. . . . Ml. 1 , ! --'"--------:------. -1- ---f ....._.!, a, Vira to Chicago. , • To. cs s u it ,TNitg-• The-Ajilwanlio: eu.r.rs' s PUtideut -of I the. GREAT • ItEDUCTIO - N PRICES. ~ -, PittiadelPhi&Livitrer..tutia.wrt s: ..,.. • , . I am diiosed to oink oat c ic, 0, eni . 1.1,.. • THE season has trrri , reel w limi row 'stoelio s f siuranter Goods 'mug} and I will tle :old. • Cold' riot expect to, live and • 'thrite without for- i weather in thki early Pertof the iienson'lnts left, Buellinidable for Stipreifiney in cradq and lus with a stoek of - Sumner goods, by far too !:ritirels seetticti ! large for this; a/lynneed time of ISi:tinnier, and buFincss - o far sbe lms kbelf,tat t : Dut a •nt:w power i# 03w 1,.0 m. '; As st.e are Adt,erurline , i to earry °ler no g6odi to t. . 1 another suninder—thereby, tosino. he ti.e oronr I ig up in 5 . 1 ii , v:tnki , y wl'iielt; already . 50i, 1 money forpeSrly a . ent . .--Ite ' isi,ll for. Thirty ' 4, 2: Fri!i f e . ~x,t3. Ilionzarni irihab)tants, lit:u• ; ,!,,y 4 to eihne, seent -- EAsTEtt:.+; EOST:odr -..ais '';'r e "-'CP' of faiiroad '', eettriiectioti, tuatl - i sta r k of ,-- ~ •.' ... r i harbor on LIS -AI teitigin r lis , 1 I,3l??L'i' ' ._ • MnntiPns, ; - Faitey Silks, otlvam ,-- e n „i t i l -- / t i.id e , a , rap i d I. lfrilliant i s, -, Shawls, : i. Frainch Collars, et cr sli , l itiler! Pi - intiet‘e d•lvs - I -Ch ' ili. "' l' P"'""ei's Mftheir mitt 1 I Delie,zes. 1 : ltibt.nno ', 1 :p a i.), 50 1, Thireeen . hnnds(Cd linues were built iii.rilil . and. stri4..tr goods gener4lio''. 11 ' -' !' mai:lg last yent 1 .. Tier railroads now, pll. - 1 ll As a further inclueenient to jui;elinsers, 'we leeted nod Bert in Jo .:tie built still 'Ai__ amotitit - --..„ 11 i 111! 1 ,1 Sell at ft reiThctimi Uttr etot of Dome ti l l i n tie-an'd S'taple' gbods-goteb as Oflicaes, IMus•- .n mere that tire) thousand miles, lins.Zicilings. Checit!, Table Listens, and' nit 11 - -iseqnsiM but. far t - eater . :mount st retell 1 1. , 1s - • 1 goods' usonily kept in a (hi- goct i ds store. As rig into lawa :Id .Ikinnevetr, 10d - 01 will iwe are determined - tii-eiese out °lir', stoelel-pas. FAO/1 i'' , c ] i'liv ( ilng ;:t.f ' 'il il Ws nkie tnn on 1 liculdr - i.7 11 5 4 4'• s' °° ‘ /- 0 133-0--- kolvlt - rglins inaY - ~, ...... , _ --';- T. M. ~ 4 Tl.Oll, , r e- , onte.i ~rn unt,nu gnat] and.' mereltandiie, 1 b" . :Pet',,t,e` l ,-i., - , i sr.d the .multitutlinami pralines 'of tii - .; fir- , • .rOl7 ---:. V - tile reciona!thrstysit t% Licit tile- are tit . ! ------- !: 7- -- 4- - ----I-- 74-- ' - ' - 1 1: --- --------: . .l . pa - f- -- htrainarT icvssol : Cour:Tess haring granted a6r milli-ns of 1 , . ? . ,.,s . -• Il - t - 1. - .lslirs A r .Ithere in tlic arri - ' , - of land to' aid in milling,, - inErnad. ,! , r Y:}:s - 70: , :•. Hew omits •eniale 'zietninart- in r,.•arc'r ' is arts.; (he' ticiiieii won '.i Ai_ be trilattaq to Miliratrkil ;ti mated '''' ‘. ' ' l ' . - •' ' - ' . 1 1 .. 1, 4 ' t liien i n the for:n(4. city lhaystieeeetitil -', '4,..lt:i.;sTtev. WoU'lii it be "a ile3 in i :;i 4 .e lacatiun , 2r . c , su ., o re ~opse Inn : is in . for an t'icr..list or I.:ye D octor. i t . !d 2 to, SIT. •. in, Feetrint4; . g ,iii of Hoc (..xn.insi rely lean •r :0 all , cen _ i ~ .Q uEvricis. why net ? ANF. Deg its , ,, the La-. tea • ! • to at 131 i ltr . nits all Wear fine Ear Drops.. whie 1, they. get auldit. / - i I i , • - ebeap nt the establishment .of W3IL-IPLATE.in , i . , it . . t ~ vi ~ ~,, 4- „. ; lilitlgt-w.iter: Ile al ~o deali Inrgefy in Finger t.. /r - 7114 ii.tititheir !I titc.. in , I,LIV IP . " I I:4 t!'4•4. PIA.: COH and Weelle' ,ail cueap, _ j 4N i 1 1 proleildve.lll e 150,000 tmthe taxes far ! Ter .. I, ~ e4'"f-' , far Cash.- ' J 1 14 0.) ,-- ' 1 ! F ---, 44 • 'hi; v. ar.l i l tilitieal 'expel inteuitt.: far part:. 1 ------.-...____ _ • • ".7,-in . .:21;ipose4 ate 'always ' \ c„..':ttly, , but' the . t awney t;fsit 'is n,athiag to theloss of repo- alarm tram . the : Ani-ge'vernment of the city i;etwet n the riv.ll aml e - wil ending .pciwerz 0 1:1 lady from ill,. country Lnd ihm.iv frlia the t-i , v 'to dote with her on a c.v . :di' r casi, l r tire kks.i.rt• thtre 11 , :aFt nn cnniplons rippl. , -I.ie - 1 , • 'LI n'ii , ~t ii '• ~ - , i (l Anr , :tili,nn . n, ‘ . .10w • > . do von itiai. 1 . , v In lianlie -ii . a pie.?' i f •i• :.' 'P ', '..,...71-y.n1111.0,' wasji:c quiet. r t.p'y : , V - ( .- ... Ilvilii - illlc',4:riNt up. in :I S l o"/".Tih:IirrtlV, WIWPI - t' it.llflA i T ' iit.l!n,, roDit2 tr,c:o, aii.: iII cm s'.tali.: tlw i - 'fruit .I,.wn iii p) t.' . , . • ltEALtr.ll:(iF - (711.10.1:!z St - msEn.--T.lO 13o , t,;nqr:vrozillpt sfry,..th:tt the n•Fir,t:t of' ; I+ir pse.ii‘e,l j'.iy the Pcr-; • 'f,ll-c4-311„. ns if.ia frieudk i evuld tt thief_ fliffictil! . y nspo ; lr-0, N it, lir fatigue,l and e , i , ifierOdo le.ogth of tirne . ,..llei then rcternn of Cig4 „ rif.; , to , the rtit'ai z r i,'t, f hi? cheerful.. Y?t,crr i -s colopltme,t;ts to *Mr. Smitlt; :iliks 'sit( id , ' t o It It'. tot:!) ttcm.- I .liput.tts to 11;:i.Wic; t. LI -s.t f t• y•fpl) I p -a i:6 t tro . , . , . f \ ~ , , , :-.--- 1 w lilt irit:ul , .itrnl , hur!em. - nt will r ~ ..of wol 1 ,; wi li 'vs: ritit row.,r.!? Ti:, p i t ,, _h, ~:,,,,,,,,it .wip ; ,:wi: w..)lk Iry h.)utilts share. - •7 4 - .1 -1 :- -- I imprOvement ill thelart ' lie has ort%:Lnit.a Tn. 724 _elk_ ~..411M, 4111 G 32171 i t -T: 1r...11110 - : riety of Fancy Ca.el.s. Gull Lo; - ketsliind Breast -1: !n' - - Ladies • and ki.;ntletnen fire r :l 4.sneetfull • i . t: tbc\ lt.t jammrylby Iter. Janies Smith:it ns , , t . .1J • ) i it anted to - ciao ai.oiexamitie t!pee..o,rens at his ..c !r. SA 1.. t. (.! F 4 ANNEN. c`;CiecalnJl; I!., lo . .‘liss 'r' .l% I - t I t , ~ a , , „ l t '..Nlr. 11. donl.hter of the late Col. „las. Aemp. , 'P. S. Cad. so , )n n 4 lie purToses reMaining hut . Jul,"ql's '57. • I ..,". %.f iltidge ',' Y r itter, t l &: . ' 1- -- - . , shorttime ' '' - - _ '• ilt - --,---. ' ' t' ' ' 2 ' ' - 4' int't • 1 r - il t v , J . ' Nl t 'ltt' 4o - Ms - : - ► E.3..r t .tizewn ti.r 232.tig f 4 tore. 0.1 • ' ,' n: r•':: 7. ..a1i. to . 11 , - , :.' ar.rra lErltt.; all ~J ' rl'„'t HE st,Titt,..riber ho..vlng ;lost ree+i . ed a. new . ' ll_ VI It t 'l. l r."t . f ' 1 . .. * : , ....rc..17171y. • _ an ar , e IL' , t. .i Ilion v. r• .- - a en_ , Me•lb.i: •Ss. :.e., 1'..,1 ,, ..ett.1: 1 ,y iii:,.;•,,,t., t,,,e eio ••• ---, , ae, .. . .. „. . _, .. , c li l 1. , . J.„ ,, . ' ~.: ito 3 eya I,,,m,_vut In 41;3(101:g Mil._ .. ...-... . ch-2•;p a, tlwy V - 'ft c'll • par.: ;y. i ii , ; ilt . tr .= 1 • , l; , -- the Sib iilt", i:eni- 0nr.0. ,, :. , r, , Mr.117 , 7•.'T -- o r .i. , ,,,• ~,J,,.r , w,1,t , ..)... tli, 17.1ori:Jniiiti. Ilak-i. -:-.., .;1.%:1-N: , , atfPl nl, ilf i.j.." verl.;. - . :I ,t: Li, 1.-r;i* , - h 1 let ti ..1 t';‘" a ..; . ;r.. , ..1,1 41 , i exf-; ii'..E ' 11-w. , 1; n!t ..74,1-. 1`.1,F5...1T ..i..r.! 1..1 . •• o, 1i,•,• q.tio: :.,:i :,. ....... .0... , ',. -- ti .14,.. , It ..... , _„',•-ik , l 111n:ziali •r 173 , --ct•IL - r , 7 : , .. • - 1:c11- 9.,, c,:,,,,:- , ..,-.. Ti . ! r.. tn t e ,- , 1 , _ - er , •i , •att , a Lt.e• ••1 ', • N " ; j , ;f 1, ..th trom•lt. anf ...to, r Ts. f....'7 71-_ , ilejt 111. ~ t`n tbe.'.. „ !-... tit , t ,in tbi-jto.rel, ITI:3 N :n. j cii'n lijal: ,- ,, 1 - I Jr.'v ;In I sri" - f',. he a,: 4,,,.. r r . it . ; p. t . .• ', - . '-z - • ' - 4 - . - ' i i , .i:. t t- ~ment. t•f teurits ot:e. tnri..mti, •5„..-ityl ?.,;ye I ;. t ti;•. , 17 st , .. , rase -t .11 her ...,..;f:. r::., •o b.....; . .a.,,-,l•clutape r, 4-14,- tio:y i;;ve_;• . ..;•*:::i;-'..:1: , . 31A1 1.7.. ti;:i;;ii.r, , • , -r 1 , 1:••ti ; iTera." t• 4 th e pdb'iv lbd!: , rl. A 1., ., a t, ' - 3 • • - I •• , i ;;'-! a,,i!rn , nt ;ti i are ..,;n••••, li-,in ;;;:vi ,an 1:. 1 t ' ' it •- • •* * * ~• i• "• -r ti it :l Niel-. saTannoiMh plirl'of:ev ' 1 i t.. :,t 1 '' :L.01 1 11' 4 ...r "If i ,f,'",., A h,: - g,.1.....,,,i1d:4 ci',:a: s:and 1 , i'Aek . '; kPl't ' . .2. 7 4 . Zn 1 4.y. 1. , ti sty'. ....v. tnnt!y ..u,b,1„1, h - ..! . 1,1::: a•. 11 I.p fr,,...1.1.: iv,.1,.., - . , . t: 1 ' I- ti • • ‘:•' 1 I l. ' :in i rc..!.., c77,•.7-per : ..,n 1, 3. _nil 11„ )..lf:,,it : _ , ... - -......ri.e.r,!. A tali at--;;•rtinemt,ni ;ill Ole - '::teat f'.l . ~r 1 A, E r...,. CLIANcr: , FO: . k . Inflicines ; ilnie PP. , . ranew int - in , am iierfliraery i ' -"," ""' 1 4 .... ,, ,T:4 - 11..'y rn. lonor i ., at sonfic, , to3,l ,;.toiyi, ; , 1 -- :1- i .*;,l3ff r;.l iii - g - -g - Q , SIQ ,' • tiFi.igosL , vr . ! §i. IL .IkLLEit, I :.1 .., - AU - 1 - 1 . •A'-'-. 1 --4 1.. 0 -1- i 36 1 ../, - .1.11 ... 15 ' 1 5:".7. A f f., !' %. . ~.. -. '4 , - 1 % ..... _7; yIN ourFerillee of an 'carder of Omplinns' Coll . ;Pr' ',. r,; { ;; i„; ,• :• - ..-3 -1- • 1 ....-' I . * '' , fir the count of Vetiver, will he ei oLed .l . 0 I . . sr,„.‘• hr pilblie. telltale fir ont-cry on the pre ~, • ' - s'-sit .- A Ci.... 5 SI, Lt. i , , , 1 • P _ n i 9- t ! f . .V,/,',, I,',,i i i E.?„,,,... , v . A l t o . l , ~,,, t i , 5. , , , , ~ ..,...h: ,:r. , .:. on A ., ;lnes;lay,.ltily 2.fltli, I l - - - )7, at :.! o'loc ./ .., ..., ON. tb11• • •Wine: described real estate, the pt l ope ' l ''. .I''','Z't-Ptrli. ,/,,..,1 ' , I '. ~ .., •-vt I.:ivd l ~rtei,, dee .1 , viz, the, east half J T. ' . a 1 : ..t .. of ,•n , - .11 I. r ~f: the Ori . !11 . .y - Is' , rroirt 1. , .t ' No: F;, ill the general plan t,f town lots, i f 1 • 31 , .av ,, r i"••1:••ty. ai',l ha e7l . iri7,-,,:jl . in Fait' :It i the •b7 ,7 nitigti of heaver, Bjeuver conety,: Pa' I m'..l' v;-n. 1 0,..nn Hp( pronli , el.; ”i ' i S ',l ,it•-r - ;1:;;; . . ; heuadei.! . arel. described . as r follows,—htzianid • 1re.......th ;'• .N . irf V... 1,,: i . .. ;, , N.. 'at 1‘ , !01.i,,,•1- ‘l ,. ' , r,f..!1,e erwiler of 'Third st. dnd f'ornmerce alle3 • ~. l' ••• i..... , .• t.: fit' \bk..; jiJ ' s • , .01: S ; t....e' lovi 1 mid ymning njong said street south 30.1,,..4ree ~ , ..-... of •lb.-aN. r - • ar.ii ,',..,2:' l I -io.: lie ~ : ii•li-r w(" 1 " . “- ) fe ( tt . ' , I ' l, pi , .t. ' Thence by the we,.t. hal Ybl . ' , l tro tb , -d-.. ,'•:' otUe-hiin•lre , l:l;•d stx lieres !, of the slate lot smith 30 degrees, East 30 fee ''.i .'FJ. - mtJt - -:tv , - 1 .-ri::',o4 iJf . land. !Jitri,,,l to :to e, - ri,Thration alley, theuee along, staiil . i nlle • • . t -- . _ •., (,) dent-e,,s i• ~ ,1 :1114 , i'.ft7:4. '.'.'t' c. , -afl:Itl 'l' te.I3IIN inrc,mmon iii - ‘r , a .. •_. east fiff‘ftset to cotarneree ni by tt,e 1a:t . :•..1.1 I f,:.tarneizt .of .It„ {a :stock. , ' l"y,, throce along said alley north Pat deree4 'l'llj de , , ." , 1 ,- ~i"..- -s , te ta, al,, ('n('n dW "!oral Ida•i,ing Ir. hi iseQt 300 fe-t to the ,place or beginoito.F. to lbas , rto New :%!-tlij. ie e,t Isida• of the i birch aria erected . that large three story hrie' !.i. , .. , , Ilet.ver Crcok. ai;:itt. six tiii!ei; treoli New 1 hotel, known as the "Porter House." with ranni. i .....,.; 1 1 . ,,,,,. i n - 1ii,... .1. 1. .,,,,,. t 0 ,,..,,,1.i r , , t in said i fiirthe neemnmetlatinij of it hundred boarder., ~s inry: iumin.Y.l 001 Inc, North I .)' _tlamis of two frame dwelling hoites, with Tomei - Si/it:ip ,7 , n,tley, 1,,,5t by l:ift.tit.eay..r Creck South by 1 for story or offices, also a frame stable. 'fli f„.`Williaiti Reatty'lind• West. 1 . 1- It' bi24l l LS'linS•m ! Porter House is. one of the largest lintels il a•poii tri.ii' '4 :l'ig a: /m“: 4 1/ ^ 1 Dose b., 1 1 111.. ,-, 1 . ~t.,....1 Western l'onnsylvanis,r,nd 14 location is scud 7 1,17 n-, ni•ple orellard. A-tailober of M. , eer :ailing . ;being within a few 'reds of the Depot of thi prieg. ...treants cif ealpll4galee. Ittplit - seven- I Cleyrlnnd /c l'itt.stoirgh Railroad) at W. irisun :ty.:ive aZres7 ele,re..; k;;;1 i,ii,lct- i‘ca:;;;;;• . ,lba!,;:iv., 1 , aii! . .e.e.tetiSiVe and protitable business. ive.ll timbered: sod 1 - r7:l7ii...ti.ve i,7:.1 c.;:ii; 4 c7 , rl j l'Er.:tpl—rtrie thin.l of trio - purchase ntonli - ta aind• rneath: location - j''eassht and heatilik. .- I be paid en the elnfirmation.i.if the sale by tin IT tt Ntztt_orte.t.bird. of ti.o . ironroirts4 id. - . .iie ; :,-; Cm!rt, awl the halanee in two equal tmult' pay tit , he paid en confirmitii , Ti of sak, 01,;•1 ; thir,) i i , I ments. with interest from the tame tithe Pot Ole year and the renmiumg. one-third I it, two 1 information apply to hugh Anderson,•Execu: years thereafter, nitli'interest. - I"..er 'fid'orin . :l - - tor;and Nancy. Porter, Executrix, of saiddee,'d, Con.eurinire of t•tanuatil rilam. near Itll - 0 ' premi- I . t, By tattler of Court, - 6 ' ses, ~‘ r of 't- 3I.IVV : •E 1.311, Truso --<;? e, ' '. i •. ' - -. • '' WM . . K 80-EN , Ct ?- 1, .. Attest, W:1I. I. iloptx, CI 1. [ I l i I rt,..7 - r, .. Persons wishing to secure.a - bargain.ani Beater: July, 15th, 1857. t , l'the .ereditioss of the estate ' would do well t, ' ~ look to their -intere.sts, as the order rf sale it peremptory. . . . ' July 1:5, 1857.. I r:1;1:1:ft , •1 !,r I - MIME BENI lEEE MEE , . , . 't , 1:-.I. !•.• , ;'t. - ...! .1 r•;:i, I -.i , 4...c.i. to 1.!: . ‘" , •,:- . 0. , i!r. t•-,', - -.. M .'.0,1*: nl. L;• ,::: 0n1...t 1 .5.; ;i1 tI. ••l rn ..r tin. ..vl..t .:,.....tii,(i-12.:4. it ate rif 114 s.' . . - EA : 7 , 1. . Oult• • • Proti, ti E Is!t-ht• I: ,: 1 I'er :TS—ler i• ''? • ; VITTSBURUIT. t N'a i:ET. J' 1 I'vrT,;:i...rt(ot. 1411; -.N, 1: . :717 $,. . !.... ..;-1 , , , .7,, ~.f.,:=7 '.:viit.l„, , 7.12.1 7.1,.) nE rt .Vr— , ~ : t I-41,1 ,c,.....,..j.:27.t.i.:;ti' ~. ;US— r, r )61.4,-1 i I —.••—• .!-I . :fi ...:.... :. . ,e: , 1 ITS , .---1 - er 13p-hel .1... 11 . 1 . V-.= 14 t 1 nt.i :.: . .5......„., .; . .!.. • : etT A TOE:3-re..,7 1).4.4)0 ' *1.:_;', 1 :::, , ;2. 1 . 1 I 1 1: it—T.:r : toind 1 . 14415 ' i.c.rs— i.t.r d'...z0....., .... —.: itral 1 :!Act IN—e,oriliiii-11: 1..m.,',:::.; si.i . e.t: 121 IME To tte?.R,por , .o.?_Os of Beaver County; • ;u-p , Lthiry - kit.r mysOr as a . c:inri••vl ite' for iii Jl,e' Nreeti.ir,',:lt the Oet!:.ber election: e; , c•tril: ati,l •• , :isehrirge - of the c:Fee. JOHN HES:i•hiN.: ' • A TO it' it S. • , riE CO3IBINZD • t • I LV I- ; it i t - ; REA 'I \" G .31j CIII,NE S NyFACTURED P..0..0?. STOUT 4: WITLILMS, pp - PiTT?:13,,,1711G11, ”, rendy f_or delivery . ... . . . . . . 1. An instalment of Four Dollars per share, I , :irelevt., 12-cfcreilcce., as the number' ! J it ti.. t i i.y. '' . ! 1 I - 1 ! on the 15th day of August next • •-•"'• Iltt:i tea' tills .icon. Tire}' 'ire wsrr.lot- !- '— - • i -- - r- -- - i— ,- •„ 1 -• c ••.• ' i il• -v . . , -Iy rttlie.:•,,t. MO w•ty• he. Fret and Or- i : T 0 Tri - f:.-i r • . -, rill M, C 1 1-- ~ - 1 2, An instmment of Four Dollars per share ; :a.. LI , s . en the jsth day of September next. ' t c. L'l i th '? . ..,.k=e,t e ' ' 4l- '', l .* l g lieUl t . -' r , 2l . 1 ii;- '' l ' 4, 1 frIP2. -Sl.: l .! ri'l)er hatt l 'tt;z: taken eltstr i g:e if th'e l ,' . • .1 . Ain . instalment: of Four Dollars per share ----: --.;„;:e . 0,:- 1 ; .-t-. • e- 7 1. ) . .1 . - •••• • yr fo ri s -.1: Sh . " . " ''''t.'n Fli'd , ing N!ill • , •' ol lhi Fez .'• on the 3 !:)11.1 illy of betober next_ / • .- •7-' • q . 1 - . I ..-%;:•• ' Akl , -, •- • •:. pt - m•tol;t- infor - ra the pith that he. i3 - prt.pare•/ [ i -I. An instalment of Four Dollars per share; 1 1‘ 1 -•-ls , TF:T..l• . ,..retlit ka-i• cri,„l,:tdr,..Ll ,- .als.. ,_,? 15... - otuniod;-te ants wim rimy faeoribint; with ien the ; 15e 2 day 61 NSA-ember next. ..t ~,r ; 1,,,,,1, 1 .,, i l stL i 2 , 2o l i,-, 1 -t i. ., t ettli . L t - t ir . ,11:tit• custom. Di , nit:Metes for f.-rliolit* are I 5. An instalment(final) of , Four Dollars per ._ ~* ‘4.2,,,,.,i_..4 - r t ,,,,, a„. Grindeenes of ;Al ; wily , mvrtl; to any. idi the; e,iTtnty.l' Ift - gOMI i share on the 15th day 'of December next. '• • t • •-•••• 4 - • lialet, atl 3 Ll,',libert . •,- t . l , ritirljtaih , I wheat is , tut to this Mill, he wlll inBore[ L bond i • '• Pr•order of the Board ofDireetorS. , _I: 1t... 4, )ti,. i ( 1 W. Art• lyALL:t . cti; Hour. nod ~ a ~ . 4 yiel..l: !J •' 'l`L ' ' '-• . EDWARD lI6UPS, See'y - .OHN ~! ' , 1:1;1:-s, u0r.i1,40 ' , lesett : best ;C:ltt Stetl : -.1„„ 7 18-57, •-• ' '— ' I ,- • 11. c( iwti I- f : L ; t--- :---1 --- 7 ;;;;'•' ; - 1 - -nets i',c rts;•.,-.M ..:?,;•:-. fOr -a!t• IN , (1111.7.1',N5L, •CH LTCSI—A con;•tant Isupply of ; • .!..lil _ • - I I ' --- J. -Iv I r t bfrop „; : \:,..s :pain's Celebrate's' narrill Churmt, orL vati- i )• , I ,----- .‘ ! , ' -- •'. I oils site's - Wilt be kept pn hand. These' (horns ~ . . ... •.. .. . .‘. . , Will TR' 0.,.•?1,111X--l'irtin.. -,l, :its. 1 " ; MI ; wife Nancy, num.; tett my Uell awl nnarst te"te'l.l 4 / 1 11 are7 " l' ' int o' th l' ' without ,just cause or ; provocation, all persons birth r hare been fully n u • For sale by.' J. 11 A nthzorr , • , -'' l i. '"i" .. . 1 misq. tAido stet tit-i-ped l b ' t.-1- '' - ' e r ' 4 . it.'.fr t io% t , are hereby forbilltlen to trust her on my se -11./11' • ..,,, 31. t iri:itlntC:', Vlettrin . O.WD, Bel Hi! .- - e - ~,,---- . . - "---- i 7 -',l-- :•'• •- i ellunt,' sic 1. win pay no .11elsts of her contraettuf ..: , -1- ' l ' ' iu 'll•••• l‘Pips;;S - e:' , .i 4 .1 . 1.11t7.1 at . '7a . 1 2 ATS Caps, Deotsi - and Shoes 4.1 1 after this•date. - ' /011 N 11011. -''''" l''; . 1 "`:;.; • TAi t ,q,', lt J. .'- Oct. '2J. • .; • Vtft.'N.f.:ll/970,5. i rantOtt, .3111,22, 1R.37. e L• .-.. : • / ! - f'• . • : - N(Y.FIC E. I .'`r -,. O 1 ire efiNewilrighten inun. co. .1 -; Nt2 1% ' ,./.. fri glt tpjl, July.! 1, 1 S :t7. 1 , I , , • •A_"erneral meeti4g ;Cif, the 'Shell. holder s ,of. the NeW DriOiton ilirinufeeturingt.Nmpury,ona, nii i•ler (ion for offiget.4 of.r4thl cutniMUy will he' hel 1., :it Seminary Mali, iti New .. ..Ortglitoo,on Satui , t'::y: Aug le' en ,7 uing. et 4 ol:khiek,p m. PI- eider of t e'll-er4 efDiririer. , , _ I,,bwAlll) 11094',1 4 , . SPr'Y. • i . _ 3iNqi: g Of Siocliall. _:.: oT 1 cr.' is hei4by repectinl'-y' ices that n n? -ee - ting. of the Sted,kholdels of-roe , i liillipsburi i ~': Itcehestei• Sten ni y4.•rry Co., ofl.leliver eonnty. l. 'n., kill be held :le i the Himself qiikelge Frank, Etq., in Ithilliii , Finez on ~3t'i•bly, the :hi 44y of .11pzus':,- 185 - 7,.11T 7 O''r.locl, - .. lt. 11., :.or - aCetioll t.f . i.tl:VetOrS for thelensuirig, year., : ' 4.'K. ‘ . .,t'i.lif./18f1,N, SeCy. .Itoehe., , ter; Jnly_lii, 15:37. - 11-' ~ . d.. I _ rol , a W ' c .tt , 'A. TT 0 11.:N . F. Y _AT ..iAW, I: • . . ---.-- (Dtstr . 4.l . Attorn(:i ) ' - ()ITT in , ti , c C- , tirt, Ilni - e l'C'qvc6r l'• July. 13 1:47. 14., ' ' 141 . , . AM.111101:17.i-i::••, 11 3.1 - 1:1,:-.IN.OTV01:$ -& sriillgi N..,-..if. !uo u OL.I A . . WOI:11) F'l . ^.t..) 'lite .Cltlenl 01 .1 vii-itlity. that h' ilniflit••,l up in t!tri P1)1;TEIL 1it..1V:31.:: 1 / 4 , I.i.i4i.reit.tr . 4 , 'those V. n-;11. ••:iti 4, n' hiio, :,ith ii1:••toa•-, in nuy cfl!,cs2 'ini"l•o4 - z - d i. Tiv2,:•"rieture.: evin r.e is •ri a:rit,.. <t -tut, ni4,l in" ail kin•ii.: 01 Iv atli,T[i k. \ 1 - . grcat rAvatitay'ciin tl:kin,7l l sk••neses..4 • Ile i. t,15..) j..ropart•l to taktr pieht,r 4 tel'ainl pai.er, Whit:4. lac convolivii rn,:til. A1.,:0 Splienttypes ..syikieli is M El =I ME k 7 .1 # 113 LIABT COhlreir 1AW144, fromeil (teats hp. IThite BrDU:tuts, from 10 ets Figured (lo from 121 unite up. 1" Et :brOderies. awl ap 'kinds of icbilepod/ at. growly reuced prices,l for SOiklays, Jul y 22, t: ' TAYLOR'S. O,v 9 TA sTR $ 1 _O. "1 - 111: At. E. FUSDEN3I....IIq Hay-. lug returned( from Europe, has . • re!kunke , l the i.rtetice of his prote-sion. and rkltikienee 148 Third strk4t., two • Etri.yortlrrs !•:tuithAehliStreet, l'iV‘kttirgii, DITIPS. MERCINTI E .COLU . 1 I • PHILO HALL, 75, 3 tTRE • 1 , r : PITTSKTRG , PA. ,1 THE oldest and most - exte 'sive and most p•Pi petty organized ' COM NIE KC lAL ' COLLEGI' .i i , t , United Stkien. Thti - oivly; one, in, the tat I l i cling under a I f ECIIMATIVE CFIAATEIL. ',, .. , 1 '. DOAII.D 07 . rens-mtg. on. , Jsltxs BucrtAx.er, President of the U its 1 1 1 -7- States.. _.. . Iion:WILLIAM Wit*lX2l, lion. .:Clesmi Hampton. Hon \ WALTER ll:Lowitt”, ' • • Iron. CHARLES N.kTLIIII,, • ,P. , ' Geitv.h. K. MOOILTIF.AI),• IT P. Dbf,F, (autherrif ,Dufree'system et , ter.: - -r ,______; - i ty FOR enntile and,Stentlitient Book-keeping) Preoi eat • o's erSTEZSIA i - of the fiteult*, consisting of from twelve t flf-• • • - it ' I teen Pmfes.iOrst.and Lecturem, including one - ' - ' of the'best Penmen in the'U.'S. t , . DisE.ISE OF 1 TIIE. 411)NETS, i 1 '. 1 I - The Students`Of this Institution obtain the LIVER CONIPLA I Wit, 1 .., I I , ; following importat advantages over all of ers, - id the West. - "-.- \. ' - WEAKNESS OF 'ASry icna) 1 st..,A , training to-r business by'a,piac cal Merchant of nearly 20\venrs*erience in ex- : FEVE AND'ACUE - ~ • , , ~ 1.-- tensivcs-Aniand and chipping business. : ' And the various affections coneequenetlPOß 1 , _,, , , - 2d. Their Diploma beartkthe signature of the disordered ; t I I I fnsitrultor,:i ystetn of Boolrkeeping,, female ed ti A 'II AND' -Llvilit ' br the Chnmher 'Of Commerc of New York os : the best in our ,Lnitgnag,e.--S% thadulnt p. 17 . Snell rtsilntligestto , Actnlity . o !thestomn h, Co-: t 3,1: A new Mid - &Mr/Tinted ni thod of Do We ~,i lielcy Pains, Heatl urn, Loss of Apptitei Des- Entry , \'; • . pendency, C4StiVel VS 4, Blindand Pickling Piles. . ... • , In all Nen'ous, Rh.mnatie andiNeurtilgie Affeer, t_ . • 1 . • \_ 401. The. Private. L lger, not ta "ht in •ny other 'College. , - • , .-- _. . . , , tiona , it has in nu CirtlS instances proved high. , .sth. Single Entry .Do lis changed in o Do bie , -, . IS beneficial and n;others effected a' decided ' .1: ' ,_ Entry. -,- . cure; ' t ' I ; • i ; tlth. Reproved fcrms of Bill Book.; direttly ' This is a pureily .egktable-csmpound, prepar `Checking the - L - edger. • ~: i \ ed ou strictly scien ific principles, after the InatiT t 71h.1mPe•rei - ing, ruin of Cheek Book:--sit i. ,. nor of the eelebriat d Holland Professiii,„Boer... fying theßanli Acennut,. . t havef Because of its great s u ccess in' most of 4.• - .. . . , 6 .;into the the European otat s, Its Introduction Bth.. Itulesfor detumining the precise M tu ,3, of noes. s . • __ . . .! • • ..;:. Unitkl States was , ntended more especially for ftth Butes fcr adjusting deranged Double fi- these of our father and scattered here rind there', try Bro . . . . :. ; .-- Lovel• theface of thi mighty 'country I ;Meeting 1 Oth rtnershiit Settlements by Single Et ks. ' 5,_ .widi great success 111011 g heMc! , l. tow ; offer it to , Rai with - p i n . is] !'.tale American pill lic, knowing thatt.ite t truly ' r 111 K.; :hint Account Settlements, and enniplete soles. , ; , _. i wonderful mediein I virtuesrwitet be acknowled 121h. Threb different methods of introduc rig . ' g el ' i I 1 • .1 , • . • i 4la particularly recent - Mended to. these I per- II new partner. . - r isn?iim tvliose constitt fionS may have peen impnir -1 ath. Sir examples of Books opened with s 0- , . ed by the tontinu us use of ardent epiiits,t, or ch./ Bond lion's. ' I • \ 1 othcx formS , of dins patios.' Generally instanta-, • 14th. Dissolution and 'Winding up7partnErs tip Book. ' 1 • 1- I newts in effect, it finds ,its way directlyt to the seat of life, thrillin ' antrqUiceeriing every ; nerve Dith Salo and transfer of interest Ireni. .ne i , , . ~ i ... raised updhet , :droo ring spirit,:.titd,l in• fact, in to another. ' fusing neW,henitll . rid vigor in the eystem. See test problems on the above--eiren nr p. 20. No rux—Whoe er eNpeets to hnd in this T ---- Penmanship, Mercantile Arithmetic, Co - abeverage will he ..ltsappointed, butt' to the sick mereinl Law, Cerresprindenee, Comm4inl weak and low spirited, t will prove a grentful .t . , atchatio cordial, posies e.l of aitigular remedVa lithies, Political Eennerny and Detecting Cot n- r ti : rfeit Notes, are all ineTtided with our CollC-,e properties. -teurse of 13,,ok.keepi ng . I . . . ! CAUTIC:S.—The great , popularity of this de lightful' Aroma has Induced ninny imitations; About 4000 indents have been qualified or business in thislnstitutten. • ' • I which the public shotild guard tigainst purchas- r Cu eularo and specimens of Penmanship tit ii - tang. Be not persuaded to buy anything eloe un eil frf-e , - GI you'll:ire given Boerha pli ve's 'Jon(' Bitters a . , \ Duir f ! BoolstCeetsing, HatTer's new kliti n, : a r'ir trial: Ono battle: J OH eon-rine° you how pP. 222 royal °alio°, price -...i.,,,•;30 postage )1 I :finitely; snperinr it is to all. thi.se sanitation:,:" . , • . T...' \Sold at. *I 00 pc bbttld, or Az bottles for Cento. - , i - ..; . : • ' ,'Hiril i ..) , /701,1 tby the iiropr etors, tienjannn Page, Datro Slear,Wooat ' Donlikeeping. Price '1,53 OM poonge cents. priT!t , • , ,l gne,ritins . wivt•n t Stiplents in this litstitut n; ,n. rinveisel; • T 1 PES. Tuvers ,, li,trprenchince- srlrertierd (74)11ege . Snndlys.o . n the 6.,inetrine, andtendencies"of Ifte•Presilyteriqn, Metho,;i,t Lnan.Tan and other Churches.-- ialv•i• nr.(l 11-111 of tlig to :urnisli on eicgaili ly.e.i. I , ' ,, i in nn iri -Iv Ilia is -ft 1 - children. ...:, on lco 16- ,I. tr) :;,.n:1 by Id It.'• f 1 1. ,d. L. It 1 r OT in 11 Pray . o,i ryn,.,. that in purse. t,n f: , e.het of ASSemlAy retattn - V.tha ere," for !incorporation thereof, approved - May books , to receive Fithacriptions- to - the Caoi k Or the ,f 1.4 SK OF BL'.IVEn CQV,Vt' trill he opened, and remain open na fallow - At -Prt s viiion House, in the borough'or p i jchesecr,, on Monday .nnit TueadnY the 2d',. '4th days of Atiguad next, between the. hours ! !10 o'clock a, tn. an) 4 p At the Purer 11 - ou,e, in the borough' Ph rer, on - Weirnesdav rind. 'Thursday the sth it 6th!4laytt (11' Augtist next, duriug the hou ';thovei itam&l. • . At the Huron Hrmse, in the barsugh!of !Brighton, nnFriday.and Satinany the 7th 2 1 , ,4th days of t I,ext, during: the said 11,mit a!?.1 to Confliihe at the lattcridare, from tia . Ni t . day, rr rlkinrn frota place to nhtee, ns eircui Ft:3316.4 Ti:V.! . 34:4111ire The Clm,rl7l,i4ioi.urs i:nriled in the net—or, duly timiinted viinottoe • rf thclr number lytll atrk•ii,l B. V.. - i ,l, :tl , l•l'.;) l .errff): IValt, r lt•rt•kk, 8 I!: Dat-mgi? • 'Pos. Cut?iiiiiPiali, 1: 8 t.)w.., 1 is iam I:e4e‘y. It 11,.y2rt.,,,,1; • . Tilowns.- 1. Powcr, Win I•Zulliwov, ' larri4..r i 3 , ..( . 1.11 11. tint: L It In. it. SterliPg, July . 8, 1;•:.,7. ()ail] ANS CpUIZT‘ SALE • - NOTICE. Office Of New Brighton'Thm. Co. JJJ New Brighton, July 1. 1857. j ; The Sire-holderq of the New'rkitthton Ulm ufacturirg. - company, are.. hereby notified - an ; required to pay .to the Treasurer .of the Com pany in New Brighton, the , qupcid balance o t the stock subscribed by them respectively, a. 1 .1 follows, ciz ! , oarzti, I 1 `}~ ~ ~.,~i .~i tlct NOTICE. , BO ' _;RaAyzl-611 ' I.lr. N./Co. , liattv.ifac ;win, Pitt2burgl?, _ - THT : OREAT F r - I'IGLtSH.REAEDY. F,. L 4.4 'BIR JA)IES CLARKE ' S . , ,•[ - eflebraitel Ikt:nria Ile rills. 1.. Proparet.l from a prescriptionlpf Sir James - 1 Clarke, M. D. Phy,tician Extra9titlina s ty to _the -- I Queen. This invaltiable-Aledieitie idauptailibg ./. ill the cure of all ; t1te;t1 painful and dangerous t _l diSeases injcident to the female cousiitution. / ---- ~ lkittoderates all kixcess,-remorett all obstruc t tions,7)iinti brings on- the monthl period with et re„tulnri y. 'These pills should Ie used two or weeks previcafs to cpnlinen:eutf .they.for ( ,:. i lily the constitution,, and lessen! suffering du d ring labor, enablikn the' moth&r to' p6rform her ,f I .illtieli with,safety tc s ‘ l :hei,belf an , l'thild, . ' These l'ill;--b 41t2Ithl!tiot betaken k . . 3 ,, females du _ "ring the FIRST Titatal_wriTlts IA Pri!gnati i cy as they arc cur e i i tO being otiMisea'rrige, but A at nny other, time they a r e safe. . In all cases of Nervouamnd Spinal Affections, pain in the Back and Limbs, Ilea!ni4i," , Fatigue II in Slight Eteitihii, PalpitatiOn , f .the Beart ' Lownegs of Spirits, Hysterics, Si k Ilea4ache, ' ; Whitkk and all the, iainful diseast.s Occasioned i by a tlisrodered syt•!lem, tfici6.pilis; wilfctiect a 1 cure when all ..t,ther i tsKallS 'llllsA.fitilel, ;and al -0 though a powerful remedy, tloicto contain i con , ' calomel, antimony or any othe2l,2tineral. ' Full directions nceoutptin3 lag e.i,ch, paekage. ['rice, in the United States and; psnada,-(:,file I 1.),1h,r 1 1 , 1 ' I l IL • Suli !Agents (*.W. Iliii, country. 11 i ' 1. C:-BILIPI IS . t C o ', • , •itoche:,ter. N.YI '.S,' Auburn, !N. )1. Gener i / 11 ' postage Etamps' efieloFed euta, will instfre a bottle hMali. Far sale by C. L: r„ , 1 i-,a. , FLF.,II I NCI *, .tp..fir 1 . Pee. TUTT4r: nl .kgkits. N. It. 1. : 4 1.0 1 ) tm..l to :1!11* nuthorizeit of the tty rAitrt •Roclt.c;i, IYqlc4.--.112 Agent Pittßbilah I • 01 1 H 11 co-portnernli' d tiveen,Dr3. S'in Brig,!llion, Pa., is . 010 I ois , olvo , l. • Dr after 1 - 6 , his and L) Stewart :tt hi of Sini, 30 II :ID .I S.tc%l - . of learine.rsi!p. ' if) hereterore.l exi ting t be 1S •r )son and Stenrq of New . ' ! IAy by mitnnli.enn! 7 ent ;on 'pay be consulted Siere i his' office in . RJebe:iter, otnee,.ll4 former ofnee trt,Yre IlriAhton. , V. W. simpsos, ' i nos. 3ZfEWART. 3torch 28, 1857 DE-_3SoLuTIoN The P,nrtnership h uturersigned in l`rh;,•writ.or, undet Tike business of thp 1 S. Lehiner. RT.IIIIISIIII 2 ', itretofeie: e;is:tinf,r betw'ee ( n It bp Fotindry in the style of Anic7rsori . , ay been ttisnlyerl •by t interest 'to J: '>y.: Lchtnei. !inn 5i31110.1 1 v Johji .1. J. , A.1 , 11.1E1tz.0.N. I ' . 11 , 10: ir.1.1 S. LEEP -1- July I, 185.7. :r:CE. .H; • Ifivring 10 - oight ou:the st F ar J. J. An. 4 ,- ;.rs,ot in the Itrid;ecrtter Foundr t ;,. will sitill carry on the Inisinead anion uractoFineStores. hollow-ware and Coslings of raritote kittd.t.!and would solicit the ;pa:trenag - e , or the ;rriendi or the latelirm.• -1, JOIIN S LEHMEW. IM ' 6 ll'. 11. STErtivri Banker, Degler inl Ereliono . ! teg any? Cott?: Brighto4Pa r CCOLLECTIONSNotesrpd.Proits. promptly ottence I to , ! Nit still - norrenti !funds received on del ' June 11,',5 4 ARVEST TOOL, ' 100,11evolvin,i Hay dares ' 4 : • 125 dozen flat .1 Rakes. ' 1.1 do •Nortl Wayne Grost, Scythes, 41 do I doi I i d o Prnitt'' do' nt the Seed find Agrieultura Worchotise,lko 47, oth st. .I..WARDROP. . .. , - nisz4( bums, I: •, • ; "E partnership hereto fore; exi a mg between .lohn..e. Levis mid Samuel Miller :;in the Drug business, under Ithe style sfiLevis 4 1, Mi1 .1 . 1 ler is now dissolved torn this b 7, Mutual ran Sent. All persons havin i glelnitriad agtinst u 4 as it firm are. requtis ed to hand in their ne counts-to Samuel itliiler, trini retn:Uns . in the bit-mils at the old stand. Bitheriare amthori zed to eolleet and . receiPt for'debts due. ', .! Brid ,ewater 1 JNO.' C. LEVI 3, ' ~. . dune 10, Itis7. fir. SAMEEL MILLI ', I NOTlCE per:.ons intersted sire hereby notified thst the undersigned Gommissioners,•nppointed by, thert,rossri" sessions; .6:ulcer eosintp,. is iff - quire ititc the propriety of erecting 4). new School District Ott or parts of lisicCeon, Green , and Hanover !ownsitips,S to ,be called .:ilechnnicOnarg District will meet ;on' Mondny the 24th Pf Abgunt,: 147,- nt the rillrige of chan.bung, td dischtire the ?ditties enjoined by order of Court. - Tigomstm. DAvgi - DIM REED.. July 8 C ASH paid for Bat tar and Eg Nn? ECM Mil FS.OIJLt.T ,Propo tpg:Amiouimets to ff ql the tdimotonte Res° red by the ••,‘enflte and sentati t ioa of the commonwtin ilia in ftineral Asmeinblj—inet: ing atriendoents Oe proposer tion of the commonwealth, provisions of the tenth-aro 1L r- irst '.l.l7lCltrimk'ut 1 , - r - • - - I There 'shall be tin additinual article to Sabi • Ther e shall fopstittron to be designated as article i raleYen as folio s:--- ; .t j' 1 i:: , ' I I ;!_ 1 ARTIgLE XI 1 . 1 OF'P LT 13 1. 1 1 C .1.; 13, T'S . , I ', SsertoN I,' The State; may Contract debts, to supply c asual deficits or Wins in revenues; or to meet l expenses not 3 theewii provided for;bat , the aggregate amount of silo debts direct and ContingeUt, whether contracte by virtue of Om, Or more nets,of the. general a, strdily; or at dlfP , - term Periods of time, shall.n ver'exceed seven -- hundred and fifty thousand dollarsytnd the 4,,qn ey arisinglfrom the creation of such debts,shali be applied, to the putposofor !Lich it arestif)- bained, bido'repay the debts so contracted, bud tt.no other ; pnrpnse whatever. .i t_ Site. 2.'ln nddition to the above limited pr - er the State may contract' debts to repel ulna_ 'ion, suppress'insur'rection, deend the Staten in. , war, or to !redeem the Presen oatstandingj in; debtedness, of the state: !hut t e money ariSin, g I" I trop i the contracting of kaki d las,: shall be ap- Hplied - to 1 the purpose for !will It it:was raised,. I n Lor to repay.such debts, and to o other pwrio'se whatever. • I • ' i- : Sec. 3.; Except the deb * ; VC specifihd, tn sections one and two o f this hitiele, -no debt , whatever shall be create Sy . or on behalf or , the state. ' , I 1 . ; ;; 1 . See. 4-.[To provide for( he :payment of the present debt, and any additionid debt. contract-. ed al aforesaid, the legislature shall, nt its first session, after the adoptioof this ninenilinri r , t, create n, sinking fund, whit 'shall he sufficient_ te [pay the accruing interest oni, such ileht, 'noel': annually to'ireduce the iir`.inciOltl thereif s hy in slim not le-i than two Ittlred and fifty thou sbnd dollars:: Which sinkin lima shall consist Of the net apnu l al income of; the piriblic wttrks,frorn . titne to ttniejowned by the state, •or theiir.,:.- 1 cee.Th of the sale of the saute , dr any pill.M ero- I of, and 'Of the 'income or IproOt4Nls of 'sale Of stocks owned, by the state. (together with ot,hen ninth!, or resources, : that may he designated by lnw. The ; said sinking fund may be increased, (rem time tojime, by Assigning:Re:it any part of ; the taftoit, or; other revenues of the state nt; h required, for the ordinary rind current expenies of government, bed unless in case ar.w a r, lora-, sii,u or inserFection, no, part- if the si:l.id sink- ing fund, shall ;be used or, applied. otherwisii than in ex tinguhmetit of the priblia - tlebt,-Mitil", ;I.•- : : .. , I the amount of Such debt is ,reduced below . the I sung of five millions of dollars. .!, ,;•., l' .! ..f 1 r '‘i • ' ' Sec' • The credit cf the commonwealth shall I ,' ." : ~ . Inot inlany, 11:1;iltner, or evtnt, -,he:Jtfedgoti, or s ; leariet.l to, any individt_al,lc mpanyecorporation ; lor asSeciatioii; I nor shalr:the I conjmonwenith i Ihereafter beciiniie a joint owner, -or 'stockholder, I ' in anz.., conspartY, association, orl , cor;poratiott. ' : SEe, 6. Ihe any, Shall' not itserime , ; the debt, or any part thereof !!of any comity, 1 city, h i crongh foi township i Ice 1.•;M" any corpdr.t- I tion, :or association: unless such ilidit shall htive bc,ol'eontractil to enable 'the s ate , to:repellin- . , I •• • 1 tiallfon, suppv / ssdoinestiii finsur ection, defend I itself in time; of war,. or its an tst dm State Lin : the discharget i of anrportiOn of lits! pica - mit in- :dehtedness. ; .. I L Sec.l : ' 7. The legislature shal l ! net authorize any county, city,„ borough, township, or incer porated tli4triet, by virtue of a ri lvote of its c;iti-_ izens, er otherwise,.. to become stickbolder in . I t . . 1 i , any company,lassociation,..or corporation; or .to obtain ,money or, ii;" loan its' ciepit to, any er-; p oratiQa, ltsso iiation..institutionc, - or p Irv. ; ASecgird .47nriiiitneint.:. • - r 1 i There shalll Ill& an additional article to stir] constitution, tx be designated :14 article 1.(I,•. as tollowS: ' 1,.' I ' : '• ' 11;ar - s,;i ' ;4eittists and • The restiltition Corstituthin of 11 ~ consideration, • On the questior • Will the ;louse • The.ons and r the prorishms Of • a folloiFs •ri z: YEAS--MCSgrS. Llatki'2ll, Artf, Ball, dleek, Bishbp, Bower, Br Camp-m.ll, ulise,l Cleart.., Cra Ent, E'veter, Faumld, Fostcr, GO Ileinel, Harper: 11f , ins,:lltestand,1 Nffinan, (Berks,) Imhrie, Times; kills, Johns, John Son, Kauffman 1 Lelienrivg,.Longalier, LOVett, M 31'Caltiiont,M11.v.'iln, Moorhead Selman, Ni'cliois, lif_icholsot . i . ,'Stin4 son, - , Peters, Petrikm,' Pownall.l sey,`(PhiholelphiaL) Ramsey, 1 Reed,,l ltn,lierts, Rupp, Shal.i.., f Camhria )!Smith 1 (Cent.%, \ l!te 'T.E :Kir. -- . i 1 ' ' -• .'I ..• • rs rt xi' n r r , c ,. • I Wail, Vancoorhis4 'V icker. ,V oe L-3. " u • •' 7 " '- ,./- -vr 4 0 ,• •, 1 1 . W . es.tbrook, ' Wha'ittim,. W,illiiit . Idii;ided by n. ettttyig. Wright, Zimmerman and Getz, 'SI litl;.poPulation, (either,to 1 NAy„.4..__Messrs.'lfnekus; Beniol + efiteriNi . se,) without the ; ilion. 'LlancoCk,•: line, HOffinat ~ c linnty,lliy - a: rote of the !" !"Lebo, Skriithers, i Thorn;. War I,,trill, a 'ny neir county he t r0 d e ._...:1. , .. ' ' .. • - . , g," less fear heath :a I ,to question Iras ";etemliiie' _ - • '. • - pp, 7 j ! 7 , I I . .• '' ira ~ nien ( Onc ir• ' r' • • i On the i - ptestion; . • l. From r seeti.oi two o the l ' , first . . articlef theof the I Wi1 9 1 ., the . llotiEze 'ngree to the s . j • ... - , constitution, strike on ls, city men ..„ . : . ... of f'hiltidelphin. and f each:eouloty respeetire- 1 . The fens mil inn's were taken !y 'r from section five, same arti:k.i, strike out, the prov"t-iont of the Coostittition _ tho; I.k , ords, "of 'Phil. delphin n i nd :of sere al ' follows, vi it: -I' • . - cool icy:" from section' se4,er,Ll4atne article, i ~ VkAs-=Messrs. !.,litmlerson,' Bo klious ; Ball, ctrl • , int the words, *'neither the' city of l'lol- • Beck, ItPmer,'Cuill;mn, Canipliell Ca , rty, :Int; ade is ' j hi. 4. nor any, and nsert in lieu thereO 'F f the - i.Fansold. ester, Gilden,l.ll amel, Ilarper. Ilein, wo ds ',"anil not' and strike oilt . "section finiar t lleistand. flilrera.4,. itarnifin; '( t .zil.:•s..)..iiiius,2-• 1 • ~ t . • anlenrtiele, .anu in 1 ...9 thereof.. inttrt the fel.: keeper, link ie,- Innes, Jenkins. Johns, J•plin hew lil gl 1 " ' ' ' : IL. .j j j son,. Kauffmnn, Knight, Leisenriag, Longifker, "SIT, •1 In the year OM thertstind 'eight ban- ! Lovett, 3lanaltr,'Miltig.lei .M'llimi 1, Moorhead. tired and . sixtv-finir, and in every seventh %Mai. I 1111.rlinan NV - tors, NichOls , n,7 Nnnenmeher, thereaftfr; repreSeutattyps to the number of ebe I Pearmn, Peters, Petrit . en, Pownall, Purcell, hittpre,i; shall he 9,ppfmtioneid• inl flistribtiitld ! Ramsey, (I.l.ol.olelPhia,) Ramsey, t y.s.rk, Ift‘h i r a ,. einally . ,.tnrouglquit tlie state, f , y Initriet.„lm ex, Ildo:its, Rupp', Shaw,.'S.loan , ,+l - olan, - Vail. proPortiOn to the intniliertA tnxii Ic'frihaNtalits i- VnCghles, ‘Valt,cr, IVestrolk, If liarton: Zhu in the sereral/piarts thereof-, wept that :thy frier/flan and G!etz, 5P 1, 2 , 710 - r —57, -' 1 , ' C4unty iiontatniniZ, at I.el . k,tithreq: ItHil. , ,mrpt fi i i,,- , , i . ae•ovi. v • ....t.1 1. ..ris ' Ii '- . -.NA'N - z--..psrs. : r mi., , tt,i _ me, ihtmilred,..tniables.„ may be ialleived ' - - -•. O 7 NEW No County shall be offineee one-tenth of torsi,:V new county or expres7 alfsetit of 's,±ict electArgthereof; - nor containit tiquarelmit 111 It i` 1 , , ..4tC(4 i a separa:te repre9.enta 4011; hilt no in;ye thanlthree ciuuti t eS shall he kilned, and no cd'noty :dealt he divi.le'd, ', , in the'fornM tion of a •disi r riet. •!Ally city con inining;a stilt:fent . nutillwr, of tax:lEo43 t ! ' enti tie i to at least", ecro relfePlent l ttiie..., shall linVe I a Se ante reprNootation i t t , signecl it, and sinili ~, i be divided into'crinvcnient l districts of contigir, dos ( territory, of equal taxable population its near as may be, '.each •of ullii:b;distriets shtill elect one; represe4t.Ltiv,2 I 4 I I ; ~ , / A 4 the eml of 94Cti011 Sr , ven.r sari me rtie.e. iu Ferr t the-e '.: - ,r,1• , , ;'the city of Philadelphia 11:41 ~ e divided' into single .enate t rial , iii•qrictl, .)t . contiguous territory as heady ettual in taant , le a I,:jp lila ton i),.4.1.„,.:iii0; hut r!,) want slat be di -1 lolled iii -t5O drumlin!' titereof,". I.c ii i 1 llltd legislature, at Its tirst:Session: after the adtiption of, this adaendnient;i•eivill divide the city If l'bilndelphra into' Senatorial' and repro,- ' cent: tiQe distriets, in t,,he' Utaiiner` aliovd proVi- I de.4 Suelt districts' to !Till:tin' nnchauged until 1 the f l lpportionment ii the; }.oar one thousah I .eight hun#eil and simly-foar !. , • ,,t 1 , " l'ourth .Anif;itrizilfl3l. i . lere shall be an i additionall,sek, , tion to the l artiCle 'of said con4itution i . hiett iball be bered u and react ag fOIkVS: 1 1 ' '• . I : I c,. 2it.j The legislature shall re the porit.: ; ter,, revoke, or annkil,,&ny eh ,rier or ineor ttiloiihe-renfter conferred by, tk!,r . kinder, any 1, or, g enoinl la w, • whiknevertin their °pin inkrty ,be injurien3 'tel . , ty ttizens of i t . onwealth, in Bitch - insuurr; - niweier, tlnit unstick! shall be dorkelpsthe Orrirators.. r J..- 1 ,1 ' • --L..l' 1 ..j- I • • 1. I. ,• i . Isl SENATE'., 3Iar-) 070- i l l B5 - 1 tsolved, That thls resolution paFs. On the liniendknent;.yeas 24, nays . 7; 'on the second docent, yeas 22,;naym 8; on tiki third amend yers 24, nays' , 4; on the outth araenkl rens 2:1, nays j 4. - ' . -"- MTh, list nutnl MEI I SE, porn ion i. l CONK no i first amenmen meat . ... C. , z,l, nays ! ,, -* ' from [Extract fio th e Journal. • GEO. IV. lIMIERSLI, Cl'lt. 1 • ~.., ~. ; 1 TUE H OUSE OE ti.ERIIESEVTATIVaq i : : • 1 • IA pri .?,/ 9 , 1857: ' I solveditluit. this resolution Pass. on the Imend ent, yeas 78, nays LI; on the rice: Linendneent, Yeas 57. nays 34; on the third ihnetiti yeas„72, nays . 12q; pu the fourth,. Im t ent yeas 83, nays /. i • 1 ; , i ' i tE tree! frotia th. l Journal.] ' , .. J 1 L10:1.1 Z1,1.:G.L ''.. 11, Cll i - , , 1 . 111.1.4 in Scent:ll7'i, face, Ma 2, 1857. 1 j A. G. CURTIN . 1 1 Secretary of the Germ eutyeal i th l ' -- I . 71 - 1 i i SECRETARY'S OFt l- lIARRISIIIIRO, 'June f Pennsy:trizia ss: v . I itcl 'certify that•the nbOve an7l 1. true nut correct copy .if the ori„ 4 l thin ptupa r sing amendments to-the of the Commonwealth," with, the branch of the Legislature upon. tli sage thereof; as appears from fli .fflelnithis office. 1 , p 1 , ~ s. In testimony whereof I It: Re firt, owl a amen =en rt's . ~ 0~0 pet my lontranfr f. k .„,, to to the Secreterra 0 cp, the d written.' - - 10' N I i. tinstituticin • atilt. flouge of Ttepre th of Tertn.ylro-' That tho' follow -4 to the CI:MAW -I.acciarninire #ith tele thereof :j IY SfnIATE, resolution prreposing n. Cons4itution of the Comtzontl ennnideration, On the question.• Will .the Senn }e ngr' to .t: t e The "yens .nn l •neys Iverertn i the pinvisions of 'the Con.stitlit follows, viz: ! • Ir4s-41tesers.:Crower,' Ttr! Evans. Fetter, plem t iken. ltining.er. :lino*. Lan ba. Cofield. Sellers, 'Shuman. Wel sh,Wicki ns, Wrightt* n n :ret - 7 ti.tvs—NlessrS. Crai3h, :Cr 'tlenros'e anti - 54, 1 So the question waettetermi mntive. On the cinetion, . Will the Scuatq ogre° to • 1 ! ,ment? L. • The seas and Ways were blt! the provisions of the .Eenstitat . follows, viz: ' : . ' YEAs--Messi:trewer, Er Ely Evan?. Fe6er Finney Fl: lonian, Km,.. p ur b nc h . Lp ly i, iihuninti: Sant ler Steele; till kiris; Wright a l nd fligg•! - tzt; Spr 1 NAYS —MOS.I4. C trey, ,Crabl Harris, Isilling CT' p iirose and I . So the queztion wasileteru ,tnative. On the rinestnn, ' • n ill the Se i nnte agree todlie The yens nrit)in,iy.S were ink the provi ! shiiim MI the Constitut follows, tiz. Ytt...ts—Mesirs. Ilreirer. Bre. Evans Flenniken, Llordnn,. Killinzei*, Knox.. Lau! er, Scofield F3ell,ers, Shmnan, 2 / StiniibriWelsh, Wilkins nnd II - Gee Penrhse-1. I Se the gitestiOn NrS ' cleterm 'Motive. 41011, the questio n , Will the Senate itgree to , the went" The y6f6inl the rroviins of MEMO YRAS s rs., welt, Erv7,.E.Evan9l pod, SellerN , Sh :Welsh, Wilkins 'a •li. l / 4 YI--Nlessr Petirbse—d. So the itte l stit? n - gre Ito ' t Ilenio.p, - 46)inp; BrOwn, Chase,. CI ford, lEyster, "Gibboiley, lituoil,l 11111. Iline,-Ilc.‘ffmati. (t,ehanori,l..l Lebo, !Vl`Calmont, .fin.o ran,-Ree;l,i aria,) Smith; (Centre,)- Stevens° Thorn, Vanvoorhis,,Viekers, Wirg, tier,Wintro4e, Willie . ..row and Wri So the qiie,Aiop n•as,tieterminedllllll calve. - On the quostifin, : . . WE! the !louse nofres to the Bar . Th . 05,- , en4 ond.,nar lwere takltu the provisions of the ,Constitutionl . follOvv4, viz:l , I .. I , • 'Yr vs- 7 , essrs . • Atolerson, " Bari. 1 / lleck, Benson, [Shiver, Ilrovvn,. Ca , . hell, Chase, Clejtver, ;Crawford,- Eyster, fattsola, I , :oster, Gibhoney, per, ileini,-, tliet•tliol: Hill, IIille:! ( Berks;) Ilygrm;Tn.' .(Lehltion,) l hubrie, - 1 - olvs,...lneobs, Johns, Jot uto, Kerr, Lebo, Longaker, ' Lor 4 )faugle, 11:Calmnnt; Moorhead... II l'seltun.N, Nichols... Nicholson, Nune,nt sea, Retrikin. Pownf , ll Pureell, IL, , Reamer, Reed, Rapp, Shaw, 'S I' (Cambria) Su : 6th, • Ventre,) t e r 1 V'tail, Vanroorhis, Vickers, ' Vtle4 seller, Westbrook, Willistc.n. - Willi i i timoiernia . rnd Getz, Speakir-7P Nifs- 7 .. c!slxi. - Airibur, Atigum me, B ac k us , Bistioi). carly,:- , POOF, Gilder, , Ramilton, 'Han: cock, lline',. Jeakins,,•Knight, Le seitring‘ '3l'-. Ilvtiiri, Ramsey, . ( rhilabalphia ) 'Roberts, Struthers, 'fhorn-,l l lalter, Warner, Wharton ' 1 and WintrodeL-2 4 . 1 - - • - • ' So the question was - determineJ,in the afSrrnj tive.. ! • .. 1 ..•• 1 , • - I . ",• . - 1 -".- On the question, I ' ' yin the House agree to the fourf I nmenilment? The: petty rind tnliys . were taken, ngreeabl.V to the . provisions cit':theSe . nstitution;l . opd, were ns ..e. pro.. folloirs,-T4„. 1 IYEA . B--...NlCSET9..AndeiS.ri,.rthnii, Backltroi , ±e, 13nr...kns, 80, Beck,' B enson. Bishop, Bower; Brown, Cn}boon, enint'b,llo , rtrty IChns., glen ,l. ver, Crawford...Dickei, . 1.:1it.,, Eyi.= ..r,' Fnus4l. 1 Foster'tAbboney, Gitlelf, liiimel, I lirper;rteing;, liiestarnl, liirr; - 11Offtrinn, (Berl: 1 ) lloffmon, (LehariOn,) flotsekeeper; lmbrie, I tnes, Jncoks, , Jenkins, Johns; .Johnson,. Kquffin• n, Kerr. Le: bo, Leisenring;Lonpler, Lovett, . lnnear,3lnu 'gte, 31It'al - monr,-.3ll.lvnin, Nlttunns.:llusselnlnti. Nichol, Nicholson, Nun, IllaFtlen • ear on, re. ter , , Petrikin; 1 own4ll, _Force l,' Ramsey;' I,Philndeloliloßsinsey,.(iioi-k.) ti.inrner, teed, .Roberts, llupp, .Thoor, Sloan,Slnith; (C'llnhrinY Smith, (Cf±ntre.)' I.4tevenson, .Tolat , Vtl.l...Vati-. vo'orliis, Vickers, Voeizhle,', 1% agonsellert, Vial. ter..Stiarner,•YetbrOok, Witartont . , !rillistroi,, vit tiefow,. 7,inunerrnan 'at 1 Getz. 4 ipeali,r—=t3;;. • NA il TS--es.irs. Dock, ilninilto ,' linne,lek, Struthers,;'Thorn, Wintrode atra , i 1 Ar i ,r;tlt—t . fio "the luestimiwaii determined it the nffirni atire.' . t . . - t ICE tI • • i 857. I • • iegoing is a. hal "itosola- Consti t ittion •tite in each final luta originals on I .ECT:ETAP.Y S OFFiCt, Ilitrrisburg, Julie 2'3 1857. - Pcoluwiranift,' I di) eeitiry t . hat.the 'Bl)6ve rt;:. - .o.nirtg.:F4 true ant cerrei:t-cppY-of •Yiva' 've hereltnto ffixai the tont of ttm.l yerir nbove nvmsventh. Feeretiri, or •tlie jai _ encinirnts to tt,e alth beiiimo:untlcT / .kt mnon4in....nt i keri itgrecabiy to Ileac and wefp ELF ern, c'e,fr,y, -Li!'w_is.-",)l,yer„ 1.1:k?;..16, • Slrani), rinneY ati , in the. riffir . nmed en .nr.;renbly on, nrid,were ns 'irnek; .Cresswe'V Ingrftm, Mter, tub. Fr:tier, C regg - , Senfiela —R. i i,n....! , 1„in the 'rtr.;i- ii ,ntr,re'entily on, And were ;Its • - nr. , ,Cral)‘%cr:p ; rnz'nr,- Ingraqi, Lewis, Ay -1/4'outlker; Sk'et?, ig,ht —2 t. • g, ed in ete-itfsr- fourth- amen' nym ; were ta! the Constituti en agree t 1) to n, and were Brew r. Brow .Pl,lltiik6n.. Liubadr, . 01, Solitlier.l Wrif-ht—'2. . Craljk, Finili Ci•frer . , Cre.s9- Ingra StCC e, Str:11113. Torlan and vras , leterrain • E or It}Tilt,: thi! nffirtn- 2U 1857 I.lments:foflie . fh being under • Apra propo.skrig'nine Cerernotiwea agri:e to the Ite Colistitutio; nvlgreertbly to oitul. -Were. as lir. Back Iniiis'43; 'Sim% =Dickey-, tiortey, ihlea .11100ir!, Jtfn-f Kerjr, , u:4- PoSilt- Scork,) Reartler; ISpan,•_Sratti einEln Witherow' ' l - veq .er--i •' t (Lehailons).l fAji, arid Ma- I IpL th 4 ; agreehhlp to awl lere elver, Cniiv i .1, 1 finr!e.)ek- i . ..110019, kt•rr.• -Sirrtith:,,feplal , 1,.. Sirittherl, inieller, 174,r -ht-34:,' , in the affirm- :imen,lineht? Igre6bly to UM! Reia.9s I . lotise . - I'l'.l 101/:1, - Ch Trip INuke.i.,' Rltt, ~.,!!„Ainel,llar-14, 14, 31c.frairi: .toaiekeepPr. ro.nn, Kaatl% ett,,Nanear, Ittataa, Vas achar, Pear. fa sey, tTork) arm, : :41.i..ittk, rkson, MN n; iro, pe,y Wagon-, w, Wrioqii 9 ' ' , , . _ t• 1 Pll 117 i t.!e, rogo,nitsn proposing nmeni,mr,i, , i 110. Con‘tinti.n of tite * titiii,c,s-rIA on I nc Sournnls of Elid't s= finifv.g, of ifs Gif,i rnontrel!th. fcir tilts res.iou of 1F77:, [L. s Withtvm; hlml and ti,e4 sn':( n ice this t , ,vprity ~ ocon;i•clifylof Julio ono- thous:m(l' „ A. G: ,CURTIN, , &cu. rlfrot"tho Conitnouvidaitn, cv •gro 03 I* 3 ' Ai . ": : L..) 3IT .444.-•••:+41.1,E5*5. 1.1/;;•1:11:).7111."- 1-' 1.1'5.- A RE- L'-' - ..) I.',' ' .. "I": i , , - ) ei- ! ' .. 6,4 'f- N, ffrec-:Ml' r% ' l'. ' '''.:..,/,, ~s ' .. , ve . ..- 1. _„,..... 2.,41 . ~,,k, vi ~., .4- \ .., 1 e.14-....1„-pg ~...,.,.... -A.. t z-.. , _ - , , ,),-y! Fr _ a • 4.1.;:: 0.,.).‘ , - 4 , -.. , 2 „ . 1 :(.4. 4 . -;., 1. 1 . 4_ , :--- .b.:. ,i A tit5v. 4 1,...1..„ ~ • k'' t!.-3 i 1 -.- 4;:i ' 4,5" ; 4 -4',..i44... ..„. • • ii.. .• ~o 4:4 • 4 - . , . _....:.•,4. -‘,.._ ..,,- - v ‘t•a' . - 1.. ?:. ~,----.:A\m„.. . • .; , , ? ,to.. -.1 . `, 'kir' MI its ' ',el Set -• ' '531t,, . ..›..i", • ' ' • , :21....r1k^".F. - 4*: — .....--, :-;-- -2----- ..:L''' I-1 Ariliii-DA I t;: i li il P. OAVII S " a ' II II ' . k. , ‘ .., ' - CIRCITLAR - TO 'rllE' SECK. 11. ,__ • The [first hospital sur,germs and iiieilical - pO4 l lieistA l - ,f t:firope, :vim it ,t he. uttparallelect-an ti 4 . intilmitatury-. ami healing I;roperties of this • 1 tEntnn nt ; gfs..reinments Sanction its _riSe in -- ithejr"naval anzi 11 . 6Ni:try sertices ; anti the fria4- .4.13 in, this ~ , , . .ilitry and tlmitigtiouti therit,r2.l- 1 repro the utino : 4 confidence it - Fits pirativ• - . , properties. *lt penetrates the; sources - or inthit.i mati,n an - l l cr;rruption which underlie the. f , :- ._ ternal eviownries of di ease, and neutralize tif, ferY elemetits whichteed anti etas' epitte't4o '1 .nitibylv. - 'I . .. • -- '' ICHEIN.I.TISM, SCI:ZUFULA,. ERI. rivEL.A.S.. Their. are among tile. most terrililei anti tt:;.. ,, .- sizing , lite'ases of ttie muscles, the fi,eShiti:u , :114 the ;min '; yeb in their' worst f 4013, tin. , witen - seemingiy. incur ible, the'' invaniably id is - appitar ntiqerla pcnie!vering nppliciaiien orthiti NUUthing, i1Z.1.1111,T, nutipo .e to pain tuid intlain: msti M. .. , , l.. SALT IbIIECM,' FF.,V ,11. SOfIES, ' • ' JOINTS, In cites of ;Salt Rheu', where mei ter4,,lutiuns, and every recipe of Ow. r i iocpy. IM,Te prove4.l uft1r....., tile, Cqntin accomplish a thorough eure.r Fev.r :LI riiiii,:kly upier its intlneace,..arl . its eireet uponcontrac te d NilloWB is truly' I. ......'.I)ISaI_AItGIN - G. ULCERI3. - . .. .1 m eq reinark.tble and happy chaneisWO t.„, dli , :e'd in the appearance - or, maligna4 ulcertt'l.- after a few applications lof this Ointment The toieroonding redness . vanishes; a ' d gran ulet . 3 of healthy flesh begin to fake tlie plado the diseharged matter. This proces' goes t.: - . '- II :more. or lels rapidly. until -the ~.;or.iqcOl is till,'-, up with ..3, l ittild utateriali. and the!ulci.ii radiettl:.. , . .. . • 4 1: 'WO :D TO MOTliglls: . . -'.. • rat young are kite 'most frequent Istifferqn , : from external Vnitryies;,. anti therefore ever ? ' mother qtould Ittit.tai this healing preparation. Cot/stall; at hind. I ft . i it ahsoluti, vecitic. tar sore re:LA.l..llnd qtlikly. removes the en criliftfed sixes which sometime.s disfikure the 11011 and face, of childreet. • 1 ' SITYN.IFiCA.NT,FACT - 5 . . - 1' .' -.. This Ointtueut is imiveritelv used boar. i on : , the'..--I.thuttic and ..,I:4,eitie Viliali l ti4 . fleet: '11.5 a 'ettr.z• for,:' , roi•butic affectirins„aud :a the besttiiost , iblc..-L Ire,ti , tdy c ir- wounds ,. anal' bet: h . 1. ei. t::.11. I.S¢ mul, .-. plies- of it -NaverreCentlY .be u ortlere , i by th:. -, I -Sultan pf Turkey for hospitt l purpOso.:": , •-, Both! th‘> 0 jittnt r ent . apiliP lis sligOlt 0: usr , : .• , , , 0. th e Allowin3 cy,,....c5:.-L k .. rktittions ~ Lunthage-: - . 1 Sore k4S Bu'rus Mereurial' - 'B6,l4reasbi (2-114 P ia 'lauds' Eruptions I . ''Soi4t , Te.trttil ,• , Chilblains piii.:4h. =:. • s.lii iiiikat - 4 Fistulas. ..t.the - amatism„,._.Sorel of 'all t.l .sut ' Salt . Rheum f icinds.. -.. i -- J' ' •.. . j Suit% Diea.rep - rr l,l attts, " iSr , el'd Glands Stid Joints tical . kby ' - /. Liltk , rs . Venufal 8 ,-, y...1 Woas i t.:l of all .1.i . ..in5:.. • g - ,...,.* Soil ;it the Mzinaraeb riesAfrPtaessof lloibiway 8i Maiden .I.,aae,. -New. ', 7 ork and 211. Sirl,n4 l i nnlan", vt' h iall , .t• strvc:table i Drae4ists aaci Dealers of .led tines ttirotiqhout the .i. - nited.State9.4tn.l' thd. • viiived t/ woilte,iin Pots, at d 5 ecuts, fl.'-',.lidputs;. and $1 •bath: Ir . 0. Cunningham,. Lleay . c . r, iFt an hattiorled Agent' 14 the sale of these medicines. . ..1 .! . . , ' ‘,/, — .,-;..ytThero ins a etasitlei'ablc ti,al..it* by toi ing the dirfe'siiizei. -. . - ' : ..- N. B. '"Din. Mans fur, the guldan.-.4. hI patients a e‘arr disorder are allixea to eadli'pb, . ..7 25 "-- February . 1537 ' "I I. " r• .. ' . ..4. .1 cll. gills ti , 2it ppiO i s - a tattle 22 1- f . • - 1)R. 1 - 1 . ..' TII1313.:•?i 1- . -'' .. 1 :,.......437//.. /pc al hi3 ' rroin, BFitileir-11"-", 1.Lp4z::: , :r . .5:419te1, „I.lo)iday, ..Itrittgt 24 1857 ~ ... , H ' r, ) ,1. ' enn,so.ltatinn'- -trf,a nl! diseasos of ,the Tlirnat. Luntrq, Ijcartz-4,iver :Stomach, Bolvelp, ~ Ki•lneys ritl i Spleen; als - ir, Gi.avel, libez-. Itranti,m, ferrous f)y..Frepsin, Fe- - to i; , .._ dieasC-3.:, A fits, implrities of the blood. , Eri , . 4 ) Ulgerg, ri.n . d. all . tt other'vrietieA o' fornplainta, both aitorbra and '.1.1t. Uebiiity tie :rid ptiqs, low4..standing . . . . for some stn , ears Dr, T. has devoted his en tire time to tlir nib' diseases, treatingithousande annually, inn of whom hnd extmused every other .resource within reach. In ito i case are mineral or other poisens.' employed, nor does ha make sick to 'matte well;' or tearAlown The medicines can be taken . with safety by - the 'most delicate, and patlen'a may rev main at home, and continue with rind4nee their .3rdinnry:airAt'hmi Many hare recod , erPl - unOr.; the treatment after friendsiind phy.' sicians had 'given up all Impe, the indisputable evilenve of jnich ain ulw4s furnHicd.• vuliacc .ird linwive,t reduced or despairing, are . ,inviz to call, a miv be assured: tIMt encoitragea— ment will be.pven or expense incurred ; without . ti cot responding- prospect jprecovery)l'l Pitii/si(; or Asthma Yll O tatc!rilnt given,this-3nonth, t^it he read with ,Tt - tr. interest by all who have endured the inex-pressAble horrors of Atithma: .if; commend itself to.those who have`' be lievell that I;•catnlent nte . y votieve, but cannot 1 -ITolmes tp , Craweerl Co-. Ohie, - July 1857 . ' Dn. ,Testis —Sir—lsince childhood I have . beerPaff:ieted...with Pl4thisie__o.r. -.- ..' , methe. I,Oriffeni6 iiiiff red from the tame ilia- • ease: - As I giew oldenit became Worst., the par - ) oxYsm Occutretti ften,yand were.ntore,prottne:-: - tell ran - severe, eapecirilly sq. during the. winter! sinson •,At 411 times'al little More thoi: ortlina-, _ ry exertion caused a ii llent 'cough and greet op; pr.esgou in breathinc:: While the parajtysm's lasted there, wilt• a ni.‘- tressinn• ebne.ll and a constant, agonizing drug' ele for .brath. being at timei apparey upon - ' ' the. Verge - of suffocation . :• Very ditto sleep could he he obtained.nt such times and ~tllit little while sittingin my eltair . Twmyearstigo I was! .-`- iniueekl oy the statement of a ladt Whom Smti curet! of 4-9thtim. to mike one more tiial., • I had little nail) r t that . ime, partly- becituoi : T hldso often beeit dis.appointed,..und-partly tkeiT. l 11 , 1 SC others smid I could 'not get Weil:. , The -, treatment was•pnrsucd undPr ciretunthinei most favorable, having : the care of sick i frieuds.' yet I hare been not only fully relieved de qyniptants of , !...sthma but of other of ections comply - tying; 11 have no Cough-now, bre:ll.lle fusee 4 . ly. rest well; tint hate "good - . *trength. Y. -.4 1 r , truly. 441J:4,AN-A. W. QUAINTANCE. SAMI.J.4I, - FIUINEBII),CIC . fTp9rter and 'Deiler.ln ilarix.i. e, ' .1 • i . ;.• ~--- No. 71 Wood strict, be weep thomon AlleY t -- . (1 , , -,-- p.. nail Fourth etrect. , eitfsbnrgh, Vit. . . rT,ITIE subscribcr Is now receiving ' fijoin Ette ' , -3. 'grand_ nog Ann:Timm Nlanufactuie , 'hi4 spring. stock of Hardware, ionsigting in port . of knifes, forko; pen atni pod et knifes, rpuonn loCit:1, hin . gcs, screw 9 ,, Mei. t4,cythes, ccirn loco, corpentext tools'," cintin_.plys§ Ity.turen .gie , .to. All of which wilt 401,1 on the l Tonasiterm9., iSlor. IL IS-37: - SAMUEL'PAIINESTiCK. _, IlEatFuelir awl Ftitit4,iu4' littrijes L 1 I. alwars tree fotinant tf• H 17t.te. , ..i:G'S; • N ME I ST I Pr liken' et ril `,l ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers