i James i^ocy '■ .vs ' !'| Susan Hocy, Llßih FOB DIVORCE. . The origi ml and alias tuljpoena m tl iscas having bee i returned iV. /i; !/.; and du proof having been made Unit Susan floor could \ not bo found .-in Beaver county. I !anf therefore |i .directed to gtVc notice according, tq ItUy, re*J quiring the ' e spo ml ent .Susan llocy, to appear, in this (Jour ,1- on the first] day of next term,l being the. first Monday .of Match nest.; to an-; surer the pet itlon of libelant, i ; j . Susan 110 iy, the respondent above named, is hereby:m lifted to appear in this Court on "the first Sloaday of March, ncxt.|in'pursuancq; of said orde r. ‘ JOHN' UOBKKTS, dcclT . I Sheriff. : . JA T|AT( (iksi . B@iofl3c •A ILL c!a liack cutcd to col 278 00 m liLd a. Townsend ■ I ' DEALER IN. . B 0.0 ES, 'p.TA TjONßli Y, ‘ Wkli TPapei?, TOYS AND FANCY (ARTICLES ; noG. j NEW BRIGHTON, F a ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICfe. LETTERS ofadministration upon ‘tile esT; ,tate <k Sam’l Wilson, late of Raccoon townshipr.Bcaver county, dec’cjl havltlgjbeen granted to | the undersigned, all persons' in debted to said estate are requested to make immediateiayment, and those having claims against the) same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. i . I'P. M. KERB, Raccoon tp., ; Dee. 8, * . . Administrator, i ; 1 . Do You' W*nt Employment. ; . I OFFERa pleasant business; for the"Sprinrjgi and Suiimor, with large.pro'll ts., Send for myneW oiroular, {containing full informal ion.' Addrwa ' SEARS, tnartfc. i [ , | Wl'Wniiam St., H. T. I' ‘ t ji il ?'■ J.-N «( ■«« '/ •• i it ' • ir If “ . ■“ I y , ««• U I ff ' cti *1 : «* 'p* , <■ . . Amount earned forward. E *-*» ; . t .• I* .•• i' M MI _;:i • -• notice.* ■j bln the t:oiirt |of C.i X Picas of, Beaver count j 70. March Terntj 18(>2. MES S. RfJTAN, •ENE Y ATLAW : , RIOT A TTOBNE ¥ t ‘, GAYER,. PENX’A.- . ;.j;i sin the’ Cfqurt House. 1 ‘ ' I ims| against tie'Gojvcrnpaent fdit| jay, bounty and 'pensions, . prese lection with the Iqadt possible dc t' ’ ■ 'l' ■ , . dcflij'.62 ( :'; 'CIIIL ? S:T OF A.I.L HON 11 ’’i ■ V '■ — , ! ■ ! ; 1 i ; V ' " i v e Ppor and) Mouse of Employment of Beaver Co. fo. 1 l * i ' 1 /' J’’ , \ S T -A. T E jV T I =lll If Ili •• i 86 66 tpac§, 4,800 00 •T T ■. 612 79 ■j‘ ■ v -|- 1.867 18 JES •' toccHc*, - 'i-| |aupers, r . \ • do : on out-door p f out-door paw f paupers, | y er, $l2 71; -I pMiper*, ipcr». j s i ■ i I' ■ r ■I, __l y j j ■ j;. STATEMEjfTi ■ . 1 -|~ r7 ~ : f ; S 7 ißy balance overpaid lai t y6ar, " • ! ' r ’ i : ' 1-67 63 1861 -; D^ c 4g, **“■>'. : , ■ ! : 2 J 'g* . ' ' 1° <)0 1,862, Fefr. 12* - do'L 'do do i ■" : . (118 21 . i Mar. 18, ’j do .do 1 do ■ o3! ' : >ry. ! 'IB 60 - May -7 . v ado -do - do ■ ' :2S -l 5 Jufy 1; 3. .. do To ' do 1 ; s °“* ‘ : 1 ‘ Au g. 6, do ’ do- ■ do ' r* - ’ 55,: . . . o -h 900 *‘T 26 «* • |l ft VIA i rii >‘‘«U : • ' "20 54 Sept. G. •• do do ''do : . ■ !^- ■:■ j’ : ,3 50 Oct> 6. .■ • do do .do ? eck I'. : 25 50 , Nor. 29., - do do do ®> '! ... [I j By cash paid sundry Appraisers’ . H do - ,‘7. I'f.; : t: 'i i . “ cotntnission on $540, 50, atopercent.,' ■ 7'o-"7 I;, i, ' j j ,‘Baancc duL l Commniiwcaltli, 5540 5.); ■■■" ; .V : n: i- ■ i^'• ■ ■- r~i'— r ■ - I ■ • ■ ...- •, solo rf 4^—l—- —r the above to e a true cj n >„uri ’ 11,- * y <BpcaT' .daring,they -«mber 30th, md-sluv-uryed itjr Ain-ed,!! IV ‘[; j '■’ J.' T.V.uI.VE, Aiidu-.- ' i: j-' Jhjjk/ . .' exec jsEillMY INI) :!N^TITUT;E;|^“^. Rev. fe. Ti Taylor, A.l Lt.jPriri. '-u_ ' *.L « ni •, : . i -1 j-ibrignod. all p Mrs.A. S. Taylor, Governess. , a f c mpw* td « AlfleSt CLAjsS SCHOOL FQR THE EPu- . *-l| pse having'} cation .of iilpud’g Ladies. ’Special- ehro present t'beia t given in [the Primary: and Preparatory De- . thlcnticatedU'Or partments. ; f - i .'| HEX All excuses ■.iexdejjfTuition and per,term of fourteen week 5.........!...... S3B 00 j ; “ I Tuition from $d off to $8 01V ! , i | • No efforts spared, tej thesrhooT worthy of thjc .confidencejof its phtrpna. ,‘r >JiS&4 Send for a Catalogued v '; . . : next term commences Pec. Sit; tC2, “|D h ©r, Ttrj.jil^ir^ A*ch Street above Thin!, '1 j- PHI LA DEL PI.IA f Pa. j Tipton S. Newcomer, Prop’r. || if 11E1IS Hotcpis cchtritl. ! Conve dent byPas- j'ii 8 , senger, fiailway to rill parts of the' i City, and in every pavticnlar adapted lothe. .1 com brt and wants of ihci Travelling' Public. ... TERMS, -SIAO PKFi [PAY, f: ■ . 1 The Sewing j l .! ■■ sold A. M. M’CjS.R KG OR, LiSEK I’ENN & ST CLAiK STS.,. 1 1 , PITTSjBURG. PE^’A!, :eds onxy to be 'seen v.o be : aiv | .. ■ PKECIATEDI rap22s-Gm COil; A. R. THOMSON- | j ' TTOR NEYI AT LAW,] Office, corner vf Th rid street and if € Diamond. ‘ BEATER.PA. ‘ ay2l ‘ ' ■ - !-■■■ v- :' ’’ BENTELVARBUCKLE &CD ; manxjfactutkks Of ■'CAH/BOIT OIL, ROCHESTER, v ■, « BEAVER : COUNTY, PA. fap2 i mm on, ly, No. IjQSt X>OSfi * ■ . , ”, ■■ i. ;l Jr.' ■•'■ v EOST in Rochester. on the Cist of, Oct Or her, oj Black Shepherd Dog, with,'white rim iround his neck, and ■white tip on the'end: of his tail* answers to .the namp-o,f."King. ”;! -son finding' saidi; dog will be suitably ! j id by leaving him! at Johnston.'!; Hotel, ndiestci' Depot, or ht the rcsidcncc_of teriber in Jtewj Seivicfclv t ! p. - r . OHK6AUUAUD .jjpr •NOTICE.’, j TERfj of testamentary !on I lie estat | Thomas Moobe, late ofiOfcenc town : leaver. County, Pcnii'n llce'd having . •anted to the’unijersigncil. all persons , ;d to said estate arc requested to make -iatc payment, and those haying claims aaa nst the same will present, t leiu 'properly authenticated for settlement. ! ; > - • JAMES NEESO.V, Hanover tp, n>vs. j - I,: Administrator. T ETTERS of administration: upon the; cs- JL Info |of Daniel 'Ehkhaht, date of Big j Beaver lp. : , Beaver 00., • Pa.,-: flcc’d, havjng j been granted to the undersigned, ’ all persons . knowing themselves indebted tb said estate arc requested-to made immediate payment, and those having claims ngainstiillie same will present them properly authenticated for set-1 llenicnt, r■ * - W. It. FOSTER, K) J FRED, GRAHAM, • j jtn» 21 ‘63. ‘ ii. Administrator, j I}issoltitip:|ri. t' : ;' heretofbije existing,ttn-1 1 ft der thp name and style of' &| Uaul&aob^'Eallstflh, engaged ili tlie-Foumlry andMaehine Business, -was duljy iJiSsolved on] the 8d day of June,; 1802;] Tbe;-boo|;a of the late [find will-he settled by M. Darragh & Co., at their office in Fallston, Beaver,coiinty, Pa.,| where they will continue businjete in all] its branches. All-persons Vnpw|ug themselves] indebted to the late firm will please -call and Settle immediately. DAVIB M CONNELL, ■ j fc : I .'i j 1 ..MATIISOIi DAEUAOH.i FaH*tpn,j«lo,'o2* 8. H. DAfcRAOJ* : | 1 h • • 'i i By amotnit forward, “ paid, Coal, js76lT6; Drugs <> ' Shoes and kneading, H' ' Smithing, ’ 1 I■■ ■ r - - “ }•; Towing and hauling cord wood, “ • }•- Directors’ extra services, Justices’ and constables’ fees, " .$' Insurance On properly, J ; Ferriage and bridge toll, '• ;• fencing boards, * [.■'■■■■ IVf • ' ii’ Traveling expenses, ii'r . “ • -Chopping cord wood, $33 90: har, Sl3 oo ■ft / ff . Plough, stove and fixtures, ! “ Publishing receipts and crpendituree,' l : J ‘ L . ; Stock hogs,.sl4 50; threshing grain, $7-^4O ‘f Stove-pipe and tip-wire, ’ “ f 1 Hardware, $5 50; pottage stamps, $2 85 ■ “ Miscellaneous items, ’ ' “ Balance in treasurer’s hands, Deo: 31, 1862, : - $6,705 67 ffifta $ 746 88 1,802 19 ' ■ 464 50 • 6882 X 188 89 Xm 98 68 72 1290 60 216 86 1,857.18 817 70 650 00 86 0O $6,162 5} MEI 'USfSJ:'- the year ending lie, l " TURES. T $2B 86.; 111 :d the forgoing exhibit blithe’Rectr-, . '*™ohx ta:th^ > f ■ fl;i V? . -1 V ■ i . ■:, mon wealth of Per nsylvanla. ■ VTOR jS NOTICE v on, (ij 0 e^>. '* 7-COf:N. late c*f Pulayjd. E a v ijj:g been £ramod lo .thc-Vn- indebted to faaiJ ; mat:e immediate piiymenb. and 'ibiiui irain?r -ssiid [ estate ) thi subscribers proper!}- au. seiyemcni. [’^ l\ {t‘UILLIS, tp.. *' ii • .1, } • ••j . J>xeeutor. d’cclO' Wai ited Immediately, ;__ |P- Ajf'l'OOX,. SKJL'XK. ,n.vi T SKIKS: toy whicll the i, 'rill- be pjihl nil the ri.mf jof ATKJNS, liciivci— * • ' j d-'cIT Fox, mini MUSKKA rices, in Cas lathing,,Store f the Rig Hr l Ufor;S': NOTiCE s' -tcs-nricntaij: •on i!.e if. Geo. jiofWEr,!.. ol’ y t v or (jo^vnty,,dcc'j.- 1 living i« : : undersigned, nil IpetWiis .fe. estate are request ed ■lO iicrli. tin'll-those ’haying e nd!' present tfieW i»rejv..: ■r settlement. j, ■ JOHN BOSfWT.T.t. , .j ; . BEJi’J - ii:. I*l.l * - /, :. EXEC .VTTHEitEA I V\. CMlitC 1 rigifton, Bern jrauted to the I *htod lb said pifyi ,!aipst th*siiu ‘itk v hiicui|ulu ■ I '♦ . 2s,’l£C: tirnmA y 7 been gv tic of .Tosep letters -tesVr.mep' :n nUid to Xjic tiniler? ir: i McCrc:uly. .Sr,. o l’aS. *;;■ )?olyc‘V in/iel-H d’ i\i ,-rd<! i ! *b! Eiiiko jinymcat}! iKiiutiil j=*r VjiO :*j £o 1 meiltV' JAMKSSdVII-ld .ii'L- dr- ' :stt^.Tonr : US;ltii(\r?' nf Jntli i-’ovvrisliiv'V ■_ i*!)'. duly yranu-'i'.''’.’.-'' l . porpons ■ ?_ r in'iijke inim'cai.iU' '' :!;:irhs apan : st *l>e; =•:*tif* 5; k jper y fur }& l iC ? J ' ''• JACOn FpO^'K.. 'y , ; -Administrate ra\ ; Mare. jtlio ]>reni»ses of ibc liig* 'Dearer , tonnzhjp: JJcaW |e evening of the -Mib of Ap t\ .Mare, about 5 years old, hi. v ,’ddlji. marks, ofl'li-ind hougli 'e:- t or bruise; no ot uer murks jar ; owner is desired to come IV' •opertT pay charges and take i tt be disposed of no 'JJAMES K. CALHOUN- *ccno, tp. blowing . thu ire requested nd t-iioso/hav ircsent .them rated for sclth ADMJXJ riniEK’E: r? the c ‘ of Kaccoo.n I ceased, havii I uersigned. ?il {litre those hsfviDg ssfiit them jn i oent without scp*2l piAME to : living. in bounty. on,tf j «ny»JI i*n,v ill around, srj ■irgeVi by ;i ci ‘•ii'Tftblc. - Tii . p i wnyi orothe :ord'mgto lav j ime 11 St- li. cnlJMNf.l-4. t 1 J. * «' CjVpi Ciimminis t^°n? DpVkR tlleir, professional services .jisl’ s -'' Wmnsfatul Surgeons,- to;,t3s «w«* ! 'Beaver aiiil vicinity. 1 They r ouhdJ' \vlicn nqL ; C|- 'V- Cummins,.ll; D ' r;?.j TUS ! ? ,orc Ltecii-'i- KiaiAY CO"' iV, t M odwfV***. !<?<* L"?, V with a white faccUbont byrtrs o«-,, a bell lon,-ireticl two or three sins inf -J'•; other InaiiWs visible. Theowncr. to conic forward, prove property, pi. v - and take her away. ...... p sintH.l. ■ ocd^iot.. n . .. .| , [(' : TVotic« , TS hereby given that I ; I ns Surgeon . by the, Peyton I q <,, - 'examine jWunded and invalid *■“_ charged froriUhe service; jhM. rojv extendi to, any County.; State or 1 and that II am ijow. reedy to c“; er ■ discharge of my duties. ; ..r a, -»?; i. • GEbRGE McCOOK,. ' Oct.lo—4l. I . . -fOAXS OX FlllsT- MOUTG^CiK^ JLi' nog dtiatcd'attihe.PlTTSßX-IKC SAVING 3 BAXkLno- 6" FOCEXS 3* ; , rjttaburg, op favorable terms. 1 _ ■ ■ -ji&iik- c. *.. IS II 31 ! I I ■f i _ - ■ 50 Tit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers