HAY FLUFFER, rotary. 10' pull type, new. $7OO. 410-833-9091 HAY RAKE NH 256. good as new, $l,BOO. 410-833-9091 HERCULES. CONTINEN taI Waukesha farm, indust rial engine parts. M&M Surplus Sales, 807 Zerega Avenue, Bronx. NY 10473, (718)828-9026; fax 828-9851. Hessfon 2 Row 30’ head, fits 2000-150 2 irrigation pumps, 6" and 4", $1,450 each. (717)438-3833. HIGH TORQUE DIESEL STARTERS with 3 yr. warranty for most domestic tractors and select imports. With 6 month no risk money back guarantee. Call Gary D. Sneath at 1-800-622-7892 4x4 TRACTORS Ford 8730 -140 HP Ford 1715, P.S. (new) Ford 5610, cab Ford TWS - like new Ford 6710 - factory cab Ford 1920-4x4 loader, 28 HP, 300 hrs. A.C. 6080 1.H.7110,1100 hrs. Mitsubishi 374 4x4, loader Mitsubishi MT3OOD, 30HP LOADER TRACTORS (2) I.H. 574 Case 1294 Ford 4610,4x4, Loader Oliver 1355 D. Case 1210 Zetor 5245 Ford 5000 Ford 3000, P.S. Farmall 130 TRACTORS I.H. 1468, cab, air I.H. 5288 cab, air, duals IH. 3688 cab, air IH. 986 cab, air IH. 686 Fender Tractor |.H. 584, New Tires Ford 6640 S, Power Star,Dual Power and Remote, 7 hrs. Ford 6700 Ford 7700 new tires Ford 4600 D. Ford 5000 Farmall 130 with cultivators Ford 4000, excellent condition Ford 4600 J.D. 830 Moline 670 D. Moline M 602 Massey 240, 90 hr. Massey 255 Utility (4) Ford 8N & Choice $2500 INDUSTRIAL 20T. Tag Trailer with air brakes Case 580 C backhoe loader, cab, extend-a- hoe Ford 550 backhoe, cab J.D. 440 crawler loader J D 450 C bulldozer, 6 way blade J D 350 C bulldozer, 6 way blade Massey 202 forklift N H 553 skid loader 1993 FORAGE HARVESTORS J.D 72 flail chopper (2) N H 718 NH 770 MISCELLANEOUS (2) N.l. 323 corn pickers N.l. 324, wide roa, 12 roll husking bed corn picker (New) H&S forage wagons in stock NEW & USED GRAVITY BOXES Gehl 1540 blower, filled one silo $2BOO J.D. FBB grain drill J.D. 8350 grain drill J D. 8250 grain drill (New) H&S manure spreaders H&S bale throw racks Vermeer rock picker Allan Hart & Sons Cochranton,’ PA 16314 (814) 425-7094 Exit 35 off J. 79. right M ml I _ . S JO 444 com head, used on less than 500 acres, excel lent, $4,500. (410)876-7530. JD4S loader w/bucket and V-plow, excellent, no welds, original paint, $900; 3pt hookup bucket 3'x3', $5O. 610/932-3622. JD 5440 chopper, 4WD, 3-30’ & 7', excellent Can Finance. $31,900. Larry Staller The Chopper Man* 1-800-248-2151 JD #55 combine, like new, w/cab. Three 30’ row com head. Always stored in side. 12' grain platform. (717)225-3066 nights or (717)225-4511. EDWIN HORNING & SONS Jttl ~ FARM MACHINERY (717) 733-7408 JD 8300 Grain Drill 18x7 with press wheels IH 55 Chisel Plow BDlDailer White 588 4x20 A.R.S. Plow Int. 720 4xlB A.R.S. Plow Brillion 3 T Deep Till Subsoiler A.R.5....52,400 IH 720 plow 4xlB spring reset $2,750 IH 710 plow 4x16 spring reset $1,850 Brillion 14' packer side transport $1,450 Case IH #l4 V ripper 5 shank w/coulters, depth wheels $3,950 JD 8300 drill 21x7 grass attach, d.d....52,650 IH 45 field cult., pull type 17', hyd. fold $1,450 White 508 plow, 4xlB cushion trip $1,050 JD #1450 plow. 4x16 trip JD 8300 drill, 18x7 White 252 disc, 9’, nice.... IH 510 drill, 16x7, single disc $1,050 JD 494 A planter 4RN, dry fert $350 JD 8300 drill, 21x7 DD, grass attach.... 52,950 JD 535 trailer sprayer, 30' booms, 350 gal. tank, nice $l5OO Oliver 252 disc, 12' $975 AC field cutlivator, pull type, 11* IH 450 plow, 3x16 spring reset, 3 pt IH 56 corn planter, 2R, DD Brillion packer seeder 10’, nice IH 720 plow, 5x16 spring reset, IH smilHllr 4R, late model, Buster Bar NH 75 Pan Thrower Complete $5OO 190 Portable Air Compressor, Diesel $1,750 NH #75 bale thrower $550 NH 304 side delivery manure spreader.s2,2so No till coulters for White 5100 corn planter CORNPICKE NI 325 2R Narrow 8 Roll Bed N 1 323 1 Row NI 325 NAgftfMl Bed NI 323 1 R.'." NI 323 1R JD 300 w/2N R Head NI 323 1R NI 323 1R HAY EQUIPMENT • HESSTON 1130 9 FT. Mower cond. • HESSTON 1160 12 ft. Mower cond. • HESSTON 1320 9 ft. Disc. Mower cond • HESSTON 555 T - Round Baler • HESSTON Forage Box - 16 ft JD 70 diesel pony motor; JD 520 gas. Both PS, 3ph, dual hydraulics. Nice resto ration project. 908-878-5851; 201-927-7424 evenings. JD 70 diesel standard, A-1 condition, unrestored, $3400; JD A, 1945, unre stored, fair condition, $875. 304-749-8483 JD 70 skid loader, good rubber, roll cage, $l4OO. 717/653-4830. JD 714 A Silage Wagon, Badger BN 1050, Older Badger, Also 100 Kipe Head locks Used 2 Months. (301)694-8931. 248 Meadow Valley Road, Bpbrata, PA 17522 ,$3,100 $1,250 $3,500 .$2,200 ...$950 $2,250 $1,850 $1,050 $1,650 ...$BOO $2,700 $2,500 $2,300 $1,650 $4,500 $2,950 $1,850 $5,200 $2,400 $3,150 Gleaner F 2 combine, is- Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 24, 1994-Dll ES m ’ 438 ®° m For Sale: Tractor cab Hei hea<^.,l. 400 hra * oxceHent nicker, was an AC2OO, JD OM^ih!sft7 ,^2o ,990 ° 84 round bal ® lift and un ‘ OHO. 610-287-8746. roller, new. 607/687-3735, #1822 For Sale: Universal Com ma' P uter Feeder, 5 stall com airSm!oftQ? nt ’ * 3,000- putorprinter. 120 transpon -410-833-9091 dors, collars, #RJB auto Grader Blade, heavy duty matic teat sprayer; 180' for 3pt hookup, $B5; Alumi- “s o * l 2’ stainless pipe; 20 num ladder, 24’. $45; Cy- * abo wlB clone seeder. 85. 607/687-3735. 717/367-398.6.. “ Gehl 12T wagon gear with Gravity wagon, 225 bu. on 1 2' tires, JD 1065 A gear, good con- 20° O 80. dilion. 717-993-6328! (717)786-2815. Grove 3 beater silage wa ron, 1 owner, shed kept. 1,000. (301)698-7426. JD 2R wide fits 3940 or 3960. NH 770 com head 2 R narrow JD IRfor 38 Gehl 1R low profile for 700 JD 2R.N. hi hood w/clutch Gehl 600 Harv. $450 JD 3940 ISUUI/2 Row N Com Head $5,500 NH Auger Base 3 Row Corn Head & Hay Head $2,800 NH Super 717 harv $l,OOO JD 3960 Harv. w/2 Row N Com Head $6,200 GEHL 860 Harv w/3038 Cora Head $7,500 IH 56 blower $950 Gehl 1580 blower 1000 rpm... NH 900 HDDDtalert tandem JD 2955 Indpt. PTO, dual remotes, weights MF 35 gas 3 pt JD 2940 diesel fully eqp„ nice JD 26BBBQ>t. PTO NH 311 Baler. Nice NH 273 Baler w/Thrower, Nice NH 315 Baler w/70 Thrower NH 273 Baler w/Thrower NH 853 round baler bale command NH 455 trailer sickle mower Gehl 260 spin hay rake NH 316 baler w/#7O thrower NH 311 baler NH 276 baler w/thrower JD 1217 mower cond NH 311 baler w/75 ejector NH 477 hayblne $9OO $25 $450 JD 1219 mower conditioner, (1990) JD 450 pull type sickle bar mower.. IH 1100 trailer mower, nice NH 455 mower, crimper attach Ford NH 489 hayblne NH 353 - 80 Bu Gehl 95 Hyd. Drive NH 353 - 80 Bu NEW CO ALLIS 5670-2 WD ' w/loader •A( • AGCO ALLIS 4650-2 WD • AGCO ALLIS 7600 2 WD • AGCO ALLIS 7630 AWD U'hrn You WtirW S<*riM<*c^Voii^C(in^rVu^ Gehl 3RN corn harvester head, field ready. (814)766-2754. FAX 738-4897 YOUR GLEANER COMBINE SALES AND SERVICE DEALER 1994 R-52&R-42 COMBINE SEE WHAT A QUALITY GLEANER COMBINE CAN DO FOR YOU IN THE FIELD >RS >ED EQUIPMENT • Vicon Sprayer 40’ Boom - Never Used • AC Disc 13.5 ft. • AC Disc 10 ft., nice condition • 2-NH 489 haybines - 1 Left • Amco Disc USI • White 2-150 Tractor • Just Traded: AC 8010 Nice Cond! AGCO ALLIS Qehl 4500 skid steer •QUlpmen. lor v loader. 40hp. 65’ bucket, IH ha ybm e : baler; con excellent condition veyer. rake. 610-385-6486. 1)696-4079. Gehl 910 self-unloading wagon, excellent condition, <2,800. (717)243-5768. Gehl forage harvester, #HA9OO w/S’ grass head and 2R, 40* corn head; (3) Gehl forage wagons, 2-16', 1-14'; model 27 NH blower. 717-624-8550. JD 2010 gas, as is $2,500 MF 1085 diesel, bad engine $2,500 as is IH 504 gas $4,000 JD 317 lawn & garden tractor w/mower & blade $995 as is Case Vac $650 as is JD GP antique tractor JD AR antique tractor JD 950, excel cond. JD 70 skid steer loader Ford 8N w/slde sickle mower Ditch Witch model J2O trencher Case 580 D TLB w/extcnd-a-hoe $16,500 Case 585 C & 586 D diesel forklifts Case 1816 C skid steer loader, nice $5,500 JD 4240 w/cab $19,500 ...$5OO ...$6OO ~..$250 ...$l5O $1,150 ....$950 $7,500 .$17,800 ..$2,500 $10,700 ..$8,500 $5,100 $2,600 $3,200 $1,850 $6,200 ...$950 $1,450 .$6,900 .$4,800 $2,400 $2,500 $5,500 $2,300 ,$4,850 .$1,250 ...$950 ...$B5O $4,900 EQUIPMENT JD #3O 2R pull type potato digger 8N & 9N Ford loaders $3OO-$5OO each MF loader off 3010 JD $1,500 148 JD loader off 2440 Westendorf loader, heavy duty $2,400 1850 IH loader off 444 & 454 NI & IH and other ground driven manure spreaders JD model 8300, 24x6 DD drill $1,750 IH 2R pull type corn picker $2,100 $1,850 $3,200 W. C. Littleton ft Son Inc. Laurel, DE 19956 302-875-7445 ICTORS Farmers - Dealers - Your advertising pays for itself when you advertise your equipment in the farm equipment section. 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. Farmhand feed processor grinder/blower, 1000 PTO, excellent condition. 717/733-6333. FNH 520 Spreader, Single Beater, Tintle Chain, Tail gate, Very Good. $2950 (717)328-2336 FORKLIFT JCB 5258, 4x4, 5,000 lbs., 25’, excellent, $18,500. 410-833-9091 FORKLIFT MF 2200, rough terrain, gas, very good condition, $5,500. 410-833-9091 FOR SALE; Completely re built 4230 D engine, 3020 D crank shaft, 4020 D block, 4230 D block, 3010 G run ning engine and otherJD 4 and 6 cylinder parts. We ship. NELSON PARTS. Penn Van. NY 1-600-730-4020. FOR SALE; IH Snapper head for 720,830,721,831 harvester, 2R adjustable. 814-669-4621. FOR SALE: Small farm equipment, plows, pack ers, discs, harrows, mow ers, crimpers, tedders, rakes, etc. Trade ins wel comed. NH mowers, rebuilt and guaranteed, engines, hydraulics, crimper hoo kups available. KIRK WOOD REPAIR, 550 Coopers DR, Kirkwood, PA. 17536. 717-529-3299 BAM-B:3OAM. Ford 4400 loader tractor, 52hp, $6,800. (717)328-5655. Ford 6 cylinder turbo charged diesel engine, run ning oonditon. Best offer. 717-445-6156. Ford 7600 tractor, 86hp w/ factory cab, 3300 hours After 6pm, (717)328-5655. For most any combine, gram and/or corn header, or self propelled choppers Call Stephen 717-249-2317 For Sale: 800 Gehl recut ter. Berks Co 610/589-5394. Foi Sale: Auto-plus mig welder, 160 amp, new 607/687-3735. For Sale; John Deere 300 elevator, 44' long. 717/235-4041. USED COMBINES • 1991 Gleaner R-60 w/RWA • 1986 Gleaner R-6 • 1984 Gleaner N-6 • Gleaner L-2 • Gleaner F Combine 13 Ft. Flex Head • Gleaner F Combine 13 Ft. Head • 18’ Flex, 6 Row Corn Head • New Holland TRBS • NI 819 Combine Unit, Grain & Corn Head Just Traded: IHI4BO Combine w/17’ Flex Head - Field Ready Partners For Tomorrow ft •ala >nt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers