1 TTTT TT7. TT7 "XYTTTl TXTTT "RvT (&MAF ILliiGa Jlld V. iGd INI Jl INI vbr LLlo 4L Jl U A ntlCB TIIliEE CENTS. Latest Southern News I D.rFEAT OF EARLY. BEDEL ACKNO WLEDQMENT3. Despatch from General Loc. GENS. "RHODES AND GODWIN KILLED. General Fitzhugh Lee Wounded. THE FULL DETAILS FROM THE RICHMOND PAPERS. Cheering of tho Union Troops Unpleasant. MORE INCENDIARY FIRES IN RICHMOND. 'rry Find Vma-Br'itt of Gfttacral tirl.v. Frnm 'Ae Ri.hmru.t A"'!?"!''. S- yt-'in'.. r . Theie were ninny reports current on yester 1 ly representng Hint Furly had sustained a se cere dt feat In tlio valley. All accounts that reach ns , concur In the statement that a very heavy buttle was dcMvend on Monday l.i-t, a few mi,es bcl "iw'incbi -ti-r, and that our for es, ;if,cr buttling bravely ull day, retl'id during tlio night to Now to 11, Hi'd afterwards to Fisher's Hill, a few mile southwest of WincliCRter. In this light wo lost GncmU Rhodes und Godwin killed, and (.cuer.il Fit. Lee slightly wounded in tbc thigh. The enemy made the attuck la a force much larger than 0114 own, and sntl'ercd very heavily. The following bas been received from General Lee : Hr.rtoi'ARTVrs .Ibhv of Voitmkrn Viriiis'ii. iJ-pf'ra ber .tt l.M T, .Inn.es A. sti'iltl : Irneral I-u,-ly renuM II). I on lt DHiniliiii nl the 1'Hli tee eut'ujj atlvaticca ml Winchester, retirwlilcli ptnee lit mm hi. att ics, tetilsh wm reniai.d fn.ra eariy In the titty nil u.gr nllit. mien hu its c in. fl'e ' to retlro. After i lcht hi' itul bt k to Nmv liiwn end ttil. liioiniotr to Klsbere Hill. Our ! is reported to t e ettvori'. -. Mamr-i.c nerel khodes mihI lirkadier-Ceiicriil (lodwiu wm riiic'i.uvuo u')i 'k oieir till y. 1 hrer jilt ci'S nf nnllliTv, nl Knot's Rett ull-m. were lout. Ihe iritluj and nippili-s were bruusht "it ante Iv. H K. t.KK. it-i a .. i r , t i . . luo ten mm mini eacnc-rui LCD unrigs tun 1111- . well time intelligence of a reverse to our arms in the valley, General Furiy bus retired from Win chester to Fisher's Hill, near Strashnrg. 1 ho Yarvine nnuncs oi mo war in tne vai ev nave so repe- tt dly wittics-ed the fulling back and subsc litn'ly the advunce of our uimy thut this intelli gence bas not come unexpectedly. Atouutiiuu tbe en my were almost in Lynchburg; in a few WCiks the shells from our guns were exploding within v asl iogton City. It. bus Lot been Ion.! ' since Geneial hurly advanced from thin very t Holler's Hill aiid Uiovo the enemy into Harper's '. Ferry. lliprtsent m-i.i"ti is revaided ai Im . pri grab e, uml trom it lie will, in due time, ujjuiu ' aiivancf HKi the now rcjoieiug enemy. Tbe Ueaih of Ma.ior-Uaiier.il Robert K lla ides will be bCMK-ly lelt by the army of Northern Virginia, hich ni.-t'iiui, by las death, the loi of one of Its best olllcers. Hit promotion was ' rnid, tor he early eincod those great qti ilitie-. which won tbe coutidonce of his men and iho ud miration ot bis country, (ieneril Uboilos w i lorn in l.ynelihmg, Virginia, and grailn .U'd i'i the class of IH1H at tne Virginia Mill ury Institute, 1 and, nlur a few ers of irofessorshii at that in stitution. In removed to Alabama, where be m ir- - tied Miss Wootirull, of Tuscaloosa. Genet al K nodes cumo out iu ISO 1 , as Captain of ' the "Mobile ('Hdots," and iion tho or;r i iization of the ?ih Al'iti ana rvgiiueut, bo wus app ilutoJ its colonel. His nest cu hi y is tlm faitnful re corrt ol bis services. IVomoL d s;:jii after the Art bait1!! of Minasses l brigadier-g nw:-al, he to In wed tbe tornnrs nf the tinny of North.r'i Virginia through the winter ol lHol ; tho eo oi "Vol kuiw n ; woiiiiced lit the hattio of S'ven 7' nes ; tlirotU'h'iut the seven days' hat'les iron'i I Itiehmot.d ; upon tho Maryland etin)ui;, woni.dcd at hhnrpstmrgj present ut Kiei')-ricki-liuig; at Cliuiiet iloiiviile, w li re ho was , in ii do Din jor-geiirnil ; through the IVnasvlvnniit rnmpnigu ; troin Mine Uun tuO lines' Mill; wit'i Eurly in tbe tleleuse of I.ynehburg ; again into Mar land, and n ub tho valley army throughout its marches mid Imttli s, until be has (alien at Wli.chest r, In the servlca to wtileh ho devoto I lilni'fll in the f othful dlseh irgo of duty, and in tbe cnjiei tiicnt of the grateful admiration of his Country mi u. He leaves a widow and child, to wlii in tiO earthly honors cm bring any cons la tinn, but to whom 'be tender sympathies of all wnl lie freely Rivet . llrigiidier-Mi iieral A. C. Godwin is aUo men tloind !y General Iao as Mtnont' tbe killel. General Godwin was formerly l'rovost M usual Of K:ehiiioiid, mid was Miiiseiiiantiy promoied rolouel of a North Carolina regiment. It hns been hut a few days since the papers me.utloned his apiMiintmeut to the brigadier generalship. General Godwin was from l'ortsniouth, Virginia, and wus a most gallant ollict r. Ho other ea.Mialiius are mentioned, but our loss is reported very sevi re. Tho fall of Atlantu b id iilnaoy mstagloom over tho comniunity, and this levrse will very much iticreuse it, we fear. It ihould not do io. The foriunes of war are ulWiijs uncertain, and rever-es are, of course, very saddening ; hut it is unliccomtiig oiir people BiK to shake oil their long fuces and tiring too n elvt s to calmly and ie-olutely consider their simaiion. Tbe aunyis always in tine spirits, and, though di feuted to day, to-morrow it will retiieve tbe loss, and laugh at the sad audglmiuy " peop who, lartrnm danger, are yet more uppre bensive than ibosu who near us brunt. Desperate ellorts on ibe part of me enemy are to he io ki'd tor. The I'les dential election com pels Lincoln to be siirting anil i-trik'tig. He can idv save his election hy success this fall j and, s there is no cliiinee for peace between biiu and WcCiellun, we do not seotbat anything should ho risked hy us in a battle which cannot bo decisive in Us cbarucu r. f'artiul Mic -esses like tills in the . valley may elect l.iuenlu wo bone they will bi.l thf-y tend very little to any final result. Tbev erve the purpose of Llucolii to defeat McClcl an j but they coutr.bute nothing to our Sllhjjgulidll. Hut tbeau reverses show that our pC'iplo must ciine forth nntl go the font; nio.e are tuere wanted, and mine must be hud. The long list of Government details must Im shortened; the Niiroand Mining limunu, tho Conmiissaiy and (juartermuster Deparinn nts, must disgorgu. Tne contractors must lie lessened, the exempts re view! d, und the army iucroa-ed. lint in nu than this, wln ii uien are sent to the army they mint ru t he sllnivcd to dest rt and stralc oil", llis l pllne mint he Impioved.and lis nmeli d me ny rrlicers of the line as isexta'cted from the Hureau ol Conscription. To stop to nioiuti ocr reverses is greitt folly ; they shou.d hut move the oeople, at they ilo the uriny.t i m t disastor witti the full eoullileuce iu the ovoi ruling rrjvtdence, w ho tends vii toiy or defeat us to llnu seems best. M lint MdiiiiN thai I'lieer? From ilf Rii-tiUHiHit t.'ittuii fr, Xrrfrinbt'r'J!. The only topic of Interest in Petersburg on yes terday win a report that, on Tuesday evening, m d during the night, there was a rinflnsr sh un, from Yankee throats extending ul1 along the Jutes. '1 ii m unexpected iiithreakof exultation nightly mystihed our hoys, until the news from II.hvmIU'V iM.niiin iiiiu.tMd il, .nit u'l.un Itni .1... Iiionsliuiiiin was Inl y explained. There was the usual picket liiirg and urtillery practice. U.-IH'rnl I.pm M iMliitli'it. from tkf (l.y.meni Iti-jttfli, Sri,!t, .,' A report was iu circulation at an early hour yestirduy morning that a light occurred mar V in: hester, in tho vallev of Virginia, on Mon thly lust. Newtown, tbo point to which our forces fell buck on Monday night, Is nb iut t i'-'ht miles this side of Wmclnv.er, at the intersection ol the Val ley Turnpike and W hite l'ost roads. Fisher's Hill is aii.iius.nl to tStrasliurg, some cirjht miles si.tli ol Newtown. Weluivo no furiher particular of the battle than (nruithid by the oiileial desp.itcb, eve -pi that Major-General F!tz I.ee received a painful, though no: dnn;'cious, thsh wound in tbe thigh tsLciiilan, having been reinforced from Uraut's a-inv, w is enabled to tiling overwind ning num bers aguiii't tbe Confederates, who resisted nearly n entiie day befoie falling baek, and tlie faei tl ill our trains and supplies were brought oil tulely shows that it was uo rout. llM'eutllitry 1'lrm Iu Itlt liiuoiitl. Hit iitt hhwtid h'n Ovc, Ai'i. JW. About two o'clock ye.-tetdnv morning, tho res tuurunt on Twelfth stBBt-t, known ns '-Our House." atpt by Mr. Charles Hunt, was discovered to he IU hie. 'J be Fire brigade opportune arrived Jinio lo prevent an ilnsively coullaaratiou, and rot (lnfd tJie lir' to a portin,i .f the building In wl i h it ontii a e l. 1iivo-tiatl n pnivi d that th" building ha 1 b' n fhei) hy an luoi nibarv in fini p in tho wine c liar, and in iho two moms, front aid nar, oa t't third story. Mr. Hum was absent friathe city, nnd h i miiniuvr, Mr. 1! die t .Sell l I I, wis b n p in the lioni rinim on the Kuril s'ory. frim whleh be w.n is scne l, while th i liiten r of the hoihl'nK wus tnirning tiround hl.n, hy W'it?hnitt FinnUlin. who 'iruke ilon the d.mr. H s d ior was lock id, and from the fait tht his roo n Wis s t on tire Inside, it is suppose I th it tho iticen d nn pdi.C'l ac ess i.y rue ins o' u t key. lielween two and three thou-aml didars l l Ciinit drrnte money were stolen fr in under till In ml of his bed an l another bed in tne n m w is i t on fi'o In the renr room a number nf tririks weie I rokrn open bnlonffing to Miss Kl ta'ieth Hunt, sister of tbe proprietor, and r iblind of A huge iiianl'y of vulufti'lo wearing apparel, a ri ti-ith r ible amiuuit of State hank money, and some gold and silver roin. In the trunk e int lin ing Ibe money were rlvo cold w itches, very valn iit'li1, and one diamond ring wjith $ 3ik, none of wlil. Ii wi re taken. The insurance policies on the h m-io and o'her proicty, a1" in one of tho trunks, wnrti a imo h sted. I'y t!,e promptness of the llremea the I'ne did not gain any (rest headv. nv.and, nlth mgh tbc hoiMB was damaged con.idi risly, it is still in aiiitioition in which It can ho repaired, with facility. Mr Hunt's lo-ses hy the Are and roh ticrv arc e tlmnted at lib mt J'sl,i 10. Yesterday morning, aliout ix o'ehvk, tho sex ton ol jsjcjimoio Church, on Iveventh street, dls rovt red that building to bo on lire behind tho door, in the vestibule of the lecture nom. It had e' Idently been set on tire not I mg before, or, If during tbo night, had burned slowly. All tho w. od-work ill one corner of tho vestibule was en tire, and the wall was becoming blii k. rti acxt in ipiickly procured tbo necessary asis: in '., and extinguished the fire before any serious duiuag; t on d be done. We have an incendiarr tiro now every niglit. U t tho most energetic efforts bo ma lo to bring the incendiarirs to justice. An ex ample on tho gallows m ly put a -t ip tj it. I nrnliii. nt nl all llsli'. fiolHOu Mlloeii ml I Illy tenrsOlil. I.ato Chat lestnn newnpipors contain an n iver tiseiiieiit r. ,uiring tdl mine perioua in th it dis trict, lietwcin the ate. of sixteen and tifiy, to bn mrdiate'y report tbeniselves fur enrolment. T'10 order exiends throuuhotit the South, tho object laing to aseerbiin the present and printieeuve military strength of tbe Confederacy, In several f t' e military divisions shivohlders are ri'nn red 'orthuiih to furnish one fourtn, and in sjnie r ises, one half of their slaves to woik oa the Charleston fortifications. The Itel.rl Wsr Tnx. Adverlisements are also publi-hnd for the col lection of thirty per cent, on profits, as a wr.r tax, and for the public sale of foreign an I domestic goods of recent importation from Nassau. Rrlx'l ftertrritl hi Mobile. Generals Dii k T iv lor, Maury, Forrest. Frank Gardner, I.iddell. Nnbe s, lliguins, Th "ng and Major a ml Governor Wain, were all in Mouileoa the loth instant. CONDITION OF CUE PRISONERS IN GEORGIA. BEAUREGARD vs. HOOD. FottTUi: Monroi:, September 24. Tho mil steamer c". t'andnrbilt, from City Point last even ing, brought down about thirty Ucsorters from the Iicbcl army. The Richmond Krauiim-r of Iho 'ilst fays: "A Georgia paper denies the stories tbat have ben circulated In regerd to the nnjrtall'y of the Fede ral pii-omrs at Audersouvillc, and adds, 'Thcro are ov r :)0,(i(iO ptisonors ut Audersonvillc, and iho greatest mortality of any one day h u never exceeded 27.' Geneial Ile.aureg.ird Is to ti'.ko command of the Army of tho Tennessee." INVASION OF MISSOURI. Advnnco of General Ewing. Si. I.oi is, September 25. .loc sJh dhy's Rjhel c ivalry force, said to be tour or tiro thousand strong, occupied Fredcriekst iw.i, twenty miles cast of Pilot Knob, ycst.ird.iy. Shelby's dtslgu bus not yet been developed. Gem nil Kwiug, cominan ling tlu district of St. Louis, took a brigade of General A. J. Smith's troops down List night, and otherwise mile pro lan ut ions to meet the enemy. Pilot Knob Is well fortified and garrisoned. Capo Girardeau, on the river, can stand a siego, and the only d minne tho Rctiels can do is to temporarily cut tho Iron Mountain railroad. "When Oenerul Price cros sed the Ark insai river 60iiie days since at Locust Point his forces m ve J. towails llatesvillo, evidently with the design of joining Shelby in tho uorthea.t of Arkansas, and with the combined commands to invade Missouri from the southeast. The force occupying Fro dcrkkstown is doubtless the advanco of tho column, which is estimated to bo from 10,000 to l:noo strong. General Mower, with a pirtof the lfitU Army Corps, left Uioe nsvillo on tho I n rail's lllutl and Little Rock ruilro id, a few d ,ys ago, in a north erly direction, and Shelby will h ivc to look aft r bis rear. The situation will probably develop itself In a few day.. T1I1: I..T10T NUWH, Matters Taking a Serious Turn. Sr. Lot la, September 2. I' is now said that Price lias entered Missouri with a force .10,0-0 string. His plan Is sunpose I t,j be t march to a central position in the State w itii thioe columns, endeavor to rapture all tho important points, and bold the country. It is exacted that Kirby Smith will join bint with lo.n il or l'J.ooj men liom Arkansas. The guerillas are also concen trating to aid iu tho move ueiit. The column now In tuc southeast Is douv.'c-H under Shelby, who has some Ii WO to Sliut) men. Reports are circulating to-tii ;!it th it part of the force which occupied Frodcriel stown yesterday eaptured Caiie Girardciu t)- liy, but this Is doubtful. They may be deal m tr.ititi In that direction, but the post Is toj -irons to bo taken by cavuby. The military preparations here are very active, and troopi are already inov log south ward. Tho blacksmith shops were busy nil day shoeing cavalry horses, ordnance stores are being sent to different points, and everything is being put in line train lor immediate active service, lirigailier Geniral Pike has called out all the enrolled inllitiu. General I'.nseerans will issue an appeal to-iuoriow, culling the people to aims Ma iiu-General lllnir arrived here to-d iv. '1 lie trains on the iron Mtaintaiti ra.liulj arc still running, und so lar us i l.inu u the rauiuau na- not been inulesieJ. TO-DAI'S WASHINGTON NEWS. Kpccliil lU'soattlH's, o Kumiiu Ti'lorai)!i, Vakiiino luM, September 21. 11 r. lllnir'M Movement!.. It is mider-lood here that Mr. lilair resigned tit the suggestion of Thurlow Weed, l'.-'i. Mr l.luir is stumping it for Lincoln iu Mail laud He spoke iu I'leJerick on Saturday. I oauoiiMl InlreNt otri. 1 he treasury Department Is printing u eoiui- siderublo quuniity of compound interest notes, but the value Is not Increased. They take the pluce of notes culled ir.. JlUlrlt t ol' Miirtliinhnry;. (ienerul Neill, of Philadelphia, formerly of tb (itb Corps, has been assigned tu the cimmand of the District of Martlusbiirg, Va. Army I'roniolloilN. Colonel L. 1). Towusend, Acting Adjiituit Geneiul, has been appointed lirlgadier-Geuernl, end Major Thomas M. Vincent, Assistant AJm lant Oencr.il, promoted to Colonel. rimJ.l)KI,lHIA. MONDAY, Sl:;rMUKR ot5, 1S(;4. THIRD EDITION OFFICIAL WAR GAZETTE. GRANT, SHERMAN, SHERIDAN, CAN BY, STEELE. Rebels Driven from Mount Jackson. SHERIDAN GAINS ANOTHER VICTORY. TWENTY CUNS CAPTURED. Eleven Hundred Moro Prisoners. BRECKINRIDGE GONE TO THE SOUTHWEST. HOOl) MOVIINti WIWT. FORREST'S NEW RAID. Mr. Jefferson Davis at Macon. GENERAL STEELE AGAIN ON THE WAR PATH. ALL QUIET AT PETERSBURG El., f.tr.. El, Ktc, : rr., Ftt. Washington, Koptetnlxr 2'). To Major Goner:;! Dlx, Now" York: Despatches from General Sheridan, dated 11 o'clock Saturday ulght, six miles south of Newmarket, havo been received. Ho hail driven tho enemy from Mount Jackson, without being; nbl-j to bring on an cngagcniont. The enemy were moving rapidly, and lie had 1.0 cavalry present to hold tlnvn. General Torbert had utlackeil U'lokham's force at Lurny, and captured a numhtr of ptlbOItWS. General Sheridan I'oimd Rebel hospitals in ill the towns from Winchester to ewinarkct., and was eighty miles from SI irtiasburg. Twenty pieces of artillery were captured ut Fisher's Kill, eleven hundred prisoners, a lari'e amount of nitiiiiiitiitiuii, caissons, Um bers, &c, a largo amount (if Intrenching tools, small arm., and dvbt'itt. No list of captured material has yet been received. The small towns through the val ley have a grout many of tho enemy's wounded. General Stevenson reports tho arrival at riurper'B Ferry ol' a train of our wounded, twenty-fix captured guns, nnd eighty addi tional captured olllcers. ErccUinrlJge has gone to take coininaml of the Ri bel Department of the Southwest. Despatches received this inornlng from General Sherman's command Htato that Hood appear to be moving towards tho Alabama line. A Htiong forco of Rebel raiders arc reported to be operating ng.iluat Sherman's communi cations, and had captured Athens, Alabama. Vigorous exertions were being mado to overtake and destroy this force. Jeff. Davis Is rejiorted to be at Macon. Reports have also been received from Mnjor-Geucral Cauby. General Steele has been stronirly reinforced and lias taken the offensive. Despatches from General Grant, dated at 10 o'clock lust night, report no military ope rations. Tl.e above comprises the substance of mili tary lufoi matlon proper for publication, re ceived to the present date by this Dcp irtinent. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. IMPORTANT RUMOR. ANOTHER UNION VICTORY. Eeported Unconditional Surrender of Mobile. C.mho, September 20. Tho Memphis liullctiu of yesterday publishes, on what it regards reli able authority, the substunco of a despaick re ceived at Holly Springs, announcing the unco'i dltionul surronder of Mobile to our guub ats. No dates are given. The gunboats bad approached the city so close that they could have destroyed it without di II culty. i iiom noiui.r: iiiy amis t:is. Ntw Youk, September 20. The steamer 'iciy SViioy bos arrived with New Orleans advices of the lKih Inst. Mobllo buy advices of the 1 1th Inst. -tatc tiiat all was quiet there, but movements were oa foot by both tbc fleet and Iho army. Pivpiniti ins are making to remove tho guns, machinery, o., of the monitor y'ric.'i. Details of the Rio Grande news show that C ir tiiuts is Mill on the north side of tho Itio Grande, at bust to says the I'.ra of the ISth. Some three hundred Mexicans had surrendered to Mn ior Noycs, with three gmis, at Palo Alt", bj twcciiltrii7.es and llrownsvillo. Soon after the Rebels, viho had recovered from their lirst scare ut IlrowTisville, attacked Major Noycs, w ho, w.th Oi c hundred and twc.ity-live Texas t'uion cavalry und three bundled Mexicans, repulsed a charge of Ktbcis, driving them back iu coufiisiuu. Sub st'iucntiy Major Noj cb returned to llru.us, lltM KKW Oltl.KAKM T1IK l"ltl:V( II AGAIN IIII'l'l l II Y I'OltriV AS. Ca i no, September Uo. The steamer Miillit Ahh; I'rom New Orlcuns on the l'lth, arrived here to-duy, with a largo curo of sugar and molasses fur St. Louis. The steamships New York, had anived at New Orleans. 'Hie French left Ungdad on tho 12th, in live steamers, for Mutuinoius. Ou the I ItU they had an engagement with Cortinus, nnd were repulsed with severe loss, and returned to llagdiid. Little was doing iu tho New Orlcuns Cotton Market, and the demand was limited. Small sales of the ntw crop at fcl KS. Produce and provisions were grcully depressed, owing to large arrivals. inE SOUTHERN MUkAt ON ANOTHER RAID. SHERMAN'S CO MM UN 10 A TDN THREATENED. Forrest in West Tcnnes.vo. CAPTURE OF ATHENS EY THE REBELS. GARRISON OVERPOWERED. ATTACK ON TULASUI. General Rousseau Again in .he Field. HE MOVES OUT TO ATTACK THE REBEL RAIDERS, lotc, uto,, i:t)., j'to., iut. I.oi isvii.iE, September 2i. On Fridiy last part of Forrest's force, about 100 I m en, i'P, tbe Ti'tmessce river ut Hat. s' Lindiug, in Firry county, Tennessee. His wlio'o force Is cstiimted ut Stlts) men, with ten guns. Colonel C.i'iip'iellaud garrison, ut Athens, Alabama, were attacked by a large force of Kebels, and after a severe fl'it of two hours' duration were forced to surrender, teveial buildings, Including tho depot, wore Sit on tire. Forrest iu person was In Athens. At 2 P. M. yesterday a detachment of ;1 10 men, suit from l)eea:ur to reinforce tbo g.vrrisnu at Alliens, nre reported to have boen captured tfl-r an obstinate engagement. Several prtsjuur cap tured by Colonel Parker near Athons report that theyero'scd at Fli roneo, and that Forrest toid tbein be would have fre cDoui:b to destroy liO'U the railroads and stay on the lino as long ai be p'tSFCd. The Rebel force Invo destroyed several Uiilcs of the Tennessee aad Alabama railroad Ik tb at Decatur and Athens. There Is no communication with Piiliw'tl, Ten ia s-ee, and escaped prisoner! report that rYio Re I el Sam. Wheeler was ut Cotirtl ind, Alub inni, j o-tenliiy. Tin re are tbice C 'tniuaiidt rs, Forrest, Rt dily. and II filers. Wheeler's force is repotted to liavogono S nitli, to join lined in Georir'a. Forrest In'rnded to capture Pulaski, Fiaiikiin, and Shcltiyvid , and all the intcmicdi.ite bi-cklumsi'S on the road. At ti e 'ast accounts the Ito1 els were moving on Pti'aski. No demonstration has been made oa i be Clnittiinii' ga tailroad. Attligram I rom Pulaski reports heavy firing In aril iu Iho diieeili.n of the Sulphur bran 'a. The llebel forces are operating against tho Kilt river biitlge. All accounts arsc that large forces aro march ing upon our defenses on this line, and that pro per ineuns have been Inken to repulse tho Rebjl force; and it isbopf dthey wlllbe f reed to recross Ibe river bt fore General Rousseau is douo with tl.em. General Rouscau t ikes the field to-day in p rson. Mujor-Ocneriil Logan and Colonel MeGroarty arrived to-duy en route for home. Col m d Mo Groarty has an arm amputated, and is conva lescent, although bo has been wounded by twenty-livo bullets since tho wur eonimeii 'ed. IKllH .11 KM l' 11 IS. C.mho, September 2o. The stcttiii"r Vitj uf Alttm, fioui Memphis on the 2 ld, arrivod at this port this morning, wita 112 hogsheads of ti'Jicu und ninety six buiod of cotton, from lilesiiii in. Kentucky, f'-r New York. Dining the week 1m liluls. of tobacco have been received fr nil P i ln cuh and the lennessen river, for shipment 1. 1 t. Iiu-incss on the river is better than ut any pori'id dining the war. Till'. Will I, AltlitNS. St. Lor is, September 2 '). A desp itcb from Fort Scott, Arkansas, says that none of the forces of the train recin'ly captur d at Cabin creek have been killed or takcu prig mers, and but comparatively few of tbe nnvi. Three, fouitlis of the latter have arrived at Fort Scott, and the wounded have been sent for. CITY IIJELLIGENCE. Daiunii Roiiin:iiY. A few nights since u young man named Wuterson bad occision to visit u tavern kept by John Kane and William Q tlnn in Mount Moriah lane, below Darby roa I, Twenty fourth Ward. Ho got to playing cards at tlio solicitation of a third piny, who was present. Finally he desired to leave, but found the doors locked on bun. He created some eMcitciucn', when (juinn took him into an adjoining r ami and ofleied to get him out if he would give hi in $lr, To this Wu'crsuit agro' d, und biudo l over the money, hat 'Juinn look him intotlie hir-room and then lefi. At this time the third individual drew a pistol, and putting It at Wuterson s head diniauiled hi- momy. lint ween tho three of them he was thus Hceced of 1 10, and tbon turned out. lie made complaint ut tho Police Siation, and Union und Kane were arrested, tho other party uiuking bis escape. They were held for u hear ing belore Alderman Miller. llKCiirnisjii. This morning tho number of warrants issued for the payment of tbo city bounty showed a considerable falling oil in re cruiting on Saturday. To day, however, tho business seems mure brisk. At tho old ci.y licud'iiittrtcrs, No. 2HS Smith Third streot, a nu oi lier of men were mustered in for tbo L'uion league Regiment. L'eutenaiit Fra.ier Ins charge of the recruiting at this station, the men us last as received beinit sent to Camp t il liv.ilu ilir, and there ot gaui.cd into coiiipiiules und sent lo Join tho regiment. The liiruey Zouaves, to be ctiiiiuiaiiiled by Colonel liiiseoe, aro also being reetulted rapidly, and in aliout ten days the regiment will be full. Recruiting for the nivy bus fdlen ofl, although a good uuuiber is being daily received lit Ibe retideisvous, in Front street. Tin: Coioiau Tuooi's. The 127th United States Colored Regiment, at Camp William Pcun, havo received marching orders, and will leave the camp on Wednesday, making a parade through the eily before their departure. Colonel Gien, couimaiiiling the rcidmciit, was presented this morning with u line horse by the otlieors of Lis command. 'Iho school for olliecrs for tbo I'liiiiuiutiii of these troops bus been relived ut the colon d headquarters, No. 1210 Cucsnut street, under the sanction ol tho Supervisory Committee. Roiiiii'.itY. This morning a man named Lilintitid Duvis wus committed In default of $-Ti'Hl bull by Aldi rnuin lleiiler to answer tho charge of attempted robbery. Hy sonic means or other be elb cud un entrance into the residence of Mr. u.idersl.ci , on Poplar street, lie ir Front, about I o'clock yeitctilay liiornii g. He uwui.c a youug man who a sieepiug on a settei in a li.o'k room, An lit ii t in wits given and the thiet tied. A poiice muu gave chase und cupluied hini. Conui.i.iioN. In 'I'm: Tni.i.i.iiAi'ii of the l";h irst. an item appeared beaded ' Peach Thieves," staling that tneuty baskets of peaches, valued ut twenty-five dollars, were stolen by Klua Ford hum und Catharine Hairison on tho 7tli insi. We bine been inhumed that our reporter, through a misapprehension of Ihe lacts, has uuinlenti an ally done the parties named great injustice, und as they were discharged this morning, upon a mil of .eV.is curpiu, the prosecutor declining to prose cute, wc cheerfully make this correction. Asothi n SiiooriNii All aiu. Henry Render has 1 een held by Alderman Hutchinson to answer the charge of shooting a pistol ut another bov. It seems the lads hud a dispute over a buric'l, v. hen UenilLr diow a pistol und tired, shooting bis opponent iu tho luce, but not injuring lain sei iously. Foi cu DitowKi.ii. This morning an unknown white tiuiu, aged about fifty years, and supposed to be from Itoston, was found drowned at Market Blu et w hurl. The deceased was dn ssed ill lnjht clothes, and was band in the left eye. THE FROCE&ttlON ON bkTURDAY Nlt.MT. Attach. - n Ul0 Lincoln Clubs. DISGRACEFUL PROo-v-uuGS. All al rjg'tbo rout - of pnees-ion of the Lincoln and Johnson Ciubson Saturday night attacks of tbo most disgraceful diameter were mailt) by tho McClcllanlti s. While the procession was passing the Continental Theatre, the hoadiiuartcn of Hie Democratic Clubs, tho crowd of roughs congre gated there Indulged In cheers for M jClollan, fol lowed by groans for tbo "I linois Jackass." Too soldiers ubo were groaned, and but for the Iu or fetrnceof tbe police olliecrs a great row Wiiuld havo taken plncc at this point. At Tenth and Christian streets a Ugh', PM vi ked by tbe disorderly, also occurred, re-uliing In the knocking down and serious Injury of otu ol the pattlcipants in tbo pioee-s on. At rwePtli and Cherry streets there was an nhor disturo mce, of siiaht duiatlon however. Tlie.Aimr oi inis r.iw lyisin otvnrrod at SWtli at it Ciicsn'it streets, as the soldiers were p iiiii'! the luiiil'iiiartnrs of tho Keystone Club. There aie a number of rumors In relatl in to the c uise ol ihe dislurlianeo, but from our luvestig ttnms wo opine that it was provoked by tho nccu,i ants ol tbe building. A porter bottle, tt is a leg al, was thrown ut Colonel Moichead, striking hint upon the In ud. Hissisand groans for Lincoln an I Jhn iti followed ibis tic ministration, and at a given sign '1 Fevt ml roughs struck at soma of the soldiers in tbc line of procession. As might bo expoeie I, a gt netal rtiugh-aiid-tuuihlo right look phi'M. I'ne heroes of a score of In'tle nolds "wen', in," re gurilless of eonse pien cs, and "ptinisQed" tlio assailants in u manner so richly deaervod by tin in. L'liternswcro hurled nt tho pictures of M Clellun and 1'etullcton. The lurgii pi ite glass if tbe wii.dtiwa of tne lager beer saloon in tue first story ol tho building was shattered Ino I rat lin nts, and men were "knocked dova atid iluii:ed out" by senres. 1!) lbs time the hour of half past 11 o'clock bail at l ivi il, hli'l still tbo row progressed, and Ibieattiitd to be of a iiiohi serious elnira 'ter. Prtsenllv the repoit nf a pistol was lieanl. Tliii shot was lired about the middle of th sido valk iu front of the Keystone ipiaritrs. No mo wis injuied by the shot, however. Following this Bt,ot tbe horse of en assistant uiarsbnl siipp -d on tbeeubicil blocks of tho streot, and fellti tbe round. Tl is accident added to th" excitement of tho occi sion, and the lighting still continued The sidewalks wi re thronged ny u number of lawless leopie, toiisistiiig of pickpockets, gamblers, pimps, and other persons lib no visible means of nipport. These it was, tog tin r wi'h the iccii pimts ol the Keystone Club Room, continual y cheering for McClelirtii, who lomented tlio ro v, ui d ki 1 1 it up uii'M the miduigi t hour, when the polite Iiiiul.y succeeded iu ipuetine; ihe disturo- utice. Idviewing the proceedings of S iturday night, wc cantiot but pi'onouiiee it as one of tho most disgraceful actions that h is taken place in this city for yiurs past. Tlio O.ip. sill m certainly provoked tbe ami k, and were bis rinnin al in prolonging p. Though on tho Saturday evening previ us tho Deuioerats displuytd a nuin'icr of si iisatioiiul unit iii' cuiliiry Ueviecs in their pursue, yet that process! ui p is -i d through our stints without even so niuch us provoking a single groan. Ou Saturday night some of tbo best men In our city pur oil d Iu the ranks of the Union party, and rhionghout the entire ulfair they cimlucied thrnisilvra like men who cherish a profound feeling of respect for Iho supr. in i:y of tno law, and wl o simply desire the right to parade witn otit molestation. A.I ot yesterday and this morning crowds of peop'e were cougiegufed ill the viciuity of tjixth und Cliesnut streets. A number nf rows t ut Jilsce, but they were soon putdown by iho po Ice. tumors of un attack upon ttie Union L'aguo rooms by tho opposition aro alloat iu all portions of our city. ' McCleil iu or n tight," says ono touiiIi." "Tear out tho Abolitionists," ipioth a sicoiiii. "Let ns settle the mi'tcr hero and uja," leini.rks a third. 'I bus ili-courscd the cru.v l Mils m iruing. "F abling whisky" Is doing its work ; still tlnsc mull orients wnl, before m my noms pissovr In Ir beans, learn th it the strong nr u of tlio lewis yet ia power 111 this cit v, and Ih it they shall feel the iuilu tut of its potent sw iy. Tho several attacks oil the Lincoln para lo o i S itur iluy night were in every iv iv unj i-ti'i ible, a id no excuse c in palliate the disgr icct'ul conduct uf the 0 position. Laikii; 1,'nion MassMei-.i lNii in tiikTwi avrv Fot uiii Wahii. On S iturd iy evening ono of Ihe largest nieetlngsevereoiivetli d in tho 1'ivnnty founh Ward was held in front of the Blue Holt. A large stand was erected, and this was doeor.itcd iu good tasto with the Aiucnc.ni colors, and a iiniiibt r of lanterns und transparencies added t l Ibe general display. Tbe ladles of tho neighbor hi.udtwcie present In strength, and they wore uccoiiiiuoiiuted with seats on tbo platform. Shortly nftir the organization, the Lincoln and Johnson Club of the ward reached tho ground. They made an Imposing demonstration. Andrew Fastwiek, Ksq., presided. Mr. Charles I,. Lux mado a stirring speech. He was followed by Mr. Thomas M. Coloiuitn, w ho discussed tho whole subject of the olfact of free labor UMin a community, and consisting tbe fucrlh with tbo South. Hu lelerred to tho charge of the Democratic pirty, taat slavery should cr sue because tho uegroes would come North if Ins.. The speaker deuied that this was true, or that it was true that Ihe negroes would not woik. If they were paid for their labor, they would, of course, work t etter th in if compelled to labor for noibeng. And if the n 'grots did come North, the only effect would be to open tho Smith to the whites, who could succeed luactl better there than the blacks. i General Dutlcr h id proven by his management at New Orb ans that the prevail nee of the yellow fever in that city wus duo to the fact that tho pi ople of the South were too indolent to adopt the necessary sauitary measures to preserve the health ol the inhabitants. Ily tho aid of the white soldiers he had prevented tbo recurrence ot ti e lever. 'I bus Northern energy had always succeeded 111 all quarters. Judge Keliey toilowed in a speech of great force. The meeting was a great success. Pennsylvania State Faiu. The Interest with which tho public mind Invests political affairs at tbe present time should not absorb it so completely as to make it overlook or pass by with Indifference other public events of moment or of loeul udvuiitage. Ii should bo kept ill mind that our State Fair is to bo held at Kaston ou tlio 27th, ending ou the a'Uli instant. This is a matter of mn rest to thousands of the citizens of Penn sylvania and New Jersey, and from no public exhibition c m they derive iu iro useful informa tion, or find so much real satisfaction and enjoy ment . Camiu.n Affairs. Capt. lletijs'iiin MeMakln, of world w ide reputation on the Doliwire, is building a new Iron steamer to take tbo placo of the l.tltvm I nrii.ll. Tlio new craft will retain the name ot Jhe old one, which has been so popular on our river. The new boats designed for two of the Camden ferries are rapidly approaching towards comple tion, and w ill be iinisbed by the setting in of cold weather. Thc.-e will ullord the public largely inei eased accommodations. FlUF. and An un nt. About half past J 2 o'eloi k yesterday afternoon, tho roof of a tcue nu nt-liouse In l'uion street, above Front, was partially dcstroyi d by lire. While tho Philadel phia nnd Hope steamers were proceeding to tho tiie tiny iiilliiied ut Fourth and Spruce streets. The Philadelphia I :st three of her wheels, and the Hope one, and both were otherwise ilannu'ed. Tbu di tat of the Hone, named Daly, was slightly injured. Finn 1:1 1 ed. Jlichncl McLccch, who was shot ut Camp CudwaliuKr iu attempting to escape after it was discovered that bo was engaged in buying lasses lor the soldiers, and who was handed over to the civil authorities, did not appear on Saturday ul the time li'.eJ far a hearing, and his rectiginiiiicu was forfeited. Tbo bail wus ta'o tnonshud dollars. Riuht. Tbe United Hose Company, ou Diown street, below Twelfth, fourteenth Ward Lave resolved to admit no ono to membership who does not Intend to parade with the L'utou clubs on the !ib proximo, Tbo political com plexion of the company is lilty Republicans to tight Democrats. Disi iiAiioi t), John W. Dubroo, charged with defrauding tbe Government by a false measure ment of leather at the Schuylkill Arsenal, has In en discharged by the United States Commis sioner, there being no evidence to show that fraud W-s intended. A mm a i. or Tne Omf. m-NiiwEn-vwti- FOVHTH 1'F.NNSYI.VAHIA Vol.CK TIKIIS. Till regiiiittit arrivtd in tho city yesterday morning fiom W asbington. Tbe lick and wounded were removed to Ibe hospital, promptly, in the ainbu- i.ct s of the Fiie Depattmcn'.ana theablo-b nlicd vete. ot- tie ,v,rps were all regaled with meals during Ys..rduy, the Union Volun e r Uj fts sf tin nt sl, , Is. ,n,.n were mo-ty en Ibird in Mucks couivy, u. t t.y goto Divers t.,n, where Ihey will bo anl ,nl,Vr .1 nut 1 he regiment was .it sta . 0 ( M irr Is'ord, from which place tnev ono.., pv0 vc)Unir Bllieator, which bos tx..oi tomeil, auu . n g.j ceaitb. i no field nu sun oui cu ui r;t;l nieiii sip a follows : rnimiri w . v. 11 Davis, of DavNville, Hit.-., county ; L eiiteniint Co o iel T. D. H irt, of Polla I'eiptiia; M.inr K. lioners; oiihuii (. Robinson; ciniplnin K. S. Griix; A Iju'ntl'. R I niuiiil A. Walla.)!, ot Philadelphia. Tho latter was drill-in iso r ol the regiment, and wis a pupd ol the Iti'lsl Oenctul T. .1 ('Stonewall") J i'-k son, at tic Virginia Mi liary Ins.itn c, rojent y ilislioyeil by (ienerul lliiiier, at LOMugtoii, Vir (Iriiu. Genoriil I ihtl M Cms ail I. General G r con, and other Relsd otllevrs were his class. nates. Tbe ree pllon ot the legitnrnt will tuko place to ij.iv ut ti c Refioshuiciil S.iloon. The protes- sion w lii form 2 o'clock, and piss over tho fol owing roue: Up Washington to Fifth, uo t tt I Ii to Spruce, up Spruce to Ninth, uo Ninth to Walnut, up Walnut 10 Twelfth up Twclttli to Cliesnut, down Clieanot to Fifth, up Fifth to Arch, down Ajch to Folii'tO, down Fourth 1 1 Washington, and tlianeo lu ihe Rofroshniint Saloons. Tno II. ury Guard will take part in the procession. AlTACK ON A ClM.ORl:l Sl)M)l R U E S IIOO H onk or (its Ahsilanis. Alfred M. Green, (J I ar lermaster's Sergeant in a colored regiment, at ("amp William Penn, was attacked at Flcventti and Rodman streets, on Saturday, by three men, rained J Im 1). mobile, Bernard Oa-eas, uil llirnnid J.llindley. It was tesiiiied to that Greon, while going up Klcveiith streot, was met at i iittu sirtet hy lSmtilci , Owens, and Don iliue, an 1 tli it one of tlinu look oil tlio lid ol a basket which no was eariying, ami attempted to get ttie liasket fiom hint. Green inoveil oil', followed by the others, nnd opprobrious ei'lllifls were applied to lnm, Inllnweil oy the tlirowing of stones. Al Rod nan street, Green, who had rcmons'ruled wi'h Ihe men a 'Ut tlieir conduct, drew a revolver and discharged it, the loud t iking ello t la one of the Ira of 1) iiobiio, pro Iu. ing a serious wound, a id n nderliigamput it'onnei essary. He was rem ivei to the hi spiuil. The Ihixiting was admitted ny (irren, bnt justified on the ground of tho violoi t nssatilt. A l wire held to h dl. Cuii.n Shot. Martin Calluhivn was before Abb rnuin Weldingon Saturday, npm tho charge of shooting a little girl tunned Kaio Kran-s, who lives In Stumper's ullcy. The defendant resides ut the corner of this alley and Third street. The ittle girl was (hot in tbo wrist. The defendant denied the charge. He said that a man died die pl-tol at him from the opposite side of tho way, nnd then ran. Defendant gave clm-o, but the tiiKitne escaped. He dropped bis pistol, bow- evtr. Tbe ivtapon was picked up by the ptlsaner. Ttie eviibnee of two lira 1c girls, res.iectively niinieu .vl iygie llarvey aim Autue 11 d ton, c ni trntlicts iuc stati iiient of Cailubun. They ware in Stamper's alley, and upon hearing tho renort ot ll c pistol turui d and s .wtlio smoko. around th dtlendan', who lia-tcued Into tho house. Pistol-llnng wus quite frequent during the day in the yiii',1 of the residence of Callahan. Ho was bound over Iu the sum of $800 to answer. Ahrf.st of Pii ki'ocki.ts. During the proces sion on Saturday u numherof professional thiovos took advantage of the great crowd In the streets to ply their avocution. A iiombcr of arrests were made, and among them were D.itehy A hern, Neddy Tully.ard Joe Rcilly, ull well-known pro fessionals. During the evening a professional thief was ai re-ted, and taken nefore a certain Ahhrniiin Another protcssioaal appeared and entered bail for him, the Alderman nelng unac quainted with tho ehu icter of the individual with whom be bad d.abtigs. Anotiif.ii Dkatii. JjIiii Kuua, one of tho workmen who was injured by the falling of a portion of i he depot at Sixteenth, and Market sirteis, on rsuiuru.iy aiienioon, nis ';i euieuoi his Injuries. l bis is tue sceouu ueath. rATKOM.i: Tim A UTS. Get splendid style pho torupl'S ut 11. F, Reiunr's, No. 021 Arch street. Life-size Photographs ill oil colors, Cartes do V 1 ito, a ud the n.i-stex piisite ivory types. Tun Ton. or Acfs m a nt: a Hkckeation anii a !'!. st'io:. Whea we rtlict upon tho uiitald hav.ic wrought upon ilie phvsluul soimMtuilon. caro ofh avo., y th. taualili ilt.trioiUK us. nl tti. neeillu. we feol a Jus pit'. .lire unit pi liln In iiotiititis lliu uilUlnll S tilts lis 'Oileon ruiitlt Ptnvltli'tl lu til. S'larellCO SuWIUS It ii-llllls, will at No. ti'll t lii'sitiu s'ruet, litaiov sisieiitu. K.ery ono al" these ift(-lirH'eil ni.itnn.s Is stl,.i lisl tslth . ''llurnu'-a Mell'.sewi r," u mnrtt valuable stipend is. by wlueli tu. w.irl Is trl'-d recn-a, wireioip if e least r irs or ir uil to tile np.Ti.toi . Al) ttitiss lltl 'lllot sr. .ulit well . KU.raa-ti-e tii rive rntiru Httihl.c ,l..n. or in. nimiey Is rn'uriii"l ; so Uist pa I'ti.s.ra inve.t llu-lr munfy tu ilia Fiori.ae wtlliiiiita ii.iuclsor ilsk. I'm sous 11 w visions trio t'Uy nhoiiiii not omit calnni a thi. .sUtillshiaeut aad tti.Mtinf s useliiii. Now IhAt th sy.tsiu of "one price" ha. become so Kipulttr ami Is Hitiiuti-d liy no many liusln huuMt anl j Uialiy in llm elotliliis line, wu wualil say to Hie pulillo tliat they must nut run ouiitl any oilier esta ill. Inu"iit w llh tlntt ut tlie eelt'lirulcil anil ltiiiK estulilislitsl one Frlce" cloth, ns house ol ('has. HruKhS it I'o., under the Itiutliicntul. (laruieiits also iiiatlu tu urder at ttie lowest prli cm mid wltti di'sputeli. A Ursa assort iiient of now style goods ior lull aud winter wuar. Clltl IlllKN'S CLOrillNO. Hoy.' Hu Is. Intent.' Clothing. Jloja' UVlTCObls. The lari-.-t end best a.tortuent In tlie rllv. Si. Hilosa.kl.u A Co., jNu. I N. Klslill. .Ireet. llOOl'EK'S ALK VaILTS, Hot'THRAST CollNtR or Thiiid and Ciikssct Brioa: rs (.entli'men of reilu.d fa.te patninte rhu r-Urch es'atilttli neat, froia th. rant that aiiailulicrated Uuajrs ouly sr. sold, ou ia. prelulses LEUAI. INTKI.I.KJEME. COI KT OK OYF.R AN11 T'KHMINKR ANO Qt AIlTBll Sessions. Judges Thompson nud Allison. Tho trial of bomicidu casus was to have commenced this morning, but inconsequence uf the prolonged indisposition of Judge Ludlow, whose health, though grcully Improved, will still not permit his attendance in Court, they were all continued until the next term. The cases thus continued aro as follows : Chares Ilumhuugh, for the killing of John Graves, ou tho UU of June; liar tin a llittjer, cburged with inf.indcld , commuted 3th Mty; J.dwm Walton, a policeman, ior tue Killing 01 Jacob N. Maybeny, by a pistol shot, July 3; Mury Ann Stem alias Crawford, charged with inlanticlilc. June go; rstiiiuei 1vo.1us.ae, elmrgod with killing Morris Fcndervido on tbo 2bth ol May ; the (use of William A. M iguire, ull is Mitchell, lor Ibe. killing of M iggie ii ior, on tbo 2d ot May, at tbe Conuucutul i'lieatre, by suojt- ing her with a pistol. Sumo ol" these cases were continued generally for tho term, but most of them until next week. The euse of Maguire, ulius Mitchell, will be c tiled up on Monday next, and will doubtless be tried on that day. Jurors were iliadiarffd for the term, and the court adjourned until Friday, lHII.lil.I I'lllA 4 VI 11. 1: .11 IHIUX Monday, September 20. Tho receipts of Reef Cuttle cntiliuue very lurso. The luurket Is very dull, anil prices ate almut lo per peiuul luwer, w itli suit , ol etra ut lUa 17e., the latter tar claiut'; lull 10 yoad at 1 l',"i t-V, unit cuuuiion at innu tia l'-i'je. pm pauud, ut ta .inality. K.xtra cattle are very seul'es. 'I he lulliovliiit Hie ttie pitrllctil.trs of tl.e ssli-s 1. mi hea j, P. H.eli'irra. W'i'slei ii mnl Cliei.liM- e , ll'tla M. I I limn. I he.ler C'Uiuli . It" 1. . .Inni'- SI 1 I 'lest', t 'lu'sler e, itllitt , l:'"d "' aim tin. t utl'T . t'e., Wesifrii. 11 a lu1 ,'. ,1. Hi tl IS'. West '111. la.MI,. iliisl. MiiaiiKi-rs'. W I'sii'iti, lu.,, 1.',. Hiailll-V Mae'U'V, W.'.lt'ril. l.' - l t. J. M. l 1 lli 11, 1 'ta sler ettinity. laala'i. S. si. .MrKiUen. W . sOru, n.ii hi. 1 lut 11 Siulla, W.tsliM 11, 1 S'i Hi ',. P. Met 111' 11. ( 'I e.ier is .un 1 s . ll " Ke ,. II. Iltttal, ( llt'stta t in v. I i" P.. ll. Ilrt'iisttu ( tiester I'tiini'v. Hie Pi. .1 H.Mik t'lii'stt r eiiuiilv, I i"i liii;. 'I l.e roeelets sre Unlit Oils week Oldi reaelillls' II I'M le. is l'si II I 47 Sli, ab 1.1 4U0; tl,e luttrkt't Is veivtllan ituu prlt e. are well luaiiiiKiticd.M'lUiui at liom (2.s lb. (cims, iu to ' (''.iV. Ahoul l'.'S head arilvtsi and mid Il ls week at pint, ruiimis' Horn s " ' 10 na Spiui.ei, aud H, op lo w. .. per lu .td l.,r etoi and 1 sll". Uo... tlie market 1. ilrui al al'tiut loriner rate. ; JoW la iiJ uirned .ind ."Id al lioiu klsjj.'J tne luu lb., null, a. to guallly. Harkel. by 'l'el'arli. New Yolk, Kcpteiiiber 2ii. Cotton has a d. iiiuini: t. u.li'Mii. F'l'.ur I. " lower. -.! d.'i iiue.l Ville. Coin di'illnliis Oan loner. Heel, fork, Laid, aud WU.k an all luiiur, vtllli lio .ale.. rostinnstcrs now receive fixed salaries. They are divided into classes. The first class got tfl'HIJ, the second, f 1000; tho third, $"2000; tho fourth, (1000; tho fifth class to receive SefUMj. All or these are to vary dOOO lower than above raU, except the lust. PRICE THREE CENTS. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. OrricE ov Tn rTr Tixsnsim,! M-mar, ssptuT ill. t Tbcranld dicllnc In Gold has ansotUiMl thej Stock Market, and prices have declined. Govern ment bonds are selling at ion ir 0 iOi, coupon oi, and 107(5 1074 fir 6s of 1RHI. Railroad share! are very dun, ant lower, iveais Ing sold earlv In the day at rallied and old at 58(Vi5t4 at 12 M. j Nortuera Central soldi at 60, which Is adccllncj Ctmden and Am'Kry llallroad at 157 and L ttie Schny IkiU at 4 Ijo? 5 1 70 was bid for Pennsylvania K til road i 3 f Catawlssa preferred, and 301 for rnlUtolphls, and F.rle. New City 6s soil at VH, which Is a dccllns ; and rennsylvaiila 5e at OA. Oil iharet are active, but prleos htvtt declines with sales of D tliell to attic at 0 S"S ; Oil Creek t ij , McCllritoek at ; Mtpla 8ad at 17 1 Densnoreat 10) ; and Mcllhenay at l(. City Passengv Railroad shares are very dull and loner, but the is little or nothing doing. 60 was bid for ficcoid ua Third, wtneh Is m decline. , Caoal share! are very n and prices bav declined, but we hoar of no saloi. 34 was bid tot Schuylkill, for common; 3 1 tor preferrsd ; and 130 for Morris Canal preferred. ' In Rank shares there is vary lif.lo d iln;, bat prices are etcady. 102 was bid for N rtn Aina rica, for Philadelphia, ,1 for Farmers' and Mechanics', srjj fr Commercial, 21 for Mecha nics', 401 for Penn Twa ilu, 81 fJf weilera. 274 for Manufacturers' aud Mjch lui ', and 4S for Union. , Gold has declined 12 S)l 5 per cent, since Satur day evening, umler miro glorljus news from one victorious army aad navy ; opening this morning; atl'.wi; fell o(T and sold at 187 at 11 o'clock; rallied and sold at 1894 at 12; and ut 183199 at 124. The decline bos unsettled the price of all kinds of merchandise, and m nt of the In porter and speculators are anxious lo soli, as they aeej that the end of the war and high price! Is near at band. ' ' ruiLAOKLrm A sioca cxuiiamob aijm. ibpt.m . BMrud bj CUrluali Co.. Brokars. Ul S. Third tt BF.FOKK BOARDS. ' lee th Braitn( H.. bo dlSi H"i.U do...... M0 do x M lisi sh On. ei.s, ....blOM ....tie m ii b ts, ui) Sal li.i ti Ion h Ion .a list .n ?'.h Vn .ri nisi .h Iki sh CO., So SHS l'l .h on. Itm.hfsnn Mln. aim li rtiory Sa.ia ... ;0 10 ueiuiuoroOII.. DUIUNll BOARD. 100 ih Reading R. .. 67 ll -h Headtntj ., IRMT BO.HIi. t HI IT. R. Ol, fll 1K7.S 100 h Duller (Hi. .M SSf rniMV no Da.'oi 1 to v .11 ao........o. j.l UUO 17 S - I0s; lisi.h do a f n i0 I Year 1 r. Hep. IMS. 9717 I'eiina 6. Mt ., ucuy .. aew....i ( $-eo 0 I'ltlRbum Tis 73 $.11(1 AlUsli.Co .rts.... 7S f 'lttiUAm. (h'ld pel 7,1) sh lli ail. It. It.... fiii' Vtsiati da .Mi', .'so ah do ii7 in all do W,Ti HO all di ol.'a Sisisli tlo m Ui h do osV Uv.liOr. M11UUI...C & inu.a en v (Hi tea.. I si .h MeOUuUHiS..,ua S.VHI1 J, fts jotl .11 Slaoie rih.de.. IT l'Osh lieusmor. OU . lut 1. viah do 10 701 .h Mcllh.iiuy ou. ti sj 2. to .a do bSO 6 s aisl.h do...., , Jlio.'j N. Ouaral .... Ii. ft.liCata sm.ki.b lOshUt 8ch H...- i-.' fiOali do. ju .n eenna hk.. . .... i..s o 1 v, v . ' . ... l y I,. . RporUd by Clarkaon Oo., Brokers, Ho. Ul'a.sll f 1. .. . . , ... .s'lr a im uw t rmtttf Rutea ria, iwi.lnt off. .UK',- Old Hock Island Ralu-uud ,. . .Id ,. !'; tad - 9-1 V a ,7.. lists -' '' 1 .. sale. , ftls. aaies ' Hu.1. .a eaj .., .. , .alss aalea Ht itdlns llallroad Illinois Cuirai Kallroad Did urjiweatcrn Nen Yark CVntral Railroad hue Railroad Hue. oil Railroad A bsl fy SXil b'd Oold Cnitid Bute. H UH, HiS hid Market, nteadjr. Very Ueamy. Quotations of Gild st the Pniladolnhia Gold Kxcbttnge.No. 31 8. Third street, second story: (14 A. M RM1 12 M I SOj 11 A. M 187 ' 1 P. M .100 Jay Co jkb & Co. quote Oovornment Securi ties, &o., to noon Uxlay, as follows : Akytnf. U. S. As, 1R81 W, U. S.7 3-10 Notes 107 Cirt.l'uaie.s of Indebtedness, now... ''3, Quartermaster's Vouchors. hi Sentnf. 10,4 10a 94 1 82 19-5 Gold lHo 6-2 Bonds. ,. 1084 lOlli I)e IIavdn & Buo., No. 20 S. Third street, quote as follows; lSIIl. 1U1 American Gold. ... ...... , Ihtl , 171) American Silver, 4's and J's.. Dimes and Half Dimes 105 "i ' .. Spanish Ijnarters 15 Penn. Currency dil. 1-5 dis. New York Exchange 1-10 " par. M. Hchultz A Co., No. 14 8. Third .treat, report UM fol io Ing iiuo'atlons for Forelga KxeliaDe per staamea AraUa, from Boston : London, l days' alRht, WtWS; Londin, S daya, J0S (alio; Paris, So data' alttn. il 7'Mr. ,6; Paria, Stlava. it. ts4,i..'i. 711; Anmerp, m day.' a ula. il. 7S: UrauiKsu.adi da.' aight. lomaj.v,; llatuiiunt. Ml dava' .islit, .su70$ Co.(u:nu, l.eip.lc. Uerlla. (SI daya' audit, la'.ittlW-, Aia aieidaui, Friuiklurt.U) Jnja'alsht 7,'o'HO. Market ateady. Quotations of tbe pnaclpal Coal and Goal OU stocks at 1 o'clock to-day ; Bid d'l.l J)I4 Pulton Coal 8 K'.' Per Farm Oil.... .. Kts Mountain Coal. .. 7. Hurler Ooat. ...... ., A'k. I is is 8-4 6 A'6 K.Y Mld.lttial..lo 111 Keystone Z.ln..., 1Z llreen Ml. Coal S lllenaiuore.. .. 8 Dai.eltoi; IV Uollh.any I Itotwrta OU 1 1 V Olm.tead S'i II utile . lelaiu.usr J I N ( a'bomlal. .... 8 i'ew tTreek 1 leei'ar liani Coal. ?4 ('Union Coal 1 Aiuarleaii Kaoho.. IVi.n Mining 1,'tS aiianink In lu staatara....... Connecticut .. Oil Creek O Maple Shade Oil.. .. Mct'UBtork Oil.... S.',' liiSf Fstruleuui Outre. S'r 11 Failwrt.. 14 V we l.t.ud. lllblianl , Htory Kara., 17 iBniner s SI.' Kxoel.HirOU I a I Bur Tank ' 4'. (Vmiinental w 8)4 J al Ke.red 8 (urtin S 1 I'hila ADllOrtwk.. I 8 'Hull Creek 4s, 8 li'orn Fiaoier tii Is, llruMs IV Rs'k on 4 Is, (lobe , t) 'i Upper Economy... I reiuiavivauia t'.t. Perry Oil Mineral Oil...... Hi') alone Ot) VenaiivnOII..,..., t'uion I'enoleum.. HeacoD oil Heueia Oil on aute Oil Franklin oil Howe's Ksl,:y Oil. , 4 '.ft s it r Irving un 7.wt Forty Million Sevkn-Thiutiks St ascai Hr. The subscriptions to this popular loin arts now forty million of doll ire, and they continue) to come In at the rate of about a million a day. The public are satisfied tbat there are no other Investments so profitable as U. H. securities. While nearly all the hundreds of miscellaneous stocks sold in tbe New York market have bee a declining for several weeks. Government stocks) have remained firm; and while lenders loan very sparingly, and at high rates, on tbe best mer cantile paper, ihey have plenty of in iney tJ lend on Government paper at as low rates as ev 'r. AVhile tho Government needs the ponple's) money, and pays for it liberally, it oilers tbe highest possible consideration, beslics ; aad tint is, tuftty. tHII.AItXlrIUA IKAUE UEPOBT. Mondav, September 20. A decline of 35 per tent. Id th. premium un gold, and the glKloue nw 1'ro'Sl tlicseutof war, hav. completely unselUed trade 10 all departments, and merchandise of a'l description! has am uumlatakably dow award tendency. There la uo demand fvr Bark, anil No. 1 was urTored at (It, V ton. Prices of clover-eei and Timothy are entirely nominal. A 1 ran II lot of I laxaeetl sold at I IHO a doollno. There wus no Inquiry for flour, either lor export of home couauuipticn, and prices are oouilnaJ, at glO-i.lt'S 110 .'si lor superfine; Slo 7&ci.ll (IO lor extras i tl'V.vielr'isl for extra family : nntl $U'2.v.f.i:i do for fttney, according to ipialiiy. tu Itye Klour nothing dutng, aad holdari nnuil nnlly aik lo ;' .. l orn Meal Is acuroe and wltiioat raiet. In Wheat there as no price ollered, aud the low iamalef i.tlereflal thel'uru Kxehange were withdrawn until vanie be. oine more settled. A smell lot of Delawar. Rye soil ai l-so; and a car-load of Cora at W'M, a deellu. 14 Out. there were no sales. IuNavul Slums, OIK, rrovf.iom, and Crocorles, trada Is at a complete stand. Whl.ky la droonliig, and cannot b quoted over SI 8. J 1-S4 101 reiilhd aud Ohio barrel!. LITEST MAR1XE IXTELL1CESCE. CI.EAREI) THIS MORNTMa. MrE. F. Iwle. Use, Isalciu.C. A. Iltek.lier A Oe. Hel.r l.ttsl'iiig, llltike, 'I liouiaslt'U, Ct.ttaiu. buauui lliit.t.a, a cUeiuiott, ttew ork, W. P. Clide. AHRtVEn TniS MnuNTWU. llrin Alfarittta, Uibbi-r, 4 day. trout 1'tovidouc., tnabaN lu-t tu t'Upllllll. belir N llurvey, ne,vrae, S days from Boaloo, wltt ua l lillil'.i. , Di hr K. lionltn, llordeu, I day. front Baltimore, fa bat. last lo eaptitui. .. . i,n K. lir r ti irle f.ls'tit, WatUce, ( Oaya from iNMtlaad.w'ia intUe lo Crowell it Collins. , ln ts.hr sillier .Magnet, Pvrry.l days from Bosnia, ia "a. lUBl 1(1 CapUllll. M 0 ,ul(lrt l. h.l. is. hr Wi.11. sttu.ll, Adeiui. da from Ba.ma. ia laat to 1. l'aar.oii A Co. uflW Yortl. Hiram. Aon F.lua, Uielinl.,i4 Uanj Ov " W lib UlilM lu . . CI) J. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers