TI1F, DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPIT. rHILADELFIIIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1861. A tULl trrxRiroov jrewsPAir.m. OFFICE No. 108 S. THIRD STREET. prleo TaaCT rnOwi, or Rio.rrst a Okhti Pea Vm.MfX'liUtti Carrier, and mailed ( Hubscrtbert at Of UsaCltJ M illKI DoM-Ala Pit AKNt'll i Oai IVLI.AI B FlFTT CJT ) Two MuHTHa.fnvarlaklr Ul elTSPoe ft XX tr wilerod. Aeertleete inserted at the oenal rata. A liberal irmifMit a.., for x tended Ineertlona. T orrniinfl-n t, tif rwlce ran ise t.an of Anonymous nimmnn!r tlHiC Whatever la lBtar.tle.1 for lo-a-rtl ii mott b aiilrt.n'lt-.fAil bj the lame and ailtlreaa of the wrttitrnot ntovsa.rtly t-.r .nellr-ation. bot aa a uariit4o ftr Ma (oral fa'th. Wft aataA aadertaka to return rv tec tad nomimintoatlmii To Al vrMlafl-v Owl,-to th. rrnnt tnrreaae in the (IrruUllon of Tin Fvnim 1 si.hism-h. c.,ini'--litn u. to o to pres. at aa early hnnr, e Um intj rr iiinat tliat adtfrtiaeineu's mar ba henilett la as ,.mn aa 10 n rUt, If oealt:e. tei ipcuri then an Ineartlos in all of oor raltth.rtt TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1311. T1IK WA.Il NHWH. General SiiMimAN continue In pursuit of Eaiilt down tbe valley of Virginia. It la TUlent that the Rebel leader cannot liiilt this Bldo of Lynchburg. This will give Siikiuiiax pofsoaslon of Gordonnvillu, Cbarlottesvilln, and Staunton all of which towns are Import ant posts, and are well fortified. Just In thin region abase of oporatlons againt Lynchburg might bo at once fcglcctod. This place once la our bands, It would be Impossible for Lee to aocure any sort of a line of retreat, as Shkbjda.t'b rtirbt would be put promptly In communication with the loft wing of the Army of the Potomac. General Lee could not hope to crush Siik rid an. All he could do would be to desert the Rebel autho rities, organize a trusty and heavy corps, and leaving Richmond and Petersburg to the care of subordinate commanders, march at once upon Washington. lie could gain nothing by this except a prolongation of the war by a scries of temporary successei; and we believe, then-fore, that the Rebellion may be said to be In the grasp of our armies, and final victory just beyond them. While General Gbast has been largely re inferred, both on the Jamos river and the Shenandoah, LrR's army remains what It was at the beginning of the campaign, minus his continued lot-aos. It would seem, therefore, that the destruction of Early's army would lekve him no alternative! but to alt still until ItncBiDAK on the west and southwest, and "VIST on , the south, shall have coro JpTy broken his communications with every ource of supplies, or else come out and endeavor to break ' through our Hues. It Is not Impossible that ho may, If ho acts promptly, cut his way out In tlio direction of Danville, and thus escape Into North Carolina; but any considerable delay will prove fktol to him. It will give opportunity to General Grant to hedge him In and confront him at every available outlet, and especially to overtake and destroy him while crossing the Roanoke or Its tributaries, The Roonake runs athwart Lee's line of retreat southwardly. It is a large stream; and when the brldgus shall have been broken at two or three points, cseapo In presence of a powerful foe la hot pursuit would seem to be Impossible. The bridge at Weldon is Immediately south of General Gbaxt's position; and it la not to be sup posed that Lee, when compelled to retrout, would venture to make a do tour to the southeast, since be would thus Infal libly enable Grant to overtake blin. There Is, or was, also another bridge at Gaston, fif teen miles above Weldon. The railroad from HicUaford to that point has for some years been disused; but it would not be Bufu to assume that tbe Rebels have neglocted Its repair at a time when they have had much reason to fear tliS destruction of the Weldon bridge. Above Gaston, we believe, there is no bridge across Uie Roanoke, which is formed at Clarksville by the junction of the Daa and Staunton. Each of these streams is crossed by the Richmond and Danville railroad, on bridges. There may be abo one or two other bridges of a very irall construction, for com mon roads, at other point. But the destruc tion of tbe Richmond and Danville road aail budges, now that" Chant holds the Weldon road, would be fatal to Lr.i;'n army. Mr. Jekfkhkon Davis bus arrived at Idueon, and has ordered General Hood to move out towarJ-t the Al.iliiims line, so it 'a -west from Griffin, and observe auy movements wli'eh General Jmikum an timy doera tw:eaary totieiircColuiubaior Aiidei-.-').ivUl.' or Mobile. Cineral Foukkst lias euptisred Athens and Pvln-kl, Tenciv-i-e, mid has destroyed a por tion of one of General .Siikhuan'h rail read lines of fiipply. This does but little Injury to Siikxuak, and General RiK'm.ikau wi!! niake it a il.ar jiize to FoiutKsr in t!m to'TK1 ol a ftw days. '1 he Hebt l.i aie iiiulaiiit; ftv-.i rail's in Kaunas U:d Miev-curi. J lieo pmlufory inov '.nents have nothing to do with the general plan o!' Cir.i I;n. G.-iieials A. J. S-'mitii, Viw.it, Si KtLE, and others, have taken the ollensive, and will send us news of victory before long. VOISiU DOWN. Gold Is going down, stocks are going down, provisions and dry goods are going down, and the Rebellion Is going down ! Indeed, It Is . the evident approach of the ItobsCifri to its : cad that is rapidly restoring the social and commercial equilibrium which this civil w.tr has so Ions and so sadly disturbed. The recent victories ofour arms In Georgia anatn ttus valley of the Shenandoah have revma public confidence In the ability of the Government to m&Sutam lfiK,lf asa,DSt th8 domestic enemies who have made such gigan tic efforts to overthrow It; and with tho re covery of the faith of the ppie w tlQ early return of peace, on th bi. of the Union all values begin to find their proper level. ' There is now every reason to hope that a few more weeks of vigorous military operr tious will destroy effectually the power or the Confederate to wage tho war in which they have been engaged against the national autho rity, and that Jjcffebhox Davis will sue for v peace on any possible terms, before tho next Presidential election is Inaugurated. Why, then, In prospect of such a result should the people wish to rhanRe tho Fj dnr.il Administration? The shortest and surest way to a final and satisfactory settlement of the trouble lies through the very pith of reso lute and uncompromising war whleh this present Executive Is so successfully proe- cutlnjr; while tho temporizing policy, sueb as the Chicago Convention recommends, and Its candidutes are expressly committed to, will only set us back in the glorious work we have accomplished and aro rapidly pressing forward to a perfect consummation. Gold lias not fallen In value, bu! the prico of it In "greenbacks" has. In other words, the jintlonul currency has rapidly and greitly ri."cn In public appreciation, while all com modities of commerce have depreciated In price accordingly. The reason of this gratl I)in2 change in financial affairs U attributable to the military and naval suece'iscs wo have achieved over the Rebels, and tie cont inent improvement of the pecuniary credit of tlin Government. The people beln to se that the strength and resources of the Insurgents sr.' fust w anion, and that the day of pat-idea tlon Is near at hand With peace on the basis of restored Union, every one can perceive that universal pros perity must be revived, and that tho vast pro ductive power of the nation, applied In the development of Its boundless material wealth, mut be conal to a speedy liquidation of tho national debt, and the reduction of taxat'on in the proportion that the necessity to provide for an extraordinary revenue Is removed. Teace, we believe, Is near at hand; and If the efforts that am now making to achieve it arc not Interrupted and put back by any vio lent political changes In the supreme direction of our political affairs, wo aro persuadod that the Union of the States will be reconstructed on a firmer basis than ever, and the country started on a career of progress and felicity unprecedented in human annals. This is a consummation that should be devoutly wished for by every honest patriot, and it Is to bo hoped that the people will see the policy of continuing power in the hands of those who arc now using it so wisely and beneficially. set a i.i. alik:: Not all the laces wo gaze ujon aro sad, careworn, pale, and nervous. Not all tho forms we encounter are bent and tremulous, like tbe sapling in a gale. We come across a considerable number of Individuals who look as If they were not in tho slightest degree affected by the subsidence of stocks and tho financial earthquake which Is shaking tho body-business to Its centre. They laugh mer rily, and throw gay glances at us from twink ling eyes. Jokes fly from their tongues like sparks from an anvil; they snap their fingers sharply; whlstlo lively and cheerful melodies ; throw themselves into attitudes expressive of great exhilaration and playfulness; and insert tholr digits In the ribs of those in their vicinity with rare Jollity. To observe these beatific beings, one would think that tho condition of affairs In general was not only sound, but absolutely delightful to contemplate. Remark, in a fal tering whlxpcr, and with an elongated counte nance, that this is a terrible state of things, and w ith radiant features they will assure you that they don't cure a pin, feel entirely com fortable, and arc looking out for something or other to turn up which will be to tlio advan tage of all parties. In the ineautlmo they aro smoking high flavored cigars, partaking of mid-day lunches and delicate beverages, filling their places at the opera, theatre, or concert, driving their fiut trotters before their light elustic wagons, kicking up the dust, and having a good tiino generally on tho old scale. Or, If they d-j not indulge in any of theso Indiscreet dissipations, they are companionable and contented, at all events. Their step is as firm and buoyant as liis who goes over a grassy meadow on a Mimmcr morning early, when there is health Irncruncc, and the music of birds In tho air. These are maturo people. The children are as bright and happy as If nionoy was a drug, and only to ba given away. They romp furiously catching at tho straws and butter flies which In their Innocence they regard as the greatest tilings on earth, and well worth living for. Their little frolics are not sub dued at all. Their little faces are not en graved with the characters of calamity and apprehension. Such Is the wise dispensation ol a merciful Providence, tliut ut no tiino, and under no circumstances, shall the feellugs and conditions of all be alike. Universal heart-ickuess is a pleasant im possibility. How miserable wo should bo without diversity of situation aud state of mind! As if this earth was one flat, smooth, unbroken plain, or a vast hill alone ; as If tho sky was perpetually clear and blue, or dull and dark always; us If the sun never want down, but shone in the heavens from the morn of year unto its night; us if anything in nature was a permanency for ever. It is good that in these days of son; trouble we are not all alike cost down und in tears. Uow blessed the privilege of t!ioj who With stout hearts and willing bauds, can help their less fortunate brethieu, dissipating their despondency with cheery assurances and sub stantial asnhtance, and so securing for them selves the smile of lleaveu and the approval of all good men! Thank tiod that we are not all alike ; that, while ooine ure broken in fortune, heart, and body, others are cheerful uud happy, and in a good condition to battle with the misfortunes whii h have pulherud down npon their fellow-creatures, and to g!a ld ;ii tho toul with their Minny smile and jmj.-tul countenance. Illl.oi- S,.tili. r lui- .il-. I. Im-. ,l,i. Tt- lit' K-Hl-r Tit V.-nimi T-'r.j,-..h. C a ui' 'lii i hi v-n i nth Illinois Vi;i::iun il-; i ; ..i.l; -, -N mi I'tl-iT.li'i . V ir.'l u i, ' HeiHoiiidcr 'l i, lSiil. Sir: I nend you for publication tli result of mi election bekl by the Orderly Si i'0'cuiits ol' their respective :onip.niic, in tho :)'.)tti llliaoii Volun teers, for I'resident uf tbe I'nited St.iu aud O jv ernor of Illinois ; Abrnhnin Lincoln Ucinrttl .M.t'lclliiii lo (ie!H ml I n mont I Governor of lKiuoSUcn. KiclutrJ J. t 'glciliy. Tbis rcgiiiiei.t was in tbe I!iiiiiu!.ir cuiip niiiier Geucnil MeClcllii'i. I: win recruited in Northern uud Centiul Illinois, ami ibid vu'.e is ,1 fuir crlu-lion of what tbe vote of the suMioi s of iliirjoii would be, were tuey ijcrmiued to vote at the toiuiiig eleciioD. It in verv unforuin.ite tlmt ov ir a liundre d nnd fifty tlinusand Illinois and Imliaiiu a 'Mlom tinve to t.e dtpiived of voting id an ckutioii th.it is u decide the f;ite of Ainericu for wi id or woe. The nmiiciiof tin) West will snioiort Lin coln. Tbo tubatilutts und coiwiript- i.i tbe .inn ts of tlie Jiust w ill vote litury on G nei' .l MeOiuil.in, (rora pieaeut upj eamuces. I um, sir, .Ve. A .Somulii. Nut 15a ii. On tbe reception of the neiv-i of HLeriil.iu's vielory at one of our popular sil ius tn this cliy, the following oolloii'iy o -urie 1 lu te n tbe lnn ki ii r, wuoio ji.iuiu w :i D ili, and a customer uainea Jim : "Ui oil uiorniiia;, Jim." "Good inoriuriK, Ian, wbut'a tlio n:ws ?'' "Anoiber Mloriuu, victory wb it'll you drink !" "Sherry, i'tm." IHHNUN or Til IE IIRtltt. Kuwtw AnAMsbas ao often plnyo " Hobert I. andry," tfaat It seems unnecessary to recall his various excellencies to public hlth has ao long appreciated them ; bnt it termed to as that la evening hs Infuaod into the part more rameitnoat and paihoa Ihsn he Las ever done before. Una oMho (treat mrrlta of A items' "iobcrt Lanlr)" l iIihI It is a Inithfiil porlrsiture of tho man of tlio-e times, the m .n of the irole, fil l of jive II prnrr, rnlhitftifistn, amt tiravcy, sneti as A.'hlvc I the Kcri'luiiou of France. Mr. Adam h is, with pti at t-rtlMir. fkill, t;lcn n a portmit of one of thr (lininditia.fnll ol cnthtiH'''n and tirilllancy, tlist l.niiisrtiiie hut painted. Mr. CirJen. wnu thai li licily w hlrli hHf hl'tif 'to iiilns?iillifi him, hns t ntin lv mlHM il tlio maik in tlie chara ter of thf " Alihe l.atotir." lit has maite him In co-tump a Shylock, an 1 In cl nr.ictfr a dirk melo-ilr una'lc villain Ni the 1A'i rlr ('Mjit, inch as tho "Alilie I. Hour," did !.,! tnke priest's orders; they were A')ic a m in turn rnmt they worn a mat hcromiiiff Court ilnn of bin k velvet, a short Mack s mtann or r.o ktliat htine ovfr tin- plioiil.l. r, d.-con lour oi 1 1 as Itntf in the coat. No bennl, for a prk.it is alv.na Miavi n, slid in thoo diyi rverv 'ne were powdered hnlr, anil Hio lil'le velvet rat it e jauntily stuck on the topof It. The Ahrilr 1,'nnrt was liil'lliant, lnainoatinir, witty, aero n (hed Hint c mav liken lac have been mil ie.oui aad (nil f bud nxaaioiis, liheyood doaot ; hut he was apolitlird villain, ami not a cadaver iui cutthro it, (.in n us Mr t'arden m.ikoa him. Mr. Wright, ot the Walnut, save ni an admirable p tnral ure of tliis than.cter. ThetkinK of (lie Hi-liliewa tir an i th cl.ve as usual, but the piece want oft with cmhuaiasm,and the audience a- liumeuic. A C .'biiiamau was accepted at a substitute for a draft- d man In Portland, Maine. When Wbung-foo is on the enemy's track let everybody stand from nndcr. A club has bopn found in B iston pledged to wear their la.-t winter overcoats. .Similar Insti tutions will be formed all ovor the country we reckon. I'roh'MNor NHitnirrn' Aenl, Written by IteqiK-Kl, on Ilrlmir of the firm Wwril. To the Editor of Tht Erening Tcltyraph: At the instance of the Supervisory Coinmitteof IhcOldHnt Waid, Including the Twnty-litll (Mr. Chaa. llumphrpya, Chairman), trie undoralgntd inbmlta to all tjtnavQltul prhon of wnrdi dow fro from the draft, and cirxMilally to Individual! narUcularly Interallied through builncflii relntlo'ia or othwwlse, a few faclt, two propotl unnn. and a brlof a;ral. The Faeti. TheKlr.t Ward, recently liatdo to the flov eritinent fr marly one thnmand mei. ait I iiwki ah mt una-hall of licit iiuniiirr. and mutt no ,ri, in miiie way, meet uo daniand. 'I o ohtatii llieie turn ai Toltuueert tt thereittie t'ii.a. fllty th'U!an i dod 'f will be ueet...ary, fit zti a ale now r.a oiihIj eiiKtkiad In ,rrieinlii mnut and in n, and ntent are almnt tu Im taken to le-cnre a ili'trt riee. A few uionina ln. In the '.'uavenum ol Ward lieleKtoi. rctinic Uie drafl, It wn liliRUlnioiiif) resilvrd, that clilzcna eneraay bo ap-H-ah-d to In tH'tMll of the Kirxt and the oilier lower wartli of tin city , on the bail of jutt retmprnmilion, tfia' nan li a theta ward had fjrniKhed, flrm, an llnmeiiHe number of operative by whoin the W -illh of i-lllei.a reahlina eleowhora bail been greatly licrev-d; ai.d aertmdly. a very laro nmnlier ot volunteer t richer ward nfli-rliiK treat end tempttiiK boiinnoi. Near, nnfur tnnaiMy, the lhn ( tlier warde, a"eally to their rreilll. l ave Mupidhd liieir iuolaa, leaving lo the Firnt. and br for the inii..t extehidve and needy ward, a. I tlies'tiaiita.-nn tula demetl troin ll.ta reieliltlna. Tne lait fuel lo he iiattnd In. that an Intense ayinpalhy fur tnla atruujillug ward li knowntobe ver, feuertilly felt. '1 he l'roio-lthn. Irm. That ad ptimona dtaprihe'l to renter ahiiKtaiii-e iarward thoir nainre and the amount Hnhm rihiil lo Mr. I'tiarlea lbiniihreya, t'h4trrnan. No. 1.11.1 H. T" nth street, or aftr.ThomaH A. Itvrlow, Tre-oureT, No. l:i;t'.'S. Kllth kin et, and that any eitlunt who will kindly uinlei take the taei., whether they helona ti the l-'lrator oilier ward. ibt- In and torward not the money bat) nub ai r pltoita for co leetl n. Second Teal any person not liable to tho draft, willing to fliiiHily a volunteer to aid tbii Ward an a re,iroeuta tlve leernl. lot ward flfiy ilollara. to receiv e In rottiru the (lovernment iiarvhmeat. klgned by I'nlied Htalei Provont A'aiahal-I.eneial Jainoa It Fry and tbe t'rovoil Manhal ol li e Seuolirt blatrlut, Miate of t'eunaylvanla a bpuutllill certif.eate, whleh many a loval mau'M descendant" WHI, II. future aueN, prize a hundred-fold moro th.in It pronen oofti, being, in na own language, ''na offirinl asknntptetli tl tnt ' Ai.i itiuntereited imtriotirm and public nnrr." 'I'he Appeal Kt.1 or of newnpaoem, knely make known, a vv Itlu tit ctmiHii.a Jon you have done before, the rece.nillea and cUI'P of thia tulerenllng portion of our cllT. t'lti.ei.a and other Inlerei.t'Ml ftienda of the r'iral H urfl. do not, in tola time of dlatreHMlng apprehentlon, mlhtttke to applv mgeetlv not tor money but) auDaerip tions lo hevollectea by the lloinmittee. Ueov.lnt enlla ilelililHiia,t.rtuiiatoen'iuuh to be exoinpt fro 'll the drait, lend )our aid aril receive, aa you will aiauredly receive, ihe aLkiion lednod and pr rate Umnka of the many thoenai'di of anaiou resident of voiir nioht foulhei u ward a ward actually furnishing from ita riiKltttud'tiou oimrailun aa ma'h of thx innnthlv rev etcio tax (tht tut lalil upon the Immediate product of larair) a all 1 lit upper v. aide of the Second Olatricl comhlncd, vi.. : Ihe lour weullby wards, the Hoventti. K'ghth, Ninth, and 'lei tli. extent tag from Hoieh street to Vine street wardi furlilahluu bull a million of the aunnal Income lux. In llea tiieof wealth; n hllxt Uie resident, ot tho r'irst waid aro ko genrrallv of ema I meat a aa t? be rated at a few thiitiiiitiida only. Tli's amsrlng dillerenco calla lor wane and active sympathy, eMpeciidly from all w le are dirac ly or ililrtctl enrKhod by tlieao laborlou , producer. K. 1. BAUMlKitS. "I IIF I I HKKA OH. COMPAKY OV WKST VlllI.lt," Cnpital, S' 00, 000, divided into 100,000 shares at f '' ier share. riubsrHptlnn irlce $I'M per atitre. This Couipaiiv own sen e of tho most valuable land and leasee In the Kanawha Valley, situate ou Horse Vech and (.'anipbelCs Itun brarcho of Bull creek, and within jtlvo miles of tbe Ohio river. On Horse Aeck tke conpany own one well, which U now puniplnn twenty -tin ee barrel of oil per diiy. Thi well la only three hundred and twenty-seven feet deep. The HuperUitendent ts now iirepaiiugto bore to tho dep hof the uthi r wi-'ls lurrontMltng u, which are produclnir from one hundred to one handled and alxly barrel! of oil per duy, when we are sadallcd we can produce a like ataount. 1 here is another well at llorao Neck, now b.vred two huudred and eixty-flve feet, with about thirty feet of oil In the well. The land on which Uda well 1 located la on a porpetual lease The Hull Creek Company own a one third Interest, our oonipany havo Uiebalauccuf Iwo-thlnta. At Canititietr run, the eompauyown lu fee a tract of thlrty-threo aorea, considered by geologist and mining cns-mooi the best oil terrltoiy In the siato. The great Tuck well, flowing tlve hundred ba'rels, alioius Uil properly. Itookauf subscription are how open at the Company' Olllce. No rv.a Irt AI.Nur Htiiet. A lliulled number of shares only will be sold. JOHN J. KltOSlBlt, Treavarer. rom lhe"rittsburK Daily Poet" of September 9, lSt. Otl. NrulKs.. The 'Wheeling Intelligencer say: We hair In ni a relillemati win, arrived yesterday Iron I leaaaut coiiiily that on Mundvy the Iturton Oil Coin.iaiiy Htrtick a well on Horse Ntck.tn that cjatity, Wl.ich will vie. d a thousand baireli of oil per Hiy. I'l ere la gn at iac leuu-tit on the suhicct in tl.i vicinity, and tlie oil lever Is l reviH'liig to a fearful estent." niarna4. IlllANflAN (HOW.-Ou the llh of Anguit.by tlio K v. Jauie K. W tlaon. Faalor ol the tireai Vailcy )lai--liat I liurtli. t entreville, .Mr. WILLIAM 11. UK AMU AN, ol lilackwooiltown, t amdeu county. N. J , tJ .Midi KAIL tilow, ui Lower Merlon, Aluutoiuery cojuiy, I'n. M'KKIS TIIOMPNON. On the 1'ith Instant, br tlio Krv. llit'iuaa tl. Allen, Mr. WM. Kltt'KKlN to .Mrs. UI NHILITA lllllMl'SON. U.iillls -KUAr I. on the 21th of Soptcinbor by the Hev. . J. Jli.un. Ulll.MAS T. KKKlllrt, Hs.i..ol New lork. to tli.- AI.INh KUAr'T, ol thmciiy. No cards I lll ll-l "JNALI.-lu Mnnoyiink, ou July till. Kol, t yihe l.ev. A. culver, ilr. JO.iKI'U Mti'l 11 to Una A SMI. h. itiNALl,boih ol slauayunk. WAHON-t UA WKOUll. tn Meptembut 2lat, by tho i v. Jol.n shlclda at the ramounge, No. iiu.l N. H'.irti Mrnt Mr. ANIiltK WAisliN to Mi a ilAlttiAlll.!' ,1 A NK I'KAw t'i illl). both ol Phlloileiphia. WMSHI -III SIMKL --Ou depteiiilier 1.1th, bv the Hev. uolin xhicliia . at Hie 1'araoiiae, No. lull N. Killll street. lr. (. l-.i lie I K . tt l.hl.ll ol Mmeravilie, l'a., lo M i-. I l-'.y.lr. JAM: IK MI.MKL ol I'lill tdel'ih a. Wililell ll-SIKVLSSON. At lh Cllvol llllrltug lin, N . J., 11 Ihe ad ol Kebru irv, bv J. L I'owell, K.s.., lr t M . II . WlMltf l l-.lt, Ol W e-lllold lu Jlil. I.I.M.IIA 'l'l. I.N.M.1N.OI IVlllililiurou'h. !'r.lt.lN. On Moinlay, 11. e iolh Inat .:il iu V.'iislioi-fton t I v , I'. (' . CA 1 ll. 111 A I. A., llr- ol 'I ln.i;,ua r'l-run, auil ilii..l x-i i! Ihe li:lu V I.Iihiu Win-Ian, nl Una rl.'. ! r ii-is ral will lust 'On- e i.n W eil.i-a.liiy ui.iriiliiil, at H'i i iu, I. , l:oui Nu. t.J I Siinire alr.-i l wmrli tl.eiua.e it .i-it. a , Hit. lui-uly ure ii siii-ottiilly Im lu-il l.i nt:e.nl. II .'. I N I on Ilia i?.'ith liiatnnt, ai'ti'r it alxirl Himv-14, 1 AlOil.lN wuluw ol ttiu lulu JOiui'll 11. U.iiuoa, iikciI ol j 1 ur-. '1 in- ri-lnlivi-a anil rrlt-mla ot tho futnlly nrr- ri'iopctnilU-iriio-il in iiltfii'l Iht itini'ral, f.om h.-r lai r"Hi.innci', Itiinnu airri-1. eaal ol Tliiriv avrouil. ou W iduusUiiy altur uiiuii, at I o'cloek, wllliuut lurlhur notice. HI'S I l:ll . Sudili'iilv, on tlie lk luauuil, JAMES 111 VI 1 11. Ill Hit' 4lh yi iir ol Ma ane 'llm ri-lullvi's 11111I IrieuUa. anil tlioae of till olinlly, are riiaiu-ciiiillv liivliea to attend his iiiner.il. Iroui li(a lato rn-Li-nee, No. Ililll llii-tiuril alreel, on VV li.llle- lay uio-r-Ui'Oll.lll 'io'rh.rk iltliuiit luitliur uolK'i1. To oroci-i-tl 10 lulil I'frllowa' I'elliuterv . ,1 1 '.--Tl IT. l in the I'venlnnof tho A'.th Inataut, IKO. H..il'-'lli I. in Um ft. at year 01 Ms age. It ' 11 i.our 11111I n lriiiN uru uiviii'il, wltliimt further 1 1. tn e, ! n'.ti . 111 lila luiiiiiiil. Irnin In- lll'e rL'-iitriu-i', No. Ijll Wnlrir ain ei, on Vi i-ilnesilay nioriiliu', llio .'eili lu h 1 .. fit 1.1 11 u'l'turk. To roi-('iul to Lauri 1 Hill. hi 1 I li.-Ou Ihe'iSlli liiatanl. OKOIMii:. aun ol.Lu'Ob M. ai.il Sil-ali Kvocli, aai'U lti yi'Ui'S, 4 uiuiitua anil &) li: 1-. II11 ri 'fttlvi a anil irk-nila of Ihe family are rea:icrtfiill v invili-il tnittti ml the luni-riil fruiu li .s pari'iita' rralUi-nre, 10iti:i! ri'ii'l. aliuve tiri-en lauo, ou Wwlucailay iiiuruina , ti.e i 1I1 iii.onil, ut li: o'clock. I'KI L. K illi il. w lillo oil duty In front ol Pi'terliii ir, 011 tlio Wtli liiatailt, l.ii'Uliiliuil W ASIllNllluN l'l.i;L son ol lloticrt uuil JUuriiaret 1'eol, iu tlio .glat year ul Lia aM'- 'J 'if frlrnila anil relatives of the dnremnil are r.-spi'i't-fllllv I111 .led In atli'llil tils llllluiul, from till' ri'Mil 'lli e 11!' Ilia tr'lt'llta, U aUTIIIH Htal ion, alio vo tlio l''.illa' Uri. Ke, neat aiile ot the Schuylk 111 . on V etlnc.tluy . the Joli 111 siuiit at 'i 0'1-liick, r". M. 'lo proceeil to Kixli'ri,i ;Ii. Al'O I1I1 old eoini.unltina In anna ol' the r-Vrl elli '-ew oik VnliiiU:era aa Hi'll aa the l aileta of Teill'0l'.til"i, llinl 01 lliu No. '11. 01 M'tiiavunk, ol vllilcU bu snts no lulu r, ure re-Li'clJully luviud. I (Hll.U'.-Oll llm i-HU Instant, Al.lltltT POllLIC, nkt'd '4 ve. ra 0 months and "44 duys, 1 lie rt'liilivea ami Iriemla ol luu laiullv are reap-ntl!illy llivlli ii to nlo'iul tlio fum rul. Irnin hta lute re.il,i,i-t, Nn. Mill Jflleiauil atrei't. ou Weilnc-iliiy alterii'ion, at I o'l ioi k, w iinuut lartlicr notice, tiitciuiiiut at i-a.ircl II . 1 1 Ci meii ry. I!li II AllliliON.-On tho i'lill lll-laut, JllIIS J. IlK'll A Ll 'Mi-S , m Hie 4i'h ye.r ol 10a ue. 'j iiu ri-laiuea and liini'laot the lumlly aro luvlled to litli iiil tho luniTiii, Ir. on loa lain resi lniL'i- So ;,i s. Mx ih slieet, on TliinsilMy uioruiu. at iUo'ciuca. To proi ea it lo Laurel Util- WANAJIAKKK -On Sunday, JMh I i.l, UOnvCi.', luiani son uf Johu auil Alary A. Wauauiakot. j in. W A I It A V 13 Pf, tjre.8BOJI TO W. H. CAKHTL, MAKONIO IIAL.I,, Ho, 713 0HESNU1' Street, Ita now Open kli FALL STOCK (JUIU'AIN MATnitlAl.y, iijIritinA 4 P-rnel fUtMr, fcirh llro oictln, in c.'or, 1'lKin unfl nurde n-rt Jir . I'nlfii rl M' W'ot I lup, 1'rorch K(n 1t Liliu s Ki.pilli r.i. f:rttMi Irnii-'k4. l'iin li rr'1 l.nmiiut, flnii'f- tnd Hani. a, A d o?er iWiiiiitir.n cf CtUTAIh MA1 t lti LS. W 1 W I W N II A l KH Of U-? nvr st Colin m.'l l'ft4rr Is A O li O IT UT A I N S Ou rlit1 y ttna th priciit cost ttf Itn. orUtlon. IVAlaHA VICXVH (UtoCARKVL Hk, aNr. 7)PCUK.0Ni:i 0TI(KKr. BUSINESS ITCMS lfilltr Il-rnrlnrlrrM. im H t. Allien I m In. Ml- PinifiJ (Ms ttttc. fttid tho iiimli rf ttiti d re JotcliiK ov-r a nnr hflfid or h'r iiroilncod hy hf nnc lu&lld pM'itarmlon for mioriti)f. inviirotAtlnu.inti l-tntvlnfr tli Itur Her WorM Hnlr Uant'irfr iu chly clriiikfit (ho H nip ant sr'eiU t) e ml; Ihe hftir. If urty, Ut rhrin d to i( nalurftt olor, Ri (nt 11 tho mt vt a1u uni lunurloiu iitmnllt ai in youth. or Udte and ohlldrAii, whoo Iiat rtiiilie rro(Urnt dretinliif , the F.ylilAiHADiin, or World's Hair DrtMAlnir, ht no inal. H my'n toilet U cornplota without it. Kvi7 Inir:glrt Iiaa It for sale. TheNrnlnRl4iDHirtliTnevril Poll! lent I'arUta ate now liuiurr tlic pnobie. At thn t ctiou. of cntirM1, on'f one net ran l ainaa. Hut uur entcrorininK lr.wrtf.man, W. W Alter K( , at hU clotrai4d ne VrJ, No ;r.T N Mnth treit, it alivnya at eid, r Karlli of nojr oiiM-ntilon, In (.pUIok tti fH-at and rheaiiont Cua1 and Ktvii fr 'he roopicatmlacuou, b hucourttiair.proaiiftooci, and Ubcrailty. 4f11r0 of the !.!. i ri f'onl fn1 lVTljf'' tln Cctnpnny. I'iiii aiHi.riUA, Heptemher 11, lHot. Healed rropo-alfi 111 no received at thl oillrn until 3 o'cUwrh I. M. if Tueidny, the 4th of Oriolvr next, lor any portion or tlia wlioio of n MllM'-n i iah.oO)) of 1M Jarh(aH pan of a new loan anthorted hy ru of Atcem bly. payullf on the lt of April, IM4, with tnio t at tno late ot fii pr cnt per aninim, payiib o rjuiirtnriy, on -he lut d ni the mor.tlif) ot Januarv, prll, Jtilr, ai.d feto bor, ofeacii jear, and hotli plnclpal and Intwt ec ird hv a mortffv on tlio Oowpaiiv it cAttita and frAiiciilsrn. The iropAli uitict te In wrMin, nrttr'vt "TropoitlH for Ij'l Ikh Ivan,' and leit at iln odi-t. where fioynll ri-nntin without (h'Iiik i pened until i hi Beadrg of tne Hoard of Manage" atlo'rJock on Wi dueodav, the b h of uciobur m xl TheolTtreis nf act ftrd proiwjali will b early ihereafu-r r.onMed cl mirh acj.v'nnre. wiian the pn iniiiui c (If red wt I lie limned!.)''! oanMe. and af eruanlp faktrh will be a liberty tn py me a'tiouut ao rep'.'d h) m'inthl Wnitunifn'i f tiwi ta-'ennt. or more thereof, or ilifiwhule at one tiino, at hU or bar ontt n The miaiiaifiTai rei erve io tlemeh'e the rliht ol rejecting an nta not t-atiHitnorv I'.y outer ol tl o He tir d of Mut'iM, Y'.UW I S WALTKK, Trafturer. tllr 41 lli l.ehigfli 4 oiil mail Aiiavltfn Hon Coinpimy, IMiii aVUKi.Piii, 8eptomter 2tt I' fit, HOI.DFKH oftl.e 0:.M CKKTIFIATKS OV MAN. Who ftubiicrilH-d for COKA'KUHION INTO TIIK l.ONO LOAN," on leaving Hunt at THIS OrTICK, ran h&e the Now Certificates thj NKXf DAY. liKMUVEll IU Me. -.13 V H K N U T RTRKET, (Oppoblie (he Custom Ilouan.) KAN, AO U CIIKiNUT H1UKKT, Will ell. H h. knr an htttail, t HOat TKM TU HITi' I'Kk tlF.NT. l.KHS THAN YOU OAW ltUV tlaSKrt'HKKK. VV.AS hart the l.rvt and licit Hloca in this city of tha follow inn Uht ol UwAh : 1. 1 he bee-i ine-cut Chewing Tobaoeo. 2. h I iHiiado and lotiKh-hntt-Heud I'obacoo. It Plain mid Hueet Old VlrKtnia I'oDAeco. 4. lluna'd Hwiei (,'AvendiKb TohAooo. 1. .lU;oIlKroH1lnJ l' uh Tobacco. 6. 1 b 1k'b stock ot llavunn CU'ara. 7. T'iu tN.tt n oca of lioumiitlu (J I .tarn. 8. 1 he ben utotk ot Hiuuking Totacco. 9. l'ipea ai.d rtpufTfi.Ac. 10 I.yhOblMiiK Boktntf, 30 centi per (Kuud. 11. KllJiciiirick JHtnokinc, W c iUb p-r pound. U. 1 he i ai-tt'-l Kine-cut ( h'w.un. l.i. The Mir Mi, mi K no-ci. M hcwififr. 14. f tne-cot ( 'I.uwIiih. W cema iar pound. lb Ymt cut Onew iin-'tteficeiit per pound. 16 Deun lelm more than any t u alurea. 17. lean to la ten timet c. enper. 1H Ihmu M'll he Hefet and CneapMl, Tv bo continued at HfcAN'S, No. 4! CHE'tSUT Htreet, Ojpoii Cuatom Uouie. F. A. WliHinnn A 4 MunutHcturera of New and lJk kma Vm(otloai, Almood fatjietChmelaTe Caianiela.OrtMi.aii Lt AWU do Parte, eio,tueiily liavurod. Roaited Jordan aimoikU, Ac .Ad iso. M Che nut streaubelufr Fourth. Old C.oYfLrnniiit Java (Nivvkr. Ami all ihe finest Green and Itlack Teaa. Count a fitly on hand by lavvi A KnuiMina, Arch aad Teuth. B'U(K A CO 8 MA HON ' DKCKKR DHOS A HAMLIN'S CA UINKT OKtlAhtt. MASOff A HAMMN'R t'AHINKT OUUAMat. PIANOS. PIANOS. J. E. oo(fr.i, Seventh ami caesnut alreeU, EDUCATIONAL. M PHILADELPHIA MILITARY SCHOOL. ioinmb SAINDERS ISSriTl'TK, Thirty-nlntli and Market Streets, IlKOl'KNS BKl'HiMUHU l. Adilres. uT7-lm 1'ltOl'K.SNOR E. D. 8AirDKH8. D. D. I?B1F.MS' AOADKMY KOR BOYS, WY.KV. of No 41 N. KI I.VKN 1 11 Hlret-t, reuiiena on Ilia 6th liiat. 91a per term of '21 W4iel. All deii'iniiiiaHiiia ad Uillltd. (.i l lai-j IV. Will TALI,. "'JUTTKNUEN'S COMMK.IK'IAT.COM.KCil':, J No. ii-ii i:ill,n.M T htreot, curler or laneuiii. stahll.ltC'd IM4. Ilutill'Oiilti'd 1 "i Younti men ITepaied lor the I 'uiiutlm; h'Jiise (I'M bital Deaa life. 'I'linioiiL'li uud irnt'llriil uistrni linn lu In liK-Moo'l Ml III all Ita Iiiiiuehea, aa pia':tiaiid hy In hen ' ' .on a?Oa anu I'liioiii-as nit n, I'I'.SMAN-MII'. J'litin a:d oi narji-ni j, tun .lit iiy one i.l t m iu -t ; iu Jjeient I'l i. ,nil it. I'onnneioial ' 'aleiil.iti.ma, iliiaii.e-s rtirnta, . Cointiiereial Linv, lieiet-tlmi Counteil'tilt N.itea, Ac. I Tr'.l.Ki.lt AI'lll Nil, By sound and on papor, taught In a thomtiKU and practical Uiantit r tiv a lonit-i .i'ilein't d oiiciiitiir. i Sit HK.N 1 INMKI'lTi'l) Blil'AKATKLY, And received at any time. llreiiln; Hcaauma after Henteiubo.r l 'ah. I CAIAI.Oi.UKM, Tc-titHluiiitT leruia, stiul. ills' luiiui s (471 last year). A".;., fnriiislii'd itmiis on ap,ill-iitl"n. .S. II. I'lrlTTKSUKS t ''O. liS-lm -So. o;; ITIKmNI- I' Street. J" AM 1'H fi. Ill KD.TKACill'.KOFTIll'. IMA NO, So, 6JUHI.Tlir-Mll Nlictt. iielio pruce. nu.'J im' I ) U U PlJii: S "XIA L O.V.N 1ID Vl'HS !-A J spuolid iiiliTt'd KuK'av.n f til'iiKOlti.K II. Mii'LIL I A N and MlllAHAM l.l4'"I.N (on "lie iiiat. I will re ty lit to liny .ulili hi, on ici aiil ol Hi ii tliro'i-C 'llt iltliillo lu Hv pi"i'i, Aihlr.as i r. w. MKltwi.N im, I U i7-it 'o l!;i 1.1I1LKTV Hlreet, New i'ri. MON l'.Y TO ANY AMOL'N f I.OANKl) iii.i. n Uiaiuoiid. Vi alius. Jcweiry, l'.'.e, 0riOi.liilnil. A I'., l KJ JUM'H A co d oi.ii Ksi'Mii.isin.ii iain on i i:, Cull.er ol llllltll and OVKll.L Slrvclf, 114 low L"ii'l.ird. V. n.-tIAMGMS, WAK.'IIKH, JtWI-LRV, Cl'N? ti:MAHK.UII.Y LOW r-ltlC'lCH. j;ijmi.j:si a. truiuitiiuacw., COMMISSION luEECHA.ST3, AND SHIP AND KTKAMUOAT AGENTS 1UC1C tiTl IKIOT WIXAltK, riiaiiiELi'tiiA. ariHrao a. mo iikr, I ill' lllltAl.ll til 1 11, aitiliij i. .jiOfca. i 1.1 tr NOTTINGHAM AND 8WIS3 I, A CMOS, Sew Hlylrn. WINDOW KnADKS, No. T a : hkw sTri.tM. j rTFLTY nw colour, niRBlNvirON 400. AT Tilt MAfltlKACM'ltF.llS, I I'll K1 HUT KrRRKT. Do. 7'l l-IIFfiMT HI'ltKKT. TIANO COVKKS, lAll'.f.sr BT'V K IN Tim 0IT1, AT LOW TRICES. mm UNION I, HAG U E, CMKMaWUT MTRKKT, ABOVK TWELKni, Thcj MjiliijiilHlifd tnl Ktoqt,if. GENERAL S. F. CAREY, or oiiio, WILL AIMtL-.H 1MB f ITUCFNS 01' rHILADFLI'HlA, tif lartution of rl s i jinioin li:aoui:, THIfl IVENINO, SEPTEMBES 27, 0i TMS I.SSVF. OF TUX I'RF.rE.T rOIITICAL CAMPAK1M. It 5T EErUBLIOAN ISVIN0IBLE3 IIAVK ElfliAORD NATIONAL, II A. 1 la FOIl THE CAMPAIGN. the Hall will beopca IAY and EVKMISO. All fileniily to Has cause of LINCOLN AND JOHNSON Are earnestly Invited to participate In the proeosdlni; of the Club. Addresec will lie fle'l ver.d from lime to time. Mntn- b'-re will hold themselves in reedlncs tn parade oo aoort notice. OKOKOK INMAN UICIIK, PltE-illlk.NT. WILLIAM L. FOX. JR., r-KCUKTiar. It fgf KI'.I'UHLICAN 1NVINCII1I,KS. llF.Aiigi:AnritK.a, C'imi-ant D, I NAlloaAI. Uai.i., t Mi'mhera of COMPANY I. of Imfl and null, and all others desirous ot joining Ihe a I ItAl.h luai'AM, Will meet at the HALL tills and to morrow eienliim at h o'clock. JOH. li. l-AIHT.I J AS TKli M iS, ItirrultliiK Olliter. U J. VY. UuMUEY., ow ready,boutvi;lis niuncr and fcXC'IHE TAX a)Y8TKM OF TUP. IIKITEII HTATK9. W.W KKITIO.V, WITH LATKST LAWS AMU DKCISIOSS. This Is the enly Standard Work on tha For sa'e, No. ;i;i 9. KfXTU Hi reel, il 'M Oniceof Arrl.KTOS N YOLOI'riUIA. AMUSEMENTS. I II It I 8 T II K JKCT K I) . v ' The irreat and edelirated picture by VVet, the chef d'nenvre of Uie artist, IS NOW OK EXHIBITION' AT TIIK AOAIIF.MY OK FISK AltTS, No. it'li CIIKHHUT STHKriT, In addition to the K.N IKK Art ( oilocilun of the Academv. Ailmltieniai.gl'i rents ; weaaon TleSela.fai com 1114 hn rI JIV. GRAND ltlliUAKD TOUHNAMRST I for the Chantplotiahlp of he Nrala nf l'oanavlvana will rouinirnra nl HaNSDM HTKK.KT II VI.L.on Mill. HAY. k loher a, ltHI, and terminate MOMUAV, OcloUer IU. lm 4 AKTKltNOON ASn FT-NINO F.XIIIUITION8. May loronttnenre at 11 I'. M. an-1 0 P. M. K.ajllfialtia Is to he tiOO I'olnls.Oar.ims. I'liSII MIDI'S IiKilAUUKD. The ffi'hiwlnn names are the (.'oniiM-tltnra for the Ohara pl. lulil. ; nil I'rlaesi K. II. Helms, K. J. llunke t, 11. lleviea. C Itlrd, ,1 l'a rniir, J rv. Muniiciiinery, It. T. Iljall. Vlctrr ha oplin Me-sr KavHliari, I'htilan, llld thn an. Foster, and other prominent ilaj era aro eat:i-d lo l e prcstait. hinitle A mlaslon, fiOren'. t-esson 1 Ickets seirored seals. 1o tie had at the pinclisl nill'ard Rnnms an1 II ltnl. 1! T. ItVaLL. J. Y. MONTU MK11Y, and VIl'TOU r.HTFPIlF.,Coti'lnlltiMt of Arrangements. n.-ir.-Gt VKW CHKSNOT STUKlir TUKATKK. I (,110V 1 11 8INN 'eiaeesaud Mnaior. I'osltlvely the last week of Ml Si: i vN !r. Ml S. uel'I'elT the last week of the BK.A OK II'K; OR, A Thill HT KOK tlOLI). Hill baautltiil amsa'lon dr. in. Iia created tlie niost intenseuror, criwdltiK-tho TlKalre l igl tl with our most Intellectual and rel)ni-tl citlroos. 'Ihe iierlormane will cone tide wiji a new and very laui'liaUe ronetllt'tta, entitled KASY SIIAY1NO Irro'luc ins Klisa Bihe (iornion, Mr. VYalior LenniiK, and Jauic K. Bherry. laMii open at T. Commence quarter b-fore 8 o'clock. I- ntii t.rand Family Matinee, HaTOKDAY AKTKK NOON at 2 o'clock, at the n-duiod prices, when the SKA Ot II'K. i yOH. A TIIII.'WT Flh U H.l. will lie performed. MKS. JOHN UUEW'J NUW AUClFsT. lUtATKK - (''NTINTFD SUCOlK.sa. LAST WHK Ol KHvVIN ADAMS tluMlll AND 1 1'K.HIIAY. N -plrnibiT Hi and 77. i ut iitui iii:aut. ItOllLRT LANIllU KDWINA0 4MS Abl.r Lalour Mi. Cirili-u Tni'fMM- Smart Itnhana I'ali.aillie Mia a. llr. hum t'r aeile ailaa C. Jtlfersnu Icr -aj titulars ol aceuery , luclduut. etc , aee bills. FRIllAY UKNKKIT OF F.OA'IM A OA MS. alONUAY. VhSTVAI.I, UIL lloilOMO. MUSICAL V U N D HALL ITALIAN pra Trnnp ol Aasni lated Aril ita. Ihe Manager of the liallau Artist Aasociaticn, com-pilama- "iue. tviiiTlNd I.ORiN'I.ihe ce:ehra ed Soprann; M'in or K 1 1'.K NI. ihe latiioua 'tenor lltii'il-lo; riiatior 1 KMT A, the lavorne letmr ill llrazla; Nu.m r A.MOIilil, the renowned I'.aj ltont-; S:u .l'l HliC'.ki and Condtulor Mr a. IIKIIItF.N'4 III live In tola city Twoli-ai a up ratio Colicen., Wfcll fcF.HIiAY and THUIISIMi K.V1'."'I NHS, Hip-ember it) unit -Jli. Tl.e proa-ramme will coti.ist if tne choicest seleo Hoi s from ihe rep4 rtt'lre of modern operas Atlnilaaii b.iV c. Reaerved heat our. extra The sale ot ri served seals will romine-itce on MomUv at 9A M . al.l K. COH'LUS Music Store, K KN 1 11 aud ( Ml.rtM T Mraa-ls. lliior open at 7.14 . Coiv-ert comraeno-a at 8. 14-U1-44 rr. MAKK HA8SLKII & CO.'S t"aliiel! I'MN" FOltlfc WAItiC-KllKMS. No. 14 If Jl 111. r.lUIIIU Mreet.baiow W.uniit. " . " -'i7-(il DU.LAl'OUTI'.'S LIFE ELIXIR HESTOIIK3 to umnly viKurall v.hoare uiri'rliiK Iro a impaired Hpli Hi Km re.) . Nervous lielulity, I.ov ne.s ol Spirit. , Loss ol .Mt tnorj , Ac, whether arlsii'a lrni the eiiect of a luill'th as vice, excessive study, or rullacular ertnrt. Price, tl. rem p'-al paid to anv aildreis, hy 8. t:. I fUAM, No. ii, S. 1 11.11 l it Mirtf t. t'Ircular. sent liee. i;i VKR AND A&t'K CL'IIKI). UIMIAM'S I I'eiirand Acne Hpe-ulc is warranu-d to cure any i sic ul CI i.. ai.d Fever- 'I ry II and he co'ivlnced. I'rlcn, 1. rent post puld lo anv aililrt at, hy S. C, UKUaM, bio. '.'.' h. l.ll.U'l'll ntreel. Clrt ulals senl'lVee. stum v rrrti'.i). relief oitau an- j teid tu tin minute. end a peiiuuneut euro t-llected I i li t- I n I 0ipl.iun's A-lhiii. Cure." Caaea ef iroia leu lo I wi n'y eai - siaiuloiH 1 1 - -1.1 :it ia e tu it i inilin-uce. I'l e. . S''. Mint M,al paid to anv ftiltlri-'s, by d. C. 1 I'll AM, A. i '.'."-S I. Hill I'll Hired. Circul.tra aou. I'rej. HA I H II rilDO T E sunn .nw IV rein a.la, aud alt parts of the hotly. In tlie niu-iHc. wttliout In'iiry lo llm asm, hy ' I: ptiniil s I-. I il.ilin v I'owthT." l'rn " l. M.il'e itn any addrass lor by S. C. I 1'llAM, No. 25 S. fihillTU Street. t.,ri'iilur lent tree. DO YOU COLOR YOUR. WHISKERS AND Vouat'eheV If so, use lh' .laiiiiui'a i ll(r St. On." Ni. hair dye In ihe world euiiul to it. tjnivi.iie pr,pr.i. thn : i-nl'ii s a niilurni hl.nk ur lir nil. OpilAM, No. "i y K.li.U I'll Bircet. sole Uj-eiiL .'0 cema a box. se.S-llialiu 1 STATU OF ANDREW COM.-JTOCK, M.D., J i o a ed. I etti ra TeatanientarT uimii Ihe e-tate of AVn'll'.w" t HAIIa HICK, .41. II . ill'. e.iat ll, havlnc bet 11 iron .' to t m lllnleri'i-'lii tl. nil peraelis llid.-htcil to a. ltd e.ouc ill o r1- U' eitt il ti'Diae piiviiieiit, and tli.ts- li.u um cUlun .U'llnit the aione, In prenyit thtin, vvillioiit ilt-l.ly, to .1. SMll'il IIAHltiM. I.xti uti.r, No. Ill s. t.,1 Hi mireeit. Or to lis Allt.ri.i v, HAYII1 M. liAAlllLL'iO.N, No. ..1 N, SI I II Miet, I'lOLidilphia. u is-ti.i;t Hill r0R BEW ORLEANS, DIRECT, THE NEW AND ELEGANT STEAMSHIP KMii.Y u. soi;di:k, JAMES II. WIXCI1ESTER, Commanp!:,':, Carrying tht United State KAil, Will Uie l'ier Xo. 18 North Kiver, N'cw ork, I'cr Kiw Orltana, illnct, ou WEI'KISDAY, Sept. 28, At 3 O'CIockP. M. Tbe prtBriciifir accomiDOtluticiu on thi tp aro ou1 .urpttMeU by tltote of oy iiuaim ri on tiii couutioat. t or irUlit or puiBte. to LDMUND A. soi n :r A CO., It 1'OCK BTUthT VNUUK, I'tilUdt-lphU. No. 7H.1 ( m.KNtlT nriiiiirT. AUCTION 8AIE8. M AOKRY'B AUCTION KOOMS, No. 326 a.UI.1 DOT. C. 0. Af'RKY. AiioiVtuvr, oltftri fon-lif nrnf nt- I (MHJlm, HAllKH, AVI llKKCitANIilHK, Of)1fnii ft-r pi hi c m m Aii' Uon Ht ,)n,n, axl h will lUtoi.d -ti niU ti aiilN ni Ut-.r L KVI Al If. ANI hTOrK.1 At U Eitl.anp. liOI'fiFIDM) KintNITlTUB At DwoU rrii "" ft .Oi'K OK MRU:ftrmhK At tr Ittr f.f ii uvf -ern. C-h w 11' 1v hut-I Utr ArH ?n rtQiKtitn-ntt of Kof4 ftr f ilik -lc V01.IIKHS' OIUMIANS. TIIK AHHWOK- Din tt firf t rtlif rt'n n n 1 ma nt"iqrr if th 1 tnm irfhi i i tre w-jMitip. -n.i Hmi--r- t f Htattv uixtw ! iirilMi'M in ti t uh ot li-Miii,' now it (TV tm'iy lompird w fii' H' lie mi.1 n n 1 to fi"fi- pit a ttot l ntmr in r i -i t h i(Mi it ai I'Ut h lur o iii . KoTi. wnh tlie n . v!. t ati nn'iii'iih, Ji p iw-e j ...I't.! iih U H iHiW,; it' i.l nnT, trni wtio u ttv reia'l rt ut 1 1. r of t ri I i" t " r-l int' 'n. M hN ittr pp irHttn iid Mt'mnt M f-n niiit b roiM-rl) ft ui il wt:, l , mid cttl ltd f. t? A mul Ot ononiD nrtif.il iMrwttiri. ff ti.f (M-1 r.cHn bf-'i ifpthDnllM ' IS I " '(MHrMf"1 t tli" L'liltl'fl I'l f n h n it r r "v. 1. ur t' -vino nth- r n r nf r,u 4 om.t j -ti'f in" r tint :., ttr,iDlit f, bj h nil it U tt f-t- rmi o u e un-i' i -vm i. In wtrt unit' f-rr if r tr-Vpt t.f tt.p nn;.l:f l'ln '.r V tftidrta(n'l If f I" In due lunn. Ht e.'h tti he -rl(il d U-li t. n-lit - f tl. (ft n .)r 'i-r I'nr Irn-I'ii'. .'On to thn pr-'pr J'livl vll lf "t hr iv t . fi im l er, or nm r ii If im r Uuto or rncrt'f, wU titn rtty iiio toMJotm 1 in fK o' ttit Brhnoln i'rti fr r thr0 Orph m$ lx7rniy tor tcu rrrp inn ilnrtiw tiif imntn i itc-.o-t-r. '1 heir iri'i'f.- Ih the 'el', it"' tHA-f I lie Ht Ct'fl'.v st-l ft 1 11 hfivc i) -m ready lor adintiilon by (tie lit of Novcm tf'T kt th IrttlVt. The H ato will fro cImMt?. Iiiardln-?. w-'iMrtr, mci-oiiiti. itru not ifHjh Ac , lir Uia or, Dan- wni-it m tl.r a h'o a ir'vii.-d f'r thiu butiho p a-ivd, o-fr kIi lUf- iii ' tn M'nit t'lt-m fiuhpr without ro( lo ti h'nle. at 4 aide to mnd With Ihein, In as ft Nil tiflfr A4 Irisistfij, nirii ci'-tli n may then he, ij ht wura till i Uier rt n h mo 'm fir tht-tn ii 4 ii i ai i h t . the ni ui geautiunn to wnom anuica rHltot can Dc in in1 a- A lft.it "iu;, tvv.rr- MrCV an, (lall abuig. A .mifT " r w. Kniti'v, li'ibjr Armr-tr-fig " ?Hnnt4 It. r in f . Ktttatitiln,-. Itikvt-r " alic nel Wey iinl, Hfavcr. H di i J " .1 l.hin i'r. itedr rJ. It'tkl ' Hoit. Win HtMtr, Ha Inir. Jtjir M IL n. ham' A ISlair, lioiitda.i burff. hrf I'j-d " It. ItiHuM.Towanli. liiidH " .1.1) Mcn'tonlia.l, lr viPHt4,n. Hu'M r " ali'lio II. heii', iiutifr (iiMta, " laid nhoarLakir, Knthiri. Cm i Ikh " A! M . Ilmtnlrk, Hnu t huuk. Cairrroo ' Kdwanl oiburif, Hh prn. (Vi.tr Hon Hamitfi I.inn lu-il f mtn, I'hostrr A'UUaon Mav Wit neuter. ('larifTi Hon. Campbell, Cl-1.ti. Cirarneld " .Tamfia ft (ralinm Cwtniold. CHnloP l I.. A Ma?kry, lyorh ICtven. oluiiibia ' tL'Atfrt K. t lark BorthurK, Crawfind " Jnhn Rrynfi, maiIvIMo, ('nmHTliod " Thorn a-. rttxtdn.CarllHlr. iHitiphin lr. o hc tai.ey. Harrt,bur. art) Ixane llttulf man, Chester. Ftk ' Henry Houiht-r, it a) . y.rt .Inrat 'liiitnimm Kn. fajetto " John K. EMtiiR, Unionlown. l-ort-st ' timr W KiinP. .Manonvillf . tianalln " Hon. Jamea JUacli, Cntmuara- nurff. Oietiuo rrti, M fc. Uarriaon, Viajuoa- iur Huntlnffda " Win. It. Or Mi on, Huntington. iMimna Itobert C. i lur, lu-iwia. Jedui t-itn la it. ((rd a. itrnk H a. Juniata ' Kdia Huit mi, McAUI-t rvil'e. La tie as tar natnai imnhw i.nnrater. Itiati4aa 41 tliMir.e Atklon. filiation, l.ilimh K.T. Hnfnr. Mlfntuwo. LueMirnt ' ywart t'earco, Wllkcnlnrra. LycoDiIng " Abraham I'pdexrail, Wlthatoa- McKtaa " Hm. DyronD. namlfn. Siurth I'ort Mrrwr, J hn R. Itanna, Merror. IV iinn, " Aii'lrcw lie tnl, l.ewm'own. Monro, ' W in. ItaviM, HlrnUftpttnirv. Moniwinery, " M. Buyer. Norrl-t tu. Monioor " tiidcnn nliooo. OauiUo. Krt an.ptnn, llrv. John andt-rv'oer, Kasfon.) Nonhuulerlai.(I, " Win. J. ln enouKU, Hunbury. Feny, li n.R K.Junkln. Itloomilnld. iMkii, 14 Inward Hrniday, Milf ml. rotter, ' .lifhn M Hmnl'tcin. CouiVr-port. 8ch.iyikU), " Hi n K. O I'arry, r.mavilU'. onyotT. ' vw. i, n Hffauiuiii'i , nuuni Kitive. ftrtrpcnet, " Knllivan, 44 Walter Ppcncer, Laport. Ue-quUiuna ' L. Fitch, Mdiumte. Tl"fa 41 l'linm,u Al en, Welltboro. 1 uien iapiiun aioau vwetiM, is-ofriaDurg. Venango " K fc. I.MJe, Krankltn. Warrn ,4 Hon. Lwt Aniett Wathiufcton 44 JhiuumO Acli"..n. WaahinKton. Wnn It U. Hmlth. HdnoMita WeniniAiTlaiid ' tin a. Arruitroiitf Jr.t (lre ihtmrif, Wyuniliui 44 H. M.Oite.rhoi.t, TunWliauiioclL. Vuik 44 Henry Ij, KlMher, Yoik. lliliaN)hlft " licnr ll.illowrll.Sojrutar. llcatu ol controllers, Ainani'mn iiuiioipk. TIIUM iH II HUltUOWKi, Pnpoilnt ndctit ot'rt'WJIer' Otj.1i im. I.anrnsler. Soptf mier lfi, lfW. ll -'il-tit X A. W IC J 3 T H . I10UfEKKl'.Mr.i;S, TAKK NOTICfl, J. C. STEAWBBIDGE & CO., 1 OR MF ft Ll COWPUtTHtfAIT A CO, K.W, Coixer EIGHTS and M iBKET Streets, Aro tijw offf ring Uie large at atock ol Blanket. to bo found t t it c It, 4t moderate prlcoi. CiUH ULANKETO, 1I1 1U.ANKKTH, nil HIzok, To dealeri wt offer (he b?t xoritnont of all ttit 1. ailing DJ&kM. 't-27-tuthi-lm liny Early mul Pitvo tho Ailvano. MUSLIM OY KVKKYOUAUK AT TRICKS which e variant a low, or lower, tluin it icy can Vk atb) t ImuKlit We are ao'lli a Kod rthirtin, v. ut. f..r ai Ofint pr-rjard; S wMe ;I7.' i-enia ; 4-4 wM, of) cnti. New ) oi k M'lU. Wllliamaville, A aaiMittn Ac, At lowt-ttt price. All the lnt makr uf HeaTy iuhI Knit Miit't-i In 1 yard wide, LS yril.'i yard, J1;. a.',', and 't ) ard i t', Tablo Linen t r 9I?A ier vnnl ; wry nno 1 ahiti Lin- iu (vn-at varh-tv; l.lncu rthujtlna, all quiiUlifi. lowelmg, Niiinvy Xluper. iaikliia. blurtititf, aiid I'll low Unci.. Ar ULANKtTh Out Hlankotii wre boutcbt last venr. Wo arp m-I'ihk a H'Kxt ll anUH al 7 par pair; on lln Bianl.i-u we can tava Uie pnrcliaher ' p r pair, t oil Coiuiiirt abif. S(. Marii illi OuiiU, $&M t-nch. Wv are iIhk' viy tin Vartelllfa gulli, that dow cuiii $ it, a inject t-t di-ci lrm-n', fnun 1. ntr,for ftlTt: tin lune ( the urea t Bit brirvaliiN i e ta c tuld. (irn Itrtloand riani;eU of -ill and. K. 1. Ac W. li. IKNaNLU., ho. MAKIlf Otiutol.NJuW Kit vt ntli. it 2;-tuthi-;it OIL STOCKS UOl'lillT AWI HOLD ON COMMISSION, Ity liitiOii.UK J. BOYD, r.n.k.T, ao23-? Ho. 1 8.TIHK1 Hirot-t. UC KKW 7-30 LOAN. Oa lubirriptiini receivedt aud tho Kotoa fUi-Dialtea (Tr ! Ucliajoa,ty UKOItOR J. BOYD. Itaikttr, No. 1AS.T1IIUD HlrL rJIIB PI.ACl'3 TO HUIT LINEN GOODS. .7. O. BTllAWHUIIKJK afc M., ytiHTHWRST COKNBR EICnTII AND MARKET STHEETS, Hayc alwa a lit sto..k a full Hue oi -lOICH TAD Mi LINKS, I'ami-k a:irl S, or. HUSH iAI'.I.B MNKNH, U.ium-lt iitiiIU. 1SAI..NSU.V TAIil.B l.l.VK.N-i, ixtra Ik-.-,. TOWKI.S, NAl'KINS, AND DOYJalKS. SlIEliTlXO AM) I'lLUJW LINENS. L.leral li iluci itinta lo Hotels, lli'iirtling Suh.v 1., .fid I'urtliaatrs oflartto It'll. -J7-m-vf lui 4 XY WIDOW OR I'AUKNT, OR OIUMI V or llroih.r ur H:nertit any K..I.II.T, in J"11' Aturne klOed.or wlo '..n tli-rl in Hie itn w i'l lb'' "'"''" M.iie.,ttl,o dia.rc, i,in.-iy-sl dollar. ( ) f '.. .'J'1' si mi. i iluni iiii liniimd I . eli-ven liun.lri.1 and '"' ' U. ll.oa(IIW,)cul,. u..i.nty, i.l all Ihe r"", I' ,)' ilne hon, slitMii'l tall ai once or jit rJ "J ' ;' ' J allillary and Nav. I Ae.'y, ."''"VvVsV.'l! 'r other Im.nOT, Ktier. FOR SALE AND TO LET. GVVli PAl.K.-ffWMiO WOKTH IN OtOD HK"ia, IBV' af'd uninil. on terme to autt ptirr'naera rni ar with nr wlthont incimnnwi", tar fab and fu4 trao. lii-iinrr of. from 10 to I o eiK-k A M., THOt it I'l OWMAN. No wrr H HM'RTll Rtreat. 6PLCIAL NOTICFS. IV7 RKITHLICAN lNVINCim,VS f'OM'ANl wiil nn-rl at NaU-n-il 'ti'l.VX. K f7 H'ic-m . ow 1 ). in . r t! . 'I II IN V KN'Tsu, at 4 r4. M Ail ii,r.nl.fr ol tl Club w -ah.nf tn e"nneri tli4 n hfjvc wi.li tl I iimi ttn; art toiillil ml'i-d. .t V. Mf Hf,IT!l, It. HVf K P4, W H. OII.I'IM, It H""IHm; f-r O'Miip f. T9 f'HAT. FAKRAfit'T, SUKKMAN, RllKKlliAN A s i HMtV KHfll " At.D - 7 ric t ptt mn o th want win m4 ' i I Intpi.t Hull, Nt'Kt'i'K HiTP", at.fvf Mutli. ' II I i AY. Wt, Ir.i... t. t 7S or orn '. M , ml irimrTMio o n in tin.-iitrmic tn lmnr of llm rn -eial III-. I, tin . .it and .Inrti.ftnn bt hrlitui to tta nrftnf I'. oiiti r oi tin- A ."-In tun. I vi' I- ATKI IN. 8aPMta'T jgrr- (11 I' l. VV TIIK t lTY HOUMrYoi in --mi. i nti'Mr xtr-4, (- omli'-r lh - i i.i- i nnt - li -s ht'on piiiLin I for a tw niii'i ttii tin- l nr.N lurii b t -tij, nTi-i,-ni a final i Pl-'irn my i n'i if ir ','min ny vm insert r il .r-M nn1 tin eT.irt nt tli I I J ( U'rir.l,. All it, r. eiPA 1 . i.. put 'f IJ.P l nl- (Hull sricTI d inn simti n n. ii n nni 11. at po nnm-fi nttio'iAi, at i'l n nni 11 ai po nrtTint'f nttio'i!. I i ai a e i-ald to ilr.ifii.l m n .r to tueir o'm Itut t. i u i, 'in lti. ii tv. I'f'-rtfvi r, III he ronil-nwl ti v.-t'iiifeor a f IllllU iinti iih" bi vn - iu"i i-miii in,' i,uii im in sivf unuur tl e iitf iit c ul In i,tr aitit c ul. II v i i ii'T 1 1 tr.i' I ' in 'ii ' i on. .1 tt.i. I'l.ininlHaliin u vi-:tt KDltKltr M. MOltU,SMrrUrr- frpf stock lloi.Dl'.U.s4 MM'lllXO, stAKMMiS AND IIKOIUM'M It A VK", I ii.i.ai y i rtiiA, fe iUiith.t ii). Ik; A p rtfrnl wi tlnp nf tr.o St i ktiohteru ol iha rurmera J ni d Mif -mtiii lti.UK o fitha-ixii.ia wit be he d ai tii DankiDK lloioi on 1 IH'ltM'.Y. tlie -Jitth day ji 'e'-ot-' ni. at II nrloek S M , lor the imrponeor tnktn litw tn t th mill ltnl ut ail I't roini-an 4ioci aioi firca,ri1n nn f r bii!in"(i oi h-tu-sii u uodt-r the La i of too United St te.ai dnl tiiii' llif jovviti :ont.rreit h? the of tl (intf rt Am( imI'. of ti ll Ctniiui n e-t th. rmlticd An At r naMliiK ui.-'l; n,k.-uf Ui Cam-n i -tanti te tucn.e AntiH itt'icii-. I.r tl.f I'urposeof Htikiui,' ird-tf tlie l.ktrn ill ire Uni'i-ti Slrtlfi.'' Hppr.vf d trt i M lay if Auw.iit. Ih;i ; ani u im' ti acuoo iu rrnard turv.l aa a nv tn- iorf-jn m d -mi"T lit r.nii-- oi tne I'.oard i Die ton, ; -ro Kl rtnTOtf. r . Caill--r. tjt- rim AM-i.riiiA and kkadinqi railroad Cumpany, Olllco ho. 71 H. KOUBCU Wtifft. o m TO AVOin T'KTKN 1 MN TIV noirtiri of the Oowaona ot thtriiViTpKrv. rim- on the Im pr'lino, are rtiieid to lrne I Ik in at ibn off on or lni. re iheHnhtnitam. whe ri-eipta will im (tlvfti.and che k will be read for de li vi rr vn the lit proalmo, tn exchanir f ir rat-t receipts. 8. LHADKOItlk. 9 lt-7t Traaaurer. fif- LAW DKPAUTMENT. UNIVERSITY w-S pr -i nn h anla. A term will commence ocionru 3, mr,i. The Intrrd'ietnry Le'tnre wtl he dellvored at D'clorfc ' In the evening of tbat day, at lite umai leHuro-iUoOH . b the Hon. GKOROK HIIAKRWOOD. P IT Ut fjpr" UhAKNKSH AINU WLiNDNRHS. J. Iiaaca. M D., IToicBr of the Eye aud ear, tfewfct all dtaeaaenacperuunlruc to the atove-named member witk the nrmuat Hticioaa. lentlmoniaia from the moat rettabsi 1 ftourrw in tnoolty and country oan be eoH at hia OHioa, ho. oil 11 Nt. niraet. Artillclai f yea lnertd without pa. I a. No el argen made for examination. OWoa koora froa H tm 11 A.M.. I k7 P.M. Vo. Ml PtUkK Rtsveat. aaJ-m MILITARY NOTICES. 6IXTH UMOS LIAGUE REallfENT. Amliorlt) hsvinj Otien recoirei to recruit late Sixth Union League Regiment TO l ll'TKKN COMl'ANIKS, HeTultlnc wl'l still rortlmie nailer Ihe aapervlatiMt of LIK.UT. CUA.KLKS W. FIIAZIKR, At the OI.DCI'I V HliADQUAUTKHS, f,1 Ho. 2CS H. TUIBIi STItKBT. Tlil R.clment I one of tlie moat popular In tlio acrvica, IkIiii; untlar Die coiumautl of OLl AND EXI'EItll.M'KD orricK.its. Hie bjulical (lotrornmetit, City, and Ward ltountlea aro pakl. 9 w et TlilVTJI VAl(U. 250 MEN WASTED TO I'll.L THE QUOTA OV TIIK TKNTH W4.HI. Hi tli eat lloitn'jr 1'ald. April to A. II. FU SOISOUS, ed-tf Wo. fill if A 11 K KT BTKBET. llKADQUAHlKU.S l'UOVOST MAB alial. First JlsLrict. I s , No. Jib 6. TIUKD Htraet. riiliaiK'liihla, Aunat 11, l-.l. Ti liiauri- iinitupt rt-jolt-s to all question on ordinary sulijetts cumiecled !ih the Knnitnu-nt, I.rail, Kxiao tien. Llalililnt-s to l.rati, Cretlits autl Aocunat, ot lAeal furnlsheil, C'ltiai'ts. are renrattiu to maae apilit-a tlou to Uie I'ruvosl Mar.lial ol tbe r.niKrvskiial Llatrii-tforaiMli liiriiiatkin, end not to tlie Provost Marslial-Ueiiotel ot WasTaiaii.n. Jlv order ol tlie 1'rovo.t Marshal-0.n-ral. Wil l 1AM M l.KIIMAI. ulj-ti C'aptaiu anil 1'rovo.l Maranai. u BOUNTY FOR MAUINK8. WANTED 'KD 1 nil . W C tor lite t'nitt-d Slate atarlue I'orp. able-Uied Ijio peiltirni the Uiiues of a solilier at tMir Navj Vanla. .uaetio i.o iHJsm unueu oiuws eiup-ui-war oa lomsm aialitma. 1 e.la of aervtct, Konr Years. ItettiT i-oiii.naatt.iri thai, tin- army. Al b U'K l.tit.AI. it'ilM'lKrj paid opon enllitrnenL Murtno. rt't't-lve t'ni- M .liuy. or all funbnr tuionuatioa apl)r at Uie Keoruitto Itomiaavous, No. .'ill g. Mm NT Htrvet. belew Spruce Slroat, between Ujeuoure ot H and Si o'el4K-k . C. O MoOWI.ET, ul-tf Maior aud BrorulUnf (ISM. 1;OU Till'. STATU FAltt AT EASTON.VIA. hOH'IH HNMLVaSI S HAILltOAJl. KXtTltHI'in TltlKK l To t tfeTON A D It A 7K , u ill K. i. - His fts-h kl li.ti.oai .at tin, M.s la j art viiiiia lcailn-at iIiii Imk tlie coiiunumice oi' iiie Fair, K-ti lor ih With, .'Kin, linn .aii ai'teiaoer. Krt lor Hit- hvciualoii Two ifatiin on tine daa, leaving th new Depot Tlil It J ai.d THO.MI'H'iNmioeta. Ati'.M A. M. uud -i l't P. M. Tlironh tn .1 htnrH. ICliiiidiiiu It-avf l.Bhtt n at 11 tt A. M. ard 4 Ai P.M. ho I-:m itun n lit act no Id on iht- f'at. It K.I.I.M CLARK, AunC 1; V K I.O UO 11 S-PURtOUGUS. H ltLOI'tillS- Fi;HL(MMiUS. 1 L Olt - 1 iOUoiHi. OITIrori and nliM ri UUIiik tlie i-Ht oa furloul-a. nlMs3lBe HWOitl h AS It OTH1U M I LIT Alt Y EjClfMKN K, bVSl.lt DM A.NiJ Oi llK-U Mll.ll UV K'Ulf MKtf Tt. Are invlie : t Hit taie ni've M M t-'At'l I KIN-i K-I AIU.IHI!MKNT Al.AM k'AC l t UlSO KM rAltLI.HiItth.MT ot DKOItOK W. HI MON A A BUOTIIKK, CVMUtt. . SIMONS liltOTHKIt, hANSOVl MHKK1' HALL. H N MOM MlthtT 11 ALL. ft AN HoM tom--t. nbove MutU 8Uet. Pit KHF. N'T AT ION RtVORDH J l'lii:.SKMAIIt)N hWOKIII. " Mud lu o ih rai U.r isliort.! imiire, whtrh 6r rtchneaa aa4 iiiw -'tiihffi.ce 'im li) ii oiii-titi n, im utrer hu In tit i..unli t- uili.iitiik On- MAM TACriJItINO WI.K.H Wil li I I ! I'lt.vl'l IL'AL SWOltli MAKKH aaft J)KCCI.AMATIOX HY TIIK GOVKUXOH. 1 .f-t I.VAM v, : A. O f'l lM IN, IN MHK NAAIK ANI It Y III K A I' TiloHITY OK Til E I UMMONWKA1.1 II I'KN SHYLVANiA. AN1KKV ii. CI H IT N, i,OV r.Nnit ul- '1 11 (v: "All MMdNiVi: tLTIl. A l'iaCI.AM.VTIO. Wlian-.ii, tho tltlia Hot-Mon oi' tl.e Act of the li'-neral A-ti'iiidJy ol' tl.i- t'liiiiinuiiWt'Hlili, ptHeil the lfveni.v ooikI ilavot' Ai'iil . A. 1. one iJumnuiict i-ii'it liumluj ul lilty Ziylit, i-iit it 1 "An Act to v .laMMi a M'liatn,' uud l"i tht i'4Mn-iii uf tin; IMi.lic litti'l," It ll m.ulf I io tin I y ol tin Sfiniarv oi' t'.f ('i.iniji u .vetith, tlu Auaiiof-t.i-i nil, mul hia'f T'i-.iir-.". ( ftiiim..l uit-ri oi'the mk- nit- Y ii ml, crt .it'd l.-y aid .u r ni the i .eucrn. A lemhty, un I M--ml.iv nl' H.',.h r, a. oii'j in 'ii4it iii fi.ri.i luiitiiretl an. I ill' y nni . um tf,wnU;t'i', tn n " : : .. i ! ..iiu-i i t it ri iv ii ii .nl H-l litl, lill' ' I;.' A..1 ''1 " m a It 1 1 rrtlt fin' it ani '-.f' (,tiM'i''it.r i'Iiiih iVri .-I li." unn' l-i In-1 .tn. 1 1- tl. i.'M " i o;i tl.rt riiiia-1 d.i auiiuftUy T Ut l;n; tJt'V. rii ir tUo i.i.-l r.i-t. ivo mumi mt Oi' iii t i t U' it'-l': ni' i.'. i i ''iiiniiu'1 1 hv th.'in ; wht i'. ip iii !ii CiTli'H'.u' i lv i i irn mint: iiio fl'.ltl I.l 1 SrllH) ! ..i lr.Mi:ii'i.n. -.i. w.:il t 1.4. t. ani tin) i xiii),'iii-.,im n'. .u d i.n.ti clsi ) .UK" ( m uiU'.i ol I lie 'iui' itl uf auul lU-M :- And "hiT.'is, I'.U OHer, li.-t.i? SMlker, ft-fl IFnrv I). tt..jii,e.-,i' l-i tVmiiiLL ' i -td ot I it Sinking FimiJ i triiilHa'to tlil' iimii..' iMi-u:' ni law , rrp.iri unit "y to mo lUiti ill'; ilit.tuj' iui! ' ..iiiiuoii.vi-it'tii oi "I.",V v ur.'.U-fi.n-.l.iml h-iU l fi-.la i' ..m --v.mi.ii . ny M. .liuihiT, A. !.. .n.' i.n.iit.siiil en: ht luiiu " V- tlll'K. til 111' IIMll'UVOi ISf'il.uUlH T, . i Il-M hii-iitri'iL in i. um v f..ur..iiio.iut ' nn um ''I twu iiuiKiM' I nutl iiuihiieu anu MM-'i.ni - , I,. r,,iu.is ML-ltil.0 iiw.t.irs ana inty ." - i.. . y iw per t ent. T.oen Ilitt-K'il t'eil.rlviit'i uf I'iP (MiinH)llWAltll. j-tdvi 'iid Total ' Now, tnii' id. i- r -iiii. ,-( of Ani'ini'b "' j'"'V , $.,i.rt,'t bt tl IiV Ilt I il Hi M' toll Ul IU iiitiiti. I'd, I il" iiiui'by hsua 'at I I'll, ihf ('iiy :U lit, C.14C -tU- (,..11. extilli-nil iiint iiM.,1 i i , i m," ..: t-v-i li iud ' il .V) t'll.'Ot H;i"l-4I'(1 liVi' l.nlKl.ajl K ill "lly-IIMU) iiuii'i .iii'i intv ccoi ui uw yrim umi in i . u-' ii ui in iililuliVMHll. i a ii i.i.il' r tuy I and ftnd Die tin ai of tlie Htmo at ll.ll'l litiiir', I'-l" lM. .fV .'. .!, tl J.t nl" K.'i'lOHI- ber. In (lie 'r iTt-'ir l.urtt thmi.tiKl l'!ii liun- ilifl end n!j-KNtr, aud vl t'iu CouiiUJUwe aUo tit t: hiy-uaiili. j.y li e iiui'ruo-;- F.n hi. ii Kit, I jvi-wt Svt rtiiry vi Uk Cuuimoll'i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers