DlO-Lancaster Firming, Saturday, September 24, 1994 FARM EQUIPMENT 1066 Farmall w/cab; 930 Case Comfort King; 656 utility Glen-Co soil saver w/ finisher; (2)JD 14T baler; INI. field cultivator w/ finisher; 14' heavy duty cul tipacker; 2R Nl picker; 327 husking bed; gravity bin wagons. Lots more equip ment for sale. 717-524-7654. 1200 bu. corn crib. (2) gravity bins on gears. 717-665-4743. (1)3000 & (1)9000 Gal. SS nitrogen storage tanks. 703/639-2262, after Bpm 703/382-0570. 1460 IH rotary combine, field ready, very good con dition, $19,500; 15' 1020 Ilex grain head, cut 200 acres, $7500; IH 963 corn head 6/N, very good conti tion, $9500. Or $35,000/all. 717/567-7955 till 6pm, 717/567-6059 after 6pm. 16,000 watts, Pincor generator, PTO, 3ph, re built. Lancaster Co. 717-285-4636. 1665 Martin Scavenger spreader, $5000; 14.9x26 duals for UniSystem, $400; 73 FlOO pickup, $5OO. 717/272-0041. 1936 JD Unstyled A; JD 830 electric w/PTO. 717-222-4432 evenings. 1947 John Deere A; Ford BN. 717-336-2497 after 4PM. 1977 4400, cab. air, 2,284 hrs. chopper, very nice, sheded, $8,650. Call Stephen. 717-249-2317 1977 NH TR7O, 2710 hours, Cat engine, 15' head, $BOOO. 410/482-6839. 1988 JD 5830 forage harvester, 1965 hours, 23.1x26 tires, 2WD, $53,500. (219)831-5695. 1994 JD 5200, 45hp, w/ canopy, 300 hrs., w/240 disc mower'and hyd. lift, extra rear tire, lists $25,000, must sell $20,000. 717-657-4785. 1R Gehl Corn Head, low profile, excellent condition, kept inside, $5OO 080. 201/702-0644. (2) 200 bu. gravity bins on Grove and NH gears 717-665-4743 FALL SPECIALS GEHL 1580 BLOWER 540/1000 $ 2,450 NH 1495 Fire Damage $5,900 CERESVELE FORD NEW HOLLAND, INC. 8102 F' Brand new round bale feeders w/bottom. (301)898-7426. Bush Hog 10' pull-lype rot ary mowers, $3695. Ta neytown Farm Equipment 410/751-1500. CASE SC, new rubber, LPTO, outlet tri-cycle, runs excellent, $l,OOO. 410-833-9091 Cardinal Sprayer w/35' Booms, New $2495. Ta neytown Farm Equipment. (410)751-1500. Case 1835 skidloader, gas engine, excellent oonditon; AC 829 haybine. Schuylkill Co. 717-644-2443 after 9PM; 717-644-9019 leave message. Case IH 1660 combine, 1986, totally reconditioned. 1020 Ilex head, 17%'. (2) Chevy silage dump trucks w/16' beds and hydraulic tailgates. 1200 automatic roller mill. (301)842-3782 (301)842-2780. Case IH 600 blower, nice, $2,350. (717)249-2317. Case IH 600 blower, excel lent condition, $2,750. Car roll County. (410)775-2723. Case IH 86 Rake, Like New. $2200 (717)328-2336. Chopper, Nl 862 (Interna tional Harvester 881) w/2R Corn and 7 l Pick Up Heads. $7500; Forage Wa gons and Grain Bin. (215)681-4134. CIH 550 spreader, 220 bushel, single beater, tail gate, excellent conition, $3BOO. 717-328-2336. Clay belt feeder, 80 feet long, good shape. (717)532-4858. Com Fodder Special: Nl wheel rake, 7 wheels, hyd. lift, shed kept, very nice. 717/665-4740. Corn head MF44, 4R quick-tach, excellent con dition, stored in shed. (609)696-1398. CRAWLER DOZER 3508, 6 way, rebuilt motor, excel lent UC, ready for work, $9,500. 410-833-9091 CRAWLER DOZER JD 350 C, 6 way, 1 owner, 1985, 3,400 hrs., nice, $12,500 410-833-9091 CRAWLER LOADER CAT 955 L, needs TLC, $11,500. 410-833-9091 Nice Unit $5,900 We honor VISA & MASTERCARD CRAWLER LOADER CASE 350, ROPS & sweeps, nice, $5,000. 410-833-9091 CRAWLER TRACTOR CAT D 7. 100% UC, 3T Series, C.C.U., no blade, $2,400. 410-833-9091 David Brown Tractor #995, wide front, 55hp diesel, $5200. 717/776-8648. Deere 343, $2,975.; 643, $7,450.; 843, $9,950.; IH 863, $5,950.; 843, $3,250.; 844, $2,750.; MF 1163, 1144, 1143, 43 & grain heads. Head Quarters for 6620 & 7720. 717-249-2317 Deere 6600, gas, very good, 15' Hinniker bar, chopper, sheded, $6,150. Call Stephen. 717-249-2317 Detroit S 3 Series Cylinder Kits, Old Stock. 15 Avail able. List Price $l6O, Ask ing $B5; 8630 JO Injector Pump, Turbo. (419)687-7001. Deutz 6806, 1976, tractor original owner, dual hy draulics, new 16.4x34 ra dials, very nice, $6500. 412-925-7829. Deutz diesel engine, FGL9l2,ll2hp, good con dition, can hear run, $l5OO. 717-738-0220 Alan 7-5. Dion 1016 forage wagon, good condition, $5600 080. NO Sunday calls. 301-739-6339. Dismantling for Parts; Hun dreds of farm tractors new and old several JD 2 cylin ders also dozers and track loaders. Call for any part you might need. Atkins Tractor Salvage. Union WV 24983. Phone 304-772-3741. DISMANTLING FOR PARTS: 4-108 Perkins and Ford 3 Cyl. 201 Cid. Diesel Engines; S6SOG Satoh and 155 Yanmar Tractor; L 553 New Holland and 342,330, 440, Mustang Skidloaders; New and Used Parts (or Kubota and Wisconsin En gines; Complete Repairs on Skidloaders Including Hydrostatic. GD Equip ment (717)859-3533. Durand Wayland PTO or chard rowcrop sprayer, 500 gal. SS tank. 1990 model DA, less than 150 hrs., $8500; Taylor Way 6' offset disc, used less than 30 hrs., 3ph, $lOOO. 609-567-4186. E-Z flow 400 bu. bin on 10 ton gear. 717-665-4743. Farmall 200 w/(ast hitch, $1675; MC loader for 200 Farmall, nice, $650; Far mall 340 w/fast hitch, nice, $2775; Athens 10-tooth 3pt chisel plow, $1075. 610/562-4464. Farmall 460, tri-cycle, PS, TA, excellent rubber, 1 of a kind. $2,650. 410-633-9091 Farmall Cub power unit, good condition, no carb, $3OO 080. (717)328-2336. Farmall M tractor, 1945, re cent overhaul and new rub ber, $1,900. (410)679-0882. Farmall M Tractor w/237 Com Picker and Sheller, Can be Bought Separately. Excellent Condition. (717)393-1490. Farmall Super C w/fast hitch & snow blade, lights, starter, tire chains, dean, $2,475. Lancaster County. (717)336-2031. JD 343 3RN com head, nice shape. 717/263-3521. JD 343 Snapper corn head, good condition. (717)263-3521. JO 350 C dozer, 6-way blade & winch, good oondi tion, $12,500. 301/842-3282. JO 35 forage harvester, 1000 PTO, nice, shed kept JD chuck wagon. 610/469-9633. JO 35 Harvester, 2RN com head, good condition, $l4OO. 717/354-7142. JD 375 round baler; JD 730 diesel w/factory WFE and flat fender. 717/242-4425. JD 3960 chopper, good condition, $5800; JD 3R com head, $1000; IH 550 manure speader, $450; Oelco hot water washer, $BOO. 717-733-0575. JD 3960 Forage Harvester, long tongue, 1000 PTO, electric controls. 610/469-9633. JD 4000, just overhauled, good condition, $B2OO. 717-354-6706. DISMANTLING FOR PARTS: JD 4108 loader/ hoe for parts. Will arrive week of September 12. Many good parts available. BALANDA EQUIPMENT P.O. Box 407 RT 29 Palm. PA 18070. 1-800-322-8030 JD 4430, SGB, Quad, WTS, Very Nice. Best Of fer. (302)378-4726 .Tedder $2,900 JD 1210-A 400 bushel grain cart, $3,500. White IH 715 combine, German 549 5-6 bottom plow spring diesel engine, 13' floating reset, $3,500. Delivery grain table, nice, $6750. available. (216)482-3660. 717/249-2317. JD 14T baler with applica tor, pickup compressor for oomfodder $350. JD 494 4-30’RR oomplanter $175. NH 479 haybine $425. Far mec 181 gravity wagon $550. 30' crop sprayer w/200 gal and IS gal fiberglass tanks and hand gun excellent condition $6OO. (717)445-9158. JD 1R com snapper head. JD 2RN corn head. 717-665-4743. JD 1 Row com head, good condition. 717/464-5590 Lancaster Co. JD 2030 Diesel, Hi-Low, In dependent PTO, Runs Good, $5500 080. (717)445-5598. JD 213, 215 or 216 flex heads, $4,450.; 444, $3,450.; 443, $4,250.; 643 & others. 717-249-2317 JO 216 forage wagon, 3 beaters, no roof, 12 ton single axle gear, excellent condition, $3450. 717-867-4211. JD 2-30' chopper header, $2,750.; IH 844 or 843 header. Call Stephen 717-249-2317 JD 24T baler, 30 ejector. Fox Super 90 chopper w/2RN plus S' hay head. Both VG condition. (908)496-8643. JD 2750, MFWD, 1700 hrs., hi/10, dual outlets, 18.4-34 rear tires, 13.6-24 front tires, with JD 240 loader, quick attach bucket, $20,000. Call 717-296-5369. JD 300 com husker; Kill Bros., McCurdy gravity wa gons, w/JO gear; Little Giant 42' elevator; 10Vi' Bush Hog. 304-725-5323. JO 301 w/loader, gas, new engine & rubber, weight box, $4,950.410-833-9091 Good Paint, Good Rubber, Nice Utility Tractor TRACTORS ft LOi Deutz DX 120 Tractor Ford Golden Jubilee Trac Ford 8N Trac w/Loader Ford 55A TLB Ford 345 C Trac w/Box Blade Ford 601 Trac w/Triumph Sickle Bar Ford 5610 w/Highway Mowers Ford 1715 Compact Trac Ford 4000 Gas Trac Ford 7610 4WD Trac Kubota G 5200 JCB 3CX Trac/Ldr. Bckhoe Case 430 Trac Case4soß Ldr. Case 4116 Trac NH 555 Skidsteer Loader Int. 666 Trac _ _ HAY ftFQRAQE NH 310 Baler w/70 Thrower NH 254 Rake Tedder Hesston PTIO Hayblne Nl 5408 Disc Mower (2) NH 320 Baler w/58Th NH 425 Baler Kuhn GRS-25N Tedder/Rake Clean INT 370 Dlao New Idea 5400 Dlac Mower w/New Disks on Front only 1 Year Old Ready to Go to Work on the Fall on Rear Grasses IH 806 diesel, runs good. Perry Co. 717/536-3239. IH 833 3RN com hoed, fits IH 715. 717/547-6090 after 7pm. IH 863 com head, nice, $5OOO 080. 717/249-2317. IH 915 Combine w/820 Flexhead, Excellent Condi tion. $1 1,000. (410)775-7519. IHC ground drive corn & grain binders; JD grain bin der; IHC long elevators; JD RIO binder w/long eleva tor; IHC *7 & *9 & Gehl C-40 silo fillers; IHC hay loader; JD sulky & gang plow; JD big four mower; Rosenthal #4O shredder. Vic Sinave, RD 4, Box 82, Marshall, MN 56258, 507/532-6120. IH HYDRO 100, CAH, needs paint, good rubber, twin outlets, 540/1000 RPM, $5,800. 410-833-9091 IH model 5500, 11 shank chisle plow w/gauge wheels, excellent condi tion. WANTED; White 508, 4x16 spring reset plow. 814-634-5235. IH single row com picker, Red line model IPR, 3pt hitch, PTO, hydraulic raise/ lower, $8500; JD model 290 corn planter, extra plates, $475; Dearborn 2 row cultivator model 13-2, 3pt hitch, shields, $325. Call 717/692-3666 leave message. In-line bale wrappers, for any size silage bales. Self powered, high speed, low maintenance. For more in formation: Glenn Beidler, (717)539-8993. JD 115 Chuckwagon, field ready, $800; 13 ft. JD BFW disc, $1,600 Berks Co. 610/689-5496. Used 16’ Badger Box New Roof, Ready to Go to Work NH 822 Corn Head NH 849 Round Baler Ford 515 Sickle Bar Mower NH 28 Blower DeutzKHSOO Tedder NH 488 Haybine NH 489 Haybine JD 1209 Haybine Vicon 321 Disc Mower NH 411 Disc Mower CTL Mower NH 851 Round Baler NH 469 Haybine NH 488 Haybine Hesston 1014 Hydroswing Haybine JD 1219 Haybine NH 30 Blower Badger BN 950 Forage Box NH 269 Baler w/54A Thrower MISCELLANEOUS JD 3 Bottom Plow AC 6’ 3 pt. Rotary Cutter Brillion 16 ft. Cultipacker Int. 14 ft. Disc IH Farm Truck w/Dump NH 519 Spreader Pequea 606 Wagon Gear Hydra-Auger for gravity wagon. Gravity bin wagon 6 ton chassis. 30' 9* blower pipe w/elbow. (717)359-4383. If you need a JD self prop elled chopper call me. Larry Stalter "The Chopper Man’ 1-800-248-2151 IH 1050 grinder/mixer, 4 screens, $1,200. (410)679-0882. IH 1460 combine, A/C, grain loss monitor, 1660 ro tor installed, 1978, 3,000 hours, real nice, $18,500. (717)423-6719. IH 1460 elec over hy draulic, real nice, 2200 hours, 1981, $28,000. (717)423-6719. IH 1466 cab, dual PTC, dual hydraulic, new TA, very nice, $12,500. IH 806 nice, 18.4x38, like new rub ber, needs TA, $5,800. MF 880 5x16 plow, $750. (717)423-6719. IH 16' #llO, 3 beater for age wagon on heavy gear. Wetmore grinder blower. Steel thrower wagon Bxl6, on 6 ton gear. (717)359-4383 IH 2pth 100 Sickle Bar Mower, Very Good Condi tion. $750. (717)328-2336. IH 414, diesel, runs well, 40 h.p., $2,500. 410-833-9091 IH 484, diesel, ROPS, re built motor, $4,000/offer. 410-833-9091 JD 55 combine, com spe cial, cab, quick attach feeder house, 14' cutting platform, $900; 343 com head, $l9OO. York. 717-456-7783. JD 68 auger wagon; Gehl 910 silage wagon; Gehl 72 flail chopper; Gehl 800 harvester. All very good condition. 610-932-0759. JD 7000 planter 4x30 dry, $4200; JD 1710 mulch tiller, 11-shank, field ready, $3990. 304/822-3298, 304/822-3112.
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