i • • I • • 7 16 ri';'4. * ' 4:1,r 4,7, ....Zi,14.%%:?„:1:. 1 ;, , ; I • • ' • - t T _ • .1' • I ' a. ' ' • 1 1-% L - - ".. - -••• ' 1 * -•• , `';'• • • ' " • . / 4121 Ratilae ; - 4 ;, • . .! r ' ; • • - • I 1. • , I •'• lICY. 1.• /' • • • ; i7. t, _ I = •'; • ••1 - • ."'"1" 1' . - 1 • • 7 • ;4 ' ; ,' , .‘ 1100/ • . • • AT • A r - _ • , , . f- ry-Q1,1_1,111 , , xx,xlll---I t N - 0 31. . . . , . .. '1 . :- "INT" '11; PU114.181161 ES I mated discussion by the Chair,i' , M M r. oor- 1 • 11. Sii,.. J. . viT; iFYINND. ,-- ; head) Rev.. Webber, Pief: BithlNVirt, Major, " :L \ . • - - - - 1 atliock and Messrs. ..Kenne tly . i' Rawsey TERII.I4-40: Inot:T.As and parr - Csata,pc.• i • loam. Vi A Di • A ' x'cv:; cityirwiise - Two DOLLARS and Wallace,.wore tinanimonsly.pasiedt I ,- be chnrge,l: : : No peperdiseontinued,.ttot-11 Whereas; In . the opinion of tbisConvonH eorages.ixre settled„emeept at the option fion•the office . of County • Supqinteadeney' l . . ' 'hors.. ) ,is of inestimable good to the tense of edu emonts.insertelnt the rte of 50 ets. i f;-fifteen lines for one tkiertion--! — ,,,i '., 1 ^ation'' and irhereii.thepresentitneumbent, of energy' and . sepei- i ' t insertion n teats. - 4 - :‹. tibera' , t. o4 ,r• • verys-I . i ' a *l3' vesely 'slivortiiertt. -' : -. ..lastie - iottaipiherasi to 'de,vote all his. willing ~ , ~ I _, ,_ , Communications,. by mail, , i time' to - the duties: ci: fill otnce,fanq eruere-1 \\,. ntian. . ' - -••••-■rnim.i..•... ';,frOm-some of the lirectors preitent at ' T meetin g , who *ex :also - delegiies to tlie l i Convention of Dir4ctors in' which he wail •..• • ;I elected, that the present ina&inate salary 1 i (8350) was flied upon titioUgh al misuntior l l standin,g.'and)yitititentima(put!he part of i I a majority . of .that_po*rentiott.. I . l i 1 ' • Therefore :-Resoli•ecl, That. flys Convet . lion highly approve; of s AbO. officei of the Co '1 '•;nerintendeney as iiiollsPousabto to a gno(i, -atinot systein and th•it'it l earnestly, .... • - •uded . to the different Bards of Di-' I rectors' to tufo b-Mediate action by- L vtlich N !.io.raise-I;is . I:try to the sniii.„ol - 1.800 peri ': year, and tot encourage ihd'aslist hito in ' l l i efforts to advanee toe Ildnextiecal lip-1 ; teryNts of the :Couniy. • • ; - 1 , - • Rr,solv e Ld, Thar this resolution be not; 1 . • • con,hlert , (l a., , eeustire or i 1 proFal of the . neti,,n : 2 f,,,' tfe .C(1 u vt!n t t on, i p f Di rt dor 4 bLu t! t hot 'Wooly - asks a' ne 7 consill e ra)frit . of that), zi-titin.talten under 'Unfavorable etrcutostan ce4, ~ini:, u nderstandings nal unwarranted .• . , ..,.. pi, judtees. • t . i .. 7 7 ; . -I • • :i'lle Contention titeu wij ui nea to meet, •at i 1 o'clock in the ;eveni Lg. -.• i . e' ' cinoznis 'nito , 1 . , r op.rtips ON FAQ* . It happens for once, says the Pit6bnri ! ,' j - -4-1 - i- Journal, that the South 'liar -made a ae7,' When Col. l -firqdhald Iti mana which ri - DemoeraiicAdministration A killed at the b,1141 of [ litittii not willing to 'enbeade The thing ney", taken his seat foil t ll j.- - fis-IIT seem incredible, to some, but we beli eve it bettelo the first,os on ithesdoeket ,as call has come to,pass. 'lt only remains io be led; tuftl the,„..plaint ;ft stood ia4,,. , t, wages 4 1 seen whether the Administration will Per- !ease rthat-tiad bees an litigation five !years. silt in its present course, or surrender to GenrSmoot tiros? 'for 'the difenda t,-and the imperious voice of "masa!! Pryor_ lreiturrked in an ov,erbeariog, tenet ' ur wit- I lk Co. If Mr. Buchanan will not submiq !that are absent) and ttenfere I. demand jiierewill be rebellion in the Smith', ;and; !that the case be fdatinmid until the next ' the ;National Democracy will e nolonger,be terinl, in course.' I ; ,l . 11 "'one and undivided." 1 But - to be more ex- 'Let the affidavit be filed, for not t plieit. - The Southern Democracy have for can lenieriain'a i otion for;ton - tin i . some tine been denouncing the Kansas was the reply of e judge. ; ' - policy of Gov Walker, and they notide- 'Do you doubt 1 y words Mt faith Bland his- recall. They hold 041 1 his ' , Gen.; Smoot exeL l i ed sharply,',,ind , pledge- tr.' the people that they shall have a ntarily raised hi bege sword •cane aid vsiee in the adoption of the Constitution 'Not at all," re - led the JUdge as dearly, of the nevi Stater is a breach of faith to blandest smile r ' 13 the het rerjuir .ds of Di ; r South, and contrary to the Cincinnati Plat- the facts justlfyi g.a continuance m e ti II- whiehll form. The *Rielnitond South recently as pear :otrrecord, ad d , the court haspo .an-,u# 880,0 perllatZed its that 'Mr. Buchanan-would to annul a law ruirl any wish to see I 1 ibil'is.ist him in!! not endoree thepolicy of Governor Walk. l itull4d ' ' • . ,l • • -- 1 ---- 1 11-4e- , .., 1 ' -f .! • ---.... 1. . r .„.0 , toe letecattecal lin-1 er. `-lle-understoxl the'south and his own ,1 'The Judge'a - 61 m andlsusltrerss-lil ay. . ; e l; interests too w'ell to do suell'a, foolish thing, h and manner only Is rved tn iriitate t ~,e ar this resolution be note But now the tune is changed. The "Ad- ib and he re,tortel shakic:f hi; swo; a.,;(.etistir or di a proFal of the, miui - stration have given, a half-way C'hderse. iin the direction of, the b uch, ;WI see effie Coliventionief ')iri;ttors, but! meet to Walker's policy," and the Rich. be e the law, I, for die, will netlearti .-Konly as, a're-consirlera)lim of that ' mond organ strikes the'key note thui • I,the l i ps of en 110r:haft demi o r " t o ogue , -don taken under Unfavorable etrcunistan-, "lf 1f r.. Buchanan entertains the ilea l'efi s t d.' - 11 . 1 .1 ee : 4, ..ini:.under , tandings and unwarranted that he can trifle with the feelingse South. ' Judge Yell's bi l e eyes slit lightning, pi, judices., , II ern D emocracy and may aafely defy their ; b ut he only tamed to,the clerk and Isaid— •-I he teinfentiee it._ •• i vengeauce, he is e at liberty to undertake l'Clerk, you kill en eria fine of 660 against he• 1 ' the experiment : But it is hardly possible 'Gen.' Smoot, as II cid him named iiin---nly_ , that so sagacious a politieian can mistake 'docket, for e•ros , ; e niempt o f court, !Ind be EVENING- SESSION: j the aP , ilogetic tones of a few place-men for ;surelyou issue , anlimmediaro lexecuqdr i .' . , The Pre‘ilent ! brine; unavoidably absent, th e genuine voice of the Soutbein p e opl e . ' ll° had hardly communicated till order \lr. S. C. C r ow was a`pp..interi to }he Chaii. I Though the Southern members of the (lab= When Gen. Sinort was seet ;rushirrg to "The' t.;iiiinitiee on - tesolutions reported the 1 ill'''' should ineliee to dispalage tne spirit ' wards hita t trand's iinz,his sword cane, all follnwieg, whieh we re , adopted 1 1:;ilie State-Rights Democracy, the dis- Iths festnrea - writh tig with IntitderouWwiath, : -, ° Wherea , , In the opinion of this Con , tract and empliaticlutterance of the Geier- land pallid as a • cerpie: _Every glarl i ce was ven ti.,' n the l'alucati;Mal interestsfof liceavegia and Mississippi Conventions would not. ,fixt:ii, on the countenanee of the-Judge, for county ar e not i n -Hari a eonditilii as nal. i allow of so fatal an error as to suppose that !all Wished to knolvjhOw ha i would break the i ura l •i , 2alth ° , • se,miteereial advaniaeiis and ; any regard for • the integrity cf Party, 1 , coming of the, du:that's 'fierce gissieititi---Briti attachment to a n adriiini.stration.Hnoluit however, ecuqrl detec i e! the"' slightest 1 obseisde ii, res,itirs demand, or thict the in or any , cotUill a silent aquiesence in the charge, in his appearance'. }pis check grew We find,', some Press mkt.'s by her in the cause t rif Ed uce -I will butracre: If Mr. Buchanan at- ,peitlier reiPuor white, nor a; nerve seemed, gradingthe navi ! noel is not prop-utienet to her natural ad.: ll(3a ' 'C'q i I.torupts to shield' Walker he will only ex- - ,to t remble, his calm eye surveyed ribs ad. steamboat in We vantages and general iutelligeneei 1. Therefore li. , soreed ThC . ~ at this maven- •, j i pose- his own body to a mortal stroke.- , vaneing foe, with as little.sign,of perturba- Albach,loCPitts J'aere is no div i nity about the person of ai, lion 'as a chemist tMght shbar, scrutinizing , pears that et tize tiori urge upon Directors'aud • T - Aachers to ' ; President which the Democracy are afraid I I the eltervesence of some novel tnizinre.—ii instrumental to en-opeate Is ith the ,Superinteinteiat in sys :to violate. ,The instant the' Administra. , Ile Sat perfectly till, with a little ltaff of, ; ennsiduredl l en ad fintatri7ng the ice:lend plats ~f Icon - colon 1 . ; ; .tion assumes the responsibility, :if \Volker's I; pait4ed iron in .11 sl hand. ;Smoot aleended I perime 1. - 11 Mo . .elrools..\iit the eo t int . - I treaclie6., that instant Will the taibaltern ; the platform, an inunedietely aimeil a tre-; La _robe Resolved,- Thrit it furtle r rceointurred - ' siiik-out of Agile lid the l'eesident become .menPetts hl rw at tl'; head rit his ftr. At yThe,comple: success att radio g e . es t!th l l e i e-Mation ef;Tea,•lier's AS:or•iiitirimi in the oleeet of denimciation which is now i thatlblow five ii • rtlred---herts ~ shud d ered,! periments in ac, in navigation on the Ilud , A lie. dilf•unt T ovit;Lips and Boroirrhs ' ' fthroo . :ltotit the C auttiv, the solj .et 1 - ir Wilielli 4 leVelei ;against ' lit appointer,: But there (~ and imore - : than aiv en vie oes :shrieked, all js in •isteti the a•ilje uinge water ,- proviaus to associations !sled • ti l e to prr\pake / more thorotighlv ;for the dkehaeete ;:of duty' ; attl that out vf thc.,:el be ereatnzlitia Coun) - • Ire: , cll ,, ri will be, no precipitation in the matter. The I'llxpecting to i see lite vi...tini s i ehtill shivered 11869, turned • the attention - f.tlie principid Democeaey of the South are reluetant,to Ito atoms. ;The fit:Swim' a, qui:limet may' projectors to the idea of its !application, ,on identify, ,'Jr. But..hanan with , R;il.A.- - J. then be conceive. , ;when. they be held the the westerar.ve se and•in'ahn month of - -- = , A .,1 .b ! Welker. , Thrly will notTirbander. an M..llittle iron stafril tribe a - quick curve; as pril (arthat year sir Roosevielt, 0f.N..1.. re Inst i tute 1 ; .1 \ I, _ ' . T. ~, 211 - - the gt eit Sward et to fleAv ' from ' l. Snionts' I pursuant 16; an :;reemeni w tul alt,, 1 ' •- • , ,V . 1t That, r' • )/ Trem'ier • :in] tl • r r . 11'.\;i: VHS. - ; • ,! ' •-!i! ' • - e ! 1, . • - , e' , :o ~ I I f ' ' _..... ‘ i , [ ' - -• ;mall disciplinarians are requisite tel a whole= , er, except upon C , Yinp at•lon bt 'toe Most i t .. fingers, mi , l f .11 I ilia In groat clatter] to the Li ingstori end Ir Fulton; ' v i s i ted ; those! ~,,. n ti . ..., a -.;;•):: ~511,-,L tt 0r.1,1 hy chee r so us e, d i ve andlv . 4roU•4 edtreatiim ds • distance of tweet - fe,et in title -1111! The; sic .rs withi the - .urpose of fOrtniog an ,:pia _ .\: r . ;" 2 .‘!:1 . i:.. 1 :11 li - tfr..vil, ”f . Ow 10. r ,, 0g i l . 1 . 1 ., 111 . - 1 ;,. d that sa . j ,„,:r . r. er .p,., . 1 , •'` . treachery to the( Sul ill.- They are mu balil l „id belly mitts -cr a cry cf wra li - Wild ' 'ail l the ', 'tt d- f •te - ''re I i 1 ion %cm, cr ie ac"ni eo i I. Lana nest e d.. ls,-re .1, •;-.• iee,,,,i n eer! , 3,1,..„ e „ . A ic sx.lll. , c • , ..i._ 'l, ' _ ierei erepary ; . ' or creed bv hope-tie,: nd will dentOn tlt-i-:M. as that of dome o tided beast-of-n t.,.y and t . •ot l' I.; s 't -eyed tl 1' - r , 1 Lou oi • n.. 1. If )( 1 ..0Ve. s . rs, the ,j ie t h en ,„i ves t o _ c os oni i, o ,/ a. go.a.l;,salary it :e; . y ' T l' . l' 1 `'l - 't elves with the di:znity and decoruni due. to snatched his be 1 knife ;from its sheafb -- ,1 - ersLfr,otre___ Pittshu l rgh to Nelv Orleans 1 .1114. ,• 1 !"-t 'l l . q i'"''"''" - ''''"'" - !....4" 1 ; ' -.' •" •le'-' sal •he theirtieh tr)(lenusitrl ttieti a salary. ~, 1,1),-,.; : i .. 1,.;'. 1 , nt „ .ti, . 3 ,. ; • v i .,., :e p r :,..,i,1, 11 ,,,,. . 11 ,,,,;,, , ... ii, _7, , t i i this ( i. olice . iiti ,i n fecal). _ , the gat ii.A9f tii - e occ:,si.,re. . lint sac be- but ;ere it, wag oised ;for the d .sperate I as • his reperC --- wasr favorable, it -was decided ae 1 1 .- 1 1 l'-' ''. -I .e°• • '.S ••"`!ltrr '," ` Cs tit,- men I the ;Effete st Boar Is of Di l reetors to! ti,lesff the man whi mistiikes their forbear- plunge, the lite e ' lieu "st-aff Cut nether Ito build a ] ,boat t the, fortnet l to - iiii:; - - - ----- ,i,n a c;:ttftiitre- lot n • . I.lt i •II:' Wl' ',l';'•••ifit - . n i l k a t o r rr , 'ilint.i - P, - c. , ,inp../ , '7/t Te.al'eliers;rid itne;•. Tioneei the I Ire3l , leut of the Uni- curve, and, - the bowie kifife folio ed the ; "In ;October, Sll l , the ‘ l N.esv Orleans" , •11 , y t1i ,,. (2. 1 . , 'jr• , ' . " - i- 1 -:12: "f'th" 11 - , ' tli..t. roes tali:e :a , 4:•iites as mill mimeo:rich,' re d Stems will: a ,servile pirty l at his b•ick, cape. l ie then hie•tily drew air vblVing ; wall l a ' itc h ed and sent out,lbeing int4uded ,1 , 1:11 i ' :rken ; 1:•"••• 11 1.17 \ \ -- " l Tr ""' 1 J• M e ill ir r t; pr:/Ot 1.1, l a lry aff ,rlino. bett; r re ; and e ighty enlillioes a :scar in his picket, plfsol, but before he had time to to Ili the ,to ply lietWeen that city andlNatchez---not I ; lei 1, - ., e., to r l, iri er.ir i ee....-Itie s e reeseine - • f .• ,• ,{ , he ri;autoit stifk. the voice of Southern. De. nigger his' artn a s .struck powerleSis *Ads las Stated in ' the extract fi+fr Thurston's , , ,• n .7: sun, rs m t lets reteicreq and can , Tt,.. 1:,,,wy-:-.,T, ivit, , ,, , p, oi_eir Av. ) , s- ) ~ plovittg !limn nu ra of the yetir i i the tlis , - ' umorar Y' ''s- ' ' ; , - 8141 And t h e , far that first ti iCi ]iii; balk, li i ctween Pittsburgh and the falls of .• . • 1,-iri e *, rc - •-elit a ;;;••1 arid; e-sed the ran, etlli• elitr; , ;.! of their' rofessir%ol thole-. / ; Thrsos the first response .to the nflieial JU'lge Yell hatrily perceptible ern aria", Ohio. II il • r I ' ' - e , ~,,, • ,1,,,, -2,,,(,.r ensue iii em up. , n the 11 ;,,, 11 . 1 , Ti ... ; - . notice of the kimin;stration that NVelker 11 ts' !stamped hisll • not,' - anal' the p atforin Lat,r6he vlin: u3lr Ransevelt !his l , , young e , I ! 1: t this vionvention TeCOll3- , ' ' . ' ' . i 1 ii. r'. stp, , r7-in,•,, AlTliko, •-1:•, - of rt..;.‘_•her .. .1.,s- in-nd to the Tea -hers of * Beaver Gninty as .' would be sustained. , What it. sill be froth shook beneath him, and - airentedln__ruiniet c wife .and family, Mr Baker! the engineer, • ....,•111 1 .. 1 ,- 1 , ,, , ,i e :r e m 1 1 .. .e' the diffe-,-eitthe-extreme SMith, we may larily judge tortes---ilr. Cle;rili,i you Fill blot t 'is rn - _ silr_e__lack, the pilot land six hands , far as prls-ible, t• mike teaching eth ers pr'o- ' -;,,„, ,1 , .:: , hi, t:. -it to Ihic .1r1 .. t:,-- 1 1 "il'• "•'''c' p-s.iiini, an,) to r n Taro t hems eivt r ts with dl ; Iby rite .subjoitiedptragraph froin the \ricks. flail's, name frotn the roll of attorm s,' as a l wi h alfew domestics for Med , her whole " t"""ry I ,!'''''';'''' , 4 '" , ' l . ' u.- . . 1 ; 111 P:uis b..) . .; r, et reference to this .;plie"re or dutthro' . burg S'entinet,l (written, of course, .)before foul di-gra!!e to : . .le - bar. itT , ' R l,. . ' .lff,,tali — e blirdeild,--There were no wood - 4 - ftii . - 113 - at that , • r -,-----------_ • t id l' LI:- '-'-• ' ~,.,,I ''''"'P• 1 "ril '''""l' - the on ,oritiaitD.s alltrded them b Teach V:, the hostile tiditi,„ ~, hal been received.: the prisoner to j' B.' 1 •ang to time, and constant delays-wire _tinaveidble r- i ;;-,, ril,-ir -!ri , a; ;1 •ri-ii ”..11 r I inter-, . ' 1 .' . -,,,. ' "RonElt,T ..T..WALKER....-- - -Our Democrat-, B rie , the tearcf k I - l . . 11, , ; and I : scene ,I4te ati night, on the fourth day after quit ; - . ;• -• ' .-., -, t- ' ' et s Assoctations- Normal Scllook, . County . : t . la . r,,,. 1 ...1 1 ,,, ii. , l•, 1r u , .111 1 ur,„, d .bi,ti , tre and - 41 th •rwi;•=e. , , ' . ,! ie ,State • Convention has in no measurea I ofelinfusion too place en can i l ting - Vit f tsburte . ), they arrived in, safety at r ;-,;-• eo el 1:1e . , (‘' or2atiii"tion• -%. 1.1, --r wi'''m ' Resolv,;(2, ,t 1 I. dd . - C 1 : ' termsreontlenined the course pursued b neenion reeerti- ' desciribe The bravoes and myrmidon I . Lonisville, having been Y - l'r f. it ild vim -peke. up:,:i thy; MI • . ' ll bi'-'et , ' mend as fiir as ' -'t 1 ') t • i• a l d this as indicated in his Inaugural ad a IZ' au • man`friends of Genet. I Smoot gathers around. 3 scendingupwa l rds of 600 miles." i The set .; ~ , ~ 1..,.. .• _ .. , 0 . .. To's, , e, sy." im . ; tn I was set:Pc...Fri-a t. 1,,, 11,, 1,1.. ‘1 ...hn_r, „ tided schools "- is airaii ir lg. nr)portUriitiCS dress as Goverrior of Kansas:. And he! to obstruct : the S ierttf, while-ma 4 of 'the 'tlers:on Ithe.ba i nks, who had pot even heard eh, : ell...red:the •forißvitp , r.....,lolnliohz.,witteli ?,-, I ' . ' - '-1 r tl: ' '-. -/‘ ' • ' richly ''' • 1. t • • ' r tooreng ii artu o f emetent etineation. , merits rile -sevcres_ castiatnin which l , {enstit} lentetheik aid to susesin thitnutho - the, kin • of I ueb - a - scheme were struck , r !with .. . tors § . _ , si,!re ii, leptere 1 ; ; - ' ;The .con edpo ssiblyfalll of optical '' tv '' the coot Menaces, try; then addressed h • leen to rho ot ap; - l 'Menaces sere dd ' Ind terror" at the a . . . sa , Dance •surprise 3 - , + 1 ppear ,. . t 1. „. ... ,f. 3 , _,,..- It• - •- , ,Iv..,1; Iha %c strut 'y .ore the) pr f . j3 1 1,1.5i„ , ' I) f i ti „ip.,l 6f t e e N erje d I.ltelal. ! Missies' had done him great) horr id curses, th 17tug,' of • timpiegtng antl of the snorting' monster "I. _ have Cenrey Sun.) intetelgir, i. i,..4,11 , ,i a cj/,for : ,:.•eitool cf Lawre see county. Stroj , ce—The 1 bcinor. .; She made liiin her representatis).e it cros l sing steel, el ern-te e eiies of r ;e-end s : . 1 1, I. _, . a ear,..t.„,at t.e general impression . ttmong the the orzan izt lion of a- re ic.,wr i INstit utc., Tileteher.iii nii,e; .m— w hi e h e „, tj eje „ e 4 to ;in the Benate Of the United Stattes. ,It was,) Thlif!', all conitnirmled with the awful pxplo•l g ord Ki3oitiekiiins waS that the cninet had of all tile Ti.:Vl, - T's 4( . 13 •lver 'o,,urity, l l'e ' sei:i _r_ it iliterc:t and- approval-; On zue :l, this p - alitieal elevation which . gave hitt) po. 1 sion of-fire-qirms, aiended - f l t --- ,, b e't . l ayivid rifallEa into the'Ohio. The -small depth of , ' , j eil-,i WhiA 1 ts;ittve - slia.l . h.! jr,...:11 ird sin. air: J' S. Vaugerder. follrmed svitil , ; litical conseuence, and eieutuated is hisrl idea 'of P.euieu serum.'' th ~Fughol. -tftwater in the rapids prevented thef.:,boat.from 1, .11,;r 1 the 1, st firi'ijes cf a. - Turing a' I . t beim* selected from Mississinni- as a Seere- 1 411 the tempestuous strife, two individna si nursuing her voyage immediately; and du .11 HUE MO Adverb in• s,innre, eai-Vaahaequi'.. dinonat,made.t fh il.i ~have liromPt at THE GREAT Jfl C. STV4RT. =I There is if harvester brave and bo14,„ „. Who hameltt<in many na all hik , help in ‘theharvett.time "' I. theitelp bf his two white hands.; .11i3 - 2wo:•k' Hte'.lland . i, as,Aft /Ma white As the winter's driven Wet erer'lle bins M nrtrriStborn,e ' T o 1,i4. a .rna- ,iewn and stringing seytlie . 2e,1 are tlfe 9:11110 t. , 111:1). •:il 4e14.1y he. g.oe: . frink Geld to 110,1 grlin: • irc::rl as jie. clip the gr.lin, u-, iu's)i - mves, • 'suit f , lty the thriV;' tilt: grain t:lat Ivir;ca•tcr toe r.:1; 'e T 1 111 Li.• tv; ths iirlp I T.tetezetitr,->lt:p it , the er4 , llC.tt tittte'-r - rverilatilu. s - prinie. • ii. tfryel,il , ill-10.1 •tl•i i±elipt; n.yrly tii•t agt , ! ire . (IT wFti-,huod's. prime :cup; to tlie ~:,thein pain. rry +j•::et: hearts an o:tq. bed:* of down I o st‘tt.'h Is eqt.., of the battle's blast. azl.l tio s,L•a:!re. ! ) - ,A i _•aFncr, the rlii. lONAL PINE.' 23. 16-5.1'. =I =I nt • , r•,!:.11 , 0 „ O oots, to e )tit l i, i 5 die t rut thn 1. itir;vlyring '.'intilitetion and ;014 to iii4ll2:l•i:E. -d; r: , mitt ques.v tits p .rtaining to alit... "f ea cner s That tiikA tY-tivention earnest ly reeontmen.l..lVat.4crt: to cog ig . 4,in :this -enterprise tidth titer//,. as a duty tit-v tort: alike 1:1 thettrt.;.lv.i.t anti ti4Ar cru- . lover.= and that this Coliontinity.e.xteud a -tilial invitation to the 'Supt.:rip yonirlat to lix the plair for eallinz tint fit st tim.ciing of thy at :North as,uring. nor wh - I,tuay come . 'lion] a dis t t f the, kindest hospitality if the . lie„ r inf . )- 31r. r CG - 1 4 (111:11 . 113C1- 4 . 1 :" motion, to - d.pliver an a liress to par-- - t - Itt;,,thciralutic,s to-teach:ifs and emir chit- Lich received 'A ith great satis. eti it, and. gi;o: effect. Ilpr. ll.aav Web r t? - at atierc t ss act re tue;_!:ing in a ilt:fonde r offi,:4 of the C .itity lttittperiatenden cv, was aunt: aiti, force and ability, .t.howingeletitry that a gand,,t6nipetent and : Surrintendent would be an ectitf. t my to the-County, even thnuttli they_yfere paid directly -front tliel.s.clic - for fundi; hut. sloorimrtnither, troll dm State_Statutes, that ooutity Sunerintendents Were p•iti by a tiivisfer of: an appropriation.froni the Stafe Treasury, 'of 4:F. 3&.1)U0 formerly i ri:Vnt-2 , 1 to Geological Surveys, - bow appro to the payment <I Superiutendents . and that if this otliee w6re . tiispert.sed . asjth ty th e Dirtetars of the tfifferents-Voutities,. ltw making this apirropriation . Must of tic-cessitYto 'tcricaled, and the .530,000 tt-ould go ttark to. the State Treasury, rat stead of to the Siitliord fund, for the pay . anent of . Teric. 4 m.rs, - ,ind . ,woultibe lust - to the cause of : -. ..dueatio'n' In a Ote State. iras• folta e.. 4,1 by Prof. Baldwin, who spoke upan th, .110...itii,j1Ct, -showing the'neeettsity of a County Suytrintendente toxystettrtftle . t.d.. ucttion ta t systcji.,- . rhe n the I: , s;witt.,: rt•sl- .totts art.re by J. lA. knittoo, and Isquib rilwarits, and after an aiii• 511 I -\ Edlv MEM .1C Oitsi dS t.W.J • V‘-llitr.` bands. MEE iArrangelocut: peri ate -11 , 1;u t f lll:z3tttute thi, fiat' cf the ci:iz retary WFLS tristrl ceedin”s (It tile papeys.. A y.tte i the spealfers, a ,311!0. -marks. •stin • zinl .'perin z teut, re -1 ;' Vert: 11 en tnade, t‘ith the r the iirst County place by es4,4ial ns. Ou i n the S.ec eted. to publisii the pro `l.nrention in file county if tbiti4s W 4.5 tieturned to ti4l . -o`t Cotvenrion'' adL 1.1. t, is due t? th eilizens of Beaver coun r l ty tai knAv that he-ir SuperintenAnt Avery) is activ, ly cagagbl irrtthe duties 'of •llid gives mth.t.t.titil evidence to, all lt; tYe observe,: .itis' , operations t.li!ui far : that he is just the ,vein for thC ttu*t. gm,/ bq the Ok'fierm) r- . , cII.IIIIIE,TIIE F LLIIII'STErt. ---The eleVel lrlFid Plaid Dect 'r says that Col. Crabbel, who lately lost hi. life bi,the same enterl. , in; .1 , pr t ise which -- W flier tualle his first ven t , ' store in the charac er'of a fillibuiter, is tlt. wailsane man-who. the survivor in the yts of the,bloody series of cambats i i 4hieh th elitorsof Viekshirra. Sentinel fought 4 -- - fh , In lapt of six of the ieditrirs of that I)aper hay ins fallen by the T and of Crabby.. - It waa 1. 1 in 181 G, durio,-; the exciting' ontest of Fnote and Davis er The Clovermirship,,tha Mr. Jenkins, thefediter of the Sentinel, a "pc . aceable man, ha‘ing commerJed on th conduct of Crabbe ' was, assailed by him is the streets of Vieksburg. A terrible corn bit ensued, Jenkins using histiowie kni. with great effect--foefore Crabbe could dia • his ptstal. The latter, however, do 'tet ribly cut, succeeded allast in dischargin„, his pistol in ' his antagonist's s* who fell mot tally wounded, and died i a a; CCP/ hours. "itY - The editor of the 11.4chr,ond SoutN a fi ming: Democrat, sag "that even dig iNtnaerati:a party is pf.;i'soned " W e hard only to say ?f the p ity as the man said o his wife, un- i being .uspeeted of haring pois oried r--",,p , her. on the spot; l'n willing." • : • .- ,L . ,. r'_ _ THE ADMINISTRATION AND TEE _ scrum . tart of the Treasuty . of 'the United States.\j i At .the entF l of his term, the Ex.Secrctaryi located in .Washingthn City, 'still - in the'. South. Latterly the President-of the UtiiH ted States' has tuad.2 , . him GovernOr of Kan.' .as Territory, and his first' act wag one of treason to the South lie has•-encotiragedf Abolitionism, given incentive' to therree : Soil fauatica still further to insult, outrage: and•roblthe South, and dares to intimate.' that the Administration. 'apProves the act.' Franklin Pierce.. appOintel Reeder, and , 'Geary, and: removed them . , for • cause:—; James Buzlianan f appoioted Robert. ; .J - Walker and Should remove hiin. Theh out demands it. In thelanguage-of a digtin gnisbeii gentleman of our State Nvliilst,late-' treating of :this suhject : /Rdbert -J Walker 4 our dog,' and wohould, be the first toAtick Liai l'" A SINOUL sit REIINIp / N.—Ten' YeaTs ign last night, ten'young ladies who'wqre i ttfuling,sch,aol in this city; where' Bangs' Block now stauds,/agrced with their ieach; er,Miss Stearns,' to meet in just ten years; an-have a supper at the Worcester House: Nothing but / death was to interfere . -with the meet / i4 of the full number. Last night they ail came to tho Lincoln Bons° togethii. The fhand of death had been laid,upon none. .Time had also dealt len! , tvith thud; and but two of their timber were4narried.- Thity all sat dowd to a Lincoln ,Mouse--supper , What con: ,1 gratulations posed, what experiences were related, what sorrows were'tatlceo over, are known,,' but to themselves.-- Worcesto; Boy State Ilict Worth Know(n9.—lrousekpep i ers should know,, now that the seaso4 for pies and puddings has come, and sugar in.!, ordinaiely dear, that the acid in rhubarb; gooseberries and currants may be neutrali! zed by putting a third of a teaspoonful of soda in the-fruit, and without effecting the flavor. !A less gurAtity of sugar will then answer LI! sweeten.--licager. 1. 1 W EsDAlri' JULY Ra `lsa7`-y Might be cibiervt d as leaders of the w1nr1.4,- wind and riders of the f istoCril The :new' Judgo aced his 1 tale:iron cane witlilterrible' efficiency, Crippl as-limbs, yet sparing life. Bill Banat; the sheriff, imitathig the cle m ency nf Lis knored friend, diulaining the,use . of eithet - knife or ' pistol,L. etually, trampled and crushed diawn all op osition,"l roaiia'g at elierypriousfilo ) w—"T is is l thk . ja way to prese6e i lorder in Court!" a senti-, merit which he a'eeorn ' d wi th 11 , pante 1 peal s 'Of I:aiiihter .1d less thariltvo niii utes the party' of • :ha judge triamphed,, nd the clique of - Gen. Smoot st4red a tl sastraus, defeat, and the bally himself was orno to prison. Ouch Was tho i Arkansas; awl f as a man, ,as -a J poiltieian, went 1 edl(psing i the d wanes, It set on Vista. ,debut of A4hibal Yoll in rem that dli)ris p pularity i,udge, hero, ud as a fon rapidlyl inereniin , 4, till Idest and 'most; powerful I the bloody field lof -Buena Piot WI. ins ; 'niece° ed i Phla, Penusylva. ocratic paper in of 'the preseut evident sympto two Demot ratio new ;one. , will do up ea Miy, they , , they gouge °ace bi:e,each.other'• each etiliq till . t. th cfy, kick each toed! of boets,ah I .• ' IogL.TUE vate recipe ofp. iTako one pin wioi e 'speon • fully with asp. whisky. Fil and!make' tie si, Tala.2 water,and fillup abtive. hi ur lu.—Sr.-Vorney, I . purehasiit the II ran, 'trill issue al n that city' befor ,ontb. Already t !is of a Sight heti lorgans, , the old on ope thst. "lice and . .othePiliabs - -tho each ot'uer's hai 1 other , s l opes. D 6 : noses. ',l.Tay th. •ey are 7 slightfy bt .ther with the nio . s and; brogloS, . ing is said 'to b: unuy editor 'out ' of wliifky, stir •ul of *liisky •) b. :on, awl ; keep r:6 bowl wit 1 ,large bowl wit ;rvant Of lit ma r-mall tuffiblr,' pou , vithihr44 and a with whisky to yoi Mil . . Tali - PELOHELOILI PLACE, OP REST. I. , : ...".... : . ' : ' . I Tell me ye winged winds, , 1 • A'hat round my pattiwaY total . !i• Do you not know some spot Where women fret no more ? • • . , ' 1 ----- roe one - and - pleattant_deU • • 1 . I ,I;Some "holler" in the ground , , • . (Where babies do not yell; -- ;1; ' . And cradles are not, Ound I . • : " ',. 1 i, • '• ei , The leddi, wind blow the snow IMO . my face, '',',,..:.‘ And shialiericras it-answeredLtlhiry placel!. , • 1 1 1 ;, *--- ..:. - ' ---- Tl ------- , ---- -- :=-L -r ITett me, thotimiety - deep, • , 1 I 1 Whose billows round me play, • ~-, 1 , • • , Kaow'st thou some favored spot, ' _I _ ..: , --_ I t , Some inland Tar away... . ' . Where weiity manivan. find -- ,I; A place to , smoke in peace, iWThere - crittolinwia not,`.._ 1 ; ;II And him* are out of place? hlloud 4itids,sounding a-perpetual about, 1 _ l• to ti pped for a while stialpluttered-geeou g,it out'. • I, • . . . ` , i s' . ' : And thou, seranestZmoon, ' L•That withAuch s boly face, I [ ' bast look upon the . giri, 11 : ' I WhO with their beau - 1 - i : 1 1! II me, in alllthy rota' ! ' (I liast thou Uo't. seen a iV, ere muslin Is not fol And calico is.not? , lull a cloud the moan wlthdr a voice, sweet, but sad, rem 1 then anon,' fiCti`invol- I th big PS that 'last aTi power. it an- e tone te It d cane atever it from and a !3el And IBS STEAKIR on Tn-1 • • - -, ring tht detention of titree , weeks, several trips were succesfully nutrie between Louil ville and Cincinnati. T_he''Waters rose in Noventher, and in the last week of that anonth ilie voyage was resumedl" Afier being nea4ly overwhelmed with earthquake the “NCis , Orleadi" reached Natchez the E raCtek in January, 18121 1 i Neither Mitchell nor his !telescope, was lon the batiks' of the Ohio in thOse days,. Innd it was no more strange that the honest ' farmers. shouldlruagine tbesteamboat to be a comet than are-the . vague: apprehensions Of the present •iute, that we l are in darmeri of collision with ono of those eccentric bod ies. • q'' - T . 1 ' 1 10 - then; ...lnge ar yen Pug 1 t ,re 1M.3 Leti, as now, a!widely spread story that the earth was to be - "splashed . ' like a felt hat,' and, "one third of mankind" deitrOyed in the operation. A thief in Viginia Iprison, pra: l fessed to have bad a'revAation foretelling l .he event 'which was - to take place on the 4th of June, 1812—a remarkah'le coinci- 1 &nee of'dates. A panophlat-Fas o publis.hed - ' and ,wne!y - circulated, "adornewtitt_ sun dry Ya l nkee pictures of horrible sights por traying:the dire calamity." , , • As the counterpart of this steamboat cotnet story we rementh'er one that was told ablout tile people of a certain village, who a.setribted to see the first locomotive pass by onl the i.ails. Not one of them •had the slighteet,;isica what sort of tin animal it was ii - ut - thaY-svere•basy with all kinds of con eturei. nt A eokin monster g-and-itharkag moner was seen in the distance,w an unaccoun tably long tail behind it. Nobody supposed this to be a, travelling inve l tion, and as it apProadhed,ithe good pcopla 11 were confoun ded and desperately puzzled , Fortunately there was a John Rodgers in the village and he was ealle‘t on to 6xplaia 'it. John wi ped his, glasses, and looked lover his nose with a profound and a knowing gaze. • At*, ter due' Observation, "Oh l!!1 saidhe, "yes. That's Aat 'last, gentleman; that is the thinglhat has' kept the Cogress of' these UnttetliStates in such a equable - for the last three months. That is the ' ti l rif ".' I. of hay. 'hiladel- Or Dem the.close ere aro •een the and the Forney . ouolity. ay they :y choke I e. May .t sharp- the pri rest,' it well t care ring in water, fl your out tJe Id to the Ir_tasto.' Tell me, some secret • I 110.1iere-mo_resting pla. Trent Women, git - Ts — iii Is;lt to no Kapp s • . ‘Yliere bachelors are 'll'llere females never g ntl mau may rest i h lldpe a Truth; tes.t_boons t efl - tfiri i bright wands,anS ar k Ifsavmo`" interesting zation of the tern=-Antral urgh from, ns of N. Y. [ -promotin g [venturous 6t Viqr du NN. .. ,i •- -, '-fillAN'T BITE- E t '''=! ! ! There tiasellow,of certain neigh [horlitiod,iir Arkan as, who w s strongly sus. certain : . Pe ly 'e m tell' any ir ea . B se he : P or Stea th l e tp:Tere d w i u s;:p vi p ec ea k r; [ance of "choice mutton - town the _flocks of the-phuitera, which were t \ td to:his door —but being a wild and. In ge ckus chap, he Mysterious. l l7generally succeeded in prov p g \an a li bi c7l some other defence; which/ reduced the . ' hcharge to a mere , suspicion:of his i mattcin propensities. • '" F I At - liittt, however, a plant r ridieg threic ~ 1 the wood\ perceived the s uspected sheep thief-ateoltng ,through the woods, and after looking l arbund--to sec thainone wes.ueer, [walked urOcrithe flock of-sh ep, and 1141ib i watery knocked 'over itheJsr est and fate* one in the- flock. At thi - moment the - planter-rode up, and vnfrotiiing the thiet ' exclaimed: - . 1- - , 4 - c i .. - - 1 "Now, sir,' I have got -.y a!: You can't get off this time— you are, !caught 'in the act I" l' - "Whafact ?" indignantlyiro . quired the 1 dhief • . ' i ' •illpcep !stealing: . !" was , ..4 1 'Sir, you had better minc, charge of sheep-stealing;od American citizen," i rop3edi the mutton i.enehant;l . .. .1 [ . "Now, will you dc'wy-tha that sheep:?" asked thepla "Nd;sir," was the prof aid kilt i l'llina, and:l'd - do it al anybody's sheep that bites ill ing Peaeably - along the road Theklanter sloped 1 _ i' embrace, me spot w.in woe',.• ,onded "Poh!" il— • II Faith, nd death-! Min 1 - 3 .- -- -4--H-- ---...„ , Ajgartling ire`Fs from Ott,el.ll:Andred and LiAy I I?fported Killed Li the • , The St. Joseph Journal. t ------- 'contains the, following: ~ ;he OHIO. , - r ' i'Capt Dixon, came down ffi Stat e s - w k s steamer , in yeste I and reported the losa,`"nt . . ma} 1- dfers' in asonflict with . a ver i the Cheyennes and. Arrapali west ,of Fort Kearbey. "Ti;e messenger' who brOught the news rreached St. Idary's_Vit last Saturday. His name is Vellaindoer, an oldiFsench trader, whose statements are Terfectcy',reliabbr. AIIe stated to Capt. Dix'on f Col. , Sarpy, aritt6th -ers, That cloven days,heford he had leftiCel. Sumner, who toll him 'that , be had-serg one hundred soldier, and fifty t j •a,mstey'S aliktiq in advance; of his ' main n y, when '.tbiy• 'were attacked by.a larger ody of Chry ennes and tArrapahoes, and. all w, ere .slain, that he intended to proc - eedldirectly iripur suit of the enemy 'and. srOuld not pause until he had-reyenged the 1 ss of his com patriots, and punished th savage herbs who had butchered therol" 1 The Pacific City (Iowa) Enterprise : of July. 2, adds the fellowing..n confirmation: "A trader basju.st arrivedhere from the . mountain!, bjfingin. a .the startling and hur -1 0 rowinr , intellrgcrken,that an entire detach ment! of the:United States troops, - (cavalry) , 1 consisting of one ;hundred pri-viites, two officers and thirtyteamsters; :'in:'in4-oute for Salt-Lake, had bea, teamsters; bY..t)ie Chey enne Indians, at Ash 'Hot! w, and every rr.an of them slaughtered I :Ho 'giVcs . no farther particulars, nor is ht able to give in us the•nae4 of the.nfficers or Men. -' , - "P. S. Since the..above was. written, • : a train of I emigrants from Sa t 14ake his ar rived:- They 'corroborate be distress* intllligfineci ',Taught by the rider abosie rer-, ferret' fo,,but are unable to urnish-usmjth any additional particulars .% 1 We shall liilak with imuch anxiety for tlrie details of this horrible massacre.", ..,-.1,, 'I - i ' • `peace 1. mortals given, ,swervi r —"Yes, I 0 • I" ti en 1 ars __TC .. Ohio rives by 14 Jamas A. which itap ' Were chiefly chat was then pi'li .doubtful ex tes - from Mr. 'Rho, tecOece•to Christia zity.—The W l ° eminent English Judge, Si.. Jantei.:4llen Park,lnee iaidi at; a meeting: in the. midst .of bles;;ings till we are utterly insensihle to Itheir greatness and the, soureel froni when - ce they flow; we site's': of our civilization, ou ,arts; our free., dont, our law, and forgettit irely bow large a share is due toChrtstia.nit.. Blot Chris tianity, out of tuan's histo y, and what would his laws have beck, •hat hi.s zation ? Christianity is tui ed,up with jut very beielg and-our very life There is not a farniliar object around „T not wear a diffeient Inspect light of. Christian 10% ,e is lxw which does not owe its tleness to Cbristtanity—ri :l which'cannot be traced, in limit by part, to the-goveh" ; , DEE-ScHouLEti, of the C. 7!al in writing from Muriett4 "That the town was Darnel Maria Antoniette, the Qui She graciously acknowledge. presenting the town with,a now in use in the city, and" s . elear as when' 4 was first first bell, designed by the to. Vals her ° namesake in the ca was oast in France: which it was placed to he I country was wrecked( and t the bottom of the sea. To mishap Of the kind, the bell 'east in this country an ey o7er to pay for if. _ - OFIANCiE PEEL.—The esp y of parents find others is eaili towing facts: The New York ,Journall learns that a little son ,of R 6 that city, about five y ars M Wvbry criticall condi effects of Gating -orange per.d I not be too cautious in iteepit frpm..their children, as l it coi l poisonous oil which in matky caused the death of persons , 4 ly made'iise of thin. Life every time the rind is taken i ach, - ESTA . ItLlSii ME thq confident how you fia a respdetabio, the.)mau,afith: I saw you kin pt,answer, air': I kill a as II g PI aing : . S Soldier heyepnes. I the 2d inst., on the United' •play. . morning, y of cur sol large body of oes. 200 utiles ouvhich does because the pen it--not a ruth atid.gen eot) a _ ensttau 11 Its.fialy and iiambus Jour • yhio, says: in-honor of ' el of Prance. .:the honor by h ell, Nihich. is 'lolls• its notes" 'struck. The ueen gift lids of Amer ,'he.vessel on. rought to-this e bell sunk •to avoid smother coon had the -sent the mon ,eetal attention •d—to the fol- of Cornmerco b9rt Oliver, of age, is now ition fiotn'the "Parents can g orange peel taina an active • ilistaneeslias ho indiscreet is jeoPardrzeTl into the 'stain- 8.. ~ 9_ •. - KANSAS 4. . ..... . v .., A eiatiOnal emeeraticr• organ o .G6tri l iWalker is about „lining established (jet:l4o. ',' ''compton....The land sales at Paoli are'lir,- - is % Lgrestng. Over - a thpusand parsons ate -.'co at 4 r, tinnally On the gientlid.i.:The "corner stone'' 51 of a bridge acroseitti) Kansas river at•Tc4 cupseli was laid on the 4th inst....Alarge . -Settlement - of, gernians has been made at _1 Naabo L seutt of -Lawrence ...A ,daily . #l, has established, between Kansas city ' :and Topeka - The entire. ote east :;for ir the boguconstitntional delegates, as .o? ' ' - cjally 'announced 'f.ills short of two thous and \ The municipal electioritit.Lemi entirooli,l on- the 20th ult., resulted-.in; the v. electiolt \ of 'Free state men to every city office.,....>.Wyandott; at thee jatcticiit of , the Missouri and Kliosiis rivers, as open.' ed for settlent plarch -Ist, 1857 - °I now numhers oneAlionsand ptiPula lop,'With . • over four z bundred`dwelliug lieu - blocks, • ' Ate. '`The; Fourth 114 s celebi'a el there. . ' ,s€l, with . a free 'dinnerr . opickic , ' lan . ball An' the evening.' _ ;.Tim, miles\b ilow•i is:Kan- sae-city, in Missouri, cont kining t (),4houis: -. ) and in Lehi tan 4......:i. El ss*d,'Don p,,b4W 004 I is another,fait town. It seat' 'laid out" 16V. )en 'Weeks ago. It ,is btflhe' - Miss nri, ops! - Iposite St. - Jo'seph city, "rid alr tidy con• tains mills, ' , stores, and,two banki g houses, ',-- a large, hotel, seventy_Alwell ings, ne,news.; 1 -- ), paper;—t he . ..4.clut in+. _,.STot . r i , - distant 1 , is' the) village' of White - cloud with it s ,i_ . l newspaPer: flicre is a ape' men f the way f the. A d 14).tiscr "pitches it to" lte White/ t Cloud Griticf:--__"%ire are p easedb<judgicg, . j Iron the first nutiabdr of the Otie,,,,t .to think • that we were not alane in nur . efforts' to ' ' ) break down politipal prejlidice,./but we ,nrei alike. troubled to ice ,the `fourth , nuMber, ''' 1. quite different. The' , 'first number ;spoke volumes_ of conservatism, and - tie fourth !. 1 ., number'"dead. ~ loads of ultr' aispa.! :Stir up ) the ° ehunks, editot—Qrike the first will yourself on Cloy. t alker, and you will find a few drat may fol?pw y. au, but 'before they\ I get through - they will . wish they 'hal went "slowj i .'Now, hold them fiery steeds that . draw i t he infant Chief so gratefully, and ii r,nill come one In years to come, with the I,goldsin ()pinions of all tht.t read it. !.;Do not 'l' 1 bosi at down in'iufat.cy•=-Llet ITRTEne up with I an unruffled face; }taring on its-bosom con- ',, ser :i mista trinuiphentl SligltlyCliotl92. herish, that . ' 1 The Fourth was celebra- - ' toil ati Dela,wnre ".g rand itr style, the "na'•! 1 tives or - the forest 7 being presenttaud par-. kidiyating ,in the fest' ' 5.._,.....i public, 1, sclk,ol lieuse, to cost . two •t( I I .- I d flie ..,,, hundred-dollars, is about ' being erecte ( „ i , ''', 'Delaware The pre , : , l and the free Sclicii4s ', , gp hand ,in hand with...ti l e tide of •eiviliza- , t i on, westward,... .4Th° LeavenwerqijOur - : 1 7tall refoicei-0 7 ;er the spilt ain'Ong . kr , o--..'Free State men in the ;Territory - , 'and PrOicts , the ultiinstc success of Nallofil Deraociacy. 1 A Railroad Cotivention was held inLeaii lei:met-tit on Abe 10t , , 1. inN't., te-del:isc ragas ! urea for the building of roadleast, an west I i from that city . .. , .....A contract was recent..l i ly entered into foi the sale of ten thousand. . 1 • 1 1 worth of: plans in , Leavenworthi ' The ) preliminary !.xaminaliisi of Ilailer`for the ° murder of_ James i 41.. county clerk of • , . Lyle, i Leavenworth, ,on 'the- , 2otn-ult , was in, progress on the 20th ult. - ponsiderabte i excitement seems to prevail in and. Leaventyprth in! i•eferende toithis ease..-re Th l e'filends of Lyle threaten to rke• Haller 4 from the hands the 4 - offloTer and hang him, and ; Haller' s , friends have expressed their Aeternainati that be stall , have a.,' fair irial. ' Haller was driven from Leav enworth last . sum mer; ' robbed of all, he - possessed, and forced on board -a _Missouri 1 fiverlboat with his wife, instate of-'en- - , ) tire •destitution. ille charges -Lite with 1 leading the party ' ag ainst him,',and alleges this as the cause ofhis killing tini. ExtraorditLary Bee-Hives. The inviates of ',one.of 'largest our , town mansion houses, a few uas,s sinee'wfre surprised to find A. largo numberA4`,hees fly kg tsbeukri. twolof the- upper rooms. i As the little follows • iontinued to Occupy, , the places,-a bee natutalist was, sent' for .to in . - castigate the Matter. On entering'one of the rooms' he [exclair4ed- - -'You have honey somewhere here,Pland proceeded to search for it -On removing the fire board he dig- - covered that one flue of tilt/ eitinney was full orhoney, comb, Which .titt,is [• hinging down. into the fie : place, and. the honey dropping from it;•-woocding . 6 the tops the - kluge to soun the chiinney, he feud the flue full. of the comb to the top;, an the bees still at w - 01:. In the oth'er room he felted it the,saMe; one--flue 'of the chin' neY"was full and the bees ,were industriott ly at work th'ere a)so. , j'-• , . The flues of this chimney had never bee Wwed; they were pl'astered - s - mooth \ inside an e perfectly: - lark, d'stono 'having_ bee , pfaces . upon the' Op of each flue. , [The bee* - had descended • the adjoining flues yth4 found•srnall holes pbout ten inches ifropt thii top of the chimney, leading 'into the/inc [ sod - ffnes, and thrtiugh those holOey h! Made theirway i 4 'and mit. ' ~They have - it•isAupposed, ocap,loaLthese plsdes fore l years, avinibeei kept - warm in the winter by ktie heat from , the adjoining fine% On removiug the fire-board, he bies sea; [ing the great lilt. which • had broken itit oponi them desect74d to the; room And gads! - cred on the-wins until they wqo cover' aid to the ti icknitss of three iinchesi It ' estimated that tlitire sill id7two flues fro • , 1 40,000 to 50,0001beed n, two three; thousand imutiC /,-=Peria , land Advertiser.' i - t [ , NEWSPAPERS I;:i • DI - , - .They are 31paaers now exii ,inuesott whereof 15 are lt,epublicani 11 Demers 'and 7 Neutral. Three arc dailies,[publisl ed in St. Paul 1, - l i - , 1 I traA e tleima..n.'4l,.f .a . g ..-. g - r - i'e - v lH ed ia s i l t . N I to pull a blackgnard's f ears,• but ho sho - til on-no'account _cutithem off.- They.:-ghoul he !aft, on, for the accotumodation of oche :aggrieved gamier. - ' 1 1 M I lc Ell N U - I= D ~ II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers