EN ..Nt) BiJndnT.ss. - Dr- VWtork c*#;lihe ekiHtol , Doctor.ha-fDrq'onsed his V Muiionglielajlloutfe in Pilts- t J 3lAhe pi\ot March! r J V ei ‘ n induced- lo do £oj /iV'or the great number of flock- v[o |i him from fai ' ■■ All who' need the services i,l^v ■ A’ ; st will -Illliil Cltnlist aiifl Atiris. "i (imnjedialvlyj' Dr. 'Viuuio.ot the Om and H?h»o®ejTcuf'6oiiegc.'an'd; of ‘ M.car-Coiie-c;;; his diplomas *1 Voflktf. L'rf Jones straight-, . for a good hotel, and will be auM at a rea-1 jfortii’by lot Ko. BiK),' on the West by Broad-, '■ ■ • ii- one minute.; lie op- I sonable price and om reasonable terms.' . wa - 0 u the South by lot No. 304, imd on the •.Bfeje* ' . Haro-lip I S©.For further informal ion, and terms, ap-i E #st by Front street, on which are..erected a ! Jl .f.t’:ilaiact,=V'u _ » • j_S| ply to Rev. D. A. Cunningham, Bridgewater, ’dwelling house, two stprjea fiigh, vtitfc 4 in the; noscor car. , the undersigned, or any member of the 'Board ! c fcj| ft p underneath." a frame! stable, coaMtpßse,; cts artificial eyes 10 more tlfl- lof Trustees: i ; By ofdcr of thcjßoard. j and other out-btjildings:' fruit trees and shtlib-’ *' He .chfbs ’Stutteririg halfj Beaver.FcbiJ.’Oj. ‘ j H. HICE. Sec’y;. bery on the lot; . ‘ jjp-.'l b Hi'inttoduces artificial Ear |— ! „ - J c . .°i Seized and Jajten in execution as the prop lIIU. , t Quarterly Statement t c r*v of ’Willl:iur(Carter at the suit of TVilliatu ; «'iiivh..h\>]jrovc the baring jHE IUSK COUNTV. TT* : ~ s ' c viv where the' natural.arum is ■ ... New BbigPtow;. Feb; 4, iSi‘>3. '\ o ' ■■ \XiSO.. ;Tl ' c f. lie- cures;, discharges in. , eesockces; Jk At tile same time land plabe, alt the right, sh‘! iiOaC’. if. the head..- janu > and discounted. cctive.l.Ss4ptV# 13 j title, interest ntid^ claim of Billbim M. Scott, j j'nosS «'ind Avouk; / under lOO ,nt) - ode of defendants, of,' iti and to tjie fol-j .. vrs J nfrtl"'nervous diseases. • Loan to Commonwealth........J. L &,00(> j lowing* firm or tradjof land, eitnutc in Circcue ; f ' the dr.rat.s, ofiOuct-rom other Banks Pi IS.yOilT j t u w.isi.ip,yßeavcr county, Pa., bounded; on, ; !.cv.'.i><.Vr(a 01 | n v x otC i and .Checks of other Banks , - the North by land Boe. on tbc.hastj ie.. "ditch a«; not successful!} and Tre4iilrT “ Xo , e , - ...i 43.3hCu82 Iby land of James Mackalh' on the,South by i bv family. ..phy.4ieia.ns , ; Co!n j u Vault, 11.05)1 58 I laud of Jo;-, Bvunlon. and on the West by the ! - ijillicull, i operations in : furniture nud tiffiee Fixtures. -...gA5pi,958.9-5 I Virginia lim# containing 11 J, acres,: mure or , ‘("niicv ! Mi>»6hkieida House, : I'rofest account ~.,.......,.1,. - ;1 41 | less, adorn 75 of whicp arc. clparod and under j t, v ~ i Current-Expenses'. »..A 1-; ' n-A4O tei«e; on lvl}«<d> arc erected a one story Irame ; ■C-Alatltltltipll .t,ree- . current r P , . .; . gg. ) dwSUvhg hijise, 80 by .18 feet in length and ! v ’ri- - \CM-- OF IliE Poro-i Total.. : .‘—l :..$®3.022 09 !breach, a log barn and a yopiig ; %a *, t p i . A A tuntirriM I . . 'I j orchard on the premises. ; ' 'V'• ill-—The _ -Ru|h.i.o.i l. hn- . ~. ;. . : -I ‘ and-taken in execution as the proper r; tuts ciio ; Capiat Shoes paidm...... tw o lMViUiam M.ntid/jtoberf Kumscj;. i- 1* i ,u;!, .obruarv- Sotrs in Circulation.; • . n ! t jj C su ;t of James TVimlAcv .' t lofywiiie. .lirohlhMltUioil Due, Depus.tors H ESO: | V-: ' -■’ r ‘ .....i-ird "it iil; appear nnSd o*'"”'**"""’"***'""” 0 *'"”'**"""’"***'""” ■'•3o Tj I *’■ At the same nm« and place, all tfib. right, ' = ; ;-b.pt.....eg. 1 i0 ym. ‘I i jtiv.dends unpaid......... y-y- i i lltcrcst ejaimof defemiant of, inand s,. u pctp tO;ni°«.»W., ■ ■ |„ . .... ■ ivoo do to T all that certain far in 44 tract oflandaunuuc ; : 'Depart),iCht »t |, Total.4° lii, the township-of North SewicklyPcoimty of (h--;:.: il’AFimd*. 1* eB. IS! BEAVERC<ANTV»« ■ E ' f “l'c the; * Beaver and state of: iPhrisylvau.a,! bounded ■ I Hwo’me I.IV j-r.lciiiii duty to'. public, in and Jur said hanard - n tl|j . =norUl by land of 'Jordan. :M. ,Ny«- , lit cMtscns of Hoops; eashmr-of the bank of Beaver County, j j llazeh.l on ..the,: cast by .land aj : U ti0.,1. ' t . tt the being duly affixed accordmg to law. tie- • » tl , c UndPf. Bcnj-.U^ 1 eejou abd -buyaitltatb.. U»Jl ; U ih ,ha.;tbe above smtement i_s|porrec and • j,;, m . !ind >on the ; ? cst hyMa^Wt ;.iViit«'t>f- the. pnenij* sf licet unit: true, aodotpiug to the •Ibcst of bis know jr,,,i c - r <-a n j-Jei,kiiias:.)ntaiui n g about oub hup- t It! clel-iV Hinei ivncV itttval attack tt nd belief. I■> , . R M die .1 ;lnl twenty acres more or less, about ■o or : Wl'a etU“S. kud to. urge ; 'A|Enncd and tieventy-fivs of which-arc cleared and 'ihutcr. : io'lnhe ao Feb: 14->3. ■ J. t. t I lII.R ts.ON.N .1. j •; fc!K . e j. in ,i 0 „ which are erected .one log-)iousel ! 'v m yV. i' ~,ir . , i ; .and log stable, and some fruit frees bn the] ill tno NOTICE TO BUILDERS. UtremUesi iind-good :s. tiop 1 -*- 1 !- hotcever. .1 >t.ll ti..- ’ I j Sciiediaitd takeie iipc.xeetuion as MIC p.rop- V Sxl-;trat Jo;r of soale of y"U. rrvilE PLAN AND SI'ECiriCATIONS FOR 1 ert.y bf-'.-ip!in \Vtleyl atJlu> suit of B illiumpush ’ ioaiics .wiii- tio'htiaac with out I a .£,\vELLiNG IiOESE njnv ibe seen at ' for use <>f .jame4' r i>. JlcCre.-iry.-in; _ trust for . ,/i- iitiJuP haste. shu.- MWiving E ca vcr Semitiaiv and lu‘ft'ij-ac. for. the j Hannah Bush, rip.*Tor.use o( John H. Wilson, the otiiv feeling anPipitcs . building of which', -Jiiany paw ofj it. -bids ajpe.l-Admmistrator of Jdseplr 11. .1 iis.ui.iacc d, v iu Shis it car or-eaf.reiiSe. ■ trial solicited up tn-U.c All. of. Mar. I The right rise- j No. -1. .AlibO. s ■ fv _- . I/ el i,..i-nr liViritciir.to ' served to reject'anv and altbidsj j .' • 1 Ai the same' tihie.Rnu place all the.riglii, U-'i -‘vb- .se ;' ur hi vour ! il..:rrr J&to, V ' i'K. : -K XATLOR. ; tie. interest and claim of .de<imdn,.\ of. in.and : ■ ,1,e1., Ist ol y. 11. -y > 1. 1 1 F ig-iceo K , -j ' | - ■ •! to the following lot ..I ground, situate in the and Inc graves of ydpr Kindred', • ■ ’. :‘ ' .■* ' i [.g iboronyh of New Brighton. Bbavor eouiily.l’a.. iilStl.S and (ieorgraus. \ The h6urS«* XTv»irVrt ' PlAlfpl' »S ; dedgnajed as lot No 4C-4. and bounded as a >n!' : to prove-' vnu-r foimlry’s 1 V, ,Ej!;v|l“lj j; fuUows: Beginning on bridge street at.tjie -I ail at.ledid.iled. 'iuc'n. from ! REAVER ! PP«nla' 1 southwest cirncrof hit N 0.497, fui-myly owftcd . ... , ... Vunh Uil>A,y . r4«u A. • bV .Matthew-ChntnpUn. and iipw or lately od .. M. 1.1 Uie 1., n . -I. . lit n, ' . J I ■ Jupcd hv Milton 'Townsend,- -and JWiwnfe e be Del; D>" estK tn gnt the t - AI,L.V. CLA RK. P|tOPlUErt>R- north ill ijcgl-ces. east-iluß feet lo'-l'earlstreet* J ' 'veilms. Ptivgs U ll ' Sl -‘j lets TN addition to the conveniencsSe-of a firs ! rhcnco easiuegi’ccs.-sdufii 44 feet lo lot No. your 1 class Hold, ibe Proprinoi"- has! w ’ ; -ivO. ilionce south ijl fcC-l to (*\U V ir% j ... , ( g -c;..- m . ropncuuj-*.- if» «u . -.. --p* *- .-.2^ j“- 'tli'l sUowU »'•}? iM’OleCt-' Cs house, in a complete sausfaejory man- ; ai<.u,r prulje I’reet If .. ' tijviiles' Toian-'s Jolhur-' »* r .-' 1 ■•" ,V M | l ’ J <* !" tuning-; obtaining, peji-. ‘ . - t '\ OY.STrJK SAI.OOX. 'I. Udlcs. bttlie sumo more or and bpmg tiiof; f> ' I A ““ ~ uil ; whore <lie 'besl qu.ilhv of Ojrsiers: Imiv bp ob--j me Pr^uu" 1 ';? eouvevcil bvv ; .W . Mar nifd i • bnl!:an*,.HUCC-M'J, or our ; ijjlltd durinff lit. anvAlpsireJ j “ml.- *’«*»" I'- •“* «iia. loiLomsa L. Olden,^ -loath, <>■ T/EsArircoAlin. ; stvlp . canl*furnished tvltif Oyster*, i Hn lhe V JIL ° r }*‘- t ':r l-'oi—on ivlndiare erect;- ji -: ■ / (.ioiii* C’omi f hyltLe. can or dozen. TLetabie H furnished;;! " ,1? b-nnio d.wui-.Mu i. iviio, t\.-o sione-i hinli. ■i t roJ.sra-l io.'ir.for llio OX]cf-lod i wiil. all the luxuries tjio PITTSBIjKG MAll UifJ one frams stable; :a number-ol l:uit nculi .r ',Vh,di„- ra'iiJlv: rtoi-tobto.i’-^! KET can aflord. i j 'j '. .* (•! H'* - { uj.- 1 I s ''--> 0 !r.!- * "d ' Thankful lor-the literal lierefo-j ■ •-<nied and taucjivin oxcemjon s tno J’U'p - f ■r’' ! • lorc bestowed o' continuance. .of tile shroo) is j «*•? ® f Maria-dJildiai ' tli-e. 'suit of I-anuv-t,. . j S> !4 -larg-j. four story Tub Ftfctiiry. 10 1 feet mi ■ JJwuJWi say?: ( respectfully.solicifeOi. , S . dec,i7 : j Uei-'s- _ j • ) * : ■ • S; | street.’ fuiminfe .through saiUTotr., and dl.i-ferii past j-oirlK« .1 nleit.Oi*«t' °f JX-TPS T t ,r> \ < VTtr<T> ta ; r» - v 1 - T ' '! ■ ; . ’A■*->•- .•• ' , ■> . ‘■•fo-jH the basci.ieiu, stone. «ntl three Mnries ht i dnKMiUon tin 1 niv.iia,t 1 : At, tie same. lime, ami flttc-v oil'tile-ngtit. i i V| „ u! l; me! liric-U dev kilns. mi lot Kb. li?.''! V-k;,rt!r,f Frttfifk Tilt 1 South ' ; I' ' L . I ‘itie.iif.ercst ami ei-iim of uetendaiu. ~a. m .(tween canal ami race, .being .flboul 15 bv 20, r,w 1 DSAMII'Is I ! : l {and In the un.Jivi.Jeu ->no fjtlr.if thp fbll..w- ; feet, imd ats.. one brick' dnf-litHi, parity In'r it!, a -he ••■M ;- 4 i ; M •<■ ‘0 -Jyj ■ • r {•• jmj described tract nf land, situate in Knrlu j b,t-NT. id, and partly in No.' JIT, being about : • n’DV'rnrtne S. rbhrrbtrc 'SewirVly township. Itcaaer county. Teim T a., Ijl.-J by 1 there £ belongiiU (oiuts NtnrlM, ~.. 1 yti I UUUU J G.UnUL title J. b.nialc'l as follows, to r-i!: Beginning at the J l7 ; aud . lb. . i!ic utiilmdcd oWe-iblpb of ii'ine ! ■llto O.iamoctr-j ■■ - m.• J- - | nprthr'vest. corner nf a;a ehc-tnut tree on ilte-; si,hip,. of Stuck in The X*»- Uri ß ltlon Water . H'.iV :;l'Te’j!tyu :l ■ill ■> n r-j'u.y t. j y ;'>'r \\'l> Slii'tT uti ; °*' t I>: ° ! tbonep l.t land , Company. each share bciiijf equal in tlih on.*- 1 I 1 *sea . v.'i;:!P.-s wiiici, , | s, v lr,' of : '»>U F«JS fil'VllW Un* V m ’ ir * !a‘'nne.ly due-uoita N .hundredth paj-fnf ail ThtCwateV bet.,lining to •l’i-ii -lia. ; -b S n:es easfone bandro.t.,n«d >khl f •.in i 1 U»,i,,-f' N.iivaew •In ’ • 1 ' ' !•• ' ' : J.ercbe> to a Iv'-'t- there.■ a,. ..i..d nt U.o id , -Seized and laWeii m exeeuf inn as dip i>rop-: .‘. a . 1 1 ‘;,. •' “I M' i £ A fc> 11,- O R P JH> f) 1; C I-:-; | Wuemetck s.■ Util nb.yjeyr-12 '■ |.eve„e.- ;! o riy .nf Win. «. Giji at the i*uit t of|f't:r>sri:ui I 1.0 ...111 t... Hi.nl I> >. IS ..I •tll-K -i • . ,i , | ! ■•[ - . }.lo;u ye.M,'thence, he a,;, i- vvni-ne-1 m til.*.. assijjnele. of ttbev & Matibews, for' j,ir;ir.‘ A.;ib:i'n:i to fit t«?d j Eeaicr, January Idtb, lSi.3. I j ■ . j name of-Unary Uro."-. .;;p >.; -.i.tfreeH. wen the Mereiiauts’ Mauiifactlirers'TUi.t Ui; uko a.iof.lc'l WlmionsjYS THE COCItf oFOOAIMON 'fcj2Asl)F l.ff'’ I.ai.k orni ? ;. No . jyj. . ,'A IJSO.. ; V'■ j|-•, i'l ssusiri; let ?t?r s oi I UEAVEiI COTNIV. i -1 ••* i . i ' cn,u riuk ' " ’* •.* / .' ! .\t the .-amcjiirmi ami nil tl*c right li . ♦ •$. ’vl *i !>•» r>j *i Florida uti fI > r-‘ , i .. ~• • x .. > . 1 •v, *1 *■*?**£ cns. •*, ]r • *- A ; •* •' 1 11 * s *• *- I* l lT * ■ hi u»« j intrr.'st ami clhiiu -ot, licfciiVlaiiis in ami ■ ’ a, /- la nntter : ;of ./:c .aj*j.!icieion frr^.^r^ar-. w ;m«l ail,(t\v.:iiec of. 1 i t> u o v.-in- croitml h mih-- Vo 4 ’ atu-al!j7ui.T.s, Also n memo-i tor of incorporation of the -Oak (jj-fv fV- ! - ' “ 7 .-i P!'; 1 ) 11 ' 1 . ."f.mg .yo,|. 1' M.r. *r.i\. 1:- *tvur*y Y ■ • 11uVi r. '•With. W3.-.I.VS. Me*.-'ONSELL'. ■ -'- u ■•vi-it.uv *V» vvrAr-. ■ inroad ■I MuuZtl.it*. .J ll.flCyt. Old bill JL- l ljs f • "tor ?«a.” C'.'i .'! j:' i.Turej,. n,> . ‘ H‘ : ‘ n l : <*\ ai.d i; d?M ,tl.c y iii’:: in- H t Jivoi •• A VEiJ. AKE SEMINARY: K. A. ,M*Leas.'D.D. HcViF); A. HAM, iLor.fb I*. Ct:MMiNS/M. D. , by •direct* is bcin^. t boroughly rc-fit -1 f r '-,( bo opened for -of on. ’ ‘ Lay, Vne 20th oT April, *63. 1.’0'.-rp' i*" Teachers U bating selected. ’ at the opening of thc.tcrnj. 7\nn of-jKmrteoi weeks' ■ .-vpm; furnished........ •'• pdlrof s-beefs. pil- ■*\ a'blanket, and thcir own 53600 i Fuel .Washing-CO cents per v —........fr0m 00, to S 7 00 •"< :;cbi;m;vl Germen. each $o 00 -ui i Jill branches Jif lh-a icing and - 'vill be taught at t hie usual prices.—. I .*• liiiiher information address anj ii-rjjircctofs,. or ; B.’-MERCEU. Superb.i-cadcnt' KXKGU TOR'S \NOXiCK. testamcntarv on tic "stale of MitL late. of* l*ula?ki town 's-avor County, renan’ deed- Lading ' al ' k “ ‘J the undersigned, all persons, ' l \ l ' * >,l W estate to miitfe, ’ l * nietit, > and those Laving ( ’claims ‘ -aiuv will present tbeid properly icute*! lor settlement. ' a i ;; BOOTS, North Sew'icklytp, J;I- f*OOOTS, “i ; ■ ; ■ MOTICJS[/ f,r> administration upon ike ts» I' :i ° < Al p‘S laijV. of Independence ; - i>\‘ ir< r co.uhty,- uec’d. Living been >4 tLjfVijndersigncd* all persons' in -o:s’ate are-rc-|Ut*»!c4 io:rinko ‘■‘l v\- Cent .' and those baving:\ctaims same will present' thcniwproperly , . V JAMES R'lllTEv Aizuuistrator. -1,1 1 3 3 0rtant to T« Payers. 'nki. v bt! reby to Collectors of oir iht balances due on the n. C ,°.,' ° T: before March 15 t he • i • * 16 tsscs arc needed i tS/’ ~ ®- C; BRADSHAW. Trcanorw. . VALUABLE BEAL ESTATE; rnn gat IP ■ 1 " • _ ;*■! ■ ; ■%T virtue of Sunday writs of Levari Facias THE TRUSTEES OF BEAYERiACABEMT: H Fiera.Facias and'Venditioni EXponas is desiring '■ to transfer the Male Depart-’ oofbf-the• Obort of Comon pleas of the mentof that Institution to another and a leas ; Countyof Beaver and to me directed. . I will extensive building, offer for salei,the proper- ; eIIK(SC to pu bu c ga i e n t the Shoriffis office in tynow known as the BEAVER ACADEM7, ' the borough of Beaver,-in the county afotc eituate oh the corner of third street and the ,„;d. on Public Square, in 'the borough'of. Beaver.— i ■ ’ , _■ . „ _,, , 0 „ 0 The lot is of good. aiie..The improvements ; Saturday, February 28tu, lobo. are a large tlm 'st - Brick buildin with ! " o’clock - the -forenoon, the 1 following /ire & . .'gc three fctory ,iici milding, wit at 10 o'clock in * - : -- frame attached, and’wa?orig.nally built for a 'property, to wit: . j 1 _ J Hotel. It contain* upwards of 80|rooms; ccl-j, A u t fic rigiit. title, interest arid Clalrfof lar underneath the whole building.: ThU prop.ii,e-defeitiettt;"or,.'iii - »nil to the following | lot erty, from.its location ottddhe character and | of > roul 3f situate! in N«tr .Brightop; - Beafcer arrangement of the building?,; is well calcula- ( CO unly. |>al, being lot Xo. 302, bounded on the pc ~=n mi: cant. .In-in/'part :•!’•trnci' i *rir 17s nml'miri of .170 ('vlniv pTonn ? b ? r °' igh ° f - F i r « ed< f i -’ ! '■ l:!i April- "• »»“« ■of ‘.W■iiriglii<.n. licaver Coniiv. Pa.. IV,-.nm - K.odniv, i j ; ; :70 acilcs cbmvd r.ml in.goou Mute ol ;cu!n v.i-- > i-i.. • ; t . .i v t *• ■ , 1/ ~ V Ar.d now- to wit, J.m.- 2-1. Court ■ i ir.-i; mi which :iH(Pfereyicd! u 1 wo sti>rv Irumo -.11 j '" ; .f ~,' /* l j\' Jt having pc*nf.«c(l the instruiTicnf present cl, .mid ’ ihycUitig liou-c. 'IT bv *»»> tVet in length and.- p* f /> ,» !” *Vu, t »*? \ ■finding it proper, mid not oldest:unable iu.viiiv ► breudifr, a . double log ■ bum and or Im*v .out- 1 ...1 ;■ ■»([.:'. v« i-oi \ * U ’V V ' respect, order notice of the »«A>c lei be give.,.' bni’.dWc; aSn.f I.Ht „ cr cs; .t.tdorh.id .with a,: /V , h -' *h -- IX] v according to law, and Sr the first <iav ~f the ;. V ci. l ... bitnminotts eeal. -• i I A..* .->l' w wt" the^a^Tiri^ hC beannS 0t > CX “ r ' l,nn - - faken" .in execus-ioh. H’ the propel. 17! , oimded im the north bflpt- No!'jl7« Wf the same, if any. ; , i-erty of- J-.imnet - .li; . Fkuznpaiuti at - the suit of . » . .. .;■ Vr t p , ~, I. ,* ,"7 • * if -» i , * / 7 -, pun. nt lot >o. I< , south by lor Eso. 4b-.t, ' i ro.' Ja»ue< hi- i »ionip; : on r. nd Joseph ili.oainsnff. , ~.,,1 „t- i \. n ; • , At 1 ]'• , i \* , • «• u icrn , 7, , -i L - , b i • ami w e--r by street : on which am ci’cc e*J Feb, -th. ISOo. ; j_ ■|. Ma !‘ large fwo sto, T brick .dwc iinp i.euso, wi.lt TN TTIK COUP.T OF COMMON PLEA.S OF-' .-• :io ‘| ■'•■' ’ j l ,*' '. ."■" *• ,;k:iel.cli back lone story hiftb. a] one stm-y bri.-k I BEAVER CULNTV: . !' - ',.j =-j , / ■:. /’ ... ~ t | l.uildnifr used as a .bunking house. A fraitni J. ■ ■ .-I At thy same tinio and phlep all the right, ti- ...stable,, coal house, and . oilier. otiMotildin^J. In themtter of the exceptions t j i«o nc-t inti-ref!and claim of d.-fomlcnl of.dn laftd |h- ab'sve*lot;s are wtl! and ' plant i-i Assignee, o. lUw . ~,* rFat with emit abiburna.nontalVrces. 1 I .llvtmci,. ; . •. '.I :in It-.c!, ester borough. Denver, gonnfe,' M’enn.. | Also, lots-No. tlAtl and :!-VJ, bntmdmi a s fed • And now, to wit, an. _0(h; 1 on mo- ; bounded a-follows: On iho : casr by Pji'ts.bna.^!, nvf; No. ;joi> bonmie-UteVih L-l.hit No ! did non, the Court appoint Jan.cs ts. j:,. }V !lv nb jc Chiratt,. railroad/on .the sontl7\..-i r ;., 5:,.,.,.,‘50inb b‘ t/.i v/■! V fin Auditor..' (Krtrak frto the Record.) I / lor'ofr/f). Chandler, on" the: west l ,y llroadw;;. :U t- ■ V M. r °-, Ih-cver river, and on till north b.y lot 'by. datfm.-.t I,V bn: No. i' caa; div dl^Tont/feet. •.i ; T“ C .-"J lto / a, C ve : h! ? r " e<l will to the,. being ninety feci, oil P.yaver riy<’4*. sonlii by LaoK-I ni;col. a;.-d w.-'si In- dir.wllivay! dungs nt his appominicut at the Clerk s -,..iec. • runniiigbaek one hundred feel- on which Tin- above lots in ‘. -i ■ .j in Ceavcr; on Fbipay. February 2‘Mh, lt" il. af n i,v i,;.,,. . ' »« . am.-e to-, m .in. enc.<ssu t ...... 1 p anted 1,, i 1 1 e . .. , . - . I - is elect yil one log lonise. with trull trees, ah; nnhCuv, ,ke.;-on wlied is 10 o'clock, a. in,, at winch time parties tnt-- ~!• /.. ■ —i.. ■ • - ' : ' “ "“'r - ; esteti will attend. “ - v 1,1 icii'.cs V *alio • . ; .Seizul amd taken .in execution as iUc pfop6r i (f”)| "AN-,.Aud;r. iy of,Edward Green iuhl’ IMilah Grden, his VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SAIIE ’ IN kBEAVER;. . j . .yiesan.ler mid Kliiw 11. Alexander; TllE'lwo-story tirick dwellinghouse.kuov.n’. <• AI./SO. '* as ibo Dr. G. W. Allison prepon*. : Ai : the fame time find place, all the right, {■(now owned • Ky Mrs. Wallace. )’ containing , title interest -and claim >f diuendani, of, in t ■eight rooms,and kitchen.with good cistern and and to the following Ibt of (beingNo 7) lymt-buildings attached. is now, offered for--sale, .situate in Uochefcier township, .Beaver county.' ' Thcr(j ; is also a number of choice I'tuit trees »»n ; hounded and described follows; Chi: {the lot. TheqboVc property iis situated Ui ! )*o n-uilr by land .of; Margaret Highy; onltiv | Tinted strect-=-wcst.of the Courfllhusc. Price . ca>t by land of .David Mitchell, oil the south I SI,COO, Terms’easy. Inquire, of| !’ .by lots Nos. •> and d, and on, the.west by Ft. i ’ ■ A. GOIOIIY. Ag't.j ; Wayne tkVhicagd U. 11.? containing brie turn?,' | * Beaver, Feb.'4th.’o3. ■ . • ! f more or less, and under fence; on'which is j (Pittsburg Evening Gazette insert three' "i cr -‘-‘Aod a one story frame house* 24 hy 14. fcet; : times, hill to this office.)!.. , coai bank On the lot:r , ]-\ :t r “" b: i ; Seized and taken iiVexecul ion as the proper- ; Pitts, hr. .Batnk * CmcAoa R. iR. Co. *) \ ■ ty. of'John - Baker at the suit of T.&ivV.l i OFFicß(or tue V, - Walton I - j • ' Pittsburg, Pa.. Jan, 2Ttb, :u3 . j i.\ o j<’ j\ v ■ ' N I THE annual meeting 'of - 1 lie 1 Stock and ! /. *> * • . ‘* l N ~ i•., "l Bondholders of this’ Comply for ,l. c ’ i;| U “??“ Pj“«. »! '!■= r.gh', ; election of Directors end. hnsintl-.: 7 ° > "!’ «•. l as may comc-bcforc ,via h\- hdil a', the vffitc ( V ! J®****. d 7. , " ,, ? d . kt 7 of said Company in th- |tv i.f ifitt-b-.r-i,n ! 'T" S n “r, k°W,- of ' R , o *.! Fourth Kelt, criav 01 livlnrv. \ I. &!o '' t * c< ‘. ,e f- aver county. Pa housed on the . Tire Stock and Im.td Tramier the . “.«»* b J r | t *' or » e «ree< on ,hc cast by Bngh-J Company? at their (mice Hi ,U C* «! W.fc-. } V" “ T ,l ' V !, -’V '* I'*,'™ ° f fa r»® l Gr.,y burg and at'.hcdr tranrfeAWuovfin thcVhv i V- 7°'-; St ' ’? G , ,mld «»■ vkn.’wii. „ -it y- , . ? • ,Vi * I street, being part out lm, No. t 4. The above ot JNetv fork, tvtll be closecd on the ii lit ituv 1 ■; -v i. e 1 , , • . of February and remaim closed until the lu * *nce.-~L of February thereafter. •• TV. H. BARXES.j I d «“ dt »kf» »» as the prop r.K„. ' . i lefty bt Maria Could at, > the suit of John tebl .v. - ; 1 .bcciulary.' 1 Sll j: cs . ■ ' : 3?0.9 - ;$-38 00 f’ . [ ADMINISTRATOR'S NQjTI.CE, LETTERS - of administration the estate 1 \t the parae time and place, all ti-; of Geo. ; A. Ht XTER.late 'of C>hio Town- | tic. .interest and claiurof.dcfendaut,. of, in and ■ • 8 5 , P* t er , C0 V - ? having bj?cii Vrant-; to'.thc following Ids of ground,, situate in thc.i ea ;to the undersigned, all persons indebted to , borough of Darlington, Be-avercounty, Pcnna, i said estate are requested to make.dmmcdiate j hieing Nos. f!.> and in ihq’planof said payment, and those haying claims against srtid lot being (30 hy 14U feet; making iii all., estate Mill present them to jthe Subscriber • i;fc f tfC t Strom by HD feet deep, and all under : properly* .aiitlienticated for solUcmcnt. ! | fenee: on. which arc erected the following': Brighton tp., ,■ buildings, to wit: A largo live story framel fcbll 00. . - Administrator. -! duelling ‘andstore house, thV entire building^ TTri \f TV IQ TR T «rTrl •«. :ivriipfrT~ I cin P 7° feet long 26 feet wide, roohv i i *“ ■* j-MJjiiCxj. [00 ; by 25 feet in : length and-breadth, with j LETTERS of Administration bn |ho estate yshelving, counters/etc., th ( e remainder in two , ’ of Knbecca Jake M'Kkigiit, late uf iapartments, one ll* by 15, the other 10 feet 1 Darlington, township, BcarerOounty. Pcnn'a. i square. with a large, well finished room on ; • dec’d, 'haring been granted to the undersigned. ‘ -d floor, 70 feet long by 16 wide, collar under-, all persons indebted to said cm ale are request-, ncatli;‘lbere ace two ne,w rooms lately.; to made immediate payment, atidibbsc having ’added to the house; also a frame warehouse claims against the same will present-them * 3(1 by 25 feel in.lcngth apdjbreadth and I Gift, properly authenticated for settlement,. ' iliighi/said warehouse is within a few, fed)of J; V. MARTIN; .Darlington, tp.. 1 the Darlington Cancel Coal Railroad, and Jfthl V Ad»arti*r*tar. errwayd fm aarimriewi- Executors; Sherifi’s Sales. I \ ing freight; Alio 8 frame atriWlS by 24 feet IjI; , Notice in the Orphans’ Court. TT !Slleri fca ' S 1 inleng.l Bnd and 10 eh HE L,Uo W ihg und« «5 ', No. ?5. ■ Tbc above, lpt^nnied; J Ao ?f April 14-, ol'lpropcrty aW with Ta|uable fruit sud orn wa * j L;d to be’rctaiiicd by jof a ter convenient. ! # , ;• S deccdcijt, to the amount of Lave been Seized and taken: as the NlMr- ! fi led $ office of ci cr k of thc Orpii ina . tyof MarahaH Uart-hoinatthe suit of hi»- t 4 urt p for hca , eT couni Ji , nd approved «.f, son, Payne & to. • wil: ‘ . |-j, ' ! ; j- /; ] riO. IU ; . Alioy,* ; ■ i X’crsonat property to .amount of $2OB 85. tp At the same time and place all tueTight, |widolv Elder,! dec’diT'JnoS Eldcr,|Adm. tic, interest and claim ot of, in, , I'eVfional propertyjto amjount of $209 If and wiu Kv \jA|dr !'ILSO. one undlvied eighth part of all those sixteen lots, situate in the town pcwa township, licaver c, tjr, -a., in the plan of said town; laidMlown a» water' lots, and ns such numberciVone, twp, three. four, rfix, seven, eight; iiftnc,' ten/- eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen; fifteen and sixteen, together with oval erpower appurtenant/thereto. Also, nllithh right,'tit&interest and/felaiia of, defendant,' being the ofcc'ttnditaUed'eighth part, mor’oror less, of the following lotsin said town of.iAdamsViile, numbered in thcplnn of the samej, iwcnty-uiacj tjventy-scvcn.tjTenty cight,. elghty : two,' eighty-^tfee, iwcmty-two, twenty-three, twen ty, twon^.one ? ninety, nineXj>one. nineteen, hinety-fvto, ninety-three, seventeen; eighteen, ninety-four, fifteen,.sixteen, nincty-flyc* nine ly-six, thirteen, fourteen, ninfety-&cvep,t wi c|vc, , irihetv-cight, ninety-nine, ten, eleven,' one hundred, ode hundred and x>ne; eigjhl* nine, one hundred and two, one hundred »pd three,’ sii, seven, one hundred and dour. One- him-; fdred and .five, four, five, ohc bimilrtdand ''six ? livoT three; soveihy-seten,,seventy-eight, 1 twenty-Ibiuveigciy six, eight I five,.. twemy'Six* eighty, eigUly.-oneJ yjlghty | five;, which were opproprialcd and iimde 'aS)- | purtenaut; to i said tyatcr lots.. • Also, the right, title/-interest hhd claim of del'cudafif of/ ip and to nil the foHodjdft)# lota, inithetovin of .V;d:inisviilc/ viz:'' Thirty-four, t bit tV-five, ‘fifty-seven, one, and sixty seven. S\l»6, all the right, title; interest and elaiWoTdefendant, of, in and to nil rtlint, cer tain pipec Or parcel of/df land,.containing four - . B jW t * o T.i iA««s f.StAT fof the Hilid to.wn of ;AdatusvjUe, and:not laid i, • ••• y • I', i I ,f_ ; j off i til {Plots;and being‘tiiat'partion. 4, ! ; . j H( j ; I nine acre originally set off ylo/satah ’lhll V' "«Lj«l v L* A Fetterinan; b^ r agrecmoifl dated June;2'll 1803. |j 11/Ili M/ljll DnV fr I* fl A£o, jaUj ilie right, title, interest, and claim |J]jOUl\ I ill ijhllU luj Un I draenilant. /to nil that certain piece or parcel : '_m. ■ - • * ;|V 1 ; ■ I *7 i of'ijimi in the said town of v imme- ij. 54 vWood '/ lidiatcly above lliedam, aud-between the street j,: -i —i-t- | ~P‘~T u •* 1" f~T~l —CP f 'and wnii-r of the pool. not.laid off inf-; lots. -t—U . find, h int'll by agreement was'dedicated.-to the \l2ctvc -1 o? r. thc.tr SPitJ I\ (r >V7 common nsfi of lbc,ovjncrst «T life |Watcr lots, J ’ T\Tr>“\7 ■/" i /-vf~V |in proportion to their respective interests. ! « /it iV . VJt,J \7 Jy i *4i dpe'd.l at llie.'suit of (mbert i. B. Fo.tje;nian,jj I | . (‘<l to Ctltih buyers. Adm’rfiOf Sarah B. Fettcnimn, -decW .tl'tT! i y "~T~' ■ .x&.i k • Ai;so, i r I ■j/ i , JLpTJETVT At imi sanret’iiue andplace, all the right.title,/ ANiF BEAUTIFUL EDI 1 inreresl’fliiiilclaim of dtjlcndanr; Of, hi. and tdjj. [ or TIIE . [ the undivided ono-T bird of the foil Jwingi lots of t«ICT llfrc •All' • It lIP ITPH ground'befnja Nos. .14, 10/Itij, IT, IS&d P.jl 4*‘ 5 W, ‘ • A I liD situate in tha borough of Netv IJca-i; i “■—r ; vev c(iuiitv.S|fa.. houndeil as foilons!. i JOIINIS IIABT, Hi. • •titjhci North ny lot No. 13, on .the' jiiasf^bv-s I muslin,lpt ire ot) cents: po Can'll. on. by No.. , 20.{ an(l . on'i.J crs. 2o cents; Copies Jpf this the AVost by licaver river. , Tbcrje fieing ; ; by dent by raailj oij receipt of the, ereoteij on lots "Nos. 14. and I>> a large four postage stampsJ I’luas address l i story^ucket ! factory, Viciifg 4<l feefJtVont-on , 1 ; . .1: C. OA ■.ItKtCr.Sl I’liblij a street running tbrougli (t'aJij .lots,'am) elglijtyj.|. ■ h Idb-tiiiurb i'cuiib sirect.' I’hi? Ijve feel- deep, the !i3seliieitl|.WorT of,.si?)'ie,'l;U'ii . r.iS'i”d I •I; ■■st"-’ of vvoo.ii hlsr smalt friiJ.ie slied ! ' 1 three >•- so a stria,. .Ttijrne shed ~ »■. ±-.» _ .jl Ori ?i<ie. of building * Jj/T.J^IEw.CQ^-i-V-L ;;0 fc¥t;>/Ja#l'C cast side of street-' jfimnigg ’ 'j: | ? I ■=. .[“j - — : —~ 1 through s;iid lots there arc erected t\Vo brick rUIIST A VTIAL, IdFE-Ll.i drv kfins about K> by -0 feet. r.There is be-* can rtdtv be bad; at the .longing i.o wild-bin Nos: 14 aid, l.Vtf^c.'• UiiTJMIOUSE i'nvß-EAV ' viik**l une-third of ten shares of stoeli in the 1T . ! f f • S r >Ncvv j>righto(i AVaicr, radii s ll„re : Tb*«j ':’ c :v" r( : s , "fH" 01 ' m *' C liohi;; ci|u:il '.I ihe oniihumln’ikii part,of a-li r:lnt,Jl * l luUli to 11113' II:at Ifnvc v lhu water heloutfinp lo'lbe nice' of saiiH’oil.- 1 '* I’t-vir f.otmtr, »>y ajijr oil punv. There Wt erected oii kiy No,: IT' uiol J° ;hP|i'onrincc\J, tkjl >ind e;>nM «■ erected one frame building -1,.) length nndhreadih. Srized andlnkc’n li> cxecntlc eriy of Harrison MwidfciilvnU r. boriin. nt Kdward 1 li.-fc Cunhingliuiu So. l:i. ’ also. v'" : At tie snipe lime and place; all right, ili[lo, ini crest mill' claim of 'defendants ’ of, ii .and li> the. folUnving described property, to-wit:;- All thill certain tot or piece.of ground inmate in the Village of New lia 1 ilee. in liig Denver towniMp, Heaver comity, Pm. bounded ‘on!the. riortii f|y,Xew t.a'stle and Darlington ,lt; U, (Ol the east by township road,.on’ the southiHy a j thirty’Toot street, and on (lie west by land 'of (Jcorge M,. Voting, containing one fourth of an acre. lot. under feinjc. On which' is erect ed a large, hew two story frame, bouse, (con taining five rooms;) with cellar underneath, alsoii frame stable and ot her out UmidingS. , "Seised and taken \in caeftulion: asj| the property ot Wili'.dTii U, = and Sarnlil Ja\*f wile, at the suit of Samuel ileCready. ' feta?"" Purchasers will lake notice that 10 per emt. upon all amounts ofibeirjbids will by re quired in hand. All bids- SdO will he required in cnvli at the'lime of the .sale. If these conditions arc not complied with;, the properly will be re-solif* iV •.IoirN'.ROKEKTs, si.-fr. SitE.nm’s■ Orrirs; 1 •• ft! ... . Dearer, Feb 11/’tjtj. / ‘ :p *1 List of applicants Fort. license at ' MARCH SESSIONS, 18tik: 4 . |. :'* ’ Luis and Tovcr ts. . Pavid S. Hamilton. Georgetown, | Sampson Kerr". ißoavcn • Jobur D. MoKall : I Alex. Clark.... ........... B;eaver.‘ '• | ; :i. C. F. Keiircher............ j| August Wa1ter....... .;.. Glasgow. i John Graebing. .........New Galilee’ : To sell Liquors with | i - Mary Alexander...i.R/ochester bofj i Feb.ll. j, A.ti. MCi^KAKV. £>so Ilewki>d.. jr I WILL giro thtaiore reward for" the nr-' rest ami conviction of any person fomil trespassing of doing-malicious mischief on my properly, adjoining the farm of Afcrnin Wolf and lot of - John' Fisher, near the boro of Be *i» r ‘*m, DAVW BTONEft. . S»jni 1600,-0- o.crr.!A,<im. ,| - Personal property to amount or, $62 00 f to j y'irif jidow of Francis Attorn,' ‘ dte’d. J^|turjr. ! 3.‘ U - , I IFhniis,, Ex’r.: ,■- M ! property) amount of $3OO, tij wid- j ■ oCSatu'l Uo-lib, dcc’d. Elizabeth nnit' \Y m . | [U|bb, Adm’rs;-: ■i H; . ... {j: jPeridiial prinpcHj & amount SSOO,| to -j 'Widow iif,,Audrpv tilass, dcc’d. Jalnr Slenti, I lAdm’l'; t ' ;| | ! ■ 1 . r I i | Real ’cstalejto arnOunl'of $275, tojWidow df Adam Hamhright, laic of llridgewatcr, dec'd. ]|ll cllcnaj tambvighti lAdm'r. •: • | ; ' • I .Notice is hereby Igiven to! creditors, jheirs, . jlcgatecfi, distfil>utc!es, land all otiiers interest edi to appear at Maiclvterm next, andnot la ter than the third-diijjof the term,'being the, 4th dujt of March; jfeflSj to shew, cause, if any ; they have, against the final confirmat irn of j the said several appraisements. J. - febt A. G., M CUEAUY, Oi k. .ra: mm< Mitm-ral Commission Mirdiaitl }[' . '\ ■ .' j. ix r n ' ih-til’r in ; Grain.; and . ( ■ ■ of Country Pdfduve, "(Vincn -■ ■■■' .Lii/uorn, Cigars, Tobago, ijtrj; IJffirefind Wnrshousei .No ,S 7 Sonth;2u|stree ipkiladelpmaie ml ndvancc>mnde on consignments ; r | i ' ang 28 ! 1 y i-1 fem'uirhut A few weeks ,| O'rilt irrjf irMhesamo . morn ’. oc* tne in jlh'w, ■' J \ i f\ A; GRIF -AviO ■ ; f 1 jPhnh.prof'bte.i. C &c p ; Adver:i3ing Cnmmissiori,'#• :■. axi) >r. veers' in ,j ,'p RT XTI XR IX KS 6 1-' AhLUi! i *_Type[, Printing !Matex:. AVi'-rriNOASi' rniixtiNf) paper c.l 1 ■ - 1 " '■■ ■ V ■•; OrpirKS—llroirri's jliiiVlinO, Phil: Tri r I’TuiMinjrs, New York. inarhJG: ly.-' ‘ ' . ■ >7l ; V TAj havin'; business f\ vi ill : please cnll '■t Tulin*-' •vh'' hs 4. ‘ \t 1; Xu*lu'ii iallon. wild i; „u’.y authorize. tor at[- tepd to nil ljii.sim*»y duritijr my ahsen :e. Al?q all perifonsdiavHijrlinseitled accountf jwill call /ami make sottleniiitiit as soon as hie. A* : ii has hccdmelmyid.ity to leave Lome; for The I purpose of stfrvi ip rny country, I • customers will *|ill give their patruiage "ias usuaU ns''they will Hud Sir; Trillon at .the slide ...shop and rnv son, .lames, at the lan-Anvd; j sepH; .!«*&; j JOHN 1). * ilivldend IS«. 5). I>an|k of RuAvrn i • New Rnihlon, Nov. d. -18ui}i.-'.| v i -1 i prvdi>KND [ ttt’ foi:u I’KIFCKNT. A 011 the ('apiin) Stock id* fliis- Jhjnk. f liir the past <> months, ,has !.»ccn declariid t|lifS.(lay, payable, to stockholders or their lopal repre sentatives. on ’Oi ijuANn. This dividend w ill he. free j»f the .U lilted States Tax. t ie Uatik Jiavinp assume*! t[o payment ef the same io : the (iovernmeiil. ; KUWAUI) HOIU’S. ,5 novJirf*- • ■' Cashier, j: ' NOTICE, her*** ;rrw heretofore .simg un ■■ I' dcr tlit! inane: bid style of A. I), Gilliland, • Sew flitifiiiton. ei :gage ! d in the bus nos® of ; mWcbatidis'ej was duly dissolved oh llto Ibth day oil. April] i 81323 ' ,I'lie Hooks ■will bo* Set tied at tliti store of ; 3il. Gilliland. All persons knowing themselvetr'indebted to the Into, firm] will pTeasejCall amt settle immediately] as the ‘Hooks will tie closet! without delay. ; T- ■ ■ ' ' A: V.' GILLILAND, | ■’ 'j- .J M. GU.LILANO, ' ji I! 1 , .‘j. -Hotel; JOSEPH HALL, Proprietor, ■'(• Beaver, Pa. ; ':!■ H AVISO thofojiglily fitted up .this house, iic is now prepared to accommo|late bis Iriemls. and the.public gciteraily, in the most satisfactory niunuep. . 1 Jmaylitl .! r. a-, the [prop nd K. I*. Db'v* fot JOHN i .A-ilrt’y I (BE A I ' . fcgjTrOffice in (be :• I . Confessions & TiUDt.ISHEiMof tne benefit bthl as a warn; X: ing »nd a camion to young men .vjrlio su(| fer frpnf Nervous Debility, Vrcmklnrp [ Decay !&o,,Supplying at llib same time the ipbins o 'tJclf-Curc. Ify oii|d\ wlio lias -Cured hitnselj after Veins ptrt In great expense through medl ical imposition andWtaCkery. By enclosings post-phid atldressed envelopes, single:Copies nirtv )C had .of Ihe author, NATH'ANIEt .MAVFAIK, Esq., Bedford, Kings Co., N. V. | mar ifely. ■ ! " Dissolution. THE ro-partneeihip heretofore Cxis(itif unf dcr the name knd stylo of M'Cotfstu. & D.vKjduna. Fallstoli, engaged in the Foundry and Machine BdsiiiCsi, was duly dissolved on the 3d day of Junk, 18(12. ! The .books, of the late him will be seltled by >L Darragb & Co.( at ;th”(iir office in Fdllston. Beaver bounty, I’a.j wlicreithey will icontiiiuc said'business in)all its branches! f .Vll,persons knowing themselves -indebted to the late firm will please ball and seitlc immediately. 1 ? DAVID M CONNELL,- I I I MATTISON DABRAGH, • .* H. PABBAOT ';J ... ; . ■ S.ibl.vijS'Sv ICLES FOR THE TOILET, valuableHnlbrmnh’bn to Milliners, Dress OTTON; LEA I) PEKjOI t-SC M others, and ji.i J.;, -huVc. ■'.lfi'iu seating % largest Mid fiest. J.vbion-Mngd jbXif'jS, ■ S IJljEIi • S, pA IK' jjjjp (ite'- World, published .47;* Broadway. ttfSIIES.TOOTII BRUSHES! i arH :wW VeVywl.crc! at/sKi cents. StOB'A'pCOkST&ARS, LET- T ;!scut;b>n.*il; pest WK *' rpii*i> !K. r/'VAI ci ‘ v in' stamps or,silver. A cut wtb.the•loU ;ilowinK v4aldc>eniW ' 1 CAI ( PALKR.I i. ' Eabhyerjrly siibscriberJ m, \pu L'dmlps aiid\ 'Clnpijicy*. 1 McefpUtiir the ; flection C..l*. CUMMINS. M. T>. ~.^r h '! :N : alien!ion will be jiaiu l<o tt ISIL OF> -LETTERS ' ig up I’hyMcians prescriptiW.. ■ [aug27, ..JJj remaining in the I’os j- ; 1!^ 3: - m l llxx ia. axx ■ y ■, . m : | •:#, Ki/f ,ki* in a j- Ai LECITCRE BY De. CULVER, WELL; rlark ' t> -3/V r -I \- 'tJk |oS- lln.E CAUSE AND CUKE «f|peWn« ■•.^| ipt i n Mrs % 2 'll Mijrrhoeii, Mental mid Physical; u.j,AvaM T G • ■•'■‘s’J ; Debility, N'eryoiisnessi Epilepsy ; Impaired Xtu v ; \y m i ihc Body; Lassitude; ’Wcalcucss pf i'.FpewhftjtlAllenty , the Limbs|and the Back; Indisposition, and pi Hk;!r viru Bolla i Ilmapacilytfor study anil Labor; Duljnesp of i (?r>/Icv Jobii ' ' ' •mrghension; Loss of Memory;. , Aversion to- 1 HnberidSt V ty.;| Lore of Solitude; Thipdily|; Self-1 ' ;i J list ; Dizziness: HeadAcbe; Aflectidns of ; jjaden ; iyes: il’jmplcs on the £acc;. Ihyjjluhlaty JiuifcsW MHvM ,H finds,!»dd Sexual Incapacity; the! Consc-.' «,i C a(l EAi> V ' !' •cs o&yonthful Indiscrjetion, &c., j&ci, ! ! >!illerl George ■ ;V S'.Thjjz admirable Lecture, (dearly;, proves ! ’- persons 'calling foe let; he above often.Velf-nfllicjtcd lyjjj pi" BnS p jay thiev are a mayjbe removetr without iriedicine'and (; . v; . ’ T at Dangerous eurgigAl operations, and !•-' ' '- ‘ lhe read by every youth and every man j T IST OF LETTERS | f b in| thi land. '• 1 . ! b [ !Jj remaining in the F< '• *5‘ ■' ■ I nndcr:seal, to any address, in ja : plain ill.'Paj. fclj. 1 Itbj 150... .. , 0 _i j sealed envelope. «n the receipt of six dents, Or! Baker ITemry AJ " .'[Hays ’ S. oller-.j two I ostage stamps, by addressing., J i, I Bartholoraew Bred- .'JohhstfithMnry'A , VitllilO. :i ' I CHASt-Jv C. KLINE:S G0.,-"l'.i j Colo Aldllie . . ;.l\)ine’;f'*i-vii!e ■<■ a.,. 1 - i ilii* Ibwerv.Nctv York.roet Oflice B.oxJIoSGA J Chapnlan Airs Nancy Mirehel?.■’•Pliil’rti «J : - ....;. nr - r — ! Campbell IVm |. . Aunane Mary A,. "^; ■ i jWARIvIAG’E. »,. :■ j Dawson-Alex 1 *:^jl-Gliljn ITS lovep and hates, sorrows ard io'n(r<Tr|s, , Deer John ‘ j ryierHrbnh blames v b >pcs ftnd fears, regrets and Joys! MAN- I Edwards John ,j!scal Jctfny ' v ... HOC IVhfiw lost, how restored; the,!- nature, | Elliott Thoa l [PLillis Rebecca ' , scninal weakness; involuntary jeifiisslohs, : Gallaher Kate 0 j-Recd ‘ .J; sexual debility and impediments, to Grove George ■ .-Snimner sJft.*y gene ally | uervousneski * consumption, Gilds X'E | [Spence AlarJa lii.chtaruml physical incapacity, resulting fpin H&mpbill Emma , right Mary E-- . - SELF-ADUSE—are fully explained jin jthe ! : Persons-, calling ‘for.letters in,the above List SIAIiIUAGE GUIDE, by >VM. A’OtXGf, M:-I). A; trill^ r ; . This most book should be in the.( M. J. AXDERKOX. P. liands of every young person contemplating JJ© 1 * 1 Office Ho.ivcs; frofe, 7| A. G I*. M, ‘bjhrrijtgc. un*J every man dr -yroniah, -jwiio dc-.i=“ — 1 ’ll 'kiwis ■' .:„d |. Ell m i •lON : pprjcov piric », I'm . i, i jner[ i 'i: Jl’p. I: sir >3 TIC: •:r. ; ! ut war •pr hren r artist. (cimeiis iiipiad bv IN. ' riist S'"* .. gents INDS IDS, &C idelpliiK; ( ■ i with tlie vjith Mri ft YOUNG, ,_, liaWi VKK, PA.i' ■' ' ...•■■ ii i. . - ' -i' ■ i Court House. : . inn; 2C,.1fr«2- at perience ofan Inyalidl ! (BEAVER . DRtG ' STORE. ; ' ■ .M3IE LEiICJiKSTS Opened in the Eoom formerly Oc-' Quarterly- MirrpJ. ol Tasluons, ; cupiedby the late DL Minis. . V • f'f' ■ | ,'"'■- •. ■■ ! -t ! TUB STORES , THE- Subscriber haring purchased the E»- EO VI? hAIiGE iV I’.AJ'JTfOy - (abliiditncnt iwih endeavor tojlfccp con- , ™hAT\ES;. THREE- 11 ■ etantlyonrhand aU arlicles usually found in t - i fATTAKy.S v Drug Stored - ; - ' ' ■ !.' < : ■; .cohvuisinc tihS .. ,l . Being a physician and Druggist, thepublic .New Trench/Whir** tn Mepant Sleeve, and a 1 may drily on his keeping {the PUpEST and Misses •‘jack. and s- Sheet ( f r Xcw BEST DRUGS. ! i' 1 ' ' ' and. Beautiful articles tit ioundEMßh{lVl)ElVlXO PATTERKS, 1 7 -in ’• ; /-TogotUcv Extract of Summfer Bonnets, cVoaksi Trimmings, '!"<y Sdijps, rqrtVMonm] Com*. . r Children’s i Dresses. &c., T" ■ ' ■ •'$ | ALL SPO( nee: r-U : •Tlib! fc\v nb ijHci' dealii { faTor'il ■ -i»» pntih vSdcici j Dj.stri Uh!eJ3' ■ EmiW ' Hionc .(■'limit, the number of tlleir offHJ.ring to j'' List op CnLISCS jcircijnistaneesl ■’ Every pijin,'disease, and] M ARCH £Elt»M||[TbyS; COMMENC inci.icni.'il to yoiiili.,ni!itunty and|oltl.npe,;|'' P 1 S'G Ist MONDAY- ■&!>). A . > * . ly csplninetl; .every jiatt'iclf! of , : ; Filial \TK.KX£..V sboulpbe known is hcreigivcn. It is full j Jhito DunSsjn ' I' rs| Jolin .X: tviz)* et al gravmgs. In fact, if,discloses secrets tnat, H iram jlcanijr, et'aV 4| Huolt Anderson. ' | one shouM know; fctill ii ( is ft bbok tim'tjj > g^ c - •a. *■/ m«v .j j^me ,bo lacked up, and not lie about tile House:; KelfcyV wife '•? Ja'ilie? Jl'EtduSi ji be sent to any one oilUbe receipt of i ' 6amo ': ‘ ; tj y-fiTc.ceiits:iiijspccie:or po*tftg&starnj>*. ■ sires ■ rhji'ir riche • is Till t that ; of en even 1 nwist : liwi •ty-en ilress Diu-Wv. YOUNG;- 110 Siituee at., T o 1, i Fourtii’. Philadelphia. '■■■■[ ' ■ I . '.J i&e^^mberhn^ Y*MW,yy W*'!'***; no matter wlmt jt ;> .•;. ■ S-'bamWlin. .e your d !S ca S p.. bclprc do,i ypur-. F t al! >:•*,s&. iWr.'-.et at mder. t'he care of any oj Wart , MV .. ■ F«j,. . r hs-na.ivc or .ii.i. .y- h „ ' ; f Staler i O^orn/ Or anv oilier r.frpeiv pet a oi Dr, !•«.-> i;?. . . • 1 , . - •• 0 1 . ,*r , 1 1 1 vj r . T t fi>aml.a[eAvn,rl, nr. . ‘i - AususJsnc Stevrr.s. p s Ulok. ana read it ca •fclmly.i It will r , - . i’v-'- t m , -y •■* :i? 1 P 1 • v •• ’• J 1 -t it ! John Crali/im , •’ *r Tnoftas Murry. 1 c means ol saving you : many a dollar, r -.. • -J, - *■ .iic:ili|h‘, ami possibly your . life. •••&•• j ' ■ | (L YOIING enn he consulted on' any of the ; ‘ 1 v'd ises described in his ioii. at bis ; T *I ov,r^ 0 v ,r^ 1 j!H .Spruce St roct, aboVfc *«*4. Pliito-^^pAV . hours-'from U t to'& daily. [ •aiiio--; C®: 1,1:5 f'- - 0 - 1 ;**•-; - • <*.•■ 1 'Lewis. V.aLvcrs -Ad* p&Q£E& iK. ■■ i j^i a £ cig "V MANUFACTORY, ' ' \ST TvVKN’TV-TIJ tUD STREET A'< HOOV I ' i*S mhy : Qr.u : ' *'4s. i 1 YsJutj , y />m y i. ,lIK. disea b fried ! : •' :i rLUC ! XOfi: .-• ai» n.. iiU; 175 fiR \Xl> STK CENTRE STKEfL 5 ‘ •-j ■. * i -]■ -i. ■ BO ISnS; S.\. Ei?XAuLISIIKI> ISSB [stnldlsbmcnt has been m/biiccessftil tion !V*r I years, nrd largest [in tbeCniuul States. Wei have-on Li'iufupfure too’rderc r.ery description i -glass, Piet ufit, and'Tort rail [Frames. Ornamental Pier, W dl.Oval & Man !’. Connecting Cornices, libsc: and aides’, with Marble Slabs] Toilet &c.. &c. Moiildhigs lori Picture i lengths suitable foi transpHnatiob, , Perl in", Koscwo(i«jl. Oak.i^Zebra. Mahogany. <Scc. ‘Our new;inar.ufac ktensive facilities enable usit.jp, furn ticle in mir-line fis g.i»od as t|hc best. •ip ns the cheapest. , ,* | *s are invited to cfall upbn us ■| visit New York. We ciufhi to be *|dy to supply them wUb'eycrv arti 7«e *tricb they can possiblyiiWchase 7S * ME ; KST.U irvn 1 oil tin ;ot* T.o IMjiiri tel C. Br.ivi trlass Krnnil in Gilt i cuhei .! Ilinlsl j to|*y tt isli.a;,. , u.ivl ail? ciu* | ■■ | Dealers ' \yijenj ijK*y| ; able, tfcujv] •’cle.ijnjjmr li ; cl?«ew|ior(|. JGfijppn, i .promptness .iNew York, j VftTtfy. M'c \v tv nd c *.'• Jin 'V • 1 ■ • j - " j era l>y mail tHicndcd jtb with Dp not fail to ctill wbenjyo.u visit \ rrroomx. Alii 215 Centre ' S(\i *V. Y. . \ HORACE V. SIGLER;' I log. - ‘ ’, \ J ,-i ' .’’i l[ y —" i : i! lf■: to Ij 100 kvs :';r ; /. - :: / | -f, j i,' of fee. THIS preparation. mnUo : from the hd?t Java CnffocJis fccominonded by physicians as a onil lability, Dyspepsia and-nil billions diisor l df-rs. 'Thousands who have l+con cernjkllod to abaipirn thp use of ; coffi*c, wilVusc-this With out,injurious effects. One’ call contains the strength off ; two-founds of ordinary coffee. Price 20 cehts* •. ' t\ - {' ' I koLzpcirs iicvksx, _ > , The jjpur^st. and ‘best" BAKtKG PQIVDKU kpiownj for making light, sweetjand nutritious Br '.Cakes. Price 16 ceints. ’; ■[ * vct'iircd by i [. M. H. KOLLOCK. Chemistl of Broad andThestriut streets, PHI b|V DELPHI A, . ' all Druggists aind tirocersl i ;1- r- — ■ ■ ; i . , "I-. ■ _ L- Employment; ' $lOO , ,6RCIAL AGENTS WANTED TO SELT-. GOODS FOk THE I-:..; ■ ■ (f.VNEW 'ESGIIAJ«![>y V• i ; Haaufa ct uring C ompany. W WILE GIVE A COMMISSION. OF one Bun«U*c.d por c r euti 611 nltj goods sold Agents, or tfc *yilt pay* vrfccres of from!S3o to per month an’d pay. ia!l .ne cessary .For .particulars KddresS with.stamp, i . j ’ [ A ! ' 1 CIIAS. RUGGtES. Gea. jAg’t,' ■ For lam?, Manufacmring Co., Oetriot, Michij -■ :: Jnly 2, 1862. S •ling Hoti^e, /7 Second Stireet (BtTWKEN WOOl) Ajin MARKET^ 'ITTSBURG, PENSiA.V JiUiG 15V THE MJiAiUDAy OHi>VEEK. 'I. -firm.* V*9 j 'T',. rso BOAR *. * • * -si ■ . . same ■ '■'ssco.nd] AVITIIZC > y ’ sa-rr.c ' t '' y ■ same- ‘ v • •; | 4 Thomas Dickson; Hcnrj.Da'dwJiv pV'jV. ML shirt?L ,et j’ • Biirjrcss*' • and C*‘viicll B-;vo of . jv M’lii. Alczanuor. jr. r ‘ Utiiry Lf : . WDTASI* ProrlV-vl' ; f ORPHAN'S < BV rjnue of an on ■ o(' Ueavor count ' by public vonduc-oroi i- Saturday '■< at li.o’oluck/p. rn.., rj Jacob-Nos-si m*., '»•••*.] • .Beaver county:-;’uv. COURT SA cler of the Orphans r’?uH ;t< j will be. rjilo st-fcry.'oa iljo eesJcn of Fff'irh’qrit. » 28 fh e following rca* •-^i;Uts J ,c r siiunto in vn ana descri>.< •''.h* i«.i - j cJ the sr«r*M;ii • sa : >< ■ .j. u»o ' >ad south ft.rtv-;life? mV ", Dcrches to a post. ■?li<4:ice '.ire.• north tun p cs, hcs. to a,po?r..n*.*nr :; i.viin • Vr;y-t\v.> ' vm m ““ lows:. Ilogmninp c»t tr t.Noss. he:ir the bridge • side of did ; great ro; agrees', 'west fitty-onc • p Jbv land of Muo Uve>t't wehty-fourpcrcjl tree. ih’cncp- J north jf ■forty• jiercho? lo'a j oii one degrees, cast, sisj* acr.c.v b( ■t. '..thence • isi [teen pmtho* to I Vfi, 'Of t .t-ct *>ii: i~‘ m i:<l- (Vvp !iorj: or •‘lpjs; levelling-'. gr comainin the* same r/» !Jiowscv sf.'iulc. orchiin iY-n'vcrnf 1 tli o }, v p’rlwis OiifMbirJ , .bc l ]‘fii iV on. cmvfinmit ..Court, b ilamic jn trv | hionts fr mi tlifu‘thii-c i'frorrf.san c.timc. . ' | Febl. A. ilSTtew ( .sin'T;"i}i£ r..vi• ta t,;o'• iffr- j *TT>i>V«. "-V ■ -, \ >f the pnr’bh-csp to i on' of tJ»e* se le '.by !j e I o niss-.tl- ,|- . Vritlfr iiifcrcbt'.Uicreon..! Pv- tho Courts * ' • 1 g;.m:cr’ka^v } cri:;, .... ll m-- v 'i.i' JvN -.G . ;; X 9 «-../ -j ■ " * , ' V- i■- •' ■' •••-> i a lur^e..assortment ; oi.^ (B GOODS, • ’ . ,•' i n> jlixic :riurf:s^r^: nn; •jtfart tTmcs. be-iViji!p'V* t ~' • ;■ t . . \ 9 ' 51.1 NS 1 ; KIOA'KS, ’HO- ■ • .VC.p-.-.T* / f~. 1 .varieties. > . ; •. \ iclgrcUv II just rccjii'vc'J SITslNt 11 In? ivtu-ve-! ■it 'his stock c: i tt v , ' ''■ ,i 001 tS. 11” , siEi:v, IROX* S-TEKIh nl^ ,XAILS|--bv-tlic pound or feog. , , ~, "WHlTll Lead rJn.J VAIINRII. *■*. ■>**■ • LAKI) Sl’ElUl. l|l-NSEEDS;C OILS t : AVIN[)(|GV GLASS..iJII siws>;: i : 1- ■-■.QUEESSWAKE. LOOKING-GLASSES’. StJ, f All,of wl ichwill lie sold low for-Cashier ■ Country! VoOuce. , ’ , . i . t Ilpdfjf; iv.ttor.. May 7, . j y AVm. Mii.).KK*l'bil. .;.C Kicketson, I’lttil g which' wi ■Among a varirtv i>r>:ss‘ <ijsß & RK’lv^TSOfr. =-. ' >■ : t . ’ AKD IMFCr.TZBS. OT • /- i, 3III: WHO Wyies arid Segarsj Cor. cT Liberty J* Jricin sit. “PITTSBURG. Pa: ' v | >•1011 Yarn, -&C;, l &c.,’ constantly | . . on Kami, V . ;;[hu L rtta Brand pH. A'iJ. .Iron, Kail V NOTICE TO SOLDIERS ! „ The bjlHEissiris:ir has ax • Office in W A smXGTOX, D: C. jor tbo Collection of .i i Pensions, Back Pay and Bounty, flue Soldiers, nnj'villl promptly attend to all jmsiness jontiubltu will fuf-nisdi, in-f formation rclot;vo to sricli claims, upon cnclo lure «f necessary'post age stnmpa. ' 1 SAMUEL A. POWER. - ! . ■ , (Kirkwood House;) ' ; Wasuixctox. Di. C. •/’ ourant, Butler -Amcri eopy and Mnd bill tO' ... . . ; ; .fchll’63 , ''(New . Castle can, and fiuiw 81 wjlV i?e entitled.to a : if; 50 cents \v art ll of . Icsigns In ,f h« book.-.,, or - t hey nmy,bo or-* fv time during the nt A to Canvassers, ody. KXCALLKD': Office at U'ucl FOK. jester IStcliell. TlUaa . [|c|>ean John K N/ M.'art-ky Ij[ahft 'j?r*l C H 1 V -c. .sclikonkWntL “Marpß-t jnlih Mvtf C , .j iioiVlnVkk Jpsopj R : rnitii -Mr= Sarah 1 : Trier U„0; v 2 ‘-! : .1 ■; ~'A ‘ inoc.John-' 1 j -hiteliold Captain, 2 Uite H E .*.■ /-| liiulerv F A; - ; j" J .. errin'the above. i ‘Jvmjsed. * ' 1 r\ju&A, r :y ■ VXCALI,F.}> If OR. st o|ice nt leaver. C, /p” > 4 opdsll
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers