THE DAILY EVfWtttfr TELEGRAPH. PITTLAPETiPTfIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMREU 27, 1861. (Sttmng eclccjtaylt Tt K.SDAY, SKPTr.MP.Klt 27, 1V.I. SPIEIT Cr TJE Hr.W TORS PRE38 lc4!nc KiUtorlnlit from the Nimt fork I'MjM'r i'nU Miriilnr. tu:(iirii Mi iuih a:vi m;i: i. l 1)1, s. () rv r . The ht wilt 1" llnik Itli pi -nee riini..r, i.f nil Khaprd mid ivli'.s until i-li rtion d ii tin' m-ik inTriiticus of n i!i r. al cnei! y. I , -nuttjr n ill 1h rm'kcd li i' n-vi i-mn , or at n-t m g. 'n lilnncts )l isn 'ifn, 'v ill whuh t.i il.Mri?: fvil be vrilih r. We m: y 1. 1 k i i. t 'n -i a' 1 a ri-j.t-ti-tlon, in t-vrry n. .J. , i.r t li . I Ht'cmpt to pel Hit 1'rt-iili i t hi i ii I'nKi' punti'iu, In m ii Ing Mm e ci m nn n'.fMr'r t . in on.ill. ami h' morn bit rccutii'illntifiit. 1 1 Is. In (M t, it nM the only mount- r.( tin- ('ojiirt-rlit'iiilt.. TLcy dare nut rliiiiiii', us of o'd, upon tint A l nlnMrntlnii i.nj ir. iNcimry In cotitl uctiti, His war, In the fiicc of tin ni'liii-vmrionts of i rrni.t, sntl Slu'inmn, Hnu N'mtIhsii, iiud Ki.rrn,-iit. ( that Mile iLij uro linpilcsly ml, nci-ii. Hn'ir ill. It l ow must it, nut unit tn war is pru.e inuj with ui HMit'-s, tint i ii prii-etiui'il wif limit ncccity. liny will try iu mnku it u , ,r tint Muctl coi.tltnii tn lie sluil, when n ni,tif .ctorj peHrt' m'Kht tifil) lie J. tiirrd hv wlint MeClvli in htylta the 'rihouri isnU wise wt ri'Mii.tiishjii." It in now rt It i.ilt il, for instaiic", tht i,rir Tior Ilronn, of (it-uriria, anil Vi.:o-I'residi'nt Stephen", have tn'trrd into n1 R.itininms wt h Oi m-rnl Nherinun lor ' a I't'-.sittlon of liuswliti.,...' Holts lure it lit mi nh.iintitv, hut the morris porum ntly k pt up, in the hoi that nmuthlni? ma) in the end lit made of It. General Slurm-tn would ho thu vny 'ast man to ruutiriit to any men ticpotlntlor8. H.tre i. not nn olll-or in our army who has a hiplirr ji-ulmi-y of tnc national nntlioiliy tbun he, or a lirtmr 'dt-teriiiiuati n to mnaln it. lie raid, in Ills recent letter to the Atlanta authorities : "To Mop thit war we nnmt drfoat the Kctl ariuits that are arr.iyed air.iinst the law and ConMitmion, wliirli all must rmport and ohey." "Ihe Uuitnl States does and must acerl iu authority wherever it has pow. r ; it it relaxes one bit to preserve it It Ugone." "I w nit Tieaee , and btliovc It can only Im had throun Uidon and war." Tln-ii? are tils lonthuents ; ami bin military niiastirrs are all sh iped accordingly. Hut even tf Oencn.l - lit r man hid the tn.llui. Im to treat with tlicv t lv i uiia, he has not the power. Ho know his own p -i ion wed enough toHieet neb approicb a on toe iiisiant with out word that ad Mich untune mint he done, it done at all, with the mi norities at WushiD(tton. li s t)iilticK in not to make peace, hut to in.ike Wire Governor lliown to make any Mica application, throuh any of our (icncrjlj, to the l'rifhlent, tin re can hn iio dotitit what tort of an answer would he returned, lie would lie told that the National (Jovernmmt is not at war witli Georgia, but with individual Hotels in (luoria; and that, fo long as there is any armed rulivlii.ui within the Mute, there can he no peace w ithin the State. Governor l)ro n tun pledtf.i nothing for the people ol Geurptj, lor no such power his ever been h pitted to him. ltur, evi n if he could legiti mately iiiuke that p e.lae, it would not aecurd the Mate from exposure to the war. ISiippoidiifr. that he could hind himself and every Georgian to lie loyal henceforth, mill (aor glawill lie a mm of war to Ion;; as there are armed Hchcla within it fruii other States. Toe war, in it active operations, know no State lines; nor does it piouny peoolelrom contact with it, simply bi cause tliey are loyal. The peo ple of Maryland anil of Pennsylvania are, as a Doily, loal, and yet each of these .Starts bn been a theatre of the war ai;.iiu and again. Gdortria is to-day ( x posed to pr. i isoly the tame liabilities as they no more, no less. There will be war within her limits so long as armed ltthels mo f.aiiid there, and nut one minute longor. Governor Curtiu or (inventor JBiadford nurjit as ivtll sctk from the I'lesldeut an tngaKement that thtre suould he no more hos tilities within thu limiisof their State, as Gov ernor Krnwn seek the miiiiu thing in behalf of his. We have nut the slightest idea that Gov ernor Drown Is Kuch a fool as to make any nueh application. The story Is a sheer iuveti't n. The Copperheads, and llubel schemers to liolp the Coppi rhtads, tuny do their utmost to throv upon the Administration ttie guilt of the proloala- tton ot the war; it will uii ta) in vain. 1 lie respon sibility r ts only with those who persist in re bellion. The Governmout asks only submission to Constitutional obligations. It has no other conditions to impose. Ii w mts no vassals, no payers of tt Unite, uo dependants ; it want Min.ily law-abiding cni.ens. T means siaiplv to recover the Constitutional nuthorhy of which it was de spoiled by an impious treason. Such is not onlv its righr, hut its vital neccs Mty. To tako up with anything less would he nucide. The loyal peo.ile of the land under stand this, and will uphold their Government in fighting for it to uny txtremitv. N o issue can lie simpler or plaiucr. No hnphisiry or fabrication can deceive ihe pooplu in regtrd to it, or divert ttum I rum pronouncing upon it exclusively and emphatically lit Novumlier. TIIK III KO OF A rii:TAI. from I lie Trilli nr. Copperhead p ipers refer to MeC'Icllan by the above title a matter of ignorance on their part. The real Hero of Antcttim was Fighting Joo lltokcr, who, if he had been sust lined by McClellan, would have won tbe battle, and driven't nriny into the Potomac. Little bad McClcl an to do with the lighting on that memo rable day, und ail that httte w.. disastrous to our ims. The battle was opned by Hooker on the after noon of the day te tore, wiien thai gtllant Gene ral crossed the Anti' tuin with his and M iin lield'i Cor) s, ll oikid tbe Kebel p )ition, and prvsied close up to tbeii' liii'-s as darkness came on. Geiieiul ll that night sent word to McClellan that the battle would begin at day light tbe next nioiiiiiig,aiiii that Suiuuor's C irs, which was to upi'irt bi n, must be ont'ie tirouu l at sunnse. Me'.'Mlun returned answer that Muroncr should he there ut the time. Now murk I tiumncr was not even nrihred to march till 7 o'clm k next morning, and did not reach the field till II o'clock, when the battle bid been going on for four bu s, and when Hooker, thrift: cnirying the uueinv ' position in his front, bad been rolled hick by rcliil'. irce.ue.nts which the lu heis thrice sent against him. H id but Kiimnur becii sent a Hooker praveil and McClcllnu promisid, the left of I.-.e'sirmy would have l.ein niiiud ere bo'elo k.ana the bot e won. Hit MiCnlau heli Sumner in k till Hooker's gallant corps, burao down by weight of numbers, ba i f ir the thud tune I en driven back, ami Hooker himself lay stretched oa the lield by a wound. Whether MeCicllin did or Hooker shou d win tbe b title, we card not to any ; but this wc sav, that if be hul me mt t prc Vi ut bim be could not have acted o Iririvise than he did. Coupling bis it.cxplieablc il I ty in order ing Sumner lorwiud witu the eipially inexpli cable refus-1 tu attack I. ee the following morn ing, when lie was inged to do so I')' h uh Sumner iiud llurii.-t.le. we. now well suppo'e that M i.j ir Key was inlotmed ol .M 'lulhm's purp ises wlmn lie suid "It was imc the g imu" to destiny or to badly ik hat Lee's .ireiy. Th it he might t icn have antiihiluieil th s lU'bvl forces, and tint be did not. hII the world now kno ts, l et ua Uitve done, then, with tie: mockery of calliiig General Mt( lelhin the Hero of Antictaui. Keep honoiuhle name for him to whom it belongs gallant .loe Hooker. J'KAt.- IS (.I.UKUIA. rom tht l'ril'Uttt. ISWhut c.n be the in tttcr with the Hon. lieu. Wood? Fur yciiis ha Las b2en s'uri 'kin,' for peace, yet whin ica c itctiiully dawm on the hori.on, his knees e.iviek to r, ether as if lie had seen the ghost ol I. is ei.indiuotlicr ! Just heur h'.lu lut.u.'d r ovci ' .Shii.itaii'a e.j4) n'lo I negotiations !lh the .n.'vni'te.s of GcurL'ia: "Siii:)imx ami '.!;: t'jeoK'iiv I'OI.icy.' Mr. VI"C-l'resiili 'it -t. ;d.ens is a niaa ot redct tiou. His temper nod genius are ol tue cl.ts : that p iss Inio tin- i-'o-et .a the stormy it iy of revolution. A s'tidcu ', an orn'or, a st .itosni 1 1, he, 'vli'. n lilies ot ii i' Iu ruslted nt each other i:h liiootti stee', Mil, i i " tt s'lboidimiti; place aitiuug lncii of H' te il. lie s .lilier-iutelleef, Hint utsi'ii spirit of Mr. 1 be. is n i i) tl ishetl out, d long tiio t'riH'gh: of the (. ii ri 'l-':' o y lor lite, into a s' dor thai Iris ,hscii:v;l ;JI other liguts. i'!f am b'tlon of Mr. St""'.: en in.ido the nrst iko of accepting this us a '':, tit. Wounded pr d i up rems to imve (tun : the in' the C'nfiddi'ule ''Ce-l'ie-l'!eiit. Par v reo'.'eetions, too, may i avo iiickeitd hi- f"n-c o! wrong, utid tu.iy 1 ave w ideueil tiro- it . 1 1 s-n.i sin 'lion in'o morose Bluiotiion, und in ic -i. !! ...nil'! ):i bit ) ',: it hos tility. Mr. So in it his duty !,i-t w niter to u-sall, ittti j.ubl i.i"iiiit: it! Ge ''-.'in, the wit ledi lire Adnd ii , r o i::i in uoi ig so w.ti: tamed hv u innsiJi ret le number of ilie legisi dor oi mi, iiiiui i- i i.o leading ot tiov riur Jltown. "Goven rir Drown, of Georgia, is rt nimi honesty. Narrow, luwever, in Ins naturally disposed to lie crochety. Lupenoin of will, be is lii' UiKd to as-eri wh t; he cjncJvei to be Ihe rif tit. of his o-itlon, Ith r "tin.T !n!o!c tiinc . A ."otit"' rl-.iits o the must nid sect, ore I'Uihi ceiiciiioe Ooiu the-e cutiulcr.ttl n thht lie would be round, a- a representative of a severer nty in nn nso'litnvn of independont Mati, iiiip iietiea'ile. Such disproved, to ! tl c i urn-. Ili p i ml t, mp'T chafes under the lenilei ship of i xeeutivc. Working rjH d'ct.i ii s i ,ip, rote h'F croti hety judirrn. nt j ns oniont ss II'M-S 1 1 f silou HITS OI til UtlMroUpa lir.rsi . As liberty Is n i-t iken hv Hie inn -i, light. i in d for lie ii.-e , so are tut o i r !n ro'h'H of hit State inf.-t'iki ti bi u.'iicrnnr Hrovn for an in le pt rul- i,( e i iiim. st'iiineif as th it ot the cn'tttortd Mivi.jit. In tbi- w 1--, a i id to this extent. ha l'i it lioiist hi n, mt it tit soMMeigntr ot Geo'gia cr lit il loio n ii Tio.i r more or h s linpr letic ti.-. I h'et s to his t ni'vUtts be lias u fiwed to Cltptl III o lllsi oltll i.f ; itnil tllilt (li" niitl'Dt lie ha- pttmiltid to t-roiv into opiiosi i n ; ittnil lit ally, he, n ,i i im .ii.ii.e. anil c believe nn In m -r u tio , iu- i vtitoio ,1 in nis re!a o 'o roc Gum mo. i ni nt 11 ii'btt ot.i! ii spirl' ol hos'.Mly lo tbi pljiiti ui i en-mi s ii' ;-u. die I nth. 'i I i uit nt i ni of Mr. Mei'btns m ( (im crt,or I'.i i.v n l.s- i vi n iiln :'!' to v Is kn.ovi in the t oi.ti iti i-iitv I. M'ii' tie ir.:ii p'lii y ' T;i it po.icj lias, bow ever, rot onxinnttd wi'.li tli .so f i tb n. en ; tui'ber dies it but lonn or to or lirni tier relations v i 1 1 rfo. Goitrtimf nt at It n l Itioiul. Hut even tuon:;li it h i or d i", It ii n-t 1 1 inoictici tint they are b it ti tneii of stif lespei-t. m il (tic in ib'e ot leadint; ill r St ite, nr.ctr in n tbe channc t atger, into an set of onnagci us bad lal'h. 'St.. to' action' tnev cer tniii never inltrprt e.l in a lnani:"r In involve Sta e liitatny. The withdraw .1 ot Georgia from lo r sister Slates ot the CoM. ileni v in inn hour lit tbi ii stiprtMn' ti ii i, is a 'iipjaitmn th'it in volvts idtpl h of Ii miihh wbieb dispa-si ii. ite iliiiniri must ndniil couth , ts iiiiecily with all the ti sellings of the o!,tical history of the S .:n of ihc Suu'b. Tin' ixi I n.ition of the '( a policy' is not inoro infamous than ab,urd," A-p., ic., Jvc. Thtre is as tnttcli more of this, but we need not quote it. The up-hot of Hit iv n.le is ll.'n. is aware that the Southern ('oiifedcr.icy is p'aved out. mid ibat slavery mam hunref rlh sock shel tiriuid presi rviitton uiuh r ihe unit, ol "State Soeicigiity." Ihat maybe a poor resort, lint thtre i., ital'y uo other. THE EXCHAKGS OF PRISONERS. Artion or ! Anthorltlr-An Ini IMirtitiit itnaitiir. It is reported that onr authorities have made rrangcnnnts by which the ltebels, in future ex changes, will be furnished with men a. nearly ai pt snb e in the condition in which our soldiers are returned to us, thus making the exchuuges com paratively equal, and preventing the Rebel from geftd g Mildlcrs whom fhtycsn put at once into the ranks in txchniigu lor the emaciated and dying men they bring t i tt. It will be Impossible for our Government to exchange with them any starved prisonors, for the reason that it has no siieh men ; but a con siderable number of si k and disabled Rebels will be lound among the Kcventy fire thousand prisoners now in our posse-siou. .ti ni. t i.i. m. When Prince Napoleon visited the Tinted Slates in lStll, lie was accompanied, amongst other "lords and gentlemen," by Maurico S.tnd, the only son of George Sand, the great authoress. This gentleman, InheriliB'! his mother's faculty for writing, of cour.-o wro e a book, In which there nru many very curious and Intelligent ap preciations of ouisol.-ts and our institution!. One of the most remarkable pages o his book it his description of tbe pi nonages invited to meet lilin at tbe Whlto House, when the Presi dent received tbe Prince and his suite At dinner. "Never did traveler visit a country at so interest ing a moment ; a moment when its all it nt stake; a moment of the greatest porplcxity ; a moment whin its very existence h in ts initio balance; but the Prince (Napoleon) thinks it impossible that a liberty so heroically eonnm-red, bo wonderfully sii.'tHined, and which haa In a few years made itself into a great nation, cm perish. Thu Union must compii r." "One ol the most agreeable events of my visit hero (In Washington) is to find myself seated litre at the table of the White House, beside bmatur Sumner, our oltl friend and the com linnicn of our olea-atit journey iu Switzerland. lie is the brother of your friend, and u man of gtcai intelligence ntiu refinement, opposite to me st one of the Generals o' this war General MeC'Icllan. He bus a marii il and intelligent face. simple, unostentatious manners, and i about thirty-live years old. He was educated ut West Point, iiud visited the Crimea, at the time of the war, on a tour ot military iiiiiitiry. "I gH.e ou him, woudeiiug what he will in hieve, w ben it voice thut alway s speaks wor ts td truh mid prophecy wbt-pers in my, 'ion tire looking ut General McCle lau, you are look ing at the future military di tutor of America. Ills opinion a t widely diUerent from those of the I artv he Is supposed to belong to, and from I host of u 1 1 piescnt. He aims higher than people tiiiaiu ot; be anus nt changing all things, even the toim of Government ; he aims nt notriin,' less than being our tirt Consul.' A ditheult game, easy to conceive, dilllcult to achieve. Has ho the ability ami dating to do it r" 1 lie Millliirj Sltiintloii In t'.nst TiinnMMM, A Kunxville correspondent of the Ciiuinnati (iaulle, writing September 19, sayt : "Geiieiul Gilh ni continues to oc.-upy a strong position ut Hull's Gau, lifty miles from here. The liibtls are east of Grccuvihc. i he Utter town H not oci upled by eithvr side, ami is in some degree neutral territory. The Kebel General Vaughn lias been iclnfoiccd by Wheeler to tho extent of two tbi u: ami men. WiccU', niter crowing ttie Tennessee ou bis r. cent runt, dtv.ded bis forces, una the column by w Rich Vaughn was reinforced n (Aid cust. Ihe rest nts-cil west, and alter desirov int; the railroads, escaped into A utuma. "The en my ineuu to hod their pooitfu ut Abington, if (aissihle, ami it b is been ttinir inten tion to tliive (illlein from Hull's (jap. The val id through which the La-l lennessiss and Vir ginia railioud pas-es has y ielded l.trge crops this eia-on, and siipplhk uru cirtied by rail from Abington to K. liuiond. 1 his v.illey communes lai(.e y lo the support of Lee's army, it h is mver Inn tuin bed by the l.'niou army, and tin It it els bie determined it sh ill nut lie if they c in rut v i nt il. Ii is also important as a b iselor r.diis into Kentucky and K it Tcnti. ss :e. "Ibis is ibe silujlein lo-dvy, but il may soon niuli reo a change Iletorc this reaelna you, liiikhu inuv be brought to grief, li s rout is piol nlilc, and In culture not impossible. I think il sate lo say that an t il rt wilt be made to mt oil this son ate of supples fioia Lee.und w hi in ver nc si t out to do it, it will be done. It is in in pies.iou lhut vou m iy look tor import- ant I ens Irani ltd- iiinrtei. 'ie:i rti is are comiug rai idly to t oionci uu- lini heudipiioters, mostly North Cartfliua Sol um . (ji.c i.iiad ot tidily arrived yesterday. Tht victoiy at Atlaira has caused the deepest gloom among thu lioticls la I Ins cuin'ry. Tuey ci, net thai tl.cir only h ipu now Is In the sue cbm ol the Cot pel braes in Novcm'xr." litlm l'i..uiil. Aieoi g the dillc rent advertiscioeiits in the Go dsl oto .s'rufi ." ?', of the 1 Ith Inst., we lind ihc follimirg: On let: or uir. Cim r Qi in i eiiM.isri'.it. It Ml tent, II. Ii ."September, Ubi Post (Jiiart-r ii.a-nis iliroiii'.hoii; the sure u c re lUistcd to iu siinciiheir county u; ;eu'.s to colloetull tin- l itbe Pi aunt- at some convenient depitmi li e line ot tin' nearest rai" o id as curly as i os. bb , mid send Imorinuti in to tliis oilhe, so that nn licet. t inuv lie sent lo re 'eive tnem. Mi i'ic.M. iJri'Aiti m:: r. (.'. S. AkwV, S iptutn. l i r, lhiil. Captain ('. V. 11 nris, General Pur chasing Agent, M. P. 1)., is in-trueted to pur chase thu domestic bruiulios or Wayne, rrt (iieene. Lenoir, ilson, K Igecomtie, Nash, II ill fax, and counties atliicent thereto. Detailel ngriciiliiirisis are expected to sell to him at G iv- tllitiii nt prices or lorieit th- ir il-t til. Iiy order of .Ivors 1". Jouvsov, "Smijeoii and Meili al Purveyor, C. s. A. I' I. do ' i ported tbi. e. ill Ihe Sin bet iibin ot .let ' I'l'o'.ij comi'tencini.' he n .e..o di v la y, .M i i ' ncil .1 i lie (Ifl regittl'Ji.flll , l .ii I. l b. i l I ii- lo tbi in . fee', i.:e at headquarter blill ci.l'.'l lad, i ..d ivuinvti' cd th'? vl'i s by limrg i ui the io:.'jw:ir3' celebrated hytuu ' I u il t- : ,;, (.i,Vl. u.'it d-l. y, 1 i H lu - t Jt r, v Lie wt i' b was sun,- with en ini.uion eU'l d 'V ition but beiove tie could biu-h ihe vi.TS". orders ciinj to inhHr c ut ru", T'ljivards ovenim.' of 'he ".line dtiv I. .ports were brought to M ijor-G'Uieral Hleliibll tl. If til" eiiei'iv." In v.tlg ' hoard tin Iii mi; ci -ii. im. need, h .d i otnple'cd the vers ! by 'l r let', s i " r . t , sv tvte loviy .'lll,.i II. ' ei.n'iii-ii'U UiS-'U. ' A N I'.i isi ni Ai 11 i mho c run K nsam. Uev. lr, V.nle, of Muciuiric, lo-vn, hus been clce'ej lii-bop lor the dioeese ol iv.ui-a- by tbe I oneen in n reeently held at At. in-oii. lie is a teirle n an of ami ty, "nil mi'l to up a IiiodettMe i.nv ( liur. biniMi. We .li nk tn.siMd sutltbe niiijurdy in ibe mi'int 'rs oi Ut u mi'iiati'in. a ... th in..'' .' .:. litJluV A L. I AO MAS M. PLOWMAN 1 V r.n p. nier H e' b.aiib r. Iihi reiiinviTl hi, lle.p Irem n '.'J si,. ... i . iv s ri.t la si', i.;i;4io r. aure'.aa I'.aileL.' l..e 1.1,1 '. -'. Ol. ic l,i;i0ihu. lllivllu Incil.tsul ii.. Hun . tbr esi n nn- i n t'.t teoloi s exUiLitviiy, Ul Impel lo u eivt iIiaiv ul puliils itreuao. jai FINANCIAL. I3-iV I .OA N Ol' lNSl. TflK KAl ANCK Of TI1K. $75,000,000 LOAN Il.-rtn,- tM. 4f tfn wirti-Hl1 mr.A onr M-lff -proTln 'T.o ccmIiiI, ft f iiTMrct) tf I I" cnittintri tt otif lit hr or iTil turuA, uj- itin Mint ! tun mnit (tMilrttt GOLD SIX PER CENT. L0AS AT THh MAUKRT PK1CR. vr-fvc alwljtenav'i'eml liisnf I SHI ItO.MU II Iht IiKST LOAN OX THK MA11K.ET. Thsrt lbut RJI4M. AMOt" NT Kt MS PKt.r., anttlK pn.ii:m wlil. ia oar oi ite n, lvn-e itt'.i.l, I'srtfet fisvirff 5-'( I.O N w illdti wi-ll In !' oiil K''ll,Nt.K tier Ml'l fur MtiKR fKKMlNR.1T I.IUH. mpec'llly m now, owlni io Hit- u .im&n ili jot j 1 fr Ki t entlf. i tiw:i rati on be 9bt4.nel 'r lh-m JAY OOOKl', A CO., K'i III Tlltltli aTBV.KT, UUL 1. U L. r. S1LVEH AND TANK NOTF-S WANTKU. DE HAVEN h BSOTHEa, mi-ti . a. tiiirh 8r-irr. Ql-.AItli.HOrV A CO., IIAN'KKUS, No. 121 S. TH1U1) SniKKT, riiii.AKri.rniA. Oov ornniint iseirltle, of ill l.insi Pur lia.ed intt f r Hall. Bu.rj.1, tH'nils, and Hold Hou,ihl irel Hult oa llora mli.ioa INTKBKsT ALLOW r.K ON KKPOIITS. ('..llsetliin. Piompll) Madft. fis'.-tf gMlTII fc 11A.N DOLl'II, No. 10 S. THIKI) STUKK.T, JtANKKKS AND HUOUl'.US. 3l.xk,Qiiirtermt('fi You -.?. nJ Cite -k, mid .Ii Oorfnimrrit HiH-iirftit i H.Mikht ami rtold. ftuhli iV LOAN. 13W LOAN. U. S. l()-4()s. JAV COOKU r CO.. OlKtU KOIt HAI.E THK. NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, Hr..KINU FIVK CK.NT IMTKKKsjr IN COIV, ridemialli any time iftfr TICS Ilin pluasurl or ike Government, and piatil 101:11' VK AIt.S after tUtte. B'yril COIM'ON AKH I!KIHSTl;UKI HOfl)' Irs Ifsiii-il for this bona, of sinii oenora nstioa ll the 6-'i0. Ibe iritniit on ' and 1K) paj ulile yui'ly; on ill oUier ib noniltiillolit, klf yearly. Tbi 1U 40 bjnd. in dated Mari ti 1, 1SK4. The halt-yi nrlr l nsre.t tallliuc dua Hi pfrmbrrl and Hirch 1 it' oica yeir; nnill lit Septsta Mr, tlie aisjrued lntcre,t ri'oin 1st of Mireh Is ro'iuiredto be j lid by (iirckiucrs loo UN or la i.kiovl el KUkser, ld tnitlllt percent, fur premium, until I'nrttier nntloe. Al l, COVEItNMKNT SKCUUI TIKS UOUIillT ANU -SOl.l). JAY COOKE & 00., B.hW-tr No. lit S. Tlllltl) STItKKT. KLIliI. K CO., I IAN K 101 tW, No. ;i0 S. Till R 1) S T 11 H E T. lit Y A N 0 KLt. (ill.l, NII. lilt, AMI GOVMlNMtNT MKUHItltlEB S T O O K H lint (HIT AMI S(lI.I) ON C0MMI4SI0N. II CTOCKH AINI (-.liiCUlirriXlirJ 1101 GUT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, DE HAVLN &. BBOTEER, No Hit S. THIIIU HTK tarr. S 8 K W I N O M A C H I N K TUE Br.rtT 13 UMW. a, apJH No. 730 OilKHNVJT Htree. COTTACiK OiUJANS, N i (.iU I'FfNCFl iri but rK.'tW,I.KI In purity ana J'tvwtf. it Vtid itiiM-'aii tor -Diirl.ea and In (.!. but It umo to Li iuih w l it laptM to Uio Parlor and inMtig hut Uj. 1 ui J oitl; by t m N.Ml.Vi'.MIl Htret !, a mpti-l aimMu nt tt Ui Teriaci MuloaenK l)1 THKO.'T Ml'A!if., ."AI iKjII,' AM AH1HM . Tl'f I kit WITH TIIK ITMOrir hrCVKHS, Jl PH. VOS Mi SUill JiKfiU. Autt.if of the rect-ntly piblliht-il urk. TIIK 1 Alt : ITS DtSKASIuS AM) Tltr.lR TUr ATM I.N I. St.. luil iVAl,.! I ritr.l. TO TIM'. I'l T.I I V ft la with ton d iraMf lail-ti. :ilun iliat Ir, Vol a4o. (Ii.'fckt-r ao a ili-n lit fcii v- J a tuiUad hn '; tut auii -LtR 1 ih i on hiiMtuyin-; li U chUn-ly (..hi;rto li ni.iiirnua ( . Kt-H ti h.i t-n-:tfi m the rIh.vo in a mi i Mfiii tun I .t.i vt (fi-ntH (aio-i whom tiro t-vtr.i' mtv MiiiMriiti -) cni.-'ii( uavf. timn .itt'i iit:' ; an'l wia't liiic, t..t--i l'i prom it, Th 'ir t"iiiiioiiia'B. wi-riii-'l In Uh virv t tticint, oau i-NaiiiUM-d ki himnncf. No !; wai.SI'T .r.-it. Ti t I'HK MT. I l"AI. rK-l-0N. lr. on MiinctiNki'l l.rtH Iiy t otittlKix- l worka and th mii.v ditiU uli c.t'ct tp-.i'.l wn'.i suit' oa uirJ i:. ir until m. l.roveil bi- ! at.1)!" t 1H'.iriU III liU lrJ ii-fcsio iii- cai. ic itv. Fi.r nnn;-i-in-i i-aMi-iit c.Mir)ii-i'y M ill him by llH-IU. rtllil kllilt IH'I I' UI UiIB ami 111" Work in w.ui iutdua. juiiriiiil', li n iiinii tLt-iu LIud vn AbTAII V I lS. Tl! nnndrntim r4nati'iH'tri bv I"". OV MOSCMIH K I. It. for ilii- lii-utliit lit ol' a'tuvt; lo..U lleh hd1 . ml 1'V lli,' Ii lI ' . Ill 1 '1 1 It'll 1 ullltluftlMH llllil .ill 1 tin (' lUilll'lt tin K't'iitfHt ui"H l ni-'fi.t for Una cine of il Ar.'iK. lliluJAl lj.Nfc.ASlv. t-AlWIUHl and AM.IilA. I ;.o mit!' r frm 11;. v -f t'n'o iri'inl es fiAve now . 1 . i .in : -1. 1; ' no .ilh i-j . ut t! .;n, a i.'i i. tl j.. 1 a v. 1.0 i-o.i .u.t !.-. v.t S; Hlsi, KIJ 1.' ty r. 'T .( :.i v- ill ni' in iol 1 on.ii n o t lu- 1 , .t ' t 1.. , a .. Lu .lu i.'i 1.,kiu. Oil.. i If-1 7 W. I.N .MOVAU J. n:lLU li HKOTHKIl, M I.HO II ANT TAILORS, It.ivi ri uiovfil frsm Ko. I'.'.' V. s.cnil sirtit tit tlii- H. K. n rnirol SKCONH nun Alil'II Hiro. 11, ki.i ra tnertuv. inl.ii.d t'.J .tml ol li.l'ilH, (.'.tsiuCHK.v, inj VK-TlNiiS. (lulil-lid Also, 1 il- ml 4 i.i rluii.ntor Kd)-nitilr CMi I lll sO. gT TK0U8ANDS CI1 HPXTU U KXTKACTKD WITHOUT TAIX. rateitl applied fr. My new Ii.tih ion. a h"Uii!e if'e. vein.o. il adiU'tlnt S if:y Vl ed t ili.ili-r. fur 1 h If I Di in, NilfiHi t Xli tit, and v vir oin, ( ( :ti w .r.tvi jm'i Tic f-'y mode tl It o van u pr p-i Iy .! iUy at'uiiuihiiTcil. UK. O. Ti. M 1 1 N NT S V J9-1 m 711 Sl'lil 'K hrillatiT. CTFAM II HATING FOR F.VCTOUIKS, O Mull, c, it wan d w ith dirt' t or ft mi Ai, co )m lr lieaur,ctiidt ii- r-. i'VitHiHi'(t, . a. sel-lw V1. i OILMAN,. Nn. 'ik N. s A 1 U s)uU FINANCIAL. u N I T II I H T A X IC H 7-30 IX) AN. TV rVr4fT of th. Trr4iry kI -J Vii lib- ctii th will m rtTii Tf Cnpvi Trra-iu y i tt( t'f ihrtf yvd ftm Af utt 1, wiih lAml-ti-iiufti tniitrrat at thr.i' trvn tnf tbrnt-tftnthi pt twit r aniim, principal And iutonat 'ih to Ot pAid u will t com f'tlbio it th oioti of th Ii.' Jit, at maiuiilT, ffllu ill. p'r ool. nold Jirvirtim di, pn fct'i rot leu tliftn fl imr mitu ttin twfrtty jnirt fi-cm thrtr oi.i h ivrtninnni bm -Mcrt. Tliy wii b ,g-tii (n jMiomlnntfnft or $y, Kh, $ .ik f 1it, ind .Hia. nij H luhasitipnitnii tuut be fr flnJttlawior rmo n pltiplf ol fifty dtUr. A tli not draw tnt.w rmm Attirnct l'S !' Inttirrtt t.-of'HHj tY:m 6t- ni ! to lte of Jpo , eri'CiAL ADVANT.VUK3 OK 1UI.S 1,0 A r. It h a National Havini. IUkk, otTi-t tiii a Mlivr fU of intrrvi ttiin otfior, mh! rtf iV iriyy. ,nj ftvtnjfi hnk hi-h iu tttKMitirt in I'nitoJ Ntttrt lHoi onn-sidfr that It Is p rum la the tmt clri iiUtlnx nliam of tli tMiutry. nd tt cttmof py lu ftajahititT bstttirr, for it own ftit arc AUiior In (vuvrw-ntiu-ni iMun (Ih ir In a ite orOmii paya1 ia ihiTtrnaiei.t pap. . CONVEIUinLK INTO A MX PKU CENT. fi-20 OOI.1) noND. In addition t tba very llloral Intsreat od the not( ftif thr yiara,tlita piivtlfK "f tttMralon ta now wiirtk about Uiraw par ont. pr annum, (Vr th current rate f V-Yi) llot,ds la not tlian nine pr etiu. premium, and be ft Ui war the pramlum n mik pvr oont. I'nlted Htatoa fitoetva wai over iwrnty p-t-r ci tit. It will be teen tlitt th Actual profit on tbU loan, at ttio pronut nrnrkot t laa tlian Un per cnt. pr annnm. IT3 KXEMPTION" FROM STATE OH MU- MCIPAL TAXATION. I'.tt niJalrt'Oi all ttia ailvaiiUa we bar entinicratcdt lu'clat Art of Conrcai twin pit nit bo uit and Trcnsury tu turutn local mrntivn. (Hi Uio avtra, thia xemp- tion la worth about tw .r ont. por annua, according ta ttie rata ol tan at ton In varloua parta ot I'm oountry. It la boltavcd itiat no aecuritlna titTer ao graat Indtioa- mcnto to lendrrt aa those tinnt-d by tha HoTernmeat. In all otlur farma of ludcbti'duaaa, Uia faith or ability of private part lea, or atoca coinpantM, or tovarati cotnmunl tiei.only, ia aledscd for pamnt while tha nbolo pro- aorty of the country Ii held to acur tlta dbwhargr of aU tha oMJvatloa of t!i Unltotl HUtaa. Cp to thelith of Haptemlu'r, Uia atihiHTlptiani to this loan amounted to or l ),()()(,( (). Biiunenii-i niN. wti.i.iii Rkckivhd by tli. Trei.arnr of the Unltld it WishlliittMi.tlM Tenl AnnUlaiit Truiunn ana dHlnnted niurlM, and by Ilia PIKUT MATItlNAL HANK Or PIIILAllKI.I'III A, PA., HMOM1 NATIONAL HA N K Ol' I'lIlkAIIKLPIIIA, PA., llllltl) NATIONAL UAN4 Or PIIII.AHKI.HItl A, PA., rOt'UTH NATIONAL HANKOF PIIILAOK.LI'lllA, PA., By ill Nltlonit Blnkl whicU aro deyollarll of piililte UMUOy ; anil t-'i'i-l'Jt ALL ItKSPECTAItLB II VNKg AND BANKCItS Tlirouiihnut tha oooniry a ill uir furlhir lnforra.uon an J Art OKI) fAClLITT TU MUlltiOKtllKllB. CAMPAIGN FLAGS, UHNTINU, AND S1I.K, Or EVI.KI llf.HUlUl'TlOX. ALHO, BWOUDS, HAhsIIKS, T.'j. lii.r with 1 full iiriirtiueitof MILITA11Y OOODS. IVANS k HASSALL, 9 !t-m S. 4 lt ARCH STItKKT. JOHN KKM.Y, TAILOUH, No. Ol'i CIIKSNITT STItKKT, Have received their FALL S 1 fl-l-;, and a Ury atodtof 1'Al.Laud Wl-MKU UO01t, Including choice A.MKRI- CAAf OOOl'H, ail Umght bi'ira tbe rise In prices, which lliey will make up to the bat styles at moderate prices. TKIiMH-NKT ('AMI. ae7-lra (K)K1NUIiAH8 AND I'lCTURE FRAME MANUKACTOUY. Whl. H. MOKOAN, i,o. -StlH N NISTII 8Tiu.t:r, Oilt Ovitl l'l.o cir,li IVdiuiK rlO-t III COSSTAMt I V IIS HASH. I'CUNlTllli: Il.vlliM tMiusbt aMt of inr .litrrUI. ti.'oro iLv Uie tnat rim, I am naljll toml r iu m. k ol FIRST-CLASS FriiMTL'RIC at 1 imail lilvanci' wn olil l.rici I. AV1., win rim n,ll ri.HviiN i ii s rwvM F. IUlOi-i Mintifi-iur r- t" 1' 1 N K .J 7; W li 1. li V, ,... HUN rlU'.SNl T MKKKT, I' 1111.41 1 I I'hl I'. U liO-i'.i. W. II. DLIlOSlJ. VH()1IA1.I'. AND Hi - r A 1 1 W I.i t i'..p;ri.l .11. 'I wirr.iut' il. 9-:M-lm 1 aki i i.. MiniN'j.", dil run us and t l....u.i ft; nl.-.. lu'iu N 1 w 1 ..ra -iu'tiJii tai'ii, . . . i.- Vf.. - f. -nt Itiil' .. Ih. I IU '. il . il ... t r.'li an'l HW.i liui'ati m, 'el) - .. . . ., h.. ....I '.u in. : ,-4. ' 1 H'lti 1. i hi liri Dor- if iin'i! 1.1 M-s l li'ip. rml 1 '. 1 17 to ' ' t" Jiinli 1,, ,,,,i,i Mi n un to l I. .; Vi niln, Kau, and llru.ii. from I'1 '"' i""'1" lK'' J""' 1 vnitli.n, th. ,.r!nl.iti...r..''rii'l In f' ll'l.i.i , rruin ;i7 id. lb i wnt a v urj. at ti. Mw V. vi k AiKtK.n Man., !,. M. """ " fo. IW . MKCilMU Hunt, cr-t 111 1 , riiov vi'aiuut, uppoit Corn KtiitUai, TO S H 1 1' C. 1' r A l NS A N 1) 0 vV N K IU. h. riavtnif lrel lli. KtCNMi fr.'i'Ki-.i .VV 1. ill K. lir lo li.lunu bin Iriml'l. an I mt it. sit iti JiiH'k.liul li. I. ii-i.'ri-il swiih iiicr 'At.ii lailliLi.. lo a.T'iaii.i"it llmm.' hiiviiiy vi's.tls 'o i.h r.i's. il ur n .niri il, .ml liuUm I .r ili l l:l)-cai l ente; anO ciinii.'r, vviti iilvw p. v.iinai aiianutitt w an vc.h. i n Uiistnl to luni K.r n i'. ii.. t ai lnin. ur Atnt,, and Vl hlulttl v.'s.iil t" rai'lr, a. r .i.lji It. d m .'nil. lUvin m.iku.:y fur tlie" f f " Weit'.r.lMti' T iu nt U. .sln. I .iiiio.,Miiii. Ol i 1. 1 Pr l lini, inr ir.n nrr... I i,, UMr i Mini, i i.r tin. city, I lion ut V.srlb' Knll'ilDII, I'r llnl Clty.l ILU ut-c.iUJsl I. kfiikliit'tdin Hcrvm IhH t, fchll-tf Delaware avenucai ova LaaiH atrial. 1 lATLNTKl) JCLY 19, lH.-JOSKPH J aiOTTKT, l'lt ve de Karl, v rt ran. Frenh Ht,ata hv,-u,m And on miiv kind ol wKnug a,iiari, kr Ltd t.-nta. ad blldrt-n. rattnil ait'attui fur m l"mr laiit rtt iu ok to live In li. ao. ! KM ht Hnvm, Lraiaa Mq. . 1.1111 Hut, i Uiladculua. auj- JOW It U A 1 V . COAL AT $7'50 PER TON. IIIM CONSirMKKM MUTUAL COAL COMPANY. CAl'ITAL HT((Jli 1 50,000 Shiiro3 at $10 Por Shara, $500,000. rtlF-UFrf f, JAM KM 1ANI. TItHAiVRna, JtfMAH KISIKBHOOK. h, IJ". Maikft HitM. KCnKTAnY, JOHN O. HTONKH. . ? N. hinoUcn'.h SiiV. MRKt TORfl, JAVK8 I YM), lf S g. 81k h itrt. FDWAUD F.. .ION?, H Ml Anh atrr-l. UKNUY fi, l'.L'I.,TI. tl Walnut airoat. r. V CLAYTON. IV IU N Third atrat. THOMAS B. tiAUSMI. No. IjjC Chaunt at ret OITIOE, No. 5V 8. EIXTH STRESS skcoito sTtmr. r niter the abora tltift it company hat f cen formed, y onalilo conauiuam. larva and amall.Iiy tha tttfuroxata of their yoarty fxpcnJI ura formal, to own tnrlr own col liery , and lo aupply tlimmt la w tli tha artklo at 00 U Ihettrvatiy lnrroam1 price of al cnranioditle, with tha ffTi-ator iucroaiio atill threnltig, ahould lead oon- uuirri to duvlo ai:d anll thcruwlroa of a very pricllc blt method of aconomiitinf upn Uielr own coniitmptlrn. Aa far aa Uia uteri' In x uric of H are concerned, tltli inny bti accomplished by abitinenco; but At to Iti naceasailen, ii'inp other prlrclpia muM ba reifad Into reinliitlon. In the II t of naceMiarli', few article bold a h!Ker place than coal, and In regard t tbia the mutual prin ciple la, fortunately, both applicable and adtfiiiatf. A ton of coat delivered at the yard la Phltaiolphi cost about $7. Dclh ered at Uia coniii:tmer'a door It coita $12. The di (Terence la and yet tha ttt of cartlnir I only GO centa. The enphuiatlon a aimple. Tha collfrr mtiNt have lila profit, thu jobber nitmt have lit pntlt, and the retailer miihthave hla proilt. Why CAttnot vonaumcri, by com bining for a alngto year tho aioouiit of their expendi ture for coal, potee, their own 00 Uerr.and make tteoe three profit for tliemiolve? The Coniiinicrs Mutual Coul Company oiTera an nn- muallv opptrtunlty for carrylnif these principle Into practical operation. The Company haa purchased an old eatabllahed colliery, alMiiit Uva mllai above INittavUle, rlth itenm-cnglnt, breaker, ntlnerft' houvea.blax-kamlUi- i'icP, Auw-nuU, cur, miiloa, and all tho equipment for tt bUklnchH of 1;0,iOu ton of ooal per annum, and having a tibt foraixret n year to work, vfr a vnie in lengthy tlie bet thiee voliii in Cchuylkill county Uio Hkldinorc vain, eleven fNt thick; tht Mammoth vaio.from twenty-flva to thirty feot thick ; at d the Heveu t oot vein. The coUh ry Is now producing 10 ton pttr diy of bent quality White AMi Coal, and a new slope l a I mod t 30m plottnl which 1U increase It cafuclty to Uti tout por day. The pri'neut net coal of a ton of coal Uillvoitd from said colliery at Uie dior of tlie consumer I : let jalt; , minltix, breaktiiK. loading, &c l2S Ti LI Hbd licUhl 011 HciJliiK Railruud S H l;iliveiy at conbtia er door... M) $7 41 tu 00 Tlie ri'tAlt luice at Uio ecu) yarlL. Bnvma on Ll.e mtituat tlan per ton U k hi The con i timer oi ttn ton ol coal per year can stibboritia U-n f-lurc of stuck at flu per aliari1, and will ba en U I led to ten t ns of coal at net cont fur slxtuvn year. At proven! pin i lewiUfcavo about $Vj0 tlie fir yr ar. HhoHldtha prut ( ouftl Inoruaxe, as la ttnuiylj- apprdieudiul, the avtnu III t a still tranter. The pro b nt annual prodiu tl.iu of the colliery I W.tW) ti-iu only, or one ton par sliarc uf stork ; lut tlie immediate kutuidcn of fxeftU i anh capital Into It Mill lucieate Us pro duction, tK fure ih of the year, to tna rata of 10,000 ton. This will ounblo the company to distribute In call dfvidL'tid tha pp'titton 10),oi0 extra ton of coal each ypar artcr tht! prcknt, which at preaent price will bo aliMit $.',Xl,or $10 per nhnre. Thci i trfi ftt obai'ihty tha' "e rah diri-ftn'tt of the frtt hro itrurt tril mmhitrtf t the ttockh ,lh'rtli rniiri coit o V Vry lew rntoiurike ca i iler e.iual liiduK&ifiit. It combhii production and coiiauaiptinn, b vlit; nd Kaln. Kvery iiouM-UUler und bnauie m a In t!ic community un piirtUlpu'e in and ahould a all hi u vlt tf tt advantage. 1 be piiyiuent on xx ouut of the Htn,k tuay be niude at follow : $'t per Mhare on kulMcrlbntg ; $2 per share Ot- o- ber 1,1"04; f-.' per jd-are Kovi-mlx-r 1, l-il; lpr -h tro lrrt tuber 1, I'M- ll:u ob.iect of tha ltrector U to render the company a Kitat piiMio beutilt, ui d lo dl.hio its .td.auiauts imum a lar'a iiumler ol liuli tduala ; thy have thcrt'ore rnused iral otlera front hp tulator Ut lake laue amoiMi-suf nt( (k, and until the lt day of October next havuhin'ted the iiuuLer of shart ll-at ma bosubt r-hi-d Iiy uny prcn to ( Be hundred. Tht Company ia now piuard to deliver rul to uh- scrllter at $t' per Ion. rtulu ;npi n t'ur a Hunted iitnu- btr i'f harof i.oek can be niaJf at tb ofncf, No VJ. hl X'lli Bin el, and ol der fr coal ob allied, iti.ioRr or commitiilK t st n-tciti;Ks. I he onitcrfc!j.n d, pitrruant to app -In'ment, prm-a dwl i ii Tuesday, Jul '2 tu I'oiisvllla. a-id early tl Mll in lntf Auy r.iiiuii' i tel tho hup c : l n nt't.Ve t,':iuTy, 'he pro- pi py this t'i) piopvi-vet tu pu."fia-t'. Tl-y rispi'tiiuily utmit Ih i -Uw tv 1 1 rv't a to; ruuit id ihvt enn lul mveillation : I'irt Ihe coal it u!'i;wtl 1iiailUy ii-ntTJlIy, nnd miicli of it is ery sneilor. Affvif There is an Inexhfliihtible iptantlty of coal r the tmt-t.for tha te.m of ti e k-Asa at Id fact we are iisttncd, With onr utuioit caat ity iVr mlniiiK, exi-eedliiK the ItiiKi'at (juiuitlty pr -po-i d lo tak out tnmmri irom thi c i:fo ' M inip.e tiu woui.! bj uudv upn Hie jy,,, ),e Im tiiti- lor'.K iii.d n.tirkut .u every n.d. tl.eri- appi-.iriiitf .lI tue u.ncli.H-tv,. nf'!eHy tir t i v't! UniiliiK I t e ti. i.ii I en., r.e -I- m . iy roiu- V l.i ..nt iht nt.ln i d k Ti.e ht w .ili-i e ) t'ti lirtve f 'i're"" 'it y arJ .Uuuh A to s a veiy uperinr in?, mil ia n w Im ol teihu hiili-h d.iind hi h in expjitvd t he :ii Mi.fij.Miil opi i.l- tion vi y jet'rt. A "f o . i c i.;c.uifi: vii:ed otber loi'U'i'i.i in older tu iliU ln MiitS h nt kr.owledKnior pruj er cinijnntijU. Tdc r hint ti ti.i ii"u.ii.u r imir iiuor is: ttey did riot nnd any er,,i ira. t eo sa'e or leao fiut pic eidtU li.e t:.uie advaiiiaii'ix hr cnrpurpoif in thh. Nrno vstre mi'itvt-.ijp d, o'.hcin rt'jinro Liii:oeuse liiu of intiiiy to re trc tht ir wi'ikity cjp.eity, whl h, at The l.uh rh e nl' iLrtleriiil and iat-iT, f u'lld pr)bli!y e,' td thcvo'tol this, wltii tht! iinf:(i...'7 ol ti.e juH 4u-:jj thit ct'hitry note lu c .uip!i'to no, .; o. Ur ii u w-i '. It or.&y iit be improper to U(e, the royalty cr rent of this colliery is only about two- tlnnls the cout I iniarly till tlie volherit In the Prhuylklli rcKh'H, Icing ceuti uk'ai'iti 30 or y cettn.aud In the present Na-e i (Ko (iinird timdN may reach a Lleh an 00 to HOreuts por tun, ir, the jroxiuiity of thec nunes to a inai t and tho upiiUr UiilUni for (ft.uiiv thtre fc-rtaiiy uluiiiV4 he vaiu of thh cv-liiry. WU. $. T"UH. WAI. 3. I'll I KK, A. Kol-IN, E. At. JufiKS, ciUd. T. itvriiKvi. rmiAKEtnijii, Aiifcuit 10, itsi. 0 1W lin SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS. FALL, I Kroc,t I FALL, iho i. aW IN STORK, j iho i. EDMUND YARD & CO., No. 617 Oliesaut nd 614 Jaym Btreet. SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, K1IA W'l.S, l.INKNH, AN1 Will Tli OOODH. I.AROW Am HAM'SOMR 8 TOO It IRF. SS OOODS. OF T'UJ. LINK 01 F0H1UC.N AND DOMKSTIC HALMOHAlH, latO-fm HKtJNr.RH AND OTHKR MAKKf. Illll (MKlNlTT HI li kit. i:Mimoiii:itn-i, LACKS, NVIIITH GOODS, V R I L 8. 1 1 A IS I It J ill C 1 1 1 13 I 'M. E. M. NEEDLES. 1014 CHHUNU T 8T ITfclST. 11 U M ZVO U I H Klll- W. irAnd th. miner, it dr.lnd, ftir .vary lot of Bblrti wblio mi ta a7 rapft. FINE BHIRTH, cct LrNUJTiwisii or Mxrstjw. at.d. or New Tork atUU Msalla, aad nrj en. Lima Boaonia. Oiilv $ 75. Viual prtM lO-OO. WlUtunivfl). MIIU Mn.tW. tat Dm IJa.n Boaoau, Onr -t.O. prtr. ts-su. OF.KTLKMl.M'8 FURNISUINO OOOD8. W31ITII A JACOIIW, uat-tm KO. UI CORSNUT Btraat, CI? AND OrJLMNG OF THE KBIT A2tl at AtSNIFU'B.NT RTOKE Of JOHN LOUTEY ds CO., Mo. ml H. KKULTH HTlt li 1. V, OH MONDAY.SEl'TKMBHlt flO, When will b fiHind basil tMauttfiil u.ortiaiit of DRY GOODS, CLAHW, A1NI SIIAWLH, I TUK OITV. W. hav. )ni Opond 10OO bILKH, PL-ViK ANU KASCV. ."OO l'iri.. MKE1NOKH, I LAIM AMI KKIURED. r0 IJli io FBKNOU 1'OPL.IW, HCI' AND rilHIttUI. aoo ri.w. wool. rn laine, ivoutil. .ndfUiiKl. Wltlli, Plain iii'I t'lgiiri'd. 150 Pi.iosv MOIIAItt ALI'AOA, Ptiln and I'lunnd. 100 Pii-oiM KNCIT.IBH MliUINOK.S, Also I lgi' Hlock of Fancy and lltlul. 1) It K K S OOODS. 9 511m M. NE A. J (INKS t'KLKIlBATKD PLUS ULTRA SKIRTS ! I EVEItY MvIIlT WAItltANI'MI AND KKPT IS ORDER hi A MONTHS., FltF.F. OF CIIAUGK. .OLD ONLY AT No 17 M. IIGHTH STREET, (Ovir Partrtdtt.'i Trliuinin, Stun.) NtlNK OI.NlINK UNLBHI OUIl NAM I'. AND NUMbKR HTA.Ml'EU 1'PON TIIK WAIH1IIAMU. IS tXTUA I.r.t-OTH RKIIITH.and with any l7.wilit, mad. In oritrr at Iti. untie. OLD SKIRT M.I IiK l Kit AND EKPAIUKIV, i;liAl to Ni'Hr. H1ISKF.S ANI Cllll Dill N H HKIKTS, of all ali.i and .tl.,cun.tintly on haml. ll-il-lia ()28 HOOF SKIRTS JOQ W.iiuiaiuiry, AKi ll striset, UO AiMiva msiii I'nwi, l'liiUilellllla. Wll'.lf.lll. (lid Kl-t.ll. Th. niott rnmili.ti. usiiiiuui'iil il l.nti.V, Mil...', and t'liililicli . llof.ii rKlil. tu Hi. city. In r.ery ri.ipM-t nr.t r.a... ntiili inr ityln,, aurabilUy, aua cuiaima.., liavi nn t.ual in llii market. dirt, made u oiil. r, jliuiwl, anil rnmlrrrt . f4.1y WM T.HOl'KINS. piIlLAUELFUIA WALL PAPERS. HOWFiI.L A; IIOWHKK, x. :. CJitsru rOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, MANl.FAC-H;itKRS OK V A V V. R HANGINGS isii Ml? lia WINDOW hixa.u:h. 15. a. W1I-X.IAJIH, Xo. 16 H. SIXTH STREET, Mai ufAutuivr ol vj:i; i : t i a m i-, ixds W I IS 13 O W H II V 1 I? H, li t l.artt .l r.i.d Finest Aisortifiyut In the city, tha UMiST VIUCKS. KITAII.IMI Al I f.NfcKD TO PlIllMrrLV. MOllt SrlAI KI MADK AND l.KTIKRi:l. ,i9 lm 1 AMU HM AltUUH'H (J .nclltAtJI ihB TAJ1. CLOCK tHTA ITIjIHKM EN T, I I crr BECOVD ld CHKSSUT 81N.U. Philad a. I.IIM'T ml TIIK l-ATHNl 1-yfAUZ.lNU TlllKIV-DAlf CLOCKS, A .err .rlli'l. '"r C'huRhe., llul.U, Bankl, VtVMnVtir r,K hold rs-ss. .' r. 1 KS 1KI Allii:l) AM) WAKhN,a-U. JalS-lJ fc'ioik TrliiiinliiK. "I v.ry ili.-BvrllAloa. AV,, A. GH AY, N. K.COUNEl!. Oi? SIXTH anil MINoK stri..'ts, tiuv. iluuiuud,, WalcUu.. linid, 8Uvvr, mivl Iaiiiii '1 trketv. lllU.'st. l.S WANT 0k' alOMtir I'.MX. AU I'U.infW cuullJu-tidi. lu!9 3r PROPOSALS. 1)UOrOSALb FOU HIAIIONKHY. Ill at'l A ITH1H TKNNA. atll.ITM, Qt; A RTKHV AHTKB K"NRA f. a OFWf. " II ah i;itHt' ad, I a , ieoioBiherit. 14. Peal rfpalll feimo'' 1 rmpO'al' f r H'tUnnrff wilt I rer- hrd m- thin ofHe np to hA t I KIiV, O nar ,H V M.. for fnitiMiln tlie Mlowlitit ariicifl, ilver-4 at tliw f fri. r fiT rrf chn.cfT hoei, (Vh(ht. ani art AKtV'ttrid.T Art of asr mhly arrrovrd Aniruit tj. J4 " i K aoi N te I' ti er faint line, w hit tint, wataiil not lain 4'inn r h. prr iem 4 itoaiu I.Ht'T I tp r. Uint -I a. wtJta tint, waif hi ? t lea man 1" lh, fer renin. Iteama LHer I'aner, ame, in X ht, wertt not rt than id i'i per ream, pot tie In paar tK XMi, H rim eaett llri-mi Cap i'nr. faint Una, while (Int. welfH n-1 lo l- un I. iha . oerream. o.40 Ial Kavi lepra, whl e.aira ibjrHH la., vakffM 1 il n r 10 . V.'W l.ecal Knvrh jwia, biiff, aane, weight 1J !!. pr KO0. U'.KO er Krre f-p-a. whl , eliaf bfW InrKaf, welibt) S Mm. por t(l4). u. Mucila.(, in iKltlea, with cap and bruak, or. a-rt 4 or. H !.. is ncit. flrtt quality. lf firrt, t-l fitia.nrM iioaHtr. Hl'tiinH.Trt..-(.d.HH'ty I hKhei. If Anoi niip i- hiii,(ii.i or qr a 1.. lliank r.onka. -fcort d a. , an t a quire, Wbauit, B-iKMl.fa nt ine wtdte tlct, h to It Ha or pirn to e-reTipanT ear h b-.d end delirrln 4 r10i aa arter aanli NamM of ti a a rette to aa-ni-aiy propneaJ. Tlie nirht la rea-rrrt to ad rt ter M or rejvrt ail,U couaiduteJ for tbe tatereit af tfca rtiate lo do , . JAR fc. hTKOt.T.i. 9 Quar arnaaUr tiaawai, fa. I)BOro 'ALS FOR TIIK LTERMisT OF liaoeaAtm SoMlor. fun ir.ri.rnn, Raptemher i. IM4. BeaVd prowoaala w.ilbt rec,Mv4 n tlie -moe f In mm iernRin ti, Nn lioui.lUAItu triet,ut.ulaxe of wda. Uy, Khth tnttit, fir t'c it t. rn"nt, dniin tue te' of ite trt-nil rommfnrim 4K'MI.KK I, luftt. of all tvv4a4 ol b-re wlthtu tM jiniHi of tlie mllltarf iluuirtof ftlia d IWia. tn-lodinn ChMiH-r. rhfimt HUi, (UrjiBVon, Nin iowh, Hridthn' t n, h trtna Ml, r rt MiCna. 0ra w illmm Priin, hue Hall, and Heverty, a ti aa aaf ntlirrlloapttaia, Harrarki.or Oatnpi.ihat nty be ata 111 d within tli. W-rm I ropmaii mtiat IncluiV a plain bnt nt B'anHxl: tlie nof a nea-nc; a burial place; ia tvnna, andxftiDR up at each prnvrof akfa Dioard (to to far mi'd by ta 4M,vrmn?nt),and all cl.axgee naoaaiary a mah e lie hurla oomolne hepkratd prupdva a may bf furwhrrtril tbr hlu Httl and lieverly. wltera Uieie aia toarament 0a.etanas taiaMiahd. KO pimuaJi wrtll be recelred nntou proaarlr flileal la Upon Hank, wlilrh ran bp had at Ilin imcH, and aiaat l-iarauit-etl by peraona known at tliia olMca to ba reap eev itl Ibe Unltrd Rtatee re-errea fna rnrM ta ra.Mc au Mda alcfmrd timpailt4e with Ha Inr ore t a. Jty order of Colonel AJra.. J I'errr. g. If. Tt TT ft. 4. ALHKItT rt. AHUMKW. 14-1!M Captain and A. Q. M. nKAmjrarritRArrNNaTt.AVMA Mm. ma, iJI'ARI KKMANTKR (.r!RRAIa DltPA HTMKIfT, lUtki-nuHo, Pennaylvaria Hipemtrt,tn44. Aialrd Propoeala (to be etidorkad ' PnaoU tar Matalllo LriU're") will be received at thla artira, oa t rttlU T, U M., Mtiptrmoer .Ut, H;, u rnnuifi tle fellowtna arttrlaa oi aupp iti, to be riflierrd at rttate Artrnal, Harrtabarf frarot tl rharaen for boxa, ireuiht ao. cartafa. Mu aftetallir Lettara, llonan, P. S tab alaa. biaiO do. do. H. d, Ui0 Ao. do O- do. To roTtnnn In oaallty to the letters fnmtaheD ba Haa Tlnltrd Hi Ktei, an pot op In ptfttr boiaa ot Una aaoat labelled etd wrrn iiuartny and wttr tei boa. 1 t e aamo to bemopertrd a provtced by tlie art of A A aembly. ai d all to be rfrhverrd In taanty dayi from tlaa ol award to euecifnl bidder. Twotrmdauietlearor tta faithful perform anoe of oatt trart will h required. Numee to la lre la proposal. Aud tt a rtxlit In rae-raa to reiect ail bida.if deemed far Uia lu terra t ot tha Htate to tto JAMKfl L. RP.TMOLT, 9-aW-M Qiiartarmaiiter-OaoarBlof feana. QUARTERMA8TER-GENERAV5 OFFICE, rtrat Mrlaloo. WAMtnttttTfttr Crrr. Anirna4 Ht LM4 IIOHHF.fll HOK.'..4: l llofthKtil 1 I nornea amtabin for Ari:rT and Caralry aen-iea wtS be piirrlinafd nt ulKdltUtfO f-KfOT, In open oaarkai, tK Ilorao will be dillTerad fa Captain L La wry Miara. A. Q. M , and be aulnectei to tha tuual Uiivatnaaeaft Ui I vrrt loo Iwtore Ortiif aecrptrd Price of Cavalry Unraea, ti7(V each. Price of Artillery llomee. loacU. Payuifiit will betuada tor ai if) and mora, 4JAMKS A, KnC CMonai Mrat llTis4oa, ' aete.l0 Qnartermajtar-Oonerai a OJB PRbrOSAU3 FOR 8TATI0NERT. J" aaaavaaaaa. " Iluusi of IturnrHKNTATtrra Ckitih BTATTtaw Ci.auK'a OrriCK, Ani-ust l&A. PF.Al.Kli PROl'OHALS will Ita received at thla o4n aniil UdOAV, tlie MUi day of 8rpteui(er, IrtiH, at its o rlock W-, tor rantliblnfi; each of the (ullwlnx claaa c4 atatlontry for the ana of the Houaeof KeprantaUTaa atf liiaUnilrdtftateaU: luorearaa white qaarlo pott paprr, extra aanarfltaa, tvint lined 100 reaina whtie enmmerrfal note paper, eitra aupatr fine, feint lined. Vbraaiua whua o-mmrrcial note oh per, antra aapatN floe, roarte ruled on all alilo. 90 reaina w hlte oommorclal note papar. extra anpar flue, plain. COieaum wuita looUcap paper, extra auperflnav fbljat lined. 26 reaina leftal (tan paper, antra upcrflna, feint Knad. 10 tenuia flat cap pawr, plain. U reama thin Manilla paper. (fa) re nine; a paper. U by 19 Inrhaa, wetghinf tl poutl pi-r reaaa, very touli and amiioih. BOO roams Mar Uia paper, ly by -it Incbea, welfftimg Vi! pounde par roam, Rat, vary amootfc im tOtl(b. 300 reams Manilla paper, tt by 87 Inchaa, wlirMac tv iMiunda per rttun, flat, very amooltt an4 ton go. 7,"M whitr tlilrk adlieslra envelnpea, fV'i' by' itMbaa. tto iw w hlte ttiick adhesive envelopes, fH b lnokea, Wi nnu whno thx-k ailhraive euviipoM, H by laehea. lb 4 0 w hlie ibirk adliettivt't avojopt j, 8 by tuobM. tAO0 tHLOv tiwte antelotK-a. liVMO hull adhtMlva anveiooea, 7 V by 33' Inches, 1 uro l.'oi'jrrras tie eualopra, 2rt boxes aieol i'tn. v riotia kin da. S vrotm 4 inch Mat Inkiiin.ia. i doarn Inkstand. vrion kinds. 10 duarn boiiloe boat oiaok ink, Miiarta, plats, aad kakf pitita. It d't brit hius lnk.uarti and ntnttu r doxan rnhber iencil I n ai.d short. A dorn ftola mom td pent IU, various kinds. b (tris MacaloadpenoiU, t .wer'a ootagon and roajas o J. 5 k'ri'as Kaber'a carmine and blue ponofcU. b Kroa ei-li(ld ra. dttlert-m kinds. 6 tw cfii rnither pen-ho dun, vanouaataaa. 6 dtiai-n bt tiles nmcliawe, soaailalaaa. 10 cor. i'ti packs v slung tarsia. 7!S aiotHS pink tape. 26 pound bot ocarlat aealini was. ti doxn diwiea, (or ItUiTi, vertous kitda, t d at. ii w nior4nuu&ia, various kii.os. V doxttn prttoion. latdt).ut paier-to,dera. Oo.on rubLar rulrra 9 tloKn paoer welt(bta. 12 duio ptn-wlaers. 'ibdoaen tovket-ktIvea, twa, thfe, four, an atsi bladra ; ktair. parl, alioU, and ivory baadua. 1 dozen tf-lnrb leiirs. 6 iouiiJs ri kii ru liber ft Knias rubber bands and rlnira d(4)km pan hmeijt. lo bf 11 turhefl. 2 doKi D sponge cupa. 1 doz4n puuclie. In the euniiiv of om1. retractors will be rltfiJlr rsuare4 to farniah anii-lrs fully axinal to sam4le. Proixwala must be arconipaiiied oy tna name a ar taa ara Uea inU in ed to be olternd. ik n ouii.ul hv .w. nroierance will be riven to tha ara- d ultima uf Aiinrlran Industry. If eoeelJv cheap and of aa aKMl qualify ; and all peraoas uiaktntf proposals to aapplr any riata oi anci-awiu sieve aciner u aam are iam lLanutacture of tlie I niUd btu'e. 1 tie nrtit-1 art lo oe uvlivi1, free of any ol.arra for carriage, at tna utt re ol tbe Cd rk ot the llouae of Kftpra aantaiivi a on or In-fore tha l'th day o November, tntit. t acb nrtipoaMl to be endotseu "rropo-an tor tiauenery forlhellouan of lirnrrsfniatn ea of iha t'mtod eltatea. ai d nddrtnaed to ti.e tuiJevl.'iial . HnfTlrtent spreimens or rt-k ctiss of art Ir tea propAeoi ar i mil. I accompany the prop al, nuu-Wvd with tba nans of the bidder. The lerhii. 'linn to luroisn any oiaksi w Brricies mm the lowtf t pnau. toality conitiilrred. sha I r.crlva a oost Uam for th .nine on .-Sevan g a ooasd, with two or mora aurrtisa. tailtnor lo tb i'U i k oi tl a lloaaeaf Keprw-at-iitatitfft. lor ihe pvrhwmaureof tif same, under a Msr I Ituir ot thi- cui.tra t pnre, in ce of fatlura, whcki bona B-nin tw tiled In ttieortU-r ot the said Clera withtu best day attrr the propobaia ha b-n oin-ntd and the railt dW'arrd. RiiWAItU MfV'HkltMON, Clt-rk orthe House otHeprraamtuivesoi t. nitr u.t. aelO-tmrb . OHIINTAL LIlTERSrVE 801?. Tlit. I.Turlte 8uap 1. low ovist mm ta uh tef at ..t One Enndied Th u-aid Families1 In Penntylvantl .U r... Ii I. Bjurte unou .ntlr.ty nr. pr:nolpu, ih prfolij pur. Bltrrlili, md alwaj In tlso l.m. way. Ildoa iwiy with me n.f a Witli-bnard. and will wih Cwmm r. niui ti clnilie. with tmi-third. l. lator than aay ethar 8iup vail, in tli. I'nltisl ITS GREAT rOPULARITY Ha Induced lev.ral kralulMi lo.p-makan to lmlulatt In ipjMiiraiic.ouly, md, by otVurtng groat inducmantJ a. iinprlncli'lid dialtn, put Uwlr .purloin artlc on " ket on th. jn.t ruiiutaiiim itqu'rvil by our lai-ly.. Tho,. Uimlrltik- to furciiai. oiir ep i1mm1 Imm and se. that ot:r name and tkape-mark I. .t.,aifiJ uj.n EVELV POI ND oftte 8okP Wfur. they Ukt it. VAN EAGEN & MoKCONE, PII1I.AHK1.VHIA. aii2ti-lm URNS' COTTAGE. This ever popular, c.y, sua w eu-anown pinceoi Weii'cUlt) VIBU(U". niv -swiovi -l ni.vill null AilisOK Hin ttn. Il W'kinn a moot th. inn bu-,lnua, uuduT tlit auni-K' s a. id lunai uiaic Mintir Unn of AI'MIRAld J AM KS NLLtfO-N. I'liortnitrtjii TLe Adiuiial ipitns Lather liue, money, nor attrnlloai to ti pij hit palnnis w lilithe i-hoiewst Win- and Limiorf, and superior Kiotch itud Old Slock ale ou draught, wbic catuiot b 4 quailed in i'iii;ai' ia. lt avtry man who luvas hia vooutry and U fi"1' nf tuod dil'ik, Ht ihf A until. 1 1 A iH'i "'"ll'V. 1 ;"Lo V HIS IN 1 1 HO 1 Ki .S.-A MOJr i'iiK V pubbi' hou.s In ami anyud t''ia :i o Sl I ' "HOl tiM S tiffl ' . . j .l iiiiv vuiim ah tttia.l. .vi'- 1 ik .K W. KOHL. V,,,. .fu i.n . i iMitil. w:.:. n Md-das.i'l. Hi ff'iariNiiiia ll rn t'tilir iliv. und .1 aoti oHuu. au.l.iioiwiih- Ml'le !;(t bibHilf win J11M -viii b mute
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers