■i m Voi. 39 NO. 47 Holstein Is All-American Supreme Champion VERNON ACHENBACH, JR. Lancaster Fanning Staff HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) Out of the more than I,ooodairy animals entered during the week-tong All-American Dairy Show, held at the state Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg, a 5-year-old Holstein owned by Marion Andrew, of Kents Reserve Holsteins, in Centreville, Md., was named the supreme champion out of all the breeds. The supreme champion of the week-long Pennsylvania All- American Dairy Show has become Northeast Poultry Show Focuses On Biosecurity, Prices, Quality Control LOU ANN GOOD Lancaster Fanning Staff LANCASTER (Lancaster Co.) Poultry producers have tackled disease, flunctuating prices, and rodent control for decades. But when Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) showed signs of increasing about IS years ago, the problem was handled not with fierce indepen dence but by cooperation, among government, industry, and science. At the Northeast Poultry Show held Wednesday and Thursday of this week at Host Resort in Lancas ter, Dr. John Mason was lauded for his work as director of the USDA SE pilot program that was set up in Lancaster. “Mason is U.S.’s foremost authority on SE control,” said J.C. (Mac) McLaurin, president of the Egg Association of America. Traditionally, producers are often wary of accepting govern ment assistance in dealing with problems, but the SE case showed how effectively a problem can be Chad and Ronda Cole with Northwoods Luke, one of their show horses. 604 Per Copy a high honor pitting the grand champions of the six major dairy cattle breed shows held during the week. The competition was tight and several judges determine the supreme champion. ' While results for the national shows weren’t completed by presstime, in addition to the supreme champiqn, the grand champions of the various breeds included: • the grand Jersey, Pensmith TJ Mindy Jersey, shown by Spring Valley Farm, Westminster, Md.; controlled when people are willing to woric together, according to McLaurin. The willingness for producers to develop trust in the government’s program was largely established through Mason’s diplomacy. The cooperative attitude among pro ducers, scientists and goverment in working with the pilot project set up in Lancaster County is being held up as a model to other com modities who face similar prob lems caused by disease, McLaurin said. “Producers are taking every effort to eliminate even the slight est risk of foodboume illnesses,” said Paton, who is retiring after 40 years of service with USDA. It is this cooperative spirit that Dr. Ed Mallinson of the University of Maryland would like to see expand. People are often skeptical that government involvement will cost more money, but that is not the case, Mallinson said. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 1, 1994 • the grand Milking Shorthorn, Kingsdale Lucy, owned by Lucy Syndicate, with CMC Farm, Corn ish Flat, N.H.; • the grand Ayrshire, Sonny Acres JJ Bouquet, owned by Doug Evans, of Sunny Acres Farm, Georgetown, N.Y.; • the grand Guernsey, Little fields Fayette Mona Lira, owned by Alison Littlefied. of Littlefield Farms, Watertown, N.Y.; • the grand Brown Swiss, Hawthorn Rhythmic Riki, owned by Charles Chaney, of Garstlyn (Turn to Page A 22) “It’s an opportunity to seize and additional money to be captured to use for the eradication of disease.” In his speech on biosecurity, Maliinson said that decisions made now on such issues as manure removal will affect the future of flock health, safety, and profitabil ity. He stressed the importance of biosecurity to take every step pos sible to prevent disease in the flock. His definition of biosecurity is simple he said, “Don’t bring germs to your birds and don’t bring your birds to germs.” John Pederson, an expert on commodity price predictions, told the audience that record meat sup plies will occur in the next nine months partly because of cheap feed available as a result of record crops. “When feed is cheap, meat is cheap,” Pederson said. Meat exports are expected to hit (Turn to Page A 29) Five Sections At the annual Pennsylvania Dairy Princess Coronation on September 24, Natalie Dawn Welch from Somerset County earned the state crown with her outstanding perfor mances In speech, presentation, and Impromptu question ing. Read more about the pageant and the Pennsylvania Dairy Princess written by Lou Ann Good on page 82. A Visit To Pennwoods Percheron Farm EVERETT NEWSWANGER Managing Editor CENTRE HALL (Centre Co.) For the John Cole family, working with draft horses, Pen nwoods Percherons, to be specific, has become addictive. The Coles show in the six and eight horse hitch classes around the nation and plan to be at the Keystone Interna tional Livestock Show next week. KILE is one Of 45 qualifying shows on the Classic Series Show circuit In February each year the “world series of draft horse hitching” takes place in Ocala. Florida. This North American Six-Horse Hitch Classic is the climax of the show season, and the Cole team won this presti gious event earlier this year. John is co-chairman of the KILE horse committee and on the KILE executive board. $21.00 Per Year At Pennwoods, the horses are worked daily. ‘They never do any farm work,” Chad said. "But they need to be trained so they perform well at the shows. “It’s hard to tell someone what - you are looking for in a horse for a hitch team. You just know the horse is right when you see it in the team. The ‘wheel’ pair (next to the wagon) should be the largest with the ‘swing’ pair in the middle next largest. The ‘lead’ pair will be the smallest and have lots of lift and action in the front hooves. "We like the sport because we’re around h lot of nice people,” Chad said. “It’s family oriented, and we like that They are people just like us.” The Cole family also helps with the 4-H program by taking horses (Turn to Pago A 27)
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