York Junior Dairy Show (Contlnuad from Pag* A 10) ins, Fawn Grove, took the Jersey champion title. In exhibitor competition, Amy Trimmer, East Berlin, was named champion fitter and Brad Walker was named champion showman. A partial list of York Fair Junior Dairy Show winners fol lows: HOLSTEINS Spring Calf: 1. Dixie Doll; 2. Tanya Thoman; 3 Craig Thoman. Winter Calf: 1. Craig Thoman; 2. Raechel Kilgore; 3. Todd Morris. Fall Calf: 1. Chad Trimmer; 2 Daphne Doll: 3. Daniel Cole NOW! OPERATE CONTINUOUS FLOW OR AUTOMATIC BATCH WITH THE SAME DRYER! 1248 South Mountain Rd. Dillsburg, PA 17019 ■ ABI 717-432-9738 • FAX 717-432-8389 PLEASE TELL ME MORE ABOUT FARM FANS: NAMI ADDRESS. CITY. .ST. Summar Yearling; 1. Daphne Doll; z. John Calp; 3. Michelle Walker. Spring Yearling: 1. Erin Marks; 2. John Bitzen 3. Kathleen Jenkins. Winter Yearling: 1. Amy Trimmer; 2. Daphne Doll; 3. Raechel Kilgore. Fall Yearling: 1. Dixie Doll; 2. Greg Walker. Junior Champion: Dixie Doll, Fall Yearling Reaarva Junior Champion: Amy Trim mer, Winter Yearling Dry Cow: 1. Rebecca Kilgore, 2. Tanya Thoman Jr. Two-Yaar-Old: 1. Sara Greek- 2 Brad Walker; 3. Mark Lucabaugh. Sr. Two-Yaar-Old: 1. Dixie Doll Three-Year-Old; 1. Amy Trimmer, 2. John Calp; 3. Mark Lucaoaugh. Four-Year-Old; 1 Brad Walken 2.Qreg • Economically priced e Fully automatic # Outstanding efficiency e High capacity Here are the dryers for the farmer who has more to do . at harvest than just dry grain. The new CF/AB Series from Farm Fans are designed to allow drying by either CON TINUOUS FLOW or AUTO MATIC BATCH modes. These dryers are specifically designed for full heat appli cation for combination drying and.dryeration However, when operating AUTO MATIC BATCH, you can also L select Dry and Cool application .PH. Walker. Five and Over 1. Brad Walken 2. Greg Walker. Senior and Grand Champion: Brad Walker, Four-Year-Old. Reserve Senior and Grand Champi on; Amy Trimmer, Thrae-Year-Old. v t ik>r4-H'er Walker exhL the supreme champion at the . >r dairy show. With the winner, from left, are Steve Wilson, Judge; Angela Mummert. alternate York dairy princess; Walker; Kelly Jo Myers, York dairy princess, and Jeff Myers, Judge. BEFORE YOU PURCHASE ANT PREPAID SOIL TEST KITS. CONSIDER THIS: Agri Analysis Inc. 's Soil Analysis Program • Our price is the lowest substantial savings • 3-5 Days in lab time • Soil Kits are FREE • Normal billing, net 30 days. PAC #1 - SOIL BASIC $5.50 ea. pH, Buffer pH, PaOs, KaO, Ca, Mg. Cation Exchange Capacity (C.E.C.) With or Without Lime/Fertilizer Recommendations PAC #2 - SOIL BASIC +4 TRACE MINERALS $10.50 ea. Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn PAC #3 - SOIL BASIC + 6 TRACE MINERALS $13.50 ea. Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, B, S Lsncwtef Famting, Saturday, Sspmwbr 24,1104421 Dam A Daughter: 1. Amy Trimmer; 2. Greg Waken 3. Greg Walker. AYRSHIRE Winter Calf: 1. Katie Shoemaker; 2. Jason Stambaugh. Fall Calf: 1. Jason Stambaugh. Summer Yearling: 1. Jesse Slam baugh. Winter Yearling: 1. Jesse Stambaugh; 2. Jason Stambaugh; 3. Stephanie Pomran- Breathe Clean, Cool Powered Air Combined respira tory. head, eye, and face protection creates a personal mini-environment of clean air for you to work. You can do more work in less time because you take fewer breaks. By increasing productivity you Increase profit - not to mention comfort! • Ragweed and other • Combining pollens in field mowing • Handling poultry •Making hay-especially •Cleaning chicken round bales houses Similar products available to protect you in your orchard spraying and to control odor problems. —Call 1-800-234-7417 for more information SJSX ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPLY 21 SIS PwchtTM Road, PO Box 368, Bamatvllle, MO 20838 301-872-7417 • FAX 301-8164517 • Toll Fiae 1-800-234-7417 log. FaH Year**: 1. Katie Shoemaker. Junior Champion: Jaaon Stambaugh. Fall CaH. Raaorva Junior Champion: Katie Shoemaker, Winter Calf. Junior Two-Year-Old: 1. Katie Shoe maker. Senior Two-Yeer-OW: 1. Jaton Stam baugh; 2 Rtambaugh. to r ' A 22) It does a body good.® Use It for: VISA/Mastercard Accepted
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