B46—Lancaster Farmini MAILBOX MARKET For Sale- New 12 volt automotive batteries Puaranted 50 mos $35 ord 302 engine in very good condition, $lOO exchange, 944-1007 For Sale- 2 Section harrow $25,36" sickle bar mower $35, Sears hammer mill $25, Water grate for fireplace Adams Co 717- 528-4166 For Sale- Baler, 440 Int, bale thrower, bale ten sion 301-692-6720 or 301-557-7139 Harford Co For Sale- Complete set of canvass for McDeermg 10’ tractor binder like new 201-246 3413 Somerset, N J For Sale- One grade buck, very nice, crossed bet. Reg Hampshire & Suffolk $lOO Hunt Co 814-669- 4873 Reg Shropshire ram, Menhennett bloodlines, proven sire, also lambs and ewes Modern type 215-869-2806 after 5 Wanted- Clipper wire belt lacer, 6 or 8” wide Leon F Ebersol, RD2 Narvon, Pa 17555 Lane Co For Sale- Atlas medal lathe, 10x36 auto gear shift, $BlO Stoltzfus Pneumatic Box 160 RDI, Paradise, Pa 17562 For Sale- Set of tires, 7- 50 16 front, 16-9-30 rear, tubeless, off 574 Int 70% tread East Earl, Lane Co 717-354-6310 For Sale- Reg quarter horse stallion, very gentle, bay, 7 yrs old $l,OOO or best offer Northampton Co 215- 252-6437 after 7pm For Sale or Lease Service age bull, sire Elevation Dam EX 92 EEEE at 5 yrs old Records to 24,000 215-857-9757 Chester Co Shetland sheepdogs, AKC whelped 3-6, sable & white, bred for in telligence & conformation $l5O and up Bucks Co 215-949-2015 For Sale- Bred gilts, pseudorabies negative tested 215-445-6284 Lane Co For Sale- Ml manure spreader, 160 bu Good cond 5550 Lane Co 215 267-4398 Tomato farming equip ment - baskets, planters, etc Call after 6pm 717- 665 3103 Lane Co For Sale- Old barn timber, siding A boards up to 18" wide, Eli S Ebersol, RD2 Strasburg, Pa 17579 For Sale Reg Appaloosa mare, Blue Roan English or Western, excellent youth horse, 5800 firm Mont Co 215-754 6038 Dairy Goal Stud Bucks for sale ADGA reg , Purebred Nubian, born 3/14/81, best lines Patty Kaminski 609 629 1230 Gloucester Co, NJ For Sale- Hand cut sandstones & old bricks 717-536-3597 Special prices on quality mason shoes & boots Send SASE or call Mrs Daniel Beachy, Rt 9336, Reading, PA 19605, 215 376 5854 For Sale- 5 ton Stoltzfus fert spreader w/40' boom & tarp, exc cond , 3 yrs old 717-367-2657 Lane Co For Sale- 1978 Subaru tudor DL sedan, 32-35 mpg, with reg gas, blue with blue interior 717 687 8536 Lane Co For Sale- young white rabbits 717-786-7545 For Sale JD 3010 gas motor $650 complete, JD 5x16 plow semi-mt $875 215-598-7357 or 598- 7546 For Sale- AC G tractor & Woods mower 5’ sickle bar cultivators and plows Clearfield Co 814-342 4917. For Sale- 1600 pcs 15"x24” slate - like new also 250 pcs 16”x16' hex asbestos slate Lane Co 717-354-9702 after 6 p m !, Saturday, May 23,1981 MAILBOX MARKfT hoi bale- _ Assorted sawmill parts - pulleys, headblocks, carnage, bearings, etc , (all Frick) Also wild cherry & walnut lumber 717-872 5786 For Sale barn siding, large barn beams, other lumber, shovel harrow, concrete watering trough, feed bin, used tin. and concrete blocks, Lane Co 717-295-9298 eve For Sale- 50 cow rec tangular wall mounted breeding chart, 717 426 3689, $5O Wanted- wood and gas or wood cookstove with warming oven 2 glass French doors, Bedford Co 814-735-4538 For Sale 3yr old gelding, 15 1 hands, sound & broke, good trail horse, Lane Co 717-625-5995 For Sale- Saddle bred horse buggy, w/papers, traffic safe, sound & stylish, 215 445 4282 For Sale New Holland 24 ft elevator in excellent condition, Vi price of new one, Lycoming Co 717 398 1459 For Sale- Three barrel trailer sprayer with hydro roller pump, also New Idea 12A manure spreader, Berks Co. 215 526-4411 For Sale 23 New alum sheds various sizes 1, 500, 201 846 9643 For Sale- 1972 Ford Econo Van-200 needs body work and inspection, $9OO Berks Co 215 777 1013 For Sale D 2 Sauder loader and bracket for MF tractor 255-265 or 275, 20 white turkeys, 4 wks old buy 1 or all 20 Lane Co 717 653-4470 For Sale- Nurs ette machine model 30 in working condition, $5O or best offer 717-272-5026, Philhaven Farm, Lebanon Pa For Sale- 767 Super chopper grass pickup, two row corn head fits 702- 709 Uni Harvester, like new, $6500 Cumb Co 717-776 5672 For Sale- 660 Case combine with 10’ gram head, runs good and looks good, Franklin Co 717- 532-6687 For Sale- New belt pulley fits JD 1010 to 42000, 320, 330, 420, 430, 435 D Fulton Co 717- 987-3421 For Sale IH 46 baler, needles, noter assembly and other parts, 717 672- 2425 For Sale- NH 56 hay rake, good condition, offset wheels. Van Dale silo unloader, Union Co 717- 524-4901 For Sale- 1 165 bu gravity bin on running gear, Jamesway shuttle type barn cleaner, cuitipacker and spnngtooth harrow, 717- 529-2549 after 6pm Chester Co For Sale- Braco potato harvester, almost new primary webbs, York Co 717 993-2927 For Sale- 203 IH combine mechanically good, some rust, excellent motor, tires, 51500 227 cor nhead, excellent con dition, 5500 or make offer, Sussex Co , NJ 201- 383-1072 For Sale- Harley Davidson 350 SS motorcycle, road dirt bike with crash bars, windshield, and lights, good shape, $525 York Co 717-993 6498 For Sale- Purebred Alpine goat kids, $75, sheep $4O - some lambs, 717-949- 2160 Leb Co For Sale- Woods C 80 tag a long mower with 7’ cut, good condition, $950 Chester Co 215-827 7125 For Sale corn silage & straw & hay & ear corn York Co call noon till one, 717-637-8172 For Sale- 1965 Ford Model 350 3 ton stake body truck good tires and motor, $450 Lane Co 717-392 0066 MAtLBOX MARKET For Sale- AC WD 45 tractor w/saw buck $1375, Case 9’ haybine $675, JD FBA gram drill $395, NH 455 mower or wheels $595 all field ready 717 354 0266 For Sale- MF 300 dsl combine, 16 KW, generator 1800 RPM, 24 ventamatic fan, 717-949- 3077Leb Co For Sale 2 grade Hoi heifers due n June, 1 registered Hoi heifer due in July Call after spm Bucks Co 215-766-8715 For Sale- The American rifleman magazine 1955 to 1980 ail in good shape, $125 509-678-2246 Salem Co, NJ For Sale- garage doors - 9’B”xl7’ wooden folding type track & hardware mlcuded, $lOO 215-298- 2974 Lehigh Co NEW HAY SPECIALS \ ★ We’re Ready to Demonstrate ★ We’re Ready to Trade ★ Try the Best At the Best Price WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD 1190 MOWER CONDITIONER 9 ft. 41TF C Plus An Additional Customer Cash Payment 9D/D $5OO f yj 720 FORAGE HARVESTER WITH HAY PICKUP S7OOC Plus An Additional Customer Cash Payment iVoO $925 MODEL 35 HYDRAULIC DRIVE INTERNATIONAL RAKE This machine will SOAQC Plus An Additional Customer both rake and ted Cash Payment $l4O MAILBOX MARKET For Sale- 1977 Honda CT7O, Al condition, $375 201 689 3168 Warren Co , NJ For Sale- 66 Brockway Truck Tractor, runs $2OOO Maytag Ringer type washer, good con diton, $175 215-777- 1630 Berks Co For Sale- 6 Eskimo pups, Jacob E Kauffman, R 1 Christiana, Box 282, Along Bell Rd For Sale- Truck cap for 8’ bed with side windows & full rear door, good condition, 717-565 4621 after 7 p m Lane Co Hunting lease for 81-82 season, wild geese, 2 pits, 2 ponds Ducks, deer, quail etc 100 acres, 80 A corn $2OOO 1-643-6125 Antiques for sale solid cherry drop leaf table, 30 piano rolls in exc cond 717 367-7745 sl: MAILBOX MARKET For Sale- Three-Year old recorded grade Saanen Dairy Goat, good milker, $lOO 215 944 9945 after spm Berks Co For Sale- Spotted Poland China boar, $lOO Slab wood not cut $6, cut $l2 a pick up load Lane Co 717-354 0192 For Sale- One KBA 24 disc harrow working order - 8728236 Lane Co 365 N, Duke St, Millersville, Pa 17551 For Sale- Lambs/will custom raise lambs for your purpose, Dorset stock, 717-658-3511 For Sale- 933 Cat Loader, $6OOO JD A $lOOO. Pay- Pac Harvester, $250 Northern York Co 717- 774-3369 For Sale MF 410 combine gram and cornhead not quick att, good shape, Berks Co. 215-682-2303 Int. 1460 Axial (low combine - used 490 hours, w/6 row- narrow corn head Int 1066 Diesel completely rebuilt, very, very clean TILL JANUARY 1,1982: ★ 2250 Mount-O-Matic Loaders ★ Manure Spreaders ★ Grinder Mixers TILL SEPTEMBER 1,1981: it Grain Drills it Moldboard Plows it Chisel Plows ★ Field Cultivators 2250 International Mount-o-Matic Loader 384 Diesel Tractor 484 Diesel T ractor 584 Diesel T ractor 584 Diesel Row Crop Tractor 84 Diesel Hydro Row Crop Tractor.. . 884 Diesel Row Crop Tractor 786 Diesel T ractor 1086 Diesel w/Roll Frame Tractor NEW 1980 MODEL INTERNATIONAL 1754 180 hp. diesel, 28,000 G.V.W., 206 in. wheelbase, dual 51 gal. step tanks, P.S., 5 speed transmission, 2 speed rear, 10:00 x 20 tires. * 1975 International 1700, 205 inch wheelbase, 26,000 G.V.W., P.S., 5 speed transmission, 2 speed rear, rein forced frame, tilt hood, 404 engine, inspected, good con dition. . - MAILBOX MARKET For Sale- Massey Ferguson Super 90 gas tractor, 68 hp new 8 ply, rear tires & 6 ply front tires, good condition, York Co 717-432-3067 For Sale- Reg Quarter mare, 6 yrs old Skipper breeding Due to foal June Also 2 month old horse cold Dude breeding, Juniata Co 717-527-4930 evenings For Sale- Reg Dorset lambs, born in Dec Chester Co 215 383- 5494 For Sale- NH #477 Flaybine in very good condition, $2300 Sylvan B Lapp, RDI Box 26A, Atglen, PA 19310 Wanted- Rabbit cages, feeders and waterers, cages must be in fair condition, 18" high x 36” long x 30” wide Ephrata, Pa 717-733-3538 CREAM PUFFS ANNOUNCING WAIVER OF FINANCE SPECIAL PRICES ON SELECTED NEW TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT *19,750 USED TRUCK SPECIAL >5995 MAILBOX MARKET For Sale- AC FTO, pull type combine, 5 ft cut. good condition,* kep(\) inside, $3OO Lehigh Co*'-'- 215-799-3082. For Sale- 4-McCormick Deenng 7 ft mower knives', all new blades, food as new for $2B each lam E Lapp, Christiana #1 Pa 17509, near Bartville For Sale- Manure loader to fit Farmall M or H, in good condition No reasonable offer refused Lane Co. 717-354-8370 Couple wishing to rent two bedroom house or apartment in Leola, In tercourse orSmoketown, beginning- June 1, 717- 786-2805 Wanted- Fill, rocks, stones'dirt, concrete, 20- 30 truckloads, Martic Forge area, Lane Co 717- 397-8472 after 6 pm J D. 4030 Diesel 77 model 495 hours. A.C. 190XT Series 3 with cab, 2100 hours, outstanding condition ..*2195 I . .**7so I ‘11,950^ ‘12,250 *14,300 *16,300 *19,500 *27,900
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