ailing fficlcflvaph TUESDAY, BBrTEMBKU 27, 18H. moRtni R i5j Rr.4Kr. or ni k ide. Ami IA lonrfo .V faor. It twins very protMbln, we ahoald mj tt in thno"t certain, that for some jrea.rn to come the cfleoae of m(cllc will Ininasu in Uroat Ilriiain. The mania fur killing onc-tll remarked during the puit nomh, which ban ettraru-d this atten tion of the police, iind imlii'-cil nmMrru'ei to KultilT themselves by tbrraieniiiff ImprlioniiH-iU to women who hove ulrenily faced doiitri, lim not noeh beitring nn the gem rl ittoii. M mil cp.eteraka if that kind spread a rapidly nn l navr.ccoupti.lil" u diacusea, and are just as little amtnaole to human control, hnicido oimalir.cs twcik out In a community like -carlr.t, and though lodoty by careful procantlon m.ty pnv Tent lit recurrence, that particular ouiiium can tmt. r bo mreoMd ur cured. U must iit run iti rontte and (lie awav by ilccr.. itnr timr.. - . fteteral tctjilemrtia at work which tlircUoii to Baae tau-ule tor the future miuli more ireiiuunt, and which limy deserve to by closely Wiitvbvd by the light of the rc-lnnm of niiir ality. In the fint place the old d . tcrrenU to the cflineeare either fulllug into ditnmc or rupidiy pwitig away. J unit bve lic-iino not only uu favurttOle but hostile, to the venii ts of de te, tu d the ancient IVnr ot the (micili-, the Munetbing nnhailowcu to happen to hi IkmIv ufwr ilc.uli, lias disappeared fiom iix-ii-tr. vVo Jit'twit it had a (toud deal of inlluence, tli it the burial by torchlight, a ad the stake and all the runt of tuo ivxIcMmukal penalties, crm I and silly aa lliov were, hud jireut weight with the ilc'oii:lng class which rids tucif of lil'o. The ue.iu.-,ted really feared tbem, as they le ir to this day thu notion f being "onrieil in a ditch like a iloir," and the edaeatcd, thongh aware that tue bouy becomes ananure and ijumj. into the treos and the unm and the Mower, whinner in consecrated ground or at tonr ciosn-rinula, mill dmlikcd Hie ligr.tce such h rellec e.l on tin ir r. i iilves. i'eoplu rare about their own corpses, if nut Irutn rcisuii th B from Instinct. 8ir Charles Niitm-r, who, like most men of jreuius, tiad a way of entering into the thoughts of people below himself, once aiuigkail a mania Ar suicide alter a fashion very diilerent from Mr. Cooke's. Tho bettor cluse women ol Sciudu were killing themselves at an astoiimlitit; rate 2 K) died in a very lew weeks, and ho L k! an o'ljoc llon Ui their doing thut or unyiluug else witliout bis previous permission. Accordingly he resolved to put a stop to the practice ; but. being a man of genius, insB ad ot a nii-iiiU-r nt I'arlmment, ha ; slid not order every woman who failed in tno llrst attempt to make a second, under pcualty of JoiprisoDment and a heartless mvuitiKiui m, b it prociainitd that ihe hody of the next woman who dud should be nun: up by one leg naked in the .market-place Baiculo ended. The women could face (ieaib, but they warned, dead or alive, to look decent, and that being impossible when dead, , prclerrtd to keep ullve. Tho old verdicts had mil ib the Hl'cet of that order, very unreasonably, perhaps, but then the human race is not as a rule v guii ed by pure ren.-on. Then, strunge as it seems, tho more genial and truthful views of Uod and death and the future which aro striking so deep into b(n lety, though . . nef repress crime, which always grows tierce with the ferocity of the repressing creed, also teud, especially among much natures, to dimin ish ihe fear ot death. People bc'in to perceive . more charly that Uod Is lovin.', and with tho sirunfcc tcrversity of huiimn nature, which be wimers theologians, they fancy tby will be more directly under Ills care in the nex'. lifu tlnin ttiey re "bea'ly in tliis. Like the inuu who declared the Bonk oi Job false beciuso it makes Satan talk with God, they tancy It po-nilile to be Mil nf the prestnee of tho Omuiprcsont, to bo, as it tvere, forgotten of heaven. I That is the internal feeling which produces tho Jkrtierwiso inexplicab.c crime, the slaughter of -"chiiaten by loving parents just as ihoy arc about to shin oil their uwn responsibility. Mrs. I. 'ge, at Keadlng, lust week, could not bear 10 leave her children to God in this world, so sho sent , theui to deinund His cure in the next, and then jumped Into the river herself. As the horror of " daih diminishes, the ln-titie-Ive horror of sui cidOf usau incident in one's career, must of ne cessity diminish also. The honor of it us a sin rmglit to increnso, but the sin Is precisely the fun . , ,, turc of the act tho misoraulo do not see. Tie gioss deterrent, tho fear of death, and tho ' snperaiitlous deterrent, the fear of consequences to the corpse, are both passin r away, wnibs tlio ' provocatives are becoming daily stronger. Tnrun distinct temptations to suieidu are increasing J with every movement of the age, tho peace of lite, the rtrojid of opinion, and tho uuproue. tented development of foresight among those hitherto nmaucuicij. We do not atuioute to tho liist cause the positive lull icnco thu 'Pm -s is incilred 10 assign to it, Inir. it op. rates in u negative way very strongly. Those wIm ready live the pace of the day do not commit suicide, their lmere-ts are too various, their thoughts too little introverted ; but the rapidity of thu move ment around them weakens the resisting power of those who do commit ir, tho brooding au.l tho melancholy diminishes their conceit in tucm s ires conceited people don't bang themselves lessens their power to bear up uguiust the rushing tide of events. The Increased power of opinion is a much mora immediate cause of sjlt-destruction. A very large proportion of suicides are caused by a fe ir of that power which is wholly now in de:,"ve, thongh not in kind. It was always a terrible thing to lose character, but mill the loss was remediuble the victim could remove to another place where he or she was as uukuowa uh if dropped tioin the clouds, and bein II Co aires U without the sense of a perpetual Btigina. That is all over cow, the press and the ruilway have brought light into the dork places, and the most secluded village in llnt.un is now as public as Holborn or Ciieapodc. ., Convicts complain every duv in tho 1'oliue Court that their sentence follows them every where, aud it is true that to tho respectable i.e., to thotc who feel social stigmas the world, wticu their cnaruciors are once tuiutcd, is becoming one va t prison house. As the sense of honor de velops among the multitudes, and that it is developing fast all familiar with tuo poor well know, this will be perhaps the strongest of all the Uiiipt oious to suicide. It is already tho most apparent; at least one-half of the ca-ca which ruch the police courts being suicides conuu tied by girls whose lovers have betrayed and deserted them. The cau?e of all, however, we believe, is the increase of foresight, the development of imsgiiiation among the mi. lions. As they rise and they rife fast, how fast will not be perceived till the men of buy die oil to the fueling! of the edueatod, they come also within the circle or their temptations, and one of tho-e leiuota'ions Is an ulyect fear of the future. The crowd winch dwells in ootid the broad base of the social pvra iii id hud thirty years ago no foresight, lived on from day to day, never thought of the morro v, could not in millions cf instances unilcrst ind tue value or the diead of anything not close at h ind, Of a pension tor instance, or thir'y years of im prisonment Instead of twenty. They have l,e :i care I u Uy taught to understand, t provide lor old ng", to study the future, to rculue lite and Hi cures do no: end with tho work jusc p iss ing away. Consequently they ieic dvo as they never perceived ladoro, ihe curs. -queue s of then acts, the refill s winch will come but have not come in. in their mistortunes. A gre.nt euiplutur ol lab ir told us recently th it the greatest ch ilifte hi.di in tbir y vi ars ho htl in the iticn ul cotidiiiou ot' hi . p o;e: w.t ; in llos respect, that a dicud such as the edu . ate I poor coiiBtuiitly leel had sel led lu hi vid tg 's, and, rs he, tah. n miiu.iof happiu.'s i out of life. M.llions an. lis.n to the I luit of ooucnti d poor, learnin!' to worry u'l mt n os-itil stoppngts of wi'.g s, ubout Siviii'j, about t'n ir cliiidi ill's education and pro.-poets, uh out tln.r own (bunco oi escaping the w in. n ni-.j In old age. Poverty is a veryclo.c ueyubor to these people, uiid they leur it Aith a fear which strau gles cbteiluhif-s in its birth, t or one result they acei pt the principle of insurunce by hundreds of tbousiinds, but for another they will let 1 the temptations to suicide, as their aoiial superiors foci them, and yet more keenly than thoy, lor these know by ixperience what thu o.hers ouly dread. J. very where we fear among tho masses of plans which icgnrd the Inline of societies which give nnnuilics alter twenty years, of budding associa tions wily jirobtuble when ten years have e pin d, of tontines, "mutual tiiils," and funds to provide against sickness. Tney are all good things, but ihey all prove that tho one f.n ultc lnti nt among the masses of oid con n 'lies imagi nation -is getting vivilied, uud we must u ecpt the evils as ncllns the good eirc ts of that utia leuing. We can no unue have loresjht without despoudency lhaii physical loug-sigutcduv-s without tho tendency to llutncss of tiu jiup.l which dims the ci es in old n;.'.'. It may be that with the danger tho corrective will strive, that li.'o w ill grov palpuhiy e isicr, that plijskj.l disi umlort may becomeas uul uown in JIurope lis in Ulii i; that a healthier training may rt move other uu.i equal causes of depres sion ; but in the interim period, while millions' tiro ncquii dug education wituuutobttuning prosperity, titig their iiudgiiiau'oiis without sunlit to make thcii' e'riums pleasant, we ii ill, we in ly rely on it, a percept bio iucreiuO iu loo crane of suiiidii. j Two Itjjusiud dollars reward is offered for the murderer of the drover Thomson, i" Albany, last week. Tbc vi-y vih-r$ Ofm aud tUc Jiovoii TIIK 111.. Ml.l, ti n ,,rrlnK. ,n, ia,ft. ) C-rtp4't of I i ,,-p . ,(,i ,rss;. A fl'BIOIS IHIKCH y, TIUMONIt. KOMAXCX. AHTKCBm.NTB OP II KK IN Tl'.X tKU U fBIIA .M U, TBI Klir.L V.KIt. The tnartlvn of M. Krlan. r, the banker, to Miss Klulcll,t, caiisini' no small sensation. M. TrliiFfter twinu' jut divurnrd Irom Mid'lle. Odellc Iafitte (t'harl.a l.ahtte's daughterl, an I the dtvtiTceil lady being a'sint to enter the 'sm la of niHtrimony wilh tlie rau-c of thu dlvon-u, tnakes the event ol tho hithest ord r of csqns interest, tine of those curious i ircum stances win. h nn ticvci h ippen but iu I'.inicc, is recorded of Ihe i icidcut which led to th" stivcrce 'J he guilty party being pursu- d by the oll uideit loi'laml, wa, ot eoure, so in k Hh lerror; hit. philosophy nnil cnleiiipt had (lone mu 'h t t initi tta'e the puisuci's wiaih, aud so, instead of "ihstb:g the insolence" m-'ordnu ti the fashion ntM rvi d In nove s, he quiet v placj-d bis pocket bonk info the Lands of ilio figiove, f x cluiudi'g, ".(A nialfimri-tu.' Ynu h'tvc only taken tin thousand funics, and you are i?on(t to R nn I Knowing your fair compodm well, I can safely ray ih.d Mich a paltry s im us tint wid lie de. voiitc you get to M irs ides, i'liere is double the sum. Tins will cnn'ile y ni to go funlu r o'l to Naples, perhaps ,nd I shall l.e the cnuicr, tor you will bo forced to remain tl c re." And wilh this cons-ilatory speech the Innirid party coolly turned upon his heel and walked oil. So goes the legend, at b a t. Iniinrwist omir . Iiimrrsl llnfli-r. Ihe following oidcr has been authorised by (itiieiul llutler . ohnkihi, imnr.ii- no, .31. JlKAnill AllTKIIN I)H I lllcr Ol' E ISTIillsl Vin- (iinia, Noim oi K, Virginia, Scptemoer Hill. in piirsinince t.f onb r- bom he id uar:ers depari nn nt. oil persons w ithin the di tri t of F-ntern Virginia over sixteen years ol age who have not takm the oath of ulug. ante will bo sent outside oi the lines. 1 1r's order will be carried into effect on and lifer October 1 i, IS.'.I. Colonel II. T. Pamli-rs, llhli Wisconsin Volun teers, Provost Marshal, will tnnkr inonedi i'e nn nts to administer Ihe o th.iind will allord every facility for this purpose. Colonel Sanders is charged with the execution of this order. lly order of Brlg.-Gcn. (Ino. . Siikiilky. Wickuam Hoivuan, Assistant Adjutaiil-Ocn. 4; KM. It A I. A. J.NS1IIII ' IHK Itl.Ht.l.. Cenrral Andrew J. Sinltli, who has won for himself iu the Southwest u brilliant reputation a B conimniidcr, was serenaded in St. I.ouia on Tuesday night, and maJu a short speech Iu re sponse. General Smith is an old army olllcer, and knows but little about politics ; but he thoroughly understands the Rebellion, and knows what is the only remedy for it. lie said : A maturity of you have been In the nrmv. If you havrn'l, you ought to have been there, and hate doul.tless asked tno question, What aro wo righ'ing forf (Cries of "the Union.") That's a fact. You remember that lour or live years ago we had a huppy, united country ; you could not find u huppier country on the fuee of (iod's oarth than ours bud been for forty years. 1 speuk of forty j i ars ago, because that was the period of the beginning of Internal Improvements iu the United States, lint a rcrtin pnrty in what is culled tho (Southern Confederacy took it Into their heads that tin y wnnted nn independent Govern nient, and undertook to secede. Now, if wo shouid acknowledge their rightio secede, it would not be long beloio we should have twenty or thirty independent Governments on this conti nent, and yon know what would be tho result.. 1 my that we hnvo been a happy people. Have jou over, before this war, hud to pay one cent towards the support of the G ivernuie it ? You weie prowing rich, and never lidt the burden of govi riuneiii. When Mr. Lincoln was elected, the South said he was nn Abolitionist well, if Lo wns, I nm too; but Mr. Lincoln nuver had a negro, and I have hud muiiy, uud set them all (ree. 1 would fro three hundred thousand negroes if 1 had thorn, for '.he good of tnv c mn iry. After he was made President, he said to the South, which hud seceded, "Come back." Hu gave them three months to return, anil lifter ho was iiindo President he gave them six weeks longer to come ha. k wiih all their comtitutl hi a I rights guaranteed to them. Now Is this what you call an Abolitionist? I think not. Tuo Soutlu mers are determined to destroy this Gov. vrriiincnt don't let tbem do it. ("Never") All that 1 am lighting for s, first, lor tho Union; trcoinlly, for tho Union; thirdly, uud nil thu lime, for tlie Union. ("Hurrah lor thu Uuiou ! 1 1n; Union lorever.") I want to see us all united, from Maine to Texas-one united and nappy people. There Is but one way of doing this, i iicy commenced tho war; now Ut tlnin a.sA or peace! How aro wo to have pi nee ? I s ay, when the Sou'h sail 1 n-di tor ptuce, then It will be time for them to got it. cur let tho North suy peace; hut when tho Son h asks for h, let us ho merciful. I would sec that old Hag under which I haie neon likbtlng sunk fathoms deep in tho Mississippi than that wo should give up and sue for peace. As lor piopoting terms to the Soutn, I say it is ridiculous. Let us be true to tho Union to that o d tli'g thnt bus protected us in the past, uud Hi ver lower it In the presence of a foe ! The lltntral ullmltd In his muive State (I'i'nii syrnNinh aud sinke of thetreaeliet y of Mr. Iliiein tiun, tahiiifj hti hnjied lltti hmmn would five a hun dred ijetiin. and he a hundred and one, th'it he mirht tee him in the street of I'hikuhinhin. and ptiut to him u the man who gold hi cimiUry. i nave out utile to say iinout party politics. 1 have been thirty years in thu service, a i l nevor yet cast a vote, being, as nn army ollicer, clis tianchlsed iu every State except California. Tho only ihii.g 1 am lighting for is the restoration of me Lioon. Let the South acknowledge their wtorg, and come back the sooner tiny do it tho belter lor them. If they don't do it. we'll make. tlnin. The men of tho South havo gone to war and h it their women at home. e II show them that we can ruisc a better breed than the genera tion ol Southerners that wo are now killing off. (Laughter and cheers.) Probable Revolution In Kirnm Etrtkr ftlunry lliNcuiry. Mr. W. II. James, C. E., who is already favor ably known in connection with the originating of our railwsy system, has, alter devoting a whole lile to scicntinc improvements, at length suc ceeded in producing a steam generator and engine of such extraordinary power, iu propor tion to us wcigni, tue space 11 occupies, ttio tuel consumed, and thu cost at which it can be inanu luctun d, that not the slightest doubt is enter tained by ilioso who have teen the invention in operation, mid in whose opinions and judg unlit confidence can he plsced, that when pro perly and fully understood, apprecated, and drought into lire, It will by degrees eUeet a coin plite levolutiou in ad kinds of steam machinery, and become applicable to numerous purposes lor which Ihe powers of present ste.iui enuiucs ate totally inuueqtiutc. It may bo remembered that it was Mr. W. 11. James who brst suggested to the lute Mr. GeorcB Stephenson the Mdvabiliiy of his introducing tubes into bis loeom otive, boilers, with a vit w of making thcni suitable for the propidsii n of carriages (for which, at that pcni.u, tiny were totally im.uiquatei tor tho con veyimce ol usscnuers on r.illvvucs, as shown by an HUMii no lit bclw cen the parties In the year IH21, ton jiais before tho 0eiimg of the Liverpool and Manchester railway, the principle of ishl liiin provt nn nt h is in mt b cii sui 'passed. It mil be ( ii'ieiis it should fall to the lot oi' the S..U.0 luun idi.ul, aft. r uu itiuu vul of i'.rtv- tl r e j ears, to again in the Held, and th i origi nator' I the second grcai rt vo uii iu in steam loco inol on, w hich veiy lil.ely ill l e the c tsj if tic Is propel !y sii pu led with capit il to carry out his pre M invention. 0 Hope shortly to bo enabled to (.in; tho dci.'ils of the iuvciiUjii. Minimi Jti-intU. tt ri It t I ItlKS. Is it not iilhetuliun iu liusbandsof short stature to sty lhal ihey weic married in the lenipleol llyincu .' What relation to our whitebait is the beU n-ire ol the 1 rcm h r I'id you tfer see a lame tloj Lcl;.cJ over a MM' t Win f me the ocels thi.t the lirst Owner of a 1..I k-v.nli. vm.s u Kurd r W'fs be a great wu'l.erthut earned tlio name ol the Colossus ol Koads r What proof is tin re extant that K'ng Tunic- t!ie 1 ii .-t v. tote ".In mux," and that the phi a-e "its cool us u cio uiiiber" was uidied Msi tu a Stuld .- Tl.o Special Committee of Artillery Ii as just adl!ftsed a rcr-oit to ihe Luiji. ror Nap dcun, rc foiiniieMiiiig liis Majesty to adopt the Prussian ni'e for the i'lMich uriuy. Tlic jouruuls of jMuiavia slice thai the G .v ( riiiu lit i t that Jiiovini c Iihs Vci.,cd that widoiv who ..iy taxes kuvc a right to vote in municipal elections. Prince Frederick Charles, of Prussia, will sin illy iiiuhe a tt.ninphal entry into l. iLuni the hind of twelve thiamin. I troops who f.iuglit wiih 1 nn in the Inichins. I ,r this purpose me rt-giLH nls of the guard will be tonci ntiutcd iu the Ii- i;;!.h( rhood of the capitnl. Tl.c racis at tlio camp of Ctuilons, which wete alien. led , ear l.y ll fl'i.t number of visitors, won: tnaiUed by a siu; ulnr accident. A capi.-m ot i a a i y whs it-rown Iroiu his norse, i nd baviinr fallen on the pommel ot Lis tivoi J, tuiwtvd only aw uuuuhs. DAITiY KVKN1NG TKLt:GKAriI. FIULADELrilLA, TUESDAY, SEl'TEMttKU 27, FOURTin;i)irioi SHERIDAN'S VICTORY IN THE ARMY. lMr. Seward at City Toint. DKSrATCn FROM FAHRAOUT. Niacin I l Til" I voillilK 1I KTHOtl. Wasiiinoton, Sept, tuber .'7 The m ill steamer Morgan, from City Pobit, repor s the Sheridan's Fiiccessrs ovi-r I'.irlyhavo inspirited ourtro)ps with tho grea'est nthu-i i-in, and they arc anxious lor an opporiuuity b) dis' tliem selvra in the same manner. Seen biry Reward is on a vi it to G.vieral 'iunt at liia head quarters at City Point, having reached there early yesterday. (Xlicial despatches rc.-clvrl atth; N.ivv De partment from Admiral I'.ur igut, datrj M ihllo boy, Septctnbi r 1.1, stu'e that the wo. k of picking up torpedoes from the harbor Is s'.ill in pr igrjss, and that twenty-one have been secured. Kl'fiM of l.lbby lraNinr. Fome of tho soldiers Just relca'ed from the Libby prison have reached Washington. It is stated that one of their nuuibor, while on the way to the place of delivery, engaged himself in skctrhing the Kottel defensive works on the river, and o.her points of Interest, fjr w hich he was taken back to Richmond. THE SHENANDOAH VALLEY. REBELS DEMORALIZED. HiwcIhI to The F.vpnliiK Tcleicr li. Wasuinotom, SeptcmlMjr 27. Despatches from tho Luray Valley stale that the enemy is demo ralised, and that the Inhabitants, having been ex tremely conlident that 1 isher's Hill could not he biken, tiDcc that event despair of recovering tho valley. LATER FROM EUROPE. "CITY OK HAITI MOKK" AT NEW VORK. Nkw Y'ouk, September 27. The steamer City of Baltimore has arrived, with Liverpool advices of the l lih, via Quccustown, on tho 1 ith of Sep tember. Tho steamer Kcdar arrived out on the 13th. The Dano-Gorman urinistice was to be pro longed. The Spanish Ministry hnvo resigned. The 7Yics argues that the Chicago Convention will lead to peace. It Is stated thnt De nmark, encourjgeil by the Western Powers, refuses thu ce-sion of North Schleswig, unless nunctiuncd by tho votes of the people. The resignation of the Fptinish Ministry has been accepted. t :om iiiprcliil I n tt-ll licence. LiVKni'ooi., September 11 Cotton Sales of tl.ree days, 12,floojbnlc, includiu liOOO to specu lators and exporters. The market opened tinner, tint closed Hat and Irregular, with a slight dfl'llDC. The Manchester market Is heavy and declining. Ilreiidstuffs very dull and easier. Provisions dull. Lard llrm. Loniion, September 11 Consols cloed at 88 for money. I'.iie railroad l.'i; Illinois slmrea 4.'lC"s2f( per cen'. oi-count. LivniirooL, iseiiteinber 1.). Cotton Sales to dnv of -1000 hulcs. including 2000 to speculators and exporters. Tho market Is irregular and unchanged. Ureiiibtuils tpiict and steady. Provisions dull. Uni on llrm. Ioniuin, Srptemoer 17. Consols closed at fl7.(" 1-8 for money. Illinois Central shares, 1ilo)l'2 per cent, dis ( (unit. Ti e rate, of discount at the bank of iiag lund is uncl.Biigcd. Irlnrksits) by 'rcli'irriipli. Nkw Yoiik, Kpp'r-mhrr 27 Stocks am bettor te-diiy. ( 'tileSK'o and It .ek IsIjoi.I. ti.M : (' ne Irired. Ml. II limit rtmiral, IIHV.; MicIiIkiiii iSiiiidinrn, 111'1,; S.w '.R rmittal, ll.'iS; ICi-aihiis. 1 1 1 ' ; Ibid-nu llivi r ll.di ; Cantnll Co., :J; MisHiiarl lis, ll-'i; s;rlw. III; (.'ilil, lt.S : line Year ( 'crillleKlrs, 10. i : T.:n-Tii'tiCi, tNl; Mvsln-inty cviiiius, Uti; Ccspou lis, lUti1.; il gis teied, lij'..1.,. MEDICAL. O A M A K I T A JM ' S CURB. O HaMsHITAN rs CllilH. H A M A K II AN'S fl'HK. fri A VI s h I I' A N 8 I'l'hK. HAMAUITAN'rt ClllR. hA AKI CASH t'l'SK. NA.MA11I I' IS'S CI 'HE. HAM AKITASi H ( till;. PAMAKtrAsTrt Ct'UB. HAM Mil IAN SI CIIKK. HA MAUI IAN a (tl UK. 8AMAU1TAN8 IUIIK. hamakitano or hk TTie only sure slid uil ruit il mr Oon-iri hn a, r, t, 8trlctBic, Ac. Cures In all casus In from to to .. tUc.. 1'rlue $'2 Btulc or Keraals sent liv mull. DYOIT M CO.,Hi)lo Agfnta. AMAItlTAsTB C'1K. HA.MAUITAN H (tl lis:. Hamahivas rttitK. MAM villi AN S I II UK. HA XI A n I r N IS ccitu. HaMAUITaN is I'l'kK. 8AMAKI I AN N CCKH, hamauitao'S rciti:. KAMAItll AS H I IIItK. THE (iltKAT SPKI U Ii; Hilt KKt'UKT DISEASE8 hiiinlual MeaknosH, liuiiiirrtiu a. (Use:, Ac. Kaeh boa r niiulnt o I'llli, uu.l will caie ui innu iwo to sl da,i. I'm. tl It I. sUocertaiu tn rcslors tuno and power In tlioHe who are dVbilitaii il by ece.s or any olln-r eaiiHp, anj will restore all to full Igor t.r youth, wticu iliu 1'iUs aru used will.aat the Uijectlou. In tliese euses, ouc I'Ul tlirea tiiuoa a Unv. (Bent by aiallJ '. rttlCF ItOSK, Proprietor, ('. Pun 'K hOsi;, l'ni.neior, ('. I ltll K Kn.SK, 'Topnetor, ('. I'KK'r. Kll-st., Proprietor, (.'. PnioK Ko.SK. I'rui.ils(..r, ll.ix Ifl'Vi p.nt otlice. IVstOitl.: trt .s 2'i.i I'nst oitice, lOtvVt.s; Co. t llittei". llox a.'.'rfi Post lllllee, K ile Aenti, liyo r & CO., amiiiis, IiiiTi' A- en tsulu AvlitH, ll'IM T Al (.'II., hn.e, IIVOI T a r., fcolf Aselllt, llCli r III I'll,, No. ::. N. hr C' lSli S N. ".'-I.' V. NKi 'i IN 11 Siri-et. No '. K. UK 'iiNIi turret. i. N. She 'ON 'I isireel. Jo. ..Ji N. MM'JNU Htrect. Be sure anil a-1 f ir MAMAHITAN'H (THE. IS A M A It 1 I A N'H CI KK. HAM M.I I AN S CI lit. tSAMAhir.tN S ( l lii:. SAM Mil 1 l'H I I I ; K . SAM AKI I VS I IKK. H . Al A il II A.N ;l'l. K. SAM A III TAN H II UK, H A M A h I I AS K CI UK. S VI 1. 11 A S s CI I; I., f VM Mil I AN H I'l Ki:. SAM A It I I AS S ll'Ki:. S .M I'l I A N S CI 'III:. BAVIAIillAS s Ci UK. Kvr.i r I'F nn m il. m k i i' in: niront). M i:l I' Id. Kn oKli. SVItl f UK Itl.Mllll. s I it J. I. hicnnO. svitrc in-: in oi:i. hi UI I Id. Iticii'.fi. s UI I' In; 1(1 'iii:ii. mi I l' I ik hi oi! 1 1. svitt'r o: iticnul). M lit id', ui i ltn. swii r i'. mi ui.ii. A ri'llu.D clllr lor SK li ril.s l.f Vioii-. i-al l's.-it III the t-uioix-iin llokl.ila.s, una tlio aiuue4 ihruulioat .cri..e Slut Anient. 1 t.:s pr. imo..ii I as us an sra.lii .' of this rein, ol ilneMse, sed st I'ein'itieiis t) e (oiihi a nlioli LiliunilK . a. I s.'tert, H...s. I nutans, iv.tirs, or any einjidoiis, no uoitier Ubui warn uttue orlioi, lung- iisua- Ills?. frlci. tl per bottle. C. PHtCC. ItDIK, Proprietor. ( . l it II i: I., isl., IT,,,.. .,( ,r. O. I'hlCK l.-iisK. I'.n.rletor. ('. I' 1. 1 1 K ItiisK, I', ii-t. . C. i'l.n I:, p n . t le A.-ei ts. I'l nrr .v CO. Sou- Ak- iC". I -1 I 1 ( I, H ..le A.i.i.tii, 111 H I I' a I .1. Hole Ac. ics 11 il 1 ii I .. S. le Ak'- i.t . Ill n ' I' l ( H. s..ii. a. i-iit, in ii i r a. c i, bole Af IC, M H I I A IM. V . 2 ".' M, hi.. .(VI, so, ..! Honf toanMiuUri'.s. an . . l a.. a in, V. A L l II, 11 K A L T ll, AND ST.'.',? v 's; Bl-Al Ti. H'Jlir If to asls a-ltril'lna c.,. s : ll to t-S'i.-e II. I Hi . l.s si. ; Ji I., te a l..oen in, t'oo i t , I aiil!'., il v o. lu an li 'iir Id. l : . 1 PI., have a lintl of fi ten.! i ; li for ice lo mi. '.e ; II tsld. huli-lioiii I.'.. ,.1 in w 1 ; li a tn.trb!.. et....e nheii il. a l -Yi',Al.Tn! Cl(. Ill ' tlirres.'f.rc anil ten, VVo.1 'lit.' .I f at. Ii.iik s-nln; If to Inn a il'e oi I'l-en.; li to it.e ai.d (.0 to if i a H. At., it I If jf.u wish a life of I leuiiiirrj ; 1 1 m.ii sen-1 1. w a a s ir.-.ii!.i.'r ; It Kery i jniSi.t ion vvo.C.I . 1 ke ui aitvn e, and h i,li en hree. 1 1.(10 I svll.K tleulth. Wean tl, etui Utaulf , You'll be pueuled for even duly. IK a rarefet n i"l of ir WIII.MM lul'lii'l New h a , 1 Ut. it A lilt! i .K III I I'l'. In' I. Old. I be rrs 1 L) tver o e. Mo..l uy I :.,.i. s e 1 0 r.i , . .1 I . ut st I e lw lor a vK'Hi J- aJo l'lbh'-'i tfJ.E'.'H l'i"o 'ii ai HELMBOLD'S REMEDIES. J piLMHOI.D'H TLUID IXTRiCT BUGTJTJ Ti t Sun Rdf n'Jxn nr Inwntliiic cf rrln, Trritptlon, lr.nnh)iTiatii.n or Vlf ftatlon f th MMdr or Klday, th trait t th, I'rv(ra!t ftMtiii, $ton4 in tftt IlltJUr, f'vt. ,.tt t,,;:,l. , r i-rir , -,lU't P-) nJ 111 Tlr. f tl li'ni'd' f Khlrji, Aii J Dr"l 'Irftl PdlinFi. 1 IKI-M UOMVH FUM1) KXTR A.CT BUCHTT I rr We,l;nfM.eiu-ifinK Trcua ffcislva fntlHrrcLlon. Th ty nstitnllon oner fTccid wtih tryani Wtaincti rojiilreR tlic eilditf mrdi hit to tl rrmjthf n an'l inviamatr the hkh niii.Mnoi.DR r.xiRArr mcrru inTariAbir (IcAii, If no trfntincrt le satfinlUcd to, ComumptJvn or Iji-ftiiltjr n ay enr-uc. UKL.MIiaisilJ'H FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCIIU, In affection n peculiar tu 'Kimalkp,' ia unefimid ban othar preparation, at la ( hloronli, or Betantlrn, Irrfgn lftiitiiirlnfulQ(isa,or 8upprnslonof Customary Evac natlom; Ulcerated, or Hcbintiui State of the Utorrii; Letrchaorrhaa, and all cumplalnti Isoldent to Ilia tei, vhtUier arlilng from habits of dlaslpaUon, ImrniJtJiiclw, or in the decline or change cf life. rivw KXTEACT DUCI1C AND lUrKOVED ROSE WASH W ill rudita-ly ritrru.lDfctt, from the lyitem iJiseaasof the Crluary OrpaiiB ariMny from liabltsof DimlpAUoa, at lUlle tiptney little or no tfninte in dut, nviirunvemtnet ur t j-pmurc; completely miprraediug thohf unpltiitant and itatujeroits rtmeUt- Copaica and ifCiiy, In all tUia iJiicatci. X'HVZ HKLMUOLD'S FLUID KXTR ACT BUCI1U In al Discasei of tlic I'lhmry OrKtns, whjtlier cxlittag In "MtiW'-ui "Vanmtrf fi qui whatever catm originating ami no tuaUer of huic lung itamiing. It la plaaiaiU la tate and or. "immediate" in action and more trcnttUiiinMhanat'yU the preparations of hark or Iran. ThokL euiltiiinf iron, ii token Votn or Ddicatt Const tin-tivii,i-forure the Hemtily at once j The readt r unut be aware that, however alight may oo it'.lits k of H e al wve .ilseKiei, ft ! certain lo affect hit juMity .'".i.i, if'U'vt 7Wr, Jtafiinea$t anJ hit Pot to rUy. VK MAKK NO SIXKET 01' INGREDIKNIS. Ml'.OMi S I'LVID EXtUaU'T HUCIll' Ii- c, uip'.-r(! of fiurf.v, C, !'t'bt, cut J..i?r Herri t4 lttUd v:tUijreit cure and jU'iivd lu VsU'uu by II. T. JIM 5!1!0I.D, HrHKj'at n;id ( litmist of ..i.i-on yeAn cr I't rimce in Itl.e tity uf rUlfcUelpMa, and u.w pre:-cri;e4 b tl.e n.uj.ttuiiuent of the fm ulty, uud hac t. oen lu.tttd to ue lu tl I'i 't.d .Sutci Amir, aul aro n'.so in very tcntral use In Stati II jpllaU and public Suit:y luitin.ticns tJiroiiijliOut t!ie liUid. Trie.- $1 per b!ule, or ik fur $-r. Jeiiveifd lo any ..ldrei, R.-cicpAuKd by ti pUvit directions, imect Idler to 1 LLMUOI D .1 Drug aud Chemical Watehouae, Ko.&Ui HroaJwiiy, Ni v Yurk, Or KKLVUOI.U H Medic il lKpo:, ho. 101 A ItulU lriwil, 1'J.ilaJL-lj li.a. Beware of coui.tmfcJU. W jr IILLMUOI-IUS, and U'r-e no other. Ptiyaiciun In attenJfBv tmn 7 o vlytk A. 11. to S P. 41. Sold lj Drutft'UU CYtry wliCiir. & Jl-tuthfc Sm JEDICINAL COD LIVER OIL JOHN t). HAK'K ft CO., . 716 WATIKET ATHeKT, ere onw r-rohlnntlH lr upplln frei from the iVhertcji. 7)r etipfrVtnty ot their OIL In every renct, aai Ratn4 r it a reputethn and beyond any oth-r found tn the neri't. Tomelntaifi II, they ar deRrmined to Mifply en rtii t1 at njay be entirely r Med on frehne. and r"'lty ftetottliisnla)ii ni ricienfure of M'-tlieai Ci-Iitce. anil 0T IMMI.AlH-.M'hlA .SUTKJFONS HSm.K tKMITL'TK, No 14 Hlh JZm MS 1 11 Htiet. minvn M-irki-t. Ruptnne rudi-etlycnt'd In H. f-VKKMrfS Premium Patent MrdutiriK 1'rrnNre Trimt. Hup-ri' if KlftitUO B--tta. Y. uc mm'Mi 'iii''rters. fliuulder Hriee, ftutpen- url . fn" e, Ac. La He ktlen t'-d by Vre R C FAT-RK IT H'l'i If ItVUUC SAl.K OK WII.VIU-'. ('MM k. fr nti ilOitu t,v Wii"pvii, f ur mi. t'.ntri'i fun i:i mi, Sn. Hi W..M I Htn-.'t. ii ruitM r JO, m.. ) 'IheMf.nrd ! H r 'i-n .t it.r P rt o' Pfuii dlt-h.." t.f r- hj fcive i :('(' li at urid-T uud by autl ority of ati at til tiif I. r tt n uir ut ninvhiui it. ei.trtlt d "An a't'o ,iii'tf lt Iti mli- of reriiiin ri m o-tttein th' "Hv ot I'luM dr? ,iH." ii( i-i. il Jn.., .V. I't, nt.d l a ltfioiuiliii ! ii-i li a. d I H urilinsi' purmjani it,rret, itHwd on tin' .VI dy 1 1 Si pieni' er. A. I. 1, Mi wi'l n .it I'nii n S ile. i-.r ci , u. m ' hiif-f hiiid-r. "n tde l lr MI I'AV OK . M'lull t li , W 4, ) J o . r n. a: hr I'll. I til- . yh'A f xrfifli wr, In ! unp t, Irve, -) nr. in l dloli.rgt d In-in ell H' d I'M ry trnt, rik! uv, n fid linl' .it in All tout crleln trrt r plei of fHind, lecrtb'l lu tb (I "l Klialt-'h M.irti.i I tn tie Mri-tcr a d A'-it4nt W a. t'enn --I ih '..rt ot I'liilH'Ifljihi, .iird tn t-vi-ntie'b d.iy r AUKiiir, a. l. Imi-;, mi i r c ral Mv :il. ih ri. et If lU'Mpl.ia. In t'.0 ituok . C, N.. :i, p,-i- fft, en (-d-I'w, Mz.:-Minm'i- In tli Towmhip of M"vruoti-)nk', (now In f 1 lt Ward of tin ti y ol I'lnl .Ucp'd i.) -ou-tislnii k in Nn ulit. north and nilu lony ti . t, end tend luv if- Irtntti ur it- pth en i .ind I, nrri it.i- rwl l"iriK t itir.iii bti r 1 uini nt to the rnor 1 wirt 10 luw witter ll' unded on tlie rest Ni tbr liver Ii'l,waro, on the vejt b t hm1 rm,l Kn.iif ir t' tniii i "mt piint. on the n-irtli hv rmiufl now or lm lM'nritt K to tli' itid K 1 fe b Miiioltail. and on the n uiih b urn nu ni n vv or I it- (' 1'if'W'iiK to I'll- uh' l,l'in'fi Mirilal; tl,e wMiihorii I 'ill inl.iiv hfltltf d H.TlI liplil tl IKl'ld ur Iht r. 'iHit I ft. in ifn n'i'lli -i il il,e liirt now or l.i'f own' d hv i Ti kind Kheb. th Mur-hMll, a' lllomvitf r uint ; (ok-' t'ir r, (ilM),i'h till the il.tit. lihrtt'd. prMl-t'ci, In fdlU lie!lh,nd nppnri n.'uici'a h mud d- d fiaird M lln' .ild M.rtt-r and A i -1 .utt 'urdriti, u-i will In- tu idt Ki)"s it ni'-re tuilv on U,- iljvnl m c. t uritu r inioi matiou ob imi"' nn nwi nilut n CH ltl.KS W YNK, ' 2': tutli At Mu r M'aidwu l'.n - rri.l.d"li,'i.A. "JISlrlXiI MTATEN SIX PEE CENT. LOAU OF 1G81, rou sai.i; Ir, aim.iintB anil sil s to lull inrhai i s. at Ioh t't nisrket raws. BONDS READY I Oil DKLIVI.RY. C. J5. WlMdUT iV; CO., Xo. 14 t 8. Tltllill HTRI'.KT, O.poaite the Exetiant'e. lOcl RATIONAL UNION TIOSET. FOK I'KKMUlCNr, AJ5UA1IAM LINCOKN, Or ILLINOIS. rou vir-K-ritr.-'iiiEsr, ANDREW JOHNSON, OF Tl' KNEHSI C. KLKCTOHAL, TICKET. SKNATOIUAI.. MOHTO.V MrMII UAH.. rhilnU'll.lila. '1. ttlM.M.UA.M, HtaTer Cull .Uy. UKrUBBrNTATITH. Jloliert I'. Kins, O. Aliirtlll Cuutca, Hi ttty hnniin, Willi.. m ll Ki rn, liHrtun 11. ,I(irks, C tiailrs at . KLUk, llnlirt I'srla, v. llllniD 'I ai lor, .Tiitin A. 11. island, Hull. in 11 Onrull, iluni lUHIi.ft), ( I. aiii's K. Htaa, 111. Klins W. Ttnlr , II. U Mirlncr, l i. .I.jIi i wntir, III. Iluvnl MilViii.t.utir, 17 HiVliI IV Vik,I, ' 'IN Isa iu llrniiuii, I'l J. Ihi I'ulii.n, m. Hnunioi h nislr, tl. KvorarJ lliiiri'ii, 'il John T. Put liv, K'tni'iiiir Mi .lunVIn, J. John W. UUi.ciuiril. I'y order 01 His Bute t'tntral Cuniiniltce. fclMON CAMKUON, 9-1 C11AIIIMV.V. JJATICHAL UNION TIOEET. COUNTY OI 1 IC'f.l'.S. fiili:i(li T, Ill'.NltY C. 1IOWK .L. HOIS THE (IT W1I riiKOr.KICK M. ci in or the oui iiANs' cin ur, EDWIN A. MEitltli K.. CITY OI I'IOKlta. BLCLlVtU OP TAX FN, CHARLES O'Siill.L. CITY COM MISSIONS It. THOMAS EICKSOH. CONORKSB. First Kletrlct J01IV M. BUTLEIt. BiccuJ Dtatrljt CIIAItLKS O'SKILL. Thlnl DItrtot l.KONAItl) MYKKS. Fuurib District WILLI AH D. KKLLKY. Fl Ih Dlntrlct II. ItllslSKLL TII U stNAioR mini) uisrnicr, ISAAC A. PHKITAlil). Ki:i'llESI'.NTATIYES, FUat lliktrlt't Wil.I.lAM FOSTF.B RtcaDd Hit tl let WILLIAM U. KUDDlMAV. TLIrd lllslrlct IIII'IIAHI) HI Tl.Klt. Fourltl lll.Ulct W. W. WA IT. Fifth Metrlct JOSKl'll T T1IOMA4. lilxth llhtrlct J AMtS niLLUOHS'. Seventh lilstrlit THUMAS CO'JIIltAN. F.lnlilh M.trlcl JAMi;s X KKLN-L Kinth Ul.trlci CIIAHLKS FOiTKR. Tenth M.tllct BAML'LL 8. FAlll'HAST. Eleventh Ulatrli t ..1UASKLIS D. S TKItNKII. Tweinb Mstilcl 1.1 If K V. SLTl'lUN, ris. Tliirlcmth Ill.tilr EMS C. HK.NNLIt. Fi urtmiUi Iil.lrla FHINI.'IS U JJU. FIIUwilli Milricl 11K I1ME DE BAVr.N, ,l. Bl.itoeiiiliM.t k( UlLUlM F. HUMII. heveniecntli DUIrlrt KDW'AKI) (i LKK. F-ijlitfi r Ih DlstrUt .1ASIES 5III.I.F.a. fl-l'i Sit J) E X O -X" V O 11 UNITED STATES It K V K N U V. AM) I'OSTAdK fcTAMl'S, Fdlt THE MIDI.LK iKF WKHTKHN STATUis, No CC4 CUE5II0T ETEELT, Pliihdclpliia. I'nitul ro-tn r Siani., s iiil wholes ile ami rrt.ill. Tn ii in 3i count ullmwd mi all .ill , Irmn 'n u lo liol'.,rs; pir c ut. on T. n:y DuUni-s ki'il Uii .Vtti .ta. A 1 ol.'.t-.i, .-Ii ji Ll Lc pei. I lo J I'-. SI 'Kit IIAI.DINCI, Collortor of Tirt District, J' N'. 'Hi I ' III - M l' Mreot.riiila.leli'hl.i. i .omvs 'i i a w'ak khoi -sir r a- KJ hllsl.eJIn ls'i.-lii.p.,rt..riiii, i..,l..rin ,., . ., ,. Iwas, ii.i., UllU Ll.iuui'3. C 1. .101 11..111. ( irair. ... . . . , .. ' llai-kD-. lrks au.l Hum cs, r-KSllau nil J Snt . A!.. Ui..l l'..rl. r. . ,, , lai.iiud Meats, 1'ndla. Suup, :ivy il, m. t, ,i.t uji vi'li 141,., , , At iu. lis S. Sh'I'OM) SI ret. ' ': '' J' is li i a i I . r. i r h i Y. OLD 6 l.VIKd VK1) 81 KAM AND WAT Kit- J , llt'TlMl AI'IAKAII M. ri arn ln autl VcmiUiiuk I'uM.o liuiidliits and Vt Mtia kv.iaaiiiea, kTiinr .. Mi i, ,sA 1'ML.j. aiilHd ASH WATCH HKATIMQ COUPAJit Vf 1 11U.AW.I.I n, A JAM I s P. WIOI), Jn 41 S KOI ItTII .aiv'-6iB B. U. ItXl'ifcU,.liiikcruiUiniliiit. 1801. cK A' WRIGHT it SIErALL No. 110 M.-irkot Ptroot la rwrKS nest ani hu'osd n:i.k.:h. C . W, RH.hT. . . a,t ,i. v , IHll'OOlfiTS, Fin si CIANS, n i.KMHAL PliiKI KKKI't.liS, tt t .ni t fnr4'i. IdtntTii nt a ti 11 rf mutI .i f tupr rv d m d l( inftic hrtjhi, I'ni'ii ur IV t- nr Mr u m-4t n, . h1 ril, W n:iow .,, 'r'.. ript n V lull. i m jw rit"f r.i f-Fiin nrt-rln ir'' di cin ( sold. t INK KJSf,'l I M, OILS For t.-,f . Mniirr. in full vnrl-t . ind d' O.i b.-t 'iiMt v. i ,'Ui.''nl Mfiujl Ii d'n. fVInd'l.f A-h, i.lii.-ir, P'M a A-l , All in, Oil uf Vttrli I. Annan ., i!ir.i, 'if I iii-wcdd, 4-? , K'tH l VAW li-P, nlwrti "ii litnnt IiW. ip t i-rt'h prt-'ft ri i'i: ,'iriM mil kamit.y im:, i .ri'tm-i r r -iy fnr our tl"i. mid f i wtm 'i wo in lT tl.' fl'trnf HI i'rUr tn ml l.f r.' urtl' ci ANo, A ll',t S 'ARC lly Jr.s-.l.7, uf txtrn Odl 'in 'ij uii'l, Itv I"t, wl'l mfr with i-P'tnpt nt tf nil ii, or tp htl iuM!i(.iiN will (urn fhnl ivncn rc IU' ud. WliOli'snli- UrnK Wan;hoii, Mli-lj Vo. M MAIthKT -'Ip-'MiImvc I'n.nt. 'I KKASUKKK'S O V V I C K.-TilK I'titlAi ,pt,irt, VV diiluj;tin, ntnl liithitnor'' K ulro td COB.lui ti. t'im.ATti r pun, Hriiteinf'Hr .'!, Tim flnurd nf ldrfitor hmvi- .Id. d-i di-Hfd a dl.t dt nd rf MIKI-.K I' Kit K.N i .. In c-.ii, on iho cti ttil k r tin i. m ran , arid Imvt dtratt. ii h .:r' it o i - r hV.W s'H n K to (u an oi.n of ton pi-r cciil . I't bn di' tril'iiti d pro rial a i the h'd'ieri. : ih' t"r , o i tSf t d iv ot tlrlo'H F tli'M, to rfprrrx-fit Hi IplLtl tuT'1 o r -p ndrd in hnticiiiK ti e Ur d. i- over t'if Hn-n it Uuiina nvr, abd tl.t- Uoiitu ti clear ui ii iMmiif 't iax. H'I'.vkr. 9 H lctli-?w Tn-.-iitircr. 1 'STAT K OK bOIMIIA (i. IIKni-UTON, PK- 1 lt Ai.ditor api 'dnird hT th Orpiiann" Court for tli Cry Hid '-'inn o1 I'l tlad'lplna. to nodlr, nfilv, and mi Hi t Hi1 tir-t a -unt ! (!, MM iK ,11'SMN dr.. Krq , EMMt'Tnt IflM 111 uud UMnnifti' n -I ll' II V d. llKltr:)(TO, drr iM il.m u to mkv dUirll.'itl-.n r tli. hamiHi' in tl -i i.anni ut the at i-ountiiiit, will ni'-rt thu prirtl'P t ii r r- -1 J tor tho )iirpo.vii nt lili .ipjol ,'ni'nt, m Tof-Unv. Oiii tio- 4, I"r4, nt 4 orl.M-k IV M , at nil ofll t, No. ; 17 Walnut street. In r ritjr t I'til'ad-hiiua. y nun ot John CLA lyKIiHililKCi MACHINE WOUivS, I ofrll'K, li. i;', V Kit -NT T!iKKT, T'MII, l l-.J I lit A. W art prei iirfd to nil ordt-ri lo n tnt fr oar wall- iio'Ti Mi HINVHY rTOIt (OnOI AM) WOfLKV MlTJ.S. Inch dine all it c nt ia (roeniCit4 ima.dliiK. .p!ti4iii, no w'ftvimr Wf Invite tli'.' tt:iit:on of ttiinut'n turtrn tu uurat''n ile woiks. I ll ALFhLIr JKSKJ A HON. Manufactory, and Eluwl rmporium. N. V. Curiiot-ARCH anil TENTH STUEE 1 MILAM M'JIIA. H. Wtii.SII V- )., Wli t y.jti jn neft Snlendld A-aortniriit f tin' CHOICEST NOVEETIKaS, WVrra rrn cur. tot thf b't !iinuf.i.:tnrd Unrmfit?, and .tr: yutt can iro np- thu fiKM'INK WATER I'KOOF CLOAK 4, At tlit I, OWKST mTCKS. I.nd'ci will flrd It tn tliH tni'ia-t to jitiri hiHO tlic r Cloak and Shawl bt UiU ttaohfiiiiiunt. K'-.O-tuilu-m H. Wl.l.SII A ro. SHIPPING. Sff K'l'KAM AVEKKLY TO J.IVER janr1iri'rii l1""' torn! uir tit ijuvr nsti wn, (ok KutlHir. - tin v i iJ ki.o-v n MtAiiirri of tl.o iTpooI, Nt-v Yor) , uud riiimdrlid la Htfuiuhhip ( oiiiptny art JnUnded to taii ti i fotinw :- I'l Y OK WaNCUKSTI'.K, Hi.tiird.iy.-Vpt.iiiib T ll. ( I I V I. IM-N. .uluidav.tJt t -l ei 1, CITY F l'.Al.'MM-ilti;,k.iturdn.Ort.(i.T. And avt7v in :i diiiK .staturdfty iu non, t'uin Flr No 44 North ittvr. KA'I Kh F I1 AHS.M IF. IMYABI.F. IN CUUIiKNCY. Tir-t C.khlii 1:0(0 Stto"-Hin fiOltO 1 irt.1'ln t'i lj I'doli ITOtHi HKCiai;!' t l.'itidoil... tiH ix) Urst ' n to I nns.. Ifki t 0 Ht-,TUK"' ti I'urU m i ihi Kit -i CmMii iti llnnitir'KlfMi'do Htoirrktn linmoirit. Yt.oo l'anct ufti hIm t'oi utdL'd to llnvre, brcmou, l.oL U'tl.ui. Aniw erp. Ar , at -'uallv lnw rnifti. Fnrt'" tr ni l.ivtTpnol fir (Juronntown Vrnl Cutiin, f IMI, $170, 10 Hltt-rrtk't' tVnin l.lvn iioot u'ld hi''iih t wii.7i, 1 h'io who wlnh to ftuiid lor Uwir irli'iidn can buy ti ktftn 1imi at ihfM! rutin. lot lurt'itr Imoiniution api'lv nt t fie Cnmi'any'g ortlcei. .lOdV ll, IrAI.K. Awrill, So. Ill WALNUT Hi reel, t'tmadtlphia. rwin liOrSlON AND riiTLADEI.nilA MUaWMbi.' Ati iiinul I Lliu, MullliiK Ir in viMi port n Sii i i l.i'Ji V S, trnlil flrt w. ur" llHe I'l NK stn-l, J'lil'a itflpji a nl.fJ I.oIil; Vb;nf. Morton. Kiolll tlr-t Wiart thnVi- I'lNJ- M'lfi'r.nn KAIlildavJIciohiT I lNM. Hit' i-iiinnhlii NoitMAN. Hiii-r,will iiad'roiii I'll la-lol-phiu l'.r lioMuii. nr Suturda;, (K lulur 1, ut IU A. M , . d tlit stt-atiifhlp HiUN, Mnif 'luwu. frnro ln'tmi i-r ridiw Iphin. on Kainf dav. at 4 1. M. i&j Thi'i'tt ntw And tul'ttafii ml Mtt-uniiivn t u in a riunuu HTI4-, h.i UttU Hum fftrh pint plllll't III' ll "D Hh' unhn'ri . lii-iii.ii''i'ii clIcciLd at olit'lmlt '.hi- prcuduui oi.a td on tillo v"s'l. V ndi hn 'ftltfii at fair ra'r-a. Khipcr urt iftueAi-d lo lend Blip K':ocl,ta and B'Ui Liiduiv Hith tJi-'ir :imiIi. For Fie clit or l'-in-iUKe (havMiir flne a"- om mwhuioni) apply to H F.N li Y W.NHiiK A CO., ja4-tf No..l:U ri. ULI-AWtir; Avenuo. e r UU N fc w YOUK. DES1M 1'CH J,PV-r::j-3 id HflMire LiH'-h, via Dolawftrn and Jiiii t una). 1 ho bif iiiiiern ot infto Unoi are le ivnm lV4clK:k M., aud o cJock 1'. Ma, Irom ttiUJ plor aho e Walnut ttrtft For (rfiihl, which win l tnkn on aooorarno.Uttn? trni, nppl.T to WILLIAM M. JtAJUl Jt CO., No. 14 H. ijF.LAWAJtK Avenu. railroapTTnes, "VOKTH TKNNSYLVANIA RA IMtOAD. I Hdt BhTMl.KIIKM, 1 Y i.Kfi To W N. K.VHl'OS, MACril CMCNK, UAZLMON, V I I.KKSliAlUlt:. J.lAJ&bl'v. ItT. FALL Altlt ANi;i:VKNTS. On ami after nl M. , tit ptt-uiht r V I Mill, Pasapnir'-r TntiiiH nllllt.i' e th NKW I'K 'Oi', TIIIKI) Slroiu, iihuvo Thr mpion, t tiUddt lplda, daily (Uiiiiuayt eceitudj, at tollnw s : At 1 :h A M. flxprh) lor Hitlikdiro. Alleiittmn, Mauth ( tiiud , VV)'. ftmir 'iliimiiiport. At h it' A. X. ( At-sjoininodiitiun ) lor Hovleitown. At I0i: A. Si . ( A'"( otiihMM'a' kn for Ku"i Wnnhlntoa. Ati M P. M. (Acoilimiuiliiiiiin) for r. lstown. A I 'i l!i V. A ( Lxprt'H-) Ltr lU-tMt In in, K-inton, AC J hi indii rHi hf F. ; tm at1' In f. , and mikt't lo0 Coiiin-cil n wilh Id N-w tv: svy 4 entral f.r Sivw iork. At IH 1'. M. (Mail) for tn Uptown At A M i At C'jar iiujoatioii) for Belhkln-iu, AUva tnHii.atid Maiit'h Chuiik. t - V M (Acc.-niiiii dtln..) for Lruis Jale. II I A. ( a. oointu d.iiioii ) lor 1 (f Wu-lilttvrtnn. T tin-UKh l kk t Mh-t tr urociiri-d at 1ti 1 u kct Omca, TIIIHD ttiia. i, or UKUdM-ntv i, in ..rU.-r tu ttcuiv Ute loweht raUrii uf luro ThAlNrt FOK PHlL-inKLPIIIA I.euT Itt-Mn.-lifiit at l mi A. M , Ii lb ti.Min,and ''(& p. M. ioctnwt at t uUA. M., J i. Ai.,and6J I'. Lani-il.ilo ut I.T0 A. M hull WuitmifeiuD at K V. and 1 P. If. ON Nl'N'jrUH I hiladf Iphla for Iti ihlt-ht-ni it a A. M. I'ln'udi fit i. for I km .-.lou li at it 1. M, lioWtvstiiH n I. r I hila elultta ut 7"t A. M. Hfti h Ih -in Mr I'ld adi'i jiliin a: 4 I'. M. llilliiiau'h Hhu Kxpn-kH will call f r and deliver htti: 0 vf t tu depot. Oidci way Im: lei", at Hu. lt H. i ilUMt Stn,tt. W-l't K1XIH CLARK, Ant. 1SCI4. rillliADEI.VIHA AND 1SH1. liil.nti. Tl'in ttr-ar traveif the orihrn and N irihw i uniM( ti' l'i iii'fvl. aina to im. citv nt Lrii-on l.iU' Krt. ll h.lni'U Ifa-nl h thf I'KNN.-. I.N' AM A H V1LKO M) COMTS, a). 4 unijir tlair amplc-K la 0-Lig rapidly p iii'O throUk.KHit it nilr It iikth It i now In itiit! for l'aiti-nki i' uinl FrcLdit bnincn fr-'Ui lLiri- fhurii to 1 mpiirluin, i inlu- , on Um Kititfni livi nun at d iium ShailivUl to Kilo (lo uiiki,on th lnviiliij. tIMK tF rAsatMiHl THAI Nti AT 111 1 1. K IlKl.t'lll 4. Mull I ruin k'lve- ....H ij V. M, J xi'rt ri- Train Iravt-ji Ui-.i i ,' Cmg I UII llTi.UKh .'IH' il I' I IM M.l: tl'ttll WH.V9 (111 thr-.e triii hat riiiudtdpiiluaiid Lotk 11 ivoii, aad butwu.-o ll.nt ti'iiro nnd L":k Havt n. Kk'ani P ttfptnif Carn ointlir Fxprt'nn Tr.tln hoth wnvi, tur iiiloriiiatton r-MHr-iiiK I'aiM'iiKcr Iiii-iiu-i.h, tfid al the S. K.f'iiifi ot Kl.hVKN 111 and M KK K 1' Htrovt. And lor Fn iifht l.u.-hi ol th. Couu tny'i. Ak"ii : K. it Klin ion, Ji .,cuii ti hi..ii.L-lU aud MAkK.U'1 ftlrt t t", rhifai:wlt'h!jii J. W. Li - iiolds, LrW. t). U. Drill, AkUH, S. N. C. Km naltliiire. 11 IKHTSTOW, tiv'lic'Jttl I'icl.. t A.'fiil, Fhiutdi p'.n I.KATS L. Id H I I , ti cut-nil Th k t A !)!, I'l Jn l,-!i. '..a .1"S1JI1 I 1'Olls, jul-tf incra! MaiiaL. r. Wldiiuupo I) I H C T NOT. T 11 E U N KAILUdAD inn i r. I. Miri A I 1 I I Ml A TO NTI: I UF .S I T';V !''t. MA. tlMLAl. AM- WMII NLVV lUKr.. til M AM AMI DO. I,l.l v, ' I'.v i ula't i; 1 ia nnd 'Jic.i.iii If),!oi.d. r,i'1v,,ir,-, 1Ul,i '( Imh hi v llHiliiiiii'. I it !u ; c, .an ,;n an, au l .-. t.'l it Jia. iouiI, flit- u. '.ir. 'i i ltaut in l w n n I hi!. id. 1 1 l.i.i ri,d Il'i'luiu. ht' i L. 1 1 x i ' a it l ' i"a.l r. 'IU ;r I'.hO U .Al..F! M; ; l.It'n IU Hh ( U rli tl f t r ,1 t It f l'.riiL-. i... Nm il..- !.'ii r! ji J , A .., lit h i i.Mli.ti u l)f i ot ul Ij.i-li.d i'a ! 1 1 ii I.i mhI i rcul li lit . i o..d ; i 1. ii Mil ut l mind- a i ' t mil. i t in- r.t'i a 1 ( ,.ui e t 1 ut : J-i-l-'Vuif, 1 ai-k.vnin.ttl in ' ii Wi -t in ii l. uid iH.itiaiiiiu luiln l.i W l..ii.,.. , ;a.i.ii.-i al ItiiiUuitt t.mi.j: Huntl-.-Tal-f ll.i- Fih- I: dhv.iv hpi(-) Ci,,tn riiiii.l.. at li' ''- 1 , : j niu uti ; i fut lu-i.d t. tin- !-!- V ll 4'. Iti I .llillll,Utld ' lill il.l ilo id. nn, i,l M -III hi. 1. 14 (hill k til ll,C Ht.Vl.ll. iK-lrlV.illc . .H, I 'Jl' II , l a ll k' t n It ton: I, o I'l 1 1, ill. :)!.. a. rii h.i' I i 1 1 ii l. . I a: t-i ii.i-i n jii-mL ln-rMi tiili-- lit Kan-lt' Mtlioil fi'l thi lii..itwti r, kin. 1.UIUI W In ii KiuJromi, nt l.' 'l I'. ii., ind I.kvii liinu ii.t -.ijij.iui iiiia I". 'inl, w:,i i U itm , r, ui;.-,- ih tt iuii' at i.'H I'. -V . T'..e K-nn.' tM,.ali l akuih.- tihi el an. i t 1. n,l. ht i. -.1 A. W . u nl l ast-llu . I- r l.fM,.iat Im '..i.' Iiir.ii', lnla.M.i'. a v Mil a ai.d Wi.'-ttlii iltmt...d li.i.u , tinu- ul lv uwuiu at if I. M. 'll n. ii. I Tir-Vt th to n: d fin m l'inl,lii It 'tikirk, l" ht- -t r . I ill ih H. In ir i , (!' . lii!i. i,.ii'i;.,,ii, l.ivtl It .ii.l, t i I n!ll. ll, ,'l,i.t -,l..;i If, m ;. Ji' tVn'i f- la H, & -'. J tV ht l . I'll I h iti i li ,!,i Ml, I Hull .!,, a 1 1 . A"' !.r t;i k m tii- at d V ii.-lia M. IL OA l.MUt, RAILHOAD LINES. 1 A V 1 N O It A1LIIOAD Oftr.AT Tkl NK LfKB r MOM PHTI.AliK.L Ht TO TJIK 1 NTKHFOH 0 I I.NNS LVAMA. 1 IIP. M.'Hi VI.KILL. HUft fc'l NN a.CI MHF.KI AMI, AMU WHtMlNO VALLLY, ANIl NiLTlI, NtklllWhST. AND THK CAN ADAS. TAMHT-WOl H TH UN Jt-iiM- fVp frpn'tnv i l-p.t. at THII.TF.KNTH an ! 1 M I "Villi U Mitttl. rhlind' 'iMiiii, at U.i udlow:n I....,,. - ! MoitMNO M K I L. 1 A-'-OA M. for Htii.l.r.t. I'in, Enhrnia, TJtlt I ( MnifiMa. l'rn '''ira, l'.'tnvi!i. P ii'-rove. Titnia'ii , '1- 1-Hr) . V hi uMi p "t , t m ri. Kn - if. t r, Ni'n''i r . Hiii'mo. aii. to W i t hair-,, ork, Carluh 'ininiit T' h- r, l?r I i rMit li I ' 1 I ' ti i iii rou i. f m hi i, l- A 0 1 SO with Kat PnntyW , itia h' n itm. tut .or A'ir-t"rn Ar.. the Ht-alin(i an . Cm'Iii, I ir hHI mat I to- f pt,r-a,. 1 It t and C duniM. I .ihih. I I aunt) Vitil' y ua n for H un-iii'i.', t c. ; i P-H i y i l,i N't i r ni, i i..,k-tri nH' a", iur .Vnl.rt -arr i V.ii 'in. p. it. Ion, Kmitrn, Mr.; at IMKKlV ( Ll i:o vfih Sniirni tntia," "i iimr'rUn'l Vaiifv, I ai t) ",'-cr..ilkili nmU Hg.ttfr,a.!D" traitia f'-r N-irt lum fn-rU'iu.U dham-p ri n ,n," t. ,-),. rK p nt-ffrove.A At" Tr liNMON r.(FM I.raxfti 1 dl I-ip'n at i . p. M f..r Kadlna P tt i h . l, iiairunnrv. A- , c-niwti'iw t Harn-i J l.iiru wih IToiiivlvftina t.'.mr-. trains tor lMt'"irxt c Sm -rn '' ntrl It h rou 1 ir tin r.,r Him nt try , North urn i her !!, 1 Irmra, V- , anil a' I'mi l llnr. n with i'uli Uulna for Milittn. A'uhaint.M.rt. Kluura. liutUlCyf I IIP. AIM SO AC('.iMM'M,. TION I,.ftT.. ft.-.i.iK at ;oo a. m tnnit t n v.r,. i ip if ai r . ii v ir. M I'M'tt Ipli'i t 'nan 4 m lit'tnrmiia. ! avii 1'inintieji.i h a .vuuY. AI. : arrlvoi I ftfurtii v at P M. i 1'rHh.Ffnr t''.'lndli'hiaiavr II nrri hunt at 7 '110 A M an ! l'otiviih nt M i:. A. M .ariivum in Ptuudcipioa at I'll V. M Alnnoon IrHtim n3 MnrrMouri nt 1 4A P. M I nit-vMie at .. to r. M.t ariivnu hi rin adeihia at 1 P. i Mttrtm tram. with a prt-M'r-ar-r rar atta. . ' I'liilHtit id tn at I 1. M , for Kt-tvinik ami all u tr Mtatktrv It avf K-ifl iib at I .1, noon, and I on ulntuwu at ti ) ft M for I'Mhi'lt rl, ai'd nil wnv a-inrion. A ll th1 Htrtvr iraii a r-in oa'l , Mimduva f xrpitt1. Hiin-laj trrtint lt n e Ioi'v Ul at 7 .-0 A. M and Fhila df'i.hia at ii I' M CI'KS I Ht V ALLKV R.MLUOAn. Pn-tpn.rt for lrnniiiLt'.n aott mt'TtiH' ! p;n takf thf ni OA M. and - ( I' M . trahio Ton rt.iUdiih. niiindrf irom Iiowiiuitfit'wn at t A. M., aud li 1 hhw York r.xriiKs ro nu and tu WL-.T. Lavi n Ni w York at'' A. M and 7 P. M , pi"lnR ftrmrtl at l' in mi flight ami I ita I'. M . anil itMHM-ntlair at llarn burn 'h l'i nniv lv H.iHioud Lxpieta iramaj for i'l im 1.,.,.. I, n ..,,1 L. . u hftiiruii u Pirt-n train ITarrUhnrcon arr1al . vt thu I'l nnitylvuiiia K.sprva limn l'lttl-urR at d no i 7' 10 A. M , pfninp headum at 4 H7 anil li ft."- A. M , i nrrlv'iiL' ut S w iu t at lo A . M. a id 4 n P. M. Hh li f (ni ar nn-pany thfp tra'ni t!iriait;tit between J era liv ami rtttatlmrii. wlthont enanire. .Mi ll inirti tor Nt w York It aTta Ilin-Ur at I 45 p. V lla.l Irani ti.r llarrllniry New York at 12 Ai. SCHI'. I Kil l. VALI FY . VAI.IEV HAILMllAli. 1 .. m k i li ,. M. tat il hi P. M., r 4 Hts .W A M. and 4 :i P. M. i hlNOI K ll A N N A KAM.ItOAD. J Trat' li nte Ivt'Miili- tnrntPa; rroni Turarnrn Ht KC1II Lk ILL ASI hi li.Un hii.cAutnirn at A.M. rr riuexroTa anr 1 Iurr i-litirt , and at LOO P M for Ptut-armve out? j return liitt trom llarrl-tmrr nt VW P. M..and tYota Plnagrova a 7'4tJ A. Al., and I. M. TICK ril S Thrnnh flrwTfln?! tlrai-tn ami . -rant ttrltVi to u Ui' prti rlpal pt'ntf In thf North and t and Can ati an 1 1m lo! I h'if th-kftt urn ohtaltitnlo onlT at tht orMflt 8 r.l!.lKiilil, TnaMinr. Nn S. I-Ot K 1 11 rtiriM ta I' "' in IU, oi ill l. A- I' V i.OO , iii UVl aa QUj vi iumu d nt, Rr-iidiiic i'nIMt'TlTli1K TTf'lT F.TS. AtVA it or cc t dironni. butHeeu any pointf dilrtS for fumillci ai.d fl niit. V Mll.r-t'iK I'I'-KMN, v rime, oeiwei-n au point, iiiojiouc v fur fiuulUaK and Unit. J hK A ON TICKKTS, jf. IV. , M.n ail n. :ui. U i tl.u rm Kallr.i I ' IP all t)tiiii4, at n uui.t'O rntoi. CId liUYV.F.V Kt eldlrc ' n tho Itnr nf the road will ha fnmlahad wlt i fnrtti, tuiltlliig ihcu ailtn aud wlvua to Ucactt at hit 1 inn-. KXCtTHHIOV TICKP.TR Kp it Phllad-'lpi ia to onntdpiil atatlona, rtd Ihr Ratnr I oay. phi iv. ar u molo i v. hi rciiucn tare, to oe nan onr at tho 1 1 kitOilN u,at 'J lllltTKKN 1 II and CAJuLO Will Ll I htrcets. KKI'KIIIT. ilondn of all dr-crlpiion .irwrdt1 to all the ahiT. po'ni". I'rot'i tli Coiii'iftii a new irUvht dtiuot, UHOAil aitu nii.i.un rjiri-'!.. r I.I.I' M T Lmre Wdtad Iphla daily at ti a. M., 1 P. M.,and d P. M- f. r tt' ai!iin, l.ii.tnnn, llarri-thurg, I'otUvdJo, l ortCU- J1-U-ii, and iHJiiits heyoiid. laT MAM.I' f f'liB at thn Phnn.iftnhlA Pop.' ftmr for all nl iim nn fl.l roati aro ni brant hi't at OA At., and for the prlnolpi v atatloiih f.nlv at 'i l.'i 1. U. J DIlH.ADF.l.miA. OCRMANTOWN. ANl' nufimni vwn i,. TlMK T.Vill.B. On an artir Mu.MiAY, May 16, lBiit, until Otrth. notice. vnit c;i:ijmatowv. Leave rnuit(if.inis n, I, n.ii in ii, ii A. si.; l,z,oir ii.4, f'4.n I. n, ;i. in. 11 , IV I' M Li me in , mum. imi, ll, 7, 7 :i'..H K jo, l, 10, 11, 11 A. JI l.'...;i.4 ii. ni.. 7. s. m. it. ami vt v. m. on uie iicrin4iii".v n itrani n. I 1 1 ! N I T lill.l. n Wl.llOAD. Iiinva Vhllud, Iphla, 0, u, lu. 12 a.m.; 2, Vi,iTS.1.i nn. I 11 r. II l.ravii('lirl'lit 11111, 7'ln,H,9 10, 11-40 A. M. 1 1' lO, 8 40 0 4ii, ii .ii, n .ii, .inn inn r . si . I OH I OSHIMillliCKIlN AND VdKllIslTOWN. I.cnvf I'liila Ii liinia 6,8;l.-i, 11 l .i A. M. IX, 3, Vi, 6Ni l,!;,H IIS. anil 11'.. I'. W. lean- Nnrrllon.f.V. 7. 7'W1, 0 anil 11 A. U. 1 1. IS rl. anil 9 I'. ,M I .... '.I I. .... nn tulll a.n.. .1 . lVli..l....knn aim .oi.bnu aou oi 'y Hilt MaNAVI'NK. l.rave il-lij A M.. IM. 3.4M.SK ,. K-l'limiil I IU I'. M. l.oaMi Miiniiiuuk.ii,,.i.7i.s".10. 9.U'. A.M.. 9,5. 7 ami j'i V. St. H. K. HMITM . ( '.I'lmral Snrmrir tenilmt. mj.'ll liuugl, MM il and UKt-H 1lieU, A'KW li.VILUOAD LINE NORTH I'llli Alil'.l.l'IIIA Id IliinOKI.VN, 'llllllll lill I N I'lVK UOUltd. KA.HK KXi'VIISIflS TirKKTS .l,iililM) full TIIItKE DAT1 I'll an li uni r .111 1 ,s i ... i . . u . .. , i . jri... ir.iin. will ihh v I'.ohii i im; sin-i-i. I'lnia.ii-una, i'vitv nioriiinir at 8 A M. i r-iinilnys rsi-i inn' l. il, ic li t lie camiluii anrl At liinilc and liiirflan nail lii'luw iru (lav Ituurnailn ro !' tu li ul ul Ailaiiiii' stieij'. Ili-oi.klvn; ruiiirnm. Ipave At lauttc hticirt V. has"! everi iliiv (siiiiiiiava exoi-uted). al 1 A M. I'nivolora fii the rlty or ewnrk are nntllled not t ai'iil) rT pannage liv it.i. lint', iliHiaie of Nuw Jer liav i.u urai.ii u in tl.o ( ali'ili'li ai.d Aintxtv nvnoivi t th excliiHlvii iirlvHtua .it hi n nil liHsvi'nwiTs and Irciirht be tftten the rlllMi ni Pli'lHili-li'liia a'l.l New York. tyftl-t! W. y. 1.1:11 1 1 I'M. iii ncrai Hnperinti-iident. ni. st rni'sTi.'ii Avn piiTt.ATiRi.PHr H KA1I.IIOAII. VIA MUllA. lilNl) Alllt A M.F.MEXT. tin ana alter MIlliAV, Ain,Uio TraJnawiniaT? as liilluw : Leave rnilaiti'li hla from the Oeoot, corner of TTITKrY rnisi mm maiikm' nirwita. s A. M , Hue A.H..I.K 1'. v., ii r. i.,ii 4'. r. m. i-niianeit ni. rnaiuea rrora KlllllTKKN l H an AIAI.hl.1 buueu to"lllllO-IUSr and MAJtKK Hll'Ill. Have Wctt Cliester, from the Depot on Kant M VRK ET Stli el,r."Jii A. M I'. A M , tl A. M ,i I". M.,4 4.1P. M. Iliecaraul tlio Hl-t l lnia li I'aiiiieiiirer Kallwa i im mill i.ii.iM-1 nn iii, i. iii coin uy i aaboiwera lo aai I1UU1 HIV t Ull.lll'llll i.i'ii'i. ON HrNDAVS. T.euve I'lillailelphia at b :hi a. M. and 3-.TIP. M. Leave tVral t'liesirr ul s A M. and 4 HI P. M. Tialns leavini; Phlla.le nlna at M A Vt. and 4' TO P. M aro ikhi uemcr ai t: a .si. ano a 40 r. m.. ooiineeT v.ltli traina mi ihe .li.lHiielpiiiu and HMlttinora Centr KHilruail fur Oxh'id ami Imenii' illate pi-lnta. Jal-lf UKNKY wonii, lunaral Superintendent. Ijllll.ALil'I.rHlA, WILMINGTON. AND PAlillJIUnk llrtll,!....,... m I I1AM.K OK Illlt'RM. On and alter MuMiAY, AUKUatl, l!K4, 1 H.. ..,n fr.lll. i luiHif. .lll. nir I liaitlini.rr al 4 Wi tKxna. Slondari exaeuted), 8 05 A. V.. : .,t-Mia- a In i I'. M. IJheeter at tl 04, 11 16 A. M., I'M, 2 30, 4'80,6'00 andll Ot V iln Inulon at i in (llondava excepted), 6'0fi,U'llA. M., 1 :io. :'.iu, 4 -so.i; m . In ;ai unit u-int p, m. Ji.-w r.sile al K i .' A al . and 4 t'i V. M. Laiver ai a ui A. II. ana i .k 1'. U. ' ui'i.nd .ii a i u a. M h.ll.l ury at is i.'. A. M 'I KAIKH KOIt ritlLADKLI'IlM. Leave Rullininre al o'l'i, ii in A. M. (iifruM), I U, a i . ' "' 1 'i " T i i. A.t,i,t g, a iai, .J., hli.jrv ui I I'M A M. Mnloid al 1 1.. I'. N. I'lai i al 11 I tl A. M unit 4 1' P. Id. Isi'v. i,. At s ;n A. M . .n.l P. VT. Ijheiler al I 4i,ll 4U A. M , 1'KU, i 4i,4 40, 6 00, " SO, D'M l.i- .lie linttltunre fur Mall shiny a ml Intermediate atatioai. mi in... r. m l.i aie H.iui. lore fjr Iii.ver and l;itina' illata atatlonj at j'lu r ja. Tit INH -rl: HALTIMDl.'K. Leave I'lir.'er al s A. M ami 11 u I . M. 'ave W'Uiiiiliti'ii at .' .., ii A Mm i Ati alnl ll'i I n ith! Trams, vi Uh l'.-nii. i r I'ar attached, will ru a. II hi.M s : l.emc llin.iifc'un lor Pnri i.lcai.liit.-TinedlateDlacea al 7 4-'. P. M hi N-aV-i-Onty ai 4 :m A. M . 10 Hi P. M., Irom Phlla- di li hiu lu Ha'iim.'ie. t I'l tluiii li'jiia to Wiliii.'ii(,'t'ili al 4 JO A. M. 100. and 11 1'. M. 1 r.i m Vl llo iiii..ri to Plittadelphla al I-4H A. Jr. and TOO; r. .si. uniy at lu-vti r. m . ir-n'i naitin"re to riiiiaiieliilna. a4 11. F. h LNN fc.i . iupeiiuuiiduiil. J:ST J Kits ICY KAII.KOAI) LINES. IHI Hill Ul!l I' I I .'.SI Al , fill' fllUnf lj. la.,4. will fli-ul V atnut Mii-i-l v. hari as folio. 1 Oli C'A! I. a.V. Al ti I . M. 1 IT 111 I .1 1 IT (I! K.ili-m ai d llrl.Ki l.'ii. al n A. M nn.l I P.M. l.i..sli.r.i. ut li A. M ., i.ti-i ,i an l 4 1. M . 1 o. ..I .ny, ,u-.,a' 'i A, ,-.i IK M .1 .s, i, I p. jf. M. . A I', u' li A. y IJ M 4. .inlGl". H. ill' IIMSii i it A I. sis LE t . Vav n i II A. .M. i i.i,. i.l s i.; A. M , l. al I. A M.. ui.ii I I'. i'. V .il . I. ' i. I.'. A. M., 1 -'I'. M. I. .ii. ul'. 1 i ai'.l :''!'. . Vi, an ! '.' I P. M. ihlirj ut 7, 7 4li I.I1J 1' iT A. -M.,a...l i'i,r.if. 1,:. i. ll. ll Tin: vi i ur .n i;--'! i i , 'ikssi-'impa'ty'. ii . Nn I WA! M 1 .-,,.,1 ull,.,ll :., ...'..I.I deliver limnil tir.i.u l e!, ..! Kxtn'ii-ia hiisii.ib.. A bi'ical ue st . ... ai..;. nn e , li train, J. VAS l:KNsi;i.AKit, &ai.Ciu.iuuuent. ; tf "I I! II.A HI I.I'lilA AMI IIAI.TIMOIIH CEV- I 'I HA I. i: MI.Kl.Al;, I'i i.S ,IJ UM'UUI-SI lilNl AIIIIA Sl.LMI S I . nn at d .ii. i 1 Ulli.W .Ai'.J 1, Is. l.iho traina will luav J i'aV K LihTM Altli. ' I.KAVK 'KS'rW'AlID. Hl.niiiSs. A . II . I' ! siAII'i's. A.M. I-. M. I'Moitl.. t,.''i t - I li.iiih.a.... b'il 4 4) V. i.i l. rue li' '7 '.' 'i f-l I'l. i.lnr... 7 n 4 IS Avui'ilale Ti" 4"l rt . i: .1 uncliun,. II . H 6-tl l;,. n,.i 7 in 4'1, l',.,i....i,l -.. b.. I'li.iSii a ruid 7 I'.' 4 1 1 Ii 1 .1,. .. li-1 (;14 . n.-.-l .'i'iII Ki iiii II 1-1-14 li l l , I-. .1 nm ; li.n . . .'- I - .Wi.'iJa i. I I -il h i I ti l.'.li I Ills Ii I. Hi-. I liiole.... Ill Tt 7 Oi H...I I i-.ii r. .. .1' ..!i 6 In is: ul hi.ji j.,0 rasriwi., Ii. ..i in !'h. mil i.hift i,,,s I.,.,..! . ii.i.u , ,l fr,,,,, KiLht. i ii Ii m.i! Mi. ii.t lii.-ts. I.. I 111 If i . I iHM M -.111. IT Mint., We I I'l li.i china. llak.t lSlr..e.t i' llillia t'm. c-iiicj I'aB.cL.c.ra lo and lioia :t Jiit .1. I n - i i... I b ga thriin. h imi iiiit clin ii.c of eiiri. Jal HKM.l W ui,, oui,iiU.lildcut
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