Miller, A First-Year Exhibitor, Captures Reading Sheep Championship ANDY ANDREWS Lancaster Fanning Staff READING (Berks Co.) Holding onto “Reba,” a South down yearling ewe, Amanda Mill er, 9, Mertz town—in her first year of showing 4-H won supreme champion ewe at the sheep show on Monday afternoon at the Read ing Fair. Amanda, daughter of Joan and Ron Miller. Mertztown, is a first year member of the Berks County Sheep Club. She is in the third // ** Bruce Snyder, right, captured supreme champion ram on Monday afternoon at the Reading Fair. At left Is show |udge Tim Hall. %w ' V Reg. Price *230.00 SPECIAL *207.00 • #2P2230 % * 1200 RPM Rev. Reg. Price *220.00 SPECIAL *198.00 • #I4S4HP */. ’ 2600 RPM Non Rev. Reg. Price *163.00 SPECIAL *146.00 MaR Order* Wetoemc • Order* Under $200.00 Add grade at District Topton. Amanda’s ewe, showing the structural soundness and breed correctness that would allow it to “go a little further” in more diffi cult competition, showed the over all “total balance in size and breed” necessary for other competition, according to Tim Hall, Dalmadon, show judge. Hall, a Suffolk breeder, picked Bruce Snyder’s Southdown spring ram as supreme champion ram at the show. Bruce, 1 9, son of Forrest ASTRO DRILLS I 5278 Z '/» Extra Heavy Duty Reversible Drill Reg. *139.00 SPECIAL *l23°° I 527 T V.l Reversible Air Drill Economy Reg. *69.00 SPECIAL *6o°° • Extra heavy duty 500 RPM drill for extra duty work • Side handle for greater operator control • Reversible action and one hand reverse lever • Positive action trigger for speed control • Variable speed throttle for ease of starting hole .00 UPS PA Raaldanta Add 0% Tax (Unless Ex*mp«) and Lorraine Snyder, Kutztown. won his fifth supreme ram title in six years of showing at the fair. Hall said the ram exhibited the “correctness and overall balance” necessary for the ram to do well in heavy competition with its breed. Showmanship champion was awarded to Kelly Glaser, 13, Limekiln. Kelly showed her Cor- Amanda Miller, right, showing her Southdown yearling ewe named Reba, won supreme champion ewe on Monday at the Reading Fair. At left Is Tim Hall, show judge. Ks! Rk> W» N \ s \ .v\k riedale fall ewe. Dandelion. She is a ninth grader at Exeter Junior High. Champion fitter was awarded to Stephanie Bowman. Stephanie, 17, daughter of Roger and Nancy Bowman, Lcnhartsvillc, showed her Dorset spring ewe. She is a senior at Kutztown High School. In all, there were a total of 38 \ SUMMER BUYING NOW SOME ARB PAYING LATER YOU CAN DO BOTH! July 18 - October 31, 1994 Lease financing for your equipment, buildings and vehicle needs. fixed payment customized schedules delay your first payment* * For credit qualified customers low upfront costs For information: Call your Ideal Telmark representative: Mike Pull am Mlfllinburg, PA (717) 966-9202 Ken Darlington Ephrata, PA (717) 733-3532 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 24, 19M-A23 Irene Benner Osborne Greencastle. PA (717) 597-0238 Paul Shipper Newark, DE (302) 456-1931 Teimarklnc. Minimum lease: $5,000 market lambs, 75 breed sheep, and 26 exhibitors. Following is a list of show placings. READING FAIR SHEEP SHOW RESULTS FfTTINQ AND SHOWMANSHIP FITTINO Aga IS and Ovar Staphanla Bowman. 2. Lisa Francisco Braftchville, NJ (201) 948-3956
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