This Day is Publiftied, 4W S.-!d by J, OR MROD, No. 4 t, Chtfnut Jireit, and WILLIAM GOB BE £T, appojlts Il»i Chrfl Chureh, Pricc only 25 cents, A g< IVafJoii's Letters to Gibbon, or , An Apology for Christianity, In a Jrrles of Letters, jr vVddreffed to Ed-ird Gibbon, Esq. author of ths Hifto- | rv oi' the Decline anil Fall of the Roman Empire. jj By R. WATSON, D. D. f- R. S. i; Lord Bishop of Landaff, and Regius Profeffor of Divinity in the UniverlitjKot"Cambridge. C Lilewife, a Second Edition of / din' An Apology for the Bible, By the fame celebrated D'nvhie, — 4 Price 37 1-2 cents. Thtjfe Pamphlets are printed to match, so that they may be bound together— and ccftitain the moll £ow<- u-j ertul* uiid convincing arguments ever advanced in tat or *- of Cln : i ihliity ; together wiCii a complete refutation of ccn Dsifjp and Infidelity. W. C. HWS JUST PUBLISHED, The Political Censor for September-; CONTAINING 5 The Life of Tfomas Paine, J And Remarks on the Pamphlets lately JOC published against Peter Pircupine. September 30. mwf THIS D'AY IS PUBLISHED, — By MiTHEW Caret, i 18, Mavlcet-ftreet, 63 A DiiTertation on Slavery, in ; WITH A PROPOSAL ' err For the Gradual Abolition of it In the State of Virginia. j n ! ST. GEORGE TUCKER, Profeffor of Law in in the Unrverjity of William end Mary, and one of the Judges in ibe General Court in, Virginia* coi u Slavery not only violates Vhe Laws of Nature afid of ma " Civil Society, it also wounds the bed forms 6f govern * inent: in a Democracy, where-all men are equal, {lave- ets " l ry is contrary to ths fpirk of the conftiMuion." \_MontUffjHieui\ • Sept. "-Q. . , . . ft New-England Rum, In hogfiiesds, , Welfli's best Boflon Chocolate, And "C HYSON-SKIN TEA, in quarter chests, * EOR SALE, BT Tj A. MARPLE W ISR. W. MORRIS, c ; t No. 60. Docb-iircet. Sept. 14. eo6t. " 1 . ' * to: " > Norfh-Carclitia—BiUjborbagh Dijlritl. mi COURT OF EQUITV, April term, 1796. an John Wilcox's heirs Ja-iu> VIRSU3 Of Archibald Maclaine, Jam £ Morris, and ethers. wi TN -this cause the deajh of Jafccs Morris beirrg iuggeltcd, Jl as aUo the deaths of <Klor»is and Martha Mifitio, th other defendants —leave is given to ri!e a bill at revivor.— ap But it is ordered, that the complainants firit give fccurity for the coils. On the complainants giving fccurity for the cdfts, and filing tWbfrU of revivor, it is ordered, that pub'icar tion be made in Fenno's Philadelphia Gazette for the Ipacc ac of one week, and also that {publication be made in Hodge's North Carolin; Journal, for the space of two weeks, that rc u&lefs the dciendants put jjn their answers on or befo/e the thjrd day Of the ensuing term, to wit, October term, a. d. 1796, that, then the said bill will be taken, pro t:dNT 'a t the defendants so tailing, and a decree made e?coi d ingly. ' re i certify, that the complainants have given ror i 1 the ct>(U agreeably to thcabove : and I alio ccrtifv to be a xrue cop)or be miiiates. W. WALTER.S, la fcept. 26. ail, i rnafier in•• ftfid court, hi Mr. FRANCIS, in [Of the New Theatre^ r -"pAKES this opportunity of returning thanks t»h:» X scholars and to the public. Mr. Francis intends, qii his return frpm Maryland, to open a 'public aca- * demy fdr dancirtg, upon a plan entirely new. He - 1 fiiittert himfelf that his attention to his pupfis hi- ol therto renders any prbniiHi condutfling his future!' fchemcs on the moil liberal andf flriifteft terfos, of pro- j priety, totallydnnecefTary. a N: B. Private tuition as usual. !( Jafa 3 • p I b p j Sales of India Goods. | / The Cargo of the ship Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Csi- 1 ,t i " cutta and Beugal, J ■> f,< J CpNJISTtNC or ' jf< A Larcre teid general afTortment of Ser>g»! and Madras i « J\ ,' cd rrON and SILK QOODS. « ' amowo flrnictt - « Jt vsrfiety fine worked andplnil Mitfitns, > Dorcas, Also, • " A zhiahlity of Excellent Sugar, ■ \n hoxc-> and —and BLACK PiiPPER, « For Sale by ♦, WvFlings Sff Pfanch:, " No. 21 Penn Street. 8:j _ i For Sale, 1 J A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut < Jfx'ftreet, between Front and Second sis vets, in which ' Jfiefc. JasjieiC4lUr»ith ha«cforittany years (and" j noft' carried on business. •iPWffi&oa will fee given in one month, or sooner. tor terms applx to WtLMAM Itti I *)., or HECTOR CALBUAITH. April 21. / § ' _ ( Brokers Office, and ! COMMISSION STORE, Nt>. 6? South "ftiir.l ftr<jct, SpDolitftWpatioiu! UeW $»nk. ' CAMtJEt M FRAUNC.i'.S RHEP, ) O have ered t..'o Vin.Ur the !i:m of & VAN R*:liD, in the bufinsls of Bro"lctr«, ' 9 ConveyiTCCf.. and Conirtirluon merchants. They bruy aud feil on cpmniifljun every iprcLs of ftoclc, notes of'hand, .t.iKof.ejchangc, hoaf-.»ii:Xi land-, ice.' MontV procured tn de| 'its, Ac. &c. all kinds c' t.'ritfngs in the co»yeyancin;« line, done vfithlneatacfsand X.fp;itch; acceuiHs .lOjttUec!, and fritted, In the rtiofk cocrtSt nmuiier. Co'Kilcot attendants; be giVfJl. "i hsy ioiicit a iiiijte-of, the p dilit fa«or; they are dettr- BJiocd to cudfav..iii to deserve it. v N. B. 'i'lie ytnioft IcAccy obftrved. SAMUKL M. rR " U.N'CES, JOhJi VAN R^EI). Rkihd. AUglJl 27, 1796. m&wtf )'/ A X T £ V, At AP PRENTICE-to the Prirting Bufiaefs. Enquire atthis Office. aiw. y JOHN MILLAR, |.un. & «"o. No. 8,- CHESNUT STREET. Have Imported in the late vefTels l^ lll i'-'irope, &c. j AMD HAVE 10! i SALE, dy A general afTbrtraer.t of GOODH, fuitaWc to tlie season— Amongst which are, BROAD and narrow CLOTHS, ' : , liain and tvvili'd COATINGS, •Rose striped and- froint BLAHKLETS, FLANNELS andBAISKS, H ATS afTorted in cases, HUSH LINENS^ INDIA GOODS, tre on A Confined Invojce of IRONMOMGE'RY, «" Comprising a capital aiTortmentto open a ftore—ir.c u ding Thirty Cafe»,of NAILS. This invoice will be iold entire on very advantageous terms. ■) i-i September 20. * o t Lottery S< . Sj'Oß raifuig fixthoufand fix hundred and frxfy-feven r I- dollars and fifty cents, by a dcduft:on of fiftecu per f centfrom the prize#, and not two blmkitoa prize, via I frize us _ 56C0 dollars ii ■ dollars fooo X iooo 1000 I $00 - * joo '/ s -isco 20 ica icoo 99 jo 49 200 'tj ■ ' 5C63 / zcoo 10 20,000 J Lad draviin number of loco dollar!" each, 5000 2332 Prizes. 44>4J0 4018 Blanks. 63 50 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, 44.4 so By order of tlie DirciVors of thf Society Tor eftablHh ing OfefulManaSaiStnres, the" fuperfatendants of the Pit er Ton Lottery hnvc requeftcd the Managers to offer the foregoing S«heme to the public, and have direiled them j to refund the money to those persons who have -purchafetl , in the former Lottery) or excJlangc the tickets for tickcts " in this Lottery. , f Die lottery has actually commenced drawing, and'wili continue uiftil finilhej. A iift of the Blanks and I'rtZcs ,f may befeenat the oiTicc of William Blackburn, No. 64 fodj'h Second street, who will giveinfdtniation where tick- . t. ets »nay be procured. Dated this Ijth day of Jorie, 1790. 1 J. A y GUMMING, . > / yAtOB R. HARDEN^ERG, 9 " JONATHAN RHEA, ) va dti'eo — frc Samuel 'R : chardet, T> ESPECTFULI.Y informs the Gsntlcrtcn th, Met-chantjp, that tie has this day opened the CITY 'h TAVERN and ?/i ERCKANTS COFFEE HOUSE in the A city of yhiladel|t)ia. 1 The Room will be.furnilbed with all the wi daily papers publiJhed in Philadelphia, Kiw-Yota, Bos. ''' ton, Baltirtjore, iogethiir withjthofe of the princip d corf - n*ercial citi.-s of Europe will be rjguKrlj k Slsd ,; - and none permitted to be tVr.en away tr. any accoiint. Tea, Coffee., Soupes, jellies Ico Creams,.«nl a variety nu of French Liquors; Mgrtlwr wi'h the Usual refrefiimento, dr will as all times br procured r.tth6bar. th d, 1 Gentlemeir rfiay dfcpend on being accommodated with th 0, thechokcfio'f Wines, Soirituous I.iq6«rs, and the most | — approved Milt Liquors froir.London and ofher bl-eWeries. or ' wilihefupplicd.with theprime and carlieft 3r ' s > prodttfeißns of the Scafon. :ar Larje and fmsii Parties, or single Gentlemen, may be m ■~ c accopfrnodatcd with Breakfafb, Dinners, or Suppers, at e ' hoitri wioft convenient to themfclves—a cold Collation is th 'jf 1 regiilurly kspt ior conveniericy, the Billot Fare to be had H c at tho bar. » l'he Lodging P.brms will be compietely'furniftied, and k e Vv utnwft attcnfio.T paid to cleanlincfs, and every otter fn I requffite. • j c ' tor Ricuardet Will behappyto receive, and ive execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public tit C< large; and with gratitude far tlveir favours, he pledges rt. himfelf that nothing on his part (hall be wanting to pre- dt _ serve that patronage with Whiah he"ha» been so diltinguiih- " ingly ;'ionored. til Philadelphia, April 19. "mwf Treasury of the United States. J| a- "\TOTICE is hereby given to all persons who are or r > rj e X\ may He Creditors of the United States, for any fcims - of the Bunded l)cbi, ar Stnk, iearing a prrfent intcref. of fix vet f'r csntam per annum. . C ' r . iff, That pursuant to an Aist of Congp-efs paßed on the C " 28th day of April, !796, iutitled an ait in addition to an . ad, intituled " An aft making fuitber pro'vifion for ths support Of public credit, atid foi' the redemption it the public debt," the said debt or ftoekv£llbe rtimburfed and paid iu manner following,to wit. " Fill,' Sty dividends " to be made on the lalt days of March, Jiui» and Sepiem " bar for the prefcni yoal", and from the year one thousand A seven hundred and ninety-seven, to the year one tliou !•< sand eight hundred & eighteen the rate of 1 i f one and on# half per, centum upon the original capitals Iras j 11 Secondly, by dividends to be mlde nn the lafl. day of " December for the present year, and from tlv year one " thoujatd leven hundred and Rinctv-feven. tt. tj-. c IS, '» ohtt'nouTanleiglit l:undred and leventeei! incloQve, »t . . " the rate of three and one half per centwmxipob the oii " ginal capital; and by a dividend to be ma <. o* the iaft - , " day of December, in the year one tlioufand eight hun " dred and eighteen, of such sum, as will be then atie- r ?' qoatc, aciordiog to the corttsS, for the iinai redemp. t tion of the said (lock." 2d. All diftindion beW<Tet» paynnenls on < ceaunt of r 5 Interefl artd JPrihiipat being tlius abobfhed by the eilablifn- ' menr-oi tlie permanent rule of reimbursement abova dc- a scribed; it has biccoine necessary to vary acts'rdingly the f powers of attorney for receiving dividends 5 the public f 'nut creditors will therefore observe tb>t the "following.Torm lich. is eftablifhedfor all powers'of attorney which may be and' granted after the due promulgation ol this notice, viz KNOW ALL M£N. ET THESE PRESENTS, tiui ■■ I *f , at£faj47tJU:<i£ ar.J nppr/, n * 1. tf . i § lorjuy,f<r mc, ato'vrtry nam, to receive Ae divUrnJ, rxhub art, t „ or jbaU fx to lam, ok th, (here describing the' } m «rj nam', in the boels of ;here defcribmg the ' books of tKe Treasury or the ComhiiiTioiicr of Loans, < <vhcre the flock is credited) from (heir insert tfec com- 1 , menceiiu-ot and expiration of time for vdiich the power of 1 ? " attorney is to continue) ivilu politer a'.fi an aUurnty or otter- 1 ' nits under blm,jvr that purpfe to mate unJfufyTiluie, and It du all ' ' ° lavvful'utf,, rcqu'lftefor effecting ibe preniifcs**rehy ratifying and « tr< ' finjtrrning all thai my said Attorney or lavful~ t ,la Jy J?, fry ilrtuc hereof. ' J II nu ' In Wiintfs hereof i I law hereunto fci /ry and Zeal Lie t day of in the *sar . 3 0 Srat'd ar.d Dtflvtrcd in prrfeuc^tf, U ' c BE IT KNOfVN.tiat on tie Jay of Vt " n * efre mi perfontiliy cats:e " tcr " ivithin namtd and acl/tvzvledged tie above IcHtfr cf attorney to ie bu d£i and died. In ttftiTTQuy nxhererf I Lave hereunto set my Kan* jujd affix -* ' . li .S'_ :l ;h-.- diy iaji aforejuid. Given tinder fny Hand at Philadelphia, this twen tieth day of July purTuauc to dire^ion k from the Secretary ofti.e Treasury Meredith, r * tj the U'.lted Sictcs. JvfjzZ* '*VttiJ. t • » « ' Tufks-Hland Sals, FOX SALE, I'e; (lie fliip American, Capt. Shallcrofs —VvJIl ti* re? - -. dy to discharge at Pine-ftrcet wharf on the i;th iiutj— • Amjly to , » Jehu Hollingfivertb cf Co. a Sept. 23. _ nvwf -i A Manufa&ory i'OR SALE. A Valuable SO. N P and CANDLE ntuate in a convenient part of the city ; the works almoU new, on an entirely original conftiu&ioii, and built of ;hc l/elt materials, kikl may be fct to work immcdi # ly. Perforts . who >vifh to, are requdtcd to apply at No. 273, South Second Street. September 13. t t f tf City of Waihington. SCHEME aftbe LOTTERY, No. 11, n FOR THE IM'PRIX'EA(E KT 0 t TJfH FEDERAL CITY. 0 A mapriTkcent > lo.ooq dollars, &. \ 0 dwelling-house, j c -fh jo : ccO, ire i o l ditto I?,boo ft ca(Vi 25,000 40,000 t i o 1 ditto 15,000 & cacti 15,000 jo,ooo 3 1 «,lilto iO,Oik> 10,000 ' 20,000 (j o I ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 lo,oqo ;l o 1 ditto 5,000 & cf(k 5,0u0 10,000 o T cafll prize of ic,poo J a 2 do. 5,000 rjich, ire • 10,000 t! - 10 do. 1,000 - - 10,000 o 20 do. 500 - - 10,000 00 do. 100 • - 10,000 soo do. .50 - - ic,ooo 0 400 do. 25 - 10,000 l " 1,060 di). 29 - 10,000 15,060 do. it> • - 150,600 c — « " Prizes. ■ a 1 JA>i6l blanks. ■ s — " . 1 j 50,030 Tickets, a; Sight Dollars, 400,000 iS 1 p N. B. To favour thofc who may take a quantity 61 ~ Tickets,the prize of 40,000 dollars will be the last drawts J tick)-;, and die 30,000 the la»t hut one : T1 And approved notes, securing payment in either monsy ' or prizes, in tea day. after «, received f*ar , a»v mimber on;, less than tickets. . This Lottery will afford an elegant specimen 6f the pri vate buildings to he ereSed in trie City of Waihington— _ Two beautifm defjtis are already for the. entire "~ fronts on two of the public 'squares; from these prawingi it ispropofed {oerecl two eehtreand four corner buildings, as soon as poffifcle after this lottery is Told, and to convey n, them, when complete, to the.fortunate adventurers, in i 'the mariner ajferibed in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. c A nett deduftionto.f five per cent, will he made to,defray I"f the lleccfurv dxpenfes of prjn'tiiig, &c. and the surplus e will be mad? a part of the fund intended for the National cc ' University, to be erefled within th« city of Walhhigton. a! The Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets are I ar d fold off.---The: vohey prizes will bepayablein thirty days! la after it is f.niflijd; and any prizes for which fortunate : ft, y numbers ate not produced within twelve mtonths after the ;c k 5j drawing is #:tofed, are to be confidcrcd as given towards n' the fund for the Univcrfity ; it being determined to fettle ar h the whole business in a year from the elding of the draw- o ft ing, and to take up the bonds given as security, w I'he real securities given for the payment of the Prizes, ai ft are held l>y the President and two Directors of the Bank C of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the jt- bi ic mount ol the lattery. ir ,t The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of is is the lite Commiflioners afiifted in tlie -management of the p d Hotel Lottery are requelted to undertake this arduous talk n a fecund time on behalf of the public ; a fufficient num d id ber of these having' kindly accented, it is hoped that the ai :r friMids to a National'Univerfity and the other federal ob- la jeets may continue to favor the dciign. f, ,d By accb'-uts recehred from the diflerer.t parts of the h jt Continciit as Well as from Europe, where the tickets tl ~s have been ferit for sale, the public are assured that lbs jj 5. drawing will speedily comnteUSe, and that the care and g Ij. caption Unavoidably necelTary to iifure a frifc disposal of ri tiu tickets, has rendered the ini ( fufpe.nfion indiipenfaßfc. n SAMUEL BLODGIiT. - .§« Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ; o £ Jafiies.Wcft & Co. Baltimore; Peter Oilman, Softon Of John Hspkins, Richmond ; ar.d of Richard W«lls or Ciiopir's Ferry. ecr ns Watsox's Answer to Gibbon. he JUST RECEDED, ™ And for UTs by J. OP MROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet, J he Apology for Chriitianity, J j s In a feriet of Letters, addrejfed to b Edward (RIBBON, r ',j of the History of the Declice and Fall of the ° * Reman Empire: ' 21 c f BV" R. WAT SON, d.d. f. r. s. Biihop of LandiifT. ° a j N (Prict cents bound ) J of Watibn's Anfwcr to Paine, 'tie To at the fame place. - r 9"«r sn;ir:i;s arc awake! Let not ber firiirtil JUefu Sipt- I. mw&ftf aft — — ' — - N OTIC E. r ,:e " rr'lft Subscriber. biviog Ueeu reducM ,in his circum t "P* jlances, l>y fumjry misfortunes, and'heing thereby r rttiabie to fatufy his ,iift debts, hereby give* nolice to his ° Creditors and toall verfous contxrned, tftat he intends to v apply to the eic.'ierai Assembly of Maryland at their next fefTion to be heid on the full Monday of November new., 'r for the benefit of aii ad of infolvcUcy.' 311 C WlljLlA'Vi £DMONDSON ' r ,' n F.sftnn. ift of the qth month. i7<)6. lawtiitMN bo / . - - A ' 1 ' : ; u ' To be fold, i A PLANTATION, in the town of Woodbury, coun- . ty of Glouccher, afid ftatc of New-)erfe.y, contain- , At- iri"- about one hundred a»d fifty atrcs ; a Cuitable propoj>> _ art tion of which is woo'dland and improved meadoj^A J the great part of the arable land is in a high cultiva^ the tion, and very natural to the production I C , love J- c Ills, On said plantation there is a geateel two-#ry hoHfe, c ,m- with four rocmis on a Soor, and a «fir under , rof the wholes together with a, barn, yfn-criDsand csmA- ( tor- house. I'he garden is large, apd retain, a gooUccolletc t . at; tiou of the best kinds cf graced and raoculated nut tree,; , W the orchard conflfts of thre, hundred gratted app t- < ■fid. trees. Aiv/perfon to purchase l,:d r i( niay , , J bc ' 4rorMtll us a " andrew"HUNTER. , July 59 ... J ; To BE Sold, At l\'o. 128, Kortlj Sccon.lStreei, ami bj fcvcral oj , 'the Apothecaries in {bti City. ERS of'the right to refine («"»* 3 » d > rf m . 1 'ions from the human b»dy.asfecu.e-u \o - •" bv p-'en:, w'.ih lnftiuincp. fc and unecticn- uc ceffvy 4 the-.fTaicc, This mode ot trwimcw u p'-riicU- . , ' ca " lariy u(cf u i j a jelievin^.pain» nithe head, lace, teem, brcan, ' ,cn * m,Ko !W h back, rjieumatifma, recent <of.s, icc. gut. V** the Utility of «>« P'"t ce it is not pic but thete cairn in%d>ich this ana every otn-. i "• lempiy Bjjy fsih 7' I-UC l,j ,aw i ' s : ; ' 1 " / \Vaihirig£on Canal Lottefeyr~ * N». 1. W'HBRKAS tjie State at N'tvyh id .has authorifeA' the underwritten. t • raise tw'cMjr-fi* thoufcnd, twotlundred, and fittf :o'Uar«, for pur&ofe of cubing a Cstlil thrd'ijn th ■ Pity ot Irota'ta P« toniacco ftiei'ulern Branci' Harbour.' -The following is .lie of Sso.' I. . Viz -i Prize of vj.V&p djfj&iii;, jp.ocfo r ditto 16,000 lo,obr. i TiS,tr} si? »«• j 6 ditto 6,000 , io ijittr> 4qo l|,ooo oo ditto ioo §£<» 55 ditto 50 4,7/0 5750 ditto I» 09,0ji 'i o be raised for'the CjMtal, 26,35° > Pr:zi*«, 175,000 11650 Blailei,cct two to a pri.?«.' T7500 Ticket ;, at Ten liollars. - 175,00.0 The hi.. taken the Secuririiv r< quired by the aforeiaid a?l for die puflSual payhvp. of the jirires. The drawing «f'tins -:-y will commence, without delay, as soon as >!*■ 'Ticket* ;'.ra fold-, of which tiiatry notice will begtvtn. Such prizes as arc hot demanded in si* months after tjii drawing is fmifheil, (hall tie canfiiiei' d asfleliaquilheci for the benefit of the Canal, and appropriate® accordingly.. (Signed) NO ;lEY YCXjS'G, DANIEL CARUOLL, o/D. J4t.WIS OEi<LO.i:-:, GEOimfe WALK! ii, Wm M. DUNCANSON, THOMAS LAW, JA.MKS BAltttY. City of Waihincftba, Feb. M. $ . ■ >■ — Mordec-ai Lewis HAS FO!l SALE, NANKEENS; long and fliort. - Chine, well aflortcd, . Diapers CoiTas. . J i,f* Baa.hno HsndkercJiieb. Roll Briinioac. ' . " faept. 6. "" For Sale, A LARGE ELEGANT ANp WELL Fllf'fSHED . Three-i't'ory Brick tloMe, • ' , (The late residence or G.-neral Walter'ijtcwWßJ 1 ' : a LOT ef CRol^NDthefeunt«rf>^b*ing, "V tlie Wiil of 'i hit i-ftreet, near i containing in front .<2 feet. .and in dejs£h>ioo all Mley leading into Union-Itrect. The house is .« feet trait and 50 feet deep ; the leveral rooms 'tftntaiutei ;in it are large, commodious, andcomplesely ; tic.two full stories arc each 13 feet hijjh; tixsre ars' Kj m'aljogany s | coors in the houfc ; a geometrical feaircaiSi t»fth nvhig . - i ny rails and a good Iky-light. The kitchen, i 8 in .ffie ee'i', % 1 * ar 4 which is spacious and convenient, and nnifhyS With a# - oven, slew-holes and pantries, a lervants' ha - .! arid larjjjg wine-collar adjoining the kitchen, in front of'which is in , area fn which tlicre is a pumo The yard is vaslted. : i Communicating with the said 6. #. ng is a neat threc-ilcry ■ 1 brick h'onfc, cn the north fids ox Union-flreet! conuirp ing 30 feet front by 10 feet deep; the lower port of which f is at present occupied as a ccmpting-houfe, and the upper : part divided into wcll-tiiilfhed large chambem. Tiiis house - may at a fihall expense t>e converted iiito a convenient dwelling : The street door is very handsome, and the front £ and b&ck have Venetian window-ihuttefs. Adjoihin"-th6 - last houfc, upon the lot belonging to the iirft, are efe' bathing-rooms, ic. There are litewifc very good coach» e houfc and ftablesfiniihed equal (of nearly foj with any in s the city, on a lot containing 011 Union ilreet 30 lie«t, and sin depth on the waft of.j'aidLaliey 5* feet. There are J good cellars uniict t;te whoje of the buildings, anu a wine f fo«m over part of the wilh a liay-loi't over Hie re maindcr. l r Or-further particulars enquire of EDWARD 30NSHLL St. Co. 0 At then Office No 44 Doek-ftreet. heiween Walnut & ?c«r iliccts. 6 6ih month 24th, 1796. FOR, SAL E. A PLANTATION, ABOITT 1 a miles iVom this City, iltuatc in Abmg ton Township, Mant jon)cry-County ; containing 70 acres, a new (tone hout'c, two stories high, 2 rooms ona floor, lire places in each, a flone kitchen and ItOne fning houfc, over »h cxccilent (prirtg of water, a bain, flabies* iht-ds, bari2cks, &c. A Jarge orchard, and a vafricU d e othcr|»uit, about 12 acres of good meadow well watef«-d, 2nd wood fufficient for fire, and ienting the placc. PoiTuG^ - on may be had the ill of April next. Property in this city wiii betaken in exchange, or MORRIS and ,'wotes in payment. Enquire at No. 37, Arcfe-Stiaet. Philadelphia, Sfiptcmbcr 13, 179b, ttft-f WANTED, For any term from one to four yeart, A pleafaatly lituated in any of the prinefpat streets within the pavernenf, and not very distant ftcnt the (jtate-rtoufe, capable of accommodating a Imall tulm- J y ly ; the house ml have ftablcs and coach-house, and would be required to be ready by the firll week in No * 0 vember of tl\e printer. ;t Sept. 14. ttf t. FOR SAL £, n A very Valuable Eitate, CALLE» T :v ITT E Nh' A M, situate in t!iS townlhip of Upper Derby, and county of Delaware* 7 i-yoiilth from Philadelphia, and half a anile from the 1- jn>«v WeiUrn road: containing 33a acrcs of excellent iand % 45 which are good watered meadow, 90 of prime wood«* land, and the reil arable of thu Cril quality. There are l ~ on the premifesa good two {lory brick house, with 4 rooms on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump-well , of excellent water in front; a large frame barn, itables, r and other convenient buildings; a smoke-bouse and stone, spring-house ; two good apple orchards, "and one of peach es. The fields are all in cia ver, exccpt those immediately > under tillage, and are so laid out as to Ikiive the advantage of water in each of them, whidi renders k peculiarly •>' venient for gracing. The iituation is plealHntandhe- Vhv, and from the high cultivation oi theland, the good neighbourhood, and the vie'-inity to the city, it is very fuitabic for a gentleman't country ier.t. ' The foregoing is part of the eflatu of Jacob Harman t ? and offered lor sale by Mordecai Lewis, a • OA. 9. tt&f Surviving Executor. ~ PRINTED BY JOHN F£X NO, c- No. I 10-*- " CHtS»»T-i.rKilT. ."Price > ; w*h; ljr .«bbh»^ " • 1 ' X' S' s '.r. '3- . J- ~. .;aJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers