IKE 11M II 11 ti. -. From thecincinrutti Commercial- PEACEv. lIAICIN 1 A POISONEPt OP, CPILOREN.. -., . -..----- pat ch the Inns ii 1 1 L sh D - I t • it is quite,amusing emus— ep . / i eni i i n Unlifin a ape reel u I A sen,-, in ; Candi' ! —7'teo Deaths an itud ,r the - ttle -6 of ate Abe telegraph and. dm associated'' pr4vs powers that bq nt. Tweets , eh: Mien Pois7ted !--The corn munilY" has l'iardly -been allowed breathing cove now. An operator is statinnedlit.the have become the great mediums of itifin lac vince the hortible trarly t e r n3c i. ‘ „ 4 . 1 ,7,, l vicinity of the r ooms. where the a inet the m urderer of Lnefner, . b .. ef i - i ' '' - 1 - holdsitsisessionv, and ,a series of cll.:patch ( s again calls 41 upon te rceoun. a ueeer n be11. , 11 iniquity biggars deserii ti.in, and ' nblea aro conehetersorneuhat as follows: i'• , Th. 4 Admirristrition is detetetinett Up u -throws Ate legendary poisooings of the itstoursei---The Kansas Nebraska bill to to Berffies in the sbatle. lvedtv4.,) ationgon, between t i le t,urs,i b .neac:_ ,, T riod out in its true intent and; mean `Gov Wise has just arrived} ;-Re lies b 1 1 • ' of two and four, a i.euple of 0 .1 -0 7 apps - i entered into Oa .ttou with the President:- - i PIM) ?rem fourteen,,t,sixtcen years of age,' -. le t tprice of Iti.lgers is still advancig: - were obvervid sauntericg up Buckeye stiect, a densely prpulated German neighborhood, tbe side- I 'cl..lLEftacotE of -. li n n l ip -a it PP -71 1 .3 1 apparent o d a s e . c bi destine tea's 3 Gtoilve. 1 Wise and Mr luelianan:—this satisfactiopri. 'Scattering vntall lozeriges uron witll: about the size of Ipepptriniut drops . I ) , explainer'. by t h e ~,1 4 ,ja et • t h e h es t, o f e l. I . Inianother part of thz street, a rather TO- tv, p...... i rcNaired} and 31r. 13. dined "It the arest in a black '1)21. I. b ' D d Rablxki:—tht, rebel]. buivt looking inan, . ‘ • Gereram ,_ ou a ea 1. Santa -and e - of Lewrenee irt whichitimpeopl of tbat ' ' ' 0 A occasionally t h ° l ll lain;German localities,' quite a num ~ ve 1 fleas • •et_ridir oe.r own 6 -1 declaredthatley ill neith r fight will Fend his specie eniPerarre - gh'irre 4 sivuix * children were plating n i pon the sliest, an i they greedily seized the tempting candi s Maekuti ville =karrem as the I 'Forty Thieves" to the aid, of Gov. Walk4r:, Isa thus graluitouvly thrown in their way.— iaG Ryndera isio be promoted to the omit. Occasionally the man would give 'z pelage to persons he met, but in theve.instancee m end of the eam,Parq. 1 .." s .._.. 3 - ___ _. Dispatches sTith i about as much' dignity the pertiss decruied tasting, suspectio is t,, t. so, however .pf tune as the 'beye and calculated to something wrong wrong. Who ignec i t as much influeire as such are sent on the with the unsuspecting children, amt 1 wings of lig,lttning from end to end 'of the ily devoured the to them dainty waifs, to assure us that "Pelee ileigni i,n in a ehort•tireaftcraaacla they WeTC takeA tand with violent vomiting Washlnlton' and that the Coristitntinn and the Union are safe." I , The neighborhood became speedily rdarm- ' ed. and Drs. Smith, Davis and :Fries i - ere, 1 Wr o ll ; indeed this is a peaceable ] and sue the ac. eessfal administration so far! bleb the summoned, who speedily detected , in tb ,,,recorhs of to day and R tion of .oison, and upon a chemist EAT). ,41 1 neighbor ood, Mr. Eckel, ' l. aanaliziag i h , First: Got Medary,.raf Minnesetn,l asks for troops to keep knlndians in Order. lozenge, it was, found to. be &mposed ot equal parts of arsenic, sngar and flour I' Second: Amilitary expeditiou,i on foot for Utah i ' the track which the man, or rather mono %ter, ha taken, as many as 15 ( 10 of death dr ling drops were found in one pillion" and the attempt of the citizens to es nod, in another spot one.feurth d f pour, o - . upon Gov. Walklr and eight companies of • Icr, T m hird: Lawrence is in a state of "rebell. tablish a city governMent h ts drawn r, .and Itrops. - 1 Fourth: Thal-pretorian prird. ct the De moeracy iu New York. entente ound tied in a couple of parcieblse" ll.th ~ e eights:mimed became fearfully ted, for t least i twenty children-had molt; 1 or lcvs partaker of the insidious poison The Dead ltiblits of Cow F ' The firs vibeni was a fine little boy named Forty llieves of aelserel. I ;loth S ultz, aged nine years, whose pa- tethends, in.l three . rents reside on BiJekeye street, near Pop- ten to det the harmony of the Jar. fie expired at about six o'clock in-4 jte-tnneraeY in the kanpire City. Fifth; The '. the evening. We were pregent -when the, I', amyl van ran lees' made el _ , war f ur irt lei. - Fdue .Itell 13 h ' (formic held his inquest, at d a more at ,y, a r ue alien s anchely sight it has tardl Aeon our lot tit I m a " /"I'id a i• I ' .k.. / Siv,th: Smith, Carelina, Georgia; Alairma, . ATittlebS. The 'limiter of is dead child I ;,had a w days previnus•beeconfined ' and land 'Mississippi demand new coneessious :pie President as s reward for the in the ame room, her eldest born lay a from past. and a pledge for the futtirei. Such stiff ar. , rigid cars°, white the- nevi born , . infant s light in vain for nourishment fil/are some of the toll of pcpce , which the mat real brae, the feint of which sn smile od the politica: horizon.- 1 -Tittsburg , den gri f and agony had dried. ni t - two YazdAt• -it children had also partaken of the petered drops and lay sick in the same room, but they were pronounced out of danger. r Immediately Upon the other side of the street, another proni.ing ; child, nsined 'llenTY Schwartr, atout i 1 o'clock last night is said to base breathed Lis last; and at the tin'te we visited the poisoned district stole foot' or fire other clidrert, , male-and . f reale, were suppoved - lo be hi a very criti cal tenditien. We heard also that several eases hail occurred op fifteenth, between _,,..lisee 91(1 Elm sta.; tut we were unable to 1 gle:n T irtic ulars. 1 .1 -, is ki th heartfelt ll - nun ...it we aro com -1 , pelled to record a - crime which makes us blush for our ecrnmon nature. Such a fiend as the perpctrelor of the above atrocities might well cause ps to rallahr claim kindred with the brute andforswear cur r. lotion ship with the human speeiek It, iv to be ]toped that no pains mill be spared in bunt ing the 3arnpire to his lair , At the election to be held in it iii S tate , neck October .thetpeople will he { uealled on to vote. for or . against cc vain ainc i ndments_l to the Constitution of{l'eptisy-himih;{ wiiich I were adopted by two successive annual .le-1 gislat tires, purs{uniit. to the" forM'roonired by the CoOstifution. itself, and now Only lack .the popular approvalfto lkeemo part of the. great charter 'of thh coniiiioniv.althl • These proposed amendments are { fonr•in ntiMber, and prohibittal the increasoLof.the i State debt,. set a limit to the -creatie!n_of 1 new counties, authorize the division - of! Philadelphia into Single senatorial and rep- 1 { , I.reseatative districts, and confer {upon the legislature, power tat revoke annual or alter any corporation cbaticr . in such u! Manner I as to work.no injustice to the corp Orators. These aineniltucnts are highly important 1 and in the' main deserve the popUlar sup port; That:relating to the Stale ,'debt . is.; first, and tikes, the shape of a nwlarticle,l ..,, , ' • Later L-lite .I%..lystery Unraveled. { directing the .!•pstanitAlmilit , t,f ;Li l of Fiidey says : fltiklllg The..&ontniti - c . i l .fµfid to i.xtioguish the present dcbt,, Ip-..111 b.., ia wog of the:mount or the, raisito; a any . _ It appears thai{.rme drunkrn vagalond, increase th'ney bni y p:rneen t lorins.l r{{{stric- , known by the SpiTi:4 - plet cf “hal, Peter," { tiog temporary I,a9is to Z-7_50,00k ami.de- ! ar..l who has no stated 41;i 1 e.e of -residence., clarii.g that the State shall not_i roan tts!, 1 •yurs.uc;s the- vescOien of, selling poise nee'? c redit to any individnal or ,corp{{4:ition, or loienges, niannfaeinied for the destruction lAsstline munivipal debts, or liutlireze intl.', .{...: of - rats. got on { a spree do" Wednesday, and ! l ii c ipil fttli:.etiplktiS.._ot I•t11 - 4. Tft . &edit to -armed. with liis'sack: full oil lzenges and'', joint stock . companies. S ,- inti of theSe pro. ! otne. of OW C,::%rrpo , iticn of -which they are 1 visions :ire wise arid we doubt not'lliat the made, W:•ndeit.ll into Builcye street', and 1 WhOlii, of thi in .till .{ ..be approv.ed by time getting - Noy- drunk, was kicked cut of a { and expi•rictiOc. . I That the State' neodt to{ t . o ff e e .r j,e{use„..' .1; he s t tr i gr( d,,,,{dong the{ i „,' , et out. of deht, :and to'. keep out of it, no • street IT_ sentterr 1. f( me of his lezenges, ' one can question .''fbe load - of obligatians { , , .{{. .r; '{- and gavel`srme to :WO 11413 S at their request., { noW' weighing. us down.is a neavy:{t i l elog to; { , autirming theta, however, not to eat them; 1 the over -taxed wealth of l'etinQvlVanin, he -Ihe .chiitren; i witty t: IV hich triat .street is' sides ramping the . energits !of the ; State 1 i - {reWdcd, naturally{ i r ick - odup thealeugerous Goverment- Itself. - So .a ernes, has this ‘..eandY,”.{:aslhey terined{ it, and.ate of it. rheen for ninny years; that, for a brief time, The consequCueei were Such as might-have ' the in dest of our bonds was left' unpaid. loco anticipated. ' Those teßb ate many ofl Th second amendment, rclati , ,!-e to . new them were, made deathly sick. 1 , count es, ,is important. ,Of •, -years ' • ' • late{ { "Rat Peter,'-' . .however,'{appears not to ! thereS, :s been a mania for cuttio,gup our have confineo,...his peculiar amusement to { old c unties hub nett' and smaller ones to Thickeye street. .Pe also seattered his ! dan- I granf the local ambition of towns l soeltin. , { • gerOus favors;in Fifteenth street; in Find- { the ,-1 enefit of a court house luisiness, (7 . ., .lay 'market; and in other localities. Thurs-l.propc .ty owncrs Lents , In Specula ton, ; aril{ - day he - ;%/30 rappeired in Broadway and of I to itieians lints nt up 41 crunty offiyei. ~ ..Cat ered seine of his "rat exterminator" I._ W are ht { a lo ss in die { benefit of in i tat Street. Ilewas unite drunk; but 1 creati g suchicoupties its ,Coryst,l{which -is he was rot seen iu the !performance of the! 50 E ill ~; nti ins•Atlad that it has{ Stever-yet acts with which' be is charged, anti not 1 b, - .{cti rianizeil, or {Montour, stillm su 'cr. ri i theOfole trinlcs.tetl., .INrciAarn,however.!` -111 i the sOitherri States, wher l dd . enitntie. that he will he taken into chstody and that l ate,n t.',: ,- tillivided tutu townshiPi-, -there is the , full extent of the law,will be Meted ! pn - rh• ps,--ainc ! exense{ fir the crealt i lati of so out to him. • { The urgency fiad.necessi,ty of' man sunill-oncs. But• our sy l stem does :unmanly .elosing the career Of. .an animal Oot.r quire any such thing. These now so dtTgerousito the {cominiinity is too ohyi-lour y projects generally originate in a ons to require co out.: _ _ l i ,disp its for the forlition c.f a court-housoi Out of fourteen -c - Wien who were poi. li i c amendment • poposes that in' the Boned, only lone John. slinitr, aged nine fern: ation of a now county, not more than . I , yerai, died. t .{,- ; , ono. cats the population jot* ny existing { .sari . ty shall lie cut . off without fh a express GANBLEPIN IN CHICAGO -W fri the . clikircattgrdnutnti 'ever. ;11r E ccd any city to tike tinitcdStatcs,7 was en tercel I,y the policeof that'city, oOlie 16th and sixteen linen and boys arresttid. • The cstaabislrocni, it is said, is fregtizrited by tame of the worst garnblers, thieves, pick pockets and:burglars in the United States' ;.‘len love been there from Saw Orleans, Natchci, Nitv Ynrk, St. '11641 and- other places voted for the experinOs of their olicklogs. It has tilso been iplacet of Crr sort by a number of- men of CtLicago "Way.' iog the highest pretenses to respectability."' Stme of these men, the Democrat says, haie herd high offices; icmc or - tissp• "have been C•il all grand and petit jurys within our ruminlirance." About 81 ; 000 Worth of garubliog implcments were seized.. ; The gi.mblers fought the police with dirks, bow ie knives and revolvers before they Would rul;mit to . arrest;hnt no.oue was seriously it:jored. El --DosTow,: July 27.--The Seennd Corn puny of Artillery, unilerMajor ITayes, left Furl Intlependng •'3 to-day fur Minnesota.. IN = __,,_;. The Constitutional Amendments - ERI • , tlt of the-iconic and algo that all_ the tru%ll.l- creates an el:113- E i neat four th.olsor),l gquaro i e shun take ocoasion hercaft‘irlto speak errgth of the other prop(l4 . amend rli Am4rican. . tarn` W, EBB . , 031PsON'S REronzEp, ju 3'lsth,thus ' he, jenny analyses tite money, market : IT e danger of a rcvn!s!on=a crisis, a eras ,—is, 'in a rneastzre, over., The day ofi 'pending ruin is postponed sine die. 1 S : .k0 having bad , their time, to fall.- 1 e fe'rn speculation is cheek mated The cr: 'i - systeni has been dosed, With a set tlin.oneoction, that is carrying down the im Oka and,aweetening th 4 ail of trade i nd ir z *,txtructco. Contraction', , consolida.4 i t doa'tid crystalization are taking the place of c'imentation. Like a goof chemist;; we ha l e agitated the contraerciil and financial cauldron. , We have poured in the acids an4alkalies--watehed their effect, and are no„the first to announce xi siacricnt.:-- .Ti e is now _necessary r ot,. : settlement. 'Ca riot', - prudtnce, a steal:ly hand, small am unts, ptatnpt rt.turns , aid a solid back in ' all Etcs •r • ” , are aat ii, nee V• =Ell MIMI • • - DISTRICT CONFERENCE Pusslant .to the ree.omrnendatious of the Coq.q Conventions,retread'', of Beal ver and Lawrence counties,; the Represon- tative. oanferies, consisting -of] T. J. Powers, J. Wityarid, jas.Darrnh, John S. Pomeroy, Dr. J. 117-, Wallace, and J. W. Bnchara, 'tn'e at New ()LUAU , on the iVi a th inst., and t organiied lay!appointing J. We yand'of Beaver, Chairman, and J. W. ' Blanchard, of Lawrenes. Secretary. On motion, a committee was appointed :I to draft resolutions expressive of the views lel the coufarecti, which committee, after I an absence-- of half an hour, reported the . , 1 follovring: Reso'ved, That -we - heartily approve of'' the nominations of Do Lorma.-Imbrie and C... P. Shaw, Fegi'rs., as suitable midi- 1 i dates for 'the Legislature,and I Resolced, That we 'cheerfully' ~concur in awarding to them the merited reputations which.they have won, nok,only at home but at the capitol of tkei- - Commonwealth , cit isc b t e b in em g atbhi:' -diligent 131t e s urn tn ti ci m. wl - 'I. - peoplei ri,-, 1 -sh • Yom_. give alcill . an evidence of `their apprecia tion of the faithfulnels_ with which theyl:edillarteditirLegislatiTedulie ' i:givi4ticrn_lieasedtajerities 1 , That; l a h t: "11 , I 1 '2: : d rr : 11 i N' s .l l b e eri n s' r d g a , o 3 n f :13 b C I ti :2bsei nominations March te made ye f :l yn Start: offioorg, .aro niminantly, :4,,,t , ~1 ',l ° , r i n „ o v in c ,i i i mi ees fr c e n co l lt d r 4t an t d lie so ll u t nil P6 m rt orl f li the State. /'• 1 4 I Resolved, Tbht in David 'Wilmot, our candidate - for, Governor, we recognize t h e a n p e e s e t, ab inle i l e iazp re of Freei oe t t ef Labor, the Car human rights and the marlabOve nlEothers, who we would prefer to see:elevated to the Gubernatorial chair. Resolved Tbat the extra-judicial opin ic;n given by a majority) of the Judges of the U . nitc'dStates: Supreme Court, in the bred Scoit ease, i in conflict with the truth of history, with the uniform action of' the Federal Government, and unless speedily rebuked by the sovereign peopl'ed at the .ballot hex, we have every, nation to; fear that it`Will\hc followed np,lz usurpa• tions more :glaring, inpre tyranieal *and merle daryr t' einus to the l independence ol' • the rlon-slaccholding states, and the libertieS of- tl.e people.. - Resolved That•inasimueb, as the Demo cratic,. party of Pennsylvania has' endorsed thisldecision,, we 'Also feel willing now as ever' to artily ourselves against pit and the prin l ciples it dee'res. I Resolved, That the bill fOr the' sale of q tr the Line of public Works in Penn. syivinia, 'passed by the lak Legislature , ofTerirsylvanis, merits our hearty appr . - \lf RI 7, --.1. ; l esolved, That the slle of inia Main •by hil excellency Gov. PollOek, for , um of' q — 500'000 meet's the appro- I ~ .-1,7. I ' I m of this conference, not only because 1 ijitees the State debt Ce above sum, 1 I nlso that it . takes from ' tinprincirile;l t 1 utis6rupulous men a pat t of the. poiVer 1 : pc seared end n , e4 for the purposel of 1 " ••, ! 1 ~rling Aemselves and favortte! , , • upon i w arnings of the _Yeomanry nod ii`clijr,4,, I"' of the State. ' Lin the I•solved. That the proceelings -ef this .rehee be signed • by the dliecls: and lished is the Ripablican papers of s con I publ (list' J. WYNAND, Preh'i. W. , - - A Fe - w Words to Mothers IORTAI;ITI7 A 3IONG American mothers know, to their Sorenw I) that cholera infantum nr stimin-r romplamt 1 .„ is one of the most destructive \di4ease4 of ~., cui climate. There is ptobahly no enhn.- . try in the world Where the mortality ainonr . t. ehildr.m.l4N so large a pr,mnrtion sum total ale deaths in the United States; About rMe•third of .the 'weekly interments . registored . in. the city. .of Now rusk to ;y bei elivsed,under the head of infant' ino . r . talitv.l and.frtan May to .NOventl;er tha majmity ofl th, y(ily6g children who die aro swept off, by di:leises of . he liouels. We do not wish i l to speak harMdv, hut it cannot be: conceal l ed 'that tnticlr of t hi4',wholesala aest ruetion is .cti u:4,d; by caralesitiess, over imlulgern"-e a tud imp o 1 r . trcatMerit. fr r an d other noWhole:tonte . aliment, l is :general:y 'the primary c use i .bf smptuer , contplaiutl and iris administration of drastic Purgative • I and A other pernimeus.urngs too•often lead t fatal results. Under these circumstance, we shall make no Apology . for. expressin the belief, that any case of . choleaa infan faunal:n:or diarrhea in the adult stage u life, hoWever iiuleut in its ii:itureior.what ever be.readily cured by th tt?e , of IloirewaYs'r.4, Pills ;be rapidity' with. which favorable re sults follow the exhibition of this remedy, ; is ail aff....tionc °Oho stomach and bow e ls are justly ,ccosidered plrenmierta — itr-mledl ' cal prictiee. The:reieutifie explanation ,these phenomena holonpratlicr to the top :cal prufesscr than the editor:of a newisp .1 per, and it has bee'n fully given by the di -1 tingnished invenrclr himself-' Choleta . I -.1 fautum and its kindred diseases are cause , imtnedietely, by undue irritation of the se 1 I , I-itive membrane which lines the bowel., and u p on t iptt... c otitio g the Opp tmorcit.e it most soothing and healinglntluente, ca - 1 rying off, by their,rnild,laxitive action, t e acrid and pungent matter which produc e and aggravates the disease, and invigo • .;fl a top iptpobicat,vessels as! well as assu - ging their 6=41.4: action. 1 ' The season slice this class of disorde it most prevalent is commencing: "ford warned is forearmed," rapi the prover i and should 0u . .:, article induce parents r O pay wore strict attention to the diet of th is children, and to. adopt the' most certa n 1110119. d cure, irt - c%. , es where. bowel co,' - plaint has actuallji.set in, we shall at le st have accomplished some good. "Dr 1 t and Dr Regimen;" says , a quaint_writer; arc the best'phyiicians in the world; •• t we must beg leave to placol Dr Hollow y Lin the same category and to recommend is pills l in s as the best and safest ,medicine, fo . a Icomplaint which , annually, leave.-ar a o• kenl • - ' Its o ravager, ao many vacant plate ! by the domestic hearth.+N 0. 2, lit v rt - - Mail Bobber Arr 'stet]. CuteAGO, - July 25.--1 . C. Gillesrie . , mail agent on the Chiettg3l and St.. Lo ut Railroad,. was arrested yeshorday, cliar ! e. with purloining money letters. He ' have hls trial at Springfield ) on Monde. i .; ; ;; • .1 ARGITS' -1 WEYANo. ..----- I . we X, I A7ID4 f • •!Ic Werirand,ri:E: -----. ( 11 i PA., 1 I, ri , r 1 . 1 ‘ BEA * : i 1-4....„....,... ...„.-._,..-- „.. i 1 - IVEDNESDA JUDY. 29, 1857.. • 1 --- ,z . " — ; i , • r i 1 ' VOR G '- ' NOR, 1 D AVID 'ILMOT. 1„. .1 Of Brad rd ousay. r: FOIL SUPit 31E JUDG E S. • .., ; 1 • .. , _ i_ • . nine .eemi, N I • • Of Fa le , aunty, , 1 , i., ' IT 4- , .f 1* ' A 14ewis, r tunii. FOR el4l 03 MI,SSIGNER, . • W !VI P NI WARD; l Of lad t pliia. 1i , 'TNI 'TICKET 1 172 1:4103 lil iricxr I. A by. I l Lor,im A 11$ Rllli Beaver; EORGEP. S W, "dweller) i 1 her en 1.1701 W. IV - Di Re i gislo 4-1 ~ : Ai UET,_ B. ILSO' - 1 TaA . 1 ori Lp:M 111 BY, , 1 1 45,c C leri of 'IIEDV 3 RF P.l 1 6 miss, ,BNEB.; MOI ON, ] ( t 1 - udil • I VAC., ',-- oral A ; 111.1N P. ',OUC Poor 'lons. ( VAC. I 7 1 7:7iSte4S of 1. KIN NiIIY. N A.M ' ,i111;CIIN I. •GI .IBN 1114 P.LAt t OK r" We lire gre ly indebted to our anerp c friend, Mr. J. M leaaF, ot„ McGUlre'sl• I ict,.fora Club of t'wEi(it-nro' itihscribers I • I NOTICF, To Junols—The County gommissi rs request us to sni., lirat they nre Moir pre :dela pay to' the limps who- nttended ns rortiiKike ln.t..t (inst.) Term of Court, their litiannl compensntlon, snowed therit 'h r }-' Ac Ilegishiture, upon preetttntion of their Itis sir' tiori nt , tl i c C'emimissiOors 01 1 The..o , mmismone.re, we learn, had at the ' the Tierra, no aufhoniie l in.for .. .mation, rel ;. 1 ' ) ti)e meaning of tli act et the:l:l,eserni .1 • , ... rittph has iner.miel,th Juror's tie.o ~ . 7; • ; 1 erlday. Hence thec Iplay in the la eve' tl . . ' I , loned instance. 1- . 1 BirATE TCC—W r• >hitupq ,on rgr k .e o . •ounty Commissioners informs Us, thot tide Tax, due by this ounty for the year 1 - - - ~..,( f . llt Pt.ll,4sy ff. If! 0...4 e, the County. T..-..1 :r0r-.-tiallS HcciiriP . per cent abatenient.,l - l,. It's-EsrAnt..tsiten—Through Gen', C'.Arte 13orOngh, we leant that the' Indltuktry /trice, oi.whichtrn • sonie tinie ,eine . leen re-eo.lll,jisheit,-and 1 l'o4t .q 1 a§ter. . • • . TC,' , :: , ;:ritst7 AV: A Sl i DI: 6. --the. ( - !illit net ft r ~ri from the Fence rom the c i d,d 1 F t ir Crtt m 'enclosing the nel F ; pittlin up; -stallt4; •al thili, d i i..zni , tg c l dstern, tic , :, lins 'been at: 41 to Nir. Al Wynn. of this Itormip.h l The_ tp m Fi..ral Nall, 11!)d , ill e eitditrn. is t t t Itit netteed immediately. -Al of the w.4k• it •-I 1 • • I • e6mpleted by the 201 h, of Septembdri I • 1 f?. O'clock, n ..mtfage , l ila l cob Stahl, a nlMnhei orris accidentally drowi pany with others, in A.:: s made for the, hod, next day hoWerer the Rochester—having fin distance of some ter. b 4 l aal a iertliet re tl e above facts• The village !of Econeeiy f FsT.it Acr . rt)F.NT, (Ing Bppublicrin, tha, Mon, of Greenlsborr, 11ria!gew,iter,) trno 1 while Jitteirip!ingio lc being ',flumell(44ll , iha so badly -tfint be lit-C.(l BITIES' lIV SNA n pt. It. Reed, of 11 10 years:of age, wh 9.= , 0 t. h iost,,, eras bitte ~aye been a eoppet• es:ed?itAelf alinoet SlrOfl colivulOTe By • snistince. however, last accounts the lit ny or recovery. ANdTliEll FATAL he Pittsburgh pope tng• rightpnettlind start • tug de t own a lira. Ja. who attended murk u thn,baeic of the aroun d ;n and anuat l - FOUT iuehes. Sho • o'elpeit'iit the 6e -he eapired. - IRE HARVEST ' re at the present tlie:forf:e -they theiricropn.and ah unprivitioua wpath l the nheat and 'ryo • Thr4 grains will e ry *hi per nett, grasspotatoes •tr • Is I county. . The cora, d for awhile, has re , II and now I 'romiseel . 1 •ield 1 ." • • Bpi .4 BE i OPTED. • 1 1 - - On Monl Tuesday next., at :Roe es, Wednesday) lts(6o tai( i to i be , openi Capital Sto tline; o' übtless. 91 ttraday, at Beaver; and /, at New Brighton, B ooks subscriptions Ito .1 e 931 , ,AV8R COUNTY IA: Our ho , and men of capital, 1 Igiren the:, subject a Icai and thorou . , etigation; and' are there' prepared t) act understandingly, and witlll l , regain for; their own as well as tho publi c tercet. IY i e arelitir from 'Urging any'of our izens to like stock, incest their funds:and into the natter ) blindly and . inconsiderate --I The very 7eversom our_ object. If they 1 1 I not already thr.--ht tli titer over, we sip h ask them' & Propr* IMO the ailii - rtzu 1 Banking i:, piences 'which , Would act., men—the probable effect * it would hare our tradtz the tendency it might hare 11 trade the natural and hidden wealti., county—bow the . ' tistitutibit is to 11 m an i what is to be the pitrti l ?tilar sphere of itslt tiont. 2 -who ore t have control of itiac whether ;the stoc i t is to . be centered 111 i the hands of citizens of the county—orwil ' • a portion will, e held by persons ontsidei limits of the county? - Satisfactory info ~, 1 upon all these. !id other. points, wo k doubt. can he obtained nined from our most si tial citizens in all the villages, who bar 'pains _ t the to inform themselves, and ~ v 1 ipe - wed the_undertaking in all its bearni 1 1 , is well known; that - for-years post, tiuM • sands of dollars belonging to c ,, itiz ~s" county, have from tirrie'lo ti _ ()rid their way . ' into the bands and peel: t. of Pittml4trir rnkets; 1 , and.iti.4''eqiirilly_welf inn- n, hat: eithsr „thro' ' 1 misniarng.emeiit, financia! dep ession..or rascal r..)! ity,adarge proportion of this apitol has taken - Iti; it4lf wings and - walked to find its , and failed i way back to the owners. Now, it seeps to us, . , that an; institution located in our nidst, the , 1 I stock exclusively in possession of our two put / ,1 ple, the bank controlled hy our most rbstantial . ' iwnd reliable business men, it4) - rairs - imaged in , I discreetly and . judiciously, and , subj,cted to ' i 1 constant and rigid scrutiny, would create a safe Ihome ileratitory for all the surplus fund; of the. 1 county would obviate the risks of depositing in ,strange and unsafe hands, and, in our opinion, be greatly advantageous to the poblic!interest. if, then, our citizens Have satisfied !t ;emselves '-) i as to the benefita and, utility of a Ba king 'M- R-) stipitiou, we trust they will_ step forWiirtl with 5, ) ,alacrity, and co:operate efficiently in l it 4 speedy 'tea organization upon a safe ami solid basis. _ 1 -7 -'' 4A-I 1 ' , Pulaski tro CCOatr.. 1 Boroug,I!. ura Borougb ourls. KY, N. NigTito over. ' i. N C V.' ) NM I= 1 cr=.) catleniy - : Brighten, Wypal • AD, M Shlivin,(4 . y.• A ,Bc'ave i r, (3 Sr: y i ROcbester q) (2 yr! ~~ ME il l ' nie i I ve Ea the 1 the XBl,l tilts 4 lEfil 111 . 15 , wen int mo ' n nrt.. tinn r re I nd, , Flo g all corn- to be f ()u Sunda}' liist; nth' t bout nine: yeure, if , 1 of the I t o4frij; .... , 'o cies.] while ri:9 i!IC Olio I{4. I V, butvilthoui iets , ling lb .r: • t etrec GEE 'earth ; the body wan r Med dorn l '•OVCret Ntr titiryne ortlanc alen, OM MEI miles. An dered in' aecc ho.ly was r MIMI BIM 1 - --' ~ I Ce!tCEßT.—Anllnaian trorip consist ; - , l, ' • ; males, and•twO felnales, of the 11,0-xnes xnes- I i "gl ; 1 1 ~ , j ll , lni . I has r Ojfbway. tribes, gfri , e seven. enter-7r I tainments at the Coffrt Ii011:4C last reek. The' merly slant, company : , sings wen, ant 1;13' their filmiest Ide ft • 1 • and unessiffning partners, can : not was i' rt me it tl titieti fail to ommend themselves td the priblic ;The i Chief—Mr.. Mn-than ifelyaff,ve-gayi r is an hi= 1 1 . telligent gentleman, fin! lectures with. a good I 11, 1 i idr 06 deal 'of fluency. I 1 I . •.1 , .1 ~ - I ;"* •" r ' "" - _ -- "i' ----":"" * t•I I about •=r7w... Tnt 1 LADY'S 'NiAOAZISE for august is ion the rrifi our table, and is filed I to ai'erflowing with ,ed to l its sparkline• gems. - F riirrimpnegs•and c0ur...1 • 1 . tel, and'an earne?t anti studied desire to please Eland benefit the !Ladies, and the, editorial fra- I i the! Ladies ternity, and make his periodical maintain a i , foremost position in the literary world, COM- I , mend us ahropta GOIREY.I • , ' - [ . ' , ------- r ----N- 7. --- ids - Tho _cote of , the, I.stockholders of the 1; I 1 Pemisylvanin Railroad Com l pally is almost unan imous u in faynr of the purchase of the Main Line ofl tif a Publie Works--143,MG.f0r, to 605 if gain i st a pnctiase. : 1 . I : , MEI -Vele:tin' fro tiro a son r o t ll.ll.. l W. L. Green courity,i killed o 4 the!mi, ap upon a barg.e r tli t place. , lie was l c „ but a abort Rie. .c.---.V little daugl 1g , Bcayer tonal 4, 11 1p,1 e gathering berries,. by k enake=supl • head. Tie' pois ed immediately :by in ptouis. Proinpt 1 gate cpeedy "relief, • c Einfferer - itas in , - , i I 1 , I I 1 .- -------1- II . I octor,cr.--70 lelr , that onSaturday, • cited to a - ugh{ i E. 4 ol' at full speed,l • c•Pe c tere. of I tlearir t :t,, the wheel striki, R./id, •,t inflicting aI t or 1 ; ef ugt 0 sca I, il ,p r ' I 1. gored in - 'great - pa ; lug of the came, la. , 1 ; • 1 maul- Icing 'edical nd nt , H ; fair rozi 010 ecnme knock- ounty, ig 'her oc-14ng ilreo or mita IMM 6 Farmers of our buelly l engag,el an symmandi it .iild they net:bp visit tiering the next tt ill generaliy be in CRC(' more than an d nil it ie said that t were ttever . bottei though somewhat bq entry gronli quite a faii-!if• not an' al county, 1, =with fecuring it.cd with- LI shock. crdinn- ,he oats, in, the ckwarl rapidly, undisol L I J',i ALS 4E.NATORIAL- tlioppraz. ayand Th e, con ferees a th!_n i e , w, f T S s e:i v :to: e l:l % ' comprised of, tbe conntle. 1 , , and T# and Venarigo, assembled 4,t Meger, opt it 'lri, • , kd to listu l *t - t er re n ninin in session th k of tl and balloting :3-nr -too times. ailjouTned toe ,ace either', making a'rnt noation„ - . or malting le , I ! e r e .' _ion for a sutiL'equent meeting. The ea re this g.. l'Or investigation; -!forefnr nomination wtt4'- 010 F.S.Is Franc l is,( -,:,•,0 1 .., a „,.. , I,l nc i , reitte% icing, of N. 1 ezce/. ay 1 I%leCt'al l , 2,„11. to l i Venan go. . All being present. it seem, cit- 1 countable that they permitted their rej! rus h 1 contrrees to sep.arato2 finally, 'without iY—• I some kind-of amicable rind satisfazienyf s I mr e I, teak This,, it strikes us-mallwrong i 0 .7 ' dicties a policy.and-evluces d d'ispositl c L . e i ,s h 1 thing hut wise or commendable. Now. l' , g ~, knowing any thing of the peculiarlOcal I „ re . of the case, it seems to it!, that the . l e i nes - s ' I owe i is t, to thenrselies,' and the coast w ure ,A profe . to have at heart, to see ilia+ again tbrotiaht, together xvithout delay, I de- another effort , to Compromise their d if the 1 , in such a way that a. restilt, disastr,Oult Ig e " — Dis;rict, may lao gnardc.l itgainit - an • ay. .r. iipera- '• .• 1 " f • • ,---_,______ L • As the district is 'newly formed, an rill the Conirnitteelentertatne'l any rr,,spcct r - • ~-•, •' . the • airs— .- 1. - • - I • . 3.tounties claim the kit -liege of satin ,the first ` Coprt, brit i byeause the absurcidnor,:.ic. ln i . ' • • r candidate, iirbirto concede. it to til l „ county lef of enjoining suhmission to one Ija3 •, 1 1; wltich.bas been longest witbc'ut a SePator—ori decision and rebellion ,;•igilnsr to other, or the ; struck the minds of all the.tiel,gat4 1:41„ the one lui'ving tbe greatest populatiolorL central county; of the District-L(lr the i youngest l I'.. l °r fl n''' , who nfrera'l the - l'i'scOttion. , I , llt•t_ i t s he i d rr e fl i t ''i t ( f ) i n on of it f t o he l t l is 1 (1 1 :I t ; , competitors st,ep ,Side for the oldest? kit them] ic e s;'-s s ;t-els (that draw lots---I,OSS up do an thatll3 fairj 4 ttmlY i .'Y ell se 'and honorable in the waYi of Caconniromise; I tenure lif 11 . 15 C k "grclNsi"nat nifico, tint, het l' anything but this foolish chil , P 4 'play tie Ines:- I , IN. " .el!'"'Srenlet tic ' ' 81 . ille' dciCtiiir,l) 'tall Fida-i-- itiabie result s qwhich will ba to' cuff r lire pi s _ 1 , red in teli.'itlxv)ellli-crli r it .r! hi r ,: , ;,: .. , h o ir il l it . : ol l :l l l. t ; F i . , :,;: l s o : 1 , 3 f t : i. , l3 :: ‘ • 8 17; :.'; - t trie'r,through default, and downright' ilfulness, ,' ,-, ells!!-_ , . ,''_ , - c' IL 1( stt 1 10 pas into the 11,6,14 of the Shame acy., To . • . J.,' ' ; revolt such lin-event-to, take place, I District I i ' • _Just - Ps Wei'iedicted. • r boasting 'neatly fit'ooßepublican inajority, Tlvi cnn'estca Ch .• • I . f electron • .,":, case ' •I ' ,, ,„ " would be a bilrning nod bviting share. :I: .less ann ein .• , astt , ay. In t , , r , i ii , talc. (ourt, htsatla•t bejtn deei,ledin . The Pennsylvania favor of Mr Mtn], the linionica n ii,i,,f e at Societi bolas its 7th Annual. yair- a( Rhiladel- 1 phir,h'ept tuber '9th,. 30th, Aancl; et tob . bii lit,: the ) 1 1 a a s s t :e c ii c n e t t o to r n m;, f r e n r cem ) t ii• n i ci ri g ef fr , e .: ( 1 ii t l t f o n t t a lv -v pi — e. , nnd 'NI. - - ~.: I __-------c--,----- 2 --- .•' ; dieted t iijt fhe•Union e;in di•lat es fir,C tall I -.The Ifmnesotn, Convent! n._.-`; I Cenimissioner, Anr,ttne (poncritl and. Sur- - Sr l'aCt., July 1.'5. he mitt: Ile - headed.; veynr In nein . ] ware lea'ally elcetc•l_ by tie Constitutim.al Convention is Fitill n sc 7 ..iion; hourrst (attic of Pen ti sy!vor,il, - a t yl•F, , t r,h,•,„ the Republieuns in C(itive - ntie II ]11,;1 A. liefli•is:lifeti fully c..n - Q - 110•1 by the .r. , crii D. Valcontliol. Pi esidi .) u t,Yanil tin Pomo- loutdecis n - this Casa. 'The Judo, in b crats in Coulicil•-.1. , • Chdi ,b,,r, 11. H.. Sibb.y,vestightip'Er. this ea.o,Vlb:eovered tlih -- t 1,11;' i'resident The Rept blieans -' limber 59, , ilb.gal vo'es bud hoeri given to Mr!' CAi.l ill _of whom , f resetite•P' !oietlen i tials Wliich , flax,. Hi.), th - i - nolerntic eanditintr tvlii', , ix, - had 7 been aceepte - A. * The number of qtfr.ttli-,,illeusl 1. 4 ctr: iv!} prnrin a .L rairist his (Irv,: he Dmiptcrats is '•••:. s-..Vesal having heisolne ', nolo, Mti N in , The investigatihn tits disaffected and returned L ome.; The dun ' heom'a probmued are, and Judu'e Thoinp oeratie Convention.hns not I vpi - r Al or ' . the sin d&nit c:= din th•ii , ks of allill'ones m•'( -- credentials, 1,11.1 - no rr:t.,,,ii, ,tiou h o s. been • for the determin'athm lib has eytrictalin - f• -: etieet cd. ' The Rei:ublican C..n, l v ntion.h.a.fi, resin u nu". tho - se frailds; and we liave ii ,- been pernueriently org•-alized, 4 (1 has ~pl4', denlit-, that it the frier 1s of Mr I\i inn 11.,' in. tacit efforts, overi_, i. , 1,1,. I Sham. and Nothing BIAS tam. P i4te ' l btaull ,''.''' 1 " ) "" 401e1 ' ; ' : . ' . ' •• ''''`` ' " 'ouirnittte ~ Persts - te • ; 1 . f - ion Vrearubfet , , ' Bill ''l 11 1 :..lit. ; and Sub-' x•(.,tes could bust been proycni but :.‘+, thl V The New firleans Delta , a South rn' Delon -I • , , •. 1 - mate,' Ret , orts. 111. e .1), in. its had a hail votcs eanui.fli to ups I the c',,cil .n o f, (Train organ, and whlch Ettritnrted Itch:mom previtiuS caninis ve: , tr , lav es; any, advf. Mr ‘ Cas.si , lav,tht j rnE,•tt 1.1 sali l fie I I -- : 'p- , ssys' here is "no lo frer nay henit y ,ritslity i i,il.--,. w i t h t h 6. 11,,,41...,,Lit•ii , ai'la GOV.; Ft r out the'ficti proven illtrifPZ rho fnr - r - - left in the National Demberatic i• rty," alll 1 Mellott , thel course t i .s Ivo I r. on, linvev_ ligation, no - M;noro M. 2 :Tan c:in Lel f•r adds• ''' ' " , . er leisrim• yi't b. coal, ,) 1'11:1r4'7,1. It'seem. ' A 110-‘IILLAIt bnt that Mcssrs Cmdirati, i'l,•]r4 "T it. truth F, the 111110!1 •',or the enlnerleY : ! pr...b.0 , 12 the t c.i! - Ii I'ol l l , NVIH:I On tinlia to and liiporte..- Wr're Ilotirt.y eleete I; in• if Nrn-th, and s° il it h - 1 I ' i n c. ' n . r • ti • ='‘''' a- '''''''"" : insist that it i ,- ; a C-m-:iinti•til il C•Ci`iventi iti,„ the rrosent- fir"- upntit , 11 . 0.., ,,, ,i,v),. - .n air a , I t Mr illichiumn went into the ear,rals,s as the ex.. , •,, , 4 , • • . 1 11 t ' rail I'ICI* Still Wtttl :I x Pli-z'l'l.,o, .0 0. _i, m .Iley ;rill at enre le‘i *Tr l ot . e -, , , I. ponent of sham he went into the Vre.ideeey ' , *, ~.. , - -..,' i . " ',, , -...~... sui.nutita to . tne pcoll.o, . - 4 nave no.Appyr•titm-rott- :1,n0,„, .v- , 1:., , ,r,:rc , - tn.earry put chant. aill he s hasbiser en unendably I , 1 _ , i . i ,-; ~.„. faithful to sham up tb i this present % riting." I r i ---_, , _••••-__ ___ .'_ ... mip,,,sU- • trt,, •- - L .; , h"- ....•• ' When Republican millers Inst fall, irgued flint ;- I .a.c...,,,1ng in Roe& sl., nd.. , ~. T . ,,,,-.1,.„.., ~,,.: .;, ~„.,; „„...,.;.,., , .1. ' U ' t'ff s iClii J tei, ~, —4 . t. -minectino• lif• M acs, is 's' 'l'i'' -r .g'• .- * Mr Iluchannn could not be h't ire to the; Cell. ; I. - 0, • ,-•-% ~.• ,/, 1 summon, am at the samelti e 1 Tat to the 1 the citizen ,- of Ito ck I-land, , Tesolwiops ;Consdriuesn-!,ty sr , in%y , ex .;=,,,,.,f th 't tl,. 7 a, ',.. ' 1 - ,1,-)1 , 1 on In, the l : very ks• ea ri no little A che tr. emetics advanced by r eutbe statfsmen t they i r '• - - - 1 roil Company for negieet la . !, ,t i • _ erect. gran-1 or theyJutve b." 'n h•gdly ,ile , , - o sl er n 1•, -t-, were Itold that that t%"aS a R Publican rirgiim;"nt and amounted t 'nothing. lAn; • 1 When the Re - i :tries, frright, houses i, ,l. a. b;i,k Passenger 1 OW- tucy MD (Pi I V the, L tit•Ali.in r,l-s.—riir . , 1 k 1 h t • lipit- on the S ri grin,t,d by the city i i'i. , 7.rerg . i /. , .,, , ),, , i,F,,,. ,•• - , . publicans .ffir ,ta Mr Patch:ram was the , , . . , • , 1 (3 I lii . . 1 . toi7rallo'cle;ir:xsi..tan„Lieu,onftoir)rellli.a.ltx:lrn-)uosit.i.ue i‘, .. a n i n , - . ! „, ~, ~-----""'"- - .;;J- , 1 ,_,, exTionent of itfi p m-iple, and tha , t the Northern t E,. . , , t, 7 , . -1, 1 , , 1, •1 • I tie Pint. so: - .t.l'il i 1 l'iX P KoTrt Iti,' ti and Sontherrt..lle, .ocracy unite.t upon him, for r . ,, , ,d C, , T; y , r ~, ~,,,, ' l, , th 0 ~....,,r; t 1 i , r.it4STOPOTA. — LA . I t VrS, v 7 ,1 trPti a t -,`••,., the r' , prat. t ) . 10„ they were very ecelly given to ! - d ' 4 :7,1: 1 " ." -f 4. '' .1 ''• -' r ' = it June_ •21,t- rucel 0 1e5.,,1 ..1 1 n" , "1 :7 il it. woo en„,but ings . wi . c be.destvrypd. hare; , _ t ' . -7 . • • ~,,e,a1re.t......! rt r i. 0.4 ...a 4,,,-, a r r ill ac k Re,- been reeetecil hare frean )tr. John r. li w• an armed guard in atteni ` hinCe- ;vel'i niont. 1 rthitcanllie," tin - entitled to nose ref A few _. e, • - - en, who is ic, sitrrin; ~,.0,.. ~., ~,., ;,•-• ~ tilt ' , INIIV, ~1.- l i.l}i: c tiy,....t,... 1 iv . th:!t - 'l .l- i tv ' ti; ' .. t; '.l ' I I 1 ' ' ' i 1 roon'hq !n i ce passe an, tv,w we no oe--Y err 1 . Another 15 —' ob - i; t ie — ii. -T t leiy . --, confi,med what the Republicans rillCcel, but ,A, • ,- ,-- • 'Cs '-- - ' • it-le l -ea lii w' tie l" -1• - 1 i l lso nrl-i ore'et l the ,6 .1 _ i ~ 1 '.mmiN5..,ii, , c1::. , ..i, t it , co., t, y,., - July 22 ;., i ', -,; 1 ,••" -- ; 111 Tr 1 ' I'. e' wit h --I ? "'lr.° n I Lis` test] • I.:lst' Sunday, as It, , v .i , ,lin,(J: I.'n' was :''''.'s tae 5".1 ,, ~,,,,. ..tii,, l t , v-.pf an intinentlat democratic paper, and 1 , • , -.. 1 i t,, f., ~ Hunk. in Silo nnr!) ir - id.' •.'l' r , . ' preaentnu at- ant, lotwe, an art 13u mou tor— • , . , . widen, was in the thickest of the fight for , 1 '- ;. •, • i . i i ~• • i stgi the Pron, , rtv sun,: *lll-1, it h ' 'that tic rinanl, l the Cincinn4tti ' 1 cca 1 , ,t-tr, io•„ 'tato t v.- l. I irei, .",!Zeti , ,• tell mil `,,,,'.• .^, , , , a't ._.!,,, ! r lain t . Ginn :e . 1 C6nven '• I !dr& 4titi two other minit:ters tf la wdre,with • Id- "." • 1e : ;,1,-p-n•l• nt o; the . sl-,,i. it . wee ti•••Sllltri t ,' Ur Btlelintiult W I IS the expo. I hint, Rte. ,-•••• i "llichatdi•on, - • : :al Pow. 3. ' ' if ' ofd . 1 311114n,1 that hi went int l i the Presi. m. f , „ ,/..c. , :in. a ,„ l , , ft ~ r ~I,L,,iti., and ;n..11 - it.. i .Ras ti tit!) - 'lien 11 q 1 el, l'u.r, i , rto carry opt a 'sbem.l nal lint lie Its ' ing them, i • -`° • cneet en ) , •t• 011'1 *1.4 t 1 1, ' I'llllll3 ,ICt:itlt:11 tt,itt Illey•Sb0111 , 1 , . IF- ' ' • *^" commend:o l .ly faithful to ‘slia l m' np,to the • I: I be talcen•iisilt of the • e ant 1 Mr. Feb was : wn . l 7 ll ' -- "'•'''''' , 'when th 4 S '''''''il 2' ent wrzting.'t IVhen rog i hes flu cut honest ' s t r i t A• er i'' th e h i epl, and rr_.al•f , ..leral - A-1,- in- 1 nate(/ ' an ' l P ut 0 " bl ' ar ' l t ''''' ' • 1 ' - ' ' eztin wltiel t -t• • - I get theiralne. I 'I 1 ;itirea. •,en hte tvt . y (ojt---ti. Idiitance ' , if ft- i ' ‘, .' i ' s' u l l '' ' n t " , 7_, , , _,, ,,.....,„....... _7;7 1,_ , , hoist ten; v , y kr ~ , t t. . t , , _, , ennvenient.. place. f•tr I':U iii• • ... • ' • 1 thirty. brass lit-Idi 1 i, ci i h e rr...tmaicr .., oltlir.auß. On., VYCI:P --.)n inlay ; F last, .itidue McClure I'v_er,"'ile'l the F their vi't tints. imPr"ett by Jive-troll to histlt t.• aniuth7t . • l 3; : =also ton for a new trial for, Charlo' to. :Tones, 1, . ,• : , , ' 1 1,:, , 1' '-' 3 I the bri10...• hi which the t',l, I . 1 e ,-•- ; tne nelgttbnyinina tut y pis , I; twit. they', .7 - ~1 • - " ry Fill and 'Nlnnroe tevrart, and pro- : 11 , id three ' , r; and th - ev s lie l ral led' tlirntl I wlrtir Slloe° o "' - ' 1 '• aa v: ',' T hor'se thieve,s -6 , 1 'n ' , ger thieves I trim the '' crill ' t^' the s ' "'' teed sentence of death ainort the prisoners ~,' ' , _: : ' ''l l• ' I • • vire 11..0 tlp , imttulins ni 1..7 ~,,,,, ,, I ; .1 - ••, e • - •'' ctnat Intytverc : ' , oin , t , i-ivni a• • 1. i l r• •- '- - •ly remains now for the Governor to I ICSIg- : rg e . mo b i ty.,,, cn , 1 il , I ti. :, ..., I coripered - 'and cupp-r f i stenial, h•it Ai, ay' $,, 1 „ le 10tVel‘L t lay for their executions: l J , • • VI I i -, 1 classy n s.cutt c itititt, on 1 o• t iem ; , L . , .1 , , r .. •;-, . drool yet such is the :-t:ite u ' otiblic opin- I wil i ' ll , I--rallit'L'lle for thou e. , l , pe:..fl• l th: iokthat •it wenhli be itscluss to prosecute. m ore l Inehmit' c l ' ia'l i tha.erietT3rt ; . ki l •le 7 , afford work! for I th 9 pally will hi wi 'This has long been an tniti- slivery place, but the 1 i mme di a t e t. , tiv ,`,-', of th e e _ut rag e, ll7events ope,rai , ious_ in the itec;:istrh tr rind i small vessel ~since last au:ntito4 ),rt, '''` Was. he nitenipt to - estahliSh a schnoll-thero I The RIUISI "V IS. Vh.d wily tt , k , itt illdf c Schen - As are reg9o,-(1 as tith(•tlfilnoero'n inecidiary institutions in this ;part OF,,,,Ken- e ., ° "1-ites in; go ad si . fr,? , firiul- - 4M , r. tucicy.--ic e ;ur. , Cn. Gez. - , 1 , 'I ___ , success . for the'expedition heynti(l..• - t , ii i ," l . ly . I • i ...________....._4 r; . sanguine expeetations.-Phibt. *I /so_ b . 1 ielin. 1 , I, 1 1 WAsitiszt - rroN, Jitly . ! 27‘. . 1 three companies just: en•der i e c'lndpendenee, ITantillnn,lMi( and St. )lary's,.l.ielib - nn ' lli i lifi,tn Conipanics in "litinos - 111 i threttteried Indian:(listAirb . ,n , Jl, I ". An otlicial desintelt in , t IRan ing.e-xlvreskes the bolier• i ent diflienities .wlll. be' tin I bloodshed.. ' ' neat dene Jee 1 i r es ! I DIL BE m6tt Hen rims It lo nat. 11111 I ! Itr. NEST IrE.Tu.—W eobg'C'TVC that I - County Aerinultural Socie:y, ( of 'Pedutrinnism,' offers 11 pren I tie fastest: rpnner, $.l to l the see rttnning in be on' time., and each riri)ntl the enu i rie l I _:1 .1 • once E NIIT US of tn. „ 1 1: an( M.* less . than six; -persops—;Charlotte' Janes, fleury Fife, Monrce Stewnrt, James Jcines, Frederick l3reninger, and. John Luti—L. nre now confined in the i Allegheny , prison on I argc. • • the chof Murder. This' exhibits an uaex- II nrnplefi a l s Wall as an alarming efide of affair-a LaaaslGoosentagirs.l-IVe have' been hand. ell some Gooseberries. of large size grown' by Mr.. Robert Tailor', of this -borough—two of *dab niqueure 3! inches each in circumference, and onen wi inches. —L I CALL A l ecErigro.---Re'v.• Daiid runninghtim has accepted the call Itendered bun by the I - • Bridgewater Pr'tbyterinn Church, at. 'a salary of $750 ! il - Der, I. N. Atkans,lt the g n of the 'Big • Hat,' basi now on•hand elegant aseortrnent of •; • . Hats and Lops, for Men. and Boys. Call and I iaraitie. • i i• • I r CZ tile the Ns' ir i aly Itether ' of the • g , 9tloo 0 Dot , bstrm- I 1 1 I talen Olrice It, L'tbott-• lof- tili-,_._i . , ttic Craw" under the nun of ond, &:c.— !person':pto i 't "DEA D It,NDDIT” .11 C:".., 1 IV?. Y.-- Bros j lill c he Locofoeol State Treas 'ter Of Ohio I ash stole nearly a million ~,f. tile '.pople's'. money while iii office, has 41 to Canada . ; :ikti a fugitive slave. , fro , inks bean indict- ed,by the grand juiy at '',oltilinbui!, fo'r - em- bezilionerit, and 'fie • has l fled to avoid 'trial! upon that lindierment,., for lid knows ' that theidev4tpinouts upon rho t i, - int-wOuld not only seddlhini to the Peulteiary but ruin his 1 party in. Ohib i tie' aek uwiedge ' his' IF. guilt !is' tinning. away. 'F' ition ' his. Repahlican successor I 'was indicted. for, the same offeace; but like :tan he, surrendered hitn.ilf - lo.his "tie,ery s and Will staticl his trial .bravely. . The 1 , /cad . Babbit" . leaders in that State hate 1 nW i trying a they could . to throw--the, le lillame of the defalearon on Gib'sonl why UT Breslin is innoe'cnt,..deeii-liel away— titsbiirg ••Citile. Brats:lAN ,ANti WETISTER.—Soon 3f ithe greatlexpetivider had di , elaarged One, his heavy guns in the. United: States nate, 'a gentkinan- was extolling ,hitn- to Chanan.."Yes,7 s4hl„tl l e, latter; - "ha is . great RtOe ;, tn*, but no i olitician. The ne i nth ii.ii l iia I.m e i - NI r .117 h. bs t 'Pr al few Is subsequently; and inipmved - the, nem on to elicit his l opinion of th'e. philesopher ' Wheatlatid,',itial singn!: - rly.li:nough,l. he itl of 'BuChanan "Ile is'a great politidian . no - statet.mati. "—B,-,...t, 1 7t4 1 egolitrf i 111. ii . I - . • i -. ' 1 4 , 1 - - - A - kilt Of l m becret Ilistcry In th e I) , Tatie ' City Correntinn,' BEI ' th ' r Mercer, here a fee da 5 ago, to rerisq 'u lcr e , pe 15th the goverorn rit, 4)f ihe pnrtylorganizat: ( n, ; . f ee days:, there Wer.. - so to matters discus:4d' tha!',...cre w i t h ou t I, nor l repnriod, , but climbn ere !of !con.id, Tn ., I . prov i g . : Mei interest,. anil nn" .of wllich lia,‘ l rf.,-.t, r t, 1 d i dato , our ears froni' an authentic sourye, 1 'ln . s, d_ , j l N. lenurse,of the proceedings, varioul'rc-• ui ' 4 ' 117 ' • ' ---' ''`ff 1 . d d' , ~ , ,d f ‘ trans wereo erer al 1p ._ c . ..t na,v ~.; fl out, _of ti t ose waslon oS.lretl by Bon. 'l'iioni lf p , s u .l r : t g UMW.' ct , Q uo' itu. - einber of Chmgr6s f r omti , rP ect- District,. ri)nlernning in Feveiencrir , , ti !, making, - durio.es of the•L'ourt of Common Iteaz fo."; ~,„,.,,,,p b . . . ,,. • ------ their rectnt ilemAon in the ;;list net Attr,. a nd in " I 1 Cage Tt wag referked te:the Cooll'.. r. I Pe) . , • • . .., , Lion a n y - 1 tee on Reoltiiions, w,io, jettedre 0, on the ''without 'i iround that ' inagmtult s the Denv - 41.1.i c i ,tronliles . party in the Union has'r ti eermily been urgi nitidatesi in`, i as the 'duty or allgoo I 4itizeng. that lichatheY 1 they' should submit_ to aild 'retpec.t O. l e . .all are 'pi t , .i( ti of til' Su a-lino Clittrt:in the Pp.,' ~ to make [ Seat case, silt ly heou.l4o it„.,,,i ls / j„,i,, i ii .1 , ffieulties i decigion, it would ba very inihfc mil.c ., in to the I them, to'conaenin the .[ der t , io.fi of a L eona -aided. jin anotb'or rnattct. >lt wassnot becauqe ihre, '• • —With, the 'l, from Fort iaw, sinux• r , ) will sQrin a, in vier/ or I- tr- n( heAltnleqt pc , opl.meed nviltem, Cila ig'as of the diet, of the Avvatber and =hu tdreds of other cau=e , , prodw.e rrlixity ~the systery thAt ;needs eort:eeting ,et I ' Worclg, the liver beenmei slieitly t 1 , :ipettsia stimulato.r. I a tt , 12 " b thelnOlve'l ;u this situation iSanrd's rafor, they insy su 1 of relief, as we can,testif_y to it's .effisacy curing,lleadache, Indigestion4' Stm ncb, and other ills , ' so common in a falai! It acts as a. medi l l eine . , , kalictr and I,etter the .any dose of pills w eier swalrotrei, aul siY mild that the stuallesi'intailt can take ve attSd()DhirubgYg.iPst4l4r.g°:energliiillll;lll.l;ll‘4,,lT,rn: r!Toiv,ed from 131 •the pros eked without IItRT - W6OD'S HAIR RESTORA . TIV —lVe refer the reader to the ii,l2%,:eftili• . ' l : of thisc-popUlar reme•iy, niended by all who have ivied it, n9d effeeted :wonderful results by its 11!1.4:e iiucnee %\; . 'e know of gentlernmi to country.; who V i avOs been almost . ; b 11 years, had' their hair'entirely rest(ire!i. forniqr - . luxuriance find --AVood's H•lif RestomtiVe. f it Vii — Sjiti by. Dr CunninSiatni • ver and Druvrists generally. °J. , . . Ogl—Persons o f Sedeivarl, lira. r,; are generally affected vvit.h Velli , : o . per and Exbrausttiotb, Nausoa ai4 I. aele, have in l J3(..n have's , iloland Ili a 'gratefulr,medy. It gives stteno ll energy to the gyglon,,ftimulatest'le ,1 tive prgaus,- itid., corrects a v iclity -,0 s coma zh. ; • ll. • . IVe xvot-3(l' climiton the 'pall , ' •l r pureki\tsiria any (if the';inany iml'll''. t,, this deligla A u rotua l To I'sc"l' l . ' :-,iti6n, -Le cri qui t , '-i k for ./110 1 ' I /Lila 7 ''' OS . ' ~. ac 4,11 U I S. , 1 11•11 N p 9 Irl{ • 111 . 1 ;I•i i r. - iri . LtliPr =MI i 1 v a c: ,t t =IS thr , -1 cr t c:,•10
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers