fr 'We a!fo vow do; oifcdifneelf%H oiir'fuperiors, and ~ I ciricotffraapder; and *on this account we farther i B£ /,[ , to dcniunre immediately to the njfgiilrates, I M „r <-hiefs of the place, the seditious discourses, writ- t \ any seducer of the people fwhe- , tj^ r be he 4.-f<*reign traitor, or a domefHc malcon- i ten:) without fear'or regard of quality or person : ( 'and all this truly, so help us God and the holy Gospel. 'Amen-" J VIENNA, July 6. t The following are the preliminary conditions of peape, signed at Bologna, between the plenipoten c tiarves of the, pope, on the owe part, and Buona- f part; on the other, the 25th of lall month. They t were yefterdny prclented toall the foreign miniders. t joraritlions of livres tcurnois to the Ftencb. t 150 pP&uijs. v 15c Itirues, including tljofe of the Biuti aad c Apollo.» • ' i baiuiefs. 2500 itianufcripts. _ J The pope repounees th® authority of the three f legations of Badpgna, Ferrara, and Ravenna, and f receive*' a French gairifon in the town, castle, and *] port ef Ancona. We think thtm too harsh ' and 0 enormous to be authentic. The nuncio of the f pope here, however has no authority to deny c them. ' 1 AUGSBURG, July 1. r ' Tlrf attacks made by the Freneh on the 28th of r !the AufttiaiTadvanced ports on the a A'lige, wrte very furious. They surprised the firft h picqoet, amtck**d with impetuosity the important post of Cerhioto,. defended bv a battalion of Lat fl ter'man ; they put some companies te rout, who fled down the mountain, and took the road to Avio. jj The 1 militia of Tanferer retired also to Brentanice, j a:jd from thenee to Roveredo. f, v ' The remainder of the troops fudained the attack, b'4 {pt obliged to abandon the post on account of of Uie enemy. But a short time J, ' aftci«*te-ifcait' fal>»hajjfeg rjeoeited reinforcements V Jrj|flfcjSfe v rßoiMng scampiy r ßffatfid the" enemy, f, »ij¥-i#^/v\h<• ra, from the ports,they had jaft taken : 3 the French attacked tiie advanced w po(fiyßjjjna, '.ana neat the lake de Oarda. On the „ lirfStJwPt F generals Liptay and Mitrotofki brought from the camp, charged the enemy, t | 10 g> ve "P'he. entcrprife. The ti a 'f° attacked fopcrior force t | ; a|M®»'! l d Cottera. The fire of the tauf- 0 by that of five barks, which, lieutenant Cabvinoehe, made the tl M.,.. { it was generally supposed thai ■ 1 i!)jiV Van Wd would reach this place in the erea ii.jr. The military chest. warlike rtores, and re- . fcrrt artillery were instantly refnoved, and §11 em>- ■ "-jfrS'jits arms, fled with the utmost r prelate of Scnuilern, and the uj cardinal of. through our town, cn F ihJir IV av. ti BlR V k v F«reft, whither the. bag. a r LmgsJCVlltj&'d the j&iaec of Conde, a l 'o^l^.* however~yie re ei»e intelligence, That tlic French,. whoTMld-- ft vanfced as lir as.Hetbollheijm have hetn repulsed by w tfce imperial i-.iftntry, an'd the cavalry of Conde, and fh puriu-.-d _ be •. RFjiNFELDT, July 17. , ' hi It isieporttd that in an affair in the environs of p ; liimburgh, the French w»re twice repulsed», but m that they charged iurioilfty a thir<Wime.with' the Jj bayon,et, and'evcry thing wayta—They enter-' ed the enemy's rapks, overview and all p that ftopd their attack.—TW? field 6f battle wsj ce left heaped with the flaifi. Aftcf this .Kattle th«y marched against Runkei, r g wliich they took fey Sflault, after the moil obllinate ve resistance. The bombardment of Frankfort, which Jailed but a short time, has nevertheless done da mage to the ampunt of 25,000 florins. The con- ra .diti«ns of the capitulation of Frankfort are not yet ® arrived. THe number of battles previous to its cagtbre have excited desolation and misery every where. In the fields we meet with fathers seeking ( )a they; children, widows their hfllbands—allofFdrthe fhi most afflicting picture obfervei'seye. th COBLEN TZ, July 21. p a We expect that the ensuing night will be terri- f er ble. All tfie difpofii'ions are made to attack the t ui forttefs according tq rule. There are arrived hea- q, vy artillery, ammunition, and even troops in great number ; seven batteries, mounted with 50 pieces '] ] of'c annon <nid' mortars, are erected to fire tipon the ioik, the besieged perfilt in thinking col to-be impregnable. It is that the bom- nr bardment will be particularly direSed agaiWft the r: valley. We expeA the night with anxiety. At un tfciij moment I jviiie to you, all the batteries are playing. It has been decided betiyeen the bcfiegers ( and the garnfon of EhreHbreitfttiu, that 110 <an- D ] nor-i (]ia! upon the town. HANAuTjuly 16. Fp The town and fortrefs of IConigflein, not being ,j ); viftalilled and provided with amniuiiition, has pro posed te capitulate to she French. PuiHpfturgh, Caffel and Menu, are besieged. FRANKFORT, July .9. • JJ [Exuait of a lettcr.J 1 20 " The rate of is sf length decided,' and thx- French are matters, of it. I will give the details •. of what p-afTed duringsnd since the bombardment. " As r: il.-i archduke :trlcs had quitted the Lower *"n Rhine, to proceed to the army of.tiie Upper Rhine, -v— after alandnnment of the poGtion of Freidberg, gene ral Waftenflebcn received orders to occupy the Srift/af Btrgeo, ;>nd to maintain kimfelf in it until ffii feaih body of the nrmy had entirely pafled F b Miwi V hi" fearing that' ho fhotild be turned by the .mo: Frendu who n>i<s,t proceed Mm Freidberg to otht •Kansu, War.eii3rt>e;i thought proper net to out ♦he (('errand .eiiu-d «lfo beyond the Mew towards ? ' r X Neuifen'N.t'.ij;, aj #;• having tnrown 4000 np n into W ' whufe defpet na'jjut protest his retreat. 5< sn<3 1 On tbe-i2th, at five In theeveilingjtie troops her fltewed themselves near rhe city. The batteries-kf. tes, the rampart* fired a few Ihots, to which the befieg rit- ers replied from their howitsers. A short tin?e af be- terwardi lhe city '.va* fsiprntined ; the commandant on- refnfed. A second summons followed the fit'' -a m : Emilar refufal on the part of the commandant. < oly " The bombardment comm?nced'at two o'clocjs in the afternoon ; several parts of the city were set fire to, and many of th inhabitants were, killed in their beds. of << The alarm depi<3ed on the countenances of the en citii.ens wandering thro«gh the streets, the dif na- pofitioa of defence which the Auftrians continued !sy to muke, formed a firikingand terrible £c«ne. At - r ». three o'clock fling and one deputation of the went so general Wartenfleben, while another deputation general j&Uc iad dan; the fonfrir vvas"io!ieited to'capitulate, aiitf the latter to spare the'eity. " Gen. Wartenfleben was ipflexjble ; but gen. Jourdan the contrary, received the deputies with ree great politeness, and tedified his regret at heing md forced to'hare recourse tofveh measures, md The capittllation did not take'place, and the ">d of tha in,labitants became only deeper and better the founded, the commabdant rcfolved-to" defend the j :n 7 city to the last exttemity, and prepared fir? engines I in all parts." , '> , " 'Fhe next day, at eleven at night, the French reeemmenced the bombardment from .three batte ries which they had between the gate of Echefhiera and AH Saints. A fliower of balls deftn*j'ed the ir ft buildings that were in the direction of the batteries, in * and the flames burfl forth in parts. We ' at fhoirid have been burled under the vuins of the ' e< ' buildings, if humanity had not induced the French \ '°- t|iemfelves to suspend the bombardment. The ) cc > French general Kleber carried even his geaerojhy so far as to fend three fire-engines which he had ta ken in the environs, with 120 men without arms, 0 in order to afliit in extinguiihing the fire f. but they were not-fuffered to enter the city. 'T> f # lf to be prevaileS upon, and asked Jeave to Ittrren -1: der ; and the next day, the 14th, the cipitufation j was signed at fiornhelm by general Brady, and'ge- 1 " e neral Kleber. | ] ht '< The number of houfesburnt is 150; ?mang I 'y» them is a bake house, the house of a Piuflian cap- 1 lie tain, where there was merchandize wo*h several I ' c ® Thp Poll Office and the ptince ' of Tour and Taxis's palace f«ffered much. " The condßfit of the French, since their en ' traßce into Frankfort, has completely contradicted ' the idea*of implacable hatred which they seem lo have vowed against us. The garnfon is ißooflrong. • The.foldiera of the city and burghers have been ed Cdiliimed." at ( ' . ■- France. e- COUNCIL OF FIVE HUNDRED, "* . 4th Thermsdor, July 23. > Thibault, in,the rarae of the commiJlion of fi le nan tes, proposed, that from the ift of the' month >n ,yf Vendcmaire ensuing, there should be established a right of patent throughout the Republic (which e, all bankers, merchants, ship-masters,_ Bce. fliould « he obliged tojak ! p.,oyt) to which right all thof, should be fubjeft who engaged themselves in cob >y merce. The duration of the patents he pmpofed id should be one year. The shops and magazines to be (hut up till the payment of them. Each merchant should be required to print over his shop the nature ofViis commerce ; bankers to pay 3,000 livres for a patent ; fitters out of ships, II merchants, wholesale traders an£. manufa£turers, ie 1,000; m?lcers, brokqjg, booksellers, distillers, watch-makers, cabinet-makers, feH«;s of 111 p ctiiirf'and engravings, paper-makers, 'fiddlers, " coach makers and fellers of periodical publications,' 50° hyres. Miliners, fellers of pens, candles, o •v ranges, upholsterers, -fan-makers, ketpers of t# ', e Te rn«, traiteurt, paflVy cooks, and lemonade ma kers, 200 livres, at most, and 50 livres at lcaft,- a " Ordeied to be printed, and taken iato r ,? t ' on the 10th Thermidor. 13 PARI VJuly 3 fi. y Letters from Genoa inform us that, tfie senate g has intimated to theEnglifh uot (o fend any more ie fhips-ot war into the ports of the republic, tbgjt the good understanding, now prevailing between Genoa and France, might not be interrupted. Fjypoult, the l'rench miniller, has informed the 1 senate, that the French ships are ordered to c»p ---e ture ad neutral veflels, failing from or arriving in Genoese-ports Isden on iEnghfh account. 1 A private letter from Chamberry, of the 2d s 1 hermidor, states, that two days before acartiage n pal Ted throught thir town, under a strong escort, ' containg four millions in gold (about 16o>ooo gui neas) which general Buonaparte has sent to Paris] . i if iame letter adds, that four millions more are '' -on the roadi.' July 27. 5 General Buonaparte is now as Bologna, em. -y ployed in fettling, in conjunction with the French commiflaries, the great and small affairs bf Italy. It the.German gazettes may be credited, the , l ' Auflrian armies now ported between a the Meme, ,j, c Rhine and the Necker, amount to t about 200,000 ,j,en. ' ,j,! July 29. T It is fa id that the Robins are railing an error. r°, mcus army, and that they jirincipifcly recruit among a, the old revolutionary troops. The pay is to be rl 20 iols cach per day. Several chains have fetj 4, j oft to make up their companies in tfit departments A s , Letters from Brussels state, that general Kleber p . " before the city of Wurtzbourgh, the caoital of p' ; . Franconia, ra Ch » I"— "-■■■ ■ |H : notes/lost. g; WHEREAS two ncte? di-awn by ljsnjamiq Haftdl oni George W. Kirkland,' dated Bollon, the - 4 .th !5' February, 1796, payable to Joseph May, er ordeK in 18 G' months tier date, one for One Thousand Dollars the I?r , other Fifteen Do!I«r% were stolen with some other panel's A„ out of a tijmk on th: Lancaft. t road. It is rcqucPad'tf ,i» p* any person to r,iW they maybe offered for riegociafcni r'J will give noticc ttercof to the jfobferiher. Jrtl GARRETT COTTRINGER 3 * , * \ \ f Ops Jn i'""' l iw "iiiinwiii iiw £ CiJL jP?/ 1L 'A DE£P H< A, I e s- t **' SATURDAY EVENING, ty/i. —a Married-, on Tnef&y evening last, by tliSiyght fkctf I)r. White, Mr. Robert Erwin, tn Xviils 585/ir. Cox, Jr j t daughter. »f Mr. Moirs Cox of this city. ■ set , — on Txiurftfay"Evening Ul>, by the Rev. $4^. ill Turner,' ?>Jr. J.e-.vden Sakteb, to Mils Mahoas» , - Steel, both of this city. - ,^| jjv? Die«, vjry lust night, Edward Pennivctcn 1 the c!(!*r —an fconeft-?-nd uprfght man, and u.tful rocni ltd bcr of d»il and rcliiioiu fuciety. At " . ' ' [ on A corr#fpondent earn, itlv recorrjmendVo the com- • en pilers ps Almanacks, who Jujre not*)j|t compieated ' their publications in tliat line for t"he~n£.*t year, to. l ' r .id.i lit,ill the IV.i nit's will be , 1 a mean of givAig it a much more extensive circula- k ' tion. ' ' en* ■ J >'b Mr. Feni^J' ng The curiosities accidentally fell into my v es, ' han^U-—1 requeit you to pobliih them .as articles ori- I ' final in their credibly informed that they £ ter i afford the firft ir.flanccs of perfohal folieitation in this | wa i'- Should Inch a mode' be fuceefaful, it would, ! without doubt, very soon become utiiverfal wirh can ies j dictates of a certain ftsnip, and the people very loon relieved from the trouble of thinking for themselves. cb G. I te- — :ra September loth, si He Dear.Sir, C 6 I take the libertyof informing you, as an old ac- g y e quaintan. ; , that I mean to ftdild a candidate Irt.our , next eledjTon for a feat ki Congress. Shoald you be r inclined to think favorably of the mealure, you can" * c " and lam "fiire will .pro most my interest in your neigh he borhood and eliewhere', very tonfiderably. I remain rty with refpefl yours to serve, &c. \ ta- Mr»JSeorge Pip»r. Robert Loller. ' Mr. Kreider's tav;.-:i, Sept.Stl., 1795. -7T—- Kern, Esq. , Sir, ' "V-; - ' «■* Ijj. > Jto Bavc cJo,u * m-t.lfHic rileafiire'to call 011 you in priori but could not make. : jt convenient for on this time. Although take the liberty to inform you '•*' that a'.great nn,»ber erf my friends and acquaintance have determined to make use of my name, at the en- E tig fuirig eledion, for one of the Repreienutives in p. Congress. Should you approve of it, and please to f c •alEEve' ve nle your vote and interest, wiil be remembered by e Yaur moft.obedt. & very humbly lu-vt. JnlßicHards. ° v —la c"d a Meeting of a nurnVr of citizens, at Mr. Dunwoo dy's Inn, 011 the 30th inllabt', it was unanimously 10 agreed to recommend to /their fellow-citiirens, the 5 g. following tickets, ior their support at the ensuing en £leiflion. ri Congress, Edwaiid Tilgftman. Governor, Thomas iVlifflin. 0 Senator, •Karhaniel Newlir), (of Delaware County.) * v„„ s , J :J Laurc-nce Stckel, ;h Jacob Kilt*heimef," * I,; Robert Wain, r Francis Gurney, . joitph Bui!. in " , .j Selefl Council, , John Cqnnell^,. j, J-rnes Heal, q Dayid Jiekfon, er ■ •, James Irwin, \ to Godfrey Hag?., s, Sam. M. l ? ox, S) Sam. Coates, . Henry l'j-att, , f £ John H.ilinwelf, Francis Gurney, ; s ' f Tliornas Cujnpfton, s >' Ebenezer Large, j, Common-Councill, d: k T John Gardiner, painter. f- 2 Kearny Wharton, > P 3 Samuel M'Lean, r- y? Conrad Gerhard, ' , , ja Ilaap Pennington, " ■6 AntWiy Cuthbert, 7 Wm. GarrigueJ, 8 Benjamin VV. Morris, e 9 Michael Keppele, f e Bowyer Brooks, ° t Ji Ben. ClieW. juij. , J " n' * v . . 12 Caleb North, i. • *3 J ah » Rugan, ' ™ e It - '4 Thomas Allibone, ' f i S Jacob Eckfeldt, 16 Thomas M.- Willing, 1 17 Joseph «Hopkirfpn, 1„. 18 Samuel HWltdan, 1 19 Walter, FrJrSfn,- : ' 20 Philip Odenheirnir. ' po t Pilblifhed by order of the Meett^, .JAMES BIDDLE, Chairman. * ■ % . DANIEL SMITH, Secretary. From a London paper. The following is an Copy of the Contributi- ' ["0 1 ons levied on the iullowiHg Merchant! at Milan, adi by the French at v . L, Tour. Sterl. P rr 1 A. Fraoco, Carlo &Co. Frapoli, icse,ooo or 4,200 / ' Tratciili Rouggier, . 90,000—3,900 tha b"mas Caill, 80,C00 — .3,400 by Jofepb Tanli, 70,000—2,920 for l>ros. Belabio and, yo.oco— 2,920 thc Ambo. Üboldi and BttjnaiL 70,000 — 2.020 Charles Caflelli, 65,000 —2,700 0"' ■ 50,000 — 2,100 Chirlrft. Cran ». 5,0,000 —2,100 , I'igtiatni and ValTaili, 50,000 — 2,100 Pafq. Carc zzi and Co,. 40,009 — 1,700 Charles Marictti and Co. 40,000 — 1,700 Gottardo Salice, 4 ®,000 — £ Guiho Cefare Bofti, 35.000- ~5 0 0 !ery Ljaltano I avion, Fou, , GlO. Bta. Cattanco, 30,000 — i, 2 co >«< flic. Natmagalli, Looo IJQ ™ !5 n - ZIO J M* ,l,one » aj-coo—I.OJO cons Hnura Sa-ho v . 45,000-56t 6ic r,o. a ;; <l 80, Mariotti, 10,000—' '450 P. JOll, Rofctii and Buignia, io,ood — acq i ■••• ' • • - . catic • 'it f( t,200,000 • 42,18^ - 4v ; y ' \ . + tNE'w-YOIK, Septtmber 2q' This morsing arriyed the itiip Mercury, Capt- JefTup, from Port-sit-Prince. This is the captain who was so fbsmefully abufid h>y the British. He informs that he we a oifcrtii 866 cilirency in fa kcv. tisfaftwii tor their infultj and injuries, biit he rc -3x, fuhJd to accept of it.—American produce a mere \>ku£"at that place. Kf- Bcrns, the celebiated Scotch poet, in dead— R^ T sad, li'ce ether poets, dud poor. 'He held a fib- t l&Jrn pffife in the ofSorof e*cifc, and it ii iaid row His life by iiiteir.ptiauce, :U1 " —jpmmmtaxmm mm, GAZET&S OF XITF.H STATES MARIME LIST, >w : ' " ,P & I L As) l. L P H 1 jf) OQuber r. be _ ARKIVED. Davs lla _ Sh,^ S! k|, D.HK J 3m3lca 26 Scbr. Sufan|jah, C::rfon, . Barbados 2I Sloop RoVr,, Htf S . T , CLEARED. m y Ship Aft,v., Blair. >H a *hur„h ,n- Brig Peggy;' Kilbjr, . fo.t^u.Princc ley Sebr. Good Intent, Sr. .JkrtWsmewi Id I,die» President Pearfon,. on N^ c y,W, r d, 'New-Yprk es _ J-hf brig Eagle, capt. Gamble, frota Wc3> Indies, is arrived at New Caftta,'*-}"" " - The brig Alexandria, Clark, % arrived at the fort. ' New-York, September 4 0 . : ' - P l£ r Port-au-Prinee • be t, • , ° ' cialr ' Liverpool todays an . Bng L.K.a, . Surinam m Ex ' ra£t fron ! th " Book of the (bip 2&d un Captain Sinclaif arrived yetierday in6o days from ' , Liverpool : •• Aug 4, spake ffiip Columbia, of Portland, bound to I.iverßool'frwn Eoftori,lit. it. _Aug. 6, was boarded by the \)o'\ s frjVife, of 30 guns, in company with the Sautfi $Waretta. 3|l a cduft. , " .% .. ' ■ or Au g- -6, (poke a Danifli brig from St. Croix ou bound to Copenhagen^ ce u Jg \ '7' f?ofee the tfhoonev Friendfrip, from n- Bolton, bound i>o Amfterckm. In r ,| A t UR ' 2 f' f P^ethebar qt fe Refolutibn from Nor- / £ fo * hou « d 10 Hamburgh,iat. 49 , ,?, !ong . . 2 ' . fPt. '+». fp°k« ft'ipF'H imilton, Cfipt. Farrejli o Alexandria, bound las Falmouth, out io days lat - i9> 37• ' »' S =P 5 - '5. spoke brig jfarj of from ly B '5"» oul 49 4«ys bound to PhWade! R hia, lat. i9t he 5°- i rig Sept. 22, Tpoke a fchdoner from Pepperelbo rough bound to St. Cioix, out 3 f lays, lat. 38, 40* Sept. 26, spoke fchobnev- Betsey, of J^rifto), *\' de lfland boD "d to tbe coast of Africa, out 3 days, lat. 3y, 32. - - T . TIIIII - ' ) S3* A stated meeting of thfc Penn'fylrania Society for^ promoting the Abolition of Slavery, &e. will he held at the ufnal place pn the 3d of CVtober, at 6 o clock in the evening' BeWjam| N Kit«, Sec'ry 9th mo. 30th, 1796 Washington Lottery, No. 2. r J he 2 f- hand i.?th days Drawing are received at the Office, No. 147, Chefnut Street. o<S?i Department, MSeplemitr 28, 1706. OTIC |t is !l ereb y S [ve ">, that Proposal, will be re ceived at the office Of the Secretary of the Trcafurv fuinc for tk P 'r af^ n °f li* f ' rft day ° f Maich nc " en " fu.njr, for tkcfupplyof all rations which may he required for tte use of the United State, from the firfl day of June, 1797, to the thirty-firli day of May, , 7 03 both after A ,nd ' withill the diilriL after mentioned, viz. At Ofwro-ri • of v p«r„, m, i , W er; a t D « ro 't; at Michilimacltinac; at Fort Frank j. at P»t£burgh ; at Cincinnati; at Fort-Harailtnn ( at Fort St. Clair; at Fort-JsfFeri'on; at Grenville ■ Picque ['own and Lonunki Store •at Forr >1 ' S5 w "'"' «t" »m Ss IVfiance on the Miami Haver to Lake Erse • at Fort SUuben ; at Fort Maffac ; at any place from Fo'rt Maffac to the soutH boundary bf the United States on the river Miffifippi ; at Fort Knox ; at Ou.iatanon. If fiipplies (hall be required lor any ports of places not mentioned m this notice, all such ftipplies ft all be fur". olft l^ P£ '" S P r °P° nioncd » those to be paid ac the P before recited, or as be hereafter agreed or between the United States and the. Contractor. I he rations to be supplied are to cohGll of the f»I ---lewintr articles, • viz. One pound two ounces of bread or flour nffsrsr °™ c " ot - >——«-f Half a gill of Turn, brandv or vvhilkey. * ofl e quart and half a pint of fait.-v Two quarts ef Vinfcgar, ( Twojiounds of Soap, > per hundred rations. Onsjaoutid of Candles, J t0 bel r nilhed in such q«»ntit,es, as that there times during the fa d term, be fufficiert - I I°Z?K sAc troop, llt Michilimackinac, De troit, ana Ofifrego, tor the term of fix ;nonth> in ' 7h "I -"' ' h ° thcr P pfts - f(,r the term of at lealt three months ly advance, jn good and whole tome r provisions, if the fame stall be reduffsd It is rn I n ; ' b » * c~— «Es &2 , 0 f lff^ r g ther u pp.i« S to the troops at each post, and that all losses sustained by the depredations of an enemy or ) by means of the troops of the Uni-ed States, stall be paid ' rr r rtlcLscipturedor deltrn y^^°n ) I de P outl of two or more persOns of creditable cha racters, ana the certificate of a commiffioncd officer, if. ' . r CIrCU u u ances W the loss - »»dthe «« c alt "-l" f QI which comjjenfation stall be claimed OLIVER WOLCOTT, 1 Secretary of the Treasury. BRANDY, OT ift- and 4 th proof, and equal in qualj'y to tKjt imotA, France may be had ot ~i e at h.s DiSdK FiWl, ft' St , or J or New-lreet, Third and lourth.llreets, 'where the public, upon application ma* . w."ir., r ;ssjasr^sr - "" lo " t p.s m. be purclwfed, or taken ,0 erthan ? e for fonit,. gp on ap «i. fit To" "atX'on 410 C 1"« - «<>« wine , [ Au <0 » b, . 7S S, _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers