' L i \ 4 gAVEB Wednesday, Marfch 1863. D l. iMBRE, Editor £ Proprietor. TFR3IS - i*- s . E Dollab anil FimrCrNxs is' aSjVaxck; otherwise Tjro UwV® he charged, jfo paper discontinued ■/rtfltil ill arreafagcsire settled. ; . £g;~-i .cttcre a lui cominuniceiiona, by mail - live prompt attention.. REMARKS OP MR. HENRY-j led to enl'er.upon which ,v?ould have jiSrevr out' tho objebl'.‘c^ ! hiBssohi , ch b-jjr 'AMi QX.lj q'P.'ia'inmr j . —r~# i . i . I been altogether unoxcußublo if liot tlio'licels/ .Hero : .TemnrkTj ;• ,j '-- Lf.ji.J-' \r- » f . j -...-i' The folio wing i are the; remarks i’criipinai. . I shall' propent. only t|he Jable T(^''Nat^|'Ela^ueWe.'or^a^lotiim. made by Wm. llonry I Esq!, jin Mhc 1 promn.eut features ofthb case,brought j.th|ng' ofa : UI ' ~ ; ' ' ! ■ :'T - House of Ebnrcscn ta lives on Uhe Bill f WU J ,,f> , th * *«» allfe “‘ .cprapaas, leaving I round, Sheets r^fjfchag; : [ln thojllinpis Senate lately - the xrpuso m ncpicseniaiiv s, on »«H jeaell one tf>< ] raw j, 18 own inferences'bad my oWn waytyOt \Vpaldstd|bave f o i|i )w ; no . ML.). d aa A a v it mi. ! to change the venue iii the| case of i an( i roao h Ids own conclusions, i ’ : found me'hereM 'MM . '-W-ill' •lr , °i\ in °!^-f?? 1 r55? ' T^e,,e Mrs. Barker ei al.i , / !; the month of March last, a‘most 1 Barrington to Cen W pi-etehsi^ • Jlr. Sneaker . the rcm-.rksi l 'shalllairbcions, cold-blooded murder was ■ prclerred afterwards! «“ M a Hng the present yar; : btit, offer-ip the: House on i this Ipriposi \ perpetrated,. iu the north f wpsteynj “I o*?’ 0 *?’ of t*?®- lion will not be presented in jJthV/ox- Reaver county, the victim, ■P ‘ u fervent' pair!-. peclation ot; changing I the purpose o f|nfiined Jpljii Ans.ey, having been yx • * f |V-- Wfl’+liVn ‘ W'c’(should' like to have se4n 11V ,rp, lt |p n i m mi -this floor much I very respectable in| was over, and that] M act*d t r i; j ; • >, 1 °^V 0 -?■???■ less of affecting isohe* of the! 3'j^ iirs r with Whom I was >voU ap- .?Fot;,h| bill : yet thon-Vh a foregone conclusion I qwair.ted. 'Thai crime was probably he . at. thq, P$N? -»* .-M its stimffg eloquence 1 that i t will be sustained,-duty tlonmhds tbe result of t%vo other lawless acts, | house of the ta^iW^ ’aping small jobs,d may bp rcatT by thp traitors- who tdls- I that I shall uot. ipermit it to jpass in. j tli© road lo ruin thus, us oflen i jyifJon-j.fJV'rtg 0“ the : j State;of : ,BonßBy]ya-' .! silence. It is 'bardlyf-; npebssary 11»“& *®. those who give,-a. loose i:ein , generally.. usefal.| Thpligh the , , Tlie voice of a 'patriot like thtif {•(tr-cir.in.eatjy a jouinal o'f NOws and j gl)olt ]d state to the House that to ir.c j l (> unbridled passion, orthobiisc !and convicts each, otller or j . ~.. t_( _ / y.. :g. j.-u-rature; Thk Tribune has pollti*. | t |,j s j s no t u'.pleasant subjeetj' I con- i wicked.- emotions of the human J exchanged a woid 'fcftce thehpurjof °C l “ e 11 j'hpis Senator could" be, raiapd 1..,-, t,.-v'.rlioi-.s: which-are well charac-1 j- egg t 0 a f co ii‘ rif r of regret that lam j mind'. irecapturc, thp |i: an dir sitnilup effect'in tour otyri^Lcjjjs r,>.v'eydho single p ordTlurriiiacAN. j i ltll . u c . a |y et | ujjoii to stand iu the way i- | Anslcy bad left bonio for the pur- ’ reel ll. -, ’ Mature. iV;ho has couragd td sjfftik rk „- llvjinhiican in its hearty adhesion even ,in the smallest de-! pose of seeing a- youiig inau .of reck -j ; Row, sir, ayord jo. the complaint the truth ?] ■ f ' t(!) h e gtea't muh that .••(.■ od ■ gret, of those whom 1 , have always j i. ; ss character, iialuod -Hli F._ Shbcts, joy information agt@q& tb6 faiitilyl— , : J ..-\ ■: \ 4 . .r, y tiiiii i -"-t *<i,c blood all nations ol men ’ - respect etP and have -always met riu'j about a hoise supposcil to have,- been | Tpis was made by thy Blieriff, nbtirdin- .;. _?ph 3a tion ,was 7 chuECtl; by. a — !’, -aau-iieaii in iu , asserliop ,ol the J y-ndness. and Courtesy. dJut, sir,- a ; stolen, and sold dr traded- by Sheets 1 long pent ujjf j’cehiidiij ! of revenge 'or j dulivpred by Mr. Furik,-cne Of ami 4 ■inalienable 'rights ot- all j. scugc 0 j pnljlio 'luiy, ovc?-rjding , ail jto iVnsleCii son-in-law. Anslcy' was 1 political cohs£dcV>itl<3u|. iu^"- r ha > S J ||.beco “ ,e •iphest. jfarmers of ' tho’ State,, a ua-i! ,:(•'>■ ■ lile. liberty, and- tbe pursuit p o rspual (■onsideraypny. - const rains | last seen alive in company with Sheets, i most absurdly and fapely*iafii.eged^—but - over §3,000 perahntim >,l-' iian]iiness J '—llcpulilic.in- in its ,^„ le td protest agaiiist- the passage .at i and some thjree or four days subso-1 from a sense JalOuty, df -piibfic diityi-u-j-1' 5 d‘ ixc . s , Idwai-ls the support <;f ' the s-.i-.-i'liast. earnest, detian-t__hosti!ity to ;ii{,i s ji J .|il,. and Co oiler some coifsidera- j quently, his body was Ibiitid iu-nltith- f-Uis lioiue is twenty qUtiiailiromij v ,o yernmcntl ] I.bo and gdlcfy, •• very, si hune and ctl'OM ol the ■ Wuyb; Uons why in my judgment iif ought jer -retired place, riddled with-six- halls; [the county tdwit,-WifT 1° .Washington iff 01 *®' .orowuM-. with : Mf. T//u gr. tVom tiie Aiu-.exuin.i. i)t ioxa<; „,,j - ;«>'become a-law. | ' | I tLe-horsd also-'imvuig.-bceri killeth and ftoouixty auduLe : line; and un-j n’.b 11 "! Id wjeet to tricing fpsojii-i t.; tiic grenii Uehellion. to.;' gi ;asip ; i!n>. y,'i l( . M t |, e -. lii-oiiosiiion \jas first i ’be body lying near. 'A - few days, af- S til two years ag'o,im krew iio'thing- lipnsuvhioh \vg|’e beingintroduced by , eijipii e, iii the }>■<••.«] \\ orld :.:.d# w;ehi g „,Vee'le:J, I siippo'scdi t lie main ques- i ter' the discovery of the nnirder, | whatever of this famSy; the two lybars| l a’. ?®. timp, and istayo; ; ii-.-i resources of, our country' lor- '.! s . i,'.a' lor the' epnsitjefsitiois' oi the I'Bhects was arrested; in the State of having been by ktnp and i^'j a 7° the appropriation for own; aggrnudizpmcfl—-Be)>ubliean mjf ,; se whet In.r iu tho bounty I ' ( Jbio, where k ho originally belonged V neigh borly fcoliiig. --j y I ; | | f - late Cibverfimput:-^ ".f. rc-the < J vsjs»ts pi 110 -,.epreseift. puldie virtue was ,so fnviaßv‘r thp lapse of six inouths, kt|\ It was tlioSsbeiil • -yrn'o j ,t 1 T ■’ .. - (■ i, .( mi \l orliJ, who U„:aU- y.aii .m tic . ~U oj .og iustice so lari bb'iided, i l bc .September term *'of court,'; Whs .'ilf .to act just as lift Mid in the easo.-I Ll*. poak^ r . Can K S1 L •> ,n >"*/!'• BCat . andj .-slamiiics Mn.oei.h thnist-,, by passion', dr' preju- f placed 'upon-'trial, which was conduct-j Herb a plot was- whaled to idin al- :; Q b ngeu and see such bpys play go a:-.n ns the.,- Anu-nean; ; eoun er-, . - , rf ■ ' ; ~ ..* , * ( i with-great care, deliberation llnd h.ost entirely ebnsamatcd, the "om- i' T , T° tT,&,a Sj^ V; i a Initio:!* iT,.-sneiJii.%ho|imparuali.y.l .. pletbC sueceJs of«4idh7w^ •it-ncJ .l.emibiic—Jicputiiieon in -its 1 ~ 1 . . . , ~ w . .1 . t , ~ , r r \l hev should have asses ears to set off hib-b.-iindi tfiisf. its ■ liliilc' and Ltb.rtJ :M°. ]"!" . lhu I '! llls f |As was remarked by many at thp rciulet# law ap«l#istico nugatory-, heads, ,U they itro'scccssidnibl! ■|!ii-:’*atroeK.us Jb-beliion' must! >'; ,lh ' all that ,s nr.rtai.tie mid lime, the t|ml' iailod to.produce any and munlorccßoso upon society. ! an(] traitorsktS benrt.l < t! | , in il-c signal overlhi-ow of Its ! f lar -Jaro not eoni.n.tu; cause to | cKctemcni. or in,lced, for such an W hen searched t was b3lb.nl-! , ] KiVv thafitbero are traitors akd si! ; ,v add the Urn. estub list, me n t j' 11,0 dvluymmattcn f, ‘ ;« J 1 ot the . atrocumserm.e, any very marked in- sell,burely ifwas- bM dufy to tbe ! io hists aflleaft in this Senate^! .b e'nai; cq.ial law.snhrbturh-1 .' ~ j 't. i ■, j tcresl in court, whud, lack ■ut leolu.g parlies hodnd oyet-.||ihe jwoplp >ad i Their aciioj jrrovc if. Their sifeetill .whole extent .-.f ~ur'dountTv.:: .l"Abts aspect alone, on-,;! former j was m the inaiiiasenhed to the troub- notbingrto :es pfovc'it.'' rfioir gibesf lau-htOralib vtrm Liberty and Union . shall. i was .made- brietlyi to look ) ,cd stale oi Inc country,-a.»d - themil-, indued too shrill ifttfl be regarded as.a ; chi'crS here thpifsbodlL ■d ie Ntec and- inseparable” .hence-. f ( t,H »^ aBc ? “"'V leU 11 absorti.ng ot the da. y alarms representative ;and.'their |onlyj in ) tl u 4*half and denLiibe 1 .-n ! . : ;.n'd lorever ! 1 duly then, us I do. ..now, deliberately and excitements of war. The unfor-1 -thought-mpa deWem that these par i the wiiri*md tbb A.lminutmilm i ' 1-it'' '1 1 i u -sfdevo'es 'Utontbrn D liirdw ,h'.u-k (tie iinpnlatid'n I eon- tijuale iuel misguided voting man was i lies sliall be tfCatcdflike allofhers uh- j l . L" ~- k. ij '.ii'in-.r ti.ncs.' .Vi-.d extent dve to he east'upon; our ; people ; eonvieled of mb. de.; n. the first dm [ dor thc.-law. T" ' °P e ; j I can sit hbid no lon-rcf and npi tell: i.i-e; tul-dnct-ion. T’enipei'ance, . , U.at they are q.oie as gree. ..nd noiy .nva.tslhcJ.pu.- for the j but are ahv equal; , t!lo , e 1 think oUtheb ' i iLuiirc. InvVniions. and wha.over ; v,r ‘‘■ B ,n ; a « expiation of lus awful prune on thejnnd exact ’baud Al i C l while them Tahufe . :Ve in.'inirostei: .(0 (lie spiritual sindi a , , ' < '' as lugb se-nstj of hon—| gallows. , ... -I V |eond lt .ons fr !:! sbonsib Whal I 1 1 ii.jy.vgivssnnd wellbeing of jor and jnst.ee, as - the eo,,,slrU|yney ot | - JV m ing (be argument of a motion i Ml-; U f rehd** S ScbLanV bln o^tbis 1 i Lv-U I-iii tor-the presen; us ener- j a,, f .f 1 ’ 0 mg op .dnsifloor r oi -- a - I1(:W ii i:i l. o.» -the night of hb-! a 8 ? !" at \ tWs floor SnylilK* Tldn^Si A its evlumnslue rna.nl; de-| ' X I again dyny. be L 0,,,; t , r b-lober. last, 'fibers cseayodj albur has.! press.! ™\ Ci P thl vyi .uvigoraiion and sueeess an > cx '- 1 , ,c "H-nt j ou- this j prison. ; T!,e doorof Ids "eel! Ld t11 , a . 1 . a ' ptbhee a-Miiiki these traitors fTr^ -It ULiu. tor the,Union, dls special L ul^L uno ilie and. there ,be .indoor of the prison were i.n- i L*° S galleriesl" -A -L. wieuis - accompany ' 4very *'biUcver lieiore Ihp .fo. la e loeULwi, and the erimil.al took his fd.e- a l'l> army and report every J" U u^ta "; 01 . ■ l ' l p t,t ; th ? •‘•legation.-. .pjutuL seemingly over the high l-'aU 1 ,ra, . u " M P. 1 and , to Illinois a f»oi>r hoy made a llt ineideut o. that great sir««.i. JI % ,nc,HOr,a l lo tll « o f :ll u, bndosure/ The Sheriff in, no-1 >ouya I «cLmothinttrS*Ve# Srihfiil v 1. lag •■oe,uyy.. v> I-believe ybu, i,mt } is | lo)l in iv | a wljill aml’rCgiilaUinarinor; i d objects nr-.tf to the wall, with u ! .. 4 and iPati^^nl ,n fifK ■l -rwi-e . au.rtailer or 'motv aeeu- . ,j t does e von .i.isini.tufe that I r ,X. t,h n)Wll over., vet manitesllv liot-i J' 01 l ,r,!Vf T t ■‘‘; ; I>oneslmaa 1 >oneslmaa u. go.ng;,n»o * V'* lho i;lc ,v „f tl ,e case eannoti just aL j- l ;t ,n ust-.i at all in the eseilpe.' i !‘ c -» ttr . v . h *“ m I am- will n- do ~ay my. whole y .1. I.lls itm.meiuous cMiiltiet .be woll u> 0 -»| o ii v .t and detennme.N'n a | Then tbe idea was su-gesled thaliltl.e.' ti'nO'.y ; -«4U*- nnieirlialuy,, atulaenuer- 11c, and il. ! qn give Ihy lile.to save :x- xcdUban tl.rough -jhe. regular , iu lofBo:-1 flli .i, ivo T;;r!o vX it, tl.ro iglU l 11 ..A , poktiea! ■ inj : W !itl y Hin these traitors -that as in Waslringi.... dr ,-f the outer gates ;. and of •*“* bem. ultcmptecL to bo imtde, a oj destroy jit. [Tixmpt.- ve r-i -wy '! f ! An lbe!iag ally | w *o-! the person who had opened arid elLd ! ! n - b ?'‘|‘ l l i boSK^!3 : a‘i :‘Pldanse l which;the: L'l-j-v ‘.-pie will always it;di'eaied by LnJ'r 1 U.e -ate; eo't;!-i iiave had no difficulty.! h !l .V 4• ■ IPi ! ,u l - 1 hpf atorVonfd hot subdue.] . ; .1 • ti.*i u t? I. *.•} . >|- s . ! ‘ l lA • c . o | lVt cou>/;int welling tip- fj n pfr ti<i\ doors aUd. i 1010? j! 1 l C )H <in . l,& h^ n J ’*: speuftor. J’Oti miifet please oxciise - -,v ft,.,,, „, } ta,;,, v«i T l t 'u s ,£ i i„ w..d,rc«,«l 1.-Vl.**: I.l‘lfil Sri” v" five;-™; I h. I raverse the districts i.f the eqnnty 1 ;l , )t \ au named-Barrington, a ;••'.!.£ .V .j,.. 1 ; ’ 1 anti eainiiy listen to these traitors;^ represent, and J .uoubt, whether you ki a d luu ]er jailor .and- man of-,all i Ml . Sneul-er { reneul the deidbl of ljoili ' l > W|*? c - l!i lor •my-.cq'untjij, v. i]J hoar a sintrlo word troyi tho peo- | \ j j cmoluved abdui * v ‘ V ‘• r ’ not lorJinc. Mv heart. UVat pie-relativeu,these parties. 'This is ' “ ad gX ! J ox.stonee ol any pryjml.ee agafsl:U.jL,. ]ivc L of bur bravej mv own experience. ! Subsequent .to j )t , - s t . uu [ j nlc K . r jtp ‘ Hitlieno he i, lcs<! l ,al Wc f' am ' li 7 . 10 l^ o ! 1 b. ( U ; volunteersJiti tllcfield.-tliat these trstil this oeeu i • r L-r. eol' 11 a ve. bei, i .j. ' ’ldn e '..fowW an.V ■ I,cu ver yhhni3S-cert.uuly none f-h'b ho.nU'L dLliotiitvg by tbous-. a number «f dLsifb-ts. meetihgi many “ " 4 yj, I-mL a i.ur and impg;- .a vjt)lll^jlol j t)lll^jlol jL m e ; °Yes, these. : persons, abd ffdonot recollect that l, > of- he es of • tnsU ' iU T- T I,:iyO . U L lull raitorsMun! 'secssichiStsi {.lie matter w:f referred to f.v .i single lg V 4 1 o s4l 1„t i.'i, v !V l,aM,rc JU ; U L'. 1 H'M"/'ln lbis|Senitß [kriidW his clencliddi individual. I. reside i.La manufaetur- ; In4w- M . 44u.q w th. 1 v : Uu R ™ n musl fi s is o llic Icldsk vvitß. a blow that! ing village : two milesb nbnl, 1-of .be ! • 4ue w '‘V* A J . ft ' • ■«»«»« tbe h ikU i-ing a^njarokilling^ countv tow if. whei'tgth<i tieopile: from a' \ 1 -*bter 3 J‘'lr IrnU. "l vm Ki.o-.-.-also thu many d ; ysv, nl)a b.sc _, a . h q k> u ? ln wide'circle resort, to- jthe npHs, the-! •-it I!" be .no.- i 'of !I, ' a ' U U,e - ‘ 1,,^ ,1u ! - lllaro io tell lh’ese tactorles and workshops nr't ic lulls i f; .“r‘ .V 0 ,of tue .Beaver, .A'ct never hu, - JA, i oil tLo‘: r J< ”“ ‘™«P<>nslW^ once to my re.-olleel,on did «‘>y ‘>l; opened the'prison, ddors. lei ■ • btlVr 't?*' iftleiv i aU - of ■ trheors.]. -'ijotUhcin ..sg. them, in my presence, refer -to Inis U.e munleter'out. ab.l e.onductecl him r ! ,i j ■„ ‘ 'J ‘ -..V sHII d’,dlv V.. 1 comc on ’ licre. / I aup kixfV-live maucr.tr.' any way or_ manner. in-;^ o ihis.'ttppoiul'ea.A.iding-placc, whero ; -re he {44“, Seie’i ;aM - 0, : '> ul 1 ha 7° ma^ 1:.- i.a-,1 ~l e vein- - ... -ipv dce ' l ' lo tI ?V tbe people , h c •found. Said be to the A ‘ ' 'V ' ■ p,. ‘jV ' 4el nedt tk l- n j in ' l 10 l Lv • lift r'S!' l ;- bercMiu ■M 4‘ivnV inimbbrr'LbLL;;/ t,; i V*'™* T' e,,tU i'‘K> U ': <, T'l‘ ; - Tulio oul ol ' hcl - a > '*"* 1 -ti&m I! ;{■ IA ■■ %tk*-flodrsfov my country, [Mr-'T’u^ - ,;ds.;Ue,:LrU »iM each, fAn } uwa f the); cam hat e 1 « leel-. Avi „ , uad yoli lo w l Jt . re Sheets, is now - B ' Vlmt,44 o'lLenr4 4,s^'■ howlver n P a . J ' t t! 0 h l4 de^ - via eoj.iy will be sent to c'very 'club.'; ,u S. of "d'alever. i iu'fiftceu mlmfles.” Thesberiti doubt-,j p Wa t « ’ tb ,Jfl.''^' e '»"« ot thc row iiuhtcdiatejy ..Vlrju.t ■m... ; , L ; L I’ ; . On a-loj-iner occasion 1* stajed that: cdpbulit v.’as his duty to test the ease, |, -4,“ { 1 0im.4; i ofU ' A crowd, as he proceeded, tiOl . ibv-erily .Copiics, to o/,r' fiilJre**, one, - J bad written home lor advice and ■ an j toy do. so would ‘ vqhiro iieilbgr . _ L , '. ‘ 'lj leetcd around hiin, evidently tytth.lhc . .r. *S2S. and any larger number at inforinaiioii. having reference.i.nnong j ti m y I1( j r uiot.ev. Calling-some Iriends j i,t ,t' •„>p,. t n.„L- , 'j intention of- protecting him from, yio price. An extra eopv will -he i >'"ngs, to' [the state ot -public J t ,) ( d j, gid’.tiie parly set out, Barring- pap, ; ; M , J nCecßsan;., The last annouii)Cc -M't-s clubs of twenty. To clubs oth fe'ehng I thus dgew responds froL> U>K : - oll ,i:i ilg [i.,. \ va y. The prisdn- -. ‘'l.,' f,° A •neiit. Tiity waB retoiyed. with ttud ' b:v JHK SI-LMI-IVKKKLY TUB several qil:irtei> Ot tbe-.conmv. ull 1,0,ii.s to the,north, on'u large inilnie p -4--,.4 i ° a |k savv Kn jcyo Hash,.and,many a Lux i-; will bcso-it. -To clubs of 'fifty', expressing, surprise that suc.i-a (yues- lure, with dwellings tanging on L“ “ V{° ■ T Lonritenapce g,W radiant- the, THK UAILY-TUIBUR K will ho sent' «ho«Id be raised hcro-itllj alinn- some iitlb- distance? Iu o *,, S ol' T Hit °‘ . A'atis •'« , ’ - * “Ig that-there is not a particle o!. t fi c ~o al. of tins j.risen is a range of ; •4 , V 1 1 r m MM' idlc L men sH-crcd at^olonellilaek, Addreys ; , ;TII F’ TEIBRXE, j foundation.; this application. In dwellings’ three -J.undred ‘ vaVdsLlis-''““V'v. two; ago,: lie is a liuLman, ?A ' diane Buildings. * : deed so little.inti it hits it- t ha,t ,-i. ai-: tp.nt. wi-t-h none intervening, scattered ■i. ’... ~ ' o ‘ L,. ‘ . .‘ l f 1 }-I but lam a-iqrgij! man. •I am readyi to \ ' ' ' ; lowed, any or ali cases i« all thej aloll ' ! , j lf u ~ ol)io riv-'>4 l 4\ vliVi /'i Lm! ,a *' meot'any.of th<,k^ \,<iral*ts ho j.ro<-mv<l it U \ may ho ivniuvcd wit.|> oqual. cl .; ■: : To those, ami mio whore : “ .mm [ '-j [Mack. liiinjhirgo enough fortlujni, Vuh'r .than t-vriMiiit Hanlv t . . 1 the ]>:irty was kid and halted; j. •. ‘ iThe P P. V.*s uilid I hold inh'soll ready lot theinlipWj ; , liauie <dN ' and i Jhit, Mr. S|)o::kcr, ;tlu- marnuT in ; and this was the dwelling of this funi-j * •* -. ; ,] and at- any time. [Cbecl-s irOia the ,ft d.onid 'in ;dl <:nHy he plainly , *A*hi'ch, this question has .been [treated t ily, width .-Batlmigldn 1 aihrmeil. Was ; C( ? IT^l 10l J ( fe nJ,/ 1( 4 galleries.] j | | 4 i ] lon’ ii: ibvnier • iSheets’ N of .eoncoalmcht. The 1 ha iV c * *-hut u.,-plhof 9 j- Speaker,ltbusc traitors ou th 15 charging hthis proseciitidn vdry uii- ' sherill was atruck s with.amazerseut; — j ; and poverty hunger OV( 4 Pi should bo provided vdlh heinnexi JUiiiy and 'falsely’- to tue .account of' This could not he: I3ut : Barrington ; * ! , l0 t . > irgmjan)city. . Thby [deserve Item.; |Tlroy long tVcasdred up peiK>nal or-polilieal { was positive. Though locked up Iroin I lodkipg mdiyiaualsj iiuayj djeserve them. ®hoy deserve hanging,f rOseiitmeut —vuiistruias me to present- tlie world for three or lour days,; ho as- j * io 600 n ' urn > '** :i . M^ sl^ c jli fdy*. [liaising.’liis voice and; violent to the House tha facts which underlie j sured the shcritf he would And Sheets j 0 BhahbinQss. Thcif [.jseedyJ b trHcing the ' doslLJ The , country this whole: business. The gentleman jiu there. Tho sheriff concluded he >ack coats are ottod with repairs *—^J iyQujkl bo betldriofl to svyiog thcin-upj from Cambii.i has given one !sidc of| would go in. apologize \os best ho ; Hunng .pleusaut weather* the} T go, tor. hanging theuv^undM dard to the story. 1 now; projtose io # ' give ; could, look round anti retire. He saw |-" anxious eyes in : tho streets, j tell them so, rightjreic., to r their anothcr ; and the ./Fulurc. wlieh the j both the ladies. -The■gcntloinan from B ,pou P together at favm-ite louring oroits lace. Trtiifors should-bo : ;huiig. parties onjeach sfdfe face .each other j CambViato the pi aces i, o u^ on chilly the iuotels It would betke thoebun in court, will decide betweeni usl Ij ipg he suw both the ladies; apd it are-then* tor iow can rhftord try to hang^thb'n..' Por--^J'^'T® £ls^ a ' \ have heretofore thatl .[desired must, siinive here to say ' that hp did J £ r cat : They caw obtapx iio s j. ta save -these parties from any un-*: not mpef tho reception ho expected. I re,ltB . tbeir ;-proiiorty^they can do ,ehepring : ]< *■ ■ V _,, )■ 1‘ no Pessary ’exposure ihers;. ijut tlie . lloiiuning to those without* he 10-j uo v thp | oath. : Mr_Speak3r ; [ beg pardon; of The course of gputiemen on the oilier side, markcct, “When we stopped at this a - n , e ? r , 1 , gentleman i 1 the Senate Avho are mot r leasee m'e'fno excuse whatever for {house I did not believe Sheets was U >r .„^ lemaUeaL T^he. lot. of ladiesj : is | traitors, but tr*lc,; loyal ineu,lor Wjiat ! on this part of the 5 subject.— 1 hero; now !am inclined to think-Jic is. ,F j Kfcl " hiore pitiable, lor to’w SotUheru 1 lihvo, said, I intend; it ,und Justice' to. individuals jal honfif, who i Arniaging his party, die entered upon I me P »*e educated -to pariioi' j!|vi|ig. j.incun it for isecpfisiomsts at |heart. r are indirectly and very Unnecessarily j the s?urcii-r-lhrbughTho lower apart: ogracs; whom thpy ,hii*od A’)ntl and .j They arc in -this I .-deo assailed -II Uee b the V tl 1 1 ihers above, tho attic u l >on carmugOhey had bienl n iem -joke,. l and Btnii[k and grin at a new-yorktribune. h The >'ew-York Tejbuse, first is __ ,j i u I*4l. in its f . twenty-second has obtained bo.th! a larger and - widely diffused circulation than f'v ,]ii,or newspaper ever published America* Though:it has suffered, c:ni r in"ii with other journals, from volan leering and departure of orthoUs:inds of,' its patrons to in the War for the Union, .its . j-; -ticii on this Otb .of I)eeember,v asjollows: ■\lHriiv..*v .Wdklv. *5; i <ui:S vJiJli. .'vn:uy.A BARB t T!ic i iimriiii:tL|^rit-c -u'_itrials oV liKi *'• \W line; i.t X Hi? jTiu- , .: j,~ a.~(i~ v. < >uV ivw li-.ruiviip- ; ..I'.vii.VTKiyrx;: • V : IL-Iv ' v-ir ,:l!l h.n.v >r-:Mi-U'!.;:Ki\Y : rfnnviiE, « V.V =EI MEE ; • • T'i \yr' y ,i i ‘•' r >-y u :i. >eut to eliiTs o^'twcn-- ‘'-Vj '.’ViT TIM BUN"I’ 1 ~d issues ■v.iTtr. • ’•>' * -*ne iV ";l - n who .send money bv ; iA IT£ s *« •:■■ must- prepay the Express | it will be deducted fron/‘ ivniittauce I’lit; Tribune Almanac for l£tj3 ; ' v; !i It Jcudy :ili6r.t'Chvi<Unas . ) j .L'ii ion Hotel; ”|, BEAVER, PENN’a. ’ -U.hjh -CtA Rif, PitoruiEFoii ; 'v*''- 'i\ ’•'* -t! I io tbe cgntcnieaicis of n . firs { ■i; ju-1. il;g i’mjtvietof hns fined up ill \ ‘■■w lu-Ui-f. ni a cuupleieiiml hiuibliicrorj umn-f: 1 1- -’! - , : ’i . -r - * 1 '.VSTKI! SAI-OOX! t ; i cf.O\stws may be ob-f .7v' . t heir Vcfi<oii, vJn' any desired t ■j *.'*’ b Hn >Uie* cuiibcfiu-iilfclfedw f hli ; ‘* r^ lTl f,r dv/eu. The table i* funiisdied tbe PITTSBUKG MAIT : . h ' l; V : «*.afford. : .: /• j f-.r-..the liberal patrcnage“ hereto- i >- *t.. a comiauanee of 4’he- same is 1 v.:‘T*iudy elicited.: -. ?. ;■ i derir ! as Aye as iju^i— community, requires,- ikiw a 1 plain statement of! facts, subbas 1 lam as suied by gentlemen in' \bhbmj 1 can ,1 confide, i will be verified tLp, testi !—_ . .mony of many reputable wilpesses. j ■ ;1 tio tbisolso to sW {that thej proso r :'.«4 Bio.a iteuovHtor? eolloh * commenced byj a publlp officer ■ «-.h. Drug store of g - (Togulzanl of the - main facts j 1 **“ ; ■ BT<. C. Pv-CtMMIKS. '|jn the ease, ’was t|ie n’eg- j " * ' % c> I Vol. 89--HSTO. Q. . 50.125 . 17,250 .148,000 cent?. >s. MEM i* ■' I"' • f : ■;r " , ; • ■. ; -| • V T : ■ f *'-C • p k ... ■v*~ ' A ■ ■ JA I A’ 1 r M ‘ ME 3'cKTid” ! -fw l-.J nuMils, Uie eliamhers ti*e:eolhuV -Finally a door in the roar of an upper had? room attracted Lis attention: A domestic objection was ■suggested, but the sheriff persisted.— Open! o g thedoor, a tmrrow spa.ee was presented bn,either hund v bh<lAnother dobr ; hoy end; Opening! this, he step-, ped into a .room over/uie kitchen? de+’ partmei t, and looking under a' bed, ’■»«, v. : •r, ' ' ■■ . . -m. ;T> : r'*| ■ .1/ ii\i.*r\ 5 - W - T I /-.•t I Beaverj: ■ . • ;tSO3 :’■•%•'•■ ■• < - •* .!.:■ --.-ll Tl. y-r---. •: ■ 1 . I : ' ' "'} f---T NEI taught riiainly to exist,, have cbnclud-[true tlnion nian. i But I defy] them.— cd to worker tbeipselveß... KcaUlof!! pVand hcrblready for them and daf b. any boubes have ciuiue|t be j tlicm to ebiileio i. [Great cheering.] and a number whose incomes | What *man with the heart'of a patriot could formerly be counted by , thou-i tonld btartjti this treasonably! loimer? — sands now depend on the good, offices jJ' hW«~Bt'oiQ() ft long, .enough. 1 jwill of loss unforlunato friends, : ; repajnig|yiaqd‘ jt'hp : more. :,,J [GhebrB.] -1 ;do th cm by what sewing theyat© able Wesc ffletf; and ftbfeirf aiders to do. and abettors asfank IrarUiM^udHse- 111 BIM .5 " «J !■ •. •; lit .h' '! ME Y> I,] •r>‘»-fli ME 1 :r| I ** t-H' • »..*» x< N, ' 'i• -• r \r.\ r. -f.r 01 r*:*' ■ I . : | i 1 • J-i -lK i ,*r ■ „ m •ja JVt p TT K u j ' • ' L.' 1 ■ UH? -Established sLSIS cessionists. ■ ■ Hell, itself Could not spew put amoi-e .traitorous crow tbdo some of thejufenrwho diggraco this Legisla ture, thift Slate and this country. For mysdf, I! protest against and denounce their trcasopablo acts. . I have voted’ j against their measures! t will do so | ;to the or\d. ,1 will denopnco them: as !'■. long as God'giycs me breath. | And t| ‘ am ready to mefet, the-trpftors! them-j- 1 ~ selves, htpro or. ari.y\ylreld'-anjJ fight j spebfl,‘inado in .I', them to the death. ' [Prolonged cheers .ftngsedikav aildih; -and Xhouts.] .vXf [ ? , t 0 ifto : New tork : 1 Said I paid three thousand!dollars' .. „ ; i , |j. , alylr not say it to brag Iftb Lure,. s of it},.; Iftis.niy, duty-; yes,'Mrij-Speak-i fag {< |r t,h| I of, my privilege to do it. tint som'o No 'th-West. He li°f ’tpe traitors here,, who are forking correctly rctprcser i nighp anjd jda.y,:t6 get.thbni [miserable ‘ f 1 Slo billft i\r.d claims through tbo m» ; iV.. i itui-e, tip take money outof the hockots V * b ?: r 9p is t Vn 8 * I of.the pedplo, are talking about'high ; ipf , r ocr ‘'? c 3' ?| ]H le t'a'ids. phey ■are hyjmcrltes,''las wcdlj L as tfraitorsli I heard some 4f tbeiil jVPrg- I*h!,** ■ v f ta , t talking -ft bouthigh taxes in this .way-i c*“*L*. l, t ’ ??*? f c \f bo do nbt pay r five dollars to support 1 Cl, t ° n ■ i V* e Y 1 * 1 -’• the Government.. I tiiom i w:cr-t,.yr6 as’ hypoiiiites as well its traitors.— ; P? a | L ‘ e ' }. u 0 *1 [Cheer*.! ./■ --V' ?•'■ ;J . p.jt:qr it. w ' i The rtjasoii that'they protend to be XV 11 alhti of high taxes is-that, they do ! '*l l Vrfj/ f. lt ' -t" 1 iiot | won't to yofto money for tile relief; I’ 0 ? J i UH’lhcr of the soldiers. [They want also to OXI ; !lll K ; 'vai’. i. embarrass the Government aild stop ! •]XA - jmactie.,l ftleMgii- .ot [tin -.. the wan They want to aid [the se-; is y> pro'iiu.e co.ps r:,oi Cessionijsls to conquer. our boys in the .acton, if..there jbo hyninpiy ;of ,-se-nfi field. Mhey care about taxes?]. They , I lieut '! Lt ' n ,r* l i' i youserv;tUve[ele. : are picayune men, ! anyhow-1 They,mentS;Olj .>yw A|ork-aud oi tho-ls’jjnh.- hay nonaxes atpall, arid never- did.'VX X X H'S*] 0 hv mft ,tliat |ha:;!iu.j and never- hope to, .unless they can ; ‘-O’ 1 Kenlimcpt] between w/vkf Li ms manage ;fo plunder the 1 Goyei-nment, island each 011101'. ■ It, ;dr. ;in t [Cheers []■ This is an excuse Of trai- [ , fcjr j tin* [ ors !. 'j -j-ln.ciJiorih-cast. then Weare not witlr 1 [Here ..the Speaker called for order 1 °T is lltsiraoie ot m the •rtilleries.T * :1: !' j Norllewjestito know is. dpes ylr. Vaiii; j Atr-Hiieakor, excuse I {feel for ■•^ ,ire h I repi’eseju-.. Demoeralii.- seiiti iny [country in this herpbur of dan- [??f nt 71.n < J' ,sC ; t Y^ tl T <i . I f *? t, - ,rn ®Pp~ ger-j I feel for her from file ins 0 f y . lork, vljcu at this stage.-of at piy tpOsfto the ends or myH.aiL This ! il Vprs a iyigorous in-osmiti.in -5s the fcpsphi I. speakjasil dp.j 1 can r ! ot 1 | , P:Yj a h> . j. | ) v ■ ; t pot liqlp it.] lam bound To- tell, those L . •S J 'iT'’ '"Y ’ '■ sj" pier to thciP teeth wiin’tithclMre; and- RemonPtrancej froin the, Poutn. ii Ihe : iw o'l-knl.ls’ of-.liinuarv' !f hl f ! . th c “S,. leniGJul l T;' 1 ’: r 2ot u> mhY'■' iiilCj iihe. SpeiiKcr rapped ui>on\llic . •n.,i •. . . -i • W r . ‘ ‘• 1 -At . i ■ \ in .which' U asks :-4—-a-i:o -.l iik* ucuilc. Uobk ip umgon with the iippuiusc, Ik* , *►, . r ; ..1*5,1! . . ... - ./ J ., r K; -nuu t?t .thoi jNoitib \vn--o- ima; cj viit.- r . narcnllv to stop it. but .roallv to nda -1,. y . . I . .. , to Its-iliSrie, tor I; could sO(| by , a Y Bl^'. ol flushed cdice’k and eye Y *! IC ’ 1 " I ,':' IiL K .'l'' Lis [hOiuit Was with the brave al.d lovai- thut ( V' old gentlemani] i - | he T< !. »L fe e • ; i J T . ; . r • ;; :-i rfcuew;i ne JiopcsiOl thoL. reud iirmv,f Mr. Speaker, J have said my sav.—. ' , ,\ j \f , l - t h 1 t y II ahi Ho speaker; .Thisl is tie. onlv'i? v %^.^T [speech \II llave made. Ah d rl Ido licit " r 1 know, ihal it deserves’ to be cullcdl u’ 1 r^! IHhC t ] eac 'Y :lle , ,k cliel ‘*lJ v bijseil ispeheli. 1 could 'not sit still aiiy Io.U^ u l 5 f tte«.vvtout their ; 0 f tiicijhaughtiesr ,^^ru: | linage tlie most of; thum. I .*xpi .l Euroiwi—-smd prochd'ot tliaf. ijto lljaels!ftp ali i say, -and.! repeat if m - tj | m wilj if tl.aiUiaiy' Ito jineet these tra.tOrs in. anyj manner ~i s| tbk me.-Lv," ijthely nifty, choose,: fyohr-a-piua point. { (1 .1 . [iVdl.is ..liK-iwuibr ;|to the 1 lotitlrof a cannon. .TT'imiiltu.:;. or ]ous applaluse,,during live old; t,' e [j. v.iec.tioii <-f any |gci tlciijiai| sal down iiftey.ie had- giv-; T>al ticul i ir .jf ß c 0 f UotiyV on the p ! .rt : ;e« the desk a puKiug whack.. the I Ad'mitiisti’hliou —tu the one Isounde I loud above the din oP eneers :d | uv of . li uul .;.y)e aH-eiiuie jiindkbpping of liands ].. - - -. [^-usidph-pf■ rebdiich ; v > •■ M, (1. 1 1 never witnessed e.vcsie-i r; _ ■.V i i'nicint iA my life iu,air assembly. .Mr] |-. -•■■ ! [ “ "***’•" ilruhk spoke wit n '-a 1 force ■ of] naiural-h khoTKivfln.uis Hk term.-:- ./-j per iek.ipici,olf. .with.; a., conviction , and [.herd" ifUipphed k •!'<?; itriltlifiilftcss, with 1 a fervor a n.ii passion - anti iii fticw.or' (hie tact that. ■■■: wrought - up Hie galleries,, anp;]ing:to : if iV, V : <. icveri: members , on'-the floor, to the venoiiious'. serpeifti 'the .ftipsi 'j ' - 1 - h [highest ■ pitch; of exciteinent,. ■/ His,, ous lift,'.raftl'o- l ink<v tl.r $ ■ livolcc t.-as heianl in flic-stomps that, nation: rimst be •dc 'imaj alt<>g«f»' •; [sunOund: ami the 'iu i>i>le : pnViriate. .-‘The ] (.fopperluaid , f eahie looking in frenn all -(iugjters.v^ying coinpolenl a.’>ti n.rily v-pj.-l-.’- n-i | iT.n j(ivfe mimUes Im bad Pin aUtpenee : the \ 'secret-- • eMiii.:. , j that packed lhd N ball.' to Its; htmost. rooms oTnhe IVifl'iisinn ■ j eahftcityl -Al'tofj.sbo InUi eft ieludedy.iino. ivarfting of its- aVroxiinity— motors. ( the lie mlilicaii members hud'.speeta- : never (ft' ; at tael|s directly o It ip [ tors riishcd up and took iiinrby thb selt-defchse—Cowards ahvays.ftet thusj j hand ' [to coiigfatulatb liini. Th.e'lft is. Called, -.‘chmikiljeadv' f£om ■ t lie I ip. igocrats said iipllunk. but i unusual f thickness of its skull ; and !ly felt tbo castigation jt|,ey ftmro -.r.c,. j ‘deal adder,’ because of its:in<jonij.a!;y j ceiviiii; most .-keenly,', as iiiigih» bp seen,: blcf.slnpidily. , It|;is one of t.lie ] inost kfrpm thoiri blanched cheeks aftd'-.rest- iyioiso'iipiis; and'daftgerons' of nqtt'ilcs-; lels at: d uneasy glances. '. -] a sensual, besottejt , cold, -treaehero.u.s J 'll ———-r—- thing,: liidiifg in Ijdark places.; in.ftr j Ax J Sufti’KisE.—'A siF.gu- • derj’nfi fife nfiwaiw ..traveler ; .!:> o r far \ineident ot ■. tbo war, says the ! inricenl'f 1 bii-ds ; i-fn'iirf j Aasbyillc Union, ; was ! vclauftl, tft !>«] ntorscless, I enud I and'- :; loai.ir>y4' the, oilier -day.- ihreo fatheys came , -remark'Ado iitiiy* up the fittinberland river', .on j llic.lastj namVii i[. t 'the-irf.iWrs. .be - ; cft'llv -i fleet- fdi\ the purpose Of bringing- , (ei . u - ■- balyk hoftm Svith them tf.c .Uoaios ot; . - ‘y.- .. • i tljjojr. sonSjf.wbo. liad -fulleiij-in the [, j. • i , !i mf'fifoiable battle of . Stftho j riveh—T : ExtkavAdAsqK [of .T.oskc.hi Ti[it|y*| ;-arricd Vwi'lh them- tltreo me-:’ Jostn*uiSft had ; p tillie. Collins,’ iliV which to pjaco' the [ si'oii 'forl shawl,s.:a+|d if is,. Acniaifis of theific gallant- bojs. v The i:wliet T hc-r ..ant ! boat .’ivlileh itheyXYe.ro on slopped Vn sis yaliyd-Jci a-s ftei s. thcr w-Ay up at Olarkfeyill.e, fotj a short-'''she liiftl pmr nunjlr.'-d] and : , [time, (and fathers : troinclvibeai liinji itndliigl) pV- I ',’; [ ‘\r' ; (stepped ashoty. Greatly :jto theirij s’cn.t (l.esign;? ,ld| <rj : < iti>tuntii -;■.:. ihmont,%liuost' tbo ■ fifs| person's'': lb ci sh[awls lift tideJtft* l ’. these - whom • they saw wdro thdir ’tlirecj • were-beautiful as; they were yalnaide [[sc ris, 'vho were! jolly and heai-ty, and [Every\y iL to [overjoyed to see'the ‘did folvS” from I Navarre, [ aiidj sjoh| her y\bateyer he |h6nift-r-baving no niofc ideal of get-’ j could 1 cibtftiii that jwftsyuri.ous in this plihgaftto a burial leasc tban 1.-hey ha'd:.; way. | Aihoiig;' , ptl]ers she,; bad many |ol Ibrowing a flip-flap Over Cic mbQil.'i while [shilwls. . covered with roses, !The meeting was a most agreeabiej bluchoiUs,!: .parbfi'uft.s'. and ipefiepcks, jahd ivemarkqblo surpnsc to both fkc:,' which wcloijot to be met with Ipartiek Ik, 1- ■'j,J . ’ | i aftvwbeyA-elselid Europe ;. 1 bat were '[) —= — ,- i-I -It-V 10 ffttftb 2d,Out) francs' ; B@lT Johnny, tho minister’s fjon ; , went; { iviu-hvoro it length Ito bi| father one morning dl* cctly afJ j Xlalmaison; at a I’ter fiiinily worship;.saying “Fath- | y JW { their ; V alue. AW or, while you were prating, saw a! , lo khle? J L I mm. in liio guidon stealing grapW.’’“[i U .ll- I • H “Well,” answered,.!lift good I’nan, “if l - ,T* . i . yjou yrcuhd tiavc o -’ would ; not have seen’ him. 'V’ i [Hlf* r,ltl lX’- I | “Biit, fiither," ’said John .yk “thftji> n <g. alf ey exore.s;:.- bis-ay iiible bays, we arc to watch'n,s Well ; as [ o 0 1" ,j > 0 9 •l' s’- 5 ’- ■“e. ‘ iIT r ,' ■ j .- J 1 sect an [old fp\vl,; t.mmod' to the wailei j-p ■'»—H — e “-’' '■ r i I and [, ■' '■--'j., t - X ■ j g@;l.A wag! says S eXlayc you; such;» thing as a pow Jilunf-sfttratogx’is in First, [dor' flask ' fipdir g where the enemy are. j !. ‘,’Xp, je imine aialeiy sending a boiftibsliell at ;Qne ?’'l j , them ;ythird, [going 1 to see Kyhcre it i “Whv ’ . ‘C ■■ 1 ■ ’ j wouldlb r te-ii- i-.'M li 1 "’ ]; -- A! l -.1.4. 'i ■’ic i :i > f i Notice ;■ * iji-T' ben a ->■ i> '’■‘li ij?em«nts inwrtcdtat thtrrstejof 75 , 1 5 lsubsequcnt Insertion :jntaL •; A litoral discount made le-'yeU'ly ■'irtiaefp, ini. on lo.ilg adyortiaomciits.' -j [ space; equal Wkll'e typd •; tsured ias a square. ' ■. ;.ri^; ] tecial notices 25 'pei^ont.. additto%^;iiy3t*^ ; ; h k:i;' ';; '&?•' iisiiiess cards, 76 cents.a line, .per x«ar nrriagra aii,d pealLs,- Kt^oub' : I‘olttici.l other jNotiejsa of a public nature,.fr{|e. IN ; S] ular ■■•'.l ; > and ■ 1.. ; Guod Stiff for a. Halter, ■’ i l>."A.’ Mahony. the conceited and bla ueiiog traftor iwiip edits tin- .FV:Vi, DiV'ifj bigan in lowa.:'ami \v,ho sjtfvt-fy a tb?iu in an •rAboUtiun JluAUlc,’* aijft \vas> “ho|npralilv7 djsb!uirgecj',” when- lip hi : to, e« hu.ugcd 1 was •/.«, reif :hf b.HihiryV ,n-i> Burch's i war : N\\_Tork 'a- few eyw. ;a shhlifowtd a letter JVorWj; dissenting - Vi aw s, mi tty p r oloss [e Democracy of the . laj’s. if Van Bnren Is the j)einbcracj r . -i - j-TO ADVERTISERS? 7 I *-'■ i- ' jV. dhasm Ketween tire Korlh-wosi, whore .hat of ZS'ow Y orlj. e. aewmiipg lo Mr r a vigorous pro Aye, of tlk .XiVl'l trcii s ]1 I'ijstclit: ■ •• peak ibr ti o jjorth-- iion'l say lh*-' on. cspooi! ll.y ,r!vo.v.. , . ji'oi low i. a. i’,- t i- ‘ ir. w'c hayo not, 4o von w:-.-.;.; , j*es|l itli uikjth*' ? ! to. tlcjw | tic olej , felloir.il})'’' 111 'M f !IM v-rf» -48 El N ICI \ ' • * w.f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers