A2Manca«t»r Farming, Saturday, September 24, 1994 York Junior Dairy Show (Continued from Pago A2l) Fivo and Ovar: 1. Jesse Stambaugh, 2 Stephanie Pomranlng. Senior and Grand Champion; Jason Stambaugh Reserve Senior and Grand Champi on: Jesse Stambaugh Dam and Daughter: 1 Jason Stam baugh: 2 Jesse Stambaugh BROWN SWISS Spring Calf: 1 Todd Morris Fall Call: William Jenkins. PROPEL PROFITS WITH A VANE AXIAL LEAST RESISTANCE. Dependable and Economical Medium or High Static Pressure Airflow For Many Bln Applications Fans Built ToDo The Job! II Ht 272 South MR 14 Harrvllla Road IbNU Willow Straat, PA 17584 _ Ph. 717-464-3321 or IfflH TollFrtaBoo-732-0053 IWJ Stora Houra: Uon,-S*t7;3oAMtol;oo PM UUMB ★Full Una Parte Dapt* ★Sail, Sarvlca Ik Install* Junior Champion: Todd Monts. Reserve Junior Champion: William Jenkins Four-Year-Old: Michelle Jenkins. Senior Champion: Michelle Jenkins. Grand Champion: Todd Morris, Spring Calf Reserve Grand Champion: William Jenkins, Fall Calf GRAIN TESTER List $249.00 Reg. Low Price $199.00 SUPER SALE $189.99 JERSEY Summer Yearling; Kathleen Jenkins. Junior and Grand Champion: Kath leen Jenkins. MILKING SHORTHORN Winter Yearling: Heather Crawl. Junior and Grand Champion: Heather Crawl. Supreme Champion: Brad Walker, Holstein Four-Year-Old B tV GRAIN AERATOR Reg. $129.99 $109.99 4CC NMwIMM ups Shipping Point Casey Wins Grand Slam Casey Weaver, far left, was the winner of the Grand Slam Award, a special contest for the grain exhibitors on Wednesday at the Ephrata Fair. The award combines the total points awarded for each individual exhibit, and Casey, Ephrata, came out the winner, with 1,028 points and a $250 award. Gerald Martin, Ephrata, center, was sec ond with 939 points, picking up the first runner-up award, $100; and Robert Fox, right, won the second-runner up award, with 916 points, for $5O. America’s First Outside Wood Furnace For Forced Air/Hot Water Systems DEMAND THE ORIGINAL - NOT AN IMITATION!! LO|S FOY RO n GILES SAM WILLIAMSON, DISTRIBUTOR HARDY MFG. CO. 330 Williamson Ave. Philadelphia, MS 39350 800/487-2639 or 601/656-5866 East Berlin, PA 800-582-7554 CALVIN BEINLICK Forksville, PA 717-924-3756 KEN EWING Torrence, PA 412-459-5933 FARNSWORTH FARM SUPPLIES Hughesville, PA 717-584-2106 DAVID FREEMAN Knoxville, PA 814-326-4496 4 Years Of Proven Field Testing t4O INS SMOKE INTO HEAT 'ONDARY AIR FOR fIMUM BURN :CIAL HEAT RECOVERY IMBER !VICE COMBUSTORS HOUT DISTURBING 1C COMBUSTORS** S OUTSIDE; NEEDS NO ELTER. NO COVER •RE BTU’S WITH LESS •OD EAR LIMITED WARRANTS ,LL STAINLESS STEEL Outside Wood Furnace Cochranton, PA 814-425-2278 LYLE HARVEY Sweet Valley, PA 717-864-3087 GREGORY MOYER Lewis Run, PA 814-368-6544 STONEHAM’S Waynesboro, PA 717-762-3614 TERRY RICE Hopwood, Pa 412-439-1562 TIM KREGER Morris, PA 717-353-2095
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