#a?ette Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. „ „ MObfDAT EVENING, OCTOBER 3, 1796. \Volvme X. Number 1269.J * 1 ■ —Wzte— ■ l ■■■ ■' 1 n. , » 1 * —— I v ** * r "n For Boston, The Schooner JOHN, A constant trader, Peter Coffin, niafter, P wfesrf, will fail in »11 next week. iC Freight or passage apply to the Captain on board or to K Edward Stow, jun. Vhp t»»T'ceired by the above vessel, Some excellent Pickled Salmon, and a few quintals ol th« _ Very bell kimLof Dumb Fifes- - September 10- For Cork, ¥be Ship Mary Ann, Francis Stuart, mailer: is a ftreng, good fails fad, and has good accommo dation, for paffeirgers. Great part oftier ready, lhe will fail in io days. For freight er pallage apply to the Captain on board, at Mr. ShortaUs whaif, . Or to Stuart iff Barr. Sept. 2<). dtf No. ibo, South Front-street. The Br ig x DIANA, Lying at Chefnut-ftreet wharf; a flout well built vessel, one hundred & (ilty-eight tons burthen ; well found, and but four years old. Apply to Jofepb Anthony iff Co. Sept. 26. <i 6 tor Charter, I The ship Dominick Terry, Jacob De Hart, matter : an excellent vessel, of about 3000 barrels burth;n. Jeffe iff Robert Wain. Septembei tr. ■ j_JT* For CTiarter, The Danifll Blr l ue Beneventura, Samuel Stu!>, matter, 2<<sco>£S«Ls-Sa good vessel, of about two hundred tons burthen. JESSE & ROBERT WALN Sept. 17. d'f FOR LONDON, The capital (hip CERES, fail Soon For freight or passage to DAVY, ROBERTS & Co. or y<jhn Vaughan, September 10. Front-street. FOR SALE, SjgL The ship STAR, J OHN Vanneman, Mailer, T YING at Walnut-flreet wharf, Philadel- JLj phia built, of live oak and cedar, will -carry about 3 200 barrels, istwo-years old, and in com- ' plea: order to receive a cargo—For terms apply tjo THOS. & JOHN RUTLAND. Who have also for sale said velfels cargo —consisting of— Wine and Boner bottles, V,"ir.J.. j\V 0.-fh, 6bySto 16 by 12. F.artiien-Ware in crates. Grintltlones, Coils, Whiting, See. " §__ J Dutch Goods, Received by the Pennsylvania, from Amjlerdam, GIN, in pipes Morlaix Tjcklenburgs y In Bales Ofnaburgs J Hacrlem J Strip*, in cafe, Hollands | DUCK, in ditto I Ravens 3 . JBedticks, in ditto Brittasrnes > . Platilles \ m dltto For Sale by THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. AUg. 29 J 1 L A N D I N G, From on board the Brig REBECCA, Dominic Davine, Mailer, at Philip Care's Wharf, and for Sale by the Subscriber, London Particular Madeira WINE, In Pipes, Hoglheads and Quarter Calks. Thertjare in the above parcef ro Hhds. of CHOICE OLD WINE, fit for immediate use. ' Robert Andrews, Sept. 6. mv&f No. 86, So. Wharves. John Whitefides & Co. Have for Sale, Venetian Red, Spanilh Brown, White Lead, ground in oil; Shot, No. i, 2, 3, 4, J' London Porter, in calks and bottles. Green Copperas. Several crates 1 of Queens Ware, in fetes, with desert ditto eamplcat. Biillered Steel, 1 German ditto. { Sept. 21. d2-w To be disposed of, < 'T'HE time of a healthy NEGRO WOMAN, who i -L has between f»ur and five years to serve : She cm be recommeuded for herfobriety and honesty. For, particulars enquire at No. 132, Chefnut-ftreet. August 3. wfrltf At a special meeting of the Board of Di feilont for ejiablijhing ufeful Manufaflures, halden at Pater/on, July 8, 1796, P ESOLVED, That a special meeting of the Stoek- LV holders of the Society be called 011 the firlt Monday, ■being the third ay of Oilober next, at Paterfon, by ten of the clock of the fame day ; then and there to take into confidcrution the propriety of dissolving the said corporation, agreeably to the law >11 such cafe made and r •provided—and the Stockholders are cameftly requcflfd c to a:und the said meeting in person or by proxy. r Awp.ft 27 ; dtiothO f For Sale, A Complete Font of Brevier, neM , and yet unopened. The weight of thi= . JL i fotit is about 3x3 lb. It is from the Foundery of a "Vl r i3fon & Sor.s,Glaigow, and will be fold at coll & charges, j Iot: Sale, a pair of Super Royal Chafes. r Enquire at the Olficc of the Gazette of the United States, *119 Chefnut-ftreet. September 27. . dtf Washington Lottery. The Twenty-fourth& lVenty-fifch Days' Drawing of I t;he Wafciiigton Lottery, No. 2, are received at the office r > No. 234, Market-street, where tickets may be examined. k - N. B. Information given where tickets in all the other to lotteries majr be procured. tc O&ober i, 1796. ® ti Thomas Ryerfon HAS Jr.ft received, by the *£$9 Molly and Hamburgh Packet from Liverpool, and the Light Horse from / " 1 -=?rrp epcr.lng for r-ie, St -frii gw 177, ■ Markec-ilreet, an extennv'e aflbrtment of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Hardware and Saddlery. >d The (hip Caroline, now on htr paflage from Liverpool 0 to Philadelphia, brings the remainder cf his fall impor ig tation. re N. B. At the above store may be had, a few elegant f, Mahogany Cases for Table Furniture; also, a good -u fortment of the best kinds of Knives and Forks. Sept. 13. d — French Goods. Received by the Sally, Mitchell, from Havre-de- \ Grace, 40 I r " nts X Ladies' SHOES of all colors forts and sizes 1 > I Cafe j — 1 Ditto white and colored Silk STOfIKINGS I Ditto Fine LAWN 1 Ditto best fine CAMBRIC - 1 Ditto Ladies' bd!t lhammy and Grenoble Gloves r F«r Sale by THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. j *"g- 24 .t Wm. HOLDERNESSE, No. 76 High Sheet, HAS received, by the latefl arrivals from Europe and the East Indies, a well /elected alTortment of Silk Mcrcsi^r,Linen E>rap«*y li.ui J he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowed term* ; { AMONGST WHICJI ARK, ' Some fine India mullins emoroidered with gold and IHver Superfine Book, Jaconet, iad Mulmul ditto d Do do do do Handkerchiefs Some extra black t«ffeties,lutii£lringsand colored Persians Bandano Handkerchiefs Long and (hort Nankeens Englilh Mantuas of the firft quafity Damalk table linen and napkins, v«ry fine ' Silk Hosiery, an elegant a.Tortment ;e Thead and cotton do ir Umbrellas — silk, oil'd do. and do cloth c j French cambrics, very fine Irish Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 § For Sale, (In an excellent situation for business,) A three-story brick House and Lot of Ground, j Eighteen feet front and twenty-five feet in depth, on _ the South fide of Marker near FroAt-ftreet, now in poffef ficn of Samuel Read. e Apply to Israel Pleafants, or Charles & Joseph Pleafants. ji Sept. 13. ; dtf The Cargo of tKe iPolacre Independent, CAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Lis bon, landing at the fubfciibers wharfs ' .1 28 Pipes of Brandy . w 18 Bales of Spuniih wool ,1, 3 do. of Annifeed A 7000 Bulhels of Lilbon Salt 80 boxes of Lemons For fife by WILLINGS it FRANCIS. ALSO, Seventy Hoglheads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS, H received by the Ihip Dominitk Terry, Capt. De Hart, J from Kingston. ra ScjH. 13. -< d ' of FOR SALE, i 1, WINE, Ijondon particular Madeira, 4 years eld, in pipes amHioglheads t0 Claret, gerpiine old, in cases Gin, in pipes, from Holland b'- > Earthen Ware, in crates £ Basket Salt, in hoglhe-ids P r Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9 Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead ci] Steel, German and Rnlfia, in barrels • Anchors, cables, junk, bunting, tarpolin canvas, m Tin plates—An inveJice Stationary, by THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. J"ly 29 § Lottery and Broker's Office, No. 64, South Second street. TICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. 2, for sale—a Check Book for examination—and prizes paid in the late lottery. 1- Check Books kept for examination and registering, for the City of Wafliington, No. 2, and Pattefon Lotteries, both of which are now drawing—information where t tickets are to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New- Port Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery, for examination. be The fubferiber foKcits the application of the ;»üblic Se and his friends, who with to purchase or fell Bank Stock, Certificates, Bills #1 Exchange or Notes, Houses, Lands, R J &c. or to obtain money on deposit of property. t [, ; ■ Wm. Blackburn. Philadelphia, Augufi 18, 1796. mth L< For Sale, th The Time of a Negro Man, , t >, Who i? a good Cook. Enquiie at ,No. 109, South lei Water-Street. Sept. 23. dio ; I WA N T E D, ~ IS j A Middle-Aged WOMAN, who can be well rccom- al j mended, to take charge of the entire management of I children—Sach a person will meet with fuituble encou ragement, and may hear of a place, by applying to the printer of this Gazette. bept. 14. mwf Dissolution of Partnership. tic THE Partnerlbip ROBERT ANDREWS and , D AVID MEREDITH, under the firm of ANDREWS 1 and MEREDITH, being dillolved. All peifbns who are in iebted to, or who have claims against ibe (aid house are re requeAed to apply for fcttlrnienj to the fublctiber. ' ' n ROBERi ANDREW'S, th „ No. So. Whaive*. gf 5ept.6,1736. d ,f For Sale, f By J. WARDER, PARKER & Co. An Invoice of Cordage, , ■ ConGfling of JiSerent sizes, from 1X inch cables down < to rope of 3, i.ichis, of different lengths: Imported in ( the ship Swii, from Hull, and cutiiled to drawback. .< Sept. 27- dtf ] r- — — I Twentv Casks excellent Claret and j /\ few pipes choice Bordeaux P»randy, t- For file by _ Joseph Anthony iff Co. September td6 1 NANKEENS, Of the jtrjl quaky, FOR SALE BY, Rp. and JAS. POTTER. 1 For any quantity above Fiye Thousand Pieces, a li beral credit will be given. R. & J. P. September 13. T. tf 70,000 Pieces Nankeens, Of the bejt quality and on reajcnable terms > ITOR SALE BY Philip Nicklin & Co. 26. dtf THIS DAT PUBLISHED, By J. ORMRQD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet, (Price 12 1-2 Cents) The President's Address To the People of the United States, Announcing his intention of retiring from public life at the expiration of the present constitutional term of presidency. J Sepienfrcr 20. d PVNickiin & Co. HAVE FOR SALE, Souclong ~ Hyfoi Skin J s Younj Hyson > fFRESH TEAS Hyfoi and \ 1 fmpeial •* Yellav Nankeens Chim Ware, aflorted in Boxes and Chests Quiotfilver Bantanno Handkerchiefs of excellent quality in chests Lonffln Market } MADEIRA WINE Lonon particular >in pijies, hoeflieads, & NcwYork 'Market J quarter casks Teniriffe Wine 'in pipes and hogfceads Sufe.T Candy by the Box SafiCairvas No. 1 a 8 Leal in fhects 3 Cilks of Cutlery aflorted A f;w chests of Maiicheftjer Goods, aiTorted thick sets, cods, striped Nankeens, Ac. 3 Snail packages of black sewing-silks & Tierces Virginia Snake-root. Niils aflorted in casks , July 1 g mw&f / ~W&nted to Rent, A convenient, well Jurr,ifli.d Bed Chamber, With a g;ood fire-place, in an airy and healthy part of the city. The person whe wants to rent such a chamber,- weuld have no olijeitiou-to board, or breakfaft ofily, with the family occupying the house, as may be moil agreeable. Apply to the printer.' ' September aj. taw Public Notice is Hereby Given, the Freemen of the City and County of Phila delphia, and the County of Delaware, ;hat a gene ral election will beheld on Tuesday the eleventh day ' of Oikobet next. —The ele&ion to be opened between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon, and one o'clock in the afternoon. When the freemtinof the City of Philadelphia, arc to meet at the State-hoitfe in the fa'd eity, to ele<sl' Six Representatives far faijl city in General AfTem bly, One Representative for said city in the House of Re presentatives of the- United States. Twenty persons for members of the Common Coun cil. Twelve persons for members of the Selefl Com mittee. The Freemen of the City and County of Philadelphia t« eleiJl One person for Governor Two persons for Qoroners One person for County Commissioner The Freemen of the County of Philadelphia, to ele<2 Six Representatives Cor said County in General As- Tembly. One Representative for said county in the House* of Representatives of the United States. | The Freemen of the City and County of Philadel phia, and County ®f Delaware, to ele« One Senator for the State The Freemen of the townOiip of, the Northern Li berties are to hold their'eleftifln at the town-house in Second Street continued, above Coats's Street. The Freemen of the townfoips of Germantown, , Roxborough and Bristol, are to hold their eledlion at the Union' School House in Germantown. The Freemen of the townfliips of Oxford, Byberry, Lower Dublin and Moreland, are to hold their election , at the house of the late John Barnfley in Bufsletown, in ■ the townihip of Lower Dublin. And the Freemen of the Diftrirt of Southwaj-k, and the townfliips of Moyamenfing, PaiTyunk, and King feffing, are to hold their ele&ion at the State-House in j the City of Philadelphia. The Coiiftables of each Ward, Diftrifl, &c. are to hold their eleflion, in the different diftri<ss to cboofe their infpedlors for the ensuing year, and to give their attendance at the time and refpeilive places. Sept, 26. JQHN BAKER, Sheriff. *** The Eleiflers of Chester county are requested to meet at Hunt Downing's, in Eaft-Caln township, on Friday, the 7th day of Oiiober ensuing, to forip a ticket for the ensuing eleflion. September 11, 179 ft. *** The Inhabitants of the county of Chester are requeued to meet at the house of Abraham Marshall, 1 in the township of Weft-Bratlford, in said county, on the 7th day of Oflo'r.er next, in order to confah'on a 1 general tickst for the ensuing eleflion. . September m, 179 ft. m >< FOR SALE, By N. and J. FRAZIER, No. 95, S. Front-street, Prteie Boflon Beef, in barrels. Georgia Cotton. Carolina Rice and Indigo. Sherry and Teneriffe Wines, of excellent quality. Ravens Dl»ck. Indio BaadannoV Sewing Silks, various colours. CeSahs and Gurrahs. Sspt. 17. US4W. For sale by the lusTcr;bers, IN PENN-STREET, 13© quarter Chests frefh Hyson Tea;' 100 ditto do. frefh Souchong Tea; 300 Boxes China, containing small tea setts of 4* pieces; 400 pieces Bandanoes. Willings y Francis. January 30 tt&f FOR SALE. PORT WINE, and HOLLAND GIN, of the firft qualities in, Pipes. FRAUNCES and VAN REED, Brokers and Commiflion Merchants, No. 63,8®. 3d St. Who discount approved NOTES of hand. N. B..Aij APPRENTICE Wanted. • September 14. rr.wf ~ THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, By W. YOUNG, MILLS and Son, Corner of Second and Cfjefnut Jireets, Price 11 1-j cents, The Prelident's Address To the People of the United States, INTIMATtKG The resolution he hat si rmed to decline being considered among-tne lrcnCu r of those ou,. a vHoice is to be made", at tile cniuir.g Sicilian of a Prcfidt/it oi the United States. Sept. 20. ws6 Great is Truth and mufi prevail. . JUST PUBLISHED, Andfor sale at No• 41 Chefnut-Jireet by J. ORMROD, An Apology for the Bible, 1 By R. d. d. f. s. s. Bijhop of Landaff, isfc. - Being a complete refutation of Paine's Age of Rcafon, Aid the only answer to thp Secoad Part. Auguit 3c. dtf THIS DAT IS PVBLISHED, By W. Young, Mills and Son, [iPrice s©€ts» in boards, 62 i~z neatly bound] An Apology for the Bible, In a series of Letters, " 1 AddreiTed to Thomas Paine, author of a book entitled The Age of Rcafon, fart the second, being a'l in- ' i>efligati»n of true end fabulous ti>co/i'ry. By K. WATSON, D. D. F. R. S. Lord Bishop of Landaflf, and Regius Profeffor of Divinity F in the U liver fit y of Cambridge. ' Sept. 16. t>j&f6 ' ' India Tamboured Muslins. A small, handfsme assortment of Muslins, viz. Fine tambov.red Malda and Santipere Muslins, various patterns and prices. Plain 6-4 Jaconet. Corded and cross-barred Muslin Shawls. 1 Ditto ditto ,6-4 and 4-4 Dorcas. Muslin Handkerchiefs, fine and coarse. Japan Muslins, and \ A few pieces extraordinary fine Long Cloths. 10* iALt BY Thomas Tingey t No. 131, South Third-f: rpct. Sept »«. tutf&f TO BE SOLD, That Neat and Convenient House, WHBREIN the ftibfcriber now lives. There are t«ur rooms on a floor : the house is two stories high with a good garret above : under the whole is an excell ent cellar, with a dry well, in which is a convenient framed chamber for preserving meat, butter, &c. in warm weather. Attached to the house is a Stable for three horses, hay-los:, granary, and carriage-house, a wood yard paved with stone, and a garden with foil of a fine quality. An indisputable title will be made to the pur chaser. For farther particulars apply to the fuhferiber in Princeton, or. in her absence to Thomas D. Johnson, of<[. or the rev. Samuel S. Smith. ANN..WITHERSPOON. Princeton, Aug 34. -3awtO Plans of the city of Philadelphia, Including the Northern Liberties and diftrift of South war k , Published, and fold by BENJAMIN DAVIES t No. 68, High street, (Price one dollar.) THIS plan is 36 inches square, and has been graved by one of the firft artists In the city, front a late and accurate survey. Purchasers are entitled te a pam phlet with each plan, giving " some account of the city, its population, trade, government, &c. July 19 tu&ftf TAKE NOTICE. THE fubferiber intends to make application for a re newal of the following certificate, supposed to be loft on the passage to England in April 1794 : Certificate No. 10335, dated 15th November, 1793, for 1830 dollars and 03 per cent, domtftic debt, on the books of the Treafuryof the United States, in the name of the Hon'. John Trevor. ROBERT BIRD, at John Warder's. Philadelphia, August 30th, 1796. *tu<cf6w WANTED, Thser JOURNEYMEN BOOK-BINDERS, GOOD lleady workmen will meet with eonftant em- good wages ; by applying to JOHN CURTIS, No. 43, North Fourth-ftreat. N. B. BOOK-BINDING in all its different branches executed with neetnefs and dispatch. Public and private lib raries repaired hi the ceateft and t eft manner. September 30. , & aw
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers