. . . y - .. ~ • ;'V- g \ ' . I #afette of the tUttttetsJltateg, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. hvMBER 1267.] FRID AT EVENING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1796. ifoiuiir X. jv|Tp. For Cork, Mary Ann, Francis Stuart, master : i> a ftreng, good ■ J3L?- "*-<■ {hip, fails fact, and has good accommo dations for paflfengers. Great fart of her cargo.being ready, (he will fail in 10 days. For freight or passage apply to the Captain on board, at Mr. ShortalPs wharf, Or to Shiart Id Barr. Sept. M Noi »oo,"South front-ftreet. For Sale, jif|§s> IN D U S°T RY, Burthen about 700 bbla. a good vef .- fel, and will be ready to take in a car go in two or three days. Also, FOR SALE, A few hhds. ANTIGUA RUM, received by said sloop, and now'landing at Morton's wharf. Apply to THOMAS GREEVES, Se»t. 14. d6t. N°-73i Walnut-street. —fc — f —"sl —*— The, Brig DIANA, Lying at Chefnut-ftreet wharf; a flout well built velfel, one hnndrcd & fifty-eight ton»burthen j well found, and but four years old. Apply to Jofepb Anthony iff Co. Sept. z6. d 6 i? or Charter, The Ship Dominick Terry, $4 jy® T»c*>b De Hart, master: an excellent vessel, of about 3000 barrels burthen. r . Jcffe fcf Re hurt Wain, September 2T. d For Charter, ?*> The Danish Barque Beneventura, Samuel Stub, master, good vessel, of about two hundred tons burthen. JESSE & ROBERT WALN. Sept. 17. dtf FOR LONDON, The capital (hip CERES, ; Y To - fail f°on : —For freight or passage to DAVY, ROBERTS 3c Co. or 'John Vaughan, September 10. Front-flreet. FOR SALE, The {hip STAR* <T7m£]yfi\4 JOHN Vanneman, flatter, T YING at Walnut-ftrset wharf, Philadel- I 1 phia built, of live oak and cedar, will carry about 31C0 barrels, is two years old, and in com plea; order to receive a cargo—For terms apply to THOS. & JOHN KETLAND. Who have also for sale said vessels cargo —confiding of— Wine and-Porter bottles, Winduw Glass, 6byßto 16 by I». Pipes in boxes Earthen-Ware in crates. Grindstones, Coals, Whiting, &c. . AUg. Z9 § Dutch Goods, Received by the Pennsylvania, from Amflerdam. GIN, in pipes Morlaix Ticklenburgs > In Bales * Ofnaburgs J 53." } Hollands \ DU ck, in ditto Ravens 3 Bedticks, in ditto ?sr } For Sale by THOMAS fcs" JOHN KETLAND. Aug. 29 S L AND I N G, From on board the Brig REBECCA, Dominic Davini, Master, at Philip Care's Wharf, and for Sale by the Subscriber, London Particular Madeira WINE, In Pipes, Hoglheads and Quarter Calks. There are in the above parrel 10 Hhds- of CHOICE OLD WINE, fit for immediate use. Robert Andrews, Sept. 6. mw&f No. 86, So. Wharves. John Whitefides & Co. Have for Sale, Venetian Red, SpanilU Brown, White Lead, ground in oil: Shot, No. I, 1, 3, 4> 5- London Porter, in calks and bottles- Green Copperas. Several crates of Queens Ware, in fetfcs, with desert ditto campleat. Blistered Steel, German ditto. Sept. 31. diw To be disposed of, THE time of a healthy NEGRO WOMAN, who has between faur and five years to serve: She , can be recommended for her sobriety and honefly. For particulars enquire at No. 13a, Chefnut-llreet. Aitgnft 31 v/ geftf At a /fecial meeting of the Board of Di reSoPs for eflablljhing ufeful Manufactures, ho/Jen at Palerfon, July 8, 179^, RESOLVED, That a special meeting of the Stock-, Holders of the Society be called on the fir it Monday, being the third ay of OAober next, at Paterfon, by ten of the clock of the fame day; then and there to take into consideration the propriety of dissolving the said corporation, agreeably to the law m luch cafe made and provided—and the Sto kholders are earneftiy requested to attend the said meeting in person or by proxy. Angull 17 dt^othO For Sale, A Complete Font of Brevier, T7Ntircl7 new . and yet unopened. The weight of this XI/ font is about 311 lb. It is from the Fcundery of Wiifon 5c Sons,Glafgow and will be Told at cost £< charges, Also for Sale, a pair of Super Royal Chafes. Enquire at the Office of the Qazctte of the United States, 119 (phefnut-flrce;. t * -Srofmber 27. Washington Lottery. The Twenty-second & Fwcnty-third Days' Drawing of u the Wafliington Lottery, No. 2, are received at the office 1 No. 234, Market-street, where tickets may,be examined. j, N. B. Information given where tickets in all the other r lotteries may be procured. t ; Sepcentber 23, 1796. df > Thomas Ryerfon 1 * iff AS jftOfoti vctjjhjf ship« Molly afiti ITX "Packet from Liverpool, and the Light Horse from J Bristol, and i» now opening for sale, at his store No. 177, Market-ilreet, art extensive alfortment of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Hardware and Saddlery. The (hip Caroline, now on htr paflage from Liverpool to Philadelphia, brings the remainder of his fall impor tation. ; N. B. At the above store may be had, a few elegant > Mahogany Cases for Table Furniture; also, a good as sortment of the bell kinds of Knives and Forks. Sept. 23. d French Goods. Received by the Sally, Mitchell, from Havre-de t Grace, ' Cafe"'" ac " Cs ' SHOES of all colors fort 3 and sizes 1 Ditto white and colored Silk STOCKINGS I Ditto Fine LAWN I Ditto bed fine CAMBRIC i I Ditto Ladies' bell lhammy and Grenoble Gloves For Sale by THOMAS Sc'JOHN KETLAND. § u ' Wm. HOLDERNESSE, No. 76 High Street, HAS reccired, by tfije lati'fl in ■ iy'lf fir* rr f-ppo and the East Indies, a well felefted aflortment of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery and Huherdalhery Goods; which he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowest terms; , AMONGST WHICH ARE, r Some fine India mUfiins embroidered with gold and frlver o j Superfine Book, Jaconet, and Mulmul ditto t Do do do d 6 Handkerchiefs c Some extra black tafTeties,lut«ftringsand colored Persians Bandano Handkerchiefs t ' Long and (hort Nankeens English Mantuas of the firft quality (; Dam aft table linen and napkins; very fine Sillt'Hofiery, an elegant afibrtnuint r Thead and cotton do r Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth French cambrics, very fine Irifii Linens, do. &c. &c. June 14 § For Sale, t (In an excellent situation for business,) A three-story brick House and' L.ot of Ground, 1 Eighteen feet front and twenty-five feet in depth, on . the South fide of Market near Fron£-ftrcet, now in poflaf fiou of Samuel Read. . Apply to « IXrael Pleafants, or j 1 J Charles & Jqfe_ph.Pleafan!;i.__ _ Sept. 13. dtf 1 The Cargo of the Polacre Independent, CAPTAIN CATHCART, from Alicant and Lif- 1 bon, landing at the fubferibers wharf— i a 8 Pipes of Brandy 18 Bales of Spanilh wool 3 do. of Annifeed 7000 Bulhels of best Lisbon Salt 80 Boxes of Lemons . For file by WILLINGS ft FRANCIS. ALSO, 1 Seventy Hoglheads of prime JAMAICA SUGARS, received by the ship Dominick Terry, Capt. De Hart, t from Kingston. i S«pt. 13. d 1 FOR SALE, 1 WINE, London particular Madeira, 4 years old, ' in pipes and hoglheads • Claret, genuine old, in cases Gin, in pipes, from Holland ' Earthen Ware, in crates : Balket Salt, in hoglheads Shot, Nos. 6, 7, 1 and 9 Bar Lead, Red and white dry lead Steel, German and Rulfii, in barrels \ ciblci, junk, huntings tarpolin canvas, c Tin plates—An invoice Stationary, by a THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. 1 J»ly £ ; Lottery and Broker's Office, , No. 64, South Second street. j TICKETS in the Canal Lottery, No. for sale—a Check Book for examination—and prizes paid in the late lottery. Check Books kept for examination and registering, for the City of Walßington, No. 2, and Pattefon Lotteries, both of. which are now drawing—information where t tickets are to be had, and prizes exchanged for undrawn tickets. A complete lift of all the prizes in the late New- Port Long-Wharf, Hotel and Public School Lottery, for examination. The fubferiber foKcits the application of the public and his friends, who wish to purchase or fell Bank Stock, Certificates, Bills ©f Exchange or Notes, Houses, Lands, ; &c. or to obtain money on deposit of property. J ' , Wm. Blackburn. Philadelphia, Augufi 18, 1796. mth For Sale, 1 The Time of a Negro Man, ' Who is a good Cook. Enquire at No. 109, South Water-Street. Sept. 23. dio ' J ; WA N T E D, ' \ j A Middle-Aged WOMAN", who can be well recom- I j mended, to take charge of the entire management of ' I children—Such a person will meet with suitable encou ragement, and may hear of- a place, by applying to the printer of this Gazette. ( Sept. 14. mwf ( Dilfolution of Partnership. THE Partncrlhip between ROBERT ANDREWS anii < P AVID MEREDITH, under the firm of ANDREWS and MEREDITH, being diflolved. All person* who arc ' indebted to, or who have claims against the laid house, arc requclled to apply for fcttlement to the fubferiber. t ROBERT ANDREWS, No. 86, So, Wharve». d if * For Sale, [ By J. WARDER, PARKER & Co. An Invoice of Cordage, p . Coififtipg of different sizes, from 12 inch cables down to rupe of 2 inches, of different lengths: Imported in £ a the flip Swift, from Hull, entitled to drawback. Scut. 27,. dtf R a T vr'enty Casks excellent Claret and I | A few pipes choice Bordeaux Brandy, Co iVr fait by : 'joseph Anthony 1$ Co. September d 6 NANKEENS, 1 Of the frfl quality, FOR SALE BY, RD. and JAS. POTTER. For any quantity above Five Thousand Pieces, a beral credit will be given. R. & J. P. September 13. T. tf - '70,000 Pieces Nankeens, Of the bejl quality and on reajonable terms, FOR SALE BY Philip Nicklin & Co. Anguft 16. dtf THIS DAY PUBLISHED, W By J. ORMROD, No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet, [Price iz 1-2 Cents) The President's Address To the People of the United States, - Announcing his intention of from public life at the Cxpiratioff of the present term of presidency. September 20. d rj ■ ! Public Notice is Hereby Given, I, I*o the Freemen of the City and County of Phila- T1 X delphia, and the County of Delaware, that a gene ra] eleilion will be held 00 Tuesday the eleventh day r of Oflohet next. —The eleflion to be opened between the, hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon, and one o'clock in the afternoon. s When the freemen of the City of Philadelphia, are 10 "meet at the State-hoiffc in the fa'*d city, to elesfl Six Representatives far said city in General Aflem bly, A One Representative for said city in tlieHoufe of Rc prefentatives t>f the United States. ' Twenty persons for members Of the Common Coun cil. Twelve persons for members of the Seledl Com- t> . mittee. The Freemen of the City and County of Philadelphia to elect One person for Governor Two persons for Coroners One person for County Commiflioner The Freemen of the County of Philadelphia, to 1 elefl Six Representatives for said County in General As- « fembly. ' One Representative for said county in the House of Representatives of United States. A The Ficemen of the City and County of Philadel pTila, and County erDHaware, to eTeiff One Senator for the. State ]j s The Freemen of the towndiip of the Northern Li - berties are to hold their election at the town-house in .Second Street continued, above Coats's Strtet. The Freemen of the townships of Germantown, ~ Roxborough and Bristol, are to hold their eledlioii at the Union School House in Germantown. The Freemen of the townships of Oxford, Byberfy, . Lower Dublin and Moreland, are to hold their eleilion at the house of the iate John darnfley in Bufsletown, in township of Lower Dublin. Fi , And the F> eemen ps the Diftriil of South wark, and , the townships of Moyamenfing, Paflyunk, and King- p felling, are to hold their eleilion at the State-House in C the City of Philadelphia. D The Confiables of each Ward, Diftritf, See. are to M hold their eleilion, in the different diftri<3s to choose J s their infpedlors for the enfuingyear, and to give their A attendance at the time and refpe<£tive places. Sept. 26. JOHN BAKER, Sheriff. DUTY ON CARRIAGES. Notice is hereby Given, THAT agreeably to an a& of Congress of the United States of America, paifed at Philadelphia, the 28th day 1 »> of May, 17g6 ; laying duties on Carriages, for the conveyw ance of persons, and repealing the former a£ts for that pur- W pose.—That there shall be levied, collected and paid, upon all carriages for the conveyance of persons, which shall be * r kept by or for any person, for his or h«r own use, or to let w out to hire, or for the conveying of passengers, ,the several du. ties and rates following, to wit. ys For and upon every Coach, 15 dols. qi a upon cveVy Chariot, 12 dols. cl ii upon every Poll Chariot, 12 dels* P upon every Poll Chaise, 12 dols. 01 r upon'every Phaetoo, with or without top, gdols 5> upon every Coachee, 9 dols. e upon other Carriages, having panne 1 work above, - n with blinds, glaffesor curtains, 9 dole. upon four wheel carriages, having framed posts and r topi with lleel springs, 6 dols. /l 1 upon four wheel top Carriages, with wooden or iror fpriiigs 01 jacks, 3 dols. upon curricles with to6s, 3 dols* '» uponchaifes with topi, 3 dols. '> upon chairs with dolt. upon sulkies with topsj 3 dels. upon other two wheel top carriages, 3 doll. upon two wheel carriages, with lleel or iron springs, g 3 dols. a For and upon all other two wheel carriages, 2 dols. p upon every four wheel carriage, having framed ports c and tops, and reftiug upon wooden spars, 2 dols. 1 The Colle&ofs of the Revenue of the firft survey of the Dillritt of Pennsylvania, will ittend daily, until the 30th day of September next, for the purpose of receiv i;ig the duties on r Carriages, at No. 117, in Race or SalfaCra* ftrcet, in the City of Plwladelphia, at the house of Daniel S. Ciair, Esq. in the County of Montgomery ; and at the house of Abraham Du - bois, Esq. in the County of Bucks; of which all persons pof- . ,sic fTcd ol f«ch Carriages are desired to take notiee. Notice is alio given, i, e TO all retail dealers in Wines, and foreign distilled fpiri* tuows liquors, that licences will be granted to tbern ; one li _ ccnce for carrying on the business of retailing of Wines, in a iefs quantity, or in less quantities than 30 gallon*—and one licence for carrying on the business of retailing Spirituous li- e A quors in less quantities then 20 gallons, at the fame time and S at the fame places, by the officer* legally authorised to grant | c fuck licences. e WILLIAM NICHOLS, ( Infpeftordf the Revenue of the firft survey ' of ihediflritlof Pennfjlvania. Office of InfpeOion,at ) -" ' Philadelphia, sift July, >796. J FOR SALE, By N. and J. FRAZIE'R, No. 95, S. Trcmt-fircet, Prfcie 3ofton B.cf, m barrels. Georgia Cotton. Carolina Rice and Ir.digo. Skerry and Teneriffe Wines, of 'excellent tjualiiy. Ravens Duck. lndio Bsßdanno's. Sewing Silks, various colours. CofT<»hs and Gnrrahs. Siut. I/; tts4\v. 1 ——■ : —-T- — • —- For sale by the fubicribefs, IN Ps MN-STKFtT, J3O quarter Cliefts frefh ITyfon Tea; 100 ditto do. freih Souchong Tea; 300 Boxes China, containir.g fihcia.il tea fettt -of 44 pieces; 480 pieces Bandafloes. Willings January 36 ' flßr tt&f FOR SALE. PORT WINE, and HOLLAND GIN, of the fir ft qualities in Pipes. FRAUNCfiS and VAN REED, brokers flhd Commillion Merchants, No. 63,50.3d Stv Who discount approved NOTES of hand. N. B. An APPRENTICE Wanted. - September 14. ~n\vf " THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, ~~ By W. YOUNG, MILLS and Son, Corner of Second and Chefnut fireets, Price 11 1-2 cents, The President's Address To the People of the United States, INTIMAtING The resolution he has farmed to decline being confrdered among the number of those out of whom a choice is to be made, at the ensuing ele&ion of a Prefrdcnt of the United States. Sept. 20, . Iys6 Great is Truth and must prevail. JUST PUBLISHED, And for sale at A r o' 41 Chefnut-jlreet by J. ORM P-QDi An Apology for the 15ible, By R. Watson, z>. d. p. m. s. B'tjhop of Landajf, &c. Being a complete refutation of Paine'S Age of Reason, And the only answer to the Second Part. August 30. t dtf THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, By W. Young, Mills and Son, [Price 50 cts. in boards, 62 1-2 neatly bound] An Apology for the Biblc^ In a fries of Letters, AddrefTed to Thomas Paine, authorof a'book entitled The Age »f Reason, part the fecor.d, being an in vestigation (f true and fabulous theology- By R. WATSON, D. D. F. R.S. l ord Bilhop of Landaff, and Regius Profefibr of Divinity in the Uuiverfity of Cambridge. Sept. 16. iuScf6 India Tamboured Muffins. A Jmall, har.dfeme assortment sf Mujlins, viz. Fine tamboured Malda and i'antipore Muslins, vaiiwi* pattern* and prices. Plain 6-4 Jaconet. Corded and cross-barred Muffin Shawls. Ditto ditto 6-4 and 4-4 Dorcas. Muslin Handkerchiefs, fine and coarse. Japan Muslins, and A few pieces extraordinary fine Long Cloths. FOR SALE BY Thomas Tingey-, l)o. t2i, South Third-ftrcet> Sept. la. tutf&f TO BE SOLD, That Neat and Convenient House, WHEREIN the fijbfcriber now lives. There are iou. rooms on a floor : the house is two stories high with a good garret above : under the whole is' un excel!-* ent cellar, with a dry well, in which is ai convenient framed chamber for preserving meat, butter, &c. in warm weather. Attached to th« hotlfe is a Stable for three horses, hay-los , granary, and cari iage-houfc, a wood yard paved with stone, and a garden wiih foil of a fine quality. An indisputable title will be made to the pur chaser. For farther particulars apply to the fubferiber in Princeton, or. in her absence to Thomas D. Johnson, Esq. or the rev. Samuel S. Smith. ANN WITHERSjPQON. Princeton, Aug 24. 2awtO Plans of the city 1 of Philadelphia, Including the Northern Liberties and diftridt of Southwark, Published, and fold by BENJAMIN DAVIE S, • No. 68, High ftreetj (Price one dollar.) THIS plan is 16 inches' square, and his teert cn' , graved by one of the firft artists In ths city, from a lat£ and accurate furVey. Purchasers are entitled to a pam phlet with each plan, giving " some account of the ' city, Its population, trade, government, &c. July 19 tu&ftf ; TAKE NOTICE, 1 ' I 'HE fubferiber intends to make applicatibn for a re ' J. newal of the following certificate, supposed to be : loft on the paffige to England in April 1794: Certificate No. 1C335, dated 15th November, 1793# for 2830 dollars and _02 cents—Six per cent, domestic debt, on the books of the Treafuryof the United States, in the name of the Hon. John Trevor. » ROBERT BIRD, at John Warder's. Philadelphia, August 36th, 1796. *tu&f6w e ' W A NIF E -^ • Three JOURNEYMEN BOOK-BINDERS, t OOD fleady workmen Will meet with constant tm- VJT ployment, and good wages; by applying to JOHN CURTIS, No. 43, North Fourth-street. y ' N. B. BOOK-BINDING in all its different branches, executed with neatness and dilpatch. Public and private - libraries repaired in the ncatef'. and bell manner. September 20. t 4c
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers