BE II MEM VOLUME XXX_lii- , 7 NO 33, ; , f vinyl-no so PCBLII ISEDIST Corropondencc of the Pittsburgh Crazette, I LATE' I`ROM ~ 08..LIFORNIA. ' LETTEN. 11101 BISHOP SIMPSON. • • .------ 1 • , . ~.... per and FIFTY Carom TER , NEw YoEtt, 'duty xi. , .N . IS---QNr. D ; oir.Ati. l , Editors Cazette.—l had designed to give The Illinois brio brings SI,SS, 403 in gold, annum, is. anctyce ; otherwise TWO DOLLARS - r) tes of my tour through Northern Eu and news to the_ 6th inst. i Rill be' clia'rged.° No .paperdiscontinucd, until;full " u but this :I find at present to be utter- I Polities hive been - the alli air all arrsrat,res are .ettleA, except at :the Option rope, of the aiters I ',•-••• :ly - imprsssible.. , Travelling as 1 , have been; theme of conversation • during theotwe , Advertiseme=nts inserted at th e rate of 50 cts. tcompolleil4o,•frequently by night as well / which have elapsed since the doper per s, stares of 'fifteen lines for one insertioh— 'as by day-Lsoccupied with sight seeing !the last mail steamer. The election ts each gubse4uent insertion! 25 cents. A liberal i conversatilm with friends, or with officia . 1 1 \ega'es to the Democratic State Cony discotlet naule to: yearly tolvertisers. . I moment during the_oloye-- -- -sca. ; has already taken ;thee in most of th stitrLettvrs and .coratunications, by mail, ; duties evei, ll have prompt' attenti n. -- • ireely have l. had time to jot down rough / aunties, and at no previous period L. _ sha ll notes and ;first impressions. I have seen ili tory of the State has there been 'riffleEr- I much, very c o uch, in a short space of time led\l3i.o much excitement at the primary as. t But extended remarks, if given atAll, Most sem lagis of the Democracy. The struggle be reserved fiir periods of more leisure wasbetween the Administration anc, o- From A'n'etverp, I started by tailroad'for derielesvings ,of the party—john - p. We i- Hanover,. w.lit_re • I had. Tequeste i d Rev Mr ler being the Gubernatorial mina to of . , ! Jacoby,. superintendent of our German Mis- the former, and W •MeCorkle if the , J. , I sions to meet me. On_ the route I stopped- latteir o first at bleelin; or as it is called' in Europe; (44 eer itga 6 are grea 'y o the '; 31alines. ' This is at old - thy, once distin • majority , and, there is now no doubt: that !gi iisited for its manufacture of Mecklin lime. he will go into the Slate Conventin with OuneetimpattY op enteting the city got int 2 is unmerited farce sufficient fo give•ld n the ; a carriage- r weie stopped by a ' soldier oti ,nominntion. on , the first ballot, pro Wed, i guard, but after a woid from our - Commis- 'hnwever o his_forces are not'weakened v the i :dotter, or guide, we heard him say,‘Allez,' imultitudinotia - epplicationa which ; hav been and on we went. On - entering the public heretofore brought to - bear so nieces fully scinere we alighted to see the statue of Mar ,on California politicians. The Cerive tion Tact of Aifs tire ant the old Cathedral:— .: Met en the-14th.:. ' . 1 Immediately a great crowd of 'men, women / The Republicans held theirs on th l ~ and boys g s tliered arelind uS, and for a few / and it was expected that full deleg: moments I could not .understand the cause i would be present from most of ;the i 'Subsequently. I learned that the city:had : ties. There Is not`the remotest possil been for a few days in great excitement in of their aeldeVing . a victory at the en reference Id the Convent ];ill The win - !election,-even though the Demoerney i dowls of the Atelthishap's residence hail .of which there is some probabili'ly. ' been broken, and a general tumult had been : Imtiever, seem deter Mined to mai threarttned.l Some Lieli ecclesiastic ilefli- their organization es a pa . rty, and Evil cers lid arrived that day, arali- vi hell we ' doubt, poll their full th o the strength drove towarll. the cathejral tliiry knew not of the election, I what it ,rnielit -re rten I. :We saw the old On the 29th ulf . heavy rains ell ii I n eatlied6l 7 -founiled hundrel , _efy.. , ars since , interior, a phenomena of rare nee rren, - .an }e finished: Old St :mist] build- !Jttne in California although silo era ~. _, -, late i ;lu g s the prison Ted in the day .4 of -1 hil- , been witnessed occasionally as :IS ip, wi re alio shorn to u. And wee saw ,get. The erepswere not in I aid church of Ouri lenly, which owed its ,ed, and the pr0...1 - wet - now is that they fund 'time to a strrtge story told in the:r be garnered in good conditicn albeit, se i early , legend s „ Aeieeor e ~f the Virein fell ily as abundant as East a. ye. ',.. I , I ... -, jut' , the ritor, %but, like the - ditteltinan's I. 31ining is carried on as .i.ucceSsf4ll wife, ta,ld of , in our country, it floated up' ever, and new discoveries arc cConst; i stream until! it reached .the sp,t, whe t ° the: chronicled. :attention of capinilists is .chureli rit - ;w-sten is. - I being directed to 'quartz enterpP ' Several hpursiT spent in Aiv a Chapelle' ; veins lung since abandoned for w: 'I saw the thronein whl•li Charleutigne sati, ney to work thenei are now bein I —the spot Where he is buritelhis large /to advantage. The . faeilities fr'ir skull preserved in the church Anil then the requisite materials for quartz whit t a host'of refjos bad the reireo to ehow are fir greater than e't er ebefo re, . 'I me! There was a liair of John the I3aptist ' machinery itself being sitnplittl a I —a tooth of St •Stephene--pittees of the true I tire, cempanies etre:wed in this I cross=rur 'a cloth that had wiped the sweat : mining are generally doing better l and blood from the face of the Savinur.- ' befie. ' ' , itlooketilintently on the:faea of the priest/ Great interest still continues -ti at, tie showea theset relies/ and described : in' m o untain wigor, roedsland e to e " s ' ' / them minutely, .ee whetior he could . money are at work. Stage ertir9l ' - 1 nos illy seeds to believe these stories. But I run regularly between Placervilleo br t oo l rearmed his • le-mon-ere ti 7 Xtt -1---ea yr . vimr---- yietto st contr.:meta for. rzn.rth I have n. not .tie oven, to mntio _ _..._.', ° more difficult sections of the 'rout I (hir e route: lay 'tli-romill colo-no, wlu,i;e! been let, 'and, in a few weeks, a or , t „ t 4, - t h e g reat (lat•hedral, always visirtl-' will be toads to connect svitii time N bv-stratlete's.. We Were IlnW in. Prit.sin, load that is tq ha..ytits ti minus in I atel etossit4 th e .Ithitie. %co hurl i. d onwa - rdo -Lake Valle2i The Thig Tier? rim 'ln.. t! =never, I spent the sahhath- met 'Mr ' also the ()royale rfite, arc bothi fea. J i•-0..Y2.-and ha?pen,-r? to seet he Mile asel and over , thrill staeo4liave been dr ven (2.;, , , , , t , I nd i:nr-.1 the Peke Con-taniine ( I conipari lively nil le difficulty. I Ile oi i, who a is in no iiol to the -Ister fern of the ' The eitizetts qtl , 31arit osa !riving:y ' fie, n ~ f Ilino-pr Ho is evidently ii - inab li on.S I AV. ril g , ro give them•ktl. : vi •• . of iiio;•;--a Men fu r he live, his influence will-be ftrit through mow td tfie - mineral lands in ChM con out Europii Ilainburgh Was our next lie responds in a communication, fl i ono: poin t, 'am] thence to repenhaeori-Tlield ing the claims of Fremont, and deelai Da :\ 1-11 palaee was fell of interest—the nooothat. they never can be sustlaineil hofore in, rile of the old kings tl antiquities of Supreme Court - t the Seatelan4eFtne—th e 'old round tower, Increased attention aPpeers to be Air , wll-re T re lo B r a h e wat e loej the heavens, ed to the importelion of thorough i. trlpn m 1 of whoe'e=taieway Peter till , great is • st( t ek, :Inapt numlier of splendid ills;ce sail to tare driven with a coach and four Merino .elik.ep,, &c., have lately lai 'yea —ol! were obit - Cts of '.real interest. Than excellent rendition. The feeundr i ty of • I Seileil throne's: the st straits of the Skager- intals in this State - is so worelerfu ,the rusk - and Cott-eat—to prenennee oldeli trop mate co, congenial,, noel the land sal r „him_ that 'a few years only will elapse In fotiel Mei env tentsue in tie devs of . my 1 -4 Loot: (IN 'Fi?IS II'ICI l ItE — . 1"..0 .A:1)1I1V ',,-, -, . *- I w ill the • - ill !be .irry; m no r entotheed—intl made my lairrial a vs: i l , ' . I , way to ill \linear After vi-iting Chris. ; tries on ; the globe. Nineteen Fleveir States vrtr,l for Fierni-Mt. Not • 1 - - i i lif eevernment—its liniVersi.' 'Hie pecuniary afftirs of the Sat e 1 Nineteen for BildiAjnl:—li•Jl iv tW.) !f) °lie. trios -• Lie ' ea - , , ~ ty : •Me.ceu t n,: palaces anl g1r,1 4 - , ez_-1r•el- rather more cheering. The 'free. ur+r e N r; w run t lc the controt ! - -.: ,' 0ri ( qc..%•111141 where Charles the \II men DOLITICC3 that within sixty days h . wil l ln the elev. n Stet, s there are I:l.660 . -' • , ' • ' enabled to rip all' audited plaintt ' hie. sudden erel—tsharpshers, with its falls 1 t r e Sehoclo ' , 1 I I Nav i n', seen our ilia i the State in cash There is not In the Lir:et:fit State tl., re are S 7 60Q ' f:th ' fi-n "" a " n— !'"' , - . ' . . ' • , 1 . sico ru i .g anal tlier tabors —l journeyed Peet this the scrip system will hi 1r CC 5LL0(.1... . I - I grill nortliwsi•3 \ orwato hie ene relit-nail abolished. , ~ lln the - el; ore States thero :ire ').()' In coo • . - • . • • , •• , f . schr ., -, ~ 1. - , , shout tort e till dome '( Bv--this I reached • fhe aet psi - midi:rig for a stamp t e ' l ; 4-'l.'l it 4 be•Mtifid quiet stems- ,be levied on bills, orders, aura olio 00 In the-r. SL•tinlars. ini tt_ I en Mato :, 1 t :_•ro rt i: r 1 ~,00 : j'ke ) kin re-- Oa thi-eibtkseT rode in 'al.steamer near-. used in tatercaelileoperations, went 0 ..:' In the epe=e t State's there are SOit L e,. ly one linnilriel miles, One found my4elf., feet on the Ist . ins 4i ...t6l i rth of the plst degree of latitude. The I The Calmilla Indians have he braries with s-tffrott velono, r ° li Star was bieb pin the . A,eavens mating great (mirages on the Mori .; Li . l i g n ar t i l e i s c: „. h ic i l i i ek r ° ,; ( :;;i,::::!, t . 's ,,i ti t t l i l i t e r s ` . l ' are : _ :;9" :12:1 rt no night•'7;:os tliore; fOr it was now. the tlements - in San Bernardino, by At leven o'clock, in a eft and slaughtering their stock. In the eleven Mates there are 7''.066 'ut"mi'l • sid'iiet!. -- tack roam injohe hotel, we read a ndment of Saints i tach had gone in p Common School Lifer arits ' . '-'-- • w-- --- „- as w e would ,at lieMe a little after sunset, the red men i ,„ l ~ oh i , • •-, • i 1 n th e ull ' etu9n '''''l.ll. tale a ''' . -AI, ” endoi f e w in,trintrs aft t two the sun was Recent rich discoveries of (odd have bi vett tonnmon oestl hientries. • skimps aisair t . i !.made zu Sonora, and the rush tht "her r In the "ch:vifeosta:•ee there ill-0 215 mil- ,e• .. , . . 1 and , great. The gold is very ' similar to tl t , , Iron] .Norwity I sailed tp Enelend; lions colts , of news; apets. - erns , in , that•• I-lami, here 'I ern in ‘ou'd found in Mariposa, buCtbe di”gins are In the ninette n Stares there are 161 mil. - , • • • • - • ; 1 . Ireland.' Objects of interest are all around Ino means extensive. :. of ns l•rrpies ef new.pepers. - • me. Every Where are ru=ne of the past- 1 The markets of San grancisco tvere;gl . li IRE TII.IN TWO' ii I, N 1 )Iti it Merm ts old castles, ahbeys, monasteries and church- it . ed with all kinds of prdaucc Thdro be 10 ., , 7 ~ ‘its • F ,; 71. EDI i f,.... n.iN; ___ At. the i, ,t es show the dtevotiomand netivitv rf past no demand, prices , were rapidly declint ',Mt Ireland is cat i lently ri - Four hundred af. Gen. Walker'4 tio miTthly ii.o.etin of the 'Ceinieetieut H is,. ,- . ^ynersttirms. th e Ind , remained at San- Jose and Punta . ..Aren ,-. rtes! Srei, :3, I I on • H e nry itornee„),, them. again-the people are active— , . , l're-idt Tit. eIICSQIITC.I' an milt sung: Filwr • `nails with talents--nnd signs of prcsper- . 4 ' .A , RTESTAN WEir...r.s — A gentleman wh 1 rt.:.,(..te , t o tl,, end' tat lit , 1 , , a i,„„ , L c , ,its are everytVhere abundant. statements may le. r elied upon wr ting oloots, ,A-.c., maile fie- rolueatienef; lit«rarS• , But the eat's arc. starting , a9 l / i Wu•qt.', citizen of this, town . froin Iroquai emu :IL; clef purposes in the IStUnite ates. el'"''. ,i --, i -) in referenee to Artsian \Veils in tl The tvii•.l•l allinllnt i.f :Valli ';,i+ T ir,-.,p r i- tt ,41.. July P. lO‘pir 1 1 - )1. . , nty, says:•'•Three Artesian AVON I b. y Coe* Gaieral tiovert.nient fill- eile.:.itiotril ' ' -- f -.. "" --4- *1 ,- i ' . '• sticeeedod admirably in this county ''l r" sea to the lst iiif .I:.:,iiety, N. 5!„ 13v-i 11 . - (PoN" (IrC S I. NDAY-7 - ' 1 : 7'`?" '4" watecrise„soover the top and runs bff i " • • 11 '-' 1 to be';-).2-11`0.2:21 Joie.; which ; at. Sumlay I) ( . 5. Sperry, poiprretor . iii . e 1 ''fine, stream. The opinion is quitii *.i.e price of - $l/ .4" ian+is., ss . l t il hotel at Southi . Windsor, Ct., had Some lay r b lent here now, that good water' rrrt tre•u•rlit, ri orl l ate I Car' , twig. erg r.i.i(li i d been one , ' already We, Y•. kind filay be .secured , any when. - - ,. .1.•0•nt suin,ef et:reriet),fetti bur I:Livia:lt ;shewers and dried again There were sigirs • •-. L N I c o •pr:tnies, at tile expense o ot o r II '•;ri- , rtirne e:rral.l n, , t Ley Worth le.: then ,of rain, aniliAlr. Sperry., in order to sa l ve 'and at th is level 0/iv will not hare, F52.011,0m, (160. Ii e- 0 ,,,i, „„,- , :f ( i, 1 .. 1 .i,. ns ii., hay turned out with his men and s got , . e A t l c m more than 125' feet.— Chl 11 oth , ceripte-,•ne h e irldi v id u O s ' -f a r 4.X. )it IN. For ra,ing this, .1M r. Clapp. a gran, Coo;•ier. - ' e'•'•Cds all th e t h o l 0., eu'i4' ven E ; y Sta te L e . juror, Iliad them arrested, but ter justice " _ o -........-- i i„.irdatere- ;31r, Be l w o l r ee d f r o e A tabl e . deeidedethey Thad , it perfetit -riiht to save! SYRIAN WHEAT.—A gentlemanfli toKbilitiue the , lonations and bequi:stil,inaii2'Alte . ir P ri T e rt , °?- 1 t he S'tl?l'Latit• i'aliama: receive from the : - Patent • ty the..eitio e i r , t f llosten wiliin thi'.! la -t 'i . -I- = ee-e---. 1 • sonic spring wheat. front the "Farm e 37 E:/.f. 'century, amountiee to upWards of i r.--2" - TrIE Pateut Office bas received t ham, at. the foot of Mount Carmel, Bowed d 1.1 1 1 .11 i / j 1 : 100. ,( 1110 : ' '3 , I , \ `three thousand aPPIlea iJOS and fifteen 1101. Y band, which .he ---4 , ------L---- \ 1 n d re . patents within the last six inon,ths past spring. It came to maturity i te7.),_A lady, walki ng a few d a y :,. s i ne n :!‘' , , The cneoine of the otheelfor the. same time weeks producing a large hill he, 1 t ..e.:e ef the wharfsl, of Nklr .1 ir k ; asked has been ove,i'' one Itundr(il and sixteen a berry in every respect equal tet ti e shilor le l e , m .bv lort, Wit?' El slut. • ISZt ICLII- tiMUsand d(.ll:irS ; mil tlit. t r cap ',les of the ginal• ' This wheat is reputed to r :.) - ' 1 •"-••--" !;I'll' L , ' . 54 of Neprun rt -ried.. (Zee, inciutlidg. s' ) lne Im)riv;"o.nxty days from sots in.-% !.. , ..:41.1,ti. t La. it ':27111' , cat Ili•Te thJa the lo•ildiu; , . oneLhuudre.l and eir;ltt ts in the " ; Syria in si. ,, thousand i thine bo seen that our climate bat rh•:'..' •r' -,`, r . ~..-,„ , • i , . . 1 1,...,. iol ef•maturitYeleven ;lays. ;-" uoilar: - • - - r- -----.___ -- - - I , . - PRAYER.FOR ALL: • r A .01.• - (11',011 T E MILLION . . . _ .L. God or ,t tomountain ,: ' Lind of . the storm, - Go.Lof the flowers; God l of the worm.. ~.:....'',.. -. ITenr usnntt bless us, .. .. 1, ..,:yiiigice . artd'yearl i ess u 4 t - " !I. Breathe on rotir:er.di Ili, ility. love .arnl ' Thv't Teach us:content - with Thy . Fatherly aenling— . : Tkfacho: to lore I Thee ' To lore entiiher, brother his broth el% 7 ' A 1:1 I intilfe; n% - hil . from of . ; - , . - Free fro the . t.141 . .,:1t1et... r. is tradition. i Free fronl the irsure of a n for his neighbor; Help•us each one t.; fultil his true misaion, ' - And show us 't1.. , _:C......1-1 . ..1ie lo lnlolr. 3 / God of the dttil:nt‘s.Q. (tlef tii . unlit o cs l of Ifte I, 6lLiiftit mo 4f• each nite! -. Cotl,c, u;3 :rind fe al 16". " • Illnmine; ::•1 , 1 l.•:;1 I it Show nisi thnt a‘ - pr;oP 10.1 h.-iil• M tliri-3 . , That the Lind i,-11"fidriel-ar.d Ti: ir;Coi,l it, to.allli 1 . -,;.: !.. , • ',- . '. - . ScattrrlP.T7 1 , 1in.1n0 , - - -i: . _ 111] .It tr, :,1,1 ritiitrill tli• a:li - • 111 , 1 t h e 11,;01-i rherer nti , l 1 in lie 'Help ns I!: _ past: Show 114. WU' futhi-e. in clwer to; :It4 .The bettei, the ] ] 111:111 , 1 ,, n tLntr Ii r, tia,. Goa ,•1 th;, : kravev Elat the gr4yecaii not Ita!rnf us. 1 , ' 1 OF A V I XI" J It:ill i.:F:I t-; A towstsrEnED IN ?- VIRGIN ' I.. V.—the... lo h,wittg from the Chatlot,tsv4le (N a.) .11ccrtt.Fcr, is, for a 1 gal procee.lintr,[ on? Cif ill e 111 4 /St Vuri . ous in s t'alices nut rycoill. (lan a vcrdict, . t htained by such ;mean., stand?.. ',. ~ " Thiti negress who mu tiered her taistre.Q .1 1. ' - A 1 A;1 il,' uLar Jorr , A%I .! ~ -; 1 r e w weeks . since, was Bentenner.l - eii•ltif„)ffiray huct, Lk the _Louisi 'county Ci i itrt, to Le - itung'ent the 21at et nextl M month. We Ore orti.• Lod to retina that a t..en i e in the trial of thi s cas e which :ftboulti: •be a ri'prtglell . up ,, ti the( court that fat itt jUdgnint, and snake every i i.- In art tremble with teat at the mr:uncr in -: which the criminal law:. ate administered by our cpunty courts. The court anunUM. c!.11 Ilint; thee- shod_ 614 A for p hauski,...q d ' a r.:l . ; q fa tr a,n<pvrtatton. 1 tA l ur tae . cis- . . i:in the wf;h:an Wa , -1c„.7:111; aca lut t tc a o f , Minder in •Ile•tir,til. gh t . :lntl shoull 'h ave. T i cen nunis•Ved le: 'tr.•nsp niathai. . ut ...-.:. I . v s;o a i on as it, was. :uyit w tint alt t; wts ii,i. t.:, . be hung . , tite. crsl-.v4.1 - )tl;'n't. fi'd,-.1 ti,. ! m i ll !, xconi hecmti± creat i ly excited, :mil tnrcali. • wt-re made - thrt• • - ifishe wos - ..not e- - .7.l•',in i nA to l the.peophi th,neklVes w i:1..1 ty4k , ' her; and. enf t i or two g 'lltatlliPll -- :I!ii.lo:l.tii- ' td thir;lisrbutpg kistiee_and a1 , ,i... il hi m to w m chare:tl opine -n.: r.tnlor ti,,,5.: ci-_ ; 'custAile , ..; ; tl, ;fifth nu ghifrate L i.r.K:r‘! ay, atol the w!inanwaS ceniaduell t- - ) 1.1 - .. hung .—_ 3t.-(t.-... , gwnias the s--.111.-r cj of 5.1c.; - ith had he e ti ageccd upon. ..11t . I , f the court -.rose, and starul ;hat ~, ininry n,-the j.:ii•- vial dan g,cr t-i-t/.., pris.imrover— tr.. 1...- -, 11u:, l c:1 , 1( . 4 from the , p...1:01,,ec, the ,h,,,iir ~i,,,i,, to pryclaim publicly 1 111.11'1 t h e eon; t - inef or dared .the , sole a u,to it 111111 , . I Prok - 1:t111:1 . - lifk) VNis Tn . :.d."2 ;il.l . trie 1 . ; , ..1;ir-ti.l . .11 'Val :ICC' ...Weatue sztti'sffe.l wi'th the c,-urt." .• 16.) .. :. , ~.. ..., ~, . ~ ..7-1- , :- . ..".. f . 7 , - .1 ~.„-, ... ,,i i : ::'i I 1 ., - . , '-''' ' - -../MEMINIEIIIIIIII.III/.11111111 - • I ' I ... r • • :•;- • r `z•.'r'''''''',l I . 1, ''' l i3 ,- 1 ' . .. I '. . ' . P • • - • • 3 , -:. :-' ' ' '1:-; - " ' 1 ' - ' l : ll ''''' 11 '1 : 1 .- .:' ; - I • I. .' l ' ' • . ), ' --' ' 4 , . .- 4 "10-J. ; ; • • • I ' ' ' • I; • t- - ‘ ...i•- • :•' 1 '' • - ' • . V'' ' I I ' ;:' • i ' - •••••• • . , • . . I ; • ~. •• , , I - ‘ . 4 s _• , ""'"" I' ;%. -• : , •.• .. .' .; . ~ ; 1 - ;; • .- -,' "I: , LI, -- ; - ~ I • -, . ;‘, , ........ • ~.. , " . I • ' • - ; . ' '1 - __ _ • . . _ I • ,_ , "- - ~ - , . .Z, i: . '', I , I , • . , •• - . . . , . - UM MEll lINg . BEAVO - PA„ WEDNESDAY AUGUST 5, 1857 r ~~~;~ WEE DRAGOOBMG e*/.lTli)=Sii3.4\ .„ 1 1 The Nw YOrk Ti 1, m . ....htus generally giv rn unqualified assent Vie olfidial .acts of GovernerWalker, bitili.does' i not seem tal, ~...,.,. regard the descent- okAarret*e as either wise„ar justityable.'"At does - not like the i motive which piompfailie movement, nor the newborn' devotion IP the South, and hostility to the ,Free State Men of Kansas,. whiCh have bes) reveilid,,Sinculthe Eoutti: ertfUltralsts took -exceptions to the course ofGoveroor:Walkern its issue of Mon day the ,Tines lys-egic,.., , L , i 1 • - '. . , When jotrinit it'ii4 , 0 . gotta and , ' l t i e :i e chaslestotr , 44l/ -79 ::.,: I t - 'si# i th e-i ll % - ,-Itaitisi-off I -, ---: . . l'{ ::: Supporters of. [ale Topekw, LegillatiWas,"ins ne,Aboli tionists," bent on tlesr*it, ig 111 , just so premacy of the slavebSlding i tercet in the councils of the niii;',r; thii idiotic in solenec passes for l juit liar it, is worth 1 with all intelligent men: in all sections of the country,. ''and neithetiOzitesius to our; surprise nor moves us . to t indigea , 1 1 But When the Washington .(i m papers bf that rap; which are , . as the Organs of the _ihj,net, per selves tp echo this foolish langua S Wouthern extremis tied 4 41 k, geoning" the i‘iAbolitiouisis" , of it is necessary 'to remind them tl are tottehing upon dangerous gro risking i the petice of the Natiou scrims inanner c , 1 ' '.1",. j'- he :ifttirs o( Kangas cannot b.. l;:y violence. "he p...0p1e of Kan 1 e I suffered what no free ettl i zens of 1 ted,Sta eia. haYe L ever 'suffered , bef 1 historyi r the Niiolentl su4eacion dearest ii.dit Is, erson th al elitical to lie expected that ey should I i very re, dy to put full faith lin ti 1 1 tine; to and 'tdem Of an Admit v • tileeted k,y the lame party from w resentatives they had iu times pas eil -such atrochLt.; treatment,. TI tobe coneiiiatee by the wisest al l ship,' and t) lisa tkfied beyond I I venture of the eetitude, and tie firm:able patriot d m of the fanetie whom they are nvited to untie tl fidence. 1 To trlk of. lupprtssit "subduing" the-e men—to assent them the attitude/4 tho iidum toward the envehanters or the •P tariaus, i 4 to itiite those ealmititt tvar wo 111 of tic -profess . ,,todepr invite them, not perha,pkin this iu the next, but eveutiplly . akl lit 1 ossing weeks We of of del -1 ention large , n the Bth, ions oun ,ility uhig plit, I hey twin , no day -the e in Au_ •ur •will red • as ntTY qtin anal itto ked ing ling the .Iqexp, nt o ern, anal fl rine! ban of user felt nliti ow r- Changing Clothes. ,-- - '- 4 :-. 1 The Synod oC Rentneliy, wars . it The sublret of raising the salaries ( 1 r e nt' es qo s ',lv s{ tinder . tiiscussim 10v. 11.$ bt. I T. I,lreekinridge, 1): IWhom hi neplielw, the new Vice P t ti•l; "111 Uneleptobert had been n ~ , so a eotnitrt's . ll9l '3ll , :fica tiser w,l iemn 11$ , itit $:. to thiis time !") wr it „ , oor, nue•itt• a speech in OTTO,ItIi I.l r $ 1 illeaSpre I It, liTtl fwen3: ! id that t of high standing am' la-ge ,nteans,; in fine_ linen and taring ssu:'iptdetn. day, did not synipatitize w th thos sataries are small To ;this Di.. 1 • - „; t 1 , tidge STSI replylll ,7 . zie Semite!' - lace 1 11 1 lint3l 12111 that ministers iii•e fair inoner,l,or d, luxuries of the Wradd. As' to' hit challeug d 'any Mao rto say that more fru , ally thinhimself. j J)ratvi self up o , t his foil height, and 1 . ! six feet I.dc.h at east, be displayed i ; portions t Od exe:4itned . :---••as to fir , . if Chere Its a ina,on fhis fin r who, i s ''' more plainly Oa , ,I do, I off, r to c , n . clothes with him this Moment " Dit lout ,q 1; a mnsi of the mein )ers, ecOy in front of. the 111 lerat , i , ~? 1 ,! iu sight in t , i t R ev - Mr, H . 1 1 opkins one of the plant be rgy—a short, thiekset, and Irotuud.' ~,t : whose 'circumference exceede'di his I • and In this reect, noruan m th •,, lir,. presented) so strong and str'iking a ' with the tall and Icogrtl lenti,ckia ~ , l ' t the propo i sitiou io swap clothis ha' 5 , escaped the lips of.the speaker, lief kius wrii,ged hi,nself out of• iii on hisfeet, .6ud ried out, ' r ''Mr. Modcr.ibr, I'm his man':" The eff ct. l .'wa ,instant an na d Itre The im Bca , e of ckinridge . Witit f arms and legs p ntruding from 111 toggery, was up ,efore the eyes of t od. They co ul Eco nothing o ; a while ',they stye way to tmeon laughter, Lin - wht li - no one joined P I'S -as the' discoinfit fed speaker/ ', • 1 ilhwazini. 1 , I - - i ' I ' , __ f, 1... 4- 1 ' kr timin in Ii innesotk nga P utx, r ph info Ell zn et- ng ME EU 1 Mipnesota i and ivilites•tothe,St Pau e is likely to b 'the . lot, uring I the next winter, ii the Grasshopper seourg 'in old citizen temlive fol that.Fami Trritory qerica of i 8.0:: : I. I , The effects ofthis gresshopper ;scourge which is 'low bei ig inflicted upon Ca large portion d our territory - cannot ivel,l,be over ; 05011120 d. All lcinds' of businesfi -must Isuffer th \ are by not only, but starvation, aye , starvation dreadfuras is the'WOrd-*rilit be the lot ofl may, Unless timely ti.ssisiianee is rendered., , -.There a're th'pusandli Of ,fainilies • here who have had hard work tOgei i!lii•ougli ; the l long'ast winter. Their lastdollar has I been expepded i in getting in their little crop their onlyidepeedence for the futurb thew' only support fur the winter which will goon A° upon them. This . , their last an d only hope is now baini completely aml i ;ntirely destroyed by the grasshoppers. I tuanyl fieldi not a vestige- of the crop ' recd - ; in•others ilk; Slants of the 'grain; ot mains, while in all of these the i des 1, ' • is complete _ In my vicinity soil I acre-have; been put into crops 'Pill wine) with a fair season, would hav worth the farmer froi 12 to ; I sl but are no l w entirely worthless." .1 pre of t n o f to arks EOM f in t. $eV Id 1 pen 1t E 4f ' I:j4 • ion, -,and ecognized lit them e of - the of ‘l.lrn.. KansaN, 6t they' md, and n r a very. • adjusted as. have ho tint. re in 'aur of Their It is not ie found inteu- istrationi Dose rep. rereiv; ey need ; Ltesman.. The Child in the ) River ; . - P ; Rettirtming from at vish, in New Orl4ans, . 1 we wire fortunate-enough-AO - secure 'pas: sage in a•line (steamer, with bht few 'pas-' stingers. " Among the ladies, one especially interested us.! She was! th.: Avidow: of, a Wealthy platadi, and was' returning , with. only one ChM to'her father's house' ) Her' devotion to the child was very touching:. ; arid; the eyes of her old .;black .nitrse wonky! fill with, tears as She best - night her tnitress ''not to, love 'that boy ..nd inneh. l Or the Lord wntil,l take him away frOhm.her. I ' ,, • We passed throuult the canal. of Linii.i-' s .•1 . rifle, and-stppned for ft few .4 wharf, "when 't me nurse wishing Ito see .. the ! . .. guard,. at . ,city, walked' out eafilic guard,] at time back.; !of the boat,' where., by ajsuddeff effort, 'the L crmild {rung from her, arras itito the terri- ! bfe 'emiri•ent -that sweep; toward the falls,'; and. disappeared iminedately: The confu- attracted . ,thel attention, of a e.ti-; tletnan Who was ;sitting in the fOrePart . or' the l boit, roictly,reading. • hiring hastily .11e asked for snmearticlethechild had worn i ~ The nurse handed him a tiny aPron she hadi torn off in her Efforts to `;'retain the . babein . her arms. Turning to, ; a. splendid New, ; I .11WtfRA 1 11,5 1 ,m4lIttt t igt l §..,..cpfir,73*,: mateiiipg I and then. to the spot where the 'child had i I ffone under. ' ,in an instant the :noble,dog i leaped into the rushing water and 'alsci di -s- i :80 , ea'red. By this 'ti 'me I the i excitenien: I , ..; - , 1 . was totensp.and spine p n4mts on shore, sup.: 1 pf;qng that the cing was'loS(as well as,the ; child,' tlibl,• .dreouret a hoaf and started off l, i td•search for the body.; ;Just at .this I moi • men t tire dog was seen far away-With some= 1 thin{ { - in his reouth.. Bravely : lie straggled 1 witil the waves, hit it - was evident thathis i-stronn 4 ,th was failing fast; h - nd more than one' jrcast gave a sigh of relief :1i the boat tea- elMd hiin; was announced;tfiat he had':! the' Child,' and that)t wOl still alive`. They I were brought on board', ;the log and thd' child: ' . ' - - .1! ". . . .. . ; Givingli single glance to satisfy herself that the, child was-really livlng,lT the YoUng mar other i rmisbed toward, and sinking beside the dog, threw; 'Mr arny' ' "is :neck and burst into; ears. 1(1 view -111n1 - 1 , 10--that., - tnettior. Roine, - 4insterdam, Ibilitzi, Tai ': ai is V i ere ;cities of the si'l i Napo cilia •tid 'brought his Brusselsi, and - . - was ree'eived I thus, iilstti anti pomp. 190 I, terl,loirriva), he reviewed i,karrilon ill the '.:llt‘e :l isle Terent reginients,lehled hel ked a'grenadier, who ['ore. .1 I serge nt makr. Tali and eyes illa?A, like starsl frOiii : by tvr'onty canaPaigns,i whit mousfacl e- rendered- ihis' .1 more jformidable, or , Ibiz'ori line was re-farmed the Emp 'the regiment of orenadierst , , serge ant to the rront.: fhe soldier beat bight, and - his lio , , "I have seen you before, ' "your n. ine 9 " • -;I I 1 • , i , - "Npel sir,"lhe an - aVt'ere : i voice., , ~i 1 1_ "Were you not in the 'al 1, ~y . 4 ,16ir; •drummer ;it ' Arcbiel" I- - I- I-- f'lAlnd you brome t i sergeatirmajc4" t, itf.tilf7Jancer - - ,• - 'r - j •": - .._ ', : 1 "I haye.taitin my Share of the: - great battle.s.,"l' I: ..1 'I ' 1 1 I , l j The - Emperor waved, his hand, the' , grl l lnt . adier returned to the ranks, and Napoleon '!iipake.rapidly to ,the Chlonel for a fewinoi merits, tho quick glanees,O his eyes toward No.,ol, l sholwing; that he W.y talking of hail. 1 it had had been distinguished for his bra very in 1 . 1b• ttl hilt hisa t-' ,l 1 severe a Cs, mo es 3..rT„ . preve'nfe soliciting , advancement, anal, he : - had been overlooked, in 'th promotions. : r The Emperor recalled him; to his side:l 1 ' . "Yon havelmerited the Cross of the 11if . 3: gion 'Of Donor," said he,' giving hie, the ' one, liet;ere. - " I -i:„ "Ton re a.brave nianrr, 1 I'j The grenadier, who at!this noment,stood between. the Emperor and the Colonel,- couldlnof, speak; ;.but his - yes said nine than !volmes. Napoleon made a sign, the drums beat,; roll, 'there . wa's a dead silence and, the Colonehurning twatdo the neW knight, - ho,, with' trembling hands was placing is cross' op his brclast, said, with a loud 'rot e:1 ..,.1 "In -tl ft name of ;th6_'Em - - -,it fl perm, r spe, sorgeatit major . Noel -as onb-lieuten tit in : your Funks." :. :.:, j -J.', ! -I The in present rl arms. Nod seemed i in a dteam; and only the -stern, im movable i feniures of the Einperor prevent, - id hint from ,fallinp., on his knees; Another sigewas made the amino 'heat, and jagaiu the'Coinnel spoke: : : 1 , inl the: name of the 1.-' sub-lientenant Noel as lie ranks. 7 ' -:, - This new thunder-strOke the gren:ldier;'his kneei, tre that had not • been moist let ,t- . were e, with tears; and fill l 'd In A county i l e Kentucky near Madison, endealion• - •.re stammer Ii ti which latter ICassins • 1 . .• Clay resides, be he he 4th of July has been celebrated inlet' fowl Voice of his dolonel:, -• ppropriate , mariner for' three lyearo nast a7third rail of ibe - ; ... . "4,1 e !name of the; E 1 I The Democracy barn gone ' so far as to, lieutena• t Noel as captain permit Clay, with a'pi,tol lying on the ta- 'After this promotion tli bole besides which ho spealcs,lto call Shivery tinued'hils review with ilia by its right name, a thing, to - be eternally air which''nane who beheld hatedrioa - tbsathe ulcer on the body politic but Noelt. '• • ' 1 -l, oursting in toia prolifie parent of vice and crime, the-leaden fainted:id the arms.' of his' drag upon all true progress, add the worst. from 1 ;shout l . the regiment conic enemy to an white z4n that 'can be. intro. of rice I , l , , , mi . )ernir ' - dueed or established inany State. I Even on last 4th of .fuly, , Cassius M. er .2."ArtsON-:Buoivi4Oi,' ‘,I Clay addiesSed 3000 persons in one body, •; tor tr Knoxville .: Ina.groVe.,in the vicinity of his , residence, ', t ' n , ,yr, (Ten. tud'gave the "miserable doughfaces" as' 4rtic!c 'coniplaing of the be muSt justly'term the ,"Democrats," just , tedioulllongth of oatitai'y s.ich a course of•analysis as their history 11,y• 83 -1 3 •;: n 01 ' , "when w ,,'..1 di„ . - WatTtints. 11r,hen he had I conelnded his , friend to pen this - obitutivi obileelt, he ',read a couple of resolutions ~, I , d 1 .. ff , 4 characterizing-tie Dred Scott decision as a '''''r p a l . ` e , :PI ' ''' n r °- „ disgraiNr: to the age: and, an insult 'to the ----: swan °' his 'g e r '''' " marry Vears the editor-of a-- , or, a base :lie in our judicial history . -:. : • , 1, blot up:on the records of the Supreme 1 desires it I state(' to tue wo What al pity that seml - ',.Pennsyl-;l irad hi.c:.l.ire to live °T.:-/''nga prove it in many respects". Democrats had nat been pi•Nelitl to mason .and let slip the "Dead- :nab- i `l". l° g!' is . i tt ° ' fl'e Dade to 'P' ~_ Jpon hitn! Wondrous to relate, hoirtr i h d '4' 9 - 1 1 1 - Jordan . v s o , . f b i 4 7 .1 etler, in the,'ycry heart of slaVeliolding Ken- r . er l l B ,t d ..9. °t. k rieul s,.. ir ;t l lie has left:any.,rer.olutions of the above tenor were.; . ntr• rime to him;, 418 cdrdially adopted, with but •two dissenting . ) of r owl , tela ll ow, can't rade, li voices, eel we !emu from'the publishe,e let- 1 P s ter of one w ho waspresent•on the occaston. l l i' f u N ew‘ r c o a aatc , --.Mltsbury gazette. 1 ' ' bypartie,s of undeubted, ,11 -- -......... 1 ---- . ! "first; 1 .. I .„ .. New ~ IT (,) make a good garden- , -Get a goad wife:, Hass, IA Orteal ITF, “raise" Poultry-eall•at your neighbor's I as.l.lie prOof;' and in Bobo,; poUltry yard iu the ui•dit time. I I l'aPe, '11S• 1 - 1• ' - I 2 - N 11 • , -. ~ . ~ perad unques- arks in letr chn- I g" ' dnki Inwards If'Stuart I.lin melt of civil l or ate—to -fitably session. recall!' the sight, unmoved, nn kissed his shaggy head, _ his owner,,and said: • ; • "0, sir, I must-have this am' rich, take all,l have--evervthinm:2but give;me jay child's preserver?' 4 1 r • The gentleman smiled, and patting l bis dog's head; said; . • "Ism very glad madarn, that has beenof,kerviee to yon, but nothing in' i the wo i rld could induce the ,th part.with. MM." The dog looked ns tliptigh he, perfectly understood what they lere talking - ab Ont, and gh'ing,his sides a Shake; lai, :himself down at'his master's leet. with expres sion.l • in his large eyes that said plainer than p°rat, 'No, nothing, shall part r, and sat the ng s roll or, ttitude; LOUSC on trast 1. But bardly re llop at, and otious uis ins n ' g s i pic *3 Syn. I and for rollable : art- I 2er s au,c !ME Times f ,that ci liec?nse ato,— ,ly re ructiun e 500 year, e been '5,009, f I~ Pa DE. =I H 1 , '( JOHN IG. sale. ' I • Tie a Curious fact as ever iris 'known; But often in, human nature shown, late ' castle and j cottage,' Thai i)ride;llltl pigs of al certain brood, %ill manage to•live and thrive on iood As poor as auperpottage. •1- I• - ; Of all the notable things on earth, 1 . The, queerest thi6g is th'e pride of birth, Among our 'fierce democracy!' ' * A bridgC *nem, a Ilundred Witkout a prop to save it from sneers!- ' Nor even is couple \i:of rotten piers- AI thing for laughter; flings anti jec l rS, Is American 'aristoiracy! , • Depend upowit,;my snoUns Your family thread you,chn't ascend, 7Witbout.gOod reason to apprehend You may •fin'd it r azed on the other end ' By some !dobbin vocation ! Or worse than that, your hoaded'line, May end in a loop of stronger • That plagued some • worthy relation: BeCause lon flourish in worldly affairs,l not he haughty and put on airs, ' e With iiilolen'tPride of station ! Ibin't be; proud and turn i mp your nose', Poorer people in plainer clothes„ But learra i for the sake of your rei,pse, 14- That all proud flesh, wuerever it grows, Is subject to irritatiou, , I M! Isins Id. Clay E ~ . .. _ •4 .. ,i., • : . . ..."... ....•,, .. ~....„...„.., .n. , . .......,. , .. ~. ..,„ ; ..,. . .., • ..._.......... ..,, _,. ..(1 • • . . . . •, . I I --- """1 • —---- I I 'l' ri 11 known Luc ' It iv a 'fact - not tnera Mr. Bayard ' Taylor, who is now in Loo .., , g , Id . the aid don' writes to the TrAttL, under date of, July Ist: ' • I llarrtsburg was one se , le . c.l l as .., . , .1 1 - . for the Capital of the Lutted Slates. ;Aa, the discussion on thc location fOr..the - Crev l • Mr. Sumneris here, at 31aurigY's`l-Iofel: ernment 'buildings was ege'ing .'uni in Cob in *Regent Street 4 li l at not yet seen him, • - • . • --' gres. all the Northern mernbers were --- Jebb 7 but"Sonie friends told in r he is looking very, lded ; I n their choice of a site 410),:ial the 8401 wel 1 .-----. - Nt , Ante' lean. has' 'ever be 6 ~more 1' papitlar in England than 'Mr. Stunner,. end t 1 quelianna. and ' both -, Ifirrifibdrg ..and 1 Wrightsville were spokenqiingOlft, he i at present floating o the top wave of himse l f, Itaville' it !alpeared, fay! -.t London steiety. I, hear the other day -a ' L b (,c tuoug.n the ' 'outhern men mgressl good storyof his arrival here;. He enter- were• in fav_or , of a on the ed his name upon- th a t i bo , r iT t aeasncsoimrdpinlygilylert cprt.i.,toz,:;tagitudaltily,6,ll,vealitowrdityilllotirp,aNziotriothoern_, , Boston," ' ' " t&. 1, ~- • down by the host and his flunkies as . an orditiary traveler.- Tife leaf,' morning, One both these places,and gavenarrisbiirg aa their 'vhoiCe; wiiatt 'was loofa the licit, of Itio latter came to Mr. Summer's room in k nown h i, a l l3 , ou thq soihe ezektement. and sad: " lord Brou gh- h. „ SuSque i'matter.--"JiMwever. w Apr ttanni. The', ' d d ar - - „ -SANATOR SUiIfNER. inn. is own stairs,, ; fir, To the waiter's amazknerr 8441,1 without exhibiting •"Very well; show hint. u te'rward the formerr Niue "Sir, the Lird r f,Chid ed: and • asks for .icnt, lvas an in the cool' reply.. ship had. departed[; ,. .the sr more,' a bewiltred, , nd, a t 6;,Lord' ,Chi t dal A _to see y up," ii4eate T Nets Were 'no doubt ..- St oc . to the.hindlo Post i• announ ed theAlitiva 1- • • • leney[the It onoraLlo S 'c• flute!: • ariiiniscence of sea and tip, to =I 111 MEI *srfAllusli:E:o::l.ite.isz . . --ft,- ~ :as "comiiratnisea, am. the present - location arlopted.l iße'nton, inl, his 'Abridgement - of the Deates ,ot Cotr-1 grriSs; thus.iilludei to this circumatance.:--, "One..or the objects that t:arl , received the. attention Of this (the First) :engross', was.l ,the'establiphment - of a Partu abut seat oc G,IVOi nuient. The Northern Members were 1 in favor of 'some place•on the Lanka of the, ; 1 Susquehanna, and Harrisburg and Wright's; 1 'erry, - :on" river were proposed; tini • • • ! !.• - 1 Southern :members were in faVor •Faf, some . 1 place en'' the potemac. 3lr9lttdison de 7 I dared that the propriety of the decision I depended "in 'a great' measure on the supe-I rier_ advantars of, 'one of-tyise streams,'..' • • and argued lin' favor of the ptitonme, pledg-: int , ht, ticotitation -that "the eemetunication • 1 truth the Wectern territory ..hyklie Potomlo , I. ••• 1 • . •-•.. I apoleon. •.- f I . ' Pore, certzun and . convepieut . than tha . _ I. '-... I.l.other."-', Aiming 'the ar,, ,, u14-ntslttrged-z,-. ible yea r , when; Oust locating on the Sustintlianna, It e, .Antwerp and !said . ..that the, population was reCedingitrOm ' i - ' 'tl e F.' i 1 4.'•thislT -I e kine'.l reildied ake prow eutpire, i 1,„ . ., . .t I:, i r i .. - - .......... 1.-` young 'bride to-i qwest of the Ohio is an altuo , •t in,aneasur-I with - great en: able wilderness; :When it- wil 'lO settled,:''. the morning ;If: ior how ft will be possible to i goiern it, is 1. the troops'of the , P Ist . c:ifetilat ion. prentletuen will :pardon :mil as the dif. 'me if I think it ileVeril ! ,, 17.91)1J:wit to :fore hiM,rernar- r make this decision . Alepend upon 'that cir he e'hei.'wonof a; CUMStaMe. Prambiy it, wil Le :near (f . prinet, his _black ' c.e,;ttitlY 1 ;01)03 dies'', people will is colikill-, a face hionzed :6• , ,,/./e." 'Fitlie:. .'Hies,-thought be `had It 'an enerninm, once the tnekt sagacious mindi 'in the body: ce , ppeariin still* here somewhat mistakeii. 't-11:arr-is re. When .the , 44 4- y ifc;did. '' ' ' ' { ~ 1 i ! 't • • ---____ l-.- —! pro!. ro,a l up ~o 4' ~.. Ktiris'as Territorial Election. - • .and called tlie ' ' • • ! 1 . - - • •• 1 - -.1 1 -- ' 1 heart-of the f: )1 ti! -iler ; '4 ' • 1.) . ' -' It"a in October" [ 1 e 1 tsci• e ate .-e cc to 1 cbe v ks •g low ed: ' ftkr a thder , ate to eongres's midi a , Territeri-. 1 '6 o (lN '`P l e9n; al legisfatlre ill' Kansas,- and \4s Gov. Wal k falt the enng ! t:T i • li hii's repatedly given the aiisurauctr that I , . [ late territorial legislature. Ts butiuuder the l' l3 ).}' ^f TtalYr! lair's . ofiev i nTess • y'ou. the ;vmle people, of _, Kansas 'rivet right to et , Ict a' ileleoate t t o , ' ' I Copgr i ess i itnd to elegt.r. t - Srrilerhil -legtalik -I.ture, , the late FteeiStato Men ; would . at 1 .4at ule InuA , iNt is F t•i r A., -t-e , -1...:...„: .1...1.,,,,AL, such.:, They also adopted! filet following: ! ]?ridge t•bt: KailOetobtir next-, not „tinder t)eraei of'. the I .lVbereas,• we hsve reliable,, infmuation thaPpreparalions are '..;eittg nilade; in Some f pits of th,e. rte of 31a ;nu i t,i , eqtrtret the re stilt t!tf the cntnicg sheen- us_ in -Etzut- I , 'ens- ',;Tiviefore be,it.' ,; i - r •,i s L R,,save ),, That Gen. .5 ;n131:1 H. Lane be , appointed by this convention,' and authori- I zof to'organize the iy....)ple i hi the s!everal l' I district§; to protect the ballet boxes at the ,! ' ' ' • 4 itir , elections in Kanslts'" spproaL i 01 .1 • .._ , T/119 looks like pluck mad ; a. : determiria- Lion not to be cheated ag tin. • : • • , . . ... Psking for - yOu." Ile, Mr. S. quietly te'least surprise : t.'! Not long, iif.. still iitore'exci: 't.Justice has call- i "Show. him up", 1 After his Lt,rd- ' . 1 Tatter came once' little aggravated': r t . tee//0r,.0f 1,',/r t : 1 u! , ! , Show him ICS() as.toniphino , lef , communteaCell . • I , ,i, l ay's' l .. , ,,orft'itrg of "His liket-l iiutuner"i at 31au- Goon NERtunp ts.— File ewburyport [ - -II erald Rives a-0Q ions are, , uut of a 'queer kettle of lish;' at is heing • GeorgefoWn: It seems t hat! there is a _dis pute between two°!neigitho'rSisbcut the own erslr,ip of a small tract of laud„ and in. a half dozen years . of contentinvtruore' than fort± suits hard beenbrottghtl bY ,the rival parties. 'year, as heretofort;, 'One of the parties: wouldcut 'the graSs, and before it was cleverly retired, the other would have it in his ear t; - but before he culd reach his :barn; the first.wan %could d,have We Sheriff i,and,..hi; police' potse .fcir thel•reseue; and then would cone mutt., fcr 14. - dieitus ires , pass, and occasionally, to diversify tho pro-, .'eeedings . ,- for tsiabl.t., ThuS they re I r managed for the brit week to averafre •oet :Imo suits a daY, one patty being Wa te upon info Court tit flu"! 'morning by ih coustable,,and ,the other being, a ruisone in the afternoon. Ti_eeithrhave been set tied ~t :t i ny titne.- for a trifle - of- moneyjnit ueith!lr wouldiyield. ' Finally, :the whole question isFo lie refelip.l to Judge Hoar whose opinion l's-to he - binding. - These two iMtivid4s- nii , :tht have sa for the picture 1‘ Going_ttS 11w," wherei .orteiof the rlitigants vis . represetite i d, afte thciverdict, as liaNingl hothilag, nil. but a, piece of his shiri, and.t.4e oth , .. 2 `istarklnaked'' i - ' - I -*.• -; • l• itnper?r, reveßr tenant •ynnr nearly nrercane .knbled; twenty tre was rain!)', s thanks; wberi !idrums, and tlid "Plrct ,rsirect, I n your rdulae JOnperoron : ca rn nuijestie ievcr forzob i -7- I Ood:of tea - rtd;,+'-, a fond; united ; vepoC rdipper themselves hoars - P' in dennunc‘i ehurott in Michigan ,w,lneh exp an ber_ ,for having; vcted If y elkurClt ly thing. I:ut the Operi which speak} of ihis easf,;',.s:t3+,tlro Albany 110 word - of eeplrinnation for the South i who z eompel either, to'•preachl . that Slavery institution or leve. In nne Bev" -- Mr Boardrnau--11e: was leave (3liarh not'lkud Br, •e eccentric el.- , ) iu-on f' '- tinet;eswhlry nt] !ntices eon clodls t ye-ii4ire oenie - for us: ‘" I .iray,.iri Ifiownlow for oFFpaper. Ae tiro ci if I lie Id Ile leavcs no p in, this life; 4 body "en Alit , I liF God! id:tin& can he enemies, tie sof. Itutihelder, Of Prague, has ed a sew antiDhlogistic t picini?es to bect)Lne ot iMpOrta l i chemical ompo:.ition) which is not -yet divulged, wood: and, either articles indel fire. ~ Sactal!succese.ful exPeN been tu , de' otLer.s are 'pi • i larger soalo: • ~.. I , ~. A . lixott 2_ rs OF rATIIEMES from iLittlefon, N.'" . 11.;' •statl thermometer ranges 'in'' the 1 1— Ity, fr.itn 90 - to 07,. , in„fthe . winter theji•go ',lin the `oilpe:. , frett,:Zfi to o.b; ow icro.. ' "or draft giv.en 1 , is called 4 it is Liinwn -as .giat ' ' q ME ME NM HI H 1 .1 THE FEDERAL COITAL II gIE II N It 11 =I MIES ; I t El ar Makinut . i ing .a certain ,e,iled a meis.uohanans 13 id .a very 811- most harshb urnar, haw fhoso church , hair pastor! i I s, *a at Ease ,'that ol IcoUifielleT to iso ho would luiuuer. nst discover „. eria , ii we f iic. cc. It is he secret pi ich renders i trtictible; b , anent& have loinisecLen II .—A - lette ilia — l- 4 th: iddle of 'the L agile.".ln to extlotue
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers